#i honestly think he'd do pretty good with gaz if they were on the same team
soapisahimbo · 2 years
Heyo! Headcanon time! I’ve been on a Konig deep dive to try and learn his character and I think…
I think konig is #detached from literally everything, and I think it would take a very, very special person to bring him back. All the years of being used in the military has got to have has some serious ware on his psyche to a point where he just doesn’t consider things like strong emotions and self worth, (as you said in your post to another anon)
I believe it would take a lot of time, effort, and a very special person to draw anything like that out of him, despite the fact that, deep down, he craves it even if he doesn’t know
I bet it just breaks his heart a little when people are scared of him, even if he never admits it or doesn’t even realize
I do think he experiences strong emotions at times, but he doesn't know how to face them or work through them in any other way than swallowing them down, because that's what he's been told to do. Ghost, for example, had to learn to actually and truly shut his emotions down through his trauma for the sake of his survival and has learned to do it eerily well - König can't quite shut them down, but he can hide them. No one actually told him how to separate himself from his thoughts and emotions, but they rewarded him when he did something without showing any actual emotional response. It's all he knows to do, and so the only time he actually gets an outlet is on the battlefield.
He can scream and shout, he can let out his anger through unsettling violence and he can even feel joy and glee, even if the source of it is questionable at best. It's why his teammates tend to steer clear of him when sent out to fight - he has a tendency to get lost in it and isn't always aware of who he's running through when trying to reach a target. But once back to safety, when it all calms down and everybody else takes some time to relax and recuperate, he's going down a very deep and dark path of dissociation and anxiety. He's not supposed to feel these things and a part of him finds it disturbing that he feels as good as he does fighting and killing, because he can tell that the others do. Even if he's never experienced it himself, he knows that it's possible to feel good without the crash that he usually gets afterwards.
He's seen the people that look after each other, that lean on each other and even hug each other after a mission well done, relieved that they made it out together. He sees them bond and connect and he wants someone to bond like that with, but people tend to find him... uncanny. They see him on the battlefield and think he's nothing more than a bloodhound - his only task on this team is to cause carnage and destruction. And he doesn't know how to connect with them. He just wants someone to approach him and start talking to him because he doesn't know how to, but even if someone did, he's not good at keeping conversation.
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jekyllnahyena · 2 years
If you have Ghoag in clone wars where is the rest of 141? I know Price wouldn’t sit around with the clones getting mistreated.
Right, had to think about this one for a bit (fair warning though, I know faaaaar less bout price than I do with the likes of Ghost n Soap and this is a in all a lot more world buildy than anything)
To put it very simple, he's in a military position, marshal commander or general, who looked at the clones and saw a bunch of late teens and early 20s staring back at him, ones that did not choose this, and decided to try his best to have as many survive as humanely possible while trying his best to get this war to end. Same goes for Gaz, just that he'd most definetely be a commander.
Now, to the more long-winded answer to go a bit into the world building thing.
In the end, it boils down to the same thing as with Ghost in sw. They're military, they have no power in the grand scheme of things, they're employed by the government to do their job. They all landed in their position because they are established military because having no soldiers in sw just doesn't make sense. So they basically drafted the lads in for the war to have people there with actual experience, specially in leading military missions. Something that the jedi won't have, not in the way that you'll expect from a military leader that is. I imagine that they were used for the missions that the jedi were unwilling to go for. That is also to say, they don't have to uphold a code/are part of a religious group and have all terrible senses morality in the ways that fighting for money will give, even if you do it in the name of 'The greater good'. I can't imagine the jedi do the missions that the 141 would do.
(there are parts in the jedi that will go down n dirty, yes, but I'm 1) too tired to work that in junction with the idea of the 141 in sw n 2) they're still jedi. The 141 lads are soldiers. There will be a lot of dissonance between these groups and what they're willing to do and how they act. Again, why Ghost is so done with everyone in sw. My dude did not sign up for the space soap opera thx)
Now, to Price. I'd imagine him to be in a higher position by now, he's in his mid 50s I'd say, but I'm not sure if I'm willing to go full general or leave him at marshal commander. From what I understand, my dude seems pretty upstanding, but also very willing to do a lot in the name of the 'greater good'. I'd imagine that he'll try his absolute best for his troops, very willing to tell people to fuck off, protect them to the best of his abilities and all that.
He still does not have any actual power if you think about it.
Look, if the likes of Mace motherfucking Windu does not have it in his power to change up the position of the clones, neither will Price. I rag a lot on Anakin or Obes because there's canonical evidence that they can be terriblly careless with the lives that have been put in there hands but even if they didn't, it practically changes nothing (except make them less of dick waffles thx). You can be as good as a person/military leader as u wanna be, you'll still be leading a slave army. And there aren't in any political position to change that, not unless they're willing to shed blood. Price can say he opposes, even decide to leave the military in the name of his morality, but it doesn't change jack shit.
The ways to help the clones is to get the goddamn government to recognize them as humans and implement the according laws (or honestly just fucking. Blow up the senate. I know what I'm more a fan off). But that would mean that the senate has to recognize that they're using a slave army, which. Won't happen. Not unless u make a major au, which isn't what I'm doing. Ghost in sw is based purely on vibes and very little world building. Order 66 still happens, the tragedy still stands. Stuff is still absolutely terrible and unless I actually work out that the 141 and their respective troops decide to go 'aight, time to murder some politicians', they can't do anything.
So, Price won't stand by by shit happening to his troops and he'd most definetely put a bullet through Krell, yes, but unless I work out an actual story for this au, he won't be the one to change things up.
(I have literally only one idea for Price in sw, which is him meeting Yoda for shits n giggles. Just him sitting opposed the general and grand Master who tells him of the war and that people like him are needed for their experience and skill while Price just kinda stares because did that fucking frog just talk? Did that frog just say he's the jedi grandmaster? Wait, does that make the frog my superior???? Simon, Simon what the fuck is going here?? Who in turn is standing beside his ol captain with the sorta 'pls just end me' vibe that's been his existence for these past few weeks since he became commander and solemnly gives Price a 'welcome to the bullshit I've been dealing with' look)
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