#i hope you find your sense of belonging one day anon :)
vbecker10 · 1 month
Hey love, how are you doing? Hope you’re all good. Could you write a Bucky x fem!reader who has an eating disorder, but she hides it from the team and she does it successfully, but on one mission she passes out, which is weird because she’s one of the best. She says it was just because she didn’t feel well and everyone believes her, but not Bucky. He senses that something’s off and eventually finds out, because he leaves reader no choice but to tell him, and so she does.
I’m struggling with my ed and I would love it, but if you don’t want to write this, it’s totally fine! I am a huge fan of your work💚
I Want You to be Healthy
Pairing: Bucky x female reader (Y/N) - established relationship / reader has an eating disorder
Summary: You pass out on the way to the jet after a successful mission. The team quickly accepts the excuse that you don't feel well but Bucky knows you well enough to know that you're lying. As soon as you are alone together, Bucky pushes you to open up to him about what truly made you pass out.
Warnings: Eating disorder, passing out, denying you have an eating disorder, feeling insecure about your weight & body image, keeping secrets from your friends and boyfriend, relapsing eating disorder
Background: Female reader has an Eating Disorder (a combination of anorexia and bulimia). Reader has the following behaviors: Skipping meals, frequent checking in the mirror for precieved flaws, constantly using a scale and tracking their weight, eating alone and at odd times of the day / night, exercising more frequently and more intensely than needed, not taking rest days or days off for injury, using the restroom soon after eating, making their own meals rather than eating what the team eats, often complains about needing to be healthy and talks about having to lose weight or gain muscle, thinking they are in control of their eating habits
A/N: Hi my lovely anon, I'm so sorry to hear you are struggling with your ED, I hope you can focus on yourself and get the help you need. I'm here if you want someone to listen 💚 Thank you for trusting me with this, I tried not to focus too much on the specific type of eating disorder since there are a few but I found some similarities between them when I was doing my research. I used those symptoms for this to make it a bit general. I hope this is okay 💚
I didn't tag too many people in this because I wasn't sure who exactly to tag, I won't be offend if you skip this 💚
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Steve walks at the front of the group, one hand firmly gripped around the arm of a captured Hydra officer, her hands cuffed tightly behind her back. The mission was simple enough and more of you had gone than was needed but you couldn't pass up the opportunity to be out in the field. It was the only place you felt you belonged, where you could show the others on the team you were good enough to be here.
When Bucky had knocked on your door earlier this afternoon and asked if you were free to join them, you agreed eagerly. It was a welcome distraction from what you had been doing for the last hour, standing in front of your full length mirror, scrutinizing every inch of your body. The flaws in your physique are so glaringly obvious to you, you couldn't help but fixate on where you need to lose fat or gain muscle.
Bucky had smirked when you answered your door to him in nothing but a towel, he assumed you were having a lazy day after a relaxing shower. You hugged him tightly and told him you would get ready for the mission. There was no point in telling him what you had really been doing. A super soldier could never understand your daily struggle with your weight or the constant drive to be perfect. None of the Avengers could.
Natasha and Clint follow the captain closely, another captive officer walks with his head down between them as they discuss dinner. They quickly decide that since its Friday, they should get take out when they get back. There was no reason to make an excuse of course, take out was the easy option. Most of the team was either too busy to cook or had simply never been taught how to.
This meant you had to be even more careful because the food that was ordered was never healthy. Soon after you joined, you learned that it was easier to prepare all of your own food and eat in your room. Eating away from the team also meant they couldn't ask why your portions were what they considered small or why you were eating much later than them. It was none of their business anyways, you had told yourself often. As much as you would have liked their company, it was better this way. You could focus on your weight and health instead of answering all of their questions or dealing with their concerned opinions.
Bucky chuckles as he slips his arm around your waist, unaware of your thoughts. "I'm voting for spaghetti and meatballs, not that anyone asked me," he joins his friends conversation but you are barely listening.
Natasha checks to make sure Clint has a firm hold of the captive then she effortlessly turns, walking backwards smoothly through the thick leaves. "What do you want for dinner, Y/N?" she asks you with a smile, pointedly ignoring Bucky's comment which gets a laugh from Clint.
You don't answer, too distracted by the pain that is spreading deep in your stomach, the one that means you've almost reached your limit between meals. When you get back, you'll need to find something to eat, even if that means more time in the gym.
"Earth to Y/N," the spy waves at you to get your attention. When you make eye contact with her, she again asks what you want for dinner.
You shrug in response, the pain in your stomach growing as you walk. You know the type of answer she is looking for. Pizza, Thai, sushi. You could easily suggest any one of a hundred things but you can't. If you did, you would be expected to join them and that isn't something you are willing to do.
"Don't bother," Clint says when you are silent for a few more steps. His tone is relaxed but you worry he can tell what you are thinking. "You know Y/N never eats anything we order. We don't get anything healthy enough for her," he reminds Natasha. "Too much grease and fat and deliciousness."
"It's not my fault I'm the only one at the Tower worried about my figure," you roll your eyes at him.
Bucky laughs, his hand squeezes your waist, a part of your body you've always been self conscious about. "Your figure is perfect, doll," he smiles and you wish you could believe him but it's not that easy.
Natasha turns back to Clint, not missing a step and pats his stomach once. "Maybe you could learn something from her," she jokes.
"Hey!" he calls after her, sounding like an annoyed sibling. She laughs, jogging lightly towards Steve to hold the female officer while he opens the hatch.
Your ears begin to ring and the trees in the forest around you blend together, becoming hazy. Bucky kisses the top of your head and asks you a question but you can barely make out what he is saying. His voice is just above the ringing that vibrates in your mind. He looks down at you, his expression quickly turning to concern as he says your name but you don't respond.
You're light-headed and suddenly feel cold as your vision blurs more of your surroundings together. You take one more small step and stop, unable to continue forward. Bucky's hold on you tightens but you can't make out his words. You recognize what's happening to your body but only a second before you lose consciousness.
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"Y/N," you hear Bucky say your name softly as he runs his metal fingers through your hair gently. Opening your eyes with a quiet groan, the jet gradually comes into focus but everything is sideways. You turn your head to look up at Bucky and realize your resting on his lap. "Slowly doll," he says, helping you sit up in the seat next to him.
"You okay?" Clint asks from the seat across from you.
You nod, still a bit dizzy, "Yeah."
"You had us all worried," Bucky says, his eyes not leaving you.
You shrug, hoping a few simple lies will calm everyone including yourself. It's been almost three years since you passed out from not eating. The last time it happened, your eating disorder had spiraled out of control for the second time and your family urged you to get treatment. It couldn't be happening again though, you think desperately. You are in control of your eating habits this time, you had just accidentally gone too long without eating.
"I felt kinda sick this morning. I know I probably should have stayed home but this sounded like a really quick mission," you offer an explanation that sounds likely.
"Next time you tell us if you don't feel well enough to go out," Steve says sternly from the pilot seat of the jet.
"Will do cap," you plaster on a smile to hide the wince from the dull ache in your stomach and salute him. This earns you a huff and a dramatic eye roll from the blonde super soldier.
"Good, can't let anything happen to the second best spy on the team," Natasha says with a smirk as she opens some files on her tablet.
You force out a small laugh, "Second best?" Then you look at Bucky who still hasn't taken his eyes off of you. He doesn't seem to have accepted your excuse as readily as everyone else but he also knows you better than anyone. "Are you going to let her talk about your girl like that?" Hoping the joke with Nat will distract him from his concern for you.
Bucky responds with a smile almost as fake as yours and says, "Of course not doll."
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"Hey," Tony says when he spots you coming towards him in the hall. "How are you feeling? I heard to passed out in the field today."
"I'm okay, just a bit dehydrated," you tell him, holding up your bottle of water as proof.
"Okay, just try to be more careful next time," he tells you and you agree to as you continuing towards your room. "You're not gonna eat with us? Nat ordered from this new Mexican place."
"I'm still feeling a little off," you touch your forehead lightly and he nods. It's an easy excuse and it slips out before you even realize you've said it. You take a few more steps down the hall then add, "I'll see you all in the morning for training, though."
"Only if you're feeling up to it," he says and you give him an enthusiastic thumbs up. He smiles, shaking his head when you turn away from him again. "You're allowed a rest day you know," he calls after you. You continue towards your room without responding, you know that's not true.
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A soft knock on your door interrupts your reading and you get up to see who it is. "Hi Bucky," you greet your boyfriend warmly but he doesn't offer you a hug or even a smile in return.
"Can we talk?" he asks in a serious tone and you nod, letting him in as your heart races. Those three words send panic through your body in an instant. You freeze as he takes a seat on the edge of your bed, rubbing his hands together anxiously. "Come sit, doll," he taps the bed next to him lightly without looking at you, his eyes still fixed on his hands.
You walk over and sit next to him silently. What do you two need to talk about that is making him this uneasy, you think. The only answer that surfaces is that he's come to end your eight month relationship, but why? Did you do something wrong, had you forgotten something, your mind races in search of an answer.
He takes your hand in his metal one gently and takes a breath to steady himself which only makes you more nervous. "Y/N," he starts slowly, "I love you so much, you know that right?" He lifts his head to look at you and you nod, too anxious to speak.
"I'm going to ask you this once," he says, "And please, don't lie to me." You bite your bottom lip, searching his face for any hint of his question. "Why did you really pass out on the mission today?" he asks.
You feel the smallest hint of relief that this isn't about your relationship but then you are instantly filled with a different type of fear. Has Bucky figured out what you've been hiding from him, from everyone? Does he know about your eating disorder returning and your worry that you're losing control? Your mind fills with all of your most easily accepted excuses, hoping that you can convince him you are okay.
Before you can open your mouth, he shakes his head. "I need the truth doll," almost as if he can see the lies forming.
"I-" your words stick in your throat and you look away from Bucky, your eyes roaming around your small room. You focus on the high tech scale positioned in front of the tall, full length mirror you spend so much of your time in front of.
He cups your cheek, bringing your eyes back to his, "Talk to me. I can't help if I don't know what's wrong, Y/N."
"I'm fine, I promise," you tell him in the most sincere voice you can, kissing his cheek softly. "I told you, I was just feeling a little under the weather today. It's not a big deal."
"You didn't eat again today," he states, no hint of a question in his tone. You're in too much shock to begin defending your reasoning for skipping a meals when he adds, "You've been missing meals a lot lately, haven't you?"
You nod, suddenly feeling caught which makes you feel both guilty and embarrassed. Bucky is the one person on the team you have always been able to confide in, even before you started dating but this was something you wanted to keep even from him. It was the reason you forced yourself to eat when you went on dates with him but you always found a way to excuse yourself and use the bathroom soon after. Had he noticed that too, you worry.
"How long do you think you can go without eating?" he asks but you don't want to admit you know the answer. Since college, you've developed a pretty good sense for how long you can go between meals, today truly had been a miscalculation. Instead you simply shrug as you guage whether or not you can convince Bucky you missed those meals by accident.
"Y/N," he says when you are quiet. "You can't keep doing this."
You chew the inside of your cheek, this conversation reminding you too much of the one you had with your parents the first time they caught you hiding and throwing away your food. Your eyes flicker away from his and back as you start to realize you might be struggling more than you thought.
His jaw tightens and his gaze follows yours to the scale and mirror then he sighs. "I should throw those stupid things out," he says, more to himself then to you.
"No," you respond quickly and he furrows his brows when he looks back at you. "I need them," you try to explain, your body tensing at the thought of being without them even though they do nothing but cause you anxiety and distress. "I have to keep checking..." your voice trails off, you don't want to open up any further. You don't want Bucky you judge you.
"Checking what?" Bucky asks, hoping you will let him in.
"I have to keep checking my weight," you finish and you find yourself suddenly unable to hold the rest in. "I've always been just a little over from where I need to be with my weight." You look down at your body as you sit next to him, you can easily envision all the flaws you saw in the mirror this morning. "I'll get there, I'm close," you tell him as if he's the one you need to convince and not the small voice that dictates what you can and cannot eat.
You had been focused on your weight for almost your whole adult life and never reached your target. It doesn't matter that the target keeps shrinking anytime you are even remotely close. A few times, you had almost reached the number you thought would finally mean you were perfect only for the small voice to disagree. It would insist you could still lose more weight or you had put on too much muscle or needed more muscle or any number of things. Each time your goal changed, your eating habits became stricter and your workouts became more intense.
Bucky cups your cheek, his thumb brushing your skin lightly, "What are you talking about? You're in the best shape of anyone on the team. You're perf-"
"No," you shake your head, pulling free from his fingers. "I'm far from perfect, you of all people should know that. You're a super soldier, you were practically built to be perfect," you tell him and Bucky's metal hand twiches as he removes it from your waist. "I knew you wouldn't understand," you add with deep a sigh.
"I want to understand. I'm worried about you," Bucky says but you don't look at him.
"You don't need to worry about me," you say, shifting away from him on the bed. You feel yourself becoming defensive and worried he will want you to stop checking your weight and eat more. "I'm fine, I told you. Why can't you just leave it alone?"
"Because you're not fine," he says, his voice raising a bit to show his frustration, not at you but with the situation. "You don't eat, Y/N, not nearly enough and I've seen the way you push yourself too hard when we train. I kept telling myself you knew what you were doing and you would stop if you needed to but then today..." he shakes his head as his voice trails off for a moment.
"Today was an accident," you insist but you're less sure of yourself then you had been. "I have it under control. If I had known about the mission beforehand, I wouldn't have gotten sick."
"You didn't get sick, you passed out," he says and you can see he's becoming more upset by the conversation and the fact that you will not listen to him. "What if that had happened in the middle of the mission? What if we had been somewhere more dangerous and I couldn't get to you? You've gone on solo missions, no one would have known what happened to you."
You get up quickly, needing to distance yourself from Bucky's questions and concern and the doubt they are creating in you. You pace around your room, trying to absorb his words but you don't want to believe he's right. You don't want to admit that you're not okay again.
Without realizing it, you walk towards your mirror and tap the scale with your foot. Bucky gets up, coming over to you but your eyes are fixed on the scale. You tap it again and it turns on, the zeros blinking slowly as you remember the number that stared at you this morning.
"I get that your worried about your weight-" he starts but you cut him off.
"Of course I'm worried about it," you look up, folding your arms around your body tightly. "You have no idea how easy it is to gain weight, one little slip and I could lose all my progress. I have to watch everything I eat and workout so I can be good enough to be here, so I can be perfect," you voice your inner thoughts to Bucky for the first time. "I can't just stop," you tell him.
He moves closer to you, removing the empty space you created between the two of you and you begin to feel nervous again. "I want you to be healthy," he takes your hand in his, pulling you away from the scale.
"So do I, that's why I need to do this," you argue but you feel defeated, as if you are only moments from admitting you know he is right.
He shakes his head, his metal arm rests on your lower back, pulling you closer to him. "What you're doing is the opposite of being healthy, doll. Can you see that?"
You look up at him, seeing the concern fill his eyes and you know you can't deny it any longer. You bite your lip and nod slowly, "I think I need help."
"I'm here doll," he responds softly.
"This isn't-" you struggle to find the words and he gives you time, holding you quietly. "This isn't the first time this has happened," you tell him honestly. Bucky holds you silently as you tell him about your struggles with your eating disorder and how you have relapsed previously after getting treatment. He doesn't ask questions or interrupt you, his hand moves gently up and down your back as you open up completely. When you finish, he wipes your tears softly and kisses your forehead.
"I thought I was okay," you tell him, your voice breaking. He pulls you flush against his body, wrapping his arms around you.
"You will be," he assures you and you rest your head on his chest, hoping he is right. "You are the strongest person I have ever met, you can do this. I will help you any way I can, I promise."
You pull away to look up at him, realizing you'll be gone for at least a few months for treatment. "What am I going to tell everyone?" you ask him, feeling a wave of shame wash over you. It was one thing to break down and admit to Bucky that you had an eating disorder but it was an entirely different thing for the Avengers to find out. "I don't want the team to know," you shake your head, worried about their reactions.
He cups your cheek and you look up at him again, "Don't worry about the team or anything else, doll. I will take care of them and everything else. The only thing I want you to do is focus on getting better, on being healthy again." He gives you a hopeful smile and says, "I'll tell them we're going to visit your family. Fury will approve the time off, it shouldn't be an issue."
You sniffle in response then smile slowly, "We?"
He nods, "If that's okay with you. I know there are things you'll need to do alone, but I want to be close, in case you need me. I want to be there for you, every step of the way."
You wipe a tear quickly with the back of your hand and nod, unable to express how much Bucky's offer means to you in words. Instead, you reach up and press your lips to his softly, holding onto him tightly. Pulling away slightly, you look into his eyes and tell him, "I love you."
He smiles, running his fingers through your hair gently, his metal arm still holding you close. "I love you too, Y/N. You will be okay, I promise you will get through this."
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I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚
@soubi001 @mochie85 @animnerd @cabingrlandrandomcrap @lulubelle814 @siconetribal @jiyascepter @loz-3 @firedrakegirl @dracoswhorexx @lokiandbuckysdoll
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ladyelissarose · 1 year
Can you do like Hobie smut, your writing is GOOD.
Let it be a jealousy kinda thing I haven't seen much of Hobie being jealous
‘I’ll Show You Jealous’
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Hobie Brown aka Spider-Punk x female spider-woman reader. (he calls her ‘webs’)
Trope; best friends to lovers
Warnings; 18+ Smut! NSFW. Jealous sex, it starts quite rough then ends soft. Hobie being Hobie- but jealous ;) slight fingering.. mostly smut y’all .
Summary: Being best friends shouldn’t have any feelings in between right? Especially jealousy when Hobie thinks your hanging around too close to a certain Spider-Man? What does it take for him to come to terms on how he ‘really’ feels?
Authors note; My favorite anon!! I’m sorry it took me a few days to get this out, but I’m glad to say it’s all yours now! I hope you like it, I’ve never written for Hobie before!! Enjoy love!!🫶🏼🌻
“You see? That’s why I think you’re one of the funniest! You’re hilarious and you get my humor!”
An effortless chuckle left your lips as your hand slipped off of Ben Riley’s back, where it had been first when you patted it.
You two had just come back from a short mission, which was as per usual… putting an anomaly where it belonged, and making sure canon took place as it should. Hobie stood in the distance watching you both communicate so freely and happily, like if you had been best friends, like you were with Hobie. I mean, that’s all you too should of been.. best friends.
But in the pit of his stomach and behind his tough and sarcastic behavior about not liking commitment, all he wanted to do was commit his life to you, and make you more than his ‘best friend’. The only thing was.. he didn’t know how to tell or show you. So painfully he witnessed you give away your laughter and touch to someone else, if not others that weren’t him. So to avoid staring at this heartbreak, he went back to his universe.
Soon you had let Ben go and looked for the one that made you smile the biggest, warm your heart, and give you a certainty of safety and care no matter what crazy shit you two did. But, he was no where to be seen. A frown made it to your lips after you had checked everywhere, you even went up to Miguel’s lair to check if Hobie wasn’t lurking around and stealing his lunch- and yet, he wasn’t there. You sat for a minute and thought that maybe he went home, but… he always waited for you to come back from a mission, so you could eat together and go on a short ‘joy swinging’ across the universes.
Hoping you’d find him at his universe, you clicked on your gizmo and went to his place, falling in love with the aesthetic of it all as you arrived, and it reminding you of every detail about Hobie too. You swung around his home- he wasn’t there. At his favorite hideout clubhouse- he wasn’t there. Even stopped by the stand where he usually took a sweet bread or two without being seen- he wasn’t in sight. Finally stopping to take a break, you thought for a few seconds before it clicked for you.
“What the hell… where could you- oh! I know.”
What concerned you though about the place where he could possibly be, was the fact that you told each other that you’d go there if something was wrong or ‘a talk’ needed to happen, meaning it was very serious.
Upon arriving to the tallest skyscraper in your universe, you let out a sigh of relief as you found him there, playing a soft tune on his guitar.
You walked slowly towards him, knowing he’d feel your presence, as his spider senses would tell him immediately. You slid off your mask as you called out,
Hobie’s shoulders tensed as he muttered immediately,
“Jus’ leave me be… please?”
Worry but you as you heard him, his slightly broken voice,
He’s never told you to leave him alone, instead the opposite, always subtly begging you to be around his presence, whether it was him lurking around with your favorite snack, or playing your favorite songs on his guitar. Hobie was smart, he found out ways to keep you around that didn’t include him actually telling or asking you to be… and so far it has worked like magic.
It was your smile that had him loosening up, the little squeals you let out when Mayday was being extra adorable, puppy eyes at the sight of kittens or his favorite of all time, your mere presence that gave him motive to fall for you.
With you he felt free and safe, he knew he’d give up an entire universe if that meant he could be with you. But lately as you’ve been given more privileges, you’ve been a little too absent for his liking, and he didn’t appreciate how you were hanging around Miguel and Ben Riley more than him.
Trust was something you too have built quite strongly sense the start of your friendship, and he should’ve confided in that trust and believe that you haven’t ghosted him for someone else… yet here he was… sadly plucking on his guitar strings to your favorite tune- ‘Vigilante Shit’… thinking that maybe you have.. but here you are. Speaking out to him as if you were desperate for him.
“Hobie please, I can help-“
“How’d you know I’d be here?”
With a scoff you recalled your guys’ words,
“We said we’d come here for something important.. and today I couldn’t find you anywhere.. so I thought this would be the place.. and here you are. So, what’s wrong Hobie?”
He then stood up and mumbled to himself,
“It’s nothing, I shouldn’t of come.”
Your spider senses heard him clearly tho, so before he was about to walk off you genuinely said,
“Hobie.. you know I’m here for you. Regardless of what it is.”
Hobie turned to you and walked close, watching how you didn’t walk back but stayed in place as his sassed,
“Are you sure? Didn’t think you’d be after being with everyone else all the time.”
You sensed his words, and could feel the weight of jealousy in them, it only caused you to realize that he felt just as protective of you, as you did for him… but you hid your jealousy better. So you took the chance to tease him,
“Are you jealous Hobie Brown-“
Rolling his eyes and crossing his arms he pouted defensively,
“No. Absolutely not-“
You tried to tease him more as you pushed the guitar on his shoulder,
“Then what’s wrong? Looks like you are jealous-“
He sent a playful snap at you so you wouldn’t touch his treasure as he did his best to reassure,
“Tis’ nothin’ webs… I promise.”
His closed off attitude told you it was more than nothing, and you wouldn’t have it.. not his half or full lies about what’s going on. Hobie was about to walk away past you, but you grabbed his arm and insisted,
“Hobie! If you don’t do or say something about what’s going on with you I will explo- MMPH!!”
His warm hands got a hold of your face, pressing a harsh kiss to your lips. Eyes going wide open at the shock his actions caused you, but you couldn’t pull yourself away.
Not when you could see the way he had his shut with force, and the how his long lashes that you were always jealous of brush over his cheeks… you couldn’t deny how much you loved every detail about him. Your heart fluttered at the feeling of the cool of his nose ring press up against your nose, and his soft breathing hitting you, his lip ring marking a place on your lip as he gave you a bruising kiss.
You didn’t realize how long it took you admiring what you’ve always loved about him before you reciprocated the kiss, brining him closer to you by the collar of his jacket. But he slightly pushed you away, and before you could interpret something wrong, he muttered against your lips,
“you think I’m jealous webs?”
With a short chuckle you replied with sass,
“I think you’re very jealous Hobie.”
He smirked and webbed you your hands in an instant, your eyes found his with matching glares, filled with desire. He then put you to lay on the edge of the building, your head leaning off as he growled,
“I’ll show you jealous.”
With expert hands he was able to find your hidden zipper and slide down your pants along with your panties, enough to free your cunt for him to touch. Your hands as they were webbed up, hung off the edge, dangling down, stretching you a bit. Hobie pulled you close to him by gripping your thighs tightly, then he tore the web off your wrists with the pick for his guitar.
You were just about to reach for him, but he pushed you back once again, and laying his pick between your teeth as he ordered,
“Love, you keep that there safe for me.. and these hands.. hold onto the edge… don’t touch me until I tell you.. understood?”
You nodded once, taking all his commands in, wanting to meet them all, but Hobie hovered his face over yours and asked calmly,
“Words love.. do you feel ok and safe?”
You knew if you had a problem with something he’d adjust the universe to your liking, but right now you felt good and desperation. So you worded with the pick in between,
“I feel goo’.. I just wan’ you… I nee’ you.”
Pressing a hard kiss to your lips, feeling his favorite metal pick touch him, it stirred him on to take you now. His fingers found your cunt and stuck two in, going knuckle deep as your were soaking and taking him smoothly. With pride he watched your face contort in pleasure, the most beautiful moans leaving your lips because of him.
Your chest heaved for air as he pumped harder and faster, wanting you to come apart by his hands. The beauty of the city lights below you couldn’t compare to you, you were far too bright and gorgeous, so many things at once you were and yet, you were the most fit and complete person he had ever seen.
Your walls squeezed around his fingers, informing him you were near as your moans turned into cries as well. He teased you a bit as he slowed the pace, hearing you cry for ‘him’ had him groan and feeling his pants tighten more.
“H-Hobie! Ah please! Please-“
“What do you want love-“
“More! More please..”
Your eyes teared up as you cried for him, wanting to feel more of him as he had spurred on your high then took it away. He sucked on his fingers, letting out a moan,
“Sweet as always love.. never doubted you..”
Hobie then kissed your face, letting you taste yourself on him as he took the pick from your lips and he unbuckled his pants, sliding them down as he worded to you,
“C’mere love.”
Latching onto him as your arms wrapped around him, he pulled you up into his lap, sitting where you were at the edge, while looking up to you as your face was almost right at his. You both were breathing hard as you ran your hands through his hair and rested the other on his neck, Hobie’s hands exploring your back and thighs while kissing your neck. It was an all new sensation you both felt, not wanting to end it and growing addicted by the second. Hobie’s cock rested between your thighs, hitting his stomach and leaking precum, it had you reaching for it and playing with the red tip. He pulled you in for a kiss as you began to take him into your hands. His hips bucked up as your hands slid up and down his large length, spreading his cum and rubbing the tip with your thumb. He was getting to his high not so slowly, your hands bringing him on faster than he thought, so he abruptly stopped you with a pleading voice,
“Please love, need to feel you.. ready?”
You were already lifting your hips over his tip as you responded,
“I’m so ready.”
It wasn’t long before you slid down on him, your soaked walls taking him in right away. Once he bottomed out you both knew deep down, that you wouldn’t last long.
He was so deep, his tip touching your cervix, Hobie picked you up as he gripped your thighs tightly, then he slid you back down, groaning into your lips at the pleasure he instantly felt. Hobie didn’t care and wasn’t afraid of the position he was in, as he sat at the edge of the skyscraper, with you in his lap taking all of him. He confided in his strength to withhold you, and make you feel good more than anything. You than began to bounce on his cock, letting out whimper’s and mewls when you slid back down, feeling the stretch overtake you. Hobie helped you speed up as he took control and moved his hips to meet you at every thrust. Warmth began to seep into your core again, but burning more this time. You pulled Hobie closer to you as you begged,
“I need you more- please!”
“I know my love.. me too.”
Hobie needed the same, and fully take control, so he changed positions and laid you on your back, wrapping your legs around his waist. You held onto his hands as they were above your head, and took a deep breath as you prepared for what came. With locked gazes, Hobie pulled back and thrusted into you right away, loving how you responded to him so well by clenching around him and moaning his name. Little by little he picked up his speed, knowing you both needed your much needed release, warmth engulfing you both as well as a passion for more.
Hobie railed into you now as he asked in between pants,
“Who do you belong to love?”
Breathing out a moan when he hit a particular spot, you cried out,
“Y-You! You Hobie!!”
Letting go of your hand to hold your hips down with extra force, Hobie punctuated each word with a harsh thrust,
“You. Sure. Love?”
Hitting your cervix every time had your toes curling and backs arching to him while you whimpered,
“Yes!! I’m yours Hobie Brown!!”
You could feel him throb inside of your walls, as you clenched around him, nearing your release. Hobie could feel the release nearing too, your warm walls taking him in and milking his precum into you. Now all he desired in that moment was for you to let go for him, and only him. Increasing his speed and piercing his grip into you, Hobie demanded with a sweet but firm tone,
“Beg for me love.. t-tell me who it is that is making you co-come.”
Doing his best to hold on a bit longer, Hobie awaited your answer, pleading from his heart that it’d be soon as he wished to claim you already and paint your walls with him. You clawed his back and pulled him closer, kissing his earlobe you then panted and moaned into his ear,
“Only you can Hobie.. please- ahh! Make me come- please please Hobie!”
His jealousy for you along with a new unlocked sensation… possessiveness, had him wanting to here you beg more.
“Beg me to make you come-“
He then lowered his hand to your clit, and began to rub tight circles around your bud, urging you to cry out in a desperate tone, tears evident that you were desperate.
“-AHH!! Oh Hobie! Please- please baby make me cum! Only y-you can!! So p-please!!”
Letting out a deep breath Hobie moaned into your hair,
“Come my love, come wi’ me.”
Feeling him pulsate along with his sharp thrusts, had you coming undone under his arms, coating his cock with your juices. Hobie brought you in for a deep kiss when he came, swallowing yours and his moans as he then slowly rode out both of your highs, wanting it to last a little longer. He was the opposite from how he started, which was rough… but now he gave gentle strokes, only pulling away when you told him it was too sensitive now. You were both out of breath and pulling away at once to catch some air, your chests touching from how close you were but also how much air you were taking in. Hobie gave your forehead a short but meaningful kiss before pulling away, but instead you pulled him in for a hug, hiding your face in his neck as you reassured him,
“I’ll only and always be yours Hobie Brown.. I promise.”
Hobie squeezed you tight and was grateful for your embrace, and he ran his fingers through your hair, as he returned the promise,
“I’ll be yours too love.. forever.”
Your eyes twinkled, as he confessed,
“I’m sorry I never made it clear webs.. but I do love you… very much so.”
With a soft peck you replied,
“I love you too… I always have Hobie.”
In a silence you too held each other, satisfied with your actions, more in love and thriving for more days like this to come.
Maybe this love making session was unexpected and out of the blue for the both of you, but it felt so right, and so good. A little breeze of wind then brushed by, causing you to shiver a bit in Hobie’s arms, a second didn’t go by when he suggested,
“Let’s get us home yeah? Don’ want ya to get cold lovie…”
Carefully he helped you put back on your suit, being extra touchy but extremely gentle as he zipped you up (but he didn’t do this before taking a look at your- his cunt now dripping from his cum.
Soon you too helped Hobie with his pants, and getting his guitar safely back into his hold. Both slipping on your masks, you were ready to swing home, but your legs were a little to wobbly for your liking. Hobie caught the slight stumble before holding you up and telling you,
“I’ll carry you home.. on my back lovie.”
With you tightly secured around him, he took off and swung towards home, going through the city so you could have the last look of the city night lights… as he knew it was one of your favorite parts of being Spider-Woman. Efficiently he swung by a stand full of flowers, plucking one off and easily giving it to you, a smile made it to your face as the rose was given to you with a brush of his hands touching yours. You blushed hard like if it was the first time he touched you, and hadn’t just made love to you on the tallest building of your city.
You never felt fear as you embraced him with the rose in your hand tightly. You trusted Hobie’s skills as you had seen them be incredibly strong and capable of much, while swinging he’d collect something he’d like and hand it to you.. so far you have 3 different flowers and a lollipop. Hobie had sticky fingers.. but you didn’t mind it, he wasn’t selfish with his findings.
It didn’t take long when you finally arrived at your balcony, he made sure your feet were flat on the ground before letting you go. Walking into your dark home didn’t feel lonely and filled with void like before, now you held Hobie’s hand tight as you led him to your room, wordlessly telling him you really wanted him to stay the night, if not forever. You both jumped into the shower wanting it to be quick, your night having been long and you both were craving to lay down in one another’s arms. Hobie’s hands never left your body as he helped you scrub down, he never looked at you like you’re a piece of meat.. but as if you were such a treasure to behold. It didn’t matter about your battle scars or the shape of you, he was now addicted and more in love. You treated Hobie the same way, wanting to show him that you indeed wanted him and him only, asking him questions about how he does his hair and wanting to memorize his steps to keep his styled hair in tact (as you loved how his hair looked) Drying off in fluffy towels, and sharing the air-blow dryer, you too were soon ready for bed. Hobie lifted you up from the thighs and carried you in, laying you down gently and pecking your lips all so romantically, before plopping himself on top of you. A breathy groan left your lips as he cuddled into your stomach, acting innocent and slightly ignoring how he had dropped onto you. He made sure he was in a good spot, not wanting his hair to be in your face, but close enough where you can rub his head. Soft kisses were given on your tummy as he worded again and again, softly yet possessively,
“You’re mine.. all mine. This body, your heart… you. Right baby?”
You could never say no.
“Yes baby.. all yours.. all of me.”
He smiled to himself as he lastly cooed,
“I love you..”
His chest warmed up as he heard your reply,
“I love you more..”
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latanyalove · 2 months
Happy Times
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Pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x Y/N
Content: Starvation, fluff, Sanji's shy (my favourite part) and Y/N's sad past.
Anon: hello!!!! i love your recent fics and i want to request one for you 🥹 one where reader does happy dances every time she eats sanji’s food? and it’s so natural for her that she makes him shy ((in a good way for doing it
A/n: I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing this! <3
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First of all, thank you for requesting! This is my first time making a request so I hope this story is to your expectations!
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After the Strawhat crew saved your poor country from its terrible leader, you were unexpectedly welcomed aboard as a new addition to the crew.
Despite your lack of devil fruit powers, Luffy saw potential in you and believed that your unique skills and determination would make you a valuable member of the crew. He admired your bravery during the fight and knew that together, you could accomplish even greater things.
He also might have gotten some persuading from a certain cook.
"Cheers to our new nakama, Y/N!" Luffy exclaimed, raising his cup in a toast.
"Cheers!" the crew chorused in unison, their cups clinking together. Each member of the Strawhat crew expressed their excitement for having you on board, promising to support and protect you as one of their own.
From Nami's approving nod to Zoro's subtle smirk, it was clear that you had earned their trust and had become an integral part of their pirate family.
As the celebration continued, you looked around the room and realized that the cook was nowhere to be found. Curiosity piqued, you excused yourself from the crew and made your way to the kitchen, where you found Sanji preparing a feast fit for a king.
You admired Sanji's culinary skills for a while, marveling at how effortlessly he would slice through vegetables and handle the sizzling oil without hesitation. As you watched him prepare the feast, you couldn't help but be in awe of his culinary prowess.
It was no wonder that he was known as the "Black Leg" and hailed as one of the greatest chefs on the Grand Line.
You decided to slip away quietly, not wanting to interrupt Sanji's cooking or draw attention to yourself.
Finding a peaceful spot on the ship, you took a moment to reflect on the incredible turn of events that led you to become a member of the Strawhat crew.
The memories of your past struggles and the newfound sense of belonging filled your heart with gratitude and determination for the adventures that lay ahead.
It was hard to believe that just a few days ago, you were living in a country oppressed by an unjust ruler. The people had been stripped of their wealth, forced to give all of their money as a gift to the ruler on the 10th anniversary of their reign.
You were once a part of an orphanage that suffered greatly under the ruler's oppressive regime. The orphanage struggled to provide basic necessities for the children, and you witnessed firsthand the hardships faced by the people.
As one of the oldest children in the orphanage, you were burdened with responsibilities beyond your years. From the age of 10, you were expected to take care of the younger children, ensuring they were fed, clothed, and safe. It was a heavy weight to bear, but it taught you resilience and compassion at a young age.
You often found yourself questioning the quality and safety of the food made from the meager rations provided by the adults. However, you had no other choice but to eat it yourself and feed it to the younger children, hoping it would sustain them.
Surviving each day became a delicate balance between fulfilling your responsibilities and ensuring everyone's survival.
But one day, the Straw Hat crew, led by the fearless Monkey D. Luffy, arrived in the country with a mission to liberate the oppressed people. With their extraordinary abilities and unwavering determination, they fought against the unjust ruler and his forces, bringing hope and freedom to the once-struggling nation.
As they defeated the ruler and his regime, the people rejoiced, and a new era of peace and prosperity began to unfold.
Everyone thought it was the right decision for you to go with them. . .
"Y/N?" A voice called you from behind, belonging to Nami.
You turned around to face Nami, a wide smile spreading across your face. "Yes, Nami?" you replied, gratitude filling your voice.
"Sanji said that the food is ready," Nami informed you, her eyes sparkling with excitement. The aroma of the freshly cooked meal wafted through the air, a stark contrast to the meager rations you were accustomed to.
Your stomach growled in response to Nami's news, reminding you of the constant hunger you had endured in the orphanage. The thought of a properly cooked meal filled with nourishment made your mouth water.
As you followed Nami into the kitchen, you noticed that everyone was there, engaged in lively conversation, yet no one touched their food. It seemed as if they were waiting for someone, and curiosity piqued within you.
"Finally! There you are, Y/N!" Luffy exclaimed, his mouth drooling as he resisted from touching the meat in front of him.
You sat beside Nami, a sense of guilt washing over you as you apologized for being gone for so long.
"Now Y/N-san, why don't you taste the food first?" Sanji asked from the kitchen, prepping the last pieces of dessert.
You hesitated for a moment, unsure of whether you deserved to be the first one to taste the food.
Usually you were the last unless you had to taste if it was edible or not.
Everyone looked at you as you scooped a spoonful of one of the dishes, but you paused. The memory of the starving children back in the orphanage flashed in your mind, and you couldn't help but feel that they deserved this meal more than you did.
"It's alright," Sanji's voice said as he was now behind you, his warm hand resting on your shoulder.
It was as if he could read your mind and understand the guilt that was consuming you.
You nodded before placing the spoon inside your mouth and swallowing it. The flavors exploded on your taste buds, a symphony of perfectly balanced spices and textures.
It was a moment of pure bliss, and as you savored each bite, you couldn't help but feel grateful that you were able to experience such a meal after years of deprivation.
The taste of the food was so exquisite that you couldn't help but let out a little dance, your body moving to the rhythm of the flavors. It was as if the nourishment had not only satisfied your hunger but also awakened a dormant joy within you.
As you twirled and swayed, the room erupted in laughter and applause, everyone delighting in your infectious happiness.
"Y/N is doing a happy dance!" Luffy exclaimed, laughing.
The meal had not only filled your stomach but also filled your soul with a newfound appreciation for the simple joys of life.
With the biggest smile on your face, you turned to Sanji, gratitude shining in your eyes, and whispered, "Thank you, Sanji. This meal is beyond anything I could have imagined."
Sanji's cheeks went from a light tint of pink to his whole face being red, dropping his cigarette in the process. He couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and happiness at seeing you enjoy his food so much.
It was moments like these that reminded him why he loved cooking and why he put so much passion into every dish.
"I'm glad that you like it Y/N-san," Sanji answered, his eyes filled with pure love. Shyly, he added, "I put my heart and soul into creating this meal, and seeing you enjoy it brings me immeasurable joy."
You smiled in return, completely unaware of the effect you had on Sanji. The genuine happiness that radiated from you was enough to make his heart skip a beat, and he couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of purpose in his culinary endeavors.
Though it didn't go unnoticed.
"Looks like Love Cook can get shy around women," Zoro teased.
Sanji's face turned even redder as Zoro's teasing words reached his ears.
"Shut up, Mosshead!" Sanji fired back, trying to hide his embarrassment. But deep down, he couldn't deny that there was some truth to Zoro's words.
Your presence had ignited a spark within him, and he couldn't wait to continue creating culinary masterpieces that would bring joy to your heart. . . .
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yourlocaltreesimp · 7 months
The First to be Forsaken
been in the works for a while!! This was actually a request that got deleted.
So to the anon who requested a reader who was cursed by Hylia like Eda in the owl house, this is for you!
tw: chronic illness, death
The ache in your hands never lessened and the maring cracks in your skin never healed. It made for a rather ugly sight, all considered. The creeping vine-like scars showing in rather gorey details the tainted flesh.
No medical salve nor healing spell could rid you of the malice that poisoned your blood. And according to the words of the fairies themselves, it’s latched to your very soul. It festers, feeding off of your energy until you’ll be left as a husk. A puppet with no one to pull its strings.
It’s not pleasant knowing you’re going to die, but it’s less so knowing that no matter how often you pray to the goddess it will not be fixed. The divine never needed to give reason for why they shunned that which gives them power. Still, the chain did what they could, and for that you had many thanks.
Wild always had hearty food to replace the energy stolen from you, Legend let you wear whatever charmed jewellery you wanted, Time would never let you take night shifts, Warriors would carry you on the days you were too fragile to walk, Twilight doubled as a bed and his pelt as a blanket, Four made braces for your brittle joints, Hyrule was always testing different mixes in hopes that one might lessen your pain, Sky would hold your hand and talk to you on the days you could walk to make sure that you had something to distract from the crying of your nerves, even Wind spared some of his grandmother’s soup in hopes that of it didn’t rid of pain, it might ease your distress. Your Heroes were funny like that, sacrificing whatever they had for anyone that needed it, no matter how precious their time or belongings are. Certainly not a coincidence they act this way. They’ve seen what’s become of you under the neglect of the gods. And you’ve seen the familiar ache in their eyes, the recognition of themselves within you.
The newest hero, First —well perhaps then he’s the oldest— was in many ways similar. He too would offer you stories and ballads from his time, forgotten by the time the next era rolled in. His words had a majesty that had the whole camp turn an ear to follow whatever tale he recalled. And by the time it came for you to lay your head and rest, your woes would be far off from the front of your mind.
He’d sweep you off your feet both in the figurative matter and the literal. With only the gentlest graze of your skin and only the sweetest words that could be uttered did he regard you. He did not hold you to a sense of pity, as was common among many who knew of you, but a genuine care. A care for you beyond measure that he’d shown on many occasions that he would stop at nothing to ensure that if you could not be comfortable, you could be content.
And currently you were, despite it being a bad day.
The champion watched over the cooking pot carefully and the traveller flicked through one of his journals, looking for a combination of herbs that might be of help to you. The two passed questions back and forth in an effort to find an overlap of medicinals they haven’t already tried.
You had Twi’s pelt, Sky’s sailcloth and First’s scarf to try and dull your cold flashes. You leaned back against the First hero as his arms warped around you and his face buried into your shoulder. You shiver as the next cold wave hits, wincing. The moment sits in silence before his arms around your abdomen gently pull you closer.
“I am sorry for what she did to you, My beloved.” His voice was deep and poetic as usual, the unwavering strength he displayed to the world melted to softness at your touch. Through the staticky emptiness that settled in your brain, the question stood, alone and without any real context nor answer.
“What do you mean?” Your brows furrow and you look over at where he rests his head on your shoulder. He draws a heavy breath, mumbling something into your layers of clothing.
“Hylia- all of this because of her vanity. I am sorry you fell victim.” There is a pain in his voice, a guilt he’s held for long. Shackles upon his wrists that he’s not willing to let himself be freed from. You suppose it is him where their united care for the world came from, no matter how unrequited. He’d bleed himself dry for the world if it meant that it’d be better.
“I don’t mind being here with you all” You hear the distant rowdy laughter of Wind and Twi, and you find it in yourself to bask in this one moment, “It’s certainly worth it. To me, at least.” He grumbles happily, kissing the nearest place of unscathed skin he can find, right below your jaw.
“I am glad, Dearest. But that-“ His voice wavers as another chill wracks your body. You can only find a wince as you try to block away the ever advancing chill.
“That is not what I meant. I- It’s because of her that you cannot find rest. It is she who whittled down your bones and set alight your nerves” You find nothing to say as you stare at him, urging for more. “She thought it was wrong for me to love you, to long for your care and yearn to hold your heart. So, she tainted y-“ You wish to hear his words. A muse longing to read the poets works, and yet-
The words grow fuzzy as the gloom within you swells, gnawing painfully at your bones. It seems that you had forgotten exactly how brittle you were. It was always hubris that killed heroes, wasn’t it? But that didn’t make sense. You were no hero. How could it be hubris if you never meant to taunt the gods. How could that be- you weren’t dying, are you?
They said you’d be ok.
You’ll be ok right?
Everything will be ok?
The pressure in your head doesn’t stop growing and your stomach hurls.
The sun is so bright.
It hurts.
She’s taking you again, isn’t she?
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
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Sure! 🐋 Anon helped me out with this :) Hope you like what we came up with!
Prompts Here
Yandere! Shadow Prompts 11, 14, 22
“You don’t even know how lucky you are. I protect you, and provide for you. Don’t act so ungrateful.”
“I just want you all to myself. Is that such a crime?”
“I know it’s creepy, but I love watching you sleep. It’s peaceful, you know?”
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Kidnapping, Isolation, Fear of loss, Overprotective behavior, Manipulation, Delusional behavior, Forced companionship/relationship.
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In his eyes, isolation was safety. After all... No one could hurt you if they can't find you. That was how Shadow had intended to save you after all.
You are his best companion ever since Maria. When he saw Eggman kidnap you... The hedgehog couldn't just sit back and watch. Seeing you around Eggman flashed him back to... darker times.
Shadow couldn't let you suffer.
"Chaos Control!"
When you opened your eyes, you were greeted with Shadow. You weren't expecting the hedgehog to save you... let alone know where you were. However, despite all that... you were thankful to see him and his red irises.
Until you realized Shadow would never remove your chains... instead keeping you in a room not even you know the location of.
In the hedgehog's eyes, this was caring for you. Keeping you somewhere away from prying eyes was protecting you. He looked you over for wounds, gave you food and water... he looked after you.
But those old chains remain on your body... Escaping one captor in exchange for another.
"Why do you insist on doing this?" You found yourself asking one day. He cared for you enough to give you fresh clothes and food. So... why does he keep you here in heavy chains?
"I'm doing what's best for you." Shadow admits, a pang on guilt on his face as he sighs. "Here... you won't be in danger. I hate to admit it but... I just want you all to myself. Is that such a crime?”
Afterwards, you continued to stay in isolation. Shadow's answers never made any sense. Too far in his delusions of safety to consider any other alternative.
Even with the chains removed, the room you were left with was heavily trapped. Shadow always seemed to know what you were up to. Especially when you fall for one of his attempts to deter your escape.
The first few times you fell for a trap, you woke up with the hedgehog standing over you. He always had a look of disapproval on his face. As though you were a misbehaving child... not a captive.
Even now as you feel for a particularly hard hitting trap... you're left dazed with the hedgehog crossing his arms over you.
“You don’t even know how lucky you are. I protect you, and provide for you. And yet you act so ungrateful?” His voice hisses in disapproval, looking down at you with annoyance. He calls you ungrateful as though you're an entitled brat.
Entitled for wanting freedom...?
You're too busy pondering why you're head hurts and what happened to notice the small smile on his lips. You assumed you fell for a trap... but what? You then hear Shadow chuckle darkly, snapping your attention to him.
“I know it might seem strange, but I enjoy watching you sleep. It’s... peaceful.” Shadow sighs, watching you teeter in and out of consciousness.
You struggle with yourself helplessly as Shadow clasps on those dreaded chains again. It seems you aren't ready to live without them. The metal and Shadow's fur is your only comfort as you give up.
The last thing you see before falling unconscious is Shadow's red eyes...
The very same ones you thought would save you days... now belong to those of your new captor.
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shubblelive · 1 year
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summary : after a long day of work, wilbur is desperate to curl up and spend time with his favourite girl. only problem is you’re not speaking to him.
genre : angst -> fluff, happy ending
warnings : light swearing, mentions of food/eating, wilbur being mean
pairing : cc!wilbur soot x fem!reader
pronouns : she/her, reader is called a girl
featuring : cc!wilbur soot
requested : Could you do a wilbur fic where the reader is an overall bubbly, energetic person and wilbur just suddenly lashes out at her one day, and she apologizes and goes home, and wilbur tries to call her and apologize and everything in the end it’s just fluff and apologies<33 tyy
word count : 2.1k
note : hi anon!! i hope you enjoy this fic, it’s a bit longer than i expected but i’m very very happy with it <3 also you referred to reader using she/her so i used those pronouns in the fic i hope that’s alright <333
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you were wearing his favourite jumper. it was yours - he’d swear on it - but you were adamant that it belonged to him. it had, originally, as most of your jumpers were, been his. but he’d given it to you months ago, and you were still promising that you were going to return it one day. he hoped you didn’t.
you’d been stealing his clothes for as long as you two had been together, for the last four years he had bought every single shirt, jumper, jacket, with the knowledge that you would steal it. it made sense, in your earliest days, when the two of you were long distance. you’d arrive at his flat for a week with a half-packed suitcase, and you’d leave with nearly a drawer full of his sweaters. but even now that you lived ten minutes away, you still had a habit of nabbing his sweaters. he didn’t mind in the slightest, and most of the time he would offer up suggestions for articles of clothing you could take. you guys had been together for nearly five years, it felt weird for him to be territorial on his clothes, especially because you’d return them whenever he asked, the scent of your perfume mingling on the fabric. he absolutely loved seeing you so happy, and if you stealing a shirt or two did that then he was more than willing to comply.
or at least, he was usually. now, he was running late for a stream and he couldn’t find his grey jumper. he’d been tearing his bedroom apart piece by piece in an attempt to find it so he didn’t have to walk through the rain in just a t-shirt. he sighed and sat down on his bed, remembering that he gave it to you when he went over to your apartment earlier in the week. it had been five days since he’d seen you in person, and it was driving him crazy. he had planned to spend the night at your place after his stream though, and that was pulling him through. it was fine, he took a few deep breaths and went to go and find a jacket to wear, already pulling up twitter to post the stream would be ten or so minutes late. he remembered to tweet out about his late stream, but he hadn’t remembered to text you to tell you that he would be late coming over. you’d organised for seven, which gave him nearly three hours of streaming time, and he assured you that he wouldn’t be going for that long. he ended up jumping on a call with some other people while he played, though, and that completely distracted him. leaving the office at eight, he had his phone on speaker as he tried to order an uber and call you at the same time. he was exhausted, and of course he wanted to see you and spend time with his favourite girl, but he didn’t know if he’d be able to reach your house without falling asleep, and being more social sounded like torture.
his jacket was rough against his arms, and he remembered suddenly about the jumper. your call timed out and he finished ordering the uber for his own flat, moving to text you and tell you he didn’t feel up to hanging out.
he opened your message history, and was hit with a message from you from half-past six, over an hour and a half ago. hi wil, you’d opened with, and he softened, knowing his annoyance didn’t really mean anything. my neighbours are being really loud, so do you mind if we meet at your place? can’t wait to see you. there was another two, each sent half an hour apart, a second one apologising for messaging while he was streaming, and a third saying, hi i let myself in i hope that’s okay. are you almost home? your most recent message was nearing forty-five minutes ago, and he cursed under his breath, cancelling the uber knowing it would be faster for him to walk than wait.
he reached his apartment out of breath and cold, and he couldn’t wait to collapse into bed. he still got to see you, and hopefully your smile would be enough to rid himself of any residual annoyance he held towards you.
he dropped his guitar case on the floor in the living room, calling out your name. “lovely? you still here?”
he heard a crash from the kitchen and took his coat off, slinging it over the arm of the couch. “hang on!”
he had a headache, and he massaged his temple as he made his way into the kitchen. you brightened the second he arrived, all but running into his arms. “hi, darling,” he needed alone time. he loved you, of course he loved. you were one of the most important people in his entire life, he absolutely adored you. but right now, he craved being by himself. you were here though, so he wasn’t going to make that your problem.
“hi, wil! sorry about the mess!” you smiled up at him. “i thought i’d make food? are you hungry?”
he shook his head. “no, you’re alright. want any help?” this time it was you who shook your head, and he kissed your temple before going to sit down on the couch, closing his eyes. you’d eat, and then you guys would be able to go to bed, and when he woke up in the morning you would be there, and he’d get to take you out for breakfast and spend the entire day with you. he just needed rest.
there was something you needed, and it was on the top shelf. you didn’t want to bother wilbur, he’d just got home, you could do it yourself. wilbur was much taller than you, so to get to his top shelf you would have to climb up on the counter. you’d be alright, you didn’t need to stand up or anything, just kneeling on the bench would be fine. you got up there with ease, but wilbur came through the doorway right as you started reaching. “what are you doing?” he’d been too loud, he knew that instantly, you jumped, and he had to rush forward and stop you from falling off the counter. “what on earth are you on the counter for?”
“i was trying to reach the bowl,” you said quietly. he stroked your cheek with his thumb.
“why didn’t you come get me?”
he helped you down. “i’m sorry, wil. didn’t want to bother you,” you admitted. he felt a flash of annoyance, and then kicked himself for it. you were never a bother, not even when he was exhausted.
“you should have asked for help.” he said simply. “do you need anything else?”
you smiled up at him, but he couldn’t bring himself to return it. “do you wanna watch a movie? i’ve been hearing good things about this one new one, here let me-”
“stop,” he breathed out. “i’m exhausted, and i just want to be alone, and you’re here, in my kitchen crashing around and almost hurting yourself! i can’t do this right now?”
your smile ebbed, and you took a step back. “why didn’t you say anything?”
“because i didn’t want to upset you,” he sighed out, running a hand through his hair. “i just can’t do this tonight,”
“you invited me-”
“you invited yourself!” he wasn’t yelling, no, he had enough patience to not be yelling at you, but his voice was raised. “i didn’t invite you over to my house into my kitchen, to wear my sweaters.”
you’d been together for half a decade. neither of you needed an invitation, you both knew that. wilbur had given you a key because he wanted you to let yourself in whenever you needed. he’d spent entire days in your flat without you there while you were away. this had never been an issue before, and he made sure you knew that.
you stood still for a moment before reaching down and pulling off the jumper of his he’d been looking for, leaving you in a black long sleeved shirt underneath. you tossed it to him. “because you never thought to call me and let me know you’d be late. by over an hour.” you were quiet, quieter than you usually were. your voice was loud, and bright and he revelled in it, soaking up every little comment you made, every “i love you,” every giggle, he adored it.
“because not everything i do has to do with you,” he was verging on cruel, and he knew it. “i had a long day at work, and i just want to be alone, but you’re here. so i have to cater to you.”
you didn’t reply, just brushing past him, with a soft “sorry” as your arm brushed his. you grabbed your stuff and left in silence, deciding on walking home.
he rested his forehead against the closest surface - the fridge - and swore under his breath. he was still holding your jumper, and he brought it up to his face, burying his nose in it. it smelled like lavender.
he fished his phone out to call you as he retook his place on the couch, cheek still pressing into the jumper. it was soft. he loved it. he loved you. he was such an asshole.
he called. you ignored him. he called again, three times. four times over the half an hour until he knew you were home and he knew you were ignoring him. his headache had increased, and all he wanted was for you to be resting in his lap, drinking you in while you watched your movie. he opened his phone again, not to call you this time, but instead to order an uber for your place. god, they were probably making so much money off him tonight but if he had to walk the entire way to your house, he’d collapse of exhaustion. he was there within fifteen minutes, thankfully this driver not getting him lost, and he payed with one hand as he bounded up the stairs with the other. he brought out his keys on autopilot and then remembered what he’d said, putting them down to knock on your door instead.
“darling!” this time he was yelling. he didn’t care though, he needed you to hear him. it took three more times knocking and five more yelled pet names before you opened the door. your eyes were red, and you had changed into softer clothes, these ones all belonging to you. “i’m so sorry,” the words spilled from his mouth before he could stop them. “i’m sorry i got angry, i’ve been so tired recently and that’s not your fault nor your problem, but i took it out on you and you don’t deserve that, lovely.”
“i didn’t want to bother you,” you said softly, voice barely above a whisper. he took a step closer to you hesitantly, and when you didn’t step back he wrapped his arms around you.
“you’re never a bother,” he said, voice pouring with affection to make up for his thoughts betraying him earlier. “i love you more than anything. i’m sorry i didn’t show you that tonight,”
“i’m sorry for going in without you telling me,” you said.
he shook his head vehemently. “i gave you a key, lovely. i gave you a key because any space with you is better than one without.” he took your face in his hands and made you look at him as he spoke, trying to get you to absorb every word he was saying. “i want to spend the rest of my life with you, and i can’t do that if you can’t get into my house.”
you looked like you were about to start crying again, and he kissed you gently. “i’m sorry,”
“don’t be sorry,” he assured you. “just let me in? i want to watch a movie with you.” your smile came back, if only slightly, and he knew he was making progress. you brightened up every room you were in, and even if you were a little loud, and too bubbly, and you stole his sweaters, he wouldn’t want you to be any different. he kissed you again, slowly and gently and when he pulled back your eyes were sparkling. “lovely?” you hummed to show you were listening. “when we get a place together, promise you won’t climb on the counters?”
“i don’t know if i can commit to that,” you said, laughing softly. “but i’ll see what i can do.”
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dinas-a-bird · 1 year
Okay so I’m imma request something you don’t have to do it!! But I love your work and uh idk I had an idea so.
Maybe dom g!p Abby and fem sub reader going to celebrate pride. On the way someone asks reader for their number and reader can’t say no so they say yes. Abby gets all pissed because she’s jealous. Anyways the person who asked reader for their number sees them kissing and Abby sees them as well getting all touchy with reader till the other person leaves. Well Abby fucks reader in a toilette or something to show them who they belong to. Idk if that makes sense😭. Also I got a huge breeding kink so if you could add it, that would be great.
Thank youuuu<3
I LOVED WRITING THIS REQUEST-anyway sorry this took so long my lovely anon, I started it then got writers block🥲 BUT I MANAGED TO FINALLY FINISH IT YIPPIE! I did change the request a little with how abby got jealous so I hope that is okay, but the smut is smutty and I tried my best to incorporate the breeding kink as well! this whole one-shot had a mind of its own once I got going
Unexpected Attention
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Pairing: dom g!p Abby Anderson x sub!fem!reader
Warnings: smut, fingering r!receiving, pet-names (good girl, princess, baby, sweet girl), dom!Abby, sub!reader, possessive!Abby, g!p!Abby, breeding kink, implied after care, penetration r!receiving, multiple orgasms, praise, degrading(blink and you'll miss it), use of y/n, modern AU
Summary: Ellie wants your number, Abby has other plans.
Word Count: 1,924
A/N: As always comments are appreciated and sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes, enjoy!
It is a bright and vibrant day as you and Abby make your way to the pride parade being held downtown, hand in hand. As you continue walking you start to see the streets lined with colorful banners, people walking about celebrating. You finally make it to the celebration and Abby looks over to you grinning, her blue eyes sparkling with excitement. "Isn't this amazing, y/n?" she says, raising her voice to be heard over the cheerful crowd.
You nod, a smile spreading across your face. "It's incredible, Abs. I'm so glad you convinced me to come."
Soon you both find a spot to stand to watch the parade floats ride by. Abby looks around searching for something and as soon as she sees it she smiles and looks back down at you. “I’m going to head inside to the restroom,” She points over her shoulder to a restaurant not too far away, “You okay standing here and saving my spot till I get back?” Typically, Abby wouldn't dare leave you alone in a crowd like this, but because the restaurant was so close by she thought nothing would happen to you in the span of a couple minutes.
You peek around her, eyeing the building, you nod your head, “I’ll be okay Abs. Just be quick please.” She kisses your forehead, mumbling reassurances, before she heads off.
As you wait, you keep your eyes glued to the building your girlfriend entered. Only a minute or so has passed when you feel a light tap on your shoulder. “Hey cutie.” Spinning around you see a slender woman, who's wearing a confident smirk, standing inches away from you. 
As the woman introduces herself as Ellie, you can’t help but notice her bold and flirtatious demeanor, something Abby would definitely not approve of. Her smirk and confident stance make it clear that she has an interest in you. Your heart races slightly, unsure of how to handle this situation.
"Hey," you reply, trying to maintain a friendly tone despite feeling a little uneasy. "I'm y/n."
Ellie's eyes gleam with amusement as she leans in closer. "Y/n, huh? That's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl," she compliments, her words laced with charm.
You blush slightly, feeling a mix of flattery and discomfort, mostly discomfort. "Thank you… Ellie. It's nice to meet you."
She chuckles, her eyes lingering on yours. "Likewise. You know, I couldn't help but notice you from across the crowd. You really stood out."
You shift uncomfortably, glancing around for Abby's return. "Oh, well, thank you. It's a fun day to stand out… I guess."
Ellie's smirk only grows wider, clearly enjoying the thought of having some kind of effect on you. "You're definitely not wrong about that. So, how about we exchange numbers? Maybe we can hang out sometime," she suggests. Leaning in closer she puts her phone in your empty hand.
You hesitate, Abby's possessiveness lingering in the back of your mind. But before you can respond, a voice cuts through the air, causing both you and Ellie to turn.
Abby is striding back towards you with purpose in her step. Her eyes lock onto Ellie, and you see her jaw clench slightly as she approaches. "Hey, sorry it took a bit longer than I thought," Abby looks at you, completely ignoring Ellie's presence.
"It's okay, Abs. This is Ellie. She was just..talking to me," you reply, gesturing towards the woman beside you.
Abby's eyes narrow slightly, but she forces a disingenuine smile. "Oh, hi Ellie. I'm Abby," she says, extending her hand to the woman.
Ellie takes Abby's hand, her smirk still in place. "Nice to meet you, Abby. Y/n here is quite the charmer," she gives you a playful wink.
Abby's grip tightens slightly on Ellie's hand, her expression becoming cold. "Yeah, I know.” Ellie seems almost unfazed by Abby’s harsh grip as they shake hands, almost relishing the challenge. Sensing the tension between the two, you decide to speak up.
"Actually, Ellie was just about to leave Abs," you say, placing the girl's phone in her unoccupied hand. "We were just having a quick chat. Right, Ellie?"
Ellie glances at you and then back at Abby, seemingly enjoying the drama unfolding before her. "Yeah, you're right. I should get going. It was nice meeting both of you." She gives you one last lingering look before walking away.
As soon as Ellie is out of earshot, Abby turns to you, her expression stern. "What was that about?"
You sigh, feeling guilty for the interaction. "I didn't expect her to approach me like that, Abs. She just started flirting with me and then asked to exchange numbers. But I didn’t put mine in her phone Abby, I promise."
Abby's jaw tightens again, and she takes a deep breath before mumbling. "Fuck.. alright c’mon." She grips your hand and leads you out of the crowd, you glance back and see Ellie watching you both with a playful smirk. You try to shake the image out of your mind as you look back up at your girlfriend.
“Abs, where are we goin?” Your voice cracks. Her gaze doesn't shift as she mumbles something, her voice drowned out by the parade. Soon she stops and opens a door, you look up and realize it's the same restaurant she entered earlier that evening. Once inside Abby grips your hand tight and leads you through the dining area to the back where the restrooms are located. Once there she ushers you inside and locks the door behind her.
Before you can ask what is happening, Abby pins you against the sink, your ass pressing into the growing bulge in her jeans. "I know you where going to give that fucking girl your number, if you're really that desperate to be fucked, then having my cock buried deep inside of you in a public restroom should be perfect. Don't you think?" You open your mouth to speak but all that comes out is a pitiful whine as Abby's calloused hands push down your pants and underwear.
"You're going to be a good girl for me, right? Or would you rather me go out there and find Ellie?" Abby hisses into your ear.
"I'll be...be good." you choke out, your eyes closing as you feel Abby’s fingers slipping in between your folds.
"Fuck.. your so wet.. Is this all for me? Or is it for her?" Abby asks as she roughly inserts two of her fingers into you.
"All for you Abs" you manage to get out in between little whimpers and moans. After a couple more thrusts she pulls out her fingers and looks at them.
"You wet enough for me to stick a third finger in you, get you ready for my cock?" You manage to open your mouth but all that falls out of it are soft cries for her to put her fingers back. "When I ask you a question I expect an answer princess." You manage to let out a soft, "get me ready for your cock please."
"Good girl." She leans back into you, three of her fingers diving into your soaked pussy. "I'm going to make you mine," she growls her breath hot on your neck, "you're going to get so wet and hot for my cock that you won't be able to stop yourself from coming all over my fingers before I give it to you."
"'m yours please." you let out a choked sob of pleasure as she pumps her fingers harder.
"That's my good girl." She lets out a loud groan as she watches her fingers, stretching you open as she pushes them in as far as she can get them. "Your so fucking wet.. and so tight. I can feel you tightening 'round my fingers baby. You think you deserve to cum?" she asks, her finger pumping into you as she watches you.
"Yes!" you let out in a throaty moan, her finger thrusting into you as you feel yourself closing around her. "Please please.. let me cum!" Abby lets out a low groan as she pushes her fingers in deeper.
"Cum for me y/n, show me who you belong to."
"I belong to you! Abby, I'm yours!" You cry out as your legs start to shake.
"Fuck, thats it princess" Abby soothes as she holds you down by your hips, her fingers pumping into you as you cum around them. "You think your ready for my cock now? You think you deserve it" She kisses your neck, sucking a mark into the soft skin. A choked out please is all you can manage before you feel Abby remove her fingers and start pulling on her jeans and boxers behind you.
"I'm going to cum in you princess, you're going to be mine, and you're going to love it." you whine at her words and try to press your ass into her member. "You like that don't you dirty girl? The thought of me fucking a baby into that sweet cunt of yours?" Her words sound degrading but you can't help but feel your slick run down your thighs as she says them.
"please.. Abs..need it" you whimper.
"Shhh..sweet girl...i'll make sure not a drop of my cum leaves your pretty pussy." Abby's lips touch your ear, her hand guiding her cock to your entrance. She gently pushes the head of her thick member into you, then inches of her length until she's fully buried inside. After giving you a moment to adjust she slowly starts moving, sliding in and out of you as you whimper and moan in pleasure.
"You're taking me so well. I bet Ellie could never fuck you as well as I do." Abby whispers to you as she moves your hips, forcing her cock in and out of you at a faster pace.
"Please... please…’m yours..” you beg, feeling her fingers at your clit as she moves into you. "want you to breed me...need it Abs" You feel Abbys mouth start to leave sloppy kisses on your neck as she moans.
"you're such a good girl for me" she mumbles into your neck, her hips slamming into yours. "I'm going to make you feel so good. 'm gonna fill you up so good."
you choke back a sob as you feel your abdomen tightening. "'m gonna cum" you manage to say.
"Wait princess 'm almost there." Abby lets out a low groan as she thrusts faster. "Gonna fill you up with my seed...you're going to be so full of me." After a couple more thrusts Abby feels her thighs tighten. "fuck..cum with me" she begs as she thrusts harder.
“I'm cumming" you cry out, your body clenching around her as you feel your walls clamp down and milk her seed inside you. "Fuck...I love you Abby...I love you so much" you sob as she pulls her mouth away and kisses your ear.
"I love you too" she whispers before pulling her cock out of you. Abby grabs some paper towels and begins to clean you up as best she can. Once you both are cleaned up and redressed Abby leans in and engulfs you in a comforting hug. "How about we go home and take a nice bath?" She asks, kissing the top of your head.
Nodding your head you sigh into her chest, "I'd like that." Abby smiles at you as she steps away and begins to unlock the bathroom door.
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specialagentlokitty · 9 months
Patrick Jane x reader - support
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hiii!! could u write about reader and Patrick Jane? Where reader is dealing with personal issues and she’s stressed about it. Then her and Patrick are working on a case and is questioning a suspect then the suspect insults her and it makes her mad and she almost hits him and Patrick pulls her away and questions why she almost hit him and then she tells him why. I hope that made sense and thank you! - Anon💜
Dropping the file on the desk you sat down, running a hand down your face.
“Don’t even think about it Jane I’m not in the mood.” You said lowly.
He raised his hands, grinning a little as he sat down on the edge of your desk.
“No trouble this time I promise, Lisbon has a suspect for you. Given the suspects aversion to law enforcement and your patience and calmness we think you can get him to open up.”
“Is he here now?”
“Yup, just waiting, let’s go.”
Jane held his hand out to you with a charming smile and you took it so you could stand up.
Letting go you looked around the office before you gestured towards someone else’s desk.
“Grab their badge.”
“Now I could be wrong (Y/N), but I’m pretty sure taking an agents badge is just a tiny bit illegal.”
You rolled your eyes.
“Just go get it.”
With that, you walked away, heading to the interrogation room and you headed to the room next to it to begin watching your suspect.
Overall he wasn’t an impressive man, balding, he was small, didn’t seem very muscular to have done the damage to your victim but looks could be deceiving.
A minute later Jane came back.
“So, why do I need the badge?” He asked.
“The suspect hasn’t seen you yet, you’ve been here with me all day. Since he hates law enforcement it’s going to piss him off when he sees that there’s two of us in there.”
“Well that part I gathered, but I could’ve done that without it.”
“You don’t look like a cop that’s the issue, so just flash the badge then put it away he doesn’t need to see it.”
Jane nodded his head, and he opened the door, gesturing for you to go first and you did, entering the room.
You said nothing as you sat down and you studied the suspect for a moment.
“Is it fun for you to chase people around wielding a shotgun?” Jane asked.
The suspect scoffed.
“Stop wasting my time.”
“Well, you’re our top suspect, your shotgun matches the one we’re looking for and I’m sure if I get a warrant we’ll find it’s recently been fired.” You said.
The suspect snapped his eyes to you and narrowed them a little.
“What the hell are you?”
“Agent (L/N).”
“So, what are you his assistant or something?”
“Actually I’m her assistant.” Jane said.
The suspect looked between you two and Jane gestured for you to get up and follow him so you did.
He took you to the other side of the room, and he glanced at the suspect before turning to you.
“He has no respect for women..” he whispered.
“Clearly, that might work in our favour…”
Jane furrowed his brows a little bit.
“Take control of the interview he’s more likely to respond to you..”
“Right, okay.” He said.
Jane went back to the table and you followed sitting down.
You didn’t say much, you let Jane ask the questions and if he was stuck you would ask something and he’d repeat it to get an answer.
It was going well until the suspect turned his attention to you after checking his watch.
“Shouldn’t you be getting home, your husband won’t make his own dinner or fetch his own beer.”
“Excuse me?”
“Run along bitch, only men belong here.”
You stood up, and so did the suspect.
Jane quickly stood looking between the pair of you, he was really sure what to do.
“Have some respect.” Jane warned.
“I won’t respect someone like that.”
You had enough, you were angry as it was, and you stormed around the table.
You just saw red and you swung your fist, connecting with someone and you heard a thud of someone hitting the wall.
“Jeez, one hell of a punch…” Jane mumbled.
Your eyes shot open and you stared at your coworker.
Jane walked over, placing his free hand on your elbow, his other hand holding his nose.
“Let’s take a few…” he mumbled out.
He led you out of the room and he took you back to his desk before holding up a hand and vanishing.
You passed on the interview on to Rigsby and you went home for the day.
It wasn’t a good idea for you to be there and you needed to calm down, so you went home and got a shower before changing into some comfortable clothes and ordering food.
Sitting on the couch, you buried your head in your hands taking a few deep breaths to try and calm yourself and compose your emotions.
You heard your door open and closed and you slowly reached for you gun.
“Don’t shoot it’s me!”
Sighing, you set it back down.
“In here!” You called back.
Jane walked through and he pushed your stuff out the way to sit on the table in front of you.
“So, what happened in there? You’ve never once lost your temper like that before.” Jane said.
You sighed, leaning back on the couch and you looked at him. You could see the blood on his shirt, and the blooming bruise around his nose along with a small cut.
“I’m so sorry I hit you…”
“You weren’t aiming for me I got in the way, you can really throw a punch it’s amazing. But doesn’t answer my question.”
“I… I have some personal stuff going on..”
Jane got up, and he sat next to you.
“Let’s talk about it.”
You looked at him, and he gave you a warm smile and you sighed.
You explained everything to him that was going on and he held your hand as you did.
When you were done you cleared your throat and stood up, gesturing to his shirt.
“I’ll get that out I have a spare sweater hold on.”
You disappeared and Jane said nothing about it.
He didn’t want to pressure you about anything else and he knew your distraction was to find things to do, so he changed into the sweater and let you clean his shirt.
But he decided he was going to keep an eye on you because you needed the support and you wouldn’t ask for it
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lemotmo · 3 months
I cropped the question for you on this one. But ugh the answer 💗
Q. What other canon plots do you hate, if you don't mind sharing? Also you've mentioned people who haven't watched the series in its entirety not really having valid opinions. You don't really think that do you? Their opinion on the current show should be just as valid. An opinion is an opinion. Everyone is allowed to view things differently.
A. Hi anon. It's a show that has run for 7 seasons, there's been several plots I haven't loved. In terms of plots I hate though, the easy go to one is the sperm donor plot (which I'm guessing you haven't seen). It had the potential to be interesting, but they just ended up doing nothing with it. And picking Buck specifically to be the donor definitely needed context the show just didn't bother providing. Buck is way too emotionally wired to father a child and then just never care to see or hear about that child again. I also absolutely hated the couple he donated to. I hated them. I thought the whole fight club thing with Eddie was not great. Technically with the way Eddie is wired it did make sense for him to a point, and again had potential, but again, it just kind of stopped with no real resolution or point in the end. Buck's lawsuit is a widely hated storyline by many, but I kind of understood what they were going for, only because Buck can be singularly sighted at times. But I still tend to skip over it in my rewatches. I don't care for the parental redemption arcs because sometimes parents just suck, and their adult children have the right to live their lives telling people their parents sucked. Buck and Eddie's parents sucked. They sucked in different ways, but they both definitely sucked. Lastly as far as hated plots go, the entire back half of season 7(episodes 7-10) belongs in a fire pit of hell never to be seen again. I won't watch any of it ever again. I rebuke it entirely. It was abysmal.
Now, I know this is not going to be the answer you were hoping for, but anyone whose knowledge of the show consists solely of 7 episodes from one season absolutely does not have a valid opinion of the characters or the show. We would be here days if I did this character by character so for the sake of time I'm going to relegate this answer to Buck, you know the half of your ship you all care the least about, but the half the audience and the show cares the most about. You never met and don't understand the reference Buck 1.0, or Buck 2.0 for that matter. You don't know clipboard Buck, or that it's canon that Eddie is the only human alive who finds that Buck endearing. You don't know who Daniel is, or how he ties into Buck's complete lack of self worth. You don't know who Carla is or how Buck met her or who she now is to Eddie and Christopher. You don't know why Buck doesn't associate with the name Evan, and why it's actually gross that Tommy refuses to call him Buck. You don't know why Buck had to wear a protective sleeve on his leg during the pickup basketball game. You don't know the significance of 3 minutes and 17 seconds. You don't know that Buck basically spent the better part of three years without a couch. You don't know that during the tsunami while trying to protect whatever was left of Christopher's innocence he started a game of I spy so Christopher would look up instead of down at the water and the bodies floating by. You don't know who taught Buck how to cook. You don't know he tended bar and worked on a ranch at one point before going to the fire academy. You don't know that Bobby fired him. This is nowhere near everything but I'm guessing you get the point. If you don't want to watch the entire series don't. No one is going to force you. But we all know the reason you won't watch it is because learning who Buck truly is would no longer allow you the ability to mold him entirely out of your Tommy headcanons. He's not a damsel in distress. He's not weak or incapable of speaking for himself or saving himself. He doesn't need Tommy to survive day to day. You don't want his canon history, fine, but it absolutely makes your opinion of him worthless.
Phew, well I feel like this is kind of a great conclusion to the posts I have been answering all night about hated plots and why some people can't seem to accept that BT isn't endgame.
It's because of this! Once again, thank you anon OP for your almost devastating eloquence. I wish I had even half of your writing talent.
Thank you once again Nonny for dropping this in my askbox.
Remember, no hate in comments or reblogs. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of the anonymous OP’s posts, you can find all of their posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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tasteleeknow · 2 years
thinking about taking it slow w chan in terms of being intimate, but one day ur making out (or something similar) n he just loses it n cums in his pants & is a lil embarrassed n cute ab it SIGHHH
also love ur works!! if it’s not too much could i be ☁️ anon? tysm & have a beautiful day/night, you deserve it!!
thank you so much ❤︎ of course you can, hope this makes your day/night a little nicer! enjoy!
pairing: chan x fem!reader genre: smut, fluff. content: 18+ minors dni. warnings below cut. word count: 1k
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afab!reader. grinding. profanity.
“Come swimming with me,” you whine, arms wrapped around your boyfriend's neck. You move your head as he tries to look over your shoulder at his computer monitor, blocking his view. You’d only moved in with him a week ago, very much ready to take the next step in your relationship. Or at least, a step. Whether you were doing the steps in the right order was a matter of personal opinion. 
When he’d confessed his feelings for you he’d given you a whole speech about how serious he was; how he was determined to do this right. He took you on dates, bought you small gifts, pressed gentle kisses to your forehead. It was only because your lease was up and your roommate was moving overseas that he agreed you should move in. It made sense, he’d said. 
“I’ve gotta finish this, baby,” he says in response to your begging, lips curved into a small smile. “Maybe tomorrow?”
You readjust yourself in his lap, pressing your chest firmly against him. “But it’s so hot today... please?” You press a brief, soft kiss to his lips.
“I—I shouldn’t.” 
“But you want to?” 
His eyes drop to your lips. “Yeah, baby. I want to.” 
“I won’t tell,” you whisper. 
“This is due at midnight,” he says, distracted—eyes still fixed on your lips. 
“Alright,” you sigh, climbing off his lap. “I’ll just go alone today.” You press a kiss to the top of his head. “Good luck with your work.” 
You turn to look back at him just before you leave the room. He’s sitting back in his chair, hands gripping the arm rests. You smile, a fun idea popping into your head. 
You dig through one of your moving boxes, searching through the clothes you didn’t use often enough to have bothered unpacking yet. “Yes!” You pull out a red one piece you hadn’t used since last summer, before you met Chan. 
You rush to the bathroom to squeeze it on, satisfied with the way it pushes your breasts up your chest—cleavage tastefully peeking out the top. You grab a towel and your keys, sneaking out to find your boyfriend engrossed back in his work. You drop your belongings onto the kitchen counter, alerting him to your presence. He doesn’t turn from his screen, merely raising his voice enough to call across the apartment to you. “Enjoy your swim!”
You wander over to him, tapping him on the shoulder. He looks up, then down—eyes trailing down your body, halting for a noticeable moment at your chest. His eyes snap back to yours, looking guilty. 
“Is that new?” he asks. 
“This?” you tug at the elastic red fabric. “No, I just couldn’t find my other one. Must be packed up still.” You feel a twinge of guilt at lying to him, the first time you’d done so. You’d tell him later, after you’d had your fun. 
His eyes drop to your chest again, so quickly you almost miss it. “Can I have a hug before I go?” you ask sweetly. He pulls his headphones from around his neck, dropping them on his desk so he can stand. You place your hand on his shoulder, stopping him. “Don’t get up.” 
You throw one leg over his lap so you can lower yourself onto him again. He looks like you’ve just trapped him in a cage of lions. You can’t help huffing out a small laugh at his expression. You press yourself against him, arms around his neck. When you press a soft kiss to his cheek his arms slowly wrap around you in return. “Do you think you’ll finish in time?” 
“Mm, think so.” 
“Do you have time to kiss me?” 
You press your lips to his, gentle at first, then—when he makes no effort to pull away—you slip your tongue into his mouth. He hums, arms wrapping tighter around you. You’d had a few close calls, a few moments where your more intense make out sessions had nearly slipped into something more. He’d always pull away, gently reminding you how he wanted to do it right—to show you he wanted you for real, not just for sex. 
He was sweet. You loved him for it. But god you wanted him, especially since you’d been sharing a bed with him for the past week. He wouldn’t put it off much longer, there was no way either of you could last. He moans into your mouth when you roll your hips against him. Usually this was when he’d pull away, brows pulled together in concentration. Not this time. His hips lift up a little to grind up into you, the chair squeaking with his movements. 
He pulls away from your mouth and his hand moves under your ass, each of his hands grasping a handful of you and kneading firmly. You’re a little taken aback. The last week must have gotten under his skin more than you’d realised. You pull away from his lips, leaning back to attempt to get a clear look at his face. He follows you, leaning forward to chase your lips. 
“Channie,” you whisper, hands tangling in his hair to hold him back. His eyes meet yours, a little glazed over. You roll your hips hard, grinding down against his now very obviously hard cock. He groans, hand grasping at your waist to pull you down against him. “Fuck,” he groans. Then his mouth drops open and you’re in awe, taking in his blissed out expression. His hips stutter against you, then his face drops to your shoulder—his hot breath warming your skin. You take in what just happened, a warmth soaking into you where your cunt presses against his cock. 
You pull his head up, fingers still tangled in his hair. “Did you just…?” you take in his expression, his cheeks are bright red. 
“I—I’m—I’m sor—” 
You press your lips to his, cutting off his embarrassed stuttering. He drags it out, pulling you closer each time you try to pull your lips away. When he finally pulls back he hooks his finger into your neckline—pulling the fabric away from your skin enough to get an eyeful of your breasts. “Don’t wanna wait anymore,” he mutters. 
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please reblog and share your thoughts. caption, tags, replies, or ask box, i read it all. feedback is what motivates me to write more!
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nnnyxie · 1 year
Feeling a lil down about myself, what would you think about Izu x chubby reader? Reader isn’t necessarily insecure but does have bad days, maybe some of Izu‘s fans were being extremely horrible to reader or something because of their weight (I live for protective!Izu) and reader just shuts themselves off and is rotting away in a pile of blankets in their apartment while Izu dosen’t get what’s going on at all- he adores reader and isn’t all like „oh but your boobs and ass and thighs“ he just adored READER you know??? Often when I read x chubby!reader they only mention their curves and thighs and what not but I don’t think reducing plus size people to curvy plus size people is very inclusive so idk if that makes sense but yeah kwnfksld
#𖢥 izuku anon
baby i am loving these requests and i’m happy to give you chubby rep!!
i sorta based it on how i get when i’m insecure about myself so i’m sorry if it isn’t what you were hoping for :(
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some days it’s just hard yk?? people get mean and it can really fuck with your brain. it makes it hard to look at yourself sometimes.
especially when you’re with a pro hero. people think that you ‘don’t belong together’ just cause you two have different body types. and it’s sickening how people think that way.
it makes you feel awful— all of the hateful comments you get under your posts gets overwhelming and sometimes you have to archive them all together. sometimes you even have to deactivate your account because they get so overwhelming.
izuku always wonders why you do that— you never give him a real reason. just a ‘i don’t feel like being on social media right now’. he knows it’s not the truth but, he doesn’t want to pry. he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable by hounding you for answers.
but tonight— tonight was awful. the first thing you saw while opening instagram was a picture of you and your lovely boyfriend, something a fan posted. the fan was nice!! their post was a cute edit and it was an appreciation post!! but the comments— the comments were sickening. they were filled with so much hate, it made you physically ill. and today you weren’t ‘feeling’ yourself so the comments didn’t exactly help.
you deactivated your account again. now you were thinking about just deleting it all together. it won’t stop the hate but it’ll stop you from seeing it. either way— you decided to try and push those awful comments away and read, maybe it could lighten your mood.
it didn’t. the thoughts kept coming back— you couldn’t even read a full paragraph. it felt awful. you felt awful. maybe a shower would help?
as soon as you stepped foot in the bathroom, you stepped right back out. it hurt to look at yourself. it made you cry. you weren’t particularly insecure but these comments were ruthless and they just really got to you this time.
when izuku got back home from patrol, he found you in your shared bed, you were curled up in a pile of blankets with nearly all the pillows surrounding you. he heard your crying— and was immediately concerned. why wouldn’t he be?
“love, what’s the matter? did you watch the neverending story again?” he sat beside you and pulled the blankets down so he could full see your face. this wasn’t your ‘sad movie’ cry. this was entirely different.
“hey, what’s going on?” “it’s nothing— i uhm just read something sad is all.” you were a very poor liar.
“be honest with me, please? is something going on?” he was now laying beside you, holding you from behind. “i just— do you really want to be with me? i’m not—” you choked, crying more at the thought of him leaving for someone ‘better’ (there is no one better). “of course i do. i love you. why wouldn’t i want to be with you?” “how aren’t you… how aren’t you disgusted by me?” “why would you ever think i’d feel that way towards you? i love all of you. and everyday i find more to love about you.”
then— it clicked. he remembered.
“is this about that post? bakugo sent it to me… he told me to look at the comments— baby if i knew this was happening sooner i would’ve done something about it. why didn’t you tell me?” he rubbed your arm in comfort, he knew all about being insecure— of course he couldn’t relate to where yours stemmed from but, he knew how awful it felt to feel like you aren’t enough for people. “i didn’t want you to be mad at them. they’re your supporters.” “they aren’t my supporters if they’re treating you this way.” he took a breath, he was upset. not by you— never. but, by the hateful people. “i love you, and every part of you. i’ll never be disgusted by you and i’ll never want anyone else. i only want you.” god you loved him.
“can you turn so i can see that pretty face?” you turned to face him. izuku had a smile but, his eyes welled when he saw the tear streaks that ran down your cheeks. he cupped your face, swiping his thumps to wipe away the stray tears that still fell. “you’re the most beautiful person i have ever met.” you cried again, not because you were upset— but, because, he was just so wonderful to you. izuku held you, letting you cry into him.
“i’ll address it.” “you don’t need to.” “i’m going to.”
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don’t mind the neverending story part…. i just rewatched it today and cried abt the horse scene… artax :(
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lucifers-rubber-duck · 6 months
Hello, hope you’re doing well! Really loving the Hazbin posts you’ve done so far, they’re wonderful ☺️
If it’s alright, could I please request some platonic HCs with Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust, and Sir Pentious for a slightly younger reader than the rest of the cast who’s on the shy and anxious side, very easily rattled in hell, but takes a liking to their fellow demon(s) enough that they feel comfortable around them to express themselves a bit more and start to develop a sibling/parental sort of bond with them?
Sorry if that’s a bit specific of a request, but thank you for reading!
A/N: I'm sorry for taking so long Anon but I absolutely loved your ask! Shy!Reader is so me tbh. Hope you enjoy it.
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• She's mostly concerned about how young you are, not that you're a teenager or something, but the age you died is concerning since you're younger than anyone at the hotel.
• She's an extrovert so she might not notice how shy you are at first because she's just so excited to have you around that she is already showing all of her hotel to you and wishing you a good stay.
• Even with that bubbly personality of her's, it's actually pretty easy for you to feel comfortable enough around her to express your feelings, she's just so sweet like that. You feel like you can tell her all of your problems that she would listen to carefully within a day of meeting her.
• She's the type to be a sister figure, she's always trying to make you open up more with weekly trust exercises and besides her looks wouldn't hesitate to put a demon in their place if they treat you badly. She considers everyone at the hotel family, but you're the one that needs most protection out of them, so she's going to be the best host you could ask for.
• She's the least chaotic of the people in the hotel, she likes to solve things calmly and sometimes with brute force but only when it's necessary. Your more timid demeanor is a breath of fresh air from all these sinners full of themselves.
• She's the one that gets more rational the moment she sees you're not dealing very well with the things around, she gives you space and time to be comfortable around the place, especially because she feels that you really want to change for the better. She also calms Charlie down when she's being too excited around you.
• She wants to help you be more sturdy tho, Hell is a dangerous place and you need to fight for yourself, so she gives you private fighting lessons on basic self defense, she can get a little too aggressive while training but if you actually get hurt she'll say sorry and help take care of you.
• The way she makes you feel welcomed is very different from the others, she makes you feel safe, she protects you from Angels comments and teaches you how to stand up, she's just like an older sister that wouldn't hesitate to kill for you and has a strong sense of bonding.
• He finds you almost adorable, he probably just enjoys having someone that kinda looks up to him as an example, you almost envy his personality and how easy-going he seems to be, he enjoys the attention and praise.
• Will eventually grown attached to having you around but he's very good a not showing it, he's an actor for a reason after all, but he can still be very sweet with you and sometimes even protective, not so much, but he'll tell a demon to suck a dick if they are mean to you.
• He helps you try and lose up more, be more extroverted, he takes you to drink on bars or go to clubs so you can try to make more friends. He can easily get distracted if Cherri is also there and might not notice if you get uncomfortable at first, but don't be afraid to tell him that you want to leave, he won't be mad at you and will do as you ask.
• He really makes you feel like you belong, especially when you two are just doing skin-care and telling gossips, he feels like a older brother and you appreciate how much he takes care of you.
𖤓Sir Pentious
• Daddy issues? Naahh, this man got child issues if that's even a thing. He craves for the feeling of having a child like it's something he misses deeply without even knowing why, so the moment he realizes that you, the shy one of the crew is looking up to him he's being all clingy with you.
• He tries to look cool, something that either he fails at or his Egg Bois do it for him, he wants to make up to your expectations towards him because you're one of the little people who treat him nicely. You mainly admire him because besides being a little timid like you, he's a very intelligent inventor.
• He makes you gadgets for your self defense and makes sure one of his Egg Bois is always following you to keep you safe, they can't do much but are very useful as bait so you can run while they get attacked.
• Expect a bunch of drama and dad jokes coming from him, that's his way of trying to sound cool and reliable to you, he wants to be a good father figure or whatever figure you need and that's what makes you feel so welcomed and cared for when you're around him. Make sure to give him a hug everytime he does nice things to you, he appreciates it.
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the-doomed-witch · 1 year
hey boo, can u make 1800's reader and married nat having secret affair but reader convinces nat to run away with her somewhere else where they can live and love peacefully, inspired by ivy and the lakes
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Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: You question your need for running away with the woman you love passionately, but her dreamy desires do it for you anyway. // based on ivy by Taylor Swift; the lakes by Taylor Swift
Word Count: 1.0k
Warnings: 18+ ONLY MINORS+MEN DNI. set in the 1800s, infidelity, homophobia + closeting, allusions to smut not really described, nat is like a whole ass poet bro i will cry 😭
Author’s Note: hi anon, i hope this justifies your request <3 obviously this is emisue-dead poets society-anne with an e-elizabeth bennet coded bc i’m a raging lesbian with an obsession with the 1800s for no reason at all🤭
— ✦ —
Stealing glances with Natasha was the glory of her. She was a distinguished woman, known to be married to one of the most revered men in town. The ladies at the lunch discussed stories of her well established marriage, but no one knew the truth except you, and Natasha.
Sometimes you would go to meet her, with the excuse of needing to talk with her clinquishly. Her husband was a fine fellow, a gentleman who’d welcome you to their warm domicile, and let you take your time alone with his wife.
On the days when your blood boiled with envy of his nauseating smile, you’d meet her in forbidden places, near rivers of estrangement, and away from the common folk.
She held no love for him, you weren’t oblivious like the neighbourhood women. What made you bitter was the way he was associated with her throughout the town. He was the one credited with your efforts of making her the happiest woman around.
Oh how you longed for Natasha to be known as your lady.
But it’s worth struggling for, when she touches your lips, when she kisses them, and when her hands entangle with yours. “My most beloved,” she addresses you every time before she dares to break the space between the two of you. You respond, “Yes, my lady.” before leaning in.
It’s been years of meeting Natasha in darkness and in delight, touching her as if speaking of poetry. Your hands find their place in the heat beneath her gown, leaving her to the euphoria of gushing. She does the same for you in return, sometimes sitting on her knees to have a peek of what her fingers feel.
You have a rendezvous in the privacy of her own house, while he’s patiently sitting on the porch, doing something like pretending to read a newspaper. She sighs loudly against your kiss, it’s almost romantical.
He knocks on the shut door, asking if everything was alright. You break your contact with her abruptly, and answer him with a loud, stern voice, “Yes, Natasha is trying a new corset I brought along with me. Nothing to worry about.” He walks away with not a single penny of care, unbeknownst to everything you could do only if his wife had her corset taken off.
“I sense something bizarre about you today, my love.” she remarks, pushing your back against the stone cold wall, opposite to which is sat the notorious husband. To think the two of you could be vulnerable within inches was a terrifying thought. “I don’t think standing here is a good idea..”
“What would he even do if he finds us out? He can burn this house all he wants, at least my death greets me with you in my arms.”
“Tell me what is troubling you, my Y/N. What is so tragical that I can’t take it away from you?”
Her poetic mouth never failed to leave you enraptured. “W- well, all I've thought of since the past nights is running away. I mean to take you along, but I’m troubled by all the presumed consequences.”
“You meaning to take me along is singularly the greatest thing I’ve heard. To be with my muse, in a place where all the poets went to die, is a privilege I'm blessed to have.”
“I don’t belong, and Natasha, neither do you, you understand it, and I know it. But going out into the wild, with no shelter to take? I’m worried to death.”
“Again, my beloved, at least death greets us with you in my arms. I don’t fear it.”
You entwine your finger in her fierce red hair, and pull her face close to yours till you can hear her breathe and feel her heart pound against your chest and tell her, “Your musings, God, they make me want to be with you all the time, alone. Your poetry is the sole reason I live, dearest.”
“You’re the sole reason my poetry lives. You’re my muse, Y/N.”
You push her against her vanity, with an attempt to taste her delicacy, this time not confining her sounds to your secrecy. You lift up your leg, to give Natasha a place for grinding slowly. The skirt of her apron is lifted, along with her pale yellow dress.
The door smashes open, with her husband walking in, “You’ve been alone for far too- What is going on here?!”
Natasha speaks in a fake pleading voice, “Sir, let me explain to you.” before she gives you a long kiss, and grabs your hand. She squeezes your palm, hinting you to follow her along.
His chin falls agape, the green nerves of around his wrist pop out, irefully.
“What monstrosity is this, Natasha? I thought you were a pristine lady, but evidently you’re a disgustful woman! You should be- Get away from her Y/N!” He comes forward to push you away, but she doesn’t let him finish, and runs out of the house with you.
You hold up your dress to make yourself a room to run with her through the fields. After fleeing for a while, you notice he has missed the trail. So she tugs your arm again, making you run till you reach the illustrious lake, till you’re out of breath.
She laughs as you hold her in an embrace, and screams towards the deserted forests and mountains on the other side of the lake, “I can feel the freedom in me. I can feel it in my blood!” Her voice echoes back at you.
You join her laughter, eyes filled with tears, and cry out, “I am in love with Natasha! I am a woman, and I wholeheartedly love another.” She pecks your lips repeatedly, till you can’t stop laughing and hold her blushing red cheeks away from yours, “We’ll find ourselves a home, we’ll find us a way to live. I promise you.”
You lace her gentle hands with yours. They’re cold with the breeze and the disquietude. You grasp her untamed heart, and she cleaves on to your pain.
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darling-i-read-it · 1 year
Not Fun Dreams
Dalton Lambert x fem!prophet(esc)!reader
Word Count: 6.1k
Warnings: insidious 5 spoilers, some angst, canon level events/violence (descriptions of the readers visions as violence and never being good), shared trauma, a lot of unedited fic lol 
Author’s Note: This ended up a LITTLE LONG good lord lol. I just kept going! I hope you enjoy love, it ended up being a little less angst then I wanted to have some sort of preunderstood relationship. ALSO i made up the art school dalton goes too because I couldnt’ find the name or remember if it was mentioned. When will this movie be available to watch whenever i want smh. Anyway, enjoy!
Requested: by anon, your dalton fics were amazing and if you’re still in the mood to write for him i got an idea! dalton with a prophet esque reader. maybe not full out but maybe they have dreams or in certain places they can see what will happen there but doesn’t get the full event ( mostly negative/horrific things because this is the insidious universe and nobody can have nothing). id imagine they’d be more reclusive than dalton because even though they’re both obviously very traumatized reader constantly has to see these horrific things and not know how to stop them. knowing possibly from a young age where you and the people you love will die. the trauma bonding. the protectiveness. imagine the drama if she knew the whole time he could astral project and didn’t tell him, like being childhood friends and going to the same college as you saw something in a dream (one of the dorm scenes) and are trying to prevent it. i’m an angst girlie through and through and this movie made me worst. please don’t feel pressured to write at all, and i hope you have a great day/night! 
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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When you were a kid it was much more simple. It made far more sense to you when your imagination was stretched as far as it could go. It was clouded by the guise of childhood, never knowing what was supposed to happen and what wasn’t. You figured that when you went to sleep and pictures flipped in your head piercing like a migraine, everything was normal. Your parents told you it was just dreams, even when the dreams started to get darker. You saw flashes of people’s faces, drenched in fear as they faced something unknown. The nightmares got worse. You insisted they weren’t nightmares. Children dealt with weird things all the time. 
It helped when the boy next door flew away in his sleep. 
Everyone must have these little gifts then right? All the children had a perk that slightly scared them, one they told their friends about that their parents didn’t pay much attention to. 
You’ll never forget the day Dalton moved. He left the house he had grown up in so that his parents could move somewhere bigger, somewhere to raise the new baby. You remember his little face, matching yours. You had never had a friend you cared for so much. It felt like the world could be taken on when you were with Dalton. 
“Are you sure you have to go?” you asked, quietly. You knew the answer to the question, even then. You had had an awful nightmare the night before. You had seen flashes of Dalton in bed, tubes surrounding him, IV’s in his arm. 
“My mom says so,” he muttered. You were hunched together in the corner of his house. Now empty, it seemed much larger. You didn’t like being in places that seemed to be experiencing change. You saw enough change. 
“But I’m worried,” you whispered. “Something might happen to you in the new house.” Your voice was hushed. Even then, you knew it was no use in telling his parents. No one would believe you. But you had to warn him because if anyone trusted you, it was Dalton. 
“Maybe it’s just another one of your not fun dreams,” he said quietly. He had gotten used to protecting you from them. You were often shaky when you woke up. He had seen it after a sleepover, cold sweats dripping down your petrified face. “Not one that would come true.”
You had known the lady down the street would trip down the stairs and die three weeks prior. But no one cared to check with the little girl who had silly prophetic dreams. 
“But what if it isn’t.” You pouted, a genuine pout. Dalton put his hand on yours, in a way only children could do. The most innocent of gestures. A sign of good faith. 
“I’ll be okay.” Even then he didn’t believe his words. He had been wandering further and further out in his dreams. You told him to stop, that it scared you. He insisted they were nothing like your dreams. His weren’t real. 
“You ready to go guys?” Josh Lambert asked. He walked up behind you, carrying a book at his side. 
“You’ll call right?” you asked quickly, suddenly overcome by emotion. Dalton nodded eagerly. 
“We’ve got your number, don’t worry,” Josh assured you. “We won’t be that far, right Dalton? Just down the road.” Dalton wanted to disagree but he didn’t. He just nodded, not ready for you to leave his house. Not ready to leave it himself. 
“I’ll call everyday,” Dalton promised. 
After a couple weeks he stopped calling. Your parents wouldn’t tell you why. Just that he couldn’t come to the phone. You could see him in your dreams, desperately lost and you had no way of helping him.
You woke up with a start. 
As you grew up the dreams started to become less violent. They were always violent in nature but sometimes you could wake up and not feel panicked. You looked at your bedside table, the orange bottles staring back at you. Some were for panic attacks, some were for general anxiety, some to help you sleep. You debated taking one, wondering if you could stick it out for the day. The thought was quickly dismissed. 
You had dreamt of Dalton. 
You hadn’t dreamt of Dalton since you were a kid, since you lost touch. The memory of it became so blurry over time. There was no way you could have blamed him for it. In hindsight you blame your parents and the cycle of time. You went to different schools and there was no reason to stay in touch because you couldn’t ever see each other. 
You grabbed your phone off the side of your bed. You hadn’t seen much. 
Dalton. Older, taller, handsomer. A full man now, though you weren’t sure why you were surprised. A school, the name of the school just barely on the tip of your tongue. You wrote down everything you remembered furiously. The feeling of dread. A familiar creeping of darkness that you couldn’t quite place. Your dreams were sporadic. Whatever you had dreamt of could still be months out. 
You got out of bed and walked down the hallway. You were packing for school yourself, eager to leave by the end of the week. The car was almost packed with most of your things. 
You reached for your parents phone book. They kept it beside the fridge, even though it was ancient and most of the numbers were outdated. You had given them grief about it before. Everyone had numbers saved to their phones now, what was the point of a phone book?
You ate your words as you flipped through the pages, looking for Lambert. Sure enough, both Renai and Josh were separately listed. You reached for your phone, trying Renai first. 
It rang for a while, leading you to believe the number might’ve been wrong. Then there was an answer and a kind voice spoke on the other end. 
“Hi! Is this Renai Lambert?” 
“This is her. Who is this?” 
“Hi Mrs. Lambert! This is kind of weird but my name is Y/N. I used to be friends with Dalton when we were kids?” There was a beat of silence and then a laugh, one you remembered well. You had always liked Renai. She was endlessly kind, always offering you lemonade when you came around. You could still hear her playing songs on the piano while you and Dalton ran around their house. 
“Y/N! Oh goodness, it’s been a while hasn’t it? Why are you calling now?” You smiled, happy she remembered you. 
“I just randomly dreamt of Dalton last night and hadn’t seen him in years. I was wondering if he still lived with you or if I could talk to him?” 
“For sure! Gimme one second.” She moved away. You could hear a muffled call for Dalton. The phone returned to her ear. “How have you been?” 
“I’ve been good! I’m going to art school at the end of the month,” you offered. 
“Really? So is Dalton! Oh, here he is!” There was a moment as the phone was passed along. You cleared your throat. 
“Dalton?” There was another beat of silence. You thought maybe he didn’t remember you, which would be slightly awkward. You would have to re-explain everything before he would even believe a word that came out of your mouth. Then he spoke. 
“Y/N?” You let out a breath of relief. 
“Yeah.” He scoffed and you could picture him shaking his head in disbelief. 
“What’s up? Are you okay?” Still the same protective boy he had been when you were kids. 
“I had a dream about you last night and I wanted to call, see if you were okay.” Another moment of silence. You wondered if Renai had left the room.
“A not fun dream?” he asked quietly. You nodded, looking down. 
“Yeah.” You could hear Renai in the background. 
“She’s going to art school too.” 
“Really? Where are you going?” 
“Western. Not far from home, at least, where home used to be.” 
“Me too,” he breathed. “Who would’ve thought?” You bit the inside of your cheek, wondering what it would be like to be back with Dalton again. You had never felt so understood like when you were with him. 
“When do you leave? We should meet up for lunch.”
Dalton Lambert had gotten tall. You noticed that first when you saw him. He stepped right out of your dreams and onto his dorm room flooring. You had just missed Josh who had eagerly scurried away. Your parents had left you too. Now you and Dalton were finally in a place where you could hang out away from adults, which was a weird feeling when you were together. 
He had texted you his room number and you knocked on the door. When it opened, he hugged you. It wasn’t awkward or weird. In fact, it felt like you had finally come home. 
“How are you?” you asked. 
“I’m okay,” he promised. He ushered you in. “I’d be better if you told me what your dream was about.” You shook your head. 
“It was just you being here.” 
“You have good dreams now?” You shook your head. 
“That’s the whole thing.” He gestured for you to sit at his desk or at the empty bed beside his. You sat down on his bed anyway, putting your feet up to your chest like you were a child. “I don’t. But I remember feeling bad when I woke up, like something was coming.” You looked over at him. “How are you? How are your dreams?”
He paused for a moment, like he was glitching or buffering. You tilted your head. 
“My dreams are fine,” he answered finally. “Not nearly as interesting as yours.” You nodded slowly. That wasn’t exactly the answer you were expecting to get but you trusted him to open up when he was ready. “So do you think somethings gonna happen?” 
“I don’t know. I think I’ll know more later,” you promised, though you only half believed it.
“The last time you dreamt about me I went into my coma,” he said quietly, cautiously. He opened up to you quickly, knowing what it was like to be friends with you when you were a kid. There was something so special about being known before you even knew yourself. 
“I know. That’s why I found my parents' phonebook and called your mom.” 
“At least you’ll be closer this time around,” he suggested. “You’re welcome to hit me in the head if I start drifting off when I’m not supposed to.” You laughed gently. 
“Good to know.” You looked up at his wall. He had started to put drawings up. His mom was in the one above his pillow, at her piano. She looked just like you remembered her. “How is she?” you asked. Your eyes scanned the room. “Oh man, how is Foster? Cali?” 
“Good, good, they’re all good,” he promised, laughing a bit. “My parents got divorced a couple years ago. My dad is slightly losing it.” 
“As all dads do.” Your eyes scanned the wall. There was a picture of his brother. Another of his grandmother, who you only met every once in a while. Above her was a picture you recognized. It was you. You when you were a kid, in a room you no longer remembered. “Is that me?” He cleared his throat. 
“Your call had me looking through pictures.” You glanced at him, smiling a bit. 
“I loved your house so much. It was like a second home to me.”
“It was a first home to me.” You rolled your eyes. 
“We have so much to catch up on. Tell me everything. I have nowhere to be.”
Dalton’s room became a second one to you. It was serendipitous, moving from swapping houses to swapping dorm rooms. The transition felt comfortable and seamless. His roommate Chris moved out because she was a girl so you mostly got the room to yourselves. 
A couple weeks in, he started to have nightmares. Nights where you recognized the look on his face when he woke up. It was the same look he had after he had wandered too far, daring you to go with him. When he woke up he looked just like a kid still. Big wide eyes, confused. 
You sat on the spare bed. Dalton had fallen asleep half an hour before but you couldn’t bring yourself to leave. There was nothing wrong with just falling asleep there. You had done it before and you would do it again, waking up to his alarm for his early class. 
You laid your head down on the pillow, scrolling on your phone. The night had fallen, indicating that you should let yourself drift off into sleep. You raised your head a bit, wondering if you could easily find one of Dalton’s shirts to wear to sleep instead of your uncomfortable day one. You should’ve asked him before he fell asleep. You stood up lazily, rubbing your eyes. The room was only illuminated by the nightlight at Dalton’s side. He had fallen asleep with a pencil still in his hand, his sketchbook still out on his side.
You groggily slipped the pencil out of his fingers, putting it on the desk. You grabbed his sketchbook, looking at what he was looking at. It was still just lines on a paper, soon to be something beautiful. You put it aside. You were about to turn around when he woke up with a start. 
He lifted his head completely, almost ramming into you. You jumped, startled. 
“Woah!” you exclaimed. He was breathing heavily. He looked up at you, eyes wide. You met his gaze, almost positive what had just happened. “Did you wander off?” 
“In your sleep. Did you project?” He was silent for a moment, still trying to catch up on whatever it was going on in his head. He didn’t say anything for a second, staring at you with bewildered eyes. “Dalton?” 
He finally opened his eyes up to speak but was cut off by a loud screeching. You put your hands over your ears, wincing. The fire alarm was going off. Dalton scrambled out of bed, looking at the door. He rushed forward, pushing it open. 
Down the hall, all the other students were leaving their beds. Most were still muddled with sleep, wearing nothing but their pajamas. You peeked your head out behind him. He grabbed your arm and started to bring you down the hallway to the stairs. It was too tight for everyone so his grip was iron tight, weaving through the confusion. You pushed through the door to the stairs, moving with the herd down. You glanced back, trying to find the source of the confusion. 
You emerged outside into the night. It was freezing. The group dispersed into the courtyard, everyone looking back to the building you had just left. You brushed against Dalton behind you, who had finally let go of your arm. You couldn’t see anything in the building, nothing to indicate a reason everyone was leaving. 
“Do you see anything?” you asked him. He shook his head. 
“No.” You shivered, suddenly very aware of how cold it was. 
“Maybe it was a drill,” you suggested. He nodded slowly, not wanting to argue as his eyes scanned the building. 
Someone was yelling something in a megaphone you couldn’t make out. You tried to find the source of the voice to no avail. 
“What are they saying?” 
“False alarm,” he said, like it wasn’t a question. You furrowed your brows. 
“How can you hear that?” 
“I pulled it,” he said, finally. You turned around to look at him. 
“How? You were right there with me the whole time.” 
“I did it in my sleep.”
“If you knew it was a false alarm, why did we come out here?” 
“Because I wasn’t sure.” His voice sounded far away. You looked back at the building, completely safe in the backdrop of the night. You turned back to him. His look was dreary and unreadable. “You should probably go back to your room,” he said, voice still far away. You tried not to take that badly. It just seemed random. 
“Okay,” you said quietly. “Are you okay Dalton?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m good.” You nodded slowly. People started to pass you, going back inside. 
“Want me to walk you back up?” “I’m okay,” he assured you, some of the life returning to his voice. 
“Alright…I’ll see you tomorrow?” He nodded quickly and started to walk into the crowd. 
The next morning you woke up in a daze. You couldn’t quite remember what happened the night before, all of it glossing over your memory like a blur. You grabbed your phone off the side table, your roommate still snoozing away. You had a text from Dalton and a text from Chris, his old roommate. 
Taking Dalton to that frat party tonight. Wanna come? 
You opened that one up first. Dalton at a frat party? You almost snorted. You hadn’t been back in his life for very long but it didn’t seem like his vibe. You opened Dalton’s text next. 
Sorry about last night. Had a weird dream and woke up weird. 
You texted him back immediately. 
No worries. Are you really going to the frat party tonight? 
Almost immediately a little bubble showed up in the white box. You laid your head back down on the pillow. It felt like you had only taken a nap because of the weird in between moments. A text came from Dalton. 
Supposedly. Chris wants me to go. Do you wanna come? 
You glanced at your calendar. 
I have a test in the morning, I think I’ll pass. Thanks for the invite tho :) Try not to get too drunk! 
You opened Chris’s texts back up too to answer her as well. As you were typing out your response, Dalton texted you again. 
Are you sure??? I could get lost, drunk and suggestive. Who would protect me from the onslaught of potential girls? 
You rolled your eyes harder. 
Chris will! 
You turned off your phone to get ready for the day. 
You sat on your bed in your dorm room. Your eyes were dropping off to sleep, phone down on your comforter, computer open as you looked at reference pictures. Your sketch book was open, though it didn’t have anything except the bare bones of some sort of idea. You hummed to the music coming from your phone, mind wandering from your work. 
Your roommate had gone to the same frat party as Dalton. You were by yourself tonight as the sun dropped. It was becoming more clear that you just wanted to go to sleep tonight to wake up rested for the test. You picked up your phone, pursing your lips as you tried to decide if giving up homework was worth it for the night. You had no new texts from Dalton or Chris except a picture from Chris’s phone of the two of them there. You smiled a bit. Dalton looked awkward and out of place. It was good that he was branching out. 
Finally you set your things aside. There was no use in trying to do any more work when you were still catching up on sleep from the night before. 
As you placed your head on the pillow a simultaneous pierce through your skull erupted. You grabbed your head at the familiar feeling. Usually you only got visions when you were asleep, waking up to some sort of horrific memory. 
A bathroom. It felt cold, like ice, like the ground hadn’t been stepped on by humans in years. A boy was there, his face shrouded by the toilet. He gripped the sides but his hands didn’t look real. Something was wrong with him. You couldn’t tell what it was. The sound of the door opening, a creek, a sudden stop. 
You dug your nails into the skin on your forehead, willing it to stop. It had been so long since you were awake when this happened. 
Before it subsided you could see Dalton in the doorway. The dread returned, the same dread you had when you were a kid and he was moving away where you couldn’t protect him. You let out a breath that you had been holding. Your hands were shaking. 
Usually you wrote down what you saw, quickly jotting down things you could remember. Typically nothing would stand out for you to take immediate action. This time you jumped out of bed, quickly putting on slip on shoes. You were wearing shorts and a hoodie, clothes to sleep in, when you ran down the stairs. You had never been to the frat the party was at tonight but there were still fliers everywhere and you assured yourself you would find one. 
Thankfully, right on the pole outside of the building was a green poster with the address. You knew where Greek Row was, not more than a five minute walk from your dorm. You turned towards it and started to run. 
By the time you got there you were already exhausted. You crashed through the door, entering a chaotic scene. There were people everywhere, ramming into each other, sloshing drinks on people’s clothes, too drunk to care. You scanned the crowd. You pushed through people, to the staircase. There were people hanging out there, leaning against the railing, leaning against each other. You walked upstairs, searching for a bathroom. The doors were mostly locked. 
You ran right into Chris, leaving the bathroom. You peeked inside but it wasn’t the one from your vision. 
“Woah! You decided to come after all! What are you wearing?” 
“Where’s Dalton?” She gestured to a door down the hall. You rushed towards it, almost tripping over yourself. You swung the door open. Dalton was on the ground, half under the bed, face filled with fear. “Dalton!” He snapped his head back up at you and then back in the air. There was nothing there. “Did you..did you see that?” 
“There was something-” You fell to your knees beside him, helping him out from under the bed. 
“What did you see?” 
“A kid in the bathroom. There was someone in the bathroom and he was-”
“Dead.” Chris emerged at the door frame. 
“What are you guys talking about?”
“Have you been astral projecting lately?” you asked him, voice low and serious. His eyebrows furrowed. 
“Have I been what?” You stared at him for a long time, unsure what he meant. Maybe he just didn’t want to say anything in front of Chris. 
“Dalton come on.” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said and he felt honest. He grabbed your hand, willing you to believe him.
“When we were kids you could walk around in your sleep. Your soul left your body or whatever.” You paused, trying to read his face. “You don’t remember?” 
‘No,” he said, honestly. 
“What are you guys talking about?” Chris repeated. 
“We should go,” you said quickly. “We’ll talk back at the dorms.” You helped Dalton up. 
Though she protested, Chris left the two of you alone in Dalton’s dorm. The explanations coming out of his mouth weren’t something she trusted and she trusted you to make sure he went to bed alright. Though she did feel bad for dragging him along, unsure if the drinking had something to do with his abnormal reaction. 
“We have to call your parents,” you said as he sat down at his desk. He shook his head. 
“I can’t.” 
“Yes you can. They know what happened here and why you don’t remember it.” You hadn’t known everything about Dalton being in a coma but you didn’t expect him to remember nothing of it completely. He detailed not even remembering being sick. They moved into the new house and then the rest of the year was nothing but a blur. 
“I wouldn’t believe you if I hadn’t just seen it,” he breathed. You grabbed his phone off the table, opening it up. “Wait-” 
“No wait. We have to call your mom. She’ll know what to do.” 
“But this could just be something completely normal. You said I could do it before I went into my coma.” 
“And then you went too far, Dalton. I don’t actually know how far too far is but I know you’re already too close to it.” You held up the phone for him. “Call her.” He looked at you, eyebrows knitted. He looked at the canvas at his desk, completely covered in black, a red door created at the edges. There was something at that door he couldn’t remember anymore. He set his jaw and grabbed his phone. 
“I don’t think this is gonna help.” 
“Put it on speaker.” 
The phone rang for a moment but no longer than that. Renai answered quickly. 
“Hello? Dalton?” 
“Hey mom.” 
“It’s nice of you to call,” she said, half jokingly. “How are things there? Are you settling in nicely?” 
“Yeah mom, that’s not really why I called.” He gave you a look as you sat beside him eagerly. “I’ve been having these dreams and Y/N said you might know something about that.” 
The line was silent for a moment. 
“What kind of dreams?” 
“I can see my body when I leave it. Like I’m walking around in this other world.” 
“Is Y/N there?”
“Right here Mrs. Lambert.” She paused again. The tension seeped from the phone. You met Dalton’s eyes. 
“Maybe I should just come up there and talk to you in person. Can Y/N stay with you until I get there?” 
“What? Mom, you don’t need to come all the way up here.” Shuffling came from the other line.
“It’s too hard to explain over the phone. I’ll be there in the morning.” 
“No, mom.” He took a deep breath. “What happened? Tell me now.” His hands were wrapped tightly around the phone. He had grabbed your hand. You couldn’t remember when. 
“You and your father don’t know,” she said quietly. “We made it so that those memories were suppressed. I don’t know how it came back.” She shuddered. “When you were in the coma you went somewhere Dalton. For three months, we lost you.” 
“A place called The Further.” Her voice was gravely serious. He stared at the ground. The name sent shivers down his spine, like all that repressed childhood fear came back. “You got lost there and things tried to take your body. Your dad went back to find you and…something else came back instead of him.” Dalton looked at the door painting on his desk. 
“How do I stop it?” 
“I don’t know honey. I’m coming down.”
“What about dad? What if he’s going through this too?” 
“I’ll get your father. We’ll come together.” Dalton had nothing to say to that. It must be serious if they were going to stay together for a long period of time like the drive up to school. “Stay with Y/N.” There was a beat. “I love you Dalton.” 
“I love you too mom.” 
She hung up the phone. For a long time you just sat there in silence. You hadn’t ever gotten those answers before, the ones you had only gotten glimpses of when you were a kid trying to sleep. 
“I remember the demon trying to get you,” you whispered. “He was dark…with red,” you said. “I had nightmares about him for months. I kept seeing him get closer and closer but no one believed me.” 
Dalton looked over at you, his look unreadable. 
“He’s trying to get me again,” Dalton muttered. “I can feel him.” 
You shook your head. That was the last thing you wanted to hear. You stood up, letting go of his hand. 
“This is bigger than us. There’s this whole other world and you’re going to it and it’s so close-” 
“But if I don’t go to it then-”
“Are you gonna stay awake? Forever?” Dalton shut his mouth. “Repressing the ability didn’t work so what else is there to do but enter the place?” You shivered. Just the memory of your visions sent chills down your spine. “I haven’t seen the demon recently. I’ve just seen you.” 
“Maybe that’s a good thing.” You nodded. You paced, unsure what to do with all the fear in your body. “We just have to wait till the morning, then my mom will be here.” You both knew that might not solve anything. Still, you nodded. There was nothing else to do but wait.
 “I’m staying here with you.” 
“I don’t wanna be alone anyway.” He shook his head, voice far away. This dorm had started to become a safe haven, despite the places your brain went when you were asleep. It felt much better than your own dorm with the roommate you hardly knew. You’d likely be getting a text from her in the morning, wondering where you were again. 
You sat back down on Dalton’s bed. 
“Are we gonna try and stay awake all night?” He shook his head. 
“If I wake up I’ll just stay right where I am.” 
“That sounds easier than it will be.” It was already late, nearly midnight. You were tired and your heart was starting to slow down now that the problem didn’t seem as pressing. You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes but it didn’t do much.
“Are you ready to sleep now?” he asked. You nodded. 
“I really thought I was gonna go to bed early tonight. Looks like I’ll be skipping the test in the morning.”
“I don’t want you to do that. I’ll be fine by myself.” You shook your head. 
“No way. I’m staying here until your parents show.” You yawned. “But I should probably go to sleep soon.” He glanced at the bed on the other side of the room. He knew you would go there automatically if he didn’t say otherwise. He couldn’t exactly explain it but he would just feel safer if you were closer to him. 
He could explain it but suddenly that feeling was scarier then wandering off into The Further. 
“I’ll take that b-”
“You could sleep with me.” You raised an eyebrow at the suggestion. Without so much as a beat you answered. 
“Okay.” He let out a breath. You got up. “Scoot over then.” He looked up at you and your willingness to be so close to him.
“I’ve gotta change.” 
“Then change.” He stood up, walking to his drawer. He shuffled around in there for something acceptable to wear. Usually he just wore his boxers and a shirt but suddenly that felt so revealing. He could see you in the corner of his eye, getting under the covers and getting comfortable. 
You tried to pretend it wasn’t a big deal to you that he asked even though your heart was in your throat. 
“Don’t look,” he said. You made a dramatic gesture of covering your eyes. He took his shirt, facing away from you. You peaked between your fingers, admiring his back as he quickly slipped the other shirt back on. When he undid his belt you covered your eyes again. 
“You can stay awake,” you offered. He turned off the lamp on the desk, leaving only the nightlight. He moved the blankets aside so he could sit beside you. 
“I’m exhausted from finding out my memory was erased.”
“It sounds so dramatic that way.” 
“What would you say?”
“Hypnotism.” He put his head against the pillow, facing you. It was rare you were at eye level. 
“That’s dramatic too.” 
You sat there in silence for a moment. You hadn’t seen his face so close to you since you were kids. It was just like the sleepovers you had when you were a kid, just a little less innocent. 
“Are you scared to fall asleep?” he asked, voice a whisper now.
“Sometimes. Tonight I am. I don’t wanna dream about you.” He should be feeling awkward, being so close to you. Instead he felt more comfortable than ever. 
“Then don’t.” 
“I’ll give it my best effort.” Your eyes were so heavy. They closed without you even thinking about it. 
“I’m gonna be awake a little longer. I think I’m gonna sketch.” 
“Okay Dalton,” you whispered and it sounded so incredibly childlike. He sat up a bit, leaning against the headboard. He grabbed his sketchpad off the table. You nuzzled your head into the pillow. “Do you mind if I use you as a pillow?” you asked quietly. 
“No. Not at all.” 
You moved forward a bit and then your head was on his lower chest, arm over him. He put his hand over your back and suddenly sketching seemed much less important than making you comfortable. 
“Goodnight Y/N.”
Neither of you had set an alarm. 
Renai and Josh showed up early at 7 the next morning, the sun still slowly coming up. Renai knocked on the door, antsy to see her son. She had explained everything to Josh on the way over. He was pleased to find he wasn’t crazy. 
The knock went unanswered. She took a deep breath and knocked again. 
“You don’t think it’s unlocked do you?” she questioned. Josh tried the doorknob. It opened with ease. They shared a look. 
The other bed was still unused. Laying in the other bed was you and Dalton. You were on his chest, a pencil lazily in his fingers. He was hugging you with both arms, cheek pressed against your head. 
Renai couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief. 
“They’re okay,” she whispered. Josh nodded. He wanted to smile at the sight. It felt right. 
“Should we wait for them to wake up?” 
Renai couldn’t help but feel unhappy when Dalton slept. Even years later, whenever he slept in, she was checking on him constantly. 
“They’ll understand.” She approached him, sitting at the edge and nudging his shoulder. He groaned. He was okay. He was there. You nosed your face further into his chest. 
Neither of you had any nightmares that night. Your sleep was as black as it should be, consumed by each other's arms.
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eleganzadellarosa · 9 months
Bad Reputation
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pairing: fuckboy!kyungsoo x fem!reader
genre: SMUT (an unhealthy amount but I’m not sorry), would you call this enemies to lovers?
summary: A bet with the school fuckboy has you going back to your old ways.
warnings: MDNI (threesome, unprotected sex (wrap it up immediately 👀), oral (m and f receiving), squirting, slight mean/cocky dom kyungsoo, choking, overstimulation, orgasm denial, pussy slapping, daddy kink, name calling)
word count: 5.78K
A/N: Anon requested! This was very fun to write and I incorporated the threesome in a different way? I hope you enjoy it!
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taglist: @sleepingbeautydo (🥺🫶)
He was well known around campus.
For his good looks and fuckboy antics.
Just looking at him you would never guess though and that’s probably how it all started. At first you just knew about him from hearsay, but then you had a class with him and saw firsthand how he would flirt with every girl he found attractive and how they would immediately fold.
You couldn’t help but scoff seeing him wrap an arm around one girl’s shoulder and whisper something in her ear that made her giggle. Or how his hand rubbed dangerously high on the thigh of another girl minutes later. You weren’t sure how every girl saw this but still ended up bent over in his dorm room that same night.
It’s not that you didn’t find him attractive either, because you did, you just hated his cocky attitude. He’s also never bothered you, so you guess you didn’t make his “attractive list”. It didn’t upset you since you’d rather have someone who liked you AND didn’t try to fuck the whole campus.
“Okay class, see you next week for finals. Make sure you’re ready, study study study!”
The teacher tapped on the board with the dry erase marker to add extra emphasis to the last part. Your grades were good thankfully so you didn’t have much to worry about. Now that you thought about it, how was he passing this class? Maybe he was a lot smarter than he looked given that this class was not for people who skipped out on studying.
“Hey girl, you think you could help me study this weekend? I think I got it but I wanna have someone quiz me to make sure.”
Your friend from class. You weren’t extremely close but you always helped each other whenever in pertained to homework or exams. You nodded with an “of course” and finished stuffing the rest of your things in your backpack. There was a pair of eyes on you, staring you down ever since your friend came up to you. You were afraid to look back but you’ve never been one to back down.
Sure enough, the pair of eyes boring holes into you belong to Kyungsoo. What the hell was he staring at and why now out of all days?
“Is there something I can help you with?” Your left eyebrow stood tall in confusion and a hand landed to rest on your hip.
“Is staring bad sweetheart? You say it like it’s a bad thing.”
Ugh there’s that stupid overconfidence. “Um actually yes, staring is bad. Did your mother never teach you that? Seems there’s a lot she didn’t teach you…” you trailed off and whispered under your breath when you spoke the end of your sentence.
He scoffed and stood from his seat, making his way over to you. When he reached the space in front of you, he eyed you down curiously. “Hmm, not bad.”
Again, you were confused but nothing he did ever made much sense. “Care to explain why you’re in my personal space?” Your arms were folded against your chest as you tapped your foot, waiting for a reply.
“Ooo feisty little thing aren’t you? You don’t have to be so mean to me babygirl.” He feigned a pout and tapped your chin with his index finger before you swatted it away. “To answer your question, you just caught my eye so I wanted a closer look.”
“Oh, because you flirted with every other girl in class and I’m the only one who doesn’t care?” You rolled your eyes and he chuckled darkly.
“Trust me, if I wanted you to fall for me, I could easily do it.”
A smug look painted your face. “I don’t think overconfidence is cute, so with that being said, you’re overestimating your so called abilities.”
He smiled, tongue in cheek. “Is that a challenge?” He leaned in, hands on either side of you on your desk, his breath ghosting over your lips.
Unfortunately that move had you swooning just a tad but you weren’t going to let him know that. Your stubborn attitude was going to get you in trouble one day and maybe it was today. “Bet. You have two weeks. We’ll see just how desperate you get when you see I’m not falling for any of it.”
He wrapped a hand around your waist and caressed your cheek, his mouth coming down to whisper in your ear, “If there’s anyone being desperate, it’s going to be you begging me to get this dick deeper inside of you. Can’t wait to see it, I’d love to see you beg.” He walked away looking triumphant and made sure to pat your butt.
He wasn’t going to win, you weren’t going to let him.
The rest of the week went by unbothered so for you to have forgotten the bet you made with the bold boy, is not surprising. It wasn’t until he came up and wrapped an arm around your waist and planted a kiss on your cheek that you were snatched back to the reality of it all.
“Ugh what the hell?” You quickly wipe your cheek on the back of your sleeve. A look of disgust showing through how you stuck out your tongue and gagged.
He stood in front of you now and watched you closely before squinting and crossing his arms. "Well someone definitely didn't get much sleep last night."
You gasped and squished your cheeks in your hands. You thought two layers of concealer would do the trick but you also didn't expect for someone to be so close they could practically see your pores. "Kyungsoo please fuck off, I don't have time for this."
"Aww but I was going to offer to get you a coffee. Help you wake up before the exam later."
You rolled your eyes and looked at him with a deadpan expression. "Don't you have one of your other hoes you could be bothering? I need to go sit for a while and maybe close my eyes before I pass out."
"I could" he said with a click of his tongue "But I'd rather be bothering you right now. And don't talk about my "hoes" as if you're not going to be one of them soon."
At that you let out a hearty laugh. "You're so stupid, I forgot about this stupid bet since you didn't do anything this whole week and now you only have a week left which is nowhere near enough time to get me to even want to kiss you."
He draped an arm over your shoulder and pulled you in close, not having enough strength to fight back. "Baby you still don't understand. I know exactly what I'm doing and when I have you gagging, I'll try not to say 'I told you so' okay?"
You annoyingly shook him off of you and turned to face him. “What makes you SO sure that I’d be attracted to you at all?”
“Because if I were to do this” he grabbed your hand and kissed up your arm, “your breathing stops. The same way it did last week when I got close to you.”
Your face flushed with embarrassment. He wasn’t wrong and you hated that you had that reaction for him but it was his fault for not being ugly. If the situation was different and he was as sweet and nice as he looked, you’d give him a chance.
“Anyway, I’m officially inviting you to Cam’s party this weekend and you can’t say you’ll be busy because finals are today.”
“I never said I wanted to go to Cam’s party but I appreciate the invite.”
“Don’t be such a party pooper and come hang!” He grabbed your hand and rubbed a thumb over the soft skin. “Wear something irresistible too, I wanna be desperate.”
He was unbearable but admittedly he did have some charm to him. You were also curious what Cam’s party was going to be like since you’ve never been to one because apparently they were “invite only”. You didn’t care enough to try to get invited but it would be nice to relax and party after having such a stressful semester.
“Okay fine, I’ll come but don’t think that changes anything.”
He smiled, quickly grabbing your phone and holding it up to your face to unlock it. “Here, now you have my number and you can call or text me whenever you’d like.” He shot you a wink and handed you back your phone. “Don’t say you won’t call or text me either because I know you will.”
He walked away, not giving you a chance to say anything. Maybe he would win this bet, he already had you going to a party you didn’t give two fucks about 5 minutes ago.
“Girl why won’t you just fuck him? Everyone else has and they say he’s AMAZING in bed.” Your friend sat on the opposite end of your bed, concentrating on painting your toenails.
“Exactly my point, the fuck? Why would I want to fuck THE fuckboy? I’m not trying to do that and then catch feelings just for him to leave me for the next girl and then hit me up whenever he wants to take me to pound town.”
You stretched your hand out in front of you to check your work, making sure it looked just right before curing your nails under the UV light.
“Okay so you do think you’d catch feelings? Your pussy probably looks like a raisin because you never get dicked down anymore. You used to be a "hot girl", what happened to her?"
She was right. You had your hoe phase in your freshman year that trickled down from your senior year of high school but you didn't want to be known around school for that, so you vowed to change. And change you did. You planned on reviving that side of you just a bit for the party tomorrow, you were kind of interested in seeing if you were still capable of being irresistible. If he wanted a challenge, you would give it to him especially if it meant being able to prove your point.
"She's not me anymore and I'm not really trying to go back to being her. I want a boyfriend, not the whole school. But if you must know, I aim to be her tomorrow. See what kind of results I can get; see if I still got it."
"Pfft, bitch you never lost it, you just don't act on it. If I was a guy, I'd eat you out right now." She stuck her tongue out and closed her eyes as if she was tasting something delicious. You swatted at her arm and she chuckled. She went back to painting your nails before speaking up again. "If you do fuck him, can I have your pink bra with the sparkles on it and have the pleasure of saying I knew it?"
You raised your leg as if you were going to kick her in the shoulder. "Babes, I'm really going to need you to stop acting like I'm going to fold so quickly. I have no intentions on fucking him at all. Yes, he's attractive but again, I don't want someone that acts like the old me."
She clicked her tongue as she admired the finished product. "Well I don't think you're weak, I just don't think it's going to work out the way you think it will, but we'll see." She pressed her lips together and raised her brows.
You wiggled your toes and took another look at your fingers. "I promise if you're right, I'll kiss you and give you my bra." You rolled your eyes and smiled when she smiled seductively. "Oh yeah, do you know how far Cam's house is from here?"
"Girl I've never been to that man's house a day in my life. Don't you have the address, just put it in your maps."
Oh shit, you don't have the address. That cheeky fucker was right, you'd have to text him for something. You couldn't help but laugh in disbelief, he most likely planned it out just so he could rub it in your face. You took out your phone and searched for his number, not knowing what he saved himself as. A look of disgust showed when you see he was saved as "Daddy 🍆💧". He was so fucking annoying and it made your blood boil.
You: First off, ew. I'm changing your name immediately. And...I need Cam's addy.
He quickly read the message and it took him no time to reply.
Daddy 🍆💧: Oh look who sent Daddy a text.
Daddy 🍆💧: Don't change it, you're gonna wanna change it back tomorrow.
Daddy🍆💧: Here
He shared the contact card for Cam which contained all the information you needed and then some.
Daddy 🍆💧: Can't wait to see what you wear tomorrow 😍
You wanted to scrape your eyes out of your head. He made your skin crawl and you wanted to vomit. He was so cringey, how the fuck was he gathering up these girls like Pokemon? It didn't matter, you were confident you weren't going to be added to that list.
Luckily for you, Cam's house was a 10 minute walk from your dorms, nothing you couldn't handle. You looked in the mirror one last time. A black tube top, tortoise patterned asymmetrical skirt and black lace up sandals. You did look hot, maybe a little too hot. But that's what you wanted, you wanted to walk through the door and all eyes be on you. So when you knocked on the door and Cam answered it, immediately eyeing you up and down, you knew you succeeded.
"No fucking way...Kyungsoo, your "girl" is here!" He shouted behind him while keeping his eyes scanning your body, landing specifically on your exposed thighs.
Kyungsoo worked his way through the crowd, trying to get to the front door without having to stop and greet people. He finally made it, eyes growing in size when he saw you standing in the doorway. He didn't doubt it, but holy fuck did you clean up nicely. You were far from ugly but this was a whole new side to you that he never expected to see. He grabbed your hand, mouth still agape, and raised your arm above you making you do a spin.
"Oh my...I could cum right now just looking at you..." He couldn't stop spinning you to see angles he's already seen. He bit his lip and gave an approving nod. "Fair play. You really did come looking hot enough to make me desperate." He pulled you in by the waist and whispered in your ear, "But I'm still going to win this bet."
He shot you a wink and walked away with a group of friends, off to do whatever college boys do. You finally took in your surroundings, not having much time to do so while you were being ogled at. The vibes were not what you were expecting. Sure it was loud because of the countless amounts of people, but it didn't feel like those parties you'd see on TV.
Angel by Kali Uchis played loudly out of the speakers as you explored the bottom half of the house some more.
~Baby you should know that you’re everything I’m craving~
The beat and melody of the song had you really feeling yourself in your outfit, you felt so sexy. You didn't need the attention or compliments, you felt it for yourself just how good you looked. There were a few familiar faces, but no one that you'd really bother starting a conversation with. You weren't here because you wanted to be, it was only because of this stupid bet. Might as well take the time to try and have fun.
There were drinks everywhere of different colors, in different glasses, you weren't sure what was what and what to try.
"That blue one is pretty good as long as you don't mind that sting from the vodka."
You turned around to see where the voice came from. It belonged to a handsome guy that stood a few feet away from you, hand resting against the bar. "And how do I know I should trust your taste?" You made sure to add a flirtatious tinge to your voice.
He laughed and picked up one of the cups containing the blue liquid. "Well I think you're pretty, so that proves I have good taste right?"
Cute. "I guess that's good enough. I'll be mad if you let me down." You carefully sipped the drink, letting your tongue savor the flavors. It was good, really good. "Maybe you do have good taste."
You talked to him for about 15 more minutes, downing 2 more of the blue drinks and one of the orange ones. The buzz from the alcohol prickled at your skin. That was enough drinks for now, especially if you wanted the strength to walk back home. The song switched to something you could dance to, twerk to even. Before you had time to finish the thought, the guy you'd been talking to asks you if you want to dance with him.
He pulled you into the large area among the other party goers. Things heated up quickly between you two and you were grinding against each other in no time. You haven't let loose like this in quite some time and it was lots of fun in all honesty. He ran his hands along your sides and rested them on your hips as you moved them rhythmically against his crotch. The hand then danced up your spine and tangled in your hair making you stand up but not stop dancing.
"I didn't say you could dance on anyone else tonight." That definitely didn't sound like the same guy.
You turned your head to the side to see who was standing behind you now. "Kyungsoo?" When did he get here? How long have you been dancing on him? You slowed down your pace, but his hand kept your hips steady as he helped moved them to the beat yet again. "Don't stop just because you know it's me. Keep doing what you were doing."
His breath was hot against your ear, sending tingles down your spine and straight to your core. You had the sudden urge to tease him, wanting to see how he would react. You bent over slightly rubbing your ass against him and looked back to watch his expression. His lip was between his teeth, a hand caressing your ass. Why was this turning you on? Perhaps you shouldn't have had so many drinks, but that didn't feel like the problem. You definitely weren't drunk or anywhere close to it.
He was growing hard against you, you felt it. Did you really have that effect on him or was he just a normal horny man? He tapped on your left hip, signalling you to stand up. He turned you to face him, lips ghosting over yours.
"Do you want to kiss me or do you want to keep grinding on me until I take you to a bedroom to fuck you dumb?"
"If I say yes just this once, are you going to kiss me well enough to make me want to fuck you?"
He smirked and licked his lips. "I guess we'll have to see then huh?" He leaned in, wrapping a hand around your throat to squeeze the sides just gently. His lips were soft but the kiss was hungry. He dragged his teeth over your bottom lip before swiping his tongue over it asking for entry. Once granted, his tongue danced with yours deepening the already sensual kiss. His other hand found its way down your back and gripping your ass. Damn, he was a great kisser. So far the rumors were true and you wanted to beat yourself up for wondering if everything else was just as factual.
He pulled away, a trail of saliva connecting the both of you. He stared at you with hooded lids, a thumb rubbing over your lips. "How you feeling?" He knew the answer but you weren't ready to let him win just yet, even though he technically already has. "Too scared to say you want this dick now?"
"Fuck you Kyungsoo." Your words were venomous but the throb between your legs was just as lethal.
"Maybe you'll get the chance to if you fix that mouth of yours princess." He released his grip on you and walked away into the crowd to no longer be seen.
You stood there, thighs threatening to squeeze to ease some of the pressure on your clit. Fuck, maybe your friend was right, you do want to fuck him. You spent all these years trying to deny your urges for him, but tonight you might have to drop the facade to get what you want.
You walked around trying to take your mind off the man you swore you didn't have feelings for. All those drinks had your bladder full so it was time to find a bathroom. A few girls complimented your outfit as you made your way up the stairs through all the kissing couples and groping dudes. Most of the rooms were locked and you know they wouldn't be vacant for a while. Hopefully there was an extra bathroom somewhere before you actually peed on yourself.
Thankfully, the door at the end of the hall lead to a really nice bathroom, its size making you believe it was the master. You took in the restroom in all its glory while you sat on the toilet. Cam's house was huge, his parents must be rich. After releasing all the liquid in your bladder, you went to explore some more. You opened up a few doors that ended up being closets when you heard groans and grunts coming from one of the others and curiosity got the best of you.
When you opened it, you saw him. His head was back and his eyes were squeezed shut, his hand tangled in the girl's hair that had her lips wrapped around his dick. Of course he'd find someone else to suck him off after he kissed you like he loved you not too long ago. He noticed the new stream of light entering the room and looked down to see you standing, watching in the doorway.
He licked his lips and bobbed the girls head faster while keeping piercing eye contact. Shamefully, this had you sopping wet. Your panties were sticking to your core uncomfortably now and seeing how he looked at you made you want to jump him.
"Are you going to stand there frustrated or are you going to come join in?" He was inviting you, seeing if you'd take the bait and let him have his sweet victory.
It's nothing you've never done before and you felt like you would pass out if you didn't cum. Why not take it if he was offering it? You slowly strut over to the bed and climbed on top of it, sitting next to him. He was bucking his hips upwards into her mouth but all his attention was on you. He reached a hand under your skirt, feeling the growing wet patch on your panties. He slid the fabric to the side and teased your folds with his finger.
"You got this wet from watching me or has she been purring since I kissed you earlier?"
He's such a cocky bastard but he was right, you have been no good since that kiss earlier. "Does it matter or are you going to do something about it?"
He clicked his tongue and pinched your clit making you yelp in surprise. "Sit on my face while I think about it." He leaned back so his back was flush against the bed and tugged on your hips. You were turned so that you faced the girl blowing him and your ass pointed towards his face.
He used two fingers to spread your panties to the side and play with your clit, spreading the mess over them before he plunged them into you. You immediately squeezed around his fingers causing him to let out a low moan. He breathlessly told you to take them off and you did so without hesitation, resuming your previous position. His breath danced over your heat, teasing you more with his fingers.
"Kyungsoo-fuck...please just...stop teasing." Your hips were trying to move down onto his mouth but his hands on the back of your thighs kept you in place.
"I thought you could have patience with me? That's what you told me before."
You clenched your teeth in annoyance. You knew he was going to tease you until you were begging, you should have never agreed to this stupid bet. "I didn't come up here to have you annoy me, you make me so sick."
At that, he let go of your thighs, your pussy crashing down on his face. His tongue came out and pressed circles into your clit making you let out a breathy "oh". His arms were wrapped around your thighs, keeping you in place as you squirmed. It felt amazing. 2 out of 3 things were right so far, only one thing left to confirm all the rumors. The girl who diligently bobbed her head, released him with a pop and looked up at you. "You take the dick, I take the balls? My jaw is tired."
A weird thing to bond over, but your mind was fuzzy and you'd do anything to have him keep going. She sunk down lower on her knees and sucked each of them into her mouth, a deep groan coming from him, sending vibrations through your body. You whined when you saw just how big and thick he was, head still leaking precum. You carefully kitten licked up his shaft and at the head. It twitched, leaking even more of the sticky liquid. You glided him into your mouth, hollowing your cheeks as you sucked as far as you could go before his tip touched the back of your throat.
He reached down to hold your head in place as he bucked up into your mouth, his other hand working its fingers into you as he sucked on your clit harshly. You were a moaning mess now, trying to breathe through your nostrils as tears threatened to fall. The hold on your head softened and you took the opportunity to come up and breathe, only resulting in a violent coughing fit.
The salty taste of his precum on your tongue was amazing, you craved more. You wrapped your hand around what barely fit in your mouth. You hadn't noticed you were sharing until your tongue collided with something that felt oddly similar. You and your "new friend" were both kissing at his head, lips occasionally brushing against each other. She looked a lot more drunk than you did but he had you both captured in a spell, so you probably looked no different. He was rolling his hips so it could slide between both your wet mouths.
His fingers picked up the pace now, a knot forming in the pit of your stomach. Your orgasm was close and you hoped he'd let you have it. As expected, he pulled out his fingers and pushed up on you to move you away from him. He tapped on the cheek of the other girl and sat up. His chin glistened with your essence, his eyes dark with lust.
"On the bed, ass up." The was a sense of dominance to his voice, only adding to the slick that your pussy released. When you bent over on the bed, he landed a harsh smack on your ass causing you to lurch forward.
"Fuck Kyungsoo stop..."
"Hmm, you like that? The way your pussy is fluttering right now, I don't think you want me to. Watch." He brought his hand down on the other side, a loud echo in the room. It stung but in the best way possible. You couldn't help but moan into the sheets. "See how much you love it? Tell me how much it makes you wet."
"I'd never do tha-ah!" another smack, this one leaving a handprint.
He sighed deeply, "looks like I have to fuck the brat out of you."
He gave you no time to reply as he lined up with your entrance and slammed inside, your slick walls making it easy for him to move in and out. He was ramming his dick into you, his hands gripping your hips enough to leave bruises. He instructed the other girl to rub her clit while she kissed him and to not stop until she came.
You couldn't see but the kiss sounded sloppy. His thrusts were fast and you weren't sure how he was multitasking right now, or how he hasn't cum yet. He leaned away from the kiss so he could wet his thumb in his mouth and insert it in your ass, adding to the overall pleasure. You were screaming at this point, his dick constantly hitting that gummy spot in you. Your orgasm was quickly approaching again, your eyes rolling back, your toes curling.
"K-kyungsoo, p-please lemme cum this time. Please."
He didn't hear you, or so he acted. Your walls were clenching on him tight, ready to pulse around him if he let you cum. The girl above you screamed his name when she came over her fingers. A few more seconds were all you needed to tip you over the edge, but he slowed in you, almost coming to a complete stop. You craned your neck using all the strength you had left in your body. There better had been a good reason he ruined your orgasm like this.
There was a shift on the bed making you turn your head. The other girl was leaving, looking satisfied with her long awaited release. She left the room as if she wasn't just making out with the man who still has his dick inside you.
"Kyungsoo please just let me cum." You were desperate now, just wanting to finally get things over with so you didn't feel the aching pain anymore.
"I hope you didn't think I was going to let you off easy." He says, lifting you so that your back was pressed against his chest. Even the slight movement sent tingles to your pussy. "You can get what you want when you beg." His hand was around your neck, making you arch against him, his dick moving ever so slightly.
"Why would I do that when you know what I want?" It was hard not being bratty because you were so stubborn. You weren't sure how much more of this you could take though.
He brought his free hand down to slap your clit. "Bad girl, that's not what I wanted to hear."
Your body jolted from the slap, the overstimulation becoming too much to handle. "Please Kyungsoo, I really need to cum."
He was at your ear again, his breath warming your entire body. "Then beg slut." He pushed your head back into the mattress and began to pound into you. Your breath getting caught in your throat as you tried to moan. "Just beg and I'll make you squirt."
The way his dick rubbed against your walls was intoxicating. His name rolled off your tongue like it was the only one you knew. There it was again, that same knot waiting to snap. He knew you were close, that's why he thrust his hips viciously, making you moan and whimper uncontrollably. You had to do it now, you really needed this and God was he making you feel so good.
"Please don't stop, I need your dick to cum. I'm desperate now, please." Tears stained your cheeks as you confessed.
He pulled you up against his chest once again, hand back around your throat. Yet this time, he was plunging his dick so deep in you at this new angle. "Say it again, you're so what?"
"S-so desperate, Kyungsoo please!"
"Good girl, I knew you could do it. You wanna cum on Daddy's dick so badly don't you? Want Daddy to help you cum?" You nodded quickly, not being able to utter a word with his tightening grip around your throat. "Say it. You can do it."
"I want to cum on Daddy's dick, fuuuuck."
He loved hearing you choke out your words, feeling your pussy squeeze him like this. He had you right where he wanted you, having waited for this since he first laid eyes on you. He knew it'd be a challenge since he couldn't control his desires with anyone else. You were perfect but seemingly unattainable as you threw him side eyes and gags in disgust. When you agreed to this bet, he never thought he'd actually succeed but he had to make you believe he would just so he tried harder.
Seeing you here with tears streaming down your cheeks, moaning like it's the best sex you've ever had; he wanted nothing else than to relive this every change he got. Kyungsoo sped up even more feeling your walls twitch around him. There was no stopping this time. His other hand rubbed ruthless circles on your clit, finally giving you the pleasure of reaching your high. You gasped as he let go of your neck, a high pitched call of his name and you squirting all over the bed sheets.
It was mind-blowing. It had you seeing stars, your ears were ringing, your body was limp. 3 for 3, the rumors were all true. Who knew you'd be doing your research tonight? He stilled in you not long after, his warm seed filling you up to the brim. There was no better sight than seeing you all fucked out with his cum dripping out of you; he almost got hard again.
You were still breathing heavily as you tried to recover from your high. You felt the bed dip down and a heavy arm wrapped around your torso. When you opened your eyes, his big ones started back at you.
"I usually wear a condom but I couldn't help myself tonight." He gently rubbed your cheek as he looked in your eyes lovingly. This wasn't the Kyungsoo you were used to. He seemed calm, sweet, loyal. Just the person you needed him to be in this moment.
"Is that what you tell all your hoes?"
He rolled his eyes but a smile crept across his face. "Bratty to the end I see. And no, I've only told you that."
Admittedly that made you blush. Were you the first to fuck him raw? That didn't seem true, but you'd rather believe him for now. There was silence in the room, clashing with the blasting music coming from downstairs.
"Maybe it's time for a reputation change."
You ticked an eyebrow upwards, "Oh? Tired of your bad rep now?"
He smiled again, this time a lot more innocently. "For you? Definitely."
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bbgnyx · 8 months
hiya! thought i’d send in my song req!!
song name: cigarette duet by princess chelsea!
pairing: any skz member or even ot8 x fem reader?
description: reader has been smoking for a while and the boys find out? they’re mad at her for smoking and they stop talking to her.. she disappears and they think it’s their fault but she is secretly in rehab trying to quit smoking?
an: hey anon sorry its so late!! hope you like it!
pairing:!ot8 x fem!reader
Standing on the balcony, you inhaled the smoke from your cigarette, mesmerized by the moon's radiant glow illuminating the night sky. Despite being aware of the health risks, smoking provided you with a temporary escape from reality. The swirling smoke filled your lungs, creating a euphoric sensation within you. Lost in your own world, you failed to hear Minho calling out to you. Startled, you quickly hid the cigarette behind your back, knowing that your friends would be furious if they discovered your secret habit.
Minho, sensing that something was amiss, approached you with tired eyes. "Is that you, y/n?" he whispered, raising an eyebrow. Nervously, you fidgeted with your hands as you replied, "I was just enjoying the night sky, nothing much." However, Minho saw through your facade and swiftly uncovered your hands, revealing the cigarette. Shocked, he looked at you with wide eyes, his disappointment evident. Unable to find the right words, you turned away and hurried back to your room, feeling weak under his gaze.
The next morning, it came as no surprise when the rest of the boys discovered your secret. They all stared at you, waiting for an explanation. Felix, holding your hand, expressed his disbelief, causing you to break down, unable to find the words to justify your actions to your closest friends, who had been by your side since childhood.
They were like the older brothers you never had, and that's what made this situation even more heartbreaking. "You could have confided in us about anything you were going through, you know we're here to support you," Chan said, his eyes filled with genuine concern. You felt a wave of shame for lying to them, but you felt like you had no other choice.
"I-I couldn't tell you guys because I knew you wouldn't agree,” you said, your head hanging low. Hyunjin let out a sigh, "Of course not, why would we ever agree to something that could harm you, y/n? But that's exactly why you should have told us, we could have helped you find the right path." They all looked hurt to realize that you were keeping something so significant from them. You felt guilty too. They had always been there for you, through thick and thin, and now you were betraying their trust.
The rest of the day passed in silence as the boys gave you the cold shoulder. It made you sad, but you understood why they didn't want to talk to you. You had hurt their feelings by keeping such a big secret. They blatantly ignored you, and it made your stomach churn, but there was nothing you could do about it. This continued for the next week as well. You tried to reach out to them, but they refused to respond. Countless nights were spent crying yourself to sleep, wondering if it was worth losing your best friends over this.
Then, one day, you realized that you needed to break free from your addiction and mend things with the boys. So, you packed your belongings and left home... for rehab. You didn't tell the boys because you didn't want to burden them any further, so you quietly left early one morning.
"Hey, have any of you seen y/n?" Binnie asked as he returned from the gym. "No, I haven't. She's probably still asleep," Chan replied, not paying much attention since you were known to be a heavy sleeper in the mornings. It wasn't until after they finished breakfast that they realized you were missing. They searched the entire house but couldn't find you.
They even asked your neighbors if they had seen you, but no one had any information. Panic started to set in as they realized you were nowhere to be found. They called your phone repeatedly, but it went straight to voicemail. Worried sick, they began to fear the worst.
Days turned into weeks, and still, there was no sign of you. The boys were consumed by guilt and regret. They blamed themselves for not being there for you when you needed them the most. They couldn't bear the thought of losing you, their dear friend. Then, one fateful day, a letter arrived at their doorstep. It was from you. In the letter, you poured your heart out, explaining your struggles and your decision to seek help. You apologized for keeping it a secret and expressed your deep gratitude for their friendship.
Tears streamed down their faces as they read your words. They realized that they had been too quick to judge and had failed to see the pain you were going through. They felt a mix of relief and hope knowing that you were taking the necessary steps towards recovery. Without hesitation, they rallied together and decided to support you every step of the way. They researched rehab centers, made phone calls, and even visited you during visiting hours. They wanted you to know that they were there for you, no matter what.
As you went through your journey of healing, the boys became your pillars of strength. They attended therapy sessions with you, learned about addiction, and helped you in every way. They were determined to make amends and rebuild the trust that had been broken. Months passed, and you finally completed your rehab program. You were a changed person, stronger and more resilient than ever before. The boys were there to welcome you back with open arms, tears of joy streaming down their faces.
From that day forward, your bond with the boys grew even stronger. You realized that true friendship was not about hiding your struggles but about being vulnerable and allowing others to support you. Together, you faced life's challenges head-on, knowing that you had a group of friends who would always be there for you.
@straykidsholicleigh @luvyev @kpopsmut2023 @ihrtlix
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