#i hope s4 is able to clear it up 😩
luckyqueenreign · 2 years
(sorry for ranting so much, i just feel so disappointed. also sorry if it doesn’t make sense, i’m not great at putting my thoughts to words <3)
ugh i’m so frustrated. i have been trying to keep a positive outlook on litg since they came back with s4 & s5 because there was a lot of negativity, but it’s just getting so difficult now. other people have already said it, but our mc has to deal with so much bullshit and just be okay with it. i want to play as the main character, i’m completely okay with drama and lis not being perfect but it just feels like no one actually fucks with us. i want to feel wanted, and not them just saying they want me then moving to someone else. we have practically no cute moments with our li (or just the ability to be able to fuck around with anyone atp). it feels like our mc has no autonomy, we’re like a human punching bag.
both seasons have felt so rushed, almost half of the lis in s4 were only available at the last recoupling. from only being interested in oliver in s4, i already know i don’t like getting my li at the end. it doesn’t feel rewarding at all because they haven’t put the effort into making the slow burns or love at first sight routes satisfying. i’m just so disappointed that the same thing is going to happen this season. and not only for suresh. literally every li is last minute. and they are all not good. i really would love to know what they were thinking this season.
it’s so infuriating because i would have loved it if they just gave it the time it needed. i wish they would have added more episodes and spread it out. if all the characters are going to be so unlikeable, give us more time to watch them develop and possibly redeem themselves. because there is no way that they will be able to give every character a redemption, give us our recouplings, dumpings, challenges, the finale and just time with our lis in 12 episodes. i find the plot genuinely interesting, and i like the idea of our ex fighting for the opportunity to get back with us. the tension they could have created and the breaking point moment. ugh it could have been so good. and even though it wasn’t how i imagined it, if they made casa suresh’s redemption it still could have worked. to come back, pull mc for a chat to clear things up immediately. no more games. but they had to add more drama...
the worst part personally is that i usually just fall in love with a character and only do their route on each season (even if i want to try other routes). and i already fell in love with the idea of suresh in my head. so whilst i’m seeing these really cute moments with finn, i just can’t get into it because i’m stuck on suresh. :(((
(thank you for reading this far. i just wanted to say, thank you for giving us a space to rant about the game. i love seeing your posts and reading your writing! i’m v excited for your future fics. hope you have a great day <333)
aww babe thank you 💖🥰🤗
also im literally the same as you I get so fixated on a character that I love and I just keep repeating that route over and over again. its why ive done Noah so many times. Honestly before casa its was rough but I enjoyed those last few episodes with suresh enough to want to keep doing his route again. Him losing his shoe 😩😩😩 I would play over and over just for that scene. I love jealous Suresh...but whyyyy did they feel the need to inject MORE drama. WEVE HAD ENOUGH. IM TIRED. every week I go in with optimism that its going to finally calm down and FB just throws another bomb at us. its just too much😭
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Tell me one thing, is avery dead or alive? I could not understand and super confused. Did they show it at all?
I think Beau's future kinda depends on it now. If Avery is dead - and then he dies a hero - there is a chance of Beau and Carla to reunite (if beau makes it 🥺🤞), if something worse happens to emily (i hope not) then with a ground of shared trauma; if not then maybe back to Houston to be the old happy family... Or maybe an open ending with some implications like that.
On the other hand if Avery is alive there is a high chance of Beau- Jenny pairing now (if beau is alive too) Now that Avery risked his life for Emily Beau will not hold the same hostility towards him, will accept him and then only he will be able to move on from Carla and be a free man to love again. That will be a big development for Beau and everyone will be happy. They might keep it open with a clue of beau and jenny to become a thing. And if it is the last season (i dont know if season 4 is coming) it might be a good ending for Jenny as well.
Now I don’t know what’s in the writer's mind. Going to rewatch once to clear the confusion 🫠
Good question! Let's chat below!
I think we're meant to think Avery's dead, but he may have had a vest on. That's the only way he would survive two close up shots to the chest like that. We'll have to wait til next week, I guess! 😩
I don't think Beau has softened in his view of Avery very much. But maybe a bit. I also think if anything (more) happens to Emily, that would put the nail in the coffin of Beau and Carla's relationship. Healthy, loving couples often can't survive the loss of a child. With their messed up history, I highly doubt that would bring them together.
As I see it now, either Beau will save Emily and they'll move back to Houston as a family, bonded over their survival. Or everyone will stay on in Big Sky country and Beau may end up with Jenny. 🙌🫶
I think everything hinges on 1. Whether the show gets picked up for S4 and 2. Whether Jensen stays on.
If the show is ending (no Season 4) they may "wrap up" the show with allusions to Jenny and Beau getting together as well as Cassie and Cormac. That gives the girls a kind of "end" - finding success in their personal and professional lives.
But if the show continues and Jensen doesn't sign on for S4, they'll probably just send the family back to Houston. (Even if that fact isn't conveyed to the audience until the beginning of S4!)
If there is a S4 and Jensen does come back, then there's a decent chance for Beau and Jenny as well. More 🙌🫶😁
All will be decided in the not too distant future!
As always, Nonny, thanks so much for the ask and for chatting Big Sky with me! ❤️
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tinned-beef · 2 years
Hello! I'm rewatching TUA and I was thinking about why the world had to end .... why it seems like no option to not have the world end. And when the handler said "some things had to end" it came to my mind that maybe they meant Reginald Hargreeves schemes? What if the Commission worked against Reginald and at the end of Season 3 they failed? Cause with the apocalypse happening (1 & 2) Reginald would've never been able to reset the universe. I just .... I'm having emotions right now. And poor Five blames himself for everything, poor man just can't win in this.
sorry this took me a bit to answer!
but woah- you bring up a really good point! the idea that the commission has been trying to stop reginald this whole time is really interesting!! i’ve seen people theorize before that they could be working together, but never really thought about it the other way!
although, i can’t help but wonder why reginald offed himself in s1 then. it doesn’t make sense to die when his main goal was to reset the universe? unless he already had the events of the past three seasons planned out?? idk, reginald’s motives have always been a bit confusing to me.
i 100% agree with your last statement haha, poor five. it seems like this little guy always loses, always gets dealed the worst hand, always ends up with the short end of the stick. the fact that he still keeps going despite that really is admirable though, it’s one of the reasons why he’s my favorite character!
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terraether · 2 years
for the last 6 years ever since the legend of korra series finale aired in which Bryke chastised the audience for watching the show thru “hetero lenses” I have exclusively lived my life and consumed media thru HOMO lenses (has nothing to do with the fact I am gay and enjoy queer media analysis 👀). So, here’s a ranking of the st4 characters according to how difficult it was for me to analyze them thru these “hetero lenses”:
1. Max & Lucas - not at all difficult
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These two are the easiest for me to read as not gay. Obviously being in a m/f relationship does not negate queerness altogether but for the sake of mainstream media as big as stranger things, it all but does. I -1/10 relate to them which is how I know, they are hetero, and it takes no effort for me to believe it. I used to read max as queer I guess due to her tomboy attitude but after seeing her in Taylor swift atw video I cannot unsee her as straight idk why this is just my brain
2. Dustin - not at all difficult
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Dustin is a straight boy. He could possibly be hc as ace or demi if I think about it, but it takes more effort for me to think about a queer hc than accepting him as straight which is why he ranks this high up. I love 1 (one) straight boy
3. Jonathan - not very difficult
Jargyle is awesome and I love it. But also jonathan has the energy of the difficult alt guy that lands the popular girl and he just is never quite the same without her. They’ll part ways maybe for a while, but in the end he never searched for another love. They find their way back to each other and marry. He says, “I’ve only ever been with you.” It’s said as romantic, it reads a little creepy. She blushes. The end. So yeah outside of his alt boy “I don’t fit in” personality and his possible stoner make out sessions with his 1 true bro argyle it is not hard to see the hetero.
4. Joyce & Hopper - somewhat difficult
I ship jopper so hard BUT! Winona Ryder gives off so much queer lesbian energy that it does take me some time to push aside my gay lenses to accept that Joyce loves men (especially after s1 Joyce’s hair and outfit…). But they are, in the end, believably straight and the gays support them!!
5. Jane / El - pretty difficult
The early seasons she read so queer, I related to her so much. She didn’t understand gender norms and she didn’t look conventionally feminine and she just rocked all these cool outfits and looks and it was a vibe. However, by s4 it is clear to me she is a typical cis teen girl. The only reason she ranks #5 is bc it is pretty difficult for me to believe she is straight. I very strongly hc her as pansexual, she just seems like she has a lot of love to give and that gender would not be a barrier for her feelings (tho society would.)
6. Nancy - pretty difficult
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I saw the excitement over ronance on this site after the trailers but I did not get it, Nancy is Straight TM and there was no proof they’d even get along let alone be gfs but Um, these scenes from s4 are making it harder for me to blindly look thru hetero lenses. She’s giving bi energy and it’d be so cute to see her flirt with Robin and be all bashful about it.
7. Steve - difficult
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I have read steve as bi since s2? I think? And then when he accepted Robin after she came out I thought hm it’s the perfect opportunity for steve to explore his own sexuality! And s4 just strengthens my beliefs. He can’t get a gf?? Well to me that’s clearly bc he is discovering his interest in men and a gf just isn’t what he wants rn. However, I recently realized that steve has probably become the duffer’s self insert character so I am able to read him as straight and see thru the hetero lenses that his gf troubles probably root in I guess lingering feelings for *cringe* nancy 😩
8. Mike - very difficult
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Mike is in the same boat as steve in my eyes. His actions just read gaygaygay panic to me. His interactions with will seem to give a hope to will that could only mean “omg my best friend also has a gay crush on me!!” However because this is a huge heteronormative show I am reluctantly able to see thru the hetero lenses that mike is probably just an idiot boy who is struggling with ~feelings~ and communication with his long distance gf, as well as just missing the closeness of his lifelong best friend. (But then I remember the scenes again and I’m like wait??? No way, it’s gotta all be gay!!)
9. Eddie - very difficult
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Eddie to me is a gay man. I am able to put on the hetero lenses since he’s like a super popular handsome male character in this huge show in our wonderfully heteronormative world, which they certainly designed to appeal to the straight female audience (I think?? LOL) but ultimately I do not know enough about him yet to readily conclude that the writers have even made any conclusions about him. Because of this, it’s hard for me to believe he’s straight since it looks likely that he’ll die before any romantic storyline with him is addressed at all. He’s ~~ambiguous~~
10. Will & Robin - impossible
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Soooo Robin is canon lesbian and therefore IMPOSSIBLE to see thru hetero lenses !!! Will is also pretty much canon gay man (I say pretty much because he is written and coded with gay storylines but he himself is only now arriving to conclusions about himself so it can only be canon in words once he is able to speak it. However this does not negate the canon fact that he is a gay character and has been this whole time even before he knew it. That’s just how life is for gay ppl sometimes). Will is impossible for me to view through hetero lenses and idk WHAT I’d do if they somehow pulled a reverse bryke, made will hold hands with a girl and then post series finale chastised us all for watched with our “homo lenses” (LOL COULD YOU IMAGINE?!?)
Bonus: Argyle - file not found
He just has that energy of creed from the office telling how he’d get so fucked up in the 70s on drugs that if gay shit happened then gay shit happened and I think that’s beautiful
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