#i imagine that Chloe always begged to be carry by the girls but this time when it actually happened-
miutonium · 1 year
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"Oh, don't look down honey, close your eyes or you'll fall" Professor Utonium says, enthusiastically.
Plugging my commission info here heehee ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
Never Alone
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Michonne Hawthorne x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1783 words
Warnings: none 
Summary: Michonne helping you raise your daughter, because she doesn't want you to have to do it on your own
Your daughter had been a part of your life for as long as Michonne had known you.
You two lived in Alexandria long before Rick and the gang showed up there, and everyone knew that your daughter, Chloe, was the light of your life.
You would do anything for her, and you did. However, that was part of the problem as far as Michonne was concerned. She didn’t like the fact that you two were all alone.
It was always just the two of you, and while it seemed to work out just fine for you both, it just didn’t seem right for you to be all on your own. You had everything all on your shoulders, and she wanted to help.
She wanted to make it easier if she could.
After all, she knew what it was like to be a mother and it had only gotten more difficult since the world went to hell. No one should have to do it all by themselves, especially not surrounded by helping hands.
“‘Chonne” the little girl yelped, wobbling over to the woman, who was perched on the step, watching the people passing in the street. It was one of her favorite things about living in a fenced in community.
It was the one normal thing she had left.
If she could, she would spend all day there but she didn’t mind taking a break from it to spend it with you and that little ray of sunshine that you always had attached to your hip.
There was nothing better in this world.
...And she’d checked.
Of all the things that she’d ever had a chance to experience, in this world and the last one, there was nothing better than getting to spend time with you. There was just something about you.
She couldn’t help but be captivated in all the time that she’d gotten to experience by your side.
“Good morning little one, how are you?” she grinned, opening her arms wide for the sweet girl. It was the absolute highlight of her life, and she wasn’t ashamed of that.
All she got in return was a few happy giggles from the young one, who jumped into her arms happily. It had only been a night since she’d visited with her last, but for Chloe that was too long.
In fact, you were sure that the little girl would stay with her forever if she was given the choice.
When the two of you were together alone in your home, Chloe was constantly asking to see Michonne or quizzing you on what she must have been doing. You never had an answer for her, of course, but the thought was touching.
“I’m good, doing good” she chirped, fiddling with her fingers as she curled up in Michonne’s lap.
“Mama and I got apples this morning and mama says we can make a pie with them if I promise to go to bed on time” she ranted, adding more and more as she sat.
It was never a dull moment raising a four year old, after all.
However, at the mention of you, Michonne let her head snap up to where you were standing. Up until that point, you had just been watching the wholesome little scene unfold in front of you.
Having her attention on you made you admittedly more nervous than you would have been but you did your best to cover it up. “And how are you?” she hummed, her eyes sparkling as they met yours.
“Doing fine, making a pie tonight if you’re interested” you smirked, swinging the bag forward toward her to show them off. It was only four or five apples, but it would be enough.
You would make sure that it was enough.
Usually you wouldn’t have been so forward in your attempts to spend time with her, but it had been an extra hard week. No matter what you did, nothing seemed to be going right and maybe you just wanted some adult time.
You wanted to have a conversation with someone about something other than fireflies and homemade crayons. If you had to explain how the laces of Chloe’s shoes worked one more time, you would go insane.
That was the one thing you knew for sure.
If you had to risk looking like a fool to get something other than that, you just had to take that chance.
“Pie huh? I wouldn’t want to intrude” she started, but you stopped her before she could even try to come up with some excuse about interrupting your private time.
There was no such thing, especially not now.
“Don’t make me beg you” you teased, your voice just above a whisper as you pointed down at the child in her lap casually. You were desperate and upon realizing that, Michonne nodded.
It could be a good opportunity to spend some time together, even if neither of you was ready to admit that was what you wanted just yet. You had nothing but time right now.
“Come by after 6 and I’ll have something on the stove for dinner” you suggested, scooping up your toddler from her arms before going about your business for the day.
As much as you would have liked to spend all your time on her porch, you knew that wasn’t the most productive use of your time.
Relaxing would just have to wait.
~ You filled your day with harvesting veggies and carrying boxes of supplies up to the pantry from the barn but mostly, you were just chasing around your little girl, trying not to lose her.
Since she’s started walking, she had basically been running from the moment her eyes opened in the morning to when they closed at bedtime. It was what you’d signed up for when you had her, sure, but that didn’t make it any less tiring.
If there was one thing that was clear to everyone in Alexandria, it was that Chloe was a handful and you couldn’t argue.
That was part of the reason why dinner wasn’t done when Michonne knocked on your front door, opening it to find you curled up on the couch, your daughter playing dolls on the floor.
“Shhh ‘Chonne, mama sleeping” she hummed as soon as she placed the second woman in the entryway, watching the two of you with amusement shining in her eyes.
She could only imagine the kind of day you two had, and she wasn’t about to wake you up from your much needed rest. Instead, she picked your baby girl up off the floor and headed to the kitchen.
You had offered dinner, but nothing said you had to be the one to cook it.
“You wanna help me make mama something to eat?” she grinned, watching Chloe’s eyes light up immediately. She ‘helped’ you cook all the time but the idea of doing it with Michonne was much more enticing.
It was a fleeting opportunity, and even at her age, Chloe knew that it must have been a special offer.
...And with a wide smile, both she and Michonne got to work on dinner.
You woke to the sound of your little girl laughing and carrying on in the other room, instantly panicking. You hadn’t meant to fall asleep and you couldn’t keep your mind from wandering to the worst.
Anything could have happened in the time since you’d closed your eyes and you shuddered to think at what could be entertaining her. Luckily, when you rounded the corner, you relaxed.
There was no shambling corpse in your kitchen, or some dirty scavenger with a knife. Instead, by her side, was Michonne who had arrived on time, just as you’d instructed.
That was when it hit you.
You had overslept, and completely ruined any chance that you had to enjoy an evening with her.
“You’re here. I’m so sorry! I guess I dozed off and I didn’t hear you come in” you started, immediately rambling on as you tried to explain yourself to her. It was completely your fault but Michonne didn’t seem upset at all.
In fact, when you finally stopped to take a breath, you realized that she was smiling.
“It’s okay. I thought you needed the rest” she shrugged, knowing that you did, even if you didn’t want to admit it. Everyone on the block knew that Chloe was having trouble sleeping and that meant you were too.
Any extra chance you got to sleep was a miracle and she wasn’t going to rob you of that.
“Thank you” you hummed finally, taking one more deep breath to calm yourself before taking the time to actually assess what they were doing that amused Chloe in the first place.
They were baking.
There was a pot of stew on the stove, likely made from cans you had under the sink but you didn’t even care about that. More than anything, you were just glad that someone had made something.
If Chloe didn’t eat on time, she would throw one hell of a tantrum, but you didn’t have to worry about that now. Michonne had made sure she was taken care of, and now they were cleaning apples.
As you talked, your daughter was munching on clean apple skins that Michonne was removing with a kitchen knife, leaving in a pile for her to sort through.
“You want pie mama?” she giggled, holding out a chubby hand toward you, a few shreds of apple held in her grasp.
...You couldn’t even help but laugh along with her.
“You two did all this?” you asked, addressing your question to Michonne over your shoulder as you took the apple Chloe offered you. It was crazy that she would go through all this for you, but you weren’t even that surprised.
Michonne had always looked out for everyone before herself and it wasn’t a stretch to imagine that kindness would extend to you.
Chloe only nodded, focusing all her energy on the rest of the apple on the countertop. As she did though, you found yourself focusing more on Michonne as you smiled.
“Thank you” you whispered again, repeating yourself just to make a point. No one had to do anything to help you and this was much more than anything. This was something you couldn’t even believe and you were grateful to her for it.
You couldn’t help but be in awe of her.
“I told you before, you’re never alone” she winked, rounding the corner again to get started on the pie dough, which would inevitably end in all three of you covered in flour, giggling like lunatics.
...And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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scottfuckingreed · 4 years
On one condition - Montgomery De La Cruz
ANONYMOUS SAID: ‘MontyxOc where she and her family go on their annual vacation resort and begs her parents to let Monty come with! They agree on the condition they stay in separate rooms... At night when her parents are sleeping they sneak out their rooms and go have a little fun in/at the pool😉’
Warnings!: includes swearing and a bit of smut! And it’s kinda cute? Idk
Let me tell you, you see some disgusting and baffling shit when you’re friends with boys. Sure, girls can be gross too, but male jocks are a different breed. My eyes scan through every guy at the table.
Starting with Bryce Walker opposite me. One of, if not the most, popular guy in school. His girlfriend Chloe sit on his lap with their tongues down each other’s throat. I get it. We get it! They really like each other. But PDA overload!
Next to them is Zach Dempsey. He’s the sort of guy who’d eat food that’s just been in someone else’s mouth. I guess that’s not the worst thing to do. He’s definitely not very clever at all, but he’s cute. Kat once described him as the sweet kind of dumb. And that pretty much explains the boy to a tee.
Then we have Marcus Cole. There’s something I really don’t like, almost despise, about that guy. I usually aim on not looking at him, because I can’t fake nice to him. He’s extremely confident. Maybe the problem is that he’s borderline- no. He’s one cocky mother fucker. I’m sorry, I just really don’t like anything about him. Not one thing. And that concludes the opposite side of the table.
My side, the superior side I might add, starts with Scott Reed on my right. Talk about a sweet guy. I believe he’s possibly the purest person around this table. His morals are just: correct. Out of this table, he’s one of the other 3 people I’d actually ‘hang out’ with. I’d hang out with Chloe too.
Leaving our final guy. My guy to be precise. Monty. Montgomery De La Cruz. Don’t get me wrong, he does some gross things too. For some reason it’s automatically a little attractive when he does it. The way he eats, the way he smells, even the way he breathes is just... I’m in awe 24/7. I’m sure you’ve heard of him as the bully or the dick or just a complete asshole, but that’s not him. Sure he messes around with people. He’s actually a really nice guy.
That just leaves me; Brooklyn Fox. I live a very average life with average parents. My mum is a nurse and my dad is a lecturer. Everything is plain and simple. I get quite good grades and I have decent friends. My parents, however, don’t agree on all of them. Monty and I have been dating for about a year and a half. They really didn’t approve of him at first, but I’d say they’re warming. Very slowly. Maybe they just say they don’t like him to tease me. Probably not, but we’ll get there!
Once a week, pretty much, Bryce holds a house party. I don’t know how he got so lucky as to have parents that fly to a different state one after another! This weeks was going to be ‘the best yet’. Which - of course - he says every week. I’d be lying if I said they weren’t the best parties in the school. Actually, no one else really throws parties. No one needs to when everyone goes to Bryce’s.
“Who’s bringing drinks?” Chloe smiles all excited. I smile her way, drinking my apple juice carton. “It’s your party dude,” Zach taps Bryce on the shoulder roughly. “Come on, you guys can bring something! Stop being fucking leeches,” he laughs, putting his lips on Chloe’s cheek. They’re actually cute. “I can pick up some beers,” the huskiness of my boyfriend’s voice makes me smile stupidly to myself. His tone always sounds so unbothered. I don’t even know why he goes most of the time. Wrapping arms around his, I subtly shuffle myself closer. His warmth. He doesn’t turn my way, but his response is to cup the inside of my thigh with his manly hands. I’m not sure if it seems over protective or needy, but I cross my leg over his hand.
“Brooke!” Two small, crispy fries fly my way. My eyes gaze back over to Chloe. “What are you bringing?” Here we go. I’m gonna get shit. I look up to Monty, who’s eyes were already on me, and press my lips together into a smile. “I’m actually not coming,” I show my clenched teeth. All the boys’, and Chloe’s, faces drop. “What?” “But this is gonna be the best party of the year Brooke...” Bryce says slowly, making sure his words were heard. “I know,” I shake my head. “I’ve actually got my annual vacation with my parents,” I sigh. There’s not technically wrong with going away with my parents. It’s been a tradition since as long as I can remember. There’s a cabin a few hours away. It’s all cute and cosy. Perfect for any time of the year. We like to switch up the seasons. This year it just happens to be at the end of the school year. ‘A treat’ my mum would call it. I think they just like to get me away from these high school parties. “That sucks,” Scott nudges my arm with his, making me turn to him and smile. “What’s little Monty gonna do without his little girlfriend?!” Marcus fake worries. I shut my eyes for a second to quickly roll them into the back of my head. “Don’t worry Cruz-y, we’ll keep you company!” Bryce answers. Not exactly the most settling response.
Monty and I walk the shopping isles one by one. Although the party isn’t for a few days, it’s best to just get it over and done with. “Baby, can you help me get this down?” He’s a good few inches taller than me. “You can get it,” he smirks, crossing his arms and watching he stretch to get to the top shelf. I stick my bottom lip out. “You’re such a dick,” I whisper, walking to him until our bodies are pretty much touching. “Okay, but just because you’re cute,” his muscly arms wrap around just under my ass, lifting me up to get my favourite packet of crisps. They could’ve put them on a lower fucking shelf! Once I grab them, he pretty much drops me to the ground. “Hey, I liked it up there,” his eyebrows raise, and I immediately know what’s coming. “That’s what she said,” he whispers seductively into my ear. I can’t help but smile massively and shake my head at the childish boy. “Come on then, get on my back.”
My arms looped around his neck area, and my head leans lightly on my arms. When he finally get to the liquor isle, he puts me back down. Once again, his face just look unimpressed as he passes me a crate of beers to carry. “Do you have to go with your parents? I could stay with you at your house for the weekend,” blushing, I imagine how nice it would be. The house to ourselves? My parents not poking around checking that we’re not doing anything? Paradise. “I’d love that, but you know my parents won’t let me,” I grunt. I trust Monty with my entire being. I know he’d never cheat on me or anything like that. Who I don’t trust is Bryce and pretty much anyone else. I trust Scott actually. He’s an angel. “You get to party with your buddies and get shitfaced,” I try and sound enthusiastic. I failed. The way he smiles at me settles me every time. It’s always with bright eyes and bright teeth. And then it hits me. The best idea I could have.
“Honey, no,” my mum shakes her head at my suggestion. We sit around the dinner table, me one side and my parents the other. I’m aware they seem strict. They’re not. It’s just... they don’t trust Monty. “You’re not bringing your boyfriend on the family trip, Brooklyn. It’s as simple as that,” my dad says ‘firmly’. “He’s called Monty, and maybe you’d like him if you actually got to know him?” My statement comes out quite sassily. “We know him,” The thing is they’ve met Monty a few times. They’ve never had full conversations, not one that’s lasted more than a minute long. All they know is what they’ve heard. And majoritively not from me. I throw my head back in slight defeat. “Then I’m not going,” stroppy? Definitely. But if there’s anything I know about my parents it’s that they’d do anything to keep me going on this trip. “Don’t be silly Brooke,” my dad laughs with a hint of disbelief. “We’ve been together for over a year! Can’t you just give him a chance?” My fingers interlock with each other, smiling as wide as I can. As the silence goes on for more than 10 seconds, I can see them actually thinking about it. Their heads turn to each other, and back to me, then back to look in each other’s eyes. “Fine, but on one condition...”
“We just have to sleep separately!” I whisper-squeal excitedly on the phone. The silence makes me imagine his growing grin. I slowly lick my lips in anticipation. “Not even in the same room?” He asks slowly. “No, but, well... pleeeeeeaaaaase?” I beg through the phone. The fact that they’ve even compromised is a first. “Do you understand how much a begged for this shit?” I shuffle around in my bed. My hearts racing with excitement. Just imagine it. My parents actually getting alone with him?! We could play board games and sit around a fire together. The thought of them accepting him as my boyfriend just sounds too good to be true. “But Bryce’s party,” he fake sighs. My mouth drops in immediate offence. “Well, fuck you,” “You won’t be able to because we’ll be in separate rooms,” my cheeks grow in heat at the speed of his response. “Fine, if you accompany me and my family on our lovely vacation I will...” I try and think on the spot. As if my room would have any ideas, I look around. About 10 seconds go by of me humming. “Come on Brooklyn! Bryce’s party’s looking so good right now,” come on Brooklyn! “I will...” I pause again. No time. “Give you a blowjob.” I let out in a whisper. It’s only an ever so slight pause until, “deal!”
I hear the horn of Monty’s jeep outside. “He can come in, you know,” my mum smiles. Frowning slightly with a smile, I pick up my bag. Maybe I should’ve started forcing Monty on them from the beginning, but I’m sure it would’ve just made things worse. Am I ready for it? This weekend will confirm yes or no I guess. “You can hang with Monty all weekend,” my words come out slow and nervous. Fuck, what have I done?
“Hey baby,” he immediately leans in for a kiss. How would my parents not like him? He’s sweet. He’s quite the gentleman too. “Is everything okay?” He starts the engine and drives ahead. “I’m just thinking about this weekend, I’m a little nervous,” I shuffle in my seat, bringing my leg up and hugging my knee close. “You’re nervous? I’m not,” He’s quite good at covering his facial expressions sometimes. The way he slightly buffs out his chest just screams confidence. Or arrogance maybe... “I can’t tell if you’re joking...” Monty pauses at a stop sign, and turns to me for a second. “Brooklyn, of course I’m joking. I’m fucking shitting myself,” my bottom lip flies out. “That’s so cute,” I mutter. “Okay, you can stop that,” he always says he hates it, but I see the small turn of his lips when I say stuff like that. “I’ll take care of you Montgomery!” My smile gleams at him. If he’s nervous, I need to not be nervous. It’ll be fine? Wait, that’s wrong. It’ll be fine!
English. None of my ‘close friends’ are in my class, so I usually sit near Justin Foley. I always thought talking to him would be awkward, since he’s Bryce’s ex-best friend and all, but it’s actually not. He takes a seat next to me, and I smile massively at him. “You’re looking extremely happy today, it’s only English?” He chuckles slowly. Next to him sits Clay. I don’t think Clay likes me. He doesn’t speak much to be honest. “I’m average,” shrugging, I watch as Justin tilts his head. Clay gives a look of ‘I don’t care’. “I’m just going away with my parents this weekend. Monty’s coming.” the way Justin contained his eye roll is impressive, and rather funny. Clay doesn’t hide a thing. “You’re actually the only person I’ve seen mellow Monty down. You might actually be good for him,” Justin’s words make Clay scoff. “Yeah right...” he mutters. “You’re so positive Clay, I love it.”
At lunch we sit in the exact same ordering and everything. I guess it’s always just been this way. It feels weird otherwise. Monty’s hand sit on my knee, his thumb rubbing lines from left to right. In the corner of my eye, I see him slowly reach for one of my chips. My smile widens as he gets closer. “You can have one you know, you don’t have to be slick,” I giggle. And he takes about 5. “Hey!” I tap the top of his hand before he shoves them all into his mouth. “I’ll make it up to you,” with his mouth full, he winks. I’m sure I saw food fly out. I lift my right hand over his mouth, covering the awful sight. “Gross,” I whisper. I do question Monty’s flirting sometimes. Often, actually. Looking at him, I kind of get lost in his eyes. Even when he’s a disgusting mess like this. “As long as you don’t do that this weekend, we should be fine.” I take Monty’s hand into mine, intertwining fingers. Am I more nervous than he is? “Woah,” and pause “Woahwoahwoahwoahwoahwoah!” I turn my head towards Bryce who was waving his arm around as he spoke. “You’re coming to the party, right?” Sometimes, just sometimes, I feel like Bryce has some sort of hold on Monty. They’re friends, that’s cool. They’re pretty much best friends I know. But I know Monty would do anything for Bryce. After all, they’re ‘brothers’. “Shit no, sorry man.” Is all Monty says.
I meet up with Monty after our final lessons. “Hey, how’d it go with Bryce?” I swoop my hand into his, cupping it with my other. “He’s a bit pissed actually...” he says slowly, which low key breaks me. I sigh to myself, not really knowing what to say. That’s not my intention. “He’ll get over it,” he shrugs.
Collecting my thoughts, there’s a little silence until we get to his car. Seatbelts; clipped in. Ready to go. “Did he say what he was specifically mad about or..?” Now I’m gonna be ‘that girl’ who broke up a friendship. Could you imagine? News like that travels fast. Faster than fast. That shit would zoom through everything. “He basically said that he expected me there or some shit. I stopped listening to be honest,” and he drives out of the parking space. I refuse to believe this. This sounds way too good to be true. “Well... you can stay, obviously, for the party if you want.” A very brief smile appears on his face. It takes him a second to answer. You could say it was him concentrating on his driving, but this guy never fucking concentrates on his driving. “So you wouldn’t be mad if I stayed..?” He asks slowly. I can see the disbelief in his face. “No.” I’d be furious. I swear if this boy actually accepts this shit. “I guess I’ll stay for the party then,” he shrugs. “Could you text Bryce for me?” Without looking at it, he takes his phone out of a cup holder and hands it to me... straight faced. I pause for a second. “Are you serious?” I let out in an angry whisper. This fucking- “Yes- no...” I see him question which is the answer he meant. “Let’s see... would I rather get wasted at a party where I don’t wanna be? Or should I go away with my beautiful girlfriend and her family?” My red furied face instantly turns to an enormous blush. “I think I’m gonna choose to be with my girl?” Fuck. Maybe he’s not so hypnotised by Bryce. I’m over the fucking moon, but I still hit the guy on the side of his arm. “As cute as that is, you’re a dick,” I threaten him. “But an incredibly sexy dick?” Yes. Yes indeed. “Whatever.” His hand reaches over and rests on my knee. My insides twist and turn in such a way that I feel like the first time I saw him. Gross, I know. “Just so you know, you can call me your girl literally whenever you want.”
Trip Day!
The clock reads 09:30. My brain doesn’t even want to function. Not until I realise what today is. Fuck. That explains why I’ve already received 3 texts and a missed call from Monty. “Montgomery,” I answer this call pretty much as soon as it rings, and closed my eyes. I’m so fucking tired. “Good morning. What’s the plan for today?” Straight to the point? Okay boy. “Well I’m sleeping right now, but I should probably pack my bag I guess,” Have I left it a little late to pack? Absolutely. In my defence it’s only a 3 day trip, and I’m a little nervous and trying not to worry about it. “Ah so you need help?” Before I can answer, I hear a tap on my window. My eyes immediately open. I’m awake now. “Good morning Montgomery,” I smile massively down at the boy under my window. On the ground beside him was his Liberty Tigers gym bag which I assume has all his shit in it for the weekend. I sure hope he’s washed it; that bag stinks of sweat and rich body odour. “Are you ready?” I laugh. I’m quite literally not ready. Like at all. “I guess so, can I come up?” Usually he wouldn’t ask, but I’m glad he did today. “I think you should knock on the front door today.” It’s probably safer. Could you imagine if my dad just caught him up in my room. He’d think he stayed the night and shit. It ain’t worth the hassle. Front door it is.
I try and play it cool, but when the door knocks I rush down the stairs. “Dad, I got it,” I watch as my dad makes his way to the door. “It’s okay, sweetie,” and he opens it to be greeted by my massively smiling boyfriend. This is it. This is where it starts.
“Morning sir,” comes out of Monty’s mouth. I raise my eyebrows, impressed. If he wants to get on my dad’s good side, this is a nice start. A firm handshake takes place also. I think this could go well. As long as we stick by the rules and in those stupid guidelines, it’ll all be smooth. “Montgomery,” Monty’s eyes quickly swipe to me, because his body follows my dad to the dining table. This is gonna be the talk.
This can go one of two ways. It can either be straight forward, my dad doesn’t mention anything sexual and just beats around the bush to make his point. Or he can say every word I don’t want to hear from my dad, and it’ll be an awkward ‘bonding’ experience. I’ve taken my bet. “Honey!” My dad calls my mum. She appears in a millisecond. The smile on Monty’s face has faded slightly. I could tell that he didn’t want to seem nervous. It’s cute. “Hey Monty, how are you?” My mum smiles warmly. “I’m excited, how are you guys?” His nerves were radiating off of him. My hand sat just above his knee. I’d be dreading this if I was him. “We’re good. I’m sure Brooke has mentioned the guidelines, but we just wanted to make sure you heard them from us. Just to make sure you hear them all of course,” the slight patronising tone of my fathers voice showed care, but I do wish he’d show Monty at least a smile. Monty and I nod in unison. Let’s get this over and done with.
At first I thought we were safe. Like maybe we had dodged that bullet. It was all ‘this is a very meaningful trip’ and ‘take care of the cabin’. He even cracked a joke or two. It was actually when my mum stepped in. That’s when it went south. “Now, for the main part. No sex,” I wince at the word. I’m not a prude, but I don’t need to hear it from my mum. I could tell my dad didn’t really want to be here for the conversation either. Monty kind of just nodded along and stayed neutral faced. Smart move man... smart move. “As your father said, you will be staying in separate rooms anyway. I know what it’s like to be a teenager. Hormones flowing around and all-“ “Mum,” my attempt to butt in failed massively. “I’m just saying I get it, but I don’t want no hanky-panky,” shit. I was waiting for that phrase. My eyes lock with my dad’s. “I think they’ve heard enough about that, I sure have!” And Monty laughs. That is such a relief. I’m expecting him to run out the door at any moment now. “Are all packed?” Monty clears his throat before answering. “I am sir, but Brooklyn hasn’t so I’m here to help,” I nudge him in his side. “Of course,” my mum shakes her head at me with a grin. “Well we wanna get going by 3, so you better move your ass young lady,” why are parents so embarrassing? “On that note, I guess we should pack my bag,” I cannot stress how fast I got up and moved.
“Shit,” I breathe as I pull Monty into my room and close the door. I stare at him, worried, with my hands on my hips. “I think that went quite well...” The change in tone made his statement sound more like a question. “You did?” I ask slowly, a smile growing on my face. “I think it could’ve gone worse?” I take two small steps towards him. My arms snake their way around behind his neck, pulling my body close to his. “It’s gonna be a long weekend,” I mutter. “Tell me about it,” he smirks back against my lips. A few bangs on the way up the stairs startles us both. The thought of my mum or dad walking in just scares me. That’s a sight neither of us will ever want to see. I’m surprised they haven’t told me to open my door yet.
“Yes!” Monty lays across my bed. Packing is a lot more work than it should be. At least I have Monty to help me choose what to take. He’s quite the fashionista you know. “Definitely take that one,” he nods again. Every time I turn to him with another item, I just see how ‘relaxed’ he is. Laid down with his head leant on his hand. “I can’t tell if you’re really good at hiding it, or you’re, like, not nervous at all?” I take a seat on the end of my bed. “I think it’s gonna be fine,” the way he moves his everybrows and screws up his face slightly shows me he’s lying. I get it. “So you’re fine?” I ask, cupping lightly on the right side of his face, just on his cheek above that sharp jawline. “If you’re calm, I’m calm,” he takes a moment to kiss the palm of my hand. This far into the relationship and he still gives me butterflies? Gross, but I can’t describe how amazing it feels. Fuck. I’m not calm. In about 3 hours we’re going to be in a bubble. A bubble with Monty and my family. I’d hoped this day would come, but I don’t think I actually thought it would happen? I collapse myself on my back. In the corner of my eye I see him move to giving his head over mine. “I’m calm, Brooklyn. What’s the worst that can happen?” I reach my arm up to his face again. “You’re right...” I pull his lips onto mine. A gentle finger brushes a piece of hair behind my ear. I pull back slightly. “We just gotta follow the rules.” And place my lips back on his. This is definitely going to be ‘easier said than done’.
The rule was ‘no alone time’ basically. Luckily that didn’t include the drive up. My parents took their car, whilst we drive in Monty’s stunning jeep. I want everyone to get along and - I guess - vibe with each other, but could you imagine the drive up. I feel like it would’ve just been silent. We have to build up to that. I can visualise it very clearly. My dad would peak through the rear view mirror. My mum would probably ask questions that would make every answer follow with silence. No thank you.
I snap my head to the radio when my favourite song starts playing. “Fuck, I love this song!” I smile and reach for the volume. Closing my eyes, I take the words and the best in. I could honestly listen to this song on loop and not get bored! Then I hear soft singing next to me. My eyes open and turn to him. “You do not know the words!” I squeal. “You play it all the time, so I downloaded it,” He stenches his teeth as if he hates to admit it. “I knew you liked the music I listen to!” My ego just grew by at least x10. “Some of its okay,” I drop my draw at the admittance. “I fucking-” “I know, Brooklyn!” He chuckles and continues tapping his fingers on the steering wheel along to the beat. And just like that, he becomes even more attractive. “Stop drooling,” I press my top and bottom lip together at his comment. “Shut up,” I whisper. I just realised I’m the biggest Montgomery simp. “It’s hot though, you get big brownie points for this you know,” I bite my lip slightly, just so he notices. Maybe I shouldn’t since we’re pretty much on a touching each other ban, but come on. A sexually frustrated Monty? I’ll have him wrapped around my finger. “Ooh what do my points add up for?” Monty takes a quick glance at the tall trees coming up. “I’d tell you, but you have to wait until after the trip,” I wink. “Fuck Brooklyn. I know what you’re doing.” I giggle under my breath. Here we go. “We’re almost there, about 5-10 minutes maybe?” Let’s get this started!
The crackle of gravel brings back years of memories at this place. A stunning dark wood cabin in the middle of nowhere. It sounds like a horror film and it honestly could be. Have you seen hush? It’s kinda like that. But no one’s died here. Not yet anyway. “How was the drive?” My dad asks, directly looking Monty... in the eyes. I raise my eyebrows. “It was alright, I don’t think I’ve been in a forest area like this!” Monty’s upbringing was so different to mine. I take shit like this for granted. “Beautiful isn’t it?” My mum comes over and hugs my dad at his side. “It’s got a lot of history to it-” “I don’t think Monty wants to hear about that dad,” I roll my eyes, but Monty butts in. “I don’t mind, sir. I’d love to hear it,” and I watch as Monty moves away from me. As does my dad. This is real? My dad and my boyfriend going to walk around together. I let out a deep breath. “He’s quite sweet,” my mum shrugs, grabbing her suitcase and taking it inside. Wait, yes! Not even 5 minutes in and my mum already thinks he’s sweet. I’m so fucking winning at this trip already.
Pacing the floor, FOR TWENTY MINUTES, until my dad brought Monty back to my sight. My safe, safe view. As they walk through the back door, they laugh and smile towards me. “You were gone quite some time,” my mum smiles massively, bringing my dad in for a small hug. The boy comes back to my side. I can’t help but smile at his smile. That can’t have gone that bad? “Yeah it felt like forever,” I mutter just loud enough. My eyes lock between Monty’s and my dad’s, who were both just lit up. I check my phone for the time. 18:02PM. “I think we’ll just order food tonight, why don’t you go sort out your things?” My mum smiles. Maybe they’re trying to please Monty, because this isn’t us.
“So...” I pull Monty into my room and sit on my bed. Crossing my legs, I’m ready. Hit me with it! “He gave me the tour, told me when the house was built and then I got the talk.” My head falls into my hands. “He lies about when the house was built by the way,” I warn him. The smile remains on his face. “I could tell, he mentioned about 4 different years.” “So the talk. How bad?” I swift back in topic. “It was good. Your dad’s really nice,” I stand back up as soon as those words exit his mouth. “Really?” My smile grows more and more, and grows bigger when his smile grows. “He basically just warned me about hurting you because of how much you like me,” he pokes my shoulder teasingly. “We shook hands and everything,” he does ‘jazz hands’ to mock me, but that genuinely just sends me over the moon. I clench my teeth and do a silent squeal. “You’re fucking crazy,” he whispers close to my face. Wrapping my around around him, I pull him in for a quick kiss. A quick kiss that lasted at least 30 seconds. No tongue. We can’t get all heated up.
As a tradition, we sit around the dining table. Even when it’s takeaway. “We bought a little of every sort of thing, we didn’t know what you guy’s would want,” my heart melts slightly at my mum’s words. That’s so cute. My mum knows exactly what I like, so that’s not aimed at me. I flash my appreciative eyes towards her, and she winks in response. His eyes scan through the table. There was bits of every meat, a few different potatoes, a little bit of it all. “Jesus this must’ve costed you a bit, I can give you some money towards this if you’d like,” my head turns to Monty. Why am I ready to cry? Both of my parents look confused. “That’s very lovely Monty, but it’s fine. You’re our guest,” my dad nods along with my mother. This feels accepting. Why was I even scared about this?
“So how’s baseball going Monty?” My dad asks. If there’s one thing they can bond about, it’s sports. There’s not a sport Monty hasn’t done, and not one that my dad doesn’t enjoy. Well... my dad doesn’t like cricket. “It’s going good,” Monty pauses to swallow his food fully. “I think we have a really good chance at bringing home state this year,” not really my conversation. I love watching Monty doing sports because, duh. Other than that, no. Monty looks my way so I playfully roll my eyes. “I’m surprised she pays attention to the sports, you can tell she really likes you,” and that makes me want to stab myself in the eye with a fork. “Dad!” I smile massively, embarrassed. Or maybe overjoyed at everything? Both. “I underestimated you Monty, I’m glad you’re here with us,” did I hear that right? Did my dad just say that? Already? We’re only 2 hours into the actual trip?! I notice Monty blushing slightly, which makes me blush and butterflies flutter in my stomach. “We’re excited to watch your next game,” my mum breaks the cute silence. “As long as you don’t fuck this up over here,” my dad winks and nods towards me. “Sir, you should probably know that I’m deeply in love with your daughter.” My dad’s eyebrows raise with a smile. My mum rushes a hand to her heart. And I just fell in love with him even more. I can’t help but blush massively and smile to myself as I try and swallow my food. “I’m that case, call me Daniel.”
Dinner was a dream. Like an actual fantasy. I cannot believe something like that happened. To me. In front of my eyes! This high that I’m on right now is unexplainable. I follow Monty into his room about 5 minutes after he went in. “That was so fucking perfect,” I close the door behind my and force my lips onto his. How am I meant to stay away? He guides me forwards, slipping his tongue slightly into my mouth before sitting down. I don’t hesitate to straddle his lap. My hands sit nicely on either side of his face, and his hands move down to my ass. He pulls me as close to him as he can, but the friction isn’t enough. “Hey guys!” My mum shouts from wherever she is. I forcefully pull my lips away from his. “Let’s go into the hot tub!” She adds. I breathe slow to control my breathing, and remove myself off of him. “Shit, I have a boner,” he grunts, throwing his head back in defeat. “Well... good luck with that,” like a school girl, I giggle. I best exit his room before I get caught here.
I get into my black little bikini and get ready to chill for like an hour. When I get out there, Monty’s already there. “There she is!” My mum smiles as I slide open the glass door. The tub is lit up perfectly with Monty sat inside. My mum sits on the deck in chairs that are comfier than they look. The night sky is clear with hundreds of stars spread across the sky. “Would you like a drink sweetie?” My mum shows the array of beer bottles behind her on the round wooden table. “I don’t know if you’re joking or not,” she only even lets me drink on ‘special occasions’. “Sure why not! You’re not gonna get drunk on one beer,” I slowly take two from her hands. Although the confused, I’m not arguing it.
“There you go Montgomery,” I wink at him before sitting at a just bareable distance away. Not too close, but nowhere near far. “Thank you Brooklyn,” we clink our drinks together before taking a sip. Did it have to be such a romantic setting. “How’s the day been for you then Monty?” My dad comes over and cheers’ his drink against ours. “I was very nervous, but it’s been amazing,” I look down. “I was going to be really hard on you, but you’re actually a nice guy. I apologise for assuming anything different,” this is it. He’s in. Monty has been accepted. I’m struggling to contain my squeal right now. But I should, right? “The jock persona definitely doesn’t help, but that means a lot. Thank you, Daniel...” Monty speaks my dad’s name very slowly. I clench teeth together. “If there something you want to say Brooklyn?” A laugh, which I’m sure is judgemental, escapes my mum’s mouth. “I’m just trying not to scream with excitement,” I shrug honestly. Monty subtly pokes the outside of my leg under the water.
I don’t know why, but the conversation just flowed between everybody. I must be dreaming. I’ve been sat with my eyes closed for a while. There’s a nice cool breeze that blows across every now and then. “Right, I think it’s time for us to get to bed,” my mum stands up. I immediately check the time on my phone. It’s 22:34?! That time flew. “Don’t stay up too late. We’ve got some activities planned for tomorrow! Be up about 7,” my mum kisses the top of my head. “Goodnight guys!” My dad smiles, shaking Monty’s hand. “Night!” We smile back in sync.
“Activities, huh?” Monty’s voice comes out in a flirt. “They like to do things like rock climbing and sailing,” I shrug. A look of slight worry comes across his face. “I’m not sure about that,” he laughs nervously. “Well, I guess I’ll just get to call you a pussy all day then,” I slide myself closer to the boy. “Don’t even try it,” he whispers as he leans in closer. Our lips touch and the kiss immediately gets heated. In one swift movement, I’m straddling him. And then it sinks in. My parents have left us alone. Together. I guess they trust me not to have sex in the hot tub? He does a half squeeze to my butt cheeks. And then he breaks the kiss. “We probably shouldn’t-” I stop him immediately. “You’re right. We definitely shouldn’t have sex in the hot tub,” I whisper. Hopping off his lap and out of the hot tub with speed, I attempt to dry myself off as much as I can. I almost run to my room. Is this a dangerous game? Yes. But I wanna fucking play it!
He enters milliseconds after me. My hand grabs his, pulling him towards my bed. “Are you sure?” I nod. “We’ll be quiet,” his smile is small but mischievous. “That’s a relief, I’ve got blue balls enough today.” I whisper out a giggle, and pull him on top of me. The bed makes a loud noise and we freeze. “Shit,” I laugh. He covers my mouth with a gleaming smile. “This is risky,” he nudges his nose against mine. “I know,” and I push my lips on his. With being in swimming things we were pretty much in our underwear. Smooth hands rub against the side of my body, all the way down to my ass. He actually squeezes it this time. The moan that wanted to escape was contained with a kiss. “There’s condoms in the top drawer,” and he frowns. “What? I kind of thought this would happen,” I admit and shrug. What can I say? I saw it coming.
Safety; done. Balancing out between risking this and actually getting caught by my parents was too easy of a decision. All I had on was my bra at this point, the rest was bare skin. So we shuffle under the covers, and Monty lines himself up. I haven’t really considered how hard it might be to keep quiet. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispers. Before pushing himself inside of me, he presses his lips on mine. My legs lift and wrap around his back, pulling him closer and closer until he’s all the way in. A heavy breath exits both of our mouths as we lock eyes and smile.
As he pulls out, I let out a little squeak. “Shhhhh,” he mutters against my lips. “I love you,” he whispers. And back in. His hands squeeze my waist as he finds a steady pace. This is possibly the closest I’ve ever felt to Monty. Yes, we’ve had sex many times. But I think my parents love him? Which has made me love him even more somehow. My leg raises higher, my foot scraping across his back as do my fingers. No nails. Not today. Thank god this bed doesn’t make a lot of noise.
Monty slows down the pace, which he knows drives me crazy in the best way. I spread my fingers up through his hair. His tongue continues to glide gracefully across mine. Those lips haven’t moved off of mine, which is probably for the best. They’re possibly the only things not exposing us right now. “Fuck,” I moan in a whisper. My legs begin to pretzel behind his back. That familiar knot starts to appear. I’m not sure I want this moment to end. Once again, Monty’s hand begins to roam my body. They move from my waist, to my ass. He pauses there for a second and massages it with one hand. Waves of added pleasure shoot though my limbs. It’s like some sort of drug. As his fingers move again, I’m being brought closer and closer to the edge. They hook under the knee of my right leg, lifting it slightly high. “Monty,” I laugh in a moaned whisper. He knows what he’s doing. “Just let go baby,” he whispers, kissing my nose before moving back to my lips. Didn’t have to tell me twice. I immediate explode around him. The moans against his lift sent angry vibrations. Once my high is rode out, I try breathing calmly through Monty’s climax too. Try is the important word there. My heart remains beating fast and loudly. I’m surprised it didn’t wake my mum and dad up.
My body just collapses and curls up to Monty’s. Our fingers just intertwine, even though they’re sweaty. Gross. “Thank you for today,” I whisper, bringing his hand up to my lips and place a simple kiss against it. Words actually can’t describe what today meant to me. It’s soppy as fuck. “I think it was a success,” he chuckles into my ear. “You probably shouldn’t sleep in here,” I wish he could. I just wanna spoon him. Well, I’m actually very happily the little spoon. “I know,” I feel him move slightly. “You could probably stay a little longer?” I stick out my bottom lip like a child. “You know we’d fall asleep,” he leans over and kisses my forehead. As if that was enough for me, he pulls away. A quick reflexed arm pull his head back down, instead onto my lips. “Sweet dreams Brooklyn.”
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airi-p4 · 4 years
Last Chance - Chapter 8
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7
I’m back!! I would usually wait until the next chapter is almost finished to post a new chapter, but I’m posting it so I can get the motivation to finish it.  This chapter can work as the ending, but Chapter 9 will be the last one (like an epilogue).
Thank you if you’ve read this so far!
Marinette’s POV
What has just happened? Chloe collapsed? Why? What did Alya do? What’s that on her hand? Is that… Chloroform? What’s going on? Is she ok?
“Thank you, Alya” I can hear Luka say.
Luka seems fine with it… Is she ok, then?
“You have some talking to do. I just got rid of the interferences. Go on. We’ll be over there”
I look at Alya, confused, as she and the rest of the team moves to another part of the room, leaving me alone with Luka.
Alya… she’s giving me courage to confess my feelings to Luka, just like she did years ago when I had that stupid crush on Adrien.
Luka is now in front of me, as I’ve been wishing for so long. I missed him so much… Yet words don’t seem ready to part. They’re stuck in my throat, refusing to leave. Refusing to break the silence.
And I try. My face looks up for a second to meet Luka’s determined eyes.
One second.
That’s all it takes for my fears to reappear. And I can’t hold my gaze.
I’m too embarrassed… too ashamed of my acts… Regretful… Sorry…
And most of all I’m scared . Scared of rejection. Again… Scared to fall deeper into my darkness…
I can feel the burns on Luka's fingers as he touches my hands. And I cherish every little contact I can get.
Am I even allowed to enjoy this sweet dream after everything I've done? After attempting to use the forbidden absolute power of the Miraculous? After deceiving Master and everyone? After hurting Luka and my friends? I don’t think I deserve his attention…
His voice is so peaceful… I could listen to his voice forever… if there was a forever for us… but that’s impossible, isn’t it?
My heart skips a beat every time he says my name. He's probably expecting me to answer… But I can't find the strength to: this momentarily illusion feels so fragile I'm sure the magic will be gone as soon as I interfere with it. I don't want him to leave me again…
I shouldn't be taking his time when he must be worried about his fiancee. Seeing how much he cares for her hurts me deeper than I thought.
I'm jealous. So jealous. So UGLY .
How can I ask him to stay with me when I’m so UGLY on the inside? I don’t deserve him…
And Chloe… I've treated her badly. She deserves to be happy with Luka... I have to let him go… I have to learn to live alone, forever. Maybe I can take the kwamis with me this time. At least I won't get as lonely…
I wish I didn't have to let him go, but he must think I'm a horrible girl. He's probably so disappointed…. He…
“Marinette. Look at me”
Ah… again… his heavenly voice… Is he an angel?
He is begging me to meet his eyes but I don't think I can- not after hurting him, hurting everyone. I deserve to be hated…
“Marinette, please...”
Ah, his forehead... touching mine… so calming… so nostalgic… I missed it so much…
Can I keep having this dream forever? Nothing would make me happier… But NO. I can’t mess up with his happiness with Chloe anymore... I don’t want to disappoint him any further… I have to… keep my feelings to myself… forget about this last chance… Accept my destiny… Alone...
"I'm back", he says.
A dry sob escapes my mouth. It seems I've run out of tears… except the last one that finds a way to fall down my cheeks. One more drop of darkness. Am I really allowed to have him by my side, even if it’s just as a friend? Is it really ok to grant an irresponsible human being like me this honor? This miracle?
No, please! Don't go away! Don't stop touching my hands…!  
Don't let this fragile illusion end… not yet… never…
"Marinette. I'm here. It's fine. I won't go away anymore. Let me see your eyes"
Is he able to read my mind? Can I believe his words…? Do I really deserve this happiness? I can tell he’s getting impatient, but I’m too scared to react. Frightened of rejection. Once again…
And I’m convinced he can see through me, making him aware of my fears. The grip of his hands on mine getting stronger, as if trying to make me relax, to bring the courage to put into words what he must already be suspecting.
The darkness inside me.  
And I can’t face him.
Not yet .
Not when my negative thoughts keep invading my head. Not when I’m unable to convey my feelings. Not when I’m not ready to let him go… but I have to…
"Luka… I… I'm so sorry… I- I don't deserve your compassion… Chloe is right… I shouldn't…"
"Hey. Stop saying this or I'll have to shut you again"
I can feel my heart skip a beat in hope, surprised, unfaithful for his words. His forehead leaving mine pains me a little as my darkness manages to find its way deeper through the scars on my heart. It hurts so much I can barely speak. But I can’t keep getting in his happiness way any longer… He just wanted to save the world, that’s the logical way to think...
“You can stop acting like you care for me now… I won't do anything else. You don't have to kiss me so I don't renounce the Miraculous box… I'm sorry I forced you to do something like that against your will…"
“Marinette, you really think that’s the reason I kissed you? Just how much is your darkness messing with your senses?”
Yes… deep darkness remains… even if it’s not absolute anymore. It’s still very profound.
"Marinette. Look at me please. Don't hide your beautiful face from me"
I startle a little at his words. ‘ Beautiful ’, he said. Is it a dream? I can feel my cheeks get hot.
"Marinette. I came for you. I'm here now. Let me try to fix this. Answer me, please. Look at me… There's nothing to fear. Please?"
How am I supposed to believe that? How could my only dream be achieved so easily after all the damage I created. The burnings, the world’s balance… Chloé… Of course he wanted to save the world to save his marriage… How stupid am I...
"You’re so unfair... giving me hope when you came here with your fiancée… I won’t do anything stupid anymore… you don’t have to lie for me… I hate lies...“ she whispers.
He stays silent, as I expected. He’s probably worried I might attempt something again. But I won’t, I already resig- Huh!?
And, before I can react, he kisses me again. No excuse this time. No apparent reason for it. And it feels even better than I could have ever imagined… heaven.
And my mouth gets carried away, following my inner desires and being guided by love. I want to keep kissing him forever, but he breaks the contact too soon. My face now moves in search of his, without opening my eyes yet, in case the spell vanishes as soon as I do.
But I hesitate. Do I really deserve this? I don't think I do. Not after-
“Do you still think I’m lying?” he asks.
And I finally gather the courage to look at him, directly. No barriers or interferences in between. And what I see is not what I expected: the brightest grin I’ve ever seen on him. And my eyes meet his- his smiling face. His calm. His blue. His love.
My body stops functioning, unable to stop staring at those magical sapphires looking back at me.
“Finally…”, he says.
He looks so handsome I feel like I’m going crazy, panicking at realizing my actions. And his actions too. ‘ He kissed me… A love filled kiss… ’. And my heart feels lighter.
"Marinette. There's something I really want to hear from you. Forgive me if I am wrong, but I'm going to say it first, ok?"
My heartbeat is getting louder at anticipation. I forget how to breathe.
"I love you, Marinette. You’re still the song in my head- you’ve always been"
I gasp, and my body won’t stop trembling.  
Can it be real? Can a miracle like this really happen?
I want to have hope but, can I?
“What about Chloé?” I finally find the courage to ask.
I can’t help it but notice his disgusted expression. He’s not happy with this conversation topic. But his answer holds no doubt, only remorse.
“We’ve already discussed that. Chloe knows about my feelings. Chloe knows I can’t be dishonest. She has always known I could never forget about you. She’ll have to accept it’s over"
What? Is this for real? A flash of my last memory before my darkness controlled me returns to my mind. Chloé’s ring.
"But- the wedding! The ring! She still wears it..."
And I’m afraid. Afraid he’s finally going to say he was lying all along.
"The wedding will be cancelled as soon as we get back. And that ring…* sigh * I asked her to give it back but she didn't want to. You know how stubborn she is…"
This… sounds like Chloe. But is it really true? I could sense their love. I know it’s not my jealousy making me imagine things… I know they love each other... Especially Chloe…
"But Chloe loves you so much… and I can tell you care for her too..."
It feels even sadder for me to say it out loud. I’m so ugly at the inside… for wishing to take Luka from Chloe… For having- His words interrupt my thoughts again.
"I know... And I feel horrible for breaking her heart. Just like you with Adrien, I assume. I can't drive her down with me into a loveless marriage. I can't promise her a happy future anymore. I can't give her my love when you're the only one my heart is willing to accept"
"But-!" ‘ are you sure? Won’t you regret it later? ’ I wanted to add, but I don’t think I’m ready for his answer. His impatience shows again.
“Please, Marinette. The wait is killing me! I need to know if what you wrote in those emails is true so my heart can finally rest from this agony. I love you. Please, give me an answer this time…"
This is real. I want to believe it’s real. Please, let it be real. His eyes are sincere and his smile is as welcoming as it has always been. I love him… My feelings reached him… My emails… Oh no!
"The emails… You've read them. Oh my god, you've read them! Oh, no! So embarrassing… I shouldn't have listened to Alix! I shouldn't have sen-"
"Shhhh… the only thing you should regret is not sending them earlier. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed it"
"No- I-!"
"Tell me, Marinette. Tell me so I dare to believe a miracle can really happen. Please, tell me if you feel the same I feel for you. Tell me if I'm allowed to give it my all to make you the happiest woman in the world. Tell me, Marinette"
And the feeling of hope grows bigger in me. And I’m scared, but also aware this may be my last time to tell him my feelings- and my last time meeting him if I don’t find the courage to confess. My light is in front of me.
It’s now or never.
“Those emails....It's all true… I love you, Luka… It’s always been you. I’m so stupid for not noticing earlier… You are my light..."
And not even a fraction of second passes until he hugs me and holds me in his strong arms. I feel like I’m melting. His warmth, his scent, his touch… I love him. "… so happy..." he whines, and I’m starting to believe this now. My heart is beating the fastest it ever has, and I can’t hold back all my hidden feelings.
"Why did you leave me, Luka? Why did you leave me alone…? All these years… I thought I had lost you…"
"I thought you were happy, Marinette. I thought you were married. I thought I was in your happiness’ way.” His body moves backward so his eyes can lock with mine. “But no more. I love you and as long as you want me with you I'm not leaving again"
And now my own thoughts are getting out with my voice. No filters. Exposed.
“Can I really believe in your words, Luka…? Please, tell me. Tell me this isn't my insanity making me see and hear the things I wish the most. Tell me I'm not going crazy! Tell me this is real, tell me you’re real! Please… Please!"
I’m desperate to believe him and I can’t hide it anymore. I don’t want to lose him again…
"Have I ever lied to you, Marinette? I love you. I want to be with you, if you allow me…"
My answer comes out automatically.
"Yes! I want to be with you Luka. Is it really ok with me? Chloe is amazing and… you look good together… and me… After all the danger I've put you through…"
"I want you. Only you... Marinette. I want you to excuse me for not following a proper order, and not breaking-up properly with Chloe first, but taking the circumstances in consideration I have no choice… Marinette. Will you be my girlfriend?
I’m astonished. "Can I really…?"
I can’t stop smiling. Luka wants me to be his girlfriend… for real. I’m so happy I could melt into a puddle. My face is getting so red I decide to bury it on his chest, and give him my answer: “Yes…”
And Luka hugs me strongly, lifting my body and spinning it around a little, unable to control his excitement: even happier than when I brought him good news. But… Is this really ok? Can I be happy when Chloe is suffering so much? What if Luka regrets his decision and preferes Chloe over me again...? Chloe deserves happiness too…
But Luka’s senses are sharp and he notices something is going on in my mind. As observant as always.
"No, that's not enough. Tell me what you want. Tell me how you feel" he demands.
And I tell him my concerns: "I feel happy Luka, the happiest ever but… Chloe doesn't deserve unhappiness..."
"Neither do you" he rapidly responds.
"But… I don't want you to regret this…"
"I won't. Will you regret it?"
"I… I want to be with you… I want you to promise me you’ll never leave my side again"
"That's it then”.
And his last spoken words confuse me. ‘That’s it? What is?’
Luka closes his eyes and meditates for a minute. The grip on my hands remains unchanged. I can see he’s trying to calm himself, his breath becoming steadier, looking for his calm after the storm of emotions. Watching him is all I need to find my calm too, even if my heart is still beating fast and strong. Can I really call myself Luka’s girlfriend now? I’m so happy I could fly.
Finally, his eyes open, showing determination once again. My curiosity is probably more than obvious to him as he sympathetically smiles a little.
His gaze moves to his back, where the rest of the team are.  
“Tikki. Could you keep Marinette company for a moment?”
I didn’t expect him to call for my kwami friend. What’s going on?
Tikki nods and comes flying to my side. Only then he speaks again.
“Marinette: there’s something I have to do. And I have to do it now. Do you trust me?”
‘What could it be?’ I can’t help but wonder.
“Yes… I trust you, Luka”
Or that’s what I really want to do. Have faith. Can I really? I think I do.
“Good” He gives me a fast peck on my lips that makes me close my eyes for a moment. “Wait for me”
I don’t want him to leave, but Tikki hugging my cheek distracts me from preventing Luka to stop holding my hands and move to where my friends are. I can only look from afar, but I can hear their voices. Luka approaches the team and sits down by Adrien’s side, where Chloe is sleeping in Adrien’s lap. ‘Chloe… is he going to…?’
“Marinette, it’s going to be ok! Don’t worry” Tikki assures me. And I don’t know if the kwami is very persuasive or that the butterflies Luka’s kiss has just put me under some kind of spell, but all I can do is set all my trust in him - ‘ My boyfriend’ .
“Chloe, I know you’re awake”
I gasp. My friends too. ‘Since when…?’ I can feel negative inside me, but Tikki is here to support me. ‘ Trust him ’ her eyes are telling me. And I inhale and exhale deeply, closing my eyes. ‘ I have to trust him ’.
Chloe makes no sound. Is she really awake?
Luka insists.
“I’m sorry, Chloe. I guess my percentages weren’t wrong”
I open my eyes again. ‘ What percentages? ’. I dismiss bad thoughts once more. ‘ Trust him ’.
“Chloe. I need you to give the ring back”
Chloe is still on Adrien’s lap, apparently sleeping, immobile. There’s only silence for some seconds until Luka speaks again.
“Chloe, don’t make me repeat it”
“Ugh! Take this stupid ring, I don’t need it anymore!” she finally complains loudly.
Chloe takes the ring off and throws it strongly on the floor, next to Adrien, who collects it. Luka sighs and, even if I can’t see him, I know for his voice he’s upset.
“Not the Black Cat Miraculous, Chloe, the other ring...”
‘What? She still had it? How could it pass me? What a failure of Guardian I am…’
“Ugh! Fine! Take this cheap shiny thing! I don’t need it anymore! CHEATER!” she screams, getting up and aggressively throwing their engagement ring to the floor, next to Luka this time. “Don’t you dare use it to propose to her! You’re better than that”
“As if I would do something as low as that…”
What? No… It can’t be... right? My cheeks burn at the thought.
“I’m sorry, Chloe. Thank you for everything. I hope you find your happiness…”
Chloe doesn’t say anything anymore. She sinks into Adrien’s lap and holds his shirt stronger, letting out a sob she fails to hide. I feel horrible… But probably not as much as Luka feels. I can see it on his face as he stands up and turns to where I am. He catches the ring and puts it in his pocket. My eyes keep following his movements, unsure if his actions are leading where I more than wish they did. He looks as full of determination, the same he looked when he asked me to wait moments ago.
And he’s in front of me again. Close.
With a little nod, he thanks Tikki, and the little kwami returns to Plagg, who’s now present after Adrien put on his miraculous.
After following Tikki with his eyes for a bit, Luka focuses on me again. And only when I return him an embarrassed nod he reaches inside of his pants pocket- not the one with Chloe’s ring, but the other- and picks up a little pink box with a blue ribbon on it. He kneels down before me and opens it… And I feel like I’m about to pass out when that sparkling diamond appears before my eyes and he asks me THE QUESTION .
“You wanted a promise? I’m promising you. Marry me, Marinette. Say yes and I promise you I’ll never leave your side again. Is this enough proof for you?”
I’m speechless. I look at the big pink diamond and tiny blue details in front of me and then I switch to Luka’s face. He’s nervously smiling, but I have no doubt he’s being honest. I’m so happy I could soar seeing his loving glowing eyes. It takes me a minute to process his words. ‘Marry me ’. Did he really say that? I can’t stop staring at the ring.
“This is the most beautiful ring I’ve ever seen, Luka”
I’m extremely moved. It’s perfect. Too perfect.
And his smile widens at my question.
“London. We went to get Master Fu and I got excited... If I really was lucky enough for you to correspond my feelings as those emails said… I didn’t want to regret not coming here prepared and… I got to find the most perfect ring I’ve ever seen. I couldn’t stop myself from buying it. For the most perfect, beautiful, and miraculous lady I’ve ever met. The woman I love the most in this world, the song that has always been inside my head since the first time we met: you, Marinette”
“Are you sure you want a horrible woman like me...?” I manage to ask between hiccups.
“If you’re horrible, then I must be horrible too. I could ask you the same”
I love him and my words come out automatically.
He blinks, thinking. Processing the information.
“Is that your answer?”
“Yes!” I repeat louder.
“Are you sure?”
“YES! I want you! I want to marry you, Luka! Nothing would make me happier!”
Gosh… I can’t stop smiling like a fool. I’m so happy… His hands move to cup my cheeks strongly, serious, fighting the muscles of his face to form a smile as wide as mine.
“Marinette, think about it, because I’m never leaving your side if you really mean it”
“Yes, I mean it, Luka. I don’t want you to leave my side… never again. I want to marry you”
I’m surprised my smile can grow even wider. So big it hurts. But I don’t care at all. Luka presses his lips strongly on mine, overjoyed, but we can’t keep locking lips for long because of our unstoppable grins getting in the way, our teeth colliding instead. So next he lifts my body up with his strong arms and spins it. I can’t stop giggling. He never stops holding me when he puts me down.
“I love you, Marinette. I love you so much… You make me so happy...”
“I love you too, Luka,” I say, and he separates from me to stare at my eyes and take the ring out of the box. He grabs my left hand and carefully holds my ring finger. I’m thrilled and delighted. He slides the ring over my finger and…
“Oh. Your fingers have gotten skinnier… it won’t fit… I’m sorry” he looks disappointed and sad for his not-really-a-mistake. I smile in understanding.
“It’s ok, Luka. I’ll recover my weight so I can properly wear it as soon as possible”
His happy smile is so cute my body moves on its own to give him a short sweet peck on his lips. I can almost see how he melts before he kisses me back with another, longer, kiss.
“Gosh, Marinette. My cheeks hurt so much from smiling but I can’t stop… What do you want to do when we get back home?”
“We’ve been apart for too long... I want to make up for everything I missed from your life. Hugs, kisses, your talent and amazing job… Dates… where do you want to go? And then the wedding! How would you like it to be? And the honeymoon! We can go wherever you prefer! And ki-… Do you want kids, Marinette?”
I blush heavily at the implications of the question. His cheeks are slightly reddish too. Cute . But of course I want them… To form a family has always been my dream. And I had resigned myself... But now… It’s a dream come true. But I’m too shy to answer, so I just nod and hum discreetly.
“Kids too, then” Luka giggles happily, holding my hands again. “We’ll form a happy family! I’ll bet you’ll be the most amazing mother”. He stupidly grins in an unusual way that is making me embarrassed.
“Sorry, am I going too fast? I’m so excited to spend time with you”
“Luka, we have plenty of time, we don’t need to rush it. I just want to be with you forever, I don’t care about the rest…”
“Marinette, can you see how happy you make me? I hope you don’t get tired of my affection because I have plenty to make up for! I love you so much”
And I feel like I’m already home when I stare at Luka’s profound pupils that hold more than love: his light. A brightness I’ve never seen in him before. A light that dissolves my inner darkness...
“Your light is finally back,” he says, staring relieved at my eyes.
And I realize he’s right. My soul is filled with light once again. Luka’s pure light.
“Luka… Your name means light… You’re my light… My lighthouse: all I need to not get lost in the deepest dark sea...”
I can feel my heart in total calm. His calm. The calm I’ve been missing for so long.
“Then you’re sea- my calm- and my spotlight”, he says. “All I need to shine. I wouldn’t be who I am if I hadn’t met you”
His comment makes me giggle.
“You shine on your own, Luka…”
No more darkness remains. Not in me. Not in him.
And that’s when the true magic starts: the miraculous box starts glowing and all the kwamis get out of it, surrounding the egg-shaped box and forming a circle of light that grows to engulf me and Luka in whitish-blue-reddish light. The box starts floating over us while the kwamis perform a kind of group singing and dancing all-together, illuminating the whole cave with zodiac signs patterns. It’s beautiful… More than beautiful. I look at Luka and he’s just as surprised and confused as I am, but we hold each other into an embrace as we look at the mesmerizing ceremony the kwamis are performing.
When the dance reaches an end, light moves over all of us and I can see how Luka’s burns heal at the touch of the light on his skin. Luka’s injuries are nowhere to be seen anymore. I can see next how Chloe is also surrounded by the light as well, meaning her injuries are probably healed too. “I’m so glad…”, I whisper.
Finally, the Miraculous box lights blinds us as it changes its form. Serpentines of light tangle me and Luka together and we can feel our hearts connected to each other. We can tell something has changed, even if we’re not exactly sure how. But, somehow, we know nothing can break us apart anymore.
No more darkness. Only light.
And the Miraculous box reveals to have a form of a lighthouse after it stops shining and falls into our hands. And for some reason I can’t stop staring at Luka’s eyes…
“What happened?” Alya says, breaking the silence.
“The kwami light dance….” Master Fu states. “It’s an extremely rare phenomenon.”
Noticing our confused faces, Master Fu continues.
“Let me explain… The Miraculous box represents light and it is known that, within light, there’s always darkness as its counterpart. That’s what the absolute power of the Miraculous represents: darkness. The reason it is dangerous is because it can grow to control the caller of the power’s will if there’s darkness in their heart… Just like it almost happened to you, Marinette”
I face down ashamed as Luka gives me a reassuring look. Master Fu continues the explanation.
“No one is sure what this ‘darkness’ wants, but presumably a physical form. It only happened once before and the strong will of the Guardian could somehow stop ‘darkness’, but he had to end up sacrificing a whole Miraculous box, which was destroyed forever. One of the reasons I chose Marinette to be Ladybug and the Guardian of the Miraculous was because of her positive mind and the happiness surrounding her. She's well balanced in many aspects and her happiness was bound to happen. I would have never expected darkness taking over her… I'm sorry, it seems I failed as a Guardian and mentor. No one should try to choose destiny for others, destiny should find its way on its own… I thought with Adrien by your side, Marinette, you would be forever happy. I should have taken other possibilities into consideration. It's my fault. I'm sorry, Marinette, everyone. Thank you for protecting the world's balance and fixing my mistakes"
"Don't say that Master… You were right giving Marinette a Miraculous. She's the best Ladybug I've ever seen"
"Tikki…" I’m moved by my kwami friends’ words.
"And you know what, Marinette? We made it! Darkness is sealed now. You don't have to worry anymore. It will appear again someday, but it will be gone for a long while"
"Huh!? How!? Where…?" I gasp.
"Remember the kwagatama ? The stone I gave you for your birthday? It protects you from darkness. The reason you weren't immediately taken over by darkness and the reason you could fight it was because of that combined with your strong sense of responsibility"
"Responsibility…? I've broken all the rules Tikki, where's my responsibility?"
"You fought your inner darkness despite losing all hope. You couldn't bear to see the ones you love hurt- the one you love the most hurt. You have the purest heart, Marinette"
"Why didn't you seal this darkness earlier, then?"
"Nino!", Alya calls for her husband’s attention.
"What? We could have avoided all this, wouldn't we?"
I’m intrigued too for the answer of Nino’s question, so I focus my curious look at Tikki. She understands and proceeds to respond.
"The ritual can only happen when absolute light is present, and that's not easy- many have failed in the attempt. But these two… Marinette and Luka… their pure love gave us the light to fulfill it. It's the first time we can actually complete this ritual. It's an extremely rare situation. A love this pure… is out of this world"
“And this proves I was wrong all along…” Master sadly concludes.
“That’s not true, Master! Adrien was great as Chat Noir. Tikki told me before how the ladybug and black cat Miraculous doesn't need to end up in a destiny based love. I was too blinded from admiration to notice before. Now I know I'm the one who has to create my own destiny and fight for what I want. And I’ve already chosen it”
I stare at Luka’s eyes and I feel like the most fortunate person in the world as I get lost in his ocean eyes. He smiles back at me, loving, caring- my Luka .
“But why did the Miraculous box change?” Alya asks Tikki.
“The light kwami ritual dance has another effect: it creates an unbreakable quantic bond. It's something like marriage from the kwamis”
“Marriage?” Luka asks, surprised as I am. “Does it mean we are married now?”
“At quantic level, yes. Now the guardianship is shared and your destinies are linked together, for the good and for the bad. Forever” Tikki explains.
I’m aware my eyes are glowing with happiness when I exchange looks with Luka, who is smiling tenderly at me, seemingly as happy as I am. ‘ Marriage... ’
“That's why light and the kwamis surrounded us, then. I see… So it wasn’t only to heal the damages done by absolute power, right?”
“Certainly not. I must say it's the first time this ritual actually takes place. I'm much honored to have been able to witness something this extraordinary. Why don't you introduce yourself to the kwamis?” Master Fu suggests.
I happily nod at Master and Tikki hugs me. I see Sass going to Luka.
“I’m glad to see you, Sass”
Pollen flies to Chloe, Trixx to Alya, Wayzz to Nino and Plagg returns to Adrien. The rest of the kwamis go to Master Fu, happy to see he has his memory back. I smile and Tikki calls for our attention again.
“Marinette, Luka, there's something else you need to do to seal your guardian pact: we need to officialize the quantic bond!”
“Officialize? How do we do that?”, Luka asks, exchanging looks with me.
“It's easy, Master Luka. Just like human bonds. Absolute happiness.”
‘Absolute happiness…?’
“Could you elaborate a little more…?”
“I'm sorry, that's all we know,” Sass says, apologetic. But Luka looks at me once more and smiles fondly.
“It’s ok, Sass. I think I know”, he Luka affirms.
Then, he faces me and cups my cheek to give me the most tender, loving kiss I’ve ever felt. And I swear I feel at heaven as my wish comes true. ‘ Marriage… ’ I remind myself. And the purest light is back surrounding us and the box. A new design with pink flowers and blue music notes patterns appear on the new Miraculous box, as we part for our dreamy kiss. I’m so happy I can’t express it with words…
‘ Absolute happiness… ’ This is exactly how it is.
“Marinette, Luka! You did it! Now it’s official: you are the new guardians of the Miraculous. Your bond will now last forever”
“Thank you, Tikki. I couldn’t be happier…” I say, cupping Tikki in my hand.
“Neither can I” Luka embraces me.
And it’s finally here: my long-awaited happiness.
“Marinette. Aren’t you forgetting something before we go back?” Luka asks me, pointing at the rabbit Miraculous with a knowing smile. I understand him immediately.
“You’re right. We have to pay Alix a visit”
I giggle a little while I grab the rabbit Miraculous from the box and offer the Snake one to Luka. We pronounce the magic word to transform and I call for my time portal power.
“Are you ready, Viperion?” I ask, reaching his hand.
“I’m always ready to go anywhere with you Lady- What should I call you?”
I grin as I decide my new superhero name.
“Lady Last Chance”
Luka smiles and holds my hand tighter, in support.
“Lady Last Chance. I wouldn’t have thought of a name that fit better. It’s perfect- just like you.”
I smile fondly at his comment. “Let’s go?” Luka nods at me and I get Master’s and the rest of the team confirmation and we cross the portal. “Well be right back”
“Ladybug? Viperion! Why are you here?”
“Alix, we need you to go tomorrow at 8AM at Paris International airport and warn Marinette- the one in the past- no, your time- to stop her plans. She’s… broken and frightened right now and thinks there’s no hope awaiting for her. But there is. Happiness is waiting for her”
“That’s amazing. You look so happy now. I’m so relieved... I hate seeing Marinette suffering like that. How can I help? Tell me what I have to do”
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Caught in his web, Chapter 52
TITLE: Caught in his web CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 52 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki is a crime lord, a very dangerous man in the city. He is owed money, but the man is unable to pay Loki back, so Loki takes his daughter as payment instead.  RATING: M
When Loki got Chloe home, Bear was so excited to see her. She managed to sit down on the floor to cuddle him for a few minutes. Loki spoke to Pete and asked him to take Bear for a walk and give him his dinner, to keep an eye on him for the evening.
Pete was happy to oblige, just so happy that Chloe was home safely.
Loki knew that Chloe’s migraine was easing, and she was capable of walking, but he still decided to carry her upstairs to his room.
‘I’ve been in these clothes all night and day.’ She said, scrunching her nose up.
Loki chuckled and nuzzled her nose with his own. ‘You’re not too smelly, don’t worry.’ He teased, making her smile. ‘But I think we both need a relaxing bath together.’
He carried her through to his en-suite. While he ran the water in the bath, he undressed her and felt his heart hurt when he saw bruising starting to form on her sides, legs and arms.
‘Did he do this?’ He snarled angrily.
‘No. He didn’t hurt me like that. It was in the van, all the moving about.’ She said quietly, looking at her arms.
Loki sighed, but said nothing else as he stripped also. He added some calming lavender and chamomile bubble bath to the water then checked it was warm enough before sinking into it with Chloe in his arms.
He placed her between his legs, so her back was flush against his chest. She leaned back against him and he rubbed her arms softly and kissed her neck.
‘I promise, you’re safe now. No one will ever hurt you again or take you from me.’ He assured her.
‘Is Ben… Is he dead?’ She asked, swallowing hard.
‘Yes.’ Loki said firmly.
Chloe nodded. Feeling conflicted about that. But mainly relieved.
‘Those girls… can’t you save them? Why would you be involved in… that?’ She had slightly tensed up again in his arms and Loki felt it.
Loki sighed and nuzzled into her hair. ‘It’s just business, doll. Business that you are not involved in, you were never meant to be there. You’re not one of them.’
‘But I am. I’m a girl, there is no difference between me and them.’ She said and tried to turn around to face him and get slight distance, but Loki’s arm around her middle didn’t allow her to.
‘You know what I mean, Chloe.’
‘No! It’s horrible, disgusting and sick what goes on. You sell those girls, like they’re property. Like they’re nothing but objects.’ She squirmed and really tried to get away but just succeeded in making a mess as water splashed out over the bath.
‘Ok, ok. Calm down, Chloe. Don’t hurt yourself.’ Loki said firmly, but calmly. ‘I will make a call after the bath, to bring those girls back. Ok?’
Chloe stopped squirming and turned her head around to look at him as best she could. ‘Really?’
‘Yes, really.’ Loki nodded, rubbing her arm.
‘And you won’t do it again? You’ll stop trafficking girls?’ She asked, hopeful.
Loki nodded again. ‘Yes. I will stop, for you.’
‘I promise.’ Loki smiled and kissed the top of her head.
She relaxed in his arms again, leaning back into him, trusting him to keep his word. Loki slid both arms around her and squeezed her tightly. He breathed in deeply, just glad to have his girl back. It had been the worse twenty-four hours of his life, not knowing if he had lost her forever or not.
‘Ben said it was my Father who paid him to kidnap me… Is that true? Or did Ben just take me?’ She asked after a few moments of silence.
‘It was your Father, yes. He tried to buy you back again, but he didn’t know about Ben’s devious and un-trusting side. He’s always had it, always been the one that would be most likely to stab you in the back. But I still never, ever, would’ve thought about him doing something quite like this to me… To you.’
A tear rolled down Chloe’s cheek, thinking that it was all down to her Father in the first place that she was put in that position. Almost chucked into the system of trafficking. It made her sick to think about, that her own flesh and blood did that to her.
‘How did you find out where I was?’
‘It was actually due to your Father, that one. He came to me, begging for help. Telling me what he did. Ben slipped up, telling Kenneth about his plan to send you to Germany.’
‘Where is he now?’ Chloe asked while swirling her hands about in the bubbles.
‘I don’t know. I chucked him out of here when I got all the information I needed out of him.’ Loki lied.
‘I don’t ever want to see him again, Loki.’ She said, worriedly, as she took hold of Loki’s forearm that was around her middle.
‘Don’t worry, doll. I promise, you won’t ever see him again. I will not let him near you.’ Loki put his chin on her shoulder and pressed a kiss to her cheek.
Being so close and having skin on skin contact, Loki was naturally aroused. Chloe could feel him pressing against her lower back. But neither of them made a move, Chloe was too tired and feeling all over the place to even think about sex. And Loki knew it wasn’t the right time for it, she was sore and tired. He would’ve given up sex for life if it had been the only way to get her back.
After bathing, they both went to bed and fell asleep soundly wrapped up in one another’s arms.
The following day, after both getting a good night’s rest, Chloe and Loki were playing outside in the garden with Bear. David had popped round to check on how Chloe was.
Loki and David went inside to get some drinks and snacks sorted while Chloe stayed outside with Bear.
‘So we’re clear, and tell the others too, Chloe thinks I’m out of the trafficking game. She also thinks I was able to pull those girls out and get them safely back here… So she has to remain in that mind-frame, got it?’ Loki said quietly.
‘Got it.’ David nodded. ‘I’ll let people know.’
‘Cheers.’ Loki patted David on the back. ‘Any word on why Ben kidnapped Chloe?’ 
‘I’ve spoken to as many of his associates, but nothing.’ David sighed, shaking his head. 
‘Well it’s done now.’ Loki nodded.
They went out to join Chloe again, but were surprised when they saw her Mother at the gate.
‘Mum? What are you doing here?’ Chloe asked nervously.
Bear went running over to the stranger, barking and his hackles were up. Though still being young and cute, he wasn’t overly threatening, even with his shark like teeth.
Loki walked over and scooped him up, getting licks to the face in return when he stopped barking.
‘I… I needed to see you. Your Dad came home yesterday morning in such distress, he had been out all night. Said he made a mistake, that he had put you in grave danger. I couldn’t make any sense out of him, but he was worried over you. I had to come and check if you were ok!’ She looked anxiously at Loki, then back at her daughter.
‘You can come in.’ Loki opened the gate for her, she thanked him and stepped into the garden.
Chloe stood, unsure about what to do. She hadn’t exactly put up much of a fight for her back when Loki took her… But everything had changed since then.
Loki put Bear down and he went straight over to Chloe’s Mum, sniffing about her. Then he ran over to Chloe, wagging his tail.
‘You look well, Chloe.’ She smiled at her daughter. ‘I… I haven’t seen Kenneth since yesterday morning. He was out the door again before I could get anything proper out of him. Do you know where he is?’
‘No. And I don’t care. He gave a dangerous man a lot of money in return for me being kidnapped from Loki. Said man then tried to send me abroad, trafficking.’ Chloe said, her jaw clenching.
Her Mum’s eyes widened. ‘What? No!’
‘I’m afraid it is true.’ Loki stepped in, moving to stand at Chloe’s side and wrapping an arm around her. ‘Thankfully I was able to find Chloe in time before she was lost forever. I haven’t seen your husband since he left here yesterday, begging me to save Chloe.’
‘I want you to leave… Mum.’ Chloe then said. Loki raised an eyebrow at her.
‘Please, Chloe. I just…’
‘Your Mother can stay, if you wish her to.’ Loki said softly, giving Chloe a squeeze.
‘No. I don’t want her to.’ She said firmly and bent over to scoop Bear up, then she stormed off inside.
‘Well, you heard your daughter. So it’s probably best if you leave now.’ Loki said and motioned to the gate.
Her Mum looked down sadly and nodded. ‘Sorry for bothering you. But please, if you hear from Kenneth, tell him to come home.’ She pleaded.
Loki nodded once.
He watched her leave, making sure she was gone completely before he went inside to find Chloe. He sought her out in the living room, snuggling Bear on the sofa.
‘Why did you send her away?’ Loki asked and sat down next to her, stroking Bear.
‘She’s just as bad for not fighting for me before… I thought maybe she came here to actually see me. But no. She’s more interested in finding my Dad.’ She scoffed.
‘Oh, sweetheart. Come here.’ Loki put his arm around her and leaned back, pulling her with him to hold her. ‘I know it’s hard, but you don’t need them. You’ve got me, and you always will have.’
‘I know.’ She nodded and sighed. ‘I love you, Loki.’ She lifted her head and smiled at him.
‘I love you too.’ He smiled back and held her chin steady as he kissed her softly.
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geo-winchester · 5 years
A/N: Hi guys! So here’s is the 9th part of this story I hope you like it, I don’t know if I will take sometime to post the next chapter because I can’t watch the rise of skywalker and I have another idea but I hope I can write it soon, thank you so much for you likes, it means a lot to me! And if you like to be tag just let me know!
Tag list: @reading--mermaid @thescarletknight2014 @chloe-skywalker
After getting out of the base, Luke stand in front of the first order fleet, when Ben recognize the figure in front of them his anger blind him and order to shoot him with all his guns shoot at the man, when they finally stop he feel released but when everyone saw that Luke still stand ready for a fight he give him what he want and start his way to Luke, when he finally arrived he stood in front of him, they stay silence for a moment until Ben speak first.
-Did you come back to say you forgive me? To save my soul?
-No- Luke simple answered him making him mad, Ben turn on his light sable as Luke do the same thing.
-If you don’t want to die you’re going to give my sister back- Ben said.
-I can’t do that, she doesn’t belong to the dark...
As the fight start Poe watch from the distance, when he saw Ben he feel how his blood start to boil but he try to stay calm and analice the situation, he thought that the resistance can’t afford to loose more members, Finn try to convince him to help Luke but he stop him as he think for a reason why Luke is fighting him.
-He’s doing this for a reason- Poe said -he’s stoking so we can scape.
-Scape?- Finn ask him -He’s one man against an army, we have to help him, we have to fight.
-No, we are the spark who light the fire that burn the first order down, Skywalker is doing this so we can survive- he said as he turn to him -That’s why he came here, to bring Yn back and to help us to scape- he turn to the rest of the resistance -There’s got to be a way out of this mine, hell how he came here?
-It is possible that a natural unmaps open exist- C3-PO start to said- but this facilities is such a maze of tunnels that the possibility to find an exit is of 15.428- Poe begin to shut him off but he keep saying the numbers.
-shut up- but when C3-PO doesn’t stop he yell at him -Listen.
-My audio detectors no longer detected the...
-Exactly- he said with a smile as he get close to the tunnels.
-where the crystal creatures go?-Finn asked
In that moment they saw how one of the creatures step close in one of the tunnels and make them a sign to follow him, Poe instructed to the resistance to follow him but all of the members look at Leia in case she wouldn’t like the idea, but when she told everyone to follow Poe, the resistance prepare for the journey as he walk to where Yn was still unconscious, he carried her in his arms and kiss her temple.
-Don’t worry sweetheart, we’re going to get out of here.
Yn keep walking in the halls of the millennial falcon, the last time she was there was before Chewie and Rey left D’Qar but this time the halls seem cleaner, she hear a laugh of a little girl coming from one of the halls and she start to follow the sound. She saw a girl running from a boy, the boy seem a few years older than the girl, when she get a little closer she saw that the girl wasn’t running from the boy it seems that they running from someone else, suddenly her father came running from the corner, he look younger and happier than the last time she saw him, as he reach them and take the girl in his arms making her laugh harder, they went to the control room and Han sit in the pilot sit, Chewie was in the other one and let Ben sit in his leg and took the controls.
-I’m going to be the best pilot of the universe- Ben said as he approach to Han.
-No if I bet you- the girl said as Chewie take her in his arms -Dad, can I fly the millennial, Please?- the little girl asked him.
-Of course- he said making Chewie roar -Of course they can do it, they’re Solos, and we are the best pilots, am I right kids?- the kids just nod energetically -Just don’t tell your mom...
-To late- Leia was standing in the door frame and she give a warning look at her husband, she walk towards them and gave a kiss to her kids -I had a meeting to attend- she said sadly and then turn to Chewie -Chewie please make sure my husband don’t kill our kids- Chewie roar with an affirmation and Leia get out of the room.
-This is one of my favorites, even if a few weeks later you crash the Millennial- she freeze at the sound of his fathers voice, when she turn around her father give her a smile -Hey, kiddo- he thought her daughter will run and hug him when she saw him, but she stay steel in her place.
-How do I know it’s you- she asked him making him look confuse -Last time I saw you Snoke used you to make me go to the dark side- she said as she start to feel the tears coming down from her eyes -And I’m not proud to say that I fail for it- he get closer and hug her -You said That I was the reason you left and should know it wasn’t you, I mean you never call me darling or I don’t you would say that you like Poe- she said as she clean her tears.
-Hey kid, I would never say something like that, specially the pilot thing- he told her, making her laugh -you and your brother are the best thing that happen beside to save your mother- He said with a smile and they start to walk through the halls, until they stop in one door.
-Why we stop?- she asked him.
-I think is time to you to go on- he said with a sad smile.
-Dad I don’t want you to leave.
-I never leave, I always going to be with you in here- he make a sign to her hear, he took a last look at his daughter -I love you, kid.
-I know- she said with a smile.
-You see you’re a solo- he said -And another thing if that pilot ever hurt you, kick his ass.
-I think Chewie say he would tear him apart- Han laugh.
-That’s my friend.
She smile before she get in to the room, everything in the room was dark, the moment she take a step the door close and disappear, she try to see something but it was impossible, in that moment a light turn on in the middle of the room, something in her tell her to stay where she was but she went anyway, she hear someone’s steps behind her. As the steps come stronger she start to see the figure of someone get closer, the person in front of her was dress al in black and the face was cover by a mask, at first no one say anything but a few seconds later the figure start to removed the mask, Yn freeze when she realize that the masked figure was herself, she look emotionless and she remember the way she felt when she saw Finn and Rose in the first order’s ship.
-Hello Yn Solo- she said -By the look on your face I figure you’re asking who am I- she smile -I’m the part of you that belong to the dark force, the one who want the power.
-I never want power...
-Don’t lie- Ren say -remember I’m you, I know you like the power, the way it make you feel.
-No, I didn’t do it for the power...
-Right you still lying to yourself saying you did it for the “resistance”- she laugh.
-What?- Yn asked making her dark side laugh.
-Come on, you can be that dumb- she said as she walked around her -beside that you were tempted for the dark side, you want to prove everyone that you weren’t like Ben -she turn to Yn -even Poe knows it, am I right, darling?- she hear the voice of Poe when he said the same thing.
-What’s your point?- Yn said -you’re going to make stay in the dark even if I don’t belong there...
-Just because Skywalker said it, it doesn’t meant it’s true...
-And I should believe you because you said so?- Yn said making her smile.
-Finally you said something clever- Ren said.
-And how do we get out of here? You’re going to try to convince me that I should stay in the dark?
-No, you’re going to beg me- she said, and sight -I could show you the reasons why, but we both know that would be unnecessary... You know what I can show you the real reason you want to stay in the dark -Suddenly Ben walk from the dark.
-Hello sister- he said -We could be together...
-But you need to kill that dream right- Ren said -Everything was fine, I was going to make us the most powerful women of the universe but you have to ruin it -She sight- the moment you saw Poe in Finn’s mind I feel you, I mean here we’re separete but in our head we’re the same you just come back as doubt and you start to be more annoying when we finally saw Poe, you make us want to come back and throw us in to his arms and beg for forgiveness, that’s why Skywalker try to help us... we’ll help you, but imagine the look in his face when he see it was in bane...
-And how do you know I won’t win?
-Honey, you cant win, the light side isn’t that strong.
-Well- Yn take her light sable -we,re going to see that- she said making Ren smile and both of them turn their light sable on.
They attack at the same and each one stop the attack from the other, Ren kick Yn making her kneel and attack again but Yn was quick and stop her, and punch her in the face, making Ren take some steps back and laugh, Ren saw her trying to make a plan.
-So tell me, you really think Poe would take you back?- Ren said, Yn didn’t talk -I mean we kind of crush him the last time we saw him, I won’t be surprise that he reject you... if you win this, but don’t worry, when I win this i would kill him quickly and mother and everyone you ever love.
Yn didn’t say anything, she just start to fight her again, as they keep fighting Yn realize that it was pointless, Ren knew all her moves as she knew all of her moves, if she want to win this she realize that she had to play a different game, she left her make some moves some of them she was able to stop them some of them not, she could feel the taste of blood in her mouth after Ren punch her in her face and she try to take her breathe, Yn Ren just laugh of her.
-I told you, you can’t win this.
-You’re Right- she finally said -I can’t win this and even if I could your right, Poe would hate me and my mother wouldn’t trust me and I miss my brother even if we were together for a short time I was happy- Yn solo said -so what I’m suppose to do?
-What you did before, you need to embrace your darkness- Ren said as she open your arms, Solo start to walk to her when she was close enough she turn on her light sable staving Yn Ren, she gave her with shock look for a momento and then she smile -You still using Ben as an example... Good, maybe you still have hope...
-Never- Yn said as she saw her dark side falling to the ground.
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onlyforcver · 5 years
prompt: presidents party girl daughter who has been assigned a new secret service bodyguard -- has no idea what she’s in for or the trouble the daughter attracts. daughter has a problem with the word ‘no’ and she likes to say it a lot.
The rumours had been swirling for a while. That the President’s daughter was difficult, and it was pretty much confirmed by now that no Secret Service Agent lasted longer than a few weeks.
Though Beca had not been able to find out what the reasons behind that were, it wasn’t exactly hard to have some kind of idea herself. 
Everyone saw the tabloid articles about how the redhead would stumble out of a club after a heavy night.  Which, judging by those same articles, was every night.
Beca chose not to read too much into them.  She didn’t know the girl and she wasn’t going to judge someone she hadn’t had the chance to meet. When the phone call had come in from her boss, Beca assumed it was a prank.  That someone out there decided that she needed to be played with in some way. But then she had come to her senses…her boss wasn’t like that. 
Ideally, the assignment should have been something she was excited for.  In reality however, Beca had gone into it with apprehension.It’s two weeks after they first met that Beca thinks that she might have taken on too much. Chloe was the most stubborn person she’d ever come across, and that included herself. Everything was a no. “Chloe, we need to get you out of here.” “No.” “I think it would be a good idea to leave out this way.” “No.” Beca would have lifted Chloe over her shoulder and carried her out of whatever venue they were in, if not for the chance that she would get fired for doing it when there was no actual threat.So, she had to stand by and watch as Chloe danced in the middle of the VIP area, people around her thinking they could approach her and take their shot. But one glare from Beca along with a tap to where her gun was hidden and they stood down. She could imagine it was difficult for Chloe. She couldn’t leave the house without paparazzi and a team of Agents following her, meaning she didn’t actually have time to do anything she might have wanted to. If it had been Beca in her position, then there was no chance that she would have been able to do it. How did she even date? Beca had no clue, but with how beautiful the girl was, she probably wasn’t short of suitors…they just had to go through a lot to get to her. With her arms crossed, Beca didn’t move from her spot as Chloe continued to dance. A voice came through her ear, asking for an update. She wanted nothing more than to tell them that they would be leaving soon so they could stand down for the rest of the night, but that wasn’t going to happen.“She’s still dancing Sir, I’ll inform you if there’s any updates.”Never moving from her position, Beca quirked an eyebrow as Chloe slowly approached her. She had to wonder what she was thinking as there was a playful grin on her face. The unprofessional thoughts that ran through Beca’s head at the sight of those sparkling blue eyes made her feel somewhat dirty, hating herself for even having those thoughts to start with. But her expression remained neutral, even as Chloe stepped into her personal space.“Do you always have to stand there watching over me? Don’t you have something else you would rather be doing? Like shooting bad guys for example?” Surprised that Chloe was even talking to her, mainly because she’d only heard no up until that point, Beca dropped her arms and looked at the other girl who was challenging her with a hard stare.“Could I be chilling out at home with a beer? Yeah, but this is my job. So, wherever you go, I go.”  She couldn’t be sure but Beca thought that Chloe stepped closer to her so their bodies were touching.  Both the idea that it had been intentional, and the proximity, made her swallow.  Hard.If the other woman noticed, she didn’t say anything, which Beca was thankful for. She seemed to have a hard time around pretty girls, and Chloe was definitely that. “You certainly weren’t there last night when I was having sex with that cute girl. Which is a shame...that would have been really hot.”The words, unabashed and teasing, sent a warm blush across Beca’s cheeks. Along with an emphasising wink from Chloe. She had actually been very much aware of Chloe going home with the girl. Because, as was her duty, she’d made sure she got to her room safely before going to her own. Thankfully, it was a couple of doors down, so she didn’t have to hear anything that might have been deemed inappropriate. The eye contact they kept for a few seconds was intense, and Beca was forced to look away.  Her own mind whirled as she thought it was starting to cross the line of unprofessionalism.Or it might have been, if people knew what she was thinking. “Don’t you think you’ve had enough to drink and should call it a night?”“Nope.”Okay, that had started to get annoying. Beca wondered if that was what had pushed every other Agent away. Chloe was definitely the most infuriating, obstinate person she’d ever come across. Undoubtedly not used to people making her do something she didn’t want to do. “Is that the only word you know?” “No.” Fuck. It was like talking to a child sometimes. Some people would call it diva like behaviour, but Beca didn’t get that from Chloe. If anything, she seemed to challenge people…maybe to see who would stick around and who couldn’t deal with the defiance. Beca was just as stubborn as she was though, and she wasn’t going to quit her assignment just because she’d been told no on more than one occasion. “If you dance with me, then maybe you’ll be lucky enough to get a different answer. Tilting her head, Beca eyed her rationally for a second. The girl was drunk, and it wouldn’t exactly be professional for Beca to dance with her. It wasn’t anywhere in the rule book but she assumed it would be if it was normal behaviour. Which it wasn’t. Chloe seemed to go against anything that would be deemed as normal.It was the blue eyes though; they were hard to resist but she remembered all the shit that Chloe had been throwing her way since she’d started, and she couldn’t help but want a little payback.“No.” She could see she’d shocked the other girl, and Beca couldn’t stop the satisfactory grin from crossing her face. It wasn’t often that she managed to surprise the President’s daughter. “Please Beca….” Oh god, the pout was out and Beca almost gave in there and then, but she was curious about something else.“Uh…how do you know my name?”They’d barely spoken, and from what Beca knew about her, Chloe didn’t exactly try and get to know the Agent’s that were assigned to her. Whereas, Beca knew as much as necessary about Chloe and her life.  All the ins and outs she could assess, learn and observe.While the redhead was stubborn, Beca had been able to see that most of what was written in the tabloids was bullshit, but it wasn’t her place to put things right. She had to protect.Standing her ground, Beca felt her mouth go dry as Chloe leant forward and ghosted her lips over her ear, making her stomach flip with both anxiety and excitement. She scolded herself for the excitement part of it though, as the thoughts she’d had about Chloe went into dangerous territory.  “I know more about you than you think, Beca Mitchell.”Beca was positive that Chloe added a husk to her voice as she whispered, making her clench her thighs together and she scolded herself internally for being somewhat turned on by the tone. Would she hear something similar if she had Chloe begging underneath her? Shaking her head, Beca rid herself of those thoughts and focused on the girl in front of her.“So will you dance with me Beca? Please?”Thinking it over for a second the Agent couldn’t see why not. She’d be next to Chloe, meaning she could keep a closer eye on her, and as long as she kept her arms to her side then it could still be deemed as professional. Right?“If I do, you have to promise me that we will leave when I say.”She could see that Chloe was thinking about it, and Beca was half expecting her to say no to spite her. But then, Chloe had been the one to ask her to dance.“Okay.”As soon as Chloe took her hand to guide her out onto the dance floor, Beca knew she was in trouble.  And she’d quickly found out how handsy Chloe was when she’d had a few drinks.
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moonlit-seren · 5 years
Reasons To Stay || Jung Yunho x Gender Neutral Reader
Summary: Y/n’s been working for one of the biggest news companies in Seoul for five years now, and like many others she/he wants a change in scenery. However, there are a handful of things keeping her/him from leaving, and one of them came in the form of an accidental blind date.
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 7.7k
A/N: I’m posting my very first Ateez imagine on my two week anniversary as a new Atiny. I’m so psyched to be a part of this growing family and I’d like to thank @every1studio for welcoming me into it UwU. The main character’s best friend was inspired by this ray of sunshine right here @rubyyong, I wanted to show her a little appreciation for being one of the many writers who influence me to become better and let her know that I’m here supporting her from afar. So yeah, happy reading. <3
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I sighed, glancing through one of the floor length windows adjacent to my desk. It was a particularly nice day outside, the fluffy clouds casting dark shadows on the world while the sun lit it up with a brilliant glow. The contrast was nearly eerie, like yin and yang, both the sun and the clouds out of our reach yet seemingly tangible if you lay on your back and reach your hands for the sky.
The streets below seemed busier than usual, the already terrible traffic appeared far more congested than normal. Due to the lack of movement in the streets, the multitude of car horns blared in a messy diarray with one another, the loud sounds varying in pitch but all sharing one thing in common. They wouldn’t stop.
Looking down at the vehicles made me glad that the office’s walls were soundproof, otherwise everyone in the building would have gone deaf by now. However, there were a few unlucky people on the street who had to endure cacophony of car horns as their speed quickened while walking to whatever destination they had in mind.
“It’s terrible isn’t it?” asked one of my coworkers, the newly promoted intern seeming to appear out of the blue. Her name was Chloe and she was one of the few reasons why I hadn’t quit my job yet in this suffocating office building. We worked for one of Seoul’s biggest news companies, her in the creative department and me in the editorial department.
Our departments were located on different floors, so it surprised me to see her standing here, one hand fiddling with her ID badge and the other resting on her hip. Her eyes were trained on the streets below like mine were, before fluttering up to meet mine while waiting for my response.
I simply nodded as my eyebrows furrowed, hoping that the traffic wouldn’t be this bad when I had to drive back to my apartment in the evening. It already took a solid half an hour to drive back home without any traffic jams, and just imagining trying to get back while moving at a snail’s pace… Well, I honestly didn’t even want to imagine that.
“I heard someone in the elevator say that the city closed a few roads to repair them, so that must be the reason why there’s so much traffic,” I stated, eyebrows arched and lips pursed in an expression that read ‘I don’t really know’ while I shrugged to emphasize my lack of knowledge over the situation.
Chloe nodded as if to show that she’d agreed with my thoughts, her sleek high ponytail bouncing with the movement. She was wearing a knee length, peach colored sundress today, with soft magenta roses littering the garment like powdered sugar on freshly baked cupcakes. Her excellent sense of fashion always brought a bright burst of liveliness into the office, regardless of whether she was in a black, leather jacket or a pastel blue sweater top.
The comparison I always made, much to her distaste, was a small, yet thriving plant amidst a world of manmade objects and other inanimate items. I thought it was fitting. She just found it cliché.
It was a little off how we ended up as friends. Originally I thought that it’d be best to keep my distance, as bubbly people tend to get annoying after a while. Although, when I was asked to show her around the building, I realized that her perkiness was a breath of fresh air compared to the droopy gazes of the sleepy workers mulling about on my floor.
She was a ray of sunshine that lit my dim world and inspired me to let loose and remember what it’s like seeing things from an optimistic point of view. To put it simply, she helped me learn to live again, something I had forgotten when I reached adulthood.
Suddenly seeming to remember why she was up here, Chloe let out a small “Oh, right” while snapping her fingers before turning her body away from the window to face me instead. “I just wanted to inform you that it was lunch break, since you tend to forget while you’re immersed in the fancy world of grammar and punctuation.”
Her wild hand gestures accompanying the last three words of her sentence had me rolling my eyes. It was a known fact that no one on my floor, except for me, actually enjoyed correcting the numerous grammatical errors of others.
I couldn’t blame them though, since most of us were just here to make a living. Which brings me to my second reason for tolerating my job. I used to love the idea of doing something in this field for a living, words always had a way to entrance me in them which explains why I practically lived in libraries growing up.
I practically jumped at the opportunity when I was offered this job, but after five years of being stuck here, the magic of it all faded away into oblivion. Originally I was only working part time, since I was in my second year of college, but when I graduated I was given a full time job.
Of course, when I entered the company, I started at the very bottom of the corporate ladder. My main job was to be an errand girl like Chloe was before her promotion. I won’t even lie, it was absolutely horrible, and I know the girl in front of me would agree.
I can’t even recall how many cups of coffee just a single worker needed, as they would all fall asleep otherwise. In the first few hours of the morning, the demand for coffee was so great that I had petitioned for there to be five coffee machines rather than the two that we had.
Needless to say, I went home everyday with at least one new burn from the boiling hot liquid I had to carry around, and my hands really weren’t a pretty sight due to them. Thankfully I learned my lesson after the first week, opting to buy gloves that would help protect my hands and a bright red stop sign I attached to my tray so that people would stop running into me.
It was quite the sight, and really just a mortifying memory I have ingrained in the back of my head. Though Chloe didn’t have it as bad, shortly after I was promoted the company bought three more coffee machines as requested and hired more people so that there were more sets of hands dealing everyone their daily doses of caffeine.
Which brings me back to present day, as a 22 year old who seemed to age mentally far beyond my actual years living on this earth.
“Yeah, I didn’t notice the time. Do you want to go get a drink with me? I heard a new cafe opened up a few blocks down and so far there have only been positive reviews from the people I’ve asked about it,” I asked, kind of hoping that Chloe would agree to go, because who wouldn’t want some company?
However, I could see her response before she verbalized it in the way that she furrowed her eyebrows with a slight pout. “I can’t, there’s a new batch of interns that came in just yesterday, and for some reason none of them know how to work a coffee machine.”
I laughed at her predicament, imagining Chloe surrounded by a small group of college students too used to buying an overpriced coffee at a local cafe than to make their own brews with a machine.
“Okay, have fun,” I teased, standing up to stretch my back and roll a few cricks out of my neck. Chloe cringed at the little pops and cracks, reaching behind me to help pick up my bag that strewn across the back of my chair. It was pretty warm outside still, being in the early months of fall, which is why I didn’t have a coat with me.
I thanked her as I slipped the bag over my shoulder, before walking away with a slight wave. Since Chloe wouldn’t be going with me today, I decided to get her something at the cafe since I knew her taste in pastries and drinks quite well.
The elevator ride was pretty quick, albeit rather crowded as large groups of people were also on their way out to enjoy their break somewhere else.
The company was rather generous with its workers, allowing them a full hour long break before returning back to their 9-5 schedule. Maybe that was my third reason for staying at the company despite being sick of the mountain of words I had to go through daily.
The elevator reached the lobby floor with a small ding, the door nearly closing on me as everyone shuffled out of the metal box. I had allowed myself to get trapped near the back of the elevator as people piled in, which was why I had been the last to leave.
The front lobby was rather big, with a fancy granite front desk with gold accenting, and several marble columns spread around the floor to support the high ceiling.
To the right of the front desk was a small sitting area marked by a sprawling beige rug, dark leather couches, and a bamboo table resting in the middle. To the left of the front desk was a small water fountain with a family of koi fish lazily swimming about the bed of pennies and nickels thrown in.
I never really understood the point of throwing coins into fountains. People were basically wasting change, poisoning the fish, and drowning their elusive dreams in a supposed wishing well.
Still, I never voiced my thoughts out loud. After all, I didn’t want to crush the pure wishes of the children begging for coins from their parents in order to perform the simple act of hoping.
Not to mention that I had also fit into that crowd as a young girl, making desperate wishes to get the boy I liked to like me back. Of course, they were all left unheard, or maybe even ignored, which only served to fuel my distaste for making wishes on copper coins.
I’d much rather save my change to tip baristas, as I finally understood their struggle after having made hundreds of cups of coffee myself. It was a grueling task and I couldn’t help but sympathize with anyone who had to do what I did as an intern for a living.
Speaking of which, I made my way out of the front door of the office building, immediately cringing at the racket of noise that met my ears. Much to my bittersweet relief, the cars seemed to be moving a tad bit faster than earlier.
Albeit, the new set of cars didn’t sound any different from the last set, with their loud beeping at the mini traffic jams that hadn’t quite thinned out yet.
I reached into my purse and pulled out my earbuds, skilled fingers working quickly to untangle the messy knots the cord had fallen into. There had never been a day where I found them neatly folded like I had left them, so untangling them had become a regular part of my daily routine.
It didn’t take very long, and soon enough I had them plugged into my phone and placed in my ears. Going to my usual playlist, a slow smile spread across my face at the song that had arisen first by chance.
The noise of the car horns completely drowned out with the melody playing in my ears, and I happily mouthed along to the lyrics when the sidewalk before me cleared of any prying eyes as I walked down it.
The only people who could see me making a slight fool out of myself was the people in the cars adjacent to me, nevertheless, they all seemed far too preoccupied with their own lives to notice. Some were on their madly typing away at their phones, others messing with toys they had received with their fast food, and in the driver’s case: vigorously slamming their fists on their horns as if it would help resolve the situation.
“Snapping, snapping,” I whispered softly, eyes taking on a playful lilt as I fell into step with the beat of the song. Despite wanting to burst out dancing, I restrained myself as my mouth snapped closed with an audible click when a figure appeared several feet in front of me.
I wasn’t quite ready to let go of my dignity to the extent of having a little dance break in the middle of the sidewalk of a bustling city. I could practically see steam coming out of the nose of the young woman in front of me, so I popped out an earbud wondering what she could be fuming about.
“Stupid date left me waiting there… Screw men… If I ever get my hands on him… He’ll be dead meat…”
The rest of her words faded with the growing distance between us, having already passed by her as she was walking off in the opposite direction.
“She must’ve been stood up,” I thought, almost pitying her if not for her horrid attitude and snobby scowl. Her date might of had a reason for not showing up, who knows?
Realizing that I had reached my destination, I looked up to check the name of the cafe to be sure. The sign was done in a beautiful gradient with a faint blush pink fading into a vibrant fuchsia. Looking out front, there were bright posters taped to the windows advertising popular drinks and desserts.
Just from the prices on the posters, I could this was a higher class joint, as there was even a small seating area outside with large, turquoise blue umbrellas shielding the tables from the sun. Not to mention that the place also offered breakfast and lunch despite just being a cafe.
In spite of the high prices, I stepped through the door, taking notice of the white daisies growing in the pastel green window boxes. The golden bells above the door chimed, notifying my entrance.
Like always, I was instantly hit with the heavenly scent of freshly ground cinnamon and coffee beans that most cafes seemed to boost.
After becoming employed, I never really had to worry about spending a little extra on a higher quality drink everyday. The high paycheck was the fourth reason why I found the idea of leaving my job so difficult. Besides, It never hurt to have a little extra cash in my bank account in case of a financial emergency.
Slowly making my way to a booth, I took in the interior of the cafe. The walls of the joint were painted the same color as the window boxes, with accenting lining the corners of the spacy room matched the color of the umbrellas outside. The round tables had a translucent glass top with black metal legs, and the chairs sitting around them were made of the same black metal twisted into an intricate design.
I highly doubted the large jewels in the back of the chairs were made of real glass, though they shone the same way a real gem would in the soft lighting coming from the beautiful light fixtures dangling from the ceiling.
There was a marble front desk where the cashier was incase someone just wanted to grab a takeout coffee and/or pastry. Speaking of which, there were numerous display cases lining the marble counters filled with various treats ranging from rainbow colored macarons to cream filled mochi.
Although, there were waiters and waitresses that came to you if you get their attention, in case you have the time to sit about, which is what I choose to do. Standing in line in front of the cashier just seemed like far too much work today, so I decided to just skip the wait.
I sat down in one of the empty booths lining the wall of the cafe. They also had glass table tops, however they were rectangular and the seats were made of artificial black leather the same shade as the chairs in the center of the room.
Suddenly a tall figure burst through the front door, the bells in front of the door crashing together rather harshly unlike the gentle tingle they let out when I walked through.
The male seemed to be around my age, though it was rather hard to tell if he was older or younger considering how his youthful face was paired with a ridiculously tall stature.
The straps of his beige jacket fluttered behind him in the small gust of his abrupt entrance, nearly getting caught in the closing door. His almost puppy like features were framed was light blue hair that looked softer than the clouds I had been admiring in the morning.
I was suddenly struck with the creeping urge to run my hands through the strands, causing an immediate flush to race up my neck as I averted my gaze.
“What am I thinking?” I thought, embarrassment and guilt coursing through my veins. This was precisely why I avoided attractive men like my life depended on it, because I knew as a matter of fact that my dignity did.
The moment my eyes settled on someone who was remotely handsome, my heart raced so quickly that I felt a love struck school girl all over again. Nonetheless, I could never keep my eyes off beautiful specimen for long, hence why my gaze subconsciously traveled back to the male standing at the doorway.
His eyes had been roaming the room, his shoulders sinking dejectedly as he didn’t seem to see who or what he was looking for. However, when he continued to look around his eyes met mine, much to my horror.
His eyes lit up, his mouth forming a little ‘o’ shape, as my eyes snapped back to my lap. A string of curses flew across the forefront of my mind at getting caught staring, as I desperately hoped with all of my being that he wouldn’t walk over.
Of course the heavens ignored my plead.
The cute male slid into the seat across from mine with an apologetic smile. Which struck me as odd as I should have been the apologetic one. Yet the words that slipped out of his lips were far odder, in my opinion.
“I’m so sorry for being late, the traffic today truly was horrible and I ended up stuck in this one traffic jam for…” he started, trailing off as he lifted his wrist to check his watch for the time. “An hour.”
“Huh?” I asked, completely confused. An extremely attractive stranger suddenly appeared out of nowhere, approached me out of all the pretty girls sitting alone in this cafe, and started apologizing when we had never met each other before?
I was about as lost as the person across from me was hot. Like dang, his visuals really attracted the curious gaze of all the aforementioned ladies sitting around the room.
Suddenly something nagged at the back of my mind, the vivid image of the woman from early resurfacing from my memories.
He must have thought that I was his blind date.
I opened my mouth to explain the situation, but before I had the chance to collect my thoughts, the guy started talking once again. He had been taking off his coat so he didn’t see the way I had been gaping while pondering how to tell him he had mistaken me for someone else.
He looked up at me, eyes widening when he realized that he never introduced himself. A spellbinding smile spreading across his soft features as he held his hand across the table for a handshake. “Right, my name is Yunho, it’s nice to meet you.”
I hesitantly took his hand, introducing myself with a shaky smile. One look into his warm eyes and I knew that I couldn’t break it to him that his real date had left like a fiery hurricane while spitting out curses like a tasteless rapper.
Yunho repeated my name slowly, as if the savor each and every syllable with a thoughtful smile. It was clear that he was about to drop a cliché pickup line from the way his eyes sparkled mischievously, however, that didn’t soften the impact as my cheeks flushed red. “What a beautiful name.”
What he did next completely caught me off guard as he started mumbling to himself with a sly smile. “I wonder what our ship name would be…”
Deciding that my heart wouldn’t be able to take anymore of his cheesiness, I waved one of the waiters over.
“Ready to order?” Asked the waiter, his ears tinting red when I directed my gaze at him. His grip tightened a little on his mini clipboard and pen, eyes averting to Yunho instead.
“How cute,” I thought, slightly flattered over his actions. Although I never really dated before, I could recognize that smitten expression anywhere. It was then that I recalled that I never actually looked at the small menu, however, that didn’t turn out to be a problem as Yunho ordered for the both of us.
“Have you been here before?” I asked, surprised because I never saw him look at the menu either before the waiter walked away. The cafe opened a few days ago, so it wasn’t entirely unbelievable that he had gone before, though I didn’t think that was the case.
“No, I just ordered the special today if that’s okay with you,” he admitted, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. His shy smile was a stark contrast to the confident front he had thrown up while flirting with me.
I smiled, nodding to assure that I didn’t mind as I would’ve done the same thing. From his timid gaze, I could tell that he never really went out on dates, which greatly relieved me as I hadn’t either.
The waiter came back around again in a few minutes with two plates of omelets with hot cheese oozing out of the seams and juicy, cubed tomatoes peeking through pale yellow egg. On the side of both plates were small bowls of freshly cut fruit topped with little mint sprigs.
It gave off a very insta worthy aesthetic, so I fished out my phone before taking a bite, raising the camera. A smile unknowingly spread across my face at how at peace Yunho looked with the warm afternoon sun perfectly catching the soft curves of his full cheeks while simultaneously dusting golden flakes into his umber eyes.
I lifted my camera a little further, so that it still captured the plate before me but also included Yunho’s adorably focused face. His eyes snapped up at the sound of the camera clicking, fork dangling an inch away from his mouth as I had caught him midbite.
I put my phone away, bashfully mumbling that he looked like an angel glowing in the sunlight like that and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to capture the moment. He blinked a few times in surprise, before laughing softly.
“You should’ve told me beforehand, I could’ve posed,” he teased, cheekily wiggling two peace signs in front of his eyes before drawing up two finger hearts.
I blushed, internally cooing at how cute he looked with such an innocent sparkle in his eye that I thought only existed in children. He was everything he looked like at that moment. A complete and utter angel who radiated purity under the glimmering sun.
Deciding to get something to drink, we called the waiter over once more, who whipped out his mini notepad habitually. And like earlier, he refused to meet my gaze for long, something both Yunho and I noticed.
Yunho flashed me a wink, nudging his head subtly at the waiter as if we weren’t on a date ourselves. I hid a giggle behind my hand at his goofy antics, quickly returning my arm back to the table when the waiter glanced up at me for a second.
“I’ll take two bubble teas with normal tapioca,” I requested, biting back a smile at the bewildered look Yunho shot me. He asked for an iced latte, eyes never leaving mine as the waiter walked away.
“Do you really like bubble tea that much?” He asked, a little awestruck. It wouldn’t have been all that surprising if I did, since everyone on Earth had one big craving they could never get enough of. So, I nodded firmly, looking him dead in the eye with a stoic “yes”.
He looked scared for a moment as if worried he said something wrong and at that I couldn’t hide my snicker.
“I do, but the second cup isn’t for me. I promised a friend that I’d bring her back something since she couldn’t go out for her break,” I explained, smiling cordially as his expression melted back into its usual peaceful bliss.
“How thoughtful,” he whispered, but I heard his sweet words as my disappearing blush suddenly bloomed all over again. I chose to ignore his comment, eyes flashing up to the waiter who reappeared once more with our drinks and a plate of bite size sugar cookies.
He placed all three cups down before putting down the plate with a quiet clinking sound. “Here’s a complimentary plate of sugar cookies for all customers who come during our opening week. Enjoy.”
And with that, he was gone again, almost tripping over himself in his haste to get away.
“Does he think I have the bubonic plague?” I wondered aloud, despite knowing why he was in such a rush. It was written all over the back of his neck and the tips of his ears in various hues of red.
“Maybe you should ask for his number,” mused Yunho, still very clearly amused over the waiter’s crush on me. I narorred my eyes at him, normally if a date encouraged you to pick up someone else then that’s a telltale sign that they’re obviously not interested in a relationship with you.
However, I could tell that Yunho meant everything that he was saying lightheartedly, so I decided to tease him back. “No thanks, I’d rather have yours.”
I could tell the unexpected flirt stunned Yunho, as his jaw dropped. I winked at him the same way he winked at me when the waiter came over, enjoying his flustered reaction. Despite the fact that Yunho would tower over me if we both stood up, he looked no bigger than a child at the moment shrinking into himself with a fiery blush. “Oh.”
I loved how table had turned, with how many times he caused my cheeks to tint pink. It was a small stroke of success, but I didn’t have the heart to continue. Taking the initiative, I asked him about himself, wanting to spend the time we had together developing a close friendship since he seemed to be a fun person to have around.
It wasn’t long before we fell into a deep conversation about ourselves. I learned that he was indeed younger than me by two years, and managed to convince him to call me noona but drop all other honorifics.
Honestly if anyone had told me that I’d end up on a date with someone younger than me, I wouldn’t have believed them. It was always a condition on my ideal type list that the male had to be older. Yet the ridiculous list completely faded away into nothingness in the back of my mind the longer I talked to Yunho.
Instead a new list wrote itself with only two conditions on it: His eyes had to sparkle like a galaxy of stars being reflected on a still lake and his smile had to hold the same warmth as a steaming cup of hot chocolate on a cold winter night.
In other words it was describing the person sitting right in front of me, as he threw his head back, laughing at one of the many comical stories I told him about my fanatical college days.
He was currently in college right now, majoring in the same subject that I majored in. It was nice having someone relate so hard to my past struggles, as he was going through the same things I had gone through with crazy strict teachers and boisterous students marching down the halls like they owned the school.
In return I told him about how I worked as an editor, along with a few facts about me that few people knew or cared to ask about, such as my lowkey love for the artist Chungha.
Yunho said that he had heard a few of her songs before too, leading us down another conversation about our tastes in music and other pop culture.
Sometime during the conversation, Yunho’s phone started to ring as he excused himself from the table. I called the waiter over again during that time, asking for a small takeout bag.
I stuffed the rest of the cookies into it, deciding to take them back to Chloe along with the drink. Pausing for a bit, I pulled out one cookie and placed it back onto the plate incase Yunho wanted one more.
It wasn’t long before he came back, brushing off the topic when I asked him if the call was important. I didn’t want to invade his privacy, hence why I didn’t push the topic. In fact, I only asked because I didn’t want to keep him if there was some sort of emergency.
We picked up on the tail of our last conversation, reengaging in a passionate debate over which Harry Potter book was the best and other things of the sort.
Before I knew it, half an hour past and my break was about to end in twenty minutes. As much as I enjoyed learning about Yunho’s love for sports, fascination over the Harry Potter, and sweet but wild group of friends, I didn’t even want to think about how my manager would breath down my back if I came back late.
Looking down to see my empty cup, I realized with a start that my hand had somehow ended up in Yunho’s. During our conversation his hand had gotten closer and closer to mine, as I had left it lying on the table. I didn’t remember when that had changed, from the tips of his fingers brushing mine to slipping his hand on top of my own.
I wasn’t sure if he noticed this, but when I tried to remove my hand back from his grip, his hold only tightened as his thumb brushed the back of my hand. It became clear that it had been quite intentional.
“Hey, Yunho?” I asked, eyes lifting from our hands up to his face.
“Yeah?” He asked, sweet smile never leaving his lips before the corner of his lips quirked up into a small smirk. It was clear that he was only teasing me by not letting go, as I uncomfortably shifted in my chair.
Deciding not to mention it to save a little bit of my pride, I glanced over at the antique clock on the opposite wall. “My lunch break is nearly over, I have to go.”
He nodded in acknowledgement of my statement, reaching over with his free hand to sling his coat over his arm. “Is it close to here?”
“Yeah, just a ten minute walk away.”
He got up, pulling me up with my hand in his. Before I could comprehend what he was doing, he intertwined our fingers, taking the last sugar cookie off the plate and stuffing it in my mouth to muffle my protests.
My ears were burning scarlet as he led me out of the cafe, pouting slightly as I chewed. This guy seriously… A question floated up, bubbling through my mouth as I looked up at Yunho with furrowed eyebrows. “Did we just dine and dash?”
Yunho shook his head with a little laugh, eyes shifting down to meet mine before looking forward again. “No, I covered the bill earlier.”
That had me pause in my step, causing Yunho to come to a stop too since our hands were intertwined. I don’t recall ever receiving the bill at our table, nor did I hear Yunho say that he was going up front to pay, otherwise I would’ve forced him to split the bill. Although, there was that one time he left to take a call…
That was when the realization of what had happened dawned on me and from Yunho’s knowing smile he could tell that I had figured it out. “You didn’t.”
“But, I did.” he chuckled once more, pulling me forward as he began to walk again. It was clear that he didn’t actually know where we were going, so I widened my stride a little so that we would be walking side by side. It was rather sweet how he intended to walk me back to my office, the same way a guy would take a date home.
Before we got far, my phone went off, the familiar tune of Chungha’s debut song filling the silence between us. My cheeks flushed pink at Yunho’s teasing gaze, deepening as he teased, “Didn’t you say you were just a minor fan?”
“Yeah, yeah,” I brushed him off, excusing myself to take the call. The caller ID read ‘Chlo~’ with a couple of red hearts after it.
“Where are you? You’re usually back by now!” Exclaimed Chloe from the other side of the line, the faint bubbling in the background signifying that she was currently in the lobby near the fountain.
“Sorry, I lost track of time,” I apologized, smiling sheepishly despite the fact that she couldn’t see me. I heard Chloe sigh, telling me to hurry up and get back because ‘she missed me’ before hanging up.
I slipped my phone back into my pocket, before swiftly making my way back to Yunho. “Sorry about that, my coworker was fretting over the fact that I wasn’t back yet.”
Yunho shook his head to dismiss my apology, saying not to worry about it since he was the one taking up my time.
Suddenly, a familiar voice could be heard from the distance coming closer and closer. “Stupid day… No, stupid date… Ditched by a guy now ditched by my clutch… I must have left if in that stupid cafe.”
The girl from earlier appeared in front of us as she rounded the corner, with her head down as she appeared to be typing away angrily on her phone. Pure and sheer panic coursed through my veins at the sight of her. If she was indeed who I thought she was, then the moment she opened her mouth, I’d be exposed.
However, before I could do anything, she slammed in Yunho’s chest due to not watching where she was going. Yunho’s hands flew to her shoulders to steady her, wincing at how he hadn’t seen her coming either since he had been looking at me.
“Watch where you’re- Oh,” she trailed off, eyes widening when she lifted her head up and saw Yunho’s face for the first time. It was almost comical how Yunho could attract the interest of everyone around him without even trying, me being included.
Her hands slowly slipped up to his arms, squeezing lightly while a flirtatious smile replaced her scowl. Since she was so close to Yunho, her back was to me and couldn’t see what I was doing.
Despite being wary of the situation, I couldn’t help but let out an over exaggerated, but silent, gagging noise. I muffled my own laughter at the act with the palm of my hand, however, Yunho didn’t have the liberty to, which was why he couldn’t hide his chuckle.
The girl clinging onto him was confused, but somehow took that as a positive sign as she started to bat her freakishly long eyelashes at him. “Hey, aren’t you Yunho? My name is Hayoung, I’m pretty sure a guy from my class set us up on a date. What was his name again… Junhao?”
I felt like my heart had stopped at her words, hands becoming cold and clammy as I looked at Yunho. Would he get mad at me? Maybe even leave and go on the date that he missed with Hayoung? In my defense I had tried to tell him that I wasn’t his date, though to be fair I really could have tried harder.
Still, Yunho didn’t notice my terrified gaze, instead looking at Hayoung’s hands which were shamelessly feeling up his biceps. He reached up to pry her hands off of him, stepping back to put some distance between the two of them.
“Yeah, that’s me, though I don’t think it’s appropriate to hang off a guy in front of his date,” he commented, shocking me to my core. Yunho finally looked at me with a soft smile, taking one of my hands in his once more.
Hayoung’s wide eyes weren’t nearly as large as mine as we were both baffled over what had just happened. My eyes kept scanning over Yunho’s face to see if I could get a read over his thoughts, yet all I could see in his eyes was the same warmth they always held.
He squeezed my hand in response, assuring me that he didn’t regret his actions as he turned back to look at a gaping Hayoung.
“Now if you’ll excuse us, we really need to go,” Yunho stated, quickly leading us away from the fuming girl.
Once we reached my office building, I stopped in front of it, saying that this was me. I gently pulled my hand out of his, shyly brushing a stray strand of hair out of my eyes.
Yunho, tucked both of his hands into his pockets as he stood in front of me, not quite wanting to leave, yet not having a valid reason to stay.
I took that as my que to ask the question burning in the back of my mind. “You didn’t seem very surprised at Hayoung’s appearance, did you know I wasn’t your date?”
Yunho nodded with a guilty smile, reaching up to rub the back of his neck in embarrassment. “Yeah, the call I took earlier was from my friend Jongho, saying that Hayoung called chewing his ear off. I also may or may not have known what she looked like beforehand…”
My jaw dropped at his confession, and to think that I had worried over nothing. “You knew and yet you approached me out of the blue? Why in the world would you do something like that? Not saying that I didn’t enjoy your company, but that’s kinda creepy you know…”
“Sorry, you were just the most attractive person I’ve ever seen in my life. Not to mention the fact that you seemed to be alone in the cafe,” Yunho apologized, eyes dropping to the floor as he was unable to meet my gaze in fear of being scolded. I was stunned into silence. That was the sweetest thing anyone had ever said to me, especially from someone so good looking.
Shoving down the reprimand I had in mind, I jokingly nudged Yunho in the ribs to get him to look at me again. “Well she didn’t really seem to be your type anyways.”
Yunho laughed at this, wholeheartedly agreeing with me. “It seems you know my type better than my own friends. Though to be honest, I’m pretty sure Jongho knew that I would never approach a girl like Hayoung and was only trying to get me back for finishing the last bottle of Sprite from his secret collection. We’re housemates.”
I laughed at his in depth explanation, relating to his struggles. Chloe moved in with me in the summer, a few months after we met. The air conditioning unit in her run down apartment kept breaking down and was twice the distance from the company than mine.
It was far more convenient with her as a housemate as we had more spare change to spend on the money we saved on rent with a split bill. However, with every housemate comes the temptation of stealing their things.
Just recalling that one time I finished the last slice of the cake Chloe bought… She deemed it fair play to sprinkle a few pinches of flour in our shared hairdryer while I was in the shower. Though I couldn’t get mad at her for it though, because she apologized immediately after, while laughing her head off. It was extremely fortunate for her that I loved her, otherwise she would have been in for it.
“Hey, you said you were an editor, but you never mentioned the fact that you worked for this particular company,” mused Yunho, drawing me back from the mini memory lane my mind had skipped down.
“Oh I must’ve forgotten to mention it,” I said, arching an eyebrow at Yunho who’s smile spread impossibly wider. I was curious as to why me working at this company sparked his interest so much.
“You know, I just passed my interview here a few months ago?” asked Yunho casually, eyes gleaming playfully at the way my eyes widened at his words.
“Holy spades, though why weren’t you with the other interns today?” I asked, recalling the reason why Chloe couldn’t join me today.
“Well we were toured around the company earlier this morning but when my group was handed off to this other woman I turned out to be the only person who knew how to work the coffee machine. I used to work part time as a barista,” he explained with a mirthful tone of voice.
“That’s explains it,” I thought, nodding at his words. As much as I loved talking to Yunho today, I knew my break was drawing to a close and that I needed to leave soon.
“Well, I guess we’ll be seeing each other more often then,” I smiled at him bashfully, already visualizing what it would be like seeing him around at the office in the future.
“Yeah,” he agreed, hesitating a little with his next actions before stepping forward and placing a chaste kiss on my cheek.
He pulled away with a burning red blush crawling up his neck as he waved goodbye and walked off, back in the direction of the cafe and what I assumed was his car.
I shoved down my own blush, trying to recollect myself as I stepped back into the front lobby of my apartment building.
Chloe was sitting on the rim of the fountain, seemingly preoccupied with her phone. It was clear that she hadn’t seen what went down outside, otherwise she would’ve pounced on me right then and there with a mountain of questions.
Sneaking up beside her, I dangled the paper bag of sugar cookies in front of her face with a small “tada”. Chloe looked up from her phone, smiling at the bag. “Ah, you’re back. Thanks.”
I also handed her the sealed takeout cup of bubble tea and a plastic straw that I had kept hidden inside of my bag. Miraculously there was still a few ice cubes left, as the cafe had its air conditioner turned pretty high to combat the early fall heat. Or maybe it was just that my bag had some sort of secret insulation tech embedded into the interior pouch. Who knows?
She accepted it with yet another “thanks” and popped the straw through the plastic covering. Taking a small sip, she hummed in content with the sweet drink. I grinned at her as she looked down at the sweet drink as if she was trying to see a visible difference between this mixture and every other milk tea she’s tried.
The cafe really did the name of bubble tea justice, with chewy tapioca pearls of a perfect consistency and a tea base with just the right amount of sugar and flavouring. It was a little pricier as expected, however the extra dollar was definitely worth it.
“It’s good isn’t it?” I asked, as she nodded without an ounce of hesitation much like I did at Yunho when he inquired about my love for bubble tea.
We made our way to the elevator arm in arm, with Chloe asking me why I had been gone for so long.
“Were you with a guy?” Chloe asked teasingly, expecting my usual mundane response of “no”. After all, dates were never my thing and she knew that quite well. I glanced at the bright red numbers flashing in the elevator’s screen, noticing that it had reached my floor.
“Actually, yes I was,” I stated mischievously, stepping out of the elevator when the door opened. I spun around, watching as Chloe’s eyes widened.
“What?!” she exclaimed, watching in horror as the door started closing before she could ask anymore questions. I knew that she wouldn’t risk angering her manager by going back late as she certainly would if she ran out of the elevator after me.
I waved at her as the door shut, laughing a little. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to get away from her later when we got home, however, I was too giddy to really think about how I’d suffer her wrath for dropping a bomb like that and just leaving.
Making my way back to my own desk, I plopped down in the spinning chair with a soft smile at everything that had occurred today. Sure, the traffic I’d have to deal with later might put a damper on my mood, and sure, I’d have to deal with Chloe’s inevitable interrogation but the carefree giddiness I felt at that moment felt like it would last forever.
When tomorrow comes, the internships will officially start and with them will come the one blue haired male that captured my attention today and heck, maybe he’ll be my fifth and final reason to stay.
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unholyhelbiglinked · 5 years
Summer of 89′ | 003
Read from the start | Read on AO3
There was an undertone of bleach in the air. Something that didn’t hit Chloe the second she walked through the sliding doors. Instead, it was gradual. Creeping up the back of her throat and clouding her lungs until she couldn’t recognize it at all. It used to bother her, the scent of bleach.
Everything was too clean in the hospital for her liking. She had grown up in a home that wasn’t afraid to get dirty. Mud was tracked against the kitchen floor when a good heaping of rain was dumped on their ranch property. The tub was rimmed with a line of black after every bath as a child- because dirt was natural. Messes were natural, or at least they were when it was anywhere but here.
Chloe closed her umbrella, letting the stray drops of water slide down her hand and past the cuff of her jacket until the cold streak touched her elbow. She dug her boots into the black mat right past the doors, leaving behind the very dirt she was self-conscious enough not to leave tracked against the Hospital lobby.
It was relatively desolate considering the full moon hung in the sky like a golden ornament on a Douglas fir. It wasn’t peak flu season, and Chloe thanked the higher powers for that. But that didn’t’ stop everyone from faking coughing fits and begging her to test for a fever one more time because their temperature was sure to have spiked over the last two minutes.
She punched the code into the worn-down pad next to the second set of doors and was met with another long white corridor lined with shy wooden doors. The sound of machines whirring, and IV’s dripping carried on like white noise. She walked with confidence.
“Doctor-“The voice echoed against the walls as one of her latest interns trotted up next to her. Her magenta scrubs stuck out like a beacon in a white sea. She quickly flipped the metal chart back to reveal a paper. “I’m so glad you’re here. I was wondering if you could take a look at the medications given to 207. Doesn’t seem right to me.”
She was annoyed. She would have been annoyed at anyone at this moment, reminding her of a job she kept for one summer at a sandwich shop. Customers came so frequently that that same disgruntled edge of dissatisfaction pulled at her. Still, she nodded and glanced at the chart.
Sixty-four-year-old Damion Coves. A repeat offender of the Emergency room, once or twice a month if Chloe could remember. A strong reason she had given the patient to her Intern in the first place. Sometimes it was a broken arm, but most of the time it was in relation to a back problem he refused to fix. He had worked as a fisherman for countless years, hauling product and gutting sea life.
“Hydrocodone and acetaminophen?” Chloe mumbled, as she furrowed her brow and looked up at the doe-eyed girl.
“Yes, Ma’am. He’s been complaining about the pain escalating. Demerol hasn’t done the job in quite some time and by the looks of it, he’s refusing the surgery.”
Chloe hummed, “He doesn’t like his odds against the possibility of being paralyzed from the waist down. Switch these to Propoxyphene. Damion Coves is an alcoholic, the second you pump him full of those and send him on his way he’ll stumble off the docks.” She shoved the metal chart back into her hands “Get to know your patient. You can smell the bourbon on his breath from a mile away.”  
She continued her journey until she made it to her office. It was three corridors deep, surrounded by cool cement and filled with old copy boxes that had case files. Ways she would teach her interns with gallbladder removals and that one stomach-churning patient who was almost sawed in half at the old mill.
Chloe breathed in the musty scent and flicked on the light. Her desk was the only clear thing about the office- despite her working here for four years, having the place all to herself. There was one picture of her girls hidden away in the bottom compartment of her filing cabinet. Her computer was covered in yellow sticky notes, and a nametag rested in the center of the surface.
“Ilene” She scoffed before pulling on the white coat slung over the chair and clipping the metal to the collar.
Her rounds started in a few minutes, she left the stuffy office and walked back into the sterilized hallway. She made it the nurse’s desk without another interruption and grabbed the stack of metal charts left by the attending on first shift.
“How are you tonight, Chloe?” her breath caught, she was halfway through the notes on Mrs. Robinson’s chart. She silently cursed herself for not hearing the heels against the linoleum. “Ilene.”
She drew in a deep breath, “Oh, absolutely fantastic, love these overnights.”
“fewer people.”
Chief Mary Saxe leaned against the counter next to Chloe, a smug look on her face. She had pulled her hair from the usual bun and let the curls move over her shoulders in waves. She was graying but in the most flawless way possible. Her jacket was pressed and her shirt was tucked in with professionalism despite the ungodly hour.
She had a point. It was quiet at night, visiting hours had faded away to nothing and the only people Chloe had to deal with were those listed in the charts, and whoever found themselves in the ER with appendicitis or a fever too high to register.
The two of them started walking towards the front of the corridor again, a round of silence plaguing them both before Chloe spoke. “You don’t have to babysit me, I’m fine.”
“I’m going to pretend I believe you.” She stalled before grasping Chloe’s elbow and bringing her to a halt. “I’ve known you for a hell of a long time, practically watched you grow up. You always get weird around today.”
Chloe swallowed roughly “You don’t have to worry about me. I’m here to do my job. Save lives and kick ass. Your motto, remember?”
“No, yes, I remember just. I’m speaking to you as a friend, not a colleague here. If you need to leave, I understand.”
“And I’m telling you as your friend, I’m okay. In fact, I would rather be around other people then shut in my room binge-watching the bachelor with a pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream. So, can we please get on with rounds and just drop this?”
Doctor Saxe stared at her for a few moments, trying to figure out if Chloe was being genuine or not. She eventually decided that it didn’t matter if she was. Both of them continued on their way and made it to the first patient behind curtain number one.
It always felt like a game show to her. She never knew what would be behind the thin veil of plastic. Of course, she could always look at the chart before she went in. But that would take the fun and surprise out of it all.
The same intern that had approached her earlier about Damion seemed to have done all the heavy lifting. The little boy that sat on the bed directed his strained attention. His hair was adhered to his head with rainwater and mud. His arm was being placed carefully into a splint, and his mother was pacing a hole into the linoleum.
She stopped mid-stride and turned her hawked expression to the two doctors. “oh thank god, this girl looks too young to be a doctor.”
“Ma’am, I assure you, Stephanie has gone through all four years of medical school.” Chloe said slowly “And she’s doing a fantastic job. Mind telling me how this happened?”
She quickly forgot her anger towards the doctor, switching the string of her own son instead. “I told him not to go outside. Said that there was a storm coming and it was best to stay out of that old treehouse of his. But he never listens. The wood got too slick and he fell, broke his arm.”
She nodded and Doctor Saxe watched the situation unfold. She stayed silent, keeping a lingering eye on Chloe more than anything. Her arms were crossed and Chloe minded herself, directing her next questions towards where the kid sat and kicking his feet.
“Anything else hurt, little man?”
“Nothing does.” The mother answered in a clipped tone instead. Cutting off her son completely.
Doctor Saxe capped her hands together once and boasted a smile. “Okay! Stephanie, ma’am, why don’t’ we go out into the hallway to discuss how to take care of that cast. I know it’ll be hard to keep it dry in this weather- but we’re going to show you how.”
Chloe mouthed a thinly veiled ‘thank you’ as the woman and her intern cleared the room completely so she could do the rest of the exam. She slid on violet gloves and pulled a stool over to the young boy. He seemed comfortable, if not sleepy from today’s events. There was a thin line of blood on his chin and another on his forehead.
“Did you hit your head at all, when you fell?”
He gestured no “I don’t think so, I heard my arm break. Johnny broke his arm at the ice rink two years ago and it sounded the exact same. I didn’t think it would hurt that bad.”
“Oh?” Chloe gave him a smile, gently getting a better look at the lacerations “Yeah, it’s not the greatest feeling in the world but you know what? You’re very brave for getting through it. And look at that amazing cast you have! Is blue your favorite color?”
“Yes! And look, someone already signed it!”
Chloe lifted her eyebrows. Stephanie had just been finishing it up when they walked into the room. His mother must have worked fast, maybe even kept a sharpie in her purse wedged between some hard candies and wet wipes.
Dread owned Chloe Beale in that moment. Directed all of her thawed blood to rush past her ears and her vision to fog up. She stared at the words scribbled in silver sharpie against the polymer-coated cast. The lettering was neat and precise, too well thought out to be ignored. Too concrete to be imagined.
Summer of 89, remember?
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lets-talk-appella · 5 years
i’m nobody’s but yours
Chapter 6/25 - Chloe
Summary: Beca is straight as an arrow. 100%, totally, completely straight. Except for one problem that 100%, totally, completely changes everything: Chloe Beale.
Title borrowed from Calum Scott’s “If Our Love Is Wrong.”
Word Count: 4k
Rating: M (for dark themes, homophobia, masturbation, and eventual smut in later chapters)
AO3, FFN, and under the cut
The first time Chloe sees Beca kissing Jesse, she has to excuse herself from the Nationals stage to run to the bathroom.
She almost doesn’t make it, but manages to barge into a stall in the otherwise empty bathroom before the first tear falls. She’s both surprised and not surprised by the jagged pain radiating through her chest; surprised because she hadn’t expected it to hurt this badly, and not surprised because a part of her has been waiting for this to happen ever since she’d fallen in love with Beca.
She squeezes her eyes shut to block out the image of Beca and Jesse kissing, only for it to be projected on the insides of her eyelids. The memory fills her, rising like bile in her stomach.
Leaning over the toilet, she wonders if she’s about to be sick and heaves –
Beca and Jesse Beca and Jesse Beca and Jesse
– but nothing comes up.
It makes her chest hurt even more, so instead she lets herself semi-collapse onto the bathroom floor, her back against the stall wall and head in her hands.
It runs together in her mind on a loop, the image of her arms around his neck and his hands on her hips.
She should have known. Of course Beca’s straight – she’s had no reason to believe otherwise – and of course she’s seeing Jesse. She’d let herself get her hopes up, and now they’ve come crashing down around her ears. She only has herself to blame.
After a long moment, Chloe forces herself to stand shakily from the bathroom floor. The others will likely come looking for her before too long. She wipes her face with bath tissue, then opens the stall door, wincing at her reflection in the mirror. She does her best to fix her makeup and calm herself while the pain in her chest only grows with every beat of her heart.
Chloe can’t even remember how many times over the last seven years she’s sat in the Bellas kitchen, waiting for one of the girls to come back home.
She’s seen it all. She’s waited for Stacie the morning after a wild party, for Aubrey after a big exam, for Amy after seeing Bumper, for Beca after her classes, and for all the others following everything from breaks from school, breakups with significant others, or just simply from a long day at class. She’s been there for hugs, coffee, hangover food, and to just listen. There have been good times, bad times, and times in between, and always, Chloe waits in her usual chair at the kitchen counter, waiting for her Bellas to come back to her.
She’s not sure she’s ever been this nervous before.
Well. Except for maybe one time.
Now, Chloe sits in her chair as she supervises preparation for the end-of-year-and-winning-Worlds party hosted by the Trebles. Emily stands over the twin pots boiling on the stove, one red and one green, holding a measuring cup full of water in one hand and a full bottle of vodka in the other.
“Is this right?” Emily asks, adding the cold water and vodka.
Chloe glances away from the front door to watch. “Um, you can add a little more vodka,” she replies. She has a hunch they might all need it after Beca comes home.
Emily complies, adding a generous measure of the alcohol and giggling as it splashes into the pot. “I’ve never made Jello shots before!” she says excitedly.
“I’d hope not,” Chloe smiles, “you’re only 19. We’re corrupting you.”
Shrugging, Emily replies, “What else is new, right? This feels so… rebellious.”
“It’s Bella tradition to bring red and green Jello shots to the end of year party,” Chloe responds absently, looking toward the front door again. She thought she’d heard a footstep on the porch, but when no one comes in, she figures she must have imagined it.
“And the taco dip?” Emily asks, nodding to the fridge, inside of which rests a hue pan of the dip she and Chloe had already made.
“Yep, that’s tradition too, now,” Chloe looks back to Emily. “It’s Beca’s favorite snack, so.”
Emily hesitates, and the mood in the room shifts. Chloe looks at the front door again; it’s been more than an hour. Chloe’s insides squirm as her mind runs wild with thoughts of Jesse getting angry at her, or begging Beca to give him a second chance. The idea that Beca might actually do just that – that she might return to the Bella house with the same relationship status as when she left – makes Chloe’s throat tighten and her stomach rebel.
“Beca should be back soon, right?” Emily asks, uncharacteristically softly.
All the Bellas know where Beca is and what she’s doing. It’s all thanks to Amy, of course. On the plane back from Copenhagen, Beca had been even more antisocial and sullen (Amy’s words, not Chloe’s) than usual, and Amy had pestered her about it relentlessly until Beca had finally snapped. She’d told them (well, told the whole plane, actually – she’d sort of yelled it) that she’d be dumping (Chloe’s word, not Beca’s) Jesse almost as soon as they all got back to the States.
Amy had cheered, Stacie had said, “About time,” and Flo given a prayer of thanks.
It had mollified Chloe to know that she isn’t the only one to be happy with this turn of events.
“Right, soon,” Chloe replies to Emily’s question, her throat rather dry.
Emily frowns, but before she can say anything, the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs from the second floor grabs Chloe’s attention and she looks around to see Amy and Flo arriving on the ground floor. Amy’s carrying several Wii games in her arms, including Mario Kart and Just Dance.
“Hey,” Amy says loudly, “Either of you twig bitches want to play with us?”
Flo nods. “In my country, playing games together was a great way to bond. Also, I will destroy you.”
“Ooh!” Emily hums. “Maybe after we’re done I will.”
Amy grins her approval and looks to Chloe. “Ginger?”
“I’m probably okay,” Chloe shakes her head, trying to look regretful. “Bit of a stomach ache.”
“Uh huh,” Amy stares at her for a second, her expression unreadable. “Well, if you change your mind, I’ll be kicking this one’s ass,” she continues, gesturing to Flo, who scoffs openly.
“That’s what you think,” she says. “Mario is in my Latin blood.”
“Mario’s Italian,” comes Stacie’s voice as she also walks down the stairs, dressed in leggings and a tight sports bra. She waves at them all, not breaking stride as she heads to the front door. “And bye, I’m gonna go for a run!”
Amy shakes her head sadly as the door closes behind Stacie. “Too much cardio,” she says dismissively before grabbing hold of Flo’s arm and dragging her into the sitting room, where Ashley’s Wii is connected to the TV.
Chloe turns back around in time to see Emily peering questioningly into the pots on the stove.
“Um, think these are done?” Emily says, her tone doubtful.
“Oh!” Chloe starts; she’d completely forgotten about the Jello shots. “Uh, probs. Think you can pour them out okay?”
Emily nods, pursing her lips at the hundred or so little cups already set out and waiting on the counter. She lifts the red pot off the stove first, clutching the handle tightly. Chloe only pretends to watch; in actuality, her ears are straining for any sign of an approaching Beca Mitchell.
Because the kitchen window is open, she hears a few birds outside, enjoying the early summer sunlight; she hears Amy and Flo in the other room, already trash-talking each other (“Eat my banana peel, you oversized road mountain!” “I will not! How dare you?”); she hears what might by Ashley and Jessica upstairs performing their weekly furniture rearrangement; she thinks she can even hear the wind whispering through the leaves outside. A car door slams at the house next door and she jumps, but thankfully, Emily doesn’t notice as she replaces the now-empty red Jello pot and reaches for the green.
Chloe sighs, resigned to waiting even longer. At that moment, however, she hears what is most definitely footsteps on the porch. Her heart kicks into overdrive, and a second later, the door opens to reveal a haggard-looking Beca.
Chloe feels like the worst best friend in the entire world. Normal best friends are there for each other constantly. They can talk about anything and everything without the other getting upset. Normal best friends have no secrets, no boundaries, and are happy for each other’s successes.
Normal best friends support each other’s relationships.
But Chloe can’t do that, not when Beca’s in a relationship with someone other than her. Every time Beca mentions Jesse, Chloe can feel the way her face freezes for just a heartbeat before she can try to arrange her expression into something halfway supportive. Every time she sees Beca and Jesse together – on campus, at parties, at a cappella competitions – and she notices how much he touches and kisses her, it sends molten jealousy and rage pouring through her veins. She’s not sure what makes her angrier; that Jesse will never be able to treat Beca like she deserves, or the fact that she’d let herself fall for Beca in the first place.
All Chloe knows for sure is that despite Jesse, she’s still falling more by the day. And Beca can never know about it.
She’s the worst best friend.
Beca wanders into the kitchen, eyes downcast and headphones on. Even from several feet away, Chloe can hear the heavy bass pouring through them, a sure sign that Beca’s mind is far away. Chloe isn’t sure she even sees her or Emily, as focused as she is on the floor. It’s an impression that’s only verified when Beca starts in surprise when Emily greets her brightly mid-Jello pour.
“Oh! Hey, guys,” Beca says in a forced-casual tone as she slides the headphones down around her neck and pauses the music on her phone. She leans against the counter stiffly, her eyes roaming over the setting red Jello while Emily finishes up the green.
“Hey,” Chloe says, trying not to sound as breathless as she feels. She’s pretty sure her palms have started sweating. “How’d it go with…?” Chloe trails off, not wanting to say his name.
She wipes her palms on her jeans under the table as discreetly as she can.
Beca sighs and brings up a hand to pinch the bridge of her nose. “It was – yeah, it went okay.”
“So...” Chloe prods. She doesn’t want to seem like she’s prying, but really, the suspense is killing her, and she has to know what happened. She schools her features as well as she can, trying to keep a neutral mask even though she feels like lunging over the counter and shaking Beca until she confirms or denies (god, she’d better confirm) a breakup.
“What?” Beca asks tiredly, then her expression shifts to understanding. “Oh, uh, we’re done, yeah. I guess I’m staying here, at least for the summer.”
Yes! Yes yes yes yes! Chloe’s chest expands with happiness, which she immediately tries to dampen down. What is wrong with her? She shouldn’t be this excited for her best friend’s failed relationship… and yet.
It means that Beca is staying.
“Oh, Bec…” Chloe trails off, not trusting her voice. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, just, headache.”
Emily returns the emptied pot to the stove, all of the Jello shots poured and cooling. “Oh no, I’m so sorry, Beca, that can’t be easy. Er, Jesse, I mean, not – not the headache.”
“It’s okay, Legacy,” Beca mutters.
“Yeah, well,” Emily says bracingly, moving forward quickly to wrap Beca in a massive hug.
Beca’s “Mmph!” of surprise is muffled into Emily’s shoulder; Chloe’s grateful for the distraction, because it gives her the time she needs to again control the excitement and relief burning through her limbs at the prospect of having Beca in her life for another three months in the Bella house.
And, maybe, since she’s single for the first time in three years...
Chloe clamps down hard on that thought before it can fully form, annoyed at herself for being so incredibly inappropriate. Beca’s relationship with Jesse ended barely thirty seconds ago, and besides, Beca is still straight and still her best friend. It’s not right for her to be thinking like this. Chloe’s face warms with the familiar shame. To hide it, she pretends to count the completed Jello shots until Beca extracts herself from Emily’s arms.
“Great, that’s – um, thanks, Em,” Beca mumbles, not making eye contact with either of them as she reaches into the cupboard for a yellow plastic cup, then turns to the sink and busies herself with pouring a glass of water. Chloe tries not to read too much into it that Beca had chosen what has long been established as her cup.
She fails.
Emily smiles at the back of Beca’s head. “Yeah, anytime. I really am sorry, Beca.”
Despite her elation, Chloe somehow manages to remember to ask, “Did Jesse take it okay?” It’s not because she cares about Jesse’s feelings about the breakup (she really, really doesn’t care), but because she knows it’s what she’s supposed to do in this situation.
She doesn’t quite have it in her to apologize, though, like Emily has twice already. She can’t outright lie to her best friend.
Beca nods, a strange expression on her face. “Yeah, he – he yelled a little, but once everything passed, I think he was, you know, okay. I guess we both knew it was gonna happen sooner or later,” she shrugs.
Chloe feels a muscle in her own face twitch in annoyance at the image of Jesse yelling.
“He didn’t –?” she starts protectively, trying to refrain from marching right into the Treble house and punching him.
“Oh, no,” Beca dismisses, shaking her head. “He actually was good about it. He understood more after I – after.” Beca stops abruptly and she hurriedly raises her water to her lips to take a long swig of it.
Warning bells echo off the walls of Chloe’s mind, but before she can ask exactly what “after” means, Emily leans forward.
“Are things weird now?” she asks, maybe thinking of the party later. “You know, between you two?”
Beca shakes her head. “Nah, I think we’ll be friends,” she says, sounding surprised about it. She takes another sip of her water, then asks abruptly, “Is there taco dip?”
It’s a transparent change of subject, but Chloe doesn’t mind; she doesn’t really want to think about Jesse any more than necessary.
Emily beams and wordlessly opens the refrigerator, gesturing grandly to the dip, offering it to Beca. However, Beca shakes her head and grins. “I’ll wait until the party,” she says.
Chloe’s eyebrows lift in surprise. She’d assumed Beca wasn’t planning on going to the party. But, she’s not about to complain; she’ll take any time she can get with Beca, especially now that she knows they’ll still be living in the same house for a while.
Beca finishes her water with a last gulp, then places the cup next to the sink to be washed later. She gives Emily a thin-lipped smile, and turns to leave the kitchen, presumably headed for the stairs. The path takes her right past where Chloe sits.
Automatically, Chloe rises from her chair, expecting to draw Beca into a hug as Emily had done. Instead, however, Beca veers around her sharply.
“Oh, um –” Beca says, but keeps moving without a backward glance at Chloe, though her ears turn a light shade of pink. She reaches the stairs and bounds up them, taking two at a time.
Chloe can only stare after her retreating back. She hears Beca reach the landing, then nothing.
Robotically, Chloe lowers herself to perch back in her chair. The excitement in her chest is gone, replaced by an empty ache. She looks up, half-expecting to see Emily staring at her with the same confusion she feels, but Emily doesn’t seem to have noticed anything as she stands at the sink runs hot water to wash the dishes.
Upstairs, Chloe hears someone knock on a door, then the sounds of that door opening and closing.
Chloe swallows, her mouth suddenly cottony. “Em, if you’ve got this, I’ll…”
“Yep!” Emily chirps over her shoulder, hands already plunged into the soapy water.
Chloe stands again from her chair, then turns and makes her way up the stairs on autopilot. She should be happy and excited that Beca’s staying in town, but all she can think about is the detached look on Beca’s face as she had stepped around her in the kitchen to avoid touching her.
God. She’d been sure it was because of Jesse. She’d hoped it was because of Jesse.
She makes for her room, passing Cynthia Rose’s closed door as well as Stacie’s. Cynthia Rose must be playing music, she notes dimly, registering voices from inside the room but unable to focus on them.
If Jesse isn’t the reason Beca won’t touch her… then that means Chloe is. She must have done something or said something, or – icy panic fills Chloe’s veins as she steps into her bedroom. What if – somehow – Beca’s figured it out? If Beca knows how she feels?
Jesus. God. Shit.
That must be it. That has to be it. Beca knows, and she’s grossed out and doesn’t want Chloe to touch her anymore because of it. She thinks that Chloe’s a creepy, weird predator, and doesn’t want anything to do with her.
Chloe’s heart drops and she can feel herself spiraling. She can’t not touch Beca; that’s how she shows she cares about someone, and, god, if Beca’s really planning on staying in the Bella house for the rest of the summer, then how the hell is Chloe supposed to be around her, if there’s this wall up now between them, and it’s just –
Breathing hard, Chloe throws herself to her laptop and wrenches it open, pulling up the first playlist she can find on it. She plays it at full volume, focusing as hard as she can on the music and trying her hardest to not think.
The first time Chloe can tell Beca and Jesse have had sex, she has to excuse herself from the kitchen to run to the bathroom.
She’s sitting in the kitchen with Stacie and Flo, both of whom nurse severe hangovers from the previous night’s “Welcome Back to School Hell” Treble party. Chloe, though, is completely fine as per usual. Physically, anyway.
Her mind churns far more than her stomach does; she hopes that she’d been imagining things, that she hadn’t actually seen what she’d thought she’d seen before leaving the party last night. She hopes that Beca’s safely in her attic room upstairs, sleeping off the hangover.
Chloe had messed up; she’d lost track of Beca at the Treble party. Ordinarily, she barely lets Beca out of her sight at those parties. There’s too much risk of some random guy hitting on her, or for her to become too drunk and get handsier with Jesse than she normally would. Last night, however, Beca had somehow slipped under Chloe’s radar. She’d assumed that Beca had gotten tired, had left the party early, and was already out of the Treble house. So, Chloe had rounded everyone up and had been on the way out the door when something, a noise maybe, had made her glance back into the house.
She’d caught just the barest glimpse of the back of someone who could have been Beca rising from the stairs, apparently having tripped, and being guided up them by someone Chloe couldn’t quite see but might have been Jesse. She told herself then – and she tells herself now – that it wasn’t Beca and Jesse, that it was someone else looking for a vacant bedroom, because she thought Beca was planning on making Jesse wait longer.
Chloe takes a deep breath through her nose, inhaling the scent of coffee in the air. She’d been mistaken last night. Beca’s in her room upstairs, and she’s going to come down any minute, and the knot in Chloe’s stomach will all have been for nothing and it won’t matter that she didn’t follow her gut instinct to go back into the Treble house in search of Beca. Chloe’s almost managed to convince herself that she hears Beca’s footsteps coming down the stairs.
That is, until the front door swings open and a yawning Beca shuffles through, heading immediately into the kitchen and the coffee pot. She’s wearing the same clothes as the night before and sporting a massive hickey on her neck that makes the knot in Chloe’s stomach twist and tighten.
Beca has never spent the night after a party before.
She’s never shown up wearing the same outfit the next morning.
As soon as Stacie sees Beca, she lets out a squeal that makes everyone flinch. “Oh my god,” she cries, “you – you and Jesse – you –”
Beca lifts an eyebrow at Stacie’s stuttering, a pink tinge creeping up her neck and into her cheeks.
Chloe sits and watches as if from far away. A brick appears in her throat, scraping down her esophagus to plop into her stomach, where it stays. No, maybe Stacie’s wrong, maybe Beca just slept on his futon or something, or just slept next to him, maybe that’s it. Chloe wants to cover her ears and eyes, wants to hide, wants to block out any affirmation that Beca – her Beca – and Jesse –
“You Hunted! And got some!” Stacie finally manages, utterly delighted. Even Flo perks up at that, looking at Beca with renewed interest.
Chloe wants desperately for Beca to deny it, to make a face and hide in her room like every other time Stacie’s brought up her and Jesse’s sex life, to explain that no, she’s waiting for someone better to come along, but –
A corner of Beca’s mouth lifts into an awkward and slightly sheepish smile, and her eyes flick around the room, hesitating at Chloe’s for a second. Then, Beca nods once, confirming it, and resumes filling her coffee mug.
The world falls from under Chloe’s feet at the same time she bolts up from her chair and throws herself toward the stairs. Even as she’s climbing them, taking two at a time, she can hear Stacie’s voice: “How was he? What did you think? It was your first time, right? Did he ask you to –” and then she’s covering her ears as she runs, not wanting to know what he asked Beca to do, not wanting to know what Beca felt and how Jesse is in bed.
She’s both surprised and not surprised that it had finally happened; surprised because it’s been almost a year and a half since Beca and Jesse started dating, and she’d been starting to think – hope – it would never happen, and also not surprised because she’s been expecting this to happen from the first time she saw them kiss.
God, she hopes he treated her like she deserves, took the time to talk it through with her, make sure everything felt good for her, went slowly so she never felt any pain.
Before she can stop herself, she’s picturing it as she runs to the bathroom –
Jesse undressing her, Jesse on top of her, Beca’s face, Beca’s bare body, Beca’s hands on his back,
Beca and Jesse, Beca and Jesse Beca and Jesse BecaandJesseBecaandJesseBecaandJesse
– and she almost doesn’t make it, but manages to fling herself into the bathroom and lock the door before she’s violently sick into the toilet.
Later, she tells Beca – when Beca asks – that she must have drank too much the night before.
For some reason, Beca believes her.
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faefictions · 6 years
Disappear | Ch 13
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark! Reader
Word Count: 1,851
A/N: I realize this is a lot shorter than usual, my apologies, but I wanted to do the next part as a stand alone. There should only be 2 more chapters after this, which is wild since I’ve been writing this for FOREVER. But sorry for the awkward ending, the next part will be better, I promise.
Tag List: @its-evenstranger @54fangirl @fosteringmermaids @yourwonderbelle @baconlover001 @castawayparker @b-b-big-bill @adventurousbooknerd @chloe-geoghegan1 @ixchel-9275 @trindangles @bookgirlunicorn @helloilovethemcu @shallowshawn @nunuthecool @myfictionalhusbands @chonisberonica @broadwaytrash101 @smilexcaptainx @cornbreadblues @marvellheros @5sos-wdw @we-are-band-sexuals @spiderlingsweb @fuckingpasssword
Prologue - Ch 12 are on my masterlist
When Peter got back to the compound, he rushed to find Tony. He figured it would be an easy task and that he would find him fuming in the lab or a briefing room. But Peter spent 15 minutes looking in any room he could think of Tony being in. He didn’t think to check the kitchen, he just happened to pass by, but there he was, sitting defeated at the counter. The blank expression he held was enough to break anyone’s heart. 
“Mr. Stark?”
He jumped a little, turning towards the voice that called his name. He was too focused on his own self pity to notice the kid come into the room. 
Peter thought he would be mad. He thought that Tony had hung up on him because he was too angry. He had half expected him to kick him out of the compound for good. They both blamed themselves for what had happened to y/n, but if they had asked each other, they would have been able to tell the other that they held no real blame. 
“I went through her things, I couldn’t find any more leads on where she could be, or who that man could be. I don’t know what I was expecting, considering she has no idea herself.”
“What about that symbol on her? Is there any way that could lead to something.”
“I ran it through some databases the second it appeared. Nothing. The only hope we have is phone records, but like I said, she had no idea who he was, so I’m not holding my breath.”
“So what do we do?”
Silence filled the kitchen. 
“There’s nothing we can do, kid.” Tony choked out. 
Peter looked at him in disbelief. There was no way he was going to give up, and he sure as hell wasn’t going to let Tony do so either.
“What do you mean there’s nothing we can do? We can’t just sit here,” Peter yelled. 
“Well what the fuck do you suggest? We have no leads, there’s nothing to go on. We can’t just go out and find her, there’s nowhere to go. If you have any ideas, I’m open to suggestions, but as far as I’m concerned, we lost.”
He had never seen his mentor so angry, and he had sure as hell never seen him cry. But here he was, standing in front of Peter, a tear falling down his face which was red with frustration. 
“Mr. Stark, we do have something to go off of, actually.”
“What do you mean?” he sighed, running a hand through his hair. 
“I may or may not have shot a tracker at her before she ran off.”
“I mean I haven’t checked to see where it is yet, and I don’t know if it is even still on her, but it’s something.”
Peter started to head for the lab that Tony let him use to make web fluid. He opened the device he used to locate his trackers, and sure enough the one he had shot onto the girl was moving around, about 20 miles from where they were standing. 
Tony had followed him into the lab, watching with large eyes as Peter pulled up his daughter’s location. 
“Are you sure that’s her?”
“I only have one active tracker right now. So it has to be.”
“Suit up. We’re going to get her.”
For the first time, y/n came to as herself inside the warehouse she had disappeared to so many times. It was familiar to her, but in a hazy way, almost like a vague deja vu. She was laying down on a cot in a small room, a single lightbulb barely lit up the room. She got up, weakly coming to her feet, she tried to retrace her thoughts to figure out how she had gotten here. The last thing she could remember was choppy, but she knew that the car she had been in with Peter had crashed into another one, and she remembered hurting him and telling him to stay down. She remembered being aware that someone else had control of her actions, but her consciousness was still hanging on. She watched as she did things she knew she shouldn’t. She had begged her legs to not kick Peter’s out from under him, but she couldn’t stop herself.
And then she remembered seeing the man in the tree line. She remembered running to him after she left Peter, and she didn’t have any memory of the rest. 
The door to the small room suddenly opened, and the man was standing in the doorway. She held a hatred for him, but the part she hated the most was that she didn’t feel like he was a stranger. She had only seen him in the dream, and yet her brain told her she knew him well. Of course, she had seen him otherwise, but that wasn’t this version of herself. It was the version he had control over, the version that was obedient to him. And that version of her didn’t hate him. 
She didn’t know what to say to him. So instead of talking, she just sat back down on the cot and stared at him. 
“What, no questions for me? Knowing your father, I expected you to be more curious.”
Her heart dropped with the mention of her father. Something about this man mentioning him was wrong to her, but she remained silent. 
“You sure as Hell aren’t as talkative as him.”
“You know my father?”
“Of course I do dear, why else would I have chosen you?”
“W-what do you mean?”
“I mean the second I learned that the Tony Stark had a daughter, I knew just how to destroy him. He sure made it hard to find you. But I tracked you down eventually. Only took me a few years. The man is good at keeping secrets, which is surprising given the fact that he gave away his secret identity the first chance he got.”
“Why what dear?”
“Why do you want to destroy Tony?”
She could only imagine what her father had done to the man. The stories she had heard from disgruntled former employees were bad enough, but they had never used her to try to hurt him. 
“Let me answer your question with one of my own. Why not? The man is a famous narcissist. There’s no reason to not take him down a notch.”
“So you don’t know him personally?”
“No, of course not. But anyone who own’s a radio, television, or computer knows him. His face is everywhere. His personality is put on display by every news outlet. Anyone who knows of him essentially knows him personally.”
She understood what he meant. It was hard to grow up trying to forget that he was her father. Every time she turned on the television, there was some new story about Iron man, and since his identity was no secret, pictures of her father were always on the screen. It was impossible to escape him. And this man seemed to be the only person who had hated her father more than she did. But being confronted with his hate, she had the urge to stand up for her father. No matter how much she resented him, no matter how much she hated him, she knew he was trying his best. His best was just shit. 
“What do you need me for?”
“Ah, so you are curious.”
She didn’t answer his remark. 
“I’ve grown to resent your father, as any sensible person has. I learned he had a daughter about 3 years ago. I had no idea where you were, but I knew you weren’t living with him. I knew he was trying to protect you. So I knew he held you dearly. I knew that I wanted to destroy him, but I had no chance of doing so. I needed someone on his level. And who better to carry out my wishes than his daughter? How sweet would it be to make him watch his only child kill him. There would be nothing he could do about it. I mean what is he going to do? Kill you?”
She was shaking with his words. That was why she had acquired powers? Just so she could use them to kill her father? And as she thought of Tony, of him coming to save her, something really made her sick. 
If Tony was on his way to her, that meant Peter was going to be with him. And if she was supposed to kill her father, there was nothing stopping her from killing Peter too. 
She panicked trying to figure out a way to stop herself from her fate, but she had no idea how to keep the man out of her head. 
Suddenly an alarm filled the room, and the blue-ish light turned to red. 
“Show time.”
The smile on the mans face made her feel sick, but there was nothing she could do. 
The man turned to go out the door, calling for her to follow him. Her eyes turned black again and she stood up, any sign of the girl who wanted to save her father disappeared. Her stature turned rigid as she followed the man like a soldier, ready to do anything he asked of her.
This time was different though. When her eyes turned black, it was usually as if she were asleep, but not this time. This time, she held on. This time she watched herself walk down the hall behind the man.
They stopped in a large room, filled with different sized old machinery. From the looks of it, none of it had worked for years.
Y/n wanted to scream as she saw what the man was holding in his hands. He had a phone, the screen lit up with security footage from outside. Iron Man and Spider Man were on the roof of the building they were in.
She wanted to scream for them to turn around. She wanted to warn them. She wanted to beg them to leave her to suffer there alone. 
But she stood silent. She couldn’t scream out to help them as she watched them enter the building. The man instructed her to go wait for his command, giving her exact instructions on where to stand. She tried her best to stay put, but her legs moved her to the spot he had described. 
She heard a door open, far off in the distance. She stood waiting for some kind of signal, but she could hear their voices. Her father whispered for Peter to go one way, an “Ok, Mr. Stark” was muttered from the boy. 
Y/n stood, hidden from them by a large box shaped machine, trying to release herself from his mental hold on her. She strained to just try to lift a finger of her own free will. She tried to hold her breath, to blink her eyes, to swallow, but everything she was doing was involuntary. 
And then she got his signal. 
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heryellowcup · 6 years
Werewolf beca is so awesome it needs a part three
you guys asked for it soo, here it is!! thanks! the last part (probably?)! 
here are part1 & part2
Beca wasn’t used to this. She wasn’t used to feeling this way, wasn’t used to feeling this damn dangerous, like one wrong move could potentially hurt, or even kill, the person she loved the most. Even during a full moon she usually managed to do just fine, having found her anchor years ago. She wasn’t used to feeling like this, unable to control her body, even her emotions and imagination going to places she’d never wanted them to. Her instincts were quite literally running wild and she was struggling to breathe as she was so desperately trying to keep herself and Chloe safe while all she wanted was to lash out, to hurt.
But then she felt a hand on her cheek, all soft and gentle and, looking up, she found that the redhead was looking at her all the same, loving and perhaps even trusting, as if she didn’t know that Beca would be able to kill her in less than a second, with one stroke of her claws, one bite. But Beca was going to be okay, knew she was when Chloe then went on to smile at her. Even though Beca flinched away from her touch, even though she growled, Chloe kept looking at her, putting so much trust in her that she wanted to cry.
There would have been something quite beautiful about the whole situation, Beca thought, if she had just been able to stay calm, if everything hadn’t felt so intense and fragile at the same time.
“Beca-” Chloe’s voice was barely above a whisper, tender and careful and everything Beca loved about her. The brunette knew that the other girl wanted to say more, that she had been waiting for this exact moment, that this was just as overwhelming for Chloe as it was for her. But despite having all of these things she wanted to say, Chloe came to a sudden halt, breath hitching in her throat.
Beca barely remembered when she had wrapped her arms around Chloe’s neck, barely even noticed when her claws broke her friend’s delicate skin, wounds now where she had wanted to brush her lips against instead. Only when the blood came trickling down her own arm, only when Chloe winced, Beca realized what she had done. And it broke her heart when Chloe, despite everything, still didn’t pull away, still didn’t run or even move to the other side of the room. Her friend still trusted her more than ever and so Beca was the one to pull back, to scramble away from the other girl in an effort to get some distance between the two of them.
Chloe, however, didn’t seem to understand, simply following her, blue eyes never leaving Beca’s yellow’s. It was then that the brunette realized that while she could possibly lose herself in the oceans that were Chloe’s eyes, could possibly drown, they now also quite literally acted as an anchor, one that she could hold onto, the only thing keeping her sane.
“Get Aubrey!” Beca’s voice was harsh, desperate, begging for Chloe to listen to her for once and not be blinded by how much they usually liked each other, how safe they could always make each other feel. Because right in that moment Beca didn’t feel like herself, not in the slightest, and she knew that Aubrey was definitely the only person who’d be able to calm her down again.
But of course Chloe was shaking her head instead of nodded, taking a few steps closer instead of running out of the door, her lips curled upwards. She didn’t even pay attention to the blood still running down her neck, reaching out for Beca instead.
“Becs, it’s okay-”
Her voice was still so much more loving than Beca could handle, so much more than she could grasp. And so she had to compensate for it with her own words, sharp and angry.
“I hurt you, Chloe,” she growled, hitting the wall behind her as she started to feel her anger rise again. And still she was unable to hide the sadness in those few words. They were laced with guilt, soaked in it. And all Beca could see was red as she flashed her sharp teeth at her friend. She wanted to scare her, wanted Chloe to see her as the monster she could be. “Go get Aubrey.”
And finally, Chloe nodded. She still didn’t look frightened, didn’t look like she’d, not even for one second, believe that Beca was actually going to hurt her. But still, she was nodding as she made her way towards the door. The brunette was sure that she could see her shaking slightly as she turned to face her again.
“You didn’t hurt me, Beca. It’s okay.” And with that Chloe left, doing as she was told and leaving Beca to deal with her agony.
Their room was a mess by the time Aubrey strode through door, trying to keep Chloe behind her in a clear effort to protect the other girl. They soon found that it was unnecessary, the place being a mess, but Beca being herself again, now curled up on her bed, tears brimming in her eyes as she stared at the broken table, the blood stained wall. Her fists had healed themselves already, but the red liquid had stayed as a terrifying reminder of how she had lost control once Chloe had left.
Chloe, who was quickly approaching Beca now, making her scramble away. “Don’t! I could hurt you…”
Beca could tell that the older girl was worried, just wanted to help, but she simply couldn’t take that risk. Not again.
“You didn’t hurt m-”
It was Aubrey who coughed awkwardly, trying to pull the attention to Chloe’s neck that already looked quite infected by now. She knew that she was simply going to heal it later on, but for now it was a reminder that perhaps Beca was right.
“Chloe…” Aubrey tried, but Chloe was already with Beca, hugging her tightly as some tears started to run down her red cheeks.
All of them unknowingly held their breath as the sudden tension engulfed them, neither of them knowing what was going to happen next. It was only when Beca hugged her back, incredibly carefully, that they all exhaled in relief.
“Are you going to be fine?” Aubrey asked as she watched her friends, smiling when Beca nodded in response.
“I don’t know what happened, Aubrey. It’s never been like that before…it was just, it was all so intense, I didn’t know what to do…” Beca sounded small, guilt still written all over her face, but Aubrey smiled at her reassuringly.
“It’s okay, we’ll just hav-”
Before they knew it, Chloe had jumped up again, now hastily making her way to her closet, basically bouncing with excitement, as if something had just suddenly hit her. As if nothing of this had even happened, as if everything was fine.
“Alright, I know how to help. It’s all in the books I’ve read-”
Neither Beca nor Aubrey were able to understand the rest of that sentence, Chloe’s voice now muffled as she seemed to struggle with something. And soon enough, she was approaching them again, carrying a huge pile of books and a just as huge smile plastered all over her face. Because she’d been right all along.
“What?” she grinned sheepishly when both Beca and Aubrey shook their head in amusement, looking at her in a way that could only be described as absolutely loving and completely smitten.
“Nothing, you’re just adorable.”
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kendricksendrick · 7 years
@thisgingerlovesbechloe I’m your secret Pitchmas Santa!
ok so i posted this last night but only a portion of it posted for some reason so this is take 2! I hope you love it, and ill let you in on a secret. First i started writing like a normal one-shot but then i remembered that this is PITCHMAS so i apologize in advance if some of the storyline seems a little off. anyways, happy holidays i hopr you love it!
"Where's Amy?" Beca said as she pushed her way into the small studio apartment. She had had a long day at the office and just wanted to curl up in bed with her friend, eat take out and fall asleep to those stupid hallmark movies Chloe loves so much.
"Out with Bumper grabbing a smoothie," Chloe turned around from where she was standing at the small stove, cooking mac and cheese.
"Grabbing a smoothie or 'grabbing a smoothie'" Beca said with a smirk, tossing her bag onto their shared bed and hanging her jacket on the back of the front door.
"The second one," Chloe laughed and turned back to their dinner. "Grab some bowls? This is just about done Becs,".
"Good. We can finally get some decent sleep tonight." Becs stood up from where she had been untie-ing her shoes and kicked them off before heading to the cabinet which held their bowls. She grabbed the first two she saw and placed them next to the pot that her best friend was mixing. "Beer, wine, or something stronger for this fancy Christmas Eve meal?" She questioned, heading to their fridge next.
"What do you think?" Chloe said blatantly, bringing their filled bowls to the small table.
"Stronger" Beca mumbled, grabbing a can of Country Time lemonade and splitting it into two glasses, filling those the rest of the way with strawberry svedka. "Rough day at school?" She questioned as she sat across from the redhead, immediately digging into her 'meal'.
Chloe just nodded, looking into her noodles. Becs noted the distracted and sad look and put down her fork to reach over and gently lay her hand on the one Chloe has empty. She waited for the woman to make eye contact, but after a few moments of waiting for the redhead to look up so she could catch those big blinkey eyes she heard Chloe let out a long sigh.
"If you don't wanna talk about it, that's fine Chlo-" Beca begins sincerely.
"I-I failed my test, Becs". The brunette watched a tear streak down her best friends cheek and quickly scooted her chair next to the redheads. She wrapped her other arm around her, and squeezed her hand tightly.
"Oh Chlo," she said sadly. The poor woman had been studying for weeks and Beca had spent hours quizzing her with flash cards. "Is there..." she paused as Chloe practically threw herself into Becas arms. The brunette immediately pulled her close and wrapped her in a tight hug. "Is there any way you can take it again? I'm sure it was just the nerves Chlo, I mean, we spent weeks studying for that! There's no way-"
"It wasn't the test," the woman sniffled "there was a lab section, remember?" Becs nodded, and she continued, pulling away slightly so she could see the brunettes dark blue eyes. "Well it was this giant-" she sniffled again "cow and-and I was supposed to-" she removed an arm from around Becas neck.
The brunette watched her best friend make a fist and then open it, a look of concentration and sadness on her face.
"I was supposed to-" another sniffle and the redhead makes a sort of thrusting motion with her fist.
Becs doesn't understand.
"Rectal exam... and I couldn't do it Becs, I just- I just left!" Chloe lets out a sob and throws her arms around her best friends neck and begins to cry onto her shoulder.
Beca is at first at a loss for words at first, so she just runs a hand up and down the redheads back while she smoothes her hand down with the other.
Chloe cries a little harder and that's when Beca snaps back to reality.
"Hey, hey... Chlo. It's gonna be okay," in return she gets another sob into her shoulder so she places a long kiss on top of red hair. "I'm sure they will let you retake the test, you're the best trainee in the program Chloe."
At that Chloe pulls away slightly again. "You really think so?"
"I know so." Becs states confidently and tucks a strand of hair behind her friends ear, bringing their faces close. "They will let you retake it, and you will pass and become the best veterinarian in the whole state of New York. You know why?"
Chloe shakes her head and Beca brings her hands to the other woman's cheeks, cupping her face.
"Because I'll be right there with you the whole time." That gets Chloe to laugh and nod her head.
"I don't think they'll let you do that but-"
"No buts!" Beca declared and let go of Chloe's face. "Your gonna get your cute butt up tomorrow and go back and demand a retake!"
Chloe smiled and wiped at her cheeks as Beca went back to her bowl of Mac and Cheese to eat it.
"Tomorrow's Christmas, and school's closed for two weeks, but I'll demand a retake!" Chloe declared and picked up her fork before digging in, suddenly very confident compared to the crying mess she had been only moments before.
"Either way, that's my girl!" Beca laughs.
An hour later Beca was pouring two shots of a strange eggnog mix that Amy had brought home while Chloe set up a hallmark movie on Becas laptop.
"Please tell me we're not watching 'Elf' again. I can't take any more of Will Farrell's voice this week, Chlo," Beca carried the shots the short distance to their shared bed and set them on the bedside table before getting comfy.
"Were not. I know you hate him, so we're watching one of my favorite childhood Christmas movies," the redhead smiled and took the shot Beca held out to her. They said "cheers" and drank them before getting cozy.
"And what would that be?" Beca said unenthusiastically. She wrapped an arm around Chloe as she put her laptop on both of their laps.
"The Polar Express, duh"
"Nope!" Beca said and slammed her laptop closed.
"Beca!! Please?" Chloe begged. "It's Christmas Eve, c'mon!" She opened her eyes as big as she could, blinking dramatically and pouting her lip.
"Not happening Chlo. I'm not watching a movie about some stupid kids on a train to the North Pole full of strangers!" Beca watches as bright blue eyes seem to fill with tears. "Oh no-no crying Chloe-"
"Butitstheonlythingthatwillmakemefeelbettersinceifailedmytesttoday" she spits out quickly and Beca can barely understand her.
She sighs and slowly reopens her laptop to Netflix.
"Yay!" Chloe beamed and pulled the comforter over their legs and cuddled back into Becas side-all evidence of tears and sadness gone.
"One condition," the brunette says, wrapping an arm around the redhead and looking down at her. Chloe meets the dark blue eyes and smiles. "I get to open my present halfway through this stupid film."
"No you have to wait until tomorr-"
"I'm not going to hesitate to close this again..."
"Fine. But I get mine too then."  Chloe says, leaning over the side of the bed and grabbing a smaller box from under the bed. Wrapped to perfection in Santa wrapping paper.
When Chloe looked back at Beca again, a smile grew on her face as she caught her best friend blushing.
"Nothing." Beca stated and placed a heavy bag on Chloe's lap. Chloe handed her gift over to her bedmate.
"You first, Becs." Chloe smiled fondly and pulled her friend closer. She had put a lot of thought into Becas gift this year, more than she ever had when they were in college, years ago.
The brunette smiled and carefully took the box that had been delicately wrapped in red. Lifting it up to her ear and gently shaking it, she locked eyes with her bedmate and smiled having some idea of what was inside.
"Go ahead" Chloe whispered, as if she were talking to one of her little animal patients.
"I'm going, I'm going you loser", Beca laughed and began tearing away at the paper.
Chloe watched as the smile on the brunettes face grow as she pulled out a pair of engraved, limited edition headphones that Beca had been fantasizing and going on and on about for ages.
As Beca stared in awe, mouth slightly open, the redhead remembered the other gift she had taped to the side. Grabbing it and placing it on top of the headphone box, she caught Becas attention, as well as the eyes of an angel;the woman she loved.
"Chloe oh my god" it comes out as a rushed whisper, Becas hand coming up to hold her best friends on top of the other small gift.
When their eyes met the redhead froze. This wasn't a look she was familiar with, in fact the amount of times she had seen it could be counted on one hand. Her cheeks were red, blue eyes glassed over with tears and a smile so big and bright that Chloe felt like she was going to drown.
"I wanted to spoil you since...you know it's technically our first Christmas." The redhead tried to Shrug it off.
"You went to Barden for 7 years chloe, I can't imagine how much debt you must have been in from that alone. I mean-"
"And these?? Chloe Beale!" The redhead watched Becas face soften even more, a tear of joy falling gracefully down red cheeks.
"You are amazing." The brunette finished and looked down at the box beneath their laced fingers.
She gently let go of the redheads hand in favor of lifting the top off of the small package.  Inside sat two golden chains, one with the letter 'C' in fancy cursive, the other a 'B'.
"Aw," she began but Chloe finally managed to cut her off.
"I thought, you know. Since your always at the studio, or out of town and I'm always at the vet we could...you know each have a little part of the other with us?" Chloe smiles hopefully, and Beca quickly meets her eyes.
"Chloe Beale, your so good to me" she whispered, bringing a hand up to push a stray lock of red hair out of her best friends face.
Chloe just smiles in return, and presses her face into Becas hand when she keeps it there, lingering and softly stroking her cheek.
It's only when she catches dark blue eyes glance down at her lips does she say something.
"Beca." It's whispered this time, so quietly that only the two can hear.
"Mm?" The brunette hums and brings their eyes back together.
It's that moment that both girls know there's no going back after tonight.
Chloe pushes forward, bringing their lips together in a searing kiss. Immediately both girls are shocked by the intensity that the other has brought but neither pull back, they just stay in that position. Arms around each other and practically sitting on one another.
"Chloe" the brunette says into the redheads mouth as she pulls her closer, deepening their kiss with a hand to the back of her neck.
"Yea?" She whispers back as their lips break apart for an instant.
"Why are you so good to me" she says as they rest their foreheads together, having quickly run out of breath.
"I love you" is the only whispered response.
The next morning Beca wakes with a start, eyes shooting open as she remembers what has happened the previous night.
It takes a minute or two for her to realize that the Chloe Beale curled into her side is best friend Chloe Beale, but Naked. The events are remembered one by one, backwards almost. Their shared goodnight kiss on the lips, hands running up bare backs, fingers in new territories, kissing, their clothes being thrown out of the bed and down to wherever they landed, more kissing, the gifts carefully being set aside for later and more kissing.
She smiles and wraps a cold hand tightly around a bare hip, smiling as Chloe stirs.
"Morning sunshine. Merry Christmas," Beca says softly and brushes back a mane of red hair, placing a gentle kiss on perky lips.
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rosegardentwilight · 7 years
Spiraling Down Chapter 4
I’m assuming that some of you are still reading this. If not... Oh well I have like 15 chapters more to go. [1] [2] [3]
Spiraling Down Summary: "That's your problem Hawk Moth," disappointment dripped from Le Paon's voice as her fingers barely touched the tip of her plumage in her hand. "You're thinking too…short term. To crush Ladybug, you must attack her heart, mind and her very soul." -When Le Paon takes charge, Chat Noir and Master Fu have to act quickly before Marinette's life sinks into a tailspin. Rated: T Pairing(s): The complete love square ( I will touch on every single one) Word count: so far? like 10k ( for everything) 3k for this chapter Also read on: fanfiction ( I will always post there first and give chances for spoilers, just saying) 
Chapter 4
"Marinette, can we talk about this?" Tikki followed her closely as the raven-haired girl was desperately trying to gather her things to not be late for school.
"I'm fine," She tried to convince her kwami. Mari admired her dedication to her safety, but anything could have caused her to black out on the rooftop including her own clumsiness. She was fine, with minimal bruises, scratches or anything of the like, and what she did have she could have acquired from other battles as Ladybug.
"I don't know, I have a bad feeling about this. I think we should go to Master Fu." That was a little overkill for something that could have been her fault in the first place. If Tikki had been acting strange or there was any behavior out of the ordinary she would see him within a heartbeat. But what could the guardian do for her? He wasn't a doctor, and even if he was, she did not have any other symptoms besides one afternoon of memory loss.
"I'll see him if anything else weird happens." She hated that she wasn't completely honest with Tikki. While she was blacked out, a dream played out in front of her, she couldn't interact with anyone and no one could hear her. It was like a movie playing out in her mind.
"What more do you want? Please, take them!" The cry was unmistakably her voice, although she didn't know who she was talking to. She held out the earrings with shaky hands. Cuts and bruises were scattered all over her body for reasons she couldn't determine. What could have happened that would make her give up her gift? Another hand reached out and hooked their finger under her chin to redirect her gaze up into the fiercest violet eyes. Le Paon's grin just grew grabbing the earrings out of Marinette's hands. The instant they left her, uncontrollable tears streamed down her face. The air was filled with Hawk Moth's victorious laughter.
It was a scary thought that left her with so many questions, what happened that was so bad that she willingly gave- no, begged for them to take her miraculous. She had grown to love being Ladybug, to hear her own voice question that was terrifying. Where was Chat Noir in all this, wouldn't he have protected her or been able to talk her out of this drastic decision?
She hadn't shared it, because it was just a dream, it didn't mean anything. She still had her earrings and currently no desire to remove them. Nightmares happened all the time, there was no evidence that these events would unfold.
"Do you promise?" Tikki's voice made her jump realizing that she had stopped midway putting her school books together to space out.
"Yeah," the lie stuck to the edges of her throat. "I promise." She started to wonder when it got so easy to lie to the ones she cared about.
"I can't do this," she crossed her hands frantically in front of her. Ayla was her best friend, but sometimes the girl got over zealous about her love life with Adrien. Sure, she went one afternoon with him without making a complete fool of herself that didn't mean that she was ready to confess to him how she felt or take the initiative on asking him out. She wasn't ready for this.
"Marinette, the boy would be blind to not see what an amazing girl you are. You said that he flirted with you the other day"-
"What if I was just imagining it?" Adrien was a model, he probably behaved like that with everyone, it was his job.
Alya guided her until the blonde was in sight, "You'll never know until you try." Marinette let out a yelp when she was pushed towards her crush. She turned to run the other way, but he was there, and on the other side was her best friend. He might draw the wrong conclusions if he witnessed her trying to hide from him, but she didn't know what she could even say. Another small push caused her to glare at Alya, but she knew she wouldn't get out of this without giving into her demands.
The closer she got to Adrien, she noticed there was something off. He didn't look like he had gotten sleep, his hair wasn't coifed in the normal fashion, and a perpetual frown stained his features. She didn't need any more "help", now she was drawn to him all on her own. Maybe something happened at home with his Father, she knew that he was overbearing on him.
"Adrien," her mousy voice barely made a dent, he seemed unfazed. She glanced back at Alya who gave her a thumbs-up building her confidence, she doubted that she could even get a full sentence out, but that was usual for her. "I was wondering- what I mean is" She stumbled over the first couple words, why did she always get tongue tied around him, it wasn't fair. She took a breath and reminded herself that he was just another person while she channeled the girl who had talked circles around the model the other day. "There's this new coffee shop that opened up and I was wondering if you check me out-I mean check it out, this afternoon." The ask when as smoothly as it would get, but his lack of response was frightening. Had she overstepped the imaginary line between them? He wasn't cruel like Chloe, if he didn't want to go surely, he would just turn her down politely. Then there would be a sliver of hope that they could bounce back to their usual friendship.
"If it's not a good day, I understand. I just thought we never really get to know one another, besides playing video games. And who doesn't love coffee, unless you're a tea person, which they carry too although I don't know if they're known for that." It was pure word vomit, but without any reaction from the boy she just kept going hoping it could circle around to something that connected and made sense.
"Adrien?" She reached out her hand tenderly and placed in on his shoulder causing him to jump.
If his Father had allowed it, Adrien would have skipped school. He didn't want to receive the disappointed look from his teachers for falling asleep in class, not to mention the pounding that seemed to make residence in his mind. Something was wrong, and after all the things that occurred yesterday he was worried, what could have happened to her that she was experiencing that kind of pain. At the photo shoot he was distracted at best, the photographer sent him home early because none of the pictures was "doing it" for him. The instant he was released he found some where he could transform to Chat Noir and started searching for his lady. He shouldn't had left her, stood his ground, especially with how spaced out she was, anything could have happened. They both had only minutes before they would have changed back, if he would have stayed she might have been angry, but at least she would be safe.
After looking for her for hours, he was perched attentively at the rendezvous point for the night patrol, he was exhausted but it would have been worth it for the confirmation that she was unscathed. Minutes turned into hours; he was never granted that privilege.
His face drained as a new idea entered his head, what if she was captured by Hawk Moth? If he had touched one hair on Ladybug's head, the heavens help him, he would kill him without hesitation. The villain had already caused more widespread terror across Paris than his liking, no one would morn the wicked when he was gone.
He was in this alone, he was hoping that Le Paon would have shown the previous night to help him, but she too left him waiting there all night. The time gave him room to think about where he had seen the peacock broach before. He closed his eyes to conjure it up, but the picture that kept coming to him was the painting of his Mother located in his Dad's work room. There was not much in there besides a ticket to Tibet, the book, a picture of his mom, and... a peacock broach. Was Le Paon connected to his Father? Something didn't add up, but every scenario that he dreamt up was impossible; he was missing something somewhere and it drove him mad.
'If she was here, what would she say? Think Adrien.' Ladybug would have known exactly what to do, step back study the facts and not let pesky emotions get in the way, but he couldn't help it; he loved her.
"Adrien?" Marinette's voice caught him off guard, how long had she been standing there? If she had been talking, he hadn't heard a word she had said, but judging by her expectant face she was requesting an answer.
'Probably asking about the rain check for the video games,' he reasoned.
"Sure Marinette, I'd love to!" The way that her face lit up caused something to stir inside him. The akuma had ruined a perfectly fun afternoon with the raven-haired girl, and he did owe her a rematch.
"Ok see you then!" She hurried off, but he swore that her face had adapted to a new shade of red. This was the behavior he was worried about, it seemed that they couldn't have a conversation without stuttering or an absurd amount of blushing from either party. It was weird that she didn't mention a time for them to meet up, but he simply shrugged; he would just text her later for the details.
Marinette didn't waste any time after school, she might have used her alter ego to jump from rooftop to rooftop, but this was an emergency. Adrien said yes to a date! She had no idea what she was even going to wear for such a momentous occasion. The second she landed on her balcony she snapped into action pulling out all her clothes and dumping them on her bed. Everything had to be perfect, so what outfit suggested that there would be more than one date in their future? Her fingers brushed over a royal blue skater skirt that popped out against the other colors and paired it with a long sleeve white blouse and black tights. It wasn't what she typically wore, but she wanted to leave Adrien speechless for once instead of herself, that would give a slight upper hand. Her hair tumbled down from her ponytails as she began to work its way into a bun.
The butterflies started fluttering in her stomach causing her to want to pinch herself, a date with Adrien. Her half-lidded eyes and dreamy expression allowed her thoughts to run away with themselves. Her phone beeped causing her to jump out of her skin. It was him, asking what time they were meeting. Her fingers never typed a faster response.
Once she arrived she found a table first thing and just sat down, she had made good time on the subways, now she just had to wait. The minutes passed by with no sight of the model, fear started to sink in. Did he forget? Her phone buzzed once more with a new message from Adrien explaining that he would be a little late, he had some work to do for his Father.
So, she waited.
"Ma'am, are you ready to order?" Marinette was sure that the waitress was doing her job, but it just added salt on the wounds. He wasn't coming. Maybe something came up, or he overbooked his schedule; he seemed out of it this morning, but if that was the case why didn't he just text her.
"Not yet," she weakly replied to the hovering lady who shot her a look but said nothing; it wasn't the first time that server had witnessed someone who got stood up. She tried not to let her hopes get too high for the date, but it was hard to when Adrien said that he would love to go. Now she was just left with feelings of disappointment and rejection.
After five minutes more, she took a deep breath, she had to face the facts the longer she sat here the more pathetic she felt. It didn't take her long to gather her things and stand to her feet. They seemed to drag on the way to the door with the hopes that she was wrong, that the model would rush through the door apologizing for taking so long.
She pulled her phone from her purse receiving a sorry look from Tikki. She began to type out a response explaining that she wasn't waiting anymore, but her thumb hovered over the send button. Why was she hesitating, this was Adrien after all?
A sound stopped her where she stood, it was Chloe using her shrill fake laugh. Marinette couldn't handle a rejection from Adrien and teasing from the Mayor's daughter in one night. She could still hide and let the girl pass before heading home.
"Adrienkins this has the best coffee, next to the one they serve in my Daddy's hotel of course." Her feet refused to budge from their place, he wouldn't do something that cruel to her, she was his friend after all. The sight of the pair rounding the corner with Chloe snuggled on his arm cracked her heart. How could he? Tears started to weld up, but she refused to let them fall and give either of them that satisfaction, she had to be strong. But the second Adrien's wide eyes jumped to hers any defenses fell.
"Mari?" She didn't know what to cringe at more, the nickname, or his tone while saying it. Obviously, he wasn't expecting her to still be there. Her thoughts spiraled down to create conversations between the two blondes making jokes at her expense.
"I have to go." She mumbled as she took off in the opposite direction despite Adrien calling out her name. She was trying to find the nearest place where she could just escape. The second her back hit the alleyway wall her legs threatened to give out under her. Tikki floated out of her purse.
"Don't say anything," she begged her kwami allowing the tears to freely flow. This stung. It was bad enough that he had ditched her, but then to be going around with Chloe instead?
She couldn't stay here, there was a slim chance that the blonde would run after her, and she wasn't ready to face him in her current state.
"Tikki, spots on."
The violet eyes narrowed watching the silhouette of the famous superhero escaping per the rooftops of the unsuspecting civilians of Paris. When she saw a vision of the school, she wasn't sure what she would find, but watching the raven-haired girl, she wasn't disappointed. It was an interesting development, it seemed like the blonde boy had already started her dirty work without her having to lift a finger. Nothing was worse than a broken heart to start her transformation. She was clearly love struck for the model, and he had no clue. The school was a perfect breeding ground for the akumas, only confirming that if she was in charge, she could have overtaken the city a long time ago.
Ladybug really should have been more careful when transforming, but now she had all the information that she needed. She emerged from her hiding spot only to tail her. She kept her distance, so Ladybug wouldn't be able to sense her presence. When the hero reached home she looked around twice before transforming back to her civilian form and disappearing into her home.
Le Paon's last leap landed her gracefully on the balcony making sure she didn't alert anyone to her presence inside. Her plan would become much more complicated if Ladybug came barging out ready for a fight, but due to the girl's state of mind, Le Paon doubted that she would notice if the Eiffel tower crashed to the ground. She flicked out a feather, the royal blue color faded leaving only a black feather behind. Any guilt for what she was about to do dwindled, Ladybug was just a teenager, but if she didn't take care of her now, she would grow to a serious threat when older. She placed the feather on the door leading to her room. The darkness started to ooze outward till it reached the cracks, then started to seep through; the despair inside drew it in almost as if it was its life source. It might be cheating to show her glimpses of an alternate future, but it would speed along the process. The first stage always took the longest, but once Marinette's heart was completely broken, her plan would fall into place.
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Caught in his web, Chapter 41
TITLE: Caught in his web CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 41 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki is a crime lord, a very dangerous man in the city. He is owed money, but the man is unable to pay Loki back, so Loki takes his daughter as payment instead.  RATING: M
‘Spread them wider.’ Loki commanded. Pleased when Chloe did as she was told. ‘Good girl. Now pull harder.’
Chloe huffed as she pulled on the handle after pushing the curtains open more to let all the light in. But the sliding door still wasn’t budging.
Loki chuckled and crossed the room to try. ‘It sometimes gets a bit stuck. Needs a good tugging.’ He moved in behind her and reached around to pull it open, rather easily in comparison to Chloe’s attempts.
‘Stop with the innuendos.’ She folded her arms over her chest and glared up at him, making him laugh.
‘You love it.’ He winked at her and went back to finish getting dressed.
Chloe stepped out onto the patio from their bedroom. The ground was already warm under the sun, feeling nice on her bare feet. She looked down at the ocean, it looked so peaceful and calm.
‘Hey, Loki.’ She called in.
‘What is it, doll?’ He asked, coming outside. He was wearing black shorts and an unbuttoned green shirt.
‘I know you planned for us to have breakfast out here. But could we have it down on the beach instead? Pretty please?’ She begged, fluttering her eyelashes at him.
Loki smiled and slipped his arms around her, he pulled her into him.
‘Hmmm, I guess we could.’ He grinned, kissing the tip of her nose and making her stomach flutter.
‘Yay! Thanks!’ She hugged him tightly. Loki pressed his face into her hair and enjoyed the moment, having her in his embrace, willing to be there.
Loki grabbed a picnic blanket and put their breakfast into a box to carry down to the beach. Chloe went ahead slightly, excited to get onto the sand. She ran straight over to the ocean and dipped her feet in.
After setting up the picnic Loki went to join her, playfully splashing her. She laughed and splashed him back, then she went running up the beach in the shallow water. Loki gave chase and soon caught up to her, but she tricked him by quickly darting back down the sand towards the blanket.
He reached her just as she got there and grabbed her, they tumbled down on the sand. Loki playfully bit her neck and growled, then kissed her hungrily. ‘Mmm… I would just take you right now. But we should get on the blanket, as I do not fancy getting sand into places where sand should not be.’
Chloe started laughing as Loki sat up and pulled her onto the blanket, brushing off as much sand as possible, then they had a quickie before tucking into a delicious breakfast.
They spent the day relaxing, mainly on the beach or in the pool. Chloe enjoyed just floating in the pool with the sun beating down on her. Loki had to keep calling her out to re-apply sun cream. That he did for her, of course. She was sure he took his time on purpose and put on much more than was really needed, but she didn’t complain. She rather enjoyed feeling his hands gliding all over her. 
After coaxing her out of the pool for what felt like the millionth time, once he’d lathered her in more sun cream, he didn’t let her leave the sun lounger this time. He sat back and pulled Chloe between his legs, to rest back against his chest.
‘You’ve had enough swimming for today.’ He chuckled. ‘Are you enjoying our little getaway?’ He asked, sliding his hands and up down her arms.
‘It’s amazing.’ She craned her head back to smile at him.
‘I’m glad to hear it.’ He purred and captured her lips, kissing her softly.
In the evening, Loki had Chloe tied to the bed by her wrists and ankles. She was blindfolded, gagged and obviously naked, just as he liked her to be. Loki had also treated her to an orgasm already so he could get a small butt plug into her, he was delighted with how well she took it.
‘Look at you, bound and naked, in the dark. Just waiting for something to happen… So many things could be done to you.’ He chuckled wickedly, stroking up her inner left leg, stopping mid-thigh.
‘I could do anything, really. And you would be completely helpless to stop me.’ He slid his hand from her naval right up between her breasts and to her neck, he wrapped his hand around her and squeezed, making her gasp.
Her breathing was heavy already but with his hand there, it became a little more erratic. Wondering if he was going to squeeze or not…
‘Such a pretty little thing you are.’ He brushed his thumb up and down at the side of her neck, enjoying the way she squirmed as best she could in her bonds. ‘I could so easily take your breath away… I own every bit of you, doll.’ He growled.
Loki gave her a brief squeeze, watching her closely as her hands balled up into fists since they couldn’t grab hold of anything.
‘Good girl.’ He slid his hand back down her chest, stopping on his way to stroke her nipples that were hard little peaks from arousal.
She whined around her ball gag as he toyed with them in turn, then he couldn’t resist leaning down to suck on them, moaning at her taste.
Her body was starting to get quite flushed as he turned his attentions further down her body. He started with soft, light touches. Just ghosting over her clit. Then he put his attention further down and tapped the butt plug a few times, making her jump at the feeling.
‘You’re taking to anal play very well.’ He purred, climbing on the bed and moving between her legs, she could feel his warm breath against her cunt. ‘It won’t be long before you’ll be taking my cock up here.’ He took hold of the plug and really started wiggling it about, making her whine.
Loki chuckled and took a teasing lick from the bottom of her cunt right up over her clit. He repeated the action a few times while still moving the plug about, egged on eagerly by her moans and cries that were spilling out through her gag.
Unable to resist any longer, Loki sat up and positioned himself between her legs. He stroked himself a few times then lined up with her and pushed in, moaning loudly as her body welcomed him in.
Chloe found the feeling of being filled in both holes absolutely wonderful. She didn’t really want to admit to enjoying anal play, but Loki was taking it so slowly with her and always made sure she was nice and aroused and that anything going in there was lubricated enough, that it was difficult for her not to enjoy it. Especially when added with his cock in her cunt.
‘You feel so much tighter with your ass filled.’ Loki grunted above her as he started moving faster. His movements against her was causing the plug to move with every thrust, giving her stimulation everywhere.
Being restrained, blinded and gagged was taking everything away from Chloe. All she could do was feel. And take whatever Loki decided to give to her.
Luckily for her, he didn’t tease or push any limits, instead he just fucked her good and deep. Sucking her nipples and nibbling on her neck, making her cum twice before eventually cumming himself.
Though he wasn’t quite finished with her yet. When he pulled out, her cunt was clenching in desperate need for more. Wanting to be filled again, missing him. But he didn’t leave her wanting for too long.
But she was surprised and squeaked when she felt a silicone vibrator being pushed into her instead of the warmth of his cock. It was a delightful surprise though as he started to fuck her with it, even more so when he turned the vibrator on and pushed it deeper so the clit stimulator was pressed snugly to her clit, almost encasing it as it buzzed away.
Loki bit his lip as he watched her writhing, he turned the vibrations on higher and chuckled at the scream she let out as she tried bucking her hips up, but couldn’t because of the restraints. He reached over and pinched her nipple, grounding her a little more with the pain.
He made her cum another twice with the vibrator, then he finally had some pity on the poor girl and turned it off. After slowly pulling the butt plug out, he untied her and took off her blindfold and gag.
She took a moment to come to her senses, the light quite bright after being in darkness for so long. Loki lay down next to her and cupped her cheek, turning her face towards him as she curled up a little, her muscles aching from being spread.
‘Are you with me?’ He smiled, stroking her face.
She opened her mouth but said nothing, unable to find her voice. She closed her eyes and leaned more into his touch. Loki chuckled softly and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into him. She nestled her head into the crook of his neck and relaxed, getting her breathing back under control while he stroked her hair soothingly.
He knew she was experiencing sub drop. So he just let her be, allowed her to take all the time she needed with him just talking softly to her and holding her.
She placed her hand on his chest and swallowed hard, looking up into his eyes.
‘Are you ok, doll?’ He asked, rubbing her back.
‘Yeah.’ She said quietly, nodding.
Loki kissed her forehead and smiled.
‘Do… Do you love me?’ She asked, her voice almost inaudible. But of course, Loki heard her. He also heard the uncertainty and slight nervousness in her tone, too.
He took hold of her hand that was on his chest and enveloped it with his, squeezing her.
‘I do love you, Chloe. Very much.’ He said honestly, bringing her hand up so he could kiss the back of it.
She smiled, still in a bit of a daze. But then she put her head back down on him and snuggled in closer. Her heart feeling happy.
‘I love you.’ She whispered as she closed her eyes.
Loki buried his face into her hair and smiled. He fell asleep with her rather quickly, but with a smile on his face.
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royalfoxfics · 7 years
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Art by Twin Doodles
In which the Volpina is optimistic, Queen Bee looks at the big picture, and sometimes you just gotta roll with it.
When it came to being rescued and swept off her feet, Chloe was an expert.  
 At the top of the list of course, was Ladybug.  Absolutely nobody rescued her like Ladybug did.  The strength, the safety, the certainty that everything was going to be all right the moment she was swept up in those strong red and black arms; Ladybug could rescue the world’s most rabid dog, and it would become completely docile the moment she picked it up.  
 Next on the list was Serge, though it had been years since he had actually carried Chloe anywhere.  When she was a kid, Serge was always the one to pick her up and carry her home when she stayed late at the Agreste mansion. Actually, Aunt Sophia was always the one who picked her up, but it was always to hug her goodnight and give her back to Serge.  She couldn’t count the number of times she had fallen asleep with her cheek on his shoulder.  
 Chat Noir had never been particularly high on the list.  Knowing who he was now elevated him a little bit, but when he carried her to safety, it was just to get her to safety; there was no charm or elegance to it.  If ladybug was a lavish limousine, and Serge was a long used family car, then Chat Noir was a taxi.  He got you where you needed to be, but the ride was a bit uncomfortable, and it smelled a little like old cheese.  
 Volpina however….
 “You know, I think that little midair flip at the end might have been a bit unnecessary,” Queen Bee commented as they landed on the rooftop garden of the bakery.  
 Volpina was a motorcycle. She was wild, exciting, a little scary, and (Queen Bee had to admit,) sexy.  There was a fire in her eyes as she ran that made Queen Bee cling to her for dear life.  Volpina was going somewhere, and Queen Bee was only along for the ride.  Every time they leapt over a gap, Volpina looked down. Not out of fear, but as if she were daring gravity to just try to pull them down to earth.  She seemed ready to take on the world if she had to, and have the time of her life doing it. Needless to say, the short trip had taken Queen Bee’s breath away in more ways than one.
 She might even have replaced Serge to the number two spot on the list, if Queen Bee wasn’t still a bit hurt and angry with her from earlier.  
 “Sorry,” Volpina said, smiling and looking only slightly ashamed.  “It’s just, moving like that feels so great!  Ladybug’s always telling me to take it slow and do things safely, but a superhero’s supposed to have flair, isn’t she?”
 Queen Bee rolled her eyes.
 “You and Plagg would get along great.”
 “Chat Noir’s Kwami,” Queen Bee replied quickly, looking around at the roof.  “This is… quaint.”  
 “Yeah, it’s not bad,” Volpina said, missing the subtle sting in Queen Bee’s choice of words.  “Hard to imagine there’s an evil Akuma just three stories below.  Maybe we got it wrong?”
 Volpina looked at her optimistically.  Before Queen Bee could do more than raise an eyebrow, there was a loud clattering of bells as the door to the bakery below them was thrown open.  They both peeked over the edge and saw a line of gibbering macaroons run out of the bakery and head towards the park.  
 “So, is constantly putting your foot in your mouth another superpower, or does it just come naturally to you?” Queen Bee asked, watching the freshly baked minions go.  
 Volpina groaned and grabbed at her face again.  Queen Bee smirked in satisfaction before looking over at the park thoughtfully.  
 “Still, that explains why there always seems to be more of them.  The Akuma must be turning them out by the dozen.”  She turned back to Volpina.  “So, what’s the plan?”
 Volpina grumbled and walked over to the trapdoor leading inside.  
 “We get in, we get the Akuma, and get out,” she said sourly.  
 She was about to open the trapdoor when Queen Bee grabbed her wrist.
 “And we do it very carefully, remember?” she asked.
 Volpina looked up at her. Queen Bee looked nervous, but she was trying to hide it.  Volpina sighed and then smiled reassuringly, and put her hand over Queen Bee’s.  
 “Right.  Don’t worry, I’m sure this’ll be a piece of cake.”
 Queen Bee made a face.
 “That is not at all reassuring today.”
 Volpina gave her a helpless little shrug, and pulled open the trap door.
 As the two of them descended into Marinette’s room, Queen Bee felt her skin crawl.  She imagined most people would have the same reaction walking into her penthouse.  If there was one person in Paris she hated, and felt completely justified in hating, it was… well it was probably Hawkmoth now that she thought about it.  But if there was a second person in Paris she hated and felt completely justified in hating, it was Marinette Dupan-Chang.  
 Her hatred only grew as she got a good look at the bedroom they were sneaking into.  The room was comprised of mainly three things: sewing supplies, pictures of Marinette’s friends and family (several of them just of Adrien,) and the color pink.  It was everywhere.  The walls were pink, the sofa was pink, the carpet was pink, the air even smelled pink somehow, no doubt due to a flowery pink air freshener hidden in a pink corner somewhere.  Queen Bee had to pause on the stairs and spend a few seconds just scowling at the room.  
 It worked.  Though she would never admit it, the slightly varying shades of pink and other colors used sparingly about the room just made it work.   Marinette knew how to use a theme, and Queen Bee hated it.  It wasn’t right that someone like Marinette had legitimate talent.  But then again, her own father was one of the most successful men she knew, next to Uncle Gabriel maybe.  It seemed the blacker your heart the more likely you were to succeed in life.  
 Life sucked.
 “Are you okay?”
 She blinked and realized she had been lingering in her angry thoughts too long.  Volpina was already on the bottom floor of the three tiered room, and was looking up at her with her head slightly cocked to one side. Queen Bee shook her head and continued down too.  
 “Yeah, I just…  Pink’s not my color.”  
 Not her best lie, but Volpina just pursed her lips and looked around the room.  
 “Yeah… she’s sure got a thing for it, doesn’t she?  Never did get the appeal of it myself.  I was always more of a fall colors kind of girl.”  
 “Pity you shot me down earlier,” Queen Bee said, strolling past her.  “Else I’d say how much I’d love to see you in nothing but flesh tones.”
 Volpina focused her attention on a nearby sewing machine and bit her lower lip, fighting a smile and trying to keep down a light blush.  Queen Bee paused for a moment at the second trap door before turning around to look back at Volpina with a puzzled expression.  
 “Am I doing that right? Like, I know you’re not interested, but the flirting…  Am I doing that right?”
 Volpina looked at her blankly.  Queen Bee took it as a bad sign, while in reality Volpina’s mind had simply been completely overridden by a single word.  
 “It’s just, I never flirted with a girl before today,” Queen Bee explained, beginning to play with her fingers.  “I’ve never honestly flirted with anyone, really.  I mean, I know how to flirt of course!  But not with someone I actually like.  Not that I like you!  I mean, I do, but I know that you don’t like me, so I’m not going to, you know…  I just, you seem to know how to do it, so if you could give me some pointers or something, that would be… nice.”  
 She trailed off, still playing with her hands and looking at every part of the room that wasn’t occupied by her partner.  Volpina meanwhile was fighting a small war with herself as she resisted the urge to squeal and scoop the nervous girl up so she could start cuddling her again.  
 After a few deep breaths, and reminding herself that she had already messed up and hurt Queen Bee once already, she decided she could be trusted within arm’s reach of her partner again, and purposefully strode past Queen Bee and over to the second trap door leading down into the main house.  
 “You’d probably come on a little too strong with a line like that,” she said, pointedly not looking at Queen Bee.  
 “But, that was still pretty smooth.  For a rookie,” she added, looking over her shoulder and giving Queen Bee a small smirk.  
 Queen Bee beamed at the praise.  She did a little arm pump and whispered “yes!” to herself.  Volpina could feel her resolve slipping away by the nanosecond, so she quickly looked back down at the trap door and cleared her throat.
 “Okay, Dating for Lesbian’s 101 is over for now.  Time to focus on the mission.”  
 “Right,” Queen Bee agreed and gave her a quick salute.  
 Volpina said a quick prayer to beg the powers that be to give her strength, and the two headed down into the rest of the house.  
 Truth be told, both of them had half expected the downstairs to have become some impossibly large maze made out of gingerbread or something.  Instead, they found a perfectly normal house.  Queen Bee guarded the stairs while Volpina did a quick check of the second floor for any clue or hint of the Akuma.  She returned giving Queen Bee a disappointed shrug.  
 They continued down the stairs to the small hallway connecting the house to the bakery, as well as the small side door to the street.  From inside the store, they could hear the sounds of a man’s voice talking enthusiastically to himself.  Volpina put a hand on the doorknob and looked meaningfully at Queen Bee, putting a finger to her own lips.  Queen Bee nodded, and quietly as possible, they pushed open the door.  
 However, the door had been installed by a complete moron, (most likely the owners, Queen Bee guessed,) because it opened out into the bakery, and away from the interior.  Queen Bee was certain that violated at least two safety regulations, as well as plain common sense in design.  She cursed silently to herself for leaving her purse back in the nurse’s office, as her hand mirror would have been perfect for peeking around the stupidly designed door.  Instead, in order to get a look at anything other than a brick wall, they had to open the door conspicuously wide, and poke their heads around it.  They kept low to the ground, trying to preserve what little stealth they could, meaning Queen Bee had to practically lay across Volpina’s back to get a look.
 Which led Queen Bee to decide that maybe who ever put in the door wasn’t so stupid after all.
 Queen Bee was unable to truly enjoy herself however, partially because pressing her body into someone she knew wasn’t interested was still awkward, (even if they did smell fantastic,) but mostly because of the strange sight that awaited them on the other side of the door.  
 The store itself was just as it had always been.  Fresh bread and pastries lined the shelves, light poured in cheerily from the large windows, the smells of warm baguettes and light fluffy croissants filled the air. The actual baking area however had undergone quite a makeover.  Any electric lights inside had been turned off, and several black candles had been lit about the room.  The wooden table Tom used to roll out his dough had been converted into a cross between a 17th century alchemical laboratory, and the set of a cooking show.  
 A cloaked figure stood chanting at the table.  In one hand he held a plane looking wooden rolling pin, while in the other he held a large book wrought in a heavy iron frame and lock, making it look like the grimoire of some ancient wizard.  The figure himself was large and bulky, and stood behind the table in profile to them. The heavy hood of his dark robes hid his face in shadow, and fortunately also kept them from his peripheral vision.  He also wore a small white chefs hat on top of his hood, and a white cotton apron around his waist, which clashed almost comedically with the rest of his dark and mysterious appearance.  
 “I think we found our Akuma,” Volpina whispered in Queen Bee’s ear.  
 “Either that, or the Grim Reaper is getting ready for a bake sale,” she whispered back.  
 They continued to watch as the figure waved the rolling pin over a mixing bowl and chanted phrases like, “One and one fourth cups of dry active yeast, two teaspoons of sugar, a pinch of salt!” then bursting out into a maniacal cackle.  
 After about two or three of these laugh breaks, the figure finished reading his “incantation,” and the contents of the bowl glowed and swirled up into the air.  The bits of various baking components manifested into half a dozen giant croissant soldiers, which stood still and lifeless in front of the cloaked figure.  He pointed his rolling pin at them.  
 “Go my creations!  Go see that that detestable taster remains where he is!  And make sure Ladybug and Chat Noir are ready to taste my ultimate revenge as well!”
 The croissants flew into a frenzy and charged out the door.  Well, most of them did; one of the little monsters managed to trip and impale itself on its own spatula on its’ way out.  It lay on the ground, completely motionless with the spatula sticking through it as its fellows ran around it and out the door.  The last croissant paused next to its fallen comrade, and regarded the spatula for a moment before ripping it out.  It held its newly acquired weapon in the air and screamed with delight before following the rest of its troops out the door, wildly swinging both of its weapons in berserk joy as it went.  
 The girls watched as the hole punched in the fallen croissant began to mend, and a few seconds later the evil edible jerked back to life and leapt to its feet.  It looked around for its stolen weapon before running out the door, gibbering furiously and shaking its fist.  
 “Did you see that?” Volpina whispered again.  “That thing was down for the count!  They must be weak to their own weapons.”
 “Maybe,” Queen Bee whispered back uncertainly.  “But remember the ones in the park?  They didn’t get up until all of their pieces were in place, remember?  I think that the spatula kept it from healing all the way, and that’s why it couldn’t get up. Like those old Christmas lights, the ones where if one bulb died then the whole string went out?”  
 “This is magical warfare, not party decorations,” Volpina snapped back.  “I bet it’s the weapons.  It’s more poetic that way.”  
 “And I say it just has to impale them,” Queen Bee snapped back.
 Before they could begin to argue like an old married couple, and likely blow their cover, the front door to the bakery opened with a sad ringing of its abused bell.  
 “Honey, I’m back!  You would not believe the lines at the…”
 The door closed behind Sabine Cheng as she stood stalk still at the front of her bakery, holding several large grocery bags.  Before her was the recognizable bulk of her husband, standing behind a strange mess of beakers, tubes, and open containers of sugar, looking like he was ready to go to a Halloween party.  Off to her left, were the unrecognizable masked faces of two strange girls peeking out from behind the door to her house.  All three of them seemed just as surprised to see her as she was to see them.
 After blinking at the strange scene taking place in her bakery, Sabine simply gave a little shrug and carried on.  She walked around the table of culinary alchemy and handed the grocery bags to her Akumatized husband and began digging around in them.  
 “I got you another bottle of maraschino cherries since you said you were low.  Oh, and mixed berries were on sale so I got a few boxes of those. I figured even if you didn’t need them we could always have some with breakfast this week.”
 “Excellent,” her husband cackled as she set the ingredients down on the table for him.   “These are just what I needed!  Soon, my revenge will be complete!  That fool Dude Fury will rue the day he crossed THE NECROBA-Oh wait, um… you didn’t happen to pick up some more marshmallow fluff too, did you?”
 Sabine held up a jar of it.
 “Perfect!  Now my revenge will be complete!  And that fool Dude Fury will rue the day he crossed THE NECROBAKER!”  Tom through back his cloaked head and cackled evilly, still carrying his wife’s grocery bags.  
 “That’s nice dear,” Sabine said, taking the groceries back.  “I’m just going to go upstairs and put this away before the ice cream melts.  Have fun enacting your revenge.”
 “Thanks Honeybunch!”  
 The Nekrobaker kissed his wife on the cheek and went back to his evil work.  Sabine turned around just in time to see a pair of orange ears and black antennae disappear behind the door.  She walked over to it and pulled the door open the rest of the way with her foot.  She stepped inside to see the two masked strangers huddled up next to the stairs, looking awkwardly from her to each other.  
 “Hello girls,” Sabine said after closing the door behind her.  “Could one of you please tell me what is going on?”
  After introducing themselves as Paris’s newest superhero team, the two of them followed Sabine upstairs and Volpina recapped everything that had happened, as well as what she suspected had happened to turn Tom into and Akuma.  As she finished, Sabine went over to the window and looked over at the park swarming with her husband’s handy work.  
 “That no good scoundrel,” Sabine cursed.  “Who does he think he is?  Trying to bully money out of people like that; it’s just down right rotten!  I’ll tell you one thing for sure, I’m certainly never watching his show again.”
 “I doubt that cockroach will even have a show after this,” Volpina said, wickedly.  “Once it gets out that he’s been blackmailing the places he reviews, I doubt he’ll be able to get a job on an infomercial.”
 “Of course, that’ll also put bad press on anyone he did give a good review too,” Queen Bee interrupted.  “If those network affiliates have any brains at all, they’re going to try to twist this around to say that the restaurants offered the bribes to him, and try to sue.  Sure, you’ll save the little places like this that couldn’t pay, but what about the ones like Le Grand Paris?  If this gets out, Le Grand Paris will get sued for bribery, Chef Cesaire will be made into a scapegoat, and she’ll be fired and blacklisted from every restaurant in Europe, along with every other owner of an establishment that appeared on that show.”
 Volpina gaped at Queen Bee as she finished her grim “big picture” analyses of the situation.  
 “But… No!  No, My mo- I mean, Chef Cesaire doesn’t own Le Grand, the Mayor does!  He’s the one who will get burned when it comes out that he paid a bribe.  Oh, this is going to be perfect.”  
 Volpina smiled and rubbed her hands together while Queen Bee sighed.
 “You said the money to pay Dude Fury’s bribe came out of the Head Chef’s pay, remember?  The Mayor didn’t just do that to slight her, he did that so any paper trail for the bribe could be traced back to her.  His lawyer’s probably already have an iron clad case written up to peg her for any scandal that pops up.  They’re very good at shifting the blame like that.”  
 Volpina stared at her with her mouth agape, while Queen Bee looked pointedly out the window.
 “You girls certainly seem well informed,” Sabine said, looking from one to the other.  
 They both flinched.  
 “Uhm, well, er, gotta keep up on current events, you know,” Volpina said crossing her arms and trying to lean casually against the kitchen counter.  
 “A superhero has to look at the grand scheme of things,” Queen Bee said easily, pretending to admire her nails, despite the fact that she was wearing gloves.  
 Sabine smiled at them.
 “Well, don’t forget, you two have lady luck on your side.  Ladybug luck, in fact.  As long as you two do the right thing I’m sure it’ll all work out.  Although it certainly doesn’t hurt to be prepared…”  
 Sabine put a finger to her lips and thought for a moment before nodding to herself and heading for the bedroom.  
 “I’m going to make a few phone calls, could you girls go downstairs and take care of my wayward husband? That cookbook he was holding has been passed down for generations.  Just tear it apart and I’m sure you’ll find one of those butterfly things.  Oh, and don’t be afraid to be a little ruff with him if you need to,” she added with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.  “Tom used to be quite the rugby player in high school, and anyway he could use the exercise.  Have fun!”
 And with that, she closed the door to her bedroom and left the two new superheroes staring after her.
 “This family is weird, right?  It’s not just me?”  Queen Bee asked, turning to Volpina.
 Volpina just held up her hand and made a little “maybe” gesture.    
  Back at the bottom of the stairs, Volpina went over her plan with Queen Bee.  
 “Alright, I’m gonna rush in there and smash up his little laboratory so he can’t make any more of his minions.  Then, while he’s distracted with that, I’ll grab the book away from him and run back here. We beat feet upstairs, run back across the rooftops to Ladybug, I throw it down to her, she de-evilizes the Akuma, and mission accomplished!”
 “And then Dude Fury causes no end of problems for either the bakery, or La Grand Paris,” Queen Bee deadpanned.  “And that’s if your plan doesn’t go catastrophically wrong in any one of a thousand ways I can think of off the top of my head.”  
 Volpina groaned and ground her teeth.  
 “Well it’s not like I’m hearing any great plans from you!”
 “You didn’t ask.  You just started declaring you were going to go in and start smashing stuff and that that would somehow fix everything.”
 Volpina glared at her, while Queen Bee crossed her arms and stared back coolly.  Volpina’s glare began to falter, and she forced herself to look down at the floor instead, her hands squeezed into trembling fists. Queen Bee sighed and uncrossed her arms. Fighting with her partner wasn’t going to help the situation, and she knew it.  
 “Look I’m… I’m sorry. I can tell you’re really invested in this for some reason, but your letting your emotions do the thinking, and it’s going to get you or someone else hurt.   Or worse, caught and get your miraculous stolen!  I don’t want to lose my partner on my first day.  I mean, who’d help me find a girlfriend?”
 Queen Bee nudged her playfully and forced herself to let out a hollow laugh.  Volpina sighed and looked at her, her expression now more ashamed then angry.  She turned her head and looked back at the door, pursing her lips at it in thought. After a minute she turned back to Queen Bee.  
 “So, what do you think we should do?”
 Queen Bee frowned and gave the door a distasteful look.  
 “Personally, I think we should just get out of here and get Ladybug and Chat Noir.”
 Volpina shook her head.
 “I already told you, we can’t let Ladybug know.”
 “That’s if she hasn’t figured it out already,” Queen Bee lamented.  She sighed and continued.  “But, if you insist we have to do this by ourselves, then fine.  I think we should try your illusions again.  If we can get him out of there, and out in the open, I think we have a much better chance of snagging that book and getting away without him seeing us.”
 Volpina thought for a moment and nodded.
 “Alright, I think I might be able to make it look like the bakery caught on fire behind him.  That should flush him out.  But I’ll need to get another look at that room first.”
 Queen Bee gave her a thumbs up, and Volpina nodded with a smile.  She went over to the door again while Queen Bee hung back; less faces meant less chance of being seen.  Volpina cracked open the door and poked her head around.  From inside the room came the sound of rushing winds, and the voice of the Nekrobaker screaming over it.  
 “Rise my ultimate creation! Rise!  Rise my Antibug Devil!  Rise and crush my enemies like ground nutmeg beneath your-“
 Volpina withdrew her head quickly and snapped the door shut.  She stood perfectly still for several seconds before turning around to face Queen Bee.
 “…So plan C, right?”  
Authors Notes:  
Regarding the bakery: Yes the door really does open like that in the show.  I don’t know why, but it does.  It took me forever to work out what the floor plan of Marinette’s house looked like, but near as I can figure it goes bakery on the first floor, house on the second floor, then Marinette’s room, and Marinette’s garden on the roof.  I almost ignored the strange design of the door, but making them poke their heads around made it much easier for them to be caught by Sabine.  
 Originally, I did write it so the house became a giant medieval dungeon that Queen Bee and Volpina had to navigate through, but for reasons that will become clearer in the next chapter, that idea was just too problematic to use now.  I also originally wrote Sabine out of the story completely; either by having her locked in one of the dungeons of the transformed house, or just had her out getting groceries the entire time, but then I got the idea of her coming home to find everything gone nuts, and found the idea of her just rolling with it too funny to pass up.  
 Regarding the Nekrobaker: I had a devil of a time coming up with a suitable name and identity for this first Akuma.  The original name I had suggested was Doughmanator, but I just couldn’t make that name work with the concept and scene I had planned.  
 Regarding feedback: Thank you all so much for your continued comments, reviews, and kudos!  They really make this story so much more rewarding to right.  I’m doing my best to keep to the weekly upload schedule, and your feedback is what motivates me to stay as consistent as I have been.  
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