#i just get HMMMMMMM
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tagerrkix · 1 year ago
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allimili · 5 months ago
Meeting with big wife !
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more bcos why not
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cacaocheri · 1 year ago
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hozier's song is killing me so have this quick doodle before i go crazy and make an entire animatic
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girlishwhimsies · 3 months ago
some of y’all just don’t like musical steve cause he’s black and you need to just get it over with and say it. like i’ll concede on some things like yes steve has a smaller role in the musical and two-bit has a bigger one whatever. but like movie steve doesn’t get a magical lore dump mixed into the movie that musical steve is lacking. you can use his book lore and add onto it using the lore renni has given us through his costume and similar things. part of being in a fandom is putting in the work. grow up and get over your own biases and realize the value in different interpretations.
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bucksboobs · 8 months ago
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dandeleon · 1 month ago
there will be bountiful amounts of fiddauthor tomorrow btw. And boobs
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dollsuguru · 1 month ago
woke up from the most romantic dreams with suguru… i genuinely feel like having him as a boyfriend would be the happiest you would be in your entire life like the JOY and COMFORT and EXCITEMENT would be insane
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vantablackdraws · 4 months ago
Delilah probably? Goes to school? (Maybe she does? she has homework) so I keep thinking about her getting into like, a school play or something. They're doing hamlet, she gets the role of Claudius (Anji thinks she should've gotten Hamlet), they're going over her lines together at home and Baiken is occasionally tuning in to bits and pieces like a dad who pretends to not be interested in whatever you're watching but is still invested anyway.
Baiken: This Hamlet guy's a real piece o' work. What's his problem?
Delilah: Well he thinks his uncle murdered his father and now he's the king
Anji: And he also married Gertrude pretty quickly, so Claudius is also is his stepdad.
Baiken: You know what that makes sense.
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discordiansamba · 5 months ago
There is a werewolf in his tea shop.
Pao's mother was a superstitious woman, and had raised him on all of the old spirit tales. Among their number were stories about werewolves- humans cursed to transform into a wolf when the moon was full, driven mad by the wolf under their skin. In their human guises, they looked almost indistinguishable from a normal human- but there was one way to tell them apart.
There was a werewolf in Pao's tea shop. Mushi's nephew hissed as his Uncle ran his hand underneath cool water, trying to soothe the burn that ran like a band across the back of his fingers. He had burned his hand on a teapot. It was not from heat- there hadn't even been any water in the pot.
But the teapot was silver.
The teapot was silver, and Lee's hand was burned.
"An allergy," Mushi told him with a smile, "-my sister had it as well."
Pao smiled back at him and nodded. He picked up the teapot and set it down, watching as Lee brought his hand out of the bucket and hissed. The burn is blistering and raw- fresh, unlike the one made by fire on his face. That was no mere allergy, much as Mushi might say otherwise.
"I apologize," Mushi said, "-I think my nephew will have to take the day off."
"Of course," Pao smiles, "-that will not be a problem."
Lee glowers at the floor, curling his fingers protectively around his burned hand. He says something quiet to his uncle, and then leaves. Pao feels himself breathing easier when he is gone.
He thinks about the young man. He is surly and unpleasant- difficult to deal with. Difficult to look at, with the reminder of the war branded into his face. His teeth are too sharp and his eyes are too bright- a solid gold, like Fire Nation eyes. Like the eyes of a wolf. It could not be more obvious that he does not fit in. He is not even trying.
When Lee comes back again the next day, his hand is bandaged. It stays bandaged for a long time. The full moon comes- and the lower ring is kept up by the howl of a wolf. There's frantic whispers amongst the populace. Disquiet, unrest of a different kind. Something made it's way into Ba Sing Se- an invader of a different kind.
Lee's hand is still bandaged.
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deus-and-the-machina · 2 years ago
you know the contrast between how Vergil is presented vs thinking too hard about Vergil’s story is pretty funny. Man’s reputation is this iconic badass, the pinnacle of what video game rivalries can be, the coolest guy to play as, the guy who breaks every game he’s added to,
and then you go to the story and like. man’s lost his free will and autonomy at 19 and then came back a fractured man half of which was a lovecraftian eye beast the other half of which was a chronically ill goth man. and then he reunites and hes in like his 40s now I believe but legit the last time he was actually in a game where he wasn’t being mind controlled when he was 19 which is both sad but also thinking about how this guy who’s considered one of the top badasses of gaming has never really lived life outside of being a teenager.
Anyways this is the secret comedic potential of post DMC5 for Vergil because not only has the human world probably changed a fair bit in terms of technology, if he’s sticking around Dante he’s gonna actually have to learn in depth how taxes and grocery shopping work. Amazing.
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birdmenmanga · 4 months ago
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A while ago I received a beautiful painting of Eishi in the mail from @kitsoa!! I've been meaning to post pictures of it but I so rarely have physical objects I wanted a proper photoshoot to do it justice <3
When I first saw this I was absolutely blown away by the colors. These magenta-maroon hues aren't ones I associate with urban cityscapes at all and yet it's beautiful and dreamlike. There are a lot of poignant moments of loneliness in this series and this piece really captures that feeling, in my opinion. I almost feel like crying when I look at it sometimes. Kitsoa just has a way with color I can never hope of coming close to; I often look at her artworks and think, "Ah, her brain's just wired in a fundamentally different way from mine." (NOT a lamentation btw-- I consider it a blessing that we are put on this earth to show each other pictures of that which the other could not conceive of)
I have it up on my wall with sticky tack (didn't want to put tape on the front in case it got damaged when I inevitably have to move away) and I look at it all the time. I love it so much!! Thank you!!
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mousemannation · 1 month ago
daniil listen to me. listen. u need to do the bare minimum at doha and dubai and u will overtake novak in the rankings, or even just a decent job at one of them. r u listening daniil
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heldentenxr · 10 months ago
why do people feel like Wyll/Mizora ship is normal. like why are you like this. for some reason they’re way too comfortable shipping it, while let’s say, Astarion/Cazador ship is marginalized in the fandom (even liking Cazador kinda is. but not Mizora). wtf is wrong with you people.
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deus-ex-mona · 1 month ago
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h e l p not the heart pose and meoto trading cards—
#the moge illust keychains look so cute thoughhhhhhh… even though it’s lxl…#oh ooops the lxl trading cards will have autographs after all~~~~~~~~ didnt see that cuz my eyes are failin’ in my old age~~~~#i hope they’ll release the tapes™️ for the (prolly inevitable) meoto performance lmao#they’ve been p consistent(?) with releasing lxl’s live performances..#(​like how they’ve bundled ‘em with lxl’s cds and released delayed snippets of the ft4 and sunparty lives…)#…except for chiisana lion. hmmmmmmm~~~~~~~~ i wish they’d release it and bae love on main soon~~~~~ the dances were so funny#i just hope that we get to see the meoto and perhaps oshimahou dances~~~~~~~ i bet they’ll be *so* bad#i wonder if they’ll pull a suki kirai live dance moment and have lxl make a heart with their hands together or sth#but there’s a seriously wasted opportunity if they dont have lxl kiss in some form during the performance#like. heck. iirc even di.ver.di.va ((from ll🌈)) had some kind of indirect kiss during the performance of *their* love chuchu magic song#…granted the vas were the ones performing (instead of 3d models) and iirc miyu.tan kissed her fingers then pressed ‘em to natsu.min’s lips…#…or sth… but i think that kind of set the bait standard for blue and yellow/orange idol duo unit love chuchu duets#dd truly the sun/moon symbolism idol duo unit of all time… wait this was supposed to be about lxl right#anyw a y s stan dd (aka lxl but yuri ((aka lxl but b e t t e r))—) chuchuchuchu suki suki~~ give me give me love in love in chuchu so true~~#but hmmmm~~~~~~ speaking of idol live performances~~~~ i sure hope they’ll release dvds for the mona concert~~~~~ release the tapes hw~~~~
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chaosxcrushed · 2 years ago
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thank you CJFS for sparking this idea
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sodrippy · 1 month ago
trying to figure out what time to wake up so i can hit the gym then wash my hair then have breakfast then attempt to quash the obvious crash from being awake so early before logging on for work
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