#i hope you guys enjoy :))
multiisketch · 9 days
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Sonic Mini-Comic: "A Warped Perspective"
About a week ago, I was sorta... playing around with Sonic's morality in my head (as you do) trying to gain a better understanding of his view of Eggman, freedom of choice, etc. When I came to the bit about "change"... well, there-in fell the idea for this comic :)
I always felt like Sonic's amnesia relating to the Warp Topaz in IDW would have been a lot of fun to play with if it could have been an inverse of Eggman's situation with Mr. Tinker. I.e. the Warp Topaz warps Sonic's mental state and corrupts his super form, giving us a mainline interpretation of Fleetway Super Sonic :)
Also, just a quick shout out to everyone whose followed me recently. I really appreciate it! More comic stuff to come soon!
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noxstrages · 5 months
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Happy 4/13! Here's a mix of old and new hyperfixation and my first drawing of The Gang! Here's some Classpects: laios - heir of blood falin - witch of life marcille - witch of void chilchuck - rogue of heart senshi - maid of life kabru - knight of blood
Spoiler characters under the cut!
Feel free to discuss other classpects and homestuck stuff for this au in here or tag me! I'd love to hear more about it.
mithrun - prince of hope thistle - bard of hope winged lion - lord of hope
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rainthespiritual · 6 months
Tate Langdon spicy headcannons since I'm 18
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if you aren't 18 or over please leave, this is ADULT CONTENT and I better hear 0 shit abt Tate being young or a teen he's a mf ghost and has been since 1993 so SHUT IT
btw I didn't just turn 18 I did a while ago just felt like naming the post that..
anyways this is for all my horny motherfuckers out there ♡ enjoy 😉
Tate deffinetly gives me switch vibes he basically just wants to do whatever you wanna do
he loves pleasing and making you feel good it's his #1 goal and if he doesn't he will feel shitty until he makes it right..
he hates the idea of hurting you like he doesn't want to slap you hard or go too hard on you because seeing you in pain makes him feel super guilty
he might be into a little choking or some love taps but he's CONSTANTLY asking you if what he's doing is okay
"that won't hurt you right?"
"are you sure baby?"
"I guess if it's okay with you..."
overall he's just a big sweetheart about everything and we love him for that
you had to teach him about safewords and it kind of confused him at first but he got the hang of it
"so I stop when you say that?"
"but what if you say stop i don't stop? just when you say... okay got it"
"I'm still kinda confused actually can you explain it to me again?"
Let's just say the rubber suit he wears isn't just for killing people it's also for killing your pus-
fr tho he'd definitely wear that I can just feel it 😐
"Tate I'm sorry but I'm not fucking you to deep throat by cupcake"
"why not 😔🥺"
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h-didanart · 3 months
Guys. Father’s Day
Ok. Father’s day in the Crescent household.
Yes? Let’s go
(KC uses he//she//they, SolarFlare uses they//them)
— — —
KC hadn’t exactly expected to have a shorter shift than usual, being content with the everyday twelve hours. Yet his coworkers had pushed him to leave earlier, and they had sounded very set on the decision.
And so, here she was, walking back home at three in the afternoon. She had to admit, the views were rather nice at this time of the day, something he didn’t always get to see but still appreciated.
Perhaps they should take the children on a nature walk that week? They didn’t need to drop by the Plex, and he didn’t have shifts on the weekend, it would all depend on Star and Queso’s tech management things. It did sound like a lovely idea however, he’ll have to make a note for that.
As it stands she was already at the current campsite, making their way to the RV when Flare walked out of it. They were both startled by the other, KC being the one to talk first after the shock.
“I am aware you were expecting me to arrive at a later time, however my coworkers decided that I would go back home earlier today,” he chuckled, “‘my Father’s Day gift’ they had called it”
Flare looked at her, processing the information. It took a bit but they seemed to understand soon enough, KC felt bad over messing up their schedule though and was about to apologize, but Flare quickly diverted his attention to a path nearby.
“We Should Go Walk,” they pointed at the trees, “There Isn’t A Lot To Do Here. You Might Like To See The Nearby River”
KC hummed. “I suppose we could, I would like to leave my things here first however”
Flare nodded, moving away from the RV’s entrance and letting KC enter. They set the box with food on the counter and were about to set their bag down before remembering something. She had picked up a curious looking rock for Queso, he knew he collected them, so she should probably get that to him before leaving.
He exited the RV making their way over to Eclipses’ workshop. Only for Flare to block his way. She looked up at the taller bot, confused. “Am I not allowed there?”
KC hummed, “Are your brothers out?”
Flare hesitated in their answer, “No”
“Then may I at least speak to them? I have something I believe Queso will like”
Flare stared at KC.
KC stared at Flare.
KC would’ve continued to stare at Flare were it not for the loud thump that came from the workshop. And alongside it a very lengthy swear, from Hunter’s voice.
Which meant all of her children were there.
Which meant they were avoiding him.
Which meant they were hiding something.
KC turned back to Flare once more.
“What is going on?”
Flare seemingly tensed up at the query. “Nothing”
“You aren’t one to lie to me,” KC stated calmly, “tell me what is wrong, it is the only way I’ll be able to help”
Flare stared at him still. The solar bot would not budge on this it seems.
KC sighed, quickly summoning a small set of movement runes. They moved Flare out of the way before the taller could even protest, and opened the door to her sons’ workspace.
Only… they were not expecting what they saw.
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It wasn’t an absolute mess, there was no broken things or machinery even. Only his children, frozen in place staring straight at him.
Queso was sprawled out in front of the back counter, which held various colorful boxes of various different sizes. Hunter was mid-step, carrying a couple boxes, looking rather aloof. Harvest held one of those tools used for icing cakes, filled with mint green icing, over a bare cupcake that was surrounded by many more already-iced cupcakes.
It was silence all around, last comment that had been heard being Flare’s “I Am Afraid There Was An Unknown Variable In Our Plan”
Everyone remained in place.
The speakers crackled to life, Star’s weak voice coming through.
“W-we can s-see that Flare…”
Harvest had begun her hum of nervousness, Hunter opting for a diversion.
“Happy birthday?”
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They were all incredibly nervous if their core rates were anything to go by.
“What is going on?” KC finally asked.
Hunter looked at Harvest, Harvest looked at Queso, Queso looked at Flare, Flare glanced at KC.
“Father’s Day Celebration Set Up”
KC looked back at her other children.
“This is just like Mother’s Day,” he said in a matter-of-fact tone.
“I didn’t set anything on fire,” Harvest said near instantly, “this is way better than aspired!”
“Y-yeah,” Stars piped up, “we all learned to not let y-you cook since then”
She turned to the closest camera, hissing, “Hey!”
KC sighed at their children’s antics, fully stepping into the workshop. “Do you need help with anything? I got off work earlier as you may see” they addressed Queso and Hunter. They both shook their head.
“You don’t get to help today!” Hunter exclaimed, “you get to do nothing!” He laughed, almost gesturing with his hands and dropping the boxes, all while still on only one foot.
KC approached him, placing a hand on his shoulder, “you are aware you can move now, yes?”
Hunter blinked. Then turned right around to what he had been doing before, moving boxes apparently.
The oldest turned around to the solar bot, small smile on his face. “Are you sure you don’t need any help?”
Queso nodded, giving KC the thumbs up and shooing them away from what was probably the gift table. He chuckled as he left the workshop, passing by an argumentative Harvest and tired Flare.
KC hadn’t exactly expected to have her children celebrate Father’s Day for him today, he would’ve been fine just having a normal family dinner. But knowing his children are putting effort on celebrating them today… it warmed her heart on ways he could’ve never dreamt.
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fullcirclehuh · 10 months
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love this guy he is awesome
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ask-liam-p · 2 months
Aw! Bryce treating tay like a sister <3
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king-nyx · 7 months
wanna read ancient greek lesbians?
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baatheblacksheep · 11 months
Npmd as memes is out!!
It ended up being random videos instead of memes but pls watch
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adri-loves · 2 years
hihi !! may I request some headcanons for kano from mortal kombat with a s/o who is super cutesy and silly and lighthearted??? basically the opposite of him x3 (also gender neutral pls ;w;) thank you for your time!!
I hope you enjoy and love this as much as i do<3
When Kano first met you he hated you. Just flat out did not like you. He thought you were weak and boring. Over time he did warm up to you. He liked how you could make him feel calm and safe. He did not know how someone could be so nice to him, so soft and caring.
♥ Kano is a wealthy man with a lot of power. His favorite thing in this entire world is making you happy. He will buy you anything that you want.
♥ If you are into makeup he will allow you to do his if you just ask nicely and allow him to pick the colors. his favorites are black and red.
♥ He has many pet names for you. His favorites are honey, sugar, baby, doll, princess, and cutie.
♥ He loves cuddling with you. He needs physical affection 24/7. He dose not like being a cuddle bug in public or around any black dragon member.
♥ Loves when Kabal or Erron get jellous of your relationship with him. He dosent know how he found someone speical like you but he values you so much and dose anything that you ask of him.
I hope you enjoyed and if I missed something that you would want me to write about send me another ask or message :) I love all of you 🤍
A/N... I just want to let everyone know that I am slowly getting to all of the matchups. I will hopefully get all of them done this week and i have no clue when the Gromsko fic is coming 😭
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butteredfrogs · 1 year
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seeing as bambi's other save broke and theres no way to fix it (even removing all my mods and cc doesnt seem to work) i decided to start a new legacy with her: the animal crossing legacy!
beginning / next
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cheshirelearell · 2 years
I Can Still Recall
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Chishiya x Reader
GN I think, let me know if it isn’t!
1.5k Words
Summary - Since the meteor you’ve been struggling to remember something. Or someone?
Warnings - Angst? Maybe. Sad? The desperation of trying to remember something you forgot. Post-Borderlands.
Authors note //  I couldn't get this out of my head so I decided to write it as chapter four is coming along (This is a complete separate story to LYtTMaB), I hope you guys enjoy it, let me know your thoughts :)) <3
You were seated at a little pink and white café. Its checkered theme was obvious in the flooring and decorations. It was only a small shop. Around five tables and chairs, all wooden and painted white, with pink tablecloths. A little pot of fake flowers sat in the middle of the tables. The counter is at the back of the shop, a variety of baked goods on display. Others are still baking, their aroma overtaking the place creating a pleasant smell.
You were seated at the table in front of the big window, facing out towards the bustling streets of Tokyo. Sipping on your hot chocolate topped with cream, a perfectly cooked cinnamon swirl sitting on a small plate next to your cup.
Your laptop was tipped closed towards the other side of you. You’d previously been using it to do some writing, an essay you have coming up needing to be completed. However, not much had successfully been accomplished. Your head felt too busy, not being able to concentrate enough on the work you needed to finish. 
You’ve often felt like this. It was also accompanied by the feeling like you're forgetting something. Something important. I mean, sure people get these feelings all the time. You walk into a room not remembering why you did it and it bugging you for the rest of the day. Or going to say something and forgetting it completely. Even forgetting something from your house and not remembering what it was, desperately hoping it wasn’t something important. 
But, usually people end up remembering what it was. And even if they don't, the same thing they’ve forgotten doesn’t come back to haunt them for the last few months. No matter how hard you try, you can never remember what it was. 
The doctors and nurses you’ve spoken to, some recently when you went for your check-ups, all said that some people from the same accident had similar issues. Then they said to just try and forget about it completely, as no tests they’d done previously had evoked results anyway.
But it was much, much harder than that. It felt like every little thing sparked something in your brain, trying its hardest to remember what it associated it with. You’d made some progress previously, you were sure of it. Vaguely remembering you trying to find the objects that sparked the recognition. However, anytime you started to become even remotely close, you’d forget. 
The first time it was because you’d broken the pencil you were using to write things down, it had startled you, losing your train of thought and completely forgetting why you were even writing the stuff down in the first place. You’d thrown it away back then.
The second time was because your friend had called your name. You remember zoning out, staring at someone, trying to remember what was so familiar about them. Turns out you’d been staring for too long, your friend calling your name to get your attention back again. 
Something caught your attention from the corner of your eye. Outside the little café you were sitting in, a man was standing off to the side away from the walking people. He had gotten something out of his backpack. Plugging it into his phone, he placed one of the earbuds into his ear, leaving the other one hanging. 
With furrowed brows, a small frown pulling at your lips, that little flicker in the back of your head sparked up again. It was nothing about the man, no, it was the earbuds. Why were the earbuds so familiar to you? What was it about them that was so important? 
Determination flooded you, you were not going to forget this time, you were going to remember. This is a promise you were making to yourself. 
The man had long gone, your hot chocolate and cinnamon pastry finished. Packing away your stuff you began making your way out of the store. You were supposed to turn right, your apartment was back that way, but instead you turned left. 
If someone had asked you couldn't have told them why you turned left. There was no reason you had to go this way. It was almost like your brain had decided before you, taking action to make sure you went left. 
You didn’t mind it. There was a lovely park just down this road. It was filled with beautiful flowers, blossomed trees and a duck pond. It even had a little bridge to go across. 
As you were making your way down the street a vending machine had caught your eye. It was a part of another little shop filled with loads of different kinds of vending machines. Stopping to look, you took notice of one vending machine in particular. 
You inched closer to the glass, staring intently at a yellow packet of biscuits. Breaking your gaze you looked around at the other machines. This seemed to be the only one that had the biscuits at all. The frown you had earlier had returned, this time bigger. A small headache had sprouted, nothing you couldn’t overlook for the time being though. 
Taking out your phone you started a new note. Writing down earbuds and the biscuits, you also decided to get a packet. Maybe having the item will evoke something. You could hope. You inserted the money, watching the biscuits slowly release into the bottom to collect, you eventually started making your way back to the park. 
Opening the biscuits you took a bite. Something briefly tickled in your head. This was familiar to you, however you’d never eaten these biscuits in your life, you were sure of it. Your headache has become more of an annoyance now rather than something you could brush aside. 
As you were munching on another biscuit hoping to coax something else forward, you turned the corner. A couple just in front of you were having a gently spoken conversation. Both similar in height, him an inch or two taller than her, he had reached forward and tucked a loose strand of hair away from her face. 
You don’t know why this was familiar to you, but it was. The headache is now becoming more painful and harder to ignore. You hurried along, walking at a slightly faster pace than you originally were. 
Making it to the park you started munching on your third biscuit. Not many people were here at the moment, most of them at work or school. You stood still in the middle of the path, looking around at everything and every person that was in your eyesight. You weren’t sure why you were on such a high alert, like you were waiting for something and were going to miss it. 
That’s when you saw him. A man was walking slowly over the bridge. He had roughly shoulder length, what looked to be dyed, blonde hair. The ends were ever so slightly curled, two shorter pieces in the front. However, you couldn't quite see his face as he was turned towards the pond, overlooking the few ducks currently present. 
He was wearing grey sweatpants, sneakers on his feet and a white hoodie. No. No, he wasn't. He was wearing a bluey grey cardigan. Why did you think he was wearing a white hoodie? 
Your brows had furrowed, frown tugging again at your lips. And that was when he turned to face forward. You could only see the side of his face but that seemed to be enough. 
You knew this man. You were sure of it but from where? 
You started shuffling forward slightly. His name, what was his name?
Your headache has grown significantly. Now thudding painfully against your skull. You only have to remember his name. You were positive. Your determination has grown, spreading like wildfire through your veins. You were going to remember. You only needed his name.
A? No, that isn’t right. H? No, no. E? Definitely not… C? No, not that eithe- Wait. 
C. That was right, one of them began with C. 
If only you could think more. Your brows were deeply furrowed, a scowl almost making its way to your face in your desperation to remember. And then it hit you. 
His name was Chishi-
More like someone had hit you.
You didn’t even realize you were making your way towards the man, getting progressively faster with each thought, until someone had run straight into you. The brief elation you’d felt getting ripped away. 
You fell to your knees, hands breaking your fall. Your bag of biscuits you’d been grasping had fallen and scattered everywhere. Some had broken and others were being crushed in the person's stead to check if you were okay.
Somewhere in the distance you could make out them frantically spewing apologies, asking if you were alright, if you’d hurt yourself. Staring wide eyed at the ground you’d nearly face planted, you weren’t quite sure what to think.
Gentle spits of droplets hit the ground. Your vision is blurry. You don’t understand, the fall didn’t hurt at all, it only shocked you really. 
The only noticeable thing you could point out was the feeling like you’d forgotten something.
You looked up to the now empty bridge.
So then why were you crying?
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conretewings · 1 year
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-She finds herself awoken in the middle of the night to a most unexpected, yet not unwelcome, surprise as his hands brush across her skin and warm breath stirs in her ear, murmuring sweet and filthy things...
***Vander x OC, 18+ ONLY definitely NSFW.***
Fitful, shadowy dreams fade away, nothing more than wisps of smoke and subconscious as Rosemary's sleeping brain is at first lightly prodded, then abruptly jerked awake with a guttural groan against her ear and thick, calloused fingers softly kneading her breast.
Shaking herself more into this world and full coherence, she realizes Vander has curled his massive body around hers, one hand busying itself with her chest and the other wandering almost aimlessly, his breath heavy against the shell of her ear and already hard cock pressed to her ass.
"V-Vander? What are you...?" she wonders, still not completely awake and confused as to where this was coming from; he usually slept quite soundly when she was stayed the night, and the times he awoke first, he'd always be quiet and considerate of her still slumbering.
"Rosie...need you...can't lose..." he finally mumbles out, clumsily rolling onto his back, then half propping himself over her, trailing fingers and lips across her face, neck, belly, wherever he can reach. In the darkness she's close enough to see his flushed face and hollow eyes just barely open. He's not even fully conscious she realizes, yet possessed by a seemingly singular need to be as close as possible-among other needs she notices as he grinds his hips against her a couple times with another low, long groan.
She shivers and reflexively raises her own hips a fraction; his actions were far from unwelcome as she always thoroughly enjoyed his attentions, yet here and now she notes there was something different; primal and instinctive in how he clung to her even while half in this realm and half in some dream state.
"Vander-" she repeats, freeing a trapped arm to pat his cheek, "Van? What's going on? I mean I know but why now-mmph!"
When his only response is his continued heavy breath and to pull himself up further to press his mouth to hers, tongue darting to lap at her lower lip she finally manages to grasp his face in her hands and force him to be still a moment.
"VAN!" she says again, a little sharper now, and it's like a switch is flipped in his brain, the light returning to his eyes as whatever lucid state he's in is shaken loose somewhat, "What is all this?!"
He swallows thickly, then with a sigh leans in to kiss her once more and murmurs against her lips, "I lost you...can't lose you again...have to make damn sure you're still here..." his steel-blue eyes meet hers, a deep fire burning there, "Please, love, I need you..."
He was clearly still half conscious but coherent enough to understand exactly what he wanted. The goosebumps flare across her skin; there was something almost desperate in his gaze as he clutched her with a slight tremble and crack in his deep voice. Rosemary weren't sure if she'd ever seen him like this, so needy as if he'd burn into ashes if that fire wasn't quelled.
And well...who was she to leave her lover in such a state?
Wordlessly, she captures Vander's mouth in another kiss and shifts to pull her nightshirt up further, exposing her body to the cool air and his fevered touch as he pounces, a triumphant hunter with his prey, his groans morphing into almost a growl. Her back arches with a stuttered whimper, fingers tugging his thick hair as his mouth finds a nipple, tongue swirling over the swollen bud and she nearly yelps when his teeth graze her as well.
Shuddering, with some brief fumbling pants are removed and he wastes no time in positioning himself between her thighs, one hand clutching her hip as he presses himself inside her, moaning into her shoulder. She lets out a positively sinful sound herself, arcing her hips to take more of him in; he was going faster and rougher than usual but luckily, she was already slick enough alone from the downright feral mood he was in.
Time disappears, melting away as they melt into each other, his pace against her slow and deep but unsteady, punctuated with pauses to kiss or caress whatever spot was nearest and murmur praises or incoherent words into her skin and she swears of all the times she's been with him, it's never been quite like this as in all sense of the word he worships her body with his own.
It takes some moments to register but she abruptly notices his movements grow lazier and more erratic...before he gradually slows to a stop, his weight resting more on her now and breathing calm as realization sets in; he's fallen back asleep. She bites her lip, the sensation of his thick length still inside her deliciously torturous-but he's growing heavier by the second so, with some reluctance, she wriggles free.
He mumbles somewhere in his sleep, and she turns to cradle his head against her chest, fingers tangling in his hair as his arms come up to encircle her and eventually, she drifts off as well, mind still confused but pleasantly content.
In the morning, Rosemary is bustling about the kitchen, putting some coffee on when a loud yawn echoes through the room. She glances over her shoulder with a welcoming grin, "Morning, Papa Bear."
"Mornin', Rosie..." Vander grumbles, scratching his side under the old t-shirt he wore and rubbing the remains of sleep from his eyes, "Can I eh, ask ya somethin'?"
"Last night um," he clears his throat and steps closer, dropping his voice to a murmur but still avoids her direct gaze, "Did we...?"
She smirks, not skipping a beat, "Have a very passionate fuck yes. Yes we did-until you passed out."
His face reddens a shade, a faintly sheepish grin tugging at the corners of his lips, "Ah...so I wasn't dreamin'..."
"Vander," she stops slicing a stale but still good loaf of bread for toast to turn to him, placing one hand on his cheek to force him to look at her, "Is everythin' alright? You were talkin' about how you'd lost me, then all but begged to make love to me. What's goin' on?"
Here his expression hardens and he exhales loudly, taking her hand and after a moment using it to envelop her in a hug, "It's stupid, prob'ly, but I had an awful nightmare...the kind where everythin' seems normal 'cept somethin's very wrong..." his arms tighten around her, face pressed into the top of her head, "...ya died. So when I started to wake up I had to know if it was real."
She sighs, nuzzling into his shoulder and inhaling his musky, ever-slightly smokey scent, "It's not stupid. I'm here...and I'm not plannin' on goin' anywhere."
They step apart after another minute of quietly appreciating each other's presence and the solid warmth of their embrace, no less intimate than the night's much more erotic act in it's own way. Leaning up on her toes, Rosemary rests her hands on the sides of his face to pull him in for a gentle, reassuring kiss and he hums out a short chuckle, little more than a rumble in his chest. Going back to readying for the day, Rosemary looks at him as he slings a rag over his shoulder in a familiar gesture as he prepares to wash up some dishes left in the sink.
"Sorry love. You're stuck with me." she teases, and he shoots her a sideways smirk.
"Lil' pest."
She laughs as he deftly flicks the rag from his broad shoulder to lightly slap her with it, threatening to wipe her greasy hands on his shirt next time he swung by her shop.
And thus the blissful little world they'd built continued to spin for just a little longer.
@archerofthemists @immortalbumblebee @barbersjoy @band--psycho @vander-affectionate @kirahhhh
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pizzaloops · 1 year
Just wanted to apologise for the current silence gwahahah we DO see your asks and you have many and they are all good and smart and lovely and i want to answer them all so so much GWAHAHAH i've just been a little busy but !! i'll answer them as soon as I can <3
In the meantime? have a bonus Pizzahead drawing
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bokettochild · 2 years
Hero's Wake - Part 1/3
This story happened because I wanted to write something for a piece off art, but like anything I work on, I had to justify how everything came about and it ran away from me LOL
(I'll share a link to the art in another installment in order to prevent spoilers)
Summary: A battle in the middle of nowhere leaves the younger heroes grievously injured and a couple near death. It's only been a day since their last big battle and they're nearly out of medical supplies, and with no towns or healers in sight, the boys have to hope that the owners of the small farmhouse Twilight saw when scouting ahead will be kind enough to help them. Turns out, the farmers have a lot more to offer than medical aid; they also have stories and memories of a young hero of courage it seems the Chain hasn't yet encountered.
  It started like anything did, with a day on the road. 
  It progressed as all ill things did with a battle gone wrong. 
  Wild had attempted to jump in front of a blow meant for Wind once more only for the sailor to duck out of the way and stumble into the champion instead. Neither had been overly harmed by the incident, although both were irritated, but the noise and their cries had made many a head whip around and miss the weapons aimed at them. 
  When the monsters cleared, it was with Sky and Warriors on their tails, eyes flaming as the rest of the heroes had scrabbled to pull themselves and each other together. Time’s own injuries were the least serious, the plate armor doing its job and preventing anything worse than heavy bruising and a cut that would more likely than not leave a second scar across the other side of his face (although thankfully missing his eye). Malon will be thankful when he gets home, for that at least, but the old man can’t help but wonder if it’ll even matter. 
  His boys are so much worse. 
  When Warriors and Sky return, ichor and blood still dripping from their blades as, in their hurry to join the others and ensure that all are alive, they’ve neglected to even wipe their weapons. It’s touching that Sky would neglect the Master Sword for one of them, and a small, maybe cruel part of him feels just a bit of satisfaction for that. 
  It’s short lived though. His mind has better things to be doing, like pressing his hands over the gaping wound in their veteran’s chest as he tries to keep the other focused, to keep Wind from panicking where the sailor is trying to help him while Twilight wraps the gash in the smithy’s side and makes his own protégé stay still long enough someone can handle the champion’s headwound. He’s not quite sure where Hyrule is; the traveler is silent and his feet more so as the other does whatever he’s doing. Whatever it is, his first check over the group had assured him that, at the least, Hyrule isn’t dying currently, which is all he really has time to focus on at the moment. 
  There’s panicked babble from Wind beside him, Sky’s own voice asking questions as he seeks to help, but Warriors is his rock and steady strength as the man pushes him away and takes over, inspecting the wound and immediately covering and bandaging it as best he can, voice ever calm as the captain assures not only Wind, but Time and Legend as well. 
  “It’s going to be okay. The worst of it is the broken ribs, and with a potion or two this’ll close and be nothing more than a scar.” 
  Wind’s eyes are watery, but he nods, dashing away tears.  
  He wants to offer assurance or comfort, but he honestly doubts the sailor would appreciate Legend’s blood being smeared over his clothes, hair or cheeks, so Time keeps his hands to himself and turns his eyes to the field. 
  Sky is helping Twilight, and while Hyrule is limping, badly so, the traveler isn’t leaking blood anywhere as he moves to tend to Wild’s head and keeps the champion murmuring and mumbling so as to prevent passing out. It’s not the best tactic, but Hyrule’s just a half-fae, he’s no healer. Still, he’s doing his best and his best is a lot more than what the rest of them, save Warriors with his medical training, can offer. 
  “Someone grab a potion.” Warriors huffs, gathering Legend up as the vet visibly is fighting with his body for consciousness. He’d almost just tell Legend to let go and let himself rest, but the blow the veteran had taken was hardly a kind one and he doesn’t know if Legend might be struggling with a concussion or not as well. Either way, the vet’s eyes are very much open as he stares at the others and their work, as if for lack of anything better to focus on. 
  Then again, Legend is farsighted, trying to focus on any of them must be a struggle with how close they’re all sitting. 
  “Potion, now!” Warriors raps, and it snaps Time back to himself. 
  Maybe he’s dealing with something upstairs too, because his reaction time is never this slow. It can’t be. His boys need him and dallying will waste time, blood and life. His bag doesn’t have a potion though, and when he turns to look to the others their faces are grim as only one more is produced, half-drunk but there. The captain has it in his hands within seconds, Wind the willing carrier, and it’s being pushed to Legend’s lips moments later. 
  There’s no fighting. The stuff may taste like rotting fruit but Legend doesn’t even complain, just lets the captain ease the liquid into his mouth and down his throat fast enough that the veteran won’t choke, but will get the much-needed potion as quickly as is safe. And it helps, it does. The smaller wounds close and the vet’s breathing eases just a bit, but it’s not enough. 
  “That was the last one?” It’s both question and statement as he looks across the group of younger heroes.  
  They nod. “Yeah, the others were used day before yesterday.” 
  Also a terrible battle, only that one was worse. That one they’d been fighting one of Legend’s lynels and one of Wild’s hinoxes, as well as various smaller monsters. The fact they’re alive today is truly a miracle of some sort, although a short lived one if they can’t get more potions to stop the profuse bleeding of the smithy and veteran. 
  “Twilight, you went scouting ahead with Four, were there any signs of civilization ahead?” 
  Warriors shouldn’t be needing to take charge, but in the wake of Time’s slow-moving mind the captain is, and it’s frustrating. His brother is a skilled leader, yes, but these boys are his duty and their care shouldn’t fall on the shoulders of another, no matter how strong and steady Warriors’ might be. 
  Twilight huffs a heavy breath, shaking his head and gritting his teeth as he ties off the last of the bandages and pulls Four up into his arms. “Just an old farmhouse up the road. There’s nothing else for miles yet.” 
  “We’ll have to hope the folks in the house will take pity then,” he finds himself saying, pulling himself up to his feet and offering to take Legend from the captain’s hold. He's declined, the man using his scarf to help fashion a sling to carry his brother in. “We won’t make it much further, not without medical supplies.” 
  And it’s only with great luck they make it that far. While Time wouldn’t say Hylia is smiling on them exactly, he’d dare a guess to say her favor is offering a bit of aid to keep them all breathing long enough to make it up to the farmhouse his pup had spoken of. It’s a lovely place, rather familiar really, although he doesn’t bother trying to place why. He’s got two young heroes in desperate need of care, and while not as serious, six other boys who at the very least could do with some stitching, bandaging and cleaning up. 
  They must make a sight as they knock at the door, he in the front and Warriors behind with Legend, Sky carrying Four and Twilight supporting his own protégé while Wind does the same for Hyrule. There’s blood on the lot of them and panic in their eyes and the poor woman who opens the door, teary eyed and sniffling, barely has time to blink back in horror or surprise before they’re begging for her help. 
  “Please, we need help, they’re dying and-” 
  The door makes to close, bright eyes flashing as the red-head draws back, tears still on her cheeks but hatred in her eyes. 
  It’s all Time can do to catch the door and push back against it, not entering but still asking for aid. “Please! They’re just kids, they need help!” 
  And that makes her pause. He knows that knights and armored, blood covered warriors may not be something people are keen on dealing with, but when her eyes trail over his shoulder (she’s taller than him he realizes) she seems to soften at the sight of small figures clutched close or barely standing. 
  “Wait there.” 
He wants to protest that there is no time, his boys’ every breath may be their last, but she doesn’t close the door or even step too far away, just calls into the house. 
And then another woman, one who looks much the same but slimmer, more grey but just as teary eyed, appears and takes only a look at him, at Warriors who’s come to stand beside him, at Wind and Hyrule peeking around with faces tired and eyes pained, and something glimmers to life in tearful eyes. 
“Come in, come in.” The older of the two women breathes, voice catching as she all but pulls them into the house. Within instants she’s on their younger members, guiding the group of them through a well-appointed house to a warmly lit living area which seats two more red-headed girls with drawn faces and teary eyes. Both girls jump up at the sight of them, standing and staring as the elder woman, likely their grandmother if he’s guessing right, motions Warriors and Sky to the couch with their burdens while settling Wind and Hyrule in armchairs with soft clucks of the tongue and shakes of the head. 
“Malon, fetch my med-kit. Creamia, fetch a few blankets, luv, these gents’ll need some place to sleep tonight and heaven knows I ain’t sendin’ ‘em out in the rain.” 
It’s not raining, but he wouldn’t be surprised if it did; Legend was complaining of an ache in his joints and Warriors’ tremor was worse, even Wild had said something about his scars acting up.  
Both girls dart to obey orders, eyes sharp but not a word spoken as they head different directions, the taller towards the stairs near the door and the shorter towards a door set in the wall that he doesn’t catch anything through before it swings closed again.  
While they run and fetch, his boys settle, soft groans and whimpers sounding as they adjust.  
“Ma’am, do you have any-” 
“Romani, check the kitchen for red potions, I keep ‘em up in the top cabinet, y’know the one.” 
The woman who greeted them at the door nods firmly, darting back the way they came.  
There's a clatter and clinking from the other room, but his attention is on his boys. Warriors is sitting with Legend, applying pressure to the still leaking injury in the vet’s chest while Sky does the same for their smithy. Both smaller boys are well passed out by now, be it from pain, lack of blood or worse he doesn’t know. All he knows is that what little good he can do at the moment is help Hyrule’s leg into a splint with the bandages he finds placed in his hands by a girl with a familiar face (although much younger than his own wife) and a stick Wind grabs from the woodpile beside the raging fireplace. 
There’s fuss around him. The warm, comfortable tutting sound of a worried farm-wife as injuries are stitched, potions are administered and bandages set. The woman takes no issue with ordering them about, but no one questions her. When she says for him hoist Legend in his arms he obeys, he follows her up the stairs as she carries Four, and he asks no questions as the taller of the two grand-daughters, Creamia (and do they all have such familiar names?) holds open a door at her grandmother’s command and allows them entrance to a child’s bedroom. 
There’s no child in the room, but there’s books and toys stacked on shelves. There’s a plush rabbit perched among the pillows and colorful books piled on a side-table. There's art on the walls that, while well made, is not the practiced hand of an adult (or at least, nothing like Wild and Legend’s many sketches). He doesn’t ask if the boy- because he thinks it must be a little boy's room, there’s simply just the feeling to it- will mind giving up his space. There’s something about the room, too clean smelling for a farm child, that tells him there’s no child coming back here at the day’s end save his own. 
“Settle them in the bed.” The elder woman orders, and he does so. He slips Legend, now breathing steady but still a bit pale, beneath the covers as Four is laid down at his side. A part of him wonders if he should remove the bunny plush from between them, but he doesn’t have time to try before the woman is catching his arm and guiding him back down the stairs, clucking softly. “Your turn now, my girls’ll have the little ones all tended by now.” 
He’s pushed down on the couch, still bloody from its last occupants, and he goes. He has no clue why he goes, but maybe it's because he’s well accustomed to having a redheaded woman order him about when injured and Malon has trained him to simply comply until his hurts are treated. It’s a good thing she did, because this other woman seems to appreciate his compliance. 
“Concussed.” She tells him, after flickering fingers and candles in front of his eyes and staring at him near uncomfortably long. “A potion can help, but lettin’ your eyes and brain rest some is best. No sleepin’ though, not ‘till I’m sure your stable.” 
He nods. “I can’t anyways. My boys-” 
“Will live.” Her smile is wry, the tears now gone from her eyes in the wake of the bustle and fuss. “They’ll rest easy in my baby’s bed,” and there’s the hint of sadness again in indigo eyes as they glance towards the stairs, “heaven knows he always did.” 
“Their injuries-” 
“Aren’t the worst I’ve seen. Scarrin’ is inevitable, but ain’t nothing that won’t heal with time. As for the rest,” she turns, and he follows her gaze to the other three women, who’ve since moved back to give his boys their space and now stand watching their elder, “Romani, what’s the state a’ things?” 
“A broken leg for the fae child, momma,” the eldest of the three reports, startling all of the heroes considerably but never reacting to their eyes turning to her. “Various gashes on the two knights, some deep, but nothin’ a potion didn’t fix. The blonde teen’s concussed too, a bit badly, but he should recover. The wolf one got a bit mangled, but again, nothin’ as wasn’t fixed with a sip a’ red.” 
The matriarch nods, firm and sturdy, shoulders releasing a bit. “Good.” And then she turns to his boys with a small half smile that’s so like Malon’s own when tired it makes him stare. Are all these women so close in looks to his wife? “You gent’s can rest up here. My husband's gone up to bed already, but I doubt he’ll take issue with aiding a few young‘uns an’ their papas as got themselves all messed up fightin’ a drove of ‘blins.” 
They didn’t even tell her. They never once mentioned what happened to them, but her eyes glitter with knowledge he daren’t question, not when it’s been used to their aid. Granted, he’s suspicious, quite a bit so, but this woman and her daughters have done nothing to prove themselves of ill intent, and had they wanted to cause harm all they would have had to do was close the door and lock the heroes into a fate that would have left them short their two shortest. 
So, he doesn’t ask how she knows, he doesn’t do anything more than sit still when he’s told to, Wild settling at his side on the worn couch and the four women bustling about as they make the others all comfortable. Hyrule’s offered a lift up the stairs, and although he moves to reject the offer, he immediately falls silent at a look from the eldest of the four. As a result, it’s not long before Wind has followed the one called Romani up the stairs, Hyrule in her arms, likely to be tucked up in another bed where hurts can heal and peaceful sleep can be found. 
That leaves five of them on the ground floor, but Twilight, Warriors and Sky seem entirely unphased with the thought of sleeping on the floor this evening. They don’t have to of course, with chairs abandoned they’re quickly pushed into them. He knows for a fact that the captain and Sky can both drift off sitting up, and have, with only minimal back or neck problems come the dawn, depending of course on what they’re leaned against. Comfy armchairs with excellent support will be no issue for the two, and already Sky’s eyes are looking heavy as he sinks down in relief. 
Twilight neglects the seats, instead settling close to Time himself and their cub, gaze wandering and wary as it trails over them, searching for signs of worsening or hurts that haven’t been tended. The rancher has nothing to do though, not with the matriarch of the house fussing about the cut on his mentor’s cheek and Wild already tended as far as he can be. 
Still, the pup still settles close, nearly on Time’s feet, gaze flickering over the rest of the room and ears flicking about. 
“Calm.” The eldest woman, the only un-named one as yet, scolds, tweaking the rancher’s ear gently and in a familiar manner that he supposes to mean her own children have met the same fate. Twilight looks more startled than offended, but considering how Ordon treats the pup he wouldn’t be surprised if any kindly farm-wife could get away with correcting the lad without question or comment. “Knights or not, there’s nothing harming y’all here. Lon Lon’s walls are the safest in all Hyrule.” 
“Yeah, far better than the castle I’ll reckon,” the youngest (he can’t think of her as Malon) scoffs slightly. 
Warriors straightens in his seat, not daring to move as a look is shot his way by the farm-wife. “We’re where?” 
He only realizes that the familiar name has been uttered when Warriors points it out. “Lon Lon Ranch,” the woman repeats, finally drawing back and giving him space, eyes critical as they sweep over him. “Best you shed that armor, hun. Poor darlin’ is bound to hurt himself leaning on all that.” 
A motion to Wild, leaning on his shoulder with a dazed expression, helps convince him. He has to remind himself that these woman won’t cause harm, not after providing aid, but it doesn’t stop him fumbling the buckles and belts of his gear, and Twilight has to sit up and help him with them. He only realizes then that his hands are shaking a bit. 
No one comments on it.  
“I’m Mirta Lon, s’pose I outta say that afore I send y’all off to rest. My husband, he’s gone up already but he’ll be down early in the morning, his name’s Hanson. Those there are my grand-babbies, Creamia and Malon, and their momma, my daughter, will be the one who was bringin’ the chilluns up to bed.” Thin hands with long and nimble fingers (something like their vet’s really) settle on slight hips as indigo eyes glide over them all again, expectant. 
“I’m Twilight,” his pup answers in kind, recognizing whatever cue he’s missed in his haze and proceeding to do the honors of their group. “That there is Warriors and Sky, and these two here are Wild and Time.” 
Three faces, all painfully familiar and shockingly similar (although there are differences they are slight) adopt the same expression, brows raised and eyes narrowing slightly. Mirta (Miss Mirta?) at least has some grace with her hesitation though, looking regal rather than just suspicious. 
“They’re nicknames,” he explains, although they’ve never done so before and he has no clue why he’s doing so now.  
“Ah.” And she nods like that explains all. “Right then. Time, Wild, you two need to keep awake some until you’re stable. Girls,” she turns, smiling softly at her grand-daughters, “best you two head on up to bed.” 
Glances are exchanged between the two, both talking in little ways like he’s seen his boys do, done with Twilight and Legend, Warriors and Wild, sometimes even Wind. It’s the Malon look-alike who speaks, a frown on her face. “Granny, ain’t our room full?” 
“No. Why’d you think that? I wouldn’t give up your room and make you sleep on the cold floor, you know that, sugar.” 
Another glance, another frown, something flickering in brown and green as the girls glance at each other and then their grandmother. “But then what room are those boys sleepin’ in? There’s only four in the house an’-” 
Miss Mirta shifts, not uncomfortably, but in that way that says she recognizes she’s about to say or do something that her children won’t care for. He doesn’t know the woman, but he knows the mannerism, he’s displayed it enough times himself after all. ”I set them in Link’s room.” 
He doesn’t need to look to know all his boys are perking up, even Wild at his shoulder. 
“The poor darling hardly needs it anymore.” 
And down duck heads as sadness clouds multiple shades of blue eyes. A Link usually means a hero, but it would seem the one of this world is already fallen. Bitterness bites at his throat and stomach, pinching his heart as he thinks to the room being discussed, one furnished for a young child, with books and drawings and toys and things suited for someone Wind’s age or younger. 
He feels sick. 
“But Gramma! It’s-” 
A thin hand is raised, the motion not dissimilar to how Warriors or Legend will cut someone off on their better days when they feel like being mature. “Malon, were Link alive he’d tell us to use the room. These boy’s ain’t much older than he was after all an’ after heaven knows how long on a road, they’ll need it.” 
“But it’s Link’s room.” Cremia murmurs, and there’s a hint of tears in big green eyes.  
She looks her name. It’s startling to realize it, having not gotten a good glance in the bustle, but he can almost imagine himself some thirty years younger and staring up into that face as soft words are spoken of a falling moon and an envied beverage to be granted as a final promise. 
“Were Link alive and needin’ a room, would you want someone to deny him jist cuz it used to belong to the lost? These boys have homes somewhere too, families who’ll be wanting someun’ to look after them. It’s only right we do our best by them as others did for our boy.” It’s said firmly, but it’s not hard to notice that her eyes glitter a bit with unshed tears. Said tears are wiped quickly, and he can’t help but note that the handkerchief used is already quite damp. “Apologies, y’all. Our family’s been having a night of it.” 
“Are you alright?” Warriors is moving to stand again, even despite the looks sent his way. 
Miss Mirta just smiles, bittersweet and pained. “Just an’ anniversary, hun. Link’s been known dead three years today. ‘s why Romani almost turned you away at the door. Was bad enough losin’ him, but them knight types like showing up ‘round and about and take no care whatsoever for folks who’s mourning, ‘specially when it’s half their fault.” 
The captain nods, but he doesn’t look pained. Warriors may be a knight, but he doesn’t esteem ‘knight types’ any more that Twilight or Legend. Time doesn’t blame him, having fought at the man’s side he’s seen what Hyrule’s knights will be like in his future, and it seems a constant that the worlds after him feature guardians worse and worse, only Wild truly knowing a Hyrule after his own whose soldiers devote themselves to the people and not just the throne. 
“Well then,” the matriarch sighs, breathing a soft huff and offering a worn smile. “Best let you gent’s rest up. Third step from the top creaks if you plan on checkin’ the young ‘uns, and either Romani or I will check in on y’all to tend those concussions every few hours.” 
The one called Malon stares, her grandmother the object of her attention, and then moments later she’s slipping out of the room. It’s a near silent exit, but it feels like thunder. Her older sister is softer, still pained and hurt, but she offers a weak half smile of her own. “Waters in the kitchen should you need it, and there’s soup and bread left over from dinner if you’re feeling peckish.” And with those words, the older girl likewise slips away, only in the other direction. 
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brella-boi · 2 years
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Secrets Funfair (Act 3-1) - part 1
We resume the tale....
Act 2 part 8 | Act 3[1] part 1 | Act 3[1] part 2
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The spirit hauls itself out of the sink on knobby hands, clawing for purchase on smooth stainless steel. Black nails and stringy black hair, knotted like unspooled yarn and dripping with black viscera. It plops onto the tiled floor with the second worst sound Reigen’s heard today and gropes at Shigeo’s shoelaces.
“Oh, hello,” Shigeo says, looking down. “Do you need something?
Reigen learns what he signed up for and chooses to stay.
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