#i just decided i wanted to develop her and just fell headfirst into caring about her
autistic-shaiapouf · 3 months
Getting wildly invested in developing lemon bc some key traits she has are
likes cooking but from the perspective of "why low heat for 10 hours when you could just, extremely high heat for 10 seconds?"
can work with cold food to an extent - she's got supernaturally bad luck and will probably drop it on the floor
she also enjoys contemporary/modern dance and excels at it! Very good control of her body and the space around it
she involves the flamethrower, doing high energy full body motions while twirling the flames around herself
got her name from her first successful kitchen endeavor - smoked some lemon slices and ended up not reducing them to ash, but making one of those decorative dried-fruits-on-strings things that she's immensely proud of bc of the amount of control it took
her favorite color is indeed yellow and she's got the personality to match - she's a ball of sunshine
usually wears thick fireproof gloves and boots in response to her especially more explosive cooking endeavors, but will forego them when fire dancing to have greater mobility and more perception of her environment + the fire itself
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nntssy-old · 3 years
Writer’s Month 2021, Day 1 - Protective
Fandom: One Punch Man Characters/ships: Garou/Metal Bat (not really shippy though), Zenko, Tareo, Bang Word count: 1709 Rating: T?
A/N: Assume they’re  already on friendly terms, and Garou occasionally hangs around Metal Bat’s apartment/house.
Tareo was about to answer when Garou sensed some sort of intrusion incoming. From above. On instinct, he stooped down, spreading his arms and keeping the little ones behind. Just in time to shield them from some sort of projectile landing just in front of the three.
No one was moving until the dust settled revealing someone's lower body sticking out of the ground in the middle of a little crater.   
No one would survive that.
There was some lingering sense of deja vu though. 
Still, Garou straightened up and was about to lure reluctant Zenko and Tareo away — the rule about violence and all that, and kids should have no business with corpses in general — when he heard some groans coming out of the pit as the legs clad in a dusty black wiggled.
Well, not many.
"Big brother?" Zenko's uncertain voice broke the silence further. Tareo looked at her in confusion and disbelief. Garou only quirked his brow. 
As if in response, the waggling of the black-clad body intensified, as the person was apparently trying to get out of the entrapment of the earth. Garou came closer to grab the legs and pull them up.
"Big brother, indeed," Garou commented smugly as he recognized the mess of dusty clothes, blood and swears that was hanging upside down in his hands and squirming violently. No wonder the butt looked familiar. "Not many people will survive diving headfirst into the asphalt." 
"Now, will ya put me the hell down, you @$#*&%@?" Garou was all too happy to oblige, and the hero was unceremoniously dropped the next instant.
Zenko rushed to her brother as he was straightening himself up, still looking at Garou angrily and muttering things under his breath. The string of curses stopped the moment Bad noticed her presence. His face quickly turned to concern as he noticed Tareo as well.
"Ya should get outta here, now! It's dangerous here!" he shouted looking at the sky in a mild panic — supposedly in the direction he came falling from.
As if on cue the city siren went off. It meshed in with the sound of buildings crumbling as a giant worm-like something emerged above them.
"Get the kids outta here!" Bad repeated, preparing to get straight back to fighting whatever that was, despite his sister clinging to his leg. Now it was directed at Garou.
"Maybe it's you who should crawl to safety," the other answered, glancing the hero up and down, "and I will deal with the monster." He looked at the worm-like creature looming in the sky. "You're already pretty beaten up, might not be up to the task," Garou finished with a grin.
"We don't have much time to lose." The creature started to move seemingly in their direction. "And running isn't exactly my speciality, so…"
"What is that suppo—" Garou started, but a loud screech interrupted him. At the same moment, he felt Tareo's trembling hands on his right leg.
"Quick!" Metal Bat was already shoving Zenko into Garou's arms, but she protested and didn't want to let go of her brother's jacket. "I dunno whether it can see or not, but I think I pissed it off big time, so it might come for me." He unclutched Zenko's hands. "Now, go!" Bad said with the kind of finality in his voice and eyes that perhaps only a parent figure would develop.
The worm-like monster was now pretty determinedly rushing at them. Indeed, there was no time to lose. Garou threw Zenko over his shoulder, picked Tareo under his other arm, and took off doing what he had done way too often in his life — running away.
Bang was coming back from his brother's dojo when the sirens went off. He started debating with himself whether he should assist with the threat — he was retired, after all, but still couldn't just walk away when people were in danger.
But his line of thought was interrupted. His former disciple — the same disciple he hadn't seen since that day — just ran past him — strangely, not in the direction of the most danger — carrying two kids. Garou was arguing with the girl over his shoulder and therefore didn't notice his former master.
Suspicious, Bang decided to investigate what could potentially be a kidnapping. Because Garou was involved, and he still felt responsible for his former protege. What were the chances he would just run into Garou like this another time? 
They have probably dispatched several heroes to handle the situation already.
Putting what he considered a safe distance between them and the monster, Garou stopped. They were up on a hill in some park in the next city. It had a nice view over a city that was being ravaged.
"Alright, this should be far enough," he said lowering both kids on the ground.
But the girl did not let go of him completely, still clutching at his shirt, the sharp and determined look on her face not unlike her brother's.
"Go help him."
"Help who?" Play dumb. It will buy you some time.
Zenko only glared in response though. Those dark eyes of hers looked way too much like her brother's at the moment. Fierce. Stubborn.
"As much as I hate to admit it, your big bro can take care of himself, Little Bat," he said, looking in the direction where supposedly the fight was. "Not to mention, if anything was to happen to you, I would need to find another place to freeload." He made a quoting gesture in the air. No. If anything was to happen to Zenko, that would be the least of his concerns. Metal Bat would hunt him to the ends of the continent and maybe even farther, he was pretty sure of it. In the past, Garou would've been excited at the prospect, but now… not so much. Moreover, he wouldn't want the kid to get harmed. He looked down on Zenko, who was glowering at him with arms crossed, and Tareo, who was watching the monster's rampage from afar and sweating profusely. Either of them.
Another building fell in the distance. Could be either the monster's or the hero's work with more or less equal probability.
"Go help him," Zenko said again with pleading eyes, "please."
Oh, she has decided to change her tactics.
Garou was trying to look anywhere but on her face, while coming up with a convincing response, but truth to be told, the current monster was almost the size of the Elder Centipede who was taken down with a combined effort of several S-class heroes, or so he heard, and Bad had been already looking like shit when they had left him, and it had been half an hour already since…
"We will go to the nearest shelter. There should be one nearby… Really close..." Zenko kept piling up arguments, while yanking at his pant leg.
Garou's eyes were glued to the horizon. With every passing minute, the idea to return seemed more appealing. He wasn't one for patience after all.
"There are probably other heroes there already." It was the only thing he came up with in response. 
Garou was so distracted thinking about what was happening far away that he didn't sense someone approaching until it was too late. Too late to hide, that is. 
"My-my… It seems every time we meet you get more children around you..." a familiar elderly voice interrupted his thoughts and Zenko's nagging. All three of them tensed and were looking towards the approaching old man — his old master, Bang.
Suddenly, with one audacious thought, it all clicked together. Instead of seeing another problem to solve, Garou's mind came up with a solution. So before the old man started with uneasy questions, he took both kids by the hand and pulled them towards Bang. 
"Hey, old man… You wouldn't mind looking after these kids for me for a little bit, would you?" And before anyone could say anything, he took off.
His relationship with Bang wasn't the best, but he knew there were very few places safer than in his teacher's care.
Unless you were a criminal. Or a monster. Or both.
Going back was faster without an additional load of two kids, one of which was very much against leaving. Finding Metal Bat shouldn't be hard — he probably was in the epicenter of the destruction, no doubt causing at least half as much damage as the monster.
It seemed, Garou found him just at the right moment: Bad — apparently slammed into the ground previously — was about to stand up, and the worm-like monster was gearing to dive down and swallow the hero. Even a single thought didn't pass through the former Hero Hunter's mind before the instinct took over. In a split moment, he dashed forward. The monster hit the ground, but the two of them were already a dozen meters away.
In one second Bad was trying to gain his footing, in the next he was swept away again. This time it was different though. When the world stopped moving, he was able to make out the golden eyes and a familiar wolfish grin through his dizziness. He was held by Garou. Bridal style.
"The hell are ya doing?"
"I just saved you, dipshit."
"Put me down!"
"A 'thank you' would have been nice. But as you wish…" And Bad was unceremoniously dropped down.
"Where are the kids?" he asked standing up.
"Safe. We ran into Bang. And your sister insisted that I come and help you." Garou quickly glanced over Bad. "You look like a bloody shit, by the way."
He felt like that too, but he would agree with the Hero Hunter only over his own dead body.
"So," said Garou as they both stood now — half-facing each other, half-facing the giant worm who tore back up through the ground, "what do we have here?"
"Don't remember agreeing to yer help," argued Bad slinging his bat over the shoulder.
"No one was asking you." The other stretched his arms with a crunch.
A loud screech rang through the air.
They never fought together before, only against each other. 
This can be interesting.
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A grin spread over Felix' face as he let the charade drop.
The black haired girl he now knew was Marinette rolled her eyes and turned back to her sketch book, a clear dismissal.
“You’re blocking the light. Go bother someone else.”
He sighed and brushed his hair back, decreasing the similarities to his cousin to the necessary minimum.
“Why would I? Everybody else is so boring.”
No one in this entire city had even realized he was back; not their classmates, not the teachers, not even the brunette fashion disaster that obviously had some experience with deception. Of course his little charade would have to end once Adrien had recovered from the cold that kept him at home, but until then Felix would have his fun. Yesterday he'd spend the entire day in the Bourgeois Spa, fooling the entire staff, the Mayor and his clingy brat. Despite the latter being Adriens “best friend”, not even she had realized who she was really inviting. Getting rid of her had been a little harder, but in the end he'd spent a wonderfully relaxing day in a steam bath and his skin was softer than ever. Courtesy of the ridiculously expensive mud bath he hadn’t had to pay a single penny for.
“Looks like you'd fit right in then.”, Marinette commented and drew an especially vigorous line in her book.
“Ouch. You wound me, darling!”
She shrugged and ignored him. Ignored him! That wouldn’t do.
With a last tug at his no longer messy strands he sat down next to her, leaning into her space as far as he could risk without getting slapped. His last few attempts had thought him that lesson.
“Oh, come on, Marinette, you must to tell me!”, he nagged her, happy when her face turned from concentration to annoyance. “What gave me away? Was it the wink? Or no, it was the greeting, wasn't it? Too much enthusiasm.”
“Why do you even care? You got all the others, didn’t you?”
He clicked his tongue.
“I have standards. If there's one person who can tell the difference, my performance is obviously lacking.”
She huffed and added a little bow to the skirt she was working on. Knee-length and plain colored, decorated with small ribbons. Classic and elegant, yet a touch of playfulness. He would have complimented it if he'd thought she might value his opinion.
“If it wasn’t my words or gestures, what was it?”, he asked on, not willing to give up and admit defeat. It was their little routine by now. He'd come up and try to pass as Adrien, she'd see through him and he would try to annoy her until she either gave him her full attention, or snarked him off. Marinette Dupain-Cheng – despite her cute appearance – could be mean, he'd learned.
“I don’t think I want to tell you.”, she shrugged, but he could see the beginning of a smile tugging at her lips. She'd deny it, but secretly she enjoyed their little battles of wits.
“What?”, he gasped and slumped against her in played shock, conveniently knocking the book out of her hands and onto the steps of the Trocadero. “But why?”
Now unable to draw on, she finally gave him her undivided focus.
“Because you, Monsieur Graham de Vanilly, are a major pain in my butt.”
“Oh? I would have thought you above such pettiness.”, he lamented. “To deny a fellow fashion enthusiast your criticism! To dishonor the sacred solidarity between artists! Truly a shame.”
“You? An artist?” She snickered. “Don’t make me laugh.”
“Hey! Deception is as much of an art as these tiny scribbles of yours. And I am a master of my craft, thank you very much.”
She waved her hand and shooed him back a little.
“The questionable status of your craft aside, I'd hardly call you an expert. You were here for a day and already had the entire class plus three akumas after you. Your play didn’t even last an hour before it blew up in your face. Maybe you should ask Lila for a bit of advice! She's been here for months and is still on her unquestioned bullshit.”
He growled at that, drawing out another of these smug little smirks Marinette so rarely wore. After all his visits she knew how to rile him up.
“Do not compare me to that- that klutz! Anybody could spew some fancy tales and name drop, but that doesn’t mean she has skill. There's no finesse, no authenticity beneath that badly styled hair of her.”
“And there is beneath yours?”, Marinette said sweetly. He huffed and raised his chin.
“Of course there is. I don’t run around as Adrien for the fame, but for the fun of it. And I actually put in some effort. I was only found out because my goal required breaking character, and I still had a score to settle with my dear cousin. You think I only depend on my pretty face, because it looks conveniently close to Adrien? Wrong!”
His chest swoll a little as he spoke. With his accomplishments, he'd earned a little pride in himself.
“True, artful deception requires three things Lila Rossi couldn’t fake if her life depended on it: Discretion, Distraction and the right timing. She only ever barges in headfirst, unable to survive even a second outside of the spotlight.”
She hummed.
“My mistake. How could I ever assume you to be alike, since you obviously care so little about getting attention?”
Snarky little minx. Well, she wasn’t wrong, to be fair.
“Enough of that!”, he decided and eagerly turned back to her. “Now tell me what gave me away.”
“Let me see...”, she mused and pursed her lips. “I guess I could tell you that...”
“...under certain circumstances...”
“Go on!”
“...it might be...”
“Might be?”
“The scent.”
He blinked. This had been his mistake? What kind of cologne did his cousin even wear?
“The... the scent.”
She moved to get back to her sketching, but he snatched the book before she could even touch it.
“Nah-ah! First you've got to expand on that. What perfume is he wearing?”
She shrugged and leaned back.
“Oh, isn’t it obvious? Adrien always wears “Manners and Class” N° 5. You on the other hand reek of “Wouldn’t know politeness if it hit me in the face”. A poor choice, really.”
She leaned in.
“You stink.”
It took a moment for her words to register, and he couldn't suppress a gasp when they did. With a satisfied smile she tugged her sketchbook out of his hands and crossed her legs, ready to put the finishing touch on her latest design. Felix fell back on the step next to her.
“That's it.”
“You've won.”
“Fair and square.”
“I am defeated.”
“Annihilated. But to be fair, that opening was too easy.”
“Perfect set-up. Clean execution. Merciless punchline. You have earned your victory, so claim it properly.”
“I will.”
He fell silent after that, acknowledging his defeat. He lasted all but two minutes before his need for attention beat his shame.
“So? What do you want as your prize?”
“Peace and quiet?”, she proposed, gnawing at the end of her pencil.
He shook his head in disbelief.
“You're more ambitious than that, Dupain-Cheng. Here I am, Felix Graham du Vanilly, offering you everything I can give, and you settle for peace and quiet? Tsk, you can do better than that.”
“Maybe I could ask you to clear the area, while I’m already at it. For the entire week.”
He should leave. He wouldn’t get any real feedback out of her today, and now that he had offered her a prize she might develop some common sense and ask him for his connections, or some favors that could get her publicity. He was stretching his luck every time he decided to pester her again.
But he stayed. Whether it was his wounded pride, or his curiosity ever since she'd sent that little love declaration to his cousin... he couldn’t allow the only borderline interesting person in this city to dismiss him like that. Especially not when he hadn’t been able to get a rise out of her yet.
An idea popped into his mind and he spoke before he could think.
“You could ask me for a date.”
Now Marinette did put her book away.
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me.”
She blinked.
“Did you miss the part where I asked you to leave me to my scribbles, as you put it? Because I am sure I mentioned it a few times, now.”
“No, doesn’t ring a bell.”
She groaned and closed her book. He counted that as a victory.
“Well, then maybe you remember the fact that I’m in love with Adrien. Which you already know, since you watched the video clearly addressed to him. And deleted said video. And replied very rudely.”
He hummed and stood up to circle her. An actor had to have a sense of drama, after all.
“The past is the past. And in the present, I look just like Adrien.”
Now he finally seemed to have broken through her cool facade.
“So what?”, she snapped at him, crossing her arms. “Do you think I like him for his looks? Am I that shallow, in your opinion?”
Of course she wasn’t. But he'd finally struck a nerve.
“You're not?”, he provoked slyly.
She stomped her pink flats on the ground with more force than should be physically possible.
“I love him because he is kind. And thoughtful. And funny and confident and fair and so classy, and because he loves to make friends, and because he's loyal and caring and-“
“Okay, okay, I get it. He's your little fairy tale prince.”, he interrupted a little harsher than intended. Clearing his throat he continued. “And you'll be relieved to know that I don’t want to date you either. No offense to you, but I am above such mundane things as crushes.”
She rolled her eyes and sat back down.
“Of course you are.”
“Fact is, my dear Marinette,” he lectured smugly, “that you can’t even say two words to your loverboy without seemingly suffering a particularly unflattering stroke.”
“What a flowery statement, Sherlock.”
“Another fact is that you can talk very fluently to me. Far too fluently, in my opinion.”
Marinette's eyes narrowed with suspicion and he smiled.
“What's your point?”
“My point is,” he finished his circling and came to a stand right in front of her. “that you can use me to practice. Here, I'll even mess up my hair again!”
“Wait, I didn’t even agree to-“
“You're welcome. Aren’t I a dashing little dream prince?”
He posed in true Adrien fashion and Marinette pinched the bridge of her nose.
“Please, just don’t.”
“Pah! Ungrateful as always. Anyway, back to business!”
He spun into a dramatic pirouette and kneeled down before her, taking her hand between his.
“Marinette, my fairest!”, he proclaimed with vigor. “Is there something on that bright mind of yours you want to share with me, Adrien Agreste?”
She groaned again, but didn’t pull away.
“If you'll leave me alone after that...”
“I'll do anything my good friend asks of me! I am sunshine personified!”
“Jesus Christ.”
“Close enough.”
He almost regretted looking for Marinette this late. The sun was about to set and most tourists had already left for locations with a better view. If there had been more, one might have captured a snap shot of Adrien Agreste kneeling in front of a random girl about to confess. His cousin would be delighted when he found out about his scandal in the news.
Alas, it was only the two of them who paid attention to each other. But Marinette was about to begin, so he didn’t ponder on the viewers anymore.
“I... I wanted to tell you that...”
He almost winced at that poor display of rhetorical talent, but she wasn’t done yet. Taking a deep breath, Marinette lifted her eyes off of her shoes and looked directly at him. And for a moment it felt as if she were looking into him. He'd seen these bluebell eyes roll in annoyance, glare in anger and sparkle with mirth, but never had he seen them this piercing, this all-consuming.
“Adrien, there's something I haven’t told you yet.”, she said, and it was as if he'd never heard her speak before. This wasn’t the voice that had teased and bantered with him, or the disinterested lull she mumbled in when she tried to ignore him. This was soft, yet firm and confident. Like tugging the strings of a violin: a clear, pleasant sound that offered a first hint of the potential in this slender instrument.
“I didn’t keep this from you because I don’t value our friendship.”, she said and her fingers tightened around his. Felix was suddenly sure that no expensive mudbath could ever make his skin as soft as hers. “It's the furthest thing from it. I didn’t tell you because I value our friendship so much. And I was scared to risk it.”
She took a step closer and he had to swallow.
“Adrien, you are the first person I think of when I wake up, and the only person I see in my dreams. Every morning, when I walk into class and see you, I feel like there's pure sunshine in my chest and springs under my feet. Like gravity is just a loose suggestion and I could float if I jumped. Like... like I could do anything I ever dreamed of.”
She looked down upon their hands. Disentangling their fingers surprised him, but even more surprising was that this time, she took his hands between hers.
“I know you feel trapped sometimes.”, she whispered and he found himself suddenly very insecure. Was she still acting? Was she this deep in their little charade? Or... or was she truly talking to him?
“I know you put up a smile and try to give everybody what they expect. And that you don’t have a lot of chances to just be you, not the heir of a great legacy. But I... I want to be your escape. Your safe haven. What I am trying to say is...”
She looked back up to him, and her smile was radiant.
“I love you.”
There was a tightness in his chest.
Because he wasn’t breathing, he realized.
He didn’t have time to overthink this little detail, though. For as soon as he opened his mouth to say something – what, he didn’t know – she blinked and took a step back. The spell faded and his mouth fell shut again.
“So,” Marinette cleared her throat and looked away. “How... How was it?”
“Uh...”, he made, which was admittedly not the smartest reply he’d ever given her. The fact that he still hadn’t remembered to breathe in didn’t make things easier.
Marinette shifted her weight from one leg to the other, uncomfortable.
“That bad?”
Ha ha.
He shook his head and finally sucked in some much needed air.
“Good”, he croaked out, which was still not much of an improvement from his earlier statement of ‘uh’.
“It was... really good.”
Ah. The simple beauty of a full sentence.
“You think so?”, she asked, voice high with surprise. “It wasn’t... I don’t know, a little too much?”
“No!”, he answered a little too fast. “Uh, no. No, it was really... really good.”
Marinette's eyes went narrow.
“Are you making fun of me? Because I may be small, but if you did this to humiliate me then I swear to god, I will take this pencil and-“
“I was serious. What you said was beautiful.”
They both blinked at his words. He hadn’t meant to say that. This wasn’t how their interactions went. They were snarky. Mean. Teasing from time to time. But not... this. Never this open. Never vulnerable.
“Thank you.”, Marinette gave back, seemingly unsure herself. “I should... you know, it’s late and my parents are waiting.”
He nodded far too eagerly for his earlier efforts to make her stay.
“Yes, of course. I'll... No, you know the way better than me, probably.”
She laughed at that. It wasn’t a snicker, or one of her smug little huffs. It sounded... sweet.
“Yeah, no need to walk me home.”
She eyed him for a a moment, then the emptying place.
“I could walk you home, though. If you want to.”
“No.”, he said and something in his chest roared in disappointment. “Thank you, but it would be quite the detour for you.”
She shrugged.
“Alright. Don’t get lost.”
Shouldering her bag she took her sketch book and moved to leave, but stopped mid movement to turn back around.
“Oh, and if you tell anybody – especially Adrien! – about any of this, you'll find out what I was going to do with that pencil! Got it?”
He rolled his eyes, finally in control of himself.
“Yes, oh great master of pencilmanship. Your weapon is as feared as its wielder.”
Satisfied she nodded and turned around, but stopped yet again. With a groan she dropped the bag, stepped in front of him and grabbed his collar. He'd never admit to anybody that the surprised squeal that followed had come from him. Utterly frozen in shock he could only watch as Marinette came closer and...
“There!”, she hummed and combed back his hair with her fingers. “I like you hair better this way.”
A small nod was all he could muster up, but it was enough for her. Waving him goodbye she turned around for good.
“Well then. See you around, Felix!”
He watched her leave, desperately trying to regain his voice.
“Y-Yeah. See you around, Marinette.”
Only when she had completely disappeared in the nearby metro station he allowed himself to sit down, wobbly knees no longer able to support him.
“What...”, he mumbled to himself, “...the entire fuck...”
What did just happen? Nothing made sense, not this stupid idea and certainly not his reaction to it. Sighing he leaned back against the steps and touched his hair. It was still a little messy, but laid back against his head in its usual fashion. If he concentrated he could almost feel the warmth of her fingers trapped between his strands.
He sighed deeply.
- - -
A little one shot because I hadn't written about canon!felix yet.
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jenetica · 4 years
A Brief Note from Our Sponsors: Us.
Greetings! If you’re here, it’s likely that you have questions or complaints about our decisions regarding the Calendar Girls series. An ominous start to this discussion, but truly, we welcome you! If you’re here, it means you have been emotionally impacted by our work and, even though this context isn’t the cheeriest, we are so, so grateful you (1) enjoyed our work enough to care about it, and (2) want to develop a better understanding of our process so that you can engage with Calendar Girl more.
First of all, we understand why you’d be upset with us! The cliffhanger at the end of AotM was a DOOZY and leaves a LOT of important questions unanswered, and we left you readers hanging for a LONG time. This post will, hopefully, assuage the worst of your fears without giving away too many plot points.
That being said, please note that there WILL be spoilers ahead. If you want to see the story unfold as we intended, do NOT read this post further. We will tell you now that the post addresses the Deadpool’s identity, our decisions regarding the construction of AotM and the final cliffhanger, our decisions regarding developing the sequel as a prequel, and our plans for future installments. And, naturally, the accusations of “queerbaiting.”
Let’s get started.
It makes sense to open with the most serious issue, so let’s talk about queerbaiting. For anyone here who doesn’t know, queerbaiting is defined as the purposeful insinuation of a homosexual/queer relationship, only to backtrack/subvert that insinuation to avoid the queer relationship. For an example, see: Supernatural from Season 4 and on. 
We have received accusations of queerbaiting for about four years, based exclusively on the reveal at the end of the final chapter. Similarly, we have received complaints that we duped readers into reading hetfic. So, to get things out of the way, yes, Deadpool is Gwen. No, it’s not a trick of the light, or a mistake, or some odd resemblance. They are one and the same. HOWEVER, that does NOT mean that we have queerbaited anyone.
First of all, the tags of the story are honest, and they always have been. AotM is tagged as a “Multi” fic, meaning that there are relationships of multiple orientations involved, and it is tagged with Peter/Gwen as well as Peter/Wade. Careless Whisper is tagged as F/M. We have never suggested or implied that the story would exclusively be slash fiction. We actually left multiple hints that Wade enjoyed femininity, at least as a practice, if not an identity. iFlail and I discussed this issue at length as we wrote/edited AotM and carefully crafted the story with queerbaiting in mind. 
Peter is an unreliable narrator, he always has been, and he always will be. In AotM, Peter assumes Wade is a man and thus, for the purposes of the narrative, Wade is one. The truth, however, is less clean than that. We won’t get into the details here, but safe to say, gender is not binary, it is not permanent, and it is not inexorably linked to one’s biology. Wade has a complicated history and a complicated/unique sense of identity. We have always intended for him to be that way, just as we always intended for him to be notably, pointedly smaller than Peter. 
The accusations of queerbaiting and/or conning readers into reading “het” fic are exclusionary of the greater conversation of gender identity. It was, frankly, disheartening to see so many people assume heterosexuality based exclusively on the last word of AotM. We hope that our work will challenge readers to be more mindful of the expansive world of gender, and to avoid assuming that a specific kind of pairing might involve specific kinds of body parts.
If you have any questions or reservations about our queerbaiting at this point, you are either welcome to keep reading future installments of this work to learn more, or you are welcome to stop altogether. The choice is yours. 
With that hot-button topic out of the way, let’s talk about the greater concept of ending a story of a cliffhanger, our thoughts behind building this series, and our goals for future installments. 
The second part of the Calendar Girl series, Careless Whisper, was written first, and it comes first chronologically. I (Jenetica) initially worked on the story by myself, as an exploration into the concept of “Gwen becoming Deadpool” to see how it might play out. I ended up writing a story I loved, so I moved onto the next part of the story, set four years later. This ended up becoming Angel of the Morning. 
@iflailfic, a good IRL friend of mine from college, came onboard (after I wooed her with several stories worth of porn, as you can see through a jaunt through my posted works) to help me edit. She fell in love with AotM and, as we worked on first draft edits, she floated the idea of AotM coming before Careless Whisper. Honestly, I rejected the idea at first (not sure if she actually knows/remembers that part, lol), because I couldn’t fathom how we would be able to link the parts of the story together. But, eventually, I began to realize her point: AotM introduces our protagonists, develops the “current” world for the series, and has a more dynamic/engaging plot. 
The cliffhanger was a joke at first. My idea. I think my exact words were something like, “LOLOL what if we just ended on ‘GWEN?’ OMG IMAGINE hahahahaha.” But, as we continued to edit… it became the perfect way to end things. Anything that came after that point felt like trash. If we’d expanded any further, we ran the risk of falling headfirst into Part 3 and doubling the size of AotM. Let’s be real, the ending is, all waiting aside, an absolute nuclear bomb on the rest of the story. 
We talked about the likelihood of enraged readers. But we rationalized it by telling each other/ourselves that we had Careless Whisper written, so the wait wouldn’t be too killer.
Best laid plans.
I (Jenetica) take full responsibility for the time it took to start posting again. Over the last four years, I have gone through a number of experiences that challenged my sense of self and pushed me to become a different person, including moving halfway across the country, attending a relatively prestigious law school where I was no longer “the smart kid in the room,” and losing the relationship that I later learned was toxic and abusive. I lost my confidence in a number of ways, including my confidence as a writer. I became terrified that I would never produce anything that lived up to AotM, and that I would disappoint the many (many!) readers demanding answers. Luckily for me, through that adversity I found rewarding friendships, a beautiful partner who treats me the way I’d always fantasized/written about people like me getting treated, and an engaging career that leaves me with enough energy to write. My experiences are mirrored by iFlail, who went through a different, but similarly life-changing, series of events. But through this all, we never lost hope in this story, and we always planned to complete the series. We are wiser, stronger people now, and we both believe that the story will be richer for it. 
Which brings us to now, and our plans for the future. We do NOT intend to wait another four years to post X Gon’ Give It To Ya, the third and final installment of the series. We have spent countless hours brainstorming the plot, and all that’s really left to do is put it to paper. But, for people who are afraid of being burned twice, we will warn you now that Careless Whisper is JUST a prequel. If you want to know what happens after the “Gwen?” reveal, you will not get any answers until XGGITY (which I have, as of just now, decided to pronounce as “Ziggity”). We hope you stick around to watch Careless Whisper unfold, but we will understand if you want to wait until XGGITY to start reading again.
The Calendar Girl series has received more attention than we’d ever dreamed, and regardless of whether you liked or disliked our work, we want to thank you for taking the time to read it. If you made it to the end of AotM, we did something right, and again, we are so grateful that so many people have stuck with us this far.
We encourage everyone, moving forward, to keep a close eye on the tags that we use for our stories. We may not tag everything relevant, for the sake of preserving mystery about the plot, but we will be sure to tag everything that may be triggering or concerning, like self-harm, violence, or expected brand of romantic/sexual interactions. We will be adding this warning to the beginning of each story in the series.
Additionally, we want to acknowledge that there is a stark difference between legitimate concerns about the story and unfounded attacks on our character. Our decision to make this post is our attempt to dissuade the latter: We are not queerbaiting, and we have no interest in “forcing” people to read content that is not to their taste. However, that doesn’t mean that our execution of AotM, Careless Whisper, and/or XGGITY will be beyond reproach. The conversation on gender politics has evolved tremendously over the years that we’ve been working on this series, and it will undoubtedly continue to evolve as we progress into the future. We encourage constructive (!!!) criticism and open conversation on ways that we can improve our story, even if it involves tweaking published work to avoid mishandling deeply personal issues.
That said, if, after reading this post, you are still upset and/or unconvinced about our intentions for this series, we encourage you to stop reading it. We are not compensated for this work, and we have spent hundreds (probably thousands, by now) of hours striving to make the Calendar Girl series the best that it can be, for our own benefit. We believe that it may be the best fanfiction we will ever produce, and our satisfaction with our work is our priority. We will continue to post with that priority at the forefront, and with the demands of our reader base playing second fiddle. Similarly, we expect our readers to prioritize their needs above all others. We ask for your patience and your kindness moving forward and, if you cannot give us that, you are welcome to close the tab and move on with your life to other ventures that suit your interests better.
For those of you that choose to stay: You are in for a hell of a ride. We are both anxious to get through Careless Whisper, because we are both SO excited to share XGGITY with you. We believe it’s going to knock your socks off. We hope to see you there. 
Thanks, everyone, and happy reading!
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morning-star-57 · 5 years
Miraculous Quirk AU
Idk if someone has already done this but here we go!
So, I recently got into Boku no Hero Academia and I got to thinking, what if the Miraculous universe was set in the same one as Bnha?
So, those of us who watch Bnha know the drill, 80% of the population has superpowers, called “quirks.” The other 20% are “quirkless.” So here’s how it would play out in my brain.
Super duper long, oops, so under the cut!
works pretty much the same way as canon
only doesn’t give you a suit the holder picks that themselves
they work similar to One For All does in Bnha
the power of the previous owner fuels the power of the miraculous and the previous user can still use the power, but a weakened version of it
Ladybug miraculous gives the holder the power to create things and heal
Black Cat miraculous gives the power to destroy things with a touch (at will)
And so on, pretty much like canon but with some modifications
was born quirkless
when she was younger, kids (cough Chloe cough) would make fun of her for it
was insecure about it for a long time and then saw all of the ways that quirks could backfire and decided it wasn’t worth it and it no longer bothers her (much)
(seeing Chloe blind herself was funny tho, even if it was temporary)
still wants to be a fashion designer
wary of superheros because of all of that property damage and also some of them are lowkey sus.
parents still own a bakery
Sabine’s quirk is levitation. She can make items and people float with her  mind but they have to be things she can physically lift (it’s okay tho cause she’s smol but strong). The drawback is that she gets really bad headaches and if she uses it too much or for too long, she can get a migraine.
Tom has a smaller, tamer version of pyrokinesis. He can’t make his entire body burst into flame but he can make certain parts, like his hands. He has a naturally high resistance to extreme weathers as his body heat is unusally high (hugs from him during the summer are bittersweet b/c he’s a great hugger but it’s too damn HOT DAD GET OFF-). The drawback is that he can’t control the temperature of the flame so if he’s not careful or if he uses his quirk for too long, it’ll burn him. His arms have many burn scars, rip.
back to Marinette
Decided the Hero Life wasn’t for her but still supports her friends who want to do it
Until she met the Lucky Hero, Tikki, her favorite
After plot happens, Tikki gives her the source of her “quirk”, the miraculous, and entrusts Marinette to carry on her legacy
Lots of angsty turmoil before she accepts the miraculous and decided to become a hero.
Chooses to be named the Ladybug, same as canon
Her hero costume would be the same as canon AT FIRST since her decision to go to a hero school was last minute af but then the suit will go through modifications to better suit her power needs and fashion needs
Got through the entrance exam after training with Tikki and because she’s badass shh
Doesn’t get a crush on Adrien until later once they’re already friends (or at all really idk yet)
was the result of a quirk marriage
was the *failed result of a quirk marriage
Instead of inheriting both quirks of his parents, like intended, they combined and created a new one
His quirk is Charm. His body releases an invisible pheromone that makes him seem more attractive or trustworthy, sometimes both, depending on the person who smells it. This makes the “victim” more susceptible to his suggestions, but it’s not a total brainwash, unlike his father, so they can still easily fight it off if they wanted to. The drawbacks are that he can’t really stop it so he has to be constantly covered so that he doesn’t accidentally charm everyone. Also, after a while, people can build up tolerance to him and it won’t work as strongly on them.
Gabriel has Brainwash, which is often seen as a villain’s quirk. Everyone is thankful the he decided on fashion as a career and not villainy (oh those poor naive souls). If he looks into your eyes, you are put in his control and won’t be able to fight it unless he lets you go or if you receive a blunt impact to the head. The drawbacks are that he can’t control it so anyone who he makes eye contact with gets brainwashed unless there’s an obstacle in the way i.e.: glasses
Emilie’s quirk is sleep gas. Her skin cells naturally produce a gas that can put people in a coma-like state. The drawbacks are, again, can’t turn it off and the person has to be within range. She also has to be constantly covered.
Adrien wanted to be a hero at first to spite his father
Gabriel always hated heroes and saw them as a nuisance.
So Adrien basically said “fuck you, I’m going to be the best hero because I can”
And somehow convinced his dad to enroll him in College Francois Dupont, a local hero school
(he acutally just charmed him cause his dad isn’t around him enough to build up immunity to his quirk but shh)
He gets in through recommendations and is put in the hero course
This version of Adrien was still childhood friends with Chloe (who is immune to him) and a lot more distrustful of people, especially if they’re nice since he has no way of know if they’re genuinely a nice person or if they just fell prey to his quirk
rip the sunshine boy he has no friends except Chloe for the first few weeks of class
Becomes friends with Nino after they got paired up in a fight simulation
The slowly gets more comfortable around people and becomes more open to friendships
Doesn’t get the Black Cat Miraculous until much, much later when the Squad gets caught up in a fight with villains and the Unlucky Hero, Plagg (Tikki’s partner and husband) decides to entrust him with it
Impulsive chaotic gremlin that gets threatened to be put on a leash made by Marinette 
also the result of a quirk marriage, this one being successful
Her quirk is called Diamond. Her skin has an extra layer that acts very similarly to an actual diamond so she can reflect, refract, and disperse light. This layer can also harden at her will so that she can become a semi-indestructible prism. Her body’s reaction to light intensifies while in this state. The drawbacks are that while her body is hardened, she cannot move easily and her speed will be greatly reduced. Also, her skin is just very sparkly almost all of the time which makes it hard to hide from villains and to see when it’s sunny out. Usually wear large sunhats and sunglasses to try and reduce the shine
Her and Adrien bond by being products of a quirk marriage
also got in through recommendation and everyone thinks she bought her way in but actually tried very hard to earn her spot
is VERY protective over Adrien and will blind someone if they say anything she deems offensive
She and Marinette practically hate each other on a good day before they were forced to hang out since Adrien kept bringing Chloe along with him whenever the Squad would get into shenanigans
They developed a mutual agreement to be civil at one point and that slowly turned into friendship
Y’know the type of friends that insult each other and fight over every small thing but the second someone else tries to come for the other they won’t h e s i t a t e BITCH
yeah that’s them
anyways, I digress
Is surprisingly the sensible one of the group
“no you cannot run headfirst into the fight Adrien, these are actual villains and you can’t even pass a simulation without dumb luck.”
“I don’t care if your quirk can heal you Marinette, stop jumping off of rooftops and go down the stairs like a normal person!”
“Put it down, Nino.”
“Luka. No.”
you get the idea
she is Mom
Says she wants to be a hero because hero’s are cool and she’s cool so it just makes sense for her to be a hero
(actually though because she wanted to make her mother proud of her but you didn’t hear it from me)
Is lowkey really powerful and if she tried to use the full extent of her powers, she’d be a beast
but don’t tell her that, she’s already got a big head
is working towards becoming an underground hero
His quirk is sound amplification. He amplifies preexisting sound waves to what ever frequency is needed. Depending on the frequency, he can break through almost any object. The drawback is that sound waves can damage his hearing and can become temporarily deaf if he uses it too long or if he creates a frequency that’s too high for his body to handle. Has a chance of becoming permanently deaf if he overuses his quirk too many times
His suit comes with modifications to help with that so he should be fine he hopes
His guitar doubles as a weapon since he usually amplifies whatever chord he plays
Already has his provisional hero licence
is still really chill
is one of the first to figure out Marinette’s secret but is a good boi so he doesn’t tell
you’d think that being the oldest of the group he’d be the sensible one but nope
is accidentally the one that encourages shenanigans 
Luka, innocently: Hey, did you know that the teachers don’t lock up the sim rooms?
Chloe: *Death glare*
Luka: *nervous confusion*
the one who encouraged Juleka to go for the hero course 
Adrien’s best friend, just like canon
started out as general studies since he wasn’t sure if he was good enough to be a hero but a teacher saw his potential and was transferred into the hero course
His quirk is time reduction. He can slow time or even stop it completely if he concentrates very hard, allowing him to get one place to the next in literally no time at all. He used to think it was super speed because this but found out what it really was when he tried to save a cat from being run over and stopped time. He can also stop  only certain objects in time but that takes up more energy. The drawback is that if he overuses his quirk he starts to speed up his own time in order to compensate for the time he’s losing so he becomes very tired and after “3 hours” of his own time passed he will pass out from exhaustion. Also, he can only manipulate the time within his quirk’s range which can go up to about the size of an american football field (160 feet/49) meters.
is super insecure of his quirk because he thinks it’s not as cool as everyone else’s
they make sure to let him know that that’s bs and he’s very cool
feeds off of Adiren’s chaotic energy during simulations
has been put in timeout by Chloe when this happens
will stop time to bask in the moment 
gets emotional during this
there have been many times where the Squad is chilling and suddenly everyone just sees Nino sobbing 
group hugs ensue
Adrien, probably: “Chloe get your shiny ass in the cuddle pile or so help me-!”
 I’ll make a part two since this is already so long, but that’s it for now! What do y’all think?
Part 2 is now up!
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graffitibible · 4 years
Building ocs to complement the characters like that is an absolute galaxy brain move, are there any specific ones from starry eyed??
thank you!! and yes, all the most prominent ocs in starry-eyed (i.e. the other two crews he had prior to the fab four) were built to complement or highlight some aspect of jet. i’m not sure how well some of them came across but they were all meant to correspond to or develop a trait of jet’s.
doublestar signifies jet’s relationship with assertiveness. he’s not a super assertive personality by nature (he tends to be drawn to people with a lot of conviction and external confidence, like dust devil and party poison) but some of that has to do with his upbringing. he wasn’t really encouraged to figure out his own relationship with leadership because doublestar was a very “i take charge and you do what i say” personality even if it was with benign intentions. it’s in part because of doublestar that jet has a lot of doubt about making his own decisions for himself and feels more comfortable following someone else’s lead, and also one of the key reasons he puts so much weight on himself to always perform well. she complimented him a TON for the things he was really good at and she did this with good intentions - he’s a great sharpshooter, he’s a fast runner, he’s got excellent instincts for survival. but because jet’s a heavy internalizer, he took all that to mean “oh, i have to perform those things ALWAYS and it’s my direct fault for things that go wrong in those areas because I’m The Best At Them Like Doublestar Said.” so for all that doublestar did her best to prepare him and her group for desert life, she didn’t excel at that in every respect lol
coma doze represents a humor, impulse, and lust for life that jet didn’t really allow himself to have, even as a kid. coma chases emotional highs; jet never allows that for himself. jet’s own enjoyment of something is literally always the last thing on jet’s list of priorities. coma’s a much more lighthearted, spur of the moment kind of guy than jet ever allowed himself to be, and also incredibly pathos-driven. coma’s willingness to throw himself at the fight taking place in the analog wars has more to do with a need to do something with himself than any genuine investment in the struggle taking place. those moments where jet says “fuck it” and does something stupid (like charging a scarecrow while he’s completely alone and without backup for example lol) come from a similar place. most of the time coma’s willing to let his emotional high dictate where he ends up without considering the why or how or the aftermath of it. this is meant to be a clear contrast to jet, who even at his angriest and stupidest, has a reason for doing what he does. he sees a scarecrow, he’s overcome with anger and frustration and a willingness to avenge his friends - but even in that state of heightened emotion he still has a moment where he weighs the risks of the action before he decides to take it.
nova cane indicates jet’s skewed priorities and his sense of strategy, which ties into the above point, as well as his familial mindset and loyalty. that moment before he does something stupid or does something big where he checks himself and weighs the risks of it, that’s something that i wanted nova to represent. nova’s the voice of dissent when coma wants to charge in guns blazing and try and turn the tide of the analog wars, because she’s got the presence of mind to note that two people aren’t going to change the landscape of an entire war. and yet she’s also the person who doesn’t register that she’s been shot because she’s too busy fucking up the dracs that fucked with her crew. the risks to herself don’t sit on the same level as the risks to the crew as a whole, which probably seems pretty familiar since jet’s very much the same way. the risks he takes when it’s his own life on the line are significantly greater than the risks he’s willing to take when it’s the well-being of the group that’s put in the crossfire. nova was there to vocalize and highlight that a little since it’s not something that jet ever sat down and verbalized to himself, and not necessarily something he’s even aware of. it’s a little more evident when it’s someone else falling into those same patterns because that’s less subject to the inherent biases of jet’s pov.
nine-volt rocket was there to highlight jet’s tendencies for codependency. there are a lot of instances in part i where rocket was having a hard time (both physically and emotionally) and jet helps them out with basically no prompting from anyone. a lot of the “nurturing” (read: self-sacrificial) instincts jet picked up early in life have to do with rocket and this notion of “other people have it worse than me so i have to push myself to help them out since i don’t have it as bad” which is categorically not true but jet has a piss-poor conceptualization of his own limitations because of it. he always prioritizes other people above himself, and part of that is because for as long as he can remember, he’s kind of had to do that. of course the idea that he “has” to do it is more or less manufactured. no one asked him to take care of rocket or anything. he internalized the idea that he’s the “most capable” person in the group and so assumed that the responsibility fell down to him and because it tied into the “survival of the group” mentality, no one questioned it.
dust devil is one of those assertive personalities that jet’s drawn to. they’re representative of some of the early germs for the sense of justice that would later drive jet and by extension the fabulous four. dust devil’s aware that some things in the world are very broken and really wants to fix them but ultimately his plan to do that comes down to “break shit very loudly and raise hell doing it” which made for great catharsis but not much in the way of tactical warfare. because jet didn’t have any great stake in the analog wars other than the loss of nova and coma (which more came down to both of them being in the wrong place at the wrong time), dust devil was pretty necessary to introduce that element of “this affects everybody in the desert and you should care about it.” also on a less serious note dust devil existed to make it evident that jet’s Very Gay. i write the fab four as a family unit more than anything else so writing romantic interactions within the group doesn’t super jive with me. but i wanted it to be apparent that jet’s a dude who likes other masc-aligned folks so that’s what that whole mild panic over dust devil planting one on him came from.
fever queen is another character that highlighted jet’s self-sacrificial and codependent tendencies, and this was meant to call to light just how unhealthy they were. queen likes to vent to him and doesn’t really take into account how jet feels about these things - it’s a surprise to zir when jet chimes in because what queen really wants is a blank wall to throw things at so ze can get it out of zir system. queen also has this innate cynicism that’s supposed to counter jet’s own mindset - ze doesn’t think that any efforts to fight back against BLi are worthwhile and are ultimately doomed to fail, but sticks with the group out of necessity. while jet’s not so optimistic to feel like he can singlehandedly tip the balance of a desert-wide struggle, there’s a reason that he’s drawn to the idea of hitting back against better living, and that’s because of the sense of justice i touched on in the point above. queen was also meant to indicate that jet’s ultimately a pretty extroverted person, despite how nonverbal he is. he gets his energy from other people. queen similarly wants to be surrounded by other people, even if ze doesn’t believe in what they’re fighting for, and that’s something jet can relate to.
haywire is a natural exaggeration of jet’s self-destructive tendencies, and is also meant to indicate that a lot of those tendencies stem from a fundamental sense of self-loathing. haywire is dying and knows it. she doesn’t give a fuck about long-term survivability. she hurls herself headfirst into every firefight and when it isn’t charging straight into every clap she runs across, it’s out and out baiting people into fucking with her. jet might not be dying but he’s got a similar mindset. he’s super willing to put himself in the line of fire because he thinks nothing of himself, thinks nothing of the worth of his own life. his self-destruction isn’t big and flashy the way it is for haywire or someone like party poison or fun ghoul, but it’s very much present nonetheless. there’s that moment where haywire basically begs jet to kill her because she’s got a lungful of poisonous gas and she’s dying in a very slow and painful matter, and jet refuses. this is supposed to be a demonstrable contrast to how jet indulges his own self-destruction at the end of part ii. he’s not the kind of guy to put a gun to his own head, but he’ll wander the desert until he dies. he’ll entertain the idea of waltzing into battery city or out into the remains of zone seven just to see what happens. it’s a passive self-destruction as opposed to haywire’s active self-destruction, but that doesn’t make it any less retroactively horrifying that he and haywire are so goddamned casual about how willing they are to Fucking Die.
100% titanium is maybe the most obvious. they gave jet a “voice” in a sense because while jet’s a primarily nonverbal dude, titan was entirely nonverbal due to injury. but even before jet started picking up sign language from them, he got them in a way that not a lot of the other members of the group did, with the exception of raya. titan was there to make it a little more obvious that jet’s actually extremely good at reading other people’s body language and communicating nonverbally. he doesn’t need words to make his point and other people don’t need to spell out their points to him when he can pick most of the big points from the little things - how they stand, how fast they’re talking, how much they’re moving, their expression, etc. titan’s easily one of the characters in part ii that jet has the closest and best relationship with, and i also wanted a character to emphasize that jet has a massive capacity for a genuine love and warmth. some of his most genuine moments in part ii come from his interactions with titan.
mantarraya is meant to represent jet’s faith. she was initially there out of necessity - there was this nonverbal character that no one else would logically be able to understand, so mantarraya was there to streamline that. but more than that, i needed someone to remind jet of the faith he kept back in part i since queen was an outright nonbeliever and neither haywire nor devil were all that devoted to the idea of the witch. so raya believes in the witch, she believes in destroya, and she’s hopeful that she’ll see the latter raze battery city in her lifetime. for her, her faith takes the sting out of the inevitability of death - the witch will take care of her once she eats it, so it’ll be okay. jet doesn’t have that same confidence, in part because he pours so much of himself into others rather than into himself. so much of him wants to shut down and stop but he refuses to indulge that because other people need him. maybe the witch will take care of him, but he won’t be there to help of everyone else who needs him, and what’s worse is he’ll be helpless to stop whatever happens next. it was that existential fear that raised its head toward the end of part iii, because he hadn’t really taken the time to confront it until then. 
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Not your fault
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A/N: so I did my best to make this as accurate as possible, but if its not then I would like to say I’m sorry! If anyone has any requests please feel free to send them in! 
Summary: Bill, Stan and Richie have a fight with their daughter present. 
Bill’s hand in his did nothing to calm Stan down. Stan was, to put it simply, seething. Richie and their daughter were laughing, but Stan couldn’t help but grimace. The seven year old was seated on Richie’s lap, while Richie was rocking the both of them back and forth. Emily, the name of the young girl, was giggling like her life depended on it. Her smile was bright and radiant and Stan begrudgingly had to admit that she as having the time of her life. Still, it wasn’t enough to take Stan’s mind of the fact that Richie had not listened to the agreement that was made between them and Bill.
The latter was sitting with his legs crossed on the side of the couch, his lips stretched into a wide and unhesitating smile reaching his arm out behind Emily, just in case Richie leaned forward too much, and she fell. Stan gripped the newspaper stronger in his hands, he needed to have a word with both Bill and Richie, but he was responsible enough to realize that the conversation was not one they needed to have in front of their daughter. Emily’s wavy black hair were swooped up and down, each time Richie leaned forward again.
Stan couldn’t handle it. The constant back and forth was driving him crazy, he needed peace and quit and order, for some reason the rocking made his skin crawl. Still, when Emily’s green eyes focused on his, Stan’s lips too turned into a smile, displaying all his love for her.
In the two years she had been with the family, Stan, nor Bill or Richie had even been mad at her. It was something about her, that made you forget all your worries and just focus solely on her.
She hadn’t done anything either, Stan was mad at Richie, and maybe even a little at Bill, but not at Emily.
She smiled back and reached her arms out towards Stan, and Stan without question put his newspaper down and opened his arms to sweep her into them. He kissed her forehead, a habit he developed right after she moved in, and tucked her tightly into his chest. Just having her this close made some of the tension in his shoulders disappear. His shoulder dropped down, and the insistent feeling of anger started to melt away.
‘Go on little songbird,’ Stan said, ‘why don’t you go play in the garden for a bit? I’ll make you a snack in a few minutes.’
Stan had nicknamed her songbird, because the little girl was always muttering along to every song she heard. And because the three of them had such a different taste in music, she knew lots of song.
She nodded and squeezed him tight one last time, ‘okay papa’, her adorable voice called out.
Without pausing for even a second she jumped of Stan. She always did this, she had so much energy that she always jumped into things headfirst, which was surprising considering she was more of an introvert. There was, of course nothing wrong with this. They just found it funny that she could be so timid, yet so brave at the same time.
Stan could still remember the first time they had met. Emily had been 5 at the time, and she had been really quite.
Bill was the one who had brought adoption up, on the anniversary of Georgie’s disappearance. Stan had been on board right away, without even considering the fact that adopting with three people was not the most easy thing to do. Richie had agreed aswell, even though he seemed the most hesitant out of the three. They had had many conversation, most of them late at night when nobody could sleep or a nightmare woke them up.
They had agreed to adopt, not to foster. It was Stan who made that decision, naturally with the agreement of both Richie and Bill. Stan had the upmost respect for foster parents, but he couldn’t see himself do it, he doesn’t think that he could ever put all of his attention and love into a child, only for them to be taken away again.
After it was decided that they would adopt the next problem arrived. Which two would be the official foster parents? There had been lots of discussions, because at the end of the day, the person who wouldn’t be on the official document of adoption, had legally no say in anything regarding the child. Which meant that it would take a lot of trust and devotion to be the odd parent out.
Eventually it was Richie and Bill who would be the two adopting, and Stan would be the unofficial parent. They all agreed that nothing would be decided without the consent of all three the parents, and so Stan trusted Richie and Bill enough to know that official or not wouldn’t change a thing.
They confirmed their relationship at the adoption center, because their relationship was not something they wanted to keep secret from their baby. The adoption center was understanding and accepting, and was all in all an amazing support system. It had been a subject for discussion
Stan, Bill and Richie didn’t care which age they adopted, nor did they care if it was a boy or girl. Based on their interests and personality traits they were shown a group of children, but for some reason, Emily caught the attention of all three of them right away.
The first meeting with Emily went a lot better that Stan had thought it would. He had been so nervous, especially because Emily would have to be okay with having three parents, but she was the kindest and accepting child that Stan had ever met.
She had looked up at them with her innocent eyes, green like a forest where it has just rained with brown spots, furthering Stan’s point that there was a forest to discover in her eyes. She had smiled a shy smile and waved, hiding part of her face behind her hair. Bill, Richie and Stan instantly fell in love.
During their conversation she kept sneaking glances up at Richie, which Bill took notice off immediately. Bill bumped Richie with his shoulder, and gestured at the child when she did it again, so Richie would notice too. He then crouched down to her height and smiled, opening his mount to make a joke. She beat him too it though, ‘aren’t you that funny and weird man from tv’? Stan had never laughed so hard.
It was in their third time getting together that she finally asked why they were always coming together, all three of them, while all her friends had two parents.
‘It’s cause we all love each other so much, we didn’t want too choose. Our love is so big, that we have to share it with the three of us.’ Bill had explained to her. He had looked almost pale, because at this point the all had become attached to Emily, and they wanted to take her home.
The only reaction Emily had was shrugging her shoulders, her smile not wavering for a second before letting out a timid; ‘okay, that’s so cool’, with wonder in her voice. Stan came to the conclusion the he was never letting this little girl go.
And he had been right, only 3 months later Emily came to live with them.
Her bedroom had a window looking down onto the massive garden they had, full of trees and Birdbaths for Stan. Once they got notice of Emily coming to live with them, they had also placed a bright red swing set.
The color of her walls was purple, which Emily had chosen herself. She had a two persons bed with the band Queens on the covers because, courtesy of Richie, Emily had learned to love the band. She had a bureau, a table for her to draw, a wooden closet, tons of her toys neatly placed in a corner and a bean bag near the window. When she saw her room for the first time, she had started crying. Granted, the room was huge, but still. With both Bill and Richie being famous, and Stan not being short on cash either, they could afford anything the little girl wanted.
Stan had though that Richie would be the one to grant Emily anything she asked for her, but t his surprise, it was actually Bill who couldn’t say no to anything. He suspected that it was because of Georgie, and Emily certainly wasn’t spoiled, but Stan and Richie still told Bill that he needed to set boundaries, because that’s what parents are supposed to do.
After only 5 months she started calling Stan papa, Richie dad and Bill pops. Richie would never admit it, but he started crying when she called him dad for the first time.  
After two years, Stan couldn’t imagine living without Emily at all. He had never been so happy, and he felt like his life was complete. He could tell that Bill and Richie felt the same way. Bill wrote children books sometimes, only for Emily’s eyes, so he could read it to her and see her face light up as he told her he only wrote it for her. Richie would tell her jokes all the time, and play with her in the park and their garden. Stan was the parent that provided the food and practiced with Emily on her hobbies, which included singing. Stan would kill Richie if that video ever made it to the internet.
On the other hand, that didn’t stop days like this from happening. Days where fights happened, and Stan felt like screaming into a pillow.
‘You said that we would never make any decisions without consulting the others first’. Stan’s voice called out harshly, as soon as Emily had left the room.
Bill, who was still holding Stan’s hand squeezed, a silent plea to stop the fight before it even broke out. Stan ignores this, shaking his head quickly.
‘Stan, please don’t make this a big deal, it was just a stupid school outing.’ Richie groaned, his teeth already clenched together. A sure sign to Stan that Richie too was getting worked up.
‘Guys, stop it. You two are adults, don’t turn this into a fight.’ Bill tried, ever the negotiator. He hated fights, they often reminded him of his parents fighting after Georgie’s dead. Stan knows this, but still he can’t just let this go. He still feels the anger burning inside of him, even though he knows that Richie is right, it is just a stupid school outing.
In the beginning of the week Emily had come home with a permission slip, to go to a school outing for an overnight stay-away at the zoo. Stan hadn’t wanted her to go, he used the excuse of it not being clean there, but in reality he wasn’t ready to let his little songbird go for such a long time yet. He knew it was stupid, but he couldn’t help himself.
Richie and Bill had wanted to let her go, but because it had been a busy week they decided to discuss it on Friday. That had been the plan, only Richie had decided to already sign her permission. Emily had been begging to let her go, and Richie had just wanted to her to be happy.
‘it’s not about the stupid outing Richie’. Stan cried out, and despite being composed most of the time, Stan had to fight back the tears threatening to escape.
‘Well then what is it about Stanley’? Richie rebuked with a glare on his face.
‘It’s about the fact that you can make that decision and I don’t’. Stan lamented, while he felt bill’s hand beginning to shake.
In an instant the anger on Richie’s face melted away, replaced by  a look of guilt.
‘I know that we made this decision together, but I can’t help but feel like you guys aren’t willing to take my opinion into consideration, I would have let her go you know. I love her too much to let her waste this fun opportunity, but you still let her go without listening to me, and that hurts Rich, I’m just as much her dad as you are.’ Stan heaves without taking a breath.
He can feel Bill shuffle closer and wrap an arm around him, even Richie coming to join him.
‘I’m sorry Stan. You’re right, I should have listened to you. Not to mention that I should have waited for us to make the decision together. I’m really sorry, I just wanted to make her happy s’all.’ Richie mutters, pressing a kiss to Stan’s head.
Stan opens his mouth to respond, but before he can another voice, this time a timid sound calls out.
‘I’m sorry papa, I didn’t mean to make you fight’. Emily is standing in the door opening, clutching her teddy bear in her hands. Her eyes are filled with tears and she’s squeezing the neck of her teddy bear so tight, Stan is worried for a second that she will rip it’s head off.
Stan lifts his head from where he had placed his head on Richie’s shoulder. He instantly feels guilty, a feeling that spreading like a wildfire through his body. Bill opens his arms and sobbing Emily run into them.
‘It’s okay sweetheart this has nothing to do with you. Grownups fight sometimes, doesn’t mean they don’t love each other’. Bill whispers to her, while she tucks away her head in his neck.
‘pops is right songbird, Daddy and I just had a little fight. That is not your fault though, nor should you worry about that.’ Stan replies calmly placing his hand on her back, softly sweeping back and forth.
In the meanwhile Richie gets up again from besides Stan, and crouches down in front of Emily, just like he had done the first time around. He reaches for her hand and kisses the back of it, making Emily giggle like the funniest thing just happened.
‘Let’s do something fun, the three of us. How does that sound baby’? Richie asks, and Stan can’t help but laugh at the exiting nod it entrances from their daughter.
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ishomoogoo · 7 years
For His Amusement Ch3
third chapter, swearing and satan.
  If I didn’t have medical training, I would say that my heart froze when I saw Will fall from the cliff. It didn’t, but that is exactly what it felt like. It was like something was tearing the organ straight from my chest as I tumbled after him. However, when I managed to get my slippery hand around his, it was already too late. Gravity had pulled him down, and me along with him. Not that I was going to let go, I had finally obtained my Ganymede. After the many years of chasing and manipulating him into my arms, I finally had him. I don’t give up what is mine, especially not after it took so long to obtain it.
As we fall, I clutch him close, cradling his head with my hand and press it firmly to my chest. It’s as if I just hold him close enough, we would be ok and make it through this. The problem is, we are going headfirst. It is a small mercy that our necks will likely break on impact, saving us the trouble of drowning slowly as our broken limbs won’t be able to carry us to safety. At least we can be together in death, wherever that may take us. I don’t even feel the impact when everything cuts to black.
After what seemed to be an eternity of soul-sucking darkness, I become aware of things again. The first thing I notice is the dual sensations of searing heat and icy cold surrounding and penetrating me. The second thing I become aware of is the familiar form of Will still clutched desperately in my arms. Then comes the smell. The choking stench of sulfur surrounds us, clogging the air and nearly making me gag. I control the impulse to do so and nuzzle into Will’s soft curls, inhaling his scent and stilling once more. His smell is wrong, it’s all spice and smoke instead of that god-awful cologne and the hidden smell of moist earth. It seems to blend with the surrounding stench and is utterly repulsive. I would rather smell Will’s cologne than this. I quickly push this apparent stranger away to see who this creature wearing his skin is.
I must admit the likeness is near perfect, from the unkempt curls right down to the scars and the wound on his face. The only observable difference is the eyes. Sure, they are Will’s grey-blue ones, but there is a look about them. A hard cruelty that one would only find in someone who took deep pleasure from another’s suffering. One with no love or mercy to be seen in its depths, only a sick joy and mirth. I narrow my eyes and the imposter’s mouth splits into a mocking grin.
“What, did everything we did together mean nothing? I’m hurt Hannibal, truly hurt.”
The creature places his hands over his heart and his face twists into one of mock hurt, not seeming to bother putting much effort into the display. My mouth ghosts into a frown as I tilt my head up slightly in challenge
“The moments I shared were with Will Graham, not whomever you are. I find this situation rather rude and I must ask where he is and why you have absconded with his form.”
The man simply grins even wider, this time in dark delight. His posture shifts into one of pure confidence and indifference as he begins inspecting his nails.
“You can ask all you want, doesn’t mean I’m gunna tell you shit though.”
My eyes narrow further in tightly contained fury. How dare this-
“No use getting pissy there Hanni, after all, I’m the one with all the answers. Now to answer your relevant question, I’m an abstract creature with no physical form of my own. I can take whichever form I please when I please, so that mortals like you can see me. This one is easily recognizable to you and is the one most likely to set you off, aside from you sisters of course. I can go with hers if you would prefer, but I don’t really care for your opinion on the matter right now.”
I inhale a few times to cool the rage as something clicks into place. His expression changes to a small, close lipped smile and he nods, obviously noting the progress of my thoughts.
“Good, looks like you figured it out on your own, I hate explaining it all the time. So let’s get down to business. You’re dead, in hell, and I want to discuss a deal with you.”
“Where is Will?”
He shoots an irritated look my way and huffs in annoyance. I simply stand still and rigid, discretely observing both him and my surroundings while I wait for his response.
“None of your fucking business, and before you start bitching, I’m the devil. I don’t give a flying rat’s ass about your butt buddy right now. That cocksucker could be in one of the levels of hell being tortured as we speak for all I care.”
Then he smiles deviously and continues on, relaxing his posture before he speaks.
“Unless you agree to my terms of course. I may find it in myself to care enough to locate him and reunite you two. I am a reasonable man after all, and as they say, scratch my back I scratch yours.”
My jaw clenches at these words but I shove my emotions back into one of the many rooms of my mind palace. After all, this creature well and truly holds both my and Will’s fate in his hands. It cannot hurt to listen to this deal and see what he wants, and what he is willing to offer in return. I loosen my stance and compose my face to a look of professional detachment, nodding for him to continue.
“Forgive my rudeness, please, enlighten me to what it is that you have in mind.”
He smirks at that and then sprawls into a chair that was not present before. He then waves dismissively at the chair that is now behind me. He begins once I, more gracefully of course(1), sit as well.
“As I said earlier, I want to make a deal with you. You’re soul is already mine so that obviously isn’t what I want from you. I have, however, been watching you for a considerable amount of time. I must say I’ve had a hell of a laugh. Pure gold to be honest, shame it ended that way. No blaze of glory, no living out into old age and giving a big fuck you to the authorities. No, you fell off a cliff and died trying to save that toy of yours. Absolutely pathetic, and a complete waste of potential if you ask me.”
My eyes narrow at that.
“I do not like you referring to Will as-“
With a snort he waves me off.
“Please, the fuck’re you gunna do ‘bout it? Pout? Gut me? No, I’ll say whatever I want and you’ll just have to fuckin’ live with it. Besides, it’s not far from the truth anyway. You play with his head like a nipped out cat would a laser pointer.”
I swallow my retort and allow him to continue. It is true that I cannot deal with this creature at present, considering the possible consequences.
“Now, back on point, you’re ridiculous end. I’m not happy with it. I was enjoying watching you and I don’t want that to end just yet, so I’m going to give you another chance.”
I raise a pale brow and wait for him to continue. This is a very interesting development indeed. He slips into an easy smile now and continues in the next breath, steepling his fingers in front of his face.
“Granted, that in itself could already be considered a reward, but I am feeling generous. Become my servant and do whatever I say, leave what is left of your humanity behind, and continue to do what you do best. In return, I will give you a second chance at life, and the chance to see Will again. Of course, I can’t return you to your previous life. It would be cheating since you’re already well and truly dead. Instead, I can insert you into another one that is similar enough; you will still be Hannibal Lecter, just with a few minor changes. Now, any questions?”
“What are these changes you speak of, and what do you mean about leaving the rest of my humanity behind? And what of Will, am I to assume he will be joining me?”
The creature smirks even wider and stands up, disappearing only to reappear behind me, snarling into my ear.
“It means you will cease to be human completely and do whatever I tell you to, should the mood strike me.”
His voice then drops to an almost sensual tone as his fingers dig into my shoulders.
“And as for your sweet William, I suppose you will just have to find and capture him again. You did it before, so it shouldn’t be too hard to do it again.”
He then pops in front of me and holds out his clawed hand as his eyes glow a fiery red.
“So, do we have a deal? I personally believe it is quite fair. You get a new, more powerful life, and get to try your luck with William again. You just have to keep entertaining me and be a good boy when I decide to pop in when I need something done.”
I stare at his hand then look back up at this creature, reaching out to shake the offered appendage. I’m not blind to the fact that he has not stated, or even alluded, that my Will is going to follow me into this new life. I will take it nonetheless, I manipulated Will to my designs before; and like he stated, I will simply have to do it again. At least I have experience this time around, what is a little more waiting when the reward is so sweet?
“What can I expect from this new life? Anything I should know, like strengths or weaknesses?”
He jerks me upright and into his arms, wrapping his hands around my skull while staring intently into my eyes.
“Nothing you need to know right now except that human flesh will become mandatory, and to avoid hazardous situations for a time until I manage to solidify your powers into your new body. Now, lets begin the transfer.”
He leans up to whisper something into my ear as the void takes me yet again. My surroundings blur into a world of screams, fire, and the cloying stench of death. I freeze as he melts away and is replaced by a person I never thought to see again.
“A little bonus for you. Don’t waste it.”
(1)Hannibal is being super humble right now
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