#i just imagine all avatars as being weirdly tall
chipified · 1 month
I am incapable of imagining yangchen being shorter than kavik. In my head she is so tall and he is like 5'8
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mistkisbiggestfan · 11 months
TADC + Pomni, romantic / Jester! Fem! Reader
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Pomni (romantic), TADC (platonic) / Jester! Reader HC
A/n: Back on the grind we go!! REQUESTS FOR TADC ARE OPEN!!
Summary: You're stuck in the digital circus with a jester as your avatar like Pomni, but you're and actual circus performer. Words: 2174 Rquest: Nope!
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You were in the digital circus before her, before Kaufmo’s abstraction you and him were like a circus duo. Unlike others you two actually fitted the “circus” atmosphere, he told jokes and you performed tricks. 
You were one of the people who were stuck the longest, being in the circus longer than Ragatha, maybe a bit less than Kinger. 
You still remember Queener, after her abstraction, and before Kinger’s descent into total madness he told you at least one time per day.: “I miss my wife Y/N. I miss her a lot.” And then he proceeded to shriek suddenly at your sight, you knew he was really losing it.
But oh well! Not like you were the most mentally there either.
Yet you and Kinger talked a lot, surprising? Maybe. You two really fit with each other as he was the king and you – the jester. When Queener was still around you were always third wheeling on their dates (They didn’t have the heart to tell you to go away for even a second).
And so people came and went, then came Kaufmo, and you two became like a silly duo!
– Guys wanna hear a joke? – Kaufmo said as he turned around the corner, meeting you, Ragatha and Gangle in the “living room”, if you can even call it that. You were just juggling some rings, as you caught them you gave him a nod, just as Ragatha spoke up. – What is it Kaufmo? – All right. – He cleared his throat – When does a joke become a dad joke? – He looked at everyone in the room, none, except for you, looked excited. Ragatha sighed. – …When?  – When it leaves you and never comes back! – He giggled. Ragatha’s face turned into a surprised and concerned frown, as Gangle laughed awkwardly, meanwhile, in the back you were wheezing, trying to catch your breath. Laughing so hard to the point that the trio before you became actually concerned. You started to hyperventilate, not able to catch your breath, falling and laughing on the ground. Ragatha’s face changed again, she wasn’t sure if you were laughing or having a very concerning panic attack. After your small episode you wiped the nonexistent tear out of your eye and straightened your back, sighing you spoke up. – Ah, good one Kaufmo!!
They all looked at you like you were a lunatic and you were like “:D !!”. And after that you just started doing a juggling trick again, like nothing happened. 
From then on Gangle became a bit scared because of you. 
And then Jax came around, it really pissed you off when he pulled mean pranks on others. He always sabotaged your stage tricks, one time even going so far that he cut your rope a bit, just as you walked onto it, high in the air, it snapped. Leaving you to fall to the ground with a loud, clowny thud. He laughed as Ragatha helped you up.
Just as Jax composed himself from laughing, he saw you just, staring at him, no thoughts behind your eyes. Just a numb, lifeless stare. It came to the point that he was clearly uncomfortable. And as the tension rose, you finally broke it by laughing the prank off. “Oh, you got me there! ^^” 
And again, you walked off and started to do another one of your tricks. 
Ragatha knew you weren’t stable, yet you were always so cheery and never have you come to her, asking to vent. She was always confused by you, at one point thinking you were an AI just like Caine, or something like Bubble (Seriously wtf is Bubble?), but you were just like them – human stuck in the digital world.
You were always so silly, unhuman, and worse of it all, weirdly tall. She always associated jesters with short and slightly goofy people. You were quite unsettling to her, so weirdly unhuman in this, more than others. 
Just imagine how confused she was when you were the one to comfort her when she just couldn’t take it anymore.
Ragatha sat there, away from her room. Just as she was about to open her door, she heard Jax laughing loudly behind her, she froze. – Oh what’s wrong, dollface? – Jax what did you do this time? – She asked, hoping her anger wasn’t visible, she felt it bubbling inside of her. All the poor ragdoll heard was another laugh, this time louder, seeing Ragatha upset made the purple rabbit quite happy, feeling he succeeded in his “prank”. She sighed angrily, turning around as she put weight on the knob, scared to see what’s inside, and as the doors opened, she saw a hellish amount of centipedes crawling around, slithering away from the opened entry, she shrieked and ran away crying. Hearing Jax’s laugh echo through the digital halls. Somehow, you have heard Ragatha running down the hall, and you decided to see what happened. Walking slowly and proudly, you pondered – where is that doll? Your boots squeaked and the bells on your outfit jingled. The harmony of your steps was ended by hiccups coming from someone a short distance away, slowly, you walked forward. She was there – Ragatha. Hiding her face in her knees, leaning over her, you realized she didn’t need any of your tricks or jokes right now, so you sat beside her, bells jingling. She froze again, sniffling she looked to her right, at you. Looking back you opened your arms, gesturing towards a hug, although hesitant, she took up your offer and hugged you. Trying to calm her down you just let her be, calmly waiting for her to settle down.  Minutes passed by, you didn’t mind, but the red–haired doll was shocked. You were always a lunatic in her eyes, it wasn’t even meant to be mean, you were just like that. From that day forward Ragatha has seen you for more than just another crazed maniac, but on the other hand, how could one stay sane in this digital hell?
Even the pillar of the group, the friend who always helped everyone, had to be comforted sometimes, but you never seemed to need this. Ragatha and others (except Jax) asked you if you wanted to talk on many occasions but you declined over and over again. 
Caine always liked you the most – you were the only person who actually went along with being a circus performer, he helped you set up many different sets for your tricks. 
When Ragatha couldn’t help someone she sent them to you, and to their surprise you always knew what to say, it seemed like you had this amazing ability to comfort a person just for a second before going back to being a silly jester. 
And then, after some time, Pomni came around. 
You all were doing the intro, and as the voice called your name you performed one of your gags and bowed before the voice went away to someone else. 
But suddenly, you saw a really short person appear in the main room, as everybody gathered around you saw the person wearing a jester’s outfit, just like you. Only thing was, the person was much smaller than you, had puffy shorts and a funny hat with bells opposing your long galligaskins, and a pointy collar with bells worn by fools.
The day Pomni joined the circus changed you – Kaufmo, your best friend, abstracted. And Ragatha finally saw some kind of struggle coming from you, your made up image changing.
At first, you felt like Pomni was there to replace Kaufmo, I mean, someone to forcefully make up for the lack of your circusy duo. 
But you just couldn’t hold that against that poor girl, she was scared, confused and on the thin line of abstracting herself. So, seeing that you’re the one most similar to her – avatar wise – she really started to stick to you. 
And so you carried on, comforting Pomni all the time, and after she got the info you were here (almost) for the longest? Bro she’s always with you. 
She’s seen you talking with Kinger that one time and was very much confused (like everyone tbh), how the hell do you seem to be able to hold a conversation with him? That was until he shrieked in absolute terror and jumped back to his pillow fort as you sighed and walked off.
After one particularly bad prank of Jax’s that made Ragatha and Pomni feel like $h!%, you literally jumped his @$$, and after that, when Caine separated you were like: “Sorry felt a tad bit silly. Wacky even :3” 
Pomni is always holding onto you in some kind of way, or just standing really close, and wherever you go, she follows.
Soon, she became comfortable with you (even with your unsettling nature) to be really close with you, sometimes you find her at your room’s door in the middle of the night because she couldn’t sleep, not like you need it anyway but it's nice to pretend, right?
During one of those nights, as you rubbed circles into her back to calm her down, you realized she had fallen asleep due to exhaustion, and so you let her stay.
Just before you drifted off to sleep too, you heard a weird noise, looking down on the smaller jester in your arms you discovered it was Pomni who was making the noise – Purring, she was fr purring. (I love this HC, saw it on Ao3 and since then it lives rent free in my head)
Gangle found you the next day, both of you sleeping through the days “opening” always done by Caine, she checked up on you afraid of finding you abstracted instead she saw you two cuddling, Pomni lying peacefully on your chest as you held her close,Gangle squealed, she’s shipping you two ever since.
Of course somehow Jax popped out of nowhere behind Gangle and was just about to roughly wake you two up before being stopped by Ragatha.
You sat in your room, trying to perfect your new trick – juggling with knives. Your room was rather quiet, you asked Caine to make it so years ago, saying it helped you concentrate. And so the AI agreed, knowing he was keen on you, you didn’t really expect any negative reaction to your request. It was already past curfew of the amazing digital circus, the lights in the halls went out and everyone walked back to their rooms. Luckily for you, the digital walls, not actually made of anything else than lines of ones and zeros, were thick and didn’t let any sound in or out, because of that you almost missed the light knocking coming through your door, curiously you walked over, leaving your juggling equipment away.  Opening the door you saw no one else other than – Pomni? What was she doing here? – You thought to yourself, you smiled with your typical, funky grin. The smaller jester looked anxious, looking everywhere else than you. – Pomni! What’s up? Why aren’t you in your room? You asked, leaning on the doorway. She looked up, but just for a second before speaking very quietly. – It was loud… I couldn’t sleep. – You gave her a sympathetic look, you remember the loud soundtrack that was blaring in your room when you first came around, getting out of the way as you walked into your room. – Come in, Pom.  She did, blushing slightly at the nickname and closing the door behind her, you sat on your bed before gesturing for her to sit down. – Is there any other reason you’re here? – You said, suggesting for her to go on. Feeling the atmosphere shift, her breath quickened, and she started to hyperventilate. That alarmed you a lot, moving closer you sat just far enough for her to stay in her comfort zone.  – Hey, hey… It’s okay, I’m here. – She looked at you as you opened up your arms, mentioning for her to hug you if she wants. To be honest you weren’t convinced she would take up the offer but to your slight shock – she did. You started to rub circles on her back as she cried into your shoulder. You didn’t question her, everybody had a different coping mechanism when they first got here, if she needed it, you were to provide. Soon, you felt her tense and shaken body relax, the poor jester fell asleep in your lap, succumbing to the exhaustion. You yawned, and slowly turned to lay on the bed, taking her into your embrace, at that, she just nuzzled into your chest, bells on your collar and her hat jiggling lightly, during that time, you heard a low and muffled sound, it was… purring? Confused you looked down, yes, the noise was definitely made by Pomni, you guess it was one of the weird wonders of the digital world. You laughed softly at the cute jester in your arms before going to sleep yourself. 
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nikarmy · 4 years
Equilibration ~ Prologue
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Pairing: Waterbender! Jungkook x fem!Firebender Reader feat platonic!Bts
Genre: The Last Airbender Au, fluff, angst, kinda slowburn, s2l
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: judgemental stares in public, cursing, slight inner aggressiveness (how do you call that?), self hatred, mentions and descriptions of war,   childhood trauma, flashbacks, reader is insecure af, mentions of killed people and humans screaming out of fear,
The looks from the passengers started to intimidate you.
How should one react to unwanted attention? Stare back, insult them, ask them what's wrong, or put their powers to good use and knock them down? Fuck no. That's not the right thing to do.
But the old lady in the olive robe has been fixating her gaze on you since she entered the train, only stopping her inspection when a young man offered his seat to her 5 minutes ago. Unfortunately, as soon as she made herself comfortable on the metal bench, she restarted her action.
Her face looks remarkably punchable to you right now.
Red was never your favourite colour.
In fact, you despise it, even though it perfectly described you.
Anger, Aggressiveness and Harshness. Perhaps that's why you've been considered as a prodigy and as one of the most gifted trainees back in the fire nation. You are basically the embodiment of the hot flames, symbolizing destruction and war.
You hate it. And now your red attire made you hate the colour even more, as the result was having judging looks on you all the time.
Teachers, parents and elders of the fire nation always tell stories and legends about the benders of their kind, emphasizing their heroic actions, and everyone listens to them attentively.
Although you know these stories by heart, you longed for more, for a view outside of the borders that separate your people from the other elements.
You read folk stories of waterbenders, earthbenders and airbenders, satisfying your curiosity by practically studying their culture.
But the more you learned about the peaceful water tribe, the disciplined people of the earth kingdom and the imaginative
air nomads, the more you felt ashamed about the fire nation, about yourself.
The insecurities grew as your father forced you to join the military as a soon – to – be soldier at the tender age of 8. He wanted to “use your abilities to good use”, so you just went with the flow and trained along with other talented students, destined to end the war in a brutal way and make their parents proud.
Years went by, and not too long ago, marking a week now to be exact, you went on your first “mission” to a city of the earth kingdom, whose name you don't even know, to occupy them and take over their land in a brutal way.
The pictures of killed people and destroyed houses are engraved to your brain, highlighted by the destructive flames surrounding a once peaceful town. You'll never forget the children screaming on top of their lungs and the parents begging for their lives.
The next sleepless nights you sat at your desk and started making plans on how to escape the fire nation, whilst writing a goodbye note to your family and trying to persuade them to not search after you.
And now, days later, you are standing in a train to Ba Sing Se, not even having a clue on what to do next. Your backpack consists of a bottle of water, some sparing clothes (but still not much), your toothbrush and money.
Finally you hear the male voice on the speaker say the awaited words: “Ba Sing Se Central Station”. You leave out a sigh you didn't even know you were holding, glad to be at your destiny and also glad to get out of the stinking train with the rude old lady.
During your targetless walk through the city, you notice a lot of eyes on you, and to be honest, you don't blame them, you hate firebenders too.
So you guess a new start also means a new appearance, right? Luckily you walk past a thrift shop. Its appearance is very pretty, the building is made out of wood and warm tones, the curtains which could be seen behind the big windows were a light shade of green, above the small door you could see golden calligraphy spelling “Kim's Thrift Shop” in all it's pride. It's not modern, but it looks comfortable.
At exactly that moment you choose to enter and change your black and red attire to search for one with a colour that is much less hated, like blue, yellow or green.
Entering the shop you immediately face a young man behind the counter, and you swear you've never seen a more handsome human being before.
He had perfect features, his broad shoulders and his tall figure instantly catching your attention. His raven black hair was voluminous. He could easily pass as a prince.
As much as you drooled over him as a result of his striking lineaments, he looked at you, well, weirdly. That wouldn't surprise you if he looked at you like you were his enemy, just like the other people here, but he stared at you, like you were some kind of god. Like he is genuinely happy that you entered the store. His eyes light up with hope.
What. The. Hell.
Never in your life have you been so confused. Does he want to kidnap you? Oh fuck he wants to kill you.
The only logical thing to do right now is turning around and leave the shop. And you do just that.
But as soon as you can grab the door knob with your right hand, another one holds it, preventing you from fleeing.
You look who this hand belongs to, and next to you stands a man with blue hair and tan skin. His biceps and height frighten you and you realize that you're in big trouble. He has a tight hold on your forearm and leads you to the backroom of the shop in a quick pace, behind you the black haired cashier.
The backroom looked comfortable, the carpeted floor creating a cozy feeling. But the atmosphere was the complete opposite.
Here you stand, surrounded by five boys. You inspect each other and you realize that two of them are airbenders.
There stands the cashier, then your eyes land on the guy who held your forearm as if his life depended on it, and a third guy who sat on the sofa. His appearance was remarkably charming, full lips, blond hair, round face and soft features, he was quite short compared to the others. All three of them have green clothing on, so you assume that they are earthbenders.
But what really catches your attention are the last two guys. They wear yellow and red robes, both of them having a blue arrow drawn through the middle of their foreheads.
You've never seen an airbender before.
“So umm sorry if we scared you back there” the blue haired guy interrupts your thoughts. “But we are really desperate for someone like you right now”
“Someone like... me?” You curiously ask.
“Yes. The guy there..”
he points to one of the airbenders. The boy has wavy dark hair and as soon the blue guy mentions him he flashes you a cute boxy smile.
“This is Tae. Short for Taehyung. He is someone special. You see, for how long has the last avatar died?”
“70 years ago.” you reply. It's true, Avatar Aang died many years ago, and that at the time the world needed him the most. If he was still here, the war could have been prevented before it even escalated.
“Yeah” he answered “Tae is the next one”.
You gasp lightly and feel your eyes coming out of their sockets from having them wide open in shock.
The avatar is standing right  in front of you.
“And we are searching for different benders who can teach him in all the elements. See, we kind of established a secret alliance against the Fire Lord, to end the war. He already knows that the avatar came back and is searching for Tae like crazy, we had to move out of our hidings four times now because he always managed to find us. Now we have to find teachers quickly, the sooner the better. Tae has to learn to be a great avatar so he can fight against the Lord. We thought we would never find someone from the Fire Nation, but then you came. Are you a firebender?”
“Perfect, you're exactly who we're looking for. We'll cut you a deal. Since we assume you're not a spy, we ask you to be Taes teacher in mastering the art of firebending. In return, you'll get to live with us and we'll give you food for free. Jin is a great cook. I know this is a lot of information to handle right now, but what do you think?”
You didn't even think twice about it. Even though you don't know these guys, what do you have to loose? It's not like you had plans anyway. And stopping the fire nation seems to be just the right thing for you right now. And finally you can use your skills to good use, not for war.
“I'm in.”
Later you get introduced to all of them. The Avatar, Taehyung, is an airbender, and you swear you've never seen someone who behaves this childish before. But it's not a bad childish, in fact, it makes you feel jubilant. Maybe because his bright ambience makes up for the childhood you never had, the childhood you spent in training and learning that brutality is the way to power, and power is everything.
The guy with the blue hair is Namjoon, an earthbender and Taes teacher in that field. He seems like the leader of the group, always explaining and answering your questions.
The black haired handsome guy is Jin, a nonbender. He felt very excited when you said yes to joining them.
The other airbender is Hobi and also Taes teacher, the first thing you realize about him is his very contagious smile.
The blond dude is Jimin, a nonbender who is from an earth kingdom village.One day he knocked on their door of the shop and wanted to thrift there. But instead of finding clothes, he started talking to Tae who sat behind the counter. The Avatar liked him so much that he insisted on having him join the “Gang”.
The thrift shop actually belongs to Jins aunt, and sometimes, when he's in Ba Sing Se, he has to work here. It's also a good place to hide from the Fire Lord.
“So we need a waterbender too?” you examined.
“Yes” Namjoon was the only one to answer again “We have to travel to one of the tribes to find one. It won't be that hard.”
a/n: Thanks for reading! I would like to apologize if it’s bad, I’m not very content with my writing style, but I am working on it, since it’s my first fic and I have a long way to go:) What do you think?
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atlasifyllm · 5 years
Imperial diversity HDCs
While the main 4 empires are typically separated into Sols, Lunas, Stellas, and Eclipsims, there's more diversity in what that actually entails.
Technically, the empires are separated into Sol-Ecs, Lun-Ecs, Northern Sols, Southern Sols, Mermaid/Native Lunas, Colonial/Sailor/Common Lunas, and Polaris Lunas! Stellas are the least diverse of the empires, so every Stella can be classified as just a Stella.
Sol-Ecs are Eclipsims who have plant powers. Eclipsims are known to have earthy powers, but it is separated into plants and rocks. Typically Sol-Ecs have the general ability to control plants or enhance the growth of plants. Their name "Sol-Ec" implies that they can grow plants without the help of the sun. In terms of culture however, Sol-Ecs are separated into floral tribes. There is the famous Rose tribe, whose plant "speciality" are roses. The most prominent of the Rose tribe is the Rosethorn family, which includes Chancellor/King Cladis Rosethorn and Prince Serenum Rosethorn. While the Rose tribe are all apart of the same tribe and the Rosethorns are all part of the same tribe, this doesn't mean that all members are directly related. Artie's wife is apart of the Rose tribe (she has no name yet), due to her last name, Rosebush. Typically tribes have general plant control/growth enhancement, but they are able to directly summon a certain flower out of thin air that corresponds to a tribe. Cladis for example has the ability to summon rose vines.
Lun-Ecs are the rock Eclipsims. They act much like the Earthbenders in Avatar, being able to control rock and ground, which also includes metal and sand. Lun-Ec tribes aren't as prominent and important to Lun-Ec culture, but they are separated via gemstones and metal types. I imagine that Lun-Ec territory looks a lot like dessert or mountain areas, as they need to grow plant naturally as Sol-Ecs pretty much make the ground fertile anywhere they go.
Northern Sols:
While there aren't as much prominent elemental differences between Sols, there is enough of a difference to separate them into North vs South. Northern Sols are closer to the ocean than Southern Sols, making more of their culture and food more ocean based. For context, Firesun's land is quite separated in a weirdly perfect way, as there's more land in the South and the North disintegrates into an ocean. So the entire planet of Firesun basically looks like a sunset. Northern Sols are closer to the capital of Firesun, so Northern Sols tend to be very fancy and diplomatic, always respecting good manners and those who practice it. Because they are closer to the poles of Firesun, they tend to be much paler than Southern Sols.
Southern Sols:
Southern Sols are closer to the equator of Firesun, and have more land. For one thing, they are typically darker than Northern Sols. For reference, Fides is a Southern Sol. I would use Lux and Caelus as examples, buuut they technically have albinism rather than their paler complextions being the result of looking more like Northern Sols (Caelus is more of a pureblooded Northern Sol, Lux is half because of Bellona. I've redesigned Bellona and intend on giving her darker skin.) Because Southern Sols are farther from the capital, they tend to get stereotyped as more ill-mannered or very energetic. Which is a tad true, as Fides is an energetic and fun-loving dude and Bellona, while intimidating, is honestly a huge goofball. Despite their rambunctious stereotype, Southern Sols are weirdly known to be more rampaging, violent soldiers. Southern Sol soldiers are generally the best soldiers of Firesun.
Mermaid/Native Lunas:
Mermaids were the native Lunas before it was founded by the empires and ruled under Aqua Riverspear, the goddess of Watermoon. Through years of mingling with humanoid Stellas and Polaris Lunas, mermaids shifted from being purely mermaids to mermaids who can shapeshift to humans on land. There is no specific location for mermaids, since Watermoon is covered in ocean and islands that mermaids can be present. The difference between mermaids and the Common Luna is that mermaids typically have blue-tinted hair, which can range from silvery blue, navy blue, and shades of turquoise. They also are typically taller than average Lunas, as their tails are very long and convert into tall heights as humanoids. They also have stripes on their hips. There is also something called a "Land Mermaid", which is basically a family of pureblooded mermaids that have lived on land for so long that they scarcely go into the water anymore. Venus is one of them.
Colonial/Sailor/Common Luna:
The Common Luna includes Lunas such as Prince Argento Riverspear himself. The common Luna typically have black (more of a bluish-black, but it's too dark to consider blue) hair and blue or gray eyes. These are the Lunas descended from the initial Stella sailors and the Polaris Lunas, who are basically pure human Lunas. There's nothing much to say about them, aside from the fact that they're the most common of Lunas (or at least, the type of Luna that most of the empires are familiar with).
Polaris Lunas:
Polaris Lunas are Lunas descended from those living in the Poles of Watermoon. Polaris Lunas have ice powers instead of water powers due to the cold climates of their original homes, making them the most common in the top soldiers of Watermoon. Nix is a Polaris Luna, his father Nivalis was a polar citizen who immigrated to the main islands after becoming a soldier. Polaris Lunas are purely humanoid, but were also a small population in the natives of Watermoon. They are typically paler than most Lunas since they originate in cold climate, and their hair is white like snow rather than the black hair of the Common Lunas that represent the dark depths of the ocean. Nix is probably a weird percentage of all Lunas, due to his bluish gray hair rather than being white or black, though he definitely has a lot of Polaris Luna blood in him.
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