#i just dont want to sound like im speaking portunhol
momo-de-avis · 8 months
The following two days I have two scheduled training sessions with another new company and it was a coworker of mine who suggested my name to them, so THEY contacted me but like. first of all, I'm rescheduling tuesday cause it's a tour of Porto. How, you ask, am I doing a tour of Porto (among other cities) if I live in Lisbon? Well, you see, with a lot of tears. Imagine, if you will, a mini bus tour that starts at 7.45 and ends, easily, at around 9PM. That's the life I submitted myself to. Tomorrow, however, it's milder, it's just Nazaré, Óbidos and Sintra, which is cool, it's okay. Problem is I'm being struck by a sudden lack of confidence cause 1) am I good enough to manage something this big, with a company this serious? and 2) I'm gonna have to fucking doing it at last, stop bullshitting and do a goddamn tour in spanish, which I've been avoiding because I just don't feel confident enough in my spanish, why my rational side understands that it's me comparing a completely seamless fluency in english to a B2 to C1 level of Spanish but then again, have you heard spaniards talk? they're so fast omg. I've been stressing the fuck out over this
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