#i just cant do it anymore. how did i ever have the energy for shipping wars.
alltheoutsinfreeeee · 4 months
It's funny how my aromanticism has changed my approach to ships.
Back when I didn't know that aro was a thing you could be I was a diehard shipper, especially when there were shipping wars. I looked at the possible ships, picked out which one I liked best, and while I didn't engage in "MINE'S BETTER THAN YOURS" type of posts or comments, I very much stuck with and very intensely shipped the ship I liked best. Pokémon's AshxMisty vs AshxMay vs AshxDawn comes to mind.
And if there wasn't shipping wars I'd go for... not necessarily rarepairs but definitely not the main fandom ships. TWEWY was (still is (complimentory)) full of NekuxShiki and NekuxJoshua, so my brain obviously got hooked on JoshuaxRhyme instead.
Looking back on it, even back then I shipped with a "it's platonic but SO INTENSE, THEY'RE BESTIES BUT IN A WAY OTHERS DON'T UNDERSTAND" filter (big shoutout to qprs), so again I could have realized my being aro a bit sooner, but the point is that I was participating in the shipping fandom. I was very passionate about it.
And I know that I can ship just as passionately today as back then, but the difference is that there has to be only one possible ship. Hello In Stars and Time. (of course there's exceptions to the rule again hello in stars and time but so far that exception has only happened once so does that even count.) If a medium has One True Ship and I care for the characters even a little bit, I will ship them. Intensely. As soon as there is more than one possible endgame ship for a character, I don't care for either. If anything I will most likely end up hitting them with the aro headcanon beam on purpose.
Anyway, today I watch videos or read essays about shipping wars and everytime a point is made about "x ship is endgame/better here's why!" and they list scenes that make me go "Do you guys not bond deeply with your friends?"
Which is funny to me because I used to be that. I still remember how back when KH2 came out and I was a diehard SoraRiku shipper, I myself compared the SoraKairi vs SoraRiku reunion scenes and went "Oh, Kairi gets an apology and a hug, but with Riku he falls to his knees and starts weeping! Obviously he loves Riku!" to my brother.
But now I look at Sora and Riku and go "They're such good friends, they elevate each other, I could cry, they're so good! TTATT"
All this to say! I really went from "These characters are obviously in love!" to "They are friends and dedicated to each other, and if you make it romantic then you are diminishing their relationship. Look over there, there's a canon romantic relationship! Go play with that one, leave these guys alone." huh
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geekfanficwriter · 2 years
Hey I hope your going to have a good day!
I was wondering if you could ship me with someone from Stranger Things?
I am a female korean who is 4'11 (im not a child i swear just short) I have black shaggy medium length hair. It's kinda like a wolf cut but with a side part. I have pale skin and wear black circle glasses. I'm about 98 pounds and pretty small ahem chest area. Also a Pisces.

I'm a shy distant person and very awkward at first. But get to know me i can be sorta funny and goofy. Also a bit weird i try not being to annoying or bother some so thats why sometimes im distant. I tend to over think things and my relationships with people. I have major social anxiety and ADHD well im not that hyper anymore but still i space off, get distracted, forget alot of things, and cant sit still sometimes. i'm a feminist to the core! I have mommy issues and im very insecure about myself. Also my scars from things on my body. Im adopted from korea now with a german family. Im often a target for bullying and im pretty clumsy.  Can be oblivious and childish.
Some of the things i like to do is drawing and painting. I also play video games a lot (im sorta a nerd). I love listening to music you can always find me with earbuds in. My music taste is all over the place only thing i wont listen to is country. I mostly listen to vintage, indie, piano, metal, and rock. I play dnd still to this day i first did as a kid. I love reading comics or poetry. I love gardening well most of the time.
I can be such a hopeless romantic sometimes in my opinion daydreaming about my crush or people. I would be the type of partner to draw you stuff or make a playlist for you. I love cuddling, hugs, hand holding, and drawing on your hand if you let me. I always thinking of gifts to give my partner when i have one.
You didn’t specify a gender you wanted for your ship so I’m just going to assume you don’t mind either gender!
So I ship you with…
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Okay so first of all you mentioned that you play DnD so obviously you’d get on well with Eddie. I sort of him struggling to understand that a girl likes DnD and comic books (because it was the 80s) but he’s definitely open to idea and pretty quickly accepts you into the group. Of course, the more you showed your nerdy side to him, the more he would fall for you. It definitely wouldn’t take long for him to just be looking at you with heart eyes especially once he found out you also listened to metal music.
As someone with ADHD myself, I 100% read Eddie as also having ADHD and so I think once he saw you opening up and becoming more goofy and weird with him, he would definitely match that energy. I can imagine the two of you together would just constantly be bouncing off each other’s energies and encouraging the other to act more and more childish. I think he needs someone in his life who understands why he acts the way he does and doesn’t judge him.
I don’t think Eddie particularly cares about the height of his girlfriend but he would definitely be so sweet with a shorter girl. I could imagine him just constantly cuddling up to you and resting his head on top of yours. He would definitely tease you for your height but it would be in a sweet way. Just letting your know how much he loved how tiny you were next to him.
Once you opened up to Eddie about your bullying he would be very understanding and completely protective of you. He would make sure that no one ever said anything about you and god help them if they did cause he would absolutely reign hell over them. He understands that you’re your own person who can protect themselves but he absolutely just wouldn’t be able to help himself from protecting you (although he would totally apologise after if you were annoyed with him and beg you for forgiveness).
Playlists! Eddie would 100% make you mixtapes of all the songs that reminded him of you. Every time he got a new album he would listen through it for songs he could play to show you how much he loved you. Not only would he make you playlists but he would also write you songs. He would regularly rush you through to his room and grab his acoustic guitar, playing these songs that he had written about you and then looking at you with those big brown eyes to see if you liked it.
I think Eddie would struggle with accepting gifts as it’s not something he was used to but he would slowly get used to it, especially if your love language was gift giving and he knew it made you happy. He would definitely prefer small gifts, like his favourite chocolate bar or food you’d made yourself. Although if you gave him flowers, especially ones grown in your own garden he would probably cry and hug you.
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aciid-eater · 3 years
“Touching you” Harry Hook soulmate AU/xreader part. 3
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Summary: In a world where you’re connected to your soulmate by thought, a young villain and a young girl are brought together by unique circumstances.
“Where’d the pirate hat come from?” Jay asked, snatching up off of y/n’s head.
“Hey! Give it back!” she glared, grumbling as Jay held it just out of her reach.
“That looks familiar.” Mal mumbled.
“Oh y/n sweetheart, don’t tell me it’s—“ Evie was cut off by y/n snatching the hat from Jay and placing it back on her head.
“It’s no one! Let’s just focus on getting ben back!” She huffed.
“I see you brought a friend.” Uma remarked with a wild smirk over the dock. Y/n only narrowed her eyes, holding her sword firmly.
“I’ve got to say miss Sultan, you’re a sight to see, especially wearing my first mate’s hat!” She laughed. Y/n matched her energy, feigning a smirk of her own.
“It looks much better on my anyway, And it will make it much sweeter when we run your crew into the ground.”
Once the fight broke out, y/n knew exactly where she was going. Combat was an easy feat for her, having grown up with Aladdin as a father, she was quite quick on her feet.
“Yer’ good with a sword, makes ye’ all the more appealin’” A voice approached from behind her just as y/n knocked one of the crew mates overboard.
Whipping around, she was excited to see harry smirking her down.
“What, you wanna fight me too?” she asked, the sas in her tone making the pirate’s face flush.
“I could think of better things we could be doing with our time.” He said, wrapping a hand around her waist.
“Oh how you tempt me. It’s such a shame, really.” she pouted. Looking over his shoulder, she could see Mal and Carlos quickly ushering Ben off the ship and onto the dock.
“I think i have to go.” She said softly, her sad tone a big contrast from her previous flirty one.
Her heart broke a little when she felt both Harry’s arms wrap around her in a tight embrace.
Don’t leave me
“A shame indeed.” he mumbled into her neck.“When will i see ye’ again?”
She wrapped her arms around his neck.
“I’m not sure, but after this, I cant imagine it will be soon.” She stood back and placed a soft kiss to his forehead.
“Take care, Darling.” She said before slipping away.
The car ride back to the isle was tense. No one dared speak, everyone just sparing glances at y/n as she peered stationary out the window. It wasn’t a few silent tears slipped down her face did Evie decide to speak up.
“Was he charming?” she said softly, rubbing y/n’s back.
“As a prince.” she mumbled, not looking away from the window.
“It’s okay y/n...” Ben said with a little guilt in his tone.
“Easy for you to say. It’s easy for all of you. Your happily ever after is waiting for you in auradon. While i’m left on the sidelines. Ben, you were so excited about bring isle kids to auradon, and you knew i was right there with you, then suddenly you found a wife to be and now none of that matters anymore.” She huffed.
Ben looked down at his lap. He didn’t have the heart to refute what she said, because in some sense it was true.
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atlabeth · 3 years
everything happens for a reason part 11 - zuko x fem!reader
Memories, where'd you go?
part 10 | masterlist | part 12
a/n: alternative name for this fic: y/n gets a crush on every pretty girl she meets. yue, katara, and now suki. she can't help it (and she questions why they're all connected to sokka in some way lmaoo)
anyways, this is kind of filler but it establishes some more with relationships and finallyyy gets us into ba sing se at the end. i know it's a lil annoying because there's a lot of episode-to-text writing, but i promise it'll get more freeform as it goes on
also i know that i just posted something yesterday but i have literally zero patience. like i cant hold chapters i have to post them as soon as i write them loll
wc: 5.3k
warning(s): some feels over zuko as per usual, but overall a pretty tame chapter
chapter title comes from memories by panic! at the disco!
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Zuko could barely sleep anymore.
He didn’t know when his life became so complicated, but he wasn’t a fan of it.
Back when it was just him, his crew, and the open sea — it was simple. He had a job, a straightforward mission. Find the Avatar, capture him, return home to the Fire Nation and regain his honor.
Now, the waters were more muddied than ever. Now on the run from the Fire Nation just like the boy he was chasing, all he really felt nowadays was anger.
Angry at the world for setting him on this path, angry at the Avatar for refusing to see what was necessary, his sister and her friends for turning against him, angry at the waterbender for making things so damn hard.
He didn’t want to hurt her. A part of him wished that she had never come back into his life, if it meant he wouldn’t have to constantly be fighting against her. He hated himself for the thought, but maybe it would have been easier for her to remain a memory of a lover than his active enemy.
Late at night, when he was reaching fruitlessly for sleep that would never come, he saw her face. The carefree energy from their childhood morphed into the shock and disappointment from both the North and their fight with Azula, and…
It made him wonder what in Agni had happened to them.
He didn’t know. The way he felt about her, it was different than anything he had experienced before. Zuko didn’t know what it was, but he understood that it was special. And now… it felt like he had just thrown it all away.
Zuko couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened with her in that town — what he had done to her.
He had burned her to try and get to the Avatar, and he hadn’t even allowed a glance back at the damage he had done. He had heard her cry out in pain, pain he had caused, and he didn’t even look back.
What had happened to them? What had happened to him?
He kept telling himself that the mission was the only thing that mattered. And it was, wasn’t it? Capture the Avatar, regain his honor, get his old life back and finally be enough for his father. He didn’t have time for friends, or for these feelings he had, or— or for anything but capturing the Avatar. Because the Avatar was the key to everything, to his honor, and that was all that mattered.
But now…
Now, he didn’t know what he was supposed to do. He didn’t know what was right, or what was wrong, or what path was the one he had to take.
Zuko just wished things could be like they used to be.
She didn’t really know when everything had become a mess again.
It all started out fine, like it usually did. Toph had become fully integrated into the group, any past squabbles put to rest in the name of a stronger friendship emerging between all five of them. Katara continued to work on Aang’s waterbending (oftentimes Y/N joining them in their sessions) while Toph slowly but steadily beat earthbending into him — literally.
They had all been working hard for so long that, by decree of Aang, it was ‘vacation time’. They would all get to pick out places they wanted to spend as a break, and after it was over they would get back to work.
Aang had chosen some sort of field with musical groundhogs, and Y/N had opted to revisit an Earth Kingdom village that she had passed through on her journey to the North. Sokka had complained the whole time about how they were ‘wasting valuable planning time’, but had finally conceded after the promise of ‘all the planning his heart could desire’ from Katara after their mini-vacations were over.
Y/N was actually feeling somewhat relaxed for once, but she had forgotten the golden rule — never let your guard down. Everytime she let her guard down, something bad happened without fail. So it shouldn’t have been any surprise with what happened in the desert.
Because after one trip to the Misty Palms Oasis and a journey into the desert with a professor to a long lost library, Appa had been taken by desert raiders.
It was… less than favourable. During their escape from the library, Professor Zei had insisted on staying behind, and now the five of them were stuck in the middle of the desert with no way out and zero guidance. Add some brewing tensions between Aang and Toph because of her being there when Appa was taken, and they had a recipe for a huge disaster.
And a disaster they had. Multiple disasters, actually.
There was only so much she and Katara could do to hold the group together, but by some miracle, they made it out of the desert with only one Avatar State mishap.
(And an incident with cactus juice, but… she didn’t really want to talk about that.)
....at least they had the information about the Eclipse. That was about the only thing keeping her together at the moment.
They had to get the information to the Earth King so they could formulate an attack with his warriors, but without Appa, they had to resort to more traditional methods of travel. Add in one passport problem, and that was how Y/N found herself braving the Serpent’s Pass alongside a refugee family with a baby on the way.
It was… intimidating, to say the least. Despite being surrounded by her element, Y/N didn’t feel any safer from the challenge that faced them. She took a deep breath, trying to tamp down on her fear the way her mother had taught her, as she followed the group, but her thoughts were soon interrupted.
“Hey.” She turned to see who the voice belonged to and was greeted by the girl that had teased Sokka early — Suki, if she remembered correctly. “I haven’t seen you around; are you with the Avatar or that family?”
“I’m with Aang,” Y/N explained. “I’m from the North, and they offered me a spot with them after they helped us defend our tribe against the Fire Nation. I’ve been with them ever since.” Suki nodded as they settled into a comfortable stride.
“That’s cool. Are you a waterbender?”
She gestured to her waterskin and smiled. “Yeah. I’ve been training with Aang and Katara ever since I left.” Y/N then turned her gaze back to Suki, raising an inquisitive brow. “Your makeup — what’s it for? I heard you talking about the Kyoshi Warriors back there; is that some kind of thing with Avatar Kyoshi?”
Suki grinned, her every expression heightened by the sharp reds and blacks above her eyes. “We’re a group of all-female warriors that use the teachings of Avatar Kyoshi and her partner Rangi to defend our home and the place she founded, Kyoshi Island. I’m the leader of our village section.”
“Wow,” she murmured, her eyes falling to the ground for a moment before finding their way back up to the warrior. “That’s really cool. You’re really cool.”
She laughed and shrugged. “Thanks. I’ve been training as a warrior for almost my whole life, so it just comes naturally. I like being able to protect people, and there’s no better way to pay back my home for all it’s done for me like protecting the whole village.”
“Wow,” she repeated with a small laugh of her own. “That’s really brave. I gotta say, I’m kinda jealous — I would love to see what would happen if Master Pakku met you all. Katara literally had to beat the sexism out of him in order to train to be a master.”
Suki chuckled. “Sounds like what I had to do with Sokka. Guess it’s a thing with Water Tribe guys, huh?”
At the mention of Sokka, she internally laughed. There had to be some kind of connection between the two of them, the way their interests kept aligning. “Sokka… he’s had it hard. I can’t blame him that much for any kind of attitude he had before he met you. Pakku, on the other hand? He had to have had something better to do than fight teenage girls.”
“You would think so, right?” Suki agreed. “And Sokka… I know. He’s got a heart of gold underneath all that, he just needed a little push to get it out.” As Y/N glanced over at the girl, noticing a slight pink tint under the white makeup, she gasped.
“La’s fins, are you two a thing?” she exclaimed with a grin.
Suki flushed even harder as she suddenly became very interested in the ocean around her, but she couldn’t help the smile on her lips. “No! I mean— yes— but… but—” she stopped to gather her thoughts before making eye contact again with a sheepish smile. “We’re not… really a thing, but… I do like him a lot. I didn’t really think I was going to see him again after they left the island, so this is really nice.”
“Then what are you waiting for?” Y/N asked. “I can already tell that he cares about you — have you seen how careful he’s being with you?”
“Well—” Whatever kind of excuse Suki would’ve made up was interrupted by a rock falling out just under Than, one of the refugees they were with, saved in the nick of time with Toph’s earthbending.
“I’m okay!” he reassured, but no sooner had the words left his mouth before the Fire Nation ship in the distance started firing.
“They’ve spotted us!” Sokka yelled. “Let’s go, let’s go!”
Aang flicked his glider open and deflected the blast, and Katara grabbed Y/N’s hand as they all began to run. Another blast rocked the mountain, causing several boulders to fall just above Suki. Y/N didn’t even have time to shout out a warning before Sokka tackled her out of the way, but it was ultimately more of Toph’s quick earthbending that saved him.
“Suki, are you okay?” Sokka brushed dust and pebbles off of her uniform as he examined her, and once he was satisfied he grabbed her hand and helped her up. “You have to be more careful! Come on!”
As the two of them caught up to Y/N and Katara, she gave Suki a knowing look. The warrior only blushed once again and glanced away.
After hours of navigating the pass, they were only about halfway through. Sokka made the executive decision to set up camp for the night to give everyone time to rest, and then they would get up at the crack of dawn to finish their trip. It only took a few minutes for Y/N to get a fire going, and soon everyone had settled in with their sleeping bags. Sokka got up from his spot as Suki wandered closer to the edge, and Katara nudged Y/N with her shoulder.
“Hey. How are your hands doing?”
“They’re fine,” she answered with a small smile, flipping her hands over as proof. Where there were once red burn scars on her palms only tiny white marks remained — one benefit to healing via waterbending was that most injuries were able to fade away completely after enough sessions. Her burns weren’t very serious and she was able to heal them almost immediately, so both her and Katara were sure that the marks would be completely gone soon.
The mental scars wouldn’t fade as easily.
“That’s good. And you’re taking care of them, right? Like, you’re not beating up people while we’re not looking?”
Y/N grinned. “No. I think I’ll leave that to Toph.”
Katara chuckled and nodded, turning her hands over in a final examination before nodding. “Good,” she repeated. The silence between them, although comfortable, stretched out for a little too long before she spoke again, this time much quieter. “He did this to you.”
“I know,” she said. “I know you probably don’t want to hear this from me, or really at all, but… I’m worried about you. Zuko isn’t good for you. Every time we’ve run into him, he’s hurt you. And you deserve so much more than that.”
“You don’t understand,” she countered. “You don’t know Zuko like I do. You weren’t there when I was. I know you think I’m insane for still believing in him, but I— I can’t let go of him, Katara. I know the Zuko I love is still in there somewhere, and I have to try and find it. For me and for him.”
Katara’s eyes were full of nothing but sympathy as she sighed — it was obvious she didn’t believe her words, but in true fashion she was still trying her best to be supportive.
“Okay. I don’t understand it, but… I don’t think I can change your mind.” Y/N chuckled sadly and nodded, Katara’s piercing gaze meeting her own once more. “It’s just… Why are you playing with fire when you know you’re going to get burned?”
And for once, Y/N didn’t have an answer for her friend.
The night went by quickly, which Y/N was thankful for. It meant that the nightmares didn’t last as long.
After a quick headcount to make sure no one had fallen off the pass overnight and an even quicker gathering of their things, they set off to finish their journey.
It went just as well as she had expected — a giant serpent, the namesake of the pass, had attacked them while crossing through an underwater section. Thankfully, she was able to aid Katara and Aang in defeating it with waterbending with no casualties
But in the wake of one disaster there was always another, and before Y/N knew it a baby had been born. She was mostly there for moral support — Katara had it all handled, and Y/N didn’t expect anything less.
But finally, they had made it across the pass, and they were so close to Ba Sing Se that she could almost smell the city air. Sadly, though, that meant it was time for them to part ways — Aang to find Appa, and Suki back to her warriors. After some sad but hopeful goodbyes with Aang, it was time to bid farewell to Suki.
“Are you sure you can’t travel a little longer with us?” Y/N questioned, apparently not above pleading to try and get the girl to stay. “You’re— you’re amazing, and we’d really love to have you with us.”
“I can’t even imagine what travelling with the Avatar would be like,” she smiled, causing Y/N to get her hopes up for just a moment before they fell back down. “But I can’t stay. I have to get back to the Kyoshi Warriors.”
Y/N sighed, her gaze falling slightly downcast. “I get that. I just really wish you could stay. Or that I could meet your warriors. You seriously don’t know how cool you are, Suki.”
“Well, if you’re ever in town on Kyoshi Island, find us. I’m sure we’ll be able to work something out and do you one better than just meeting them all,” she said with a grin. “I think it’d be pretty cool to have the first waterbending Kyoshi Warrior.”
Y/N was unable to prevent the heat rushing to her cheeks as she smiled shyly, once again averting eye contact. “That would be amazing. I’ll have to find my way back there after the war.”
Suki bumped shoulders with her, causing a startled laugh to spill from her lips. “We’d love to have you.”
“Wait, why does it sound like you’re saying goodbye to her?” Sokka questioned as he walked up to the two of them. Y/N winked at Suki and gestured at him with her head, walking off before Suki could protest to find Katara.
The conversation the two girls were sharing was an extremely thinly veiled excuse to eavesdrop on the lovebirds, and when they kissed Y/N actually had to hold back a scream.
Sokka deserved this. She knew how much he beat himself up over every little thing that went wrong, and it was about time he got to relax even for a moment. She only hoped that Suki would be in their corner of the world sooner rather than later.
What could she say? She was already fantasizing about life as a Kyoshi Warrior.
Although they had parted ways, they soon found themselves reunited with Aang to stop yet another Fire Nation threat.
“For the love of Kuruk,” Y/N murmured as she stared into the distance, her eyes wide at the sight of a large mechanical drill. “That was Ty Lee who just took down all those soldiers. And if she’s here, Mai and Azula are with her too. Guys, It’s one thing to stop this drill, it’s another thing to take those three down with it.”
“The question is, how do we do it?” Aang questioned.
“Why can nothing ever be easy?” Sokka lamented. His gaze remained trained on the drill for a moment before he realized theirs were on him. “Why are you all looking at me?”
“You’re the idea guy,” Aang said.
“Wait, so I’m the only one who can ever come up with a plan?” he protested. “That’s a lot of pressure!”
“And also the complaining guy,” Katara muttered, drawing a chuckle out from Y/N.
“Now that part I don’t mind,” Sokka admitted.
“Well, Sokka— you were a huge help in the North, and you figured out a way to defeat the Fire Nation during that eclipse at the library! Plus, there’s all that stuff that Katara told me you did before I joined.” She patted him on the back. “If anyone can figure out how to take that thing down, it’s you.”
He shrugged nonchalantly, his ego only slightly bolstered. “...okay. I think I can do it.”
“That’s the spirit!” she said with a smile.
Unfortunately, that smile faded as a young guard came running up to the wall. “Excuse me, Avatar and friends — I’ve heard that you’ve dealt with that… that pink girl down there before.” They nodded and he continued. “It would do us a great deal of help if you could come down and look at our injured soldiers, then.”
Y/N and Katara nodded in unison and started to follow the guard, the remaining three trailing after them. They ended up inside the wall, in what looked like an infirmary of sorts with all the cots and soldiers lying around, and the two waterbenders exchanged looks.
“You know what to do?” Katara asked.
Y/N hummed in acknowledgment, and they both knelt down next to separate cots. “This definitely looks like Ty Lee’s work,” she murmured as she bent water up from the pot and molded it over the man’s arm.
“What’s wrong with him?” the general questioned. “He doesn’t look injured.”
“His chi is blocked,” Katara explained. “Who did this to you?”
“Two girls ambushed us,” the soldier said, moving his arm as he regained feeling. “One of them hit me with a bunch of quick jabs and suddenly I couldn't earthbend anymore and I could barely move. Then she cartwheeled away.”
Katara sighed as she bent the water back into the pot. “You were right, Y/N. That was Ty Lee — she doesn’t look dangerous, but she knows the human body and its weak point. It’s like she takes you down from the inside.”
As if struck by lightning, Sokka lit up. “Oh, oh, oh! What you just said — that’s how we’re going to take down the drill; the same way Ty Lee took down all those earthbenders!”
“By hitting its pressure points!” Toph exclaimed with a grin.
The breakthrough brought a steely determination to Aang’s features as he looked out into the distance. “We’ll take it down from the inside.”
Like everything they did, it seemed so simple on paper. But now that she was actually inside the drill, it felt a lot more nerve wracking. Toph opted to stay outside where she could see and try to slow down the drill with the earth at her disposal, which left the four of them to somehow take it down from the inside.
Sokka led them through a hallway with a myriad of valves and pipes as he thought out loud. “I need a plan of this machine — some schematics that show what the inside looks like. Then we can find its weak points.”
“Where are we gonna get something like that?” Aang asked.
Sokka thought for a moment before he took his machete out and hacked a valve off a pipe. Y/N instinctively took a step back and shielded her face from the hot steam. “What are you doing?” she cried. “Someone’s gonna hear us!”
“That’s the point!” he exclaimed. “A machine this big needs engineers to run it, and when something breaks—”
“Someone will come down to fix it!” Katara finished with a smile at Aang, a sentiment the boy returned happily.
It was surprisingly easy to take down the engineer once he arrived — with a little bit of frozen mist on Katara’s end, they had the plans they needed. Sokka’s expertise combined with the blueprints got them to the beginning of the outer shell.
“Wow,” Sokka muttered. “It looks a lot thicker than it does in the plans. We’re gonna have to work pretty hard to cut through that.”
Katara crossed her arms. “What’s this ‘we’ stuff? The three of us are gonna have to do all the work.”
“Look, I’m the plan guy!” Sokka explained with a gesture to himself. “You three are the ‘cut up stuff with waterbending’ guys. Together, we’re Team Avatar!”
Katara and Aang looked wholly unamused while Y/N chuckled. “Team Avatar. I like it.”
“Thank you,” he smiled. “At least someone appreciates my genius.”
“Tui’s gills, why do you have to keep boosting his ego?” Katara complained. “Let’s just get this done before it gets worse.”
The three of them got in position — Katara and Aang on opposite sides so they could pass the stream of water between them, and Y/N making the point of the triangle to work on the other side on her own. They were hoping it would be more efficient being able to cut through both sides at the same time, but it was proving to be much more difficult than they had imagined — halfway through the three of them were already exhausted.
By some feat of strength they were able to completely cut through the brace, but their hard work didn’t pay off in quite the way they had imagined — when the beam only shifted a few inches she groaned.
“Oh, you have got to be kidding me,” she breathed as she wiped sweat off of her forehead.
“At this rate,” Katara paused to inhale deeply, “we won’t do enough damage before the drill reaches the wall.”
“I don’t know how many more of those I have in me,” Aang said sadly.
A large creak suddenly rang throughout the large chamber, and they all looked up for the source.
“Did you hear that?” Sokka asked, already backing up to make an exit. “We took it down! We gotta get out of here, fast!”
Just as they reached the door on the other side, a crackle followed by the sound of a man’s voice dashed their hopes. “Congratulations, crew. The drill has made contact with the wall of Ba Sing Se. Start the countdown to victory!”
A collective silence hung in the air between them, the threat now even more imminent as their situation sunk in. Mai and Ty Lee had proven effective in taking down any Earth Kingdom threat posed at them, and despite Toph’s skill they knew she couldn’t take down something like this on their own.
They either had to figure out a way to destroy this drill, or the Fire Nation was going to make it into the city.
Sokka ran back over to the brace and pushed against it, putting all his strength into the feat but to no avail. “Come…. on! Move!”
Katara started pacing around in a small circle, crossing her arms again as she tried to think of something. “This is bad. This is really bad.”
“Sokka, that’s not going to work!” Y/N didn’t mean to snap, but the grinding of metal on metal combined with her nervousness got to her. She sighed and ran her hand over her face. “I— I’m sorry. But it’s still not going to work.”
He groaned as he leaned against the brace. “We’re putting everything we have into busting these things, but it’s taking too long!”
Suddenly, Aang jumped up from the ground with stars in his eyes. “Maybe we don’t need to cut all the way through! Toph — she’s been teaching me that you shouldn’t put a hundred percent of your energy in any one strike. Sokka, get in a fighting stance.”
Sokka complied and as Aang talked through his points, he demonstrated it on Sokka. “You've got to be quick and accurate. Hit a series of points and break your opponent's stance. And when he's reeling back, you deliver the final blow. His own weight becomes his downfall, literally.”
As Sokka fell over from the attack, Katara lit up. “So we just need to weaken the braces instead of cutting all the way through—”
“—then I can go to the top of this thing and deliver the final blow!” Aang finished.
Y/N helped Sokka up from the ground, his spirits not dampened at all. “Then boom! This whole thing goes down!”
“Then what are we waiting for?” Y/N asked, flexing her fingers to refresh them for all the bending she was going to have to do. “Aang, Katara and I can handle the braces. Focus on getting up to the top before anyone sees you.”
He nodded and they all met each other with determined eyes. “Everyone inside that wall, the whole world — they’re all counting on us.”
“Here, take this. You need this more than I do. ” Katara took her waterskin off and handed it to Aang. “Good luck. And be careful.”
Y/N noticed a slight blush on her cheeks and she had to hold back her smile. That was definitely something she was going to tease her friend about later — when they weren’t trying to stop the Fire Nation from breaking into Ba Sing Se.
“I will,” he assured. Aang slung the strap of the waterskin around his shoulder and took off, and Y/N and Katara got to work breaking through the rest of the braces.
With the knowledge that they only had to cut through half of each column and the revitalization that came from having a plan, their work went by much quicker. Just when they finished the final brace, it all went wrong.
“Good work, Team Avatar!” Sokka cheered. “Now we— Y/N, duck!”
She didn’t question Sokka as she immediately dropped to the ground, something she was immensely thankful for as a blast of blue fire seared past her. Her eyes snapped up to the source of the attack and narrowed in recognition.
“Of course they’re here,” she growled as she pulled herself back up. “We gotta go, now!”
Katara and Sokka nodded and they all started running. Bringing up the rear, Y/N was able to hear Azula’s words right before they split off into an intersection:
“Follow them! I’m going to find the Avatar.”
Sure enough, when she allowed a glance back, Mai and Ty Lee were closing in on them. She flicked open the cap of her waterskin and bent some out, managing to freeze it at just the right moment to block the incoming daggers from Mai. Still running, she melted it quickly and let it fall to the ground before freezing it again, creating some ice on the ground that would hopefully give them a few more seconds of leeway.
“That should give us some time!” she yelled as they turned a corner, finally turning her attention back to the path in front of them. “Any idea how we’re gonna get out of this thing?”
“Maybe!” Sokka yelled back, slowing to a stop as they came to a dead end, a large hatch the only thing at their disposal. He started tugging on the wheel in an attempt to open it, and when Y/N joined in they were able to wrench it open.
“Slurry pipeline?” Katara frowned as she read the sign on the wall and looked at Sokka. “What does that mean?”
“It’s rock and water mixed together,” he explained as they looked into the rushing liquid underneath the hatch. “It means it’s our way out!”
Katara nodded and climbed in, Sokka following close after. The sound of metal footsteps got closer and closer, and Y/N ducked inside just as Mai’s knives clanked against the hatch. Never before had she been so happy to be floating in a stream of slurry.
The rest of their mission went by surprisingly easy — at least, on their end. All it took was some waterbending — earthbending, when Toph joined them — and encouragement from Sokka (though unappreciated by Katara). Whatever magic Aang was working at the top of the drill had done its job, because soon enough the drill had collapsed in on itself.
And now, they had reunited on the top of the wall overlooking the sunset. After the chaos that had been their day, it was nice to just relax for even a moment. And there was no better way to do so than with her friends.
“I just want to say, good effort out there, Team Avatar!” Sokka exclaimed as he threw an arm around Y/N’s shoulder.
“Enough with the ‘Team Avatar’ stuff,” Katara said dryly. “No matter how many times you say it, it’s not going to catch on.”
“I like it, Sokka,” Y/N smiled. “I’ve liked it this whole time.”
“You always appreciate my genius, Y/N,” he mused. “That’s why I appreciate you.” She laughed and leaned her head against his shoulder as he continued to list off names.
“How about… the Boomeraang squad! Eh? See, it’s good because it’s boomerang, and it has Aang in it—”
“Yeah Sokka,” Toph interrupted. “We got it.”
Aang grinned and scratched his head. “I kinda like that one.”
“The Aang Gang. Ooh, the Fearsome Fivesome!”
“You’re crazy,” Toph muttered as she walked away.
“Wait, Sokka—” Y/N pulled away from him and held up her pointer finger. “Aang Gang — what if we combine it, so it’s just the Gaang? But still with Aang’s name?”
And at that moment, Sokka looked more proud than ever. “Oh, you— you are a genius.”
“Oh, spirits,” Katara groaned. “Why do you insist on encouraging him?”
“You’re just jealous of our name-making abilities,” Sokka said haughtily.
She rolled her eyes but couldn’t stop herself from laughing. “You two are completely ridiculous, you know that? Let’s just get into the city before the trains stop running.”
Y/N and Sokka winked at each other as they all started walking, unable to keep the smile off of her face. She always thought it was amazing — they went through insane things every day, but at the end of it all she was always able to smile because of them. And as her gaze drifted towards the city in the distance, she hoped it would hold true.
She had no idea what Ba Sing Se had in store for her.
shit is gonna happen next chapter so i hope you all are READY bc im not
perm tags: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin @maruchan77
atla tags: @marianne1806 @brown-eyed-thang @akiris
ehfar tags: @chandies-sideblog @zacatecanaaaa @anzanity @randomthingssss @escapingthoughtsandsecrets @shanksfav @shephard17895 @ilovespideyyy @carisi-sonny @selfship-mishaps @i-belong-in-fandoms @ilistentotayswifttocope @i-make-questionable-choices @3leni
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justawritingblob · 4 years
The fact that I'm in all of those fandoms you're writing 😃
Hello! I'll be known as the Sero Anon!
My yandere request for you is;
{Choose character} Sabo/Luffy/Sanji, or Hawks/Kirishima/Denki
[Plot]Reader is aware of their yandere tendecies and takes advantage of how much the yandere is in love until the yandere snaps
Luffy is an easy yandere to fall in line with.
it becomes really convenient really quick. He's not a very romantic person most of the time, so really it's just being the favorite crew mate at first. You don't have to help around the ship as much. You can sleep in later. You have final say on when your turn to keep watch is. A lot of the time you even end up sleeping in his captains' quarters with him, which is significantly more comfortable then the hammock you're used too.
Not to mention the extra food. You get all this, and all he wants is for you to sit on his lap sometimes and let him wrap his arms around you several time, or he'll wake you up at odd hours of the night just so he can talk to you when nobody else is around. Those can be kind of frustrating, but other times he just wants you to sit at his special spot with him. He has a need for you to be with him during his quiet moments, the rare ones that everyone is always fixated on.
The rest of the crew didn't really mind, they thought it was kind of funny for the most part. Robin would always give a knowing look, Zoro was definitely the most frustrated by it, but even he thought the captains blatant infactuation was fun. It wasn't like you weren't helpful, you just enjoyed the privileges you got. You were a pirate too after all, none of them were gonna blame you for acting like one.
So you couldn't help but be a bit surprised when Luffy decided for you that you were sharing a room now. It didn't change much, but him moving your stuff for you was unsettling. From there, you never really had any time away from your captain. And even when you were around other people, he didn't like when you payed attention to them. He wasn't violent to the crew, he'd just be louder, overwhelm you with him until the other person left, or until you gave in and gave him the attention he wanted.
Then he started waking you up more. Everytime he woke up, he'd wake you too. He couldn't stand being away from you for too long. You weren't really yourself, but the crew just worked around it. Sanji would give you an extra coffee, an extra strong coffee. They stop making as many jokes about being the captains favorite.
It was a rare occasion for you to wake up while Luffy was still asleep. You found yourself staring at his sleeping form. He was quiet. You were overwhelmed. You were tired. You realized you desperately wanted to leave, and to escape anywhere else but here. It wasn't worth it anymore, living like this wasn't worth how tired you were. How uncomfortable you were. How you felt more like a pet at this point then a favorite person.
But you couldn't leave. The Thousand Sunny was god only knows where. Surrounded by water. You were isolated with this man. Your captain. And the crew who loved each other, but him specifically more then anything. This was your life now.
Luffy stirred, and your stomach dropped.
But then he just turned away from you. You couldn't see his face or the rise and fall of his chest. It was the first time you could remember being awake and looking at anything else. The moment got to you. You slipped out of the bed, out of the room, and left.
You really didn't know where you were going as you wondered the dark and quiet halls. It was nice being alone. It was so much more tolerable being alone. You knew to avoid the crows nest, the deck really in general was to be avoided. You didn't know who was standing watch tonight, and unless it was Robin they'd probably try and chat.
You realized you were still tired, while you walked around the empty ship. The quiet made it easy.
You hadn't even realized how much you had really missed the quiet.
But good things don't last long for you, and much too soon for your liking, you heard a panicked yell.
Luffy was awake.
You didn't want to give up your isolation yet, you couldn't bear the thought of it. So thinking quickly, before everyone was up and looking, you ducked into a storage room and cuddled into a ball under some shelves. You pulled a crate in front of it to hide you for good measure.
You're so tired.
As you drift off to sleep you fantasize about the shelves crushing you, and it brings you more hope then any thought you'd had in a long time.
When you wake up the noise is louder. It's down the hall. Luffy's right outside, and you can feel the worry and anger and fear radiating off of him from where you were hidden.
"We'll find them. Nobody new has come on the ship, and for sure nobodies left. They probably just woke up and wanted a snack or something, then they fell asleep."
It was Robin. She was talking slow and soothing, probably trying to calm the worried teenager down.
"Yeah? Well they should've woken me up." He says it with a tone that makes you wish you'd stayed in bed with him.
You felt like it'd be better for everyone involved if you had been kidnapped or were being held hostage. Then this wouldn't be your fault. Then someone else would have to take the worst of his anger.
But there was nobody else. Just you.
The doors kicked open.
You feel like the panics gonna make you throw up.
"There's too many places to hide in here."
Usually it'd sound whiny, but it doesn't right now.
"Do you think they're hiding?"
"I think they need to be found."
You're sure this is it. You're so sure that you're about to be found. The confrontation is moments away, and you are in now way prepared for it. You don't have a good excuse. You don't know what else to do, so you go limp and pretend you're asleep.
"There's only a few places really for someone their size to fit comfortably in here. Shelves or the closet."
"Alright, well then go look under the shelves."
He's much more demanding then you ever realized.
You keep pretending you're asleep, so you're not sure when Robin's eyes find you. But they do. Then, the crate is being moved. You expect to be ripped out, to be shaken awake, for more yelling. You them to immediately try and "wake" you.
But they don't. Instead a wave of hands gently moves you out from where you were, into the light. You cant help but move to cover your face slightly. It's so bright, and it's what you'd do if you were actually sleeping too, right?
They still don't move to wake you, so you suppose it's gotta be working somewhat.
Then Luffy picks you up, and you know that you should say goodbye to any independence you'd had for a long time.
He's more careful then you'd expect though. He seems like he's really trying not to wake you. He carries you for such a long time. Then he drops you on the bed. Cruelly, suddenly. If you'd actually been asleep he would've absolutely woken you now.
"I know you're awake (y/n). I know what you look like when you're sleeping." He's always blunt, you have to remind yourself. But not like this, and you know that.
You should cut your losses. You know you should. So you make a move to sit up, but you're shoved back down.
"If you're tired then sleep."
You are tired. You're so tired. Why shouldn't you? it's not like staying awake will somehow make this all better. You're the closest to alone you can possibly be in your sleep. If he wants to tempt you, then you'll take him up on it.
When you wake up you're uncomfortable. That's not new. You usually wake up suffocating. Luffy's usually got his arms wrapped tightly around you when you wake up.
But not today. Right now your alone in the bed, with an uncomfortabley tight collar around your neck. It's connected to a chain leash, that's currently keeping you tethered to the bed. You only have enough room to take a few steps away from either side of the bed, and could only really stand at the edge.
You slowly brought your hands to your neck, and were uncomfortable when you couldn't find any sort of clasp, other then where the leash was attatched.
The humiliating realization that Franky probably made this while you were sleeping dawns on you, and you have to choke back a sob. You can't even join the rest of the crew for your own emotional support. You just get to sit on the bed, waiting for Luffy to get back.
Which he does. He seems happy when he gets back, like nothing's happened. He smiles at you even.
"Hi (y/n)! I missed you. But everyone else said I should let you sleep a little longer- said it'd make things easier.",
Of course they did. You appreciated the little of the gesture you could, but still couldn't bring yourself to respond. Luffy didn't really seem to mind, he just kept talking.
"Don't really know what happened this morning, you can explain later after you've eaten. Don't worry about it though!" he leaned forward and yanked the leash.
"We've got a bunch of these all over the ship now! so if I don't have you, I'll know for exactly where you are! So if it's not gonna happen again, no reason to still be upset about it, right?"
he's smiling again, like what he's said makes any sense at all.
You should probably nod along. You can force your head up and down once, but all of your energy is gone. You might as well make peace with your new life, you realize. You're never gonna be able to get out of this.
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roemerschanze · 3 years
I wrote a thing!
or rather it just fell out of my hand, beginning to end in one sitting... read on AO3 THE FREEDOM OF DECEIT - Qui/Obi Fic
PART I Obi-Wan woke on a hard daybed in what seemed to be the living area of a small starship. Confused.
He blinked, waiting for his vision to properly focus so he could hopefully see a sign of whether this was a republican ship or not.
It must be, why else would he not be restrained and locked up in the brigg ...or dead for that matter…
His muscles hurt. He was exhausted. But uninjured he realised as he rubbed the back of his head. With a groan he sat up and swung his legs over the side of the daybed.
The fight still sat deep in his bones.
It had gone on for what felt like hours and his angry attacks had drained all the energy from him until finally his former Master had made use of his slowing reaction to forceknock him into the wall.
He remembered the breath being pressed from his chest, then nothing.
Had his Master shown mercy for the sake of their joint past?
In fact Qui-Gon had only defended himself, never attacked ...until his first and final blow.
So his ability was still hopelessly inferior to that of his Master who had blocked his every strike withcalm concentration… efficient … graceful … showing no sign of exertion … or emotion … giving the impression of utter tranquillity even when he evaded Obi-Wan’s lightsaber at high speed. His face expressionlessand only his blue eyes always vigilant… He had felt naked under this piercing gaze, as if Qui-Gon knew his every thought, anticipated his every move…
His fists dug into the thin mattress.
It made him so angry! He had felt, no, still felt like a foolish Padawan attacking and attacking even though he never stood a chance!
… completely at his Master’s mercy…
His fist hit the table next to him as he briskly rose.
Enough of these useless thoughts! He was a Jedi! It wouldn’t bother him to lose to Masters Yoda or Windu, so why should it bother him to lose to Qui-Gon?
Obi-Wan took a deep breath to release his anger to the force.
Focus now.
He scanned the room for his lightsaber but it was nowhere in sight. Also no other hint on whose ship this might be.
He started towards one of the doors to go and find his presumed rescuer, who must have found him after Qui-Gon had left, as the door hissed open in front of him. Obi-Wan stopped dead in his tracks.
“You’re awake.”
The tall figure stayed in the passage to the bridge. A concerned look on his usually calm features.
“How do you feel?” He finally asked.
BETRAYED! Obi-Wan wanted to scream ...but he only gritted his teeth and stared at the man he had trusted so deeply for so many years, who hestill continuously and involuntarily called Master in his head.
Ire burned in his guts, seeing the Master he had always admired for his unshakeable integrity just standing there. As if nothing ever happened!! As if he had not betrayed everyone he knew and most of all himself! Infuriating!
Qui-Gon slowly entered and closed the door behind him. Paused.
Obi-Wan still stood there as rigid as a stone. Trying to reign in his wrath.
“You’re mad at me… and you have every reason to be...” Qui-Gon said quietly.
Obi-Wan’s fury cooled as fast as it had come and his stomach dropped. He felt as if a bucket of cold water had been emptied over his head.
Why did his Master suddenly look so weary?
“I missed you, Obi-Wan.”
The man’s voice was low, almost a whisper. No hint of tranquility anymore. Instead he looked slightly nervous, an inner turmoil clearly visible in his eyes and his posture giving the impression of a heavy weight pressing him down.
Obi-Wan had to fight the urge to run to his Master and throw his arms around him to offer comfort.
Never trust a Sith.
Nothing good could come of that.
He steeled himself.
“Why?” he asked, voice firm.
It was not a ‘why did you miss me?’
Qui-Gon understood.
He walked to one of the chairs at the table and sat down. Collapsed, more accurately.
“Sit with me, Obi-Wan. I’ll tell you.” He sounded exhausted.
Warily Obi-Wan went back to the daybed.
Don’t let him fool you, Kenobi, he’s a Sith now. Not the man you knew.
He sat down still staring mistrustfully at the Master who had meant so much to him for so long.
Not your Master! See through this mummery!
“No mummery, Obi-Wan.”
Qui-Gon must have read his mind… but their bond was cut! ...or wasn’t it?
“...not right now at least...”
He tried to read his Master’s face. Could he play this exhaustion? Had he always been such a good liar or had he only learned it as a Sith?
“Dooku is not he Sith we’re looking for. I’m sure you know that. He’s only the apprentice.”
Qui-Gons voice took him back to the present.
“Wha-” He hadn’t known. And what did he mean by ‘we’?
“But YOU’re the apprentice!” He blurted. “There can only be two!”
Qui-Gon smiled at him warmly. Foolish Padawan, it meant.
Obi-Wan clenched his fists again. Yeah, foolish he was, sitting here, listening to what was most probably a blatant lie.
“Eventually there will be only two. But a Sith does not wait until their Master dies of old age to try for power.”
‘…,my Padawan.’ Obi-Wan added in his mind, memory of many such cryptic explanations washing over him.
But the warm smile soon enough vanished from Qui-Gon’s face and gave way for a more serious expression as the tall man pulled back his broad shoulders and straightened in his chair, bracing.
“The council sent me to find the Master.”
The firm statement hit Obi-Wan like a brick. He had expected this lie, yet hearing the words from his Master’s lips knocked all the doubt from him.
“They sent me to join Dooku, to become his apprentice again and to ultimately find his Master and destroy them both.”
Obi-Wan stared at him, his mouth open.
“But Dooku is no fool. After all this time … he still hasn’t brought me anywhere near the identity of the Dark Lord.”
Qui-Gon exhaled, his broad frame collapsing in the chair again, while exhaustion returned to his voice.
“I suspect he keeps me mostly hidden to eventually try and kill the Master with my help. But who knows how long it will be before he sees his chance...”
Silence fell over the both of them, with Obi-Wan unable to decide whether he was hearing truth or lie.
“All the Jedi you killed...” he finally murmured.
“It was part of the assignment, Obi-Wan.” Qui-Gon sounded as if he needed to convince himself.
“And I should have killed you, too, indiscriminate...” His voice broke and his gaze fell to his hands in his lap.
He swallowed.
“I was not supposed to tell anyone about the mission, not even you, Obi-Wan. And I was to make it convincing...”
Was that desperation now?
“But when it was you I had to fight… I just couldn’t do it any longer.”
Qui-Gon’s gaze rose to meet his eyes again. A silent plea for forgiveness.
Obi-Wan remained still, fighting to not let any of the feelings he had buried deep inside himself so long ago come to the surface.
“I needed to tell you. ...To make you understand…” his voice trailed off, eyes roaming around, searching for the words he couldn’t seem to find until his gaze came to rest on Obi-Wan again.
“I love you, Obi-Wan.” he said simply.
Obi- Wan jumped up, screaming.
Qui-Gon rose as well, reaching out in a soothing gesture but Obi-Wan quickly stepped out of reach.
“You cant just throw that at me! After all these years! After all the….”
He had yelled but then the anger flowed from him as if a drain had been opened and gave way to the same exhaustion he had seen in Qui-Gon before.
“...the heartbreak your betrayal caused me… “ his voice broke and he had to stifle a sob.
This time he didn’t evade Qui-Gon’s touch as the tall man drew him into his arms and buried his face in the soft red hair.
For a short while he let his Master hold him and leaned his head against the broad shoulder while he tried to restore order to his thoughts and untie the knot in his chest. He reached for the force and let it calm him avoiding the warm presence that was his Master’s body and force signature but instead reaching further into the cool calm of space surrounding the small ship.
Finally he freed himself from Qui-Gon’s embrace and firmly looked the man in the eye.
“So what did you plan on doing now?” he asked down to business.
Qui-Gon drew a deep breath and took a step back to give him some space.
“I told Dooku you got the better of me and escaped.” He said after collecting himself for a moment. “Your fighter is in the loading bay.” He reached under his robe. “Here’s your lightsaber.”
“...You can leave anytime...”, he added hesitantly as if saying it would make Obi-Wan do it.
Obi-Wan took the lightsaber from Qui-Gon’s extended hand and started towards the door he supposed would lead to the loading bay.
“Good, I’ll better be on my way then before you’re caught in your lie.” He stated coldly. “I wouldn’t want to make your efforts to be in vain.”
Qui-Gon looked shattered as he watched Obi-Wan turn away offering nothing but brutal sarcasm.
“Obi-Wan wait!” He finally called out as the door slid open.
“No!” Obi-Wan said firmly without turning. “meditate it away or whatever it is you do these days. There’s no point in expanding this any further.” His voice never faltered as he dismissed Qui-Gon yet he felt his determination wane as he spoke. He turned around not wanting to be cruel.
His Master stood there stooped like a beaten dog.
“There is no point.” he continued softly. “All we could gain from this before your return to the temple is more heartbreak.”
It hurt him to see his Master defeated like this but it needed to be said. They were both Jedi, they both knew what it took.
“And even after your hopefully safe return...” He tried to swallow the big lump in his throat but to no avail. “There is really no room for attachments like this.”
Speaking the words made him want to throw up. His chest felt tight and his hands were covered in cold sweat. Part of him wished Qui-Gon had never said the words. There was a reason Obi-Wan had never spoken up about his feelings even after the knighting.
Qui-Gon came up to him now a wide warm smile on his face that seemed to say ‘I’m so proud of you, Padawan’. Oh, how he wished they could go back to being Master and Padawan, when being close had been so easy.
He didn’t back away as Qui-Gon slipped an arm around his waist and brushed an errand strand of hair from his face.
“You’re right, Padawan.”
Qui-Gon’s soft rumble gave him goosebumps.
“There really is no room for this in the Temple. But maybe then this right here is our place in space and time. Maybe this assignment, as hard and horrible as it is, finally gives me the liberty to do and say what I wanted to for so long.”
Warmth radiated from Qui-Gon. And warm was the smile on his face though his eyes were glossy wet.
“If this moment is all we’ve got, I want to savour it.” He paused. “All of it. The joy and the pain.”
He cupped his former Padawan’s face with both hands and placed a soft kiss on his lips.
Obi-Wan shut his eyes tightly to keep the tears from falling but it was no use. His fist curled into Qui-Gon’s tunic anger again boiling inside him. Why did his Master have to make him feel all these emotions that would be nothing but painful in the end?
Qui-Gon seemed to read his mind again as he kissed the tears from his face.
“Because every moment is precious with you, my Obi-Wan.”
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dolokhoded · 4 years
If you want, maybe 11 from the fluff prompts with ralbert? (Or which ship you want)
thanks for the prompt!! i needed to post some wwriting again soon, eugh. (in fact, i’m not even sure if i’ve ever posted writing in this blog?? wow.) 
11. “You cant banish me! This is my bed/bedroom too!”
 Race sighed, his feet dangling off the edge of the bed as he stared at the ceiling. He loved having free time in his afternoons, he really did. When he was done with all his lectures and was back from the coffee shop, he enjoyed having some time to himself. He could take a walk around the city, maybe meet Romeo, even stop by the dance studio if he still had enough energy for that. There were a lot of things he liked to do when he had time. But right now, he was bored out of his mind.  
 He rolled over, burying his face in the mattress. He lifted up his head, sneaking a glance over at the chair where Albert was sitting. Race felt a grin make its way to his lips, managing to get himself off the bed and make his way to him. He leaned over the redhead’s shoulder, taking a look at the screen of the computer placed on his lap. Albert had been working on his term paper for hours now and Race needed attention. “Watcha doing?” He asked.
 “Racer, please, I really need to focus on this.” Albert groaned, knowing very well what Race was trying to do.
 “Albie, you’ve been working on this for ages!” Race removed the laptop from his boyfriend’s lap, going to take a seat himself. “Come on. Spare me some Albert time. I’ve earned it, I haven’t even complained for the past hour.”
 “Race, please, this is important…” Albert protested, gently pushing Race out of his lap and reaching over to the desk where he had left his laptop. Race whined, falling back into the bed as he kept rapidly typing.
 The blond rolled around the bed a couple times before he shot up to his feet again, skipping his way to the desk. “Hey, Albie?” he smiled.
 “You’ve abandoned me. I’m lonely!” He dramatically fell against the boy’s shoulder.
 “Oh, quit poutin’, Race! You know I gotta finish this.” Albert sighed, shoving Race away.
 “Not for another three weeks! And it’s not like you’re behind either!” Race frowned. “C’mon, Al.” He leaned forward behind the ginger, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and kissing the back of his neck. “I could use some company.” He hardly managed to get his hand under Albert’s tank top before he moved away from him, his cheeks flushed red.
 “Nope!” He exclaimed. “No, no way, nope! Not happening. You know what, I’m banishing you. Get outta here.”
 “What?” Race laughed “You can’t banish me, this is my bedroom too!”
 “No, it isn’t, not anymore, I’m kicking you out! I’m filing for divorce!”
 “We’re not married, stupid!”
 “Well, we could be!”
 “Fine, then!” Race almost stormed off to the kitchen before he got an idea, a devilish smirk creeping its way to his face. “Guess I’ll just go hang out with Spot.”
 Albert set his laptop down at this, his face falling to a deadpan expression. “...Spot Conlon? You’re going out with Spot Conlon?”
 “Yeah, why?” Race shrugged, grabbing his coat off the hanger by the door. “Figured it was okay, since I’m obviously not wanted here.”
 Albert smiled, finally getting up from his chair and pulling Race in by his hips. “Ok, fine. You win.” He rolled his eyes. “Now, put down that coat, you’re not going anywhere.” He leaned in to kiss his boyfriend.
 “Wow, needy much… “ Race mumbled against his lips, right before Albert flicked him on the forehead.
 “Alright.” Albert pulled away, still holding Race by his waist. “Since I’m not getting that paper done, how ‘bout we watch a movie?”
 “Yeah, alright.” Race smiled and hung up his coat again once they let go of each other, walking to the living room.
 “Hey, did you say we… could be married?”
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yesokayiknow · 5 years
please go off on the not shipping 11 with anyone rant
ooooof okay lemme break this down
(i felt bad abt putting a big negativity post on ppl’s dashes so)
- the continuous casual misogyny. that ‘she is a woman’ line which he excuses with ‘shut up i’m dying’ like hello??? hello???? eleven meet me in the fucking PIT. and the fact that he kept calling amy and clara girls (the girl who waited, the impossible girl) like idk man. that always rubbed me the wrong way. the thing that makes me angriest is still him talking about clara’s ‘too tight skirts’ like fuck you!! fuck you!!! (also literally the first thing he did in his life was freaking out that he might be a girl like. hhhhhhhh)
- the fact that amy repeatedly told him that she didn’t like the name amelia anymore as well as pointing out that she’d changed her last name after getting married and yet he ignored her?? dude calling someone by their name isn’t hard okay jfc
- i mean literally the entirety of the husbands of river song is about how river doesn’t believe that the doctor ever loved her. like they’ve been married for centuries at this point and she still doesn’t KNOW if she’s loved?? still 100% believes that he doesn’t give a shit about her???? if i had a wife i would simply love and cherish her rip to 11 but i’m different. i mean river breaking her own wrist and then pretending nothing happened bc 'you cant let him see the damage'???? yikes yikes yikes yikes. like sometimes i think abt 11 never telling river that he loved her and the way she was always chasing after him the way she built her whole LIFE around him as some way to get some acknowledgement from him that he would never ever give and then i have to sit down and breathe for a sec
- he didn’t break the news to the ponds that he’d faked his own death gently he just? he turned up at the ponds’ house on christmas remember and they were like ye we know you’re alive river told us but like???? what if they hadn’t have known??????? how fucking devastating would it have been like the FUCK 11??? good thing river had already told them huh!!! imagine your dead best friend turning up on ur doorstep AFTER u watched him dielike i would NOT need that kind of energy in ANY kind of relationship tyvm (also he didn’t tell sarah jane & jo grant that he wasn’t dead either he just let them get invited to one of his fake funerals like dude,,,clean up your messes GOD. also it’s been a while but wasn’t the first thing he said when he saw sj & jo again smth like ‘wow you got old’ like i swear to god)
- me thinkin abt 12 not telling bill he was blind bc he didn’t want her to feel guilty abt sacrificing his sight for her life vs 11 inviting river to watch her be brainwashed into shooting him: the fuck the fuck the FUCK
11: i invited u so u know i always forgive u :) 
literally you could not find a bigger trigger for river if you TRIED how could you think that’s a good idea!!!
- invites amy onboard bc he likes her except nope! turned out he did that bc he was curious about what the crack in spacetime had done to her life!!! and THEN he did it again with not revealing what really happened with the pregnancy scan (THAT’S HER BODY HE DIDN’T EVEN TELL HER THAT’S SO GROSS LIKE HELLO??? HELLO??????) 
- then of course he does the whole false pretences thing AGAIN with clara. like man imagine if 11 had just actually told clara though. like not the way he yelled at her and then took advantage of the mindwipe but like actually told her???? but no can’t have that better to just keep lying when she asks if you’re using her as a replacement for someone else!!!
-okay nothing to do with how dateable he is as a person but he sure did make everyone in the human race post 1969 murderers without their knowledge huh!!!!! sure did that!!!!! that never came up again huh!!!!!!!!!
- hm i’m just remembering amy telling 11 that she bit her psychiatrists and like?? didn’t he laugh???? pretty sure he never really apologised!!! fellas if he doesn’t care abt ur mental trauma (that HE caused indirectly or not) then dump his ass
-also remember that time he kinda made the ponds spend like 3 months outrunning the secret service and the silence in 60s america by themselves (which is what allowed amy to be kidnapped and experimented on and have melody taken away from her)
- he NEVER saw clara as a person EVER he saw her as a fun mystery to be solved and he lied and stalked and gaslighted her so he could solve it and god i hate that whole plot so much and it also flows into why clara became so goddamn ambivalent about her own life & worth bc hey its not like 11 saw her as a person so why should she huh. like clara becoming a uh,,,,,,trainwreck who got herself killed (and i adore her for it don’t @ me) is definitely something that could’ve always happened but also 11 SURE did treat her like a mythical figure instead of a real person huh !
- okay yknow what it’s been years and i’m STILL pissed abt the way 11 told oswin that she was in a dalek casing like you really couldn’t have found a less traumatising way to phrase that?? really???
- dont think i need to comment on this:
 amy, after nearly DYING: wow that was good right? 
11: complete silence
amy: it was right? it was good??
11: still complete silence
river, looking like shes about to pull out a gun: it was BRILLIANT you’re BRILLIANT
you know this point may have gotten away from me a bit but in conclusion fuck 11 
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that-little-zebunny · 4 years
can you do a bucky x reader social media ay where reader is all happy go lucky and smiley and bucky is all stoic and “emo” for lack of a better word, and they’re secretly dating and the other avengers find out through social media?
Hi! I love this request 😍 thank you so much for sending it. I'm so sorry for the wait and hope you'll like this. Kisses, Zephy.
Warning: Emotional mess (Bucky hating himself) T.T, Cursing, Angst and some fluff.
Not a Secret anymore (Bucky x Reader Social media AU)
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You had been working at the Stark tower for years now. A lot had happened, you've witness lots of fighting and almost end of the world stuff but what you're not prepared for was getting promoted as Tony's Tech Apprentice. He had seen your potential and took you in to teach you the ups and down in his company.
You also started working closely with the team and you got to know all of them nicely and being an energy ball that you are they accepted you with open arms.
But what took your interests the most is the new member, Bucky. He's a very quiet person and would always choose to be alone. You've observed him a lot and one day youve decided that you'll fill his life with life.
And that you did, after months of annoying him, he end up liking you and you started dating. (Coz who will say no to that hot stuff?), Sadly tho Bucky still have problems opening up to others and that's where you've decided that as for now you'll keep your relationship privately.
But sometimes you just want to brag about him to the world.
Hence you posting some lowkey photos with him.
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You were walking at the tower to go to the lab when Nat came and walked beside you.
"So, I saw your post. I didn't know you're dating someone now, do you want me to do a background check on him?" She smirked your way. Eyes serious. You gulp nervously and scratched your nape.
"Thanks for the offer and concern Nat. But we're good." You made a thumbs up sign. "I know him very well." You laugh awkwardly walking fast waving her goodbye.
Well that was scary, you thought. Knowing Natasha and her spy-ness even Bucky won't be able to hide from her. Yaykss!! Lost in your own thought you didn't see the person in front of you bumping to his hard chest.
“Oopf-” before you fell down to the floor two strong-arm scooped you up back to a very familiar chest.
“Careful, Bab- I...I mean Y/N...I’m sorry, are you alright?” Bucky cleared his throat, eyes wide as he nervously look up at Steve. You giggled at the flushed look on Bucky’s face from almost spilling one of his tons of endearment for you. Having a weird grin in your face you nodded and step back from his hold but not before stealthily rubbing your hands on his hard abs. Those are your babies!!
“I should be asking you that Buck, are you okay? you look bothered?” Steve asked with a questioning look in his face.
“I-I...I’m-” Bucky stuttered. Not wanting your man to be in more hot seat as he is now you flexed your arms in front of the two super soldiers.
“Aw Capt, I’m very much fine, I’m strong, look! Must have startled Bucky boo a bit there. Sorry I wasn't looking where I’m walking.” you showed a peace sigh before you winked at Bucky and went on you way towards yours and Tony’s shared Lab.
“Y/N, is such an energetic person. You should stick with her more. She might be able to help you loosen up a bit.” Steve jokes as they continue on their walk towards the tower’s Kitchen.
“Yeah, she’s like a bright light that envelopes everyone with warmth.” Bucky said with a small smile in his lips. His mind is now full of your beautiful face. How you always makes him smile and laugh so easily. Even getting frustrated because of you seems like one of the greatest experiences he had for a long while now.
He can’t help but be worried that anytime now you’ll see how unworthy he is and leave him. Because who is he really? a broken old man with so many dead bodies behind him. Even though you would always tell him that it's not his fault, it was still him who took those people’s lives. It was his hands that pulled the trigger. his face those people pleaded their lives with. It was all him. Sighing he stood up and told Steve he doesn't feel like eating breakfast and went back to his room.
He lay on his back tears flowing from his eyes metal arm stretch towards the ceiling. It was this hand...this weapon. He doesnt deserve to touch such pure and delicate person like you. He'll just put a stain on your beautiful heart. A sob went past his lips as he thinks of you, He loves you so much and would die if he loose you.
He was almost asleep when he heards a low buzzing sound near his window. He looked up and saw your red and green drone that you used to play around with. In it is a note.
"I went back to the kitchen to ask Steve something and he told me you didn't eat breakfast. There's an address behind this note go there. NOW!" -YN
Scratching the back of his head Bucky got up and went to change into a red henley and made sure he is wearing his gloves and cap.
He went inside of a very cozy cafe looking for you ignoring the strange looks sent his way.
Is that the winter soldier?
Why is he here?
Is he really sane now?
I'm scared of him...
And so many words he choose to ignore and went back looking for you but you're not there? Where could you be and why did you made him go here? He let out a defeated sigh.
His phone vibrated and he pulled it out to see a text you sent.
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Bucky smirked at his girl's tricks. What is she planning to do right now? Making sure that a genuine smile is plastered at his face he patiently waits for you.
That is until a server put down a slice of cake and a latte infront of him, before he got the chance to say he didn't order it he saw the note written in the cake.
For the best boyfriend ever!
It says in the most messy writing a cake ever experienced.
Tears forming in his eyes he slowly looked up at you with that silly server costume and a wide & proud grin that he loves so much.
"There's the smile." You said winking at him.
He cant believe how lucky he is that you choose to love him. Not being able to stop himself he pulled you near him and held your face.
"I'm so fucking lucky to have you, Sweet cheeks. I love you so much!" Bucky half growl shouted before he pulled your face down to give you an intense kiss. Sighing, you give in opening up your lips to taste more of him not caring about the crowds that are witnessing everything. Not even caring the flash sounds of camera. Nothing else matters but Bucky and your love for him.
This man that had been hurting for so long but still have so much love to give and offers. You can never see him as someone you should be scared off oven though you know deep inside thats what he feels because you see him, the real him and you love him so much.
"So...." Nat said with a strict look in her face hands on her wait.
"A...ahm..." You stutter, you can feel everyone's eyes on your direction. Your forehead sweating from nervousness. "S-surprise?" You cringe while looking specially at Nat.
"Why the hell did you guys hide from us that you're dating!?" Sam said not being able to contain his excitement. "And here we are trying to plot a plan to get the two of you to date? Damn Barnes aren't you smooth man!" He said laughing so hard.
"Well, it happens and we just thought we we're not yet ready to announce it." Bucky said looking at you with a small smile and you smiled back at him.
"yeah..." You agree.
"Well, now you have no choice. The whole world now knows that the Winter soldier that people are scared of is smitten and is not scary at all. They even made a ship name for the two of you." Nat said shaking her head as she show a IG post with the two of you. Well...all the hiding only needed one stolen picture to end.
You lovingly squished Bucky's hand and he brought yours to his lips and whispers "I love you so much doll. I will never hide you ever again."
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*Images are all grabbed from google, if one is yours feel free to DM me for proper removal or credit. Thank you so much 💗
Bonus part
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issue 19
it’s 2021 now!! time for more transformers 
we start off w/a flashback showing tyrest retrieving ultra magnus’s body from the ship - and we get a look at magnus’s spark, which is the green color of a 0.1%er [eyes emoji]
tyrest punching magnus..... grrrrr leave my dad alone bastard man
‘the divided self’ what a good title 
rodimus is like listen man this is a lot for my poor thot brain to take in
in flashback land, we see tyrest immediately launch into a crazy person spiel about how he can and will edit the law as he sees fit to conform to the situation, because that doesn't seem like a blatant abuse of power or a huge conflict of interest or anything 
oooh the screen in the corner that says ‘thought warfare,’ I see that
oof, poor magnus. its gotta be rough to hear your boss rant about how bad at your job you are....especially bc this is right after overlord called magnus a joke and nearly killed him
its especially brutal bc as magnus says, his job is his life 
augh, I love the panel where the armor is falling off around minimus, and then the one where he’s holding the ultra magnus head...poetic 
its fascinating that there was an ‘original’ magnus who was an actual guy, and then tyrest chose to make him into this legacy symbol - I'm assuming the OG magnus had no say in this, and probably didn't even know that he was gonna become this lawman legacy figure
I do wanna know though - obviously everyone thought that ultra magnus was one dude, but how did the different guys wearing the armor deal w/that? like, did minimus have people coming up to him like ‘hey ultra magnus old buddy! remember when we fought those guys in that one place? good times!’ like, do they have to study up on the lives of the past armor wearers to prepare for the role of ultra magnus?
augh poor minimus, of course he’s been wondering about what happened with overlord after he was KO’d
oof, drift...I feel like minimus looks surprised and a little skeptical at the idea that drift was the one behind the entire overlord thing - which is interesting bc as we saw at the beginning of the story, he doesn't exactly trust drift, but it’s still pretty far-fetched that one person orchestrated the entire thing
tailgate :(
the concept of a load-bearer is SUPER cool, I love it so much
it also puts a much-needed limit on things - as in, there IS a limit to how much weight/mass a normal cybertronian frame can carry, which is why you don't see everybody upgrading to be Massive - bc they actually CANT
oof, the worst part is that tyrest is RIGHT, minimus essentially DID have a nervous breakdown after the war ended bc of the rigid way he views the world
mental health support is clearly in shambles for cybertronians, yikes. they literally have 1 therapist for their entire race, and he’s not even licensed anymore due to hipaa violations. what a mess
the ‘attention deflectors’ thing is so cool and clever and also a great explanation as to why ratchet or anyone else never said ‘hey wait a minute, you're actually a much smaller dude in a trench coat’ 
I love tailgate knowing all the stuff about the autobot code bc of magnus...my BOY
and THATS why minimus was asking about skids specifically earlier!
oh minimus, please don't put so much stock in tyrest being stable and resonable...
aaaand there's skids and swerve! brainstorm says it best - ‘because something unexpected hasn't happened for at least nine seconds.’ lmao ily brainstorm 
finally checking in w/whirl and cyclonus - god I love that. whirl asking cyclonus how many cons he killed and cyc is like psh I wasn't keeping count....................ok it was six
hhhhh cyclonus IS looking for a cure for tailgate, even though he told tg that there wasn’t anything to hope for....excuse me as I go be emo 
and now we flash over to the unethical medical conduct hell zone, where pharma is being weird and horny and ratchet is appropriately horrified 
I seriously love how unhinged pharma looks, the art & colors do such a good job conveying his feral energy 
ratchet has some massive dick energy for taunting pharma when he’s currently just a head and pharma has dual chainsaws for hands 
ugh, I love whirls speech about anger...and I feel like he really does see cyclonus as a peer, despite cyclonus wanting to kill him, which is why he tells cyclonus all of this 
I fuckgin love that cyclonus’s reaction to very suddenly getting stabbed thru the abdomen is to just glance down at the sword, looking mildly inconvenienced 
back over to ratchet - and at first its like oh wow I can’t believe pharma was stupid enough to let ratchet goad him into this contest....but then you see first aid and ambulon and its like UH OH this is gonna be BAD
the idea that getting sliced in half is no big deal for a cybertronian is wild
‘you're gonna let doctor djd cut us in half?’ yeahhhh that's an appropriate reaction, yikes
pharma you piece of shit
poor ambulon :( :( :( that's fucking brutal. amazing panel but....jesus
and like, to further my point from last issue’s liveblog - the fact that this very gore-y panel is okay, but swearing isn't...that's really funny honestly. I guess robo-gore is acceptable, while I'm guessing regular ole run of the mill human gore wouldn't be
then back to cyclonus, who is still looking only vaguely put out by the sword stuck right thru him
and then cyclonus just pulls it right out, which is a very bad idea for humans but probably not as big of a deal for big near-immortal alien robots
circle of light stuck in capitalistic urban hellscape cubicals 
poor skids, being asked to stand trial while having no idea what his crime is due to Big Amnesia 
OH SHITTTT I totally forgot that getaway shows up here
that is super clever though, with chromedome confusing the name ‘getaway’ with the concept ‘needing to escape’
cant believe tyrest is really dumb enough to tell minimus all his evil plans
BUT that means its time for some very important forged vs constructed cold lore
jro spelling ‘program’ as ‘programme’ made me remember when he said that he considers everyone on the lost light to be british, which is perhaps the least valid thing he’s ever said vhbghjsdbfjkhasbjk
the idea that they used the matrix - which is portrayed as kind of a holy object - in reproductive experiments is really interesting
AUGHHHHH this is all so good and interesting...im really fascinated w/this particular brand of like, alien robot racism/constructism/whatever you wanna call it - I feel like it does such a good job as a plot device, where many other ‘fantasy racism’ concepts from other franchises fail, bc there's not really a ‘human metaphor’ being used here (as far as I know/can tell) - as in, this isn't a thinly veiled metaphor for something that happened/could happen in human history
in fact, this type of bigotry (or w/e you wanna call it) isn't something that is even really possible in humans - I guess if there was a stigma against being born via ivf or something...? but there isn't, so there's no obvious real-world equivalent, which I take as a sign of good writing and worldbuilding - it makes the cybertronians feel more Real, bc of course they would have their own types of bigotry based off of completely different things than humans 
additionally - and this is crucial - tyrest is wrong: there’s no like, inherent moral corruption in cold constructed bots. there's no difference at all, other than method of construction. fantasy racism plotlines often flounder here, with the oppressors having a ‘valid reason’ for oppressing the oppressed, but tyrest is just operated on religious zealot bs and some biased science
like, dude, did you ever think that maybe there are other reasons why your trials only condemned cold constructed bots? like, maybe the trial itself was biased? or societal conditions were to blame? correlation is not causation, my dude, especially when the conclusion is ‘cold constructed bots are inherently SINNERS’ lmao 
like, tyrest rlly said ‘FUCK separation of church and state,’ huh
anyways I just think the whole cold construction vs forged thing is really interesting and well-done, and serves as a good precursor to the more fleshed-out functionism stuff we see later 
so tyrest is clearly off his rockers w/the whole drilling thing - dude, you accidentally gave yourself a lobotomy, okay - but I find it kinda funny that he’s right about a lot of that stuff he said at the end, about primus and the guiding hand and stuff being real 
cyclonus saying ‘tailgate and the others’...I see you, man, I see you
also cyclonus looks fine now??? didn't he just get stabbed??? 
ah, tyrest sprinkling a little light genocide onto his plan to find salvation. nice, dude!
‘fully deserved’ SHUT UP BIIIIITCH
poor minimus is taking a lot of Ls this arc, geez
oof, great issue! again, as usual....I loved the lore we got this issue, its so interesting...and some good character stuff too. I love minimus, I feel like he’s gonna be my fav this readthru; my first read my fav was brainstorm, second readthru was whirl, and I feel like its minimus/magnus this time. I just love his character arc...
hype af for more B) 
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swatato · 5 years
That episode literally blasted the last of my serotonin into smithereens but TBH??? WHO AM I MAD AT I should have seen this coming this whole volume has been such a headache. I cant be bothered to type up a coherent rwde essay on everything that bothered me this episode so im just gonna copy and paste my earlier yelling here instead ;A;
Team Rwby was god awful in episodes 11-12. They’re so self-righteous, entitled, hypocritical and cocky as a team and it doesnt help that they all suck as individual characters nowadays (except for weiss but even she lost best-girl points this episode also lmao blake and yang aren’t even INDIVIDUALS anymore they’re just bumbleby). It was annoying at first but now its just infuriating how rwby thinks theyre always right with their uwu energy and think they can do whatever tf they want with ZERO CONSEQUENCES.
Basically any time there is a problem in this show they have Ruby uwu at it and its solved lol.
They kept giving ironwood shit for taking on this incredible burden SO THAT NOBODY ELSE WOULD HAVE TO and rather than offer any real solution they just kept going “but mantle” like okay?? But remnant??? Like obvi letting mantle rot is bad but HE WAS OPEN TO ANY HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS CUZ HES OBVI AT HIS WITTS END AND DOESNT LIKE THE IDEA EITHER but yeah they just proceed to be the fattest hypocrites by hiding secrets of their own after being all “no more secrets uwu” and WHEN THEY GOT EXPOSED THEY JUST WENT “>:[“ (yangs self-righteous little glare here pissed me off so much oof) especially when ironwood was laying everything out in the open to them from the start. AND ESPECIALLY WHEN THE SECRET WAS FKIN “OH YEAH SALEM CANT DIE LOL” They watched ironwood make every decision he did in hopes of beating Salem while KNOWING she couldnt die??? So literallY WHERE do they get off on screeching at him with their yOu doNt hAvE to Suffer In ManTle YOu doNt kNow whAt iTs liKe bs. Wtf made ruby distrust iw at the start anyway? Because he had a bunch of ships out? They kept this CRUCIAL piece of information from him because he seemed stressed out?? Like what made ruby keep the secret from him. Someone tell me.
And the fact that rwby beat the ace-ops makes no goddamned sense. The power-scaling in this show is non-existant. We finally got to meet some pro huntsmen in this universe who aren’t teachers but are actually on the job, but because we gotta move out of the way for that 👌🏽✨ Power Of Friendship✨ and ✨rwby is always right✨ they somehow managed to beat experienced huntsmen with YEARS in the field who’ve actually graduated school??? FARM BOI OSCAR WHOS *JUST* LEARNING HOW TO FIGHT MANAGED TO LAND A PUNCH ON NEO FKIN POLITAN??? Didnt neo dance circles around yang??? Yang, who punches for a living and also beat mercury and adam??? I cant yall (and the fact that he didnt even bother to sneak up on her this boi literally screamed “no!!” as he ran down a hallway and neo didnt even have time to blink??? Pls)
Ruby’s “you were the best, until you trained us :3” -for maybe 2 days before my team went dancing ruby sis shut right tf up pls my god is this line just so. UNEARNED. Training in a room for a short while does not simply grant you the years of field experience the ace ops have and whAT IS UP WITH HER TRYING TO REASON WITH HARIETT AFTER SAYING THAT COCKY LINE AND FIGHTING HER??? WHAT and also like. The entire idea of “the ops lost cuz they weren’t good friends and were bad at teamwork uwu” is just so dumb. Ur telling me this group of high ranking hunstmen who’ve most likely been working together for at least a few years didnt have teamwork down??? Learning to work together is the most BASIC concept for a team to learn!! Its like the first thing a team has to perfect!! If the ace ops are supposed to be the best of atlas you dont think the ops would have gotten something as fundemental as teamwork down?? I dont buy it. And who gives a shit if they dont hang out after work or take selfies with eachother. Being friends doesnt necessarily mean theyre great at working together. If they succeed at relying on eachother to watch their backs, to keep each other alive (in the words of hariett herself) then Id think theyd know how to protect eachother i.e WORK TOGETHER.
And for all the ✨friendship✨ and ✨going through so much with someone✨ talk rwby like to do, the show barely displays these people acting like friends. We’re constantly TOLD how great of friends this group is, but the actual CONTENT we are shown leaves a lot to be desired. Tell me the last time ruby and blake teamed up in a fight. Or weiss and blake. Or yang and weiss. What teamwork?? Yang only interacts with blake now and weiss is only ever allowed to interact with ruby. Has blake ever said nora or ren’s name out loud? Have jaune and yang ever held a conversation between just them? Team rwby just spent a GOOD DEAL of time seperated from eachother, but when they reunite their teamwork is still somehow better than the ace ops?? Honestly its easier to believe that ruby is closer with team jnpr than she is her own team. If they showed the ops messing up during rwby vs ace ops fight due to lack of communication, then it still doesnt matter. My point is that they shouldnt have lacked teamwork in the first place.
Robyn was m e h this episode “JaMes ConTinUes to UnDeresTimAte Me” *proceeds to get knocked over in .3 seconds and is then KO for the rest of the episode* also great job for starting a fight and aiming to take clovers life in a moving airship with a terrorist on board when clover was acting PEACEFULLY and qrow was WILLING TO TALK IT OUT WITH IW and potentially work on a solution, but naw robyn is big mad and shall shoot.
Qrow made zero sense this episode too. I was with him right up until he chose TYRIAN OVER CLOVER??? THE PSYCOPATH WHO CANNOT BE REASONED WITH OVER THE RATIONAL DUDE YOU KNOW IS GOOD except clover wasnt acting rational in this fight at all and ill get to that AND IS THE ONLY FRIEND YOU HAVE WHOS NOT 19????? Qrow rly looked at tyrian- a man who is literally an enemy to all of remnant and went after ur neice- and said lets get rid of this punk together u and me bro. Like screw teaming with clover to bring down the dude you ACTUALLY have a grudge with whos also a serial killer and then trying to talk it out with clover whod be willing to do things peacefully why is this show like this
and AS FOR CLOVER. where were the braincells this episode. Qrow was trying to fight tyrian-the WAY bigger threat here, but clover??? kept knocking him away from tyrian and restraining him with his hook like??? YEAH LETS HELP OUT THE DEMON SCORPION CRACKHEAD HES CLEARLY NOT THE PRIORITY ATM nvm clover deserved to die there m8
His death scene was emotional and I feel bad for Qrow but u literally sealed his death when u ganged on him with tyrian so why are you even surprised. And on the subject of fairgame, im glad it didnt happen. Qrow was in no state for romance and I was glad he finally had a friend. He just spent the last volume thinking he wasted his life away helping oz, drowning in misery, drinking til he passed out on the street and so drunk he couldnt even be of any help during the apathy situation, when up til now hes been shown to fight just fine while drunk. I don’t see this as a “bury your gays trope” because clover was never confirmed to be gay and all their scenes added up to 40 seconds of platonic friendship. These two are grown ass men, if they had the hots for eachother then im pretty sure they could openly show it and not dance around it like theyre kids. I do feel bad for mlm viewers who were hoping for some rep with fairgame/lucky charms (cuz rt only cares if ur a cute marketable lesbian) but idc for the overly entitled fans who try to force their own headcanons on the writers and go feral when they dont get what they want. You dont just get to prance around claiming whats canon and what isnt. If rep is there then great, but if it isnt, then why not look somehwere else and let the author tell the story theyre trying to tell? Shipping fairgame cuz you think its cute is absolutely fine but not when u start getting ready to casterate crwby for not catering to you. Also, rwby sucks with lgbt+ rep anyway so what were yall expecting.
The only thing that was great this episode was the chorerography. It just sucks that the animation/choreo continues to improve while the writing doesnt. Another thing that really fell off this episode was the whole “we’re friends but we have to fight” drama. It doesnt work when its only ONE SIDE SHOWING ANY DISTRESS OVER IT. Only the ace ops (marrow, clover, the vine dude) seemed to show distress over having to fight rwby (it sucks that the only 1v1 weiss has won was because marrow was going EASY on her cuz he didnt wanna fight her fr) but rwby???? They didnt give any shits. They were so quick to turn against them and aim for their heads. They were SMILING as they ran at the ace ops, while they looked conflicted. If you oppose their UwU philosophy, you’re dead to them.
I really wanna enjoy RWBY but sometimes this show (and the fndm) really tests me. Its ironic how this episode came right after last episode, which I thought was the best chapter this volume. Anyway I rate this 10/10 cuz it gave me best character ironwood and best boi marrow and I would like to give them hugs for carrying this volume on their backs. (Also tyrian and penny and winter have been great too)
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bbparker · 5 years
Let Me Know Part 2 (Infinity War!Steve Rogers)
Summary: (Y/n) Is pregnant and hasn’t told Steve before the battle for the universe has begun. Will they survive to gain what they always seem to loose? time. 
A/N: Long time coming and YES - THERE WILL BE A PART 3
Warnings: swearing, blood and fighting (ANGSTY)
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We stopped in a field, ahead of us was the triangular ships and the two generals for Thanos’ army. 
It seemed as though everything was sped up yet moving in slow motion for (y/n). She watched as Okoye led her warriors into motion and T’Challa race to the front of the army, throwing out instructions and orders to all different people. Arms suddenly reach for her and (y/n) looked to see Steve trying to help her off the craft. 
In (y/n)’s mind she somehow believed that although she hadn’t told Steve about the baby, he had some unconscious knowledge about it. That and he was a damn gentleman.  Allowing him to help her down, he gently lifts and put her softly on the ground, staring at her for a moment, as if capturing her in his mind once more before getting into solider mode as we heard chanting from various tribes. 
Marching to the front with the gang in tow, (y/n) stood sternly by Steve side as he did hers, facing forward and getting an up close look at the triangular ships with thousands of aliens contained within them.
“We’ll go and confront them.” Steve declared to T’challa. 
“If you’ll come with me? Nat, you too.” He asked, making eye contact with her and completely ignoring her. 
“Ill come too.” (y/n) declared, stepping forward. Steve sighed, knowing she’d do so.
“No, (y/n), I need up here with Bucky incase something happens.” The look and tone he gave her made sure there was no time or need for an argument so she decided to just agree. Though he used it as an excuse, you knew he was going to keep you out of this for as long as he could. Nodding, (y/n) moves back into place. 
She watched them walk down and meet Thanos’ generals and though the conversation was to be short, she knew there’d be no alternative to the battle about to occur. Thanos was adamant about his goal and he didn’t care how he achieved it. 
(Y/n) suddenly saw the blue alien with slight horns raise her arms and the giant ships hulls opened. For a moment, the silence was defending and in that moment (y/n) had known shed made a mistake in not telling Steve. Then her senses all came back; the sound of creatures squealing and screaming invaded her ears. 
Wide eyed, and preparing for battle, namely her gun and making sure her short sword was wrapped and easy to access; (y/n) felt the urge to let somebody know.
“Buck.” She said hurriedly, watching Steve, Nat and T’Challa running back to join the army. 
“Yeah?” He asked prepping and aiming his gun. 
“I’m pregnant and Steve doesn’t know.” His movement halted as he looked at her with wide eyes. 
“I-i, why are you telling me and not him?” He asked hurriedly, grabbing her arm tightly. 
“You need to leave (y/n), you cant be here what if you- what happens-” Bucky was panicking, he couldn’t allow her to die with Steve and her future in her belly. 
“This is why I couldn’t tell him, Buck.” She whispered hurriedly as they neared. 
“I can’t sit back and let the ones I love die. I would never forgive myself.” Bucky released her arm slowly and gave her a worried look as he smiled lightly at Steve as he slowed down to beside her. 
“Plus, it’s got uh… talents because no way am I suddenly developing new powers at this stage.” (Y/n) whispered to Bucky quickly as his eyes managed to get even wider. 
“You alright?” (Y/N) asked, knowing just moments ago he’d admitted was afraid. Grabbing her hand he said one final time, “I love you.” Only to receive her hand squeeze as she looked at him.
“To infinity.” She whispered.
The creatures began getting through as Bucky and (y/n) began shooting. When T’Challa decided to open a shield section she watched as they flooded in. Calmly he moved to the front before yelling, 
(Y/n) yelled her loudest battle cry and set off running alongside friends and family down the hill. The yells of the two armies was deafening but if anything it fuelled something within her. In an instant the Avengers were at the front of the army, pumping their limbs to the max in order to meet the alien army. 
For a minute there was only white noise as they ran. A high pitch ringing went throughout the air and memories of Steve came forth as he and T’Challa ran ahead. (Y/n)’s urge to protect Steve outweighed anything. 
 Suddenly that urge broke through the surface and it all came rushing back as a new kind of adrenaline. (Y/N) knew it was her and Steve’s baby somehow lending her power or at least she had become more powerful in the wake of childbearing and the desire to protect it. 
Her feet hit the ground at a faster rate with the new thoughts. Her heart pumped rapidly and suddenly (y/n) was leaving the army behind. Faster! She urged herself as Steve was only slightly ahead of her. 
As if some prayer had been answered, (y/n) felt the extra kick and pushed herself faster and to the shock of Steve, surpassed him and lit her hands with the white fire she was known for. 
She was going to win this, even if it killed her. Which it just might. 
Steve’s P.O.V
Steve’s blood was pumping, he was ready. Running at the front of the crowd gave in advantage to take out the first line of beasts but from his left side, Steve saw a flash of (y/c/h) fly past him with incredible speed before jumping and lading in the throng of five creatures. He was in both awe and confusion of you, not remembering you to have super speed/agility at least not enough to surpass him in running. 
His thoughts were left well enough alone as he fumed into the middle of a group of aliens. 
(Y/N)’S P.O.V
We were fighting for our lives, our world and our people and yet it seemed it would never end. Duck, punch, fireball, fireblast.
It seemed the energy (y/n) had before was running out and her movements were becoming sluggish. Occasionally she would see a purple blast from T’Challa’s suit but other than that, (y/n) hadn’t seen a single one of her friends.
 A Wakandan man she’d been fighting beside was cut down and as she finished of the ugly-ass alien in front of her, she turned and pulled out her small sword from her back and brought it up and through the aliens chin and out the head.  
Pulling it out and twirling it she forced it behind her into the one attempting to sneak up on her. Immediately in the distance, she sees wheels enter the field, ploughing down everyone, friend and foe. One was set on a path before being broken apart by a red power, also known as Wanda.  
Gasping for breath, some intuition told her to turn around and as she did a beast jumped and kicked her on the side. 
The momentum sent her flying and knocking into another creature. Being on the ground was not an option for (y/n) but as she landed her eyes conveniently landed on Steve, who was taken down by five creatures at once. 
“STEVE!” The creature going for her charged as three other aliens decided they’d join in on taking her down. Her vision was turning red, as Steve failed to re-appear, the creatures still tearing at the spot she had last saw him. 
Internally, she felt the fire within her explode and all surrounding creatures were thrown away from her body as it fully ignited. Her hair began to stand on end as a whole new power entered her body, starting in a run, leaving trails of fire behind her, (y/n) was untouchable. Nothing was getting between her and Steve freakin’ Rogers. 
One creature attacking Steve must have felt the heat approaching as it turned and eyes actually managed to widen at the glowing goddess with rare in her flaming eyes. 
“You’re fucked.” Was all she said before a whirlwind of fire erupted from within her, lifting her slightly from the ground. The fire flew out of her in waves as she threw her hands at each creature. From the group, Steve held back the remaining creature as he watched in awe of (y/n)’s raw power.
Only one was left and instead of her fire she tackled it to the ground and put a fist through its head. It was too easy, she thought. The fire within her was still roaring, now more than ever. 
“(Y/N)? Whats going on?” Steve asked as they went back to back, her fire not affecting Steve. 
“Is it bad timing to tell you i’m pregnant?” Steve moves falter resulting in a punch to the face and a cut above his eyebrow. Not wanting to get killed in this wrongly timed confession, (y/n) created a fireball with two hands and pushed it out from her. Extending it and spinning it around her and Steve quickly to create a wall, (y/n) and Steve were graced with a small portion of time to explain.
(Y/N) didn’t question how she knew how to do it because all she knew it that it was helpful in that moment. Turning to Steve she quickly relayed it once again. 
“Look all I know is I’m pregnant, its a girl by the way, and I didn’t want to tell you because I knew you wouldn’t allow me to come with and I’m sorry for not telling you but there are more things at stake than just this.” Steve stood in stock still, unable to come to terms with it. 
“You… you’re-thats Daisy, sitting right there,” he pointed to her stomach, “in the midst of this a-and the new powers.” (y/n) laughed slightly at his choice in words before she noticed the ring of fire she was creating was getting weaker. They were running out of time. Time, again. 
“Look we don’t have much time but yes and she’s giving me an extra boost in powers, which is very helpful. But she's going to need both of us, so don’t fuckin’ die.” (y/n) grabbed his face for a quick, rough kiss before breaking the fire walls running again into battle. 
Her short summary had both weakened and strengthened Steve’s resolve. 
This wasn’t just him fighting for a cause anymore, it was him fighting for his future. His daughters future. With a new passion within him, Steve’s strength grew as he faced and took down twice as many as before. 
But was it enough?
“We’ve got a Vision situation!” Falcon yelled from above.
“Someone get to Vision!” Steve yelled in reply, giving another blow to the next creature. 
“I’m on it!” Steve heart stopped at (y/n)’s voice and the sound of an explosion. Above him a body of fire went streaming past towards the forest and although he knew she could take of herself, her life was no longer the only one on the line in her situation.
Was it enough?
Was her power boost enough?
The answer; no. 
TAGS (not open)
@saharzek @nerdyandexhausted  @iamwarrenspeace @jahanana  @asexualmarauder @theharrisontomytom  @shippingfangurl  @ironmanlover24 @come-with-me-and-imagine  @alwayshave-faith  @savmontreal @somebody-stuff  @sev7en  @wildefire  @geeksareunique @loki-god-of-my-life @realgreglestrade  @httpmcrvel @esoltis280  @kenzie-cold-greenkale  @ldyhawkeye @fuckthatfeeling @fanderrawr @shaririii
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iestyn-crowe · 5 years
In Years Past
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March fifteenth. It was two decades ago today, but he remembered it in such vivid detail. He found himself back on the ship, which had become significantly quieter in recent weeks. Desmond was visiting family in Elwynn, Em had vanished entirely, Inron and Cynthia generally spent the daytime below deck. After what the musician had told Iestyn, though, he couldn’t be certain that he was there at all. He still wouldn’t chance his usual venture to the bilge, just in case he passed by them on the way-- he couldn’t hide nor explain the mournful expression on his face and he didn’t want to try. There was only one person on the crew who knew everything, so he mustered the energy to knock on the door to his quarters.
March fifteenth. It was two decades ago today.
Carmen pulled the door open and wordlessly beckoned his first mate inside. The damned thing looked like he was on the verge of tears and he had anticipated his arrival. Rising from a dish on the desk was a wisp of smoke, evidence of the unfinished cigarette that he had twisted upon it for the sake of the lad. He wouldn’t light another while he was here. The captain made his way back to his seat, sitting down with a quiet grunt and turning back to the invoices and contracts he had been working on before the interruption. To anyone but Iestyn that may have seemed callous, but he appreciated the lack of staring as he crawled onto the bed and laid down. He managed to look just like the lost child he had pulled from the water all those years ago, and in many ways he still was.
A comforting silence had fallen between them, accented only by the soft scratch of quill on parchment while Carmen worked. Iestyn closed his eyes, taking a deep and shaky breath to fight the sting of tears.
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Two decades ago today had been a dark, dark day, but it had brought the brightest light he had ever seen into his life. He remembered being told to leave the room, he remembered reentering hours later to see his mother in bed, staring silently at the wall. Her face was still wet from tears but she was too exhausted to sob anymore. There was blood-- entirely too much of it for this sort of thing. His ears pinned back and he looked around for the midwife, but it was just them.
“<Momma…? Is there a baby?>”
She gave a weak nod, though her gaze didn’t move from the spot on the wall. When she spoke, her voice was raspy and raw from the cries he had heard from the other side of the door, “<For now. … Outside.>”
The child didn’t know what that meant, but it made his blood run cold all the same. He ran out as though somehow he could help. They tried to keep him away, really, but he ducked and weaved through the arms that attempted to shoo him until he managed to see her. She was… small. Too small. He didn’t know the proper size for a baby, exactly, but even he could tell that something was very, very wrong. Her arms and legs were like brittle twigs curled close to her body and her skin was a deep, bright red. The hands held above in a desperate attempt to heal overshadowed her completely. She could have fit in one palm. That’s what he remembered before he was picked up and carried back to his mother, too stunned and confused to fight or complain this time.
They had said she probably wouldn’t live to see morning. Even if she did, every day was going to be a struggle. The idea that she would see a twentieth birthday was laughable at the time, so how could he still hold it against his mother? How could it still pain him so much?
“<Would you like to name her?>”
“<... Why bother?>”
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In years past, he had seen her celebrate. He had seen her cook a feast entirely too large for the household she lived in. He had seen her give away flowers from her garden to friends and strangers alike, always happily chirping that it was her birthday and she wanted to spend it making people smile. That was the best present anyone could give her, anyways. She loved making people smile.
This year, he couldn’t risk the visit. If he went anywhere near her again…
Iestyn rolled over, taking a shaky breath and pulling a pillow close to cling to. He just needed a moment-- but the sound of a notification on his communicator had his ears pinning back. Even Carmen glanced over his shoulder. He wasn’t certain if he should be proud or worried that the thief had become so sociable lately, as it usually ended in either a new crewmate or a downward spiral.
He winced at the brightness of the screen, reading the message with some difficulty after wiping his eyes on his sleeve. It was from Leon.
I seem to have accidentally made a small cake. If you’re so inclined, feel free to help me dispose of it.
It got a broken laugh from him. He hadn’t meant to tell anyone the significance of the date, but there had been so much on his mind that it spilled outward on Poetry Night. Of course the bloody Gilnean would reach out, that man’s heart was so big that it only fit in his chest sometimes. In all others, he wore it on his sleeve. Iestyn laid the communicator back face down, running his hand through his hair. He wasn’t going anywhere and he knew it. No one could see him like this.
In retrospect, the communicator was a much more welcome interruption to his melancholy than the soft scratch at the door that followed. He glanced at his captain, knowing full well that he never had any visitors. Besides, that didn’t sound quite like a knock. Carmen stood reluctantly to open it, finding a crow waiting on the deck with a rolled up letter attached to its leg. It wasn’t Lenore and the seal on the parchment matched the tattoo on Iestyn’s forearm, something that was enough cause for alarm for his brow to furrow while he untied it. The Guild didn’t usually contact their master at sea unless it was extremely urgent, and in their line of business, urgent matters never meant something good.
Iestyn had thrown his legs off the side of the bed, an expectant look on his face when his captain returned to the quarters. He handed him the letter silently, still sealed. He knew better than to meddle in his affairs, even if he was interested in doing so. (He wasn’t.)
The thief tensed in recognition of what appeared to be an official report from his thieves, opening it with a conflicting sense of impatience and hesitance. As with all those from his guild, the letter was written in an encrypted language-- Thieves Cant-- and took a moment to decode even for the man himself.
Master Crowe,
We regret to report that our team has lost sight of our person of interest as of the of tenth March, two forty-eight post meridiem.
Her last known points of contact were two Ebon Blade knights due south of Sindragosa’s Fall. One, a high elf identified as Scout Vanlaris Brassvale and the other, a human identified as Scout Isaac Riley. She had inadvertently left the company of Corporal Allivarin Blackmorrow the week prior due to poor weather conditions. As per our orders, we had no intentions of interfering unless in a matter of life or death.
We regret to report that interference, in this case, was necessary.
The person of interest found herself separated as well from the knights, drawn away for unknown reasons. She brought with her her feline companion. Our scouts followed her into the blizzard but were unable to maintain consistent vision on the target. When it became clear that she would succumb to hypothermia if left unsheltered, we moved in.
The cat was recovered, but the person of interest was nowhere to be found.
We will continue our search and send updates as the situation unfolds.
He read it several times over, heart rising into his throat and racing to match his thoughts. They lost her? They lost her. Five days ago-- and he was just now hearing of it? His jaw set and hands trembled with the barely restrained desire to tear the paper to shreds. Carmen watched him with brow arched. The closest thing to worry that ever crossed the captain’s features often looked more like mild intrigue.
“... I need to go to Icecrown. Now.”
((Mentioned: @mremaknu​))
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ahinhqs · 5 years
hey yall~ it’s been a hot minute since i’ve rp’d tbh but i’m very excited to be joining you all !! this rp caught my eye and i knew i just had to join~ i’m bringing lil miss ahin to you all who is a muse i haven’t played with in a while but i’m excited to bring her back !! also,,,,,,, stan f(x) thank u
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          ╰ ☀ ✧ ˖ KRYSTAL JUNG. CISFEMALE. SHE/HER. ‖ MARRIED YOUNG. MISSED ALL THE FUN. ‖ have you seen AHIN SONG at the beach recently? i remember them being so RESPONSIBLE, but they seemed a little GULLIBLE today. it must be tough going through such hard times at only TWENTY FOUR. even then, they still remind me of LARGE SHIRTS WORN AROUND THE HOUSE, PERFECTLY MANICURED NAILS, TRIPS TO THE LOCAL FLORIST EVERYDAY, A WILD SIDE WAITING TO BE RELEASED. ( lyndsey, 22, gmt, she/her. ) 
oKAY so !!! ahin is the younger sister of areum and the eldest of sunni and the youngest song sister
i’m just gonna be repeating things that you’ll all have seen in the previous bios -- the song father passed away due to a car accident when ahin was five and their mother going through so much grief and hurt, didn’t have the energy to look after her four daughters anymore -- therefore areum and their uncle stepped in to help out
ahin tried to help at times, often trying to play with her younger sisters to keep them amused, but considering how much of a daddy’s girl she was, she took it v v v hard
gUESS you could say she has daddy issues,,,, more to come on that later !!!!
she never felt like she had to grow up as much as areum did, but she took it upon herself to watch her sister and learn too -- mostly out of fear that something would happen to her big sister just like it did with their parents,, she was terrified of something happening there
as a kid she was pretty much into everything,, she could play violin, she played with the boys and was able to kick a soccer ball around, she was that kid at school during plays that would memorise everyone’s lines and whisper them to kids when they were stuck ASJDFHHDS all of that enthusiasm lasted for a few months after her father’s passing and then things went downhill
all she would do was her school work and then retreat back home immediately to hang out with her sisters,, for all of an hour before she’d go into her room and just sleep and sleep. she never went to the doctor or anything to get diagnosed, but even she knew as a young child that something was definitely wrong with her,, she refused to talk to her sisters, or her uncle, so it was something she brushed off
of course that all caught up with her and a few years after, she was taking medication to help her out
as soon as she got over the losses in her life to the point where she could actually be a kid, she picked up violin again --- she was extremely rusty but months and months of practice and she was back at it and continued to play throughout her school life
so much so that she had been invited to audition to be a part of the florida orchestra just before her eighteenth birthday
she had just turned eighteen when she met the man who is now her husband !! it had been a night of pure rebellion for her -- she had always been so well-mannered, so polite and a stickler for the rules,, and one night she was like fUCK THIS im gonna go out !!!! and eighteen year old ahin met thirty four year old david 
and that meant goodbye florida orchestra !!!!!1 homegirl was dumb and wanted to focus on this guy she had met🙄🙄
david was basically her little rebellion in a sense,,, but a rebellion that she loved lol ofc she fell for the man pretty quickly and naturally she agreed to marry him when he asked a year later,, so she was nineteen at the time
she didn’t bother going to college or anything like that,, with her husband being a business man and raking in a loooooot of money, she didn’t have to do anything and honestly???? she was totally fine with being looked after considering she grew up v fast
it was nice being looked after and cared for,, she honestly loved it
LOVED,,, past tense,,
now at twenty four,, she’s regretting getting married so young and she can’t say she hates the man,, she rlly doesn’t,, but she’s getting sick of being so lonely because he’s constantly working and can’t make time for her -- on top of that, he’s talking about starting their own family and she’s still a little scared of it all.. she doesn’t want things repeating themselves and doesn’t want to turn into her own mother,,,,,,,,,, but she also doesn’t want kids yet lol
also loves her sisters with a passion !! she isn’t a mean person at all, she’s very reserved and responsible, but that’ll all go out the window if her sisters are in danger or upset over something
i’m gonna eventually write up some wanted connections but like here’s a few things on my mind right now:
an ex -- pLS,, someone who knows her pretty damn well and helped her open up in the first place so she could heal !! it could have been the shortest relationship ever, the most angsty heart wrenching ship ever,, the one who got away??? dude im game for anything
family of her husband -- they’ve been married for five years now, i imagine she’s pretty close with his fam 
best friend -- give her someone to rant to about her relationship bc i cant see her doing it with her sisters bc she doesn’t want to worry them,,,,, even tho they most likely know just by her expression when she talks about him,, give me that platonic soulmate shit
party buddy -- ahin needs to relax, needs a little fun,,,, maybe too much fun??? give her a bad influence bc im not against her messing up and lowkey cheating on her mans for the drama SDJFHDSJA
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missjackil · 6 years
My 14x15 Opinion
Peace of Mind
Wow, this 2nd half of the season is really turning out to be so good!! I have not been disappointed by any episodes since the mid-season finale! I had heard a lot of negativity before this one aired, mainly because the brothers would be separated, but I don't think the episode suffered all that much from it, I think because we got Sad!Sam Caring!Dean in the beginning, and the end. Also I had heard Hellers rejoicing before it aired because apparently it was written by Dabb’s assistant who “openly ships destiel” (I don't know this to be a fact because I don't watch Hellers on Twitter) and surely she would give that ship representation, but nope. Not even a crumb 😜 in fact, we wincesters and our sastiel friends were pretty delighted it seems😁 So without further ado, click the cut for my more in-depth analysis.  
Early on we get a worried Dean because Sam tells him he's alright, but he knows its crap. Sam walks through the war room and has nearly debilitating flashbacks of the recent blood and carnage. Nope. Sam’s not alright, and my heart breaks for him. Thankfully Dean isn't angry with him at all, he’s concerned he’s not getting any rest and wants to run out on a hunt again. Sam won't hear it, he’s out in 10. Cas volunteers to go with and nominates Dean to stay with Jack.,. For some reason, Cas thinks Dean would help him with the soullessness, but Dean disagrees. It was a good call to take him to see Donatello, he reminds me of my dad, I like him. (My dad had a soul though hehe) 
I also like that they didn't forget that Dean doesn't like snakes very much. I always like seeing Sam and Dean creeped out about normal things other people are creeped out about. It makes them so much more human and down to Earth.
Now we go off to this strange piscturesque town that appears to be stuck in the 1950s. .Sam is given a milkshake that he finds delicious, and yes, I thought the milkshake was poison, not gonna lie. and now we can watch him slowly spiral down into the happiness of the town. How cute was it though, that he was excited about pot roast?
In the morning, Cas cant find Sam, so he gets a little frantic trying to find him. Now, I dont ship sastiel, but this episode showed me why its an understandable ship. Cas has a protectiveness over Sam, similar to Deans, though not the same energy. Cas has never really been very protective over Dean. Sam has a respect for Cas,  maybe not at Angel of the Lord level, but he understands Cas much more than Dean does. 
Now we get introducted to Stepford!Sam aka Justin Smith, and I got hives right away LOL but he was actually very funny! This season has blessed us with seeing Sam in a lot of ways we don’t typically see him,and this was really an out-of-the-box persona for him, and Jared did a great job again!.
Cas aint havin none of Stepford!Sam so he’s off to figure out wtf is going on and fix it before Dean wont let him take Sam out ever again! Sam follows him and brings others to “take care” of Cas, and now Stepford!Sam is kinda psycho. HJe tackles Cas and is going to kill him with the Angel Blade, but Cas tried to talk him out of the mind control. Now, my one big complaint in this episode is that Cas tells Sam he knows what it’s like to fail as a leader. Sorry folks, Sam did NOT fail as a leader. Im sure Sam feels like he’s at fault, I mean, he blames himself for The Limburg Baby and Global Warming basically, but no way did he fail anyone. But that aside, my little canon wincest heart fluttered with the fact that Sam came to when Dean was mentioned. 😍 I did not like the mayer trying to explode Sam’s brain and making his face all melty.... stop that!! But all that at the end there, seemed to me, to be a call back to Sam and the psychic kids from back in the day, with the psychic mind control, and how the waitress did the hand thing like Sam did to take control over the mayor, so Im just gonna put that on my “things that make me go hmmmm” shelf.
Back at the bunker, Cas has told Dean about all that had happened. I must say Dean looked a little jealous about Sam having a wife, and maybe a little hurt that Sam was “happy”. Sam told Dean it was all fake but comes out with the fact he hates the Bunker right now, and has been running them ragged just to get out. I loved that he said “Its my home... its our home” and he cant run anymore, he just needs time. Dean gave him a nice supportive touch on the shoulder “ok Sam” but Deans expression, to me, looks like he doesnt really believe him, and is worried again that Sam will want to leave. This may happened. Im not convinced we’re out of Sam’s self loathing period, nor is he over the trauma. I dont think Sam would ever ever leave Dean again, but he’s not beyond needing time away to decompress. 
I have to give praise to Jared yet again for his acting in this one. So many different moods and ranges and a whole other persona that he executed flawlessly. This has been such a good season for Jared to flex his acting muscles!
Overall I really enjoyed this episode, even with the boys off doing seperate things, it was much better than I expected. Next week we have a nice brothers only MOTW and I cant wait! The real shit is gonna hit the fan soon!
So on a scale of Bloodlines to Lebanon... I give this one a 7.5 more brtime would have earned it an 8 or more, but the bro time they gave us was very good.
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thegeminisage · 5 years
alright im about to watch 5.03 of merlin for the 2nd time ever
because if i dont do it now i may NEVER GET ANOTHER CHANCE
but first i wanna get out of the way that i thought merlin convincing arthur to keep the ban on magic in 5.05 because he was trying to thwart ~*~destiny~*~ or whatever is the laziest writing ever, it’s unsatisfying for the audience, it renders the rest of the last season utterly pointless, it’s unfair to merlin and arthur, and the tonal shift of the show from farting trolls in season 2 to full greek tragedy in season 5 was completely unwarranted and i feel TRICKED as a human person because i expected the end to be bittersweet and make me sad, not table-flipping angry, and i do not at all have high hopes for the finale
but i can ignore something having a “bad last five minutes” i did it for life is strange and final fantasy 13-2 i will do it for merlin but honestly 
speaking on 5.03, after it was over the first time i was like “i can never write my fanfic now because nothing i ever do will be as good as that” but i’m really relieved in that way that that was apparently the last good episode of merlin because now i can continue my work in peace and maybe hopefully even actually finish it
okay commence the liveblog:
love that arthur and merlin are down to just jump off their horses whenever random women start screaming in the distance. season 5 could have been so good, they’re so much more grown up and in sync with one another, i absolutely LOVE their #vibe
it was interesting to me also that arthur DEMANDED a fair trial for this woman despite her being accused of sorcery. god, he was SO CLOSE?? that hatred of magic just can’t really take root in him especially with uther gone...arthur may be an asshole in the early seasons, and he may be quick to anger and quick to lash out in that anger, but it’s just not in him to be cruel, especially needlessly
EVEN THIS LADY IS LIKE “u showed kindness and compassion” arthur is a Good Boy deep down he is he IS he didn’t care a bit about that horn she gave him but still politely said it was beautiful
although lmao the way his face changed when she said it was magic...that’s the STUFF
lowkey losing it at athony head in the credits. i was looking to see if he’d be in the s5 ones since he’s dead and didn’t see him in 5.01 or 5.02 so when i DID see him in 5.03 i was like haha no way did they pay to put him in here i guess i just missed him the first couple of times BUT I WAS WRONG
like, in buffy, they spend an entire episode trying to decide whether or not to necromance their mom or whatever and she doesnt actually APPEAR IN THE EP they never SEE her i thought this would be an episode ABOUT uther i didn’t think uther would be IN it
love that from the get-go arthur’s face screams “i am thinking about making a terrible mistake” and merlin’s face is like “he is thinking about making a terrible mistake”
i’m quite proud of merlin in s5 actually. bad writing aside he uses multiple braincells many times per episode. it’s a vast improvement. same energy as clary from shadowhunters right down to getting shafted in his final season
ive said it before and ill say it again gwen looks SOOO GOOOOD as queen
if this is the anniversary of uther’s death then (if you go by 1 season = 1 year) arthur just turned 30...it’s been nine years and change since merlin met him, and by the end of season 5 it will have been an entire decade
in an otherwise increddibly heavy episode arthur panicking and throwing all the apples out of the bowl so he could cover the horn with it is absolutely priceless. season 5 if nothing else has really hammered home for me what a TERRIBLE liar arthur is - merlin got good at it fast out of necessity but arthur can’t hold a poker face to save his LIFE. “leave it.” “why??” “because i’m telling you to and i’m the king of camelot” buddy......
we were ROBBED. if there had ever been a day where arthur came to accept merlin’s magic but still had to help merlin hide it there could have been an entire episode of arthur nearly blowing merlin’s cover because he’s a nervous nelly and at the end he goes “i cant believe you have had to do this 24/7 for YEARS without a single friend to help you” and merlin goes “well now i have you” anyway.
i love also that repeatedly when arthur goes to do something scary by himself he also brings merlin. they LITERALLY are two halves of a whole
“you’re threatening me with a spoon??” i can’t tell you about the unfortunate fanfics i have seen involving The Spoon. i shall also not mention the ones involving The Glove. we will not speak of it
I CANNOT BELIEVE STONEHENGE IS IIN MERLIN. i got so agitated i did not pay one bit of attention to the conversation following its reveal and me and cathy and had to rewind so i could listen properly
my hate-on for stonehenge goes thusly: stonehenge apocalypse, starring misha collins, is @callowyn‘s favorite movie. i have seen it 45 times. i hate it nearly as much as she loves it. it’s an age-old battle
merlin is so intense when he looks for signs in arthur that he DOESN’T totally hate magic...arthur using magic to see his dad again is one of those signs. he’s willing to turn to it in desperation - maybe he’d be willing in less desperate times too
“my father was taken from me before his time” i mean...he was practically in a coma. so like. he wasn’t
love that when arthur mentions merlins dad ONCE he immediately looks like he’s about to cry. mood. i also want to cry every time i think about merlins dad
up until the moment i laid eyes on uther i was SURE they werent actually gonna do it. i came into this thinking it was a FLASHBACK EP
for the record (and believe me i NEVER thought i’d say this) even though i waited and waited for his demise and cheered when he was gona for good...i really missed uther in season 4. at least with uther you know what you’re getting. agravaine (his replacement as “evil guy who keeps us from being able to solve our problems too easily”) was a slimy cowardly CREEP. and in season 5 i WISH things were as simple as “work around uther’s pigheaded unreasonableness”
for a hot second i really thought uther and arthur would have a nice conversation where they reconciled or said something heartwarming. i was worried about an uther redemption arc - this guy is responsible for the genocide of magic users, he doesn’t deserve redemption - but this show said NOT TODAY and they said it QUICK
repressed trauma returns: harder better faster stronger!! that’s the STUFF
was i not just speaking the other day on my fanfic ask meme about how i love emotionally intense stuff? this is IT babey
uther’s such a bad father! he’s with his only child again for the last time in ever and all he does is tear him a new one! this is why arthur’s such a fucked-up human being (morgana too) 
i’m THRILLED we got to revisit this. his eyes get bigger and bigger and he starts fucking stammering and by the time uther’s done calling him weak and a failure he looks ready to CRY. i was HOLLERING. i still couldnt believe uther was even HERE and not only is he HERE he’s a WRECKING BALL
“this CAN’T be the last time i’ll ever see you” oh buddy you’re gonna wish it was
and he looks back, as he leaves. of COURSE he does. just like lot’s wife. so it goes.
you know how at the end of every supernatural episode sam and dean debrief and talk about their feelings in the car? for merlin and arthur it’s almost always done around a campfire at night - sometimes in arthur’s chambers or other places, but usually out here in the wilderness where it’s just the two of them. i’m...really going to miss it, when it’s gone.
“my father doesn’t approve of the way i’ve chosen to rule his kingdom” “you mean YOUR kingdom”
you know i don’t think i really got...like, fundamentally, on a deep level...that merlin fucking HATES uther
i’ve seen him save uther’s miserable life so many fucking times that i thought for merlin it was kind of the way it was with gwen - he feels nothing for him, but he looks after him for arthur’s sake (or as i came to understand later because he’s professor x about the whole thing)
but the way his expression got SO UGLY when arthur revealed that uther just shit-talked him the entire time...holy fuck
between that & some other stuff that happens later it really paints a clearer picture of like...uther’s dead so merlin doesn't have to hold back anymore and he FUCKING HATES HIM?? like obviously he SHOULD bu i just never SAW it before this. merlin LOATHES him. it’s INCREDIBLE to witness when he bore it so silently for so long. maybe even merlin didn’t realize just how much he hated him until now
and not to get too real here but if youve ever been friends with someone who had an abusive/toxic parent or was in an abusive/toxic relationship and you watch them feeling like shit after and they start making excuses for that asshole like “oh yeah he’s right about x” and you just want to find this horrible person and THROTTLE THEM that emotion is like ALL OVER merlin’s face rn. i didn’t actually seriously "”ship”” merlin and arthur until late season 4/early season 5 (i didnt like dislike it i just wasnt actively bothered by a lack of it) and what changed was this vibe. merlin wants to kill uther all over again just because he made arthur feel this way. he’s so fuckijng PROTECTIVE
and he still almost manages to drag a smile out of him via roasting, god bless these 2
ok so i didnt believe this show would actually DO THAT re: putting uther himself in this ep but i was doubly shocked by the fact that he HITCHED A RIDE AND GOT OUT
actually most of that was probably muffled nonsense because i was yelling with both hands over my mouth
percival’s the realest motherfucker on this whole show. dude survives a murder attempt in which he got an AXE lobbed at him by the fucking GHOST of a power-mad genocidal king and he’s like: yeah idk i guess it fell
there was thunder in the bg for this WHOLE ep and i’m Big into it
absolutely CACKLING at the bit where merlin has to ask arthur if he looked back at uther’s spirit. it’s one of those nice big heavy questions - so heavy, in fact, that arthur can’t answer, can’t even LOOK at merlin, either because he’s ashamed or because he’s bugging out or both. you thought this shit was over? it’s never over! daddy issues are a lifelong ride, pal! arthur’s just get to haunt him literally this time. god it’s so fucking good
can i just say? merlin reads that damning silence reeeal well. and it’s a big, heavy thing to know about arthur - but then again he knows all the big heavy things about arthur
the score for this episode is really good too...very suspenseful and good, adds a lot to the atmosphere, keeps it from getting too slow
there’s a hint of merlin’s absolute HATRED of uther in this conversation again - the way his face tightens when he says “uther would do anything to protect his legacy and that makes him dangerous, who knows what he’s capable of now”
and arthur dismisses him because he can’t hear this but merlin almost refuses to leave - and when he DOES leave, he doesn’t take his eyes off arthur for one fucking second. he stares him down all the way out of the room. i don’t think it’s because he’s angry with arthur, per se - he’s angry with uther, and he knows uther in a way arthur never can or will, as someone ruthless who will kill without warning or remorse. he’s afraid of uther and he’s trying to get arthur to be afraid of uther too before it’s too late and LSDKFJGHSLDFJH
if you’re thinking “thats a lot to interpret from one look” yes it is but i’m right. IT’S A BIG, HEAVY LOOK. NICE AND LOADED. love unpacking all of that
i cant believe this dude tried to KILL GWEN like he really is coming after everything that makes arthur happy. im so glad it was merlin that saved her. i really do think merlin is her best friend
multiple times in this serious arthur fidgets when he’s nervous or thinking, usually with his hands near his mouth. i am endeared to him. my poor boy
“i always knew my father could be cruel but why would he do this to gwen when he knows i love her” BECAUSE HE’S CRUEL
merlin knows. merlin knows his cruelty much better than arthur. boy does he know. i’m dying. it’s fine
love that at this part of the ep we slide seamlessly into the “merlin and arthur are both scared shitless” section which was truly one of my favorite things about the s4 opener. they’re both so fucking jumpy and giving each other shit about being frightened and continuing to be frightened anyway. the DELICIOUS IRONY of arthur finally being scared of uther in the way merlin has been scared of uther for Y E A R S oh my god it’s so GOOD
do also love the entire silent conversation they have when deciding what to do about the door. this is what i mean by their upgraded vibe.l in the early seasons merlin wouldn’t have understood and his lack of understanding would have been played for laughs. now they’re totally in sync
here’s the thing, gaius could have made this magic “able to see uther’s ghost” potion for just arthur and he didn’t. he made it for both of them. everything arthur does merlin does. they’re partners in all things. they’re COMPANIONS. and this is why i finally now Ship It. tragic.
you know this is a kind of weird comparison but late seasons arthur reminds me JUST a bit of gwaine. he complains so much less that he sort of has that same “roll with whatever” vibe to him. pretend to faint so you can steal some guy’s dagger? why not. take this foul potion that may kill us? sure, let’s do it. come what may he’s not really fussed. much more unflappable
until he starts getting spooked again LMFAO 
we do love a good pair of spooked dumbasses. this is charming and entertaining.
leon HAD to know they were lying about poetry. he probably thought they were having.......a tryst,
love also that even in this very dire moment merlin does NOT miss the chance to have some fun at arthur’s expense. that’s true friendship
i got jumpscared three separate times during this ep and one of them was when uther was glaring down merlin and arthur in the hallway after leon left
arthur didn’t jump but he did go hunting after him and to his credit he does not look scared. he looks like a man who is trying to deal with his business and get his shit together
merlin made that FACE again when arthur expressed sadness at hunting his own father because all he ever wanted to DO was make him proud
honestly it’s like since he can’t shit-talk uther he just sings arthur’s praises instead like this here is a guy who is just barely holding his tongue about how fuckin pissed he is. i cant believe it
splitting up was the WORST idea. have they not seen scooby doo??
love that when merlin gets cornered by uther’s ghost and gets scared he yells for arthur and when arthur gets scared because his torch blows out he yells for merlin. you fools, why did you SPLIT UP
uther locks arthur in the room with him, which is already some top tier content, but doubly good? it’s the same room in which arthur nearly ran him through in 2.08. don’t think i didn’t notice. i did notice. i was shrieking into my hands.
seriously this is a pretty calm liveblog but the first time i watched this ep my face was like this the whole time: O O
just kept going “HOLY FUCK HOLY FUCK OH MY GOD” over and over. it was greeat
“arthur your fatal flaw is that you put too much trust in other people” do you think arthur, who now has a complex about people betraying him, ever forgot that for one second in his entire life afterward? me neither
speaking of 2.08 arthur dropped some FACTS “your hatred comes from fear” i'm sure they didn’t do it on purpose but #throwbacks
i’m fully experiencing human emotion. “i’m not you, i can’t rule like you did” he’s trying SO HARD to fight his way out of that bullshit
also lmao arthur like “then you’ll have to kill me” and uther like “yeah okay” arthur didn’t KNOW how this man was this could have been SUCH a good awakening
when i say merlin hates uther. WHEN I SAY MERLIN H A T E S UTHER
HIS LINE HERE. ok. “get away from him, uther. you’ve caused enough harm” he’s furious! he’s GROWLING! 
“you are just a serving boy” “i am much more than that” listen. human words cannot express the emotion that ran through me. when they said “we’re gonna bring back anthony head as uther” i doubted. when they said “he’s gonna be the bad guy and reopen all of arthur’s old wounds” i doubted. when they said “he’s still here LITERALLY haunting arthur who now has to HUNT HIM” I DOUBTED. i didn’t believe they’d do any of it until it was happening on my screen. but ONE LOOK at merlins face made a MOTHERFUCKING BELIEVER out of me. i knew exactly what he was about to do. pretty sure i gasped “NO” in astonishment
how LONG do you think merlin had ACHED to do that
to show himself to uther for what he was, what he REALLY WAS, someone to be reckoned with instead of someone to be overlookedd, without fear of consequences
i can’t even like
like just imagine the triple rush of 1. satisfaction 2. rage 3. lingering habitual terror
i think at this moment merlin was closer to and more like morgana than he had ever been and maybe ever will be again. because the two of them have so much in common but one thing i didn’t really clock until now is how much they both hate uther
it’s so good. uther is SHOCKED and DISMAYED and this is like merlin’s old fear come back from death too (getting found out by uther) while at the same time being a dream come true (getting to tell uther what he really thinks, who he really is - “i was BORN with it!”) he’s so ANGRY! he is LIVID!)
he’s also really SATISFIED like “even while you were king there was magic at the heart of camelot” GOD how long has he been WAITING for this and not even realized it
and like then uther starts spewing his hateful bullshit and stalking forward with the intent to kill and my guy merlin who should be terrified STANDS HIS MOTHERFUCKING GROUND and says right over him “you’re wrong, you’re wrong” for thirty beautiful seconds merlin really got to be free. i know i will keep comparing things to 2.08 until i die but it’s just like when arthur was almost ready to kill uther in cold blood because for one perfect, brilliant moment he really and truly saw clearly the world as it was. i really love these moments...the strength of their respective convictions is so gratifying
merlin yeeting uther through a door is also gratifying although i have no idea what he hoped to accomplish by following without waking arthur first
i. LOVE. that the camera lingered a little on the spears or whatever after merlin walked by them. nice little foreshadowing moment
okay merlin spent the better part of a lifetime dreading uther’s death sentence and here’s uther stalking down a hallway sword pointed at his chest and certain death is IMMINENT and what does merlin’s face look like?
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arthur comes in with the rescue and INSTANTLY his expression changes to?
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my immediate thought: oh jesus what if uther outs him
i knew he wouldnt bc of spoilers but i would bet a benjamin that that was merlin’s first thought too
tbh. i wish he had.
i kind of wonder if merlin doesn’t wish the same thing. like yes being outed like that is terribly violating and he’s terrified of telling arthur obviously or he would have already but at the same time there would be so much relief once it was finally out. no more secret-keeping. no more burden
i mean, if you go back and watch it, dude’s straight up shaking. he’s trembling all over. he’s losing it. that last teary glance they exchanged.......
uther was two SYLLABLES away from blowing the whole thing
and in a better happier canon where arthur knows and was waiting for merlin to tell him this is like double angst because uther wouldve ben blowing something for them both
i like arthurs followup of realizing that he’ll never be able to please uther (step 1 of breaking away from the cycle of abuse) but for the LIFE OF ME
i will NEVER be able to understand why they segued into this GLOVE THING
i’m not talking about the glove thing
i will say however that by the end of this episode i was so hysterical i had to get up and get water and pace around my kitchen for ten minutes fanning my own face
and that’s it. that’s the second-best episode of merlin and the last good episode there ever was
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