#i just genuinely think keiko could’ve been written a teensy bit better especially given dialogue and other things throughout the season
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sealbee101 · 2 months ago
WARNING : guy saying there opinion about a certain subject!!! do not take these seriously!! some of the stuff I say are based on my memories and I have the memory of a 1 month goldfish!!!
this discusses Keiko Yukimura and how cool she is and how she and Kuwabara should get more attention and how cool and epic they are
THESE CONTAIN SPOILERS (season 4, Makai Tournament and 3 Chapter Blackspecifically) GO WATCH YU YU HAKUSHO IF U HAVENT!!!! GO!! GO!!!!
why keiko and kuwabara r cool n awesome under cut v!!!
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keiko deserve better and to beat yusuke stinky ass im so frustrated about the epilogue even til today im so mad Keiko literally deserved better she should’ve gotten what she wanted 
i will FOREVER be upset with how Keiko was handled in the epilogue and in general because all she is/was written as was someone who should endearingly yell “oh yusuke!!” and fall into his arms and swoon for him (which happened countless times in the shows 4 seasons) but she’s SO much more and I wanna talk about it. 
Keiko generally cares for yusuke and they’ve been friends literally since they were kids, she’s the only one that actually looks deep into yusuke and see that he DOES care and he isn’t a douchebag and he just acts like a little stinker, she’s the only one that actually bothers to ‘take care’ of him and look out for his well being in the anime because nobody else will (yusuke’s mom is more prominent figure in the manga especially in the dark tournament arc). She was HAULING ASS in season 1 because she was the only one that was willing to run into a BURNING building  to save Yusuke, and Kuwabara was also the only one to run after Keiko inside the house to save her and Yusuke, and she called EVERYONE out on it— she took matters into her own hands and she’s a queen 4 that ❤️❤️
Kuwabara was also the only one that was determined enough to actually befriend Yusuke too, Kuwabara said himself that “it was never about winning” he just wanted Yusuke to stop being a lone wolf and join the pack. 
Keiko literally wanted Yusuke to stop being a uraMESS and get his life together, Kuwabara and Keiko are literally his cheerleaders trying to actually get him on the right track and do something instead of being laid back, (That’s why those two we’re able to get into a good highschool, Shizuru even said that Kuwabara needed to work hard if he wanted to go to a good highschool, Kuwabara maybe be clumsy and silly but he’s a smart cookie too.) Kuwabara wanted Yusuke to actually defeat Toguro so he faked his death, Keiko was literally graying during the whole tournament too because she was so worried he was going to die. 
And then Chapter Black and the Makai Tournament  happen. 
These  two RUINED me, i will never recover from them especially when Kuwabara was having a meltdown during the Yusuke and Sensui fight. 
keep in mind: 
Kuwabara and Keiko were two out of Yusuke’s mom and that principal that were genuinely distraught over Yusuke death, crying and screaming Keiko fell to her KNEES and sobbed.
And they were also the only two that were actually PISSED OFF about Yusuke leaving, especially Kuwabara because Yusuke DIED right in front of Kuwabara and all of a sudden now he’s alive but then he’s leaving?? For 3 YEARS to go to demon world?? Kuwabara had every right to be upset and so did Keiko.
You can tell at this point Keiko was exhausted, Kuwabara was fuming and both were sick of Yusuke shenanigans Keiko was drained at this point, it was emotionally draining her and you can tell when she said “Yusuke…I don’t think my new boyfriend…will like that,” (i forgot but I think that’s how it went) 
And then now they’re both told to WAIT 3 YEARS??? (keiko specifically) 
this is where the writing didn’t make sense to me but made the scene where everyone was at the beach so impactful because you can tell Keiko has reached her limit and finally had enough when she yells, all her anger, her exhaustion, “It’s time to get what I want” 
but then suddenly Yusuke comes back and it turns into a romantic moment???
Yusuke put Keiko through hell and back and you can see that she wasn’t starting to brush it off her shoulder, it was WEIGHING her down especially if it was getting into her own life and what she wanted to do. 
yusuke goes through character development to become less iof a delinquent bad boy guy throughout the series yes but I feel like it’d be more impactful if Keiko actually broke it off with Yusuke because it would give him the realization of that his action affect other people emotionally/mentally and not just himself physically. 
anyways i think they should beat yusuke with hammers 
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