#i hope they mention jeric
feralboimurphy · 16 days
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darthenderson · 1 year
So, I went back and rewatched Boy Meets World and Girl Meets World (at the same time). Heres the thoughts:
I watched Girl Meets World before (when it came out in like middle school/high school; I’m in college now so it’s been a while) and since I’m a Boy Meets World fan I thought I would go back and rewatch it.
Boy Meets World is amazing. The storylines, the characters, everything else; I will always love that show and I often rewatch it.
Girl Meets World is 95% hot fucking garbage. Like I get it’s a Disney channel show- it’s not going to be the greatest thing ever- but good god this is a mess. The writers didn’t really get to tell the story they wanted because of Disney, at least I hope that’s what happened instead of actually thinking that this would be on the same level as Boy Meets World.
The 5% of the show I enjoyed was:
- Eric’s episodes
- Eric and Tommy’s reunion
- Eric and Jack’s reunion
- Seeing more of Cory and Topanga’s relationship
- Some of Shawn’s episodes
- Some of Farkle, Smackle, or Maya’s scenes (definitely not a lot of them though)
- Stuart Minkus’ appearances (and Jennifer too)
- Feeny and the other original characters making cameos too
The rest of Girl Meets World I kinda hated.
For example:
- they did Angela dirty (like, wtf? They acted like she wasn’t close friends with Cory, Topanga, and the other characters before she left in Boy Meets World; it seemed like they made some of the characters mad at her (Riley) for no reason at all, she did nothing wrong in my opinion. And I would have loved to see more of her, like as an Aunt to Riley and Auggie or something)
- they did Jack dirty too (he would’ve definitely stayed in contact with at least Eric and Shawn, being as close as they were on Boy Meets World. And why wasn’t he at Shawn’s wedding? Also, we should’ve seen more of him after the semi formal episode, and jeric should have happened)
- no Rachel appearances (I would have loved to see her again, and she did stay in contact with Eric, as mentioned in the show, so she could’ve come back)
- the annoying ass Riley, Maya, Lucas love triangle
- the fact that they still didn’t make jeric happen (I need them to happen. They would be so cute! Just look at them:⬇️)
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- Mr Turner not having more scenes (I hated that he wasn’t at Shawn’s wedding- like we knew he was in NYC, he could’ve been there- and that he wasn’t in more scenes, especially ones with Shawn)
- the whole “Maya is turning into Riley and they have to stop it” arc. (It was- like the love triangle- annoying, long, and unnecessary. And people do change in high school- and often do a full 180 to their personality; I know I did, and on the Boy Meets World universe Harley Kenner did too. I didn’t even notice the change until it was outright said on the show, and I think the characters discouraging this was just wrong. Yes, Maya did change a lot throughout the show, but that is good. It shows growth, it shows a character arc, that her life is getting brighter and she has more hope, and I still saw Maya as the same character at that point. Anyway, I think that this whole arc was just bad, but I think that Maya still was a good character- she was just poorly written sometimes)
And let’s not forget the two biggest reasons I hate this sequel:
- Joshaya (that relationship was creepy as hell now that I’ve watched the show as an adult, in middle school I didn’t really see why people disliked it, but now I get it. I mean at the end of the series Josh is a FRESHMAN IN COLLEGE (around 18) and Maya is a FRESHMAN IN HIGH SCHOOL (around 14 or 15), them doing what they do on the show is illegal. And Josh saying that he’ll “play the long game” too and wait for her? Ew. Just ew. That makes it so much worse; it implies that he’s waiting until she’s 18 or in college and that’s just disturbing and disgusting for a Disney channel show and in general. Overall: Joshaya is gross and illegal and should’ve never been a thing and other characters should not have encouraged it on the show)
- “Girl Meets Farkle” (the infamous autism focused episode. I loved the fact that it had representation for autism, but I hated the way this episode was handled and written. This was by far the worst part of the show for me. I hated the way that some of the characters (Riley, Maya, Lucas) reacted when Farkle said he might be autistic. They acted like it was some horrible thing to be autistic, (which- as a human being and recently diagnosed person with autism- I found offensive) seriously they acted like autism was going to kill him (I’m not joking, that’s how they reacted) and they even went as far as to make Farkle mask who he was in one scene when Farkle said that he identified with some signs of autism. Like, all he wanted was support from his friends when he was getting tested and figuring things out, and all he got was hate from them. And I hate that other characters (and the writers of the show) didn’t see this too and change things or put a stop to it. They also used some outdated language to describe the spectrum on the show, which didn’t help things at all. For a lot of people and viewers, this was the first time they really learned about or saw anything about the spectrum and autism and this is just a horrible way to learn about this. Additionally, I loved Smackle’s whole story and telling how she got diagnosed, but I hated how some characters (Riley and sometimes Maya) treated her throughout the show. As an example: Smackle, as shown in the series, doesn’t often like hugs or physical contact (like me sometimes) and she makes it known, but Riley still fucking tries to hug her constantly and it’s so irritating! I know that if I was having a moment like that, as I often do, and someone tried to hug me like that I would be very uncomfortable and upset, so this whole thing they do with those interactions on the show just pisses me off. Overall: this episode of the show was offensive and horrifying, mostly because of the way the show frames autism and the way that the other characters react to Farkle and his potential diagnosis and Smackle with her actual diagnosis.
In conclusion to my long ass rant:
Me at Boy Meets World:
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Me at Girl Meets World:
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jericgutierrez · 3 years
Hello World!
Hello all! My name is Jeric Gutierrez and I am broke. I am also a college student. I am also also have a part time job, so life is kind of hectic right now. Between balancing essays and greeting customers, I often find it hard to find time to budget for personal care activities such as laundry, cleaning, and of course cooking. However, with this food blog, I can show you that not only can you find the time to cook and cook on a budget, but you can also cook more than just your simple pancakes and bacon.
Recently, I had just moved out of my parents’ home, so adjusting to the adult life is daunting, and while I did cook meals every now and then when I was living with my parents, it feels like a completely different beast having to rely on yourself for sustenance. The beauty of this food blog is not only to discover cheap, quick, and tasty meals but also to act as my first foray into adulting. Throughout this food blog, you will see the beginnings of me growing up, and there may be some missteps along the road. Whether that be burned recipes or missed steps in said recipes, we will all learn together.
I am also interested in diving into the backgrounds of these dishes. Being Filipino, I am really interested in Filipino dishes, and I take this blog as an opportunity to not only cook Filipino dishes but to also learn some history behind my culture. And of course, these recipes will not be exclusive to Filipino dishes, so this will not only be an excursion into my culture but into a wide array of various cultures.
I hope you enjoy my food blog. This should be a fun and educational experience for both of us!
It comes to mind that I should leave some general tips in this introduction, so...
General tips!
You are going to see a lot of recipes that I serve over rice. One thing I always recommend if you are going to be cooking rice even once a month is to invest in a rice cooker! Get outta here with that stovetop rice stuff! It’s so easy with a rice cooker. Just pour rice into your rice pot, wash your rice, fill the pot with water on a 1:1 rice to water ratio (i.e. 1 cup of water = 1 cup of rice), and place in the rice cooker to cook. Easy! And for those who think it would be too expensive for you since you don’t eat rice that often, I bought my rice cooker from Target for $20. Even if you only eat rice once a month, it is WORTH IT!
Speaking about rice: WASH YOUR RICE! It removes the starch from the rice. It’s the same reason you wash potatoes before making french fries. It just tastes better!
Costco Tips!
I have actually worked membership at Costco, and throughout this blog I will constantly recommend buying from Costco, so here’s a breakdown of the different memberships Costco offers and which one would be right for you
Gold Star Membership
Costco’s Basic membership
Enough to get you in and out of the store
Executive Membership
Receive 2% rebate check at the end of your term. The check is based on how much you spend in store and online. This 2% reward also includes vacations booked through Costco Travel!
Various discounts on services offered through Costco  
So I get constantly get asked which is the better membership to get, and I always answer it depends. For starters, the baseline spending you want to be doing as an Executive member is about $250/month or $3000/year. That would be enough for a $60 check, essentially breaking even with the gold star. If you’re spending more than that, UPGRADE TO THE EXECUTIVE as you will be getting a cheaper membership in the long run. Also, this next policy varies from store to store, so it would be wise to ask the membership clerk whether or not they will honor it. At both my previous and current stores, we have a policy set in place where if your rebate check is less than what you paid for in upgrade fees, Costco will reimburse you on the money you lost. So say you pay the extra $60 to upgrade from a gold star account but you only received a $50 check. Take that check to the membership desk and they will reimburse you $10. From there you are more than free to downgrade for your next term. If your warehouse does honor this policy, I always recommend first time members sign up for Executive since it’s impossible to lose money on this venture. If your check is less than $60, we reimburse you. If it’s more, then you pay less for your membership. 
Oftentimes members want to try out the Gold Star membership first to see how their spending habits track before upgrading, and I always recommend against this. You don’t know how many times I’ve checked an account only to see that if they had been Executive members in the first place, they would have already had a check worth $90. So to reiterate, if your warehouse has the reimbursement policy mentioned above, START OUT AT EXECUTIVE! You won’t lose out on potential rewards that way and we’ll reimburse you if your check does not cover the upgrade fee.
In my experience, families of 4 or more typically benefit from the Executive membership. Also consider any large purchases you are planning on making in the near future. If you are buying a TV, for instance, it’s always worth considering upgrading before said purchase.
Some other things to note about the memberships, you aren’t locked in to one membership once you sign up. You are always free to upgrade or downgrade anywhere within your term. Also the Costco Anywhere Visa Card is a great additional card to sign up for if you are good with credit cards. You get 4% on gas at any gas stations that accept Visa Credit Cards, an extra 2% on Costco purchases, 3% on travel booked through Costco Travel and on restaurants, and 1% on everything else. For the gas alone, I recommend this to most people because that gets me at least $3 a month just from using the card. That may not sound like a lot until you realize that that's over half of a Goldstar membership at the end of the year. All from paying for gas. Plus you get an extended warranty (an extra 2 years on top of whatever warranty is offered) on your Costco purchases. There also aren't any annual fees with this card.
So to recap, if you spend over $250 a month, invest in the Executive. If you are good with credit cards, get the visa card. Ask if your warehouse honors that reimbursement policy. If they do, get the Executive. Your wallet will thank you.
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For the director's cut ask! What was the thought process / inspiration behind creating certain changeling OC characters like Ashur and Sadik? And are there any plot moments you're excited about with these characters? ALSO ⭐
On the Cutting Room floor.
Aaaaahhh oh boy, okay. So I mentioned once before that the Through the Fires series originally started as a series of letters from Dictatious to his brother, ending at the start of the Battle of Killahead and signifying Dictatious' presumed death. I made it to about letter three before realizing that Dictatious had made way too many references to a Changeling, who was known then, to Dictatious and I, As the Thracian. 
I didn't know the changeling well and it was clear he wasn't willing to reveal much except that he would be working closely with Stricklander. Subsequent revisions forced me to give up on the idea of letter writing. What came next was Underneath the Shadowed Moon which would later be named Deliverance.
By this time the Thracians personality kept changing.  But interactions proved he was a weird combo of my family.
When he was Jovial, and Mischievous one moment, he'd remind me in looks and personality of my Uncle and Myself. He'd say things I've said out loud, things I wished I said and of things my uncle has said to me.
 Other times he'd be tired and fatherly. His advice and patience along with the general air of being overworked was An odd combination of my mother and grandfather. And sometimes he'd cold and sarcastic. An uncomfortable mirror of myself in my worst moods. 
Sometimes he was born and raised in Syria, other times he was from lands that would later be known as Turkey. Often He had some connection to the Romans.
  Beneath the Shadowed Moon was growing too big in size. By my third revision though The Thracian featured prominently throughout the story refused to solidify.  Even his name was becoming an issue. Names left on the cutting room floor: Talaos, Amir, Jeric, Karim.
The story was getting too long, and I made the decision to split it into three parts. Fall of Damascus (completed) The Sun, The Line and The Cave(completed) and, finally, Deliverance (in progress).  And it was in the first paragraph of Damascus, that the Thracian decided to make things easier for me and split himself into three different characters.
 Nico, I'm sure you can guess who. Lol.
Sadik Demir, Ashur Medina, and Quintus Aurelius Celsus. The rest, as they say, is history.
There are lots of plot moments I am excited about. None that I can go into without giving a hint to the endgame. Be prepared for laughs, battles, and tears. All things must end. And so must this answer lol. Chapter 5 of Deliverance is making slow, but steady progress and will be released soon. 
I'll leave you with this, parts of the original story that you'll probably see again, though the names will have changed.  Can you guess who is who now?
“Lord?” Talaos asked shifting in his saddle to send him a glare, barely keeping his anger out of his voice. 
“It is what they called you.”
“A meaningless title.” he shrugged, setting his horse to trot in the direction of the watchtower. 
“It carries meaning to them Stricklander.” Revision 2 pg 5.
Bhaltair in the hopes of focusing on something other than the pain watched as Julian back stepped away from his mother's work and looked up at  Talaos who was now pouring his third cup of wine. Talaos waggled his brows at the boy and offered him the cup, his brown eyes dancing mischievously as he caught Bhaltair watching the interaction. Julian looked at the cup, and then back at his mother who was still too focused on Stricklander’s wound and quickly leaned up to take a sip. Stricklander smiled as Talaos bit his fist in an attempt to prevent himself from laughing as the boy’s face twisted in disgust.- Revision 3, pg 12
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godrive · 5 years
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Growing at an unstoppable rate  year-on-year, Global Dominion Financing Inc. (GDFI) is certainly one of the best financing companies in the Philippines today and the following decades, considering its powerful workforce, committed top talents, flexible structure, innovative tools and processes, competitive products and services, data-centric operations, and last but not the least, positive culture. Its products have been evolving to be tailor-fit to Filipinos’ needs, including OFW Loan, Pinoy Abroad Loan, Seaman’s Loan, Doctors Loan, Car Loan (Sangla OR/CR), Car Financing, Truck Loan, Truck Financing, Medical Equipment Financing, and Business Loan.
As usual, people wonder who the man is on top of it all – actually, it’s a woman!
Driven by her utmost passion to make an impact, fate swayed Patricia Poco-Palacios (PPP) to Global Dominion Financing Inc., where she now leads as its General Manager (GM). “The financing space, as a service business, really gave me opportunities to apply my creativity, made me discover that there’s so much more for me to learn, and made me realize how much its products help people and communities,” Patricia said in an interview. The rock star GM is one of the firsts, if not the first, to initiate the use of cash cards for loans releasing, and delimit repayment options to just post-dated checks, in the face of the lending industry in the Philippines.
A marketing graduate from De La Salle University (DLSU), Patricia achieved one of her first successes being named as among the 2004 Agora Youth Awards’ Ten Outstanding Students by the Philippine Marketing Association (PMA). Patricia Poco-Palacios further sharpened her mind and skills with another academic tool, finishing Masters in Business Administration (MBA) in the Ateneo Graduate School of Business.
Culture And Commitment
Looking back, she never really imagined the company growing this big and herself enjoying developing more and more people for more than a decade. Trusting that nothing’s impossible and staying committed helped blossom the best in the people and in the organization. When she started taking over a leadership role, Patricia started transforming the company’s culture, to deliver results with a few questions in mind.
Can people really perform better with fear?
Are there processes or ways which are no longer applicable and could result to improvement if eliminated?
How are employees supported to achieve their goals? Are they being trained? Are they being coached to get from point A to point B?
What are the consequences of measuring new employees in the same manner done for the experienced ones? Is that even fair?
Are people aware of the good there is in them?
Transformed by a series of training and personal development programs herself, Patricia introduced learning concepts and actual training sessions to the team. “The main thesis of the coaching process is that people are good; it’s just a matter of helping them discover the good in them and be the good they are,” she uttered. Needless to say, through PPP, GDFI’s growth direction is being supported by developing people and keeping a collaborative environment.
And because the organization immensely invests in its people, letting go is definitely the toughest part of the job. But Patricia knows that letting go helps keep the organization far from mediocrity, keeps balance and fairness, and actually sends others to better places where they could potentially discover the best in them.
“My hope is, that everyone gives their best not just because the company invested in them through several training and development programs, but also for themselves, because they really want to be their best,” the General Manager added.
GDFI’s very own Assistant General Manager, Jeric Cornejo, and the General Manager of Global SME, formerly GDFI’s South GMA Area Manager, Jan Wesley Albajera, are just two of the living testimonies to the company’s development culture and commitment.
Fast Talk With PPP
To failures: “Oh my, we failed! Well, yes we really did. But what’s the lesson?”
To the ever-changing sky-high targets: “Wow, what am I going to learn this time in the process of getting there?”
To GDFI as an organization: “Global is a force for good, transforming our employees to the better versions of themselves, and helping more and more people with their financing needs.”
To the past: “I am kinder now to people and to myself (a bunch of laughs).”
To the competition: “That’s what we have been preparing for!”
The Leader She Is
Dubbed as the great development counselor and lead innovator by many, Patricia finds it hard to use just a few words to describe her own leadership style. But help isn’t scarce in Global Dominion, and so I got a few statements. Jennie Mamerto from Finance describes the General Manager as ‘straightforward’ and ‘objective’. “In a coaching session with her, which by the way you wouldn’t notice that it’s a coaching session, she will help you solve a problem yourself and discover that you actually have everything you need to resolve it,” Jennie added. Abbey Blanco, Head of Systems Admin department, said that Ma’am Pat will “help bring out the best in you, and to treat problems or failures as challenges which can be resolved.” Forbes Financial Consultancy Corporation (FFCC) President Chito Francisco R. Dizon (CFRD) had the following words to describe the GDFI leader “very innovative and responsive to market deviations” – the very characteristics required to lead a reputable financing institution to the right direction.
“Passionate and full of energy. Her optimism and positive outlook affect and inspire the troops,” Robert Jordan Jr. (RBJ), Asialink Group of Companies Chief Executive Officer (CEO) stated, describing Palacios.
Welcoming 2019 With A Bang!
Probably just as curious and excited as everyone else, PPP reiterated that aside from taking action to hit higher targets and continuously making significant headway in strengthening our commitment to our employees and consultants, GDFI will be more focused in building stronger long-term relationships with its clients, and understanding them more with the help of data and technology for the year to come and beyond.
Truly, nothing’s going to get in the way of GDFI to be the leading force in expanding financial inclusion globally, by helping individuals and businesses accelerate the achievement of their full potential through innovative loan products and services, such as Non-collateral Low Interest Multi-purpose Cash Loan for OFWs, Non-collateral Fast Personal Cash Loan for Doctors, Non-collateral Low Interest Multi-purpose Personal Loan for Seafarers, Car Collateral Loan (Sangla OR/CR), Second-hand Car and Truck Financing, Car Loan Takeout, Non-collateral Low Interest Multi-purpose Cash Loan for Pinoys Abroad, Truck Collateral Loan (Sangla Truck OR/CR), Tricycle Collateral Loan, Medical Equipment Financing, and Modified Business Loan.
“There is still a lot of things to accomplish and a lot more to improve on. As one of our key officers mentioned, we have barely scratched the surface of what GDFI is capable of. We are proud of our achievements, but we still have a long way to go to help make things better for the Filipinos here and everywhere across the globe!” Patricia Poco-Palacios pronounced closing her interview.
For inquiries about this article please shoot an email to [email protected]. To apply for a loan product now, just click here!
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