#i hope you’re having an awesome day!!! sending u much love n health!
inkykeiji · 2 years
to chipmunky anon! i love buying clothes from dolls kill! some of their items of clothing are a lil… questionable lol but there are a lot of cute pieces within the website!!
chipmunk anon!! another suggestion for u!!! i cannot vouch as i do not shop at dolls kill hehe c:
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psychewithwings · 3 years
Bitter Taste: Iwaizumi x f/reader Pt. 1
pt. 2 here
THIS IS SO LATE and I’m a fuck up hahahaha (kinda ironic this was 2 weeks late for Mental Health Awareness month) 
I am crediting my girl @kuso-deku for giving me Iwaizumi brain rot to begin with. I am also crediting @gixxie and @idonotagreebitch for helping me talk through my ideas... and crediting @doinmybesthere for the wonderful idea of a mental health awareness collaboration the link is here. PLS READ THE REST OF THE WORKS. Everyone deserves the love.
TW: manipulative male/female relationships, gaslighting?, subtle shit head crap that most men do (don’t worry Iwa is a peach as always tho, it’s Ushijima that’s the problem)
Iwaizumi stands and stretches in the cinema. The movie had been good, but long, he figured it was a little after midnight. “What’d ya think?” Kuroo asks as they exit the theatre. “I hated the ending…” Oikawa gripes, “I hate endings where everyone just dies.” “You are such a princess Tooru, I swear, it’s a metaphorical ending… did you not catch all the symbolism in the opening credits?” Iwaizumi sighs and turns his phone back on, trying his best to ignore their bickering. Slowly, notification after notification pops up… all from you. He blinks, surprised. You had declined his offer to join him for the film, stating you had previous plans attending a close friend’s birthday.
Iwa opens the messages from you. He sees first the selfies. You look beautiful, extravagant even. Your dress is beautiful, it compliments your figure perfectly with the corseted bodice. It’s white and so is your lace mask. Broad, feathered angel wings rest on your back. Angelic would have been a word he’d used to describe you before, but now, it was confirmed. He wants to keep staring at the photos but Kuroo and Oikawa are starting to become too curious about the contents of his phone. He scrolls and relaxes his face to look more casual. But it’s hard when your intoxicated messages are so darn cute.    
hope the movie is good!
okay so I guess there’s an open bar? Is it my birthday too?
if you wanna come by after the movie I’msure you coul
this partyyyy suckssssssss assssssssss
wish id gon wiht u xx
You are clearly drunk and he laughs to himself before Kuroo peers over his right shoulder. “Well she’s thinking about you at least,” he smirks. Oikawa peers over Iwaizumi’s left shoulder, “ooo play the voice message.” Oikawa taps the message before Iwaizumi can give him an answer.
“Hiiiii Iwaaaaaa, hope you like the moovie and you’re having a good time, cuz I’m having a preetyy good time, they gots free margaritaaass. Okay byeeeee”
The guys laugh and Oikawa presses the next one.
“Hey Iwaaa, I made up a song about you, ready?
Doesn’t know what he does- to me…
Sshfhsijknfhahaha I cant remember the rest som’n bout… som’n I dunno. Byeee”
“Okay, Ushi says that I need to say sorry for sending so many…” you pause and then whisper, “drunk messages, but I’as only tellin’ ya I ssink ‘r awesome ‘n you should totally come to this party and hang out with me… you’re awesome, okay byeee”
Oikawa and Kuroo pause and look at Iwaizumi. “Ushi?” Oikawa asks, “like Ushiwaka?” Oikawa’s eyes are narrowed and he gags dramatically in disgust. Iwaizumi nods and walks to exit the theatre. “Wait… that’s her friend who’s having the birthday party?” Iwa grimaces as Kuroo chuckles. “No wonder you’ve had a stick up your ass all night.” Iwa glares at him, “they’re just friends… apparently… I don’t know, she said they’ve known each other for a really long time…” Kuroo claps Iwaizumi on the back. “I think you should definitely go to the party.” Iwaizumi starts to object but the ring of his phone draws attention, and he answers it. “Heyyy you're outta th’moviee, heheeheheha,” you slur. Iwaizumi laughs softly and smiles, “yeah, I’m out of the movie now, are you… good?” There is so much background noise, it almost drowns out your sweet sleepy voice. “I’m soooo good… … I just-” he can hear your voice drop to a drunken whisper. “I’z just hoping to see you today,” you mumble finally.  
Iwaizumi can feel his heartbeat quicken, his head reeling. “Oh really?” He plays cool but then instantly regrets it when you give him a serious answer. “Yeah, I was really hoping you’d come to the party, even for just a little,” you murmur. Iwaizumi can’t help but chuckle. You were pretty cute like this, not normally so transparent. You were actually quite hard to read, so sweet but guarded and teasing too. You were a friend of Oikawa’s first and he had met you through him. He’d liked the way you sat cross legged on the couch smiling, chin in your hands while you asked questions and listened to his answers. Your eyes sparkle when you hear something you like, and your face lights up when you talk about things you find interesting.
“Ya don’t have to, I can just see ya another time,” you add. He’s been silent too long which causes him to speak without thinking. “No, I’d love to see you, I’ll head to you now.” Kuroo and Oikawa are silently cheering him on and Iwa turns away in embarrassment. “Really? Okay! I’ll drop my pin… as the kids are sayin’ these days hahaha.” “See you soon, drink some water okay?” “Mhm, I will, see ya soon!”
You were at a club owned by Ushijima’s family. A place called ‘Eagle’s Nest’. He’d only known you for a few weeks but he couldn’t help his infatuation. It was immediate, the night he had gone to Oikawas for game night. You spoke to him so easily not knowing him at all and laughed at his little side jabs to his long time friend. The way you looked at him… Iwa knew then that he wanted to see you smile, hear your laugh, and that he would be happy to assume the responsibility of making that happen.
He was surprised when you had declined his offer for the movie, feeling that you both had some definite chemistry, but Iwaizumi was even more surprised when you had said that you had prior plans with his old time rival Ushijima Wakatoshi. Iwaizumi hadn’t seen him since high school but they knew a few people in common, Oikawa being one of those people. Oikawa could sure hold a grudge but Iwaizumi took all of his comments with a grain of salt. Ushijima often came off entitled and cold, which would leave Iwaizumi with a bad taste in his mouth. Maybe Oikawa had the right idea holding a grudge… But grudge or not he wanted to see you, hear your voice and admire you all dolled up.
When Iwaizumi arrives at the club he is met with a large security guard. “Invitation?” he grumbles. Iwa remains calm but a small trickle of fear runs down his back. Iwaizumi gives the guard a casual smile before he starts to answer but he is interrupted. “Iwaaaaa,” you cry from the top of the stairs. The mask you’d had on is now resting on top of your head, the delicate features of your face now exposed. The floofy skirt of your dress bounces with your excitement as you run down the stairs. You crash into him, throwing your arms around his neck. You bury your face in his collar and still momentarily. Drunk and bubbly, you melt when Iwa wraps his arms around your waist in return, avoiding your costume’s wings. “Mmmm,” you hum, breath hot against his skin, “you smell good.” You pull back and stare into his wide eyes. “You look incredible,” he offers, a slight pink tint to his cheeks. You grin in return and simply take hold of his hand. “He’s with me,” you beam at the guard. Iwaizumi is doubtful this trick will work here. But he is surprised when the guard steps aside saying, “as you wish Miss L/N.” You giggle and pull Iwa towards the doors. “I’ll bring you some cake later, okay Jurou?” Jurou laughs, “just have fun darlin’.” “You’re the best,” you call behind you as you push open the doors. Iwaizumi can’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy knowing that you are on a first name basis with one of the body guards at the Wakatoshi’s club. How close were you with Ushijima?    
Blue and purple lights illuminate the vast space while black tiles make up the main floor. The dance floor is sunken, in the middle of the club with a small set of stairs leading down to it. It’s made entirely of glass, beneath is a saltwater garden of different plants and coral.  
“You’ll need one of these,” you explain, swiping a simple black mask from the welcome table. You hand it over to him and pull yours down over your eyes. Iwaizumi adjusts it to where he can see. “You look so handsome,” you admire. He grins, “what about you? You’ve got wings!” You laugh and adjust your mask back on top of your forehead. “I’m a swan, and Ushi said I couldn’t be a swan without wings!” You spin for him, trying your best to flap the feathered wings. Small pieces of confetti glitter rain from the skirt of your dress. Iwaizumi takes in your face illuminated by the lights of the club. Blue and pink dancing over your cheeks as you smile up at him. “What?” you giggle nervously. Just a few weeks but he is mesmerised by your everything. He shakes his head and tries to move on. He wanted to tell you how he felt but this wasn’t the right time. It should be when you’re sober, when you can take in his words properly.
You coax him down towards the bar.  “You’re sure it’s okay to sneak in uninvited guests?” Iwa questions. “Well, I asked Ushi ‘nd he said it was okay, so yeah!” You grin but notice Iwaizumi’s reserve. “It’s really okay, I promise, let’s just get a drink,” you suggest and take his hand. “Only if you drink more water,” he smirks. You roll your eyes at Iwa, “I drank some water before you got here actually.” You look back at him as you both head down to the bar. “I’ll prolly regret that yurr seeing me like this tamorow, ya know,” you call over the blaring music. “It’s cute, you’re cute,” he assures as he leans against the bar, “I didn’t know you thought about me this much until I saw all the snapchats and voice messages and texts.” You cover your face in humiliation, “I knowww, I’m sorry but you were on my mind a lot, alot alot, and  couldn’t stop think about ya, and the booze told me to keep on messaging…” You trail off,  finding the last shred of your filter to keep you from talking.  The bartender hands you your water and you take a long drink.
“Iwaizumi,” a voice projects over the baseline. Ushijima stands tall advancing towards where you both stand. His expression is neutral though, his eyes keep darting to you and then back to Iwaizumi. Ushijima is dressed as a knight, his silver mask hangs languidly around his neck. “Ushiwaka,” Iwa acknowledges, “this is a hell of a birthday party.” You giggle and point at Ushiwaka, “he’s 28 today; getting sooo old.” In that moment, Iwaizumi watches him do something he had never seen him do before. Smile… and then laugh. Ushijima wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you closer.  “You’re just a baby,  you’re only-” You wave your hand in front of Ushiwaka’s face, shushing him. “No, no, Iwa doesn’t knowww, don’t tell him,” you plead. “She’s only 23,” Ushiwaka says. You hold your face in your hands once more and groan. Ushijima pulls your hands from your face, “just barely twenty three too.” You glare at him and look back at Iwaizumi embarrassed.  “Did she not tell you her age?” Ushijima asks Iwaizumi. Iwa shrugs, “She didn’t, but I never asked,” Iwa shrugs casually, addressing you now, “didn’t seem important since you carry yourself so well.”
You turn to Iwa, mouth open like you’re about to respond but Ushijima swipes the glass from your hands before you can finish. “Drinking water?” You look up at him. “But it’s my birthday… and this is a party…  you need something stronger…” Ushijima beacons the bartender with a single flick of his hand. The barman pours three double shots of a clear liquid from a foreign looking bottle. Ushijima takes a glass and hands it to you, before handing another to Iwaizumi. Ushijima gives him a wink as he loops his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. He raises his glass, the violet lights illuminating the liquid. Iwaizumi follows his lead. “To my Juliet, the belle of the ball,” Ushijima bellows. You smile slightly and shake your head. “No no, to you Ushi, it’s your birthday, not mine, we are celebrating you!” Your eyes find Iwa’s, but you leave your glass raised. Ushijima grabs hold of your hand that’s still wrapped around the glass. “Cheers,” He tips the glass towards your lips and you swallow the clear liquor as he feeds it to you. You down it all in one go and Ushiwaka smiles wide once again. “She’s good, huh?” With that, Ushiwaka clinks his glass to Iwaizumi’s, “to you brother,” he assures. Iwa is surprised with the sudden sentiment. “And to you,” he replies before downing the shot. The liquor is surprisingly smooth, expensive, and strong. Iwa can feel his head starting to get light from the small portion that was in the glass and Iwa wasn’t a light weight. “Strong huh?” Ushijima smirks. Iwaizumi nods then turns to the bartender to signal for a water.
Ushijima turns to where you stand swaying slightly with the music. “Look at her, she gets drunk so easily,” Ushijima smiles. “How are you feeling, princess?” he shouts over at you. Iwa turns away and downs his water in disgust. ‘Princess?’ Ushijima shouldn’t be calling you that if you’re both just friends. You blink and give him a smile and a thumbs up. There was a natural innocence about you, a childlike wonder and curiosity, the embodiment of sanguine. Ushijima’s air was sometimes sinister, like he was taking advantage of your natural trusting nature. Iwa watches as Ushijima’s large hands rest on either of your shoulders and he pushes you back and forth like a pendulum between his palms. You giggle and try to push him away, “Ushi stooopp.” He laughs with you and continues pushing you around, “you’re so cute and small though, see?” He places a hand on top of your head and you still. “I said to stop,” you mumble. “And I did,” he retorts before letting you go.
Iwa watches the sudden weight of gravity find you as you stumble in your heels. He catches your arm just in time. Your arms find their way around his neck once more, your face in the crook of his neck. You pull away and Iwa examines your foggy eyes. “You okay?” You nod, pushing off of Iwa’s chest. You fix your hair, “it’s fine, he just messin’” you turn to Ushijima, “and someone doesn’t know when to quit.” You’re pulled away into Ushiwaka’s arms. He sways you back and forth, your back held against his chest while he says soft apologies. He whispers something to you and you nod. Iwaizumi wanted to pull you away from him. Not because he was jealous, but because the way that Ushiwaka was behaving with you was odd.
“Y/n is a little bit tired, why don’t you join us in VIP?” Iwa smiles and gives his thanks, trying his best to hide his scowl. Iwa follows after you and Ushiwaka, upstairs and under velvet ropes hoping that he will find a good moment to pull you away. But instead you are pulled onto the couch beside Ushiwaka. He lights a cigar and offers one to Iwa, but Iwaizumi declines with a simple, “no thanks, don’t smoke.” It’s strange the way that Ushiwaka keeps whispering in your ear, giving you sips of his drinks, and blowing smoke in your face. “Ushi, stop please, the smell is making me sick,” you whine. But he just pulls you closer to him, chuckling all the while and does it again. You’re laughing and poking his face, but it’s not out of joy... Watching Ushijima interact with you the whole night has been like watching a cat toy with a mouse.
Iwa grimaces when Ushiwaka tickles you. “Stop-stop-don’t-stop,” you giggle and howl. “She said to stop!” Iwa raises his voice. Ushijima’s eyes shoot towards Iwaizumi while you squirm off the couch. Your eyes are heavy as you walk towards a dark hallway and disappear into the shadows. Iwa’s eyes flick to the entrance to the hall. Ushiwaka sits in a contented silence, sipping a drink, “she’s so dramatic,” he sighs. He continues smoking, arm rested over the back of the purple velvet sofa. Ushijima takes a sip of his drink, swirling the ice in his glass. Iwa doesn’t move to break the silence no matter how expectant Ushijima’s expression was. He stamps out his cigar in the tray before addressing him.
“She’s awfully talkative, and incredibly fond of you…” Ushijima starts, an odd smirk painting his expression. Iwaizumi raises an eyebrow in intrigue and Ushijima’s face hardens. “She won’t shut up about you since she met you… it’s annoying...” Iwaizumi, remains quiet, the silence settling over the men like a thick fog. The only sounds are muffled club music and the ice tinkling against Ushijima’s glass. “I’m going to be honest as a friend… bad idea.” Iwaizumi can feel the rage bubbling inside his gut, “I don’t think that what’s going on between us is any of your-” He’s cut off by Ushijima.
“I’m really looking out for you Iwaizumi, girls can break hearts and Y/n is kind of known for that… she’s just a sweet soul, makes friends easily, but love? That’s harder for her… doesn’t have the best taste in men I’m afraid, I want to protect her and you from a situation where I can already see the conclusion… I get that you like her, everyone does.”  Iwazumi leans forward, “does that include you?” Ushijima is stone faced, then gives a cold laugh. “You’re funnier than I remember, Iwaizumi.”
Iwaizumi rises and heads towards the hall you disappeared down. If he sat in front of him any longer he was going to say something he regretted… and you still haven’t come back. He slips into the dark hallway as you’re exiting the bathroom. Your mask has been removed and even in the dim lighting you look pale. “Hey, what’s happened?” You look up at him embarrassed, your dress almost as wilted as you are. “Got sick…” you mutter. You’re shaking slightly, arms wrapped around yourself. “Oh Y/n, are you alright?” he sighs. His arm starts to reach for you but he thinks better of it, pulling it back to rest by his side. His eyes widen as he feels the warmth of your hand in his. He didn’t figure that you would want to be touched right now. But your fingers interlace with his,  your skin soft. “Are you good to drive?” you whisper. His hand instinctively tightens around yours protectively. “I only had whatever Ushijima gave us, it was strong but I’ve had water- yeah I’m good.” “Would you mind taking me home?” you ask, as you start to walk back towards the VIP room. “Sure, course,” Iwaizumi replies gently. He feels how your thumb brushes over the back of his hand in silent gratitude. The gesture has his heart beating hard against his ribs. Iwa walks forward, his eyes on you and nothing else. Your brow is furrowed and your expression painted serious which was unusual from how he knew you to act.
“Iwa’s taking me home now,” you announce and walk towards the stairs. Ushiwaka’s face hardens, “I can take her home, you shouldn’t trouble yourself,” he addresses Iwaizumi. You smile and turn around facing Ushiwaka. “But Ushi, ‘s ur birthday, you can’t leave this party jus’ ‘a take me home,” You turn to Iwa now. “Let’s go,” you say and Iwa nods, still holding your hand.  “Where’s my hug, princess?” Ushijima calls after you. You stop in your tracks and close your eyes, taking in a deep breath. You drop Iwa’s hand slowly, hesitantly. You walk back slowly and stand before his open arms. He lifts you and you groan. You’re still hugging him tightly but not quite with the same intimacy as before.
As Ushijima places you down you turn to look back at Iwa when Ushijima catches your face with his large hand. He coaxes your face back towards him then leans down. Ushiwaka locks eyes with Iwaizumi as he whispers something in your ear. Then he presses his lips to your cheek, still not moving his eyes away from Iwaizumi’s. Iwa tries his best to remain neutral but he can feel his lip creeping upwards in contempt. Ushiwaka is too prideful for his own good it seems.
You take Iwa’s hand again, leading him towards the exit. An exasperated look rests on your face. “What did he say to you?” Iwa asks. You sigh and shake your head. “‘S nothin’,  ya shouldn’t worry your pretty lil head ‘bout it.” Iwa can’t help but allow a smile. He raises an eyebrow at you, “think my head is pretty?” he asks. He’s met with your hazy gaze, “I do,” you say simply. Iwa wasn’t prepared for such a straightforward answer to his question.
Once out of the club, the valet pull Iwaizumi’s car around. He’s careful not to let you walk too far on your own. Sick, in those ridiculous shoes and still quite drunk, he opens the car door for you before hopping into the driver's seat. “Will you put your address in?” Iwa hands you his phone and you type it in as asked. “Thanks for doing this,” you sigh. “Yeah of course,” he says as he puts the car into gear. A few streets of city light pass by in silence. Your hands are resting in your lap but your body is still trembling. “I can- umm- pull over if you need me to…” You wave the thought away with your hand, “it was the smell of the cigar more than anything…” Iwa’s gut begins to boil again. Your voice is soft, almost defeated. He speaks before thinking better of it. “Does he always treat you like that?” You look at Iwa and make eye contact briefly before his attention is back on the road. “He was being a little extra weird today, maybe because y’all used to play volleyball together or… I dunno really, he just gets like that sometimes…” You trail off, allowing your thoughts to fade into the rearview. The silence is deafening and you feel the need to break it. “He’s really nice too though, don’t get me wrong, he cooks for me and calls to check in, he even gets me little gifts, so I know he cares.” Iwa shakes his head, “if he cared he would have stopped when you asked him to.” You take a breath, “I know but he was just having a night I guess…” Iwa pulls into your driveway as the GPS notifies him that he has ‘arrived at the destination’. He puts the car in park, “you don’t have to make excuses for him… it’s okay to be angry, if that’s how you feel.” You start to open the door, your fingers on the handle. “I’m not angry though, I’m just kinda hurt.” You open the door and start to get out, “okay, maybe a little angry too.” You laugh to yourself but not out of joy. It’s an ironic laugh and Iwa can hear the pain ringing inside of it. “Let me walk you inside.”  
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veenxys · 2 years
linnieeeeeeee good morning D:< i hope u have the GREATEST day n that u complete all the tasks u need to do on time and are able to eat and get to bed on time for health :D
hiii james my beautiful angel <3 thank you thank you you’re so amazing & i truly hope that life is treating you with love and kindness just the way you deserve!!!! please have a week as awesome as you are ! sending so much love 🫂🫐🧺💘🌀💐🧸
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frogtanii · 3 years
It’s wind anon! (Imagine me as the screeching seagull meme) just pushing through the week. Getting the test out of my mind—it just sucks because there’s always this one test that I completely mess up on—and as someone who has to deal with all honors classes and my grades tend to be good, every time I fail to meet up to expectations my stress skyrockets. (Imagine a world where grades don’t matter and school is learning based rather than mark based...) Family pressures too—okay, wind anon is done ranting.
The update! The drama—I was there the moment it updated and I saw the comments rush in and I was laughing real hard.
But my reaction to the update!
Osamu POV :0!!! The insecurity... “all it did was remind him that he was alone”— I empathize because gosh, that is so real.
The attachment to Meiko though... his emotional state is on a very unstable tightrope. “Osamu had Meiko and he used to have Daichi and Iwaizumi...” that entire section has all my red flags raised. He’s going to completely break when everything comes out.
The loud clang startled me though. I was like “!!!” But it was our YN! Our kind, wonderful YN!! Trying to get snacks wwwwww.
Osamu thinking YN is cute :0 I be having a lot of thoughts about that but him squishing it down is fair. He considers himself to be in a committed relationship (though Meiko does not reciprocate and I am ready to fight regarding that) but I can respect his devotion (even if it is very misguided).
But. “After all, you were the reason Atsumu hated him now and never spoke to him anymore.” My gosh. What do I even say about this? Because the blame is entirely thrown off. I mean, you mentioned before Atsumu had a specific reason for believing in you over Meiko so I’m still waiting for that but Osamu is thinking something wrong but it’s a human action. It’s so easy to blame people to make yourself feel better. And your brain can do it without you realizing the depths of what has been thought.
Osamu being angry (!!!) and being a complete utter douche. YN literally just wanted a bag of chips and you’re here, crowding them in the pantry and being hostile. I don’t have much to say about it because he realized his mistake but by then he already stressed YN really badly and I am...(long sigh).
Atsumu to the rescue. We appreciate Atsumu very very much in this house. It really sucks that Osamu and Atsumu are confronting like this—I mean, Atsumu has been fighting a bit and Osamu had not really been listening to Atsumu on his own end prior to this confrontation so I’m...exhausted and a bit sad in the “It can’t be helped” kind of way.
“Osamu allowed him to, too in shock and ashamed to protest, much less fight back.” It couldn’t be helped considering how everything developed but...it still hurts my chest a bit, y’know? And then Osamu tries to apologize and I’m ready (so so ready) for them to communicate because they desperately need to—
But then Meiko comes in (I am...ready to throw stuff at her. Lots of stuff. Packing peanuts. All squeaky and annoying and bad for the environment just like she is—or something like that, I dunno, I’m half dead because I’m dealing with cramps rn) and all my wishes for them to finally have that much needed conversation where Osamu can finally break down and cry—all my wishes are turned to ash like.
(Angry Wind anon noises)
Meiko rubbing her makeup all over Osamu’s shirt like he is a rag. What in the... And her 4 inch heels please, I cannot, why, I can’t deal with this, I can’t, don’t make me get close to her because I’m like Yachi (stressed out of my mind). Please don’t do this to me. But yeah, Meiko with her poor makeup that doesn’t stay on her face. What the heck....
And Meiko’s scent... gross. Like, brown sugar, cute, nice, baked goods do smell really nice, (ever add a bunch of vanilla extract to a recipe? It like, perfumes around everywhere, it’s insane and wonderful) but chances are (because it’s Meiko), it’s overbearingly sweet. Chinese food (I do not trust her taste in Chinese food to be frank), I happen to come from a Chinese family, I have Chinese food for dinner like everyday, it would take a lot to be able to get that sort of scent on you. And I do mean a lot. And hairspray??? Chemical? I do not,,, I,,, Osamu, why would you breathe that in? It’s gonna be real bad for your lungs? And we already know Meiko smokes as well—your lung health, please value it—
And then the Suna entrance. Wonderfully done fr0ggy!
Final thoughts, I am very much projecting onto Yachi rn. Yachi has been in the house for less than a week and she already has to deal with this. The company should give her a raise. My gosh.
Anyway, might as well do a thoughts/headcanon thing because it’s been a while and my mind is still on gem/jewel stuff (so hope you don’t mind!)
Okay, so Kenma I think would go with a warm colored gemstone, and citrine would work well with him! “Protection against evil thoughts” because we know Meiko has ramped up is insecurity and lowered his self-esteem.
I mentioned this before last time but Sakusa is definitely onyx. That black is iconic, and “sharpening wit” would make sense with his grace for word play and snark.
Akaashi is an interesting one...I think sapphire. I mean, sapphire can have many colors besides the classic dark blue, so that’s one thing, but it’s known for “loyalty and a pledge of trust” which Akaashi gave. I think it’s suitable for him.
Suga...initially I was thinking pearl would match him in terms of appearance, but actually looking at my reference, turquoise would work really really well with him. “Protect from evil, maintain virtue, bring good luck”. Would work well.
For Atsumu and Osamu I wanted something that could represent their duality. My first thought was gold and silver. I mean, it’d fit in terms of appearance but I’m not sure that would be the best comparison. Gold doesn’t rust so it fits Atsumu who never fell for Meiko’s tricks. Silver has been said to vanquish dark/evil beings (vampires, werewolves, the classic silver bullets and stakes). It would be interesting to see if the comparison will apply to today’s update :D!
I like how my brain shut off and couldn’t remember anyone else for a second—anyway, Oikawa... every time I think of him, I want some hue of blue wwww. I guess Aquamarine “soothing influence” would work. Since he joined YN’s side, he has been able to see the big picture and be a voice of reason. He’s thoughtful and I think aquamarine which encourages long relationships is suitable because that is what he wanted. So yes, aquamarine.
Bokuto...is a tough one. I’m trying to still keep with their color schemes a bit. I think carnelian would work. “Health, luck, bold energy, warmth, joy”—it would represent him fine. It’s a bit more orange than I would prefer but it suits him so I think it’s okay.
Iwaizumi... emerald? I mean, he does suit green tones, and “rebirth, regeneration, new hope” would work just fine for him.
Right now my brain is complete mush and I can’t think of anything for Kuroo and Daichi. Like, Kuroo would be red, sure, but the more famous ruby/garnet I think don’t represent him fully because he is still rather contained. Hmm, would need to think about them more.
But I’d like your thoughts on this too :D!!
I wanna do something suitable for all colors for YN, so opal! YN has many different parts and colors and is overall a very vivid person—if you tilt opal, you see more and more faces and things underneath being brought into your eyes. YN may be seen from many different perspectives, but YN is always beautiful and amazing. So opal is what I think YN would be.
Anyway, I’ll end here :D! Need to eat lunch. Much love towards you fr0ggy! Make sure you eat and rest up too~ drink some water or any other fluid to hydrate! And keep warm too. Much love to all the fans and supporters and ask senders too! It’s really awesome seeing and hearing from all of you and seeing new faces with the old. Love the excitement and points you all bring up—makes my brain happy.
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straighttohellbuddy · 4 years
World building is the best tbh. I’m forever world building and now I have several worlds to play in and my neurodivergent brain cannot stay still enough to focus on one lmao. SLOWBURN ROMANCES ARE MY LITERAL JAM LIKE PLS!!! I LOVE THEM!! Also!!!! Concepts!!!! Pls share!!!! I love learning about the worlds of my fave fics and I can hands down say right now that this fic will literally shoot to the top of my list of favourites which means you’ll occupy the top three spots. Sorry to hear that ur feeling rough, so am sending u the biggest hug. I’m not okay but I’m taking care of myself today so that I will be 🧡-🐈‍⬛
alsjfsldkjf i have too many worlds TBH, literally one of the best parts of my 2020 was writing for the classic rock fandom and writing one of my good friend’s ocs alongside mine, like there’s so many different worlds that our two characters have now, i’m like 26k deep into a high school au that i need to get back to at some point, and then i wrote a oneshot abt the high school au but they’re adults, and then there’s also the original timeline, and then there’s the present day in the original timeline where they have kids and i probably care too much about people who aren’t real...... hahaha
yes i have a playlist for each, if you wanna hear how i interpret the vibes of the songs. if you interpret them differently, thats awesome!! i’d love to hear y’all’s opinions on them!!
testing one two - the first ep they release, the song titles are mostly themed (fast forward, press play, pause, rewind), but are mostly things y/n has been working on for a while but never got around to finishing, things they are rather proud of. i see you shiver with... is the first song they wrote specifically for the album, and it’s the last song on the EP because it’s a Rocky Horror reference; i see you shiver with...
a n t i c i p a t i o n - first full album!! the vibe is Hopeful But Hesitant it has all the songs from the ep, plus some new ones!! collabs with youtube musicians troye and dodie, and y/n’s label sets up a collab that turns into a genuine friendship. the breakout dance hit is what else is there to say ft. Troye Sivan, which is about not knowing what to make content about when it feels like you’ve already told the world everything. it featured the prechorus and hook
You, know, ev-ery-thing about me / gave it all for free / my life in HD / So, let’s dance, let me see your hips sway / we’re gonna be okay / what else is there to say?
So say that you love me, say that you love me, say that you love me / let’s die hand in hand. / I’ll tell you I love you, tell you I love you, tell you I love you / supply and demand. 
personally, i also conceptually enjoy srs bsns which is a really upbeat song about how they don’t care if people don’t take them seriously because they know in their heart that what they’re doing is good
hyperfocus - 2nd EP, a pretty substantial departure from their usual style, but also happens to quietly be Corpse’s favourite, and is actually y/n’s most polarising, because it has both the Grammy award winning HEARTBURN and the o brother where art thou which was written partially as a joke to capture a fond moment of them and 5SOS dicking around together in a hotel. written while on tour wit 5SOS, im writing the reader as having ADHD (because I have ADHD and i can do what i want), and the backstory is that they’d changed the medication/dosage they were taking, and as it’s their first full tour, they were under a lot of stress and were in a weird place mentally and emotionally, and hyperfocus is the result of that. i’m going through some stuff has HUGE agoraphobic vibes. 
HEARTBURN has the same vibes as Florence + The Machines’ Howl. It’s about being a demon without saying that or directly implying that unless you know demons real well. This is when the pressure for them to confirm their identity got real bad, and it was their way of working through those emotions.
tear in existence in the shape of a person / when i’m seeing clearly i can’t see myself / world can’t swallow what it can’t get it’s teeth into / got everything i wanted but i ain’t got my health
Got heart-burn--- / I’ll tear me apart / I’ll tear you apart / I’ll tear me apart. 
SCREAM gets rereleased as a remixed single featuring Fall Out Boy the following year. It won the MTV music award for best collaboration in 2018. 
In the time between hyperfocus and working on it, Y/N releases several singles, including a cover of Tell Him by The Exciters to be featured in To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before. They also take time to sort out their health, do a little bit more YT stuff, and travel internationally to do festivals. 
working on it - is kind of a middle ground between their original stuff, and hyperfocus, like pop-punk meets horror-pop meets whatever you’d classify halsey as. the first three songs were mostly written before the fic starts, so before they’re getting back to YT, but the last three, nightmare scenario, designed to hurt (touch me), and not scared were all written after they’d started hanging out with sykkuno and corpse. 
in-universe, imposter syndrome was originally something else, along the same lines of tired that they’re hiding that they’re a demon, but after meeting corpse nd sykkuno and having people who know, and lowkey being influenced by corpse’s music, the song changes directions, and YO OKAY YO::
I literally am so fucking flattered, my darling friend @bingusmode​ wrote lyrics for imposter syndrome and I’ve been yELLING about them ever since i’ve read them!! (also bunnie is fantastic and lovely in general 10/10)
if you thought you saw me 
i’d think about it twice
cuz while i know i’m naughty
everybody thinks i’m nice
cutest giggles get me
places that i long to be
but it’s not long before
everybody hates me
when you figure out i’m fucked up
you’ll probably think that can’t be right
but babe my image runs to save me
cuz i’m ugly day and night
nothing good about me
not the angel that i seem
cuz i’m a piece of shit
and i’ll ruin your fuckin dreams
i’m an impostor babe
you better run for your life
cuz there’s a bloodlust runnin through me
and you’re dripping off my knife
there’s no one here to save you
cuz you ate up all my lies
so beg me while you can
and draft up all your goodbyes 
if any of y’all are inspired by anything i put out, feel free to take it and run!! you have my blessing!! i am so overwhelmingly flattered by people who like my stuff enough to create because of it, directly or indirectly! lyrics, art, songs, anything!! legit! I love you!!
okay so designed to hurt (touch me) has big House of Memories by Panic! At The Disco vibes, and YES it’s about Corpse. YES it sends mixed messages. YES it has greek myth imagery and YES that imagery is confusing. not sure if any of these sets of lyrics actually go after each other but also idk??
will my fall from grace be graceful / as each move i see you make? / propped up on pedestals side by side / beneath our feet they shake / i’m the only one to hear you ask  / “What have they done to me?” / My boy, your wax throne is sun-drenched / you’ll fall in the name of your legacy.
eyes like yours watched rome burn / while hands like mine lit the pyre / we both heard me say we’d go down in flames / now you’re turning me into a liar / since you smile like that, like you can’t feel the sting / and we both know i can’t feel the fire
been telling myself i’m designed to hurt / but, baby, aren’t we a sight? /
check your reflection, your angles, apollo / you’re icarus in the right light /
we’re on the edge, i’m not scared to fall / we’ll take refuge in the night /
been telling yourself you’re designed to hurt / but, baby, doesn’t this feel right?
also, albumtouralbumtour is a reference to Bohemian Rhapsody.
n o s t a l g i a - the album the reader’s working on during the fic.
literally as i was writing this, bunnie sent through some FIRE lyrics for how the light gets in, (@bingusmode) i am going to be thinking about these on REPEAT for the next MONTH BRUV
little bit of darkness, treat me like a toy 
i got my hopes up and got them destroyed
bitter taste of regret sitting heavy on my tongue
can’t believe i let you convince me that you were the one
sitting here in silence, fabric running thin
petals burning in my lungs and stealing oxygen
embers from a cigarette falling to the floor
god i can’t take anymore
so i stumble to the window and pull the shades
and the moon pours in like you threw a grenade
i can’t understand why
i keep trying
cuz i never seem to win
but having any hope is how the light gets in 
from there, moment before impact ft. Billie Eilish is a club anthem along the lines of bad guy or COPYCAT, bass heavy with a drop that’s out of this world.
powdered pain, i’m in your veins / i’m the sting, the drip, the thing / you’re craving, but you hate to see me misbehaving / i heard my breakdown got you high / it’s true, but baby i can’t lie / i never got that rush, that burn / that makes you feel alive, i had to learn / to pick the slippery slope down which i fell / plan my pitstops on the way to hell / to pick my padding before i spiral / so if i break it’ll be in style
watch my misdirect, now freeze, / notice you can’t see the forest for the trees / you’re so desperate for my demise / but baby, i’ll make you watch me rise.
this is the moment before impact
controlled chaos, crash land / take a breath, trust the plan / i know you hope i’m not okay / you get off on my audio misery
controlled chaos, crash land / take a breath, trust the plan / i need you to know i want it this way / my breakdown won me a grammy
and this is the moment before impact
ur my favourite - interlude ft. sykkuno is probably one of my favourites, it’s just really soft, just a snippet of a conversation between the reader and sykkuno, maybe one of them told a joke and they both just sound real happy and sweet. its nice. it’s a nice moment.
means something is also for sykkuno!! it’s about how good-strange it is to be open and honest with friends, and how they usually aren’t but they’re glad they can be open and honest with him!!
meanwhile, i don’t think about u - interlude ft. CORPSE is a phonecall between corpse & the reader right after they announce they’re going to feature on acting like that, where corpse asks if they do this sort of thing to spite him, to which the reader responds ‘do i consider you when i’m making decisions about my career? no, corpse, actually i don’t think about you at all’ which then directly contrasts the song that ends the album, which is (how it feels to be) beautiful fireworks, which is essentially ‘i know how hard it is to exist like this, to be the centre of attention, to give off light and bring people joy, even when you’re in pain. i’m here for you. i love you.’
okay, i swear im done now, i’ll get back to writing the fic! (also i cannot BELIVE i managed to figure out how to embed those playlists but im so happy) edit: it didn’t actually work when i posted the ask, so anyways im sorry but y’all are abt to be spammed with playlists because i care too much abt this fic
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dandelionpath · 5 years
I’m not sure what to classify this as but like the closest I got to the astral travel I want to achieve was like 👌 (if you can’t see emojis it’s the pinch emoji) like I was meditating and I move starting with the tips of my fingers n toes while physically meditating, I Like was able to change my position astrally more drastically than usual and the voice in my head altered somewhat (like I mean one’s thinking voice lmao) to be more like what I presume the voice of my astral form would be? (1/?)
(2/?) it was pretty cool but like before I could do much else all my muscles like seized up or moved at the same time again and it like brought me back to step 0 >~(3/?) closer and closer and eventually be able to on my own that’d be pretty cool lmao. I’ve technically been able to astral travel before but not in the way I want to specifically, like I have a pocket universe thing where I keep my astral space and thoughtforms (I have one son thoughtform that I joke is basically Jesus cuz he’s like my manager for it and he’s great at his job lmao) and I go there to a beach near my original astral space sometimes to feel the sand and surroundings but it’s (4/?) kinda like I’m there but only remotely? Like it’s like a phantom presence of sorts I guess. I can only get little glimpses of surroundings when I do that rip :( sometimes I can sense and even visualize stuff better though and those times are great lmao but I haven’t yet been able to find what might determine any differences, it seems mostly random >~(5/5) if that would be okay. Thank you again for your help and stuff, and I like reading about your experiences in your posts! Thank you again for your help :D 
FIRST OF ALL, I'M SO SORRY FOR TAKING SUCH A RIDICULOUSLY LONG TIME TO ANSWER YOU OML?????? I had a whole humongous answer written up and then my computer just chucked it out the window so I procrastinated a lot in writing it all up again aaagh I'm so sorry, that was the worst of me to do to you! Also had mental health stuff going on, but I definitely could have and should have answered you earlier, I am so so so sorry!!!So!! Here I am and let me try to help you as much as I can without writing an entire novel of an answer for you to read OOPs LOLlemme get all the jokes and oohs and aahs out of the way first dsdgsdfjkl: that sounds so cool and exciting omg!! that's such an interesting experience!! i'm glad u had that!! the astral voice is so wildly cool omg??? that's such an incredible experience!!!! god that's the worst feeling where you're finally getting somewhere and then your body just NOPES right out of it aaagh! YOUR JESUS THOUGHTFORM SON SDGDSFJKL I LOVE THAT
okay so first off (UPG and SPG): the pocket dimension ur describing sounds like a realm that's in between ur imagination and the astral. it's a bit of both. it's probably a realm that you created that's part of the astral that you've created. the astral is endless, and you can create new parts of it that aren't attached to anything else. so you've most likely created a little realm of your own that you can change around as you please (most likely using a bit of energy, otherwise that'd be just your imagination if you could move and make things instantly and without expending any energy). in these realms you can invite any spirits you want, and can have thoughtforms and everything there! sometimes realms like yours will eventually grow on their own and attach themselves to other realms, and that's why you still want to ward your space because spirits would be able to get in fairly easily if the realm attaches itself to another realm.in this pocket realm, you can control stuff (and controlling things uses energy) and it follows mostly your own rules i would assume. you can also create things (i always imagine it like minecraft when i'm working on pocket realms lol) but this uses energy as well. does that sound right?so, assuming that's what this is, I think the reason why you're only catching things in glimpses is just because either a) you need more practice, or b) that's just how you experience the astral. it could also be a bit of both of those reasons! personally, when I'm astral traveling, I don't often get full clear HD continuous vision. when i do get that, it's a huge energy drain and it also requires me to be super relaxed and of the right vibration at that time. aka it rarely happens and i actually don't prefer it because it takes way too much energy. it's not worth the energy drain for me! OKAY ANYWAYS LMAO: when i astral travel, i see it in only quick glimpses every few seconds. most of it is actually just me sensing what's going on. it's difficult to explain, but let me attempt to dgsfjkl: imagine that you're in your room and it's pitch black. you have a pretty good idea of where the furniture is, and so you can make your way around without bumping into too much. you know what's around you even though you can't see it. it's kind of like that, except things are moving and speaking and i've often never been there before. i hope that makes sense lmao ^^; (i'm actually considering making an animatic of what my astral travels look like, bc it's difficult to explain,,,, but that's a ton of work lmao) i actually feel a little bit like i'm there remotely, but also not?? i'm often still very much aware of my physical body, but the longer and more focused i am on the astral, then the less aware i become and my physical body kind of fades into the background. 
one tip i have that's helped me is to feel your consciousness in your physical body, and then kind of shift that consciousness to your astral body. sometimes i just like... fling my consciousness/awareness over into the other body, and that works? idk, try it out!
so! for advice, i'd say: 1) keep practicing!   2) lower your expectations for yourself, you're not going to be able to see HD vision in the astral, that's just setting yourself up for failure and frustration!   3) work on talking to spirits some more in this plane! this will help with astral traveling because then you'll kind of know how your metaphysical senses feel when you're doing them right! you'll have a bit of a better idea of how it feels when what you're experiencing is "real" and therefore how it feels when it's fake/you're making stuff up.   4) if you want to, see if you can ask someone (spirit or human) to pull you into the astral! I've done this for a friend of mine, and it did help a bit!   5) and finally, and i think most importantly, remember that this takes practice and work and there won't usually be any immediate gratification. some people take weeks to learn to astral travel, others take months, and some can take years,,, if you practice and work at it regularly, though, i'm sure you'll get there! 
i hope this doesn't get to you after you've got this all figured out (or maybe hopefully it does bc then you'll have progressed a bunch and that's awesome!)! i just hope this helps you in some way, at least even a tiny bit!! let me know!! i'll answer ur q waaaay faster if u send any other ones in, i promise lmao!!!
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beryul-blog · 7 years
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so  i’ve  reached  a  milestone .   ive  loved  luke  ever  since  i   first  watched  the  movies  when  i   was  seven  years  old  and??????honestly  my  love  for  him  hasn’t  changed?????  having  said  that ,   my   love   and   understanding   for   his   character   would   not   have   been   where   it   is   now   without   you   guys.    im  just   so   grateful   and   balled   over   at   the   talent ,   creativity ,   and   passion   of   everyone   i   follow   and   idk   expressing   emotions   is   not   my   strong   suit   so   uhhhhhhhh   yeahhhhhhhh   ilu<333   im   way   too   adh.d  for  this   i  stg ZOOM ZOO M TO  THE SPECIAL  MENT I O N S
THE BLUE MILK  (  the  duplicates  ---  some  id  consider  friends  )
ooOooOh boy .    you   guys  i  cant   even   bE  GIN  to  explain  my   love  for   y’all .     i   have   the   biggest   duplicate   angziety  in   the   world .    its   in   my   nature   i   cant   help   it   and   honestly??????/all   your   interpretations   terrify   me   bu t in a good way i promise   bc   theyre   all   so   unique   and   well   thought   out   and   amazing  and   what   makes   it   even   wor S E   is   that   all   of   you   (  even  the  ones  that  i  dont  speak  to  all  that  often  )   are   the   sweetest,   most   talented ,   sensitive ,   passionate   individuals   ive   met   online????? EV E R.   also   all   these   comments   are  genuine  not   sarcastic aslkjaksdnasl   (forgive  me  im  british  i  thin k  everything  sounds  sarcastic)
@horizonwept  :   charlie????mY. G OD.   your   understanding   and   enthusiasm   of   our   Son   is   unparalleled   and?????? ik   we   dont  speak  that   much  recently  b u  T  I  WANT  TO  MORE????? everytime   you  post   something   i   press  mah   lil   face   up   to   the   screen   and   weepe t h .   you’re   also   kind   and   funny   and   people   just????? love  u?????AND  I lov e  u  too?????  al SO   you   convinced   me   of   lukes   characterisation   in    tlj   and   tfa   and   honestly????im   so  s O   glad   u   did<3   everythign  u   post   is  just   so   thought  out   and   intelligent  and   i   just.   wish.   i   could  do   wht   u   do???   keep   being  amazing   sweaty  :’) @lstjedi  :   KAY!!!!!!!   the   founder   of   the   lu k e   slywalker  group   chat   *g a sps*   mah   love.   now   i   know   youve   been   feeling   a   lil   insecure   recently   about   ur   age   and  ur   mental   health  has   been   acting   up   (belief  me  i  know<3 )   b u T  HUN NN Y   listen   up:   you   ar e  the   symbol   of   dont-judge-by-age   policy   bc   honestly???? u   have   the   skill,   dedication,   and   maturity  of   people   who   are   twice   ur   age.   ur   passion????? unbelievable.   ur   kindness?????  one  of   a   kind.   ur  maturity?????? uhhhh more   than   me.     ur   writing???? delicious.    if   youre   feeling   insecure   about   your  age,   dont.      you   are  amazing   and   talented   and   dont   u   d  A  RE    forget   it<3   edit:   also   i   love  how   you   come   onto   the   chat   being   the  first  person  to   talk   and  ur   like  ‘hi  guys!!!’  and   idk  i   just   find   u  really   sweet   and  friendlyasjdna,nda @skyhcpped  :    ro!!!!!!!   henlo   there  my   frond.    first   of   all   wh  ERE   DO  U   FIND  ALL   THESE   MEMES??????  im loving it keep going.    we   havent   spoken   much   b U T   the  groupchat   has   brought   us   Together   and   thats   the   best   thing   ever   bc   i   think   ur   just?????? so   talented   and   ur   understanding   and   love   for   luke  (eveninmemes)  is   unparalleled.   i   love   talking   about   our   mutual  Hate  for  re/ylo   and   a L SO   i   hope   ur   not   still   freezing   on   hoth?????if  you  are cold,   wrap   up   warm,   grab   urself   a   hot  chocolate   if   u   like   that   sort   of   thing,  run  a   bath,   uhhhhhhhhh  create   a   pillow   fort,   find   a   tauntaun   and   sit   inside  it.   that   was   my   survival   lecture  thanks  for  coming  to  my  ted  talk  :)))))   also  the  fact  u  are.  literally.  daredevil???? taking  a s  hot  of  vinegar  and terrified   a   boy??? my  hero, mah idol.    i   did   a   reverse  thing  where  i  dared  (2)  boys  to  take  a  teaspoon   of   vanilla   essence   and   they  did  it   (s o empowering  ;)
@lightswept  :   riceeeeee.   honestly  how  can   anyone   ever   hate   you????    we   havent   been   talking   for   v   long   but   omgskdnf   you   are   so   sweet   and   lovely   and   u   deserve   The  World?????   haters   need   to   back  tf   up   bc   u   are   so   Pu re.    and   ur   also   really   attentive?????  your   writing   is   just   so   fluent  and  honestly??a  full   course  meal.   remember   that  i   love   and  appreciate   you   and  thats   NEVER  going  to   change<333   if  u  ever   need   to   talk,   i  am  always   here   even   tho  im   shit   at   advice   i  will   send  u   metaphorical  cake  and  hugs xoxo
@hopegave  :   mY  ITALIAN  BEAN.   look  at  us  europeans  yesiknowbrexit,   awake   when   all   the   ‘muricans   are   sleep i n g  asljdaksl   ur   honestly   adorable??????like   i   cant even  begin?????on  the  group   chat   youre   so   enthusiastic  and   capiTAL  LETTERS   and   asjaklsdlka  so   Pu re???  and  both  of   us   gushing  about   snow  ??????? iconic,  truly.  you,   being   the   first  person  to   call   ne w   york   hoth????? also  iconic.  ITALY  IS  ONE  OF   MY   FAV   PLACES   ON  EARTH  I   GO  THERE   A   LOT  IN   THE  SUMMERASFJHSD b U T  thats  off  topic.  what  i   need  to   say   is   that   ilu   and   ur   enthusias m   and  friendliness   and   yeah??????   stay  awesome
 @dualsuns   :   LIAM   IDK  WHY  IM   TELLING   U   THIS   BUT  WHENEVER   I   THINK   OF   U   I   THINK   OF   WINE???????  m aybe  its  bc   ur   prose  is   so   damn   sophistica t e d?????  its  so   fluent   and   makes  s o  much  sense???? ur  so   good   at   narrating   lukes   thoughts   its   so   obvious   you   have  this  amazing   understanding   of   his   character  its  !!!!!!!!  and   i   seriously  admire  that/?   like  your   voice   is  uhhh h   on  point .    i  can   tell   you   take   this   seriously   and   care  so   much   about   luke    (boi   me  too)  and  it   shows????  in   all   ur   hcs   and   ooc   posts   its   all   backe d   up   with    quotes,   love   and   analysis  like   damnnnnnnnn.   i   know  ive   only   really   interacted   w   you   a   couple  of   times   in    passing   but   id   love  to   more?????   ur   amazing   everythings   amazing  wow<3
 @didntturn   :    hmm mMMMM Mm   kylie.   have   we   ever  spoken?????  i   dont   think   so.   i   just   admire  u   from   afar   :’)   g U RL   first   of  all   ur   hilarious????  idk   i   think  we’ve  got   a   similar  sense   of   humour aklsdnanm  its   very   british.   also  ur   hcs   t a KE  MY  BREATH   AWAY.   so  muc h  detail   and   love?????   u   clearly   have   a   deep   understanding   of   luke  only  us   mere   mortals   can   d  REA M   of<3   hope  we   can   start   talking   bc   i   uhhhh  adore   ur   characterisation   and   id   love   to   discuss?????  idk   im   gushinggggggg
THE DROIDS  (  mah  main cretins  )  
@guiltslut  :   yh  idk  who  u   ar e   :/    j K  BINCH  IK  UR   WENDO!!!!!   mah  main  cretin  :’)   youve   been   by   my  side   for   8   months   (or   was  it   seven???? i cant rememberasdkajsdk)  which   is   an,, ,, ,  achievement.   your   writing  is   tasty  af   and   ur   enthusiasm  unparalleled.   i  will   always  love  and   appreciate   you<3
@smuglr  :   i   have   to   put   u  on  here   bc   we’ve  known   each   other   for   over   a  year   and   thats   kinda   mcCrazy??? im  sorry  i  havent   kept   in  touch  as   much  as  i  probably   should   have,  but  im   more  sorry   for  making  u   think  i   was   on   bath salts   when  i   was  quoting  bad  lip   reading  :/   honestly   ever  since  the  beginning   ive   admired   ur   prose   so   much???? its   so   good   and  attentive   and  poetic  and  fluent  i  just???? could   gush   about   it   all   weak   tbhhhhhh  your   graphics   and   aethetics   are   also ?????? amazing?????? im  so   happy   that  i  know  u   and  even  after  all  this  time   i  still  love   and  appreciate  u<33  Stay groovy  mah  frond
@primdoe   :    sO   ik   i   havent  known   u   for   very   long   at  all   n  this   is   probably   like?????? a  lil   Extra??????   but   im   already  in  love.   i  could  gush   about   ur   oc   for  Yonks   and   just   how   passionate  and   attentive   you   are  to  her????? shes   so   detailed   and   cared  about   by   many   and   you   inspire   me  to  put  more  detail  into  my  own  ocs askdjasmnd???? ur  graphics  and  ps  skills  are  just????? they  water  my  crops  honestly???? and the fact that you gave me one of your psds is the sweetest ilu??  
SPACE SHIPS  (  the  i-admire-from-afar-but-also-interracted-with-in-the-ims-and-loVING IT-so-far-even-tho-im-shit-at-replying????  category  )  
@aequitia ,    @astrmech ,  @awokeforce ,  @baelnc ,   @deadlymarch ,   @elanere  ,   @hopehrt ,  @rystolo  ,   @scintist  ,   @sunworn .
SUNSETS   (  the  i  admire  and  havent  interacted  with  yet  *__* )
@dynste ,  @entropiet ,  @ersoic ,  @flypulse ,   @forcebled ,  @galasymph ,  @greysistance ,  @jaigsight ,   @midlapse ,  @tiefighting ,  @resistijo ,  @roseared ,  @starkniight ,  @theforcetm ,   @rotichor  ,   @scorpyre .
15 notes · View notes
Crisco 129: Dystopian Sansby Dream AU-pt 4
Someone expressed surprise that this was not ‘done’. Done?? I have barely SCRATCHED the potential angst in this AU!  It’s about half-done ish.  Also the opening is not what it looks like. (Sorry?)
Sans was aware in his sleep that he was pleasantly warm. He woke suddenly when the warmth stretched, nestled closer to him and mumbled something about potato skins.
He was in his bed, still in his shirt, and Grillbz was curled around him, breathing softly. Slowly, trying not to wake him, Sans rolled over to look at him. He was fast asleep, eyelids flickering as he dreamed, flames dull and lazy, rolling close to his body. His clothes were badly rumpled from his heat.
He looked strangely different with his face mashed into the pillow—peaceful and unguarded.
…Why couldn’t Sans remember what he was doing there?
Because he’d gone the fuck to sleep.
Sans gave a quiet groan of disgust, and would have smacked himself if he weren’t afraid the sudden movement would wake up his bed partner.
He’d been having a moment with Grillbz and then he’d just. Gone to sleep.
Granted, he’d had an exhausting day and it had been late, but still. How had it happened? He tried to remember. His memories just faded out, then—he was almost sure—he’d woken up as Grillbz was tucking him into bed and had latched onto his sleeve and refused to let go, although too sleepy to talk. Then the memories faded out again.
He couldn’t believe himself. But it had worked out alright, he supposed, looking again at Grillbz.
Elementals were creatures of awesome power. Some classified them as monsters, some thought they were a third species of their own. Whatever the case, Sans was sharing a blanket with a living legend. He nestled closer. The legend was soft and warm and solid, and smelled like sunlight on bricks.
He wondered again why he’d never seen Grillbz use magic. It was technically illegal, but still—he never had, even in private. Of course, Sans hadn’t let Grillbz see him using magic, but he didn’t think Grillbz had a reason for hiding, as Sans did. But maybe he did. How well did he really know him? And there was that abrupt stop he’d made when he started to talk about it. Maybe he couldn’t. It was rumored that the Intelligence Technicians could sever a monster from their magic. Sans had always half-believed, half-hoped that it was false, but he also doubted that the Confederation would have let an elemental go free if he were in perfect health; it was too much of a risk.
If that were the case, no wonder he didn’t want to talk about it. Sans decided not to ask.
And there was something else bothering him, now that the strange blend of angst over his ruining a good moment by falling asleep and joy that Grillbz had stayed, and reciprocated his feelings, and everything was going to be good now—(Sans reached across to the night table and knocked on wood)—was fading. He needed to do something— The broadcast. What time was it? Suddenly he wasn’t sure. Had he slept later than usual? There was no clock up here. He needed to get down there, now. …he lay without moving for a few seconds longer, breathing in Grillbz’ smell and plotting his escape. One heavy arm was thrown across his body. Carefully he wriggled out from under it, then slid down onto the floor, hardly breathing. Grillbz didn’t move. Good. He quickly snatched up a clean set of clothes and started for the door, but stopped dead when he heard a sound. It was a low, continuous rumbling sound that seemed familiar, yet he couldn’t place it. He looked towards the bed. Grillbz had rolled into the spot vacated by Sans and had the covers bunched in his arms and his face pressed into them, purring. Purring. Like an enormous fire cat. Sans was aware that Grillbz could purr. He’d done it sometimes while falling asleep, back when they had all shared one room, and once or twice when he was very calm and contented, but he usually stopped abruptly and looked uncomfortable if they stared at him. Sans hadn’t heard him do it in a while. He stared, fascinated, for several moments, then shook himself, left quickly and teleported from the hallway, still holding his clothes in a flustered ball of confusion.
>knock, knock.
He waited, soul thumping a little faster than usual, for the old lady to respond. Was he late?
>Who’s there?
>Amy who?
>am I on time?
>A few minutes early, as a matter of fact. Get your sleeping patterns disrupted?
>ah good. yes a bit, I went out late last night and had trouble getting back.
>Well, I’m glad you’re here safe.
>same. how are you?
>Oh, boring as always. I’ve been trying to think up new jokes, but I won’t waste them on you now. I’m saving them! ;) Oh, and I scraped together a few things and made a pie. It was quite decent, though I could make much better before the fall.
>mmmm. pie.
That was a non-answer, but he couldn’t think of anything interesting to say, except that pie was indeed good, which was more or less rephrasing what he’d just said. He sat back and fidgeted with his sleeves, then leaned forwards and typed a new message, hitting send before he could question his decision.
>I think I’m in love.
Oh fuck. Well that was awkward. But he wouldn’t mind hearing her advice, now that he’d already put it out there. If she felt like giving advice. He didn’t know what advice he wanted, even. Maybe just someone trustworthy to talk to.
>With pie? I am as well.
>no with the guy I live with.
>Oh no.
>oh no?
>Is he trustworthy?
>I don’t know. I trust him the most of anyone besides you  but he doesn’t know about this.
>Of course not. Have you seen him with his shirt off?
>t h a t    i s   a   v e r y    i n v a s i v e   q u e s t i o n   (yes it was nice)
>I’m sure. Did he have a tattoo?
>it’s a low number. he was one of the first to be arrested. I think they saw him as a threat and wanted to make sure they were on the same page. I don’t think he’s really fond of the Confederation, but that’s not something we talk about.
>Does he have a star or a slash? You’re stalling.
>I couldn’t see. maybe neither?
>How long have you known him?
>a bit more than four years. since my dad died. dad trusted him, anyway, and he was an enemy of the confedertdsadfsion. but when I get down to it he’s pretty quiet and I don’t know much about him.
>Please be careful my child.
>yeah come on, what kind of stupid do you expect me to do? he’s not gonna find this place.
He couldn’t let him, Sans reminded himself. That meant no more sharing a bed. He had to be able to get out unseen in the mornings. A part of him wished he’d stayed with Grillbz and just forgotten about the broadcast. Surely he wasn’t accomplishing anything by being down here anyway. Would Grillbz be waking up now? Would he still be purring? That was a lie, Toriel had told him how many tuned in to hear the broadcast. It was a sign of defiance and therefore, hope. It was a source of encouragement. And there were the coded words he passed through sometimes when there was no better way to relay information. He couldn’t quit.
>Not if you don’t show him. At least, I hope. You’ve told me your room is well hidden.
>yeah, it is.
>So you don’t trust him?
>I mean I do, as much as anyone else I know, but nobody can know about this. right? it’s safer. I don’t really know him.
>I’m sending your song now, go ahead and get ready. And I wouldn’t definitively say nobody can know ever. It might be good to have a backup, if you’re certain they’re trustworthy.
>I know.
They’d discussed this. Sans had no ideas. He didn’t want to involve Papyrus—and that may never be an option again now. As it stood now, if Sans were prevented from doing the broadcast, there was no one to fill in for him.
>So you’re not going to tell him.
>I think that’s a wise choice, especially if you don’t know his feelings on the Confederation. He sounds unlikely to be a spy, but anyone can be an informer if they’ve been scared badly enough.
>I know. that’s what I’ve been thinking about. I don’t know what they did to him but I doubt that they just got bored of holding him and let him go free.
>I trust your judgement. You’ll find something to do. Now, what brought this subject up? Have you fallen unexpectedly into love?
>no. this has.. been a thing for a while now I guess. seriously for a few months, but I’ve kinda had a crush on him for years. but I just kinda figured it wouldn’t work and I was just you know, not gonna talk about it I guess and. I dunno, nevermind.
>what? nothing.
>Child, if you do not finish that ‘and’ I will have a heart attack, turn into a ghost, and come through your monitor to scream ‘WHAT IS IT’ at you.
>geez ma’am calm down it’s not a big deal
>’It’ being?
>ah ok fine. you’re too sharp for me. yeah. something did happen to bring this up. he kissed me. so it made me think he might feel the same way.
>Well that much seems obvious, yes.
…It was pretty obvious now that he’d heard someone else say it. He’d still been half in disbelief at the whole thing. It seemed too good to be true. Although, from a certain perspective, it was the worst possible scenario.
>…yeah probably.
>Certainly. Well, this brings us to a new level. What are you going to do?
>make sure I’m never around him early in the morning so I can get down here on time without looking suspicious.
>Well that is both incredibly detailed and incredibly vague. How are you going to do that?
>I have no idea. any kind of serious relationship sounds like a bad idea at this point.
And he’s currently sleeping in my bed and I don’t want to tell him to move. Sans decided not to bring that up. Heart attacks were bad. He’d figure some way to get through the day and talk to her again when he had decided something for sure.
>I agree. Play your song now. We have about three minutes. Be careful.
>got it, playing now. I will. don’t worry about me.
Sans slipped on his headset.
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun And I say it's all right
>Any news on your brother?
>no. not really. someone thinks they might have seen him maybe, you know how that is.  
>Well, he could still be out there.
>I’ll keep hoping.
>Have I ever told you about my husband?
>no. you’re married?
>In a manner of speaking. We haven’t formally separated.
>oh, that doesn’t sound nice.
>He betrayed me, and countless others who were depending on us, because he wasn’t strong enough to stand against the Confederation. They took our children and threatened to kill them if he didn’t comply with our demands, and to give them back safe if he did. He did. Not at all surprisingly, the children have never been seen again. I’m almost sure they are dead. I rather hope they are. Yet he remains a tool in their hands, meekly doing whatever is asked of him in the hope that someday they will be returned to him. Many people depended on him, who would not have been arrested if he’d refused to comply.
>I’m so sorry.
>Love is dangerous. And yet it defines us. You have to be strong to live here. >Sometimes I wonder if I would have been any better than him under the same pressure. I fled as soon as I heard the children had been taken and was lucky enough to get outside the border safely. Sometimes I imagine that they are alive, and that they will appear here someday. It’s a lie. >…That’s not very uplifting. You have a bit less than a minute. Quick, what does a tangerine call its significant other?
>his main ‘squeeze’ ?
>Haha, very good. You’re live in twenty, and I hope I haven’t ruined your mood with all this.
>not at all.
>Live in ten.
Sans adjusted his headset and suddenly panicked. He had no idea what to say. His mind was a blank. This almost never happened to him, he was good at making things up on the fly. It had been about five seconds. Help. OK fuck he was going to talk about his personal life on the air because he didn’t have any other ideas fuck fuck fuck
>You’re on.
“Heya it’s the legendary fartmaster back for another perfect day of love and sparkles and torture in the Confederacy of Dunces. Eh? Don’t know how any of you out there are doing, but I hope it’s well. I’m doing OK in a manner of speaking. Just dealing with other people can be hard if you’re not sure who to trust. It seems like we’d all be on the same side, yet it’s hard to know for sure these days, and taking a leap of faith is likely to get you killed by gravity and sharp rocks nine times out of ten. Sorry for the depressing statistics but it’s true and I need to remind myself as well. On a lighter note, did you ever hear the one about the Peacekeeping Captain who didn’t know how to tie his shoes?”
And with that he was back on solid ground. The rest of the broadcast passed normally, except that Sans felt more than usually drained when it was over.
He shut the computer down, dressed in the slightly rumpled clothes he’d brought with him, and attempted to brush off the cobwebs they’d accumulated. This was why he usually dressed in his room.
He teleported into the hallway and froze. He was alone? He was alone. He stared at the door to his room. He needed to lie. He’d… left to change his clothes. Sudden attack of shyness. Yeah, sure.
He crushed the shirt he’d slept in under one arm and swung the door open.
The room was empty, and suddenly he remembered that he hadn’t shut the door behind him when he left.
His mind reeled. He’d miscalculated something. A faint sound that he only now realized he’d been hearing since he appeared in the hallway registered: the sound of static.  He turned.
Grillbz was sitting in his own room with the door open, one hand resting on an ancient radio, staring at Sans with a look that showed he was perfectly aware of the fact that Sans had appeared impossibly from a dead-end hallway.
Grillbz owned an illegal radio.
“Oh hey,” said Sans.
“So it is you?” said Grillbz quietly, switching the radio off.
“I thought I recognized the accent. You used to do it for Papyrus, to make him laugh. You stopped when he hit the awkward age and didn’t like it anymore.”
“What… accent… heheh….” Sans was trying to decide whether to keep bluffing or just roll with it, which is what he wanted to do, very badly, but what if it were a terrible idea
“Sans,” said Grillbz gravely, standing and walking towards him. He lifted Sans’ hands and pressed them in his own. “You can trust me. I promise.”
Fuck I’m dead.
“I had wondered if it was you,” said Grillbz, running his thumb over Sans’ finger bones. “But I didn’t understand how you could get out of the house—or, do you? Where did you come from just now?”
Snap decisions, Sans decided, will be the death or salvation of both of us.
“Lemme show you.”
He teleported, bringing Grillbz with him.
Part 1
Part 5
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Happy New Year 2018 Wishes | Quotes | Images | Messages
WELCOME HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018: New Year is the time, when we all want to start on a good note. It is the time when you want to wish each other that the coming year is filled with happiness, joys and loads of success. New year is a symbol of positivity. By welcoming the new year on a positive note, it is important that we let go of all the negativities accumulated in the year gone by. Just like with the sun rise every day a new day begins with the new year people associate a new chapter in life to begin. It is important we start afresh and welcome the new year. The new year brings with it, its own set of aspirations, hope and desires.
On this page, we are sharing best Happy New Year 2018 Wishes, quotes and SMS for Facebook and WhatsApp. We have a huge collection of an awesome and eye-getting New Year 2018 Wishes Images to send with your friends and family.You can share Happy New Year 2018 Images for Facebook, Twitter, BBM, and Whatsapp.
Happy New Year 2018 Wishes:
I Miss You When Something Really
Great Happens Because You’re The One
I Want To Share It With.. I Miss U
At the point when Something Is Troubling Me..
Since You’re The Only One Who Comprehends Me..
I Miss You When I
Snicker And Cry Because I Know That You’re
The One Who Makes My Laughter Grow
and My Tears Disappear.
Happy New Year 2018!!!!!!!
My family and companions, I wish this new year ahead, tosses at you much joy, work, health and accomplishment in their life ventures. Cheerful NEW YEAR 2018.
I seek it’s better after you this year… accomplish every one of your objectives, they can keep offering time to family and companions with genuine individuals and I wish you a favored 2018 Happy New Year.
May this new year be healthy, satisfaction and love of everyone around you. Have an upbeat new year and you acquire all the joy you want.
On dates this way, just my memory are the most wonderful minutes, so I considered you. Trust you have a cheerful new year with your family.
I feel this year the days passed quick, I feel that happened on the grounds that I made such a variety of exercises that could never have accepted do, Happy New Year 2018.
happy new year 2018
happy new year 2018
Advance Happy New Year 2018 Warm Wishes– Whatsapp Short Status:
Oh my Dear, Forget ur Fear,
Let all ur Dreams be Clear,
Never put Tear, Please Hear,
I want to tell one thing in ur Ear
Wishing u a very “Happy NEW YEAR“!
As I look forward to a New Year,
I always think of the gifts my parents have given me.
Though we’re miles apart, you are always in my thoughts and prayers.
Happy New Year with gratitude.
Like birds, let us, leave behind what we don’t need to carry… GRUDGES SADNESS PAIN FEAR and REGRETS.
Life is beautiful, Enjoy it. HAPPY NEW YEAR.
God Bless U N Keep U Safe Not Only Today but throughout Life that is coming In Ur Way. May Year to Follow Be among the Best you’ve ever spend.
Happy New Year 2018 Wishes for Instagram:
May this happy New Year 2018 all your dreams turn into reality and all your efforts into great achievements.
God made the Mayan Calendar into a witty ne… Lets all Celebrate a new Year With a Huge joy:-) Happy and Blessed 2017 year ahead ?
Dear friend, I want for you with all my heart a happy new year, I have the certainty This year a love come into your life and you will have much happiness.
FAITH, Evening brings LOVE, Night brings REST, Hope you will all of them every day. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018.
Wishing you a Wonderful Happy New Year with the hope that you will have many blessings in the year to come. Happy new Year 2018.
I wish you 65 days of love, 129 lucky days and 171 days of happiness! Happy New Year 2018.
This New Year maintains the enthusiasm and faith that we will achieve what we set out. Have a new year full of successes and satisfactions.
Write in on your heart that every day is the best day in the year!!
As the new year renews all the happiness and good tidings, hope the joyful spirit keeps glowing in your heart forever.
This new Year ? wish that you feel delighted not only by what you see reflected on the mirror ?s you stand in front of it but also by the soul that is enveloped in It.
As I think about our friendship and how happy it has made me, I want to wish you happiness in the year to come.
May this New Year bring many opportunities your way to explore every joy of life.
If the old year has not been able to achieve your goals, you lose nothing by trying again. Have a happy girlfriend year. Disillusionment not you off to fight for what you propose.
Happy New Year 2018 Wishes:
My Dear Girlfriend,
31st From 11:59 Pm To 12:01
Am So I Can Boast An Immense Ending to 2017
& Boast An Amazing Start
For The New Year 2016.
Happy Near Year Baby…!
My Last Kiss…
My Last Hug…
Don’t worry…
It is just for this year…
Millions of hugs and kisses
for you will be showered in 2018
Happy New Year Darling…!
New year is the festival where
Millions of celebration and resolution
Will take place with good hope and spirit
With the hopes for a better future, success and victory
I am wishing you a New Year that fulfils your dream
Happy and Prosperous New Year
Another New year is coming
It is time to make new resolutions with confidence
And leave our old failures of past behind
It is time to make a fresh start for a new beginning
for a new success for our future
This is my messages and my wishes for you
On this New Year Day
Happy New Year To you
This is the time to dance and celebrate
To welcome a New Year of Success
This is the time to visit our relative and friends
To warm up relationship and friendship
This is the time to give gifts and presents
To enjoy the pleasure of gifting and love
New Yew Year and Seasons Greetings
Again another New Year comes
with fresh hope and confidence
I wish you a Happy New Year
filled with fun and happiness
It is the time for fun and party
To welcome a New Year for success
It is the occasion for warm up relations
By visiting our friends and relative
It is chance to give gifts and presents
To enjoy the pleasure of gifts
Happy new year and seasons wishes
New year is the time when millions
are taking new resolutions and promise
with the hopes for success and victory,
I am having grate pleasure to wish you
a Successful New Year to make you a Victor
New year is milestone where we have to look back
to find our past ways and failures
New year is milestone where we have to look ahead
to find the ways to cover and challenges,
Happy New Year 2018 Wishes
Happy New Year 2018 Wishes Greetings For Relatives:
As the world wait for a new year
with hopes of better year in their heart
I am wishing you a great new year
That makes all your dreams true
Happy and Prosperous New Year
As the world is ready to celebrate,
the christmas and New year,
I am having great pleasure to Wish you
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
May the Joy and happiness that comes to you
On this new year, may stay with you for ever
to bring you everlasting happiness and fun
Wishing you a Happy Prosperous New Year
May The Year 2018 Bring for You.
Happiness,Success and filled with Peace,
Hope & Togetherness of your Family & Friends.
Wishing You a *HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018*
Wishing you beautiful moments, treasured memories, and all the blessings a heart can know. Happy New Year!
I am sending you this card,
That will radiate my wishes
and prayer to you for the next new year
Happy New Year
Hope you liked our collection of best Happy New Year 2018 Wishes for Facebook and WhatsApp. You can share these new year wishes with your friends and family and wish them a Happy new Year.
New Year is one of the much-loved occasions mostly for young people. Happy New Year 2018 will certainly provide lots of changes in a variety of people lives. Everyone will try welcoming their friends and individuals in more scientific methods rather than the old ways of texting. Technologies make the messages more creative and much more fun and it will add a spark for the old means of simply texting the New Year messages.
Most of us Welcome Happy New Year on a positive note with a smile on their face and a spring in their step. It is that time of the year when friends and family members come together to greet each other with open arms. Gone are the days, when people use to greet each other on new year by buying "Season’s Greetings card ". Now days. There are various avenues by which one can send quick message to others which is both delivered instantly and cost effective. Look at the various animated icons and images, Happy New Year Pictures and GIF images that are available on various online platforms and choose the one that meets your standard and requirement the most. You can also add your personal touch to it by adding a message to it.
Happy New Year 2018 Wishes Greetings For Relatives:
Wish You New Year 2018
On 1st January, when Moon Sets and Sun Rises,
the world would wake up to a new dawn,
i wish all my friends and family live long and to
witness 100 such dawns. Advance Happy new Year 2018.
Makki ki Roti, Nimbu ka Aachar,
Suraj Ki Kirne, Khushiyo ki Bahar,
Chand Ki Chandi, Apno ka Pyar,
Mubarik ho Appko yeh naya saal
Is rishte ko yunhi banaye rakhna,
Dil mein yaado ke chirag jalaye rakhna,
bahut Pyara safar raha 2016 ka
apna sath 2018 mein bhi banaye rakhna.
You are GOd’s gift to me
In fact, you are the favorite
among that many gifts i had
I am grateful that you are
still with me as we welcome the New Year to come
Happy New Year.
Keep the smile, Leave the tear.
Hold the laugh,Leave the pain.
Think of joy,Forget the fear.
Be joyous, coz It’s new year
Wishing you another
12 month of Happiness
Wealth, Health, Hope, Opportunites, Love, Joy
Cheerfulness and all the Groom Warms of Life
New Year Wishes Happy New Year 2018
I Have Seen Several Events Coming Up
And Forgotten I Have Witness Prominent Leaders
Rising Up And Forgotten,
I Have Seen Greener Trees Withering And Drying Up,
But A Special Person Like You Will Remain
In My Heart For Ever, Happy New Year 2018 To You in advance..!!!.
Regardless of what each nightfall steals from our life, may dawn give us another day to weave new hopes and dreams.I wish you Happy New Year from the bottom of my heart.
May God give you the happiness and strength to overcome your past year failures.A New Day and a brand New Year have come, bringing with it opportunities to shine.
Make the most of this year to achieve success in all your endeavours. Happiness comes to those who know how to dispel the gloominess and go beyond the trivialities of life. Rise above petty issues and see the joys that surround you.
Let this New Year be the one, where all your dreams come true, so with a joyful heart, put a start to this year anew. Wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year 2018.
Let’s give a warm welcome to the year that starts a new, cherish each moment that the year shall behold, so let’s come together and celebrate a blissful start to the New Year.
Leave the sorrows, pain, and sadness behind and let’s welcome the brand New Year with a smile. Happy New Year 2018 quotes.
The New Year is the time of unfolding horizons and the realisation of dreams, may you rediscover new strength and garner faith with you, and be able to rejoice in the simple pleasures that life has to offer and put a brave front for all the challenges that may come your way. Wishing you a lovely New Year.
Wishing you a year that is filled with all the fragrance of roses, illuminated with all the lights of the world and be blessed with all the smiles on the planet.
Hope this year will be the year when all your dreams come true. Happy New Year 2018 quotes.
Even if our talks may lessen, and so might our hellos, our stories might shorten along with our greetings, but remember that no matter what happens, my prayers and wishes for you will never fall short. May this year be the best year by far, and may this year bring with it endless joy and happiness.
On this New Year I wish that you have a wonderful January, a lovely February, a Peaceful March, a stress-free April, a fun-filled May, and Joy that lasts from June to November, and finally a happy December. May my wishes come true and may you have a charming and lucky New Year 2018.
Time is like a flowing river, no water passes beneath your feet twice, much like the river, moments never pass you by again, so cherish every moment that life gives you and have a wonderful New Year.
Embrace simplicity and sincerity and you shall have a wonderful New Year ahead. May you discover all your hidden potentials this New Year and turn them into delightful ventures bringing you fame and finances to rejoice.
There are things that are sometimes left undone and there are things that can be left sometimes unsaid. There are things that can be sometimes left unsaid, but wishing someone like you can’t ever be left, so I take this moment to wish you and your loved ones a joyous and wonderful New Year.
As the New Year approaches, my wish for you is a proactive spirit – a spirit that does not wait for the right time thinking when an opportunity would come and fall on the lap, but goes out to grab an opportunity, or if needed simply make one for yourself, and prove your worth to the world.
In 2018 I wish that may you not only change the date of the calendar, but also your focus, commitments, and actions for a more fruitful year ahead.
Best & Funny Happy New Year 2018 Wishes
Happy New Year 2018 Wishes: The beginning of a New Year is that time when everything seems to have a fresh beginning. There are New Year goals, New Year resolutions and new promises to keep! With all this new freshness, another thing that is synonymous is the New Year wishes from all corners that seem to flood our message inboxes. With social media getting common with all age groups, there is no one that is untouched by the latest whether it is the very new live messages or GIFs, video messages or the very traditional SMS (short message service).
The best part is you do not have to wait right until the end to wish your friends and colleagues with the most refreshing New Year wishes; you can check several websites online and find the most fun, advance Happy New Year Wishes in several languages like English, Hindi, Marathi and much more. It does not stop here, besides getting some warm messages for your friends and family, you can also get some crisp and professional messages to wish New Year to your colleagues and seniors in your office.
New Year Resolutions
Choose from among WhatsApp and Facebook messages; meaningful quotations, short messages with the pictures of flowers and nature’s bounty, the most latest and flashy GIFs or simple New Year greetings.Find the most appropriate words and combine them with your heartfelt feelings and emotions to make the choices Advance Happy New Year Wishes that people will remember throughout the year.
May the choicest blessings of Almighty God always bring peace and prosperity for you and your family. Happy New Year.
New Year promises fresh start and fills every heart with hopes and aspirations. Here is sending my wishes of love and laughter this day and forever.
Sun, moon and stars, it’s all so far in the sky. I wish they all comes closer to bless you with all happiness and joy this year a healthy, happy new year 2018 quotes.
May this new year bring wisdom and honesty among our politicians, May this new year bring happiness and content among people. Happy 2018.
As this year is ending, I wish all the negativity and difficulties also end with this year and 2018 bring success and desired results for you.
Just like hot chocolate is incomplete without marshmallows, I am insufficient without you. So complete me this New Year and fill my life with unlimited happiness.
As the New Year approaches us with hopes anew, here is wishing you and your family a wonderful year ahead. Happy New Year 2018 quotes.
Although I’m not with you but my wishes will always stay with you in this New Year 2018.
May God spread prosperity and joy in your life on this New Year and fulfill all your dreams.I wish that this New Year the light of faith is bright and steady and may no wind or storm make it flicker or flutter.
May you stand up for your own rights this New Year and also the rights of fellow human beings, may nothing stop you from championing a cause that you hold close to your heart. New Year is the perfect time to renew the bond of love.
As the New Year approaches may you find yourself surrounded by friends and family who would be ready to be by your side through thick and thin.
Happiness comes to those who know how to dispel the gloominess and go beyond the trivialities of life. Rise above petty issues and see the joys that surround you.
Let this New Year be the one, where all your dreams come true, so with a joyful heart, put a start to this year anew. Wishing you a prosperous and happy New Year 2018 quotes.
Let’s give a warm welcome to the year that starts a new, cherish each moment that the year shall behold, so let’s come together and celebrate a blissful start to the New Year. Happy New Year.
New Year promises fresh start and fills every heart with hopes and aspirations. Here is sending my wishes of love and laughter this day and forever.
I wish that the New Year turns out to be a very special one for you filling each day with a peak of health, an abundance of happiness and sunshine, bountiful luxury and prosperity and Zen-like serenity.
New Year Whatsapp Videos
New Year 2018 Messages, SMS For Friends:
Receive my simple gift of LOVE Wrapped with SINCERITY Tied with CARE &Sealed with BLESSINGS 2 Keep u HAPPY & SAFE all the lifelong.
New Year wishes from the luckiest man I am blessed to have you as my girlfriend May this New Year brings lot of happiness, money and joyHappy New Year 2018 wishes!
Let’s give a warm welcome to the year that starts a new, cherish each moment that the year shall behold, so let’s come together and celebrate a blissful start to the New Year. Happy New Year.
You will be thrown stones at every step you take to climb the ladder of success but it will be up to show the capability you have to turn those stones into milestones. Happy New Year 2018!.
You may face today a D-Day, a dull week or a dull month – but you have 365 Days to win. Wish you a Happy New Year ahead.
Another year and another round of whole new changes will come up but what you need not have to change is the formula of hard work for getting good results.
Work hard and keep perseverance to achieve desired success.Embrace the New Year with not just a new look but also with a new and positive approach to make things simple in the year ahead.
There are some important lessons to be learnt from the past so whether you win or lose, it is the learning of the lesson that matters at the end of each year.
Begin a new chapter by burying the unpleasant memories of the past and making way for better ones to come in the future.
Look forward to the New Year with hope and confidence and you are sure to be blessed with great things.
Tough times do not last and arrival of a fresh year at the end of December is a testimony to this fact. Even your tough phase will not last forever so never abandon hope and lose your confidence.
Take the New Year as another chance of undoing the errors committed in the past.
Nothing in the year gone by can be called bad as even the unpleasant incidents have given you a lesson and added to your experience.
Hope you are blessed with sunshine of laughter, new beam of energy and raindrops of happiness as you step into another brand New year.
New Year has brought with it loads of opportunities to become the human being you have always wanted to be.Hope you are blessed with courage to fight against injustice and stand up for your values in the New Year.
This New Years may you be able to dump all your worries and get a refill of happiness for a person as nice as you deserves nothing less than that.
As people get busy making New Year resolutions, here is a quick wish for our family so that it stays united especially in trying times no matter how many external forces try to alienate us.
As the New Year begins, may you be able to forgive all of those who hurt you in the past, erase all the bruises from your heart and fill your heart with happiness and peace.
As the New Year commences, let the family join hands to pray for one another and also promise to be by each other’s side in sickness and in health.
The New Year gives you a blank canvas to pour in all the colours of your heart, and may the days get filled up with pleasant surprises coming your way.
Download Happy New Year Images, Wallpapers HD
The new year is the time when everyone is busy. They are busy with various things like gearing up for the new year, making new resolutions that are meant to be broken the next year, arranging the much-awaited party for a new year and so on. Amongst all this hustle bustle another aspect that keeps you engaged is wishing people on the new year.
Yes, across the world, people are known to wish each other at the onset of the new year. Now, this wish can be exchanged in form of cards, telephonic conversations or in the form of animated images. Another interesting way to send “Season’s Greetings “to your near and dear ones is by sending GIF messages. These GIF messages are the latest way of wishing one another. These GIF’s are enthralling and can be exchanged via various platforms like what’s app, snap chat, Facebook, I phone message and so on.
New Year Images Download
These happy New Year GIF images are interactive, colourful and often animated in nature. All these things make these GIF images interesting and personalised for the viewer. There are various animated GIF messages which have an option where you can add a personalised message to the image and make them act like a New Year’s Greetings card exchanged on an online platform. These GIF images can be funny, sentimental, scenic or simply animated. There are a plethora of options to choose from. You can choose from the wide array of GIF images available on an online platform that befits your requirement.
0 notes
inkykeiji · 2 years
Has anyone done 20 yet? If not that one plz
no not yet!!! hehehe thank you for sending in an ask sweet anon!! (´∀`)♡
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?
ah that’s a good question!!! probably bad habits by delaney jane orrr wild horse by darci!! <3
get to know me! ♡
0 notes
inkykeiji · 2 years
I may be the only person who thinks this, but readers relationship with Keigo in Tag Ur It reminds me of Loves relationship with her brother Forty in the show “You”, if you’ve ever seen it!
i’ve never seen that show anon!!!! i’ve actually never even heard of it ehehe but i really don’t watch tv/shows at all so i’m pretty oblivious when it comes to stuff like this!!
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