#i hope you’ll find something you haven’t read yet and something you’ll like 😌
yourslarry · 5 months
hello, any fics recommendations? some of your favourite ones?
there’s a lot more I would like to include but I need to leave something for the next time 😇
Grupie Love - Louis is a rock star on a world tour and Harry is a regular attendee. They could never work.
daydream déjá vu - Struggling with bills due to the cost of living increasing, Harry takes on a new side hustle: a spicy content creator. Gaining popularity rather quickly, she’s now making extra cash and living life comfortably.
One night, she’s preparing to film when her best friend Louis barges into her bedroom, looking for his iPad for work.
technicolor - When the small town of Twin Lakes begins experiencing a string of serial murders, a team of detectives is called in to help. Louis is the head of the team and meets a hard-headed psychic who everyone else seems to believe is the one who will solve the case.
Louis isn't so sure.
sleeping on our problems - Louis sleeps with Harry and they have more than just catching feelings to worry about.
Mark my word (we gon' be alright) - oblivious Harry as the pack leader, a pining Louis as his second-in-command, and an entourage of friends and family who are a little too good at keeping their mouths shut.
Sugar at Night - With a year left before he completes his degree, a wonderful fiancé, and a baby coming soon, life is going exceptionally well for Harry Styles.
But, the truth always has a way to unravel itself, doesn’t it?
So, what do you do when the person you fell in love with is not the person you thought they were?
holding onto heartache - Harry and Louis' relationship start off as something causal as Louis finalizes breaking his bond and marriage to his Omega.
Harry develops feelings for Louis and thinks Louis might feel the same but when Louis tells Harry he wants to give his marriage a try again, Harry doesn't reveal how he feels.
Nor does he tell Louis that he is pregnant with his kid.
They happen to meet again a few years later and Harry can't seem to run away anymore, even from his feelings.
Given a Chance - Louis and Harry run into each other five years after One Direction ends and learn how to love each other again. Featuring: Reggie as the overweight labrador, Niall as Louis’ last grip on reality, and Nowheresville, North Carolina as the setting for Louis’ worst nightmare to come true.
My English Love Affair - Harry writes a song about his English love affair and Louis sleeps with someone in White Eskimo and all he gets is a stupid song written about him.
A Few Very Good Mistakes - Louis falls asleep in Harry's bar. Harry takes him home to hang out.
two feet standing on a principle - Harry is a famous fashion model and Louis works at the mall, nobody knows they broke up two weeks ago.
Fall At My Door - A-list actor Harry Styles and award-winning musician Louis Tomlinson have an acquaintances-with-benefits relationship, so whenever their busy professional lives happen to land them in the same city, they meet up. It’s a mutually beneficial arrangement.
And that’s all it is. Until it isn’t.
hush. - au where small towns suck, louis is losing it, and harry’s just too perfect.
borrow the moonlight - Louis and Harry broke up three years ago. The last thing Louis expects to see when he’s sent to help a guest is Harry, 3000 miles away from where he’s supposed to be.
sometimes a fantasy - There’s nothing to complain about when Harry’s walking around their flat with his cock swinging about, nothing to complain about when Harry’s pressing himself up against Louis’ naked backside when he’s reaching for a mug in their cupboards, and nothing to complain about when Harry’s got his hand firm on Louis’ arse when they’re cuddling on the couch.
So, in reality, it’s really fucking weird, and Louis knows that.
But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like it.
what it feels like - “Okay, right. Aren’t you straight?” Harry was straight. Unless he somehow lied to the entire internet about how much he likes pussy, he was straight.
“A good time is a good time. A hole is a hole. What does it matter that I’m straight?”
Louis’ knee wobbled. Barely. Everything was fine.
“That doesn’t sound straight to me.”
Harry groaned and tossed his head back. He looked more comfortable in Louis’ office than he did, swiveling back and forth. “What does it matter that I want to have sex with you? You’re pretty, like a girl, and you moan like one, too. It’s your fault, not mine.”
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alyjojo · 3 years
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Advice to Work on Yourself 😌 in March 2022: Gemini
Knight of Wands & 3 Cups
Regarding: Death
You desperately want to transform something that’s long since past, bring it back to life, reunite with old friends and passionately rush into things like you used to, and I say that because we have both Knight and King of Wands here, indicating time and growth has occurred. Now there is no 6 Cups and I’m not getting a heavy nostalgia energy for specific people, maybe a “wild” way of life or your own younger self you’re missing here. Forced maturity is depressing you...not literally, but maybe, for me to say it like that. You’re coming out of a time of need, hoping to shake things up in a major way, ready to jump off some metaphorical cliff and take a leap of faith...but it leads to The Tower...disastrous results. Or this could just be saying you’re wanting to do something that shocks others, something out of character.
You want to rush in passionately and take a new path, probably temporary lust related ventures, or it seems that way, but it leads to The Devil...trapped energy, unhealthy cycles, addiction...disastrous results. You also want to reunite with people you haven’t seen in some time, eat, drink, and be merry. This is your greatest wish of all. And yet...you’ll find you’ve grown in ways others haven’t, or vice versa, and there’s a major disconnect between you these days, you’re not on the same page anymore. Which happens when people grow apart. Sometimes mending bridges, or coming back to them after some time, is not as easy as we’d hoped. All of this leads you to 4 Swords, you’ve been heartbroken, feel defeated, in your head...you need to take a break. Rest. Heal. Rejuvenate. Death is the head of your reading, and the advice. You have to let go of the old days, the old ways, or old contacts & people you’ve outgrown. At least in the way you remember them, things have changed. You have changed. They have changed. Everyone goes through this, some relationships, old places that don’t exist anymore, memories only you know, right now it’s just your turn to hold that focus in life. Be gentle on yourself 🙏 Death doesn’t have to mean everything needs to end, it’s just saying it isn’t the same, and it’s time to make new memories with your people as they are.
Animal Oracle: Humpback Whale 🐋
“Music is essential to your healing and well-being, whether singing, playing an instrument, or listening.”
In order to diagnose their patients, one of the questions that shamans often asked was when the patient stopped singing. If it had been quite some time, the shaman was certain to recommend singing (among other remedies) as an essential aspect of recovery. All that’s involved when you sing - the fullness and rhythm of your breathing, the soulful and creative expression of your spirit - serves to enhance your health and raise your vibrations. Similarly, playing an instrument can touch on those inner creative depths that yearn to be expressed. Simply listening to your favorite tunes or melodies can inspire & heal. Let the magical child inside help you rediscover the joy of creating music. It’s time to play!
Artist Oracle: SALVADOR DALI
- Never make an appearance without controversy.
- Tap the unconscious and pray it isn’t boring.
- Being Dali is inspiration enough.
- Complete a Fitness Challenge (didn’t you get this before too? This one likes Gemini 🤷‍♀️)
- Become Foolproof
Key 🔑 on Become Foolproof, I think has to do with this Devil energy, whatever you’re trying to rush towards clearly isn’t something good for you. If this is a person, fact check what they’re saying, do a background check, make sure you’re always staying safe and watching out for yourself. I don’t get a good vibe from this, the Key is used to really show something important, just make sure you’re well informed who you’re with and where you’re going.
Palm Tree 🌴 on Knight of Wands, again, if travel or some person is indicated by this Knight, it leads to Devil energy and feels connected with this Key. This could be a forewarning that something you’re signing up for is not safe, or there’s something you don’t know, maybe traveling to an island or something. Be aware & be informed 💯 You could be seeing a paradise with a temporary person with ill intentions.
Otherwise, this could also be saying that you felt most at peace & happy in yourself when you were younger or more spontaneous, and this is the feeling you need to rediscover and keep...not necessarily the actions themselves. If you had a blast riding a bike off a roof at 15, don’t do that now, but apply that same kind of Devil-may-care energy to something more suited for your life right now.
The Star ⭐️ on Whale could indicate some kind of fame related to music, if that’s what you’re looking for or something you do. You could meet someone famous as well. No matter what, some element of music is a central part to who you are and what makes you shine as an individual, Spirit is just nudging you more in this direction, this is how you get what you really want, no recklessness required.
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