#i just came on to set up my queue and ofc people are still talking about the tatt
causticsunshine · 1 year
#i just came on to set up my queue and ofc people are still talking about the tatt#but goddamn some of these takes are really showcasing how weirdly parasocial your relationship is with h#acting like this was a personal slight towards you? and that you need to process forgiving him??#while at the same time acknowledging you don’t know the true intent / story behind the tattoo ??#like can we all just say we don’t truly know what it is and move on#cats italian dogs cities stunt hags etc it looks like a stunt piece with the timing#but regardless. taking whatever it is as a personal slight to you? be fucking fr like come on#i stand on the side of it being a stunt thing and if it is a stunt thing it’s passed#but in this case you being so personally offended by another piece of someone else’s closeting……. go outside#and even if it’s a cat a town etc it’s still not about you or for you etc etc#it’s not about you#using myself as an example here but the mob mentality on this is so real rn like one person gets upset about it and it spreads like#wildfire. some of the most rational people ik who’ve been around for ages were LOSING it yesterday#myself included! i got caught up in it and it put me in a terrible mood all day#this is why we shouldn’t be so quick to act analyze etc when shit like this happens#ik it’s hard not to like trust me I KNOW but especially if shit like that gets to you so hard: stay out of it#next time i’m forcing myself offline#aaaand i need to find better tags for blocking stunts and speculation and that specific genre of discourse#anyway. now going back to my semi hiatus for vacation prep and getting work done#be well friends x#alex talks
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yespolkadotkitty · 4 years
I’ll Be by Edwin McCain came on the other day and instantly got me into my Zach feels. Something about it was so him - the mood, the 90s, the flannel. The line “rain falls angry on the tin roof as we lie awake in my bed” in particular sticks with me. If you have time, can I get a little nugget of Zach? Fluff or smut, or fluff with a wee kernel or smut? I love your writing.
Right so as discussed you didn’t ask for a multichapter fic but as I’ve got 4 chapters so far  LET’S DO THIS
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So many shoutouts for this so here goes:
THANKYOU @kindablackenedsuperhero for this STUNNING BANNER.
THANKYOU @thestrawberry-thief for US library advice
THANKYOU @heatherbel for the beta and UK library advice
THANKYOU @knittingqueen13 for the encouragement
THANKYOU @pedropascallion  for the library clerk advice!
THANKYOU @disgruntledspacedad and @alienprincesspoop for screaming with me about this fic.
Chapter One
Warnings: Scenes of assault, attempted sexual assault  ~ Words: 1380
Pairing: Zach Wellison x OFC Martha Song
Walk with your keys in your hand and keep a key between each finger.
Watch your shadows and reflections - a split second’s notice is better than none.
If they take you and put you in the trunk, kick out the headlights.
These are all things girls are taught from a young age. Things I knew, almost unconsciously. Things that were smart.
But did knowing these things stop me from taking a shortcut through the park after the sun had set?
No, they did not.
I had my hand in my pocket, around the keys. I did not have headphones on - needed to hear if someone was approaching.
Usually, I did all the safe things at night. Walked in the road if it was appropriate, so someone would have to come out from the pavements and buildings to grab me. Stuck to well lit areas.
But, well, I was tired, and hungry for the Chinese takeout leftovers in my fridge, could already taste the sticky pork ribs in my mind, and I took the lazy, unsafe shortcut.
I’m sure the media would have blamed me for what happened next.
I heard them before I saw them. I turned slightly. Two guys, one wearing a beanie, another with his hood up.
It wasn’t even seven pm, but in January the sun set earlier, and darkness had descended, filling up all the corners that daylight usually illuminated.
I quickened my pace. I’m sure they’re just coming off shift.
“Hey, babe,” one of them called.
I glanced around. No one else in the vicinity, and the park spread flat enough for me to see. A single streetlight ahead beckoned and I headed for it, the bag of books from work on my back slowing me down.
I thought about ditching it, but: books. I value books more than anything. I couldn’t sacrifice them even for my own benefit.
“Not gonna stop and talk?” the other one called.
They’re just cat-callers, nothing to worry about.
It was just shy of seven in the evening - where the fuck was everyone? LA should have been busy, was always bustling, but I had somehow chosen the one time where this section of the popular park was empty.
“Come on baby, spare a little sugar?” the first one called. Their steps got closer. The second one was snickering and I felt the little mouse of fear skitter down my spine.
I clenched my keys tighter. Shouldn’t have taken the shortcut.
The streetlight got closer, and I watched it, saw the first guy’s shadow with a hair’s breadth of notice. I spun as he reached me, the keys poking out between my fingers, but I was scared and all my punch did was piss him off.
“Pretty girl,” he half wheezed as he grabbed for me. “Don’t pretend you don’t want it.”
I struggled. Under the streetlamp I caught a glimpse of the first guy’s face, straggly mousy brown beard, cold eyes. The pit of my stomach fell.
“Let me.” Guy two was at my back, hands on my waist. He smelled of alcohol and something like old food, and bile rose up in my throat. “Loosen up, baby, we only wanna make you feel good.”
I tried to shout, but the noise died on my tongue. Fear had clutched itself around my body and the muscles weren’t responding. My keys fell from my fist.
Help, I thought. My tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth as the first guy slid his hand down my body.
No, no, no.
Then suddenly a rush of adrenaline hit my veins - come on, what would Katniss Everdeen do? - and I shoved my knee up into guy one’s groin. Not as hard as I wanted to, but he cried out, a litany of swear words falling from his lips. I kicked out, but guy two was stronger, and had an arm around my throat before I could move.
“Come on now. Don’t be like that,” he cajoled, his sour breath licking at my cheek.
By then guy one had recovered, his face caught in a snarl, white skin pasty under the streetlight. I felt like I was in a sort of backwards ballet, a dystopian dance where there was no way I could make the right moves.
“Hey, assholes.”
The new voice, deep, with a bit of Texas drawl, made me turn. 
A man, mostly in shadow, a large duffel bag by his feet, wielded what looked like a big section of industrial metal pipe.
Guy two huffed out a laugh. “Oh look, it’s the little soldier boy and he brought a new toy with him.”
“Let her go, man,” the stranger called out, taking a step closer.
Guy one had recovered from my knee to his dick. “Or you’ll do what?” He grabbed for me again, but he was distracted by my would-be rescuer, so I took the opportunity to knee him again, but this time, like I meant it, like my life depended on it.
He buckled, and the release meant I could drive my elbow back into guy two’s kidneys. He was stronger, through, and he tightened his arm around my throat. I grabbed for his wrist, scrabbling, barely noticing the stranger moving out of my sight.
“Duck!” He yelled, and I summoned all my strength to yank my head down.
In a moment, a loud thunk confirmed my suspicions, the sound of metal on flesh and bone, and guy two toppled like a tree.
Breathless, I turned to scoop up my keys, and stared at my knight in - dirty jeans. He was panting, his arms still holding the pipe up.
“You okay?” he asked, and I saw him clearly under the streetlamp, the glow picking out the gold in his brown-sugar hair. A patchy beard, more stubble than anything, hugged his well defined jaw. His eyes were soft, kind, the deep brown of hot cocoa.
“I am thanks to you.”
Below him, guy one writhed on the floor and, feeling too angry to think, I stomped on the part of him closest to me, his hand.
He cried out and I couldn’t have cared less.
“You wanna call the cops?” the stranger asked, but his tone was wary. As if I might have been just as likely to call the law about him as the attackers.
I thought it over. I’d likely be raked over the coals for having the audacity to walk alone at night (as if anytime after sundown could be counted as night) and my attackers would get a wrist slap. If that.
“Nah.” But I stomped on guy one’s wrist again for good measure.
He whined.
“C’mon,” Brown Eyes said. “I’ll walk you to the edge of the park.” He set the pipe on his shoulder and crossed over to the waiting duffle bag. It was the size of his torso. I took in his weathered, unshaven appearance, and wondered if the canvas fabric contained his every worldly possession.
I checked behind me, but the stranger was quick to reassure. “They won’t be back for a couple days.”
“You’ve… seen them before?”
He ducked his head, and in the glow from a nearby streetlamp I saw a faint flush of rose on his cheeks. “I’m... here a lot.”
He’s homeless. But of course I didn’t say it out loud.
We reached the edge of the park. People milled about, some queueing outside a deli popular for its pizza sold by the cheesy, greasy slice.
I didn’t miss the way the stranger’s head jerked up towards the scent of pizza.
How long since he’d eaten?
“Want some pizza?” I asked.
Something unreadable passed over his face. “I’m not a charity case.”
“Oh, but I am?”
His head whipped around. “What?”
“Did you come to my defence just now because you felt sorry for me? Oh look, there’s a woman of colour being attacked, gosh I feel sorry for her-”
“No, of course not, what the-” then he huffed out a laugh. “Touchė.”
“It’s just pizza. And a thank-you. I’m Martha.” I held out a hand.
He looked down at my outstretched palm for a second, as if surprised that I wanted to touch him. Then he shook my hand, his own large, warm, callused. “Zach.”
Tagging: @thegreenkid @reluctantlyresponsibleadult @littlemissthistle @havenforafrazzledmind @myheart-pedro @john-in-the-sky-with-paul @idreamofboobear @rae-gar-targaryen @miulola @abuttoncalledsmalls @buttercup-bee @strangelittlenobody @qseomilk @jazzelsaur @songsformonkeys @mourningbirds1 @pajamasecrets @myoxisbroken @just-the-hiddles @skdubbs @nelba @badassbaker @nelba @f0rever15elf @synystersilenceinblacknwhite @mylittlelonelyappreciation @theravenreads @filthybookworm @aeryntheofficial @toomanystoriessolittletime @lannister-slings-and-arrows (Zach Pit) and @absurdthirst might like this <3
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Title: In The Act {1}
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Chris Evans x Famous OFC  Cassia Drake
Warning: Plot, Mild Cursing
Word Count: 2.2
Summary: After the release of your hit movie “Roman Holiday,” you’ve become Hollywood’s new “It Girl.” Everyone wants a piece of you. While at a Hollywood event, you get pulled into an epic selfie similar to the one from the MET Gala with the megastars of Hollywood. The next day all anyone can talk about is this epic picture but not because of the star power in it, but what was happening in it.
Note: Yep, another one. 
**Loosely Edited/Proofread**
Thank you guys for reading!!!! If you enjoyed this please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG. 😊  ❤️❤️
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 “God, it’s hot!”
 You fanned your face and tried to cool your skin. It wasn’t helping one bit; you were just getting hotter.
 “My makeup is going to melt, and when I get there, I’ll be a hot mess.”
 “Calm down, Cass, I got you,” Tiffany said, whipping out a portable handheld power fan. The cool breeze was the best thing you’d felt all day.
 You hated getting ready for events. It was always a whole day thing that left your hair damaged, your skin dry and slightly irritated, your cheeks soar, your back aching, your feet cramped, and your energy completely gone. To you, this was one part of fame you didn’t like too much. You’d spent the last six hours getting ready for this event, and you were already counting down the hours to go home.
 “Fix your face. I’ve told you about the scowl. It causes wrinkles.” Pieter scolded. You rolled your eyes then closed them.
 “Ignore him,” Tiffany began fanning your agent and manager off before she continued. “You look incredible. You’re going to get out this limo, and you’re going to stun them on this red carpet and have a good time,” she finished.
You looked at her wide smile. “And maybe cop a few numbers. I hear the who is who of the industry is going to be there. Maybe a certain blue-eyed ex-captain will be there,” Tiffany added.
 You snorted and gave her the eye for her to stop. The last thing you needed was for Pieter to hear and actually understand your code. He had just gotten done hammering into you that dating was out of the questions now. According to him, you were going to be too busy with all your obligations. You needed to keep your eye on the prize and your career and not complicating it. He had a point. It was hard enough to set yourself apart from the countless other young actresses, but it would be harder for you because you were black. It was a known fact, a black actor in Hollywood had to work twice as hard, but a black actress had to work thrice as hard as them all put together. It was unfair, but it was what you’d signed up for, and you were determined to stake your claim in this glittering town where fallacies were the norm. So if Peiter said you had to put the nix on dating, then it was what you would do.
You could feel Pieter’s eyes burning a hole into you. Straightening, you held your head high. “Don’t be silly, Tiff. This is business.” Tiffany rolled her eyes while Pieter gave you an approving nod before he buried his face back into his phone.
 Tiffany adjusted her dress and took her cell phone out. You knew what she intended to do, so you took yours out as well and put it on silent.
 MSG Tiff: You give him too much power.
MSG: I give him as much power as he needs to have.
MSG Tiff: And he needs to have control over your personal life?
MSG: Tiff, you know what I’m up against. Cut me some slack.
 “Phones away, it’s time to work,” Pieter announced. You dropped your phone back into your clutch and prepared yourself for the sea of paps and deafening screams.
 When the limo stopped, there were a few moments of quiet before Pieter got out first on the opposite side that the red carpet was on.
 “Remember to have a good time, okay, Cass. Yeah, it’s work, but you’ve worked hard to get to this level of your career. It’s important to enjoy life as well as work,” Tiff cautioned with a gentle squeeze to your hand.
 You knew she was right, and times like these, you were happy that she was down to coming on this ride with you. You’d been friends since you were nine ever since she saved you lunch after you got sent to the principal’s office for getting into a fight with one of the boys from the other class who didn’t know how to shut up. Ever since then, you were inseparable. When you got your big break, there was no doubt you wanted her by your side for this wild ride.
 The door opened, and you took a deep breath before you stepped out with Pieter’s help. Once you stepped out, the screams got louder, and the flurry of camera flashes immediately blinded and stunned you. This wasn’t your first event, but they all still managed to stun you. Feeling Tiff’s hand take yours, you took a breath and squeezed it, fighting the nerves. You pulled her to your side and walked the carpet with your signature smile. As they screamed your name telling you where to look, it quickly got hectic.
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You and Tiffany walked down the carpet posing and whispering to each other. Tiff pointed out funny things she peeped with the paps as well as other actors who walked the carpet with you. When you came to these things with Tiffany, she always managed to take you out of the seriousness of it all, and you were grateful for it.
 After giving a few interviews and posing for a few more pictures, you went inside to find your seats. This event was a banquet that was geared towards the collaboration of fashion and film. There would be speeches, recognition, networking, and, most importantly, for you and Tiff, food, and alcohol.
 “Ms. Drake, allow me to show you to your seats.”
 You nodded and let one of the ushers lead you through the floor. As you passed people, you smiled and waved. When they saw you, everyone wanted to stop you and compliment your hair, dress, makeup, jewels, and, most importantly, your performance in Roman Holiday. What should have been a minute walk across the floor turned into a mini networking catwalk. You didn’t get to your table for another thirty minutes. By the time you sat, Tiff was on queue with pouring a glass of champagne.
 “It’s Ace of Spades. Do you think Jay and Bey are gonna be here?”
 You snorted and shook your head. Her goal was to meet Beyoncé and Jay Z. you couldn’t fault her, whose goal wasn’t to meet them. You tapped glasses and downed the liquid with a moan. It was good.
 “The way they were touching you, I thought you’d be missing a few jewels,” Tiff joked. Your laugh couldn’t be suppressed, and it rang out, bringing the attention of a few people around you.
 “Stop it, you’re going to make them think I have no couth,” you whined to her in a whisper.
 “Oh please. Even if you showed to be uncouth, they would still flock to you. Everyone wants a piece of you now. Soak it up.”
 She was right. Since the premiere of Roman Holiday eight months ago, your name was at the tip of everyone’s tongue. You’d done at least six magazine shoots and countless interviews where the term “it girl” was thrown around quite a lot. The film had already rolled in over four hundred million at the box office, and you’d gotten calls from almost every big-name director wanting a meeting. It was overwhelming, but you tried to stay on top of it. Pieter said to ride the wave and learn how to jump to another that is higher.
 “Hollywood is fickle, let’s not give them any fuel to turn the tides,” you said through a plastered smile while looking around you, returning the eye contact of those who were looking and whispering.
 You still hadn’t gotten over the whispers. You never knew if they were good, or bad and it always got to you. When everyone took their seats, the event began. This was when the stares and whispers stopped. Everyone’s eyes were trained to the stage ahead, which gave you a reprieve. The show was filled with laughs, applause, and small talk. Tiffany had you in stitches, making fun of all the pomp and ridiculousness around you while those sitting around you did their best to keep your attention. You nodded, smiled, and did your best not to appear starstruck though you were more times than you could count.
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After the show, and dinner it was again time to mingle and rub elbows. Thankfully good music helped. You walked around the room arm in arm with Tiff talking amongst yourselves. Every so often, you stopped and chatted with someone. First, it was Zac who was more buff in person then MBJ, who was just as charming as you’d expected him to be. When you were pulled to the side by Zendaya, who was still drop-dead gorgeous, you did your best to not come off as an amateur, but you found yourself hanging off of every word she spoke. It took you some time to recover.
 When the music cranked up, and the talking turned down, you found yourself even more at ease. Tiffany was the only reason why you let loose the way you did. She urged you to dance and let your real self out while not caring who watched or what they said. Every time you tried, you saw Pieter from the corner of your eyes giving you a stern look that said keep it classy. So classy is what you kept it. It didn’t stop Tiffany from having the time of her life. You were glad for it. She deserved it.
 By the time you looked at your phone, it was nearing two in the morning, and you were more than ready to go. Your feet were killing you, and you were tired of wearing clothes. You just wanted to lounge in bed completely naked while eating a pint of ice cream. As you made your move to leave with Tiff and Pieter on either side of you, you heard your name being shouted from across the room. You looked and saw a huddle of people waving you over.
 “Go,” Pieter urged damn near pushing you toward them. You took Tiffany with you. When you got closer, it became clear what was going on. A group of at least ten of them were trying to get a selfie with everyone in the frame while one of them held their phone attached to a selfie stick. You snorted, remembering another photo like it.
 “Come on, you guys, get in,” John Boyega invited.
 “Absolutely,” Tiffany responded, pulling you along with her as she submerged herself in the crowd.
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They all made room for you to squeeze in, and a squeeze was what it was. You looked to your left and nearly passed out. You were standing next to Chris Evans. His eyes met yours, and he gave you a friendly smile. As quickly as your eyes met, you looked away, finding Tiffany already looking. Your jaw dropped, giving her a look that she eagerly returned. You did your best to act cool and pose.
 “All right, everyone, squish in.”
 As instructed, everyone squished together. You felt his breath on your ear before you heard him.
 “Is it okay?”
 “What?” He leaned closer, giving you an even closer look at his lips. They looked soft.
 “Is it okay, my hand?” You looked down to his arm as it registered what he was asking.
 “Yeah, yeah. It’s cool,” you answered.
 Chris’s arm wrapped around you, touching you in the middle of your back. Your heart literally skipped a beat, but you faked it and kept your cool.
 “On three. One, two, three,” everyone counted down. Once at three, you smiled and struck your pose. As according to Hollywood standards, one picture was not good enough, two and three followed before a random paparazzi got in on the action and snapped a few as well. No one seemed to care, though.
 “That was epic!” You didn’t know who it came from, but everyone erupted in laughter.
 After going through a round of hugs with those who leaned in for one, you made your exit then got in the car. Once inside, you kicked off your heels and begged Tiffany to unhook the back of your corset. You couldn’t take it any longer. Pieter went over your schedule for later, but you barely listened. You were ready to call it a night and pass out.
 Tiffany was the first to be dropped off, which left you and Pieter. He talked and talked. You were convinced he liked to hear himself talk. You knew everything he was saying was necessary, but you also knew that he would send an email and a text about the same thing in a few hours. You knew him that well. When he was dropped off, that was the first moment of peace you had all night. The silence was comforting.
 You walked into your house just as it was turning three, and you wasted no time stripping your clothes off as you walked upstairs. Once in your bedroom, you only had your underwear on.
 “Bed. Oh, how I’ve missed you.” You dropped face down, and before your head hit the five thousand thread count comforter, you were asleep.
Lee’s Note: What do y’all think? Should I continue?
***If you want to be tagged please SEND AN ASK SO IT WILL BE EASIER FOR ME TO KEEP TRACK OF. Thank you for reading!!!  
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Yours Truly [Part Seventeen]
Summary: The school year begins; Sadie accepts a date with a co-worker. Pairing: Chris Pratt x OFC, Chris Evans x OFC Word Count: 1580 Warnings: None? A/N: This fic was previously posted on my multi-fandom account; in honor of OC Appreciation Day, I figured I would queue it all up for your reading pleasure throughout the day! This was a collab with @captain-s-rogers , and I will link her chapters at the end of all of my posts! Some GIFs were difficult to find again, so if there’s no credit, they’re from Google Image Search or from the original post. 
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August 12
It’s the first day of school, which means we can officially make phone calls to each other at will! I’m sure our letters will be more sporadic, but I’m still enjoying writing them.
Speaking of, forgive me that it’s been a while since my last letter. With inservices last week and nothing to do between but read and forget about Farmer Pratt on my downtime, there hasn’t been much to tell. I want to do like you say and go for it, but I look at Layla and I know how much it would mean to her to have her whole family back. Doesn’t mean I can’t sit for her every now and again, and I’m sure I’ll see her at the school. You’d be proud of me if you knew what I said to Chris on open house night, though. I’ll tell you about it when we actually talk on the phone, which I’m hoping will be soon.
I’m so excited for you – getting the President’s endorsement is HUGE! Chris deserves it though … about as much as you deserve him. I suppose I can’t really comment on that right now in my current situation, can I? I’m guessing that after the latest debacle (yeah, I did catch that much on the news) that you and Charlie have called it quits for good. So, hey, there’s the silver lining in all of this!
Well, I suppose I should touch up my lip gloss and head to the school. The kindergartners will come in small groups for just a couple of hours today, and then tomorrow it’s on to full days. Can’t wait to start teaching these little ones!
Yours truly,
Having small groups of kids on the first day helped orient the kindergarteners to the new daily routine. Sadie could review the classroom procedures and rules with four or five of them at a time and it was far easier to manage than the whole class at once – especially for the ones who had not attended preschool and weren’t accustomed to being away from their parents in such a structured environment.
After her second group, Sadie had a lunch break and some plan time. She re-filled her water cup, ate a sandwich, and then set to work straightening a few things in the classroom. A knock on her door caught her attention just as she was getting ready to go meet the kids from her third group at the front of the school.
“Mr. Denning,” Sadie smiled. “How’s your first day going?”
The P.E. teacher smiled back. “Not too bad – always a little boring, going over rules and whatnot, you know. Especially for the older kids.”
“I would imagine,” Sadie nodded.
“You know, you can call me Cooper,” he told her. “That’s my first name. And maybe I could call you Sadie?”
“Of course. I don’t mind it at all, but I never know who prefers to stay on a last-name basis when I’m in a new building.”
“Fair enough,” Cooper nodded. “Listen, I don’t mean to be forward or come out of nowhere, but I enjoyed getting to know you a little better at inservices last week. Would you maybe like to have dinner with me tonight? No pressure or anything, just a friendly back-to-school meal at the diner. If that goes well, then maybe we can see where things goes next.”
Sadie considered him carefully. Cooper Denning was nice, a gentleman, and didn’t give her any creepy vibes. His offer was more than reasonable; not even necessarily a request for a date, just a simple invitation for dinner with the possibility of a date another time. Taking a deep breath and deciding it was time to move forward, Sadie gave him a polite smile and a confident nod. If nothing else, perhaps she could make a new friend.
“That would be nice.”
Cooper smiled, too. “Great. In the interest of keeping it friendly, how about if I meet you there at six o’ clock?”
“Sounds great,” Sadie agreed. “I need to go get my kiddos from out front, but I’ll see you tonight.”
Cooper waved and headed back for the gym. Sadie couldn’t say she was excited for her dinner with him, but she was looking forward to doing something besides spending the evening alone.
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At the end of the day, Sadie was feeling better than she had in weeks. All of her small groups had done so well, and she was going to be able to get out of the house for supper. Chris and Layla were still on her mind, but she seemed able to push them to the back burner for now. They were figuring out their lives, and she had to figure out hers.
Of course, her peace couldn’t last. She didn’t mind in the least that it was interrupted by Layla excitedly running up to her in the hallway outside the main office, but she would have been happier had Emily not accompanied Layla.
“I have my own desk!” Layla said, jumping up and down excitedly. “And this is my backpack and ‘member this dress? You made it for me!”
“That I did,” Sadie said, unable to stop her smile. “Your first day must have been really good, you are full of energy!”
“Yep!” Layla said, galloping in circles around Sadie.
Emily spoke up then, telling Layla to calm down, and taking the girl by the hand. “Sadie, I’m glad we ran into you. Chris was going to call, but since we’re all here – are you available to babysit Friday night? Chris and I have a – a thing, and Layla’s been asking to spend time with you.”
Sadie nodded, although she felt somewhat hesitant. “Yes, of course. I’d love to.”
“Yay!” Layla cheered, beginning her galloping again.
Emily looked slightly irritated. “Layla, sweetheart, calm down, please. I already asked you once. Let’s get home.”
“Bye Adie! See you tomorrow at school and Friday at my house!” Layla called over her shoulder.
Sadie couldn’t help but chuckle to herself. It was nice to know that in the midst of everything changing, Layla was exactly the same.
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The diner wasn’t terribly busy when Sadie pulled up, still dressed in the same clothes she had been for the school day. She had touched up her makeup once at home, fluffed her hair, and readied a few things for the next day before heading back to town.
Cooper was waiting for her on the sidewalk in front of the diner. He gave her a modest side hug when he saw her, then opened the door, letting Sadie pass by first before following her to a booth by the window.
They chatted casually about their respective first days, made their orders when the waitress came by the table, and then Cooper launched into telling her about some of the older kids in the school, starting with the ones who had younger siblings in kindergarten. Sadie appreciated having the background on her students, and Cooper made the stories especially entertaining.
In the middle of their meal, the bell over the door rang. The sound caught Sadie’s attention, and her eyes darted from Cooper to the door. The two people she had pushed to the back of her mind were once again at the forefront as she watched the Pratt family walk into the diner.
Chris and Emily were on either side of Layla, each of them holding her hand. Layla was grinning, Chris was smiling, and Emily was about as happy as Sadie had seen her in any of their few interactions. Once they got up to the counter to make their to-go order, Chris lifted Layla into his arms, balancing her on one arm while placing one hand at the small of Emily’s back to guide her closer to the counter.
Sadie’s attention was no longer on Cooper at all, and he noticed. He waved his hand in front of her face; she snapped back to attention.
“Sorry,” she said, blushing. “I, uh, got distracted.”
Cooper gave her a sympathetic smile. “Sadie. You can be honest with me. I know about you and Chris – thanks to Libby Anderson, I think the whole school probably does.”
“Fantastic,” Sadie sighed.
“Hey,” he said, reaching over to squeeze her hand. “Don’t be embarrassed. We all know that Libby is a gossip. I’m just sorry you had to be the subject of her gossip this time. I do want us to be friends, and if that’s all this becomes, then that’s just fine.”
Sadie couldn’t have been more grateful for how understanding Cooper was about the entire situation. She kept her eyes focused on him for the remainder of the time the Pratts were in the diner, and that helped to cope with the presence of the seemingly happy family.  
Once the table was cleared, the new friends didn’t linger. Cooper walked her to her car and thanked her for a good evening.
“Thank you, too,” Sadie replied. “I’m sorry if I made things weird, or disappointed you at all.”
Cooper waved her off. “We both have a new friend, that’s a good thing. I’ll see you at school tomorrow, yeah?”
Sadie nodded. “Yeah, for sure. Thanks again.”
She got in her car and left then, anxious to work through her new feelings over seeing the Pratt family in the diner, but not so anxious for loneliness to set in again once she was home.
Part Eighteen
0 notes
jamlally · 5 years
Hot Chocolate
This was written for the 25 days of Christmas Challenge that is hosted by  @panicfob .  The Day 3 Challenge prompt was Hot Chocolate
Warnings: Fluff 
Pairing:  OFC x Tony Stark (platonic), OFC x Bucky Barnes (platonic)
Summary: Belle Porter is finding her feet but another remember of the team is having a hard time.  Perhaps she can help 
Since Tony had staged his intervention with Belle she was starting to feel more a part of the team,  It was hard for Belle some days to push through the discomfort that she felt when there was a long silence or when she didn’t know how to read the social queues of the others.  Tony would laugh it off, Steve and Bucky would ignore her faux pas but Natasha and the others would explain later the mistake and how to avoid it.
The small gifts that she had bought for each member of the team sat carefully wrapped underneath the tree she had put up in her room.  Wanda had helped her decorate it while she talked about Christmases with her brother.  She had made an effort to share a meal with the others once a week and join in any group activities she could. 
Things had been quiet for the last couple of days as the majority of the team had been out on various recon missions, but now they were back and the usual chaos ensued .  The only exception was Bucky, he was physically back but mentally it seemed to be taking a little longer for hm to dial back in.  He was friendly to everyone but seemed to be spending more time on his own, and he would save his physical training until everyone else was done for the night.
Belle enjoyed sitting quietly with Bucky.  He never felt the need to fill the science or to make polite chit chat, but he was so withdrawn that she started to worry.
Steve had told her not to worry - it was just the fact that some aspects of the base had reminded him of his time in Hydra and it was taking him time to process it. The rest of the team just accepted that this was normal ad would squeeze his shoulder on the way past, but no one seemed to want to help him through it 
Belle sat in her room her tablet serving as a holo screen thanks to F.R.I.D.A.Y and the Stark tech that she had access to.  She had looked over the data and had seen the strange pods so she went back into the public records on Bucky himself.  There wasn’t much about his time with Hydra but there were images of the cryo chamber from Wakanda and she started to put things together in her head.  Bucky was likely having flashbacks from seeing the chamber and the cold weather and the blanket of snow was probably acting as a trigger.
A little more research and she was done for the the night. Closing down the apps she headed to bed her plan established.
When Bucky Barnes walked into the Rec room he was hoping to get a hot cup of coffee and then head back to his own room. Seeing the Cryo chamber had him hearing the screams of the people that he had killed and the cold weather made what was left of his shoulder ache.  He knew that the Soldat was gone, a part of his past exorcised by Shuri, but the guilt of his actions, would live with him forever.
The others were giving him his space and letting hm work through everything, but the guilt just kept eating away in his gut.  It took him most of the day to want to eat and the heavy feeling it left behind made him sluggish, but he would push his body in the gym at night, hoping that exhausting himself would let him sleep.  It didn’t help but it gave hime something to do.
His eyes were firmly fixed to the ground as he walked in, it was later in the day - closer to lunch than breakfast so there was a good chance that the others would be off doing something and he would get peace before he had to  fix the smile on his face.
if he had been looking where he was gong, and if he had not been stuck in his own head he would have had some idea as to what was waiting for him, as it was Belle was glad for it because he was in the room before he had a chance to even think of avoiding her 
The first thing that clued him into the fact that things were not as planned was the soft music that greeted him.  The smooth tones of Frank Sinatra flowed over him, accompanied by the soft crackle and click that let him know it was a vinyl record playing. He slowly looked up expecting to see Steve or maybe Nat waiting for him but was surprised to Belle sitting at the table waiting for him with an expectant grin
“Hey Bucky” Her eyes were a little wide and her fingers twitched telling him that she was nervous
“Doll” he gave her as close to a real smile as he could.  He was always conscious of the fact that Belle still hadn’t found her feet on a personal level and he always worried that he would make her feel unwelcome in some way with his reticence to talk.  He had lots of ideas it was just that he couldn’t always find the words to express them
Belle returned his smile as she stood and moved to pull out a chair that would allow him to sit with his back to the wall and keep an eye on the large glass widows and the door. 
“Come and grab a seat and let me bring you a drink”
“Um sure” he spoke quietly as he moved to sit “I um, wasn’t expecting anyone to be here”
“Yeah I figured” Belle called back fro the kitchen.  I have a confession - I asked FRIDAY to let me know when it looked like you would head this way.  I wanted to give you a surprise.  I figured that the cold, after the mission might be difficult for you” Her voice grew louder as she walked back to him mug in hand
“I know that what you went through, it can’t be erased but I hoped that perhaps some memories of better times would help you push the bad ones back a bit”
She set the mug in front of him and stepped back. A rich warm, slightly spiced scent reached his nose and looking at the cup he saw rich dark hot cocoa.
“I know that you usually have coffee but I was doing  a bit of research and it said that chocolate was rationed when you were growing up. I know you don’t like to treat yourself but I'm not sure if you’ve taken the time to enjoy a hot cocoa but I find that it helps keep the cold out
Bucky raised an eyebrow but wrapped both hands around the mug, taking a sip before letting out a little moan of pleasure as the rich hot cocoa coated his mouth. 
Belle sat at the far end of the table giving him his space and letting him enjoy the drink and his thoughts.  It took until the end of the mug but he looked a little more relaxed.
“Would you like some more I made a big pot?” Belle questioned. She was back to looking nervous he noted 
“Sure, thanks”
“No problem, I -I know what it’s like to get lost in your own head and sometimes you need to just hang out and sometimes you need someone to show you a path out”
“Like what Tony did?”
Belle nodded “ Yeah like Tony did” he wondered if she knew she smiled very softly when she said Tony’s name.  He didn’t want to push her so he changed the topic
“So what else did your research tell you ?”
“Well it said movies were popular, so I picked a Christmas one if you want to watch it while you drink. I don’t know if you saw it before everything.  Its called “It;s a Wonderful Life”
“I’ve heard of It - it’s an old movie right ?”
“Yeah it was released in 1945”
“Sure I’ll give it a go, with more cocoa  though”
Belle’s face lit up and she actually clapped her hands in joy before scurrying back to pick up his mug and gesture over to the sofas. 
Cosying down in the sofa for the first time since he had gotten back to the compound Bucky felt some kind of peace settle over him.  Belle came over with a tray full of mugs resting them on the ottoman and Bucky raised an eyebrow
“The cocoa is good but I’m not sure that I can drink that much”
“Well that’s good news Pal because it smells awesome and I was hoping to snag a mug”
Glancing round Bucky saw Steve and the other members of the team heading though.  He could feel himself tensing. He had been enjoying himself with Belle, but having to put on a front for the others wasn’t something he was looking to do.
“Of course you can I made plenty for everyone, but this is Bucky’s day and were watching Christmas movies so if you want to join us you need to give us peace to watch the movie”
Bucky blinked in surprise.  Belle  never usually spoke to the others that way.  Hell sometimes she still didn’t seem confident to speak at all, but here she was  sticking up for him.
“Right Bucky?”
>Her voice drew him back “Thats right Doll”
The others nodded grabbing drinks and and finding a seat, while Belle busied herself dimming lights and setting up treats and the movie.  Tony was the last to enter, as usual.  Bucky shook his head and wondered whether the man was ever capable of not making an entrance and being the centre of attention. 
Pausing with his cup to his mouth he looked over at the man who had, over time welcomed him into this crazy hodge podge of a family.  Bucky had taken his own family from him but Tony gave him his. 
Brown eyes met blue over the top of Nat’s head as she and Tony argued for who got to sit in the large armchair Tony exclaiming that he paid for the damn thing so  surely he should get to sit in it.  Bucky nodded and smiled as the fight pulled the attention of the others away from him, and the movie choice Belle had made and Bucky felt himself start to relax again. 
Steve came to sit with him seemingly excited about the movie. He still hadn’t caught up with all the movies he had missed but to see one from close to his time with his best pal touched him in a way he couldn’t explain.
Thor solved the argument over the arm chair by walking in and taking it for himself a mug already in his hand.
“This is a most delicious  treat Lady Belle, most delicious.  We do not have a drink such as this on Asguard, I must take some with me when I return “  Belle smiled her thanks
“I’ll give you my recipe before you go - then you can enjoy this as part of your winter solstice there too”
While the others settled themselves and fought for what they saw as prime position Belle prepared the last of her surprises for Bucky.  By the time that she came out everyone was settled and ready
“Over here Snowflake” Tony called her over to the seat he had saved to make sure that she would have somewhere.  
Belle smiled gratefully she always felt like and idiot looking for somewhere to sit and Tony could be a lot of fun during the movies with funny comments and witty observations.  Heading over she made sure to walk behind the sofa that Steve and Bucky sat on pausing by the quieter of the two men. 
“I’ve got one last thing to help if that’s ok” She whispered in his ear not wanting to draw to much attention to him
Bucky tilted back his head to see Belle holding out something long and floppy to him.  He looked confused - and had no idea what it was
“May I?”  Belle looked unsure how to go forward as he sat there looking at her so he just nodded his head 
The long floppy thing was draped around his neck and over his shoulder and seconds later a warm smell that reminded him somewhat of his mother made its way to his nose and a blissful heat started to soak into his shoulder and neck.  The heat pulled a soft groan from him as muscles that he didn’t even know where tense started to relax.
“I can warm it up again later if you want.  It’s a rice pack they’re supposed to help muscle aches”
Bucky just blinked, he couldn’t remember the last time that someone had looked out for him in such a comforting way.  Hell the last time might have been his mother.  He opened his mouth to say thanks only to see that Belle was already moving away to the spot Tony had saved for her. The movie started and he was drawn in to the familiar actors and the story line.
Tony sipped at his drink, half an eye on the movie the other on Bucky.  He could see that the other man seemed to be feeling better and all because Belle had thought of ways that would help hm remember more pleasant things. She had explained her idea to him and as much as he had tried to talk her out of it she was determined to go ahead so he agreed to wrangle the rest of the team. He had been prepared to the come through and find her on her own but low and behold, the Tin Man was there and seemed quite happy.  
Leaning over he spoke quietly next to her ear “ You did good Kid.  He looks better. Whats with the heat pack?”
Belle glanced over turning her head to whisper back “He was holding his arm funny and I wondered if the cold made it ache.  I’ve read that can happen to amputees”. 
That wasn’t something that Tony had considered but it made sense. Perhaps there was something that he could do to help - maybe he would put a call in to Shuri.  He rubbed his hand over his chin already rejecting ideas when a small soft hand touched his arm.  Glancing down and back up to Belle he peered over the top of this glasses. 
“Leave if for tonight  let's just all enjoy the movie with him”. Her eyes went back to the screen and his remained on her for a moment before  shaking his head and taking a drink from his own mug.
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tdystmr · 4 years
au where werewolf!jaebeom meets grim reaper!jinyoung who somehow knows everything about him 🤩
b a c k g r o u n d i n f o 🍓
jaebeom is a half-breed werewolf. his dad was a hunter who met his mother while she was shifting and they somehow fell in love and had him
half-breeds are kind of shunned in the magic community because human blood is known as ‘contaminated blood’ hence jaebeom kind of hates everyone and rathers be alone. he has only an acquaintance at work, choi youngjae, who’s nice enough to try to socialise with jaebeom even though the older has shut everyone in the museum out
jinyoung is a grim reaper - not only for humans but for the magic community as well. it’s not common to be assigned to work for both and he knows he has to be some horrible criminal in order to be sentenced to such painful work
he only remembers bits and pieces of his past life, the main thing being a werewolf. that’s the reason why he’s been keeping an eye on jaebeom ever since he realised that a werewolf was in the same city as him.
p l o t 🍓
they bump heads, literally, on the street
jinyoung, obviously, had planned it but jaebeom was an unsuspecting werewolf who was simply in a rush to go check out an art piece the museum was interested in purchasing
jaebeom is immediately suspicious when jinyoung recognises what he is
jinyoung, being oh-so cryptic, invites him to meet at a nearby library. it’s kind of where jinyoung lives ( imagine a place like the grim reaper’s in goblin, those hidden wall kind of things )
he disappears and leaves jaebeom with a note that jaebeom decides to stuff into his pocket and ignore
but ofc he can’t just ignore it so he caves in a visits a few days after
jinyoung is waiting there for him and sneaks up on him, resulting in jaebeom reacting in self-defence and pining him on the floor
they eventually move to jinyoung’s house and jinyoung reveals that he’s actually in need of jaebeom’s help. part of being a grim reaper ( in this au, anyway ) is to not only help souls pass over but to deal with any unnatural causes of death
recently, there’s been a serial murderer of some sorts on the loose and jinyoung has reason to believe it’s a werewolf or a pack of them
jaebeom obv looses his shit because he hates anything to do with his own kind and stomps out of there
but jinyoung continuously reappears in his life until the werewolf finally caves in
*queue crime fighting duo jjp*
e x t r a c t 🍓
‪jaebeom hates crowds. it’s all skin-to-skin contact with sweaty strangers, a cacophony of noises that send his senses into overdrive. it doesn’t help that his ears or nose are more sensitive than the average human being’s, nor does it‬ help that the upcoming full moon is making him even jumpier than usual.
using his broad shoulders and strength, he pushes his way through the crowd, ignoring the curses and glares he gets. he keeps his head hung low, his messy fringe creating a curtain over his eyes. still, he pushes through the sea of people until he can finally breathe in fresh air instead of body odour and musky heat.
the building he’s looking for is about another street down, about a good five minutes away, and the sweltering heat beating down on his back puts him in a worse mood than he’s already in. still, he trudges on with his hands stuffed deep into his pockets, eyes set on the gravel below him.
of course, not looking up has it’s obvious consequences, and it’s not long before jaebeom feels the tell-tale hardness of another head collide against his.
it happens in a split second. his sunglasses slide off the bridge of his nose and to the floor, pathetically clattering against the gravel. the man looks up at him and his pupils zero in on jaebeom’s exposed icy blue left eye, sending him into a state of alarm.
immediately, he reaches up to cover it with a hand, right eye still trained intently on the man’s expression. his hands are clasped around the spine of his book, a thick leather-bound book with scraps and markers sticking out of the side. his eyes are soft and round, pink lips pursed into a light frown which confuses jaebeom even more.
“watch where you’re going,” jaebeom growls, trying to distract the man from staring even more. the man says nothing, still. he bends down and picks up jaebeom’s glasses, calmly wiping the black lenses with his clean white shirt. holding it up, he frowns at jaebeom, who frowns back.
“aren’t you taking this back, werewolf? you need it to hide that eye of yours, don’t you?” the man asks as if it isn’t a big deal, as if it’s an every day topic.
jaebeom sputters, caught totally off guard. who is this man? “what the hell are you talking about?”
the mysterious stranger nods towards his covered eye, unimpressed with jaebeom’s effort in lying. “i know what your kind looks like, though i haven’t seen one so up close in a century,”
“a century...?” jaebeom trails off, hand slowly dropping from his face out of shock. how the hell is that possible? what the heck? unless...
“what are you?” jaebeom aggressively questions. the man shrugs, annoyingly nonchalant, as he takes jaebeom’s hand and presses the sunglasses into it.
“you’ll know soon enough. when the time comes, we’ll meet again. i’ve decided it,” the man says, a small, irritatingly knowing smile on his lips. he brushes past jaebeom in his surprised daze, disappearing into the crowd that jaebeom came from.
when he snaps out of it, he’s standing alone in the middle of the pavement, hand holding his glasses out like an idiot. he quickly puts them back on, mind snapping back to attention as he slowly goes over whatever the hell that was.
glancing back, his mind races with possibilities. another half-blood? or a pure? a fey, maybe? or a wizard. maybe a warlock, seems nosy enough to be one. maybe i could track him down. if only i had something left-
it was as if the man had known jaebeom would have turned to his instincts. on the floor, lay a sleek black card embossed with silver writing.
- P. J. Y.
“wolf...boy...?” jaebeom mumbles, fingers running over the neat letters. it’s slightly warm as if fresh out of press, and jaebeom wouldn’t be surprised if this PJY dude had burnt it on the spot.
a part of jaebeom - his primal, savage wolf half - tells him not to do it because it could be a trap. the other part - the ever-curious human half - tells him to go dashing to the library right this instant to look for this man and demand answers.
instead of deciding because jaebeom loves being spontaneous and doing whatever the hell he likes, he shoves the card deep into his pocket and chooses to ignore it. he trudges on despite the nerves prickling at his spine, as if someone is watching him.
better to blend in than make a break for it. calm down, you can take him if he returns. just move along and ignore it, he tells himself.
but he can’t ignore it. for the rest of the day, the new prickly feeling of the edges of the card bugs him through his jeans, but he somehow can’t bring himself to throw it away. it feels heavy, like stone, way more than a stupid piece of card stock should be.
t a g s 🍓
crime fighting / detectives
minor gore / fight scenes / blood etc.
acquaintances > friends > lovers
mutual pining
slow burn
unnatural beings / magic
angst / fluff / smut
backstories / hidden pasts
character death
would also like to plug my ongoing fic silver lining - wizard!jinyoung x crown prince!jaebeom ✨ look for me on twitter @ tdystmr as well eheh
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sunkissedholland · 6 years
Robbers Tom Holland AU | Chapter 3
Tumblr media
based on the song “Robbers” by The 1975
Criminal!Tom Holland x (female) Reader
Summary: Tom makes his living robbing stores and selling drugs with his friends Harrison, Harry, and Sam. One night on the job, he stumbles upon Elizabeth, a beautiful girl who just might be the accomplice he has been looking for.
Warnings: Violence, drug use, drug talk, swearing, ~sexual tension~, mentions of smut (and lowkey smut in this chapter), criminal activity ofc
Word Count: 2k, apologies if there are small errors I was very excited to just write nonstop
Hi! Sorry if this chapter seems short I just felt the ending was a good stopping point for a chapter. Enjoy!
They get in the van, y/n, Tom, and Harry are in the back, Sam driving with a moderately inebriated Harrison sitting passenger. The crew begins their drive, talking about memories and songs they want to sing at karaoke. Sam is playing The Smiths over the car radio and after they stop talking it becomes louder. Tom sings the lyrics to “Ask” by The Smiths, loudly in the direction of y/n. “So, if there's something you'd like to try, if there's something you'd like to try, ask me, I won't say no, how could I?” Was he trying to get in my head? Y/n thought. She sings back “Coyness is nice, and coyness can stop you from saying all the things in life you'd like to,” She couldn’t help but draw parallels to their tension-filled situation. She could still see traces of hunger in his eyes. Leftovers from the kiss. He was also not-so-discreetly staring at her chest frequently, making y/n think she had the upper hand.
Alcohol-filled and ready to go, Tom and y/n saunter into the karaoke bar. There is a surprisingly short queue of about 4 people ahead, allowing the group to choose the order. Harrison, the most intoxicated, confidently decides to go first. He is excited to sing “No Scrubs” by TLC but doesn’t tell anyone and waits to see their reaction when he eventually goes up. His performance has everyone on their feet. Harrison confidently strides along the stage of the bar. Taking his microphone and eyeing people, singing to them. He goes to y/n and sings the slower section, jokingly pointing to her, making her sides ache from laughter. Harrison finishes his grandiose drag-like performance with a confident bow, then ushers to Sam. Sam decides to do “Rebel Rebel” by David Bowie. What a shocker. The bar is dancing along, the catchy tune in people’s ears, Sam uses the wired mic so he can swing it around as a prop. He jumps on tables and plays air guitar during the lyric-less sections. When Sam dances over to Harry indicating his turn, he decides to pass. He gets booed by the crew but decides his dignity is more important.
Tom’s turn. Y/n hears the opening to “...Baby one more time” and is prepared to die of laughter, perhaps not fully recovered from Harrison’s performance. Tom gets into it, dancing and showing off to y/n as she smiles with joy. When he sings “When I’m not with you I lose my mind” He pulls her to the stage and begs the lyrics. “Give me a siiiiign!!” Y/n tries to exit the stage as he performs, but he is too busy in what seems like a full-on choreographed routine. She escapes before the slow part of the song, only for Tom to decide to take this as his chance to make her jealous. The boy begins to go around the bar singing to other girls, occasionally glancing back to see a discomforted y/n. Having the jealousy stunt worked on her, y/n changes her song choice last minute. This will show him. Tom finishes, out of breath. He struts off stage and goes to y/n. “Ready?” he muses. “Just you wait pretty boy” she mews.
The start of “I Wanna Be Yours” by Arctic Monkeys begins and Tom’s face grows hot. She remembered. Knowing this is a song Tom listens to in the mood, Y/n, with the help of alcohol, sexily dances across the stage, mastering her vocals. Tom didn’t know she was a singer, another secret turn-on of his. Y/n was solely focused on Tom. As the room around her dissolved, her moves grew more sensual. She moved towards Tom from the stage, and as she reached him, she began to give him a lap dance, not caring what the bar thought. She could feel Tom’s growing erection as she skillfully moved her hips. She could hear a soft groan escape his lips, and she felt his eyes boring into her backside. Tim seemed to feel still. She then quickly turned around and gave him a wink, and placed a hand to cup the disheveled boy’s cheek as she serenaded him. She then walked to a few other guys she deemed worthy and repeated her actions, not as closely. She put on a little show for 4 guys before she swayed back to the stage to sing the last few lines of the song and place the mic back on its stand. She nonchalantly walked back to her seat, as if she didn’t just violate this boy in front of an entire bar, and four others.
“So guys? Should we do shots or maybe get some food?” She asks. The faces of Harrison, Sam, and Harry were blank, still comprehending the show they just watched as they nodded “sure”s and “okay”s. They hadn’t seen that side of her until now.
Tom was an absolute mess. He was seething with jealousy and horniness, each making the other stronger, and he debated going to “use the bathroom” so he could get this feeling over with but decided he can make it home before his insides turn to flames.
The crew eats, drinks, and ignores the show y/n had put on, especially Tom.  The only indication that it ever happened after it did was Harrison nudging Tom in the car ride home, who was very wasted at this point. His intoxication got the better of his speech and it came out as “Tsomm, if you guys hoOok up remember there’Ss condomss in everyone’ss dresser.” “Yes sir.” Tom salutes, looking embarrassed but putting it aside knowing Haz is pissed drunk at this point.
Y/n was feeling off for the entire car ride, hoping Tom would put her in her place somehow. His unbothered state made her frustrated as she tried to get him to be riled up. Little did she know Tom was more alive than ever, his entire being hot from earlier. He couldn’t get the feeling out of his skin, her hips on top of his, the friction she gave him, that fucking wink. He was trying his hardest to not be bothered, but he felt like a child trying to hold their bladder on a road trip.
After what felt like an eternity (20 mins), Sam and Harry aid Harrison in walking while Tom swiftly exits the car, Y/n following. Y/n goes towards Tom’s room, ready to remove the lipstick she put on, while Tom had other plans.
After Tom let y/n get ahead of him, he followed her into his room and shut his door.
“Do you seriously think I could let you get away with that?” He growls, his jealousy and horniness not being able to be contained any longer.
Y/n decides to play coy, “What do you mean Tommy?” As she reaches for a makeup wipe on the floor by the dresser.
“Dancing like that not just with me, but to that song?” His tone was growing angrier as his jeans got tighter.
“Are you saying I’m not allowed to have a little fun?” She adds, taking off her lipstick with a wipe nearby her clothing.
“Remember who brought you here, Princess. Don’t tease me like this”
Y/n finishes taking off her lipstick, ready to give in to Tom’s commands after that nickname. She sets it aside as for a lack of trash cans and walks towards the impatient hot and bothered Tom. She gives him a kiss on the neck, sucking slightly to make a light mark.
“Like this?” she purrs as she marks his neck. Tom’s eyes close in pleasure, angry that he isn’t getting what he wants. He un-suctions y/n, tilts up her head, and kisses her forcefully, pulling her in close. They start slow, then Tom begins to deepen this kiss, tasting as much of her as he can with his limited access. He bites her lip seductively and grabs her ass, enjoying the small moan she makes in response. He moves her to the bed, walking as they kiss and pushes her onto the mattress, quickly getting on top of her to continue. As Tom takes off his jacket and goes to take off his shirt, the heated makeout session gets interrupted by a vomiting Harrison and a concerned Sam outside Tom’s room.
“Tom? We can’t find the cleaner we usually use for puke. Do you have it in your room or something?” Thank god I locked the door. Tom thought.
“Uh yeah lemme grab it.” Suddenly, a howling Harrison interrupts “Tsom! I neeeeed you!”
Tom rolls his eyes, his body angry at him for not relieving the heat between his legs. “Stay where you are, Princess. I’m not done with you.” He stomps out of the room, a cleaner in hand ready to face his needy best friend. He hands the cleaner to Sam and goes towards the bathroom.
Y/n waits for him on the bed, thinking of ways for Tom to regret leaving.
Meanwhile, Tom pats Harrison on the back as he revisits the food they ate earlier. “Tsom?” Harrison asks. “Yeah buddy?”
“I love you.” He then gags slightly, his body mad at him for consuming alcohol. Tom laughs. Harrison’s alcohol-induced speech impediment made it hard for Tom to comprehend his words, but he responds “love you too.”
“Where’s y/n?” Harrison slurs. FUCK! Tom remembers her waiting and quickly responds “Asleep. Gotta go buddy.”
He then somehow snakes his way out of the bathroom and gets Sam to comfort him instead. He swiftly goes back to his room, only to discover y/n’s clothing on the floor, and y/n coving herself from her shoulders down with the comforter.
“You fucking witch” he shakes his head. He pounces on y/n, noticing she left herself in a lacy black bralette with matching panties. They swiftly remove each other’s clothing, as they give each other deep kisses and marks all over each other’s bodies.
They waste no time getting into sex, wanting nothing more than their release. They try to remain quiet but sometimes a soft moan escapes along with a slew of profanities from Tom. As they nearly finish, Tom accidentally slips out an “I love you”. Stunned for a second, Y/n quickly replies, “I love you too,” As they finish together. They come down from their respective highs, breathing deeply.
“Did you mean that?” Tom asks after a period of silence.
“Did you?” Y/n questions.
Tom seemed sincere. “I did.”
“I mean it too then.” Tom gave her a meaningful kiss, then got up to clean off.
They decide to get dressed and y/n goes to the kitchen and makes some tea. Harry was also there, raising an eyebrow. “Could you guys try and be totally silent next time? These walls are paper thin, it would be much appreciated.” Y/n blushes and nods. She made a cup of green tea for herself and chamomile for Tom.
Tom awaits for y/n by getting up and grabbing the pair of earrings he stole for her, hoping she likes them. He put them in the pocket of the sweatpants he put on and waits.
Y/n smiles as she re-enters the room, offering Tom his drink. They lay there in a comforting silence, not having anything to say. They finish their drinks and lazily cuddle together, y/n’s head on Tom’s chest while he pets her hair. They were peaceful and comfortable, not wanting it to end. They each drifted to sleep slowly, savoring the happiness they had.
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Yours Truly [Part One]
Summary: Sadie Coleman arrives at the Pratt farm for the summer and discovers she may have signed up for more than a simple nanny job. Pairing: Chris Pratt x OFC, Chris Evans x OFC Word Count: 1650 Warnings: Mentions of divorce and abandonment. A/N: This fic was previously posted on my multi-fandom account; in honor of OC Appreciation Day, I figured I would queue it all up for your reading pleasure throughout the day! This was a collab with @captain-s-rogers​, and I will link her chapters at the end of all of my posts! Some GIFs were difficult to find again, so if there’s no credit, they’re from Google Image Search. 
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June 1
My first day here at the farm was insightful, to say the least.
The daughter, Layla, is four, and possibly the sweetest child on the face of the planet. And she is so smart! We are going to have an amazing summer, I can tell.
Her father on the other hand – I’m not entirely sure what to make of him, to be honest. He’s polite but has some rough edges… I suppose anyone would be after their wife left them with a farm and a four-year-old. Although, if he was like this before, it’s no wonder she left. That’s a terrible thing to say, I know. If he expects me to stick around all summer, he’d better work on becoming more personable, that much is for sure.
How is D.C.? I want to hear all about the plane ride and your arrival and the people you’ve met. How is the guy you’re working for? Hopefully he is friendlier than ole Farmer Pratt. Ha.
Layla told me she likes to get up early, so I should probably get to bed. I’m already loving our idea to write letters this summer and only call a few times or in case of emergency. Send me a postcard from D.C.!
Yours truly,
The drive from her Wichita home to the Lawrence, Kansas, area was only a few hours, but it was just long enough for Sadie to wonder about a million times if this was really how she wanted to spend her summer. Teaching during the school year was one thing, but continuing it into the summer?
Although, the job description sounded more like a nanny with an education background than an actual teacher. The little girl she would be working with would turn five over the summer, and her father wanted her ready for kindergarten.
In search of a teacher to work with and care for my daughter over the summer. Must have education background and be willing to do tasks around the home. Must be willing to travel, if necessary. More details provided upon inquiry; serious applicants only.
The ad had been posted on a site many teachers in the area used, and had just enough detail to pique Sadie’s interest. She immediately emailed the man who had posted the job for more details and, even though she knew right away there probably would be more caring for than teaching involved, she took him up on the offer in return for negotiated pay, and room and board.
“Perhaps it will lead to something else,” Sadie thought to herself, thinking of the new job she would need to find for the next school year. Her job in Wichita had been secure, until budget cuts forced them to close down several schools in the area. The closings had left many teachers without jobs, and Sadie had been one of them. There were simply too many elementary school teachers, and she had not been around long enough to build up the necessary tenure to stay. She had, however, looked at the bright side: she would have excellent references and the opportunity to relocate wherever she pleased.
The farmhouse she pulled up to was larger than she expected, but the place still had a cozy feel about it. Laid out beyond the house was a lush backyard, a sturdy, wooden playset, and a barn. Beyond that was brown dirt, as far as Sadie could see.
“Ms. Coleman?”
Sadie looked in the direction of the voice to see a man and a little girl standing on the porch. Taking a determined breath and beelining for the porch, Sadie prepared to meet her new employer and charge.
“Please, call me Sadie,” she said as soon as she was shaking the man’s hand. His hand wrapped around hers was calloused and rough, but there was something gentle about his handshake, as well. “You must be Mr. Pratt.”
“I am. If I’m going to call you Sadie though, please, call me Chris. This is my daughter, Layla.”
The little girl had hidden behind her father’s legs as Sadie approached, and peeked out from behind now. Her hair was a mess of curls (literally, a mess. Sadie couldn’t wait to run a comb through them.) and her eyes were big and blue, just like Chris’s.
“Hello, Ms. ‘Adie,” Layla greeted in almost a whisper. Her ‘s’ at the end of Ms. and the beginning of Sadie ran together, but it endeared Sadie immediately to the small child.
Sadie got down to Layla’s level. “If it’s okay with your dad, you can just call me Sadie.”
“Daddy?” Layla looked up at her father; Chris’s face softened. Sadie pursed her lips in an effort to hide her smile. She had an inkling that there wasn’t much Chris denied his daughter.
“It’s okay with me. How about you show Sadie where her room will be, while I finish up the afternoon chores?” He looked to Sadie. “We can discuss some things later, after she’s gone to bed.”
“Yessir,” Layla obeyed with a sing-song voice, all hints of her earlier shyness gone as she took Sadie’s hand and led her into the house.
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Layla played with her dolls on the floor of the guest room while Sadie settled into her new quarters. Sadie hummed quietly while she worked, until all of her things were put away. Finally, she stowed her suitcase in the closet, then turned to Layla. The little girl’s curls caught her attention again, so Sadie decided it was time to comb them out. She asked Layla where her comb was, then found some detangler. She sat on the floor with Layla sitting in front of her and carefully combed out the girl’s hair before styling it into a cute side ponytail. When she was done, she picked Layla up and took her to the mirror so the girl could admire her newly styled hair.
“Daddy!” Layla exclaimed when Chris came in, dirty and sweaty, “Look! Adie fixed my hairs!”
Chris sent Sadie the kind of look that could only be considered a low-key, don’t-want-my-daughter-to-see glare before grinning at Layla and sweeping her up into his arms and telling her how beautiful she looked.
“I’m going to take a shower. You girls can get started on supper while I clean up.”
Sadie licked her lips and nodded, taking Layla by the hand and leading her into the kitchen. She whipped up a chicken salad for sandwiches, had Layla help her set the table, and then served up the girl before making a plate for Chris and herself.
Supper was an awkward, silent event, save for Layla’s comments here and there. After they ate, Chris sent Layla to her room to play while he and Sadie cleaned up from supper and talked about her summer arrangement over coffee.
“I understand that you’ll be considering school year work while you’re here, which is fine. I do have a part-time babysitter, and I don’t intend to keep you here twenty-four-seven. I want you to have your own life.” He sipped at his coffee. “I’ve got Layla on a pretty good schedule, but I’m okay flexing it. Planting is done for the season, but caring for the fields and the animals still needs to be done. I’m out of the house most of the day, but I’ll be in at lunchtime. If I have to go into town, I’ll let you girls know. I’d expect you to do the same if you leave with my daughter.”
Sadie nodded. “Of course.”
“I’d like for her to be ready for kindergarten in the fall – honestly, I don’t know what that entails, but that’s where you come in. Maybe just an hour or two a day, you can work with her, practice, all that.” He leaned forward and let out a deep breath. “Not to get too personal, Sadie, but, in case Layla talks about it, I’m going to be very honest with you. Not quite a year ago, my wife left us. We had a myriad of issues – anyway. Layla seems to have adjusted all right, but occasionally she’ll talk about her mother.”
“I’m sorry,” Sadie said, not sure what else to say. “I can assure you, I do know what to ready Layla for. I’ve got a master’s in elementary education, and I’ve been teaching kindergarten for several years now, until they closed down the school I was working for. I had only been with the district for a few years, so I was let go. But I have excellent references.”
“I know,” Chris said, smirking – the first time Sadie had seen the hint of anything resembling a smile sent in her direction. “I called them.”
“Wow,” Sadie chuckled. “You’re really serious about this.”
His smirk slowly faded. “Layla’s all I have left. I need her to be well-cared for, but I can’t be with her all the time, and I can’t do all of the things her mother could do for her. I’m trying, though.”
Something occurred to Sadie. “You did her hair this morning, didn’t you? I’m sorry, Chris, I didn’t mean …”
He waved her off, getting up to put both of their empty coffee cups in the sink. “It’s all right. Maybe you can teach me some things this summer, too. I’ll get Layla put to bed.”
“I’d like to tell her good night, if that’s all right.”
“Of course.”
The good night with Layla took a few minutes, as she excitedly explained to Sadie how she arranged all of her stuffed animals. Chris finally swatted her lightly on the bottom and told her to get her pajamas on, that she had talked Sadie’s ear off enough for one day.
Sadie smiled, leaving father and daughter behind for their nighttime routine. She closed the door to her room behind her, settling in to write her letter to Caroline.
Part Two
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