#i just finished buying all my stuff for it :3c
goosemixtapes · 9 months
max's top books of 2023 :3c
as usual, these rankings are based on some arcane mix of objective quality + my personal enjoyment (previous year's lists)
it was another weird reading year! i did a lot of reading for school, more so than in the past; some of it was really good and some of it was, uh. well, some of it was william wordsworth. nothing i absolutely loathed, though (most of the reads i disliked were books i could at least appreciate on an art/history level), which is cool. so i'm bringing back the runner-up category. did not make it onto my top ten list but were really good anyway: beartown by fredrik backman (books that no joke made me understand why people are insane about sports) and the GORGEOUS re-release of my dear @yvesdot 's debut, something's not right, which i have read before but will always gladly revisit again.
my top anticipated release for 2024 is alecto the ninth again.
(but shoutout also to just happy to be here, king cheer, and henry henry. trans people! shakespeare, even!)
and the list! in increasing order of enjoyment, with pictures this year!
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10. The Common Liar by Janet Adelman
no, i can't believe i'm doing this either. i can't believe i did all that preamble and the first book on my list is an academic thesis analyzing shakespeare's antony and cleopatra. but also? it's the only book anyone ever needs to write about shakespeare's antony and cleopatra. janet adelman said it all. which is cool, because i have a fixation on that play, but also sucks, because i was also trying to write an essay on it and mine wasn't nearly as good. btw if anyone wants to buy this for me, somehow, for the $120 it costs on amazon because academia is awful, i will send you my address,
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9. Robert Icke's Oresteia
i don't need to say anything about this play, because it's the source of "this was always going to happen. she's been dead since the beginning." that should be enough. but after becoming deranged about the oresteia last year, i finally read this, and holy shit, this adaptation of the story is so fucking genius and icke's writing is so fucking good. it's antiwar! it's about mental illness! there's gender! the fucking ENDING! (i have a pdf if anyone would like it. anything to plug this play bark bark bark rufrufruf grrrrrr)
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8. Down Girl: the Logic of Misogyny by Kate Manne
this is a little bit cheating, because i haven't finished this book yet, so maybe in the final chapters manne will say something like "what if we blew up every orphan" and i'll have to retract this. but right now it's fucking excellent! i've been making an effort to read more nonfiction lately, and this one shines; manne sets out to analyze misogyny not as a personal hatred of women that some men harbor, but as an intricate and structural system forcing women into the role of Giving (attention, affection, power, etc; sometimes their lives). and it's sooooo smart. some of it is stuff i already know (and some of it is Academic Philosophy TM that goes right over my head), but manne articulates her point excellently and i can feel it rearranging my brain, so it's going on the list for longevity and skill!
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7. Dictator by Robert Harris
does this book objectively deserve to be on this list? you know what, yeah. i'll say it with my whole chest. i don't like how harris writes women and there are plenty of things to pick at in his cicero trilogy, but i had so much goddamn fun reading it that i can't not put it on the list. this was my year of being really really into cicero, and this was fun to read alongside e-pistulae. harris is sooooo good at making ancient roman politics gripping. the last scenes of this book. augh. ack. ough!
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6. Detransition Baby by Torrey Peters
there are a lot of valid critiques of this one (a lot of bad critiqus, too, but such is writing literally anything about transness), but i fucking adored it. i LOVE dual timelines, i LOVE unlikable characters, and i FUCKING LOVE TRANSSEXUALITY! moreover, i love that peters isn't afraid to Go There, to poke at the messy ugly sides of transness (and queerness in general) that i think a lot of us don't like acknowledging, especially to cishet people whose view of the community is already skewed. i don’t think this is the One Great Trans Novel; i think there are a lot of great trans novels, and we need more. but this one did hit me RIGHT in the chest, and i couldn't put it down.
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5. Wrath Goddess Sing by Maya Deane
the iliad but achilles is a trans woman and she's fighting the war on both mortal and divine levels and she and helen have an insane homoerotic half-god rivalry and everybody is fucking crazy. pitched as "for fans of TSOA" but as i said in my review if TSOA is a pleasant but watery iced tea then this book is gasoline laced with crack. there is a bisexual transgender threesome. i fucking love women. book of the fucking summer
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4. White Teeth by Zadie Smith
i probably enjoyed wrath goddess sing more, but i can't not rank this book highly on this list. this book is such a fucking masterpiece. it's tolstoy for the modern age. it's a sprawling multi-familial multi-cultural multi-generational epic about race and gender and religion and science and humanity and britishness. smith's prose is fucking amazing; her character work is even better; this book has no plot but it uses its length sooooooo well. the first zadie smith i've read, but by god there will be more. she wrote this at TWENTY-FIVE. that's fucking CRAZY. do you know how much control over your craft you have to have to write this at twenty-five. bonkers. it is also the only enjoyable book i read in my modern literature class, so shoutout to white teeth for keeping me sane,
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3. The Secret to Superhuman Strength by Alison Bechdel
this book is ostensibly about bechdel's relationship with exercise. it is actually about bechdel's relationship with her own body, her own soul, her desire for individualism in the style of the transcendentalists, transcendentalism in general, mortality, and aging. i can't really tell you more than that because i didn't actually "read" this so much as i absorbed it through my skin like a frog while trying not to tremble like a little purse dog. i am not gonna lie man i did not have a very good. um. august. or september. or october november december. so this book really could not have come at a better time. alison bechdel i am obsessed with you
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2. The Essential Dykes to Watch Out For by Alison Bechdel
ALISON BECHDEL I AM OBSESSED WITH YOU!!!! this one narrowly edges out secret to superhuman strength because... well, i'm sort of rating the entire comic strip's run, and dude. holy shit. i love lesbians so much. this strip is such an important piece of lesbian history; it reminded me that a lot of the things lesbians (and LGBT people in general) argue about and deal with today are... the same things we've always argued about and dealt with, from intracommunity label discourse to global politics to hitting on women badly. but history aside--it's also just really fucking good! it's really funny! if you are a neurotic leftist, as so many of us are, it's hysterical! it's smart! it's hot! it's heartwarming! i read it over the first half of the year, in little bits and pieces, and by the end i felt like i really had gone decades with these characters. really just. so good. the power she has the range she has
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1. the suzanne collins reread
okay. this one is definitely cheating. because i usually like to keep this list to books i'm reading for the first time, and i HAVE read the hunger games and the underland chronicles. but i read them, like, almost ten years ago, and i was not prepared to be so thoroughly fucking bodied by them this time around, now that i have critical thinking and analysis skills. we all know the hunger games is a fucking banger, so let me pitch the gregor the overlander series: something of a modern alice in wonderland setup, where the eleven-year-old main character falls into an underground world full of strangeness, except this world isn't whimsical, it's dangerous and stuffed with giant talking animals like bats and rats and cockroaches. there's a war on. there are plagues. there are war crimes. there is a plotline that is extremely explicitly about ethnic cleansing. there is some of the most heartbreaking fucking shit you've ever read in your goddamn life. there is also a rat who quotes macbeth and the underlanders revere a guy named bartholomew of sandwich. this series is for middle schoolers. i cried. not when i was a middle schooler reading it the first time; i mean now. so i'm breaking my no-rereads rule, because it really would be a lie to say that my best reading experience wasn't revisiting all of collins' work with my friends (yes, i read TBSOS; i think it's fine but not great). sorry to give publicity to an author who definitely doesn't need my help, but a few years ago my #1 spot went to shakespeare, so.
if you've read this far: thank you! please tell me your thoughts! tell me your favorite books of 2023! tell me which books you're excited for in 2024! and have a very lovely new year :)
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hals-homo-blog · 7 months
⚠️Pinned Post Under Construction⚠️
Heyyyy I am Hal. I'm 23, Bigender, He/Him > She/Her. I am an Animator, Illustrator and Writer, though I haven't been making a lot of finished pieces at this tough spot in my life. I always keep trying tho ^^.
I am an adult, and there is gonna be 18+ Adult content on here. I have the #suggestive tag for people who don't wanna see that, and I Highly Discourage any minors from following me. If you're gonna follow me anyway, block the tag. If I catch minors liking/reblogging adult stuff off my page, yer gettin' blocked, pal. Sorry.
Headmates, tags, DNI and Headcanon Submission Info below the cut :3c
DNI - The usual stuff, haters, any kind if -ist or -phobic (not fear obv but prejudice, lol) Anti-endo and proship
☆ Vincent (Yeah, that one) Vincent Afton, my beloved husband, I made him On Accident. I've been messin' with him for like, 7 or 8 years now, but I only recently found out he was his own person up in my head there.
Gordon Freeman (Freeman's Mind)
Postal 3 Dude (Postal 3) OUGh this is the newest one, he's literally So Silly. The Grinning Sniler...
Hal Art - My art Hal Talk - Thoughts nobody asked for Hal Answer - Answers to asks Halcore - what it says on the box Hal's Bookshelf - Stuff for me to read Hal's Homo Headcanons - If people send me prompts, I'll do Headcanons and stuff =w= Suggestive - Minors pls block this tag or just don’t follow me 🙏 /lh  🛒 - shit I wanna buy at some point MY HUSBAND - Vincent posts THE POOKIE - Freemind posts LULU - Alucard posts ROWOBOT - Swerve posts The Sniling Grinner - Postal 3 Dude posts PeePaw - Postal 4 Dude posts
These are all just ship tags Hal x Vincent Hal x Gordon / HalMind Halcyon x Alucard / Halucard Rod x Dude
Uhhhhhh idk anything this is UNDER CONSTRUCTION
Characters I think I could do
P2 Dude P3 Dude P4 Dude? Maybe? Vincent Afton, he's my hubby so prolly not shipping him around =w=
Gordon Freeman - Freeman's Mind
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veiledlinks-vn · 1 year
Hellu, everyone! I hope March has been treating you all well! ^^
Spring is still far away here, and the constant change in temperatures resulted in me catching a cold twice. So annoying...
Work has been going steady, though, and I thought it could be fun to share some of the progress I've done this month!
Almost all the variables have been coded for two character routes! The third needs more work, but there's been steady progress there as well.
While I use a lot of free assets for my backgrounds, I sometimes have to either buy assets or just make them myself. One of them was close to being bought, but I decided against it and made it myself instead. It still needs polishing, real life got in the way, but we'll get there!
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A little preview, wonder what this can be and where you find it. :3c
3. What will be a third of the future demo is almost completely proofread and coded. The other two thirds are drafted and will soon be edited.
4. Some of the sprites have gotten a few more facial expressions and outfits, with pleasing results. ^^
5. The probably last sprite got finished! I had a blast with that one and can't wait to show it in the game. ^^
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6. I also continue to do stuff in the wrong order and rewrote 4 larger sections, but they turned out much better (lesson for the day, kids, let things take time).
7. A good chunk of CG work has been done, but I don't want to say how much.
8. And of course, drafting and editing has been done, on older scripts as well as new ones.
That's it for now. I'm continuing on into April with more excitement (and hopefully less health issues). Take care, everyone!
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joshriku · 9 months
cozy wintery spidey-headcanon/maybe-prompt?: it‘s around christmas + peter is covering all the patrols for miles so that he can be with his mother but there are many things to be done in the parker household as well like day job work, gifts, decorations, christmas tree, planning christmas dinner etc and peter has been overworked for days + now he’s a bit beat up as well + when one evening he keeps falling asleep instead of/while doing stuff a pregnant mj calls miles for backup. spidey family ftw
HI merry late christmas! this idea was so fucking cute + i know you didn't specify whether this was insomniac or not.. but in my head.. they are insomniac verse :3c sorry it took me a bit to get around to this, i got sick lol i hope you enjoy!
“No, I’m not sleeping,” Peter says from the sofa again. His arms are crossed over each other, and his eyes are closed. “It’s called resting my eyes, MJ. We all need it.”
“I agree,” she says. “We all need sleep.”
“I’m not tired at all,” Peter continues, even though she had not accused him of being tired—or of sleeping, to begin with. “Seriously, if you give me five minutes, I’m good as new.”
“Mhm-hmm, okay,” MJ says. She watches as Peter gets more comfortable, sliding down a bit on the sofa. “I’ll time you, then.”
“Perfect,” he yawns. “You’ll see. Five minutes.”
Peter finally sighs sleepily, mumbling a bit more, and MJ knows he’s a goner. Finally. She’ll place him in a better position later, when she’s sure that he won’t wake up as soon as he’s touched. The potatoes are still boiling, not quite soft, and the smell of turkey cooking inside the oven kept filling the air. Right. She could probably handle a few things on her own, but setting the table? Buying the drinks? Plating everything? Things that used to take no effort take a lot more out of her, and as frustrating as it is, she has to accept when she’s out of her depth. She’s not about to get in an argument with her own pregnancy.
Right. Back-up it is.
When she calls him, Miles picks up the phone really quickly. “MJ! Merry Christmas!”
“Hey, merry Christmas!” she says back, stepping out of the living room to let Peter sleep. “How are you? Are you doing anything tonight?”
“Tonight? Nah, we already did everything the 24th,” Miles replies.
“The 24th?”
“Yeah, like leading up to midnight? Today’s just about sleeping and re-heating leftovers,” he explains. MJ laughs a little. Sure, that sounded logical. “You guys planning something over there?”
“Actually, that’s sort of what I’m calling you about?” MJ’s laugh turns a little nervous. “See, Pete’s like… fully asleep. I’ve been telling him he can’t do everything himself, but, y’know—”
“He didn’t listen at all and did it himself anyway?”
“Yep. And I don’t need a lot of help, he really did most of the work—just the finishing touches, like, literally just making mashed potatoes and plating stuff,” she continues, and then she makes her way to the kitchen—just in case the potatoes decide to blow up on her or something. She’s not the cook, Peter is. “I can pay you in food?”
“I’d literally do this for free,” Miles says, and she can almost hear the playful eye roll, “but I’d never say no to free food. ‘Kay. Hang in there, and don’t move too much, alright? I’m on my way.”
“Thank you, thank you! We owe you our Christmas!”
Miles laughs as he hangs up. Okay, that was solved! She peeks her head into the living room again, just to make sure Peter’s still sleeping and hadn’t secretly been awoken by his never-ending sense of responsibility.
Nope, Pete’s snoring.
Thank God.
Miles arrives pretty quickly, and after hugs and checking on her belly (everyone swears the baby can hear it if they talk to the belly), he fixes on Peter completely passed out on the sofa. He smiles, and still whispering, he asks: “Won’t his back hurt sleeping there?”
“He’s slept in worse conditions, really,” she replies, fond. “But if you wanted to, you could carry him to bed. I’m sure his back will appreciate it.”
“Can I do that? Won’t the spider-sense go off?”
“Doesn’t work for people you trust,” MJ tells him. Miles’ eyes widen.
“What? Really?” Miles asks. MJ nods, and shaking his head, he starts making his way to Peter. “They gotta put these powers with some disclaimers, man. This explains a lot.”
“I’ll make sure to give you more fun facts while we cook,” she says. 
She watches as Peter gets scooped up by Miles like he weighs nothing, and he doesn’t even stir. My God, he must have been so much more tired than he mentioned before—and how couldn’t he? He had taken it upon himself to do everything, to ensure MJ rested because seven months is no joke, MJ, we have to be delicate, and now he was fast asleep at 6PM on Christmas Day.
MJ follows them to the room, where after Miles puts him on the bed, she puts the blankets over him. Peter shifts under her touch when she pets his hair, getting more comfortable, and continuing to sleep. 
“He’s knocked out cold,” Miles says. “Feeling like an earthquake could start and he wouldn’t wake up! Merry Christmas, Pete.”
MJ chuckles, echoing, “Merry Christmas, Pete. Miles and I are going to save Christmas for when you wake up again.”
As a reply, Peter continues to snore.
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komatsunana · 3 years
well.... you know that I have read your OT3 fic with Ren- Hachi and Nana and fell in love with it. so if you have ANY um literally anything you want to share about their relationship? spare me some headcanons please? ANYONE WHO HASN'T READ IT MUST READ IT BTW also: what kind of gay am i? 😈 okay byee
Nothing in life more satisfying than dragging someone down into a rare pair. Ngl that series of one-shots in which I get to come up with a bunch of ridiculous ships has been really fun to write, but this one is chapter 6 for anyone wondering.
ANYWAY, headcanons. I can do headcanons. Especially since you returned the favor for the other great OT3 (Nana/Ren/Yasu) here... Cause ngl, our OT3 combined into the best OT4. (also rip sorry I am finally posting this like a month later flsjdfksdfjsldj)
- Hachi has the softest, smoothest skin ever and Ren and Nana both love touching it, always touching her cheeks, stomach, underarm, boobs, etc.  When Hachi overhears them talking about it she thinks they are calling her fat (idk, maybe true) but really it’s thanks to her skin care routine and all her nice lotions.
- Ren and Hachi both have their own shampoos and bodywash, but Nana never bothers getting her own and just grabs one of theirs at random.
- Hachi buys Ren’s clothes for him, because a closet of 10 identical leather jackets and pants just isn’t necessary.  It’s still his aesthetic, but he doesn’t look like a Sid Vicious cosplay everyday... but he’s still got to at least occasionally because that’s what Nana’s into him for.
- Both Ren and Nana are absolute hot for Hachi wearing either of their clothes.  She doesn’t do it often, cause Hachi’s got a bigger wardrobe than her rock star combined so why would she need to??? But sometimes... she does it anyway. Nana pretends to be mad.
- Ren and Nana get Hachi her dream house - with a garden, fencing, veranda, walk-in closet, and a kitchen fit for a professional cook.  They’d have been content living in a shitty apartment or any generic nice suite their agents set them up in and decorated for them but living in a cozy home is like... the stuff of their childhood dreams. At first Ren and Nana are content to let Hachi decorate it all to her heart’s desires but she keeps asking them their opinion and they all kinda get into it and Nana even builds some of their furniture at Hachi’s request.  They make it into a real home and Ren and Nana make sure to never smoke inside the house because they love it too much.
- After they get that house, they host so many parties with their friends. Hachi is a perfect hostess and Ren gets really into it too. Meanwhile Nana is making half the mess as she gets too drunk.
- Hachi and Ren make most of their meals, but Nana almost always makes their miso soup at Ren’s request and Hachi’s dismay. Nana’s taste remain very salty and Nana tends to add more salt to Hachi’s food to an insulting degree.
- At first they have Hachi sleep in the middle of the bed but she’s like this is too fucking hot here (and also she’s 100% the type to pee a couple times in the middle of the night) so Ren takes the middle and he loves it, especially when both Hachi and Nana cuddle him on either side.
- idk if we’re in my AU or just general canon, but either way when Ren retires he becomes a stay-at-home dad to all 3 of their kids and he loves it.  He teaches them all instruments and everything and they can make their own little band.
- Biologically the children are Hachi & Ren’s, and for Nana’s comfort they call her the kid’s aunt (even if she is as equally their partner) and Nana’s a better guardian to the kids than if she’d call herself their mom.  She’s the best auntie, but she’s also the strictest. 
- Shin still plays house with Hachi as his mommy and Ren as dad but Nana will end his life if he includes her in any of these games but that doesn’t stop Hachi and Ren from doing so anyway but only Hachi gets away with it.
- Ren and Nana alone aren’t very publicly affectionate with each other unless the situation demands it, but the moment it’s either of them with Hachi (or all 3 of them together) it’s PDA time. Nobu claims he’s in hell watching them all flirt constantly and be lovey dovey but he’s honestly just happy to see Ren and Nana so happy.  Yasu’s kinda into watching the 3 of them... ot4 for the win
- Ren and Nana love being part of the Komatsu family. Sometimes the Komatsu’s threaten to disown Hachi and Nami and replace them for Ren and Nana cause they love them back it’s what Ren and Nana always dreamed of their like, dream family dynamic. It’s so wholesome.
all head canons that are even a little sexy below the cut
- Even tho Hachi makes her own money and has a successful career doing whatever she wants to be doing, Ren and Nana both give her credit cards in each of their names and she they give her no limits which might be a bad idea but Hachi is a spoiled little princess.  Ren and Nana also compete to see who’s credit card Hachi uses more, sugar daddy kinks awoken.
- Hachi tapes dramas for Ren and Nana to watch. Nana mostly watches them casually and nap to but Ren’s like INTO them and makes references to them constantly and remembers all the character’s names and all the juicy drama. Sometimes Ren will remember a drama is on and stop in the middle of even sex to go watch. Hachi will go join him while Nana will be like wtf and finish herself off before also joining him to watch.
- We all know Ren and Nana's favorite way of spending time together is sex, and you'd think Hachi would dial that back a little cause she likes romance but of course she's also a sex kitten. Also she's hot in the sack, as established, and she's generally the one who’s like “3rd round?” and Nana and Ren are like passed out.
- Sometimes Nana and Ren call Hachi mommy in bed and that’s all that needs to be said.
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drakenology · 4 years
their s/o has kinky curly hair with Bakugo, Denki, Midoriya and Todoroki
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author’s note: hey so i smoked a lot of weed and tried to do my hair afterwards and I quit so now I’m writing about kinky hair because I have a mixture of 3c and 4c hair and detangling is not poggers. Like it takes an hour to detangle my hair... I don’t have the energy for this rn. But even though it’s a fuck ton of work to take care of natural hair it’s still gorgeous and beautiful and strong and all of the fucking above. Shout out to all my kinky haired girlies. And of course shout out to my beautiful black queens. I see you boo! <3
warnings?: fluff, swearing and mentions of sexual activity (yeah, this one aint nasty... that’s the next post. shhh!) ALL CHARACTERS AGED UP 18+
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not gonna lie this mf ignorant as fuck 
hates that you take so long to do your hair
but loves watching the process?
“What’s that stuff?” “What does it do?” 
educates himself for your future babies
he likes a challenge so why wouldn’t he figure out how to properly take care of curly hair? 
offers to do your hair sometimes 
sometimes does it better than you do?
thinks you’re a fucking goddess.
i am a firm believer that bakugo LOVES sistas ok??
This morning is particularly stressful. You had already broken a comb or two trying to do your hair last night. So when you went to bed thinking that your hair was gonna turn out amazing you can imagine your shock when it didn’t turn out right. Well, as your taking down your twists, you see that your hair didn’t dry all the way. You try everything you can to salvage your style; you pick it, try and diffuse it but you’re still unsatisfied with the look. You sigh and just tie it up in two afro puffs. You lay your edges carefully and do some light makeup. Suddenly, you hear the bathroom door fly open to reveal your boyfriend Bakugo staring at you. 
“So that’s what’s taking you so damn long.” Katsuki says leaning against the door frame. He was going to come in and yell at you to hurry up but with the way you looked all dressed up he was completely thrown off and blown away. You were wearing a bright yellow sundress that trailed down to your ankles. It hugged your body and flowed out towards the bottom of the dress. The bathroom smelled like your hair products; tropical and fruity smells smothering his nostrils. You were like a goddess standing before him. And he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. 
“Dammit, Katsuki wait a damn minute. I’ll be out in a second.” You said, adding the finishing touches to your face. Katsuki walks over to you and leans up against the kitchen counter to watch you finish your makeup.
“Fuck, you’re beautiful.” he said as he stared at your glistening mahogany skin.  You tried your best not to giggle at his stares as you turn to look at him. 
“You ready to go?” You ask, feeling a little flustered as he ran his hands up and down your hips, stopping at your ass as he cupped it with both hands. Katsuki plants a kiss on your soft, plush lips and shook his head. 
“I’d hate to waste that outfit.. but now I don’t wanna even go out. I wanna fuck you instead.” He says as he kisses your neck. OOOOWEEE
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my cute little idiot...
you had to remind him a lot to not touch your hair (it fucks up your style!)
had to explain what “shrinkage” was
asked once “WOAH IS THAT ALL YOUR HAIR???” making you get to cussin’
very infatuated with everything about your hair though. poor thing didn’t know no better until now
plays in your hair anyway when you’re cuddling
wants to do your hair for you but every time you let him it turns out a mess. 
loves the way your hair smells when you put your products in it
lowkey wishes he had curly hair too
obsessed with you..
“‘Nari? How do I look?” You ask as you turn away from you vanity to look at your goofy boyfriend who’s playing video games and sitting on the bed in front of you. He paused his game to look at you and immediately turned bright red. 
“Wow..” He said, completely amazed. You had your hair in flexi-rods; after you took them down your natural hair cascaded down to your shoulders in heaps and mounds of thick luxuriousness. He loved that your hair framed your face so well and the lovely smell coming from you intoxicated him. 
“You’re so pretty, Y/N.” Denki smiles.
You giggle and shake your hair in the mirror, loving how your hair turned out. You put on some lip gloss and stood up to walk over to your full body mirror to pose in front of it. Damn, you looked good! You were feeling yourself for sure and Denki just couldn’t help but stare. He watched you pose in the mirror, playfully wiggling your ass and flipping your hair around.  His eyes met your curvaceous body; the jeans you wore hugging your form graciously. The top you wore accentuated your cocoa skin so damn good that it appeared to Denki that you were glowing from within. What a beautiful fucking woman.
He stands up and walks behind you, wrapping his arms around you as he stared at your gorgeous visage in the mirror. 
“How’d I get so lucky?” He asked, enamored by your beauty. He plants a kiss on your shoulder as you giggle and embrace him. 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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was kinda ignorant to black culture and hair styles but after your careful explaination he’s fully informed and loves every bit of you
buys you all them expensive natural hair products (trust me.. they aint cheap)
Watches you do your hair
loves when you wear box braids, pulls on them during sex sometimes if you’re too fucked out to care (oop)
smells your hair when you’re sleeping (not in a creepy way I promise)
Doesn’t tolerate racism and will beat the shit out of anyone who tried it with you. Period.
loves your complexion, thinks you look scrumptious in yellow (yellow looks GREAT on black people ok???)
Todoroki’s favorite time of year was the winter. He loved the sweaters, the hot chocolate and more importantly you can finally wear your natural hair out. Since hotter months make your hair sweat out when you straighten it, you usually keep it in braids or locs. But come winter time, you try and wear your natural hair when you can since winter months can be drying to your curls sometimes. You had spend the day (yes it’s a fucking day long process.. for me anyway) taking down your braids while sitting on the couch watching daytime T.V while Shoto was out working. After everything was out, you showered and washed your hair, sighing as the warm water and shampoo soothed and cleansed your scalp carefully. You step out of the shower and comb out your hair while it’s still wet. You do your normal routine and fluff out your curls with an afro pick and smile at your new growth. Unbeknownst to you, Todoroki had been watching the process from start to finish as he was sitting on the bed next to your vanity. You thought he was asleep since he liked sleeping in on Sundays so you were surprised when he got up and kissed you on the cheek, admiring your natural beauty.
“You truly are the most gorgeous person I’ve ever seen, Y/N. I’m so lucky.” He gushed. You giggled and kissed him on his lips, thanking him for the compliment.
“So, what you do want to do today, beautiful?”
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When he met you he wanted to know everything about you
Secretly took notes 👀 has a notebook with your name on it with everything that has to do with you including your hair
Studies you and does your hair exactly like how you do it
Tries to impress you by coming up with new styles to try even though some of them are a bit crazy lookin
Loves you till the death of him
Very very sweet about helping you with your hair when you’re too tired to take care of it sometimes 🥺
You had a long, stressful and exhausting day. You spent all day at the hospital taking care of patien after patient nonstop with damn near no breaks in between. You had resorted to pulling your beautiful curls back and away from your face from all the sweating and running around the hospital, leaving stray curls hanging out. You were always a prim and proper girl almost never seen with your hair unkempt so when you returned home with your hair in a messy low bun, Midoriya knew what was up. He watched as you greeted him weakly and plopped on the couch next to him, laying on his lap and almost falling asleep.
“Rough day?” He ask. You almost burst into tears when you hear your boyfriend ask you about your day. It was rough and frustrating. You were just glad you were finally home so you can relax and try and forget about the taxing day. You sigh as Midoriya rubbed small circles into you back and undid the messy bun you had lazily tied hours before returning home.
“You just relax, princess. I’ll take care of you, ok?” He says lifting you up from his lap and carrying you to the bathroom. He sat you on the sink and put your hair in two braids for you so you could take a shower. He kissed your forehead and hummed sweet I love yous into your ear as you smile and kiss his nose. You loved that he was always so gentle with you, never hesitating to help you when you need it.
“I’ll make us something to eat. Pick out a movie for us to watch, okay? I don’t care if it’s something we’ve seen 100 times. Tonight is all about you.”
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
Me like a week ago: Oh! Syndicate is being sold here for just 15 dollars! I should buy it because it looks neat and my friend reccomended it :3
My siblings: Ą̸̯͉͍̻̻̿̂̂̍̏̓̑ś̷̹͕̲̰͙̖̮͓͝s̶̥͉̽͆̎̔̔͐̈́̚a̶͎̺̹̭͙̞͆s̴̛̩̝͙͉̱̭̋̓̿͝s̶͍̠̲̙̙̓͑̍͘̕̕i̶͕̻͕̤͓͍̺͎̐̀͐̏̇̐͆̈́n̴̻̹̯̲̻̈́̓ş̸̯̜̥̻͎͎͊̉͗͑͜ ̶̝̮̇̄Ç̴̩̺͚̺̰͆̃̂̆͋͝͝͝͝ṟ̵̛͇̯͉̼͍̳͓́̓̎͋͒͂̾ẹ̶̗̏͛̃ę̸̡͈̥̟͎̀̃́͑́͂͗̇̏̓d̴̨̲̥̫͌̾̈́̊̍͘
Anyway we now own 3 assassins creed games-
Tbh this entire time I've been imagining that Henry's brothers forced him to join! Like he was just walking home from college for the week (as he usually stays in his dorm), and when he gets in the house there's alot of. Rather expensive looking items. And are those guns? Is that drugs?! And then while hes noticing all this stuff (and maybe even considering this is the wrong house) he feels a gun to his head and there's his brothers, saying that he has to join them
Oh gosh if the Jekyll brothers have all been in this since Henry was in college. That's like. Alot of his life in fear and in the gang
I imagine specifically the Jekyll brothers are all pretty low on money because they sorta just, ran away and Henry's in college. So while Henry's away Kent and Rapheal end up joining a gang, and ending up pretty high ranked decently fast, like a few months? The two are a very good team. They also believe fully on the templars cause, whatever that is, I wasn't paying much attention
Also! Here's the database entry on them from the game that I'm tired of having to pull up every time XD
"Born to a long family line of seafarers, the Jekyll brothers, Kent and Raphael, follow in their forefathers' footsteps. All sorts of illegal trade are thus welcomed eithin the London ports, right under the government's nose. All imports go through the Jekyll brothers, and quickly find a home on the black market."
Henry is the youngest brother but I dont know by how much. I've decided that since quests have fun lil names that he's called "The Weeping Templar" because it sounds cool :3c
Ahhh I'm still working on those drawings of Jekyll in his mask, it's rather hard to find references for all these outfits you know. But here's a lil sneak peak
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I couldn't decide on an outfit so I decided on 🌟every outfit🌟. Henry sorta just throws em on. Not caring what rank or person is supposed to wear what, as he's just trying to get his templar outfit off as soon as possible
Also. All the gang clothes have the opposite problem of Jacob and Evie. All the guys look like they just stumbled half drunk out of bed, and all the gals I Want To Own All The Clothes Of Immediately
Also also. I just checked the time on the canvas to see how long I've been working on it and ack-. I'm pretty sure I must have left ibisPaintX open or something because no way its actually been 18 hours- I'm not even shading these
My sister started playing syndicate so Soon. We'll know what Kent is truly supposed to look like. As in game I consider more canon than the database
I'm also having fun thinking it's both. Like after that database picture was made he grew a beard
That's exactly what happened to me and I am so glad you are falling into the pit of AC despair that I fell into as well. You better play Origins sometime, that game is absolutely fucking amazing <3
Man... I have such a hard time making up my mind bc at one point, I love the thought of Raphael and Kent falling into bad crowds and forcing Henry down with them (maybe guilt-tripping him by saying that they are all he has bc they are family and shit? And it's thanks to them he managed to get out of their abusive household?) but I also love the thought of like... Raphael and Kent doing it so they can get money so they can actually support Henry through college. And the moment Henry is out of college and maybe learns the truth of how his brothers even got that money they force him to join, or he feels obligated to join because his brothers helped and supported him. I also imagined Henry working at the docks while writing the FK au bc I was projecting so! Man, I wonder how Robert would react if he found out about Henry's family. Or Rachel, for that matter. Like, at one point, she technically can't judge bc of Lucy and the fact that she herself started out as a pick-pocket but at the same time... The Blighters and Templars are so much worse... <3
Oooohohohh now I really want to imagine how the questline for Henry would be. Since he is going to later join the rooks, he wouldn't get murdered with his brothers... Would it be when Greenie tells the Lodgers that there This One Templar that is very much standing out bc they wear a mask that the Twins track him down, or would it be when they try to murder his brothers and find them already dead, their corpses rotting in their offices/somewhere else hidden? Or would it be when they have killed Henry's brothers, realize that they missed the third brother and track him down, only to end up on Dr. Henry Jekyll's doorstep? Bruh, I wish I could mod Syndicate, I would actually have wanted to make this into a playable questline. How would the questline continue to go? Would the twins trust him immediately? Or would Henry be the one to track them down by sending them his templar pendant and the mask, telling them to meet him at X place by Y time like Roth did? sjdfhhAJWHD. Man. I want to know so much more about this sdfsdf
Man, are we having different dilemmas rn. I get so much gender envy from the guys' clothes but the outfits of the gals make me think of a mix between willy wonka (not the original one) and flappers. Don't ask why. I just really want a dress shirt that fits and some nice suspenders <3
BUT WANYWAYS. You are so mean. Now I really want to see the finished art aND. I AM SO CURIOUS NOW. SO MANY PIXELS HIDE TEH SECRETS. AHHHH. How and why are you so mean to me jst giving me sneak peaks sdfjhsdjf >:( XD
Your sister better enjoy this game <3 anyways I am very curious to see what the truth is now lol. That's going to be fun for sure XD
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vadersmom1 · 5 years
What, Like it's Hard?
“Help me pick out what to wear!” Tony calls Pepper and Jan, vibrating with excitement. “I… I think he’s proposing tonight!”
“Oh my gosh, Tony! I’m on my way!” Jan squeals. “Pepper, be ready in two minutes!”
They spend 2 hours picking out the perfect outfit. Ty pulls up. As he gets out, Tony walks out the door. “Hi sweetheart.” Tony kisses him on the cheek.
Once the Bugatti pulls away, Jan squeals, pulling Pepper into a tight hug. “Oh my gosh! I’m soo excited!!!”
Pepper, the more reserved one, smiles brightly. “Why can I see the three exclamation points after that?”
Jan flips her hair. “Skills.”
Tony and Ty enjoy a nice salmon dinner with roasted potatoes and fried calamari. Right before dessert comes out, Ty takes Tony’s hand. “Snooks, can we talk?” 
Excited, Tony nods eagerly. “Sure Ty!”
“Snooks, we have to break up.”
“OF COU- wait, what? Ty? Why?”
“I am transferring to MIT. I’m going to be running Viastone soon, and I need someone serious and useful by my side, not a party animal. I’m sure you see my side.”
“Ty, you can’t be serious. I love you! I thought you were going to propose!” The restaurant grows silent as Tony’s eyes fill with tears. 
“Tony… errr… can we not do this here?” Ty shifts uncomfortably.
“Why? You thought this was a great place to break up, why can’t we talk here?”
Ty signal for the check and quickly pays, pulling Tony out after him. The ride home is uncomfortably silent, but Tony doesn’t trust his voice enough to speak.
Ty gets out to walk him to the door, but Tony hops out. Ty grabs his elbow. “Snookums. You know I still love you. I just can’t be with you.”
Tony ignores him as he walks into the house. Pepper and Jam are still here! Jan has a bottle of champagne to open, but seeing his face, she sets it on the table and wraps him in a hug. “Oh baby. What happened?”
“H-he broke up with me!” Tony sobs. “He s-says he needs someone useful and serious.” 
“He’s neither useful nor serious. He’s wrong, Tones. He’s a jerk. Take his words with a grain of salt.” 
Tony wipes his eyes. “No. He’s right. He has to run a business after his dad dies. He doesn’t need someone like me causing more problems from bad press. So I’m not going to do that anymore. I’m going to serious up. I’m going to transfer to MIT.”
“Tony, you don’t have to prove anything to him.” 
“I don’t,  but I want to be with him. He loves me, you know. He’s just making the best choice for himself. But if he sees I can be serious and useful, he'll take me back.” 
Howard Stark laughs when Tony tells him he is planning on transferring to MIT. “You think you'll get in? Hilarious.” 
Undeterred, Tony makes a call to the Dean, who advises he should send over his information as they may have a few openings. 
After a few weeks of held breath, Tony gets a letter with his transferal acceptance. Jan and Pepper are happy for him, but they think he’s making a mistake.
He flies to Massachusetts, deliriously happy. 
Checking into MIT, he learns he has a roommate – one James Rhodes. Rhodes is in Philadelphia on break so he wouldn’t meet him for another week or so, so Tony sets up his stuff in the room. Tomorrow’s the first day of class! He memorizes the schedule and hall map. Everything is falling into place. Now, to find Ty… Tony drifts off to sleep dreaming about the next day.
Heading down the hall for Lecture Hall 3C, Tony runs into Ty. “Hi Ty!” He says brightly.
Ty almost trips over himself. “Tony? What are doing here?”
“I got into MIT. I’m going to show you I can be serious and helpful in…”
“Ahem.” A beautiful woman cuts Tony off, wrapping her arm around Ty’s back. “Hi love.” She addresses Ty. “Who’s this?”
“Snookums, meet Tony. Tony, this is my girlfriend, Rumiko Fujikawa.”
Snookums?? That was Ty's pet name for TONY! He smiles through the pain. “Nice to meet you. I was heading to class.” He straightens his back and walks past them. 
The first week of class,  Tony is depressed. He knows his stuff, but he's just not into it. Ty moved on,  apparently. Nevertheless, Tony presses on. One little thing won’t bring him down when he is determined. 
He stops past a parts store after class and chats with the man behind the counter. A young army vet who lost his arm in Afghanistan, the man could seem to overly threatening to some, but Tony’s sunny personality wins him over.
Tony buys a few new parts for a project while they talk. The door opens and the man stands ramrod straight. It’s just the delivery guy. “What’s up, buttercup?”
James, the vet, grumbles. “Nothing. Pigeon.”
Tony must look so confused because the delivery guy laughs. “He’s just mad because I was Air Force, and he was Army.” 
“I see.” 
“Sign here and I’ll be out of your hair.”
James signs while saying, “Screw you.” After the delivery guy leaves, he releases his tension. “That’s Sam.”
“He’s cute.” Tony grins.
“Shaddup. Is that everything?” James shoots back good-naturedly.
James Rhodes is tired. His flight was delayed and the cab he took got stuck in traffic. Upon arriving, the dean tells him he has a roommate, some rich transfer kid from UCLA. Daddy probably paid his way on his whim. He knows he shouldn’t judge, but he had to work hard to get a scholarship here, and there’s just so many people who waste it. 
Rhodes unlocks the door to his dorm. There’s… machinery… everywhere. This new kid’s a mess. He groans internally. Bewildered, he looks around searching for… where’s my charger? He finds it on the other side of the room from where he had left it. He quickly unpacks and settles into bed. When he wakes up and goes to class the next morning, he realizes he hasn’t seen his new roommate yet. Oh well. Not his problem. He might be better off not ever seeing him.
Engineering class is definitely his favorite even though Professor Ross is a jerk. A little bit racist, VERY homophobic, and with a power complex, it is very hard to get anywhere with him. His TA, Bruce, is a very mild-mannered man. How he puts up with Ross all the time is beyond Rhodes. 
When he gets to the classroom, there’s a boy in his usual seat. Wow, he is adorable – his glasses are almost bigger than his face! However, he’s in Rhodes' seat. “Excuse me? This is my seat.” He stands beside his desk. The boy looks up with big doe eyes.
“I sat here all week, and you weren’t here. It doesn’t seem like your seat to me.” He replies. 
Rhodes wants to yell and scream, but he’s better than that. He simply just sighs and finds a new seat, one with a much worse view of the board, but, hey, a great view of the new guy!
Ross walks in and asks a question. Rhodes raises his hand and answers. The new guy scoffs. “Are you kidding? That’s not true.” Of course, Ross asks for his opinion. The new guy goes on a long spiel of the ways Rhodes was wrong. The funny thing about this was, he had basically recited the chapter. This new guy just told the book it was wrong! And his points were accurate! Who is this guy? Rhodes is caught between admiring the guy and hating his guts. 
Class goes on the same way, this new guy and he were arguing back and forth, the rest of the class enjoying the ride. 
The day is over and Tony is tired. He wants to get back to his dorm and work on BUTTERFINGERS a little more. He also has to finish JARVIS' code. He hopes he can use that as his project. Oh, his roommate is supposed to be back today! Tony curses himself because he forgot to clean up. He runs the rest of the way to his dorm. Unlocking the door, he finds the cute guy from Engineering sitting at the desk. The guy stands up. “You? Not youhoohoo.” He groans.
Great. Just one letdown after another. Tony smiles. “I’m sorry. I lost track of time and forgot that you would be back today. I’ll clean up everything. I’m Tony Stark.” He reaches out his hand to shake. 
His roomie warily takes it. “James Rhodes.”
“James. Aw, there’s already another James here. Can I call you Rhodey? I’m calling you Rhodey. What are your classes? Mine are…” He rattles off all his classes. He knows he's rambling but he can’t seem to stop.
Does this guy ever shut up? Rhodes thinks. And he thinks he can just call me Rhodey because he knows another James.
He ignores Tony for the first couple weeks, only talking to him when needed. Rhodey starts to notice a few things about the guy, though. He rarely sleeps, he doesn’t eat enough, he talks to himself, and he loves to build things. 
One night, he overhears Tony talking to “Pepper?” – probably another nickname.“Pep. It’s not doing too great. Ty, he doesn’t talk to me. He’s got this Rumiko chick with him at all times, and she scares the crap out of me. I don’t know, I just thought he’d still want me if I went to this school, too. And I paid attention in school and tried.” His voice cracks. “Uh huh. Mmhmm. Yea, I know Pep.” He sniffs. “I miss you guys so much! Yea. There’s a few people. Steve and Nat are great. Yea, there’s a guy at the parts shop. I think, yea that’s James, I think he’s in love with the UPS guy. I’m gonna set that up. Oh Rhodey?” Rhodes stretches his ears to listen as Tony’s voice drops. “I don’t know if he’s here or not. I think he’s really cool! He’s an engineer and in the ROTC program. I don’t think he likes me much though. He won’t talk to me. Maybe I should stop talking so much. Pep, I know. But just because you like me like this doesn’t mean most people do. Ok, thanks Pep. I love you too. Tell Wasp I said hi and that she better call when she has a chance. I already left 4 voicemails.” 
He walks out of his room to see Rhodes at the table. “Oh, hi.” He fumbles with his phone. “How-how long where you out here?”
“Just came in.” Rhodes lies to see Tony’s reaction. 
He visibly relaxes. “Oh ok. You just… startled me.”
Rhodes tries to be nice to Tony after hearing this. He will make dinner and give Tony a plate when he’s on a work binge and forgets to eat. They throw ideas off of each other when experimenting for Engineering. Tony tells him about Pepper and Jan (Wasp) from Malibu. He tells him about Ty, and Rumiko, and even about James and Sam. Rhodey gets used to his nickname and end up telling Tony about his family in Philadelphia. 
Tony is very tactile. He loves so much, even if the person doesn’t love him back. Rhodey can’t believe he disliked the guy in the first place. One night in January, a blizzard held them inside their dorm. They marathoned all the Star Wars movies. Tony loves Luke while Rhodey is a huge Anakin fan. When Tony cuddles up to him, he glances timidly at Rhodey. Rhodey doesn’t react-it just feels right. Oops… he’s falling for Tony… and hard.
Rhodey’s actually being nice to him now! Tony is happy. They worked on BUTTERFINGERS together. Rhodey is great cook – his mom, too. Tony’s had many cookies that she sent up. He’s Tony’s best friend at MIT.
Tony has made several other friends. Natasha is a drama student, Steve’s in for art. Bruce, Ross's TA, is someone who can keep up with Tony’s racing brain. He’s actually interested in Tony’s project. 
James Barnes, the parts store worker, is a hoot. Tony feels bad for him, though. He was in a bad relationship that totally screwed him over, and he can’t do anything about it. Now, he really likes Sam, but he doesn’t know how to approach him. He also is convinced no one could love him (compliments of his ex) so he will not ask Sam out. Tony is determined to set them up.
James-“My name's Bucky, kid.”-'s ex is a rich man on the good side of town. Tony wants to get back at him for Bucky. Against Bucky’s knowledge, he sends a package to this Alexander Pierce. One that’s rigged to blow when opened. Two days later, when Tony is in the shop, the man comes in, furious… and with no eyebrows. 
“Barnes! I am going to kill you! I have a date tonight with a hot heiress, and you ruined it!”
Doing his best to keep from laughing, Bucky says. “Alex. I have no idea what you're talking about. What happened?”
“You know.”
“Don’t you think that if I wanted to get back at you, I’d have done it 6 months ago? I’m over it and you.”
“You’re going to regret this.” Pierce storms out of the shop. Tony bursts out laughing.
Bucky falls off his chair. “That’s freakin hilarious, but who would’ve done that?” 
“Twould be me.” Tony raises his hand. 
“I can’t believe you! Why would you…?”
“To show you he’s a big bowl of jerk. And you should not worry about what he says.” 
Bucky gives him a side hug. “You’re alright, ya know?”
Sam walks in with a package. “What’s so funny?”
“We-ahh- well, it’s none of your business!” Bucky yells, turning to Tony and cringing so Sam couldn’t see him.
“Ok… sorry I asked.” Sam grins.
“No, it’s ok. I just sent a little bomb to his ex. It was hilarious and well-deserved. He just came in spluttering like a walrus.” Tony says easily.
“Nope. It killed him. Deserved it. He was a jerk to our dear Buck.”
“Ok. Deserved indeed. Bucky doesn’t need jerks.” Tony can SEE the hearts in his eyes. This needs to happen.
Sam leaves and Bucky sighs. “ I am in love with him. But he’s way out of my league.”
“Lies. You just need to catch his attention. Skinny jeans - put those thighs and that butt to good use. Wear a man-bun to show those cheekbones. Bucky, you’re HOT.” Bucky blushes but follows his advice.
Bruce asks a few of the top Engineering students to join a special club headed by Ross and himself. Tony, Rhodey, Ty, and Rumiko are all members. They have to create something to present at a science fair. 
Ross is demanding and demeaning. Nothing Tony or Rumiko says goes at all. She stops past Tony’s dorm one night. “Hi. Can I come in?”
Good thing Rhodey’s not here. He’d say no. “Yea sure! We only have one couch, though.”
Rumiko sits down, and they sit awkwardly in silence. “You know, Ross doesn’t like us.”
“Yea, I’m gay and you’re female.” Tony replies.
BUTTERFINGERS rolls up, beeping happily. Rumiko smiles. “Oh my gosh! It’s so cute! A robot.”
“Yea his name's BUTTERFINGERS. I think he likes you. Here.” He hands her a ball. “Throw it. He loves fetch.” 
When she leaves, Rumiko touches his arm. “I’m sorry I was such a crappy person. Can we be friends?” 
“Sure! See you in class tomorrow?”
Rhodey is skeptical when Tony tells him. “She’s probably just using you.”
“I want to give her a chance.” He says brightly.
Class is the same the next day, but Tony brings in plans. He’s going to miniaturize the arc reactor. Ross laughs at him, but Bruce looks at the plans and believes it’s possible. This is what they’re going to do for the science fair, and if it works, Tony will go places. Ross starts taking his advice over Ty’s. He sounds like he respects his decisions. 
After two months, Tony finishes the final touches. The device starts to glow with energy. It powers all the lights in the room. It’s finally ready for the science fair. 
Ross calls Tony into his office one day. “You know, if all goes well, I may ask you to lead a group I run with me. We tour the country teaching science to groups.”
Tony is interested in this so he sits to talk more. Ross stands up to pour them glasses of Scotch. “You know, you’re VERY attractive for a man.” He runs his index finger and thumb over Tony’s beard and cheekbone. 
“What are you doing?” Tony leans away.
“Oh, come on. You’re a party boy from LA. You’re as easy as they come. Do you really think you’re smart enough to be in this club?” Tony jumps up, disgusted, and runs out of the room.
He finds Rhodey in the dorm. Crying, he tells Rhodey what happened. Rhodey is furious. “You need to report him. You are the reason we’re still IN this competition.”
There’s a knock at the door. It’s Rumiko. “I thought we were both discriminated against! We were both trying our hardest to get in this! And you have to go and screw the teacher.” She accuses.
“Rumi.” “Don’t call me that.” “Rumiko. I didn’t… I didn’t do anything. I should’ve punched him in the face. I ran out instead. I wouldn’t touch that old codger even if it was the only way I could pass.”
She looks at him warily. “Then why were you in his office?”
“He offered me a job that I’m definitely NOT going to take now.” Tony fumes. “We can get him unseated. I just need you as my witness. Let’s go to the Dean.”
Ross is fired, and Bruce takes his place. Tony’s team wins the science fair. Ty comes over after the fair and asks to talk. “Tones. I made a huge mistake. I didn’t think you could be serious, but I was wrong. I dumped Rumi. Will you take me back? I’m on my knees.” 
“Ty. You know I came all this way for you, but I realize now that it wasn’t for you. It was for me to see that I don’t need or want you. I made so many friends here that I don’t regret coming, but I’m done chasing after you. Bye.”
Rhodey can’t believe his ears. Ty is asking Tony to come back! After all that! He can’t hear what Tony said, but he hopes he rejects him. Rhodey will not be able to bear the pain of seeing Tony with Ty. Tony walks back in the room, and Rhodey asks. “What did he want?”
“To get back together.”
“Are you kidding me? The guy’s an idiot. Never gonna happen again. Thank you Rhodey.”
“For what? I didn’t do anything.” 
Tony hugs him. “You made me realize that I can do so much better than him. I love you Rhodey.”
Does that mean…? “I love you, too, Tones.” A moment of crackling charged air. Rhodey leans down and kisses Tony, who surges up to kiss him back. They take it to Rhodey’s room so BUTTERFINGERS can’t watch. It would feel weird if he could.
“He told you he dumped me? I dumped HIS butt. Figures. I don’t know what I saw in him. And you KNOW his dad paid his way.” Rumiko rants. 
Tony cuddles up to Rhodey and laughs. “I thought as much. I’m glad you saw the light like me. I’m going to introduce you to my friends, Pepper and Jan. You’d love them.” 
Bucky and Sam visit a few days later. “I followed your advice. He definitely noticed.” Bucky rambles. “I want to thank you for all your help and for listening to my rants. You helped me see that I am capable of being loved.” 
When they all leave, Tony hears JARVIS' disembodied voice. “They all love you, Sir. I am very happy to know you.”
Tony used love and happiness to draw people in and never let them go. 
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almguav · 5 years
What software and tech do you use to make your art? And can you show the process of how you draw, please?
Oooo i’m glad ur interested cause I like talking abt this stuff!✨
For software I use Clip Studio Paint (Pro) which I bought in June last year so I’ve been using for nearly 8 months! From someone who’s been using Paint Tool Sai (v.1) for about 8 years before using CSP, I do miss the textures and some brushes Sai had but I really really really recommend buying CSP if you can. (bonus if it’s sale which it regularly does go on! I bought mine when it was 50% off >:3c) CSP is just a powerhouse and it’s allowed to make more of my ambitious art way more easily than I would of been able to in any other art program. And you don’t even have to know or use all the fancy tools they offer.(I’m still learning abt the stuff I could do with it even after having it for so long)
And the tech I use is a Wacom Intuos Art (theres like three different tablets called that, so mine is completely black with two buttons on the top left and top right corners, and then two buttons on the side of the pen.) I got it nearly six years ago and I’ve only had to get a replacement wire once! Many people have different opinions on graphic tablets (no screen) vs tablet PCs (with a screen) so personally I woulnd’t have fun with a tablet PC, I like not having to look at my hand to draw cause otherwise it strains my neck and wrist way more faster from having them at certain angles. Using a tablet PC while not having a normal desk to work at is also a big restraint on comfort. A lot of ppl are under the impression you need a tablet PC to be ‘professional’ or to make great art but that’s far from the case pfft. 
As for my process it varies between my painting style and my normal style. There’s speed paints I’ve made here and here! As well as this explanation I answered a while back abt my painting process!
In general though, I start with a quick sketch of the basic shapes and details I want to remember. Usually I have the composition, pose, colors, and etc. already as a vague idea in my mind when I make the sketch,  but if I don’t I scroll through pinterest or social media for inspiration! I always try to draw with at least one reference on hand to the side whether it’s for a pose, a color scheme, or just a drawing with the theme I want to achieve! So from the sketch to a complete piece, on a normal day I spend around 2-4 hours finishing a drawing! Near the end of a drawings I like to utilize tools like hue shifting, correction layers, and regular overlay or pin light layers over the whole drawing to make the colors exactly how I like em!
I know that’s pretty vague but it really depends on what type of drawing I’m doing :0 (if you want to ask abt a certain piece I did, I would be happy to talk abt it as much as I can! ^^)
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iraprince · 5 years
btw sketchbook 6 is probably gonna get pushed back bc like... 3 entire pages of it so far is my huevember drawings but i’ve decided to take those out bc. idk like i feel weird having a solid third of a paid behind-the-scenes thing being drawings ive already posted yknow? like there’s always a portion of each sketchbook that’s stuff i’ve already posted but usually not a huge chunk of pages like this so!!! i’d just rather fill it up with different stuff. 
thanks for being patient! i know the wait between each sketchbook has been getting longer and longer but that’s because each one has been more densely packed with more drawings, and drawings that are more detailed, too. i want them to be worth paying for, whether you buy them a la carte on itchio or gain access to them by supporting me on patreon, so i’ve been making them more and more content-packed over time. i prefer it this way!! (and remember that patrons get to see all that content early as i finish pages :3c)
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crystu-cii · 4 years
I agree, English is always ew XDD Hence why I'm speedrunning it by taking my fourth english next semester so I can get it over with- would've done math but I'm on my last year if math since I've already speedrun math XD
I personally find my binder(from gc2b btw) extremely comfortable! They've got measurements on their site, and you can contact support and tell them your measurements if you need help deciding what size to get (from experience they're very helpful!! I had to contact support bc my shoulder and chest sizes were five sizes apart XD) if you think you'd be more comfortable with a binder, trans or not, I say go for it- the one I got was $35, it was one of the nude tank binders, very comfy- also feel free to snatch my Def Not Trans™ reasons if they'd work for you XD
It's kinda bizarre tbh but like people also think gender dysphoria is a Necessity to be trans sooo idk I think a lot of humans are just stupid tbh XD
:0 thank you!!!💕💕 I actually came up with it(and by that I mean found it on a baby names website and saw it means star lover-- XD) before Henry and then I got back into thsc and started liking Henry's name and was like 👀 YES I love the nickname Astro-- :o dög-- tbh I love any nicknames that have stuff to do with stars so long as they don't sound to feminine- I mean I like feminine things but being called a feminine name makes me :/ a nickname someone gave me is literally just "Stars" XD (based off my usual username Shooting-Stars :>)
Yesss it sO difficult-- I tend to just not tell anyone to avoid the anxiety of it tbh- XD I feel that oms-- w h eeze we are so similar XD
WHAT A M O OD-- I have officially decided that the sole set-in-stone thing about me is that I'm an artist XDD
OFC CRYS 💕💕💞💖💞💕 also feel free to switch between them!! :3c and if you come up with any nicknames too XD
ohh mann lucky :Ooo im not sure how the finishing subjects early thingy works in schools cause like- i just want to be a nOrMaL student- xDDD so im just sticking with the majority of people
and OHHHH I heard of that website! once i told my friend(TREE!) that i wanted to get a binder- they sent me a post thread from insta of the safest binders to get, and it mentioned buying it from gc2b! but i still had the issue of my mom most likely going to be like "nO WhY dOnT yOu LikE yoUr chESt tHe WaY iT iS" and i just assume its going to take forever to convince her that i want a binder-
then tree- all of a sudden was like- "bro- i can get you a binder from gc2b" and i was like "BRO??? 😳😳😭❤💞" but at the same time- i was like "so how am i gonna make my mom not notice" and we had a little debate over it xD they didnt get me the binder- not that i fully expected it- but i might actually ask them to buy it from the website and then ill trade em money (this is, what the filipino trio[me, larie, and tree] likes to call it, having a drug dealer XDDD) but im super glad to hear its comfortable! that actually makes me a lot more confident into wanting one!
and OH MY GODD looking at baby names for name ideas iS LEGIT MEEE LIKE- even for my OCs i tend to search up name ideas and then the first thing it shows is "HEY- HERES A LIST OF BABY NAMES CAUSE WE ASSUME YOURE HAVING A BABY--" XDDD and ohhh i understand about you not liking feminine names! and omg stars sounds like a really cute nickname too! xD
man holy crap- i swear we are like twins or smth i cant believe we have so much things in common i love it xDD 😳😭❤💞💞
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maerveil · 4 years
50 Questions You Have Never Been Asked
i was tagged by @loverofelves​ :3c thank u <3
1. What is the color of your hairbrush?
black, nothing special, my mom got it from a dollar store for me bc my old one was literally falling apart but i refused to replace it
2. A food you never eat?
the only thing i can think of that i would probably not eat even if that meant it gets thrown away is steak, or any cut of red meat. i have a lot of trouble swallowing it for some reason. most other foods i hate i would still rather eat than waste them
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold?
theres no really comfortable temperature for me i think. im always either too warm or too cold. but since i spend most time in my bedroom which only gets sunlight for about 4 hours a day, im usually too cold
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
painting with watercolours and listening to music
5. What is your favorite candy bar?
i avoid sweets so i dont really know the different breeds of candy bar
6. Have you ever been to a professional sporting event?
ive participated in a few swimming tournaments when i was younger and a friend dragged me to see an ice hockey match a few years ago
7. What was the last thing you said out loud?
'hey’ at my cats because they were climbing my shelf....
8. What is your favorite ice cream?
not really a flavour, but strawberry sundae, with real strawberries and white chocolate... theres nothing quite like it
9. What was the last thing you had to drink?
tap water
10. Do you like your wallet?
its a huge black leather wallet. i wanted one like this really bad when i was like 14 yrs old, now i kinda think its too big. but i like that it has space for all kinds of clutter like cards and pictures... i want to say i feel neutral about it but considering how long ive had it im probably at least a little attached
11. What was the last thing you ate?
a small bowl of plain oats with milk for breakfast
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
no... im saving my money for useless things rn!
13. The last sporting event you watched?
im really not into sports so whenever i watch sports it i dont do so deliberately. uhm. i think biathlon was on tv one time a few months ago when i visited my dad
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
i like it when its sweet but not so much that your fingers get terribly sticky from it
15. Who was the last person you sent a text message to?
my dad probably
16. Ever go camping?
yea i went camping w my dad a lot when i was younger, almost every summer for 8 years. im mentioning my dad a lot here. we are not as close as one might think
17. Do you take vitamins?
18. Do you go to church every Sunday?
no im too pretty
19. Do you have a tan?
no, but my right arm is a bit red from sitting on my balcony too long yesterday
20. Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza?
depends entirely on my mood, i dont have a general preference
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw?
only when i want to act like a slut which is never
22. What color socks do you usually wear?
i usually wear black tights
23. Ever drive above the speed limit?
I CANT DRIVE AND I NEVER WILL and if you drive above the speed limit thats +5 on your sin counter. i will know
24. What terrifies you?
those scary creepypasta images, communication, and anything unpredictable. also the possibility that jjba part 7 will be animated entirely in cgi
25. Look to your left what do you see?
a manga panel of dio i traced and taped to my wall, a bunch of jjba prints, and a tiny sticker of diego
26. What core do you hate?
if this is about music... i actually dont even want to spell out the name of that genre, thats how disgusting it is. its got to do with anime
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?
that time in like, 7th grade, where english class was mostly about learning australian vocabulary
28. What is your favorite soda?
i dont drink soda im so scared of the liquid sugar but like cherry or vanilla coke probably
29. Do you go into a fast food place or just hit the drive through?
i dont ever go to fast food places, but if i did id hit the drive thru. inside its too loud and i hate when people can watch me eat
30. Who was the last person you talked to?
in person... my dad i think
31. Favorite cut of beef?
its all bad
32. Last song you listened to?
all the fools sailed away by dio (the band with real life people in it)
33. Last book you read?
der unsichtbare apfel by robert gwisdek. im still reading it actually im just too busy to finish anything rn
34. Favorite day of the week?
saturday of course!! although last night there was someone in front of my window at 3am who screamed for two seconds for seemingly no reason. this stuff doesnt happen on weekdays
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards?
no and im self conscious about it
36. How do you like your coffee?
37. Favorite pair of shoes?
my dr martens mary janes... easy to get in and out of... simple... cute... whats not to love. theyre starting to fall apart tho bc i wear them all the time
38. At what time do you usually go to bed?
between 9 and 11 pm
39. At what time do you normally get up?
between 5 and 9 am
40. What do you prefer - sunrises or sunsets?
emotionally, sunrises bc sunsets remind me that the day is over and my time has run out... but aesthetically, sunsets
41. How many blankets are on your bed?
two, one weighted and one normal
42. Describe your kitchen plates?
plain white... super boring and i hate them but i used to live with a minimalist and tried to be considerate to avoid conflict
43. Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage?
rum w cola or pina coladas, but i usually avoid alcohol. makes me feel like a soggy sponge and so sleepy. hate it
44. Do you play cards?
no all card games are bad!!
45. What color is your car?
i cant drive
46. Can you change a tire?
i cant even consider learning how to do it
47. What is your favorite province?
48. Favorite job you ever had?
i hate jobs and careers and i would sooner let myself get exploded into a thousand pieces by impact with a speeding train than take up a job again
49. How did you get your biggest scar?
i was 15, in a really bad place mentally, and tried to make a point to someone... uh oh!
50. What did you do today that made someone happy?
this question is guilt tripping me
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vespamultimuse · 4 years
( Shu x Mika! )
The OTP!
where they first met and how: Depends who you ask. Mika says they met when he ran away from the orphanage and was digging through a dumpster, Shu doesn’t remember that. He thinks they first met when Mika came to see him and Nito perform and asked him to join Valkyrie when he saw Mika’s eyes. (I may have that wrong on Shu’s part, please correct me if it is!)
how long their ‘flirting’ phase was before feelings got involved: God, years. I bet they didn’t start dating until after Shu graduated. Or they’ve been dating this whole time and didn’t even realize it.
who fell for who first (if applicable): Definitely Mika. Shu may be smart but the guy is oblivious when it comes to feelings. I bet he didn’t even realize he was in love with Mika until Mika confessed. 
where their first date was and what it was like: It was probably just a small little date, like at a cafe or something. And even though they probably didn’t do much else different, Mika was still a blushy mess because ‘wow, it’s actually a date this time!” Shu looked composed but he was riddled with anxiety on the inside cause he knows this is Mika’s first ever date and he wants it to go perfectly and make sure Mika has a good time.
who asks who out and how (with a sign? spelled out on a cake? just a simple ‘will you go out with me’?): Mika, I bet he did it with a letter cause he didn’t want to get nervous and trip over his words. Like he confessed his feelings and then once Shu read it he’d ask him on a date.
who proposes first: I love the idea of double proposals so much so I want to say that’s what happened. Like Shu gets down on his knees and then Mika starts crying and pulls out the ring he got. 
if they keep / kept their relationship secret or let everyone know right away: Depends. From fans and general public, it has to be a secret cause idols aren’t allowed to date. But I imagine they tell their friends. Like Mika tells Arashi cause of course he’s gonna let his bestie in on what’s going on. And Shu probably tells his fellow Oddballs but like. Casually put it’s in a conversation and then tries to change the subject so they don’t tease him. Yet they still do.
where the proposal happens and how (kiss cam at a baseball game? on a hillside surrounded by ducks? at a disney park?): If Shu proposes first, it’s probably over a nice candlelit dinner. For Mika, he’d probably do it at a picnic
if they adopt any pets together: I could see them getting a cat or maybe something like a rabbit or a hamster
who’s more dominant: Probably Shu? Unless it’s with physical affection, Mika definitely has him beat on that front. I read in a fanfic that Mika was an aggressive cuddler and that stuck with me
where their first kiss was and what it was like: It probably was at Mika’s apartment and it just happened. Like they were cuddling and watching movies (horror because that’s like the majority of movies Mika has, let’s be real-) The movie ends, Mika looks up at Shu and then they just. kiss because it felt right in that moment.
if they have any matching couples stuff (mugs? sweaters? pillowcases?): Mika would love stuff like this so of course. Could be anything, they get matching keychains, sweaters, plushies. Shu acts grumpy about it but I like the think he likes it too lol
how into pda they are: Mika wouldn’t mind it but I imagine Shu doesn’t like it. Plus as idols, they can’t be too affectionate in public.
who holds the umbrella when it rains: They take turns but I bet Shu holds it more often than Mika
where their usual ‘date spot’ is (if applicable): Shu isn’t a fan of crowds so they probably spend most date nights at home rather than out. They are content as long as they get to be with each other anyway
who’s more protective: Shu but Mika definitely has his moments.
how long it is before they sleep together (can be as in ‘had sex’ or as in ‘shared a bed’): I like to hc that Mika would often crawl into Shu’s bed cause he has trouble sleeping alone, so that was a thing even before they were dating. Sex is another thing entirely and I’m pretty sure that took a lot of talking before they even tried it.
if they argue about anything: I’m sure they do, since it’s normal for couples to argue sometimes. But it’s probably mostly Shu just nagging and being fussy over Mika, especially once he’s living alone.
who leaves more marks (lipstick, hickeys, scratchmarks etc.): Mika, Shu probably hates it. Shu rarely, if ever, leaves any kind of mark and if he does, it wasn’t intentional by any means.
who steals whose clothes and how often: Mika definitely does, all the time.
how they cuddle (spooning? facing each other?): Probably depends on whatever Mika is in the mood for that night, since Shu doesn’t mind how they sleep. Mika probably prefers to be facing Shu though, with his face pressed against Shu’s chest or neck.
what their favourite nonsexual activity is: Cuddling while watching movies.
how long they stay mad at each other: Depends how stubborn Shu is but it’s probably only ever an hour at the most because who can resist Mika’s kicked puppy look?
what their usual coffee / tea orders are: idk enough about coffee or tea, so skip
if they ever have any children together: They definitely adopt at least one kid, because Mika loves kids and would want to give one a home like his parents did for him. Shu’s not the best with kids but he wants Mika to be happy. I could see them getting a little girl and Shu making the most pretty dresses for her.
if they have any special pet names for each other: Probably lots, like honey or baby, the normal ones. But I imagine they mostly call each other by first name because that’s really intimate in Japan. Especially for Shu and Mika, since they have called each other different things (like Kagehira and Oshi-san) before they started dating
if they ever split up and / or get back together: Definitely not, Mika stubbornly clings to the things (and people) he loves and Shu is not the forgive and forget type. If they ever got close to breaking up, they probably sat down and seriously talked about it to see what would be best for them but never actually broke up
what their shared living space is like (messy? clean? what kind of decor?): Probably very clean, or at least messily organized. As for decor... There’s probably dolls and stuffed animals displayed everywhere
what their first christmas / hanukkah / etc as a couple was like: Cliche af but they definitely made each other something. Like Shu noticed Mika’s gloves are getting worn out so he makes Mika a new pair. Mika knits him a scarf or maybe makes him a plushie! Then they would cuddle up under blankets with hot coco to watch cheesy Christmas movies while it snows outside.
what their names are in each other’s phones: Mika’s is definitely just ‘Shu’ with a cute little heart emoji beside it. Shu’s is just ‘Kagehira’ because it’s been in his phone like that forever and he doesn’t know how to change it. But maybe once they get married, he asks his friends to change it to ‘Mika Itsuki’ :3c
if they have any ‘couple traditions’ (buying a new mug for their collection every year? baking every friday evening?): My family has a tradition on Christmas where every year we buy each other fuzzy socks. I can see Mika and Shu definitely doing that. Or every year, they get a new doll and plush to add to their ever growing collection
who falls asleep first and who wakes up first: Mika is the first to fall asleep but the hardest to get up in the morning. Shu has times where he stays up late to finish a project but is always the first to wake up every morning.
who’s the big spoon/little spoon: Shu is the big spoon and Mika is the little spoon
who hogs the bathroom: Mika but not intentionally. He just gets lost in daydreams or shower thoughts while he bathes. Shu always makes sure to get in before Mika because of that lol
who kills the spiders/takes them outside: Mika is the poster child for catching and relocating spiders.
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ashendalia · 4 years
cherry vanilla, key lime, matcha, and red velvet for michiru? :3c
hghghgghhhhh okay so the app deleted my answer the first time so hopefully this time i can actually finish it
cherry vanilla: how does your F/O show their affection for you?
One way Michiru definitely shows affection is by cooking for Ashe. One reason is because he knows that when Ashe is back at their own place they unfortunately don't have the best eating habits. Another reason though is because whenever he starts when Ashe is there, they end up watching him and then start to help him and the two end up finishing the food together.
Another way is honestly just small displays of affection like hand holding, cuddling, and other thing like that, whether it be in public or private. Ashe will immediately melt whenever Michiru initiates any sort of that stuff most of the time too.
Also don't get me started on that thing where one person cups the other person's face in their hands because I will implode..............
key lime: how would you describe your self-ship’s aesthetic?
okay so im like really ba at describing stuff like this, especially now because the only thought thats coming to my head is warm and soft like mash potatoe................
im sorry this is not my strong suit haha
matcha: what kind of gifts does your F/O give you? Are they always buying you little presents or do they invest only in larger items for birthdays or holidays?
Ashe absolutely loves seeing all the different things Michiru has sewn, crocheted, or knitted, so he eventually starts making things for them too. He'll make them little things sometimes, but definitely put a lot of time and effort into bigger gifts for times like their birthday or holidays.
red velvet: what is your favorite food to bake with your F/O?
Ashe actually really enjoys baking things like cakes and pastries, so often times the two will make one of those types of things when Ashe is in a mood to bake. Then like when Ashe eventually ends up helping Michiru when he's cooking, he'll wind up helping Ashe with baking and they'll finish the food together.
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universal-kitty · 5 years
ALRIGHT, Hit me up with your LoZ theories!!
   OKAY, this is going to be a MAJOR DOOZY, so hear me out-! Buckle in, get snacks, a drink or two, cause whenever LoZ and I lock eyes, I write like a novelist who’s final draft is due Monday of next week…and it’s Friday.
   First off, I’d like to introduce my building block to all of my subsequent theories involving this series: There’s a fourth goddess that would complete the Triforce.
   This theory has…typically died out, but I won’t let it. I keep mine alive and kicking, because while most people try to nudge someone else into that empty slot (Goddess of Time, Goddess of Deserts (of the Gerudo), Hylia, etc), there’s a FAR more convincing, prior unknown option… One of darkness.
   Four themes are actually more prevalent in LoZ despite threes being the sign of the goddesses and- you would think- be more common compared to fours, but… Hey, there’s a lot to work with when you have four, especially when you look at it from the perspective of the Japanese.
   Anyways… Under the cut go the shorthand of my extensive notes.
We’ll start with four, the first basis for this theory I think of a lot: “Four” in Japanese can be read as “shi” [死 ]. This specific reading translates to “death” and is considered an unlucky number. If four goddesses could be unlucky….why not cast out for 3?
Though what’s interesting… I couldn’t find a source for it- so who knows, maybe the guy pulled it outta his ass- but there was a theory video involving Majora’s Mask that mentioned purple often being a color of death in Japan. Again, couldn’t find anything to back that claim up, but…. On the other hand…..
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The image above is of the Shadow Medallion from Ocarina of Time. Not only is it in the color purple, but it’s found in the Shadow Temple (a place that seems to reek of death and horrors) and features…an upside down triangle, with three dots around it…… Hmm.
Equally baffling, the Four Poe Sisters from the Forest Temple in the same game. Four over three, again. Also, this is a trend we see repeat in ANY Four Sword adventure… Take a look.
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Note how we can see the colors of the four goddesses represented here. Red for Din, of Power. Green for Farore, of Courage. Blue for Nayru, of Wisdom…and purple. The fourth, odd color out.
This is actually ANOTHER issue in Tri-Force Heroes. While on the surface, all Links would be accounted for…. There IS a fourth, forgotten Dopple…. Check it out.
Ditto for Minish Cap; four objects, purple the odd color out. Image link.
It’s suspicious, I tell you.
Four AGAIN shows up in Twilight Princess, wherein there are FOUR guardian Light spirits… Three helped the goddesses, while one was unaccounted for…. I believe this was Ordona, far removed in nearby Ordon Village.
Nintendo tries to state “Ordona” finishes Faron’s name (for Farore), but I personally find THAT a load of bologna.
Though not of four, Purple continues to be an important color in the LoZ franchise… Even when they remove it from the final product. See here, the removed Fairy Doors from Phantom Hourglass (Philos) and the almost-there sixth Lokomo of Shadow… See their art Here (Syda).
A theory persists Bryne might’ve still been the reincarnated “Shadow lokomo”, but it’s only a theory that’s never been confirmed. (Much like the stuff I do.)
As well… What purpose would there be for the goddesses to create flaws? Who would create Demise? Where did he come from? The darkness, the evil….and all the creatures that bloom from it…?
Having also learned of beings like the Horned Statue and looking more into Malanya (BotW)… There are beings who don’t fit the norm of most “godly” creations, but STILL fit into the role of such “gods.”
(Which, I should note now, I use loosely; as someone else pointed out during my binge-watching, “gods” are probably used in translation of “kami”… Which is more like “god or spirit” in Japanese. Kami are a complicated thing for our mindset of what gods are, but… Essentially, all things have a spirit and are alive. A worship of them can go from “spirit” to “god” as far as translation goes, but….. Y’know.)
I just personally don’t see a bunch of well-intentioned goddesses go a’slippin’ and spill out some evil, especially one as chaotically evil as Demise goes…
So I brought forth the idea of Orona. An exiled fourth goddess of Shadow. Chosen color purple. Creator of Demise and the evil within the hearts of Hyrule.
   Oh, and the bit! About the Horned Statue and Malanya! That’s new!!! Which is what’s really gotten me jazzed about my theories involving LoZ… I just keep feeling like Nintendo is unintentionally validating me, even though it’d be a game-changer and probably would work TOO WELL for ending the series… Which is the last thing Nintendo would want to do.
   ….I mean, not that it’s going to stop me any. I can write out how my version of the series could end as Nintendo keeps making money and I keep giving it to them, too, LMAOOO. To be fair to them, don’t fix what ain’t broken….and I’ll sure keep buying Pokemon and Legend of Zelda long as the series keeps living up to the core of what they’ve always been, y’know?
   Anyways, wanna drop one more theory on ya before I set you free. :3c
So… Remember Groose? Skyward Sword? Red hair, kinda tanned skin, golden eyes? Wanted the girl, lost out to MC, grew enough by that time that he wasn’t bitter about it, and flew off with friends to go be cool somewhere else?
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Yeah, that guy. So…. Here me out.
Groose got cursed by Demise, too. It wasn’t ONLY Zelda/Hylia and Link who were dragged down into the reincarnation cycle.
Hear me out… Most people have made a fair guess that- by endgame- Groose and Co. flew off in the way of Lanayru Desert. (Once a populous ocean and with green fields… I’d joke about it being a downgrade, but I live in a desert, too, so… FML.) This location- deserts, specifically- have been KNOWN for housing the Gerudo race.
Now…. Please look at Groose compared to an OoT Gerudo.
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They might not be the most similar people in existence….but you try to tell ME that a few who-knows-how-many-generations later, his kids could VERY WELL end up becoming the Gerudo race.
(Also not a flattering picture, but I don’t have a lot to work with premade…and I currently don’t have the ability to make one of these on my own.)
So what am I getting at? Groose was cursed to have his descendants bear his new host.
Theory goes like this: Groose is cursed. Never knows of it. He has kids normally… They have kids normally….for a few generations. As time goes on, more women are born, less men. Until no boys are born, only little girls who resemble their mothers. It never ceases.
Until the day the first boy in thousands of years is born. He is hailed a king of their people, in honor of such a rare, undocumented occasion.
Ganondorf, they name him. Unknowing that within the boy, is a demon, waiting for his time. Ganondorf shall grow up with a hatred unmatched, nobody will know why, but the goddesses will. They will do nothing unless called down with might.
Unwittingly, Groose continues a line of a people scorned nearly always by Hyrule, who’s king is ALWAYS destined to lose himself to the madness of the darkness that consumes his very being.
EDIT: BEFORE I FORGET, I also think it’s very telling of BotW to say there’s “not been another male Gerudo since the King who became the Calamity” that’s very HMM, isn’t it?? (Reference: Creating a Champion / Master Works)
   My name is Aki, and I stan the LoZ franchise because I rebuilt it with my bare hands, how’ya doin’?
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b4dluckbin · 5 years
I am evil but- 1 to 50, answer them all!! hahaha (if you only want to do this for one oc- then michaleas)
Hello, I hate you. I'm also not going to cut this because I have no idea how so have fun everyone.
This is for Michaleas Lament.
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?
His full name is Michaleas Ermiah Lament. First part is because Michael,,, sounds tOO WHITE. Ermiah I came up with my myself but looking into it, it is kinda close to Ermias or Jeremiah. Hmmmm. Lament? He's a sad boi.
2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them?
One personal title he was given while in the military was "The Lamenting Giant". It was more to poke fun at their commander more than anything because of how tall he was and usually he has a distant, kind of sad look on his face like he was constantly thinking.
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory?
Yes he did- until he was 9. It was pretty modest but comfortable until then. Fond memories he had would be are listening to his mother hum as he helped her clean around their little house, and looking over his fathers woodwork that he sold in town. For the last bit..... *SCOFFS* His entire life after 9 years old. That's all chock full of bad memories but if I have to limit it of his childhood,,, everything from 9 to 20 years old.
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents?
He knew both his father and mother! He had a very good relationship with them both. They were very nurturing but stern when they needed to be (like when he wanted to go outside or into town with his father). A good memory he has of them is just them sitting together for dinner and his father telling him stories about the places he had been when he was younger.
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
He has no siblings.
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
He never went to school. He was taught what his father and mother had learned.
7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood?
He didn't have any childhood friends as he was cooped up in his house until he was 9. Then he was enslaved for about 10 or so years.
8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals?
No he didn't have any pets. He is neutral about animals.
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals?
He's never really interacted with animals before.
10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?
.... CONNA YOU REALLY SHOULD HAVE EXCLUDED SOME OF THESE- Oh god... He thinks children are cute from a distance but are very annoying. He has a son named Adiren. Because of the situation (no I'm not saying it to validate him in just trying to be like vague with how I'm saying this. He is a terrible father in main canon) he was a neglectful father. But in AUs I've had for him he is decent. He's just a tad bit over protective. As a god father? Uhhhh depends on if this is AU or Canon dad Michaleas. If it was an AU and all is Gucci then he'd be decent enough at being a caregiver. If it was main story well- he wouldn't really be worried about them.
11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?
Michaleas is actually not allergic to anything. Except love. Also no, this big boi is a meat eater.
12. What is their favourite food?
Steak and potatoes.
13. What is their least favourite food?
Id have to say maybe fish? He doesn't really like the smell.
14. Do they have any specific memories of food/a restaurant/meal?
Stew,,, his mother made that a lot.
15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?
He is actually fairly decent at cooking! He does enjoy it because it's something to take his mind off of whatever he's currently thinking about. He's been told it's really good but he doesn't,,,, care for compliments.
16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it?
If there is a flower he has never seen before you best believe he will press it into his journal.
17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos?
Lmao in a modern AU? He'd probably have a little blog or something dedicated to flower pictures. He won't take a picture of himself because he hates how he looks.
18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else
If my boy was literate, I'd say he'd be into adventure stories. He loves acoustic jams because he plays the guitar. Tv or films??? Maybe family movies and comedys. Video games?????? Medieval-esque stuff. He'd be too into Dark Souls and rhythm games.
19. What’s their least favourite genres?
Tragedy (They just make him sad). For music it's anything too loud.
20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes?
I don't think he'd be a fan of musicals very much. Music in general? He likes. If his favorite song were to come on he'd probably just sit and hum along with a smile.
21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
*insert laugh meme* Yeah. Yeah he fucking does and his blood curse revolves around it. Oh boy he's prone to yelling.
22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?
He likes to use the word "privileged" a lot against people that are acting out.
23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?
He has a good memory but he can remember faces better than the names that correspond to them.
24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
It isn't much sleeping as it is lying awake and staring at the wall. When he does sleep ooooh yeah he snores. Not like,,, super loud but noticeable. He likes a more soft bed because hard beds make his back hurt.
25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?
,,, he has a dark sense of humor unless it's just something you really can't have a straight face at. Someone almost choke on bread? He will have a fit. He isn't really one for telling jokes himself.
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions?
When Micha is happy he usually just has a smile plastered on his face for a while. He is capable of singing but doesn't like doing it, so he opts to humming. He doesn't know how to dance.
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?
Remembering his past trauma. No he doesn't cry regularly and if he feels he will he will hide off somewhere and call himself a dumb ass. When he's sad he's desolate. He makes himself scarce and when he is around you get that brooding feeling.
28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
Going back to the slave ring. Nothing really scares him. Maybe little jump scares but eh. When he's actually fucking terrified? He will close up on himself and leave. Fast.
29. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective?
Like Kai it really just depends on what the fear is. Spiders? You can handle that yourself. Groups of unknown people in an unknown place? Yeah no, come here and walk with him now so he can watch out.
30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out?
Post military Michaleas hardly worked out any more, but when he was still there? Totally.
31. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing?
Oh gOD THIS IS PART OF THE PROBLEM WITH HIM BEING A PARENT. He falls into a deep depression because of some shit and picks up drinking more so than he did before in the military. He really just wants to forget so badly. When he's hungover he's a complete asshole. When he's drunk it's just sad boi hours.
32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
He gets his clothes at any normal clothing store. Nothing fancy at all just basic shirt and pants. Sleeping is just pants no shirt. His hair? Messy short brown hair parted in the middle with Short cut bangs.
33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties?
Hi, the image of granny panty Micha is scared into my brain thanks- boxers my fam.
34. What is their body type? How tall are they? Do they like their body
Me, explaining Micha to anyone: Bara. But,,,, smaller,,,, he's like 6ft6-6ft7. Does he like his body? Eh. He doesn't like the scars that litter it.
35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure?
Guilty pleasure? Spending time with a certain fucking vampire. Unguilty pleasure? He likes,,,, sweets.
36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing?
He's good at playing the guitar and fighting. If he was allowed I'm sure he'd pick up gardening. Who knows if he can sing? :3c
37. Do they like to read? Are they a fast or slow reader? Do they like poetry? Fictional or non fiction?
*quietly sobs* he's shit at reading.
38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had?
How some people can go about their lives so easily without a care in the world.
39. Do they like letters? Or prefer emails/messaging?
Talk to him,,, face to face. Dont be a coward.
40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert?
I mean,,,, does trauma count as a natural way to stay awake and alert? Because I feel like it is personally.
41. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship?
*leans into mic* He's gay. He is more both when it comes to someone. He needs someone who isn't just using him for,,, sex because hi- sex drive? There, but honestly kind of hates it. He wants someone to talk to and help him through his bad moments. Someone who won't talk shit to him about being weak because he does that to himself enough.
42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition?
*leans into mic further* To be able to have a decent relationship with said vampire from earlier.
43. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people?
He isn't religious at all. He's Atheist actually. He thinks they're just sheep following a Shepherd. Non religious people, in his eyes, are smart to see through that shit.
44. What is their favourite season? Type of weather? Are they good in the cold or the heat? What weather do they complain in the most?
Michaleas likes the time around the end of winter because that's when the flowers start to bulb up. He thinks its beautiful. He fucking hates the heat. You can't escape it.
45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves?
They look to him as something like a pillar. He doesn't waver and they believe if they try hard enough they won't either. Which is,,,, completely different than how he sees himself. He hates hIMSELF AND THINKS HE'S WEAK LMAO.
46. Do they make a good first impression? Does their first impression reflect them accurately? How do they introduce themselves?
I mean,,, no. He's very fucking blunt with his observations of people. Yes and no with reflecting him accurately. He is very observant but he isn't like,,, that when you warm up to him. He plays around more and talks shit. Michaleas introduces himself as such. Michaleas.
47. How do they act in a formal occasion? What do they think of black tie wear? Do they enjoy fancy parties and love to chit chat or loathe the whole event?
He hates fancy events. He will wear what he has to but he isn't going to have his tie tied or creases ironed. He doesn't give a shit. He wants to leave.
48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organise the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend?
Regular parties where he can just drink and have fun? Totally. No one prissy there just a bunch of rough dumbasses. He doesn't plan parties he just turns up if he hears about it and is like "where is the booze".
49. What is their most valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to take everywhere with them?
He doesn't have anything like that. He has his sword for protection so I mean that counts as a need everywhere and anywhere. Edit: I lied. He has a journal with pressed flowers he normally has on him always.
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
Water, food, things to start a fire, tools and his sword.
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