#i hope his stare isnt too threatening haha
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liniccaro · 7 days ago
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eldest son
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wanna1things · 7 years ago
Neon Lies | Hwang Minhyun
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Genre;; fake relationship!au + angst OOF
Warnings;; well this hurt my heart to write so i’m warning you it might hurt you to read haha
Pairing;; Hwang Minhyun x reader
Requested;; yes!
Summary;; Minhyun really needs your help, but for how long can you keep this act up?
Style;; bullet point
Word Count;; 2126
masterlist • request rules • request something
me? writing something that isnt fluffy for minhyun? crazy sdshsh also i’m still on a hiatus (kind of)!!
you weren't sure when you fell in love with minhyun
was it first sight? when you saw him appear in the playground of your primary school? probably not
was it when he presented you with the most thoughtful gift you'd ever received from anyone on your 16th birthday? maybe
but it didn't matter, you were willing to support him no matter what he did, to the point of fault
you both moved to Seoul together, him to follow his dream of becoming a singer and you to attend a top university
you didn't live together, but close, and you met up less than you hoped to
but you stayed best friends, no matter what, even though your feelings were... stronger
that was until one day, when he turned up at your apartment completely flustered, tripping over his words as he begged for your help
"I need you to do me a favour, a massive favour, y/n, only if you're comfortable with it-"
"What is it?"
"Can you date me?"
your heart fluttered slightly, watching him closely as he spoke
"Not like actual dating, it's just... I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place right now and I think you're the only one who can help me."
"Come in, explain to me what's going on..."
Minhyun wasn't lying when he said he was caught between a rock and a hard place
a rumour was spreading in the industry that he was dating his managed, a married woman of about your parent's age who you'd met a couple of times, and well... the media had picked up on it
it was set to be breaking news the next day but of course, none of it was true
but typically the media wouldn't accept his denial so...
he had one final option, to say he was dating someone else
and for that, he needed someone he could trust; he needed you
when he'd finished reciting his story to you, you couldn't even find words to say
you just sat there, looking deep into his eyes, searching for something
what you were searching for, you didn't know
a sign your feelings were mutual? a sign that this was a stupidly late April fools?
but your heart responded before you even had time to consider the implications of what was to come
"I'll help you."
"Really? You will? Thank you so much!"
you didn't know what you were getting yourself into, that was for sure
you woke up to missed phone calls from all of your friends, texts from almost everyone you knew
'You're dating THE Hwang Minhyun? Since when?'
'I knew you two would get together eventually! Congrats!'
'Why didn't you tell me?! I had to find out from the news!'
the news?
ohhhh god
sure enough, when you flicked on the tv the first thing you saw was a picture of you and minhyun
sure, your face was blurred slightly, but anyone who knew you could tell it was you, and it didn't help your name was being blasted to anyone who would listen
as much as you wished to pick up your phone, dial minhyuns number, and call the whole thing off you remembered
if you didn't do this, his career would be in danger
and as much as you had a reputation to protect, you also had a best friend to protect- the one you love to protect
and so, the lie continued
��We should probably start, like, going out to places.”
you fiddled with your chopsticks, moving your noodles around the bowl
“Yeah, but... ramen.”
you rolled your eyes at Minhyun, turning to look at him
“If we keep staying in and not going out together, they’ll start to suspect somethings up, and that’s not good.”
“Yeah, I know. I just don’t want you to get dragged into all this.”
he too started to fiddle with the noodles in his bowl, staring down and not meeting your eyes
“I’m already in this enough, we might as well make it believable.”
“If you’re okay with it then...”
“I said that, didn’t I?”
Minhyun looked up from his plate, his eyes meeting yours
“Thank you, really.”
within a week, the two of you were out on carefully planned dates, with just enough PDA to satisfy the press
Minhyun had taken the opportunity to practically move into your apartment
he claimed it was to make everything more realistic, but in reality he just wanted to steal your cooking
one day, when you finished your work for the day, you came home to find him sat on the couch, staring into space
you moved closer to him, slowly, quietly, curious as to what he was doing
as you approached, you noticed a newspaper next to him, the cover scrunched up, barely readable
before you could make out the words, Minhyun snapped out of his trance and snatched the newspaper away from your view
“What was that?”
“Show me it.”
Minhyun looked up at you, his stern face faltering
“Y/n, I can’t show you.”
he took a deep breath, shutting his eyes and taking the time to steady his breath
he then patted the seat next to him, signalling for you to take a seat in it
you sat down cautiously, studying his features as he opened the newspaper in front of you two
the headline shocked you as soon as you processed it, your breaths starting to shake
“What are we going to do?”
“I don’t know, y/n. I don’t know what to do.”
you took the newspaper out of his shaking hands, placing it down on the coffee table in front of you before wrapping your arms around him, holding him softly
he shrugged off your touch, standing up to leave
“I’m sorry for bringing you into this.”
he grabbed his jacket, throwing it around him before grabbing his set of keys and going out of the front door, slamming it behind him
you rushed to follow him, forgetting your own jacket and leaving the newspaper on the coffee table
‘Minhyun’s new relationship only a cover-up for cheating scandal?’
you caught up with Minhyun as he walked next to the river, his head down and his steps fumbled
“Minhyun, stop!”
his head shot up at the sound of your voice, spinning around to face you
“Why are you here?”
“I told you I’d help you! I’m not going to stop helping you because of this!”
you moved closer to him, his face lit up by the street lights
“I’m so sorry...”
you peered into his face, noticing the tears that were threatening to flow from his eyes
“Don’t say that. You have nothing to be sorry for.”
he squeezed his eyes shut for a second, before pulling you into a tight hug, nestling his face in your hair
“Thank you.”
you smiled, rubbing his back soothingly
“We’re not done yet. We just have to make this even more believable.”
the next day the two of you met up, hoping to come up with an action plan to make your relationship more... believable to the press
you spent the majority of the day planning ways to make it seem real, watching tv programs to see how real couples acted, eventually ending up just watching tv lol
when you were in the middle of a program, you turned to minhyun, thinking to yourself slowly
“We can kiss.”
“But you said-“
“Yeah, but if its just once...”
“I don’t want to make you do anything you don’t want to do...”
“Who says I don’t? Plus it will shut up the media.”
“That’s true... but...”
“It also means I get to say I kissed the one and only Hwang Minhyun, benefits go to both of us.”
Minhyun smiled up at you, his eyes showing his hesitation
“If you’re sure...”
“I’m sure.”
“Have you ever kissed anyone before?”
Minhyun tilted his head, his hands on your cheek and your hip, holding you steady
“How are you meant to be realistic then? No wonder you’re so bad at even getting the positioning right!”
“Like you can talk! You literally only know this from tv shows!”
Minhyun’s cheeks flushed a bright red, turning away slightly and pulling his hands away
“Listen, let’s try practising again.”
his hands went back to their positions on your cheek and your hip, your own hands pressed against his chest
he looked down at you, his eyes flashed with something you didn’t recognise
“Should I go for it?”
his lips touched yours hesitantly, your own mind going blank at the feeling
your mind swirled for the few seconds that your lips touched, heat rising to your cheeks
you were suddenly reminded of how much you were in love with Minhyun, his stupid jokes and his beautiful face
your thoughts wandered, what if this was real? what if you were really in a relationship with Minhyun? what if this kiss was real?
his lips left yours suddenly, your mind returning to normal at the loss of contact
“That was pretty good for a first try, I think that should convince them.”
his own cheeks were flushed bright pink, using his hand to scratch the back of his neck
his phone buzzed in his pocket suddenly, the smile on his face dropping
“You’re right, y/n. Pretty good. I’m going to go home now.”
his words were stuttered, his demeanour suddenly changing
Minhyun picked up his jacket and, like before, left quickly and swiftly, with barely a goodbye
as soon as the door was shut behind him, he pulled out his phone, seeing the message from his agent
the text was short but it made it feel like his world was crashing around him
“Just tell the truth.”
before the week was up, Minhyun was invited onto a chat show with guess who as a guest
to say the least, it was unexpected but
I mean
you had to go along with it now, hell you’d even kissed in public, if you said no to this people might get suspicious
so you and Minhyun worked together to make up a plan
working out false dates for when you started dating, when you met, and how you got together
making up anecdotes about your dating life to make it seem more reasonable
hell, you even made up fights in case the chat show host asked about that
and before you knew it, the two of you were backstage waiting to go on
Minhyun had informed you that you’d go on after him, with a big scripted entrance and all that
but there were still a good few minutes before that, before your lies would step up a level
the two of you stood together, holding hands to calm one another
you took the moment to look up at him, to think to yourself
he was dressed in a suit, something you rarely saw him wearing, and god did he look beautiful
somewhere in your heart you were thankful for this, even if it wasn’t real you were... ‘dating’ someone you loved, since before you could even remember
but your thoughts were interrupted by Minhyun coughing, snapping back to reality
he moved to face you, letting go of your hand to look down at his watch
“It goes live in one minute. That gives us 2 minutes to talk.”
“At least your math skills still work in stressful situations!”
Minhyun smiles, his eyes bright
“Why wouldn’t it work? I’m pretty sure my skills are so good they’d work even if my brain stopped working!”
you smiled back at him, both of you falling into a silence that wasn’t awkward, but wasn’t exactly pleasant either
you felt the urge to say something, to speak, but before you could even process a thought, Minhyun’s hands were on your cheeks, and his lips against yours
something told you to push away, to stop him, but you gave in, your heart beating faster
he pulled back, the contact lost, glancing at his wrist quickly before pulling you into a tight embrace
just like before, he nestled his face in your hair, but this time he planted a small kiss on your cheek
“I love you, and I’m sorry.”
before you could process his words, his arms untangled themselves from you body, and he stepped back
you tried desperately to grab onto his hand, get him to stay, but he shrugged off your touch and made his way onto the studios stage
he sat down next to the host, the first question leaving the host’s lips
“So, what’s this about you and y/n?”
you watched his face on the monitor, his eyes squeezing shut and his expression hardening
“It was all a lie.”
i’m gonna go cry bye
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