#i hope he just visiting some of the boys in my class who also live in my condo (small town issues)
soleilars · 2 days
to do list: (8pm to 11pm)
- prepare dinner (eggs, rice and beans)
- painting my nails with the polish i got today😋
- start and finish the canterville ghost (tomorrow’s reading)
- learn the u.s states song (i’m doing an english test so i can get into the course and one of the girls in my class who’s already in said they ask geography and history questions💀)
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toast-on-dandelioms · 7 months
Hello, I really a fans of your work and always waiting for the updates. I have a question, what happen if Y/n just ignore the batfam as Y/n also turn to superfam becoming their family. It also assuming Alfred A-Okay with it. Oh, also Y/n might be have relationship with one of the superboys and she love to cuddle with the lover. Well, that's just my wild imagination thinking about.
Oh well, I hope you have great days.❤️😘
Thank you for liking my work! If you're asking for part 4, it will come out soon and probably by the end of next week!
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Well, I don't think Alfred would be totally a-okay with this and after a bit he would act to 'fix' the situation.
He wants you to stay at the Manor and be appreciated too by the Batfam even though they don't even know you exist.
He has tried before, talking about you to Bruce and the others but they always dismissed him with the excuse of being busy or forgetting about you the next day.
And seeing you giving up on being with your real family and finding love in another family that actually accepts you and he can't accept that.
You're supposed to be with him as the rest of the Waynes not with some alien family.
He would act like he supports you whenever you come to visit him since you mostly live with the Kents nowadays and come to the Manor to grab the things you needed since you were moving your stuff from the Manor to the Kents house.
After a while you start to come home, to come back to him even less before you just visit him maybe once a month before it turns into no more visiting him since you're busy with school, dance classes and the vigilante role you still have.
And Alfred hates it so he decides that he can't stand to watch his boys obsess over your vigilante persona when they can't even bother to notice you weren't living in the Manor anymore.
So he decides to call a family meeting without your knowledge and explains everything, who you were behind the mask and how dissapointed and ashamed that the people he raised didn't even acknowledge that you existed.
Their reaction, which were mostly of confusion before realisation bothered him but he stayed silent and used their reaction to manipulate them, make them think you weren't in the right place with the Kent family.
And after a week from that meeting, you started to receive texts from all the batfam and also kept seeing them everywhere, with Bruce at school or when you were patrolling the city.
He would always try to talk to you, which you ignored or gave him the finger while swinging away, preferring to not engage in his tries to connect with you.
Plus he would show up at your dance recitals when you never said anything to Alfred about them and he would always be right in first row with a smug smile since he knew you couldn't do anything.
Plus you already knew they knew who you were behind the mask, they said your name when you had your mask on so many times you wanted to punch their faces.
You had to skip a few days of school because Tim and Damian started to show up at your same highschool and sitting next to you in class, to which no one would say anything and it frustrated you since highschool was one of your safe places but not anymore.
You tried to ignore Dick and Jason's attempts at stalking you, not because it was noticeable since you never saw them but the spider sense made you aware you were being watched and after a bit you were able to notice them following you.
Yes you did feel proud since you didn't have any detective training like the others but still knew who was following just by using the things around you.
You vented your frustrations with Clark and Conner and they did help by letting you skip school and everything but you had to go back to school or it would affect your attendance and damage your reputation and curriculum for future colleges applications.
But one fateful day, you went to a mission with Conner and Clark since they needed a third person but couldn't bring Jon since he was busy with school, so you went in his place.
During the mission you got ambushed, Conner and Clark were at disadvantage since the attackers (not sure on the term, the people that attacks) somehow had kryptonite weapons.
Plus you were also fighting, using the tasers and also the objects around you like rocks or trees.
Yes, you did throw a tree at a group of them and you also got Clark telling you not to do it again. Did you listen though? No.
As you were fighting you suddenly got stung by something in the leg, and when you touched the spot where it hurt you saw a small dart there.
You opened your mouth to call for Clark or Conner but someone covered your mouth and held you as you fainted while Clark and Conner had to flee since the attackers were too strong with the kryptonite.
The last thing you saw was the smiling face of Dick before completely giving in the drug you got injected in your body, not hearing them fight about who was gonna carry you in the batmobile.
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thollandneedy · 7 days
Hey girl! I'm literally SO OBSESSED with your writing
Can you make a little oneshot where Y/n pranks Peter that she's pregnant, and he just freaks out? Ty <3
April’s Fool- Peter Parker
A/n: Omg my first request aft my comeback! 🥲🤍. Btw i already done this prank with my bf, and he almost died do i got inspo from that situation😂
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of sex, fake pregnancy
Don’t forget to share, like, comment and leave your ideas here
Bellah’s Masterlist 🪻
“Peter?” Y/n calls her boyfriend's name when she hears the door to her house open.
“Yes?” The boy answers from afar, and Y/n quickly gets up from the floor, arranging a positive pregnancy test and a pair of baby shoes on her bed, along with a letter congratulating the new dad.
For Peter and Y/n, the first day of April was a day when they planned increasingly absurd surprises, praying that they could pull off a prank on each other without the other finding out. This year, unlike every year since they were fourteen, Y/n had fallen for one of Peter's pranks, saying that she had failed the year because she had only gotten one bad grade. Parker, being the darling of the teachers and coordinators, managed to plan a fake riot in order to scare his girlfriend. After a crying fit and an intense existential crisis, Y/n decided to take revenge.
Her mother's best friend was a few months pregnant, and after finding some little shoes from when she was a baby lost in her parents' closet, Y/n decided to pull the best prank possible.
 Pretending to be pregnant
And as generic as it might seem to some people, for Peter it would be a nightmare on earth. Parker, because he lived with his aunt, had always tried not to give her a hard time and to give her everything she had once given him. A few months ago, he had been offered a change of position at Stark Enterprises, and his duties as Spider-Man were increasing, as were his responsibilities at school because he was in his final year. 
His focus was divided into two: studies and Spider-Man
In this world, monetary security was also a part, as it was a consequence of his studies. Of course, one day he would love to start a family, but that was a desire further down the line that, if realized now, could be detrimental to the life he had always hoped to have and provide for those he loved.
In addition to the hidden drama classes that Y/n took, she also decided to get her mother to act with her when Peter came to visit, as he did every day after his internship. Because he lived a few blocks from Y/n's apartment, his evening routine had a small part dedicated to his girlfriend. Parker took off his shoes, placing them next to a decorative plant that was positioned near the kitchen, where Y/n's mother was already ready to start the tense atmosphere. The woman stared at Peter with a closed face, while in her hands was a cup of chamomile tea, which spread its scent throughout the room. 
“Hello, Mrs. L/N” 
The woman continued to stare at him without reaction.
“I didn't know you liked tea. Y/n told me you hated it.” Parker gives a half-hearted smile, smoothing his brown hair with one of his free hands.  
“I don't like it, but today I needed to calm my nerves. Maybe you should too.” The woman in the colorful overalls says in response, getting up from the island stool positioned in the center of the kitchen and walking into the living room without exchanging another word with the newcomer.
Peter looked at her in confusion, but headed towards the end of the corridor that led to his girlfriend's bedroom. Before entering, she asked him again if he could open the door, to which he replied:
“Get in here pronto, Peter.” His girlfriend complained in a low tone, causing the young man to rush inside. 
The brunette closed the door behind him, keeping his brown eyes on his girlfriend, who was sitting on the end of the bed with her hands behind her and breathing irregularly. Peter approached slowly, feeling his heart beat faster every time he sensed his girlfriend's insecurity in her gaze. With trembling lips, the superhero asks:
“What happened?” Even though Peter already knew that something bad had happened, he still made a point of asking first, trying to soften the impact of a possible shocking revelation. 
Y/n takes a deep breath, concentrating on her Hollywood moment. The girl slowly moves away from the present she was hiding behind her, revealing what she had assembled on her bed. Peter feels the floor catching his feet, and the words escape his mouth like the air in his lungs. 
“ Dude.” Peter stares at his girlfriend, who cries silently. “Y/n for God's sake I'm going to have a heart attack.” 
Parker, with hurried steps, looks directly at the test, which was positive. He looked around for a red pen that could possibly have been used to tamper with the test result, but there was none. The hero's hands began to shake, and his mouth couldn't say a word except:
“Holy shit”
Y/n was holding back the pain he was feeling with all his might, for his thirst for revenge was greater.
“I don't know what to do.” Y/n decided to speak in a drunken voice.
“ Your- your mother she-she.” Peter points to the door, feeling his feet getting weaker and weaker, trying to ask Y/n if her mother knew about the pregnancy.
The girl just agrees, hugging her body and lowering her head.
“Oh my God, I'm literally going to shit myself” Peter sits down on the floor, running his fingers violently through his hair. “OH MY GOD”
“Peter! Stop freaking out. We need to do something” Y/n asks her boyfriend for support.
“We didn't do it without! I'm sure of it. I remember. My God, I didn't even know I could get someone pregnant with me- OH MY GOD HE'S GOING TO BE A MUTANT!" Peter shouts, getting up suddenly.
“Peter!” Y/n gets up together.
“PETER PARKER!” Y/n catches her boyfriend's eye.
“My God, could it be that my cum is radioactive and the condom has melted?” Peter wonders for a second.
“What?” Y/n looks at him confused and teary-eyed.
“What if he's just like me? And he gets stuck in your womb and can't get out again? I only learned to stop getting things stuck in my hands after four months of being Spider-Man. IT GETS WORSE! WHAT IF HE'S NOT LIKE ME? Y/n, if you've fucked Marcus, I'll kill myself in front of you right here and now. I hate that guy.” Peter can't control the whirlwind of thoughts invading his head.
“Do you really think I'd cheat on you?” Y/n asks offended.
“No, fuck no! I don't think so, but... when did this happen? My God, I think I need to see a doctor. A DOCTOR! I CAN'T AFFORD THE BABY'S HEALTH INSURANCE”
His girlfriend just slams both arms into his legs, giving up talking and collapsing into heavy sobbing. 
The brunette takes a deep breath, feeling his body drenched in nervous sweat. The boy, trembling, crawls in front of his girlfriend, who is collapsed at the foot of the bed, looking for support from her boyfriend, who is on the verge of crying too. The hero touches his girlfriend's knees, caressing them briefly in an attempt to calm her down. Peter looked once more at the shoes and the positive pregnancy test, and then his rational side shook him hard, bringing him back to the reality he would have to overcome at that moment. His girlfriend was coughing between loud cries and sobs, while Peter couldn't think of what to say to calm her down. 
“I'm dropping out of MIT.” The brunette said after a second of silence.
The girl wiped away the tears that fell down her red face.
“What?” Y/n asks, feeling her heart stop.
“I'm going to study here in New York to be closer to you... well... you two.” Peter lays his head on his girlfriend's lap, who just listens to his declaration attentively. “I'm going to quit Stark's internship and get a home-office job so I can help you with him or her. How far along are you?”
Y/n feels her heart heavy, and answers while holding back a real cry.
“More than a month.” He replied, feeling like he was going to fall apart at any moment.
“ Damn it, love. Why didn't you tell me?” The girl just stares at him, trying to make him remember his brief outburst. “Oh... never mind.”
“I-I didn't want to end your dream.” Y/n cries, now a real cry as she realizes that she has chosen the right boyfriend to share her life with, even in difficult times. After so many disappointments in love, and men who she knew wouldn't give up even a night of drinking and gambling to be in her company, she had finally managed to choose the right one.
“Love.” Peter brings one of his hands to his girlfriend's cheek, caressing it with his thumb. “You're my dream”
The girl smiles through her tears and bends down so that her lips meet his.
“Peter?” The girl calls out.
“It was a prank. APRIL FIRST, YOU MORON!” The girl stood up screaming and went to her dressing table, where a cell phone was hidden behind some make-up brushes. She took it out and finished recording the reaction of her boyfriend, who was static once again, realizing that he had been caught for revenge.
“I swear to God, one of these days you're going to kill me with your fucking crazy ass ideas." The brunette nodded, putting his hand on his heart and bursting into laughter after all the nerves he'd built up. “How did you get a positive test?”
“Marie, my mother's best friend is pregnant. I asked her to take the test and my mother gave it to me this afternoon. The shoes are mine. I found them in my parents' closet.” The girl wiped her crying eyes, sat down next to her boyfriend, and then hugged him, allowing the pain to wash over her.
“Did your mom get in on this too?” The brunette laughed louder, feeling his stomach ache, and then he collapsed into a sob of relief. “I hate you” 
“You love me” The girl wipes away the older man's tears.
“I really do. But don't ever do that again in your life. I was about to have a freak-out”
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bbrissonn · 1 year
𝐋𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧 - 𝐋𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐇𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐬
summary: in which your brother finds out about your relationship with his best friend’s younger brother
disclaimer: english is not my first language and this is not proofread so please excuse any errors and if any words are missing add them in your head :) also this is a work of fiction, this doesn’t reflect how these boys act in real life, and it isn’t how i imagine them acting 
warnings: none (i think), not proofread,  
pairing: luke hughes x y/n zegras (lemon au)
wc: 1.7k
a/n: first part!! i was going to make this way longer at first, but i thought this would be enough for just the first part, kinda roll into things and the fics would become longer and longer every time. hope you enjoy !
previous masterlist next
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“Y/N! Hurry up!” Your oldest brother, Trevor, called out. You let out groan before answering him. 
“You said 7:30, it’s 7:20. Calm down!” You yelled, rolling your eyes slightly as you slipped your shoes on. You were currently in Anaheim visiting your brother during your spring break of your freshman year of college, and the two were about to head out to drive around the city and grab something to eat. 
“Finally.” Trevor said as you walked down the stairs, Jamie laughing from his place on the couch in the living room. 
“You’re so dramatic, it’s actually insane.” You whispered before biding your goodbyes to the Canadian boy and heading outside the house, your brother following behind you. 
“So, what’s been up with you?” Trevor asked a couple of minutes later, the two of you now on the road as music played through the speaker. “How’s college? Is Umich everything everyone talks about?”
“Good, everything’s good.” You answer simply, hoping he would start talking about something other than school. The main reason being that you had a boyfriend, one you hadn’t told him about yet since your relationship was still new. But also because said boyfriend was your brother’s best friend’s brother, Luke. The two of you had known each other ever since your brother’s played in the ntdp, but you were never really friends, only meeting a couple of times. 
That all changed when you started attending the University of Michigan the previous fall, and suddenly Luke was every. You kept seeing him everytime you went and left class, football games, and just around campus in general, but no words were ever exchanged, just small smiles. 
But that all changed one night in early november, your sophomore friends, who you meet in your dorm building, wanting to introduce you to some of her friends, most of which happened to be in the hockey. So, you eventually found yourself sitting in the sophomore’s home, most of their friends also present. Thankfully, you had met your friend’s other girl friends before so it wasn’t too awkward, but you were the only freshman there, and they all had a special bond that you didn’t have with any of them. 
Eventually you had stepped outside, sitting on the stairs of the porch to take some air. You were all alone with your thoughts until someone joined, the only familiar face you had seen that night. The two of you then started talking about everything and anything, school, your brothers, hockey, and after that night, the rest was history. 
Luke asked you out on a date about three weeks later, talking everyday, meeting up during the weekends to work on homework together, going for coffee, just hanging out in his room, and much more. You had slowly became friends with the rest of his roommates, Dylan being around the most since he and Luke knew each other the most. 
Now, of course your brothers knew that the two of you were friends, something that made all three of them very happy. But the both of you weren’t sure how’d they react when they’d find out, so for now, that was a detail neither of you tought was important to mention. 
“How’s Luke, I haven’t talked to him in a while?” 
“He’s good, busy with hockey and all.” You answered dryly, making Trevor send you a weird look, but he decided to just shrug it off. “We don’t actually like talk that much and stuff, you know, just like casual hello’s and small talks around campus.” 
“Really? ‘Cause that’s not what Jack told me.” Your brother said, making you scoff a little. 
“Okay, we haven’t talked that much recently.” You justified, mentally cursing yourself for even bringing that up in the first place. Trevor shot you another glance before changing the subject, now talking about what you guys should get for dinner, something you were grateful for. 
Later that evening, you were sitting on the couch in Trevor and Jamie’s living room, both boys seated on either side of you. A random show they had been obsessed with recently playing on the tv as you texted Luke. 
“You’re not even paying attention.” Trevor groaned as he looked over at you, wanting to see your reaction to what had just happened in the show, only to find you grinning at your phone. His voice made you look up at him, bitting your lips as you closed your phone and let it drop on your lap. 
“Sorry.” You mumbled before once again trying to understand what was even happening in the show. You didn’t understand what they both found so interesting in it, so you decided to go grab a glass water quickly, leaving your phone on the couch right next to your brother. 
Back in Ann Arbor, Luke was laying in his bed, his eyes half opened as his fingers ran over his keyboard. All of his other roommates fast asleep in their room since they had an early morning practice the next day. A frown formed on his face as his last text was left on read, your grey bubble disappearing. 
Lemon 😚💕
He sent, bitting his lips as he waited for you to open his message. 
Meanwhile, the sound of your phone dinging made Trevor’s eyes look over at it, he was never one to snoop around your phone, but the nickname caught his eyes. Who on earth was lemon, and why was he calling you babe? He resisted the urge to open your phone and look at the message, instead waiting until later to ask you about it. 
“Who’s lemon?” He asked almost an hour later, the two of you being alone in the living as Jamie had gone to be a couple of minutes earlier. His words made your eyes grow wide as you turned to look at him, looking like a deer caught in headlights. 
“Lemon?” You asked him, trying to act like you didn’t know what he was talking about.
“Yeah, lemon.” 
“Lemons are fruits, Trev, didn’t know you were that dumb.” You shrugged off, your heartbeat getting quicker and quicker by the second. 
“Oh, so fruits have phone now, and one of them is texting you calling you babe? That’s crazy, first I’ve heard of that being possible.” He said with a smirk as you bit your lips. Just as you were about to say something else, your phone starting ringing, lemon being the one to call you. Your phone was now on the coffee table in front of the couch, you looked over at your brother and before you even had time to reach for it, Trevor grabbed it and answered the call. 
“Hello?” He said, and a gasp echoed from the speaker of the phone. “Hello?” Trevor repeated, getting a little agitated. 
“Trevor?” Luke asked confused, and at the same moment, your brother’s face fell as he looked over at you. 
“Hey, Lemon.” Trevor said with a smirk, another gasp from Luke was heard before the boy hung up the phone, making your brother scoff. He threw the phone at you before looking at you with an expression you couldn’t quite understand. 
“You’re dating Luke?” He asked, and this time, it was your turn to scoff. You weren’t ready for Trevor to find out about your relationship, or at least not like this, and you were ready to lie as much as you need to. 
“Please, you’re being delusional, Trev. Me and Luke? Never, he’s like… he’s like a brother to me.” You said, trying your best to look as relaxed and composed as you could. But Trevor didn’t believe, he was in no mean the smartest man on the planet, but he wasn’t the dumbest either. 
“Right, and I am guess you’re like a sister to him?” He asked and you were quick to nod. “So, should I start calling you babe too or?” 
“Babe? You think Luke called me babe? You must’ve misread whatever it was that you saw.” 
“Sure I did, Y/N/N, sure.” He smirked before focusing back on the TV. You weren’t sure if he believed you or not, but that didn’t matter at the moment, as long as the two of you didn’t talk about it anymore, you didn’t mind what he believed. 
“Does he treat you good?” He asked after a couple of minutes of not so comfortable silence, making you let out a groan. 
“Trev, Luke and I aren’t―” 
“Y/N/N, don’t lie to me, okay? I am not that stupid. Luke’s a good guy, if he makes you happy then I don’t care. You’re eighteen, you can make your own decisions, but I swear if he ever hurts you in anyway I’ll―” 
“He won’t. He’s not like that, Trev, and you know it. He brings spiders outside instead of killing them, he’s a munchkin.” You explained, making Trevor roll his eyes. After that, the subject was drop, and it was like a weight was lifted off your shoulders. You wouldn’t have to hid anymore, well at least no in front of your brother. 
“Hi.” You spoke as you answered the incoming phone call from your boyfriend the next morning. It was almost 10, meaning Trevor had left for practice, and Jamie was probably still in bed. 
“I am sorry.” Luke said straight away, his voice shaky a bit. His tone and words made you laugh a little before letting yourself fall backwards from your sideways laying position, your back now resting against the soft mattress in the guest room of your brother’s shared home with his best friend. 
“Lulu, calm down. He’s fine with it. Threaten to beat you up if you hurt me, but other than that, he doesn’t mind.” You explained, recalling your talk with your eldest brother the previous night. A loud sigh echoed through your phone from Luke, making you giggle a bit. 
“So, I won’t have to go into hiding when he comes during the summer?” The youngest hughes questions, making you giggle once more. 
“You’re so dramatic, bubs.” You laughed. On the other end of the line, Luke was sitting in his car, one that he was finally able to use since he now lived in a house and had a place to park, unlike the previous year, their practice finishing mere minutes before. He had a soft smile on his face as your laugh rang through his ears, a sound he loved so much. 
“I miss you.” He stated as your laughter died down, a smile of your own appearing on your face. 
“I miss you, too, lemon.”
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Not alone [Harry Potter x reader]
Pairing: Harry Potter x f!reader
Summary: After spending some time with your crush Harry, and while on your way to Hogsmeade, you decide you don't want him to be alone.
Word Count: 1.3K
Warnings: Fluff, English is not my first language!
A/N: Had this idea (which was supposed to be a drabble but oh well) while watching the third movie yesterday. Harry and y/n are supposed to be in their third year (to stay true to the books) but feel 100% free to imagine them being older if it makes you more comfortable. Enjoy! Comments and reblogs are deeply appreciated :)
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The one thing new third years in Hogwarts were looking forward to the most was the fact that, after hearing their elders talking about how awesome all the shops in Hogsmeade were and all these rumors about the Shrieking Shack, they were finally allowed to go too. When you received your permission form, you immediately went to your parents so they could sign it. Soon, your friends wrote to you about how fun the trips to the village would be, and you answered , genuinely, that you were just as excited. 
So when it was time for the new year to start and to get inside the Hogwarts express, your friends were already talking about it while looking for a compartment. After a while, you ran into three people, and you recognized them immediately, not only because they were in your year, but also because of them was your crush - Harry Potter. You immediately felt your heart beating faster and your cheeks becoming hotter, especially when, when he was about to enter a compartment after Hermione, he turned his head towards you, and seeing you, waved.
“Hi, y/n.”
You cleared your throat, trying to pull yourself back together, and managed to smile back.
“Hi, Harry.” 
He gave you one last smile before going into the compartment, and you couldn’t help but feel disappointed. Your friends didn’t know you had a silly crush on the Boy who Lived, as you knew they wouldn’t stop teasing you about it if they did know, so you kept your disappointment - and hope of the dark haired boy truly noticing you - to yourself. He talked to you sometimes, and you two were sometimes paired together for group projects which all ended in a very good grade - and even a correct one with Snape - and he was nice and friendly, but you felt like he acted the same with most of your classmates, which made you believe that your crush wasn’t reciprocated. 
The next month, the visits to Hogsmeade started, and you and your friends were just as excited as the other students. The day before the first visit, you went to the common room sometime after class and found Harry there, a book open before him - but it was obvious he wasn’t reading it, as he looked lost in his thoughts. There were only you two here, and you didn’t know whether you should go and talk to him or not. Gathering up some courage, you walked up to him.
“That book seems fascinating,” you teased.
Coming back to reality, Harry raised his head towards you and smiled.
“Oh, hum, yes,” he said. “We’re supposed to read it for Binns and write something about it.” 
“Ah, yeah, that one. I planned to do it tonight, too.”
And before you realized what you said, Harry answered.
“Oh. Well, we can do it together if you want?” 
You looked at him, incapable of speaking, and after a while, Harry cleared his throat. 
“I mean, it’s fine if you don’t want to, I know you have good grades in that class…”
“No!” you almost screamed. “I mean, of course we can do it together. I’d love to.” 
“Cool,” Harry said, nodding slightly. “Well, you should take a seat.” 
“Oh, of course, sorry.”
You felt yourself blushing, feeling horrible for being so awkward around him, but he didn’t seem to notice or care. The two of you started doing your homework, but soon started to talk about other topics like Quidditch or Professor Hagrid’s classes, not noticing the people coming and going. You guys laughed a lot too, and for the first time, it felt easy to talk to him. You still managed to finish the homework, and when you did, it was already time for dinner.
“Maybe we should go, don’t you think?” Harry asked. 
“Yes,” you nodded.
You two went to put your bags in your respective dorms before meeting again in the common room a minute after, and went together to the Great Hall. Here, you saw your friends as well as Hermione and Ron, and wondered if Harry would decide to rather stay with them than with you, but you ended up sitting next to him, and actually talked a lot with him, inadvertently forgetting about your friends. After dinner, as if it was the most natural thing in the world, you and Harry walked together back to the common room, still chatting. 
You turned your head and saw your friend Parvati.
“Sorry to interrupt, but it’s time to go to bed.” 
You looked around and saw that the rest of the Gryffindor house had already gone to their dorms.
“I guess you’re right.” you said before turning back to Harry. “Well, good night, Harry.”
“Good night, y/n.”
You followed Parvati into the dorm you shared, and fell into an easy sleep, dreaming of a boy with green eyes and a scar on his forehead.
The next day, everyone in your class was talking about going to Hogsmeade, which made you realize you maybe should have asked Harry if he was going.  The afternoon came, and you rolled your eyes when hearing Draco Malfoy brag about whatever new expensive thing his father had bought him, and went to the courtyard to join the students who were allowed to go to the village. After giving your signed permission form to Filch, you saw Hermione and Ron, and looked for Harry, who usually wasn’t far away, and saw him talking to Professor McGonnagall. You couldn’t hear what they were saying, but seeing Harry’s face, it couldn’t be something positive. You saw your Professor shaking her head, and after walking away a bit, going back to him and petting him on the shoulder in a compassionate gesture. You wanted to go and talk to him, feeling sad for him, but Professor McGonnagall gently touched your elbow.
“Let’s get going, Miss y/l/n.” 
You nodded, and turned back your head. Harry was still here, and your eyes met before he turned on his heels and went back inside the castle. Your friends actually waited for you, so it was easy to catch up with them, but as you approached Hogsmeade, you couldn’t help but think how Harry and how alone he must be feeling at this moment. Pondering whether you should go back to stay with him and if he wanted you to stay with him, you decided on the second option. Ignoring your friends’ confused questions and calls, you turned and ran back to the school, and, catching your breath, you went to look for the boy you had your heart. You started looking in the common room, but there was only the kind Neville. 
“Neville?” you asked. “Have you seen Harry?”
“Yes,” he nodded, “I saw him minutes ago, he was going to the library.” 
“Thank you,” you smiled.
You almost ran to the library, and found him sitting alone, a fist holding his cheek. He saw you when you came closer to the table, still a bit breathless.
“y/n? You’re not in Hogsmeade?” he asked, confused.
“I was going, but…” you gulped and had a small smile. “I…I didn’t want you to be alone.” 
Harry looked at you, not speaking a word, and after a moment, his silence made you doubt if you made the good decision.
“I mean, hum…I’d understand if you wanted to be alone, though? I…I can leave.” 
Feeling like you were gonna die of embarrassment, you quickly turned around to leave but you heard a chair moving and, seconds after, a hand on your arm. 
“y/n, wait!”
You stopped your pace, and when you turned around to face Harry, his hand was still on your arm.
“I’m sorry. I just wasn’t expecting you to come back for me. I…Maybe we can go eat chocolate by the fireplace in the common room?” 
You smiled, and felt your heart beater faster than ever.
“I’d love that very much.” 
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twstfanblog · 10 months
*~Period Drama~* Monday
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A/N: SCREAMS. There was no reason why this took me so long to get out. But it's here and I hope you guys like it! Another thank you to @bun-lapin for allowing me to use their lovely OCs for this fic series! I love them so much and I'm having so much fun playing with them! Word Count: 8.4K Words (God damn the next part is gonna be even bigger...) Warnings: She/They Pronouns OC, Period talk, Mentions of labor and pregnancy. Pairings: JamilxOC (Poly), Paternal Crewel &OC ~TagList @twistedcece @deltrea @krenenbaker @koebishrimpuwu @cat100200 @emyluwinter Start, Part 2 (Octavinelle), Part 3 (Heartslabyul), Part 4 (Here), Part 4.5 (Diasomnia pt.1), Part 5 (Diasomnia pt.2), Part 6 (Pomefiore)
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Yuu felt awful, just total dog shit in a bag and on fire awful. But, that was to be expected when they had their period and hadn’t been able to take any pain medication. So, in all honesty, they should be fine.
Yuu checked themselves over in the bathroom mirror. Huffing under their breath and trying to get their hair to settle in a less haggard fashion. They weren’t too sure if they should even go to class. But then they thought about the fact they enjoyed school in Twisted Wonderland. They had teachers who, begrudgingly, took time out of their days to help them understand the coursework. It felt like some kind of disservice to skip out just to laze around their dorm in pain. Not to mention Crewel would have to either visit himself or have someone else bring them food and pain medicine for the day. It just sounded like a lot of unnecessary back-and-forth for everyone else that Yuu wasn’t in the mood to put their loved ones through.
 So, Yuu had put her big girl panties on - with a hand towel between her legs for blood catching, hoping she wasn't going to bleed through it - and got out of bed to go to school. She should also try to pick Grim up from Scarabia. While she’s sure her cat companion was having fun being held and hand-fed gourmet crackers, she did miss the furball and if Jamil’s update texts were of any merit, he was pouting about being away from her for so long.
Now fully dressed, and stiff with muscle aches, Yuu sighed as they walked out of their dorm. At least they were able to leave much earlier than they normally were. No Grim to drag out of bed and the fact they had been awake for hours beforehand playing a very key role. With the Sun just barely peeking over the thick woods, they started their journey to the main road to the school.
But, stepping onto the dirt path that branched off from the paved walkways of the school’s actual borders, Yuu pauses, calling out, “...Jack?”
Tall gray-furred ears perk up, the massive figure they were on freezing at the call of his name. Jack turned around slowly, almost in confusion at being called out to. But seeing it was Yuu who called to him, his wide-eyed expression shifted, his eyebrows creasing as his eyes darted to the dorm before moving back to Yuu, “Why are you outside?”
“No, no, good boy. This is still my property. I ask the questions first. What are you doing out here?” Yuu raises an eyebrow, walking closer to Jack and watching as he seemed to grow more nervous.
“I was…Just on my morning jog…”
“...At 7:30am?” Yuu smiles, tilting her at different angles with each question, “Without Vil? In your school uniform? Walking at a leisurely pace?”
“Yes, what of it?”
Yuu smiled, covering her mouth as she playfully batted at Jack’s arm, the other freshman scowling and twitching his body away from her hits, “Aw~. Were you checking on me?”
“NO, stop hitting me!”
“Oh, by the seven. I lived to see the day! Jack Howl, caring for his classmates. His heart has softened! He shows his emotions on his sleeve! His tail is wagging with glee!” “Shut up! It’s not!” Jack quickly looked behind him, just to double check his tail wasn’t actually wagging before he turned back to Yuu, “That’s not important! Why are you outside? Go back inside!”
“No? I’m going to class.” Yuu shrugs, moving to walk past him before the towering freshman steps in their path, “Jack. I was in a silly goofy mood, but not enough for this. Step aside.”
Shaking his head, Jack folds his arms in front of his chest, “No. You’re injured. You should be resting, not going to school. We’ll bring you your notes or something. Go back home.”
“No~.” Yuu tried to step past Jack again, only to lock them both into a half-step and jump dance that quickly had Yuu groaning in frustration, “Fucking move your enormous self!”
“No! You’re going back to Ramshackle to rest properly.” Jack moves forward, hands braced to clearly pick Yuu up to carry them back to the dorm physically.
“Jack.” Yuu steps back, a hand held up in a motion of ‘Stop’, “If you fucking touch me, I will eject blood on you so hard it’ll bruise you and never come out of your jacket.”
Jack instantly steps back, hands pulling back to his sides in mild fear. He…had no idea if that was even a thing. Was it a thing? Could Yuu actually somehow spray him with blood with enough pressure to harm him physically? He didn’t want to find out. Looking away, Jack steps back another pace, “I just…Should you be walking around? You don’t look good…”
Yuu sighed, tilting their head back, “I’m…gonna live. Don’t worry about it, I’m gonna get a quick pain potion from Crewel and just…fucking deal.” Rolling their neck, they shrug their shoulders and finally falling in step beside Jack to slap his back, “Come on, good boy. We got an education to get.”
“...” Jack sighed, quickly falling into pace with Yuu’s lazy stride, “Stop calling me that. Leona-Senpai keeps mocking me for it.”
“Good, you’re too big. You need to be mocked before you get any taller.”
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The walk to the main building was longer than Yuu cared to remember. It was only longer with Jack constantly pointing out that Yuu counted as ‘ill’ and that it would make sense for them to skip class for the day. Then, when Yuu would simply state they were fine, Jack would offer to just carry them on his back to the school since they were clearly in pain.
“Jack, you’re very sweet. I will literally bleed on you just to prove a point. Drop it.”
The beastman huffed, looking away in annoyance but not bringing it up anymore on their walk. But in the semi-crowded hallways, Jack didn't leave for his own class. He looked conflicted, glancing at Yuu then down the hall to where he was supposed to be. He didn’t want to leave his friend unattended. The scent of their blood was stronger the longer he walked with them and he could only guess how much stronger it would get during the day. Looking around, he could see the other beastmen glancing at them in various degrees of concern and bewilderment.
“Don’t you have to go to class?”
Looking from their surroundings, Jack turned back to Yuu. He sometimes forgot just how small they felt beside him. Sure they weren't the shortest of their friends and they wore heels whenever they could, not to mention they fit into Night Raven almost too well with the number of students they've sent to the medical wing. But smelling their blood, seeing how tired and simply weathered they looked…it made a part of him want to just scoop them into his arms. Try to hum and growl the obvious pain away, like how his own parents did when he hurt himself in his childhood.
But, he'd rather Yuu actually spray him like some kind of demented blood skunk than say that to them, "Yeah I'm…Yuu. You know you smell…weird right?"
The look in Yuu's eyes literally made a bead of cold sweat form at his temple. Piercing yellow eyes quickly looking away from deep, near soulless appearing black pupils as he stuttered. Yuu somehow managed to learn Crewel-Sensei's famous "I will skin you alive and wear it as a coat" glare, something that quickly put anyone on edge because they weren't sure if they'd actually try to do it.
"Not! Not like 'smell bad' weird! Just…off…like…" he blushes, a hand coming up to nervously thumb at a pinned back ear, trying to find the right words, "You…you smell like a lady…"
The glare had thankfully faded to a simple "That was the dumbest thing I ever heard in my life" expression. Yuu tilted their head both in question and to look Jack directly in his sheepish eyes,"..." They sigh, pinching the bridge of their nose and gesturing down the hall with their other hand, "Jack, go to class."
"Go to class."
"Bye, Yuu."
They sigh, watching Jack's hunched figure scurry down the hall and into a classroom. Honestly, the fucking men of this school…
With a spin on their heel, missing the crowd of beastmen who jump and scramble out of their way, they walk toward the teacher's lounge. Hopefully, they'll catch Crewel before he made his way to homeroom for the morning roll call.
Instead, Yuu ran into Jamil and Kalim. The two second-years standing in front of a classroom and seeming to be arguing. Grim held in one of Jamil’s arms and clearly pouting. Whether it was from the lazy hold or his own bad mood, Yuu couldn't tell.
"I can take Grim with me to class. You already have issues focusing and Grim won't be any help in that avenue."
Kalim pouts, trying to take Grim from Jamil only to be denied each time, "Come on! You won't cuddle with him and he'll be so sad until lunch. Shouldn't we do our best to keep him happy until Yuu is feeling better?"
Jamil rolls his eyes, smacking Kalim’s hand away once again, "Yuu doesn't even try to keep Grim happy at all times. He can handle not being cradled for a few hours."
Yuu walks up beside the two, hands easily snatching Grim from Jamil’s grasp in his surprise, "I don't indulge him, Jamil. There's a difference." Yuu smiles, feeling Grim instantly start purring under her grip, shifting him until he was able to rest his arms on her shoulders in a lazy hug, "Sup buddy?"
"Why the hell are you here?"
"Hello to you too, Jamil, my love."
Grim grumbles, nuzzling into Yuu's shoulder, but pulling his ears back at their scent, "You still smell weird…" his grumbles turning into purrs as Yuu scratches behind his ear.
"Yeah. I'm still on the bleed, but I should be ok."
"How!?" Jamil looked ready to either burst a blood vessel, or simply grapple them to the ground to drag them back to Ramshackle. Which was fair, but Yuu felt like if anyone besides Grim touched them they'd start swinging.
Yuu shrugs, "It's fine. I'm…living. I can handle a day at school. Did it all the time back home."
"Yeah, I don't think that was healthy…" Kalim gives them a nervous smile, clearly wanting to gather them up in a hug but having enough sense to take note of their expression, "You look…upset…"
"Oh, I am. But, that's normal."
Jamil finally relaxed, if only to pinch the bridge of his nose, "Why are you here? You should go home, you're not well."
"Jamil." Yuu placed a hand on one of his shoulders, stepping closer to press their sides together and let the second-year wrap his arms around them, even though the contact was slowly worsening their mood, "It's gonna be fine. I'm on my way to get a pain potion from Crewel. I'm going to be sitting all day. So unless by some miraculous, horrible, divine intervention and periods become contiguous? Everyone else is gonna be fine, too."
"..." Kalim suddenly stepped back, his hands covering his lower stomach in brief panic, "Wait, it's contiguous?"
"No, you fucking- I'm gonna go." Yuu pulls away from Jamil, managing to pry the second-year's hands from their jacket, " I'm gonna go before I clock Kalim in the face."
"Me!? What'd I do!? I'm sorry!"
"Stop talking." Yuu took a breath, moving their arms to properly support Grim slung over their shoulder, "No offense Kalim,  but the sound of your voice is activating my fight response. So I'm leaving before I put it into action." They nodded in farewell, almost stomping away from the confused duo. Missing the panic that slowly grew over Jamil’s face before he pulled his phone out and started texting someone.
Yuu walked down the hallway, doing her best to keep her mood above the poverty line. Beastmen bobbed and weaved through the crowds, watching Yuu through doorways and running back around corners when they saw she had noticed their staring. Normally she’d attribute it to Savanaclaw reacting to one of her and Leona’s public squabbles, but too many uniforms were sporting non-yellow ribbons to only be the Beast King’s dorm.
Showing up to the ornate door of the teachers' lounge, Yuu saw a group of beastmen from various dorms crowded around it, whispering sharply among themselves. Yuu stood back a few moments before speaking up, “Are you guys gonna move or go in?” 
The yowl the cat beastmen let out made everyone jump. Yuu stepped back as they all turned to look at her in what could be described as ‘horror’. 
“Do you need help!?”
“...” Yuu looked at the other beastmen, each one almost shaking with panicked expressions, “I gotta…get into the teachers’ lounge. So can you guys move?”
They move as a unit, one of them even shoving another to get him out of their path faster. They stood in a single file line beside the door, looking at them in a mix of respect and fear. One started to scramble to remove his jacket, placing it on the ground for Yuu to walk on as if it were some kind of tiny red carpet. The taller boy smiles sheepishly and gestured for Yuu to go into the room.
Yuu looked down, doing their best to not walk on the jacket, “Okay…Thank you…Please leave.”
There was a second scrambling, the same student shoving the other straight to the ground as they all tried to leave. The cat beastman doubled back. He stood fidgeting with his fingers and biting his lip. Looking at him closer Yuu could see he was from Heartslabyul. Seeming to gather up his courage, he looked at her with a firm nod, “You’re doin’ great!'' Then he turned tail and ran down the hall. The group of them peeking from around the corner before fully disappearing.
Grim pulled his head from Yuu’s shoulder, looking at them in sleepy confusion, “What was that about?”
“I…I wish I could tell you, Grim…Let’s just go see Crewel.” Yuu leaves the jacket on the ground, stepping over it awkwardly and opening the door, “Oh, papa dog? Your favorite puppy is here.” Crewel’s head snapped around from his seat at a fast speed, Ingrid giving his neck a concerned look at the audible pop she heard from across the table, “Why?” He looked Yuu over in bewilderment, standing up and rushing  to them, “WHY ARE YOU HERE!?”
“Well, I'm in this room to get some pain relief. But, I’m in the building to go to school? That thing you guys really want me to do? To get an education or something?”
“WHY-” He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and trying to calm himself down. He bends down and places a hand on Yuu’s free shoulder, pulling her closer to speak softly, “My sweet puppy. My little mongrel. My mini menace…Why are you coming to school when you are actively bleeding from your vagina?”
“Because I’m not a little bitch?”
“You wanna repeat that?”
“Okay, okay!” Ingrid stood from her seat, gathering up the designs and fabric swatches she and Crewel were going over and quickly getting between the ‘father-daughter’ duo, “You two hotheads can cool down. Crewel, she’s here and willing to stay for classes. Now, as teachers, we’re not going to try to dissuade a student from attending classes now are we?” 
Ignoring Crewel’s grumbled response, the redheaded woman turns to Yuu. Her smile turning strained as she gets a good look at the first-year student. A part of her filing away the cutting remark of ‘hit by a truck chic’. But she keeps smiling, tilting her head in a questioning manner, “Yuu, are you…sure…you wanna go to class?”
Yuu sighed, taking one arm from supporting Grim to pinch at her nose. Copying the pose Crewel had just done only moments ago.
 Ingrid tried to keep her coo to herself. By the 7, she really behaved like a mini Crewel at times.
“Ms. Oster. I'm fine. This is totally normal, it'd actually be weirder if I didn't go to school. Unless I'm like…dying, there's no reason for me to not deal with my daily burdens while on my period. I just need a painkiller and I'll be good for the day or at least until lunch.”
Ingrid looks from the corner of her eye, taking in Crewel’s upset face before the bicolor-haired man scoffs. He rolls his eyes and turns on his heel, red bottom lace up loafers clicking against the floor.
“I swear, you were born to a damned dystopia. No one should be leaving their home, let alone their bed when bleeding like this!” He threw open the doors of a medicine cabinet roughly, fully stocked with all sorts of pain relievers though most of them were formulated for headaches. Being a teacher was hard enough, being a teacher at Night Raven College was a gauntlet.
Yuu shrugged, managing to catch the potion Crewel had flung at them. They were sure if they hadn't the teacher would have used their ‘decreased hand-eye coordination’ as a reason they shouldn't be in school. Uncorking the bottle, they gulped it down. While the pain was easing, none of the other symptoms did. They still felt awful, bloated, and as the fizzy thick syrup settled in their stomach, nauseous. 
Hearing the small groan Yuu made, Crewel clicked his tongue, “Puppy, I'm serious. Go back to bed, you're not well.” His stern tone dipped into worry on his last word, expression changed from angry to concerned as he walked closer to them.
Yuu waves not only him but Ingrid off, breathing evenly to get their body back in check, “I'll be fine…period never stopped me before, no reason for it to stop me now…” they sighed, letting Ingrid press a hand to their forehead briefly.
“...” Ingrid hummed, pulling her hand away to instead pick and straighten Yuu's uniform, “They don't have a fever…and they did manage to walk all the way up here. She might be okay to stay, Crewel…”
“Ha!” Yuu smiled at Crewel, “Get outvoted, bitch.”
“You wanna stay for classes!? Fine!?” Crewel slapped his crop in his hand out of frustration, growling under his breath before waving the crop as he walked, “Well then hurry up, puppy. Follow me to class. You're lucky it's a joint class day. Homeroom and potions will just be lectures.”
Even though Grim groaned in their arms, complaining about how boring just sitting was going to be, Yuu was pleased, “Perfect. I don't have the beans to actually measure shit out right now.”
“Amazing. It sounds like you shouldn't have come to classes.”
Ingrid chuckles, waving the two away as they leave the room, still nipping comments at each other in annoyance. Once she was sure they were gone, she whipped out her phone. Typing furiously into the teachers' chat room. If Yuu was going to be on campus, she needed to make sure Hui-Yan kept a certain someone in Diasomnia for as long as possible.
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Yuu and Crewel walked into the room, the teacher lightly shoving Yuu toward their seat, “Sit. And if I see blood on the chair when you leave, I'm dragging you back to Ramshackle.”
Their response was to quickly flip Crewel off, rushing over to their seat when the teacher raised his crop in a threatening manner. Sitting down, they nod their head in a greeting to their friends before placing Grim on the tabletop, “Sup?”
Ace and Deuce were staring wide-eyed, each leaning on the table in an effort to get a clear view of them. The duo looked at each other, then both looked across the room to Jack and Epel. Jack carrying a pinched expression, the look of guilt just barely coming across as Epel ogled aghast. The purple-haired boy gestured as subtly as he could, not wanting to call attention to himself as Crewel started to write on the board.
Deuce cleared his throat, hesitantly nudging his arm against Yuu's, “Yuu…do you really wanna be here right now? With everything going on?”
“Do you wanna die, Deuce?”
“...” The spade card soldier shared a fearful glance with Ace before answering, “No…?”
“Yeah, but you're gonna do it one day anyway. That's how I'm doing right now, so don't talk to me.”
Ace winches, tilting his head in confusion, “ If you don't feel well why didn't you just stay home?”
“Ace, I don't…wanna speak. I don't feel good. Just leave me alone and we can all get through today with our bones.”
The Heartslabyul duo clearly wanted to say something else, hoping to wear down their friend into going home. But the resting bitch face was stronger than normal, and neither wanted to test if Yuu was willing to actually attack them during class. So instead they sat quietly, taking their time to send messages with the other first years across the room.
Throughout the class, Yuu's glare only got worse. A headache almost forming from just how strained their facial muscles were. Crewel snapping his crop more than normal wasn't helping either. The professor kept dead stopping in his lecture to demand the attention of the class. Yuu didn't hear anything that would normally call his ire. Sparing a glance around the room, they noticed a few beastmen quickly look away from their eyes.
Yuu managed to make eye contact with one, the canine beastman jumping up from his seat, seeming to ready himself to vault over the table.
“SIT DOWN!” The crop hit Crewel’s desk so hard Yuu was afraid that the poor wand would just snap in half at some point.
The yell was enough to send the beastman crashing back into his seat. The Ignihyde student blushing furiously as he tried to curl away from the view of his classmates.
The class settled into an uncomfortable silence, Crewel grumbling before he turned back around to aggressively write on the chalkboard, the chalk squeaking harshly with each swipe.
Yuu sighs, gathering an already snoozing Grim into their arms and using him as a mock pillow. Laying their head down, they closed their eyes and welcomed the half nap that quickly took them over.
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If coming to classes was a ‘bad idea’, going PE was a horrible, shitty idea. Yuu had only gotten into their uniform by the grace of the Seven and however many other icons decided to help. The fact they'd need to change again after class only made their stomach churn.
By the time they walked out to the field, they were the last one to line up. Jack sends them a glance but straightens up as their teachers call for their attention.
Vargas boomed out a laugh, “Now that you’re all here, let’s get those muscles primed and trained! Let’s do some quick stretches then you’ll pick which training to do today. Either endurance training with me or strength training with Professor Dubhghall.”
Iomhar Dubhghall was a tall, quiet man. From afar he looked like an average person, but standing closer, you saw just how large the man was, broad-shouldered and long-limbed. While he did teach physical education like Vargas, he spent most of his time focusing on a sparring-centered class that was only open to the 3rd-years. Yuu had met him only a handful of times, delivering staff handouts in Crowley's place was the only real way their paths crossed. He rarely spoke but Yuu had the impression he was pleased enough with her. He had once called her back during a delivery to teach her a few moves on a practice dummy before sending her on her way.
Yuu didn’t mind the other gym teacher, she kind of preferred his quiet judgment over Vargas’ bombastic demands to ‘build muscle’. Overall, a more balanced teacher.
Sadly, neither PE activity was high on their list to do. They groaned and grumbled through the stretches, Jack muttering back to them that the stretches were almost over, to hold on for just a bit longer. Touching their toes made their stomach roll, having to swallow down what they feared really was vomit. Once the warm-ups were done, Yuu groaned, sitting down on the ground as the other students quickly divided themselves among the activities.
Epel tried to walk closer, a nervous expression on his face before he was called back from one side of the field. Someone obviously taunting him about not being brave enough to spar. The Pomefiore first-year growled, looking at Jack before the two of them nodded, Epel running after the student who mocked him. Instead of picking an activity, Jack stood vigilant beside their seated form, eyes scanning the crowd. Every now and again, he’d growl or increase his glare in a direction.
Ace and Deuce ran around the track, Grim hot on their ankles as they would look over every time they passed her. The Heartslabyul duo checking on her in their own way.
Vargas looks from the side, opening his mouth to call Yuu over, only to stop at a firm hand resting on his shoulder. Iomhar didn’t turn to face Vargas’ confused glance, only shaking his head. Vargas huffed, folding his arms but not calling out to Yuu, “I don’t see why she should be allowed to sit out…If she had the energy to come to class, she’s got the energy to build her muscle.”
Iomhar shook his head again, “Just because she had the will to get to the mountain doesn’t mean she has the might to climb it. Not today at least…”
“What does today have anything to do with it?”
“...” The other teacher looked at Vargas with an exasperated look, “Do you not check your phone?” 
Yuu sat silently, hands gripping and ripping into the grass in a method to distract themselves. Luckily, Jack kept his strange guard around her. The Savanaclaw student every now and again rushing around to grab and offer Yuu a cold water bottle that she would only accept half the time. Mid swallow, a familiar Heartslabyul student walked closer, ears pinned back as Jack growled at the cat beastmen.
“Jack…Calm down.” Yuu titled their head at the Heartslabyul beastman, questioning glare just a bit fiercer than necessary, “What do you want?”
“...” The cat beastman suddenly got nervous, shuffling his feet and looking down before breathing out, “We made you something…Come see?”
“...I guess?” Yuu groans, standing to their feet and sighing, “What’s this thing?”
The student perks up, gesturing behind him to the bleachers, “It’s under there! Me and some others worked hard on it so it’d be extra comfortable for you.” A beat of silence passes before the beastman steps closer, “Do you need me to carry you?”
Fuck no? That was what Yuu was going to say. Instead, they had to force down a gag as they felt themselves being scooped up and jostled into large firm arms. Once the nausea faded they realized they were in Jack’s arms. Their Savanaclaw friend glaring daggers at the shorter student.
“I’ll carry them. Just lead the way…” Jack looks at their bewildered face, ears pinning back in embarrassment, “Sorry…Should've asked…”
“You shouldn’t have in the first place.”
Jack hummed in what had better be agreement, following the jittery Heartslabyul student behind the bleachers. When they arrived, Yuu still wasn’t sure what they were supposed to be looking at. On the ground, protected from the dirt by a tarp, was a pile of fabrics. It looked like a mess of school uniforms all piled together and formed to give it a side so that someone could lay lounge style. Looking longer. Yuu noticed a few pieces of clothing that belonged to her friends. Epel’s ruffled dress shirt, Ace’s tie with a playing card tucked into the back folds, and what seemed to be Deuce’s track hoodie.
Silence passed, until Yuu spoke up, “What the fuck am I looking at?”
The group all deflates, turning to start whispering to each other. ‘They don’t like it.’ ‘I told you we should have put food nearby!’. ‘We didn’t get enough of their friends' stuff…’
“No, don’t ignore me, tell me what the fuck I’m looking at!”
Jack huffed but didn’t demand an answer either. Readjusting them in his arms before turning away with a mutter of, “Pitiful…” Exiting the bleachers as the group of beastmen start to mobilize again.
“I’ll go grab snacks!” “You! Go grab some blankets and pillows from your dorm!”
“How did I not think of it!? Pomefiore is a haven of proper materials!”
Yuu scowled, upset from still being unanswered, “Jack. What in the green eyes of the thorn fairy was that bullshit?”
Jack glanced away, ears pinning back as a conflicted expression crossed his face, “...” He opened his mouth.
“Jack. If you tell me something along the lines of, ‘I smell like a lady’ again…something…will happen to both of us…”
And his mouth snapped shut, the clinking of his teeth being the only noise he made. Reaching back to their plot of free space, Jack moves to place Yuu back on the ground.
“Alright…” Jack stood up straight, keeping Yuu in his arms. Eyes scanning the surrounding area for various “dangers”.
From the side, Vargas looked up from his phone and groaned, “Iomhar, look at this! They’re not even sitting anymore! Howl’s carrying them around. I’ve had plenty of muscle cramps in my life, this can’t be as bad as everyone is claiming it is.”
Iomhar again shook his head, “Yuu’s already primed to fight anyone they please. It’s even more so now and I don’t believe any fondness they hold will keep them from actually trying to hurt someone…So if they attack you, I’m not pulling them off of your neck.”
“Phhht. I doubt they’d be able to reach my gloriously robust neck. Don’t tell me you’re afraid of fighting Little Ramshackle?”
“I don’t fight children, Vargas. I at most spar with them, and at least, train them.”
“Oh, and I assume flipping the Schoenheit boy three times in one match was sparring.”
“It was. It was in the ring and everything.”
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Yuu glared at her friends, Grim held firmly in her arms, “Literally…All of you?”
Epel smiled, a bead of sweat just barely rolling down his temple as he tried to steady a clearly distressed Sebek who was clawing at the hallway wall in a bent-over position, “Sorry…Sebek’s really not feeling well. Ace, Deuce, and Jack are helping me since Diasomnia gives me the creeps. We’ll try to be back by lunch! To keep you company!”
Yuu shook her head, walking past the group of nervous boys, “Don’t worry about it. Take little bitch boy Sebek back to Diasomnia. I’ll…take notes or something I don’t know…”
Deuce spoke up, nervously rubbing the back of his head, “Do you…wanna come with us-”
“NO!” Sebek jumps up from his huddled position, the panic clear in his expression as though Deuce just suggested they all go line up to punch Malleus in the face. He realized his outburst, turning to Yuu with a fearful expression, “Uh…I mean…Please don’t come to Diasomnia.”
“...” Yuu blinked before shaking her head and walking into Trien’s room. Whatever was going on today with everyone was something she did not have the bones nor spoons to try to figure out.
The potion had started to fade, already feeling the tightening pressure doing nothing to help their rolling empty stomach. Their mood had also not gotten any better. For the rest of gym class, the same beastmen students had continuously called Jack to carry them back behind the bleachers and show off increasingly elaborate piles of fabric. They still refused to just tell them what the fuck the mess was supposed to be, only growing more determined to ‘get it right’. But when they had failed by the end of the class, they had actually apologized to them profusely and wished them luck before rushing off to their own classes.
So, by Night Raven boy standards, very fucking weird.
Yuu should have asked at least one of her friends to stay behind in class with them. One of them to act as a buffer against the wide-eyed stares of various first and second-year students who possibly hadn’t seen them yet today. She clicks her tongue, looking around the room and breathing a sigh of relief seeing Ruggie. The hyena beastman had a half-eaten donut shoved in his mouth, slowly chewing to make it disappear, and rifling through his beaten-up bag. And just her luck the seat next to him was empty.
They sat, letting Grim crawl out of their arms and getting comfortable, as much as they could with the cramps slowly returning and the feeling of a moist hand towel against their pussy, “Hey Ruggie.”
“Hey-Hold the fuck on…” Ruggie whips around, looking at them as though they were back from the dead. The hyena leaned closer to them, sniffling deeply before pulling back so hard he almost tipped out of his seat, “By the seven, are you okay!?”
Grim gave Yuu a nervous glance, waving a paw as he tried to warn Ruggie to calm down his concern, “Uh…Hey listen-”
“Ruggie, do you wanna be okay?”
“...” The Savanaclaw sophomore actually looked down, seeming to weigh his options before he looked up and nodded, “Yeah?”
“Okay, then I’m gonna need something from you.”
“Sure! What ya need? You want some water? I think I got a bottle left, hell just take the one I had too. You must be hungry, you’ve probably been working hard all day. Let me see if I got anything in here to eat-”
“Ruggie.” Once Yuu was certain they had his attention, they motioned him to lean closer again. He did, though he looked mildly reluctant to do so. Once he was close enough, Yuu gripped him by the collar and pulled him even closer to whisper, “I want you to shut the fuck up. Just…Just shut the fuck up for the whole class. Can you do that for me?”
“Less intensity.”
“Yeah, I can do that…Do you want the water though?”
“...” Yuu sighed. Maybe water would help their growing nausea, “Fine. And a sucker if you got it.”
Ruggie turned and searched through his bag, quickly pulling out a fresh water bottle and a handful of brightly colored suckers to dump on the table, “Here you go. Made them myself. The yellow ones are lemon; you like lemon right-”
“Sorry.” The hyena raised his hands, scooting away as much as he could without pressing against the other student beside him.
The joint history class was passing by. That being the best way Yuu could describe it. Trein’s dry voice, while being the dullest kind of ASMR, was a calming effect to Yuu's thoughts. While it was history here, Yuu couldn't help but hear the lecture as a very detailed fairytale being read aloud in a fancy library. She could feel herself finally relaxing, stomach being only slightly appeased by the sweet-flavored lemon suckers.
If she had bothered to look around, Yuu would have noticed how the beastmen around her were finally calming too. The clearly distressed mood from the Ramshackle prefect doing more damage than she thought it would have.
But the peace was broken, just as Yuu crunched down on their second sucker, the cracking being more audible than they were expecting. But seeing how Trein didn't stop speaking or even turn to them, they grabbed another sucker and started to open it-
“Sensei? Is Ramshackle supposed to be eating?”
It was like time had frozen. Trein’s writing had stopped abruptly, the chalk in hand snapping off in his tightened grip. Every beastman nearly stopped breathing, turning to glare at the Scarabia student who had spoken up.
Ruggie turned to Yuu, opening his mouth to tell them to not mind the student, they could keep eating their sucker. Only to jump back as Yuu stood up, slamming their hands on the table.
Trein felt his face pinch, watching Yuu gather up the half-empty water bottle and numerous unopened suckers. He sighed as Yuu walked toward the small wastebasket by the door, “Yuu, you don’t need to-”
“No, it’s fine!” Yuu shrugged in an almost frantic motion, slamming the water bottle into the wastebasket hard enough the poor plastic bowl had nearly tipped over, “It’s fine. I just can’t fucking have anything!” They had moved onto the suckers, whipping each one into the basket with enough force that everyone was able to hear the candy being broken on impact, “It’s fine, it’s fine, it’s fine, it’s fine!” At the end, they simply threw all of the suckers into the trash.
The room remained silent, waiting in bated breath as Yuu stomped back to their seat, ignoring the concerned looks from Grim and Ruggie. Without saying anything, Ruggie slipped his hand into Yuu’s, holding it firmly as a form of silent support. They looked over, expression clear that they were not pleased, but didn’t pull their hand away.
Trein looked over his class. The beastmen not close to Yuu were spending their energy glaring at the student who had spoken up, those closer were trying to subtly pass items to Bucchi. Hidden juice packs, different candies, savory snacks. All things that were forbidden in his classroom besides a Pomefiore beastmen trying to hand over his gallon-sized personalized water bottle. He sighed. If he had the time to properly speak, he would have told the student to pay attention to the lesson and not his classmates sitting silently, minding their own business.
Sighing, he turned back to the board, grabbing a fresh piece of chalk, “Now…as I was saying…”
The lesson continued on, the air clearly tense as Yuu started to tap on their table in an increasingly aggressive manner.
 Trein turns to the class, “Can anyone tell me what was the tactic used in the battle against invaders of the East Kingdom?” Seeing no one raising their hand, he unfortunately fell back on muscle memory. Yuu had shown great promise in his class, excitedly asking questions about historical events and even reading text for the second or third-year classes on their own time. So it didn't occur to him that calling on them in their current state was not the right move to make, “Yuu? Would you care to enlighten the class?”
“...” Yuu stood from their seat, leaving behind a confused Grim and Ruggie, and walked out of the room. The door slamming hard behind them and rattling the surrounding frames.
Trein sighed, turning back to the chalkboard and continued writing, “Does anyone have the answer?”
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The botanical gardens were always pleasant. Perfect temperature no matter the season, full of fresh smelling air. Even when the magical dome had its annual rainshower, Yuu wasn't above gathering their friends and sitting under a tree to chat in the sprinkle. Which is probably why the gardens were the first place their legs took them.
Just where he normally was, Leona laid down with his arms folded under his head in a relaxed pose. The third-year napping peacefully in his patch of overgrown grass. She sat beside Leona, moving to stretch her back as she did during gym.
Leona’s eyes snap open after a few beats of silence. He sat up on his elbows, looking at Yuu with wide eyes, “...” He tilted his head, eyes flickering to their lower body, “Are you okay?”
Yuu sat up, winding back their fist and punched Leona directly in the chest.
“AUH! You little-” Leona had pulled his hand back, fully prepared to backhand Yuu in retaliation before he paused. Taking in Yuu's face, he noted how pathetic they looked even though they were glaring at him. He groaned and clenched his hand tightly. Having to remember his key reasons for not just striking back the non-magical student at every sucker punch Yuu managed to land on him. ‘They were younger than him’. ‘They didn’t have magic’. ‘They knew better than to just hit him, so they clearly want him to do something’. He breathed in, putting his hand back down and raising an eyebrow at the angry scowl on Yuu’s face, “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“What’s wrong with me? What the fuck is wrong with everyone else!?” Yuu waved their arms around, as though Leona could see the examples all around them, “This whole fucking day, everyone’s been acting so weird! Jack was basically a fucking bodyguard for me during gym! Hell, Ruggie was almost trying to hand-feed me during history!”
Leona mumbled under his breath, realizing just how late in the day it had become, “Fuck, I overslept…”
“Plus, like, I think every beastman is acting like I’m about to explode if they don’t treat me like the most delicate little flower.” Yuu turned to Leona, confusion easily bleeding into their scowl, “Like, what the fuck is going on today!?”
“...” Leona points to between Yuu’s legs, nose wrinkling as he sniffles the air softly “What’s happening down there?”
“I’m on my period…”
“Yeah, because I clearly know what the hell that is, Feral.”
Yuu groans out, the force of it almost making them slump over before they snap back up, “I’m bleeding out my pussy. Don’t freak out, it’s normal for me,”
Leona brought his fingers to his temple, sighing, “Yeah, that’ll do it…”
“Do what!?”
“Send everyone into a fucking panic. You smell like you’re in active labor…” Leona suddenly looked at them from the corner of his eyes, “You aren’t, right? If that lizard actually knocked you up while you’re still in school-”
“I’m not pregnant! This is literally happening because I’m not pregnant!”
Leona leaned away, doing his best to not roll his eyes, “Okay. By the seven…I'm just saying if he did, you can sue him over that.”
“Leona, I'm not suing my boyfriend just because you've got some kinda one-sided blood feud with him.”
“One; it's not one-sided. Two; it's sound legal advice. You two had a binding agreement and if he broke it you have right to-”
“Words can not express how much I want you to shut the fuck up…”
Leaning back, Leona scoffed. Arms going back to their folded position as he reclined on the grass, eyes closing, “Fine. Get fucked over for all I care…” After a beat of silence, he sighs out, cracking an eye to look at Yuu, “What happened? You're supposed to be in history. You're a little goody for Trein normally.”
“...” Yuu sighs, taking the standing silent invitation and laying down beside Leona, hands folded over the growingly tense muscles of their pelvis, “It's just been…a lot today. I can normally handle my period just fine but…” 
The following silence quickly sombered their conversation. Leona gave Yuu his full attention, raising an eyebrow as a silent gesture for Yuu to continue. His concern almost showing on his face when they don’t respond to him, “Yuu-”
Leona’s ears press against his head at the yell echoing in the garden. He grumbles under his breath and sits up again, sniffing in the direction of the yell before calling out, “Stop making so much noise. We’re over here.”
Ruggie comes rushing around the corner, Grim just barely hanging onto him from his shoulder. In his arms were blankets and multiple kinds of snacks and drinks, “There you are! Are you ok? Ya hungry? I got some cold juice on the way over here. Leona, how's it looking? Are the contractions far apart still?”
… Yuu rolls over to fully press their face into the ground, frustrated screaming slowly growing in volume as they banged their fists against the grass. Ruggie had attempted to rush over, dropping the bundle in his arms only to be stopped by Leona’s outstretched hand.
“Calm down, she’s not pregnant. Just being a little bitch.”
“Wait, what?”
The screaming had died down, Ruggie and Leona speaking in quick mumbles to each other. Grim slipped off of Ruggie’s shoulder, cautiously nudging at Yuu’s prone arm.
“Hold on…this is normal?”
Leona shrugs, running a hand through his hair as he sighed, “I’m guessing from how pissed they’re being about people worrying over them…” His green eyes looked over Ruggie, noting his empty arms before he scowled, “And where’s my lunch?”
Ruggie rolls his eyes, clicking his tongue and picking at the collar of his too-big button-up, “Well, forgive me for being more worried about the potentially pregnant person about to pop out a baby to get you a damn sandwich…”
“That’s not an excuse to not do your job-”
Grim whined, pushing against Yuu’s arm even harder than before, “Yuuuuuu! Come on, henchman, I'm hungry! Don’t you wanna go get lunch-”
“NO!” Yuu snaps up, their yelling sending Grim rolling away from them and scrambling to hide behind an equally stunned Leona and Ruggie, “No! I wanna take a shit and die. Just fucking pass away from the mortal coil!”
“It shouldn’t be this fucking hard!” Yuu pulled themselves up from the ground, kneeling as they look at their hands, trying to find the answers to their boiling-over questions and concerns, “It’s normal! It’s fucking basic as fuck for me normally! Periods shouldn’t be this hard, things shouldn’t be this hard!”
Ruggie and Leona share a look with each other, the second-year trying to step closer, “Hey, bud, it’s okay-”
“IT’S NOT RUGGIE, AND THAT’S THE PROBLEM!” Yuu was almost shaking from the force of their welling emotions, “Everyone is acting like something’s wrong! And that has never happened to me past just ‘Oh fuck, your period started? You need a tampon?’ And that’s it! Like, I knew things were different here, obviously. But I don’t think about it, you know? But now I am because everyone is acting weird when it’s just my period, it's not a big deal! But it is a big deal here! A lot of shit is a big deal here. And I'm thinking about where I came from a lot now and holy shit, I'm never gonna see those people or places again. And I'm okay with that! But, oh my fucking God, I am craving comforts and shit that I'm never going to have again. And I'm spiraling thinking about the few things I do regret and how I'm never gonna be able to fix them, I won't even get to try! Does anyone even know I'm gone? Did anyone care? I'm in a place where I don't actually exist, bleeding out my pussy with basically no support, and I'm realizing I have never felt more alone.”
The only sound was Yuu’s harsh breathing, the magicless human trying to take deep breaths to calm her rolling stomach and fight against the tears threatening to spill. The three males all shared a look, having a silent conversation with a series of eyebrow raises and glares. In the end Leona sighed, leaning over to place a hand on Yuu’s shoulder.
“Oi…Feral…You okay?”
“...Yeah…” Yuu’s face pinches up, a single sound of struggle slipping out as she shook her head, “No…” Turning, she dry heaved into the grass.
“Oh, by the Seven…” Leona moved, reaching over and pulling Yuu’s hair back in time for them to let out a wet-sounding retch that finally brought up a bit of watery bile. He held their hair, silently directing Ruggie to wrap up the food items in one of the many blankets. He only looked back to Yuu once the vomiting had stopped, helping them to sit up, “Feel better now?”
Yuu looked at Leona, tears clear in their eyes and quickly losing the fight to not cry. They shake their head again, tilting it down as they whimper, “I wanna go home…”
“Alright…” Leona slips his arms around Yuu’s body, easily scooping the smaller into his hold and cradling them close, “You shoulda stayed home in the first place…”
“Shut up…”
Leona looks to Ruggie, using one of his hands to grip the makeshift bag of treats, “Watch the weasel, I'm taking them home.” He made his way out of the garden, calling over his shoulder, “And you better have my lunch by the time I’m back!”
Ruggie sighed, sharing a look with Grim before he gave a disgusted look to the puddle of vomit on the ground, “I should find a hose or something to clean this up…smells awful-”
“Uh…Ruggie?” Once Grim was sure he had the hyena’s attention he pointed a paw to the top of the greenhouse dome, noting the fast-rolling dark clouds, sparks of green lightning seen inside them, “Should we be worried about that…?”
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“Cozy?” Leona pulled away, making sure Yuu was completely covered by the blanket. The prefect was curled up on the couch, sniffling and getting themselves fully comfortable before nodding their head, “Good.” Leona pulled a basket closer, the snacks Ruggie had gathered filling it almost to the top as he offered a juice box to them.
Yuu took the box, the tops of their arms leaving the warmth of the blankets to open the drink. Sipping once from the tiny straw, before speaking, “Thank you…”
“Yeah, yeah. You owe me for this. Coming to school when you were basically sick and then throwing a tantrum like that…you know better, Feral.” but looking at Yuu's pitiful face, he felt his own frown soften. Kneeling down, he pets at Yuu's head, subtly checking for a fever, “...Are you gonna be alright alone?” he asked it so softly Yuu almost missed it.
They smile, sniffling and wiping at their eyes, “Yeah…I think I just need a good cry…if it gets bad, I'll call someone. Promise.”
He nods his head, standing up and walking to the doorway of the lounge, “On or off?” At Yuu's soft call of ‘off’, he flipped the light switch. With the room in darkness, Leona gave one last grunt of goodbye, walking away as he heard Yuu's silent crying turn to choked-back sobs.
Outside of Ramshackle, he noted the shift in weather. The clouds he had noticed on the walk in had completely taken over the sky, still rolling like the bubbles of an overheating potion. And as he stepped onto the path leading away from the building, he saw a growing spark of green lightning. The lights crackling and seeming to follow the path of something, or rather someone walking in the direction to Ramshackle.
Leona sighs, shoving his hands in his pockets and walking forward. Seems like he'd have to be the one to talk to Malleus…
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350 notes · View notes
rubyuji · 4 months
Fragments (Mingyu, Seungcheol) ˙ ✩°˖🫐 ⋆。˚
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“You know since we are just a few minutes away from landing, did I ever get the chance to thank you for being a huge blessing in my life?” 𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐
Genre: Slight angst, fluff, romance
AU: University!au, Coming of Age!au
Pairing(s): (Short) Wonwoo x Afab!reader, Seungcheol x Afab!reader, Mingyu x Afab!reader (Reader is Jeonghan’s little sister)
Warnings: Cheol is toxic, nonchalant and doesn’t care for their relationship, a kiss scene (how shocking)
Synopsis: Growing up with someone you love isn’t easy, well at least for Seungcheol, he never expected to be a life-altering heartbreak for you either, and while he did wish for a second chance, that plan had only backfired on him when he received an invite to your engagement party with Mingyu.
Note: I’m finally done with the long awaited fic! I kept pausing and got busy in between, but overall I’d say that I’m satisfied with it. Thank you all for waiting and I hope you like it! Don’t forget to like + reblog as always to help support me and other writers, happy reading!
WC: 12k (exceeded my estimate omg)
Taglist: @nerdycheol @notevenheretbh1 (Thank you guys so much!)
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Seungcheol remembered the first time he saw you. It was at his friend Jeonghan’s house, your nose crinkled adorably as you read some cheesy romance novel at sixteen on the cream sofa in the living room.
He had wanted to say something, but all he could do was smile as Jeonghan introduced him to your parents. Since then, he has been practically your family’s newest son besides Joshua, their other best friend.
When Seungcheol had received his fair share of confessions from girls all over the school in his senior year, he had always declined them politely because he was just never interested in any of them, except this time, it was different ever since the day Jeonghan had introduced you to him.
In moments wherein he would receive a confession from someone, he would see you walk by and forget the girl even existed, opting to call out your name instead and jog after you.
He would even walk you to your class or visit you in your classroom, using the ‘protective brother’s friend’ excuse, when in reality, he was only scoping out the potential guys who were interested in you in your class.
“Dude, do you like my sister? You look like a lost puppy following her around,” Jeonghan chuckles. Seungcheol raises his brow at his friend and turns to Joshua, who just shrugs as he agrees with Jeonghan.
“You hang around Y/n so much that there’s already rumors being spread of her being your crush or girlfriend,” Joshua says flatly.
“Guys, I’m just looking out for her, you know we all care about her like a little sister. Come on, I’m just a lot more proactive than Jeonghan” Seungcheol whined.
It was half true, he did want to look out for you because he cared, but also because he wanted to ward off any of the guys who were admiring you.
“You act like I leave her for dead, people probably think she’s your little sister instead of mine,” Jeonghan says, bored.
“Oh by the way, I honestly can’t believe she’s seeing this guy in the other class, his name was Jeon Wonwoo or something? He asked her out on Valentine’s Day,” Seungcheol whipped his head around and stared at Jeonghan, who was way too engrossed in his laptop even to notice the way Seungcheol’s brows furrowed.
Seungcheol felt his heart clench, no wonder you were starting to decline his invitation to walk home with him, Joshua, and your brother.
You had even started distancing yourself from them. It wasn’t that noticeable at first, but you were definitely around them less, opting to spend more time with a certain boy that he had seen with you way too often.
“So he’s buying her snacks and getting her flowers every morning? That’s crazy to me. I mean, Y/n is still so young, how are you letting this slide?” Seungcheol whined.
Looking back, he remembers you walking around hand in hand with a tall guy who had glasses on, and you were always smiling at whatever the guy said to you.
As Joshua was about to get another word out about how Seungcheol was probably going to cry about you growing up and becoming your own person with an identity, you suddenly walked into the living room and plopped onto the seat beside Jeonghan. Your brother scoffed and rolled his eyes as you accidentally knocked the laptop from his lap.
“I heard my name? Are you guys gossiping about me?” You say playfully.
Seungcheol felt his ears warm up at the sound of your voice, despite you being a mini version of Jeonghan, he still couldn’t help but fall for you as a person because of how charming you were.
“Yeah, I told them about the boy you’re seeing in the year above yours. Is he your boyfriend or is he just a crush?” Jeonghan runs a hand through your hair and you hum with a smile on your face.
“He’s my boyfriend, a super sweet guy. I never expected him to ask me out or even feel the same way, but I like him,” Seungcheol could hear the love practically dripping from your voice, and he wanted the green-eyed monster to simply swallow him whole.
“You’re so gross if he hurts you, we’ll be after his head. Please tell him as a reminder,” Jeonghan then flicks your forehead and you whine.
Seungcheol could never get tired of seeing the way you and Jeonghan interacted, the way you reacted cutely, and how your nose scrunched in the most adorable way possible.
Turns out, Jeonghan’s promise was going to come around way sooner than any of you would’ve thought.
As Seungcheol was there for your first boyfriend, he also ended up being there during your first heartbreak.
He clearly remembers the day you shuffled over to your older brother quietly and held onto his arm for support, Jeonghan opting to pull you close to his side instead. Your eyes were soaked with tears, the guys looking at you worriedly on the way home.
“We’ll head in, I gotta take care of the little one first. You guys go ahead,” Seungcheol and Joshua nodded, still worried about your current state, but decided to leave your actual older brother to it because he knew what to do.
That night, Jeonghan texted their group chat about how Wonwoo had broken up with you that day.
Some bullshit excuse like you guys weren’t meant to be, when in reality, Wonwoo had been seeing a different girl behind your back and didn’t know how to tell you that he fell out of love, something Seungcheol couldn’t fathom.
How could someone fall out of love with you? You had so much to offer and you had so much love to give.
Seungcheol cursed the kid out in his head and texted that he would deal with him, but before he could do anything stupid, Joshua had to talk him out of it.
He knew it was a bad idea to even confront Wonwoo for breaking your heart, but he couldn’t help it, not when he couldn’t stand the look of hurt that graced your pretty face, the way tears welled up in your big doe eyes.
But, Seungcheol also considered the fact that you wouldn't like it if he got into a fight either.
Your first heartbreak felt like a blur after a few years, and Seungcheol had found himself watching from the sidelines again as you grew up to be such an independent and self-assured young woman. However, he could’ve never expected to become the face of your second biggest heartbreak.
Seungcheol, Jeonghan, and Joshua were now in their third year of college, and you had just entered as a freshman.
With him and Jeonghan studying business management and Joshua taking the psychology route, you were now added to their little family as well, this time majoring in fashion design.
“Are you guys proud of me? I’m finally an adult! Can’t wait to rot away for the next three to four years while you guys only have a year left again,” You joked as you settled on the seat beside Joshua.
Jeonghan had offered you a place to live that was in the same building, and it was pretty affordable, while still being near campus. Seungcheol thanked whatever deity was up there for giving you the opportunity.
Though you guys weren’t apart for that long, albeit the guys visiting you during every break since they started living away from your hometown, it still felt like something was missing during their time in college.
You felt the same admittedly enough, and even though you enjoyed the solace that came with the silence of not having to have the guys around with their constant bickering and yelling, you couldn’t help but miss them dearly.
So, when your brother offered up an apartment in the same building as theirs, once you got accepted into the same school, you took it immediately.
“Hey, we’ll still live here until we get stable jobs after graduating, baby. You don’t have to sulk, you won’t be lonely and we’ll make sure of it,” Seungcheol chuckled.
You felt your heart beat faster at the sound of his voice, you’ve seen Seungcheol ever since you guys were teenagers, but you had to admit, college and becoming an adult was catching up to him.
Seungcheol looked broad, and it was the result of continuously working out and his efforts to maintain his body and health, but he also carried a different air around him, one that made you feel choked up and so small around him.
You held back from developing feelings for Seungcheol though, as he was your brother’s best friend. It was strictly sibling code, but Jeonghan didn’t seem to care if you dated any of his friends for that matter.
“I’ll take it,” You smile at Seungcheol.
You couldn’t help the fluttering you felt in your chest, but you also weighed your feelings for the man.
Seungcheol was handsome, and he had a charming personality to match, but would he date you? He most likely saw you as a little sister above all else, and he was Jeonghan’s best friend, your brother would never let you live it down.
You were so wrong though because not even a month after you had moved in, Seungcheol had asked you out on a date.
You were pleasantly surprised, not expecting him to ever look your way at all, but here you were as the man handed you a small bouquet, pink dusting his cheeks as he waited for your answer.
“Yes Cheol, I’ll go out with you,” Seungcheol’s eyes lit up as he picked you up and spun you around out of excitement.
You laughed once he put you down, and on the way home, he couldn’t help but announce it to both of his roommates. Jeonghan raised a brow at you, and you shrugged shyly under your brother’s gaze.
One date with Seungcheol turned into two, then three, until you finally agreed to be his girlfriend. Things got serious quickly between the two of you, given how long you’ve known each other, and Jeonghan and Joshua couldn’t help but laugh at their friend who was finally experiencing a relationship for the first time.
You were both acting like lovesick fools whenever you visited the apartment and within a year, your relationship had progressed into something deeper.
Seungcheol opted to move over into your apartment on the floor above, and you both even decided to adopt a puppy and name her Kkuma.
Life couldn’t have been better, especially when Seunghcheol took great care of you in all ways.
“Hi baby, I picked up some things at the store that we were running out of. How was your day?” Seungcheol kissed your cheek as he placed the groceries on the kitchen island.
You were currently cooking dinner for the two of you, and you turned gratefully toward your boyfriend. He is the most perfect partner you could ever ask for.
Communication with Seungcheol was easy, loving him was easy, and being with him was easy, but it was as if he had become an entirely different person once you were about to reach the two-year mark of your relationship.
Seungcheol started becoming more closed off, he spent more time at his new job, and he started lashing out at you, causing huge blowup fights between you both, resulting in you having to sleep at Jeonghan and Joshua’s place more often than not.
“I don’t understand what’s gotten into him, you know he seems fine at work, but now he’s raising his voice at you? Y/n, we know Seungcheol is our best friend, but his actions are already harming you, don’t you think it’s better to break up?” Jeonghan looked like he was pleading with you.
Your older brother knew better than anyone, and you bit your lip softly. Even Joshua and Jeonghan had started to notice the change, it was how Seungcheol even refused to spare you a glance at parties, or how he had started to leave you alone more often, even during his day off.
What ticked Jeonghan off though, was the fact that Seungcheol had already raised his voice at you in front of them multiple times.
He couldn’t stand to see his baby sister being taken for granted by someone who once cared about her so much, he wondered what on earth happened to the Seungcheol who vowed to take care of you.
The one who always doted on you and scolded Jeonghan for leaving you alone when you needed him.
“Hey, take it easy on her. Two years is a long time Han, so it’s not like Y/n can walk out on him instantly just like that. I have to agree with your brother though, Y/n. This isn’t healthy for you, and we’re willing to help you with whatever just to make things easier,” Joshua pulls you into his side on the sofa and you huff.
The Seungcheol you were with felt unrecognizable, and you just wished you could run away from him for once, so you decided to confide in the two about how your best friend, Mingyu, had offered to take you to Italy with him because he was going to model for a brand there, and how they loved your portfolio and wanted to take you under their wing as a senior fashion designer.
“Don’t you think it’s wiser to take the opportunity? I know you love Cheol, but Y/n, you can’t keep putting up with this. He’s only hurting you,” Joshua says softly.
You shake your head and let out a deep sigh. What would it take for you to walk away from it all? Leaving sounded tempting, yet all you could think about was how Seungcheol would feel if you left.
He could still change, but how much longer could you endure the pain he’s been putting you through?
“Look, we understand that it’s easier said than done, but you’re still so young and have the whole world to explore. Don’t chain yourself down to this relationship, Y/n. We promise to deal with Seungcheol if it makes you feel better, but for now, we think you should take the opportunity to go to Italy,” Jeonghan looks at you painfully, and the last thing you wanted to do was to hurt your brother, seeing as you being in pain was already doing just that.
“I—'ll go to Italy, but promise me that you both will take care of Cheol? I know he hasn't been the best lately, but he’ll need as much support as I do. It's been difficult, but you guys are right, I still have the world out there for me, and whatever happens with Cheol will happen. Find our way back to each other or not, I think I’m ready for a fresh start,” You declare.
Jeonghan and Joshua look at you fondly, as Seungkwan, their new roommate and one of your closest friends, walks into the room, eyes as wide as saucers.
“Wait, you’re taking Mingyu up on that offer in Italy? That’s amazing, Y/n! I’ve been waiting for Seungcheol to finally get his grip off of you so you can flourish!” You laugh awkwardly as Seungkwan crushes you in his embrace.
“Ugh, Kwannie! Mingyu said he’s supposed to leave next week, I think it’s finally time I give him the answer he’s been waiting for. Are you coming with?” You pout at Seungkwan. Your friend nods and gives you a wide grin.
“I’m coming along so I can get used to the environment, I can’t leave these two just yet you know? Besides, I’ll go tell my sister once I’m ready and I’ll be there with you both ok? Now come on, let’s head upstairs, I’ll help you pack!” Seungkwan pushes you out the door and you bid your brother and Joshua goodbye, promising to call them later.
You were happy you had Seungkwan to keep you company while packing your things, he kept your mind at bay knowing you still had to talk to Seungcheol about everything that was happening.
You couldn't just get up and leave without an explanation, it just wasn't who you were, and you felt like it would’ve been unfair for your boyfriend.
Once you finally zipped up your last suitcase of personal belongings, you didn't have much, to begin with, and Seungkwan lugged the rest of your bags down to their apartment, you heard the door open. ‘He’s home,’ you thought to yourself.
You walk out of your room and see Seungcheol walk into the apartment, his body language seeming a bit more apprehensive than usual, but you know you have to say something.
You were already leaving for Italy the next week, and this was probably going to be the last time you’d be seeing Seungcheol in a while.
“Cheol? Can we talk, please?” Your voice was timid, almost coming out as a squeak if Seungcheol didn’t listen hard enough. He turns to look at you, his gaze suddenly soft but still somehow holding anger.
“Can you make it quick? I still have something to do so I won’t be in the house for long, you don’t have to wait for me,” Seungcheol huffed.
Your heart broke at how you could barely even recognize the person in front of you.
This wasn't the same Seungcheol who constantly doted on you while growing up. The Seungcheol who was too scared to even raise his voice at you, knowing you hated it when people yelled at you.
How did his, “Hey angel, don’t wait up for me and get some rest, you had a long day,” turn into cold scoffs and constant eye rolls? Was he tired of you?
You finally gather enough courage to speak up about everything you’ve held back from him the past few weeks.
This wasn’t your Seungcheol anymore, this man was a stranger in your apartment, he was a stranger you once knew, a stranger whom you’ve loved with your whole heart, only for him to throw it all away. You finally had enough, it was time for you to choose yourself for once.
“You know what? Fine, I will. To sum it all up, I’m leaving you Seungcheol, this isn’t gonna be the same as some silly little sleepover at Joshua and Jeonghan’s. I’m leaving, I’ve had enough of dealing with your outbursts and I barely recognize you anymore. I’m sorry I had to end it like this, but I’m choosing myself this time,” a stray tear makes its way down your face and you hold in the urge to sob.
This was for your own good, and if leaving Seungcheol and bearing the pain was what it took, so be it.
You knew it would be hard to move on, but you also knew that making a choice for yourself and choosing yourself for your peace was what you needed right now.
“I’m letting go, maybe we aren’t meant to be, or we’ll find our way back, but I can’t promise anything. I’m sorry, you don’t have to tell me anything else because I leave next week. I have everything packed, and you can talk to my brother and Joshua about living arrangements, I’ll still pay the lease until the end of the month,” You choke out.
Your nose was starting to get stuffy and your vision started to blur, you couldn’t even look at Seungcheol as you told him everything.
“Y/n, please, don’t leave. I’m sorry, just give me time to fix everything, I know I fucked up. Why did you decide to drop all of this on me now? I– I can’t, Y/n, please,” Seungcheol was pleading with you.
You knew it was unfair, but after countless months of giving in to Seungcheol and settling with being the same understanding girlfriend you are, you couldn’t help it.
“I’m sorry, I can’t let you fix everything when you’re too late. I’ve given you countless chances to finally pull yourself together, even going as far as to leave you alone because I know how much you hate being bothered when you’re stressed, and this is what I get in return. I’ve been too understanding towards you that it’s starting to affect me, please, just let me have it this once Seungcheol,” You were now the one pleading as tears cascaded down your face like a waterfall.
Seungcheol’s heart ached as he looked at you. You were such a self-assured, independent, and strong young woman, he knew that since the moment he met you.
Jeonghan made sure you grew up not needing a man to take care of you but also made sure you still left a part of yourself where you allowed someone to take care of you once you felt vulnerable enough.
This wasn’t the same woman he had fallen in love with, instead, what Seungcheol saw in front of him was the same girl who had her heart crushed by a stupid teenage boy back in high school.
You looked so broken, so frail, as you tried to shield yourself away from him. Seungcheol couldn’t help but feel as if the world was closing in on him, had he been too neglectful the past few months?
Did he let his emotions get the best of him when he had promised you that he would keep a level head around you? Hell, he even promised your brother he would never hurt you, and look where it got him.
Seungcheol couldn’t even get another word out before you left the apartment, leaving him in the silence of a home that was once filled with the warmth of the love you had once before.
Ten minutes had passed and Seungcheol still couldn't believe that you had walked out on him, had he been too lax of a boyfriend already?
He knew he fucked up and he had been wanting to fix things between you both, but it ultimately ended in failure the moment you walked out of that apartment.
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You hold the handle of your carry-on bag as Mingyu checks you both in while you are still taking in the atmosphere of the entire airport.
It felt surreal, a week ago you were in the apartment you once shared with Seungcheol, everything you withheld from him boiling over, and now you’re at the airport with one of your best friends in the entire world, ready to go to Italy and start life over.
“Hey, I got our boarding passes, let's head in and get past security so we don't have to deal with the hassle later. Also, you look tense, lighten up a bit, you need this reset,” Mingyu smiles at you gently while handing you your passport.
You nod and let out a breath, Mingyu was right, your life had been stagnant for too long, and this was something you deserved.
“Thanks, Gyu, for everything. You’ve been nothing but kind to me, I seriously feel like I’m indebted to you,” You joke, and Mingyu lets out a scoff.
“No need to thank me, you’re the most amazing fashion designer I know, and with the company liking your portfolio and telling me that they would like to take you under their wing immediately, you should give yourself more credit where it’s due. This was all from your hard work, Y/n,” Mingyu shakes his head and you both go through security while lugging your bags through the scanners.
After going through security, you and Mingyu bought food and chatted at the boarding gate happily while waiting for your flight to board.
“I’m glad you took the opportunity, I was starting to think you’d be stuck here forever, forced to live a boring life with Seungcheol. No offense, of course, it's just that you’re way too talented to not show your colors to the entire world,” Mingyu flushes and you grin at him sheepishly.
You met Mingyu through Minghao, who introduced you to the man because he knew you needed a male model because you ran out of options for your menswear class.
“Look, I know you love your brother and all, but this is our last final for the year, Y/n! Think about it, you already had Joshua model for the midterm, and Jeonghan modeled for us during the first semester’s finals, and our second-semester midterms.” Minghao gave you a pointed look knowing you had to do this for your sake.
You were too familiar with your brother and Joshua’s builds, and despite getting near-perfect scores on your projects, you still wanted to try something that was out of your comfort zone. Minghao then snaps his fingers and you look at him in confusion.
“I have this friend, you remember Mingyu right? He was my model during the first round of midterms last semester. I think it would be great if you practiced with him since you aren't used to taller and broader builds,” You raise your brows at Minghao’s proposition.
“I mean, you’re right about that. Give me his contact, and I’ll shoot him a message,” You smiled softly. Minghao handed you his phone with Mingyu’s contact as you input it into your phone.
You met Mingyu once for his measurements, saw his sweet smile once, heard him speak in his soft voice, and the rest was history.
Mingyu had turned into your rock, your other cheerleader who was there whenever your boyfriend wasn't. Now, you’re traveling the world with your best friend who is everything you could ever ask for.
“I appreciate the sentiment Gyu, I couldn't have gotten here without you being by my side. I guess I thought I was destined to just, you know, wait until I get offered a boring job at some corporate office that has nothing to do with my degree, then live with Seungcheol until God knows how long,” You laugh softly, looking back at what you had thought would be the rest of your life, but change is inevitable and it was time you accept it.
“Of course, you know I’ll always be by your side. It's my job to take care of you as your best friend, even if you insist that you’re completely fine on your own.” Mingyu pouts.
You laugh at Mingyu and heave a sigh of relief. You finally felt free after all these months.
From being too depressed to get out of the apartment, declining every invitation from your friends, to moving to Italy with both of your best friends and starting life over from scratch.
Your brother and your friends were right, even if you did love Seungcheol, some people just aren't meant to be in our lives for so long once they impact you negatively.
“Oh, by the way, did Seungkwan send you his flight details? I swear, he has do-not-disturb mode on more, these days,” You laugh as you come across a picture of you, Seungkwan, and Mingyu on your last trip to Jeju during Seungkwan’s birthday.
Mingyu hummed and nodded, showing you a screenshot that Seungkwan had sent to him.
“His flight is still later tonight, so he’ll probably arrive the day after us or like at night? I don’t know, time zones are weird,” Mingyu gave up trying to understand time zones and you laughed again at how cute your best friend was.
“I’m sure Seungkwan will call us once he’s there, so we don’t need to worry much. What we need to worry about though, is where we’re going to be staying once we get there first,” You laugh.
Mingyu shows you an email on his phone from the company, it said you were going to be provided with housing since Mingyu was a model, and you were a senior fashion designer.
“What? They’re going to provide us with housing? That’s crazy,” Your mouth gaped like a fish and Mingyu laughed at you.
“I know, that’s why I chose this company over every other one. The others only ever put your portfolio and resume aside, while the one we’re being hired to right now provided us both with opportunities. I thought it was only fair to bring you along since I did get scouted by big shots after uploading myself modeling in your pieces,” Mingyu smiled softly, his tone laced with gratitude towards you.
You wave off Mingyu’s remark dismissively. “You worked hard you know? I think my clothes were only a little bit of help when it came to your actual scouting, I think you should give yourself more credit,” You reply.
After an hour of talking, you and Mingyu were finally headed into your seats on the plane. Suddenly, everything felt so surreal as Mingyu lugged your carry-ons into the overhead bins.
“I can’t believe we’re moving to Italy, never in my life would I ever imagine hopping on a plane headed to work in Europe of all places,” You say to Mingyu, who is settled on the seat beside you.
“I think you should finally start believing it because you still might feel as though you’re dreaming the moment we land,” Mingyu chuckles and leans his head on yours, an action that makes you feel warm inside.
It felt nice having Mingyu around, he was healing a part of you that wished it was Cheol doing all this, but you knew better than to think of your ex right now because you were on the path of moving on from everything he put you through.
The flight was a breeze, and thankfully nobody was in the seat beside Mingyu, because he could easily slip into the restroom at any time, a luxury he didn’t usually have if he was placed in a window or middle seat on the plane.
“You know since we are just a few minutes away from landing, did I ever get the chance to thank you for being a huge blessing in my life?” You laugh as the plane is making its final descent.
“I knew you needed this opportunity because I saw how badly he was treating you, I had to give you this much because you deserve way better,” Mingyu replies gently.
Your heart blooms and you grip his hand, you are ready to move forward, and you know you have the right people by your side.
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“Seungkwan, can you go pick up groceries at the Korean supermarket across the street? It’s your turn since you are mooching off me and Mingyu until you move in with Vernon,” You jokingly call out to your friend.
Seungkwan grumbles and you laugh before turning to him from the kitchen. “Yeah, don’t worry, I already know whatever is on the list before you need to tell me, I’ll be back in like twenty minutes,” he tells you on his way out the door.
It had been a few months since you had arrived in Italy with Mingyu and Seungkwan, and you all had settled into the country quite easily.
Starting work was a breeze because the company was very accommodating and everyone was friendly, and you found yourself moving on faster than you expected.
“Seungkwan’s finally moving in with Vernon huh? I can’t believe it’s already been a while since we got here. Now tell me, when are you going to give in to me?” Mingyu jokes as he wraps his strong arms around your waist.
You were no stranger to skinship with your best friend, but the veil between friendship and romance was starting to wear thin after moving in together after a few months.
Mingyu was just a stark contrast from who Seungcheol was, and you were starting to give in to him despite your fears of commitment.
It didn’t help that your best friend was just as hopeless a romantic as you are, so Mingyu naturally took his time with you. It was something you were immensely grateful for because he fully understood that you probably weren’t even ready to pursue another relationship.
See, Mingyu was naturally a soft-spoken man. During the entirety of friendship not once had he raised his voice at you, or anyone for that matter, even when he was angry or agitated.
Mingyu rarely blew up on people. You used to fear being yelled at because with Seungcheol, it was inevitable, and it only planted a fear of everyone raising their voice at you the moment Seungcheol had let go of all his reserve during a fight.
Even if Mingyu did raise his voice from across the apartment, he made sure it was at a reasonable volume that didn’t scare you, and on the rare occasion that you both would get into a fight, Mingyu would only communicate his feelings towards you in a calm tone.
Mingyu was also just full of love, he was always so considerate towards everyone around him. He made sure you and Seungkwan knew how grateful he was to have you both by his side because this was a big step for all of you.
The nights when the three of you would drink together, and Mingyu would pour out his gratitude towards you both, about how he felt so happy that the universe had given him some of the most amazing best friends in the entire world (also yapping about how much he missed Wonwoo, his old roommate, but that was for another time).
It was just a huge plus that Mingyu also willingly helped around the house, naturally because you knew it was in your best friend’s upbringing to keep the house in proper shape.
Even cooking with Mingyu was an experience because you both enjoy sharing recipes and want to try them out together, which meant Seungkwan was treated to a delicious meal every time you and Mingyu would find a new dish to try out.
Mingyu made you experience new things that you couldn’t when it came to your ex, and slowly, the feelings between you both unfolded.
Seungkwan couldn’t deny it to you either that you and Mingyu would make a great married couple, you both were pretty tame and low maintenance, something that was rare to find these days.
“I know you’re not ready to start a relationship or deal with feelings right now after everything you’ve been through with your ex, but trust me when I say this, Mingyu is the one you should marry. You both look so perfect together, and it’s a plus that he already likes you,” Seungkwan whined, and you laughed as he threw your other best friend under the bus.
Mingyu was out for an event with Minghao that night, and he wanted to bring you along but he also knew you hated huge events or loud places, so he opted to leave you at home with Seungkwan, promising to come back at a reasonable hour and to not drink so much.
It was a small action but it was something you felt grateful for, it showed that Mingyu still thought of you while having fun and living his life.
“I’ve never thought about dating Mingyu, let alone marrying him but, I mean, he’s not that bad. I’m already way past my ex anyway, so you’re right on that. Don’t throw Mingyu under the bus like that ever again though,” You giggle. Seungkwan clicks his tongue and sips from his wine.
“I wish you met Mingyu before Seungcheol or something, you two make each other so happy and you guys don’t leave me out at all. I love you and Mingyu so much despite everything we’ve been through,” Seungkwan smiles softly and holds your hand.
Moving to Europe definitely wasn’t an easy decision for the three of you, but you all found comfort in each other and got through hurdles together.
There were fights, and misunderstandings, one time you even walked out on them, but you all knew that at the end of the day, you all had each other no matter what.
Seungkwan’s words from that night echoed in your head as you snapped back to reality, Mingyu’s arms still wrapped around you with a soft grin on his face.
You wish you had met Mingyu before it all, maybe then you would’ve narrowly avoided one of your most life-altering heartaches, but now you were ready to move forward with Mingyu.
“What if I told you that you already had all of me?” You didn’t stop for a second and kissed Mingyu, who froze for a second, but immediately melted into the kiss.
You weren’t afraid to love anymore. Mingyu was all the proof you needed, knowing you deserve a second chance after everything.
When you both pulled away, Mingyu’s cheeks were dusted pink, his signature smile with his canines tugging at his lips.
“You don’t understand how long I’ve been waiting for you to do that,” he breathed out cheekily, chasing your lips for more.
“You’re so annoying, you know that right?” You laugh and pull Mingyu in for another kiss, this time with your arms around his neck.
Suddenly, you both hear a crash by the doorway and hear plastic bags falling, only to find Seungkwan with his mouth agape and eyes as wide as saucers.
“I was out for twenty minutes, what the hell happened,” Seungkwan choked out.
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It’s been years since Seungcheol had heard from you, and he was still a mess, except he was finally starting to get back up on his feet to help himself.
About a month after you had left, he had moved back in with Joshua and Jeonghan, and he didn’t understand why they still welcomed him with open arms, let alone Jeonghan of all people.
You were his younger sister, and he hurt you, shouldn’t he be cursing him out and telling him to go to hell?
“If you’re wondering why you seem like in our good graces, Y/n told us to take care of you until you’re back on your feet. You’re still our childhood friend Cheol, and even if we don’t tolerate what you did to Y/n, she told us to make sure that you weren’t going to do anything stupid. You need as much support as her, and who are we to deny when we care about you both?” Jeonghan says firmly.
Seungcheol felt his heart clench, even after he hurt you, you still cared enough to tell his two best friends to care for him.
You were an angel, and he took you for granted. You even went as far as to tell them that it was okay for him to move back in with them (granted Seungcheol also did twice as much housework compared to Jeonghan and Joshua because of how guilty he felt).
Now, three years had passed since you had moved to Italy, and you usually visited during the holidays, but Seungcheol was never around because it pained him too much to see you.
He had eventually gathered up the courage to try to move on, and while he is stable in his career as a form of distraction, he still had feelings for you deep in his heart.
You were his first love, and it wasn’t going to change any time soon because he wanted you forever.
Every day he wished he wasn’t immature enough to push you away, he silently prayed to every God above for him to give your relationship another shot.
Seungcheol was a changed man now, and he was willing to do everything in his power to be with you.
Seungcheol was hopeful, until he wasn’t, especially when Jeonghan had dropped the bomb that you had invited them to your engagement party in Jeju island.
“This has to be a joke, right?” Seungcheol could only laugh at how ridiculous it all seemed.
Were you engaged? It had only been a few years since you moved to Italy, he was sure you wouldn’t have found a boyfriend in that period, let alone a fiancée.
“Nope, you’re hearing it correctly. Y/n’s been bringing home her boyfriend, well I guess fiancée now, for three years already. I understand that it’s been rough ever since we started living separately, you wouldn’t visit as much as Josh whenever she was around, understandably so, but she’s moved on and he makes her happy,” Jeonghan sipped from his mug, and shrugged, making Seungcheol’s brows knit.
“I know exposure therapy isn’t the way to go, but Y/n means a lot to us despite everything, you know that. You can get the closure you need and you can finally move on, Cheol,” Jeonghan continued before putting his cup down on the desk, this was his second cup of coffee, he had to stop at some point.
Seungcheol was in an internal debate with himself, he realized that while he did need closure, was it worth all the pain of seeing you again?
He knew he had to, it was what he needed before he could fully move on, but something in him was still hanging on to what could’ve been between you both.
“I’ll go, maybe it is time. I’ll consider it,” Seungcheol slumps in his chair and stares outside the window of his office.
All the time he had spent building his company from the ground up so he could prove himself worthy once you came back, only for you to be engaged with someone else.
“You don’t have to force yourself though, just take it easy. Y/n will understand, you know she always does,” Jeonghan walks up to Seungcheol and leans by his desk, staring at the same city skyline in front of them.
Seungcheol’s hard work was undeniable, and it was all because of the effort he put in to forget you, but he just couldn’t, Seungcheol knew he needed proper closure instead to fully move on from your past.
“I’ll be fine Han, I can handle myself now,” Seungcheol says as his brows knit once more, looking back at the events of the past year.
He had started his own tech company and now he’s the CEO of a huge corporation, his career is now a reflection of all his hard work and dedication, but what was the use of all that money when he couldn’t share it with someone else? That someone who he desperately wished was you.
“I know you can handle yourself Cheol, but you were a wreck when you first moved in. Me and Josh had to pester you for you to get back on your feet for fucks sake, I wouldn’t hold it against you if had second thoughts about going,” Jeonghan says softly. As much as he knew that his friend could handle himself, he couldn’t help but worry.
Since then, two weeks had passed since that conversation and your initial invitation to your brother and his best friends to your engagement party.
Jeonghan calls you excitedly as they settle on the plane to Jeju, Seungcheol lugging the bags into the overhead bins, and Joshua already taking a nap as other passengers continue to board.
“Are you certain that we already have assigned rooms? Ok, I understand. Take care Y/n! We’ll see you at the airport,” Jeonghan hangs up before turning over to Joshua and Seungcheol beside him.
“You guys are sharing a room at the resort, and I’m going to room with Seungkwan. Y/n and her fianceé will be picking us up, so no funny business,” he continued.
Seungcheol clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes. He's a jealous guy and he can’t help it, but you’re no longer his girlfriend and he knew he had to behave himself.
He couldn’t wait to see who your fiancée was, and he tried to make the most of it at least because you were still someone who’s considered family to him.
The flight was short-lived and they landed in Jeju in no time. Joshua stretched as they carried their bags from the conveyor belt onto the cart, and Jeonghan had received a call from you saying you were outside waiting.
Traveling with three bachelors felt like a nightmare for Seungcheol, it wasn’t like they weren’t capable of getting girlfriends, but rather, they were too busy for the dating lifestyle.
Seungcheol wouldn’t wish for it to be anyone else though, he was just happy to have Joshua and Jeonghan around as his support systems.
“Last bag, let’s head out so we have enough time to rest before the party tomorrow. Don’t wanna go on the plane with a hangover and a fuck ton of regrets once we’re headed home, just so we can mentally prepare ourselves,” Joshua breathes out. Though this wasn’t a wedding, it sure did feel like one.
The only reason you and Mingyu had even decided to have an engagement party was because you two were going to have your main wedding in Italy with your close family members.
The party served as a gathering for distant friends and relatives to congratulate you both since you couldn’t bring everyone to Europe with you.
As they headed out of the airport, Jeonghan could spot your figure and hear you calling out to them by your rental car.
Seungcheol had also caught sight of you and felt his heart skip, you looked more radiant since the last time he had seen you, granted it was probably because three years had passed, and he just couldn’t believe it.
You looked healthier now, you were no longer frail, and your smile had reached your eyes again, the same glint of happiness in them.
Seungcheol had forgotten why they were here the second he saw you, but it was only for a moment until he saw your fiancée standing right beside you, his form towering over yours.
Seungcheol recognized who this man was, it was Kim Mingyu, your best friend since college.
“Hi, guys! It’s been so long, I missed you all so much!” You say with a smile and hug Jeonghan.
Your brother grips you tightly while laughing, he missed you just as much, if not more.
Seungcheol smiles at the scene in front of him, he had always adored your interactions with Jeonghan.
Joshua then walked over to Mingyu as the taller man helped him with the bags. So this is who you were marrying, your best friend who Seungcheol had always worried about deep down.
“Hi Cheol, how was the flight? You must be tired, Jeonghan told me you guys were up early,” You greeted him softly, a smile still gracing your features.
Seungcheol blinked in disbelief, he never expected you to be so welcoming towards him, but years have passed and he understands that you’re over it by now.
“It was alright at most, I’m honestly just excited to relax at the hotel. How’ve you been?” Seungcheol smiled.
He looks over and sees Mingyu talking to Joshua about something while helping him with their bags, still weary about him.
“I’ve been great, Italy with Seungkwan and Mingyu was one of the best decisions I could’ve ever made. I know there were some things we avoided because of our past, but I hope you know that I’ve done some reflection since then, so no hard feelings on this trip ok? I want you guys to relax,” You lead Seungcheol over to the car and he sits in the back with your brother and Joshua.
The ride to the resort was comfortable, courtesy of you and Mingyu being easy going as conversations flowed naturally.
Seungcheol gauged that you were in good hands, but his heart was still calling out for you, something he wanted to keep at a minimum. You were going to marry someone else, there was no chance left for him.
“You have always had a good eye Y/n, this resort is beautiful,” Joshua compliments.
You laugh and brush off Joshua’s comment sweetly, but it was true, you always had a good eye for things in general (except boyfriends apparently, but Mingyu be damned because he did everything in his power to win your heart).
“I’ll bring you over to Seungkwan’s room since he’s staying across from me and Mingyu. Baby, can you lead Joshua and Seungcheol over to their rooms?” You turn to Mingyu, and Seungcheol catches the way your fiancée’s gaze is full of love for you.
His heart could only clench, was it genuinely worth the pain to support you? Seungcheol secretly wished for the ground to swallow him up whole.
“Of course, remember we still have dinner with everyone later, don’t forget to tell Jeonghan the details,” Mingyu reminds you.
You nod and wave them off, dragging your brother over to a happy Seungkwan, who stands by the elevator waiting for you both.
Joshua and Mingyu had been in their own world, talking amongst themselves while Seungcheol’s focus had been on his phone the entire time.
“Hey man, how are you? Jeonghan told us you were working hard to build your company up after we left for Italy,” Mingyu says in a friendly tone.
“It’s been great, it gets pretty lonely here at the top since the breakup, but it’s nothing I can’t handle,” Seungcheol says with a smirk, finding the entire situation so ridiculous.
Joshua eyes him and chuckles to alleviate the jab that Seungcheol had taken at Mingyu, but your fiancée takes it just fine and continues the conversation calmly.
“I hope you find someone to share your success with in the near future. I understand that we all deserve to be loved by someone. It’s just that some people we hoped to end up with aren’t meant to be, and it’s not our fault,” Mingyu replies, tone still friendly and calm.
Seungcheol felt ticked off but decided to behave himself as the elevator arrived at their floor.
“Here’s the key card, as I mentioned earlier, there is a dinner we’ll be having with the rest of the guests tonight, it will be at the restaurant by the beach. You can just give mine or Y/n’s name for the reservation if they ask, I’ll see you guys later! Rest up since you guys must’ve had a long flight,” Mingyu makes his leave.
Joshua turns to Seungcheol and raises his brow while unlocking the room.
“Behave a bit, I know it’s been a while but we’re here for Y/n and it’s about her, you don’t have to like Mingyu, but let’s not cause any fights. Mingyu’s good to Y/n, and you can talk to Y/n about everything tonight after dinner if you need to,” Joshua says firmly.
Seungcheol hangs his head low, Joshua is right, he promised to behave himself because he understands that he needs to move on.
You had every right to leave him back then, and he should accept it, he just needs his final bit of closure, even if it hurts.
“I’m sorry, I’ll be more friendly toward Mingyu. I’ll keep myself in line, let’s rest so we can get ready later,” Joshua nods and smiles at Seungcheol, he was finally getting somewhere and it made him feel like a proud mom.
On the other hand, you were already being interrogated in your room by Jeonghan, Seungkwan, and your beloved fianceé because of Seungcheol’s appearance.
“You guys said it would be fine! Besides, I don’t have any hard feelings! He’s still like family Han,” You whine to your brother as you bury yourself in Mingyu’s embrace.
“He was already taking jabs at Mingyu when I told him to keep himself in line. Y/n, I need you to talk to him and give him the closure he needs tonight so that he doesn’t go mad tomorrow,” Jeonghan sighs.
You pout and Mingyu pecks your lips before taking your hand in his and rubbing it with his thumb as a sign of reassurance.
“I’m willing to do that, as long as we’ll be ok by the party. I’m sorry for causing problems,” You say sadly, now feeling guilt eat at you.
Inviting your ex was such a last-minute decision, but Seungcheol had been in your life for so long even before the breakup that you still felt the need to have him at such an important event in your life.
“Look what you’ve done, Jeonghan. Y/n, it’s ok to make these decisions, all he needs is to talk to you and you’ll be fine, we know you and Mingyu trust each other enough for you to make this decision,” Seungkwan tells you.
It was your brother’s turn to pout as Seungkwan jokingly slapped his shoulder. Seungkwan’s words instantly made your shoulders feel lighter and you looked up at Mingyu.
“I trust you. Look, you can talk to Seungcheol tonight after dinner and we’ll make sure that nothing will happen, alright? Don’t worry,” Mingyu says softly. You nod and look over at your brother, who gives you a smile and a thumbs-up.
Dinner rolls around and you’ve finished your makeup, along with your hair, all that’s left is your dress for tonight.
“Mingyu? Babe, can you come help me with the dress?” Your fiancée peeks from the bathroom and you giggle at his appearance.
“I told you to make the design simpler so you can put it on more easily, but then again, you’re Y/n. My favorite fashion designer,” Mingyu jokes while he zips up the garment and ties the corset in the back.
The two of you look in the mirror, and you take in your form. The dress was designed by yourself and it looked stunning in every way possible.
The sleeves were flowy and the skirt ended right above your ankles, the bodice had a built-in corset and the neckline was a deep v, along with a slit ran down the side until your upper thigh.
“I may not be the luckiest man in the entire world, but my god does the knowledge of me marrying you cancel all that out,” Mingyu says, his jaw slack.
You blush and cover your face with your hands, despite dating for two years and now being engaged, you could never get used to Mingyu complimenting and affirming you constantly.
“I love you, so much,” You kiss Mingyu and wrap your arms around his neck.
The two of you had also had it hard during your dating journey together, but it was nothing a bit of communication couldn’t fix, especially when you both put in the work to get to where you are today.
“I love you more than you could ever imagine, vita mia (my life)” Mingyu says in between your kisses and wraps his arms around your waist.
Before things could progress even more, Seungkwan slams the room door open and clicks his tongue.
“Nice to see you’re brushing up on your Italian guys, now if you don’t mind, we have some guests to get to. You guys have five minutes to go to the lobby,” Seungkwan huffs and shuts the door again.
It’s silent, until you and Mingyu start laughing.
“Shall we?” Mingyu smiles at you after a laughing fit and you take his hand in yours. It was going to be a long night, but you’re with the people you love and that’s all that matters.
At the restaurant, you were elated to see your family members and friends all gathered to celebrate your engagement.
“Mom! Dad!” You grin wildly and greet your parents, seeing Jeonghan following right behind you to greet them as well.
“Y/n, you look so beautiful tonight. I guess being with Mingyu is rubbing off on you,” Your mother jokes softly.
She had always been a fan of Mingyu ever since you brought him home, he was the epitome of any mother’s dream son-in-law.
“She’s always been so beautiful, mom, even more so since the Italian sun hit her skin. It’s lovely to see you tonight, have you seen my mother by any chance?” Mingyu wraps an arm around your waist securely, whilst smiling at your mother.
You were surprised at the display of affection since you two had been holding hands prior, but your eyes caught wind of Seungcheol and it clicked.
“I was just with her, she’s always running off to greet the rest of the family and guests. I’ll go look for her so we can settle at the table together,” Your mother giggles while dragging your brother away, who waves at you sheepishly.
It seemed like he had a few words of his own for you two, but it could wait apparently.
Mingyu led you over to the reserved area by the waist as you greeted guests who had also arrived. “Congratulations on your engagement you two, I wouldn’t have expected it from a mile away,” Minghao jokes.
“Wouldn’t be here without you, so we have to give you most of the credit,” You reply softly.
Minghao takes his hand in yours and looks at Mingyu with care in his eyes, he admires how well you both complement each other as a couple.
“I never expected anything further, but you two surprised me by a ton. Give yourself some credit for the connection you developed with one another, and Mingyu, if you hurt her, I won’t be as pliant,” Minghao continues, this time letting go of your hand and giving way for you and Mingyu to walk through.
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Mingyu gives you his signature smile, canines looking as sharp as ever, before finally letting you sit at the table that was reserved for the two of you.
The beachside hall was starting to fill up with the rest of the guests, and you kept your grip on your fiancée’s hand.
“Hey, you seem tense. Breathe a bit, we’ll just say a few words and mingle with our friends, but if you do end up feeling a bit sick just tell me and we can go back to our room,” Mingyu caresses your hand with his thumb, and you feel more at ease with his assurance.
“Sorry, it’s been a while, I still haven’t gotten used to the fact that I’m your fiancée now and not just your girlfriend. I promise to ease up a bit, and I’ll let you know if I do end up feeling a bit under the weather. Now, don’t worry about me, and let us enjoy the dinner,” You squeeze Mingyu’s hand and kiss his cheek in the process, wondering what you did to deserve him.
What you failed to realize was that Seungcheol was watching the entire interaction happen right in front of him, jealousy boiling in his veins.
Seungkwan clears his throat awkwardly, which catches the attention of Seokmin, who is sitting beside him. Seungcheol gives Seungkwan an awkward smile, realizing that he was being way too obvious with his distaste.
Joshua chuckles and taps Seungcheol’s shoulder as a sign of reassurance. “Take it slow, you still have to talk to Y/n to get all that awkwardness out the door. You’re still just as important to her you know? Again, we won’t hold it against you if you can’t take how uncomfortable it feels being here Cheol,” Joshua uttered.
“I’m fine Josh, I did choose to come here. Once this dinner is over and we can have the conversation, I can finally move on with my life,” Seungcheol sighs, noticing you and Mingyu standing up all of a sudden.
“Hi everyone, a pleasant evening to all of you! First, me and Y/n would like to extend our warmest welcome and gratitude to everyone who has made it, we cannot thank you enough for your presence.” Mingyu’s voice boomed through the hall as everyone cheered.
“Also, thank you all for coming to celebrate our engagement with us. We sadly can’t bring everyone to Italy for the wedding, so we’re here in Jeju to see you all,” You were speaking with so much happiness in your voice, Seungcheol knew right then and there that he had lost. You were happy, he couldn’t do much anymore.
Throughout the dinner, different people dedicated a toast to your engagement. Seungcheol had fun listening to both of your families and their anecdotes, along with a few friends making heartfelt speeches.
You were extremely loved, it was undeniable with the amount of praises and stories being said about you.
“I’d like to dedicate the last toast, this is for both Y/n and Mingyu, because I wouldn’t be living my best life right now without their endless support.” Seungkwan stood up and held out his wine glass, catching everyone’s attention.
“As we all know, the three of us decided to move to Italy together for a fresh start, a new change of scenery. I went with the sole intention of a vacation, though, after a month of being there, I was hooked. There was only one problem, I hadn’t found a job just yet, but Y/n and Mingyu stayed by my side. They helped me get up on my feet, they offered me a place to stay, made sure I was fed, and helped me settle in, which is something I am extremely grateful for,” Seungkwan turns over to you and Mingyu, his eyes now glossing over with tears at you stared at him worriedly, but you knew he was in good hands with Vernon beside him.
“Sorry for becoming emotional, anyways, throughout the time I lived with them, I also watched their feelings for each other unfold. Mingyu was the first one to fall, he was head over heels the moment he saw Y/n cooking in the kitchen, it was so funny because I witnessed it all. He had to debrief how he felt, and I could feel Mingyu’s sincerity, it was sweet,” Seungkwan continued, this time Vernon holding his hand for emotional support.
Everyone swooned at the revelation of Mingyu’s feelings and how they had come to be, it felt different hearing it from someone who was there every step of the way.
“Y/n fell right after, and usually this girl isn’t someone who jumps to conclusions, so she was in denial, but we both knew Mingyu’s treatment towards her changed drastically,” the audience burst out laughing, Seungkwan was on point that was for sure.
“To cut this story short, they were two idiots mindlessly pining after one another, but they finally got together after I left to grab groceries on a random afternoon. I came home and Mingyu was eating Y/n’s face off,” it was Seungkwan’s turn to laugh as he recalled that fateful day.
It was sweet coming home to see the two of you together, but he was not a huge fan of the PDA that was displayed in front of him like a platter.
“I was not!” Mingyu whined. You giggle at your fiancée, squeezing his hand and landing a sweet kiss on his cheek.
“As I was saying, I’m still so grateful to you both to this day, and I feel lucky to have been the one to help you navigate your feelings for one another. A toast to the beautiful couple and a marriage of a lifetime!” Cheers erupted once again and everyone applauded Seungkwan for his speech.
Dinner felt lighter once a few sips of alcohol were shared, and Seungcheol found himself mingling with old friends from high school that you had invited.
“I genuinely thought you would be the one over there with Y/n, but life works in mysterious ways,” a drunken Soonyoung slurred to Seungcheol.
Seokmin cringed from beside him and hit his shoulder to shut him up, but everyone knew that once Soonyoung was drunk, his mouth was relentless.
Seungcheol could only offer an awkward laugh, Soonyoung didn’t know the details of your breakup three years ago, so he couldn’t exactly blame the younger man.
“Yeah, I’m just glad he’s taking care of her. I can’t offer much now, but she’s still our friend. I have no hard feelings knowing Y/n and I are better off as friends,” he replied to Soonyoung’s drunken ramble.
“I hope you find someone soon man, you also deserve to be happy. I think Seok and I are gonna head first since we’re both starting to feel the alcohol kick in, we’ll see you tomorrow,” Seungcheol offered a smile and nodded in acknowledgment.
Everyone knew of Soonyoung’s low tolerance for alcohol, it was understandable that he decided to retire himself before any chaos ensued.
Seungcheol was left at the table with Joshua, Jihoon, and Jeonghan until Minghao approached. He settled himself into the seat beside Seungcheol, smiling and greeting everyone.
“How’s the evening? Everyone’s been leaving slowly, but you stayed. I expected you to be one of the first people to leave, no offense,” Minghao started.
“I can’t blame you, having to sit through your ex’s engagement dinner sounds rough, but it’s been three years and we grew up together. Bonds like that aren’t easily dissolved, if you get what I mean,” Seungcheol chuckled while shaking his head, taking another shot of soju that he poured for himself.
“We can all sympathize, you are a kind man Cheol. I’ve seen you as Y/n’s boyfriend before Mingyu, and you treated her well. What I want to know is, why you started pushing her away last minute. Y/n had always confided in us with your problems,” Minghao’s curiosity had gotten the best of him, but it was in your inner circle’s best interest to find out what Seungcheol’s true intentions were.
“I mean, I was insecure, scared. Y/n has a good heart, she’s the best and if I could turn back time, I would, but I ran away because she deserved better than me. I couldn’t give her the love she desperately craved, we all know about her and those rom-com books,” Seungcheol looked down at his hands.
He felt stupid, and he was stupid, but maybe it happened for a reason.
Minghao felt sympathetic, Seungcheol was afraid to tell you because you were one of the most understanding people anyone could have ever met.
You truly were swamped with attention by your peers, but Seungcheol could’ve handled his insecurity better because you were happy to offer any semblance of assurance.
“I didn’t want Y/n to bend over backward to constantly adjust to my needs because she doesn’t ask for much in return, but I ended up hurting her instead. I’m just content with the fact that Mingyu can give her the love I couldn’t,” Seungcheol’s eyes trailed over once again to yours and Mingyu’s table, only to see you whispering to each other.
You looked tired, but it seemed that Seungkwan had overheard from beside you and gestured over to where Seungcheol was seated.
You bit your lip in hesitation, and Seungcheol instantly knew what was about to take place. Minghao seems to have caught the small interaction as well, and he pats Seungcheol on the shoulder to comfort him.
You squeeze Mingyu’s hand for assurance and your fiancée smiles at you.
“You can do this Y/n, trust that it will be over before you know it. Seungkwan and I will be right here, we can go straight to our room after if you’re too overwhelmed,” Mingyu says gently, holding your hand as if it were as delicate as glass.
“I’ll be back, I love you so much, thank you for trusting me enough to do this,” You mutter just enough for Mingyu to hear.
“I trust you, vita mia,” Mingyu kisses your hand once again and you’re off to the beach outside the hall. Seungcheol didn’t even need to get confirmation as he excused himself and followed you outside.
The cold air surrounds you, along with the sound of crashing waves, feet buried in the sand as you take in the salty scent.
You hear another pair of feet shuffle behind you, and you let out a breath. “Seungcheol,” You turn around and sure enough, you see the man behind you.
“You can go ahead, I understand you’re engaged and you look happy with him. I’m here to finally close the chapter that we never ended properly, and I assure you, I have no other ulterior motives,” Seungcheol is looking at you, his eyes only holding sincerity in them.
“I’m sorry I left, I poured it all out on you right after work because of my anger, I just need to know why,” You were avoiding his gaze and playing with your engagement ring instead.
It felt stuffy, and you were opening a dam that was locked up for three years, but you prevailed for the sake of your marriage with Mingyu.
“I was dumb, I was insecure and pushed you away because I was jealous. We were both so young yet successful, but you were surrounded by so much attention, specifically by men who I couldn’t even compare a fraction to, so I started pushing you away because of the nature of the industry you were going to work in,” Seungcheol poured out his feelings, his heart aching as he recounts the number of times he constantly brought himself down whenever he saw you with men who were models or in the same industry as you.
“I know you would’ve done everything in your power to reassure me, and I also know you would never ask for much in return, but I didn’t want you to suffer because of issues I had with myself. I’m sorry for hurting you, Y/n,” tears were streaming down your face.
All this time, you thought you were the problem, that you no longer made Seungcheol happy, but in reality, he pushed you away because he felt undeserving of you.
“I thought you no longer loved me Cheol, and I am apologetic you feel that way, but that was a thing of the past. We were stupid, and I hope you know that I loved you, yet I chose to leave because I allowed myself to choose my well-being. I wish you communicated to me that you felt that way,” You were open to communication, it was normal, and if Seungcheol wasn’t such a coward back then, the two of you would’ve been fine.
“Things happen for a reason, and I still love you Y/n, but I was a coward. I knew the love I gave you wasn’t even a quarter of what you deserved, you love reading romcoms, and you’re a hopeless romantic. I wanted to give you that love and I held myself to such a high standard, but that was until I noticed that the people that surrounded you did that effortlessly, and I felt angry,” You felt your heart crack, all this time he had left you clueless, and you were now forced to take in all the pain.
“That’s all I needed to hear, I can’t believe you’d do this to me, Cheol. You left me wondering like an idiot, and what you did for me at the time was enough, but I was left a fool. Things do happen for a reason, and I’d like to leave it here. Thank you for the closure we both needed, no hard feelings at the party ok? We throw all the negative feelings away, because we grew up together, and I don’t want to lose you as a friend,” Seungcheol agreed to your arrangement.
He couldn’t afford to lose you either, and after having the conversation with you, his heart felt lighter. The confession was long overdue, but getting it out is what matters.
“No hard feelings, thank you, Y/n. I only wish for the best between you and Mingyu, I also don’t want to lose you. This is overwhelming for us both, so I’ll head first with Joshua. Congratulations once again,” You and Seungcheol smiled at each other, and you turned on your heel to run over to Mingyu, who had been waiting for you the entire time.
Seungcheol’s heart felt lighter, and even if it did hurt, he was content with even being a fragment in each other’s lives. You were in good hands now, and he could see it in the way Mingyu held you close.
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© rubyuji 2024’ -. no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any manner without the permission from the publisher.
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A timeline of every time a Spacelander has visited Flatland! Starting with...
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Flatland's Year 0!
My friend @frau-line had the idea of a messiah and an apostle that fell in love and lived in Spaceland together. I also saw an idea for a god myth that included a picture of a sphere with a line orbiting around it and thought that that was a banger design for a god(s). Though I cant for the life of me find it now... its a small fandom I'll see it eventually.
With that out of the way, heres these two nameless but lovely ladies. I think at this point Flatland would be in like, caveman times or something, but the line is a fast learner and quickly absorbed all information that the sphere gave her.
As for Spacelands society, theyre far ahead of Flatland, but still not nearly as technologically advanced as they are in the film. Maybe like aztec times...?
Theyve just found Flatland and know exactly nothing about it. They sent the sphere to go check it out, and when she came back a month later they had a Flatlander with them.
They study the line and Flatland and they find out... something... that makes it so they set a concrete rule to only ever visit once every thousand years to impart knowledge upon the primitive Flatlanders.
I have no idea why they decide to do this every 1000 years. Perhaps the line dies shortly after her ascension to Spaceland (due to gravitational forces) and the sphere is heartbroken and bitter and shes like "Flatland is extremely fragile we must only interact with it rarely or we will FUCK UP and KILL things"
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Year 1000
frau-line fuels this scenario and the next as well. Her ideas are some of the most interesting and compelling I've seen so its hard not to steal :P
The messiah of the Year 1000 wasnt exactly thrilled to do this job, but the first official visit was something highly anticipated and that he was specifically taught to do, so he studied hard and practiced well. He thought it easy and simple until, well...
Unfortunately, the year 1000 apostle must have been at least a little unhinged before enlightenment, so this messiahs mission went wildly off the rails. As soon as he finished his geometry homework, he started a massive country-wide riot, and martyred himself before anyone could ask what he was rioting for.
As for his shape I think he was either a hexagon or an octagon i cant remember im so sorry frau line 😖😖😖
Any fucking ways the messiah is like
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And he has some like. Idk not trauma, but he is a little fucked up by it and thinks he should have taken it more seriously or whatever. Who cares though
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Year 2000
Saturnius and Areia. Thanking frau-line every day for creating these guys, their plot is so captivating and I have a huge soft spot for Ariea specifically.
Saturnius is a noble sphere prince that takes his job deathly seriously, and Areia is a low class line determined to spread the gospel no matter the cost. The cost ends up being a holy war that is far more destructive than the year 1000 apostle could have even imagined...
Nothing I could say about them could live up to Suovetaurilia, so please give it a read!
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Year 3000
You know who these guys are.
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Year 4000
Finally, my home grown boys!
Xerxes is very lacking in the self confidence department and is trying to be the best most effective messiah to date to prove himself. His hopes are shattered when he happens to pick Claude, an average pentagon working an average 9-5 job, who doesn't give a singular shit about the third dimension at all. Xerxes doesn't give up easily, and secretly interacts with Claude even after the millennial visit in order to convince Claude to become an apostle. Unfortunately, it turns out Claude is just as stubborn.
...And thats all I have! This is all just my personal headcanon, so I'd really love to hear what you all think the timeline looks like!!
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levicorpus94 · 2 years
A/N: Hello, this is my first time posting fanfic. Most of my fanfic end up in my drafts. I hope you enjoy.
Warnings: Some angst ig
Sebastian x f!reader
Note: F!reader will be called “she/her”, I don’t particularly enjoy using “M.C” or “Y/N”
Part 2
It had been five years since she had graduated from Hogwarts. She was now running a small flower and herb shop near Ottery St. Catchpole. Her shop included flowers, magical plants and also vegetation plants. Her shop was attached to her home. She had a small farm with a greenhouse just behind her house where she grew the plants that she sold in her shop.
She also had a few cows and other non magical animals. She lived a self-sufficient life and she was happy but sometimes, she would feel a little alone. She was thankful for her plants and animals but she also missed her friends.
She would sometimes have Poppy and Imelda visiting her every month or so.
She also kept in touch with Ominis though she hadn't heard from him for over a year. She unexpectedly kept the most in touch with Garreth who lived not too far from her little farm.
But mostly, she yearned to hear from Sebastian who had disappeared into the void after their final days in Hogwarts. She felt a pang of anger whenever she thought of him. Sebastian, the boy she was desperately in love with.
The boy who confessed to her of his undying love. The boy, who promised to be by her side forever. But here she was living by herself. She sometimes smiled when she thought of him, their shenanigans, their late night misadventures, even of the boring classes they sat in.
Everything about him seemed so surreal, he now seemed like a faraway dream. She missed him dearly but she wanted answers from him about his empty promises. Why did he stop? Stop talking to her? Stop writing to her? Stop being her friend?
Sometimes, when her heart ached enough for him, she would lightly shed a tear looking through the things they shared and exchanged with each other when they were younger and optimistic.
A piece of parchment which Sebastian passed her during transfiguration asking her to accompany him to the three broomsticks. A small sneakoscope that he gave her that no longer worked. His old advanced book of potions that they shared with number of scribbles all over.
A red rose now completely dry he gave her the first time they spent valentines day together in their 5th year. Her broken spectacles that he accidentally sat on when they were in their 6th year. A silver opal shaped pendant with a necklace with an emerald stone he gave her for last birthday.
She would sift through these mementos among many other letters, scraps and parchments, Sebastian and her shared. Sometimes, she would smile and reminisce fondly of the best days of her life alongside the best people she met and sometimes, she would break down crying into the early hours of the morning.
Her heart longed for him, sometimes she would try to forget about him but would fail miserably. How could she forget those mischievous but loving eyes, his crooked yet smug smile, and his hair, his messy and soft hair.
She missed holding onto his hair as he would bury himself in her neck or elsewhere. Those thoughts would make her smile and a blush would more often than not creep up on her cheeks.
One fine evening, she was tending her greenhouse, when she heard the bell of her shop ring. It was a slow day and it was almost closing time, she slowly walked back to her shop. There was a pretty young woman looking at some of the pansies.
"Hello, may I help you?" She asked the customer.
"Oh hello, I was just admiring your flowers here. They're beautiful." She said cheerfully. A smile crept up her face.
"Thank you." She smiled.
"I was wondering if you have any dittany seeds?" She asked.
"Oh yes. I keep seeds in the back. I'll just get them for you. How many shall I get you?" She asked as she headed to the back.
"Oh, just 2 packets." She heard her.
"Sebastian, come take a look at these beauties." She heard the customer say. Her heart skipped a beat. But Sebastian was a common name, it must be someone else. She found the seeds and went back to the front to hand them to her.
She was now standing with a man, tall, messy brown hair, his hands in his pockets. She only saw the side of him and she knew it was him. She felt a lump in her throat.
She coughed to announce that she had returned.
"Can we take these pot of pansies too?" She said and the both turned around.
It was Sebastian. Sebastian Sallow, in the flesh. Her eyes couldn't believe what she was seeing. It was him.
"Ofcourse!" She said in a falsely cheery voice trying not to get a glance of Sebastian. "That'll be 15 sickles and 10 knuts." She mumbled looking down at her feet.
"Hi, there!" Sebastian said all of a sudden. It was him in the flesh, he sounded the same as he did in school. His voice, his damned voice, that oozed confidence with a touch of smugness. Damn, she loved to hear his voice.
She ignored him still looking at her feet. She felt she would cry if she even looked at him.
"Oh do you know each other?" The girl asked looking at Sebastian.
"Yes, we went to Hogwarts together." He said calmly.
Went to Hogwarts together. His words stung her, she couldn't believe her ears. She couldn't believe he thought so little of her, a new pang of emotion struck her, the one of anger and confidence.
"Oh yeah! Sallow right? Sebastian Sallow." She said smiling, plastering a fake one quickly.
"She was a pretty good duellist back in the day." He smirked. She knew that smirk, it was the old him, his mischievous yet smug smile, the one that challenged her, the one that riled her up.
"Hah! Still am." She retorted back. The girl beside him looked up at Sebastian and back at her and smiled ear to ear.
"It was good meeting you. Always a pleasure to meet one of Sebastian's friends. We're going to be late Sebastian." She said tugging his arm as she led him out of the shop.
As soon as she heard them dissapparate, she felt tears roll down her cheeks. She stood by the counter as tear fell down on to the counter. She quickly wiped off her tears and proceeded to close her shop for the day.
She went back to her cows and tried to continue with the remainder of her day.
It was late at night and Garreth had come over for dinner. He seemed to be the only friend she had at the moment. She was thankful for his company, the few giggles and laughs they shared, she cherished.
"I am finally getting my potions book published!" He said joyfully.
"Merlin's beard Garreth! That is wonderful." She said pulling him into a hug.
"I cannot believe it." She said pulling away smiling at him.
"To be honest, me neither." He said sheepishly. Garreth had grown quite a bit after Hogwarts and he had kept his long curly hair, that helped him get the ladies, he said.
"To think of our Garreth, the Garreth who blew up every cauldron he touched." She laughed.
"You must blow up a few cauldrons, to finally blow people's minds." He said smugly.
"Not literally... I hope." She laughed.
"Yeah yeah." He played off her words.
"Oh, I'm going to be touring with my book release." He announced.
She felt her heart skip a beat when she heard him tell her of his latest announcement. Her frown unknowingly must've crept up to her face.
"I'll write to you every week." He said quickly grabbing her shoulders looking into her eyes before she could plaster a smile on her face.
"You can write to me whenever you have time Garreth." She assured him smiling back.
"I'm just so happy for you. I cannot wait to see you on the daily prophet." She said smiling.
"I promise I'll keep in touch. I know you miss me." He smirked.
"You wish Weasley." She smiled poking him playfully.
"I've got to get going. I'm leaving early in the morning." He continued.
"You're going tomorrow?" She asked surprised. He nodded.
"Well. Keep in touch Weasley." She said giving him another hug. She almost didn't want to let him go. And maybe he felt it too as he held her as tight as he could.
As they pulled away, a tear had crept out of her eye. He wiped it away with his thumb, but his hand rested on her cheek. The two looked at each other and he leaned ever so slightly forward and she did the same.
There was a loud knock on the door. This startled them.
"Who could that be?" She said looking at the time, it was almost midnight.
"Wait." Garreth told her and went to open the door.
It was "Sallow?" Garreth announced in utter shock.
"What are you doing here?" Garreth asked him.
"I might ask you the same thing Weasley." Sebastian replied, his voice was cold and indifferent when seeing Garreth even after so many years.
"I was just saying goodbye to my dear friend here. I'm leaving tomorrow for my book tour." He said with the same indifference.
"Safe travels Garreth." She said as she went to hug him again. He smiled and kissed the top of her head before he left.
"What's he doing here?" Sebastian asked.
"What are YOU doing here?" She asked back.
"I wanted to see you." He replied.
"Why?" She asked turning away from him.
"Why? Because I wanted to see you!" He said his voice a little louder.
"It's late Sallow. You can visit the shop when it's open but the shop is closed tomorrow. So you may return when it's open." She said turning away from him.
He stood there silent. "I came to visit you not the shop." He began.
"Well, it's much too late for a social visit. If it wasn't for Garreth, I would've been asleep already." She said walking away. Sebastian didn't move from where he was standing. She could feel his gaze following her around the room.
"Can we talk?" He practically begs.
"Depends. What about?" She asks, her back still facing him.
"About us." He begins.
"Get out." She says slamming her fist on the table next to her.
"I'm not doing this Sallow. You leave right this moment." She says as she walks to open the door.
"Since when have you started calling me Sallow?" He asked still not moving from his place.
"You need to go right now." She yanks his arm and directs him outside and immediately slams the door on his face. She slumps down on the floor her back leaning against the wall as tears automatically fall from her cheeks to the floor.
Her heart hurts, she feels like she can't breathe, there is a lump in her throat making it hard for her to swallow. She covers her face with her hands as she sobs into her hands.
"I hate you." She whimpers. Little did she know that Sebastian was still on the other side of the door. He had slumped down to the floor as well. He could hear her crying. He heard her saying she hated him but perhaps not as much as he hated himself. He supported his head with both his hand as his head leaned against the door.
He knew she might never forgive him. He knew that everything he promised her meant nothing. He left her all alone. He knew it would break her yet he did.
But one thing he knew was that he loved her. He loved her ever since their 4th year. The last years were rough for him as well. His downward spiral into learning and doing the dark arts, losing Anne, losing his uncle, it all dawned upon him. So he left, he ran away. He knew he was a coward. But he couldn't live with himself. He was ashamed of himself. He felt like...no, he knew he was a failure.
She had fallen asleep crying to herself on the floor and woke up from the pain on her back. She saw it was still dark outside. She suddenly remembered that she had forgotten to close the skylight of the shop. She opened her door and to her surprise, Sebastian fell on his back on her floor, his head hitting the cold stone floor.
He woke up with a start.
"Oww" he mumbled, rubbing the back of his head.
"Sebastian!" She exclaimed.
"What in Merlin's name?!" She said looking exasperated. He looked cold, she could see him slightly shivering. She felt a little joy to see him suffer but she was concerned too, it was starting to get colder at night.
He slowly got up and continued to rub his head and stood with a small pout.
"I see some things never change." She commented smirking slightly at his pout.
"You look like a lost puppy." She continued.
"What are you waiting for? Get in before you freeze to death." she said in a soft voice concerned. "Sallow." She added in a completely different voice. She directed him to sit on the couch and brought him some hot tea as she gave him a blanket.
She left him with the tea and blanket to go to the shop to close the skylight, and when she returned, she saw that Sebastian was hunched over at the corner, his back to her.
"What are you doing on the floor?" She said voice a little loud. Sebastian turned around with the box of their mementos, one hand holding the box, another the dried up rose he had given her.
She had completely forgotten to put the box back in its safe spot. But to be fair she wasn't exactly expecting Sebastian sallow himself to be rummaging through it.
He looked at her with pleading eyes before he walked up to her and hugged her. She completely stood still, her arms still at her side.
"I'm sorry." His shoulders slumped over her body and his arms wrapped around her. She felt like she was about to cry again but there were no tears. The two must've stood there for what seemed like hours before Sebastian pulled apart.
"I'm sorry." He whispered.
"I wish that meant anything Sebastian." She mumbled back.
"Please." He begged placing a hand on her face.
"You might as well slap me Sebastian. It wouldn't be as hurtful." She mumbled with a blank look on her face.
She gently removed his hand from her face.
"I thought I loved you. And I really did love you. But seeing you today made me realise that you already made that decision for us. You never think of anyone else except yourself, and I honestly didn't care about it as long as you were with me, but now, I just hope you find what you're looking for and I for sure know that, it's not me. You made sure of that too. I was ready to go with you. But you made your choice there too. You can't love anyone Sebastian Sallow. You only want people when they have something to give." She said walking away.
"I think it's best if you go now. And you can take that box with you. It's the last thing I can give you. My memories of you, that I've kept and cherished for so long. They've kept me up all night and sometimes helped me sleep. They're the best and the worst thing I've had and you can take them away too. Maybe after this, I won't have anything else left to give, and you can let me have my life back." She said monotonously as she held the door open waiting for him to leave. He stared at her begging with his eyes.
His eyes watered but she refused to look into them. He walked out of the door and she stood by it making sure he wouldn't stay. Sebastian pulled the box to his chest and walked out of her house and she watched as his silhouette fade into the night, hoping to never see him ever again.
Part 2
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findingtomarrymort · 1 year
I am looking for a fic that has harry potter going back in his eleven year old body after the second war (I guess?) Or he could also not be back in his eleven year body but some other year. I just know that he was master of death and he stood up to snape when he was being an arse to him. Harry time traveled back in time, I vividly remember the scene. Harry was in a potion class and snape as usual was being an arse and harry thought maybe he wouldn't be harsh on him or even change but no snape was still an arse to him and harry had enough so he called snape a Bastard who was pathetic and wouldn't move on from his gurge and he walked out and refused to attended the class unless snape apologized for his behavior and promise not to do it again. Hermione and Ron tried to pursue harry with other professors as well, but he was adamant about it and refused to attend potion class, at last Dumbledore called harry and snape in his office and tried to solve it but snape was still an arse. [FOUND: Resurrect The Living by fascinationex]
i've been trying to find this fic for years now and have had no luck. it's a fanfic about how harry has 2 personalities (assumed it was from the horcrux but not explicitly stated) and he was so much smarter because of it. In it, harry is a ravenclaw, Hermione is a slytherin, and so is Fred but idk about George. Also snape gets eaten by a basilisk and the basilisk is named hedwing. Also, harry creates a potion to turn some boys into girls so Daphne doesn't have to marry Theo nort. Last I checked it was uncompleted and I'm pretty sure it changed its name.
Hello! I've been trying to find this fanfiction on Ao3 for a while with no luck. It is a Dark Lord/Harry fanfiction, and possibly completed. I remember it having a pretty high word count. Vaguely, I can remember that Bellatrix and Harry dueled in front of the Inner Circle Death Eaters and Voldemort, and though Harry struggled for the most part, I'm pretty sure he won. I vividly remember Draco yelling at him for talking to Daphne. Harry thinks that Draco has a crush on Daphne, but Draco kisses Harry instead. Harry pushes him away.
Hey! I'm not sure if you already have the fic here, but am anyways asking. I'm looking for fem!Harry/Tom fic. It's on ao3, multi-chaptered and completed. It's name is something like The Rise of _____ What I remember from it after her sixth year, Harry (I think her name is different) leaves Britain, goes to America with Sirius, studies in Ilvermorny, she's in contact with Death who helps her against Dumbledore (it's a bad!Dumbledore one) anyway before leaving I think she was in contact with Tom, who now kinda randomly shows up to 'woo' her, she's also good friends with Draco, Narcissa and Bellatrix (calles her Auntie Trixie) It's not a very old fic, completed sometime b/w 2021-23
the fic im searching for Harry gives Tom permission to do whatever he wants. It was multichaptered and finished. At one point there’s a Harry/Cedric bit but Tom admits that he would rather not see anybody touch Harry that way again and I think he obliviates Cedric? Also Tom and Harry get frisky on the side of the quidditch shed in a fit of jealously due to Ginny. At the end the order tries something and makes Harry’s cat sick and he gets almost kidnapped by leaving. [FOUND: anything & everything by exarite]
Hi there! This blog is AMAZING. I was delighted to be recced. I need some help looking for a fic on fanfiction.net that I highly suspect has been deleted, but am still hoping it may be my sub-par searching skills. It is a multichapter ongoing story, and had maybe two chapters up when I read it. The main characters are Harry Potter and Tom Riddle in a hospital setting (it may be St. Mungos). Harry is a star (like a literal celestial star) in the body of a child, which has a lot of problems containing him, and is hence in a state of near-death. He coughs blood. Tom Riddle's mother is also long-term hospitalized and he comes to visit her. This is how they end up meeting in the hispital. (And all I remember of the story). Pretty sure it was on ff.net between 2009 and 2012. I never could find it again.
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b1as1an-souya · 2 years
Before I start I just want to say I like reading your work and if It’s alright, can I request the founders with a skater reader who is chill, is always getting injured cause they do a bunch of skating tricks without checking their surroundings, is always skating whenever they have the chances and is sometimes a jokester and would pretend that their like falling off their board only to go back into boarding stances to catch the toman members off guard (If that makes senses if it doesn’t im sorry). And you know that scene where mikey and Draken have some beaten up students lay on their stomachs I can imagine the doing something like reader pulling an ollie and jumping over a group of beaten up students. I can just imagine the founders hyping up reader when he’s skating. Also I do apologize if this is long
Hi! It’s nice to know that people appreciate and like to read my works<3 thanks for requesting me!
And i am super sorry for taking over a month to write this!
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Skating & Gangs
Toman x male reader
Warnings: cursing, mentions of beating people up.
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[Name] was a reckless idiot. If any of the Toman members were around that boy they would honestly fear for their lives.
But [Name] wasn’t aware of that. Because he’s a fucking dumbass.
But other than that [Name] was a pretty chill dude.
Currently [Name] was skipping school with Mikey, Draken, And Baji. Well more like he was dragged out of school, but who really cares?
“Shouldn’t you lay off the skating for a while? You almost fractured your leg.” Draken asked looking at [Name]. “Nah, I’ll be fine! Anyways wanna see a new trick i learned?” [Name] smiled, getting the attention of Mikey and Baji.
They really liked watching you learn new tricks. They also liked watching you fall and bust your ass failing to show off the trick.
“Why not?” Mikey grinned. “Okay! But for this we’re gonna need to pay Takemichi a little visit!” [Name] said as he circled around his friends on his skateboard. “What the hell does Takemichi have to do with you doing a new skating trick?” Baji questioned, making you stop circling around your friends. “You’ll see! Anyways last one to Takemichi’s school has to attempt to ride my skateboard!” [Name] yelled leaving his friends confused.
“You’re cheating! You’re using a skateboard!” Mikey and yelled before running towards [Name], the other two following him.
Now the four were at Takemichi’s school waiting for [Name] to tell them what was going on. “Okay, Mikey, Baji, Draken, go and do your thing, I’ll be back!” [Name] said hoping off his skateboard and walking to Takemichi’s classroom.
“What the fuck does he mean by do our thing?” Baji muttered. “I don’t kn-” Draken said only to be cut off by some 3rd years who probably went to Takemichi’s school. “Shouldn’t you know that the Tokyo Manji Gang doesn’t belong here?” One of the third year’s asked, giving the three a death glare. “Oh! So that’s what he meant by doing our thing!” Baji said finally realizing what [Name] meant. “It took ya that long?” Mikey joked, before the three started to fight with the third years.
“Takemichi, come and play with me.” [Name] said before dragging Takemichi outside with him. “We’re in the middle of a class though!” His teacher yelled. “Don’t worry Sir, I’ll bring him back.” [Name] smiled as he walked out the classroom with a worried and confused Takemichi. “[Name]! You can’t just drag me out from a class like that!” Takemichi scolded. “Don’t worry about school! That’s not what I came to talk to ya about. I want you to check out this new trick I learned!” [Name] smiled.
“Wait huh?” Takemichi said, as he stopped walking making [Name] stop to. “You heard me! You get to see a [Name] exclusive, best seats in the house!” [Name] replied making Takemichi even more confused, but it was to late because him and [Name] were already walking out the building.
“What happened here!” Takemichi yelled out in confusion, looking at the third years from his school that were currently on the ground. “This is a school so we schooled em.” Draken said giving Takemichi a small smile. “Alright we’re almost ready the new trick I wanna show y’all!” [Name] said. “Please tell me you’re not gonna try and jump over these people [Name].” Baji asked giving [Name] the most tiredest look ever, but [Name] did not care.
“Yeah, no shit Baji!” [Name] said. “If you fall im not gonna help you!” Mikey laughed, only for [Name] to say, “Shut it I’m trying to focus, but I can’t do that if you’re talking!” [Name] seriously said.
After [Name] made sure that his skating gear was on properly, he got on his skateboard and started to skate. “Holy shit he’s actually doing it!” Takemichi said starring at [Name] in awe.
“There is no fucking way he just did that without falling.” Draken muttered. “You really underestimate me and my super awesome skating skills.” [Name] joked.
“Can I go back to class now?” Takemichi muttered. “Sure! Tell Hina I said hi!” [Name] smiled before walking off.
“I still can’t believe you did that shit and didn’t fall!” Baji laughed. “Shut up!” [Name] yelled punching Baji’s shoulder softly. “That was pretty cool though! You gotta teach me how you did that!” Cheered Mikey.
“No fucking way Mikey, that’s a [Name] exclusive, a one time thing!” [Name] said quickly shutting Mikey down.
“Danm it!” Mikey cried
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DickTim Week Day 1 Soulmates
Told myself weeks ago that I was only gonna write for day 6... I lied! Here is my entry for day one posted on time for @dicktimweek
Rated T, 1329 words, no archive warnings would apply, it's more of an outline than a fully fleshed-out fic though. Hope y'all like it!
There was a time when soulmates were rare when people might never meet their other half. Then the internet came around, and finding the person in the world who wore the same mark as you was much easier. 
Dick grew up knowing that his chances of finding his soulmate were above average since he was a performer, but still, it wasn’t like he needed his soulmate. He had loving parents and they weren’t soulmates, they were just in love. Then fate played her nasty little trick on him and he wound up flying through the air in a completely different fashion. 
Dick knew that there was a slim chance that his soulmate was within the hero community, and he couldn’t afford to bring someone into the life just because fate decreed them tied to his unlucky self. So Dick made a decision sitting on the top of Titans Tower three days after Jason’s funeral, whoever his soulmate was, he wouldn’t seek them out, he’d hide his mark, and no matter if he ever found them, he’d keep silent and let them live out their life safely. 
Tim was lucky, one of the luckiest kids in the entire freaking world. He knew who his soulmate was since he was six years old. He sat on the knee of ten-year-old Dick Grayson of the Flying Graysons and saw the little bird on his inner elbow. Tim stared at the little matching bird on his shoulder again and gave a soft smile. His soulmate was gonna need a friend, and maybe, just maybe, if Tim went to school then he would get to see that nice boy who had the perfect smile and was so very nice. So he had to keep being good, and he had to keep learning and getting better at school so he could be a big kid. 
Then he found out the best secret. The wonderful amazing secret of Robin! His Robin, his soulmate. So Tim watched and waited and kept an eye on Robin, and by extension Batman. Once he knew though he realized there was one flaw to his plan. It wouldn’t matter how good at school he was, and it wouldn’t matter how much he worked on getting better if he couldn’t keep up with Dick. So he enrolled himself in gymnastics and martial arts classes, learned more languages, and tried his hardest to be worthy of Dick Grayson. 
Then Dick left. And Tim was heartbroken. He just got the hang of actual parkour, and Dick just left and another kid showed up in Bruce’s life and then he was Robin! As though he had a claim on the name, as though he had any right to wear the yellow cape! 
Tim waited and he watched, the way he always did. And then Jason died, and Bruce went off the rails, and Tim assigned himself as a grown-ass man’s emotional support fifteen-year-old… This at least had the benefit of getting to see his soulmate, yay! Unfortunately, this also meant he was subject to a very drunk Dick explaining how he hoped that his soulmate never joined the life because fate owed him that at least… 
Tim cried himself to sleep that night. He had been trying each time Dick visited to find a natural way to broach the subject of their matching soulmarks, but after that night Tim vowed to keep his mark hidden. Dick would be forbidden. 
Tim watches as Dick keeps himself sober because he needs to be a “Good Big Brother™” and god doesn’t that hurt even more. 
Dick started to hate himself, he was a goddamn nineteen-year-old and he was crushing on the fifteen-year-old who for some god known reason came into their lives and was gluing the family back together. So he threw himself into alcohol first, if he could blame the feelings on being drunk then he wasn’t really hurting anyone. But after a night where he almost confessed his feelings and instead went on his rant about soulmates, he realized that wasn’t working. So he stayed sober, and he went all in on being Tim’s brother. If he just kept saying it it would eventually be true. Who cares that Tim has living parents, and that he wasn’t getting adopted by Bruce? Who cares that Dick only wants to press his lips against his skin and see him blush. Fuck all of that, he can be responsible, and he can be good, and he can stop himself from being an idiot. 
Then Jason comes back, and Tim almost bleeds out in the Tower, a sacred place, a place that Dick should have been in to protect him. Tim is bleeding and Dick is carrying him to the med bay and he presses a kiss to the sixteen-year-old's temple and promises himself, if Tim lives then he’ll tell him his feelings. 
Tim wakes up from blood loss in the Cave and realizes two things right away. One, Dick isn’t there, two, he’s not wearing a shirt… He knows that it was Dick’s voice he heard when they transported him from the Tower to the Cave and all he can think is how mad is Dick… 
He waits three days before Alfred and Bruce will let him move upstairs, another two before he braves looking at his phone. It’s two weeks later before he hears from Dick. Hope you feel better soon. A five word text that feels so impersonal compared to their earlier texts. Five words to confirm for Tim that Dick has seen his soulmark, and to know what it means. 
Tim heals, and he gets back out there, but Nightwing doesn’t call him to have Robin join him on patrol. Dick doesn’t send him the memes that he sees and thinks of Tim. There are no brotherly messages about needing more sleep or if he wants to grab ice cream after patrol because Dick happens to be in town. He isn’t even invited to the Tower until a month and a half after the attack, and that’s by Raven and Kon. Tim knows that Dick is icing him out, but he doesn’t know how to fix this one. He should have told Dick years ago, but he just wanted to fix the family. 
His parents die, Jason is rehabilitated, for the most part, Damian shows up and Dick still isn’t close to Tim anymore. Then Bruce disappears. Tim is seventeen and he’s lost everyone, and then his soulmate tells him he can’t wear the Robin colors anymore. He sets out on Brucequest. 
Dick fucked up! He iced Tim out after seeing the little bird on his shoulder. He took so long to come to terms with the fact that the universe took his soulmate and turned him into a weapon then broke him. Jason came back and went insane, and Dick did his fucking best okay! It’s not easy okay! He pushed his fucking soulmate away for so long and he was in his grasp finally and he pushed him away again!
Tim disappeared and Dick was blaming himself. He kept his ear out for any news and had people keeping watch. Every night he would trace the little bird on his inner elbow and make deals with the universe. Bring him back and I’ll never let him forget how much he means to me.
Tim comes back and literally falls into Dick’s arms after being kicked out of a window. 
Dick: How did you know I’d be there to save you? Tim: You’re my soulmate, Dick. You’ll always be there for me.
Dick doesn’t even care that he’s lying. He pulls Tim into a searing kiss. Needing to finally feel his lips against Tim’s and know that he’s alive and okay. They’ll have a proper conversation later, for now though? Dick is holding his soulmate and he couldn’t be more content.
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Happy Derry Headcanons
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*Upon returning to Avonlea (for vacation in Queens) Diana apologized to Jerry
*they were both very happy to see each other, but jerry was a little shy at first
*they stayed on good terms, became friends
*but 2 years later, when Diana turned 18, they were dating again
*This time it was not a secret, everyone found out, Diana's parents had not changed in terms of social class, they were furious, they yelled, they punished, they threatened, but Diana remained firm in her decision
"Now I decide the course of my life, I broke up with Jerry once, I won't twice, I love him whether he likes it or not."
*Aunt Jo was very supportive of Diana, now she practically lives with her and school, she bought a house in Avonlea to stay there for a few days, visit Minnie May, friends and other Avonlea visitors when they are on weekends or vacations
*Diana became a recognized pianist, and a governess to pay for her recitals, Jerry is still a farmer, thanks to his work he was able to buy a house for himself and Diana.
*Diana and Jerry get married at 22
*They go to live in Charlottetown, in a middle-class area, buy a rather dilapidated house, but they manage to remodel it and transform it into a comfortable place.
*Shortly after, Minnie May goes to live with them.
"You know, I'm glad to finally be free of mom and dad, they were driving me crazy." "We will still see them on weekends" "It doesn't matter, I'll miss Avonlea, but I'm glad to live with my older sister again" the girls hug each other "I hope you like that I'm here too" "Remember who spoke to you Jeremias" "Minnie May," Diana scolded. "You will never stop scolding me right" "Of course not, that's why I'm your big sister, and now I guess I'll be some kind of mother figure." "Well, I hope you do a good job, I don't mind your presence French boy, as long as I don't have to see anything inappropriate" "Of course, this is a decent home," Diana assured.
It was difficult for Diana to keep her word
"Not now Jerry, Minnie May is home." "she is sleeping" "you never know with her" "s'il te plait ma chérie nous ferons attention"(Please darling we will be careful)" "Je ne traumatiserai pas ma petite soeur" (I'm not going to traumatize my little sister) Diana shouted and Jerry gave in, but she hasn't given up, sometimes he manages to convince her, but only when Minnie May isn't home
*Ruby is Diana's neighbor, Jane lives a few blocks away and they have constant "women's meetings" at the 2 o'clock house but more than anything at Mrs. Baynard's, when Anne, Tillie and Josie and some ex-queens classmates go to visit there is no human power that removes women from that house
"I also want to be part of the talk" Minnie May commented when she came home from school and found them together "Well, why not?" said Anne. "oh really?" "Of course, you're not a little girl anymore, you're a lady" answered Anne "it's so lovely to be 15" they all laughed
"You know" said Minnie May after a while "I think I'm not going to get married" "What!!" some girls from Queens exclaimed, shocked, before the hard gaze of the Avonlea women, they hid a little "if marriage is a bit complex, mom and dad made me hate love, even now" "Marriage is not always pleasant dear, it has its good and bad moments, but it is charming" commented a friend of the girls "Anyway, if you decide not to get married in the future it will be fine Minnie May, you are a strong spirit, you would do well in the world, just don't let society tell you what to do" Jane said, the girl nodded gratefully
"Yes, it would also be of great help for my future, I could give a recital in any city without consulting the opinion of "my husband", just my violin and me… oh and Diana I want her with me, well if I take her I suppose that Jerry would have to come with us too, right?"
"That is right sweety" "It's okay, I can handle it just because of my success, a man who carries the suitcases doesn't hurt" "I don't think people would get excited to see a spinster playing an instrument, upper class people would consider it a scandal" Josie opined, over the years, she had become a better person, but no one could take away her "education" as a child rich "Better for me, I don't need the hypocritical rich to enjoy my talent, the poor people will be going, I'll get cheap, what they can afford and leave them enough money to eat, so people will flock to see me, who says that the poor They don't have the right to have fun." "I love hearing that, Minnie May, I'm so delighted that you and Jane have been so positively influenced by my coming into your lives." "Don't let the cigarette smoke go up to your head, Anne, what I told Minnie is from my situation, you can't say anything about being single, you're married to Gilbert" "Oh yes, that's my precious friend, oh Gilbert, my beloved and charming, handsome and noble Gilbert, he is the best husband in the world."
"No, that's not true, Moody is all that and more, there is no one who compares to him, so chivalrous, brave, and smart" "It's good that you stop there, I can believe the useless qualities that you mentioned something, but let me tell you something with all the love that I have for you dear, he is anything but intelligent" Everyone except Ruby who was furious laughed "Moody is much more intelligent than any of her husbands and even than you" before the incessant laughter she begged desperately as if she were still 16 years old "Come on Diana tell them"
"Okay, ladies, I'm not going to bring my husband into the discussion of the 'best husband' because all of our husbands, thank heavens, are excellent, and that's why we consider them the best to the point of entering into a ridiculous competition over who is the most handsome, talented and intelligent, but we don't need this, because each one of them is perfect for us and that's what's enough" said the black-haired woman in a conciliatory tone and she managed to finish the conversation there "However, let me tell you what I love Jerry so much and how happy I am to have chosen him, I love the fact that even our parents realize that we are and will be happier than they have been, the other day I was visiting them, and my mother as always He looked as if he were the most unpleasant thing in this world and I, with my natural elegance, asked her if she was not happy because he fulfilled what he always wanted" before the confused looks of his childhood friends and explaining to the women of Queens he continued "You see, my mother always wanted me to marry a Frenchman, and I did so, only with someone without wealth, a man of society, and I married a young man from humble origins, but in my defense she did not specify the kind of status I should have, he always said French, you can't blame me for omitting that little detail" At the woman's explanation they all started laughing like there was no tomorrow until Jane ended up with her cheeks as red as Anne's hair "Diana, you crossed the limits, poor woman, I'm sure she almost had a heart attack from so much impudence" "Almost smacked her," Minnie May commented with a smile.
"You must have seen her, it was so glorious, I wish Cole would have been there to make a portrait as detailed and beautiful as he does of her face, her expressions, I would hang that portrait on the living room wall, right in front of where we are sitting, and would tell visitors the fascinating history of the painting." "Diana, darling, a society woman shouldn't be so defiant or wild" commented one of the amused neighbors "You are absolutely right, my dear friend, a classy woman should not act like that, but I am Diana Baynard, the free and fun woman who will continue to do that kind of thing" The room was flooded with laughter again
Diana got pregnant, everyone (except the Baynards, what a surprise) were very happy) at that time, despite the tranquility that a pregnancy should have had, Diana lived through the busiest months of the last few years, traveled constantly to Avonlea, had some recitals in several cities, and received and visited her neighbors constantly, in addition to her work as a housewife.
She was constantly visited, Anne, Gilbert, Josie, Tillie, neighbors and even old friends of the queens and acquaintances appeared at her house, Marilla and the Baynard family advised her and helped with the pregnancy, Auntie Jo and Cole settled in the Baynard house and They stayed several months after Diana gave birth, she was especially grateful for so many wonderful people in her life.
Nobody called her the most "belle du monde" (beautiful in the world) pregnant woman as much as her husband.
Jerry is extremely accommodating to Diana, as if he no longer allows her to do any effort at home, she cooks, irons, washes, and keeps the house clean, Diana misses the routine a bit, but she loves her rest
"I was too lucky that you still liked me, after how bad I behaved with you"
"I had all the luck in the world to marry my first and only love, Diana, the most perfect girl in the universe, she is perfect for me"
One night Diana and Jerry were in her room, she was reading and he was writing a letter in French.
"You know dear she was thinking of something" "Tell me love" "it would be perfect if we had a small farm, like in green abbles" "You're serious Diana" Jerry asked very surprised, Diana thought that maybe it wasn't a good idea, they didn't have much money "Yes, I thought it would be nice, you know that children are created with animals, plus I know how much you miss working for the Cuthberts and the animals in your house" she commented with some shyness, but Jerry hugged her euphorically, and his doubts were dispelled. "That's the best idea in the world Diana, I love you so much amour" and she gave him one of those passionate kisses that Anne delighted to find described in books. "Tu fais de moi l'homme le plus heureux du monde d'une manière si simple que tu ne peux pas imaginer" (you make me the happiest man in the world in such simple ways that you cannot imagine) and the very serene and controller of such that even if Anne had seen she would not have believed
*Diana's pregnancy gave Minnie May the opportunity to bring out her curious
"Diana, Jerry I need to talk to you" "We hear you daughter" Jerry said jokingly. "At school the boys talk explicitly about how babies are formed" Diana was stunned and Jerry grabbed the newspaper so hard that he tore it, he drank coffee to calm down "I've stayed away from those conversations because I consider them indecent, And a woman should not make men boast of their stupid knowledge" "Your behavior seems very good to me Minnie May, however the word 'stupid' is not appropriate" "Anyway, the point is that although it may be considered inappropriate at my age, I would like someone to explain to me how a woman gets pregnant" Jerry spit out the coffee through his nose, Diana and Minnie May looked at him confused, the older one pondered words his sister for a few seconds "Alright" "really?" they asked confused "Yes, this is a modern home, not my parents' house, I prefer that Minnie May find out from us and not from what the new vulgar people of this world tell her" "However, I will write to Anne for her advice on how to tell her." "Yes, better write to him, I don't know how to explain the subject" "We know Jerry, you are not the most educated person in this house" "Minnie May!" "What? Was I rude?" I ask with sincere interest, the adults looked at each other confused
Anne sent a 13-page letter describing with the most graceful words in the world "said process" Diana was very grateful for the letter, kept it in a box along with others that her best friend had sent her, and decided that she was going to explain to him to Minnie may the process as she considered more appropriate. The talk went wonderfully, both were satisfied
"You did well to explain me in your own way, I'm sure that Anne's passionate explanation would have traumatized me" "Definitely, it was the weirdest thing I've ever read, and I already knew the process"
*Diana gave birth to triplets, Albert Fred Baynard, Anne Cordelia Baynard, and Charlotte Liria Baynard, they were beautiful brown and black-haired babies with bright brown and green eyes (from the Baynard family, the name of the last girl is a tribute to Jerry's mother)
*A short time later, Jerry buys a piece of land and turns it into an extension of the house, and it is the new farm.
"Society women should not be working on a farm" "We are no longer women of society my beloved sister, we are free damsels, owners of their own lives, who no longer care if their dresses get dirty, after all there is soap" "Spending time with Anne affected you" "No, I'm free, what's wrong with you? I thought you would have liked to grow up with animals" "Yes, but not to work on a farm, let Jerry do it, he has experience, or let's get employees like the Cuthberts" "The Cuthberts will get Jerry, because idols couldn't take care of the farm anymore and we'll do the same when the time comes." "being poor is so hard"
"It is, but for me it's worth it"
*Diana loves when the baynards, the cuthberts, miss stacy, bash, cole, tia jo and all her friends are gathered in her house, she loves her life like no one else.
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jihoonmk · 9 months
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so, this is probably the latest i've ever been with an intro post (a week? i think....) anywho! it's just me, jiwoo's mun here with a 2nd (but not really a new muse, just bring life back to a muse who has actually lived a few times before and i have a special attachment to hehehe). meet kang jihoon, my sweet boy with quite a bit of trauma (which i won't get into here much + will make sure to use tw's as needed!).
he's my black bird manipulation baby who just wants to fit in and feel like he belongs somewhere. he can also do a bit of dream walking, but he's sort of afraid to use his minor ability due to the risks of it (listed on his profile).
anyway, i'll list below a few things to know about him for plotting purposes so if you'd like to plot with this boy here feel free to like this post and i'll slide into your dm's! (i will be getting to jiwoo's stuff tomorrow, i promise i haven't forgotten anyone. it's just been a really hectic week. ;;). of course i also have a discord but that's only available upon request if it's easier for you to plot there! ^^
things to know:
jihoon is from Melbourne, Australia where he previously lived with his mother and father (who was, and still is, completely unaware of this magical world that jihoon is a part of and he would very much like to keep it as a secret from the man for as long as he possibly can).
family death tw: his mother sadly passed away when he was 17 years old, leaving behind only jihoon and his father. her death took a major toll on not only jihoon, but his father as well (taking her death extremely hard to the point where he began to change after).
jihoon isn't exactly close to his father, even more so after everything that happened when it just became the two of them. it's part of the reason why he managed to 'train himself' to be 'invisible' in others' presences and learned to keep to himself when in rooms with other people.
abuse tw/alcohol tw/family death tw: after his mother's death, jihoon's father began drinking uncontrollably. it got so bad to the point that he began drunkenly taking his sorrow/anger out on jihoon, often beating him to make himself 'feel better' while dealing with the death of his wife. jihoon learned over time to just stay still and take the beatings that he received, knowing that if he tried to stop his father, run away, or even begged him to stop then the beatings would only get worse. eventually the man fled Australia and moved to busan in order to evade any of his wife's family, running out of excuses as to why they couldn't check up on jihoon and see how he was managing after his mother's passing.
the day that an elder visited jihoon, thankfully his father was too 'out of it' and passed out on the bedroom floor to even notice any visitors. this day was the one day that gave jihoon the slightest bit of hope of even having some sort of 'happiness' in his life. a life away from the not-so-perfect life that he has at home with his father.
it took quite a bit of convincing to finally get his father to agree and let him leave busan to go to 'seoul', telling the man that he would have a better 'job' opportunity there and that he'd be able to give the man even more money. thus giving jihoon the chance to get away from the man and more or less go into hiding where he could start a new life for himself in jeju.
it's only when jihoon arrives in jeju that he realizes he had never been on his own before, making him even more nervous and aware of his own surroundings. even after starting his studies, he mainly kept to himself and would be known as that one kid in the back of the class. the kid that was always so quiet and didn't have many friends, despite others actually trying to approach him to befriend him.
even now, in his junior year, jihoon has very few friends and mostly keeps to himself. he works in order to feed himself, is one of those students that always turns his work in on time, and can even be found gazing up at the starts most nights while lost in his own thoughts. no one really knows what's going on inside that head of his, and it seems that his only 'friend' is his companion (aside from the few that managed to break through those walls he had previously built up around himself).
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foryoupeko · 2 years
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Doodle I did at work of SDR2 Next Gen
Some details below, I don’t have all their names yet.
Tw: small segment of abuse, it’s okay she’s good now
- Nagito’s ultimate luck helped them adopt a child that looks like a perfect blend of the two
- He’s really smart and picks up lessons quickly but he doesn’t apply himself. He tends to slack off and support his friends from the sidelines.
- Nagito and Hajime disagree a lot about how much freedom to give their son. Nagito appreciated the freedom he got when his parents died, and Hajime wants to be much more involved than his own parents in their child life.
Kuzupeko’s first daughter: Harumi
- Her official title is SHSL Self-Defense expert but her more accurate title would be SHSL Punisher.
- Having been raised at a young age to protect herself from various entities wanting to do harm, she got really good at hurting people
- Fuyuhiko is currently encouraging her to forget about the Yakuza life (for now) and live a normal life
Sondam’s Daugher: Lillian
- As the SHSL Poet, she wrote a famous book of poems in her native language. Whenever she tries to translate it to English or Japanese, the words become really weird. She's most famous of her macabre poems.
- She loves her family very much, but she hates her country. After the tragedy the country became a hellscape full of criminals and psychopaths. It breaks Sonia’s heart her children can never see their country how it once was. Sonia is doing her best to transition to a democracy but it’s taking time.
Ibuki’a son adopted by Sondam: Lucifer
- Ibuki got knocked up and doesn’t know who the father is (it’s twogami’s). She didn’t want the baby so Sonia (who was also pregnant at the time) offered to adopt them. Ibuki’s pregnancy went a lot smoother thanks to Sonia and Gundham helping. Ibuki still visit her son as the fun cool aunt. Twogami eventually realizes that's his son by studying his facial features but choose not to confront Lucifer.
- He is most likely the one to ascend the throne if Sonia can’t transition her country to a democracy in her lifetime. As the SHSL Vet, he will fix this country just like he fixes animals.
- The boy is super flirty (he gets that from Ibuki). He's currently dating Komahina's son but they're poly. Lucifer is fascinated by goth themes so he does bond with Mikan's daughter about that.
- On a meta level: Lucifer is a study on nature vs nurture. How much of his personality comes from his adoptive parents and what factors does he take from his biological.
Speed round for everyone else
- Teruteru’s daughter is nothing like her father but she does laugh at crude jokes. Imagine the sweetest bell of the ball suddenly snort laughing when someone calls her a “Master Baker”.
- Mikan adopted a lot of sick kids as a way to repent. After a while Hajime had to confront her because Mikan adopting kids she knew would die was doing terrible things to her psych. The one child that did survive was an girl born with one arm.
- Mikan’s daughter became very comfortable with death after all her siblings died (from natural causes). Being SHSL moritician allows her to make death, cute. She enjoys being a mortician because the dead doesn’t mind waiting for an one arm professional to finish
- Kazuichi’s son is Kazuichi if he had a good dad and women role models. Kazuichi is the best dad y’all, I feel it in my bones. UNFORTUNATELY, Kazuichi's son becomes the most upset when he finds out Class 77 involvement in the tragedy. Their relationship is a little strained right now.
- Mahiru’s adopted daughter was born to an abusive father who beated her whenever she asked for anything. When Kotoko (pink warrior of hope) saw this she tased the shit out of him. Mahiru offered to foster her and eventually ended up adopting her. Hiyoko was very adamant she never wanted kids so the two broke up. But of course Hiyoko still visited Mahiru, they were still friends. And Hiyoko was a littttle nice to Mahiru’s kid. Oh the kid has an interested in traditional Japanese so I guuuesss Hiyoko can help with that. The kid isn’t thaaat bad. Mahiru wants to try make their relationship work again, Hiyoko is willling. But no way is Hiyoko going to raise the kid. (In case I wasn’t clear, Hiyoko insist she didn’t adopt the kid but she totally did. Hiyoko is really good at teaching her to be more vocal with what she wants)
- Kuzupeko’s second daughter, Ryo. On a meta level, she’s an exploration of someone who wants to grow up too fast, compared to her parents who were forced to grow up too fast. She thinks she’s the most mature one of the family.
- Akanidai’s son is the youngest. Akane for a long time didn’t know if she wanted kids and Nekomaru was very understanding. Akane enjoyed the idea of children because she loved her younger siblings but she wasn’t sure if she would be a good mom. Eventually Akane said fuck it and jumped Nekomaru. Their son was born a little sickly but when he eats he feels better. Nekomaru monitor him well because eating is more of a placebo than a solution.
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athousandmorningss · 1 year
I'm starting with some musings about stray cat chronicles, feel free to scroll past that content if you don't wanna read it.
I'm increasingly feeling like I did the wrong thing by taking Tree home. There's a clear demarcation between a feral cat, and a friendly cat that likely has a home. The fact that he came to me pretty readily AND let me carry him indicates he has a home. Perhaps I should have just left him alone and visited the park a few more times to see if he was still there, and then did something. I have a bleeding heart. Sometimes this means I lead with feeling rather than a well thought out plan. I'd hate to put the baby through the process of adoption and re-homing if he already has a place he lives. I'm also increasingly unsure about keeping him. He is def. a Young Baby--he's in his "bite everything era," and I worry what introducing a small male cat into 16 year old Oliver's home would do. TBH though, my babies are very surprisingly chill about it: some occasional hissing at the bathroom door but for the most part, carrying on as normal. That is surprising and interesting to me, and could indicate keeping him (if I need to) might be possible. Anyways. The point is, sometimes I need to mind my business. Maybe this was one of those occasions. That said, I'd add that at this point, the family attempting to find Baby could do so pretty easily if they called any of the local shelters and offered a description, or navigated to one of the top local lost pet facebook pages, or (if they live close by), walking to the nearby park where posters are located. No word from anyone though, and that makes me really wonder if anyone is looking.
Anyways. Tree is the sweetest boy: very rambunctious, lover of chewing of the fingers/arms/legs/towels, anything he can put his mouth on. I discovered if I wrap him in a towel and sing to him, or do odd mouth sounds ASMR style, he'll get big wet eyes and nod off in sleep pretty quickly. Here's him in such a state:
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he goes a little cross-eyed when sleepy.
Anyways. My two other classes started today, bringing my total teaching load to 7 courses. Light work (hehe). One of my favorite courses I teach is Family Communication, and one of my favorite theories I teach in it is the Relational Dialectics Theory. It holds that in all relationships, including family dynamics, we osculate between opposing forces or needs, and work to adopt ways to address these tensions. For instance, family members might be struggling between the dialectical tension of autonomy (wanting personal identity, space, etc) and connection (seeking togetherness, wanting to consistently be around your family members, etc). There are suggested ways of dealing with these tensions (you can read more here) that are pretty useful.
I like teaching the course because it seems to give language to a lot of experiences students have. I consistently get feedback about the relevancy of the content, and usually enjoy reading and responding to student assignments in that course.
Since I'm in my can't leave my house era due to Tree, I've invited C over on Wednesday night. I'm a bit nervous-- I rarely have people over to my house. In fact, in the last 8 months, no one's been in my apt. save for my cat sitter and the maintenance guy. That's kinda wild. I am very protective of my space and who I let into it...
Anyways, I'm ganna put out treats and we'll swap stories about our various trips we've taken. I'm hoping in future to host a Halloween party, some small potlucks and a Friends-giving, too. Tryna manifest a little more coziness in my space..
That's all, from the House of Wayward Cats.
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