#i just had to get the rest of this stuff outta my system first XD
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krysmcscience · 11 months ago
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Look, Aym, I know you wanna annoy your big bro sometimes, but y'all really gotta stop putting the death god into silly mode. He is Very Dangerous, you see. ŎuŎ;
this idea wouldn't go away until i drew it so here it is lmfao
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tahlreth · 8 years ago
What Has Been Done Part Two
Part One
A/N: Hey! So I don’t know if I linked the first part right? XD I hope I did? Someone tell me if I didn’t please? X’D So this took longer than I thought it would, but today I was watching LOTR after posting a chapter in a different fic on AO3, and my muse was like “HEY, WHAT IF WE DID THE THING”, and I was like “I’d love to do the thing!” so we did the thing, and here it is! <3 It’s pretty long, so if you’re on mobile you might not get to see it all - still not sure how that all works. XD Thanks for reading, and I hope it was worth the wait!
The first order of business, Bucky knew, was to show Tony that he was absolutely and without a doubt not on Wanda’s side. Most of the Avengers seemed pretty eager to defend the little witch – something he just couldn’t wrap his head around, if he were being honest. She wasn’t a kid, no matter what Steve said, and she’d been neck-deep in some seriously shady shit of her own volition. And yet he’d been eyed with deep suspicion when he joined the group while most of his housemates seemed happy to hand her the keys to the kingdom.
Since everyone who’d demonstrated themselves to be on her side were clueless as to the tension between her and Tony, Bucky’d come to an obvious conclusion. He’d never find out the ‘why’ of their dynamic until he could show Tony that not only was he not on Wanda’s side, but he was in fact firmly on Tony’s. First thing’s first though – he wasn’t going to trust Bucky even a little until he had some data that showed Bucky didn’t like or trust Wanda. Bucky was happy to provide all the data he could.
His chance came one night at a team dinner. Though they’d been deemed ‘mandatory’ by Stevie, Tony often found a way to wriggle out of them. But their gear was all in tip-top shape, the idiot genius was well-rested, and he was ahead of schedule when it came to his SI projects. That Trifecta of Doom (Tony’s words) meant that Stevie ruthlessly enforced the ‘you must show up and socialize like a normal human being or so help me God’ rule.
Bucky hated that rule.
Still, it meant that Tony joined them for dinner, so it was working in his favor for the moment. The whole team was present except Thor and including the current object of his ire. He knew it was only a matter of time before she gave him an opening.
He would wait.
He could be patient, for Tony’s sake.
“So Rhodes will be here next week?”
“Yeah. My platypus finally convinced his CO’s that he needs me to check over the armor. I wish he’d tell the Air Force to stuff it and just come around to see me more often. I love doing upgrades, but I’d like more time to just hang out and blow shit up. It has been months since I’ve had my hands on my baby though, so I am looking forward to it. If they outfitted War Machine-”
“Iron Patriot.” Steve corrected with an unholy amount of glee, not bothering to duck when Tony chucked a roll at him. The little shit just caught it in his mouth and started to eat it, clearly enjoying the chance to tweak Tony’s nose a bit.
“We do not speak that name in this house, you heathen,” Tony hissed, a playful glint in his eyes. Bucky loved him like this – open and playful, willing to play a role to make them all laugh. “Anyway, like I was saying. If they put any filthy, unreliable HammerTech on War Machine,” he continued, glaring at Steve as he emphasized the name. Stevie just continued to grin unrepentantly. “Then I’m gonna hack the Pentagon again in retaliation.”
“Tony. You can’t-”
“Yes! That is an awesome plan, and I for one am fully in favor!”
“Clint, don’t encourage him. Please.” They were all smiling and chuckling, having a good time and enjoying each others company for once. Even Vision’s lips were curved in a vague expression of humor as Tony announced his plan to play the ‘Numa Numa’ song over the Pentagon’s loudspeakers for at least half an hour or until they got him out of the system – whichever came first. So, of course, Wanda took the opportunity to ruin everything.
“So your ego is so big you cannot allow anyone else to have a hand in your work?” It was fucking unfair that she had such a lyrical, lilting voice and that she could sound so sweet while poking and digging at old wounds. “And your little… prank would put the whole of this country at risk as well, would it not Stark?”
She always spat his name like she was throwing down a gauntlet, and it raised Bucky’s hackles immediately. He’d had handlers address him like that, always trying to push his buttons so they could see where his lines were. It wasn’t done to find boundaries to respect, oh no – it was so they knew exactly where and how hard to prod to make him snap, and then they could laugh as they watched him punished for giving in. No one else but Tony seemed to notice the tone though. They just kept eating, smiling like this was business as usual.
It pissed him off that it really fucking was.
“HammerTech is notoriously unreliable,” Tony told Wanda carefully, most of his good humor already gone. Now he was wary and defensive, readying himself for the attacks he knew were yet to come, prepared to face them alone because the rest of their team was made up of morons. “If the military had someone even halfway competent fiddling with my designs, I wouldn’t mind quite so much. And I’d have Friday monitoring everything at the Pentagon – she’d make sure any actual emergencies trumped the prank.”
“Ah, so we should trust national security to one of your AI’s. It always goes so well.” Wanda’s smile was sharper than the knives Bucky carried hidden on his person at all times, and there was a disturbing glitter in her eyes. Everything in him was screaming that she was a threat, and that he needed to take her down… but if he tried without the backing of the team, he would look like the crazy one. They might decide he needed to be confined and watched again; he couldn’t protect Tony if that happened, so it was imperative he keep calm until the most opportune moment. Everyone else looked uncomfortable now too, which should have made him feel better.
Except the were all of them – all except Vision – side-eying Tony, not Wanda. The slightest, vaguest mention of Ultron, and they were all looking at the genius in suspicion, like he was harboring horrid plans for world domination. It was enough to make him growl softly and clench both hands around his silverware hard enough that he bent the metal. Only Stevie and Nat noticed, or at least they were the only ones who glanced his way. Vision was still staring at his plate and shifting uneasily, while Sam and Clint were watching Tony with narrowed eyes. Wanda, of course, was still staring down Tony. God he wanted to stab the lot of them.
Murder wasn’t necessarily always bad.
Tony was still and wearing the smile he usually broke out for the press when they were being especially vicious. He shouldn’t have to wear that smile in his own fucking home. “Ha. Well, Friday is… she’s a lot more limited than even… than even JARVIS was. More a VI than an AI. Could someone pass the potatoes please?”
Bucky’d been wound tighter than coiled steel for a good five minutes; at the slightest hint that it would please Tony, he’d happily kill Wanda and offer him her head on a silver fucking platter. At the moment, he’d deliver a non-fatal stab wound to the rest of the team with a smile on his lips and a song in his heart. So when Wanda finally, finally gave him an excuse, he maybe overreacted just a little.
Or maybe they’d all been under-reacting for too fucking long.
As soon as the scarlet mist wrapped around the dish that held the scalloped potatoes, Bucky reacted. He didn’t wait to process the cruel glee in the witch’s expression; he didn’t stop to look for the indulgent smile he knew he’d find on Steve’s lips or for the terror that would be in Tony’s eyes. No, with the speed and ease born from years of cruel training at Hydra’s hands, Bucky reached for one of his knives and threw; when he heard the ‘thunk’ of it hitting wood and sticking, he didn’t bother to fight the satisfied smile that briefly curved his lips.
Though he’d barely aimed, the tip of the knife had managed to pierce Wanda’s sleeve as well, drawing a shriek from the woman. Now the little witch’s hand was pinned to her chair, and she was glaring at him with murderous intent. Her surprise had made her lose control of her powers; Nat being on her game was the only thing that saved the potatoes. She caught them before they could hit the table, and it was only after setting them down that she joined the rest of the team (sans Wanda and Bucky) in jumping to her feet and watching Bucky carefully. None of them were side-eying Tony anymore, he noticed cheerfully, and they were even reaching for their weapons. That was a definite improvement, because outta the two of them, he was infinitely more dangerous. He schooled his expression, making it blank as he pinned a dead-eyed stare on Wanda.
“What the fuck is your problem?” she demanded, tugging at the knife. It was in deep enough that it took quite a bit of her strength to pull it free. He was almost sorry she didn’t use her magic to get herself loose; he’d have been happy to go for the other sleeve. Or even her hand, really – he wasn’t feeling too picky just then.
“Keep your magic to yourself, witch,” he ground out, purposefully using something close to his ‘Winter Soldier’ voice. Right now that had everyone even more worried, but in a minute or so it’d land them all firmly on his side in this little spat. If they thought her magic was a trigger… well. It really was, though not in the way they’d think, and it was something he could handle. He’d never have brought it up if it weren’t a way to protect Tony and show him that Bucky was not going to join Wanda’s band of defenders. “We’re not inna fight, and we aren’t training neither. We’ve all got fucking hands, so we can pass shit around like regular folk.”
“No, Stevie. Been lettin’ this go long enough. I been tryin’, honest, but – no. She’s Hydra-”
“I am NOT-”
“Oh, not anymore or so you say. But you were, and they’re the ones who gave you those powers! Every time I see ‘em… no. I get it in training, which I understand – gotta learn to work with it if I ever want to be cleared to go out in the field. But I shouldn’t have to think about Hydra every time we sit down to eat!” Stevie’s face had already melted into an expression of warm, anxious concern. Bucky might have felt guilty for milking this if the blond idiot hadn’t left his Tony to suffer alone for so long.
“Buck… why didn’t you say anything before now?”
“… ‘Cause I didn’t wanna hurt team morale.” Oh, Wanda knew he was bullshitting – he could tell by the fury in her eyes. “B’sides, she can mess with my head if she’s mad at me, right? ‘M tired of people fucking around with my brain.” It was true, even if he didn’t let himself think about that too often. He let out a little too much of that, and he hated the vulnerability he could hear in his voice… at least, he hated it until Tony took a step towards him and laid a hand on his shoulder in a show of solidarity.
When Sam tried to do the same thing, Bucky couldn’t help but bare his teeth at his sometimes-friend, sometimes-enemy. “Hey, hey. We aren’t gonna let anyone do that, man. You gotta trust us on that one. Wanda isn’t poking around in anyone’s head. Sometimes she can’t help the vibes she gets, but she’s not purposefully digging for anything. Right?” As Sam looked to Wanda for confirmation, Bucky sent her a mental dare.
He almost hoped she did call BS, because it would prove that she was in his head. And Steve would ask why he’d really done it, which meant they’d all have to talk about the actual issue. Somehow he thought she’d be as eager for that discussion as Tony was… meaning they’d both rather have their spleens operated on with a rusty saw. When she only glowered at him in petulant defeat, he had to fight back the urge to crow – he’d backed her into a corner, alright. Served the bitch right, for making Tony scared, and for forcing him to whip out his press smile in a place where he should feel completely safe.
“Right. I don’t do that anymore.” Wanda told them all stiffly, tossing his knife onto the table in front of Bucky. Tony jerked, like he’d expected the knife to hit him, which fuck that shit all the way back to Russia, and Bucky had had enough.
“Yeah, well I don’t trust you,” he sneered, shoving away from the table as he grabbed first his knife and then his plate. “You were Hydra because you wanted to be. I don’t like Hydra, and I don’t like you. And how’m I supposed ta trust that she’s behavin’ when she can’t even keep her powers under wraps long enough to eat?” he demanded of Sam and – more importantly – Steve, jutting out his jaw stubbornly. “I’ll learn to live with that shit when I hafta, but I don’t need her turnin’ my stomach inside out while I’m tryin’ ta eat. I don’t need to be thinkin’ about that fuckin’ chair-” The way he choked on his words was real, as was the fear that spiked inside of him.
Steve moved to offer him reassurance, but Tony got there first, wrapping his fingers around Bucky’s metal arm and squeezing tightly. Their eyes met, both of them searching, and after a moment Bucky was able to offer him a weak smile. “Thanks doll,” he murmured, shifting so he was between the genius and the witch. “I can’t… I don’t wanna be here right now. Wanna… wanna maybe grab your plate and eat in the ‘shop with me?”
The thing about Steve’s puppy-dog eyes was that he’d learned ‘em late – when he was a skinny bit of nothing, he hadn’t needed to do anything but exist and all the old ladies were desperate to stuff him with food. No, he’d learned to don the pitiful expression later, after his body changed on him and would have denied him free food for the rest of his life. Bucky’d been the one to teach him, and Steve’d never, ever quite reached his level of expertise.
So he wasn’t real surprised when Tony caved after less than a second of Bucky’s sad, soulful eyes begging him to give in; neither was Steve. The rest of them all looked a bit shocked when the genius reached to grab his plate. When Wanda gave a sound that seemed vaguely protesting, Bucky turned to her and delivered a vicious snarl, continuing to put his body between her and his Tony. The man in question seemed to realize it, and the look he shot Bucky before starting towards the elevator was one of both gratitude and consideration.
“I’ll start eatin’ with you lot again when the witch learns to keep her fucking magic under wraps at the dinner table.” He told them all, giving a dismissive sniff and then turning to stalk after Tony. Before the elevator doors closed, he could hear Wanda wailing about the unfairness of it all… but Stevie would have his back. Stevie and Sam would be all for aiding Bucky in his continued recovery, while Nat and Clint would be all in favor of making sure the Winter Soldier never came to dinner uninvited. Vision… Vision he didn’t have much of a read on, but he knew how the discussion would end.
Maybe now Tony could eat with the team more often. It would make the genius happy to spend time with them, and he wouldn’t have to worry that Wanda would use her magic against him. If Bucky kept making sure the bitch’d have to physically go through him to try anything else, that would mean even less stress at dinner, which would mean an even happier Tony! And surely, surely the genius would realize that it was all for him, that Bucky was doing it because he was special. Yup, this first part of the plan had gone off without a hitch.
It was really, really hard to keep a gloating smirk off his face.
“Knock knock.”
“Bucky-babe! You know you don’t have to knock. You have a lifetime free pass to enter this house of madness.” Distracted Tony was always fun to listen to, because he gave out the most ridiculous (sweetest) nicknames and didn’t really pay attention to what was coming out of his mouth. “Honestly I should just set you up a little corner of your own, you’re down here so often. Maybe I’ll get rid of DUM-E and his charging station – yes, you!” he answered the sad, inquiring little whistle. “You know what you did! You’re lucky you aren’t already on your way to McDonald’s to become their latest employee. You’d really shine there, but here you’re almost useless. Don’t droop and give me the sad claw, you pile of metal. Be better and you can stick around.”
A robot shouldn’t be able to sigh soulfully, but somehow DUM-E managed before zooming over to Bucky and tucking his bulky, unwieldy frame against his left side. “Hey, bud. Don’t worry – he loves you too much to give ya up. You know that.” DUM-E only made another sulky noise, trundling along after Bucky close enough to continuously almost trip him as he crossed the floor to where Tony was working. “An’ I don’t need my own space, ya loon. ‘M good just sittin’ on the couch and watchin’ you make the future.”
“Stop, you’re making me blush. God, I’m going to swoon, and the welder is still on. You’re gonna make me burn down the whole tower- DUM-E NO! It was a-”
It was too late – as soon as the word ‘welder’ had been mentioned, the pouting ‘bot cheered and zoomed off to grab his favorite toy. Any idiot would have known how that was going to turn out, and Bucky couldn’t wait for the show. Sure enough, when ‘burn’ left Tony’s mouth, the ‘bot pulled the pin and began to hose down Tony’s work area with abandon.
Moments later, the workbench was covered in white foam, as was Tony’s right side and a good portion of the floor. The welder was off at least when it clattered to the ground, and the genius looked torn between laughter and fury while the poor, hapless DUM-E was doing spins and twirls in celebration, holding the extinguisher aloft. U hurried over to join the party, the ‘bots ‘discussing’ DUM-E’s ‘daring rescue’ as Bucky lost the fight against laughter.
His guffaws only got louder when Tony whirled to face him, a playful scowl on his handsome face. “You think this is funny, Buck-a-boo? You come into my house on the day when I am about to catapult us into the future, and you show such disrespect? In my house, Buck-a-roo? You do this in my own house?”
“That’s not even close ta the fuckin’ quote Tony,” he challenged, grinning and backing away from the approaching and very messy genius – both plates of dinner he carried needed to be kept safe at all costs. “What’re ya doin’? You comin’ after me now? After I slaved over-a hot stove to bring you food?”
“… put the plates down, Bucking Bronco, and it’ll be fine.”
“‘Bucking Bronco’? Really?”
“Shut up and put the plates down.”
“Not ‘til you tell me why.”
“I gotta teach you some respect, Bucky Brewster. Was that one better?”
“You’re fucking nuts.” Still, Bucky did put down their dinner on a surface he deemed safe enough – there was a distinct lack of motor oil, and DUM-E and U were still having a ball with the now-empty fire extinguisher. “There, ya happy now doll?”
“Very. So you think it’s funny that my excitable, idiotic child ruined a full day’s worth of work, do you?”
“Little bit,” Bucky answered casually, loving the sparkle in Tony’s eyes as he continued to advance. He let the man almost get within reach, then danced back again, arching a brow. “You’re the one who talked about shit being on fire when he was around. It’s kinda your fault sweetheart.”
“Really. You think it’s my fault that a fortune in electronics is covered in shitty white foam?”
“Yup.” He returned, making sure to pop the ‘p’ extra loud.
“Then I bet you also think it’s my fault that I’m covered in foam,” he murmured thoughtfully, still coming after Bucky in a slow dance of chase and retreat. They both knew where this was going… and really, Bucky thought the end result would be well worth it. “And you must find it absolutely hilarious to boot.”
“Little bit, yeah.”
“Huh. Interesting.” This time when Tony lunged, Bucky only pretended to evade; he willingly let the genius catch him in his arms, delivering a warm, tight hug… and also a crap ton of the shitty white foam. Worth it, Bucky decided happily, wrapping his own arms around Tony in turn. In a fit of playfulness, he lifted the other man off the floor and twirled him in a circle reminiscent of the ‘bots happy dance. That immediately started the pair of them off again, which made him laugh over the exuberant beeps and whistles. After only a moment, Tony joined in even as he held on for dear life, allowing himself to be swung without complaint. Once he was on the ground though, he punched Bucky’s shoulder lightly and began to scowl.
“Ow! Hey, c’mon now. That was fun – admit it.”
“Whatever. Still funny now that you’re all foam-y?”
“Ugh.” Turning away, Tony stripped off his tank-top casually, an act Bucky absolutely would have fallen for if it wasn’t for the bit of pink on Tony’s cheeks when he turned back around. “Don’t want foam in my food,” he muttered by way of explanation, and this encounter was officially not funny anymore. Bucky felt his mouth go bone-dry as he allowed his eyes to roam over all of the muscled flesh Tony had on display. He found himself lingering on the scars left behind by the arc reactor, and he wanted more than anything to settle his metal hand over the marks and promise to protect Tony’s heart for the rest of his life.
Thankfully even he wasn’t so far gone that he thought that would be anything other than creepy to the extreme. They were just barely friends! Friends did not go around making sappy declarations like that!
To keep himself from doing it anyway, he shrugged and pulled off his shirt as well, tossing it to the couch. “Good idea. No wonder they gave ya the genius label.”
“Yeah. That’s what did it – my extensive knowledge of when to get naked. Not that I’m going to! Or that you should. Half nude is good. It’s better. It’s best! Because we’re eating dinner, not… uh. Yeah. So. Ducking out on another team dinner, or did you just miss me?”
“Why can’t it be both? I like hanging out with you, and I’m still not convinced that the witch isn’t gonna activate her creepy-ass magic just to mess with me. Steve promised, but… uh. I was wonderin’ if maybe you’d be there? Next time I eat with the whole team I mean,” he elaborated as he grabbed his plate and watched Tony do the same. “I feel like you’re the only other person in this place who doesn’t buy her sob-story one hundred percent. So I’d like it if you were… you know. Around. Just in case. You watch out for me, and I’ll take care-a you. Even trade.”
“… I don’t know. She… ah. She doesn’t like me very much. We have… history. Sucky history. Pain and death and terrible choices and her creepy-ass magic… none of it fun. I don’t… I don’t like to intrude.”
“But you live here too! You should be able ta eat with us if you want. I should feel comfortable eatin’ at the table, or watchin’ movies, or doin’ whatever without worryin’ that she’s gonna be… fuck. I don’t know. Pulling killer rabbits outta hats.”
“That’s not her party trick.”
“Then what is?” At first, Bucky thought he’d pushed too far. Tony paled and set the forkful of food he’d been about to eat back onto his plate with a fairly loud clatter. The man gulped convulsively, and the plate began to shake – no, that was Tony. He was shivering, and there was fear and guilt and self-loathing all jumbled up in his eyes, and Bucky just couldn’t take it. Swearing softly, he dropped his own dinner back on the bench it had been on and crossed to Tony in two quick steps; after removing the genius’ plate from his hands, it was his turn to initiate a hug. This one should have been better, what with all the skin-on-skin contact, and in some ways it was. Tony was warm, though not as warm as Bucky, and their bare chests pressed together would have been cause for a prayer of gratitude and a more thorough exploration if it had happened under different circumstances. As it was, Bucky only pulled Tony close, tucking his head under his chin. “Hey, hey. I’m sorry doll,” he soothed, running one hand up and down Tony’s spine. He hated the way the man trembled, and he felt a vengeful fury building in his heart again.
Most of it was for Wanda – she was the one making Tony so afraid. The little witch had done something, and he was gonna find a way to make her pay. But the rest of them, the whole bunch of Tony’s so-called friends? They’d let it go on. They’d ignored the signs, and Tony’d been carrying this weight all by himself, and it wasn’t fucking fair. He was going to pound them all into the ground, and if he didn’t actually kill Wanda he’d be very proud of his restraint.
“Shouldn’ta asked. Sorry. You don’t gotta say nothin’ Tony. But hey,” here he pulled back a little and took gentle hold of Tony’s chin, tipping it back so their eyes met once more. “I won’t ever let her hurt you, ya know. I’ll do whatever I gotta to make sure she can’t… do whatever the fuck she did again. I mean it. You name it, doll, and it’s fucking done.” When he let go, Tony was quick to hide away again, holding on to Bucky like he was Tony’s anchor.
Bucky liked the thought as much as he hated the way Tony needed one.
“You… you really wanna know?”
“Yeah. I… I wanna know everything about you Tones. But you don’t gotta tell me if you don’t want to. This is about you right now, not makin’ me feel better.” Bucky hesitated a moment, then shrugged and threw caution to the wind. In a single easy motion, he lifted Tony up off the ground – he only just managed to grip the back of the man’s thighs instead of his ass. The genius immediately wrapped his legs around Bucky’s waist, which was surprising and thrilling in equal measure – he’d expected Tony to protest, maybe even yell and threaten to beat him up if he didn’t let go. This… this was a lot better, and also just a little scary.
Did… did Tony really trust him that much?
That was a question for another time; at the moment he needed to focus on caring for the shaking man in his arms. Bucky walked them over to the couch, then sat down carefully. He thought Tony would scramble to get away from him, or even just slide to one side so he could be close but not in Bucky’s lap. But no – once again his expectations were shattered, because Tony seemed quite happy to stay right where he was. He didn’t even protest when DUM-E wheeled over and draped a worn blanket over the both of them.
“I haven’t… told anyone else. They wouldn’t… I didn’t think they’d believe me.” Tony whimpered into his bare shoulder, rousing every protective instinct Bucky possessed.
“Well I’m gonna believe you, so you don’t have to worry about that.”
“You won’t… you won’t be mad?”
“Why’d I be mad, doll? It’s the witch who hurt you, not the other way ‘round.”
“… I’m not trying to deny responsibility. I know it was my fault, and it was my idea. Even Bruce wasn’t sure, and I bullied him into… it was all my fault. It’s on me, and I know that. I’m not trying to… to blame her. It was originally my idea, and anyway the rest of the team shook it off fine. So I should have been okay. I was okay. It wasn’t even affecting me by the time I… I know it was my fault Bucky, I promise. I’m not trying to m-make you hate her, or make it seem like-”
“Hey, hey… easy sweetheart. Easy.” Bewildered and not quite sure what exactly Tony was talking about, Bucky just held him closer and stroked his hands over the expanse of the man’s back. It felt almost like Tony was a horse about to spook; if he didn’t do this right, Tony would run, and he’d never have this chance again. He had to do this right. “You take responsibility better’n anyone I know, and I know Steve Rogers. You never avoid shouldering your fair share of the blame – more than your share, most times. So… don’t worry ‘bout that, or me being mad. And I hate to break this to you doll, but I hated Wanda way before you’n me started hangin’ out.” That got a choked little sob of a laugh, and Bucky vowed to set the whole goddamned world aflame if it didn’t stop hurting the guy he loved.
“Right… right. You never did seem to… and you said… and you… right. Okay. It’s… it’s about Ultron.”
Somehow, as soon as those words were out of Tony’s mouth and they slotted with the rest of the word-vomit the genius had spewed, Bucky knew that there was a good chance he was going to commit murder before the night was over. If this was what he thought it was…
Well. It just might be time for a good old fashioned witch hunt.
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zhouwerthoughts · 8 years ago
Starting the day off with the el classico stats snorefest, then orch which was actually quite fun playing stuff and seeing cello and peter playing violin shenanigans, rest of the day quite uneventful until after chem XD
Awkward awkward awkward omfg that feel when the worst possible situation could’ve happened i swear like what am i in a movie or somethin sorry bout that claire LOL
I actually don’t have to do any work right now just got back from oyo where we’re playing Shostakovitch which is frickin crazy but I have two nice solos as a concertmaster which is fun. Me having time? lets do this 
Marxism. hey, I warned you i get weird when I have time. The Late Karl Marx believed in humans being formed by their environment, almost like they are just clay and fully a product of nurture. Which is kind of an interesting, yet I think safe to assume incorrect ideology. it’s an interesting conversation when you dive into nature vs nurture, however. I haven’t taken AP Psych YET, but I look forwards to this kind of conversation. So to the far far far left, they believe in 100% nurture and human beings are totally shaped by society/culture, and as a result of that there is the belief that humans can be molded to completely ignore greed and selfishness where you can hone the race to perfection."From Each according to his ability, To each according to his need.” Communism - work what you can and take what you  need. Assuming a utopian setting where people are truly altruistic, this in theory should be a perfect system. However, I’m sure we can agree that people are not molds of clay, hence the failure of communism around the world. The far far far right position, however, is the nazi ideology in which a certain kind of human is by far superior, and others (Jews) are seen as by definition as lesser beings, hence Fully nature and nurture is irrelevant. When I would think about this to a lesser extent not having taken a psychology, I had assumed that the common sense position is that things are mostly nurture with nature poking at it, hence people are mostly affected by environment yet there is an element of difference at birth naturally. However, I’ve come to another realization in which I have come to believe, now, that the debate between nurture and nature is actually quite irrelevant. Truly, though, humans are neither one or the other. I think it must be a giant mix, in which some things can be fully nurture and culture, and some things are completely nature and are hardwired into you, and other things are a mix of either or in differing amounts. Humans are so insanely complex, that you can’t possibly conclude and confine humans into nature/nurture with a broad brush, and rather case by case. As a follow-up, I think that if this statement is correct, then we require such a governmental system that can foster the truly complex human, hence my belief in social democracy. You have socialism to create the floor for people where the basics are met and there is no debate for necessities because we’re a civilized nation. Then the competition/capitalist aspect because a free market is simply the most efficient plan in most cases in the market. But you have to establish basic requirements for survival for all people before jumping to the money and capitalist part, lest you condemn the downtrodden to suffering and death.
If you don’t believe in free speech for those you disagree with most, you don’t believe in free speech at all. Let them speak, whether you’re on the right or left and whether the speaker is on the right or left. Once you block your opposition from having the power of voice, you admit defeat on an ideological level.
If you’re so against Sharia law when it’s islam, it is contradictory to then be for christian theocracy. This is a secular country, no matter what religion it is it should be left and kept for the church, not the state. 
Jeff Sessions is now the attorney general. horrible. This guy was up for federal judge position in the late 1980s and was rejected by republicans because they said he was too shady and had a bad record with race. His voting record: against stem cell research, against abortion, ban women from crossing state lines for abortions, 0% rating from abortion groups, so he has literally never been for reproductive rights. This means even things like birth control pills are considered by him as killing babies or something. No on the stimulus package to help the people during the recession, but yes to the wall street bailout during the same time for the same reason. NO ON THE VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN ACT (Bill that attempts to prevent domestic abuse and such), like what the actual fuck so you’re FOR violence against women? really now.. .the bill has saved so many lives at this point that its a vital bill. Just seriously, who DOES that. Yes on banning flag burning, AND punishment for those who burn flags, so he’s anti-free speech. Even Justice Scalia of the supreme court, the most notoriously far right judge ever, was against that because its obviously protected by the US Constitution. Now Jeff Sessions will be the top lawyer in the country, a man who does not understand the first amendment of the constitution. Yes on a constitutional Ban of gay marriage. Now look here. This is very different from simply wanting to make gay marriage illegal. HE LITERALLY WANTS TO AMEND THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES TO SPECIFICALLY INHIBIT GAY MARRIAGE. what is this, American Sharia Law? get your christian extremism the fuck outta here. A grade of 20% from the ACLU, so he opposes civil rights 80% of the time, and a 7% from the NAACP... so he’s anti black 93% of the time. He has a GRADE OF 0% from the human rights campaign, so against LGBTQ community 100% of the time. rated 14% and 0% by two big union groups, so he sides almost completely with CEO’s and corporations over the people, 20% by the NEA, so he’s 80% of the time against public education. Voted yes on barring the EPA from regulating greenhouse gases. This is literally so stupid I can barely wrap my head around it. BAR THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY FROM PROTECTING THE ENVIRONMENT. yes on lobbyist gifts to congress oh yes nice corruption MMMMM tasty welp thats quite self explanatory. A+ Nra, so never voted on anything even remotely regulatory for guns. 100% voting record on anti-immigration, Yes on privatizing social security, yes on tax cuts to rich, and yes to end estate tax, which is literally the greatest and most efficient tax in existence, as it taxes the ultra-rich dead people that used to own estates. then republicans go out and lie to the public and twist it around and call it a “death tax” so the public thinks the government is going to take money from them when they die and they cant give to their kids. Nonnononon this taxes about 0.1% of the country, and the only negative it has is that the deceased billionaires’s children simply will get a slightly lower inheritance that will make no difference in the grand scope of their wealth. horrid pick after horrid pick things are getting scary.
“So much has happened. And I’m sure it’s only the beginning. Through the smiles and tears, through the anger… …and the laughter that follows… I know that I’ll keep changing. This is my story. It’ll be a good one.”
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