#i imagine this scenario wouldnt play out very well
trash----panda · 5 months
Another scenario
This has been playing in my head for days
Imagine, the world is ending, demons everywhere, they are massive, horrifying. You managed to break into a church as steal a holy weapon that's been working pretty well on the smaller demons, not to mention you knew this part of town well. Things were kinda going better than expected, until it showed up. This thing was massive, you wouldnt even describe it as anything but a demon. You'd spotted it a few times now, doing your best to avoid it, but now, now you were making eye contact down to road from eachother, you can feel it's eyes piercing your soul. The starring contest is broken by it's laugh, you dont know what possessed you but you felt like you were gonna throw up, at least your legs still listened to you. As soon as it approached you dashed for safety, hearing it grow near you dove down an alley, it's words seeming to taunt you, false promises not to hurt you. The fear is overwhelming for both of you, you on the verge of passing out and the demon drooling at the smell. You manage to get out the other side of the alley but it was waiting, pulling away when you drew the blessed saber, your hands trembling
"do it... i dare you" it laughed, trying to grab you once more, you slash it's skin which makes it recoil, you didnt stop to listen to it complain about the blade hurting worse than it thought. Sprinting for the subway you miss a step, barely getting a noise out before barrelling down the stairs, left a sobbing mess at the bottom. You werent built for battle, you werent built to fight demons. The ground rumbles, you can only hope it cant fit it's arm down there, your body doesnt even have the strength to tremble, all you can do is squeeze your eyes shut as your counsiousness fades. You hit your head way too hard going down.
When you wake up it's somewhere new, looks like an old warehouse, you've been surrounded in a nest of pillows and blankets, whimpering as you tried to figure out who or what was here with you, thag same cruel chuckle making your blood run cold "so you're awake? Was scared you wouldnt" the demon watched you across the room, finding it amusing as you searched for the saber, your face paling as he held it up, fidgeting with it "looking for this? Yah couldnt leave it with you, you seem... aggressive" you couldnt help but feel dread wash over you, you were trapped, defensless, with a creature at least 5 times your size. They must've noticed, your face had it written all over not to mention the smell was making them drool "geez" they mumbled out, wiping their lip. You tried to make a break for it, getting quickly pressed against the ground by the massive hand, it was firm but also ever so gentle. Not that you cared, it was attached to a monster who wanted to eat you. They sighed and scooped you up, hugging your squirming figure to their chest, you could hear all their strange inner workings, tensing up "see this aint so bad right? You dont have to worry no more ok? I'll protect you"
Not very reassuring with all that drooling but sure, whatever, you just needed to leave.
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twigs-sprigs · 2 years
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an au in which.. well different outfits that the ninja have had are actually just who they are
okay so i have much to explain so STRAP IN
so i came up with this idea really suddenly like ten million thoughts just hit me in the head, but the main concept is that
the world is actually a post apocalyptic style scenario, there's an "above" new ninjago city, that was built on top of the old overgrown and kind of abandoned old ninjago city (i imagine it having like glowy mushrooms and stuff and having some sort of a pretty factor to it)
i also see this whole world being full of like a multitude of different species with all sorts of wacky features (this is all kinda like years and years after the disaster that destroyed the og ninjago, so it has very cyberpunk-y and modern elements)
let's call it the (PA au. just post apocalyptic for short)
(this has been compared to that one show called arcane before. i. ive never watched arcane. /gen.. so yeah. i know its similar. its a coincidence. i promise. )
now, our characters consist of
kai - aka. the red shogun. (the outfit is prime empire kai, kind of combined with the red shogun outfit from season 4) a villain turned superhero vigilante, who's just doing his gosh darn best, and has a whole team who keeps his back safe! lloyd - aka. GB (prime empire lloyd) a trained mercenary and the leader of a gang that does everything from trading substances, weapons and machines in the black market, to simply bounty hunting. he's an untrustworthy, quiet but sly and feared leader, whos really just a sad and lost kid at heart. people say he takes after his father, but he wouldnt admit that. jay - aka. superstar rockin' jay!! (prime empire jay, ofc) he's a celebrity rockstar both in the above world AND in the undercity. though he mostly spends his time up above. he's still part of kai's vigilante team! nya- aka. THE FREAKIN SEA (seabound nya) she's a part of the sea that decided "fuck it!! we ball!!" and left to see what life on land is all about! she met kai and quickly became really close with him and they became siblings! shes the first member of his team! and she's kind of confused but she's DEFINITELY got the spirit! zane- aka. snake jaguar (the outfit from sons of garmadon) just like kai he's a vigilante, a wielder of ice. he goes undercover in lloyds gang and becomes his right hand man, but gives crucial information to his team, so they can take down lloyd's operation. cole- ROCKY FREAKIN DANGERBUFF, yet ANOTHER member of kai's team, he's from the dangerbuff clan! one of the groups of people who live their lives in the undercity. he's a dancer and a beast hunter, but also a kick ass hero just like the rest of the team! pixal- samurai x!! she's also a hero, that kind of rivals red shogun and kind of doesnt like him at all, but she does get kind of close to one of his team members... if you know what i mean
i will say that ALL the members of the squad still have their elemental powers, i havent yet properly fully thought that part out but i know for sure that they do.
SO YEAH. lloyd is actually kind of the villian for a large part of this au. i tried my best to not change his personality in a way that wouldnt be natural for his character to progress. in my head he grew up kind of sheltered from the outside world entirely. he's not really a... person? he's his role and thats that. he was never really loved by anyone therefore doesnt really know...emotion. all that well. he may act like a bratty teenager from time to time when he's taunting his enemies, but that's just... a character that he's playing up. he really just has no clue what hes doing.
(everything im not saying here is in the little notes i left on the drawings, though they may not be canon since i wrote down concepts and ideas there too)
his dad, garmadon, also is a little different in this au. basically "good" garmadon isnt really a thing (hes basically JUST the version from the oni trillogy). he was the previous gang leader BEFORE lloyd but he vanished and supposedly died. so lloyd had to take his place.
the ACTUAL. REAL VILLAIN of this au is harumi. who, fr. is still just herself. she's also kind of the second in command to lloyd. and she betrays him. and kind of takes the gang all to herself. leaving lloyd to help out the heroes...and finally find a family in the process.
its very emotional in my head and i am so scrambled right now these are the only semi-coherent thoughts.
i would LOVE to talk more about this au. if you have any questions or ideas or ANYTHING really.. do send asks about it... im in such deep brainrot for it and rambling on tumblr is apparently a thing that i do! (who wouldve thunk!)
this au was also made with the help of @shadesofvermillionvoid as USUAL.. so you can send asks there too!!! give kai all the love ever ash deserve it!!
... and to whoever bothered to read all this. wow. thank you! :D i feel very seen
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doggytism · 9 months
dinosaurs are one of my biggest special interests. tf2 is probably getting close as well. i will now ramble endlessly about my thoughts, assigning those old men dinosaurs and you're all gonna listen. also, this is based like...99% off of the characters, not taking gameplay stuff into account. it probably makes less sense in that scenario
cut because this will get LONG
also excuse any blur or bad image quality, its the way the images are cropped lol click for better quality!
so, i COULD be boring and bland and predictable and say Scout would fit a Velociraptor...and im gonna. theyre small, agile, a middle ground between labrador levels of dumb and raven levels of smart. relies on others around him to succeed, and i think he deserves to be small and fluffy ^_^
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Medic, i think, wouldnt be a dinosaur at all. instead, i see him as a pterosaur! more specifically, Quetzalcoatlus. absolutely massive, terrifying and unsettling to look at, probably more dangerous than it looks (and it looks dangerous). something about it just looks right for him
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Pyro's choice is 50% for the name: a Pyroraptor. i also think its cute how striking the resemblance would be with Scout as a Velociraptor: pretty similar in size, build, matching silly levels!! theres also something about the "looks cute, seems cute, moves like a deadly predator, kills like something far worse" kinda deal going on here
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Sniper is also technically not a dinosaur! Deinosuchus, an absolutely huge crocodilian, just felt. correct. while not very australian (i actually considered a Minmi for a while!), there is just no choice. big crocodile, patient hunter, strange and offputting. probably bites
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Heavy, who i almost dubbed a Borealopelta, is SUCH good Therizinosaurus material. massive, terrifying weapons (im aware that recent study/s suggest their claws werent used for combat. i simply do not care ^_^), but absolute softies. Therizinosaurus was a strict herbivore (contrary to first thoughts after its discovery!), and i think the contrast in appearance vs behavior lines up kinda nice
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no explanation needed. look at the image. need i say more. assigning anything besides a Pachycephalosaurus to Engie is just wrong. enjoys play fighting with Pyro and knocking them down (gently) a lot
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pretty privilege: the animal. like Microraptor: not very big, probably annoying, weirdly ruthless. spilling anything on them would result in a very slow head turn that signals your incoming demise. has learned to take advantage of Engie's big ass head: he cant actually feel that thing. perfect place to crouch on without causing alarm
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i struggled the most with Demo because nothing seemed like...obvious to me? i have very little to say abt this one, i picked Suchomimus based purely off of vibes. i imagined it and it made sense
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Soldier has two options, one is funnier than the other. primarily, i'd see him as a Daspletosaurus! one of the smaller tyrannosaurs, still very big though (~8ft tall, ish?). alternatively, i can NOT get the idea of him as a Protoceratops out of my HEAD. small ("small" is relative here. think of like...a really large dog), probably barks for fun, loves digging holes, has every disease
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if i could draw with a mild level of skill, i'd be drawing them all day. they mean everything to me. im imagining them so much and its doing wonders for my mind. (also, the scaling off the animals + mercs in these images are not accurate in the slightest, thats just how it turned out)
i'd talk about them for HOURS if i could
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horrorsummerromance · 2 years
I think its already established that Daemi don't know how to write shit to save their lives. This just further cemented it.
I also think it's funny that one of the authors' favorite character is Vegas, so why the hell they would just make him suffer more and more... I don't know what to tell you. They just suck and I will not accept this as canon. Like there is just no reason to kill off Macau wtf... like, you leave fucking Venice (who provides very little to the plot) and kill off Macau??? Wtf wtf wtf wtf??? Nobody wants that fucking baby ffs, not even Vegas.
I think the authors may have a grudge against the cast/fandom considering all the controversies that have happened concerning them 2 so I think they're like "let's kill someone everyone cares about and actually like as payback! *evil laughter*" and everyone else KP, VP, KC are too important to the plot and the bodyguards aren't that much so they decided on Macau... oof
I think that if we get a S2, they will keep Macau's death, just make it better or have him die a noble death (just like how they changed it for Big- who ended up dying for Porsche- who was the actual traitor in the book instead of Ken) since I do think BOC may be obligated to follow the broad strokes of the novel and I don't think they have bought the rights off Daemi...
hiiii anon!!!
god i am MAD. like. idgaf about venice NO ONE gives a flying fuck about venice and YET!!!!!!!
they absolutely do not know how to write for their characters nor do they care much. so they kill off macau ... can you imagine the PAIN and ANGUISH that vegas would feel? at that point, knowing vegas as We know him, he himself wouldnt wanna live anymore, no matter if he has pete beside him or not. he was gonna blow his brains out just at his DAD dying and pete talked him down. i dont even think pete could talk him down if he saw macau comitting suicide in front of his eyes. like. what?? they wanna play the misery porn card on vegas????
and like. thats just vegas. who's a secondary thought rn. to me its more about macau. like. yes okay he is clinically depressed and on meds in the novel. and you know all this time since kp ended ive gone on and on and onnn about how much of a blank canvas macau was on the show and how if we ever got a s2, i wanna see macau be given depth and be explored more bc theres SO MUCH room and scope with him to do so. and like the novel, i'd wanna see macau go through these bouts of depression bc ... hell ... his entire life has just been one trauma after the next after the next laid upon him. its GOT to get to him. and i could just. so clearly picture what the plotline for macau can be if we got a s2. i could write it myself and do a better job!! and that would include not killing him off just to dump more pain on vegas and to give macau hope in wanting to live bc he has his big brother and his big brother has him!!! and he'd graduate from school and go to uni and make something of his life!!!!
but like. i just dont know. IF. we ever got a s2, would they write macau as being clinically depressed like in the novel. and of course there has to be (a) death involved in the show and WHO BETTER to kill off than macau, who's only attachment is with vegas and then pete and is a well-loved character. like i would Hope they would rewrite it all and Not have him die but then im like ... well someone has to die and whose death would twist the knife in more than macau's for the sake of Great Plot Writing and Advancement. i said it once before that i could so easily see a future scenario where pete and macau are both in some sorta danger and only one makes it out alive or vegas has to choose and that ties in with your idea of the Noble Death trope and macau probably dying that Noble Death. so either that, or they DO write macau as clincally depressed on the show and have him commit suicide, which idk if they will write him as that.
but yeah im just so ... Mad at this all. i wanna say yeah that yeah if we did get a s2, that they could rewrite this all and macau doesnt die but then ...... like. duh. its pretty obvious that macau's death would trigger and offset so much for the plot and facilitate it going forwards.
and fuck that. bc i LOVE macau so much and theres SO MUCH that can be done with him and explored with him that I COULD DO A BETTER JOB AT. like i said, yes, i wanna see macau be written as clinically depressed on the show just like the novel and for that and his headspace and character to be properly explored, BUT AT THE SAME TIME, be given hope of a hopeful ending for him!!!!!!!! ITS REALLY NOT THAT HARD TO DO YOU SICK FUCKS!!!
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liquidstar · 1 year
You know, I’ve seen lots of fics where Subaru’s friends react to his return by death in some contrived circumstance, like in a movie theater. However, I’ve never seen a fanfic where Subaru’s parents react to his life in Lugnica without return by death, seeing his actions without any context. How do you think that would play out?
well im not really much of a fanfic person so i dont think i cant eloquently write out the scenario itself... but if theyre not seeing the return by death theyd at least be spared seeing their son graphically die repeatedly, regardless of if hes "okay" after i cant imagine that would be anything but horrifying beyond words.
if theyre only seeing his actions the way the other characters see them then they probably wouldnt be as devastated at least, but subaru still goes through some pretty fucked up shit even in only the "main" timeline. i think theyd still be sad their son had to go though that. but i can also see them being very proud of him for the good hes done. and also want to scold him for all the dangerous shit he gets up to on a regular basis (does he have a death wish or something!?). mixed feelings would probably be an understatement.
if they were just getting a general overview of his life on legunica, maybe from his friends or something, i feel like theyd be a lot happier with it, especially if they see hes happy and loved by all his very weird friends. because thats all they want for him anyway. if they were actually seeing DETAILS of what happened i can imagine theyd have some more complex feelings about all the near-death experiences his friends were involved in though lol
but, you know, like naoko herself said "what matters isn't how you start. it's how it ends" and i think she would be happy to know her son took that advice to heart, even if it was from a version of herself that his brain made up to tell him what his mom WOULD say. and shed be happy to know that her son quoted it by saying it was told to him by the woman he respects the most in the world.
and kenichi... hes a pretty eccentric person already and a lot of subarus mannerisms, especially early on, were just mimicking his father. i think hed be proud to see him grow up into his own person with his own friends and identity, but i also think hed be sad he wasnt there for it. i think they both would be. i think one of the biggest tragedies of re:zero is how much naoko and kenichi love their son more than anything in the world.
but to quote naoko again "we didnt have you so you could do something for us, we had you so we could do something for you." so i think... at the end of the day... if they believed that despite everything subaru still ended up happy and loved they would let him go too. but it would hurt. because they love their only son so much. it would sting at least a little to see him thrive in a world you couldnt reach. but it would also be a hell of a relief to know hes not dead in a ditch somewhere... bittersweet but far better than the alternative of just never knowing what happened.
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fandommemequeen · 1 year
my 2022.
alright gamerz itz that time of year again 4 Gamerz Yearly Retrospective!!!
so uhh im not gonna sugarcoat it: this year rlly sucked. a lot of stuff went down this year that id rather not go into detail abt here, but its been rough and unfair and sometimes i felt like it was never gonna get better. add onto that skool being mega rough, facing tons of imposter syndrome over my identity, anxiety, World Events, and fricktons of executive dysfunction, and youve got urself a total recipe for disaster.
but amidst all the doom and gloom.. i had better days. i played videogames and arcade games, i hugged the stuffing out of plushies, i anticipated release dates for new videogames, i got my hands on the g3 monster high dolls and relieved my childhood, i still luv siivagunner and wii deleted you and invader zim and deltarune, i got into just shapes & beats, i discovered the tourney community through mashup week: megamix and made some amazing friends, i got into creepypasta and yfm and osu and taiko no tatsujin and arcane and tmk, i got kirby and the forgotten land and splatoon 3 both on launch day and have had SO MUCH FUN with both of them, i luved watching ghost files and puppet history s5 after school and catching new toh and g3 monster high episodes,,
ive also acomplished some milestones too. first time getting an award for one of my cosplays, coming out as arospec [and proceeding to fall in platonic luv with my irl bestie xd], getting a compression top/binder, getting the awesome short emo hair i wanted for months, first time cosplaying at a convention, getting diagnosed with adhd and finally confirming what i had suspected for so long but never outright said due to self-doubt and fear of faking, starting medication, being in counseling/art therapy, trying sodas and monster energy and starbucks frappucchinos with no coffee, and learning to luv being "cringe".
but overall the best thing i did to make it through 2022 was,, just being me. i wrote. i drew. i roleplayed. i cosplayed. i scrolled through social media and chatted with friends far away from me. i read and wrote fanfics. i crafted. i brainstormed. i coded. i listened to music and cranked the volume on my gamer headset with cat ears. i was so very Not Normal about fictional characters. i made new friends and still kept up with old ones. i revisited old fandoms. i vibed in the front yard while listening to music. i checked the mail pretty much every day, secretly hoping one of my pieces of fandom merch would be there. i supported my family through the hard times, and they always supported me. i imagined scenarios and animatics and animation memes while listening to music. i listened to fandom lofi while trudging through overdue assignments. i rocked out to skrillex and monstercat and camellia playing beat saber at 8 in the morning for my virtual p.e. class last year. i learned the absolute beauty of platonic love. i started making unironic mary sues just for the heck of it. i felt so many emotions. i cried of happiness and of sadness. i hugged. i made vent art on my phone. i had complicated feelings. i felt like a faker at times. i was [and still am] learning to overcome climate doomism and death anxiety. i was weird, i was imperfect, i was cringe... but i was so cool for embracing my weirdness, my imperfection, and my cringiness, and i wouldnt have it any other way.
i know i can survive whatever life throws at me. ive got my friends and family by my side, and just being me in the face of.. well, everything, is the strongest thing i can do. im tired of lying down and just taking it. im tired of feeling hopeless. i will fight. i will persist. i will find ways to cope with anxiety and executive dysfunction. and above all, i will continue to love. i will love my family and friends who always have my back, i will love my interests and hobbies, no matter how weird they may seem to others, and i WILL learn to love myself.
after my 2019 retrospective post, i always hesitated a bit to look to the new year with confidence and resilience and hope, in fear of my hopes being crushed and being miserable. now i see that no matter what, lifez gonna be hard sometimes, but i am strong and i will NOT BACK DOWN.
so, for the first time in years, ill say it again. and i rlly, TRULY mean it when i say this:
BRING IT ON, 2023. this scenekid and tourney-obsessed geek can and WILL handle WHATEVER U THROW AT ME!!
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viscera-vital · 11 months
some nsfw headcanons for my characters cuz i can do whatever i want
cicero is naturally a switch and it really just depends on his mood what kinda role he'll play, but when he doesnt really care and just wants to fuck, he can adapt to his partner pretty well. so if he picks up that his partner is feeling more dominant or whatever he'll act more submissive for their sake teehee. obviously hes got a huge blood/weapon kink, sadomasochism type shit (wow wonder where he got that from COUGH) and honestly i think the more time he spends on the island, the more he dips into sadist territory. all in good fun tho
monty. thats all
jupe is really- no im just kidding roight. monty is a whore and he will never ever admit it. he prefers to top and prefers to dom most the time but he secretly loves bratty types, loves having his buttons pushed cuz he wants a reason to fuck harder. thats why scenarios with him and cicero are always so fun to imagine cuz they hate eachother, naturally that means the sex is wild. hes not receptive to praise really like he just doesnt care but DEGRADATION? whole nother story he'll get angry but deep down he looooves it. its super embarrassing for him
also he looooves being selfish, loves teasing and edging. he sucks
i wasnt gonna include jupiter since hes asexual and doesnt really care about that kinda thing BUT i will say that he does still get horny and is pretty sex positive, wouldnt mind hooking up with a coworker or something to help eachother out, you feel me? but otherwise he genuinely doesnt care much, hes got things to do!! hes a little nerd hes got plant stuff to do
mischa so incredibly touch starved and loves to cuddle. there is a high chance that the contact makes him so excited that he cant help but grind against whoever is sharing their heat with him. despite his incredibly unserious and lackadaisical nature, he'll always check in with a smile, asking if its alright for him to continue, if they want him to, if they want more.. he silly. sex with him is very lighthearted and genuinely fun he likes to joke and laugh.he so cute man grrrrr
since he literally lives in a cave up in the snowy mountains, he doesnt really have a lot going on? so he would be more than content to stay in bed with someone, rocking his hips into them and fucking his cum into them over and over again. hes the kinda bitch to say "i wanna be inside you forever" and genuinely mean it, doesnt care about overstimulating himself to feel it. hes sloppy also, likes to bite and suck and lick, sometimes he does it to bother his partner, he sillay
shark??? do i even need to say anything. complete sopping wet man, being the village nuisance he doesnt get much tail (or any at all tbh) so its really easy? he can be really easily tempted if you make any sort of sexual advance hes drooling. village be damned cannibalism be damned hes interested in you and what you got goin on now. when involved with cicero (which ive talked about before, he views cicero as some kind of blood god honestly), he is on his knees and ready to please bitch. the kind of man who could cum just from giving someone head. super whiny, very hard for him to control himself. hes cute i like him
yarrow..................... despite his very large stature hes very respectful, naturally prioritizes someone elses needs over his own. he could ALSO cum from giving someone head but in a less pathetic and desperate way compared to shark. very affectionate, and soft, like much more than you'd think for a big cannibal man. he has a lot of patience! he doesnt like to be mean or particularly rough, but if you want him to hold you firmly, that he can do :]
he sorta sees himself as lower than most people mainly cuz of how hard hes worked in their village so if yr very clear that you want him to feel good to he'll be sorta shocked and then indulge you. very grateful type, very sweet hes so. ughh
also IDK why i said headcanons, these are my characters this is just canon lmao
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risingsouls · 1 year
🦎 do you think ganondorf obtaining the triforce would've altered how nabs' recruited verse goes?
A 🦎 For My Work Thoughts || Always Accepting!
[Oooooo now that's an interesting question! I'll have to think about this one. Aka ramble and make no sense until I settle on something.
Overall, yes, I think it would absolutely change things. I'll start with the easy idea of Ganondorf getting his wish to take over Hyrule for the Gerudo (or some version of this) instead of it breaking as it actually does in canon. Just for funsies. Basically, this would mean that Frieza would lose negotiation leverage in some respects because the Gerudo don't NEED his help at this point. Or, at least, they wouldn't be as desperate for an "alliance." So I can see this going one of two ways (maybe a bonus four but I'll get to that).
First, they would still make an agreement with Frieza, the Gerudo would learn to use ki and gain the force's "protection" in return for an alliance and sharing the resources of the planet with the Empire, including soldiers. So basically what they agree to in the AU as it currently stands, only on SLIGHTLY more equal footing and less in desperation. In this case, Nabooru would still likely be recruited, either for the same reasons for punishment for treason as, by that point, she would have openly opposed Ganondorf and given him her ultimatum. So, if she wasn't executed for that (which even in my LoZ verses I HC that the Elite decide to give her a chance to live at least with taking the Cave of Ordeals challenge), this would act basically as a quasi exile and punishment. This arrangement has maybe SLIGHTLY less chance of the planet and the Gerudo being destroyed, but Ganondorf is Ganondorf. I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to rebel down the road and shirk off the Empire's hold. For better or worse. Which would be an interesting narrative to play with tbh.
HOWEVER. Since the Triforce would definitely break as it does in canon, it's harder to say how things would go down if he had the Triforce of Power at his disposal because it's very apparent it makes him extremely powerful and next to immortal, but stacking that up to the likes of Frieza is hard to do. There could still be potential for negotiations to learn ki for their benefit and to give Ganondorf EVEN MORE power in that regard and then trying to use that to try and betray the Empire down the road, if he wouldnt outright fight a takeover. But success on that front is up in the air because it's so hard to say just how powerful the Triforce of Power is. It would definitely be easy for Ganondorf to keep secret since I imagine the power it gives him is divine and couldn't be picked up by a scouter. So it definitely throws some interesting what ifs into the equation that could be super fun to explore.
For Nabs in that situation, she would probably be in a similar situation of some kind of punishment (if she hasn't potentially been brainwashed at this point which is also true of the other scenario tbh 😬😬). That's said, it could either mean she could he up for recruitment again, serving out some kind of punishment, OR she's a brainwashed, loyal servant of Ganondorf. So not great for her.
The bonus I talked about that could effect all of these is how Link and Zelda play in. If there is any alliance or ki training involved, they wouldn't fare well for obvious reasons. However, things would likely play out similarly to OoT canon if Ganondorf refused Frieza's aid (if not worse for him since he would be fighting two forces at that point). This is again dependent on how powerful the Triforce of Power makes him, but even if it was enough to stave off the Empire, Destiny says a princess and a hero with a magic sword can still seal him away. But there are also variables in THAT to explore, too.
Idk if I made a lick of sense in any of that. But in a nutshell, I think that the Triforce getting got before Frieza's invasion would change at the very least the power play dynamic of how the terms get negotiated as there would be less desperation because, in either scenario, Ganondorf is able to take what he wants himself, so the extra soldiers and ki training would be more of a bonus than a necessity. Where it goes from there, whether there's an agreement or he spurns Frieza, is really where things get dicey to figure out but VERY interesting to consider. I do enjoy a good what if game so yeah.
The sad thing is no option seems to give Nabs anything good. 🥲 She's just kind of screwed.]
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cottelini · 1 year
In relation to this post
The following questions are focused on my OC Sky ((they/them))~! I may focus on other OCs for the following prompts
. . . . .
Does your character have good aim?
absolutely not lol
i have a distinct scene in my head of Sky making snowballs for the first time and trying to throw it, only for it to somehow land on top of their head
What would history remember your character for?
having really unique and strong abilities in light magic~
Does your character prefer to work in silence or with noise and of what kind?
they may like listening to the radio or soft music but they focus better in silence
Has your character ever been handcuffed or tied up?
yes :-(
Can your character cook?
they learn to cook a select few dishes but they always taste... off lol
Who did your character look up to as a child?
their doctor
Do any of your characters have depression?
oh plenty lmao, though Sky struggles specifically with PTSD
Who has the worst luck?
honestly i dont think much about luck. everybody has their wins and losses-- i dont really think about it as a competition
Could your character win an arm wrestling competition? How well would they do?
oh hell no hahaha Sky is a pretty baby who would snap like a twig if forced into a physical confrontation. they rely on their magic for such scenarios
Would your character give up the chance to come back to life as a god so that someone else could be saved?
...probably not lmaoooo. i mean, it depends on the person!!! if it was a friend or family member then yah probably!! but not a stranger or acquaintance. i think Sky would really like the power and status of godhood tbh
What is your character’s favorite historical or fairy tale figure?
Sky really likes knights, but not a specific person
Would your character marry someone their family didn’t approve of?
Sky usually does whatever they want-- other people's opinions dont often affect them. though, if the disapproval came from Giran (Sky's legal guardian) Sky would prolly be pretty upset.
if it came to a choice, i'm not sure who Sky would choose. at the end of the day, i highly doubt Grian would even make a fuss at all if it meant Sky was happy
Do/Did any of your characters have large ears they had to grow into as a kid?
lol yeah all nymphs have big ears but i wouldnt say they grow into them haha
i tend to think of an oriental shorthair cat when imagining nymphs-- massive ears as a baby, still pretty big ears once they're grown up lmao
Are any of your characters nonverbal?
Sky is selectively mute and only speaks around people they're very close with!! even then, they dont speak louder than a whisper (and it takes a while to get to that point). they cant bring themself to speak unless theyre comfortable and feeling safe
Sky prefers to speak through pen and paper-- they have a notebook that they bring everywhere to chat with. Giran offered to teach them sign language but Sky refused, saying they wanted to overcome their selective mutism!!! and so they'd rather put energy into speech therapy instead of learning sign.
but, until then, it's pen and paper~!
Did your character ever want to be a cowboy?
lol no, but they've played with the idea of becoming a knight or at least learning some sword skills
this dorky teen thinks knights r the coolest thing ever after reading one good fantasy series lmao
How does the way your character present themselves in public differ from how they are in private?
Sky always remains elegant and refrained regardless of where they are or who they are with... however they do act more aloof around family and (especially) friends
How petty is your character?
Sky can get pretty darn petty lmaooo. i'm not exactly certain yet of when their first time speaking in the story should be but i like to play with the idea of it being a very petty scenario. mustering up the strength and courage to speak for the first time in like a decade and it's just to dish out a shitty little insult ajdkafljakdfsjk
Is your character pro or anti union?
Sky does not know what a union is but would probably be pro
Does your character like carrots?
yeah sure, i think they'd prefer pomegranates tho
How self-confident is your characters?
in some ways they are highly confident-- certain and unapologetic in their motives, identity, and expression. however, they are also very uncertain and insecure as well-- in their appearance, surroundings, and skills.
ah, the life of a teenager
Do any of your characters have heterochromia?
i dont think so no? Sky definitely doesnt (i have so many OCs lol) but i did contemplate it for them in the beginning of designing their character
Do any of your characters have someone named after them? Or are they named after someone else?
I dont believe anyone is named after someONE, no
Do any of your characters have facial markings?
Sky has segmental vitiligo which give them white patches on the left side of their body (including the face and white hair streaks). Lucie's older sister, Morgana, has a few moles and some of Fern's siblings have freckles~
What is your character’s opinions on squirrels?
fear-- Sky is afraid of smaller animals
Does your character experience sexism for the job/title they hold? (ie: she’s a girl, she can’t be x,y,z because only boys can be)
Sky doesn't have a job but will certainly face some criticism for being nonbinary in the workplace/academy at some point in their life. not like they'd care, but they would find it annoying if it became too much. i highly doubt anything could get in their way once they'd become set on something
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trinrose3 · 2 years
1-30 for the weird asks :3c
who is/are your comfort character(s)?
Amelia :3
lighter or matches?
I dont really use either but matches
do you leave the window open at night?
Oh FUCK no lmao just asking for bugs even with a screen in the window lol
which cryptyd being do you believe in?
Bigfoot genuinely think it might just be some evolved giant sloth or smth
what color are your eyes?
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I think this is the closest match to it, they have a tendency to change
why did you do that?
who the fuck knows I sure dont
hair-ties or scrunchies?
Scrunchies! they get stuck in curly hair less
how many water bottles are in your room right now?
Dont actually drink bottled water :)
which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee?
Neither! If I had to choose cold but only if it was basically a milkshake
would you slaughter the rich?
favorite extracurricular activity?
besides art? I dont play a lot of video games but those are neat! I keep saying I want to learn how to make plushies or write more and than I dont do that lol. I pretty much draw all day tbh
what kind of day is it?
I blinked and it was over kinda one
when was the last time you ate?
A few hours a go, I had a bowl of rice and cheese :)
Do you love the smell of the earth after it rains?
Oh FUCK yeah, right before too
are you a parent? (all answers qualify)
Do ocs count?
can you drive?
are you farsighted or nearsighted?
nearsighted, I can barely read on my laptop without my glasses on 😬
what hair products do you use?
I dont usually unless Im Going Somewhere(tm) in which case just some gel lol, I typically have my hair in a bun anyways
imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails?
Sure :)
do you say soda or pop?
Soda I feel like saying pop means youre talking about some old guy lol
something you’ve kept since childhood?
A bunch of my stuffed animals as well as some DS games and a few snow-globes. I had a bunch of snow-globes when I was little but my mom accidentally broke a bunch...we are...very klutzy people 💀
what type of person are you?
A good one I hope! Genuinely I have such a hard time defining myself as a person and who I am and being an artist is really the only defining feature I can ever really think of. I even made this the topic of my thesis film!
how do you feel about chilly weather?
I hope it burns in hell :)))))
if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
Idk about you but I;d be hanging on for dear life, hell I wouldnt go up in the first place fuck that, I hate heights
perfume/body spray or lotion?
a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times?
Bro I got maladaptive daydreaming disorder and ADHD and/or Autism, so many and all of them at once, and yes theyre all my ocs and shit
about how many hours of sleep did you get?
Hard to tell cause MaDD so even when I DO go to bend I cant fall asleep unless I daydream and that can take over quite easily so probably 9 at MOST
do you wear a mask?
Yes! The only time I go out and dont is when I walk my dog but my neighborhood isnt busy and its rare I cross paths with someone else
how do you like your shower water?
Boil me alive please and thank you :)
is there dishes in your room?
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wowfkntrashy · 5 years
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Avoiding doing work at my job so I decided to draw some idiots instead.
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Hello!! I love your writing! ❤️ Can I request a Brothers and side characters react to MC who is a famous Voice Actor.
Stay Safe and Take care!
I was actually already planning on writing something that involved this exact scenario 😁😁
Also thanks for the kind words!!
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- he was just passing by your room when he then heard a sniff coming from inside
- he of course gets concerned and decides to check on you, however as he grabs the doorknob he is stopped by your voice
- "i cant believe you.. after everything we have been through, youre just going to through me aside?"
- it sounds like... a breakup? But who could the future corpse be!?
- he enters the room as he hears cries come from the other side only to find you sitting on a chair and talking through a microphone that you got while being down in the devildom
- yep, this exchange program isnt going to stop you, there is work to be done!
- "MC what are you doing and who are you talking to?" He asks confused by your lack of sadness.
- you explain to him that you are voice acting
- now he is slightly embarrassed for interupting your recording
- he finds you to be a very good actor considering he actually thought you were breaking up with someone
- The avatar of greed was heading to your room for help, what exactly is this help for is up to our imagination
- however he stops infront of your door when he hears some weird noises coming from your room
- *donald duck noises*
-" what is that? ... omg what is that!?"
- he enters your room extremely confused but also a little bit scared, what if it was a ghost or something that shouldnt be in there?
- instead its just you makin impression through a microphone for some comic you are dubbing
- "wait... MC... that wasnt you was it??" He is so confused but also fascinated
- will ask for more impressions and will want you to say certain stuff in certain voices
- he had tried texting you to head to his room to play a game he just got but seeing you wouldnt answer he decided to go check
- what he proceeds to hear as he gets closer to your room is the voice of the one and only ruri-chan
- he ♡lovingly♡ kicks the door with pure violence as his ears cant believe it and for the most part he is dissapointed
- he caught you voice dubbing a ruri-chan comic
- while it isnt ruri-chan he does find amusing how good of an impression you can do of the character and he will totally ask you to do more of it
- he will also want you to read every single text manga that he owns since its just such good acting and he can feel the emotions when you read what the characters say
- the fellow was just heading to your room to get back a book he borrowed to you when he hears you talking.
- however he is a bit confused at first since he heard some kind of narrator voice
- when he enters he finds you reading out a certain text while recording it on a microphone
- he is quite surprised actually, you almost confused him
- now he wants you to read to him everytime you two are reading together, not only is it you who is reading it but its also in an incredible voice
- just wanted to spend some quality alone time with you, now he is listening to you read the script for your job and wow is he impressed
- "MC, i need to hear every single voice you can do, i wanna know what you can do"
- loves your talents without a doubt
- is probably also trying to figure out your sex voice
- sorry thats all i can think about asmo i dont see much with him...
- big boy was hoping you'd accompany him for a snack
- as he arrivee to your bedroom he heard your voice read out some kind of monologue, the only issue is that it was done in a very silly voice
- he finds it unnerving since perhaps it could be a skinwalker or shapshifter trying to steal yuur identity
- this man, knowing full well that something is off, barges into your room to discover the source
- it is you, but he is still going to probably lift you up and shake you until you confess your identity theft crimes
- when you explain to him that you were just acting he puts you down
- couldve been much worse to be honest
- he might just keep a close eye at you for the rest of the day... just to make sure...
- he was heading to your room for a nap, your bed is comfy for him so.
- When he grabs the doorknob however he is stopped by an unfamiliar voice
- you should be inside right? Then who is this poor excuse of a chainsaw then?
- he opens the door carefully to find you reading the script you needed to read while youre in the call thata recording
- he waves at you and lays down on your bed, just listening, he finds it fun how you can do that funky voice
- once you finish he asks about it and so you explain thay you were just acting out a part that needed to be done.
- will fall asleep to you doing dumb impressions of characters probably
- after barging into the HoL to pick you up to go hang out, he catches you finishing a monologue that you needed to read and record.
- was a bit unsettled by the unrecognizable voice however, so of course he is going to break into your room ready to confront whatever fool was in your room
- is surprised to see you there pressing pause to the recording audio
- oop
- you'll have to explain to him what voice acting is because i doubt he knows
- you'll also have to act out every single character and impression you have done in your life because he is now curious
- "this is so fascinating! Who wouldve known you could change your voice like that?"
- will 100% ask you to teach him
- is fascinated when he finds out
- you were just entertaining luke with some cartoon impressions when he walked in, and he loves it
- the ability to both recreat classic voices while also being able to create new ones calls hia attention
- will join in to see what else you can do and will totally ask you to redo certain voices just because it catches him so offguard with your appearance
- will love to watch you teach luke
- kind of knew already but it still catches him offguard sometimes
- who knows, if you managed to do diavolo's voice right, and do it in the right scenario, you might just pull out a great prank on him
- will join the prince and you as you teach diavolo how to do certain impressions
- finds it both funny and weird at once
- like i just said, if you have enough expierence you might manage to trick some people
- otherwise doesnt really mind it
- its fun to listen you do certain voices
- teach him
- he was going to ask you to help him out with a spell but instead caught you doing a narrator voice and now he wants to do it
- oh the possiblities that you have given him if you accept to teach him
- the inner jokes will be great considering he too is a human, adding the fact that you can do voices? Oh the memes...
- have fun confusing literally everyone
- (sorry i cant come up with more for solomon xd)
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jjkpls · 3 years
the wishlist (m) - 3
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“You used it.”
> genre : smut, fluff
> pairing : jeon jungkook x reader (f)
> words : 4.2k
> content/warnings : back at it again w/ the bff2l; one sided love, lot of pining; sextoys talk and use; explicit language; masturbation (f); ambiguous infidelity; awkward oc; koo being cute but insufferable
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For about a week and a half, you simply ignore the outrageous box sitting in the centre of your living room.
If you omit to remember what’s inside, it’s just a nice-looking decoration, embellishing your messy coffee table. It’s perfectly fine sitting between the unopened mails and the takeout brochures. You see Jungkook glance at it each time he comes over but he has the decency to not mention it. You might have read a little disappointment but he didn’t share it with you, not wanting to bother you, as you rightfully assumed, and in any case, you’re just doing exactly what you said you would: not use it. 
Then comes a glorious day of resting from work for you, and miraculously it matches your two closest girl friends' schedules and they owe to come over, celebrate a belated Christmas with you. And as you’re quickly tidying up the place, the question of the box being way too present here is raised again. They will ask about it. One will surely open it before you even get to answer.
The box has to go. 
And in your room, hidden in your bedside table where you know no one will peak, it goes. 
When you wake up from the fantastic, long-awaited Christmas celebration, it’s with a terrible headache. Mary, the amateur singer, received a ridiculous karaoke mic and if karaoke is involved, so is alcohol. You didn’t know that but apparently, you can get a severe almost deadly hangover from rosé. Well. Starting this new year already learning new things, how great. 
One thing that’s unchanged for this new year, as it seems, is Jungkook's talent for psychic arts. He somehow knows you need a copious breakfast made with love and by him, and the curious hangover shot only his roommate has the secret recipe of, to cope with being alive this morning. 
“Hello, Sunshine.” Your face feels so bloated and tensed at the same time like it’s made of playdoh and some devilish kid came and punched at it then squished it hard with its chubby mean fingers.
Very unpleasant.
You know you have very little to do with a ray of sunshine at the moment. You're more alike a gremlin or something. Therefore, as a gremlin would, you groan an answer. You catch through the minuscule slits you now own for eyelids a grin from him. It’s not even vexing or upsetting. His lovely, lovely smile is always a blessing. It’s the only thing that makes you not want to head back to bed and just sleep until death ensues. The pretty, pretty thing. With the big bunny front teeth. He is the sunshine. 
“Had fun last night?” He asks, still grinning, once he’s served you and himself two good plates of pancakes. He’s sitting in front of you, in front of this delicious looking good, yet he’s ogling you with a strange insistence. When he starts eating because you take too long to formulate a response, he munches slowly, still staring, instead of stuffing his face and swallow down the whole thing like a starving man, like he usually does. 
“Yeah. They spoiled me.” You say, quietly. You’re confused. You feel uneasy like there’s something you’re not getting. You hate this feeling. Usually, this friendship is filled with inside jokes you can make up exclusively via telepathy. But here you’re missing something, it feels. Or you might just be confused by the headache and possibly somehow still a bit drunk. 
“Oh did they?” The beam is even wider. You frown, nod, decide that it’s too early and your brain too foggy to try and investigate a confusion that might just be the product of your imagination. 
It doesn’t click then. It doesn’t click the next three times he asks you again, with slightly different formulations if, really, you had fun last night. 
He departs an hour later because he has an appointment with a client, as always leaving some of himself for your guilty pleasure and the marking on your eyelids of that curious grin. That curious mischievous grin. With the crooked shape, the white teeth looking menacing like a wolve’s and the eyebrows arched in suggestion.
How come such an attractive look can be so anxiety-inducing? You’re too fidgety, too confused and concerned to focus on anything. Remnants of the conversation rolling back again and again, trying to make sense of things that probably do not necessitate further explaining. 
The whole ordeal made you so nervous, you end up after an hour of trying to go about your day and failing poorly, sitting on your sofa, lotus style, eyes closed and hands turned up to the universe (hoping It might offer you some clearance It would just drop off in your palms). The thing is meditating is hard. Making so your brain would shut the fuck up is hard as hell. And you suck at it. 
Spoiler alert, you don’t reach the state of inner peace and quiet you wished to find. Instead, you make enough silence for your noggins to be more performing and suddenly it hits. Your eyes grow ten times in size, you almost fall from your sit for the shock is violent.
The moron.
You or him, probably both. 
I did NOT use it.
I put it away because the girls were coming over but I DID NOT USE IT
He simply replies with a winking emoji and you hate him for it. 
Jeon Jungkook, ur a dick I said I wouldnt use it EVER and I won’t, have a nice day moron. 
And again, this time, you mean it. You’ve never said anything with this much conviction in these twenty-five years of living.
Why would you now? When you now have experienced what it felt to have him look at you thinking you’ve done it. It felt mortifying without even knowing why. In all the case scenarios you could have come up with, you’ve never imagined that one. You would use it, he would know about it somehow, he wouldn’t be disgusted (it wouldn’t make sense for him to be as he is the one who offered it to you but your brain and soft ego sometimes are annoying like that), he would be amused, maybe content, but he wouldn't make you feel mortified. 
Having him considering you in a sexual position should be... cool, shouldn’t it? If you really like him that much. Maybe you were confused all along and actually, you don’t, you mistook your own feelings. 
Just a quick check of a mental picture you have of him, the fond smile growing just from his pretty face with the pretty everything on it can’t be trusted because, for all you know, everyone smiles this way when they think about him. On the other hand, the swift blush invading your cheeks when you (by accident) linger on parts you really really like about him -like his thighs or the man titties he’s been growing lately- serve to remind you that yes, yes indeed you like him. 
But he’s an asshole.
No matter how much you thought about it (and you thought about it a lot even though you’re ashamed to admit it), you've never consider it to realize, you never and you still don’t believe anything non-platonic would ever happen with him. You’re just made to be friends. The best of friends but still just friends. 
Not even taking a step but simply dipping the tips of your toes in these unknown waters turns out to be terrifying and you're mad at him because he’s putting you in this situation where you feel awfully uneasy. 
It should all remain a very personal, very intimate fantasy: your attraction for him.
He cracked the wall for a second, it felt wrong and terrible but it’s done and over with now.
It’s only you and your thoughts. 
You don’t ever mention it, he doesn’t bring it back up. Soon the season of celebrations and wishes is behind you, the world starts rolling slowly, boringly so with its lots of little annoyances and distractions and you’re not even thinking about it anymore, neither is he. 
You’re stressed out. Work is being a bitch as it does. And because it sucks most of your time and patience, the only quick way to unwind you know comes to play. 
But the hassle is not worth it. Unfortunately this you always need to realize afterwards. After having searched the internet for good masturbatory content for half an hour, working yourself for two hours and then, there’s the safety wee and the freshening up before bed, to wake up the next morning feeling like shit because of course, you sacrificed hours of sleep for an unsatisfactory outcome.
It’s not worth it.
It hasn’t been for months. Even if you’re still more able to take care of yourself and pleasure yourself better than most if not all men you’ve ever been with, something is missing: a man (or maybe just a dick). 
You feel bored and empty (in both senses). Stuck because the more you need to unwind, the more you try, the less you feel better. 
It’s the snake biting its own tail. 
Until a certain pretty blue box, sleeping inside your bedside table, recalls itself to you. It feels like a century had passed since the box arrived in your life, it doesn’t seem as scary as it used to, as stressful. The fact that Jungkook hasn’t mentioned it, might even has himself forgotten about it, help immensely. 
And it is the very moment, you forget to remember about this promise you made to him and yourself, the promise that you would not use it. 
Right about now, not only stressed and annoyed by everything but also horny for no particular reason, this dildo with the box that matches your planner sounds ideal. 
And it is ideal.
Feels like exactly what you needed. The size is not ridiculously big, it’s fairly tiny actually but given you haven’t had sex in a while, it suffices to stretch you out just fine. It’s new and exciting. The texture feels really nice, smooth, slipping perfectly right between your walls. It’s rather long, slightly curved, filling you in deep and teasing the spot that you could never even dream of reaching with your short ass fingers. And in no time (and you actually regret that) you’re on cloud 9, it’s a thought of the Santa that brought this blessing of a gift in your life that sends you there. You feel satisfied, content, fulfilled from the tip of your hair to your toes, smiling like an idiot because damn, that was a good orgasm. 
Right this moment, you feel fine about using the present. About quickly having thought about him too because it’s not that much of a big deal. He won’t know about it. He doesn’t really seem to care about your sex life anymore (which is, ironically, a blessing). Therefore why should there be a problem? Why would there be?
Apparently, you’ve underestimated the crankiness of your attitude for the few weeks that passed before the phenomenal orgasm. 
Apparently, you had been the worst kind of truculent bitch there is, to a level you didn’t even know you could reach (also no one told you!), because when Jungkook meets up with you, maybe after the third or fourth times of having used your lovely new companion, he noticed something has changed. Instantly. 
“What’s going on?” He asks with a bright smile and excited shiny eyes as if he expects you to have great news to share. 
“Nothing special...” Tilting your head to the side, you drag the words out as you try to think about it for a second, wondering if there’s something that needs to be told.
“Really?” He sucks on his banana yoghurt with eyebrows frowned, staring at you as if he’s studying you. Once the thing is empty, he tosses it in a nearby bin, crosses his arms on his chest and glares. He looks like a detective about to interrogate you. He would look intimidating if it were not for his lips, sucked in to gather the last taste of his yoghurt. “You look awfully happy.”
“Do I?” It makes you smile, shrug your shoulders. It doesn’t hit just then. It should be fine. He can’t unravel something that you don’t even have knowledge of, can he? But Jungkook is a little weasel. He loves to know everything.
Especially when it’s about you. 
“You better not be seeing anyone-“ You should wonder where this is coming from, all of a sudden. Instead, you take offence, how dares he?
“What do you mean ‘I better’? I do what-“
“Without telling me? You better not.” He has that shit-eating grin, his signature brat's smile, because he knows you can’t reach over the table to smack him in the head without risking to tip over your drinks or dip your sleeve in soja sauce. 
“Anyway. Nothing's going on.” For a second, a staring contest takes place on this convenience store's terrace. You’re not sure why. He’s daring you for no reason. Until his mouth twitches, wanting to smile and it makes you laugh so he follows along. “Were you not supposed to tell me about your next appointment?” 
“Client Amy, yes!” It shouldn’t make you laugh to hear him name her like that as it’s been his trademark to mention his clients as if they were Pokémon trainers but it does.
You’ve always thought that it’s his very personal way of living this childhood fantasy of existing within the Pokémon universe. His life is full of potential trainers. Most of the time it’s just Client Enter the Name here but sometimes it’s Baker Jin -who’s not actually a baker but a salesman at his neighbourhood’s bakery-, there’s Dancer Hoseok, who’s the main dance partner of his best friend and Roommate Park Jimin. Sometimes he calls you Friend Y/N, it’s frustratingly funny. You hate that you spill at least a nose snort at each and every single one of his stupid jokes. His grin always grows ten times bigger, his eyes twinkle in a lovely way but you know that you are encouraging him. Encouraging him to be fucking annoying, like a little brother who’s just pushing unfunny jokes too far, just keep repeating them because he knows he can get a reaction. “She wants me to tattoo the dragon from Spirited Away on her arm-“
You gasp and he smiles even wider. 
“I know, right? And I was thinking- to give it flow, I would have it- like fly through cherry blossoms.” Attentively, you listen, squinting a bit when he gets technical to try and picture the project you have a hard time making up alone in your mind.
Imagination and creativity have always been his thing. He had you impregnated with it long ago because he is too passionate and too much of a sharer to allow you to keep away from all arts -because you can’t hold a pencil straight without panicking at the idea of having to draw something- which you would have gladly done if it weren't for him. He’s the gifted one. And his drawings, either on paper, screen or skin, have always been a subject of huge admiration for you. You’re a bit ashamed to admit it but you’ve never really touched to anything really artistic. You often don’t really get it. But his stuff does something to you -and not only because you adore him but actually impartially. There’s no finesse, no pertinency, no trait nor emotion you’ve acknowledged and connected to better than the ones he creates. “You know this scene where he’s struggling against the little paper thingies and he’s flying through them and they’re going everywhere, I was thinking that, replace them with cherry blossoms. And there would be little petals like everywhere around it. Sounds cool?”
“It sounds fantastic.” You say honestly. You’re impressed by every single one of his projects. Always surprised, somehow, by the pieces he ends up making. Sometimes scrolling through the Instagram page he uses as a book, where he publishes his most elaborated, most expensive pieces and while recognizing his touch, the delicacy in his traits, the peculiar curls of certain lines, the overall feel to them, there’s always this sort of paradoxical disbelief. How could this kid make these and at the same time, who else but him to have made these?
Cute nose scrunches up. 
“I’ll send you my drawings when I’m done with them.”
“Cool.” He is mimicking you. Same pose with the head nod and the leg cross. Same tone and same expression apart from the discreet light dancing in his eye. “So what’s up? You needed to talk to me about something yesterday, didn’t you?”
It takes a second for you to remember as the drastic change in your mood makes it seem the distressed text you sent him yesterday, right when you left work, was written a whole week ago. You don’t remember very well having felt so stressed and pissed off, pushed to your very limits by useless co-workers, that you felt the urgent need to rant about it all, vent your anger and frustration out to him. He was busy and didn’t answer right away. You got home, find the comfort of your sweater sitting on the warm heater and the glorious stand of your dildo and it all went away, bad mood, headache, grudges. 
Of course, it awakes a wave of shame within you. If you have been able to use it without feeling guilt nor embarrassment on your own, it’s something else to think about it in front of Jungkook. You’ve made sure not to think about this dildo in front of him ever. But here, it’s him recalling it to you without even knowing. 
Whatever, you can pretend that everything’s normal. With a barely natural cough, and the even more suspicious dismissive wave of the hand, you try to kill the conversation, “It was just my coworker getting on my nerves again, it’s whatever.”
Jungkook is watching you soundly. It’s nothing unusual for him. He’s the kind of persons that lean in when they listen to you, you never know how conscious they are of it but it’s like they really mean to make you feel important and heard. Therefore it shouldn’t worry you, he’s just doing his usual thing. 
It still makes you grow increasingly more nervous. 
It is factual that it is never “whatever”. The topic of your stupid dumb bitch of a coworker messing with you has always been a pressing subject you, every now and then, more often than you’d like, needed to ramble about to anyone willing to listen because she tended to make your life a pure living hell. The job sucks in itself but she made it a hundred times worse. And here you are, dismissing it. How suspicious. 
“When you texted me yesterday, I thought it was for something bad.” He starts, frowning and staring deep inside the empty cookie package sitting on the table. “Then I saw you earlier and I thought it was for something really good, because of your face.”
“What’s up with my face?” You try to play it cool. Play it nonchalant and oblivious. If you can’t see the aura of contentment he can visibly observe around you, surely you’ve seen the glow up your skin has encountered since you’ve started using this sex toy. Unexpected benefit of using it that wasn’t even listed on the box, the stress it’s relieved and the pleasure it’s given have just cleared your skin out. Unbelievable but true. And apparently, he noticed. 
“I don’t know. You look really... contented.”
You shrug, looking down, at the crumbs on your side of the table, praying silently that the embarrassment you feel creeping up your face doesn’t show. “I’ve been used to you looking tired and all but you look-“ Like every single once of misery has been fucked out of your system. “Lately, you look... good.” The chosen adjective makes you tilt your head. For so many reasons, you didn’t expect to hear this one and for similar reasons, you don’t understand what he means. Without having you saying aloud anything, he gets your dubious grimace and chuckles, “Rejuvenated, actually.” Even worse.
To simplify in a few words, you used to look like an old decrepit hag and now that you’ve been thoroughly fucked -by yourself technically but still- you look rejuvenated. A word literally no one ever uses in real life.
You detest that he’s probably right. And now, embarrassment is not creeping but actually moving in, with all its stuff and luggage. Hopefully though, again, it doesn’t show on your stupid youthful face. “Are my compliments making you blush?”
“You can’t make me blush, moron. And if you think those were compliments then-“ You give him big wide eyes of “well fuck” and of course he laughs at that. 
“Indeed, I can’t make you blush.” He has his serious, investigating type of expression again. You almost expect him to fetch a little notebook out of his pocket and start scribbling observations while asking you more questions. 
“What’s making you blush then?”
“I’m not blushing, it’s just hot.” His eyebrows jump in a rude disagreeing curve. You don’t get why. It can happen, to be hot outside, at the near end of Korea’s winter, while simultaneously having red and painful looking fingers on the verge of congelation desperately seeking warmth in your pockets. 
And maybe because it’s not the first time, he’s getting better at catching the signs, at drawing the lines in between the clues. Your caricatural post-orgasm happy face, your systematic defensiveness whenever the conversation is leading somehow to your sexuality, the blatant tell of shame on your cheeks when there’s nothing else ever that embarrass you in front of him. There’s only the common cause missing and quickly, ignoring completely your attempts at diverting the conversation on something else, a giant light bulb turns on on top of his head. It brings the light of understanding through his eyeballs who suddenly look extra bright. 
“You used it.” For a second, you consider packing up your things and just leave this fucking terrace along with the conversation. But you’re cold as fuck, the way home seems like too much torture to be going through alone.
Why are you like this?
Maybe there’s a vain hope that it will lead to some resolution. Some pleasant resolution. Maybe he won’t talk about it ever again if you just accept to have this conversation without showing the stubborn reluctance you’ve used each time. 
“Yes, I did. So what?” His grin is blinding. It’s one of the very very wide, very very bright ones. So wide it shows all his teeth and it doesn’t even look like the cute bunny smile anymore. It’s the predatory grin. It’s intimidating to solely focus on therefore you chose to pick the corner of his eyes and the top of his nose, all wrinkled up that have anything but intimidation to them. 
“You have no idea how happy that makes me.” You grimace. Indeed. You have no idea because you don’t even fucking understand. 
“You’re a weirdo.”
“I’m just happy you used my dildo.” You scoff and almost choke at both his phrasing and the way he so naturally says the word while you’re outside. There’s no one as dumb as you to sit outside with this weather but still, someone passing by could hear. 
Maybe there’s no deep further explanation to look for. Maybe it’s literally as simple as him getting you a present and him being happy that you found usefulness to it. Like most people. People are saddened sometimes pissed when they flop with presents. Maybe it’s that simple. 
“Don’t say it like that.” He cackles like a witch and you know, that once again he’s just messing with you, knowing exactly what to do or say to tickle your patience. 
“So I can gather it was good?” The worse of the nervous wave has passed. He asks quite nonchalantly. Perhaps it’s your ego wanting that but you hate the idea that you’d find yourself in a situation where he’s clearly more adult than you -even if on so many levels he is. If he can talk about it then you can. Try. You can try. 
“Hm. Was nice.” You kind of sound the way you do when as a teen your mom would ask you about your day and you just didn’t want to answer because of laziness, lack of interest, lack of willingness to share, but that will do. He nods, smiles with his lips tight, rather fondly. 
“How many times did you use it?”
Taking a deep breath, you mumble, shrugging faux casualness, “A few times.” More like a dozen times but he doesn’t need the details, does he? He nods again, still smiling, taking in your answer. 
“Cool.” And he’s satisfied. With the answer and the turns of events as it seems.
There you go, you did it.
You resolved the thing.
Now he can leave you alone with your fantasies and your -not his but your- dildo and there wouldn’t be any further occasion to bring it up. You might be a coward but it’s perfectly fine by you.
Sounds absolutely peachy.
If he chooses to play his part right.
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A/N: oh myyy, we’re getting somewhere arn’t we? i really hope you enjoyed this part, let me know your thoughts, scream your frustration, i’m all ears (or eyes). next update will be a double one because the first part is quite short. hoping you’re excited. i wish you a beautiful sunday and a lovely week. take care, lots of lots love.
Tag list: @infernal-alpaca​ @kaepjjangiya​ @channiespup​ @jinsonaz​ @kpopfandomftw​ @ggukkieland​ (sorry love)
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komoreangel · 3 years
𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 (𝐫𝐞𝐪)
pairings: childe x reader, scaramouche x reader, xingqiu x reader 
scenario: he’s yours, and yours alone, right? so it’s only fitting that you get to make that clear to anyone who gets close, of course. 
request: hi!! i hope requests are open! can i ask for hcs of scaramouche, childe and xingqiu with a possessive partner? like their partner is the type to get jealous easily, try to display affection in public so people won't get close etc :)) thank you so much!!
reply: help i like this a lot hjfkhgn i can just imagine them getting smug because their s/o is being clingy in public,,,,and the randoms who are flirting with them get to be all like ??? who ? where? and its just yes thank you lolol
genre: smug childe/scara/xing plus clingy reader and also maybe a bit suggestive in scaramouche’s ?? plus you get to tell everyone dont touch your mans <3
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because of his unlikeable personality, he didn’t get hit on very often
but if he ran into someone with no idea of who he was?
they were 9 times out of 10 going to flirt with him
(and who wouldnt i mean look at him he is one fine ass man i love him sm) 
but if they tried this while you were with him they were going to be met with a WALL OF FAILURE 
how dare they try to take your man 
you might just smile at them like ‘hey bestie,,,,stfu’ 
and let them watch as you plant a huge kiss on his cheek
he’s a bit startled because while you are very affectionate you don’t often kiss him (because you know he isnt too fond of it) 
sure you hug him and hold his hand
but after you wrap your arms around him and rest your chin on his shoulder
he’ll get that prideful look on his face (that you almost want to slap off of him) 
like yes
theyre a simp for me >:) 
you give him another kiss and turn to look at the poor individual who decided to flirt with your boyfriend
“scara, who’s this?”
you only ever call him that in private
you must be feeling really jealous right now, huh?
you then proceed to bury your face in his neck
the person is obviously a bit flustered now
their previous statement has lost ALL of its value
scaramouche looks from you to them and smiles again
“so, what was it you were going to say?”
they stumble over their words and end up just saying “oh, nothing...i’ll be going now.”
once they’re gone he turns back to you, with your head on his shoulder and your arms around him
he’s grateful you managed to get him out of that situation tbh
but he’s even more happy to give you the attention you seem to be craving right now
from the privacy of your own home, of course :)
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childe would be ecstatic to have a s/o who’s overly affectionate in public
no doubt he would let you do whatever you wanted
you want to pepper his face with kisses? go ahead!
you want to sit on his lap? be his guest!
so when you tell him you tend to be a bit possessive he’s all for it
plus, he’s probably the same way so he doesn’t mind
someone flirts with him? he calls you over to come do your thing
embrace him with a hug and have him play with your hair right in front of that other person
he thinks it’s hot lmao
and watching you get jealous over anyone who gets a bit too close is cute too
the look on your face when he catches you staring at him is irresistible
“ah, are you jealous darling?”
head empty just childe calling you darling
he’d also be the type to let people approach him just so he can see you in action
you’d come up behind him and hug him from the back
just to greet him
then you notice the person in front of them
hands clasped together
eyes to the ground, flushed red face
they were flirting with him
you stumble away from him and look at them
“who are you?”
your tone is harsh, and childe can’t help but smile
they continue to stutter their way through their sentence
you had lost interest about five words in
you were too busy playing with childe's hair
right in front of them :))
midway into their words, you turn to look at them
the glare you aim towards them is as sharp as childe's own blades, and you say,
"why are you still here?"
they're at a loss for words
who knew someone like you could be so cruel?
of course childe doesnt mind at all
he'd be glad to let you say whatever you want out of jealousy
it fuels his ego
the automatic response to that is making sure to keep him in check
dont let his head get too big
and by that i mean remind him every now and them how lucky he is to have you :)
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he would think you were so cute
the way you cling to him almost all the time
most passerby would think you were simply very affectionate
which you are, he won’t lie
but he knows that you have another reason besides that
so you can tell everyone that this man
is yours
not that anyone in liyue harbor approaches him anyways
they all know better
would totally be the type to push your chin up with one finger
unfortunately for the girl from the mond family visiting this week
she doesn’t know better
so when you see her walking with him you first calm yourself down
you won’t assume her intentions, and he’s allowed to have friends
but when she trails her hand up his arm
you stomp over in their direction
hell hath no fury like a y/n scorned
as xing says anyway
you go straight up to him and wrap your arms around his neck as a greeting
“oh, it’s you. what are you doing here?”
you don’t answer and instead place a kiss on his face
the girl stands behind i’m, shocked that this whole time he had a significant other
“sweetie, is there a reason you’re?
he trails off
you have “noticed” the other girl and glare in her direction
that’s enough to scare her off
she goes running back home
xing has the most smug look on his face
“wow, i knew you got jealous offend, but that??”
you blush as he reaches out to push your hair away from your face
he smiles at you and the two of you head for home, with you clinging to his arm and happily walking along with him
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a/n: im so sorry this took like forever to get up i procrastinated for so long jhkfdng anyway requests are now open again :)) i have a diluc oneshot in progress that i started on his birthday but...well.
want to make a request? head to my ask box!
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actualbird · 3 years
Okay before reading this, just in case, wait till 10 or like a decent time. ———— Good? Okay so like the NXX crew, with Animal Crossing (yall were talking about the 2020 hot games so) and like this is the future will it be like VR animal crossing? - Book
hi, Book!!! some things before i get started: 1) i saw this ask at 5am and misread it, 2) bc i saw it at 5am i cant stop myself from answering it at 8am, 3) ive never played New Horizons so this is gonna be VERY off in many places unintentionally and also intentionally, and lastly 4) how did i misread it?
i thought you said "NXX crew as Animal Crossing villagers"
and well, my brain already thought SO MUCH ABOUT THAT so imma go in that direction even if i understand what u really said, SORRY KJBJSDKF
MC is a a rabbit, artem is a bear, vyn is a deer, marius is a cat, and luke is a wolf. they, along with other villagers (celestine the ostrich, kiki the mouse, darius the lion, I COULD GO ON FOREVER), live on STELLIS ISLAND!!! away from the pressures of city life, everybody now has the time to focus on basically everything theyve been putting off, which, for the nxx boys, is basically their METRIC FUCKTON of pining for MC.
//cue animal crossing opening music
i like to imagine the nxx ac au as an idyllic kind of romantic comedy scenario also everybody is animals. theres no player character human but somebody is mayor/museum curator/tom nook/etc. (another chara from tot, not the ingame ac npcs bc im not strong enough to do crossovers omg).
actually kjsbfgjskJBJ WAIT marius still vaguely owns pax here and this whole island is basically a pax development thing and marius very often goes over to mc's house going "isnt this island great? arent i your favooooorite? do you wanna go to the beach because i got great desserts from the city----" and then luke comes over flailing a net around and "accidentally" herding a bunch of wasps towards marius
luke: oops, sorry marius!
marius: //animal crossing language screaming
luke: well, i guess he's busy then. mc, wanna go fruit picking :D
marius: //animal crossing language screaming but PISSED OFF NOW
mc does not want to go fruit picking while marius is running for his life, so mc and luke do save him together and then all three of them go to the beach and then go fruit picking together. all three of them have a great time, but marius and luke wont admit it to the other that they had fun in the other's presence (well, they wont admit it for now, theyll admit it eventually, every au of mine will end in found family whether they LIKE IT OR NOT)
vyn is very often at the island's museum, the nature parts, and whenever mc wants a little bit of a quieter time, all she has to do is go there and theyll both sit down on a bench in the butterfly exhibit and if she has any questions, all she has to do is ask to hear vyn explain in a gentle voice, his fluffy ears twitching (flustered) whenever mc nods or goes "oooh".
if mc wants a more cheeky museum experience, she can go ask marius to come with her and he'll go full art guide mode the entire time. she'll roll her eyes at marius' smugness but also feel her own kind of affectionate smugness when she sees marius' tail sway from side to side, happy and satisfied.
artem is most often found fishing by the rivers and the beach and mc is Very Bad at fishing and cant make much sense of the intricacies of fishing rods or reeling techniques, but artem always assures her that he enjoys being with her nonetheless. his normally stoic, intimidating face always softens whenever she sits down next to him on the shores, his bear nose adorably twitching in restrained happiness.
and luke always seems to be working on something. he and mc hang out a lot, but when they arent, she sees luke going around the island, tail wagging as he collects resources, terraforms land chunks, etc. mc knows that when luke is keeping a secret, he'll almost never tell her, so she starts investigating
mc: do you know what luke is doing?
artem: n....no....i do...not....
mc: youre a terrible liar skjdfsjd. vyn! what's luke doing?
vyn: a passion project of sorts :)
mc: that is an answer that tells me nothing, actually. MARIUS! what is luke up to?
marius: miss :(((( wouldnt you like to ask me what im up to :(((
mc: oh my god you guys
eventually what luke is working on does reach completion, and mc, led by the rest of the boys, is shown to a little secret picnic area in the island, big enough not just for two animals, but five. luke explains that he originally made this place as a gift for her but then //grumbling, luke realized that mc is happiest when theyre all together, so luke made some changes and luke doesnt get to explain past that because mc tackle hugs him in a rabbit hop of gratitude.
mc is so so so happy and the little picnic area becomes a wonderful little area for all of them to go to whenever they want to. there, under the clear skies, mc figures that maybe what they all want can be found in a place like this.
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ndoandou · 3 years
Hiii! Can you do a scenario where Mozart's s/o is really drunk she even dont recognize him and when he's trying to help her go to her room she says that she have a boyfriend or something like that??? Idk if it makes sense😅😅
Here you go darling @aycan15nevzatova !💜💜 le drunk s/o x mozart fic //sorry it took a bit long qwq
Your request reminded me of the drunk bridesmaid meme xD i couldnt help but imagine MC and mozart here🥴
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🎹Drunk Yet Loyal🎹
Pairing: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart x MC
Warning: mentions of vommiting, nàśťìě english
MC had made aquaintance with some of the ladies in town. They invited her to have a couple of drinks at the local bar this evening, the same bar where arthur would usually go.
She forgot to tell Mozart thd day before, so she figured she would go tell him now, even though it was rather.. last minute.
"*knock* mozart...?" MC said softly as she knocked on his bedroom door, only to not to get a response.
She invited herself in and mozart was no where be seen, when sebastian happen to walk towards MC's direction
"Herr mozart is having a meeting out in town. do you perhaps need any assistance with something, MC?" Sebastian said as he spotted her looking for mozart
"Ah sebastian! I was just going to tell him that i am going to the pub this evening with some ladies.. could you perhaps pass on this message to him when he comes back? I have to leave very soon." MC explained to sebastian
Sebastian frowned slightly
"Are you sure thats a good idea, its quite late isnt it?" Sebastian said, worried about MC's decision
"Dont worry! Its near the mansion and i wont be home that late" MC said with a reassuring smile
Sebastian thought for a bit
"Well.. i suppose you are right. I will pass on the message to herr mozart. Please do not come home too late" sebastian said
"She WHAT?!" Mozart exclaimed as sebastian passed the information to him.
"My appologies herr mozart, i tried to convince her otherwise, but she insisted" sebastian said as he felt responsible for MC's reckless decision
"I really cant take my eyes of her for one second.. the moment i do, she does the most impulsive things ever." Mozart pinched the bridge of his nose as he exhaled sharply
Sebastian gave him a sympathetic look.
"Seems like ill have to head over to town again.." mozart said as he put on his coat once more
"Ehehehehehe, and then i put salt into arthurs coffee- BWAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAH" MC said as her laughter boomed through the pub, slamming her fist on the table. MC
"My, my, mademoisille~ you seem to enjoy drinks a lot.. though i wouldnt suggest you to have some more" one of the ladies said
"Dont worry! Im *hic*-"
Mc was cut off as the door to the pub had been slammed open, revealing a furious mozart.
This had caught everyones attention
"Seems like the musician came to pick his lady up~" the other lady said giggling
"MC! We are going home, now." Mozart said as he marched towards MC
MC failed to recognize the man that had demanded her to go home. She stood up, almost losing her balance and started yelling at mozart furiously.
"And who do you think you are?! Telling me to- mph!" MC stopped mid sentence as she felt the contents of of her stomach rising up her throat abruptly. One of the ladies who happened to be sitting next to an empty bucket instinctively shoved a bucket towards MC and mozart's direction. Mozart immideately held the bucket, forcing her to sit back down as MC began puking r a i n b o w s. Mozart's expression twisted into disgust. As disgusting as witnessing someone puke is, it was his dearest MC. He rubbed circles onto her back as one of her lady friends handed her a clean piece of cloth.
Mozart was walking down the dark street, carrying MC who had a bucket hanging over her face. Mozart didnt want people to stare at her lover in such state any longer, which is why he excused MC and himself out of the pub as soon as they could.
"Oh schatzi.. what am i going to do with you..?" Mozart said as he sighed to himself
MC wasnt well enough to respond.
They both arrived into the mansion, MC had stop puking but she still wasnt well enough
some residents in the dining room wondering what on earth was this sight in front of them. Before anyone could open their mouths, mozart spoke up
"No one question anything." He said as he casually walked past everyone, MC in his arms, heading towards MC's room.
As they reached the front of MC's room, mozart gently place her on her feet and took off the ungodly bucket off her head. He put the bucket to the side and slowly guided MC in.
"W-wait *hic* why are you taking me to bed?!" Mc panicked, resisting him but failing.
"Shush liebling, take a seat on the bed.. i need to change your soiled shirt" Mozart said, but MC pulled away harder
"No!! You can't do that, i *hic* have a boyfriend!" She yelled out as she ran over to the corner of the room
MC was so drunk that she failed to recognize who mozart is. Mozart found this incredibly funny and adorable. He decided to play along with it.
"Oh? Really? What is your boyfriend like?" He said with an amused chuckle, folding his arms.
"He *hic* he comes of as mean..b-but he has the biggest heart in the *hic* world" MC said as she leaned on to the wall for support
"He.. is very good *hic* with the piano and.. he knows how to make my heart flutter.." MC continued
"I.. love him... very.. much" mc said as she begun to lose her conciousness, which mozart quickly rushed towards her side, cathing her on time.
Carrying MC in his arm, he slowly carried her over to her bed, softlt putting her down.
He laid down next to her admiring her sleeping form, carresing her face. He couldnt stop thinking of what MC said about him.
"It may not seem like it.. but you really make my heart go crazy, schatzi" mozart spoke to the unconcious MC as he gave her cheek a kiss.
"Mm.." MC groaned as she could feel the sun blazing on her face. She noticed that she was in her night gown.
"What on..." MC said as she tried to recall what happened last night, thats when Mozart opened her bedroom door with a cup of warm tea in his hand
"Ah, you woke up." He said as he sat over next to her, handing the cup to her.
For some reason Mozart had this angelic aura around him which made MC question the situation more
"What happened last night..?" MC asked cautiously
"Lets say.. you drank irresponsibly and i had to take you home with a bucket over your face" mozart said with a playfull chuckle
All the memories from the previous day begun flooding back into her head, causing her to freeze. Mozart patted her head softly.
"You should really stop doing the most thoughtless things, liebling.. you were lucky that nothing serious happened last night" he said, still patting his lover
"Im sorry.. i was going to tell you about my plan but i forgot.." MC pouted as she took a sip of her tea
"Its fine. But i suppose i have to glue myself to you so you dont get into trouble." Mozart joked as he gave her a quick peck, making her lips curve into a smile
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