#i just like rika 😔
natasha-in-space · 1 year
What are your Headcanons for the rfa if they were fairytale characters?
This ask has certainly reawaken my childhood interest in fairytales and mythical creatures! It's always fun to play around with magical au's, so I had a lot of fun pondering over each respective character, and what role would they play in a fairytale setting. Btw, feel free to shoot me another ask if you were referring to actual characters from various fairytales, 'cause I have ideas on that front as well!
Unicorn. Now, this may seem like a very odd choice for him, but there's actually some reasoning behind it! Unicorns are often depicted as skittish creatures, who are actually very fierce at heart. I can't help but compare them to Yoosung in that regard, as he's often viewed as somebody who's a bit of a scaredy cat when, in reality, he is a person with a heart of gold who will fight tooth and nail for something he knows is right. Kind of like unicorns sometimes serve as protectors of nature and its many creatures in need of care. They are also deeply intertwined with healing properties, which fits right in with our boy Yoosung. Do I imagine him as a star-themed unicorn? Yes. Yes, I do.
Merfolk. Well, that was an easy pick! What could be more fitting for our darling star of the RFA than these beautiful and mystical creatures of the sea? Merfolk often symbolize individuality and independence, and those traits are very prevalent in Zen's life story. Be it through the tale of Ariel rebelling against her controlling father, or the tales of the sirens (which are different from mermaids but are worth mentioning regardless since they're often intertwined with one another) luring those unlucky enough to disturb their home waters to their demise, merfolk are mysterious and freedom-loving creatures. I can imagine Zen struggling to make a life for himself, as every human he meets falls for his beautiful voice and mesmerizing beauty... But, all he wants is to be seen for his skills and passions. There could be a very intriguing love story to be written about a merman Zen falling for a runaway sailor MC!
Faun. While fauns are creatures who are only depicted as men, we can bend the rules a little! This one's more of a biased choice of mine since I have a soft spot for fauns and their gentle nature. Fauns, similarly to satyrs, are half-human half-goat creatures, but they serve a distinctly different role from the aforementioned satyrs. While fauns are known for their occasional mischief, they are a symbol of harmony and balance between human existence and nature, and serve as protectors of the countryside and shepherds. There's something very sweet about imagining Jaehee as a reserved loyal faun slowly learning to accept that gentle loving part of herself and finding her own little community. I want her to create many delicious foods for the village she chooses to make her home and keep everyone's livelihoods safe and happy. (With occasional mischief of course!)
Wizard. More specifically, dark magic wizard. It is simply way too fitting for his canonical fascination with the occult for me to overlook! Though, despite his affinity with dark magic, Jumin would use his powers strictly for necessary and good use. I could also see him being one of the most powerful mages in all the land, which is why he's also responsible for keeping the peace between every individual magic user. Could you imagine the damage a powerful witch or wizard could do if there were no regulations put in place? I see him also studying alchemy and potion-making in his free time. He is a responsible and wise wizard who's very in tune with his magic, but his status and power also keep him alienated from the rest of the world. Maybe a certain curious MC could help him with that? And yes, Elizabeth is his familiar.
Dragon. This is another biased choice of mine because I just know for a fact Saeyoung is a huge nerd for dragons and has a dragon OC he loves with all his heart. To be fair, in some folktales, dragons do play the role of fierce protectors, loyal to those they hold dear and vicious to those who dare lay a hand on their treasure, be it in the form of literal gold or people they swore to defend. Either way, dragons are a force to be reckoned with, and it does describe our lovable but unforgiving redheaded on a pretty good level. Can you imagine? Him having to use his strength for horrible things, if only this meant his precious brother would be protected and happy? A lot of story potential for sure. I'd also like to imagine him having glowing dots on the underside of his wings that form various constellations. A reminder of his true gentler nature beneath all the blazing fire.
Phoenix. What could be more fitting for Jihyun's self-destructive devotion than a creature that literally sets itself on fire, only to be reborn again to repeat that very same cycle again? Not to mention the fact that fire brings a ton of very painful memories for him? He probably sees only the destruction his fire brings, overlooking the true beauty of it. Jihyun spends a lifetime neglecting himself and burning brightly for other people in his life instead of valuing his own tender heart. And, in the end, that's the exact reason why his fire hurt so many, despite his good intentions. But, phoenix's story is not one of loss and despair, it's a story of hope and renewal. I'm sure Jihyun will find his true strength eventually, and once he does, he will come out of the ashes shining brighter than ever before. Not for anyone else's gain but his own.
Faye. I quite like the idea of Rika being a faye with genuinely good intentions who was met with nothing but fear and loathing just because of who she is. See, fayes are known for their malice and the danger they entail for humans, especially children. It would certainly be hard to convince a bunch of paranoid and scared folks that you mean no harm. And, paradoxically, that's exactly what pushes Rika to eventually become the very same malicious and cruel faye everyone in her village claimed her to be. She abducts those she views as outcasts and brings them to her kingdom - a place where everyone can live in peace and harmony without fearing rejection or hatred. While faye can't lie... However, Rika is known for her extraordinary charisma and her elegant way with words. She can convince anyone to come to her side with one wave of her hand and just a tiny sprinkle of magic.
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katvaramell · 5 months
And the last jumble of my JJK thoughts
That’s how nanami dies???? After everything???? Just being disfigured by mahito??? And itadori has to watch it after dealing with all the sukuna shit 😭
This poor little boy is 15!!!!! And now he has to deal with this and mahito is just a little shit with no emotional intelligence at all
The music during the fight between mahito and itadori is so silly I thought it was a very good opposite to the fight with choso. A lot of people think the fight with choso is the best one in shibuya, but I actually thought the one with mahito was much more compelling to watch. Even though the techniques and the mood of the choso fight were very very interesting. The best one in the arc for me has to be the sukuna fight just because of the animation of the the techniques
Now kugasaki dies as well???? Give itadori a break please he’s already so traumatized 😭😭 especially after he was so glad to know that he’s not alone, when her attack resonated through mahito
I’m glad todo found him so he’s not alone, but I hope jujutsu high has a therapist on staff for afterwards
And todos necklace having a photo of takada and itadori I can’t that’s so cute 😭 idk what it is about itadori that just makes ppl want to be his brother but it’s a much needed bit of fun. Also very smart of him to clap with Mahitos hand but if this boy dies as well im rioting
The end of the fight between itadori and mahito is a true masterpiece
I don’t know why they’re suddenly in the snow, but my guess is that that is itadoris domain. It was so thrilling to see the bunnies and wolves, especially once the white wolf with the same wound in his face as itadori turned up. The calm in itadori, finally being able to fulfill his promise. I also liked that there wasn’t really any music in the background and then the sudden geto reveal was actually surprising!
I’m quite disappointed that fake geto interrupted itadori killing mahito. Even though it may have worsened itadoris mental state it would have helped mine. And it’s nice that mahito got absorbed because it’s a fuck you to him, but it’s really really bad because now fake geto has transfiguration :((
And I think it’s so fucking funny that itadori gives off some kind of connection that makes ppl want to be his brother 😭 but very intriguing that it’s possible that choso and him are really brothers through the brain thingy. Maybe it possessed one of itadoris parents at the time, we never got to know them. Very very curious to see where that storyline goes
Am I understanding that right that literally everything is going to shit now? Just curses everywhere and complete global break down? At least Yuta is back 😔 and rika is as well???? I am very confused
I love that Yuta and yuki are allies absolutely cunt duo
Itadori cut off toges arms???? 😭😭😭 noooo pookie already has enough trauma from sukuna we don’t need that as well and poor toge hes just a lil guy 😭😭😭
AND NOW THEYRE DECLARING GOJO A CRIMINAL???? What’s that for????????? And helping him is a crime????? I am SO CONFUSED
I mean I already thought that the leaders of jujutsu society were corrupt but Jesus fucking Christ this is another level
And now they’re sentencing the principal to death??? For what? Letting two gays have a break up?
And Yuta as itadoris official executioner? I’m rioting
And what is going on in that last scene with itadori clapping and then huge curses jumping out of the water??? Give me the manga right now I need answers 😭
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mjtheartist04 · 7 months
also lil late, but I saw the genderbend version of rika and lemme tell YA 😳
anyways just wanted to pop back up 😊
Ahah, glad ya like the genderbend version!😏
Wasn’t gonna post this buutttt it was just sitting there and since you like it, here’s a lil doodle✨👀
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away-ward · 3 months
I haven’t read Hideaway in a while, but is it ever told how Kai’s father felt about his arrest? If it’s possible (no pressure luv) can you expand on their relationship, I’m just in love with their dynamic 😔
I would love to talk about Kai’s relationship with his father! I’ll admit, it’s also been a while since I read Hideaway in its entirety and the last time that I read it, I only read Banks’ chapters. So, I’m mostly talking about my assumptions. As always, I’ll try to bring up references.
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Early on, Kai reveals that he resents his father. It’s hard to understand why, at first. By all accounts, including Kai’s, his father is a patient man. He doesn’t yell or expect Kai to fall in line with his decisions. In fact, all he wants is for Kai (and his friends) to be better. It seems his only crime is wanting them to make good decisions. The horror, the burden.
As a teenager, Kai knows his father is aware of the things he and his friends get up to, especially on Devil’s Night. Yet, Katsu doesn’t prevent him from making this choice. Kai also knows that his decisions disappoint his father, but he has no intention of stopping.
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If you’d ask Kai, he’d probably say that he doesn’t have much of anything in common with his father. Still, Kai has a tremendous amount of respect for Katsu. He speaks highly of him; he’s a young father in good shape, and nothing like the fathers of his friends, who he finds deplorable in nature.
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After his release from prison, Kai feels the weight of Katsu’s disappointment more than ever. It’s compounded with his own. He really has problems processing what he went through; he came from a good home, with a solid upbringing. How did he end up in prison next to murderers? How did he end up nearly killing someone? How did his life get away from him?
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The disappointment hounds him every waking moment. It builds in him, and by the start of Hideaway, all he wants is to prove himself; to prove that he’s not wasted what’s been handed to him. He still can’t look his father in the eye.
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So he tries to make the right choices; to be the good son.
He has a college degree – it’s not enough.
He buys a home – it’s not enough.
He builds a dojo – it’s not enough.
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Nothing is enough to please his father.
And then comes Banks. She gives him a place to direct that hunger. Suddenly, he can do anything… if it’s for her. Nothing is off limits. It doesn’t matter that the girl he wants wasn’t valedictorian, or class president, or a member of chess club (sorry, I don’t actually remember Chole all that well, but you get the point), or Gabriel Torrance's daughter. It doesn’t matter that Banks isn’t the girl his father would approve of.
Like how he was before prison, Kai wants to make his father happy, but not at the expense of himself. His father will be disappointed, but that matters less than him getting Banks.
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However…Kai doesn’t see his father quite as clearly as he thinks he does.
That whole year of trying to be the son his father could be proud of; trying to erase the damage he'd done, so he could look his father in the eye. None of that was because of Katsu. It was his own self Kai couldn't face.
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(I originally highlighted this because it's yet another way Kai makes sure to point out how he's less than his father, but now thinking about it, the piece of art that Rika says looks like him, is a figure without a face, strokes going outside the lines. Kai is a mystery to most people, and a rule breaker to those who do know him, which is probably what Rika was thinking. But in HA specifically, he's lost himself. He's faceless, not knowing where he's going, and I thought it was funny.)
But that doesn't answer your question. Your question was how did Katsu feel about Kai’s arrest? It’s never told in the narrative. But there is a letter floating about out there on the web, written by Katsu, to his wife Tori a little while after Madden was born. And through that, we get some insight into how Katsu really feels about his son.
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He talks about how he and Tori met, how he stole her away from her life because he loved how strong and thoughtful she was. And in this, he admits that Kai is more like him than he thinks.
But it's not just in stealing the girl. They both blamed themselves for Kai's faults.
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He compares the love between Kai and Nikova to his and his wife's - which, in the series, is the strongest marriage we're ever given insight into (the Grayson's have a good life, we never even meet Will's parents, so it's a moot point).
Kai thinks that Katsu is disappointed, and that he didn't live up to his father's expectations. He doesn't have the right kind of woman, or the right kind of friends. He didn't make the right choices.
The reality is that Katsu loves his son so much, Kai could never comprehend it. He's so proud of what Kai has accomplished.
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I don't know if I've covered they're dynamic well enough. What I do know, is that these men do not open up to each other. They mainly talk to through Kai's mother, who seems to have a tap on both of their emotional and mental states. However, both Kai and his father are extremely proud of each other. Kai holds his father above all others, and Katsu thinks the world of Kai.
It didn't really fit in here, but I especially thought this was noteworthy:
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When Damon burns the dojo down, Kai thinks about everything that's lost, but specifically about the weapon's his father donated. And I thought how sad that his father can put such faith in him, donate such important items, and Kai still doesn't see his approval.
Kai's always been blind to how deeply his father loves him.
Thanks for the ask! Hope this answered your question. As I mentioned, I'm not wholly familiar with Hideaway or Kai's character as I am with NF, so if any KaiBanks enthusiasts want to add to this, please feel free. All comments welcomed.
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yuutito · 5 months
i think a jjk spinoff/ova/extra? thats its just abt yuutas trip to africa would be so Neat actually (<- wants to see how tf he copied all of these cursed techniques in Great Detail) (hopefully a panel of him shirtless is included. drenched in blood even)
There’s a lot of theories about his technique… it all depends on what the conditions are for him to actually copy the technique
If it’s just visual like seeing someone do a technique and then he can copy it, then that is broken as hell LMAO but that would easily explain why there’s so many. He’s been a sorcerer for two years now and especially with the culling games and he’d have to have gone on several difficult missions to justify his re-promotion to special grade. And potentially on top of that maybe he can copy from curses? So best case if it’s visual copy + people AND curses = he is literally a monster like that is CRAZY broken
If there is a condition where Rika has to eat a body part. We know that she is his repository for weapons so it would make sense that she is also his repository for curse techniques. We have seen her eat part of Uro, and it is hinted before the sukugojo fight that inumaki’s arm may have been eaten as well. I dont think we’ve seen angel recently so we don’t know if there was some point where a part of her had to be eaten to take her ladder CT. But if this is the case then Rika had to have actually eaten MANY people to have that many CT’s in his pocket. Now we know that yuuta has killed/defeated several people (7 sorcerers in the culling games + geto + dhruv + uro + the three sorcerers before he met Gojo + yuuji for a brief moment + now kenjaku) but even then that doesn’t add up to the swords 😭 so I’m guessing it’s either supplemented with techniques from curses or missions that he did off screen… idk
I would love to have more light novels like we already have, but with other characters!! I’d love to know what missions yuuta was on before shibuya, I know he had to have gone on many of them to prove his special grade status and even before the geto fight, he had been a sorcerer for one year at that point. I’m not sure if I’m entirely convinced of the Rika cannibalism thing because he used inumaki’s CT during the geto fight but he used a megaphone which is different from when he used it in the culling games with his mouth…
OK SORRY FOR RAMBLING but I have so many questions that Gege will probably never answer 😔
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nogenderbee · 4 days
No cause, have you seen that parody of inside out 2 where riley got a lobotomy?
Anyways, another questions since im feeling a bit creative😈 whose your..
Fave character??
Comfort character??
Fave character by design??
Fave character by plot??
Guilty fave??
Selfship fave?(If u have one)(It basically means a character you ship with your oc, [oc x cc])
And lastly... All time favorite!!
(this question goes for all fandoms ur in, have fun😈)
(my guilty fave would be mafumom... IK SHES THE VILLAIN BUT OMFG SHES SO NICELY WRITTEN!! like we know she loves her daughter but she doesn't exactly show it correctly?? I would LOVE to hear her backstory cause i feel like she and mafuyu relate alot??[generational trauma] i still dont condone her actions but shes so nicely written like..🫠)
-Daily! Anon
I didn't ToT Tbh I didn't even watch the Inside Out 2 in the first place... I'm planning on it but all I can base on for now are just tt...
As for the questions... Omg that's a lot... But!
I think my fav character won't surprise anyone... An from PJSK and Xinyan from Genshin!! I love them both sm!!!!
As for comfort characters... I feel.lile that's also both of my faves but also Rui! And sometimes Zhongli too... depending on what type of comfort we're speaking of here!
As for design... I feel like Lingyang from WuWa stops my heart recently <3 Maybe it's because 2nd game I play most... but oh well~ HE'S JUST SO CUTEEE
By plooooot... I'm sad to say I have no idea 😔 I never read THAT much plot so it's usually hard for me to speak here... But I guess I can go for Ichika? I don't really know why, I just gotten into her plot a bit more recently and I'm honestly liking it so far!!
As for selfships... I'll just do OCs because I'm not really big fan of putting yourself with chars like that but it's just for me!!! But I got OCs AND! Shin is assigned to Ena and... Kako got assigned to Toya, I'm kinda shipping Eimi with Haruka but am also opened for other ships and I'm still questioning Rika since she was made for (friends oc)Nene's brother... So maybe Nene but still not sure??
I have to agree with you here! Oh who'd expect a tiktok would change my mind about mafumom...
Basically I saw how she was panicking over Mafuyu being out of the house and her not knowing what to do and genuinely (I believe) crying and that made me just go like "omg someone cooked her..."
Is she bad? Yes. Do I feel like she has good reason to be like that? I'M HOPING SO BECAUSE SHE HAS POTENTIAL!!!
So I'm slowly starting to JUST A LITTLE like her 🤭 well more like how she's written but... I believe that's always something!
Also I hope you don't mind this bath of rambles I did here because... well I had fun! But I'm just aware it turned out to be A LOT
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drawnbinary · 1 year
It's me again! I hope that you don't mind me chatting you up, just say so if you do, I'll understand! 😅
Do you think that Hassel can be originally from Johto? Since Blackthorn City is a home of probably the most well-known active dragon clan in the series so far (since Draconids, the people Zinnia's from, are mostly gone)? I've seen theories that the little cape Hassel has on his jacket is a call back to the capes "dragon tamer" trainer class has (and I'm mostly agreeing with this). And when I thought about it, I had this idea: What if Hassel's first pokemon wasn't the baxcalibur that's his ace now, but the dragonite he uses in the school champion tournament? Since the dragon clan from Blackthorn mostly uses the dratini line. What if he got that dragonite as a dratini when he was a kid and raised it his whole life, and now kinda retired it after a lifetime of battling? Baxcalibur is his main now during champion assesment, but he brings out dragonite for some friendly competition every once in a while, like the school championship. And, of course, that would mean that Hassel, Lance and Claire are distantly related.
Oh and I think that Hassel is totally besties with Rika. Gay/lesbian solidarity who go to brunches together. I think that it would be a fun contrast between his husband being such a grandiose artistic mind and his bestie being a very grounded and sober-thinking person.
Oh my god, could you imagine if the DLC will allow us to have some kind of a gym leader/elite four doubles tournament like they did in SWSH? If I'll get to see Hassel and Brassius fight together in doubles as partners I think that I will explode.
I'm also super excited to see them both in the anime and maybe, down the line, in masters. And I hope that they will somehow will return/be referenced in the DLCs- the first one is a school trip, so maybe Hassel will go as a chaperone.
And I totally get you about fanfics and such- I'd love to write something for them one day, when I will have a specific concept in mind. I'm thoroughly disappointed that I can't find any character studies for them, my favorite genre 😔 do you have any headcanons you'd like to share? 👀
You're definitely not alone on pretty much all of those >:D
Again, under a cut because I'm long-winded lol
I've got Hassel from Johto, Galar, or a region we haven't been to yet. Regardless of which region, I figure all the dragon clans are connected in some way so he's cousins with Lance and Clair in some sort of way. The childhood dratini -> semi-retired dragonite is definitely one I've seen and discussed before. I think the fic where Hassel rescues/nurtures a sick baby one isn't on AO3 but it's cemented for me that he's had it since he was young <3
The cape is a nice visual to connect him to other dragon tamers and it being short and part of his jacket also separates him from the dramatic looks of Lance and Clair
I think Rika teases Hassel for being old and out of touch but it's just friendly banter. I hope she was the one who told him about "fleek" over a cup of coffee with pastries.
I pray so hard for them teaming up for double battles (my drawing of them in a silly double battle pose) and/or for them to be at the festival at all (I drew them in the outfits from the trailer). I'm hoping for crumbs at most but I definitely want so much more of these two. They're so interesting.
I am so impatient to see Hassel in the anime. Besides that I love him, I also need to see him moving in 2D so I can figure out how to draw him better/more easily because he gives me so much trouble 😅. I want to know what kind of voice they give him too. Brassius' voice surprised me but it worked really well and wasn't distracting
If they end up in Masters, then I will be downloading Masters. God I want to see them put in funky alternate outfits. And whatever else happens in that game.
I'm super self-conscious about writing (and as you can imagine from my drawings, I'm all about that soft, tender shit) so most things I write pretty much live on Discord
I'm a little head-empty right now so the only headcanon that immediately comes to mind is that Brassius being ill and them spending a lot of quiet time together while Hassel helps care for him gave them both time to figure out their feelings and they don't do anything about it until after Brassius is better.
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yunfunny · 6 months
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12 • 23 • 23
this piece has no exact day its supposed to be on but heres the date anyway,,,
hey so i like drew them🩷🩷🩷 I JUST HAD TO POST THIS I WAS SO PROUD OF IT😔😔😔
anyways this is yasui and rika,,, (L→R) they are the ocs i draw the most because they just remind me of me and my wife (I don’t ACTUALLY HAVE A WIfe WE ARE NOT LEGALLY MARRIED OR EVEN TOGETHER) so ywah😔😔🩷🩷😘
you guys have no idea how hard it is to color things in on notability on my school ipad with my finger….
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saw something that mentioned ppl like jumin (rich corporate ppl) are often saeyoung's targets and/or clients, so what if he got an assignment where jumin is the target? bc on one hand he can't really go against the agency, but also that's his friend!! one of a handful of people who actually seems to care about him! and TRUSTS him!!! (maybe he somehow turns it around on the client? but that could get him in trouble 😔 I'm sure that big brain of his can figure it out)
Saeyoung would not harm his friends. The only way that Saeyoung would throw someone underneath a bus would be if they threatened Saeran or MC. The people that matter the most to him. That's how that is and how it always will be in Saeyoung's eyes. His love for the RFA is strong but Saeran and MC come first without a shadow of a doubt. So, say that one of the agency's clients handed down the order that said "Eliminate Jumin Han. Kill him."
Would he go through doing that? No. He wouldn't kill his friend. There is no chance that he would go through doing that. I have no doubt in my mind in that regard. It doesn't matter if it's Jumin, Yoosung, Jaehee, Zen, etc. He's not going to kill his friends. It just isn't the way he wants to be. There are things he's done in his life that he's not proud of. There are things that keep him up late at night he can't do anything about. He knows he's done and said awful things. In his eyes, he is a monster. But is he enough of a monster to go through with killing the people that have become his found family?
No, he would only do that if they threatened the lives of his brother and his MC. This is proven in the case of V and Rika. He was prepared to destroy V in Seven's Route. There's a strong chance he would have gone through with that if the opportunity had arisen. If it weren't for the fact that he had been severely injured on top of being distraught, there's a strong chance that we wouldn't be there because of Saeyoung.
In V's Route, he almost did get to kill Rika for what happened to Saeran with the bomb. The only thing that stopped him in that situation was the fact that multiple people came to the cabin. If it wasn't for that fact alone, it's confirmed that Rika wouldn't be alive. So, it is honest to say he will kill people close to him if they go against the one stipulation he has. Hurt the two people who matter most to him, and you are dead.
But, what you're implying is somebody pays big money into the agency to have Jumin killed. That isn't going to motivate Saeyoung to get rid of his close friend. No, he would figure out who put in this order in the first place and find a way to get rid of them. He is an intelligent agent who knows his way around. It isn't a stretch of the imagination to say that he would be able to find anyone who dared to threaten the lives of the people around him who he knows are innocent. Saeyoung won't hesitate to get rid of people like that.
Anybody that wants to kill his friend who is trying to run a major corporation that does its best to do the right thing is probably a pretty bad person. He knows that. The world needs less rotten people like that. If Saeyoung has to get his hands dirty to get rid of people like that, he won't hesitate to do it. It's not that difficult for him to do that. He's already had to do awful things. Why would he hesitate here? In the name of protecting the people that he cares about, it's not hard for him to become a devil. After all, isn't that why his baptismal name is Luciel? He isn't going to kill Jumin. He will find a way to get rid of the guy that dared to threaten Jumin. It will also not have a way to lead back to him. That might not be the tension or angst-filled answer you wanted, but that's just the way that it is.
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majycka · 1 year
oh sorry for shouting I was just so excited
so why do you love the ship? for me it’s definitely because of the enemies to lover trope that it had the potential to be so great!
There’s just so many reasons why I love this ship ajdjxjssj as others have said, I like on how each character's personality can provoke each other's growth like how Nobara's self confidence can teach mai to stand up for herself and grow her self esteem. How mai's ability to connect and be vulnerable with others can help Nobara help get out of selfish mindset and be able to understand others. One of overarching themes from jjk characters is the struggle with being strong while still being able to keep your connections with others (aka Gojo being like love is the most twisted curse of all, maki and mai’s situation) because it's either one hold you back from achieving the other and having connections leaves you really vulnerable and "weak" especially in a world where a fellow sorcerer can easily be killed.
And I think with nobamai, they can demonstrate how they strength and connection can exist together plus be actually be even more powerful(I mean look what happen to Yuta and rika but that’s more in the darker side of things). That the ability to connect with other makes you stronger like the teamwork of kyoto tech who were able to get that close to killing kenjaku despite being individually weak. At the same time, it shows how avoiding being codependent means you need to find your own strength so you can also back up others and defend yourself like what nobara and yuuji did from the cursed womb arc.
Overall, their enemies to lovers provides meaningful potential to their character as well as with the story's theme.
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juminies · 1 year
I finished V's route! knocked out both the normal and good endings in one, of course. I was going to make notes as I was playing so I could somewhat concisely talk about him & his route when I was finished but I ended up not really doing that aside from a few random things like this
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so we're just going from the heart.
while I was playing I was actually fairly certain I was going to end up with at least one bad story ending accidentally because well, he's very confusing isn't he..? you really have to find a sort of balance, which I found hard to do particularly when it came to talking to rika. I never had any idea what I was meant to be saying to her and it was also difficult to hold myself back from being hostile sometimes. the woman talks some utter nonsense. I went with the strategy "hear her out but don't agree with her" and it seemed to work. though I have to admit that I flirted with her in texts and calls just to see what she'd say, and I (unfortunately?) do not I regret doing so... being praised by pretty women (even insane ones) is my kryptonite 😔 the voice acting from both rika and ray when it came to specifically emotional scenes was soooo immersive and enjoyable. I sometimes find rika's voice in normal conversation to be a little grating, honestly, but when she's screaming? crying? shouting? panicking? her VA did SUCH a good job.
now, V... I mean this in the most affectionate way possible, you guys weren't joking about him being pathetic. mind you I love a pathetic character who consistently makes awful choices, but calling this man frustrating is an understatement. I quite often found myself realllly struggling to understand what he was thinking, or what he wanted. his lack of willingness to accept help even when he knew he was about to do something quite frankly ludicrous was the least admirable bravery(?) I've ever witnessed, and he is PERSISTENT. it made me feel relatively distant from him for a fair amount the route, mainly because the events unfolding just meant I felt horrible for the members of the RFA and he absolutely was not doing anyone any favours (though he thought differently). I was somewhat concerned I wasn't going to recover from my perpetual state of "?????" but thankfully I actually did in the end. maybe it's my inner "I can fix them" coming out (isn't that the premise of mysme really?), but him being so frustrating sometimes sort of made it feel more rewarding when he really starts to trust and believe you, lol. there were definitely moments that got me in my feelings within the last few days, his heartfelt spiels about learning to love at the forefront. it was nice to see him not only believing in you but actually starting to have faith in himself too – after how self sacrificing he's been he deserves to put himself first. that said, while sweet, I found the good ending to be a little underwhelming. I know a bulk of potentially more fulfilling content is in VAE, but I absolutely do not have enough hourglasses to play for myself so reading the wikipedia summary will have to suffice for me for now.
tl;dr I really enjoyed the route! for me it was a level of dramatic and angsty that made it consistently entertaining and surprising without feeling like it was too much. it was an absolute rollercoaster both plot wise and emotionally, and I had fun experiencing that with so little knowledge of what was to come next. it definitely boosted my affection for V, given how little I legitimately knew about him before :)
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pro-logue-epi-logue · 5 months
soo i am the anon who wrote the kaibanks rant.
god i feel so happy i found someone who feels the same way.
look iLOVE kaibanks they are the absolute best but sometimes just sometimes i wonder if banks would be so much more happy with someone else but then i squash that thought because they both kinda belong with each other.... the only problem is rika and well... pd
i dont actively hate rika even though i bitch about her a lot its just that she is not interesting.. at all
also i feel you girl pd totally ruined the two couples i read this series for..
and i could kill for some headcanons featuring kai and banks ALONE
Hello @lillylintonsdickydumdums I am quite late with the reply hope its okay-
Honestly I think any person who is a kaibanks fan has every right to rant, I totally get it. Your favorites got 1 book and that too was focused on someone else.
When I read Hideaway, my review was KAIBANKS are made for each other BUT how in conclave and then in Fire night Kai acted I started to question this because if even after 12 years banks feels jealous and insecure then maybe she does deserve better than kai.
Are Rika and PD problematic?? YES!! No one denied it. And Rika's unnecessary butting in hideaway between was weird and aggravating.
But Rika is Pd's self insert so it was just like " oh how did there was not a scene focused on Rika??" And then Pd did what they did to kaibanks. 😔
I think people don't HATE Rika, they dislike her strongly and that was because she was EVERYWHERE even where she was not supposed to be. Imagine a scene where two main characters are talking and having a moment and suddenly Rika is the focus irritated alot of us. Specially when it happened more than 10 times.
So yeah Rika dislike is understandable.
And yes, she is boring (to me), i can say more things but i think i shouldn't.
Agreeing that PD ruined kaibanks and willemmy, THERE IS NO DENYING!
As of kaibanks headcanons, i will share everything i find about them here and try to come with something myself.
If you want to rant more feel free to do so, it was amazing to read.
Bye 👋
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touchoffleece · 1 year
I was not ready for how many gay coded and beautiful characters pokemon scarlet/violet had. It feels like LGBTQI+ Pokemon fans majorly won with Scarlet/Violet. Playing the game feels like the future (which is ironic since I got the version focusing on the past), but not in a way that I imagined the future being when I first got to play Pokemon, but as someone looking back to what they knew back then and understanding how much change: I and we, as a society have gone through in accepting different ways people are and live, to the point we're seeing representation be so casually included in Pokemon. Characters Mr Saguaro, Grusha, Tulip, Rika, to even the non gender conforming npcs like the muscular women, the different body shapes and heights. Not to mention older characters like Calvell, Ryme, or the older Academy Students reaffirming that being a pokemon trainer is not just for the young, because that's beside this point of how wonderfully queer gen 9 of the Pokemon Games are. By any means it's not perfect, but it feels miles ahead of what we experienced in previous pokemon games. Sure we don't have the ability to customize to the degree we did in Sword and Shield (2019 release, where we still had very gender locked clothing options and character models), but the customization feels less gender locked, and character creation is more open to the point we can make a gender fluid character (Enby pronouns still lacking though, but that is not just a pokemon game related issue). I hate that it feels like I'm rushing through the game to finish victory road to get my dino-suicune because I want to just bask in the greatness that are the gym leaders, teachers, elite 4, and champion after each introduction or reveal.😔
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morlydikra · 2 years
Hi! I'm so glad i found your blog i recently read a post where they said V deserves to die in secret ending and that made me sad although I'm not a Jihyun stan but i do like him, he kinda grew on me. I hate Rika so much for making everyone suffer around her especially Jihyun and Saeran. I remember Saeran's words that "V is also a victim." The one who deserves to die was Rika not him 😔
Hello, anon!
I'm really happy you like my blog! Unfortunately, I haven't been posting lately... Maybe I'll start again soon! (´• ω •`)
It's really sad people can't and don't want to understand Jihyun. Yes, he made a lot of mistakes, he lied a lot. But it was all for the sake of his precious ones. He just didn't want them to suffer! But... It wasn't a problem that could be solved alone. Alas, he didn't want to involve others pricisely because they would suffer.
Jihyun's so selfless it even hurts T_T
It hurts 'cause I know the reason for it. It hurts 'cause he hate himself. He believes every bad thing happens because of him. But its not true! Jihyun's the best person (character) I've ever met! I just want to hug him and tell him he's the greatest, the brightest, the purest! But... He's not real T_T And I think its us who don't deserve Jihyun.
About Rika. I really don't like her but i don't hate her. My elder sister told me: "You shouldn't hate anyone. You can dislike them but not hate." And I try to follow her words even now. And also I believe no one deserves death. I think every person deserves love and respect. Because we were all born good. It was the environment that made us evil. But even though I still don't really like Rika. I think she crossed the line.
That's all for now! Thanks for texting me!(.❛ ᴗ ❛.)
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reginrokkr · 2 years
Reacting to the new Sumeru animation be like:
Collei bby, it’s so good to see her happy after everything she went through the webtoon ;;
Frick, Al-Haitham is in the tavern / bar / whatever that is. I wonder if he’ll pull a Dain #2 if we’re given the chance to spot him in our gameplay and when we talk to him, he just keeps silent in hopes that we don’t notice that he’s up to something / we go away lol
Frick #2 there’s a fight. Welcome to the Naruto run club, Al-Haitham. People’s jokes saying that he’s Dendro Dain start to garner strength now
But also— what sword did they give you, Al-Haitham, my son lol Good thing I have the Jade Cutter
Kusanali you poor soul 😔 It’s quite heartbreaking to see her comparing herself to the moon in a similar way to one of those ancient fresco scriptures that say that the moon sheds counterfeit light, alluding to the fact that its brilliance it’s thanks to the sun (former Dendro Archon). For the Higurashi knowers, she kind of gives me Furude Rika vibes for some reason and that’s definitely not a good thing—
Someone is going to save that tree or wtf Makes me wonder if the seed we collected somewhere hidden in the Chasm is going to play a part in this. Still... poor tree :|
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rfaromance · 2 years
I promise I'm alive LOL just busy with work 😅 I did go to a con last weekend though! I was Rika for a masquerade (which I attended for like 2 minutes before I got overwhelmed by the darkness and crowd)
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I want to try to finish my one (1) Genshin fic and then get back to MysMe! Although Tears of Themis has been tempting me lately... It'd be fun to write something for that. SO many ideas, so little time. 😔
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