#i heart procrastinating /hj
madb0nes · 7 months
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i mean she even cooks him pancakes !! /lyric ref
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zeno-zero · 1 month
roku and sozin are divorced and their kids are azulon and those twin ladies
I am not exactly opposed to it but I am uncertain in a way ,, but what do you know, I like it in a way. Let's just say that this is an alternative universe ^_^ This is kind of self-indulgent,, haha.
Lo and Li's existence has definitely made Roku's heart ache (/pos). Reminded him about himself and his twin brother, Yasu.
Sozin has definitely shown some signs of harsh parenting, given how the fact Azulon turned out to be in the canonical universe,
Azulon was Sozin's firstborn, and raised to succeed him. Sozin oversaw his son's firebending training and favored him over another family member. Azulon ultimately grew up to be a supremely talented, but also very demanding and often cruel person.
Note: He also seemingly lacks empathy as well, willing to sacrifice Zuko because Ozai is trying to take advantage of Iroh's loss.
but because Roku is the bearer of these three confusing children, he.. had definitely tried his best to say the least. In summary, he's definitely a flawed parent but it gets through the children's heads that they are all loved and didn't suffer from any problems/issues at all! Hooray! (/hj)
Roku's parents whose parenting style is "questionable," he did not let it corrupt over and affected the children immensely. He's more focused about their well-beings/general health, the type of parent who motivates and supports whatever your dream is. A kind of parent who says something during dinner that you should eat greens every once in awhile while giving you a piece of cabbage next to your rice. He's gentle and nurturing but is strict when it's necessary. He also gives valuable life lessons when reading them bedtime stories.
Sozin on the other hand, Taiso's parenting style + Hazei's emotional absence definitely fucked Sozin up fully. There were many nights that he and Roku would sit down and talk where the children would sleep (except Azulon though, who would try to eavesdrop, sneaky little kid). At one time, he pitted Azulon against either Lo or Li if there were any signs of firebending — Roku was enraged by the decision and immediately stopped whatever was happening before anyone gets hurt. But they did find out that both Lo and Li are non-benders whereas Azulon is a firebender (Roku didn't care, Sozin somewhat expressed displeasure).
Lo and Li, at one point, had definitely bragged about how their fathers are both the Fire Lord and the Avatar in contrast to Azulon simply brushing it off and going on his day thinking it's normal to have parents like that (not really).
They have these children likely in their late 20's or early 30's but I do think about how Sozin wanted to hog the throne as possible so like.. 40's ?? 50's ??? I do think it's kinda stupid that they conceived children together in their 70's or 80's because that's just ,, scientifically Impossible.
Notes: Roku and Ta Min are low-key freaky with each other (/hj). He eventually settled down and began living out his life with Ta Min, with whom he later had a daughter, Rina. <- This comes after Roku is horrified at Sozin's proposition and tells him to drop it OFF 😭.
And then.. there's Sozin who has Azulon at the literal age of 82. Bro is a procrastinator but still gets the job done 🔥🔥🔥 (somehow).
Azulon would've still been a Fire Lord, but Roku's influence on him would definitely shape the Fire Nation a lot more differently. Sure, there were some.. penalties — but he'd be much more kinder, maybe more sympathetic with those who were born poor or have been screwed over and over because of the old laws (who knows honestly?)
Lo and Li are still the firebending instructors and political advisors, but still share the same ol' "escaping the Fire Nation Capital to go to ember island if it has gotten too hectic." They definitely got their rebellious phase from Sozin after all, sneaking out and starting their own adventures which causes the parents to be worried and befuddled.
To add something a little nice and a great fresh air to get ourselves away from doomed siblings that the Fire Nation Family has always had — Lo, Li and Azulon are siblings who are seemingly distant at first but when they do interact, they get themselves in malicious and hilarious shenanigans. They will always have a great time and never resent each other. Showing vulnerability is a sign of strength. They learned that from their parents after all, who trusted each other more than anyone else.
Oh man,, this is so long !! Hope you guys like it ,, huhu ,,,
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nrc-asteryn-crew · 14 days
life update i was in the shower today and .
lets just say there is now a new oc rolling around in my brain that wont GO AWAY
IM BUSY BRO PISS OFF (affectionately tho cz ily)
random facts abt him because im procrastinating: - meowmeow - t a l l (prolly between leech n malleus height or sm) - ash/caramel-y blonde hair or something - labyul (cant decide what year tho,,,,,) - hes very autistic and had a special interest in the queen of hearts which included her rules - ^ he memorised all of them way before even coming to nrc - hes the type that will follow all of the queens rules to a T effortlessly but is much MUCH more lax when it comes to actual school rules n shit - im also debating making him live in an orphanage so theres that also - he has a very very shrill laugh - he says 'nya' very often (and may also make puns also idk yet)
im pretty sure im allergic to not making my ocs silly its a problem next oc will be a buff guy trust /hj
anyway um thats all i remember . yeah ! so fun :)
- aue
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senanatheskenana · 2 years
Good morning, I wanted to try the survey event if it's still open. If not, feel free to ignore this ask. And before we get to the question, I apologize for the grammar mistakes English isn't my native language.
1. My work ethic is more or less chaotic. I'm a huge procrastinator who can't follow a plan. I tend to do everything at the last minute under the stress and the pressure. Even if I'm interested in the work, I'll zone out pretty fast.
2. Overthinking is my second name /hj. Well, to be honest I'm a very anxious person, I tend to overanalyzing every single thing. How the baker did look at me, my outfit, my haircut... What a pain. :(
3. I use to be a very extraverted kid, but as I'm growing up I'm getting more and more introverted. I like staying alone or with the few people I can trust. Honestly, I don't see why you should waste your energy by befriending a lot of people when you can use your energy to take care of your loved ones.
4. The answer is very cliché, but it would be Japan. I would love to visit this country one day, climbing Mt Fuji, eating traditional food and discovering their culture.
5. I'm finishing High School and I don't really know what I want to study. Maybe biology or history.
6. I love sweet food with all my heart, give me chocolate and you're making me the happiest man alive.
7. I live with my cat and my two dogs and I wouldn't replace them with anything in the world. But if I could adopt another animal, it would probably be a pigeon or a bird of some kind.
8. I'm a trans man and I consider myself as aroace. So yes, this is more on a " if I could to date I would... " kind of thing or platonic. And I don't really care about the gender of my match.
9. That's a hard question. Probably the hardest on the list /hj. I don't really have one favourite song, more like a whole playlist, but if I should give you one I would say... Fine by Lemon Demon.
10. Family well... All depends on your relationship with them and how they treated you in the past. Sometimes it's important to distance yourself from them, to let go for becoming the best version of yourself. But it's also great when they got your back. So to get on a middle ground, I would say that family is important but you shouldn't let them control your life or make you feel guilty for anything. Talking about kids, I don't mind babysitting or keeping kids at home to help a friend but I don't want to be a father. I don't want kids, I would be a terrible father and I don't want them to grow up in this chaotic world. If the world became a better place, with less wars and dangers for them... Then I might reconsider my choice.
And I ended up writing way to much, I'm terribly sorry T_T. Thanks for reading this, take your time and don't forget to care of you. Have a nice day!
(ps : I find your work very cool)
im glad you like my writing, i really like writing it :)
Also don't worry about writing too much, i think that as long as it's good, you cant write too much xx
I would put you with Kazuha. He's kind and friendly and most of all very calming to be around. Kazuha likes to wander around, so he'd be thrilled to travel with you. While Kazuha can be pretty quiet, he is quite good at calming and comforting people. Kazuha understands the temptation of procrastination so he'd try his best to keep you on track, he may even do it with you. He probably isn't concerned with having children, considering he likes to be transitory and travel but he probably does like having animals around. I can totally see him with a bird too because they can easily follow the Crux
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Hello there!I really love your blog!Can i request Connor,Haytham and Desmond reacting on their S/O being killed by their enemy, please?:³
29/01/2022: Anon, I apologise in advance for breaking your heart. (What? No, I'm not procrastinating on my work, what are you talking about? /j)
Reminder that requests are closed until the summer! I'm just trying to empty my inbox before any new requests come in, so please don't send any until my blog description says that they're open! Thank you all for your continued support and for sticking around during my semi-hiatus (despite the fact that I am most definitely procrastinating from my work -- don't do what I do, kids) <333
So Desmond’s is similar to THIS post because I just can’t see him reacting in any other way lmao and i honestly didn’t realise I made them basically identical at the beginning.
And like, if you wanna request more angst 👉👈🥺… haha jk… 😅unless…🥺😏 /hj
Warnings: Character death, angst, super sad times, blood mention, serious injuries, canon typical violence, etc, slightly unedited
How Haytham, Connor, and Desmond React to Their S/O Being Killed by Their Enemy
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A defected Templar thought it would be a good idea to use the Grandmaster’s partner as leverage.
A mistake that cost him deeply.
Yet, he succeeded.
The situation was chaotic, unstable. Haytham lost control of the room as soon as he opened his mouth.
The emotions, the anger… any semblance of calm negotiation was thrown off the table when he saw you.
“A quick death, or a slow one?” The traitor indicated each choice by pointing a knife to your throat or your stomach.
“I’m warning you.” His voice rumbled in restrained rage.
He almost had you. He almost saved you.
The door of the building burst open; they were here to help.
Haytham shared one look with the one balancing your life in his hands.
And with one sharp movement, chose your death for him.
Haytham’s pistol went off.
He missed. Leaving him to be pursued by the others, he ran to your side.
“Y/n.” Words left him in a whisper.
“Oh, my darling…” Haytham brushed hair out of your eyes, cupping your face.
Looking between your pained expression and its source, he heaved out an anxious breath.
“We’re going to get you help, alright? A doctor is on his way.”
“Haytham, it hurts…”
“I know. I know it does. I cannot tell you how sorry I am.”
“You did all you could. I’m glad I could spend… my last moments… with you.”
“But the opera tomorrow… You mustn’t miss that.”
“I’ll still be there,” you smiled, tears in your eyes.
“I love you, Kenway.”
“And I love you.”
He pressed his lips to your nose softly, your last breath kissing his skin.
Tears rolled down your cheeks, but they were not yours.
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“Connor?! Connor, move!”
He turned around as you jumped in front of him, a gunshot ringing out.
You couldn’t move the brick house, so you parked yourself in front of it.
He didn’t know what had happened for a moment when you grasped his shoulders.
But he took in the shock on your face, the distant glint of a rifle on a rooftop…
As you collapsed against his chest, he dropped his tomahawk, pulled out his pistol and fired a true shot. The man fell from the rooftop.
Connor held you against him and sank to his knees.
“Are you hurt?” you breathed.
“No, I’m… I’m okay -- you’re bleeding. Why…”
He kept pressure on the wound, grasping you tightly. “I don’t know what to do.”
“It’s okay. It’s okay.”
You couldn’t help but smile at the way the sun rays caught in his hair. “What do I do?”
“Stay with me.”
He broke, then. One of the rare moments tears fell from his cheeks.
He taught you to say that. Oh, the name never sounded so bittersweet.
“I’ll be watching over you.”
“Don’t say that. Don’t… I have no one else.”
“I won’t leave you. Not really.”
Inches away from his jaw, you strained to press your lips to his skin.
Soft and gentle, like your soul.
He focused on the aftershocks on his skin, terrified that the feeling will be lost with you.
Your body grew heavy as he sensed the moment you had moved on.
He pulled you impossibly closer.
“Konorónhkwa, Y/n/n.”
His body was silent, but his grief was loud.
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Disaster struck in two seconds.
Anything other than perfection means death.
For you, that meant the wound in your side could have been prevented if you had taken cover sooner.
“Y/n, look out!”
Why did you have to think about it?
“Uh, Des?”
“Oh, shit!”
The ground cooled your flushed skin.
“Y/n, Y/n, hey, hey, hey…” Desmond slid to you and cradled your face in his hands, caressing your cheeks with his thumbs. “You’re gonna be okay, you hear me? You’re gonna be fine.” His words were tumbling out of his mouth at such a speed, you almost couldn’t comprehend them.
He carefully maneuvered you into his arms. “I need some help over here!” He pressed his hand against the bloodstain of your shirt.
You regarded his face; the agony was easy to read, and your heart couldn’t help but constrict painfully in your chest.
“I’m fine… I‘m sorry.” You tried to get up.
“No, no! Don’t move. I don’t want it to get worse.” Desmond held onto you tighter. “Shaun! Rebecca!”
“We have a bit of a situation, Desmond!” Shaun’s voice was distant.
“Oh, I’m sorry, you have a situation?!”
Your head leaned a bit too heavily into his shoulder.
“No, no, no, Y/n, hold on. Please.” He pushed harder against the wound.
“Holy fuck.” Rebecca came into view, fresh from the conflict moments before. “Y/n, can you hear me?”
“It’s all gonna be okay. We just gotta stop the bleeding. Desmond, move your hand.”
He swallowed before speaking, sickened at how almost all his skin was stained crimson. “Okay, okay, okay.”
Rebecca was ready with a first aid kit she found in the corner; pros of getting shot in an office.
She swiftly replaced Desmond’s hand with gauze. He pressed down over it again. “You’re gonna be okay, now, Y/n/n. You’re gonna be…” his voice cracked, a lump sinking into his throat. His tears have been silent up to now.
Rebecca glanced at the blood surrounding them. It was pooling, soaking their jeans. “Shaun, get the fuck over here!”
It took a second longer for Shaun to get into view, a hard drive in his hand. “Sorry for the wait, the killing and the downloading took-- Oh, Christ!” He sank beside Rebecca, feeling your forehead.
“Why didn’t anyone tell me?!”
Desmond sent him a glare before focusing back on you.
“I’m calling an ambulance.”
Rebecca was quick to follow Shaun, a protest at her lips. “That’s a fucking stupid idea! You know why we can’t do that…”
It didn’t matter. Desmond knew they had run out of time.
“Hey, Y/n? Have I ever told you how much I love you?”
Nothing was wrong, everything was fine.
In your half-conscious state, you cracked a smile. “You… You tell me all the time.”
“Yeah? Well, I love you more than anything. It’s true, I do.”
“I love you more…”
He released a stressed sigh, a sorrowful upturn on his lips as he shook his head. “That’s impossible.”
You slowly raised your hand to his cheek. “You’ll be okay, Des… without me.”
“Hey, no, no, don’t you ever say that. We’ll get you out of here, and then we’ll go grab a beer or something.”
Wiping the tears from his cheek, your eyes locked with his. “No time.”
“Oh shit. Desmond, we gotta go!”
The light of sirens painted across his face. “C’mon, let’s get out of here.” He began to shift you into his arms so he could carry you. “Just let me adjust for a sec…”
“Des, Des, stop.” You grabbed the front of his hoodie, halting his frantic movements. “Go.”
“We are!”
“Let me go, Desmond.”
He froze for a moment. “Nope. No, nonono, no way. You’re not pulling that shit with me.”
“I don’t want to die… knowing that you were spending the rest of your life in jail.”
“Please, please, Y/n, I can’t leave you.”
“You have to. Live for me.”
Your hand slowly released its grip, falling to your stomach.
“No, no, hey!” He lowered you to the floor, leaning over you. He cradled your vacant face with both hands. “Don’t do this. Don’t you dare leave me.”
His forehead touched yours, gentle but firm. “Please.”
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mrskodzuken · 3 years
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genre: angst (I'm sorry :'))))) )
tw/cw: blood (due to the disease), unrequited love (Kenma was friend-zoned by his enamoured, hard).
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Hanahaki Disease (花吐き病) is a fictional disease where the victim of an unrequited/one-sided love begins to vomit or cough up petals and flowers of a flowering plant growing in their lungs. It can be cured either if their enamoured reciprocate their feelings of genuine love, or through surgical removal of the plants' roots (which, sadly, would remove the victim's capacity for romantic love and may also erase their feelings for and memories of the enamoured); it can be fatal if left untreated. (Wikipedia)
My super-late entry for @kingkatsuki x @bakuroo-writings's Frozen Hearts collab. I was too lazy procrastinating about this (alongside other late collab entries) for months, but something made me think about this disease yesterday so I chose to be violent today /hj made this since late morning. Also tagging @anime-central @hanayanetwork
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Likes are okay, reblogs are nice, reposts and plagiarism stuff are frowned upon 🥰 | ALL WORKS BY MADKITTYBLOSSOM © 2022
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intertwinedtruth · 3 years
dude your "fanfic" is simply encouraging even with the few chapters you released, I just wanted to say this so you know that I'm enjoying this story of yours and your writing too (if there's something wrong here it's the translator's fault since I don't even understand English properly) (I'm from Brazil)
i jsjjsjjsjssjjjsjsjsjj what my heart is exploding ;-;
thank you so much anon i cant express how happy this made me like this gives me so much motivation to write and actually not procrastinate
thanks for supporting my series and works :,)
now its time to cry tears of happiness /hj
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tartagliaxx · 3 years
hey lei!! how are you and what are you doing rn? i'm currently procrastinating my school work T_T but its not like i'm totally wasting my time if i'm catching up with you :3c
lemme tell you about my performance it happened two days ago and we did it at a football game honestly for me it went pretty badly it wasn't a home game and we're not just doing flag work we all have to be in specific positions so doing it on a different field messed me up and my brain just shut off too cause i made so many mistakes that i usually wouldn't OTL its not too terrible though we played at the beginning so not many people were there to see it after that i actually ended up having a nice time!! it felt like a very teen thing to sit in the bleachers of a school game and eat and joke with friends it was a nice moment especially cause wasting my youth is something i end up thinking about often also theres this cute boy 😳😳 hes in band and was reading a webtoon in the bleachers his hair is growing long its reaching the back of his neck,,, i'm excited for the days we practice on a field cause i'll be able to see him then I wouldn't call this crush more like in interest or eyecandy 👁👁
chwkfjel i'm sorry for rambling enough my flag twerling stuff i remember you asked about my birthday i was born on the 25!! i keep wondering if i should pull for kokomi then or when her banner comes out if i lose the 50/50 i would be a lot madder if mhy denied her on the day i was removed from the womb!!- 🍰
i am currently in class akdbwjbdjnaba im p busy and i just want to write the rqs i got alr but i literally have my entire week packed w things to do for school. ugh. life sucks. BUT PLEASE— THE WAY MY HEART FLUTTERED AT THAT LAST LINE 🙈
umm maybe it didnt go as badly as you thought it did? who knows but at least its done!! im still v proud and happy for you bc you managed to get through it even if its v different from what u r used to :)) it’s a good thing that you enjoyed. i personally didnt do a lot when i was in hs so that’s a shame. fortunately for you tho, it seems u’ll have more opportunity to live your best teenage life <33
OMG A BOY. 👀 WHY DO I FEEL LIKE A MOM GIVING AWAY HER CHILD— anw,, he sounds,,, ok??? like i am looking at you two politely. but also,, you looking forward to seeing him and basically eyeing him… isnt that the definition of having a crush 😭😭😭 / hj N E WAY, since we were just talking abt teenage dreams and stuff— are you going to shoot le shot???? idk abt u but i’d at least befriend the guy if he reads webtoons and has long hair 😌 shame that all the guys nearby me are like, a solid -13/10
well, if u do lose 50/50, you can just count it as the gacha gods giving u a guaranteed 5* you actually really, really want for the future? i personally think that’s p pog but maybe that’s just me and my albedo fuelled brain talking shit 🙂
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nyomjoong · 4 years
boyfriend! Hongjoong headcanon
Hongjoong as your boyfriend headcanon
Purely self indulgence, i miss Hongjoong so much pls
Genre: fluff
Word count: 836
Member: hongjoong
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Boyfriend hongjoong is literally the best boyfriend ever!
I fucking love this concept so much, it just pure *chefs kiss*
Ok ok SO
He asked you out in a really cute way
Guess what he did 
Guess, i dare you 
Yes that's right, he wrote you an ep 
And entire ep 
5 whole songs about you, for you and just for you and your ears 
Normally he'd write songs and put them in a usb BUT bc it’s for you, he burned it on a cd
The cd had little doodles that reminded him of you 
Little flowers bc when he first saw you your tote had a little illustration of baby's breath which he found cute, coffee bc you always gave him coffee when he's working on songs in his studio, the sun bc of ur bright smiles and your bright ideas and overall warm demeanour, butterflies bc you gave him butterflies
In the back it says “ to my muse, this is my thanks”
Song names are probably something like coffee, muse, red and white chrysanthemums, question, hidden track: at last. 
You think its an early birthday present so you just go about your day normally for a couple of days while joongs quite literally losing hair bc of how stressed you’re making him 
Once you listened to the album attentively, you cried because you felt his genuine love and compassion with his music. 
You stop several times during the ep bc you were just too overwhelmed with emotions, you barely got through the album
When the question came on you were confused as to where the song was going because the song was all over the place going from one tangent to another, it confused you a fuckton. 
It was still good but confusing
When the audio stopped you thought your computer fucked up but then you hear a sigh
It was hongjoongs sigh, in a muffled voice he said “ I know this song confused you and to be honest all that was just procrastination.” joong laughed “isn't an ideal way to do things but you really do mean alot to me and i hope that this ep was able to convey some of my feelings to you ” you can hear him take a deep breath “y/n will you go out with me?”
You were crying and laughing at the same time, your heart felt so full at that moment. 
You grabbed your phone and texted him 
“you’re such a dense dumbass”
“I'm coming over to the studio, Coffee?”
Joongs on the other side freaking out bc he thought he got his answer 
He was kinda disappointed
Hed text back 
 HJ “Ashjflsfhas, what did i do?”
HJ “yes please :((”
Right when he opened the door, you said “Yes”
You rolled your eyes as you set down the drinks on the table
Mans was so fucking confused He's still trying to figure it out. He’s just frozen by the door
You ruffle his hair and kiss him “God, you're so frustrating sometimes, i'm all yours joong”
He’d hug the fuck out of you and spin you around, you and him chill at the studio for the rest of the day and once you get home you realized you didnt finish listring to the ep
Ugly sobbing and crying when you hear At Last
As a couple, you and joong are the IT couple of the school
People do be jealous cause he was kinda popular and you were too so 
You and joongs will always have some sort of matching piece, whether that be an earring, a shoe, a bag, a jacket, the colour scheme of your fit. 
Always have something matching
Not exactly the same fit type of matching, but the ones where if you and joong were to stand next to each other it looks aesthetically pleasing as a whole.
Ur dates? museum , Opera, themed cafes, art galleries
Why? Simple,  joong inspiration from the art pieces you see and translate that into his songs 
Lots of boyfriend pics for ur lockscreens
Most of the time the both of you are just chilling in his studio listening to him make songs and what not while you study
Sometimes he'd pick you up from class with coffee or boba
He's literally the sweetest
For your anniversaries, he'd give you customized presents and songs
Constant “can you listen to this for me? I want to know what you think” and “I miss you, can you come give me kisses?” text
His love language? Giving you coffee unprompted during days where he knows you stayed up late doing a project or studying
Forehead kisses is his more subtle way of saying I love you 
Constantly tweets “i miss my gf :((”
You often worry about him not getting enough sleep and nutrition or that people take advantage of his kindness 
Overall he's so clingy, hard working and selfless. 
You wouldn't have it any other way tho, afterall hongjoong isn't hongjoong without these traits
bdjsjdjd i hope you enjoy this as much as i did writing it.
be safe ♡︎
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emo-and-confused · 4 years
Random anon. I procrastinated until 4 AM and stayed at my desk doing work. I then just completely did something else until I realized it was far too late. Spring break starts very soon which means a bulk of my work needs to be completed. I have a 50 in geometry. am in pain (/hj because i am in pain but it's in a light-hearted way i am not suffering that badly although i am suffering).
random anon, i am also in pain hut in a lighthearted suffering type way. i get you, bro
also, shit, i forgot how close spring break is alsjsjdjfjfj
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strayfreckles · 4 years
a list of my drafted fics/blurbs that i haven’t touched since three weeks ago because i tend to hate my writing every time after rereading :D the descriptions + titles are temporary so i might change them later on !!
spaces [hhj angst; based on hard feelings by lorde]
strawberry blonde [hhj fluff; lowkey got inspo from mitski’s song of the same name hhh]
rewrite the stars [bc angst; one highschool reunion, two intertwined souls, and a love that never was. what else could you ask for?]
↳ starcrossed (blurb series); fluff, angst, several aus.
tales of starcrossed lovers stumbling upon crystal epiphanies that will bind them both through thorns & roses—through thick & thin—for a lifetime.
member/s: chan / minho / changbin / hyunjin / jisung / felix / seungmin / jeongin
↳ break my heart (oneshot); angst, highschool au, 80s au.
one small town. two lost souls. third eye diner at four am. kim seungmin takes five to contemplate a future that’s been decided after someone turns up & makes him feel like turning the world upside-down—the same someone who he’s aware can make his universe crash & burn in just a flicker. [based on dua lipa’s break my heart as requested by an anon that’s been waiting too long now i’m so sorry xjsnjsnwns]
member/s: kim seungmin
↳ forever yours (oneshot); fluff, angst, humor (?), vampire au.
in which chamomile tea and conversations with an immortal vampire make for an unusual (but pleasant) monthly occurance for yang jeongin.
member/s: yang jeongin
↳ unnamed (oneshot); fantasy au, swan lake (?) au, royalty au, fluff, angst.
sit down, dear traveler, and gaze at the sky—let the stars bring the remnants of a fallen kingdom and a fatal curse; let the quiet breeze whisper to you the tale of prince hyunjin and the gentle musician who brought him his demise.
member/s: hwang hyunjin
↳ call it what you want (oneshot); hogwarts au, enemies-to-lovers au, humor, fluff, angst.
you want nothing more than to shove two wands up kim seungmin’s nostrils, unfortunately having your greatest mate felix falling for the school nightmare’s best friend hwang hyunjin meant putting up with him; and for felix, you would do anything. besides—love reigns over all, doesn’t it?
member/s: kim seungmin (feat. hyunlix)
↳ puppy love (oneshot); strangers-to-lovers au, bassist au, barista au, pure fluff.
one would think meeting a cutie would be a good thing, right? well, it isn’t for felix lee. because if he doesn’t play his cards right, it might end up like every other crush he’s had: with him biting the dust and karaoke night filled with trashy heartbreak songs—he isn’t quite sure if them being a barista at his favorite dog café is a good thing, either.
member/s: felix lee
— UNWRITTEN IDEAS. (bc my procrastination is off the charts this year smh)
unnamed athlete au [ksm oneshot; basically baseball player!seungmin falling (like,,, literally) for the opposing school’s volleyball captain, the reader, and the clusterfuck of chaos that ensues shortly after he does.]
unnamed knight au [hjs oneshot; an enemies-to-friends fic where reader & jisung are incredibly skilled royal guards but are also,,, utter idiots (and platonic soulmates).]
with love, lix [lfl blurb series; whereas lixie asks reader, his best friend, to become his faux lover at a relative’s wedding in italy, which inevitably becomes the start of a series of unfortunate events.]
unnamed siren au [hhj oneshot; honestly idk if i’ll ever go thru with this hhh]
400 lux [00line blurb series; what happens when jisung decides to summon a demon after reading a reddit thread]
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sevsfantasy · 4 years
why r you done w dttdt?
Hello anon~ soz for the late reply, was procrastinating I’m gonna assume you meant ‘dttwt’ and this is referring to my first ever post in this blog? Lol that was months ago but issok, I’m done with twt depending on the side of the bed I wake up in. I find twitter to be generally more tiring, and I already don’t have much energy to burn online. Before I say anything else, here is the compulsory ‘I know dttwt has a lot of amazing people!’ statement (/lh) I mean, I still do use twitter lmao bc what am I meant to do on my free time if not play 50/50 with twt whether going there would ruin my mood or not </3 More under the cut if you’re up for my ramblings. No dttwt-loving here since you asked why I’m done. 
uhh here’s more disclaimer so hopefully people don’t misunderstand my words, this isn’t me generalizing all of dttwt but just parts of it that I experienced. I may sound mean and definitely sarcastic, but I swear this is mostly light hearted from my end lmao
- Unneeded drama (surprising, I know /s) 
- They’re yet to learn the art of dealing with things privately. 
- The constant clout chasing. I don’t really have anything against those who do (Idek them), it’s just tiring to see all the time. The “spare #?” Haha no. And like, there IS a hierarchy in dttwt, admit it or not. DTeam interaction, follower count and heck, even being an “OG” when those OGs posts their poorly worded reminiscing tweets that come off as gatekeepy to newer stans then wonder why they make people upset lol 
- They usually have this counterproductive way of dealing with things they don’t want attention to. i.e. tweeting a screenshot of something they allegedly don’t want DTeam to see (as if they don’t know our beloved blob doesn’t lurk there). - Their obsession with the UK vlog. I just think it’s tasteless that they still fill George’s replies with stuff about the vlog. They also ask for proof that it’s real when Dream and George has given them that but they didn’t believe.
- Their need to assert their spot in having the moral high ground. How many call out posts do I have to see in my tl that probably don’t even reach their intended audience? Me, being tired of it doesn't mean I think it's bad, I'm just tired. How many nsfw fics are they gonna mention just to feel good about themselves? That there are “gross people” out there making those? (if you make nsfw content for DTeam, unapologetically make them since they’re fine with it... or consume those works? You do you haha). I’m so done with people posting about nsfw fics just to collectively freak out with their followers. DMs and GCs exist, please, if you really must scream. On another note, they don’t want to be generalized but also do it to the other platforms of DTeam fandom. They hated the ‘ever so horny’ DTTiktok so much that the A1 idea came to be. (I know some who did it and others that didn’t)
- Their hatred towards DTeam shippers. This kinda goes with the point above but I just want it to have a point of its own lmao They can get so hostile against shippers who haven’t even done anything wrong, even though DTeam has repeatedly said they’re fine with it. Additionally, shipping =/= sexualizing... tho Idk if they’ve now fully accepted that they stan the biggest dnf shipper, Mr.WasTaken, himself. shipping sells and he knew it 
- The distaste towards fanfiction. They think it’s so weird to write rpf but it’s praiseworthy if done in illustrations. Fanarts/Fancomics can get as shippy as possible and they get a pass (as long as it’s not nsfw). Don’t get me wrong, I love artists and I am an artist myself. I kinda get it that it takes less time to consume visual art than a fic that you have to read, but the double standard with written fanworks and illustrations are just mehh.  BUT HEY, it’s okay to read/write fanfics IF it’s a joke, as if the only way to enjoy fics is by mocking the craft. 
- The copypastas that only hit the jackpot in being funny once in a blue moon. At worst, it’s their go to in dealing with arguments/statements they don’t agree with ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Another incident, might be a nitpick but Idk, turning non-crack fanfiction summaries into copypastas. Dttwt touching fanfics just makes my insides shrivel up because of the point above. I write fanfics too and I’m not fond about the idea of my fics having twitter publicity. Of any kind. 
I think that’s about it? for now but dw, the account that annoy me most is twitter user dreamwastaken2 (/hj) and most of all, the thing I really hate about twitter is the character limit. 
So yea, in conclusion, I don’t like twitter.
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