#i hope this is okayyyy <3 we hella gotta plot !
duskwolf · 3 years
@demivampyr / CULLEN, RENESMEE 
   "Honestly, I didn’t get more than three words of that.” Warm brown eyes met the expectant expression in the pair opposite his, a sheepish yet laughing smile forming in the corners of his mouth. Supportive, if not occasionally bored by the sorts of things she was interested in, he’d never been able to completely keep up with her research interests, the things that excited her to the point of trading years of her immortality away to the world of so-called higher education. He’d barely made it out of high school. And that was enough for him. His mind just worked in different ways, puzzled things out in obsessive, non-linear paths, needing the tangible to accompany the theoretical. Doing math on a piece of paper didn’t appeal to him. But doing it on metal did. 
   “You’re goin’ to be great. You totally sound like you know what you’re talking about, y’know. And attitude is half of it.”
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storm-driver · 7 years
How Kingdom Hearts III will probably go down
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First of all, THANKS FOR LIKING MY WRITING STYLE. I TRY MY BEST. To do with the theory I wrote, the huge majority of it was thanks to @derekscorner, who I really couldn’t thank more for letting me post the revised version. Seriously, it got so much attention and I’m so happy that lots of people saw it and liked it.
So... how do I think the ending to Kingdom Hearts III will happen?
*rubs hands together, snickering in the darkness*
Kingdom Hearts III trailers and teasers are SUPER unclear with what the main plot is leading up to. 
We all know that Xehanort is preparing 13 vessels of pure darkness in order to forge part of the X-Blade and plans to use the 7 Hearts of Pure Light, i.e. the Princesses of Heart in order to forge the rest. So to protect the 7 Princesses, we need 7 Guardians of Light. Seems correct, one Guardian per light to ensure that the Princesses aren’t hurt or corrupted in any sort of way. 
This being said, I’m had my fair share of wishing for our beloved and under-developed Kairi to become a Guardian of Light. But plot-wise, it doesn’t make sense. Yes, train Kairi to use her Keyblade so that she may protect herself and her friends! I want my fearless Kairi more than anything!
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(i appreciate the hood with cat ears more than god damn anything else, seriously, she looks so adorable)
But do I really think Sora and company would really risk having Kairi on the front-lines when Xehanort has so easily corrupted people in the past? Sora nearly fell into the Darkness in Dream Drop Distance and almost became another pawn. Not to mention, Riku got pretty damn close some times and Terra literally lost himself in the Darkness. Xehanort is a master tactician who’s manipulative-nature has hurt so many people. 
So instead of having Kairi up front and fighting, I’d think that Riku more than anyone would want her to stay behind, where it’s safe. From there, she’s isolated. And that’s a golden opportunity for someone to go after her. 
And that leads into Lea/Axel’s role. During the Orchestra tour, there was a reading of Kairi’s letter to... someone... about how Lea was really sorry for what had happened to her and that he wanted to make it up to her. He’s going to become protective of her, try to support her in any way he can to atone for what Axel did, kidnapping her out of brash action to get Sora to chase him. 
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You’d assume Sora would be the one to protect Kairi, since he’s clearly one of the Guardians, but he’s having to go out to other worlds, search for the Keyblade of Returning Hearts, the lost Keyblade Wielders, regain his lost strength. Sora can’t stay back with Kairi when there’s something else he has to do. So who’s best to stay with her? Well of course, it’s Lea.
“So.... who’s the seventh Guardian?”
Hey, I didn’t even NAME all of the Guardians. I’ve got reasoning as to why each person on this list is a Guardian. Yeah, that’s right, unlike SOME PEOPLE WHO WON’T RELEASE INFORMATION ABOUT THE GAME, I’ve got EVIDENCE to back my conclusions. Be this reasoning for defensive or offensive action, it should all make sense.
So who ARE the Seven Guardians of Light?
1. Sora
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Quite literally the most obvious one since he IS the main character. But Sora isn’t a guardian to a SPECIFIC light, but rather he’s supposed to maintain caution for all of them. I have the sneaking suspicion we’ll be visiting all of the worlds pertaining to the Princesses of Light, only further backing the idea that Sora is supposed to defend all of them versus focusing on only one.
2. Riku
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With ties to the Darkness, Riku is one of the most fit to defend those from the Darkness. While Sora and Aqua clearly show power to defeating the Darkness with Light, Riku fought valiantly against it using his own combination of both the Light and Dark. After all, Darkness isn’t a bad thing, as we’ve been taught by his character arc. It’s what happened in the past and those that abuse it that give Darkness a bad name. 
3. Aqua
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Having her own experience with the Darkness, living in it for over 12 years and fighting it off for all that time, she will know how to combat it to protect those she cherishes. She knows how to fight Xehanort. She’s the only one BESIDES Terra who’s actually been in a direct fight with Master Xehanort. She understands how to fight the Darkness with Light and could teach it to the others. She’s the expert.
4. Ventus
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This one is a bit dipping into theory zone, but assuming Vanitas and Ventus reformed together as one heart instead of two separate entities, Ventus should have all of Vanitas’ memories and experiences. Which means, to an extent, Ventus should have a pretty good picture of what Xehanort plans to do with the X-Blade once it’s been forged and how to stall that from happening. Even if he hasn’t recovered Vanitas’ memories, he has the most experience fighting him and definitely knows how to fight off the Darkness, which adds into a whole “Vanitas can return” arc and how Xehanort might exploit that, etc. Alongside his brotherly nature and stalwart actions, he’s a perfect candidate for going to recover Terra.
5. Terra/Lingering Will
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Terra is currently in a very questionable state. His heart is sealed inside his body, which is currently being shared with Xehanort. Meanwhile, it appears his will to fight has been sealed inside his armor. And then there’s the fact that Terranort as Ansem’s apprentice gave into the Darkness and created a Heartless and Nobody. His Heartless, Ansem the Seeker of Darkness, held both Xehanort’s and Terra’s hearts captive in it’s Darkness. Meanwhile, his Nobody, Xemnas, held Terranort’s shared body in existence. Both were destroyed and became whole again. But when Terranort reformed... he didn’t look like Terranort, but rather Xehanort has regained his original body. So... where’s Terranort? 
I have reason to believe that Xehanort regained his old body while Terra regained his real one. But seeing as how his will is trapped inside a suit of armor, his body is unresponsive and his heart will not awaken. So Xehanort is holding him somewhere until they reclaim his armor or find some other way to awaken him. That being said, that puts Terra in a prime position to be recovered by Sora and company. He should know everything Xehanort is planning to do and how to combat it. And being that he probably hates Xehanort don’t know why he wouldn’t, he’s hella ready to fight back.
6. Roxas
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OKAY HOLD ON, I KNOW WHAT YOU’RE GONNA SAY, BUT just listen to me okayyyy
Roxas is very hard-set on achieving his goals. He’s stubborn and aggressive when he wants to be, making him a top-notch fighter. He throws what people say over his shoulder and keeps on going. But while he does ignore what people say directly to him, what happens to his friends is what hurts. Roxas puts himself in harms way repeated times throughout 358 in attempts to help those he cares about. I certainly wouldn’t be surprised if his only passion to fight was because he wanted to protect others.
Also, pretty sure this kid has the biggest grudge against Xemnas and will probably not stop being angry until the man has a key in his chest.
7. Mickey
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Because it’s Disney, fuck real reasoning.
You want a PROPER StormDriver™ explanation? ‘Kay, I’ll try.
Mickey, having shown to be such a powerful Keyblade wielder in multiple instances, is clearly adept at taking on the Darkness and protecting other people. He’s basically a pro in all of the instances here, having been fighting the Darkness since before Birth by Sleep. It’s literally experiencing outweighing youth. 
He also probably feels passionate about protecting his 3 friends even though he never met Terra and wants them to all be happy. Ven is in a coma, Aqua is in Hell, Terra is... God knows where. And it’s Xehanort’s fault. He probably wants to avenge them.
“But what’s gonna happen?!”
Kingdom Hearts III is concluding the Xehanort saga. That basically confirms Xehanort is gonna fucking die. We’re not just gonna resurrect everyone and then YAY WE WIN BECAUSE LIGHT AND FRIENDSHIP AND
spare me please
If there’s ANYTHING this franchise has taught me, it’s that Sora Squad does NOT get the easy button. 
In order to properly prepare for the oncoming battle with Xehanort, there is literally a to-do list for this game’s plot.
Find Aqua and hope she’s not dead.
Find Ventus and his missing heart.
Find out what the fuck even happened to Terra.
Retrieve the Keyblade of Returning Hearts.
Ensure all of the Princesses of Heart are okay.
Honestly, the list goes on and on. There’s so much shit we’ve gotta do to make this turn in the hero’s favor. Which means this game is gonna be HELLA long and probably REALLY FUN. 
Upon completing said to-do list, odds are shit hit the fan and someone got hurt. Discrepancy in their ranks is gonna lead to them half-way losing the battle against Xehanort, the X-Blade is gonna be forged, Kingdom Hearts is gonna fuck shit up. And then the heroes and heroines are gonna have to try to fix it with the power of friendship or some bullshit like that.
It’s honestly too soon for me to make any kind of real theories about this game, considering we have a grand total of 3 cutscenes from the trailers.
(In case you’re wondering, I’m referring to the scene of Sora holding the Master’s Keeper keyblade from the first trailer, the conversation between Pete, Maleficent and Hades, and the scene where Xemnas accuses Sora of using the Darkness.)
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IF we get more stuff outta the D23 trailer, I’ll be able to say more. But I seriously can’t make any real theories besides ones that beat the old games even more.
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