#i just like that yknow being forced to be outspoken
skitskatdacat63 · 3 days
Thinking rn about the trifecta of malicious compliance: Max giving one word responses and speaking to interviewers outside, Lewis wearing all that jewelry, and Seb wearing his underwear on top of his racesuit.
I guess I see Lewis and Seb as the most influential in the sport in this way, genuinely caring about getting justice and speaking out. Whereas, I love how for Max, it's like his disinterest in the bureaucracy in F1 circled back to him seeking justice. If that makes sense? I just mean, to me at least, he doesn't feel like the type to want to stand out like Lewis and Seb did, he just wants to drive, no? Yet him standing up against the FIA in this way is so brave and maliciously compliant in the exact same way. And you can see Lewis respects him for it to, considering he spoke out in Max's favor too. Makes me wonder what Seb's response would be if he was still in F1.
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koreandragon · 2 years
About my liberation notes. I love every character because theyre all so real yknow? Theyre all flawed but theyre all trying. And even if they arent always the best versions of themselves, well, thats just how people are. With regards to chang-hee i think hes a lot more like mi-jeong than they each realize. The difference is hes spent so long trying to conform, to have normal desires, to please people and be accepted. But really, he doesnt enjoy any of it. Its all exhausting and fake. He and his sister are liberating themselves on opposing tracks. Mi-jeong is becoming more outspoken, sociable, and ambitious. And chang-hee is becoming more self-aware, less eager to compete, less willing to socialize for the sake of it. But at their core, they (and really all of the characters) want to be accepted and understood, and to live a life full of small joys, rather than forcing themselves to be people theyre not, who move through their days with only negativity sustaining them. Sorry this is rambly i just love all of them and love the show
yeah and this is why it kinda hurts when people say they don't like this or that character (especially changhee) because i see a lot of myself in them. and not like in a "rofl relatable xD" kinda way some people like to perceive characters, but on a deep visceral level. i am selfish! i like to put myself first before others and that's not a bad thing. i don't mean it in a harmful way either. i also don't have any goals and i detest the notion and expectations that you have to have some ultimate purpose in life, to make something of yourself because it's just exhausting. fighting for some high level job, being "on your grind" or "hustling" these are all bullshit that people in more power and more money came up with. "you have to do this and that to become successful and happy" so you keep working to your bone to achieve that because then you're a freeloader in society and you can't earn your place. you don't deserve housing, you don't deserve food, you don't deserve basic human necessities because "you just weren't working hard enough". and i'm not talking about how chasing money is a fool's errand and that it will make you unhappy and "money can't buy happiness" cause i do absolutely believe it does make you happier and it is naive to think otherwise when in today's world you can't take a breath without spending money.
i love how all the characters are so flawed. they feel so real and so human like people you meet every day, people like YOU. mijeong insists on being "different" and not fitting in when that is so untrue, there are millions of other people feeling the same kind of dread, the kind of loss of purpose, having intrusive thoughts that you can't even say out loud. because we're all having the same human experience, we're all locked together on this planet and whether you like it or not at the core we're all the same. everyone is fundamentally lonely.
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vulpixsinistre · 3 years
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H.I.V.E. Characters as Dragon Ball Z Characters
To start, you may be thinking, Otto is Goku, yes? Both our heroes. Both get stronger and learn new techniques as their series goes on. Both want to protect their friends and the people from Earth from certain doom and destruction and getting conquered. Goku craves a challenge - dare I say Otto is the same, at certain points?
Yes, Otto is Goku- BUT he is also Cell. He was created, not born. Meant to be more than human: meant to be perfect, all powerful, intelligent and capable of being the one to take over the world. The difference is that Cell wants to do these things; Otto just wants to be a person. Therefore while Otto was meant to be Cell, he chooses his own path and is a Goku.
Wing is Trunks. Here’s a mysterious young boy with incredible strength and loyalty. Who is his father, you ask? Well, they would like to keep that a secret at first. He wants to train, to protect. His mother is a genius scientist. (On second thought, maybe he’s Tien. Disciplined martial artist, loyal friend, has some good moves, still only mortal)
But Cypher is Dr. Gero, brilliant creator of androids. They seem to… decline over the years. We see how they’ve grown progressively more evil as time went on. Cause of much destruction. Will not hesitate to hurt a child. At least Cypher thinks he has good intentions, Gero is just kinda stewing over his defeats.
Pike is Dr. Briefs simply because scientist. Inventor. Often seen with a cat. Old but doesn’t seem to age, is always just old.
Overlord is Freiza, of course!! Our OG Big Bad!! Conqueror and lord of planets, nay, the whole universe!! Also keeps returning. How is he back again?? He doesn’t quit!!
Block and Tackle, our tough duo, would be either Raditz and Nappa, or Zarbon and Dodoria. R&N are basically just thugs, and definitely lower level than the other baddies. Z&D are more ruthless and are definitely henchmen. Block and Tackle are a mix of that “brute force over brains” and “organized order-followers.”
Francisco is Captain Ginyu!! Head of a fearsome squad of fighters that you do NOT want to mess with!! And yet, they are both silly at times. We get laughs out of them while knowing that this guy is strong and means business.
Franz I’m sorry, you’re Yamcha. You’re there and you help and you’re funny, but you’re not quite a main main character, and the rest of them are handling this all pretty well anyways. HOWEVER you are also Yajirobe!! We think you’re a silly side character, but when we really need help, you swoop in with a devastating blow to the bad guy!! Yay!!
Nigel is Chaozu, bald and nervous side character. Sidekick type. They do their best, and would sacrifice themselves for the greater good.
Nathaniel? Master Roshi. Old perv dude. Wise, the main characters need their advice, they’ve been in the game a long time… but yeah ppl immediately think of their gross lines. These two do have a purpose! And perhaps most of their relevance in the storyline was in a flashback/pre-canon sense, but they’re still here, doing their own thing.
Penny is Vegeta, but in reverse. She starts as having a family, surrounded by friends and loved ones and being a “good guy.” Then she ends up in enemy territory, alone.
HIVEmind is our King Kai!! He’s off in the distance. He’s not actually here but he’s helping. Sending out messages and giving advice. And we know he’s strong! But he’s supposed to be a helper, only.
The Contessa as Berry Blue, perhaps? Old. A right hand man in her organization, if you will. “Yeah I’m evil. Yeah I’m going to be mean to everyone, even if they’re on my side.” An evil advisor.
The Furans WISH they were King Cold, Cooler, and Freiza. They WISH they were an awesome terrifying dictator family. What’s that, you say? They are? Well they don’t have half the swag that the Colds do. Plus Elena doesn’t want to be a part of that. (Ok fine. Equal amounts of ruthlessness. Keep coming back after their ‘defeats.’ Will kill anyone. Command a large army of soldiers.)
Ms. Leon is Korin. White cat, very wise, a teacher type. Also maybe Captain Ginyu when he’s trapped in the body of a frog. When consciousness switching goes wrong…
The Bloodline antagonist is Broly, I will not elaborate due to spoilers. Trust me though.
Now the hard part. Laura and Shelby… who is Bulma, who is Chi Chi? Is Laura Bulma because they are both incredibly intelligent and work with computers/machines? Is she Chi Chi because she wants a life outside of fighting and conflicts? Which one is Shelby, they’re both tough and outspoken.
Is Shelby Launch?? Launch has two personalities, sweet/innocent and violent. Does this correspond to Book 1 Shel’s Valley Girl persona vs actual Shelby?
Is Raven actually Trunks, due to sword? They are faced with enemies deemed too hard to beat, and they still manage to take them down. I was originally having Raven as Piccolo: always by the MC’s side, skilled fighter, maybe Natalya/Raven can equal Kami/Piccolo? (They are the same person now. In ways, they didn’t used to be)
Yknow? Maybe Raven is Whis. Bodyguard and employee of a very high ranking authority, and everyone knows they are much much stronger than their boss. Don’t get them going, you can’t win.
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fatsmyname · 4 years
hey i had a question about anarchy if youre willing to answer. i'm asking you because you're so outspoken about this and i genuinely want to learn more. i agree with the notion that people are inherently good to an extent, but i also think that some people are just assholes, yknow? and with colonialism and stuff, it seems like (white) people have a history of trying to assert their dominance over others. that being said, how would anarchist societies deal with malicious people?
i’ve thought about how to answer this question for a bit and i think it will be much easier for you to read the crime section in Anarchy Works. heres the link: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/peter-gelderloos-anarchy-works
depending on your internet provider, the link could be blocked so here’s a pdf of the book: http://www.infoshop.org/pdfs/AnarchyWorks.pdf (page 82 of the pdf is where the section about crime starts)
crime would be dealt in a non-violent but very effective way (force is only used in self defense) through social pressure and humiliation. in anarchy works, a city in athens is used as an example. they keep out cops and hard drugs through mass social pressure. social pressure can be yelling, trashing cop cars, erecting barriers and etc. but this principle can be applied to most crime. when people have their most basic necessities (housing, water, food), they’re happier and less likely to commit crimes. but when those few bad apples do appear, it’s up to the community to decide how they will deal with anyone who is causing harm. 
this also brings up a examination of what crime is. if you read anarchy works, the author breaks it down way better than i can, so i definitely recommend reading the entire book if you can. anyway, i may be outspoken about anarchy and leftist thought, but pls do not look to me as a bearer of all knowledge. i would much rather you do the reading and interpret them however you want. anarchy is voluntary, so if you’re interested, just reach out to me for more reading resources but i can’t convince you of anything. 
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deathbanchou · 6 years
character stats !   (  bold all that apply. ) TAGGED BY: i think i just stole this one.
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financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty  medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non - applicable class or caste: upper / middle / lower education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other criminal record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no 
children: has a child or children / has no children / wants children / verse dependent relationship with family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / siblings are deceased  affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent (s) / not applicable
extroverted / introverted / in between (as a child, eikichi was an introvert by habit due to his shyness, but later shaped himself to become an extrovert through his transformation, to the point where i feel like these days he actually feels pretty uncomfortable if he’s alone for too long / too much. he needs distraction and external stimuli to keep up his positivity ) disorganized / organized / in between (i feel like he would be naturally inclined to be a little disorganized if he hadn’t been raised to be organized! his dad is really strict, i don’t believe he’d let him be messy or disorganized at home at all. so it’s kind of a battle between his somewhat of a scatterbrain vs. upbringing... he’s still definitely not a planner, but much more prefers to improvise and go with the moment at hand ) close-minded / open-minded / in between calm / anxious / in between disagreeable / agreeable / in between cautious / reckless / in between patient / impatient / in between outspoken / reserved / in between leader / follower / in between (he likes to think of himself as a leader, and in some ways he is, as he’s managed to become the Boss of kasugayama high and even set up rules there, and has takeshi, ken and shougo following him.. and he can be pretty assertive nowadays! but. in the end, he’s pretty content in giving tatsuya the reins when they become a group, though he likes to think of himself as tatsuya’s rival rather than a follower. still, he isn’t necessarily ever taking charge there, so. yeah. depends. in the end, the leader qualities he has have come through him self-fashioning himself that way after he decided to change, and wasn’t innate..) empathetic / unempathetic / in between optimistic / pessimistic / in between traditional / modern / in between (he wants to be unconventional and express himself without any limits of tradition (that tradition crap has been shoved down his throat enough hashssdf) but-- he still retains some kind of conventional thoughts sometimes about manliness etc. -- yknow, all the “that ain’t how a man should act” stuff. but you can blame his dad for that, for spouting toxic shit at him for all his life. thankfully most of these things he believes in are pretty positive and harmless? like he believes “a man” should be fair and honest etc etc but doesn’t believe in any super toxic shit about gender roles and such) hard-working / lazy / in between (eikichi tries very hard. trying hard is his very essence!!) cultured / uncultured / in between loyal / disloyal / in between (also his essence. so loyal!!) faithful / unfaithful / in between
faith : monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic / it’s complicated belief in an afterlife : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care belief in reincarnation : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care philosophical : yes / no / sometimes (it may not seem that way to those who don’t know him that well, as he seems pretty airheaded (which is just a defense mechanism, trying to live in the moment so he won’t start wallowing in any negative feelings etc. but. in the right company he’s very philosophical and deep. also, one of his contact actions in battle is literally “discuss life”)
combat skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none   literacy skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none (don’t get me wrong, he can read on the same level as his peers, but i always had this headcanon about him maybe being a bit dyslexic, which is making school a bit harder on him? at least those kinds of subjects. again he tries very hard to have good grades, but isn’t academic, and this is one reason why.) artistic skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none  (as in, it’s a special talent of his!) technical skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none (kinda torn with this one, because i’m not sure how poor poor means here, but i imagine moderate, like, normal, but more on the poor side than the good side. so like, not good with technical shit as he’s type of person who thinks hitting the television will fix it, but also not poor enough for it to be like, his personality trait. just regular bad.) cooking skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none (at least with sushi, he’s been forced to become pretty good at that because his parents want him to take over the sushi shop and have certainly taught him. he’s also forced to help out with the shop pretty often. but-- as we know. he HATES sushi. so, it’s def not a passion or anything. still, i imagine you cant make a good sushi and not be at least kind of good at cooking in general then, or kind of understand it + i also imagine that their sushi shop may have other traditional japanese foods like miso soup, another thing eikichi doesn’t like, so...)
drinking alcohol : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess smoking : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess other narcotics : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess medicinal drugs :  never / sometimes / frequently / to excess (i’m considering this as like a frequent, then yeah, nothing really? only if he’s sick. and he also used to take some weird diet pills back in the day but not anymore, tho idk if those can be considered medicinal or even drugs lmao but its worth mentioning ) indulgent food : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess (this is like a taboo for him. he likes good food, but if it’s unhealthy or fattening he’s gonna have a crisis over it, as he has body image issues due to his childhood and is super paranoid about gaining weight ghhgj. so he definitely just avoids indulgent food as much as he can, but idk, on a special occasion he might chill a bit and eat some with friends..)
Tagging: @crossfortun, @interlacedfates, @gamenu, @dolgelo + whoever wants to!!
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tumblunni · 7 years
And now onward to my dumb headcanons about dadtagonist Iggy!
The official ingame term for the character creator is ‘dadsona’ (lol) but I dunno, I’m just used to something-sona being literally drawing yourself in the style of the game. I did take some screenshots back at the beginning of making myself in the character creator, but I’m asexual so i kinda feel uncomfortable playing dating sims as myself. like.. I don’t like romance stuff for the same reasons, yknow? I like reading about other people’s love, it doesn’t mean I want it to happen to me. Its why i still really love Fire Emblem Awakening even though that game has a load of plot problems and some rather offensive anti-LGBT stuff. (And somehow even more in the sequel that added gay marriage?? HOW DID YOU MANAGE THAT) That game was like the only thing ever where you can pair up your party members with each other instead of just with the protagonist. I really liked that cos like.. they actually had more personality and it wasn’t just seeing one side of the romance with the protag being a blank slate and all. Tho it seems the dadsona in DD is less of a blank slate actually, which can be kind of a problem sometimes cos there’s stuff that’s canon that I’m just gonna have to ignore for Iggy. Like, for example, I didn’t realise that one line later on would say that the portagonist is bad with computers, I decided that Iggy’s career was in electronics.
So yeah, randomly I decided Iggy is a tech genius and computer repairman! I mean, the protagonist doesn’t seem to have a job or anything so I wanted to think of one. Also all the romance options had a slogan during prerelease materials, like ‘coffee dad’ and ‘sports dad’ and ‘bad dad’ (who was really more specifically ‘cryptid-hunting private detective with a funky leather jacket’ but I guess that didnt fit in a tagline XD) So I figured I needed to think up a ‘dad theme’ for my protagonist too?? But like.. he doesn’t have a particularly unusual personality or any hobbies or anything? He can’t be ‘shy dad’ because like half of all the romance options have some form of adorable shyness, even the bad dad!
Oh, and PERSONALITY! I probably should have talked about that first! Iggy is super shy and has self-confidence issues. He’s a big cuddly pushover! There’s actually quite a few dialogue options for the protagonist that let you roleplay this way, there’s some super funny and relateable social anxiety moments. Like one I saw during the intro was a big ‘ol hilarious rant about the complex process of visiting a fancy coffee shop and not knowing the Unspoken Social Rules of how to order something. Definately gonna screenshot that when I get to it in my own playthrough! But also its kinda unavoidable to get loads of sassy funny dialogue, its like the protagonist’s default setting in conversations that don’t have choices. So I liked imagining that as a neat kind of personality, actually! Someone who’s very witty and outspoken when he’s comfortable around people, but his anxiety keeps him from showing this side of himself all the time. Like a blossoming social flower! So mr shyman Iggy still has a super sarcastic internal narrator voice, and goofs around a lot with his daughter. Who will be the lucky man who loves him enough to also receive his amazing comedy? But I’m not gonna be picking any of the more reckless and outgoing dialogue options, canon dadtagonist is a bit of a rebel lol. A very complicated guy who can have all these personality traits at once, PLUS whatever ones you decide with your choices! O_O
Oh and also I ended up deciding his dad theme is Vampire Dad because.. well, why not? Who cares that I’m throwing random fantasy into this game, its not like its exactly down-to-earth and super serious. Plus seriously there’s just SO MUCH comedic potential! I’m thinking he’s just like.. super casual about it. Completely normal dad. Just happens to be slightly undead. Absolutely no angst plots or anything, it’s just like a disability he deals with. “hey old man don’t forget to drink your blood and take your pills” I can’t even think of a deep backstory about it, really?? If it’s going on the classic movie vampire rules of passing on via bite, then he probably just woke up with a hangover one morning and was like ‘hey these fangs are new, I guess that guy at the bar was a vampire’ *carries on life as usual* Or like if it’s on old myth rules of vampires coming from any improper burial or sinful corpse or whatever, then I think maybe the ‘grudge’ that brought him back from the dead was just determination to look after his daughter. Like “god dammit you already lost one parent, I won’t make you cry a second time!” *forces himself back into life through sheer willpower* Even though he’s normally cowardly, he can summon the courage to do anything if his baby girl needs him! Anyway, he just diddly deals wit it. Buys animal blood from the butcher, works night shifts. No biggie. And besides, turning into a bat is cool! (imagine him doing it to cheer up lil toddler amanda :3)
Tho lol obviously all the events of the game don’t take place at night. So like, either I switch the order of stuff around in my headcanons or I just say that that’s a weakness that doesn’t apply to vampires in this story. I mean, they’re like one of the least consistant myths across fiction, lol. If I recall correctly, wasn’t it like that in dracula, actually? Like he just lost his magic in sunlight, he didn’t die instantly. Ehh lets just say maybe Iggy’s on a nocturnal sleeping schedule now and sunlight mildly saps his energy. He doesn’t really have any magic to disable in the first place, aside from the bat thing. He’s like the most boring down-to-earth vampire. Also actually I think Craig’s route would be even cuter if Iggy’s going to even more trouble to do gym stuff with him. He’s not only not really interested in exercise, but also waking up at the equivelant of 2am and dragging his tired ass out in the sunlight where he doesn’t even have any superstrength anymore. Don’t want to dissappoint the bae! And lol from what spoiler stuff I saw about Hugo’s route, there’s a bit that would violate the whole ‘vampires can’t enter a home uninvited’ rule. I think it would be funnier if Iggy has like zero vampire benefits and all of the most obscure ridiculous vampire weaknesses! And that whole scene would play out even funnier if it was with him standing 20 feet behind everyone and yelling through a window XD ...though I’m imagining he’d be positively mournful if he couldn’t eat garlic bread, so lets swap that out for ‘can’t cross running water’. Iggy spills a glass of orange juice in the kitchen and traps himself in the corner til his daughter comes home and saves him. Probably does the same thing with a salt circle the next day. Yes, this is prime cuteness. All of the cutest vampire features!
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isaacathom · 7 years
why do i keep going w this stuff dude
like what id have to do to justify what happened to the travelling partner is.... like... itd be a character thing. youd have the Survivor right there, and his personality would already establish he’d be capable of nasty shit (mostly because he literally does nasty shit during the story, yknow). but the hunters have to characterised as able to do it posthumously, which is difficult, because typically shit gets rose tinted. there’d be few people who’d be willing to say bad shit about a dead person. though its possible we’d get that insight from the people the Woman befriends, as they’re unlikely to be super close to the hunters (or theyd be keeping distance) and it means theyve got distance and more objectivity about their actions.
then i have to decide why. like, whhyyyyy? why do it. why do that. why attack an exhausted woman and kill her while her friend watches? a personal ‘quirk’? did she say something? did they do something and she reacted negatively? what happened. theres a couple of possibilities which i guess ill detail for future/current pickings
- ~just a prank~. possibly some sort of stupid action involving hurting the woman that went too far and resulted in her death? difficult to justify, but if the hunters are young enough or established to be immature enough, it could work. maybe the idea was that theyd injure her and then bandage her up and bring her back to the village, like they wanted? kinda fucked up but this is also Murder so i guess fair game
- more nasty shit. like, yknow.... assault? pretty young ladies wandering the forests, shit gets nasty, eeeewwwww. i dont want it, but it could explain stuff. itd especially help explain why the Survivor would hide the body, beyond the obvious. kinda gross, kinda dont want it because of my personal preferences, but it COULD work
- genuine accident. itd make it less questionable, but itd also ruin the idea that the Woman acted out of ‘self defence’ if it was an accident. shit gets rough and goes too far? like they push the girl around and she trips and hits her head? but again, ruins the narrative if harm wasnt intended. harm has to be intended to the girl in order to justify the Woman’s actions
- honestly dunno. to keep her quiet? like, the idea here is that the hunters are doing Bad Shit, possibly the above or something not directly related to the women, that they end up bearing witness too. like, illegal shit. or just very damning stuff, character wise. such as. idk.... honestly dont know. maybe something related to status? burying something they stole? it could work that way. Then the idea is that the girl is specifically outspoken in calling out and not taking their bullshit excuses, and the hunters decide to keep her quiet, resulting in her death while her friend (the Woman) watches in fucking disbelief. itd be interesting if the hunters had committed a crime that led them to commit that crime, yknow?
thats about it. ofc it needs a lot of though. i think the accident angle is out, though an aspect of it can be included in others, especially for some characters. for instance the Survivor, who was clearly not strictly involved, hence him being spared. he was complicit, hundo percent, but he could easily see the whole thing as a tragic accident. perspective and stuff. i think the Prank is also out because thats fucking stupid. leaving Gross Nasties and Covering Up.
both could easily justify the Womans actions, i feel. Nasties would be her friend being yucked while the woman is prevented from intervening, and when the yuck goes too far and the woman’s friend dies, she flips (understandably). and in that context, the argument can also be made for them possibly doing the same to her, yknow. that’d play in.
cover up would be the two of them coming across something suspect that the hunters have done/are doing, and the woman’s friend being attacked for witness. in that, the woman would be simply held down quietly because shes a much more quiet character and would submit quickly to prevent danger, while her friend would refuse despite her exhaustion. so then the hunters would pull their weapons to force her to submit, and then it goes too far (theres the accident angle) and the woman flips. and again, the aspect of whether or not after essentially torturing her friend, whether theyd do the same to her. 
i think Cover Up might be easier to spin w/ murder, as itd be easier to prove. as in, the woman’s body would show clear signs of this, bloodstained gashes in clothes and shit. whereas Nasties could be a little harder to prove as murder, since, well, i know exactly what Nasty im thinking of and idk how long that sort of evidence would last in a ditch. i mean, there shit down there that at least partially preserves her, but STILL.
the issue w/ Cover Up is that i need to work out what started it. as in, what the hunters were doing. like, theyre out hunting, yea, but what are they hiding? it has to be something worth killing over. it cant be too petty. its not another murder, thats for sure. a theft? a theft of a valuable item? either personal or general monetary. but it also couldnt be TOO important, because then theyd look harder for it. though, if it IS valuable, would they go looking in a ditch? probably not. cause the idea is that they were gonna bury it, right. but with the whole murder thing, the Survivor is disposing of evidence. chuck the body, chuck the goods, they arent worth it now, clitter clatter crack. plus, the idea is that the Survivor is more a lookout than actually perpetrating anything. still a cunt, but a lesser cunt. hes not invested in it personally, more on his friends’ behalf, and his friends are dead, so what does it matter? down the ditch, clitter clatter crack.
that could work. it could even explain how they finally find the body in the ditch - the body was more carefully disposed of, and the goods were just chucked. one of them missed, or remained closer to the surface, buried lightly under leaves and dirt until its found. meaning multiple goods. could work. what they actually stole isnt the important part, though - just the fact its worth killing a complete stranger for. OOH! oh fuck i had an idea. ok keep Cover Up as an idea but heres a second idea.
Robbery. they were robbing the two of them. theyre foreigners, a long way way from home, and well dressed beyond dirt and grime. maybe they were carrying something valuable, or valuable enough. nice jewellery, that sorta thing. the hunters, encountering this well dressed tired duo in the woods, offer to take them back to the village, but instead take them further with the intend to rob and kill. make the death look like an accident, claim they discovered the poor women, or just dispose of the bodies and sell the goods on the down low with no questions asked. both good. the former has the accident angle in, too, both deliberate and in how it ended up being incriminating.
so the women get taken further into the woods, and then the friend realises this, she makes a break for it. the Woman is quickly held so she cant flee, because she didnt react fast enough, and the girl is tackled to the ground and held down. the man holding the Woman quickly rifles through her pockets for her goods while she looks on in terror, as the other hunters hold her friend down and forcefully keep her quiet while robbing her too. ofc, as i said earlier, the friend is a lot louder and ‘feistier’ than the Woman, and shes not gonna let them rob her blind without a fucking fight. kick, scream, bite. eventually they start pulling weapons and threatening her with them, and its at this point that the Survivor starts having second doubts. this is when he steps back. he was probably gleefully robbing her, taking off jewellery and stuff, but oh shit, oh dear, oh god, this is going far. but, ofc, the friend isnt letting weapons stop her, until it HAS to stop her, because they start like. cutting and stabbing her. The Woman screams, the Survivor cries out, and thats the point where locals start going ‘hmm did you hear that martha? sounded like screams’ ‘i bet its just the boys being silly’
of course the screams will quickly escalate when the friend stops. brief silence as she stops struggling and screaming. the hunters proceed to rob her blind and gloat as the Survivor cautiously moves in closer. ‘You.... you killed her??????????’
crack. foosh. scchrrk. hunters dead, survivor yelling in terror, the Woman screaming in rage before running further into the woods. Survivor checks his friends, works out fairly quickly its too late, and proceeds to dump the body and clumsily toss the goods before starting to head back to the village, trying to carry one of his less-injured-but-still-totally-dead friends. open shut.
fuck. that works well. and its make the survivor at least a lil sympathetic while still being a cunt. a young man out of his depth, surrounded by older friends with more force. the thing is that its not premeditated. they didnt plan this encounter. they decided to go with it. so the Survivor is similarly trapped in it and mostly non complicit. he starts helping rob the friend because his friends say so. ofc, that doesnt excuse the fact that once everything is said and done, he disposes of the body and the evidence of their crime, and frames it all on a woman they attacked. perjury and shit. broke the law. cause like, yea, hes doing it to help his friends, but his friends ARE dead, nothing is actually keeping him there, because he checked on his friends before disposing of evidence. still a cunt, yknow.
this works. i like this. well, ok, i dont, its fucking murder, but narratively i mean, i dig the shit out of this idea, make the hunters actual criminals here. means the posthumous establishment of character has to establish their forcefulness and violence.
another thing - how many hunters? based on the scene above, at least 3. one to hold the Woman, one to hold the friend, and another to rifle her pockets. the Survivor helps to rifle pockets, but hes separate. thats 4 guys overall. that seems a fair amount for a hunting party. fuck. this is good. i like this. initially, in the dreams and shit, there were 4 dead hunters, but 3 works just as well and makes less work for me as a writer. i like this a lot.
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