#i hope i understood that question correctly
66sharkteeth · 2 months
In terms of Jericho and his scion, do you think he actually understands the differences in how Rex/Edgy and themselves see the world? Is he self aware enough to spot the reason behind different approaches, or do you think that for him this is some betrayal of one of the only people he thought would truly understand?
Yeah, I think he's pretty aware. He even elaborated on it a bit back in ep 144- Beyond Repair:
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He knows Rex grew up with a (in his opinion, false) hope for humans so it's harder for him to achieve the level of hate they do. He has a harder time recognizing the relationship his scion has with them, though. I think he does assume that Edgy (Rex's scion) should just hate them as much as he does, but he's not acknowledging that Edgy grew up seeing Rex receive love, and that now that's all it really wants. Jericho's scion grew up learning nothing but hate, but Rex's grew up seeing love everywhere and jealous it couldn't have any.
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lucienarcheron · 9 months
Hi. It's been a while since I read ACOWAR. Is there an untold conversation between Elain and Lucien? I don't remember that.
Hello darling! Outside of the scenes in the library, when they sit for tea after the healer sees Elain, and when he finds her and Feyre after the battle, we don’t see them having a conversation alone.
There are two instances where they were left to chat alone: before he goes to find Vassa and after the war when they go to wash up. Whatever was said, we obviously didn’t get to be there for it SADLY.
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tsarjozinzbazin · 11 months
As a Driller player which Driller grenade is your favorite? Also which grenade is the favorite for each of your cast?
My favourite Driller throwable is definitely the impact axe! it's great for any build and provides good single target damage as well as AOE damage!
Fav Gunner grenade is definitely lead burster, nothing like one shotting a bulk with two of those.
Fav Scout throwable is the boomerang! I just like the utility of it. plus it's good for stuff like shredder drones and shockers as well as swarmers.
For Engie it's obviously the shredder drones, though I do enjoy me a little bit of hitting the griddy up on them haters with the L.U.R.E. !
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puexii · 4 months
14!!!! (From the ask thing)
14. What do you like drawing the most
mmmm I think imma say eyes, they're fun to doodle and they can be drawn in many different looks and have many expressions and stuff. I like to doodle them when I'm bored or unmotivated I think hrhrr :]
Here are some eyes and other doodle from my sketchbook
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Oh ye in that last image I was able to somehow draw some pretty good cloth folds, smth I generally can't do :P
Oh and the first two pics are from November so they're several months old ig
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heroesspirit · 7 months
Sorry if this sounds confusing but, any reason why you chose the way to make the character designs in your Loz comic? Was it just art style or was it based of someone else’s? I just love the way they look it’s so adorable!
Thank you, I think I'm understanding correctly! A lot of it was just the vibes, or I took inspiration from things in the games. Sailor's look is meant to compliment Tetra's, Twilight is in his Ordon outfit but more cowboy, and Eras I wanted to invoke almost a Roman General sort of vibe. And so on! I didn't really have much prior inspiration since I hadn't heard of Linked Universe, though I did read the comic while I was in the process of making mine so I could make sure none of my designs didn't look too much like LU.
As far as the actual artstyle, that's just how I draw! I'm sure I've drawn inspiration from elsewhere, but there's nothing really specific I can think of? A staple for me as long as I can remember is big noses and fluffy hair. I use a pretty obscure art program (art studio pro) and have default brushes that aren't really in the popular programs from what I can tell? So I think that also helps give my art a certain look to it.
Thanks again! <3
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bekkomi · 8 months
His corazon tattoo art was BEAUTIFUL, I felt like biting and tattooing myself with the same tattoo as him!!! Your art in general is beautiful and I'm sorry if this sounds like one of those clueless questions... but about the corazon tattoo, I really considered tattooing because it's an art that touched me in a way I didn't expect to be possible (I miss him so much omg). If the makes you uncomfortable, feel free to delete it! but what do you think about? I'm sorry for the bad English!!
It honestly wouldn't be the first time a tattoo design I drew up was used as reference, I don't mind at all, just send pics if you do get them!
Thank you for appreciating my art too!!<3
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pola-artist · 10 months
are ya invested in anyones lore or at least intrested?
Hmm, well, if the fact that I periodically draw fanarts to a person and sometimes add myself to his story counts, then...
I'm a little in touch with @theindescribable1 , although in fact I know very little about his lore.
If we talk about those that interest me, then they include Au versions of well-known fandoms, for example, fnaf or Welcome Home. I don't know if you need a whole list with these fandoms, but probably not :)
And I am watching the lore of my mutuals, if there is one. I like so much that there are a lot of creative people here
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etchif · 3 months
Your art style is so fantastic!! I’ve been posting about you in my circles a lot lately but I figured I should actually tell you directly also that I really love your art.
Do you have original characters you keep coming back to?
Thank you so much that's so nice of you to say! :)
I find it kinda hard to get attached to ocs I make up myself esp if they're fandom ocs so I've never really been hugely into making ocs
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daughterofhecata · 4 months
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in? for Skinny?
[character ask game]
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
I think Skinny would work very nicely in this kind of teen novel where the main character has a crush on someone everyone knows is bad news, gets in a relationship with them anyways and has to realize that it's actually extremely unhealthy. With him being the no-good love interest of course <3
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no-naem · 1 year
Like another anonymous person I also have ideas about kayano all the time and there was a scenario that came to mind, if Koro-sensei had not saved on one of the two occasions he died, Aguri would have given something for Akari to return to. past? and how would it be? When would you return?
I think depending on when Akari dies would affect her decision on which point of the past she'd return to.
If Akari died during her rampage battle against Korosensei, she'd want to return to weeks before Aguri dies so she can save her. Akari would have to give up all the time she spent with E-Class but with her current mindset, I think she wouldn't care. But since her mind is clearer without the tentacles, she'll start to doubt her decision and maybe even regret it a little bit when she realizes how much she cares about the class...and misses them. Was it worth it to try and save her sister? Yes! But it wasn't without sacrifice. Months of buildling relationships with her classmates and teachers instantly gone. They don't know her anymore. She could try to befriend them again but would she need to go back to 3-E if she does end up saving Aguri? There's no need to, right? And who knows if Akari will actually succeed to save her sister? She know what to do this time so all will end well...right? (Spoiler alert: yes because I love happy endings.)
(Also, if Akari can talk to Aguri before she returns to the past, I think Aguri would try to calm her down and convince her to go back a few days, cancel her assassination, and tell Korosensei the truth so he could tell his story to her. And get the tentacles out of her neck of course.)
If Akari died when she got impaled by 2.0 and couldn't be revived, then she'd know what to do: go back a week or two before the Shield of Earth and Spear of Heaven activates, telling Korosensei about everything that happens and to ask him to escape and hide. ...but I have a feeling it's not going to be that simple. It's possible that if the world's assassination plan doesn't work, they'll still publicly release false information on Korosensei, and then ask Yanagisawa and 2.0 to take Korosensei down which could turn out to be disastrous since there would be no barrier to keep all of their fighting in one place.
I can also imagine a scenario where Akari would go back several months rather than a few weeks. That way, she would have more time to plan and come up with a way to sabotage the government, Yanagisawa, and 2.0's plans before it's too late. But it could cause more problems with her class since if she goes back to Novemeber of last year for example, that would mean her true identity wouldn't be revealed, the class still wouldn't know about Korosensei's identity, and the civil war then class union wouldn't happen yet, so nobody would be decided on saving Korosensei. So, I can see Akari being uncertain about telling the truth to the whole class...not to mention she'd still have her tentacles. Despite the pain and their constant murderous intent nearly overwhelming her, I think her desire to save Korosensei and the class can keep them at bay. She has a stronger will now. And she'll keep her tentacles just in case things go terribly wrong again. Maybe this time, she can do better.
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beej-machinations · 5 months
i'd like to know: morning, afternoon or night? and moreover, what is it about the atmosphere that makes you think it is the time?
soft asks
night! especially if the stars are clearly visible :) sometimes there's a particular sweet and fresh smell in the night air too
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wardenhowe · 5 months
pillars of eternity ask! 2, 3, 8, 12 for myla :D
2. what is your watcher's disposition?
myla is pretty evenly split between rational and honest!! between the two, she tends more towards the rational generally speaking!
3. what are your watcher's likes and dislikes (like the ones poe2 companions have)?
myla likes humour, cleverness, progressiveness and resourcefulness, i'd say! she dislikes tradition, as well as overtly passionate and prideful people!
8. what is the nature of your watcher's awakening?
it felt all very disorienting to myla and eventually became incredibly panic-inducing to her. it was truly a rude awakening for her, simply because not being able to control her own thoughts is probably the scariest thing she could have ever experienced! after the events of poe she does, however, develop a closer relationship with her past inquisitor life and they kind of work together. myla calls on her past life whenever she needs her and the two have gained common ground about the fact that the questions themselves are already a greater achievement than their answers.
12. what does your watcher think about the gods?
half impressed that they exist in the first place and how they came to be and half annoyed. the gods are meddlers in myla's eyes and have overstayed their welcome. for her, it is them that hold kith society back and she wishes for invention instead of stagnation. she does not have real respect for them like she did before the Big Reveal(TM). although she is interested in their stories as they know so much, she dislikes them too much to ask them anything!
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houseaeducan · 1 year
Do you think if the origins coup didn’t happen that your aeducan would be better or worse then bhelen, harrowmont, or trian as the queen
love this question ty... it's a bit tricky with daera because she never actually planned on becoming queen of orzammar -- she's pretty uninterested in politics and always felt pretty content with the idea of focusing her energy on her position as commander under whichever of her brothers ended up on the throne. she'd play the game to undermine and fuck with them a bit as sibling antics and because you need to if you're going to last, but bhelen moved against her more because he knew that she would turn against him once she realized he committed fratricide and less because he thought she would actually contend for the throne. she could have! the assembly liked her! but the assembly liked her because she was naturally charismatic and an incredibly promising warrior, and being good with a sword and at parties doesn't translate to legitimate political ability.
if she ended up in some sort of designated survivor situation where her father and brothers were all killed then i think she'd be ??? okay?????? as queen? the biggest problem would be that she'd be deeply uninterested in it, and i imagine she would end up pushing a lot of the day-to-day decision-making onto her advisors (who in this case would probably be harrowmont so. lol.) when she actually did get involved, i think she would do Fine but not particularly challenge the system in any way. for reference, like, in her origin she told that noble guy to stop harassing the scholar guy (agkjhag its been a year since I've played the aeducan origin can you tell), but also told the scholar guy to keep the false history in the shaperate. no use harassing someone just doing his job, but it's not use rocking the boat when it threatens a noble house's pride. she was open to the idea of restoring titles to some surfacers for the benefit of orzammar, but amended her position to "yeah we should respect the surfacers or whatever but they gave up their right to be here" as soon as she learned there would be political ramifications she didn't like. she's not as much of a strict traditionalist as harrowmont would be, and is pretty open to the idea of the casteless being like, people, but i think making any actual moves to reform or push back on reform would depend very heavily on whether her allies thought it was a good move strategically
the one place i do think she'd do a very good job and maybe lead to some legitimate change for orzammar is in the military. i imagine that's where she would turn her actual sights to basically immediately (and probably spent a lot of her reign off the throne leading expeditions in the deep roads and leave the at home ruling to whoever she got into a political marriage with. kind of cailan-esque. wait.) from there i don't think it would take her too long to realize how deeply fucked orzammar really is in their current position (which i don't think she thought of particularly deeply before being put into a commander position). from that perspective, i can see her taking a much more aggressive approach to the darkspawn, and eventually coming to some of the same conclusions bhelen did about training non-warrior caste soldiers, making a concentrated effort to retake abandoned thaigs, and, maybe even opening up more with the surface for the sake of getting reinforcements, all of which i can see having a positive effects on orzammar outside of just their survival.
so i guess i would say, probably better than harrowmont and hmm, it's tough to compare her to bhelen. less of a reformer but also less likely to vindictively execute you. honestly have not thought much about trian as a ruler so I'm not sure on that! i want to say she would be better because trian seems so petty and shitty but lbr how you act with your shitty siblings does not constitute what kind of king you would be.. need to think more on that
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yo0hankim · 6 months
Who are people in the drawing of your blog's background?
do you mean the characters in my header? they're testar from the idol webtoon "debut or die" !! :)
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liusia-piu · 7 months
Hi! I hope this isn't a weird question but is it okay to ask for a commission to stay private? Would there be an extra charge if yes? Hope you have a nice day!
If private means that the artist does not post it on their page or portfolio, then the artist has the right to the art as well as the customer, but I personally can listen to the customer's desire and leave the art private or compromise (post only part of the art, for example, at least I have not been refused yet)
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what current singers would listen to frank and jamie
mmmhhh, i can't really give any concrete names, but I feel like Jamie would desperately try to be cool and young and relatable... he liked a bit of rap and hip hop in the 1990s, so maybe continuing that? but also being into the biggest stars because #relatableforeveryoungking. idk. maybe my perception is too strongly affected by him performing the Rice Rice Baby with Declan and Micah on ALOTO, haha! So I just imagine him being that one weird dude who is clearly too old for it, during a rave/party.
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Frank is a total "romantic heartbreaking love ballads" type of guy, although he wouldn't admit it. I imagine his type of music being very similar to that of a suburban wine mum going through a difficult time. Lots of r'n'b/pop songs from the 1990s and early 2000s... I believe he would still listen to Louise (formerly Redknapp), he might be a big fan of hers, although of course he wouldn't admit that to Jamie. I can totally imagine him listening to stuff like... 2 become 1, Kiss from a Rose, you know, that type of music. Nothing modern, although he will consume anything. But I can just imagine him cuddled up under a warm blanket in his cardigan, with a book (probably Jamie's autobiography) and a glass of red wine, with like... Black Velvet by Alannah Myles playing in the background.
And, of course, he would pretend it's Christine's music that he just...grew used to.
Sorry, I'm not that much into like current singers. Canonically, Ed Sheeran was a guest at Frank's wedding and he performed there, so... I guess that's technically like the type of music he really listens to?
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They're friends apparently. So yeah. Ed Sheeran. (I bet it's Shape of You, that Frank loves the most, lmao. For the Lampardverse purposes).
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