#i heard this on facebook and i want to shoot you
artdcnaldson · 4 months
In part 2 you mentioned Patrick x reader having makeup sex after they got into stupid argument…. Can we get a flashback to one of those moments🤭🤭 domestic Patrick starting an argument with reader and reader calling him out about it but they end up making up in a cute way. Like Patrick making it up in a corny but cute way??? Just a suggestion, part 2 was amazing btw!
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Rating: T
Warnings: just a minor argument, language ofc
A/N: thank youuuu!!! No smut in this little blurb, just a snapshot of domestic Patrick x reader in the changeover au 🫶🫶🫶
Also working on art x reader first time and also Patrick x reader first I love you blurbs for the changeover au :) so those will be coming sooooon
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It was easy to let the stupid arguments devolve. It started with a facial expression when you brought up your college roommate’s wedding. An eye roll, an I-don’t-want-to-fucking-deal-with-that. And that became your, “why do you treat my friends and my life as less important?”
“I can’t fucking believe you got that out of me wanting to ditch Katie’s wedding to her dickhead loser fiancé.” Patrick’s words came out so flippant that it infuriated you further. “You don’t even talk to her outside of Facebook comments.”
“I’m sorry, Patrick. I didn’t realize that you’d be so fucking opposed to free food and booze considering you live off of it.”
Patrick set his jaw, glaring at you. It was a low blow, one you knew would sting. “I’m opposed to wasting my time flying out to bum fuck Iowa to because Katie— who has always hated me, by the way— is marrying some dickhead who’s a shill for a corrupt asshole in congress.”
You rolled your eyes. “Maybe she would like you, Patrick, if you ever put in an ounce of effort with anyone besides me.”
“Right, because I need to be friends with the kind of people whose proposal was a flash mob.”
You laughed softly, shaking your head. “Right, because you’re just too cool for stuff like that.”
It was so fucking like him— making fun of the lame proposals your friends got, or their baby names, or their engagement shoots. Sometimes they were lame— flash mobs were fucking stupid— but sometimes they were sweet, and romantic, and there was Patrick acting like he’d rather blow his brains out than ever publicly admit he cared.
“Yeah, I am.” He said back.
You rolled your eyes and stood. “Whatever, Patrick. I’ll RSVP for one, again, and you can bum around my apartment alone.”
You had slammed the bedroom door before he could respond, which left him alone and seething in the living room.
You heard the front door open, then slam shut, signaling that Patrick was going out for a smoke, or a walk, or something.
You opened Facebook and scrolled through your feed. Katie’s engagement photos, a coworker’s new baby, a college friend’s bachelorette weekend. And there you were, fighting so your boyfriend would finally be your plus one to something.
It wasn’t always his fault— he had tournaments, and commitments. But a lot of the time, it was an active dismissal of things you found important— engagement parties, friends visiting the city, the increasingly common baby shower.
You didn’t blame him. Adult stuff sucked, and it was almost always boring and agonizingly slow. But you just wanted him to show up with you for things that were big.
It would be stupid to break up over Katie, who you genuinely weren’t even that close to. She’d been a decent friend Freshman year, you supposed, but that was the extent of it. The invitation to the wedding was probably a formality.
All you wanted was an excuse to show off your super hot, super cool boyfriend. To get tipsy over free booze, then leave the wedding early to fuck in the shitty Best Western hotel room that wedding guests would get a discount rate on.
A few hours later, the front door opened, and you sat up against the headboard, waiting eagerly to see if he’d be the first to break, or if you would.
You heard four gentle knocks against the door, saw Patrick’s sneakers beneath the door. “You can come in,” you said softly.
Patrick slipped into the room and joined you on the bed. He kept space between you, just in case you were still mad, but met your gaze with the sad eyes of a kicked puppy.
“I bought a suit,” was all he said. “And I tried to buy you a huge bouquet of flowers since I was a dickhead, but my card declined since I just bought the suit, so…”
His hand was resting on the empty expanse of mismatched bedsheets between you. You moved your hand into his, tangling your fingers together. “You bought a suit, huh?”
He nodded, squeezing your hand lightly. “I’ll stop being a dick about Katie’s wedding.” He paused, turning away from your gaze. “I think… I’m away so much that when I’m home, I just want it to be me and you.”
You leaned forward and kissed his nose. “I just want to show you off to everyone I know,” you said lightly. Your forehead stayed pressed to his, and you relished in the closeness. “I don’t give a fuck about Katie or her ugly loser fiancé’s stupid wedding.”
Patrick grinned. “Oh? So you just want a hot, professional athlete to be your arm candy, huh?”
You rolled your eyes. “You’re always cheapening the moment.” You leaned forward kissing him sweetly, which always seemed to devolve into a hungry mess of tongues and spit when Patrick was involved.
“Wait—“ you said suddenly, right as Patrick began peeling off your top. “You said your fucking card declined? You drained your bank account for this stupid wedding?”
He paused, his hands warm on your bare skin. “Uh… it felt like a grand gesture kind of moment.” You leaned in and kissed him, pulling your shirt off the rest of the way.
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Not smutty but I neeeeeeeded to write some domestic Patrick x reader 😁🫶 my pookies my babies my loves
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meazalykov · 5 months
cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater
barcelona femeni x uswnt!reader
warnings: mentions of betrayal, tiny bit of angst, insecurities
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Y/N L/n, an American forward on the Barcelona team had fire in her eyes when she stepped foot on the catalan pitch. 
Leaving behind her life in the States to pursue her dreams in Barcelona was a sacrifice that she didn’t regret. The goals, her skills, and passion increased for football as she got the privilege to play for one of the best women’s clubs in the world. Y/n flourished in Barcelona. But despite her success on the field, her personal life was rocky.
When she left Gotham FC to play for the Catalan club, y/n left behind her boyfriend, Leon. The couple were distraught at the news but y/n promised to visit Leon during international breaks and holidays. At first, she was able to facetime her lover everyday. Guilt plastered on her features during the call sometimes, remembering that the long-distance was because of her decisions, but y/n knew that her career came first. 
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Y/N's heart was shattered when she stumbled upon the tweets above which revealed a painful truth: her boyfriend, Leon, had betrayed her trust. The news hit her like a thunderbolt, leaving her reeling with disbelief and heartache. She couldn’t believe it. Not her sweet Leon? Sometimes she trusted the boy more than she could trust herself. 
Without hesitation, she blocked Leon on everything before he had the chance to defend himself. Instagram, Imessage, twitter, facebook, you name it. Y/n was disgusted and couldn’t believe that Leon would betray her, no excuses would make her forgive him. 
The 21 year old girl hated two things. She hated feeling betrayed, and she hated vulnerability. The first one happened to her and she didn’t want to have anybody pity her about what happened. Yes, her two year relationship was flushed down the toilet but she tried her best to forget about it. 
Determined to keep her emotions hidden, Y/N threw herself into her training everyday with even more fire, pushing herself to the limit with every sprint and every launch with her foot that sent the ball behind the nets. However, some of her teammates noticed the change in her demeanor, the way she buried her pain beneath a facade of strength. 
“Y/n what are you doing?” Alexia called out across the grassy pitch. It was 5 in the evening and training ended for the team an hour before. The captain of the team, Alexia, noticed y/n’s familiar gym bag still in the locker room after everyone went home. Observing the younger girl who was dribbling the yellow colored ball with her ivory-colored cleats, she closed the huge space between them and saw the sadness in y/n’s eyes. 
“Oh hi Ale! I'm just training for the game next week. I have to be prepared, you know?” Y/n chuckled to herself. The smile on her face went away when she noticed that Alexia wasn’t laughing with her. 
“You’ve been training for the last three hours. You need rest most importantly.” Alexia said as she looked at y/n’s soft facial features. Something was clearly wrong with the younger adult, but she wouldn’t pester her about the problem until she absolutely needed to. 
“I know. Can I please have 10 more minutes then i will-” 
“No! you need rest. come on” Alexia kicked the ball away from y/n’s feet before holding her arm gently, pulling her into the locker room so y/n would stop overworking herself. 
A week later, at the peak of her game against Eibar, y/n had scored two goals by the time halftime arrived. She's on fire and the crowd was chanting her on for a potential hat-trick. But as the game progresses, so does y/n's exhaustion.
In the 50th minute, she pushes herself a bit too far as she passed the ball towards Mariona. Falling to the ground, her vision goes black for a few seconds before pain shoots up in her lower back. Y/n hisses at the pain as she holds onto her back. Everyone around her knows that she is injured.
"Y/n? What's wrong?" As soon as the girl heard Alexia's feet run up to her and ask that question, y/n relaxes her face and stands up ignoring the pain in her back.
"Nothing, it was just a blow." Y/n looks at Alexia and Patri who stands beside her. The Spanish girls look at each other with a uncertain look before Alexia looks over and yells at their coach Jona, "está lesionada, no puede seguir jugando"
Y/n didn't know much Spanish but she had an understanding on what's happening when she notices her teammate, Esmee, stand up from the bench and start to warm up.
"Ale, I'm okay I promise!" Y/n cries.
"Y/n, we know you're not. Its okay--- You did a great job before this." Patri tries to calm Y/n down.
"You cannot play with a bad back. You aren't playing until the medic clears you!" Alexia gives y/n a stern look.
Despite y/n's protests that she's fine, her coach and teammates, including captain Alexia, are adamant about getting her off the field. Everyone noticed how overworked she was. Some figured out why through social media, others still didn't have a clue.
Y/N is frustrated, not just because of her injury, but because it's a painful reminder of the emotional turmoil she's been going through since her ex-boyfriend's betrayal weeks before. She tried to forget about it but every time she scored a goal, she wished that he was there to congratulate her afterwards.
Each goal reminded her how good she is. After Leon cheated on her with a Washington Spirit winger, she wondered if she was as good as the winger is. Everyone in the soccer world knew that Y/n was miles ahead of the DC player, but insecurities plagued the girl's mind.
Alone in the nurse's room, Y/N lets her tears flow. It's not just the pain of the injury; it's the weight of everything else she's been carrying. The nurse came in and assumed that the crying came from the pain from the girl's back, but y/n had to clarify that it was emotional.
Luckily, another doctor said that her back pain was caused from stress and nothing serious. However, she couldn't play for a few weeks so she could wind down and heal with massage appointments.
Y/n was relieved but felt torn at the idea of not playing until the new year. How is she supposed to occupy her mind from Leon?
An hour later, Y/n heard the door open which revealed Alexia, Ingrid, Esmee, and Frido. All of them entered with hesitation, hoping that Y/n wouldn't kick them out. All of them could see through her facade. They know something deeper was bothering her.
"Hi (reader's nickname), how are you feeling?" Ingrid spoke with a soft voice, sitting beside y/n on the bed as she pulled a piece of hair behind her small ear.
"I'm fine, how was the game?" y/n asked. All of the girls, except for her, look over at Esmee with a smile.
"This girl over here subbed on for you and got a hat-trick. we won 5-0 because of you and her." Frido said. Y/n smiles brightly (for the first time in days) as she looked at her best friend with a shy smile.
"No way! Great job Es!" Y/n hugged the dutch.
"Thank you." Es responded.
"Y/n--- what did the doctor say when she came in?" Alexia spoke up, changing the conversation.
"The doctor said I'll be out for 2-3 weeks." Y/n said. Alexia's eyebrows knitted as she sat beside y/n, opposite side of where Ingrid sat.
"Why?" Alexia asked as she wrapped her arm around Y/n's shoulders.
"She suspects that I've been overworking myself, which is what caused my back blow. I have to go to physical therapy for massage treatments until I am better." Y/n spoke.
"Will you be able to go on international break?" Frido asked as she pulled one of the metal chairs in the room by the bed, she sat down looking at y/n with a sympathetic look. Y/n's eyebrows raised as she realized she had an upcoming friendly with the USWNT.
"I don't think so." Y/n responded.
"Look, we care about you a lot y/n. We've noticed how much you've been overworking yourself. This has never been an issue before, is there something wrong?" Ingrid asked. Everyone noticed the dry tears on her dimpled cheeks, but they didn't want to force the girl to talk.
"Um- I-" Y/n tried to speak before looking at Esmee, who sat at the foot of the bed. The dutch woman looked at Y/n with an urging look. She scrolls online outside of football and came across the source to what might've been hurting her best friend the last few weeks.
"(reader's nickname), is this about Leon?" Esmee spoke up. Y/n flinched at the sound of his name before biting her lip. The older women raised their eyebrows with questions in their minds.
"Yes." Y/n answered before a tear came down her right eye. Alexia wiped it with her thumb before holding the younger girl tightly.
"Niña, did something happen between you and him?" Alexia asks. The blonde never tries to intervene with the team's personal lives, but as a captain it is necessary when moments like this happen. Ale had an idea on who "Leon" was but she didn't know him personally.
"He um--" Y/n coughed. She realized she couldn't say it without breaking down, so she looks at Esmee with permission to speak for her.
"From my understanding, Leon cheated on y/n and started dating one of her old teammates in America." Esmee looked over at Y/n, hoping she explained the situation right. Y/n nodded her head, slowly, showing that Esmee explained the situation perfectly.
"When did this happen?" Frido asked.
"It happened two weeks ago." Y/n whispered. Alexia felt guilty at this news, she knew something was wrong but didn't understand how bad the situation is.
"I'm so sorry sweetheart.. Why didn't you tell us this happened?" Ingrid holds onto y/n's right side and Alexia held onto her left. Y/n started to cry again, realizing she could've avoided her injury if she spoke up about her problems.
"I didn't want to burden you guys with my problems." Y/n responded.
"You're not a burden. We might be your teammates but we are your sisters too. That Leon guy is an asshole and what he did is on him, not on you." Frido spoke as she held y/n's knee.
"Exactly. You're one of the best wingers and what he did to you wasn't because of your performance on the pitch. He is insecure and you deserve better." Ingrid said.
"You can come to us with any problems you have. Or you can come to me if it's personal. You're not alone." Alexia placed her chin on top of y/n's head, still holding onto her.
"I know--- but football was my escape from him. It's not that I didn't trust you guys, but I just didn't want to deal with what happened. As long as I played football and trained, my mind wasn't on him. That's why I've been overplaying." Y/n, in a vulnerable state, spoke up about her mindset on the situation.
"We love you y/n, you'll feel better about this and someday you won't even remember that jerk's name." Esmee spoke up. Y/n giggled at the shy girls statement.
As y/n embraced the comfort from her teammates, she begins to see that her healing now wasn't just physical—it's emotional too. And with her team by her side, she knows she'll come back stronger, both on and off the pitch.
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tgmsunmontue · 1 month
Saw this post about a retired NHL goalie turning up for beer league games and then thought Hangster of course...
                “Nah man, I put an add up on Facebook for a goalie…” Javy says and Jake rolls his eyes.
                “People still use Facebook?”
                “Oh my god, we’re going to end up with some dude in his fifties wanting to relive his glory days.”
                “We could get a woman.”
                “True true.” “Are you saying more woman use Facebook?” “Yes, of course.”
                “Any goalie is better than no goalie. A warm body in net will stop some goals.”
                Jake pulls a face, and he know as captain of their beer league team that he should have maybe been more onto it, but work has been absolutely crazy, Javy had offered to take care of it and Jake had trusted him. He’s starting to second guess that decision.
…            …            …
                However the game rolls around and Javy says he’s secured a goalie, one who also has all his own gear, which makes Jake hopefully that at least whoever it is knows what they’re doing in net. Sure enough, when he enters the locker room there is a guy he doesn’t recognise with has back to the room, arms stretched above him as he pulls a jersey over his pads. Then a name is stretched across the guy’s shoulders.
                “Bradshaw fan huh?” Jake asks, letting his own bag drop to the ground in front of his usual stall just two over from the goalie stall where Bob usually sits.
                “Yeah, something like that…” the guy says, then he’s turning to Jake and -
                “Oh holy shit. You’re actually Bradley Bradshaw.”
                “Yeah. Heard you needed a goalie.”
                Jake can’t say anything, his breath and heart have somehow merged into one mass caught in his throat. Need. Yeah. He needs.
                “Uh, you okay?”
                Jake nods frantically. Swallows roughly.
                “Yeah, yeah. Sorry. Just uh… wasn’t expecting you.”
                This makes Bradshaw frown and Jake immediately wants to fix that.
                “Javy didn’t tell you I was coming?”
                “Uh, he said he’d found a goalie. Not that you were that goalie.”
                “Oh. Uh. Do you want me to go?”
                “No! With you in net we might have a chance against the reigning champs. Holy shit… Vezina winner Bradley Bradshaw is going to be our goalie.”
                “Yeah. I mean, I’m a little early. Needed to warm up and was hoping someone could shoot a few pucks at me…”
                “Oh hell yes, I am totally up for that.”
                He can plot Javy’s demise later.
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wearesorcerer · 2 years
This could potentially be big. Screenshots from someone in a Facebook group providing his professionally-affected opinion:
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Basically, if any of this is true, you could expect Paizo et al to sue WotC/Hasbro. I would love to see that happen, personally, but it all depends on how likely any of the above actually is to work. Like, if 5.5/6e turns out to be as crappy as 4e was, this will just be WotC shooting itself in the foot again (though probably not enough to kill it). So far, I've only heard good things mechanically and bad things for the playerbase, but they have all been vague suggestions with no concrete details.
A Concrete Example
The Hypertext d20 SRD was constructed under 3.5 as exactly what its name suggests: a self-interlinked reference document for everything in the system. Prior to its existence, the SRD was a collection of (possibly rich) text documents without page numbers or other means of easy reference. The Hypertext SRD included all OGL material from print sources it could find, so includes ~85% of the Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, Monster Manual, Expanded Psionics Handbook, Epic Level Handbook, Arcana Unearthed, and some bits from Deities & Demigods. It has other useful tools, like an encounter calculator and spell search. For the longest time, it was the only thing like it. Other sites (DnD Tools, Forgotten Realms Helps) eventually sprang up with more content; DnD Tools has been taken down numerous times for violating the OGL, while Realms Helps has stayed under the radar for some reason.
At some point, the d20srd webmaster updated it to include Pathfinder (seemingly all, but arranged by book like how Paizo's PRD was, which is deeply unhelpful) and some 5e (limited entirely to the core three books). This was long after d20pfsrd launched; that site is modeled off of the 3.5 d20srd site in organization and is amazeballs.
Since this webmaster has published 5e material on this site and since the new OGL possibly interprets that as accepting its terms, if this new OGL were legal, he could be sued to take down his entire site (or at least the perennially helpful portions) because it is no longer valid. (Per the screenshots, this is only half hypothetical: I know WotC did do this when 4e came out to fanpages that had 3.5 and 4e material because they didn't want competition from their own product.) This would leave only unauthorized (DnD Tools) or status unclear (Forgotten Realms Helps) archives. We've already lost reams of 3.5 material because WotC deleted its 3rd ed. archives (they used to publish stuff online regularly).
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blackroseguzzi · 2 years
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Otherworldly : Part 1
Series based off Honey Kisses 🍯💋
Summery: Winter brings home a friend from college. Kai finds her intoxicating, and the feeling seems to be mutual. Pre-cult Kai Anderson.
Warnings: Intercourse, body parts..all the other warnings that SMUT might have haha
I really hope you guys like part 1! It’s my first time ever really attempting smut.
@evan4ever enjoy!
Kai sat down in his basement, trolling the internet. His mind couldn’t let go of the image of you in the shower.
Did you always shower at your friends houses with the door open? The way the hot water ran down the curves of your body was something he was going to dream about tonight. He would probably jerk off to the same though in the morning…or every morning for a month. He scrolled aimlessly around the internet, attacking some feminist page and insulting woman who were commenting about the harm of gendered bathrooms.
Then he heard footsteps coming down the basement.
“Winter, I told you to knock before you come down here.” Kai hissed.
“She’s asleep.”
Kai’s head shot up at the sound of a female voice that was not his sisters. It was YOU.
“Does she always fall asleep this early?” Your voice was as smooth as butter. Kai ran his hands through his dark brown hair and then moved the laptop from his lap to the coffee table in front of him. Adderall was the only reason he was awake at this hour.
He watched as you slowly made your way over to the couch, sitting in close to him. He could smell the familiar scent of the Dove shampoo he used. A flash of your naked body flooded his mind.
“Yeah, she’s not much of a party animal,” Kai responded, curious to know the reason for her decent down into his headquarters. He wondered if she was going to bring up the fact that he had watched her in the shower.
“Well, I guess not everyone is as feral as I am,” She giggled. The sound shooting through Kai’s body like heart shaped bullets.
“I’m Kai, Winter’s brother,” He debated on holding out his hand, but that felt too formal coming from someone who had just seem this girls pussy.
“I know. Winter talks a lot about you.”
“All good things I hope?” Kai stared into her eyes, feeling that soul sucking connection again.
“Well, she says you're protective, manipulative, and a little….crazy,” She smiled devilishly at him “and in my world I’d say that’s all good things.”
Kai could feel his blood pumping straight to his dick. She snuck in closer, and peaked over at his computer screen, your eyes wandering around the open tab, gathering information on what exactly Kai had been doing before she had come down to his dungeon.
“Ohhh another keyboard crusader.” She wiggled her eyebrows at him “I like to send Crash Safari links to members of pro-life Facebook pages,” She giggled. Oh. He wasn’t expecting that. She was a little bit vile, and that surprised Kai from her sweet girl next door appearance.
She had on a baby blue oversized sweater that dropped down at one shoulder, and he could make out a Lacey white bra strap somewhere beneath her long y/h/c. She had the most perfectly pink lips, and he imagined what the chubbier bottom one felt like in between his teeth.
“You’re a bit different than the friends my sister usually brings home,” Kai leaned back on the couch and studied her face.
“I like Winter. She has something special about her, but I can’t put my finger on it yet..I think she likes me because I write all her Political Methodology papers. Now the teacher looks at her like she’s the Prime Minister of his dick.” You both laughed lightly the air between you getting heavier.
“I still don’t know your name,” Kai stated.
“Y/N, but YOU, Mr. Anderson, can call me whatever you want.”
“Is that so?” Kai raised his eyebrow.
“What was the name you gave me in your mind when you were imagining yourself fucking me in the shower?”
She leaned in so that their faces were barely an inch apart. Kai could hear his heart beating, lustfully. This girl was exhilarating. Where had she been his whole life?
His body moved before his mind and his lips crashed into hers. She moved slower than him, making the urgency in their makeup session wind down to a sensual pace. She wanted him to savor this.
Her lips tasted like honey, and they were just as soft. He snuck is hands under her blue sweater and he cupped her breasts as she snaked her tongue into his mouth to let him know that she was enjoying whatever he was doing.
“I want you to show me what you were thinking about as you watched me,” Her voice was low in his ear. She moved with ease and straddled his waist, grinding her body against his extremely hard dick.
“Well, I can’t do that until you’re completely naked,” Kai responded, squeezing her breasts and she let out a small moan. She lifted her arms, and Kai removed her shirt. Was he dreaming? He had to be dreaming.
She reached behind her back with one hand and with a single motion her bra was now in Kai’s lap between them.
She grabbed his face and continued grinding him while she kissed him. Their tongues intertwined in a perfect simultaneous dance.
“Get up,”She whispered against his lips. She removed herself from his lap and slowly slid down her tight yoga pants. She wasn’t even wearing any underwear. Kai undressed himself far messier then she had. He stumbled a bit at as he wiggled out of his pants. She was looking right at his penis when he finished pulling off his socks. She licked her teeth and Kai’s knees weakened as she knelt before his throbbing cock. Where the fuck had she learned to do that with her mouth? Kai moaned and threw his head back in ecstasy. She kept going faster, grabbing his hands and placing them on her head. This girl wanted him to pull her hair while she was chocking on his dick.
He obliged, happily.
He peaked down at her, and her eyes were staring right back at him. That sent him to another world. He yanked her up by her hair and he smashed his face onto hers again. They finally made it to the bed.
“What do you want from me,” She said breathlessly.
“I want you to ride me until I cum,” Kai plummeted on the bed, watching as she crawled her way on top of him. Her skin was so smooth. She wasn’t the skinniest girl he had ever seen, she had curves in all the right places. He like it though- A man wanted to feel and hold a woman’s body, not bones. She grabbed his dick and guided it inside her, starting off slow and increasing the pace exactly how Kai liked it.
“You like that?” She ran her hands through her hair, arching her back as she did.
Kai could stare at her all day. She looked like a renaissance painting. God, her naked body should be worshipped. She stuck one of his fingers in her mouth and started sucking it.
“I’m going to cum,” Kai chocked out, before releasing himself inside of her. She road it out for a moment and leaned forward, her face inches from his. They didn’t kiss, she just kept moving slowing on top of him. They stared into each other’s eyes like they had when she was in the shower that evening. That soul connecting electric intimacy.
“Did I live up to your expectation, Kai?”She smirked down at him, her face flushed and beads of sweat sprinkled her forehead.
“You exceeded my expectation,” He said in a complete state of pleasure.
He watched as she took in a breath and let out the sexiest moan he had ever heard.
Holy fucking shit. She had just gotten off by hearing how much she had pleased him. He felt her body on top of him release and liberate her orgasm. It was possibly the most tantalizing thing he had ever witnessed.
She finally rolled off of Kai and lay next to him on the bed, both of them staring at the basement ceiling.
“That was..”
“otherworldly,” Kai finished for her. He moved surveyed her delicate side profile as she lay still, and he wondered what she was thinking. 
“You know,” she twisted her head towards him. Looking his facial features over like she was trying to remember every single detail of it down the the small beauty mark on the tip of his nose. She really liked that particular attribute. “You would look so amazing with blue hair.”
She got up quickly, Kai stayed naked and propped himself up on his elbows as he watched her make her way over to her clothes left in a heap on the floor. She bent down, and Kai made a mental note that if they ever fucked again he was going to make sure that was the view he was fucking her in. I mean…Wow.
“Blue? You’re lying,” He let out a huff. He never did much with his hair, especially now that he was always too depressed and drugged up to even comb it.
She finished getting dressed, pushing her feet back into her cute bunny slippers.
“I would never lie to you.” There was that devilish grin again.
She played with her Lacey bra in her hands for a moment before dropping it on his laptop and making her way quietly back up the stairs.
He had a gut feeling you were going to have him wrapped around your finger.
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lightofraye · 2 months
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Hi there! You certainly didn't waste any time, jumping straight into your concerns.
With respect... I disagree. He might've had some fillers, but I believe any and all Botox might've been done for his depression (as I mentioned not too long ago). The lines around his forehead and other areas of his face would not have settled that quickly if it had been done for wrinkles.
(Someone I follow on Facebook had gotten Botox for wrinkles and it took her a good number of weeks, not a week or two, for it to settle.)
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Because as you can see... his face is pretty similar here! He's always had those kinds of cheeks and lines when he smiles!
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As for the rhinoplasty... I must disagree. I've searched high and low for any differences in his nose since Days Of Our Lives and honestly? I don't see it. Because look:
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That nose has always been asymmetrical. I don't think he's ever bothered to get it fixed. But, ah, the red lines? Let's see!
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Nope. No red lines that I can see. I would love to see where you're seeing them!
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No worries! I've kept your name off the ask as you've requested!
And you're very welcome! I love Sign Language! It comes in so handy, especially in loud places or wanting to communicate across the room! No need to shout! Just sign and be 'heard'! Plus, it allows me to really read body language. It's amazing how many people miss that.
I absolutely hope to teach my son--his father is being combative about it, but I keep trying!--and my daughter is learning as well.
I wasn't sure if you wanted me to post the last part, your "private aside", so I'll just try my best to address it without actually, uh,... sharing what you said.
RE: Danneel. Yeah... she... she tries on many masks, pretending to be something she's not. But everyone can see right through her because she's such a bad actress. She's an awful mother, unable to parent without the nannies around. She's an awful wife; can't even support her husband in his worst moments (like the Rust shooting). She's a terrible producer; cue The Winchesters lawsuit. She's a terrible actress; cue her non-existent acting career. She can't even pretend to be a decent being without folks giving her the side-eye about all the "compliments" and "jokes" she slaps around.
She's offensive as a human being, honestly.
I just wish she'd go away.
Back to your main message: I understand we may disagree. I know some would say "Yeah, Jensen's had some work", and it may be he's had a little bit, due to Hollywood being what it is.
However, he didn't have nearly to the extent that Danneel's had--her face is unrecognizable to what it was like, way back when. She's even messed up her philtrum lines (the curvature between our nose and lips) so now it's all crooked because she's had so many botched fillers.
I mean, imagine looking at this face and thinking it's all natural:
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I can almost guarantee some of that are filters from the photographer because no human skin is that smooth and untextured. Her lips? Fake and fillers. Her cheeks? Unnatural fillers. Her forehead? Botox and tons of facelifts. If she doesn't stop her eyes are going shrink in the creepy way from too many plastic surgeries. Hell, even her eyebrows are fake.
So yeah. Jensen has a long way to go before he ever reaches her extent and I hope he never does.
Thanks for the ask! (And don't worry. I may disagree, but I'm not offended! Everyone's free to disagree!)
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techn0cel · 5 months
My thoughts on Seung Hui Cho and Emily Hilscher
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Hello everybody, I would like to start this post off by saying I’m very grateful for all the recent attention I’ve been getting on here. I don’t expect much engagement on this post but I want to share my thoughts anyways because it’s a very interesting topic. Today, I will be discussing one of the most popular and creepiest things about the Virginia Tech shooting which is Seung Hui Cho’s “obsession” with Emily Hilscher.
if you are unaware of who Emily Hilscher is, she was Cho’s second murder victim. Emily Jane Hilscher was an 18 year old freshman (born June 2nd, 1988) studying animal sciences at Virginia Tech. She was described as outgoing, friendly and imaginative by friends and family. Many people believe she was the first to die but that was debunked as she was alive for 2 hours before succumbing to her gunshot wounds. One last thing I mention before I start sharing my thoughts, Emily had a 19 year old boyfriend named Karl Thornhill, who was also a gun enthusiast just like Seung Hui Cho. Remember this because he plays a role later.
In earlier VT reports (circa April 2007), it was stated Seung Hui Cho was apparently “crazy in love” with Emily Hilscher and wanted to be in a romantic relationship with her. However, Emily had rejected him and Cho became enraged with her specifically, hence why he targeted her first. Emily’s friends deny these rumours and can’t recall her even being aware of Cho’s existence. It is still a mystery after 17 years if the two really were together or not, which could explain another motive for one of the worst school shootings of all time.
I had heard multiple interpretations of their potential relationship but I will be explaining the story that caught my eye. Reminder: everything I’m about to say aren’t facts and just how the story goes. Unfortunately, I lost the original source material a couple of years ago so a few details might be fuzzy but I’ll try to explain to the best of my abilities.
Cho (around 2006) often visited an animal shelter due to his love for animals, anti animal cruelty and potential veganism. Emily was a volunteer at this same animal shelter and over time she started to talk more with him to which he didn’t say much but listened to what she said. As the months passed by, Cho started to develop a huge crush on her and genuinely believed they were in a relationship. Cho began to stalk her and show up at her doorstep unannounced, he would send her weird messages on Facebook as well. Cho eventually found out she already had a boyfriend and was angry at Emily for “leading him on”. After this, Cho threatens her, makes sexual comments towards her and tries to isolate her from family, friends and boyfriend to which Emily cuts him off entirely. This was around the time he was planning the shooting and decided she would be the first to die for rejecting his advances. On April 16th 2007, his intent was to rape Emily first before killing her but didn’t follow through with that because of Ryan Clark interfering. He didn’t have enough time and so he just ran off after murdering Emily and Ryan. Many Virginia Tech shooting “fans” either believe Emily was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and that the rumours are bogus or that Cho did had an obsession with her. However, the stories do add up with Cho’s personality and it’s proven he had stalked women multiple times leading up to the massacre. It’s not out of character for both students to meet in an animal shelter, Emily was a kind person and would’ve felt bad for Cho since he was a loser with no friends. The only thing really stopping people from believing these rumours are Emily’s friends claiming she never talked about a “Seung Hui Cho”. Law enforcement couldn’t find any evidence to hint Emily knew Cho.
I’m in no way saying Emily’s friends are 100% lying but female victims of stalking by men are usually afraid to speak about the abuser to family and friends. She might’ve never mentioned him to her friends because Cho was clearly a mentally disturbed and dangerous man. There are many other reasons why Emily potentially could’ve stayed quite about her relationship with Cho which include fear of being judged/not believed or guilt. It also makes sense Emily’s friends DID know but didn’t want to make themselves apart of this whole thing. Being questioned in even some connection to a school shooting is terrifying, so I don’t blame them too much if they did really know and were just lying.
Cho was quite familiar with the WAJ hall area as we know, he had a previous stalking allegation from a woman that lived in that same building (November 2005). However, I need to acknowledge the other side’s arguments, Cho easily could’ve just saw Emily that morning walking to her dorm room and decided to kill her. Cho didn’t have to have a reason other than “practice”, It’s possible Cho never knew her. Something frustrating about this case is that every time you think you know something, there are a billion plot holes that can’t be explained easily. One of my mutuals told me they didn’t think Cho even knew of her existence before April 16th 07 and that it was a random attack. He was also 4 years older than her and was a senior by the time she started her first year. Virginia Tech is a massive school, having a population of over 20,000 students.
Remember when I said to keep Karl Thornhill in mind? Yeah apparently a few people who research this case believe Seung Hui Cho was aware of him as well. Karl Thornhill was briefly a suspect but was quickly ruled out as the shooter, he hasn’t made any interviews about what happened and it’s unknown what he is doing today. All we know about him is that he feels partially responsible for Emily’s murder.
“Karl’s been taking the situation very hard,” said Tori White, 19, a friend of Mr. Thornhill’s family, in an e-mail message. “He kept thinking that if he had just kept her in the car for a minute or two longer she’d still be here. I think he feels a bit responsible, though by no means is it his fault.”
The theory I personally believe, is that Cho was aware of her but she wasn’t aware of him. I believe Cho did like her but didn’t know how to express it, his previous love interests were either random girls he was stalking or completely made up in his head (Yes, I am looking at Jelly..).
Cho couldn’t take rejection and presumably wanted to have sex before he died, he hired a prostitute to dance for him but never actually had sexual intercourse with her. The woman claimed Cho was even “bored” during the session. Seung Hui Cho in general, is a very contradicting person and doesn’t make much sense even to someone who has been researching him for years at this point. We will never truly know what the hell was going on in his head and there’s such a lack of answers in the whole case. Obviously you don’t like to question people who lost a good friend, but VT university covers up so much stuff about this event that it’s hard not to. There really wasn’t much reasons for Emily to lead Cho on, considering she was in a seemingly perfect relationship with Karl. The two always cuddled on the couch watching movies on Sunday nights and were high school sweethearts.
In April 2012, this idea of Cho being obsessed with Emily was revisited in “Massacre gunman's deadly infatuation with Emily” written by The Standard. Emily apparently wrote on her MySpace page "I live, love and get booted (high, stoned or drunk) but eventually that will change... I now have a wonderful guy who is hopefully going to change all of that." somewhere before October 2006.
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Liviu Librescu has been awarded for his heroism and talked a lot about outside of those weird Virginia Tech shooting forums online. However, I still believe Emily is arguably the most important victim of them all because she brings up a whole conversation of misogyny. I’m not saying Cho was 100% an incel or that was why he killed her, nor am I saying the other 31 lives didn’t matter as much because of course they do.
I think it’s important for women not to get involved with controlling, mentally ill men like Seung Hui Cho, it never ends well and your life always comes first. If you or someone you know are in an abusive relationship, male or female, please call a domestic abuse hotline. Stay safe out there everyone and thank you so much for reading!
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Jess Piper at The View from Rural Missouri:
I am also the typical rural woman, with one exception…I am a progressive. And I’m loud. And I have a large platform. And I call out the GOP, which is why what I’m about to tell you might not shock you: my family was swatted. The swat unfolded in such an odd manner. I was gardening — no surprise — and I heard my dogs start barking. They do this when anyone pulls into the drive. I looked up to see a County Sheriff’s SUV parked down the drive. He didn’t pull up close to the house. My first instinct was panic. We have four adult children and my first thought was that something had happened to one of my kids.
The deputy was apprehensive which made me even more nervous. Then I saw he had a piece of paper in his hand. Whew! I thought maybe he was looking for someone or that I had a summons or something of the sort. He stood away from me and asked if my name was Jessica. He knew the answer, he lives down the highway, but I affirmed it. He then asked me how many kids I have. Again…panic. I asked him what this was about? He walked up to me and handed over the piece of paper he was holding. It was a printed email that had been sent to several law enforcement offices and several state offices in Missouri…it had even been mailed to my local water department. The email claimed to be from a close family relation. The letter stated that the family member had murdered me and my husband the night before. It went on to state that they intended to shoot and kill anyone who came on the property. [...]
This is going to be a long list. I can think of several state legislators who would like to see police storming my house with guns drawn. I get threats nearly every week online, but I brush them off as bots. And, then something came to mind that happened last week… I wrote a tweet last week that got the attention of an account called “The Libs of Tik Tok.”
I wrote about a doctor at the fatal Trump rally who gave medical attention to the fireman who later died at the rally. I talked about being so confused to see a doctor, an OBGYN, wearing a MAGA hat and shirt. In the tweet, I spoke about not wanting to think about the treatment an immigrant or a person of color or a woman in need of an abortion would receive from that doctor. I was horrified to know that a practicing physician could support Trump. There is an important distinction for me: The doctor wasn’t your ordinary, run-of-the-mill, conservative Republican. He attended a rally in which others had signs for mass deportation and concentration camps. That’s not okay. The tweet took off, but nothing too wild until that evening. I saw my phone blow up. I muted the tweet, but it was being quote-tweeted. A lot. So, I caved and looked at what was going on. It was the “Libs of Tik Tok.” Shit. Here we go. They were not only threatening me on Twitter, they found me on Facebook and started replying to my posts. They moved to my Tik Tok account and did the same thing. I spent a couple hours blocking and deleting comments and then really didn’t think much more about it. I thought it was over.
[...] Raichik uses her platform to harass teachers and LGBTQ folks especially, but anyone in general. I am a former teacher and a progressive activist…prime for the attack. Her minions often call in bomb threats and send police officers to the doors of progressives. Someone pulled my swatting off, but there is something they should know: I was rattled, but not terrorized. You didn’t win. I am a rural woman…most in my community know me and my politics. When an email came in claiming to be a close relation who shot and killed me, they thought better than to send a SWAT team out. They knew it sounded off because they know of me. They sent my neighbor, the Deputy Sheriff. They were right.
Read this Substack post from Jess Piper, and it’s very frightening. Piper and her family were swatted recently at their home, and anti-LGBTQ+ extremist account Libs of TikTok (run by domestic terrorist Chaya Raichik) incited the swatting.
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beardedmrbean · 30 days
Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood announced the arrest of an 11-year-old boy who he said had a kill list and was making threats at two different schools.
Chitwood took to Facebook on Monday to say:
"As promised, we just arrested a Creekside Middle School student who made threats to commit a school shooting at Creekside or Silver Sands Middle School. He had written a list of names and targets. He says it was all a joke."
He said deputies recovered airsoft rifles, pistols and fake ammunition along with knives, swords and other weapons he was showing off to other students in a Facetime call.
Some said they could not tell if the weapons were real or fake. The boy also allegedly created a hit list. Deputies found a paper with several names that also appeared to have stab marks.
"Makes you not want to send your kids to school," said Steven Alkire, Creekside Middle School parent. It really does. And, you know, unfortunately, you can't stay home, can't homeschool them. So, you know, we're sort of forced to send them to school."
The boy will be charged with a felony for making a written threat of a mass shooting, Chitwood said.
When questioned by deputies, he allegedly said it was all a "joke."
"It's pretty scary," Alkire said. "Definitely scary. And with everything that's going on in this country, you know, it really makes you nervous. "
"P.S. I can and will release the names and photos of juveniles who are committing these felonies, threatening our students, disrupting our schools and consuming law enforcement resources," Chitwood said in the post.
WESH decided to not disclose the boy's identity because he is a minor.
The sheriff also reminds parents and students these threats are disrupting schools and consuming law enforcement resources. It's costing the department thousands of dollars to investigate all threats, including those that are fake.
In an email a district spokesperson said:
While VCS does not comment on individual student discipline matters, safety is our top priority, and this situation exemplifies how the security measures in place at our schools, as well as our partnership with law enforcement, ensure the safety of our students and staff. Thank you to the students who spoke up and submitted a tip when they heard something suspicious. We take all reports extremely seriously and work with law enforcement to ensure they are thoroughly investigated. We continue to encourage our students that if they see or hear something, they should inform an adult immediately or submit a tip to Fortify Florida.
Related: Sanford police arrest 15-year-old who allegedly threatened to commit a school shooting
Florida plagued with threats of school violence
Schools across Florida have been plagued with threats of violence since school resumed last month. In the last week in Central Florida, a 15-year-old was arrested in Sanford for making threats, and a student was found with an unloaded weapon on campus in Altamonte Springs.
Two students were arrested in Orlando after a loaded gun was found in a backpack.
In a video on Facebook on Sept. 13, Chitwood said 54 tips had come about shooting threats. All of them were deemed bogus, he said, adding that the hoax cost more than $20,000 in resource response.
"Starting Monday, your little cherub, we're going to start publishing his name, and we're going to start perp walks with them when we take them into custody," Chitwood said. "And we're going to show pictures of you, the parents, because you don't want to raise your kid; Sheriff Chitwood is going to raise him."
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I Got You. - OC Backstory
pairing: COD OC!Victoria "Whiskey" Callahan x MootOC!Rosie (platonic) words: 3.3k~ cw: canon-typical violence/talk, attempt at military accuracy, espionage, government conspiracies, paranoia, mental breakdown/issues, physical/health neglect, flashbacks.
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August 6th, 2023. 2139 hours. Comrie, Scotland.
Whiskey's splayed out on the bed. She snaps a picture that catches only her tired eyes, knit eyebrows and poofy brown hair in the darkness of the room, before typing some random caption and shooting it off to Meabh.
It was typical for them to text through Snap. It was the only social app Whiskey kept after she left home 5 years ago. Her phone was void of other apps other than food delivery, youtube, her e-mail and Snapchat.
At the top of the screen, a pop-up appears, announcing the arrival of a new e-mail on her inbox. A Facebook one, from an account she long abandoned, along with her abandoning all other social medias. And yet, the name 'Holly Willi-' cut off by the character limit had her raising a brow.
Tapping at the notification, her e-mail client opened with an automated e-mail from Facebook alerting her that Holly Williams had sent her a direct message. Now that's new.
Holly Williams... That was one of dad's cousins. From Grandpa Willie's side of the family, if her memory served her. She remembers family dinners and barbecues spent together, her big Irish-American family getting together for the 4th of July, and Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
She hasn't seen her 'Aunt Holly' (even though the woman was really her first cousin once removed) since before she went to university nearly 13 years ago. What could the woman want now?
Clicking on the link, she's taken to the Facebook client page on her browser and after trying, failing, and reseting the password of her account, she clicks the DM tab and opens the message:
Hi Vicky dear, it's your auntie Holly. Hope you're doing well. I heard about your papa, my condolences. I hope it's not a bother but I reached out to your mama to talk to your daddy about some military things and she sent me your way because she said you're in the navy. I see you haven't uploaded anything in a few years so this might not even reach you but I could use your help very urgently and I'm frankly desperate. If you see this, is there anyway you could call me at this number? It's very important!!! Thanks. Aunt Holly x
Her brow scrunches. Since when does Aunt Holly need to talk about the military? Isn't she a professor? Whiskey clicks on her profile and checks her job listing. Right, she's a History professor in NYU. So what's this? Is this for some research study of hers?
But then again, she said it herself that she's desperate... And the tone of her message isn't the most uplifting one... She sounds like she's really in need of her help... And Whiskey has never been good at being heartless. Sighing and scratching her head, Whiskey sits up in bed.
She copies the number from the DM and calls it, hearing the repeated beeping of the call attempting to connect as Simon comes up the stairs and into the bedroom, sweatpants close to falling off his hip and wrapped in a warm sweater.
He raises a brow at her as she's holding the phone to her ear, signaling vaguely to indicate it's an important call, so he takes a spot beside her, with an arm around her waist.
"Holly Williams." The older woman greets on the other side, her voice professional, like she was waiting for a work call.
"Hey, Aunt Holly, it's Victoria." Whiskey murmurs, her southern accent suddenly triggering full-force, like it hasn't in over three years.
August 10th, 2023. 1321 hours. Yonkers, New York.
"When you get there, please, you need to understand, she's... she's not herself."
Victoria climbed out of the Uber and popped open the trunk, pulling out her black suitcase, and thanking the driver with a nod and a wave before he drove off.
Then, she stood in front of the brownstone townhouse, eyeing it up and down, with inquisitive eyes, before taking a deep breath and climbing the front steps to the stoop.
"She hasn't been the same, not after Alex passed away."
The doorbell rings inside the house for a few moments, before the door opens and a pale face regards her from the other side, strawberry blonde curls disheveled, eyes heavy with dark circles.
"Hey, Rosie..." Victoria greets gently. The woman knew she was coming, Aunt Holly having warned her. "It's me, Victoria... Vicky, remember?" She asks in a soft tone, hoping she's not too far gone yet.
"Vicky..." Rosie says softly as she regards the slightly shorter brunette with wild, crazied eyes but eventually nods and unlocks the door all the way, letting Victoria inside.
"When you see her, please... be kind to her. She's really struggling..."
Victoria remembers the last time she saw Rosemary. Victoria had to have been 16. Rosie had just graduated from college, and it was the summer. At the time, she always dressed in bright colors, a hippy style, with Birkenstocks galore... She was very put together, healthy, pretty. They weren't the closest cousins in the world, but they spent time together during the holidays; Rosie taught Vicky how to do her hair to keep her curls healthy; they spoke about boys...
Before coming here, Victoria had even checked her cousin's Facebook page, finding an old album of photos from family gatherings that included the two of them, when they were much, much younger (and happier). It had been so long since they last saw each other... She needed a refresher on her cousin's appearance...
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But now, as she's getting let into the house, she realizes Rosemary looks like shit. Somehow, worse than Victoria had expected when her mother had reached out and told her all about the state she is in. Paranoid, manic, depressive and reclusive, Aunt Holly worrying her only daughter was schizophrenic. Her hair looks greasy and matted, and she seems like she's lived in the same outfit for multiple days, maybe weeks. The house reeks. She reeks.
"Nobody can get her out of the house... And she's not taking care of herself..."
The house is dirty and messy, take out containers and paper bags of food delivery strewn about, the trashbag in the kitchen overflowing, the laundry basket in the laundry room too. Every picture frame in the house has blue, yellow, or pink post-its over it, the mirrors as well. Victoria follows her cousin across the house, each step she takes crushing some trash, or nearly tripping over a clothes pile. She's dangerously close to becoming a hoarder, it looks like...
Victoria has to force herself to take a few deep breaths through her mouth and not her nose, so that she doesn't get sick. She knows it would not be helpful in her cousin's state.
Rosie's able to push some trash off the couch to make space for the two of them to sit, though she keeps a large gap between herself and Victoria, probably ashamed of her smell, or appearance, or doubting that she can trust her...
"Every time I try to talk to her... It's like I'm talking to a crazy person... She's my daughter, I love her, but she needs help..."
"Your mom told me some of what's been going on." Victoria begins as she sets her hands on her lap and looks at Rosie with her best attempt at showing empathy and kindness.
"What'd she tell you? That I'm going crazy? I'm not, you know?" Rosie says defensively. "She thinks I'm losing it, and that I need to be committed, but I don't." She assures the brunette.
"Well, no, that's not what she said." Victoria lied. Yes, it had been 100% what Aunt Holly had said when they met up the day before, after she picked Victoria up at the airport, having bawled her eyes out behind the wheel.
"Then what did she say?" Rosie asks directly, her brows knitting together in anxious worry, her hands already trembling on her lap.
"To be honest," Victoria continues, choosing her words carefully, "I didn't understand most of it... I think it'd be best if I heard it from you. Can you tell me what's been going on?" She asked in earnest.
And tell her, Rosie did.
For the next three hours, Victoria heard her ramble and ramble, more and more and more.
About Alex, about his missions, about how Rosie always worried he'd die in the field, how they pronounced him dead in 2019 but she never got to see a body, only his dogtags, and his grave is empty... Victoria thought that was pretty normal, average even... it was the normal treatment for soldiers who died in ways that made it so their body couldn't be recovered... Like during an explosion.
But then Rosie went on and on about how she feels like she's being watched, stalked, surveilled, how she gets stopped by cops too much, and keeps seeing the same faces around the places she usually goes to like Target or Walmart, how there's a van parked outside 24/7, how she's sure that there's cameras and microphones around the house... And it was all being too much.
"She thinks she's being stalked, watched by the govenment, and like they're out to get her."
"Rosie... why would the government be doing such a thing?" Victoria asked her in earnest once she paused in her rants.
"You're not LISTENING!" Rosie complained, her body already having started to shake in distress as she retold everything to her cousin.
"No, no, I am listening. I'm just trying to understand." Victoria replied in an attempt to soothe her and gently took her hands in hers, which caused Rosie to tear up.
"It's NOT the government, it's the CIA!" The blonde shrieked and sniffled, trembling beside Victoria. "Alex was an agent... he..." She trailed off and shook her head. "Nobody tells me anything, I tried calling, nobody tells me!"
Victoria sighed and carefully scooted closer, taking a breath and daring to wrap an arm around Rosemary's form, in the gentlest of ways. "That tends to happen a lot, you know? They... well... when a soldier dies a gruesome death. They close the cases and put high clearances in place so that it doesn't shock the family." The brunette said.
"She's in complete denial, Vicky. She's living in her paranoia and delusion..."
"No!" Rosemary argued. "He's not dead, Vicky, he's not! Whatever... Whatever happened, they're covering it all up! They- he's not dead! They didn't even tell me how he died! Not even if it was heroic or anything!" She wailed as a hiccuping sob rattled her and shook her form against Victoria's side.
Victoria sighed and looked around the room. She was not equipped to deal with this. She half wished that Simon was here. He had dealt with people in altered states of mind, his brother, especially...
"You need to help me, Vicky... You're my only hope! You have to find out what happened. You know people, right? My mom said your mom said you're in the Special Forces! You know things?!" Rosie whined in a pitiful tone, her big blue eyes glued to Victoria's, and making her own hazel ones soften.
"I'll try, Rosie... But even I don't have that high of clearance..." Victoria replied in a soothing tone. "But I promise I'll try."
Victoria meant it. Her cousin might be mental and delusional, but, at least, Victoria could poke around a little bit and see if she could at least find what happened to the body...
"Where did you say he was sent to?" The soldier asked with a cocked brow, her hand gently rubbing Rosie's arm and shoulder in her best attempt at being comforting.
"In the Middle East... Urzikstan, I think..." Rosemary replied and looked up at Victoria. "You're going to look into it, right?" She pleaded.
Victoria nodded. "Of course I will." She replied and smiled at her, trying not to let the feeling of instant dread that was growing in the back of her mind from showing on her face.
Urzikstan... Price and Kyle were just there last year... Working alongside the militia there.
"Now... how about I help you give this place a tidying up... and you go take a shower, and try to relax, hm?" She offered.
Rosie's face began to flush a bit, with the sudden reminder that she had been neglecting herself and probably smelled so bad... And here was Victoria hugging her. "I probably should..." She trailed off and began pulling away from the other woman.
The brunette let her go and nodded. "Call me up when you're done, I'll help do your hair, how's that?" She offered and smiled kindly at Rosie.
Rosemary gulped and nodded. "Yeah..." She got up, beginning to shuffle out of the living room. She stopped by the door and turned back to look at her cousin. "Thank you for this... for everything..." She said gratefully.
Victoria shook her head. "Don't thank me. That's what *family*'s for, right?" She asked, though the word family, one she hadn't used in a while, left a bitter taste in her mouth. Rosie nodded and then disappeared back upstairs.
Once Victoria heard the bathroom door upstairs shutting with a loud thud, she bounced up off the couch.
Whiskey mode activated and she began looking around the room, pulling out her cellphone and turning on the flashlight to shine it off any hidden nook and cranny, like behind the TV, and inside the A/C vents.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Five fucking cameras, just in the living room and entryway alone. She doesn't want to imagine how many more are hidden throughout the house.
It seems that Rosie isn't as delusional and crazy as Aunt Holly thought...
Approaching the window, Whiskey pulls the blinds aside and pears out through the gap, pushing her back against the wall, looking up and down the street. She notices the white van parked a couple hundred feet away, advertising a dry-cleaning service. She knows immediately that that's where they operate from.
She almost wants to go over, with her pistol in hand, and scare them off. But she knows better than to fuck with the Agency... And, even more so, when she's not here as Whiskey, but as Victoria. As a civilian, with no armor, just a red halter top and jeans and boots, coming to visit her cousin.
Huffing, she shakes her head and closes the blinds again. "God damn it..." She murmurs, already feeling her own paranoia rising and her hackles rising. She's going to need to pull some strings to find out what in the hell went so wrong in Urzikstan 4 years ago that now an innocent civilian is being surveilled.
With another sigh, Victoria turns and looks around the room, noticing all the trash and, with a deep breath, she sets down her belongings on the cleared couch and enters the kitchen to seek out a pair of gloves and a trash bag.
This is going to be a long fucking day.
August 11th, 2021.
0209 hours.
Victoria lies sprawled on the bed next to Rosie, the two girls staring at the ceiling.
It had been hours upon hours of tidying up and cleaning, but the house was finally clean, the trash taken out, and Rosemary much less disheveled.
They lay together, side by side, holding each other's hands, more for Rosie's comfort, which Victoria has acquiesced to. Victoria has a handle of bourbon in her hand which both her and Rosie occasionally take sips from.
"So you got married...?" Rosie murmurs and rolls her head toward Victoria. She's groggy, a mix of the alcohol, a full belly, a warm shower, a couple of melatonin gummies and the whiskey.
"Mhm." Victoria replies as she glances at Rosemary. "I didn't expect you to still be with dick boy." She quips.
The comment is funnier than Rosemary expected it to be, probably because of the state she's in, but she starts cackling aloud, snorting delightfully at it.
"Oh my God, I forgot he damn near showed his dick to grandma Patty while coming out of the pool." Rosie groans and shakes her head. "God, Alex was so embarrassed, he never wanted to go back!"
"That's what he was embarrassed of? Not that stupid fuckin' pube-looking mustache of his?" Victoria's comments, absolutely roasting the man, the alcohol having loosened her lips. "Did he still have that when he left for Urzikstan?"
Rosie once again has lost her mind belly laughing at the scathing comments her cousin made about Alex. Oh, how she needed the laughter.
"Noooo! It filled out. He had a nice thick mustache by then..." She replies and shakes her head, a soft smile on her lips.
"Well, at least there's that. I guess he outgrew his bad fashion choices." Victoria comments before she leans her head up to take another gulp of the bourbon on her bottle.
"Oh no he didn't!" Rosemary complains and suddenly seems to get a burst of energy, leaning forward to look at Victoria right in the eye. "He has the American flag tattooed on him!"
It's Victoria's turn to laugh, nearly choking on the drink, and causing the sweet, smooth alcohol to slide down her chin as she laughs. "Fuck off, no he doesn't?!"
"He DOES!" Rosemary insists. "And a bald eagle too!!!" She adds, which causes them both to laugh more, cackling at the ridiculousness. "I'm serious! Looked the eagle in the eyes once while he was balls deep in me.... You've ever tried getting a dick out of a dry pussy?"
This causes both girls to giggle again, nearly rolling around on the bed, tears forming in their eyes.
"God, and you married that man? He's been a fucking dork for decades now, Rosie!" Victoria complains.
"In my defense, we were drunk and in Vegas, okay?"
"You know what?!" Rosie protests and points at Victoria. "We're talking too much about my marriage. What about you?" She asks in an accusatory tone.
Victoria rolls her eyes. "Don't change the subject just because you can't admit you have bad taste."
"Oh shut it!" Rosie nudges her. "You're avoiding the topic too!"
"Am not!" Victoria retorts. "I'm also married to a dork. But, unlike you, I have taste."
"How much of a dork are we talkin'?"
"Has a half-sleeve that's just straight up war motifs. Atom bombs, skulls, bullets..." She trails off. "And he wears a skull mask when he's out shooting terrorists."
"He WEARS what?"
Victoria shakes her head. "Don't make me say it again." She scrunches her nose, mock cringing.
"And you want to talk shit about me marrying Alex? You married, what, an emo?" Rosie quips as she tosses herself back on the bed, laughing again.
Victoria joins her, covering her eyes with her arm and giggling away, properly so, for the first time in three years. "God, we have bad taste, don't we?" She murmurs.
"You think it runs in the family?" Rosie asks with a playful tone and giggles again.
But this time, however, Victoria doesn't laugh. Instead, her eyes squint in suspicion and she suddenly sits up in bed, looking off into the distance.
How much of a coincidence would that be? Her husband, who is legally dead, who faked his own death and operates under an alias...
And her cousin's husband... who Lord knows what happened to him... But the CIA has their eyes on her, even though he's dead, so there's no reason to...
What if it really is a cover-up? What if he's only legally dead, just like Simon?
"What?" The blonde beside her asks in a gentle tone, eyebrows knit together. "Vicky, what's wrong?" She prompts, worried.
"...Nothing." Victoria replies as she lays down again after a long moment of silence. "Just realized I have to call Simon and ask him something..." She replies dismissively.
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for @lyralein - told you she'd get more than that.
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and also @crashtestbunny , @superhero-landing , and @loveandplanet bc you love Whiskey and Ghost
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thgfanfictionlibrary · 7 months
Teen and Up Rated Fics Masterlist (16)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / Part 12 / Part 13 / Part 14 /  Part 15 /
Created: March 14th, 2024
Last Checked:—-
And I Will Stumble and Fall-Ameiko (ao3) Summary: Losing his leg in the Games forces Peeta Mellark to come to terms with an unpleasant situation and learn an important life lesson. And Your Bird Can Sing-Abagail_Snow (ao3) Summary: "It's called a publicity stunt, sweetheart. Haven't you ever heard of it? People watch someone fall for you and then they love you too." Actor Peeta Mellark and singer Katniss Everdeen, a modern-day love story. And Your Bird Can Sing Outtakes-Abagail_Snow (ao3) Summary: Various drabbles written for the And Your Bird Can Sing universe. Announcement-HGfanonezillion (ao3) Summary: "A baby announcement is something big. And I wanted to do it quietly. Just call our family and friends and let Prim plan the biggest, most elaborate baby shower imaginable. My husband, on the other hand, got it into his head that we needed to do a cute little photo shoot and post the pictures on Facebook." A Perfect Winter's Day-dispatchesfromdistrict7 (ao3) Summary: Katniss’ daughter asks for her mother’s help in giving her father the perfect present. Canon-based. A submission for Prompts in Panem Holidays in Panem challenge. Assumptions-Alliswell (ao3) Summary: This what happened right before all the goodness of chapter 22 of BellaGracie's "Are Those For Me?" Avox-Alliswell (ao3) Summary: A boy gets an avox for his 17th birthday. He will protect his avox from his rotten society at all costs. Based on Everlark Fic Exchange Prompt #55: Katniss was turn into an Avox and the Mellark family (a wealthy family from the Capitol) buys her. Her love story with Peeta. And maybe after the war, Peeta takes her to a Dr that is performing tongue surgeries A Year With No Victor-DustWriter (ff.net) Summary: Destined to fall in love, but under the cruelest circumstances. The world's best-known tragedy as played out in the Arena. Baked Goods-Cutelily05 (ao3) Summary: Peeta Mellark, a struggling owner of the once successful Mellark restaurant franchise wants to bring back his family legacy and a new hire to the restaurant, Katniss is not going to hurt either. Banked Flames And Burned Bread-AntiKryptonite (ao3) Summary: A spark can catch fire in an instant, and before Katniss ever even knew he was alive, Peeta was already on fire. // In some ways, Katniss fell in love with Peeta the minute those burned loaves of bread hit the muddy ground.
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kai-anderson-whore · 2 years
He's a cult leader (part 8) (kai Anderson x fem reader)
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Summary:y/n moved back to Michigan after her college degree in music where she reunites with an old lover kai Anderson
Warnings: murder, mass shooting, mentions of suicide
A/n: for the people who sent requests I apologise it's taken a while to write them I have been busy with college hopefully have one or two up tomorrow 😊
Part 7 here
•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•..•°˚˚°•.•¤❅¤•.•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•. .•°˚˚°
"Everyone got everything ready?" You asked shoving your black boots on your feet, "yes" everyone replied with their masks on, you shoved your clown mask under you arm as kai went over everything one last time.
"We take out Sally and if anyone else is in there they meet the same fate" he said winter and Meadow already doing their part of the plan, leaving the rest on their merry way.
The mask now over your head hopping into the van Harrison driving to Sally's house, you and kai sat together masks now off, you were humming a tune kai didn't recall, "what songs that?" He asked, he always loved your passion for music even if you never wanted to be famous it was an outlet for you something to teach the kids you worked with.
"It's something I'm sort of working on not quite finished yet" you chuckled lightly, you felt like charles manson when kai would have you sing your songs to the cult them now memorising all the words, you didn't necessarily hate it glad they actually liked the shitty songs you called them.
"It will be great your really talented" he said something you heard him say to Meadow when she showed him her art work, you gave him a small smile his hand on your thigh, "we're almost there" Harrison called everyone putting their masks on including you.
"Ready baby?" Kai asked his voice muffled from his mask, "Let's do this" you replied as the van came to a halt, one by one you all stepped out and invaded the home of kai's opponent.
Entering the home greeted with Sally holding a gun, watching us as she pointed the gun, "please one of you assholes make a move, I'm desperate to make an example of someone" she said before someone came up behind her taking the gun off her holding her mouth closed knocking her to the ground.
Kai stood above her removing his mask, you watched him as he talked "you know what the problem is with you over educated elites?".
"You overestimate your ability to control the world" "killing me isn't going to stop the march of progress" Sally stated on the ground she wasn't in fear well visibly anyway.
"Maybe but it still going to feel so fucking good" kai said looking down at her "this is a spazim in democracy your nothing but a passing fever" she yelled at kai he just grinned evilly at her.
"And your the last of the intellectuals"
"Knowing stuff has no value anymore not when the answer is sitting in my back pocket or sitting on my desk" he said walking away you held keffler down as he went over to her laptop.
"The youth has it figured out the future will be filled with beautiful idiots who just want to feel" he continues looking at the screen of Sally's laptop.
"Facebook?" He asked now his attention on the screen, "you are old" he stated clicking on god knows what, "can I please kill her" you said now annoyed at her wriggling under you, "no, no y/n too sloppy we have to send a message with Sally that the world she knows is dead" kai said now making a Facebook status on Sally's unwilling behalf.
He clicked on the keypad as he voiced what he was typing on Facebook "dear followers and friends, tonight after many long nights of careful thinking, I have come to realise something that the truths we have always held to be self evident, all men are created equal, knowledge is power, ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country, they are all bullshit the future will be guided by self interest, self promotion and narcissism, and that is a future I can not stand and so this is my suicide note" kai said finishing off the status.
"NO, NO no please" Sally begged now in full fear of her life "already getting some likes" kai shrugged nonchalant taking a swig of whatever Sally had in her mug, "nobody going to believe that" Sally said trying to get out of yours and the others grasp, "mhmm of course they will" kai said turning around to us, "it's on Facebook".
"No, no" Sally tried to get out the grasp she was under kai walked over to her, gun in hand, he looked over to you as he placed the barrel of the gun on her chest, "wanna help?" He asked with a smirk you finger on top of his on the trigger as you pulled killing Sally keffler.
You felt nothing now used to doing this with kai, you knew you hated it but did nothing too lovesick to stop that was kai's disease making his followers that loyal it's like their lovesick ivy went off to search the house, you got off keffler kai pulling your mask off grabbing you smashing his lips onto yours infront of everyone, his tongue entering your mouth in the rough make out session.
Pulling away for air you were flustered as kai wiped down anything he touched just incase, you found the blunts that were laying on the table taking them for yourself, "no y/n no drugs" kai said, you let out a huff "it's just one kai won't hurt" you said taking one anyway not listening to him.
Putting your mask back on making sure you all were unseen as you hopped in the van going back home, again sat beside kai his eyes never left you as you talked with beverly hope, about something music related, he saw the passion in your eyes as you talked about something you loved, they same way they would light up in college when you got a chance to talk about music especially your favourite artists.
"You should play tonight y/n" Gary chimed in the conversation, "Yeah why not" you chuckled glancing over at kai who smiled down at you, you felt butterfly's in your stomach everytime kai looked at you like that with that glimmer in his eyes, you were so love sick it was unbelievable.
Kai felt the same he never wanted anything or anyone to hurt you, he wanted to spend the last of his days with you even all those years ago he felt like that and still does.
The day of Meadows attempt to shoot kai rolls along you dreaded it you couldn't bear to see kai in a hospital again, you stood in the crowd watching kai speak to the crowd the anxiety coursing through your body shaky hands trembling lip waiting on the dreaded moment.
You couldn't even hear what kai was talking about, you head spinning then, BANG, a gunshot fired hitting a woman close by you in the head, then straight at kai's thigh, you screamed in fear running up to kai as Meadow shot away.
Ally was screaming for Meadow to stop, on the ground you holding kai sobbing your eyes out you were scared for the first time in a long time you showed your fear not caring if you were weak, you didn't know what happened next all you saw was Meadow laying dead on the ground ally swarmed by police and an ambulance coming over to you and kai.
"Please get him to the hospital" you cried out the ambulance taking kai in the back of the vehicle, you stayed by his side panicking, you didn't Say anything on the ride to the hospital your eyes fixed on kai as the paramedics checked him over.
It all was happening too fast till it felt like it went on for years in the hospital, kai was in surgery you sat in the waiting room your leg bounced in anticipation waiting on the doctor giving you an update you had called winter telling her what happened even though she knew but giving her an update whenever you got one.
"Y/n y/l/n" a doctor said coming towards you, "how is he doctor will he be okay?" you asked standing up, "he'll be fine he'll need walking sticks for a while he's lucky he could have not been able to walk with that leg again" the doctor said "can i see him?" You asked the doctor sighed "not right now he's in rest once he wakes up and we do a few more checks on him then yes you can see him" you thanked the doctor leaving them to go back to what they were doing.
'Come on winter' you thought to yourself your leg bounced in anxiety you wanted to see kai even though you were told he's fine you still couldn't help but think he's not, how could you not a few hours ago he was shot in the leg.
The doors burst open revealing winter in panic, "y/n how is he is he okay" she asked frantically you placed your hands on her shoulders in attempt to calm winter down but it didn't help, "he's fine he'll need to use a walking stick for a while his leg will be in a cast he's lucky" you reported "I'll kill him with these bright ideas what was he playing at y/n what if she missed and killed him" winter broke down crying you hugged her letting all her emotions fall.
You were crying too, "I know win I wish he wasn't like this but the bittersweet part of it is that he's fine we can see him soon they want to do more checks on him once he's awake" you sighed wiping winters tears away, "you know y/n your like the sister I never had kai's really lucky to have you, you bring out the old him even for a second but I see it in his eyes when your around it's like I have my brother back" she smiled sadly.
"Maybe I just wish he was fully like the old kai but maybe one day if he isn't dead or in prison" you sobbed wiping your tears now, your head was going 100 miles an hour you felt dizzy needing to sit down.
"Hey we'll be okay hopefully there's no more crazy plan's he's nearly got what he wants" winter said as you looked blankly at the wall, with glassy eyes, "I don't think so winter" you sighed.
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adamjagger · 2 years
One week of night vision
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Hi guys, so this weeks post is going to be about my thoughts after owning my night vision for a week. So ever since I got the night vision, I have taken it out every single night since getting it from Brownells and there are a handful of things I feel like I should mention in this post. Things being stuff that I thought was going to be true that I found out we’re not and things that I, just happen to notice while using it. That being said, let’s get into it.
First things first, I didn’t realize how much the weather played a role in using a vision. The day that I got my PVS 14 we just so happen to be in a new moon phase so there was absolutely no moon visible. That being said, I was still blown away the first time I use this, even though it was the worst night to be using night vision. Things like ambient light from more populated locations or even just the moon make a huge difference in using night vision. One more thing to consider is cloud coverage, so I’ve been using mine primarily in the woods where it’s already darker, but then you add no moon and cloud coverage, and it’s very dark, but yet I was still amazed by the performance of this nightvision device.
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The second thing I want to talk about is movement under night vision. Initially, I thought this was going to be a very hard task from everything I’ve ever heard before but to my surprise it was actually very easy. Walking through the woods and on trails and even walking around in my pole barn with a bunch of junk all over the place , I didn’t have any issues with doing that. I think the main thing to keep in mind when you’re doing this is remember that you’re wearing a night vision device and remember that your senses are a little bit decreased and then you should be fine. I do think it’s very important though to get out and walk around and move and do things with your night vision before you expect to be some high tier operator with it.
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Next up is going to be the night vision accessories that I have mounted on my rifle and pistol. Initially, I didn’t really know what to expect with this. When using the sionyx camera and looking at my IR output, I wasn’t blown away with the performance of any of the items that I chose. But once having proper night vision in hand, they work far better than what they look like on the camera. Obviously, just like with all civilian illuminator devices I wish the illuminator on my holosun had a little bit more power behind it. But the laser itself has been fantastic. The Modlite ir850 light head is ridiculously powerful, and will basically light up the woods for as far as you can see, and then that brings me to the streamlight vir2 that I have mounted on the Glock 44. Overall, I’m very happy with that for the price and it comes in that I think it’s a fantastic option. It throws a fair amount of flood which is nice for a pistol and the laser itself is very easy to pick up as well. I’ve been very happy with all the choices that I had made in the IR department.
Overall, the biggest hurdle with us is just getting the night vision itself. Once you do that, then you can figure the rest out very easily. Like I mentioned earlier in this, I got mine from brownells, which I will have links down below to check them out. Along with all of my IR devices as well You can use code BOP10 to save a bunch of money over there on this stuff.
Anyways, if you made it here, thanks for reading night vision is super cool, and I highly recommend trying to get some for yourself because being able to see in the dark is an amazing feeling.
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themaiden05 · 1 year
Fate ( part 2)
pairing : kartik aaran x fem reader
part1 ; https://www.tumblr.com/themaiden05/714953202326437888/fate-part-1?source=share
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kartik couldn't stop thinking about her. Y/n , Y/n , Y/n it was all he could think about. how could he love someone he doesnt even know so madly? he didnt have an answer for that . she was making him feel all kinds of emotions and not just love, she was making him anxious at time , what if she believes all the kriti x kartik shipping going around the internet? what if she ships them too? what if she has a boyfriend? what if she has a fiancee? no no that cant be ,she's can only be y/n aaryan tiwari ! he wouldnt let any duffer's surname even get close to her. what if she's already married ? what if she is out of his reach already? His thoughts were getting ahold of him. He even called his sister Y/n once , good thing she didnt pay attention . he searched her up on instagram , facebook , twitter but there were a million women with the name Y/n, Not knowing her surname made it worse. a lot of public profiles , and profiles with a Dp was out of the way , kartik knew what his y/n looked like, he didnt even need to look at the screenshot he took, her face was imprinted onto his heart . but then there were a lot of profiles with no profile pictures or random profile pictures . he wasnt even sure if her name was her account name so social media was a fail
"any lead?" kriti asked . she was as dedicated in finding kartik's dream girl as he was
"nope, nothing yet"
" what if we just ask the principal of the college for some info?"
"and what are we gonna say? hello sir! I am in love with one of your students , so can I get her instagram id and biodata. he would kick us both out"
"yeah! youre right. did you get anything else from the college website?"
"NO , what we found before was the only thing about her in the entire website"
" you know what Im hungary, lets go eat something . Ive heard there's a new chinese restaurant in town" kriti said standing up from her chair
"no yaar , Im not hungry!"
" I heard its near lourde college"
kartik jumped up from his seat
"what are we waiting for? lets go , Im so hungry!"
kriti laughed at his newfound excitement
"ya lets go"
kartik and kriti had done their best to disguise themselves. they dont want the pap to spread yet another rumour of them being heads over heel in love with each other. the huge glasses , beanie ,mask and hoodie were certainly doing there job . no one has recognised them yet. they find a table and sit facing each other.
"oh my god kartik"
"what is it kriti?" kartik asks .
kriti didnt even have to finish . kartik could sense the familiar scent . he could hear someone sitting on the chair behind them. he turned around. she was right there. His y/n . In a satin green dress, her hair opened and flying slightly in the wind. Her eyes are searching for someone. kartik's heart drops once he sees the guy walking towards her , smiling . he sees her smiling back . The smle he always imagined shed give him when he says how beautiful she is to him , The smile she'd give him when he gets her flowers and give her a pecks on her cheek before leaving for shooting. But he isnt the one getting that smile from her right now and it breaks his heart . He isnt some kabir singh to go out there to force her away from him. she looks happy and thats what he'd want the most , for her to be happy
"sorry , I'm late "
"its ok adi"
kartik hears them talk. kriti is ranting about something but kartik can focus only on what you are saying.
"ehh, youre wearing this green dress again?
"its my favourite dress adi "
"it looks shitty"
what kind of a man is he ? who talks to their girlfriend like that? if he doesnt like the dress why doesnt he just tell it to her nicely? why is she letting him talk to her like that? a million question runs over his head
'' Im gonna use the restroom real quick"
"ya ok but dont take ages. I have to go soon after this , i cant be stuck with you for too long"
stuck with her? where did she even find this douchebag from ? who can't even spend some time with her? Is she hurt from what he said ? has she gone to the restroom to cry?
"im gonna go check on her kriti"
"what!? kartik but-" kriti doesnt even finish before kartik jumps over the chair and walks over to the restroom.
as kartik walks in he sees y/n standing in front of the mirror. she doesnt look like she cried but what if she's really good at hiding emotions
"y/n" kartik calls out.
"who are you?" she looks terrified . thats when kartik remembered his glasses mask and beanie , he looks like a goddamn serial killer. he takes off his glasses and mask
"kartik aaryan?"
"you dont have to call my entire name like that! just call me kartik or koki"kartik ranted out . he could hear his heart beat out of his chest. he could see her blushing
"what are you doing here?"
"oh my friend wanted to try out this restaurant!"
"The restaurant or its women's restroom?"
"oh shit ! this is the women's restroom? great here we go again . I swear im not a pervert , fate just brings me into women's restrooms sometimes"
"fate?" y/n starts laughing . she looks so pretty to him doing so
"this is yours i assume?" kartik takes out her badge from his pocket. good thing he takes it everywhere with him to remind him of her
"oh yeah ! i had lost it the day i met you at another women's restroom"
they both chuckle and walks out kartik puts his glasses and mask back on . he wants to say and ask a lot more but the fact that she has a boyfriend waiting for her stops him. he still muster up the courage to ask her full name but before he could finish they are interrupted by someone. its adi he is still looking down at his phone as he speaks
"i have to go now "
"but we didnt even order yet"
''oh come on man, we'll do this some other time and besides i promised riya from office a movie together"
kartik is on the verge of losing his shit . how can he talk to his girlfriend like that and choose another women over her? why isnt she saying anything?
adi takes his eyes of his phone and looks at the man in front of him
"who's this duffer?"
kartik loses his shit completely and punches him on his nose. adi stumbles back in pain
"thats what you get for treating youre girlfriend like that "
"bhaiyya!!!" y/n runs from kartik's behind to adi
"bhaiyya?oh fuck" kriti always told kartik he's dumb and now it was as if he has realised it
"what the fuck man? who's girlfriend? what girlfriend?" adi asks while covering his nose with his hand
kartik runs over to him
"im so sorry bhaiyya! there was a huuuge misunderstanding"
"whaaaat!? who the hell are you man and why the hell are you calling me bhaiyya"
"you are her bhaiyya , youre my bhaiyya why does it matter bhaiyya?"
y/n chuckles at kartik's remark and their eyes meet . kartik is so relieved that this man he just punched is no one other than his future brother in law but it really was kind of a bad first impression but he'll make up for it
"y/n ask this guy to leave" adi grunts in pain
"koki ! leave"
"koki? so no more kartik aaryan"
y/n blushed and looked down
"ill get going now bhaiyya do put some ice on it itll be alright"
"get outta here dickhead before i punch you back"
"ok ok" before he left he leaned closer to y/n
"you know where to find me" and he walked away from his y/n who was now a blushing mess and her brother a bloody mess.......
(bhaiyya: brother)
to be continued......
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fanficshiddles · 2 years
Seductively Destructive, Chapter 9
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Sorry it’s a short chapter!
Erin groaned as she rolled over in bed. Her phone was vibrating away on the side table, it was constantly going. Notification after notification.
‘What the hell?’ She grumbled and reached out to grab it.
That’s when she heard the shower was on in the bathroom, Loki was awake already, clearly. She took a moment to focus her eyes on her phone to see heaps of messages and missed calls from Jane. And a few messages from some other friends.
Opening her messages, she saw Jane just screaming and cursing. Asking what the fuck. But also messages saying how hot she was. But she was asking was it consensual.
Erin was utterly confused as she called Jane.
‘What the hell are you on about?’ She grumbled, still feeling half asleep.
‘You’ve not been online yet, have you? Check Instagram. And Facebook… And, well, all platforms of Loki.’
‘What…’ Erin started to wake up a bit more, rather quickly. Especially when she opened Instagram first and saw heaps of notifications.
She had been tagged in a post by Loki.
Her stomach lurched. He’d posted some of the photos. Some of the ones that were taken for us, as he’d said. All he’d put in the description was a devil emoji and the black heart emoji.
‘I… I will call you back, Jane.’
‘Erin… Are you ok? Was this consensual?’
‘Yeah… I just… didn’t realise he was doing it already.’ Erin tried to laugh and play it off. ‘Hot couple, aren’t we?’
‘Erin. Are you sure you’re ok?’ Jane could tell she wasn’t quite right.
‘Yeah, just half asleep. Honestly, it’s all good. We had fun at the shoot. It’s for a magazine interview, well, some tamer pictures are. I’ve got to go right now, I’ll call you later. I just wasn’t expecting the pictures to get as much attention as they are... All good! See ya!’
She hung up before Jane had a chance to say anything else. And she took a moment to compose herself before scrolling through the hundreds of comments already. Most of them were good, saying how hot they looked together. That they were made for each other. Some comments actually made her feel like a badass queen, especially looking at the pictures again.
But at the same time, Loki didn’t tell her he was planning to post them… Not only that, she wasn’t sure she would’ve said yes if he had asked her first!
‘Are you alright, pet?’ Loki’s voice startled her slightly, she hadn’t noticed or heard him coming out of the bathroom.
‘Uh…’ She was momentarily distracted by the way water droplets were dripping from his hair and running down his chest. He had a towel wrapped around his waist, hanging low.
But she quickly got her head back. ‘No… Not really. You didn’t tell me you were thinking on posting those pictures? You didn’t ask. I thought they were supposed to be for us?’ Erin was trying to keep calm, but he could hear the slight panic in her voice with the way it was getting high and squeaky.
Loki’s eyes softened as he crawled onto the bed and up beside her. ‘Oh, darling. I didn’t think posting them would upset you like this. I just wanted everyone to see how good we are together. To let you see how much people love us as a couple, how much support we have.’
Loki moved beside her and pulled her into him. She was a bit reluctant at first, but he managed to get her cradled in against his chest and began stroking her hair.
‘You’re mine and I want the world to know it.’
She knew that shouldn’t have made her stomach lurch in excitement, but it did.
‘I just… wish you’d spoken to me first.’ She grumbled against his warm chest as he continued stroking her hair, making her melt.
‘I know, I’m sorry...’ Loki leaned back a little and cupped her chin, lifting her head up to look at him.
‘I love you, Erin. So much. I just got over excited at sharing us with the world.’ He admitted honestly.
Erin’s eyes widened at his words.
‘I am truly sorry, I never wanted to upset you, at all. I should have asked you first.’ He continued, but Erin didn’t even register what he said after I love you.
He fanned his fingers against her cheek softly. ‘Please don’t hate me, pet.’
‘I… I could never hate you… I love you too.’ Erin blushed and smiled.
Loki’s worried face turned to pure happiness. He cupped her chin again and pressed his lips against hers in a gentle, lingering kiss.
Suddenly Erin didn’t seem to mind anymore about him posting the pictures.
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dilf-in-peril · 2 years
Hey! Hope this isn’t an annoying question, but i need some help.
I wanted to start watching some of CM Punk’s roh stuff. I didn’t know roh cm punk existed for over a year (somehow) and i don’t really know where to start watching.
If you could point me to the right direction on what (and where, probably honorclub but eh just in case) i should start on that’d be great.
Damn, sorry, it's really not annoying, I just don't see my inbox ever...
I don't have Honorclub, so all I can go by is youtube videos or facebook videos or, even worse: dailymotion. But if you have it, that would probably make things easier (followers help me out, does it give access to the full ROH library as far back as 2003?).
They have a couple of his ROH matches on the official channel. Like this one against Alex Shelley, which you might recognize from the gif where it looks like he gets his back blown out:
And you've probably heard it before but the trilogy against Samoa Joe is a great watch if you can invest the 60 minutes per match.
The second one is the certified Meltzer five star match (if you watch their ROH shoot interview it's funny how little of a fuck they give), but I can't find a decent link to that one right now, only shitty quality on facebook. :(
And of course, last but not least, the Raven Dog Collar match, a little something for the freaks:
I guess I really need that Honorclub, I thought I used to find more matches on youtube.
Edit: ROH 2003-2008 can be found on bilibili. Perhaps vk too... Never checked.
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