#i heard my dad say hi for the first time in 6 months and cried so hard at a light rail station
softwiingz · 9 months
good morning scooby doobies 🩵
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writingoddess1125 · 8 months
Hi, I love Morticia and Gomez Effect universe, and I have to say it. I'm the only one who thinks that if she ends up getting pregnant, it would be a girl. How would Mihawk be as a girl dad. Or, would they have twins or triplets?? They want an army, after all.😏😉
I like your thinking! MWHAHAHAHAHS
Morticia and Gomez Effect - pt. 3
Creating an Army
Mihawk x FemReader
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• It seemed all that really had to be done was speaking the wish for a child- In less then 2 months you found out you were pregnant. Much to the delight of Mihawk and yourself.
• Mihawk was very protective of you, essentially a helicopter. He needed to make sure you were safe and healthy, cooking all your meals, making sure Perona was as respectful as possible and didn't dare to cause a fuss while you were pregnant.
• Which she didn't in truth. Perona had been actually excited at the idea of a baby, flooding the place with more stuffed animals and 'cute' onsies.
• While for you, the pregnancy reminded you of the sea. At times calm and cool, while others it was like a raging storm in your body. You were fortunate that Mihawk was like a massive ship that could ride through the calms and battle thr storms, Rubbing your back when you puked- Whsipering sweet words when you cried and wiping away the discomfort that settled on your bones as the baby grew.
• It was a normal day, you were 6 months along in your pregnancy and Mihawk had gone out to train. Leaving you to the peace of your favorite fruit tea and some cakes.
• Delightful
• As you tucked into your new found treats you heard the door open and the sound of chattering. Knowing that it wasn't Mihawk you reached for the blade you kept tucked to your side under the large blanket you were under.
• Till you saw young familiar faces.
• The young Pirates, The Strawhats finally had return it seemed. With your necklace in tow as they looked like they had been through quite a journey and back. The scorch marks upon their clothes also being a amusing sight.
• Zoro stepped forward, bowing respectfully to his teacher. The other pirates also coming to greet you and hopefully stay in your good Graces.
• "Madam Dracule, We have your necklace" Zoro said with calm respect.
• He watched you stand and his eyes and the eyes of the young pirates all went to the same thing that had been obstructed by the thick blankets. Your rounded stomach-
• "Thank you Zoro, I do hope it was able to help in your journey" You say calmly as you take the necklace from him- Seeing how their faces went to that or horror and shock at the sight of your clearly pregnant stomach.
• The blonde one, with a weird eyebrow was the first to break "THATS NOT FAIR!? HE GETS A HOT WIFE AND GETS HER KNOCKED UP!?" He screamed in shock which surprised you before the rest of the crew decended on him like hounds to shut him up. Zoro still just standing there shocked till a random foot seemed to hit him and he joined the fight-
• Of course Mihawk hurt the commotion and quickly went to find you, coming to a sight he didn't know what to deal with first.
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• There the strawhats were all fighting each other. The two women of the crew speaking to you calmly and touching your rounded stomach with your blessing as you held your ruby necklace and A passed out Reindeer at the foot of the fight..
• Deciding the fighting was the first thing be wad quick to knock out all the boys and toss them out his home. The reindeer he just stepped over since it was useless- he also make quick work to ask the women to leave which they did after giving polite goodbyes and congratulations.
• That leaving Mihawk to then scoop you up and bring you to bed. Having found that it was bedtime-
• Possessive as ever...
• In the coming months, the house was prepared for your birth. Mihawk having brought in a medical team for you- You assumed they were paid well but terrified.
• It had been after dinner, 3 weeks early when your water had broke. It seemed your child wanted to make their grand entrance early.
• It was like the world had stopped when you felt a rush of water down your legs when you went to stand to get some juice- Mihawk and you both just staring at the floor under you were the water was
• ....
• "..Hell" Mihawk muttered first, shooting back his wine in a effort to calm his nerves before rushing over to you and quickly escorting you to the labor room. Summoning the doctors quickly as well who got you prepped and ready.
• It was slow at first- But as the hours ticked by you the pain increased. Mihawk seated next to you as he tried to guild you through the waves of pain that wrecked your body.
• While labor is hard, He knows you are quite strong and will survive. You have to... You can't leave him
• "You alright darling?" He ask softly, holding your hand as you suffer with bringing in the next Dracule in the world.
• You give a weakened smile "It is painful- But it's a is not worth dying for" You say playfully, Earning a smile from Mihawk who kissed the back of your hand.
• The poor Doctors are uncomfortable by the whole situation. Especially with how calm you were during God Damn Labor!-
• It was near twilight of the next Morning did the labor finally come to an end. A shrill cry piercing the cold morning air as new life was brought in.
• "It's a Girl!" The Doctor said cheerfully as the crying child was liftwd and placed on your chest carefully and beginning to be cleaned with a towel.
• You and Mihawk seated next to each other staring wide eyed and in awe at the little girl screaming on your chest.
• "Looks like I had nothing to do with this at all" You mused, seeing how your little daughter looked so much like her father it was unfair. Even with her face pink from crying and her rounded face you could clearly see Mihawks genes had dominated yours.
• The thin layer of black hair onto her head also not helping. Mihawk chuckled as with a gentle hand he touched his daughters hair.
• "She is beautiful" He says softly, his own eyes getting misty as he stared at the little girl.
• Is actually quite pleased their first child is a girl and the only. It couldn't be better in his mind as he remembers his youth around the children that Gol D Roger would bring onto the ship. The boys were the most troubling.
• "She is.." You say softly, Watching as she settled down and yawned. Reaching out her little arms randomly, her little pudgy fingers wrapping around Mihawks finger. You practically saw the hearts in his eyes when she did this-
• In less then 4 minutes the baby girl has already stolen her father's heart and has him wrapped around his finger.
• "Dracule Marya" He whispered. Kissing your cheek as he smiled down at his daughter. You swore you saw tears in his eyes.
• Mihawk is a absolute girl Dad, Truthfully a good father overall. He enjoyed cleaning up after her, helping with feedings, choosing important items for her development.
• He does have one poor habit however-
• You stand there with your arms crossed under your bust as you raise and eyebrow at your husband. "Mihawk hand her over my love- She needs to learn to sleep in her crib" You explain.
• Marya was 4 months old and Mihawk had grown used to Marya sleeping in the bed between you two. So you had finally decided to put the smaller crib to use, pulling it into your twos shared bedroom so she could no longer sleep in the bed with you.
• But here she was-
• Your husband holding your half asleep daughter in his arm carefully while finishing some paperwork. This had been the 2nd time that night you had placed Marya in her crib to sleep on her own and everytime she cried in less then 10 minutes it would stop and you'd fine Mihawk holding her again in his study.
• "She was crying" He said calmly, setting down his pen to pat her back to comfort her.
• "That's the point Darling- She needs to learn to sleep in the crib" You stress, seeing Mihawk scowl at this and hold her closer to his chest.
• "She doesn't like it" He said stressing- This making you sighing at his dramatics.
• "Fine- But you'd have stay in the nursery with her since she can't sleep in our bed anymore" You said with a sigh.
• He slept in the nursery, on the floor next to the crib with his hand resting ontop of her- for 3 nights before you finally kicked him out and strong armed him to let her sleep in the crib in the bedroom.
• Besides Mihawks constant want to hold his daughter and carry her everywhere he was perfect. And in his eyes so was she-
• Mihawk sat there watching you, feeding little Marya and cooing softly at her as she watched the world around her, her eyes matched yours the only thing that you seemed to give to the little girl since she was such a clone of her Daddy.
• "Darling" Mihawk called to you waving you over, making you look up from your task at hand. Marya pulling from your breast full from her meal.
• Walking over Mihawk gently took Marya from you, beginning to burp her as you pulled your shirt back to place. He smiled as his yellow eyes gleamed
• "What is going through your head my Love?" You question. Knowing that look all to well. Mihawk shrugging slightly to keep from shifting Marya too much.
• "We should have another-"
Tag List- {Sorry I forgot to put it!}
@who-the-hockeysticks @vexladin @iraaiitz
@stellasloth @yuriwk
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graciegoeskrazy · 3 months
yeah, you wanna find love
matty healy + teen!swiftie!daughter!reader
warnings: some language, angst, fluff, cheating
a/n: do u guys get the title? get it? get it? the title? cuz she sang it? the city? at satvb? get it?
ty bae anon who requested im in LOVE.
I know Eras and Matty and her dating happened way after Red TV was released but shhhhhhhhh
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Like any other normal teenage girl, you got excited every time Taylor Swift dropped an album, announced an album, or did anything remotely hinting at herself and her work. Even if it was a far stretch, you were on social media like the rest ready to prove or debunk theories. Tonight, she’s releasing her second re-recording, Red (Taylor’s Version) You were a fan. Even though she and your father dated for like a month and now they never speak to each other and the chances of you seeing The Eras Tour ever again are slim to none, you admired her so much.
Your dad had said goodnight and sent you to bed more than an hour ago. You planned to go against his wishes a little bit and stay up and listen to the album. It was only one time, and it was for the sake of music, so if you got caught he wouldn't be too upset, right? …Right?
The plan was all fine until you got hungry. The kitchen was connected to the living room which is where your father spent most of his late nights, doing work, watching TV, sleeping, whatever. It was quiet so you assumed that he had already gone upstairs for the night or was fast asleep on the couch. It all gave you the confidence to believe that you could sneak into the pantry and not be seen. You were wrong, however.
“Go to bed.”
He was there. Wide awake. Just quietly scrolling through his phone.
You pouted. “C’mon. It comes out in like an hour.”
He never took his eyes off his phone. “And you have to wake up at 6 am for school tomorrow.”
“And I’m still gonna go! One night of staying up and listening to an album isn’t going to change my perfect grades or 4.0 GPA.”
“I said no.” His voice grew a little more stern.
Your begging was now at a full 10. “This is a big deal, Dad! Just because you can’t listen to Taylor anymore doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t!”
“What I say goes, you know that.”
You smirked. “Oh, so it was fine when it was your album?” He hated it when you were a smart-ass. Mainly because you reminded him too much of himself when you acted that way.
He rolled his eyes and sighed. “Go to bed.”
“Ughhhhh.” You slumped up the stairs.
“I love you, baby.”
“And I love your ex!”
Almost 2 hours later, Matty got tired of the things he saw on Instagram, and the yawns he kept giving let him know that it was time for bed. As he walked upstairs he heard the faintest sound
At first, he thought it was because of something he had done. He thought that maybe the attitude he showed earlier was too much, but on the other hand, he knew his girl was too tough for that to break her. He opened the door and saw your frame curled on the bed. Your face was buried in your pillow but it was evident by the bits that were showing that your face was red and littered with tears. You heard him open the door and walk to you, but you didn't move.
“What’s happened.” He asked quietly as he slipped in into the other side and pulled you close.
“Just shut up. I just need you.” You were harsh but he knew your tone held no true anger or hurt.
“Okay. Okay, I’m here. I’m right here.” He held you as you cried into his chest. You were sobbing. You tried to catch your breath between the hiccups and cries, but it took minutes for you to fully calm down. To you, those minutes felt like hours, and as time went on Matty became increasingly worried about the severity of the situation.
You took one last big inhale, then spoke. “He cheated on me”
“He cheated on me…then dumped me when I found out.”
“When?! When did this happen?”
“A little less than a week ago.” He sighed, He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. You and your boyfriend had been dating for nearly 2 years. From the way it looked to the outside world, you two were as happy as could be. Matty always had his doubts but he chalked it up to the typical dad senses overreacting, especially because you always looked so happy and you hadn't been that way in a long time. “I should’ve broken it off long ago.” You hiccuped and cried through your next words. “He ignores me. Everything I say. Everything I do. It's like I’m talking to a brink wall half of the time. I tell him I’ve had enough and he apologizes and makes me feel great like I’m the only one who matters, and then he makes the same fucking mistakes, over and over and over again. He likes the idea of a relationship but doesn't want to put in the work of having one. At least when it comes to me…”
Matty didn't know what to say. It was a complete shock to him. “He doesn’t know what he’s missing-”
“Yes, he does. He just doesn't care.”
“How did this happen, if this happened a bit ago then why are you crying just now?”
You hid your face again. He rubbed your back. “You’re gonna laugh…”
“I won't laugh-”
“You’re gonna be mad,” You said, looking up.
He smiled. “I won't. Promise.” He said, winking.
You sighed and buried your head back into him. “I was listening to the 10-minute version of All Too Well.”
“God, bubs.”
You sat up and looked at him. “Let me live! It was too real. I related too much. I’m serious.”
He reached his arms back up, guiding you to come back to him. “I know. Im sorry.”
You pouted as he placed a kiss on the top of your head. “Do you ever cry to my songs?”
“Only of embarrassment.”
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issdisgrace · 1 month
A/N: This takes place in 2017, character is 28.
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“You know you’ve been with us for 6 months and I don’t think you proper told us about how you started hunting.” Sam says, closing his computer. 
“Well, my grandpa was a hunter, so my father became a hunter. Then I decided to continue the family tradition and become a hunter.”
“Cool. How was your childhood? Mine and Sammy’s were fucked, to say the least? Went long periods in hotels. I had to steal food and a bunch of other shit.” Dean says.
“It was a mixed bag. It’s kinda a long story.” I say, sitting up on the bed. 
“We have time.” Sam says.
“Alright, strap in, I guess. As you guys know, I was born in ‘89. My mom got pregnant with me when she was 16 and.
"Had me a month after she turned 17 on my dad’s 17th birthday. My mom came from a very religious family, like super religious, and her getting pregnant with me got her kicked out. My grandma and grandpa let my mom move in. From what I heard, those months were good. My dad was working while trying to finish school while my mom dropped out of school. Mom helped grandma and grandpa with the stuff around the house. When my mom was 8 months and on some odd days with me, she went into labor. She was rushed to the hospital in the town over and had me around 11:45 pm. There were a couple of problems with me since I was premature, but the doctor got everything under control and after a week, I was able to go home. 
Anyway, when I was 2, my mom and dad got married. My first memory was Christmas ‘94. I remember opening a fairy princess set. It was nice at the time, but looking back now, it was very cheaply made. But fast forward to my 8th birthday, 97. I remember we had dinner and my father unwrapped his presents first, being older than I got to open mine. I had got nothing but dresses. I remember I broke out crying then when my mom and dad tried to comfort me I yelled that I didn’t want to be a girl, then ran upstairs and hid in my room. A couple of minutes later, my dad came up and entered my room. He just sat on the bed and talked to me while I was hide telling me that there wasn’t nothing wrong with wanting to be a boy and if I wanted to I could. I crawled out from underneath my bed and sat with him. He held me as I cried and we talked. It started with, is this how you really feel? How long have you been feeling this way? Would it make me happier to be a boy? I told him, It was about 6 when I realized didn’t want to be a girl, that I hated the long hair and dresses, and didn’t like my given name. We talked until it was time for me to go to bed. My dad tucked me in and stayed with me until I feel asleep. I must have been asleep no longer than a half an hour when I was woken up by yelling from downstairs. I could hear my mom yelling at my dad, saying I can’t just be a boy and that it’s just a phase. I remember hearing my dad tell her, so what if it is I have to figure out who I am and who I want to be? I just layed their crying while listening to the yelling and ended up crying myself asleep. 
The next day, things were tense, to say the least that I can remember. My grandma and grandpa talked to me after the very tense breakfast and asked if I wanted to go by something else. At that time, I didn’t know. They suggest names, even pulled out baby name books, and we looked through them. But I didn’t find a name that I liked so they were suggesting different names off the top of their head and I decide on Y/n after my mom’s brother, my uncle who is most definitely the funnest coolest person I have ever known. I remember the first time he came to visit after I came out and by then I had gotten my hair cut and a new wardrobe. I had told him that I was a boy and that my new name was Y/n. He was super chill about the absolute opposite of my mother, despite coming from the same background. And their one out he called me his mini me.
So fast forward to 99 I’m 10. My mom decide to get me nail polish and make up for my birthday. I was first upset, but that black nail polish called me and I painted them. They looked pretty good, and it made me feel masculine. After I was done with my nails and they were tried and I went downstairs to show my grandma and grandpa. They were in the living room and so was my mom. I show them and my mother butted in by asking if I was finally done with this phase and finally being a girl. I was so upset. I just ran out of the house. I ran into the woods and climbed a top of tree. I was close enough to the house that I could hear my grandparents and mother getting into a screaming match. They yelled at her for 30 minutes, then they came out to find me, but I stayed silent while I cried and they didn’t find me. They looked for another half an hour for me before my father came home from his hunt he left on a couple day prior. They rushed to meet him in the driveway and they told my father what had happened. 
And then there comes my mom came out of the house to yell about the whole thing again, saying that she wasn’t going to feed into the delusion and that I needed to start acting like a girl. Shit escalated and my dad yelled that he wanted a divorce and to get the fuck out of the house by morning. Then when things died down, my dad came and found me and I climbed down from the tree and he tried to comfort me. But i just kept crying and eventually I tired myself out and fell asleep. He carried me in and I woke up in my bed the next morning hearing loud crying coming from my mom. She tried to guilt trip and have my dad take her back. But it failed and eventually my uncle arrived and got my mom and her stuff and then she wasn’t in my life. Which in all this my uncle stood beside us, but he did help my mom because of the whole family thing. Anyway, my mom wasn’t completely out of my life. She would leave letters in the mailbox condemning me every couple of weeks.
So then fast forward to when I was 14. I was home alone. When I heard a car pull up. I went downstairs and opened the door and here comes my mom and her boyfriend. I knew something was wrong and quickly closed and locked the door. They started banging on the door and my mom was yelling how she could fix and that I didn’t have to pretend anymore. I called the police and hid in my closet. Listening to the banging. After a couple minutes, I hear two cruisers pull, then a commotion. Then eventually the commotion was over and I heard my name called out by the cop saying it was safe. I realized it was my friends Chris’ dad, John.
I got out of hiding and went downstair and the front door was totaled. It was on the verge of breaking. So I go outside they got my mom and her boyfriend in separate cruiser. John and the other officer, Charlie, made sure I was ok. They got another cop to come out and take my mom from John’s cruiser so John could stay with me. He did, and eventually my dad and grandparents showed up. We pressed charges, they both ended up getting 4 years. And that is the last thing I know about the whereabout of my mom. After that whole situation, my dad and grandpa taught me self defiance, which turned into teaching me how to hunt. 
Then when I was about 18, my grandparents go into a pile up caused by a drunk driver and died. It was really tough around then and I threw myself into my shitty waiter job at the local diner. Made decent money and got good tips. With the saved money, I got myself a car with my dad’s help and started traveling, doing hunts. Stayed in contact with dad through this time and still do. He ended up getting close to John after his wife divorced him and they fell for each other. They got married last year, which I attended their wedding, then I took a break from hunting. Then a couple of months ago I started back up my. band, that’s when I met you guys and here we are.”
“Damn sorry about the whole transphobic mom and grandparents thing.” Sam says.
“Eh, I got over it.”
“Pretty hard stuff to get over,” Dean adds in.
“Yeah, I went to a lot of therapy to get myself to this point.”
“Glad it went well for you. Therapists can be tricky. Some help and some don’t.” Sam said.
“I got paired with a pretty good one. Anyway, don’t mean to switch topics, but how does food sound to you guys because all that talking got me hungry?”
“Yes, I love the way you think.” Dean says.
“There’s a diner just down the road we can go there.” Sam says.
“Sounds good to me.”
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The Broken Fan - Chapter 1
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Pairings: Jensen Ackles & Reader (Read as first person!)
Series Summary: Always a nobody, always invisible, will this convention change things?
Chapter Summary: Growing up was never easy for me, but finally I may have found some light in my very dark world.
Warnings: Mentions of death, parents death, mentions of abuse, homelessness, anxiety, ect
Series Masterlist here! Main masterlist here!
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Do you ever feel like if you disappeared today, nobody would notice? The world wouldn't stop, your disappearance wouldn't be plastered on milk cartons or across news channels, nobody would even know or care. That was my life. Nobody knew me, or cared for me. Nobody noticed me, not really. I was a ghost, an invisible presence left alone, all alone.
My parents died when I was a baby, I was too young to remember who they were or what happened really. I know what my Aunt told me, they wanted a night to themselves, so she babysat me. Around 4 in the morning she received a phone call saying that they passed away, asleep in their beds when the fire took their lives.
I don't even remember having parents, I have photographs of us together, but their faces are unknown to me. I didn't know them, I didn't get the chance.
After the fire, I stayed with my Aunt. Things were weird there. She'd look at me with such heartbreak and disgust and I had no idea why. I was just a kid, what did I do?
But I must have done something wrong, because when I turned 6 she told me she couldn't take care of me anymore, and the next morning two kind people packed me in their car and drove me away. I never saw my Aunt again.
My first foster home was alright, I was happy for a little bit. There were a lot of kids in the house, various ages, both sexes. I didn't like the kids too much. They were loud and annoying, and hyper. They always wanted to play stupid games like hide and seek, or tag. I didn't want to play dumb games, I wanted something real. I wanted to connect, to have somebody next to me.
And eventually, I did.
Henry, my foster dad, was always there for me. He actually cared about me, noticed me, heard me. He would spend hours at night reading me fairy tales until I fell asleep, and during the day he'd teach me things like how to ride a bike or read.
I had an actual connection with him, he was the closest thing to a father I ever had, and I loved him more than anybody. I thought I finally had somebody permeant in my life, but I was wrong.
My foster mom Sandy didn't like me. She hated the fact that her husband had his attention on me, and she thought it was strange for a six year old to bond with an older man rather than the children all around me. She said it wasn't healthy.
So he was taken away from me. After many tears shed and heartbreaking hugs, I said goodbye to the only person who's ever seen me for me, and moved to a new foster home.
The new home was horrible. The parents weren't friendly, and I was the only child in their care. I was forced to follow their schedule which consisted of three boring things, every day.
Cleaning, school, homework, food, bed. No reading fairy tales, no riding my bike, no playing with toys.
I hated it there. I felt so alone, so invisible. So I left. I ran away thinking I'd be better off somewhere else. But as a 7 year old girl, I didn't get very far and as soon as I returned, things got bad.
At first, it was the belt. My foster dad would smack my arms hard, than my legs, sometimes my face if I was a bad enough kid. If I cried or continued to disobey, the belt was replaced with his palms. This happened for years, non stop torture.
I didn't stop trying to run away, every few months I'd take off, praying that nobody would find me, they'd leave me alone but everytime I was brought back and beaten worse.
Finally, the parent's gave up on me and I went to another home. But I was so angry, so filled with anxiety and rage that I drove away anybody who could possibly care for me.
By the time I was 18, I had been in 13 Foster homes. My last one wasn't too bad, but I didn't talk, I barely ate, I didn't connect. I didn't want another Henry situation. I didn't want to care about others because I knew they'd leave me.
And I was right.
On my 18th Birthday, my present was a knock at my door from my parents telling me I've aged out and I need to leave. I received a check to get me started, a bag of food, and a cell phone, than I was left alone.
The money wasn't much, definetly not enough to get an apartment so I decided to get a car instead. I ended up using all my money to buy a crappy little Honda Civic and I've called it my home ever since.
Sleeping in my car wasn't half bad, I had my own space, I didn't need to listen to anybody or share it with anybody, it was all mine.
One night I parked beside a motel that had free Wifi, and I was bored so I decided to find something to watch, I never really watched TV or movies, but tonight I wanted to.
The first show I found was something called Supernatural, and for some reason I felt a connection, like something was telling me to watch it.
God, am I happy that I did.
The show felt like home, it gave me something to look forward to, something to provide me comfort on the hardest of days. I felt connected, like I knew the characters and I was living their life.
And one of the characters, Dean.. He awoke something inside of me that I never knew was there. He made me feel like I wasn't crazy, that life was hard but I needed to keep going.
The more I watched, the more I started to feel like I belonged somewhere. The show pulled me out of the darkness slowly, convincing me that life was better if I was here to live it. It gave me hope. It allowed me to breathe again.
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Today is my 25th birthday, and I was celebrating like I always did, drinking beer in my car and listening to music while mindlessly scrolling through a page for Supernatural fans.
I froze when I glanced about an article about Supernatural's newest convention, which happened to be a few hours from where I lived. Normally, I wouldn't think twice about going, people like me don't go to shows or events like this, but I needed this. I really needed it.
I checked my bank account and nearly leaped with joy when I realized I had enough for a ticket, living in my car finally payed off.
Without hesitation, I bought a ticket for the convention and for the first time, I felt excited. I felt hope beaming inside of me. I could finally be surrounded with people with similar interests, and feel normal for once. Hopefully.
The next morning, I walked into the office building I worked at, and made my boss Brad a coffee, like he always expected. Knocking on his door, I took a deep breath before entering, walking towards his marble desk and placing the coffee on the table.
He nodded before taking the cup in his hand and sipping it, like he always did. His eyes flickered up towards me when he noticed I haven't left yet.
"Do you need something?" He asked.
I swallowed hard and stepped closer to the desk, "I just wanted to ask you something if you had a moment."
He nodded for me to go on and I shook off the anxiety nearly suffocating me. Confidence, I need to have confidence.
"I was wondering if I could take a week off starting Friday evening, there's somewhere I need to go out of town."
He stared back at me, the silence was suffocating, the tension high. He shook his head and looked back down to the papers scattered across his desk.
"No, sorry that won't work."
It felt like a punch to my gut, I haven't taken one day off, I constantly worked overtime, I did everything and anything for this ass, and I can't take some time off?
I swallowed down the nerves and sat in the chair in front of his desk, noting the way he stared at me confused. "Sir, all due respect I have been working non stop for the past 7 months and I have never asked for a day off, I've never taken a sick day and I always have my work done, all I need is-"
Before I could finish my sentence, his hand was raised, eyes locked on mine. "I said no Y/N, is that all?"
I could feel tears welling in my eyes as I stood from my spot, making my way towards the door. Anger was bubbling through my system and I felt like I couldn't breath.
I turned quickly and sighed, "Actually, there's one more thing."
He scoffed and looked up towards me, awaiting my response. I swallowed hard and frowned, "I am not going to be back tomorrow, I quit."
His mouth dropped open and he stared back in shock, but I didn't stay long to hear whatever response he was going to throw at me. I rushed as fast as I could out of the building back to my car. I slammed the door as the tears rushed down my face.
What did I do? Why did I quit my job for a convention? What the hell was so special about this damn show.
I finally let go of all the feelings I was holding onto, bursting into sobs of pain and frustration. Life was harsh and unforgiving, every moment of hope was washed away.
The only thing I had left was the convention, and even than I was clearly going to be the outcast, the weird girl who looks like she's never showered or slept a day in her life.
Maybe it would be okay. Maybe things would be different here, the fans seem nice enough online, why wouldn't they be in person?
And if Dean Winchester was still inside Jensen, I knew he wouldn't look at me like I was garbage, if he ever even noticed me.
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Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Chapter 2 coming soon stay tuned!
Like, comment, and reblog, feedback is my fuel 💕
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Sweet Child o’ Mine
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Word count: 1,066 Request: Anonymous. Do you think you could write a fic about Dean being a protective dad? Possible with him singing sweet child of mine by guns and roses to her at one point?
Read on AO3
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Dean sighed as he watched his baby girl go off to her first day of high school. He hated it. When the hell did his little blue eyed angel in pigtails grow up to mascara and braces? You walked up behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist. “She’ll be fine, Dean.” You assured him. “And it’s not the last time that we’ll be watching one of our kids go off to high school.”
Groaning, he turned and hugged you. “Can we just lock them up? Until they’re like…30?” He kissed the top of your head. “Seriously? How did we get 4 girls? 4. We couldn’t get one boy?”
You laughed and patted his chest. “Yeah, because having a teenage you running around is exactly what we need.”
“You do have a point.”
“Come on. You aren’t standing at the door all day.”
“Can I follow her to school?” He asked, and when you gave him a look he gave in and followed you to the living room.
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“Come on, dad!” You heard your eldest daughter yell as soon as you walked in the front door.
“I SAID NO!” And with that, you knew you were walking into a warzone.
Following the sounds of yelling, you walked in between them and held up your hands. “Sit. Both of you. Now.” They stared at each other and you sighed. “NOW.” You said firmly. Dean sat in a chair, and she sat on the couch. “You, speak.” You pointed to your daughter.
“I was asked on a date.” She told you. Dean growled and you rolled your eyes. “He’s really nice, his dad’s a cop.” She added.
Dean shook his head. “You think that’s comforting? You’re 16. You’re not going on a date.”
Turning to look at Dean, you put your hands on your hips, and he knew he wasn’t winning this. “How old was I when we started dating?”
“15.” He muttered.
“And how old were you?”
You turned to your daughter. “How old is this boy?”
“17.” She said, hopeful.
“Alright. Here’s what will happen.” You started. “You can go out with him, but we have to meet him first. No movies. There’s no point going on a date in a movie theater.” Dean chuckled and you shot him a look. “You will be home by your normal curfew. If not, I’ll let your father deal with it.” She stared at you, knowing how protective her father was.
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Hearing the front door open, you went to see who it was, but before you could, there were footsteps on the stairs. You had no idea what was going on, so you followed the sounds of crying once you reached the top of the stairs. It was coming from your oldest daughter’s room.
You knew when she was upset she wanted one person, and one person only- Dean. Thankfully, he would be home in about twenty minutes, and he’d be able to comfort her over whatever happened.
Focusing on prepping dinner that night, you half listened for Dean to walk through the front door. When he finally did, you went over to him. “I don’t know what happened, but she came home, stormed upstairs, and is crying.” She didn’t have to say who ‘she’ was for him to know.
“Alright. Let me get my guitar and I’ll go see her.” He kissed you quickly before slipping off his jacket, hanging it up, and moving to the living room to grab his guitar.
You smiled softly as he rushed upstairs to her room. He knocked a few times before cracking the door. When she saw who it was, she ran over and hugged him close.
He rubbed her back gently. “What happened?” He asked quietly.
Sniffing, she wiped her cheek with her hoodie sleeve. “Today was our 6 months. I was excited, and he breaks up with me right after school.” She cried.
“He’s an idiot.” He sighed. “Come on, sit down.” Dean motioned to her bed, turning her desk chair around for himself. “You still got Libby?”
She smiled softly through the tears. “Yeah.”
He grinned. “Amuse your old, lame, totally overprotective father and get her out?”
Getting up, she moved to her closet and pulled out her guitar case. “You’re not lame, Daddy. You and Uncle Sam are the only two guys that are a-okay in my book.”
He laughed and waited to let her set herself up. “Like old times, sweet heart?”
“Like old times, Daddy-O.”
Dean’s face lit up, she hasn’t called him that since she stopped playing guitar. He started the song, her joining moments later. His voice came out first. Smooth, and calming.
She’s got a smile that it seems to me Reminds me of childhood memories Where everything Was as fresh as the bright blue sky
Next, she sang her part, his heart skipping a beat. His little girl has one hell of a voice.
Now and then when I see her face She takes me away to that special place And if I stared too long I’d probably break down and cry
Their voices mixed, being heard throughout the house as they sang together.
Sweet child o’ mine Sweet love of mine
Dean knew that she was hurting, but for this moment, while they sang, she was her old self. Full of life, love, and hope. It would take her a bit to get over her first real boyfriend, and he’d sing himself raw to keep that look on her face.
She’s got eyes of the bluest skies As if they thought of rain I’d hate to look into those eyes And see an ounce of pain
You stood in the doorway, watching them play together. You teared  up at how she seemed to lose herself in the lyrics.
Her hair reminds me of a warm safe place Where as a child I’d hide And pray for the thunder and the rain To quietly pass me by
They finished up the song together.
Sweet child o’ mine Sweet love of mine
Where do we go? Where do we go now? Where do we go? Sweet child o’ mine She smiled at him. “Thanks, Daddy. How about some Van Halen?”
“Atta girl.” Dean agreed before glancing at you. “Hope dinner won’t be done soon, sweetheart.”
You shook your head. “You two go out for pizza whenever you’re done.”
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officialrtg · 1 year
Death in the Family (Elemental)
Elemental City General Hospital, 6:00 PM, Room 112
The room was all quiet, there was only one occupant in the room, but was in a painful sleep.
Dewey laid in his bed, the tumour had grown over the last two months which had caused most of his organs to shut down, even opening his eyes to look around was a painful experience.
Hundreds of things were in his arms to keep check of his pulse and what was still working in his body.
While out for the most of the time, he could hear the outside world with family visits and final goodbyes from friends. It became heartbreaking over the last two months with hearing Brook’s hope for him to recover, dwindle to the point where she silently crying every time.
He kept a tally of who visited him, who wasn’t Dr Coral, over the last two months he was in ICU.
Brook: 82 times (Twice Every Day) Brie: 71 times Jerry II: 70 times Lake: 67 times Harold: 66 times Alan: 65 times Wade: 56 times Eddy: 20 times Liv: 1 time #1: 1 time #2: 1 time
The light above him was growing slightly as he heard the door to his room open to a multitude of people.
“Hey Dewey bear.” Brook’s voice sounded as she walked to his side, he then felt his bed shift.
He breathed deeply as he painfully opened his eyes that hadn’t been opened in over a week to see his entire family and his mother along with Jerry II.
“Ha-Harold.” He asked for Harold who he could see through his blurry vision.
Harold leans forward to see the charcoal and bright yellow eyes of Dewey to listen to what he had to say.
“I want you to protect my wife from now on. You care for your sister a lot but if anything happens, I will find you.” He says, recounting the warning that Harold gave him all those years ago.
“Dewey. I will.” Harold says with slight sadness
Dewey then looks towards Brook who’s tears were already flowing out of her but she was keeping her cries at bay.
He blinks momentarily and she looks to see the eyes had reverted back to the beautiful baby blue that she first fell in love with all those years ago.
“Oh, Dewey!” She whispers, her cries slightly creeping out, but she was so happy to see his pure eyes that reminded her of the last 31 years of her life with him.
She was comforted by her children with all three hugging with love. Alan stepped forward to talk to his dad for the final time.
“How are you doing?” Alan asked.
“Feeling better.” His dry voice evident
“Take care of your mother for me, please.” He said as his voice grew shallower and shallower, his hand reaching out for Alan which Alan held, the tears streaming down his cheeks as Eddy went to comfort him.
“Dad… Please don’t leave.” Alan pleaded with him
Dewey’s breathing got quieter and quieter, he looked up at his shiny crystal of his life, the two shared eye contact.
His final act was to smile at Brook before he straightened out and then he sighed, his body became very relaxed as he passed on.
The final thing he felt was a kiss from Brook on his forehead and Alan’s hand before it slipped out of his son's grasp.
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bingwriterxo · 1 year
was typing on my typewriter earlier in the day and a thought came to mind. What if reader’s father had a typewriter. A very vintage 1920’s typewriter. And reader loved this typewriter. Her little seven year old self would love writing Shakespeare quotes on it and just using her imagination. I imagine one day maybe Eddie when he was just tottering accidentally ruined it by sticking his baby toys in the gears. Poor baby reader cried for days and weeks. Her father tried getting it repaired, going to every store and every mechanic in the New York radius. So he buys reader another typewriter. But reader never forgot that first typewriter where she felt like Shakespeare with his quil.
years pass and maybe for a birthday or an anniversary or just a simple 6 months together let’s celebrate Tara has been pulling her hair out with ideas for a gift for reader. She ends up hearing about readers story with the type writer after readers mother comes in and sees readers maroon typewriter. “Some things never change! Have you heard of the typewriter story Tara?”
“the typewriter story?” Tara asks.
“oh yes! It was the cutest thing!”
reader: it wasn’t cute at the time mom
“of course not dear! Well our dear y/n loved, and I mean loved with her whole heart this black typewriter her dad had. Used it day and night, you can’t imagine how king it took me to get her out of the library. It was a week after Eddie and Nate learned how to crawl and well Eddie being the more adventurous boy somehow managed to pry his toys in the gears and well…you can just imagine her little face.”
After dinner is done and Tara is helping up in the kitchen she takes readers mother aside and asks “what model was it? The typewriter?” Of course readers mom gives it to her. She searches for months. Calling every vintage store in New York, surfacing the internet. Nothing comes to fruitions. Except one day Tara’s strolling on readers apartment street and she sees a family moving, moving van and boxes. She nearly stops in her tracks when sees the same exact typewriter sitting in one of the boxes labeled ‘grandpas typewriter’. She ends up making a good enough deal on the typewriter (on her own). It’s dinged up a bit, withered with age but thanks to readers father gets it looking brand new. Tara being Tara sets it down in the old spot where readers typewriter was. Reader comes in, “babe have you seen my journal?” “maybe you left it on your desk”.
Reader nearly cried when she sees the typewriter. She barrels into Tara, thanking her and crying a little. It’s the thought that counts.-🇬🇧
“was typing on my typewriter earlier” they say casually, like everyone has a typewriter
anyway this is so fucking adorable, but ofc it would be eddie that ruined the typewriter smh
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anonymouselephant · 5 months
May 2000
May 2000
My brother’s accident; 
This is my first actual memory. I was the youngest of all of my siblings. At this point I was only 5 years old. Dakota was 12, Jack was 11 and my sister Willow was 6 years old. My brothers and I were riding bikes at my grandparents house. My brothers were at the age they were little assholes. Not listening to my grandmother or grandfather. The little shits had started multiple forest fires by this time. 
The boys were riding their bikes in the road. They were crossing the road over and over again. I remember that I wanted to do it too but they wouldn’t let me. I was so angry that they wouldn’t let me ride with them, and they were both chewing bubble gum. You know, the big square pieces that were too much to chew on and the flavor wouldn’t last and you’d have to spit it out after a few minutes. I asked Dakota if I could have a piece of his gum and he said no. He spit a piece of gum on the ground and told me I could have that piece. So me being the little dumb shit I was took his piece of gum off the ground and I ran inside to rinse the dirt off it so I could have it. I rinsed the dirt off (most of it) and put it in my mouth. I remember chewing on pieces of dirt, but I dealt with it because I wanted to be cool with bubba bubble gum while I rode my bike up and down the driveway. 
I came back outside and the boys were at the bottom of the driveway. So I rode my bike down there and they told me I couldn’t hang with them because I was too little. I was so angry. I could feel my face getting hot. I was going to head inside the house to tell my grandparents that Jack and Dakota were being mean to me. As I headed up the driveway to be a fucking tattle tale, I remember I heard a really loud noise. Back then I didn’t know what it was, but it was the sound of a car hitting my older brother. I remember turning around and all I saw was a car in the road at the bottom of the driveway. Everything felt like it was in slow motion. Jack was running up the driveway crying, he ran faster than I could go on the bike. I dropped the bike and I ran after him. He ran inside to tell my grandparents that Dakota was run over by a car. I remember hearing him say that, but I didn’t fully understand what was going on. My grandmother was frantic, My grandfather ran out the door. My grandmother stayed in the house and called 911. 
There was so much going on that day that a lot of it is a blur. I wanted to go outside to see what was going on but my grandmother wouldn’t allow me too. It seemed like hours. Which it was, my brother was trapped under the vehicle for almost five hours. Finally, once they got the car off my brother Lifeflight Helicopter landed in my grandparents field, I wanted to go outside so badly to see what was going on but my grandmothers told me not to. 
My grandparents went outside to make sure everything was ok, I was sick and tired of waiting inside. I went down the porch steps and when I did I tripped and fell and scraped my back on the hand rail. I remember feeling paralyzed, I cried so hard for so long. I just sat on the steps and cried. My grandmother finally came around the house after the helicopter left and picked me up and carried me into the house. I remember she just sat down on her rocking chair and held me for house as I cried. I just wanted my daddy. 
My brother spent six months in the hospital. He spent six weeks in a coma. The cars oil pan had leaked onto my bothers stomach and caused his skin to burn. His organs were hanging out of his stomach. He had third degree burns all over his body. My dad still cries to this day when he talks about my brother screaming out in pain and asking for my dad while he was pinned under the car. 
We spent July 4th at the hospital, Dakota's birthday at the hospital and many more days with him. Once he got out of the hospital he had A LOT of therapy to do. My mom visited with Dakota while he was in the hospital. There was talk about how she only wanted to see him because she knew he was getting settlement money eventually. I never understood what that meant, and I was left wondering why Dakota was getting money. What I didn’t know then was that the man who hit Dakota while he was riding his bike was driving under the influence. My dad got ahold of some hot shot lawyer who’s specialty was automobile accidents. He won the court case for Dakota, and Dakota was promised a lot of money as compensation for the whole ordeal. He got some money when he was 18 and he was supposed to get more money later on in his lifetime but he couldn’t wait and got the money early and as a result he got penalized and didn’t get the full amount.
ANYONE who is a child of divorce knows at least one of the children is going to play both sides, and try to get one parent to hate the other. Unfortunately that was Dakota. I remember hearing him tell my dad that my mom was only there because she wanted his money. He told my dad that she said to him “We can run away together, and spend your money the way you want.” Of course that is any Childs dream. Dakota heard that he was getting money and that’s all he could think about was how he was going to spend it. 
I remember my mom being around when Dakota was in the hospital, but my dad had a girlfriend named Diane that I called my mom. If there’s one thing I do remember about that time was that Diane was there and she was always there.
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babykentthegent · 11 months
Second Month of Boo Boo Bear
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How Kent is already two month’s old is beyond me. He’s doubled his weight since birth and has evolved so much over the last month. When he was 7 weeks old he started social smiling and also discovered his penis for the first time, haha! Most impressive, however, is his ability to hold his head up and turn left and right with ease. That tummy time is sure paying off. Admittedly, Rob has been more strict about it than I have (I’ve got my ADHD brain to thank for that), but I’m so glad he’s been diligent. Almost daily Kent will make a sound or a coo that is new and different from anything we’ve heard before. Then there’s his sleeping. He’s sleeping 6-9 hours through the night which is a miracle! Dad reads him The Hobbit before bed and when I put him down I’ll either play, sing, or hum Studio Ghibli music. He also loves to be read to from his collection of children’s books. 
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He spent his fourth of July at the house listening to our neighbors fireworks blasting in the background. His Opa was kind enough to gift him some outfits for the occasion. His hair is growing exponentially and he’s slowly filling in his old man baldness. He was born with a lengthy mohawk on top and a mullet in the back, but it’s filling in nicely. Just like the first month of his life he only cries when he needs something. We know when he’s hungry because he starts chewing on his hands. The first time he gripped a toy I was beside myself. You never think these things are a big deal until you’re a parent...then suddenly it feels like humans just landed on the moon for the first time. Watching him grow and discover things has brought us so much joy. 
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Tomorrow is Kent’s 2-month doctor visit where he’ll be finally getting his vaccines. We’ve been looking forward to this since it’ll mean he can be around more people and go out to places on occasion. I could never understand why new parents stayed home so much in the beginning. Apart from the vaccinations, it’s also exceptionally challenging to do most things. We wear him in a baby carrier or wrap as much as we can since he seems the happiest there. He’s reaching a stage where he really prefers to be held rather than to be put down. All the books say there is no such thing as “spoiling” your child before they’re four months old, so we’re not concerned just yet. 
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We are continuing to take daily family walks around the block with him and the dogs. Kent loves being outside, so long as he’s warm. The bumpier the ride the quicker it lulls him to sleep. The same goes for car rides - it sends him right to slumberland. Well, with the exception of when mama wants to go get a coffee and needs to order then he likes to cry but only for those 2 min of me talking. I swear he does it on purpose, haha! We sing to him a lot, usually to a tune of an existing song with our own made up lyrics. We also love to narrate what we’re doing and when he starts talking in baby talk we pretend we’re carrying a conversation. It’s quite entertaining for all involved. 
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He still crosses his legs as often as possible and still uses his fist to lean on. We’ve had to say goodbye to all of his newborn attire and now he’s wearing 0-3 month sizes and is just about ready to upgrade to diaper size 2. His legs and arms have turned into little marshmallows which I can’t help but squeeze on the daily.  It’s so special watching him grow and learn and develop. We can’t wait to see what the next month has in store for him. <3 
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Gotta a prompt of sorts for you... Something happens to Bobby ( accident or something).. How do the boys respond. Or maybe something bad happens to Carrie and the guys see Bobby falling to pieces. Saying stuff like everyone he loves leaves him..maybe he says he must be cursed to lose everyone he cares about. He should have insisted that Carrie's mom keep her so she would be safe from him. Stuff like that. Anyway just figured I would throw that out there. Good luck on getting to 100 stories. 🙂
Thanks for the prompt, I hope I did it justice!
This doesn't take place in a specific series of mine, it's just a vague post-canon. Angst warning.
Send me girl prompts! (I only need 6 more for the month)
Carrie doesn’t call 9-1-1, because it was ingrained into her at a young age that Wilsons don’t trust anyone they haven’t personally vetted in times of crisis, but the accident still requires her to make some phone calls.
First, to the family pilot, because Trevor does have to get to the hospital somehow, and the helicopter’s the fastest way to get him there. Then, to Trevor’s PR manager, to make sure the media doesn’t have a field day with this rare show of celebrity vulnerability. Then, to his lawyer, because the PR manager has about a 50/50 shot of succeeding at her job. 
A few years ago, Carrie could’ve taken care of all of that with one well-timed call to her dad’s expert assistant, but Katie’s been retired and living very comfortably in Australia ever since Trevor Wilson stopped making music. Carrie calls her anyway, leaves a voicemail. Katie deserves to hear it from her and not the gossip mags.
She calls Dr. Crystal, because as soon as her dad gets out of the hospital, she’s sure he’s going to want an appointment. 
And then, once she’s curled up in an armchair much more comfortable than any hospital room furniture should be, her dad sedated in the bed next to her, Carrie calls Julie.
“Hey, Care!” she picks up after only a few rings. “What’s up?”
Carrie takes a deep breath. She hasn’t cried— she’s not sure she’s going to— but there’s still a weird lump in her throat that makes it hard to say, “Julie, are your ghosts there?”
“Uh.” Julie pauses. She must be doing that soul-searching thing she does to locate her bandmates. “Luke’s here, but Alex and Reggie are at the beach. Why? Is something wrong?”
“My dad…” Another steadying breath. “He had an accident, or something, his heart… Anyway, we’re at Cedars-Sinai, he’s got a private room. He’ll be okay, I just—”
She cuts herself off with a strangled scream as Julie’s three ghost boys pop into the room. Two of them are in swim trunks. The bassist is covered in sand.
At least Luke has the decency to look embarrassed. “Hi, Carrie. Sorry, I— went to get the boys as soon as you said ‘accident.’ Is he—?”
“Shit, Bobby,” Alex murmurs, leaning over the hospital bed. “Carrie, what happened?”
“I don’t really know,” she admits. “He said his chest was hurting and then he just… collapsed. They’re doing tests.”
Reggie’s voice is choked and wet: “Is he gonna die?”
“He can’t,” Luke insists, and he sounds angrier than Carrie’s ever heard him, his eyes shiny with tears. His fists are clenched at his sides. “We’re not gonna let him.”
It’s weird. Carrie knew these boys of Julie’s were her dad’s friends back in the day, but it didn’t really hit her until now how much they still care about him.
“I’m glad you’re here,” she says, and then feels stupid for saying it.
But the boys just nod. Alex says, “Of course. There’s nowhere we’d rather be.” And they come over to sit next to her, hold her hand, and wait for her dad to wake up.
Taglist: @whenweremarried @sunsethimb0s @pink-flame @penguin0613 @fighttoshine @sunsetcurvecuddles @teenagedirtbag-dot-jpeg @brightattheorpheum @queenmolina @jandthephantoms @lexilucacia @sapphossidechick @acnhaddict @shrimp-colours @sunset-bobby @lenacarstairspotterstewart @conversationaltreestump @burntchromas @julieandthequeers @joyandthephantoms @it-tastes-like-lizard @jatpfs 
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persondoingstuff · 2 years
A father who doesn’t care what if: Maverick cared
So I’m sitting in my bed at 1:30 am and get this amazing idea of: what if Maverick was in Grace’s life, he was an actual father, and he got sent on a deployment and didn’t come back
Inspired by one line in Burning Pile by Mother Mother
Maverick never got mail. But here, in front of him was a letter addressed to him. No one sent him letters, he couldn’t think of a single person who would sent him a letter
With a face painted with confusion he opened the envelope and pulled out of folded piece of notebook paper. The writing looked a bit messy, like the person writing was in a hurry, or maybe tired?
But he read the letter, it would be rude if he didn’t.
‘Pete, you better remember me. We spent a few days together 9 months ago now, I’m pregnant and gave birth April 28 to a baby girl, who I named Grace. She’s your’s I’m sure of it. Be apart of your kids life, please. I live at the same house as when you were here.
With love, Avery’
Maverick sat frozen to his bunk for a while just reading the letter again and again. He remembered spending time with Avery after reading the letter. He couldn’t believe it. He was a dad, he had a kid, he helped bring life into this world. Goose would have been ecstatic for him.
After he dumbstruck for a short time he rushed to grab a paper and pen. He swiftly wrote a response saying how he would visit as soon as he was on land again in 6 weeks, he couldn’t wait to be with Avery, and he couldn’t wait to be a dad.
He sent the letter back hoping Avery would receive it soon. The next 6 weeks went by slower than Maverick would she liked. He kept thinking about parenthood, and how he would marry Avery. Even when he first met the woman he fell in love, that’s why it hurt so much to say bye.
Once Maverick reached land he rushed off to go see Avery. He drove with haste to start this new chapter of life. As he drew near to Avery’s home he started to feel fear creeping into his head.
When he was in front of her house he started getting thoughts of backing out, leaving. But he didn’t let himself, he got out of the car, walked up to the door, and rang the doorbell. He waiting for someone to answer the door. And when it finally opened he saw the woman he fell head over heals for with a small baby sleeping in her arms.
And that was the night that changed Pete Mitchell’s life forever.
Avery and Maverick started dating shortly after they reconnecting. It was hard being a dad and being a pilot but he wouldn’t trade it for the world. Seeing Grace’s face light up when he came home from deployment made everything worth it.
Seeing her first steps and hearing her first words was magical. He’ll deny it but he cried a little bit. Even if someone said they saw him he’d deny it until he died
When Grace started school she was nervous, like most kids, and she didn’t want to leave her parents. Maverick was there to talk her down, having experience in talking people through their nerves, and by the time Maverick was done talking she was now excited to go to school.
When Grace asked him to come to school for Fathers Day he was delighted. He came to school in his flight gear to try to impress everyone else in the classroom. Graces eyes lit up when he walked through the door, she rushed to give him a hug.
When Grace was ten she got new neighbors. Bradley Bradshaw and his mom Carole, turns out Maverick new her late husband. The two families quickly became close, the kids joint at the hip and practically lived at the other persons house.
They both had the same ambition to follow in their dad’s footsteps and become naval aviators. Grace never saw it but when he heard her say that it broke his heart a little bit.
He wanted to have a talk with Grace about his concerns with her choice of work. But he felt he had to prepare and rehearse what to say. But he never got to plan anything out because he got orders to go on a top secret mission.
It was dangerous, like, “might not come home if you weren’t super duper careful” kind of dangerous. He was given 2 weeks notice to say all his friends and family. He didn’t realize how difficult it would be to say goodbye to his 15 year old daughter.
Grace watched her father leave on a ship with one of her moms arm around her tightly, the other around Bradley.
The mission was 2 weeks long and Grace spent those 2 weeks as a ball of nerves. No matter what anyone said she was still anxious. She could hardly focus in school during those 2 weeks.
All her teachers knew about her situation as Grace had told them that her dad was deployed and might not come home. They all sympathized her and took it easy on her as they knew how hard it must be.
At the end of the 2 weeks Grace, Avery, and Bradley rushed to the dock to see Maverick come home. Grace could see it now, her father walking off the ship, her running into his arms, he would squeeze her right in his strong arms. It was so close she could almost smell the jet fuel and sweat in his shirt.
But her dream was crushed when a man in uniform came up to them and saluted to the small family. Grace would have collapsed if it wasn’t for the fact that she was frozen.
Instead of her dads arms around her it was her moms. It wasn’t her dads smell that she smelt, it was her moms floral perfume that she always wore when Maverick came home.
Grace wrapped her arms around her mom back and broke down, let the flood gates free.
“Sailed away and he never came back again”
Grace’s dream of being pilot only grew from there. She wanted to better than her dad, safer, made sure everyone came home, made sure she came home.
Grace became Bradley’s back seater as to always have his back.
Grace always flew with a picture of her dad. She knew how much he loved to be in a jet, flying in a way that’ll get him in trouble later. But Grace thought that if she had a picture of him she’d be taking his sprite to one of his favorite places.
Because he was a father who did cared
A/N: thank you so much everyone who’s liked this series. If anyone has any requests for this series I’d be happy to write those 😊. It only took me a month to finally finish this…. Anywho have a wonder rest of your day!
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commaclear · 2 years
And it wasn’t like he could ghost Wilbur, seeing as his son went to the school Quackity taught at. That would just make parent-teacher conferences incredibly awkward. okay but imagine: it's been several months since Wilbur lost custody and this DID happen, well Wilbur over the course of a couple weeks just stops trying and leaves one last message saying he's done and he's got the memo
because of all the paperwork needed to be done, Wilbur and sally are both called in about fundys behavior. quackity hadn't seen Wilbur in a while, he'd grown a more apparent stubble, and his eyebags,, whew with how pale he was it looked like he'd been socked in the face several times. quackity heard techno telling someone he should just go home down the hall a few minutes ago, he'd agree if he realized sooner who that person was. "This is your fault you know, " sally glared accusingly at Wilbur who sighed heavily, "you taught him all these bad traits" "he's been living at your house for almost 6 months and I have no contact how are you pinning this on me?!" Wilbur crossed his arms
"he was fine before you took him! he never disobeyed me or rolled his eyes after talking with my parents!" "wow, it's almost like you left him to go god knows where!"
"you were planning the same thing!"
"I didn't go through with it that's the difference!"
"Well, it doesn't matter if you did or didn't because he chose me!"
wilbur went silent, not sparing a glance at quackity. "I'm done with this meeting. I'll have a talk with fundy about his behavior. have a good night Mr. Hq." sally calmly got up from her seat and left the room, Wilbur stumbling as he followed her. quackity waited a few minutes before looking out the window to Wilbur talking to sally as she struggles to open her car. quackity quickly gets up to see what is going on. "-please Sally! just a phone call! you can even listen to what we're saying I just- I need to hear him please!" "no Wilbur!" sally gritted out as her key got stuck
"I need him to know I still care about him, sally I'm sorry just one phone call! or a video of him telling me he's okay" "he doesn't want to talk to you Wilbur!"
"at least ask him if he does! he's not heartless sally. ill do anything ple-" quackitys eyes widened as Wilbur was cut off by a loud slap, turning his head abruptly. sally let out a heavy breath and finally got her key to open her car. "Just stop Wilbur, this is embarrassing and sad. you lost and you have to live with that."
wilbur looked down at the pavement, "okay." he replied softly. neither he nor sally looked at each other as she drove away, Wilbur keeping his eyes to the ground as he walked to his car. "Wilbur!" quackity ran to him, "Wilbur wait, come inside, we keep ice packs in" "I'm fine, thank you." Wilbur interrupted, scratching his cheek that was getting very pink "wil-" "don't-" he sighed, "I'm fine quackity, really. please, just let me go home." "Wilbur if you need to talk to someone I'm here, I'm done with my work we can go to the bar." "quackity." Wilbur looked him in the eye for the first time that night, " I just. want. to. go. home. I want to go home! I want to be alone! and forget all this! sally! you! I'm done! leave me alone!"
quackity doesn't remember the last time he's heard Wilbur have an outburst like that but something instinctual made him move back. to that Wilbur's anger quickly left his body, replacing it with concern. "I'm... gonna head home," Wilbur opened his car, "Goodnight quackity." "goodnight Wilbur."
Wilbur waited till he got home, wrapped in the only comfort he had left: his bed. He cried quietly, not wanting to wake up his dad. he curled up with a small ice pack cushioning his cheek. it was about 4 or 5 hours of staring at the ceiling and/ or crying until he actually fell asleep.
*bestows upon you a shark tooth necklace I found in a taco bell*
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forestryfae · 1 year
anyways fuck dad for telling me he thinks my brother and i are too harsh with eachother and i need to be the bigger person and be nicer. “maybe its hard for him to respond to your text” he liteally sends me textsthat say “can i borrow x amount” then doesnt say thanks or please, he had the audacity to ask me for 1500 extra on top and was only gonna pay me back the 1500 he owed me from before, not the 3000 he would owe me. every time we talk and i say something he has to fucking cross examine me, judges me, picks it apart, brings up past issues or imagined issues or shit im working on, just repeats hit moms said or forces his narrative. i shouldnt go to school again because HE found it hard and dropped out because of the schoolwork. i dropped out because my ocd was starving me and i spent 15-45 minutes JUST on washing my hands and eventually got too sick to leave the apartment i was shoved in after i got worse. that is NOT the same thing. but yeah. sure. my brother didnt clean up aftr himself or do chores and if dad asked he could just say no or i dont want to, so dad turned around and asked me instead then yelled at me when i said no because it wasnt my mess and it was unfair i had to do everything when they did nothing. same vibes. brother is being rude and kind of cruel if im being honest, dad doesnt even try to fix it or point it out or defend me when hes sitting there with us, and sometimes makes it worse by further riling me up by pointing out everything i cant do or struggle with and being unsupportive, but i have to be nicer and kinder and more accomodating so its easier for everyone else. and somehow IM the only one he talks to about it and im the only one who has to do something because god forbid he discipline his spoiled, selfcentered, rude child who fucking cries and refuses to listen at the tiniest fucking percieved provocation or the tiniest scolding because he cant handle the world not revolving around him. its fucking unfair. i shoudlnt have to hold my rage and anger inside me all the time so other people dont get rightfully uncomfortable. its been 6 fucking months since he borrowed money. he paid me back 1k 5 months ago. then said he cant pay more than 500 every time he gets paid. just INFORMED me that he had to do it that way, DIDNT ASK if it was okay, borrowed more money later, then tried to borrow more money and promised to pay back what he already owed me from before but not the new 1500, then was rude and short with me when i got mad at him and pointed out he owed me that much. havent fucking heard from him since despite the fact that dad gave him a lower rent for december. and the majority of times when hes texted or contacted me first was to ask to borrow money or traumadump. i think, at this point, rage and anger are the only appropriate reponses. its fuckin ridicilous. its disrespectful. its offensive. what the fuck. ive been pretty fucking lenient and ive been pretty fucking nice. i am NOT being unreasonably harsh by reminding him with ONE passive aggressive text that he owes me money. i have bills to pay and groceries i need to buy. 1500 is either a lot of gorceries at once or two-three grocery trips depending on what i buy. its a whole power bill or two thirds of insurance. its not an insignificant amount.
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f10werfae · 3 years
Chris Evans Dad Scenarios #1
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Pairing : Chris Evans x Female! Reader
- Fluff
Summary: Adventures of Chris taking on the role of a father, with Y/n by his side
Word count: 966
Requests are open!
Likes, Re-blogs and Comments are appreciated♥️
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When you lose sleep over your newborn 👶
(Y/n’s P.O.V)
My ears were ringing as Noah had woken up for the fifth time tonight, and it was only 3am. I mean I was always warned about how much sleep I would lose with a newborn baby, but nothing would prepare me for this.
I took a huff, about to get up for the third time tonight, until I felt Chris get up before me.
“It’s ok babe, I got this, you catch up on some sleep. I know how tired you are” He said half asleep kissing my forehead, putting on his slippers, slipping away to our baby's nursery. Slowly feeling the sleep pulling at my eyes.
(Chris' P.O.V)
I watched Y/n fall asleep, her long eyelashes touching her cheeks. God I am so in love with her.
I walked out into the hallway, heading towards Noah's nursery hearing his cries start to die down.
“What’s got you up little man? Your momma needs sleep you know?” I said teasingly picking him up, his cries now subsided to whimpers as his tiny hand fisted my shirt. His head laying on my chest, as I shushed him padding around his room.
Y/n and I had decorated his room into Andy's room from Toy Story, with both of us loving Disney so much, it only made sense.
“bwuhbwhwh” Noah whimpered, his arms starting to thrash around, his mouth clearly trying to find a nipple.
“Sorry bud, dads got no milk in there for ya. But I do think your gorgeous mum pumped some for you before bed” I said chuckling pulling him away from my chest to hold him in front of me, before putting him back against me with his head overlooking my shoulder.
Walking down the stairs, I brought us into the kitchen holding him in my left arm as I got the milk before heating it up. Once it was done, setting Noah down into his seat, I sprayed a bit of milk onto my wrist checking the temperature before picking Noah up again.
Noah wasn’t able to fully support his head yet, so here I was holding the bottle for him, watching as his eyes curiously looked around my face while his tiny hands played with my fingers clasped around the bottle.
“Got me wrapped around your finger little man, both you and your momma that is. Don’t tell her that though, can’t have her knowing I can’t say no to either of you. I love you both so much” I cooed kissing his head, feeling his thin but growing hair.
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Stepfather! Chris bonds with Y/n's kids
(Y/n's P.O.V)
I held my three year old daughter Lucy's hand as we walked towards Chris' house. Today was the first day they’d ever be meeting each other since Chris and I had started seeing each other 6 months ago; to be honest I was shitting bricks.
Lucy's father was a deadbeat who ran away when he found out I was pregnant after a stupid one night stand when I was 22, but at least I had my angel with me. I wouldn’t trade her for the world.
Chris despite having no kids, was so excited to meet Lucy, constantly asking about her and especially interested at her progress in kindergarten. I made myself smile at that thought.
“Ok Lucy, do you want to knock the door?” I asked her, watching as her tiny hand slapped the door twice. Dodger's barking filled our ears, listening as we heard Chris tell him to calm down and not to scare off Lucy.
The door opened, revealing Chris in a white tank top and grey sweatpants, the widest smile on his face as he looked at me then Lucy.
Bending down to Lucy’s height,
“Lucy say hi to Chris, and this is his dog dodger” I said holding her hand out to pet dodger who stood between Chris' legs.
Before Chris also bent down to Lucy's level, “Hey there Lucy, i’ve heard so much about you from your mom, do you want to come inside?” Chris said asking, his hands on his knees.
Lucy nodded, but did the unexpected, she held out her hand ushering for Chris to hold it. My heart warmed, seeing Chris look at me with widened eyes taking a hold of Lucy's hand and leading her into the house.
I followed behind them, with Chris leading her towards the living room. Lucy's favourite cartoons I had told him about were already set up on the TV. I chuckled lightly watching Lucy try to climb up onto the higher couch, before Chris had to lift her up.
Walking over I sat beside Chris, feeling one of his arms wrap around me, while his other hand was around Lucy. Surprisingly Lucy seemed to be adjusting to Chris' presence well.
I know this because, not even ten minutes later she had crawled her way into his lap. Making herself comfortable, sitting in between his legs while laying back against his chest. Chris looked at me, his eyes tearing up.
“Babe are you okay?” I said laughing, brushing away the stray tears.
“Yeah, I just, love her so much already. She’s like a mini you” He said kissing me softly grabbing my hand and holding it on his lap.
“mHmm” We heard making us pulling away, Lucy had started whimpering.
“What’s wrong Luce?” I said looking at her, without getting a reply she just pulled Chris and I's hands apart, then slotting her hand in with Chris' making me burst out in laughter.
Chris followed playing along with Lucy's games pushing me away from them both.
“He’s my daddy mommy, not yours” Lucy said, instantly catching Chris and I's attention, but in the best way possible.
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heisenberg-simp257 · 2 years
#92_#93_#95 please 😻
Of course!❤ Love the idea of dad Heisenberg, hope I capture this well!
A Good Father
Heisenberg tends to his daughter, and turns out to be a better father than he thought.
#92 “I’ll get him/her, you go back to sleep.”
#93 “Being a parent is hard.”
#95 “It’s your kid, too!”
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For Heisenberg, killing Miranda has been his number one goal. He’s spent countless years, months, and days working towards that goal. Nothing could change that and nothing could get in his way.
Then you came around, and turned his whole life upside down.
Not only did you cultivate the wasteland of his heart, but you also managed to make him feel like a man again. Like he was human once more. He felt like he finally had the motivation he needed to bring Miranda down.
And if that wasn’t all, you gave him something that he didn’t even know he needed.
A daughter.
When he heard you were pregnant, Heisenberg expected it to throw a big wrench in his plans. He had Miranda to deal with, and army to build. How was he going to be a father? Have you seen him?
Then he got a good look at the kid after she was born, and his icy heart melted.
He starts to understand what true parental love is, and how Miranda is really fucked up in the head to think that she can just recreate that type of love. It’s something so deep and so powerful. Now, he’s not trying to kill Miranda for himself, but for his family.
He wants you guys to be free and safe.
But at the time that Ethan was making his way through Castle Dimitrescu, Heisenberg was going through his daily life of building his army and tending to his family. His daughter was still rather young, maybe around 5 or 6 months old. 
This made the day rather easy. You would spend a majority of the time with D/N as he was down in the factory. But sometimes he would get time to spend with her, and this resulted in mostly him trying to get her to laugh. His daughter’s laugh was probably one of the few things that warmed his heart and made him smile. Heisenberg would achieve this by using his metallic powers to bend pieces of metal into animal shapes and have them “run” around her and her room. 
Her favorite so far was a horse. Which may be because her first stuffed animal that she got was a cute little pinto horse.
Seriously, she can’t sleep without it.
One night, her constant crying left you both worried and extremely tired. Well, you anyway, as you were the one who’s gotten up several times to try and get her back to sleep. Each time, just when you were about to fall asleep, she would start crying again.
“Maybe it’s a nightmare, or she’s scared of something...” You mumbled more to yourself as you started to get up upon hearing your daughter’s cries again. However, a hand on your shoulder pushed you back down onto the bed.
“I’ll get her, you go back to sleep.” Heisenberg said quietly to you, having appeared by your side suddenly. I mean, he was used to being up late, and he just happened to walk by when he heard his child’s cries along with you struggling to get her to sleep. There was no reason you had to be the only one tending to D/N. 
“Thank you.” You whispered while collapsing back onto the bed. Heisenberg simply chuckled a bit before stroking your cheek and turning to head back to his baby.
“Good luck...” Was the last thing he heard you say before he disappeared into his daughter’s room. Sure enough, D/N was in tears. His whole cocky persona went away as he walked over to her, a small smile reaching his face.
“Now, what seems to be the matter my little miracle?” He asked as he removed his gloves and picked her up. She clung to him like a lifeline, her face red from crying. At first, Heisenberg had no clue how to be a father, but instinct has taught him well.
He gently stroked her back as D/N grabbed at his coat, hair, and even his hat, searching for any sign of comfort. Considering you were up a bunch with her, he figured all her needs were met.
“Are you sick?” He said to himself as he felt her forehead. Far as he could tell, that was not the case.
“Scary dream maybe?” This time he directed the question at her even though he knew she couldn’t respond. D/N was still crying and clinging to him like he would vanish if she were to let go. Soon, he was gently pacing around the room, trying to sooth her into slumber.
He knew the other Lords would definitely laugh if they saw his.
This soon led him to sit in a nearby rocking chair that you and him managed to scrounge together. He figured that maybe this motion would put her to sleep (or him to sleep because this was starting to get exhausting). However, as he sat down, his eyes caught sight of something on the floor.
It was a little brown and white stuffed horse.
Getting up with D/N still crying in his arms, he walked over to the toy and picked it up. Without hesitation, he presented the animal to his daughter who snatched it quickly, the crying beginning to cease.
“So, that’s all it was, huh?” Heisenberg said with a grin as D/N shut her eyes and rested her head on his shoulder, clutching that stuffed horse just like she was clutching to him not too long ago.
“Glad that this is all sorted.” He said with a sigh as she soon fell asleep in his arms. With a quick kiss to her temple, Heisenberg placed his baby back to bed. After staying for a bit, making sure she was staying asleep, he went back to you.
He was not shocked to see that you didn’t go back to sleep. After all, you were a mother now, and was not going to rest until you were sure that your child was okay. Heisenberg, on the other hand, took off his hat and coat before dramatically flopping into bed beside you. He didn’t even take his boots off, much to your distaste. 
“Being a parent is hard.” He said while running a hand down his face and shutting his eyes. You could only laugh in agreement at his statement before laying your head on his chest.
“What was the problem?” You asked him, and he let out a chuckle.
“Someone dropped her stuffed animal on the floor. She just couldn’t go back to sleep without it.” He stated in such a way that he was proud of himself for figuring out the problem.
“Yeah, she really loves that thing.” You said with a soft smile.
“I wonder where she got that from?” Heisenberg teased you, a smirk on his face.
“Hey!” You whisper-shouted, sitting up from his chest to give him a playful and offended look. 
“Do I look like the type of guy to cuddle with a stuffed animal while I sleep?” He asked, smirk not leaving his face as he also sat up.
“It’s your kid, too!” You pushed him away playfully as he tried to hug you. Heisenberg just laughed at your reaction, still finding it fun to tease you after the all the time that he’s known you.
Soon, you managed to fall back asleep, Heisenberg joining you this time. He was relaxed in the fact that knowing his girls were safe and sound. At least, for the time being.
It wasn’t all that long before Ethan Winters came to the factory per Heisenberg’s desires. He thought he could get Ethan to join his team when it came to killing Miranda. So far, he had the man before him.
Convincing him was the hard part.
“You and me, Ethan. Together-”
Both men turned towards you as you sheepishly poked your head into the room. You had D/N in your arms, and she appeared to be asleep. Or trying to at least.
“I know you’re busy with...Ethan and everything...but I think our daughter might have a fever...” You told him while hesitantly looking at the man sitting before Heisenberg and stroking D/N’s forehead.
“Let’s see.” Heisenberg immediately dropped what he was doing. Gesturing for you to leave the room, he ignored Ethan’s confused looks between the two of you.
“W-Wait...you have a daughter?!” Ethan was shocked as he finally connected the dots. Heisenberg stopped midway in his tracks and let out an irritated sigh.
“Yes.” Was all he said, and was about to continue on his way before Ethan spoke again.
“Then how are you okay with what’s going on with Rose? You have to understand a father’s love for his daughter?!” Ethan, desperate for answers, called out to Heisenberg, who was still standing before the door, slowly putting his hands in his pockets.
“I do Ethan, and that is why I must do whatever necessary to kill Miranda in order to keep my family safe.” With that being said, he left the room. 
Truthfully, if Heisenberg was in Ethan’s shoes, he would probably want to kill himself as well along with the other Lords. However, he was very grateful that this wasn’t the case. Although, you and D/N are far from being safe, but Heisenberg was going to do everything in his power to make sure you guys get there.
“Hey D/N.” he said, his tone a lot softer than when he was talking to Ethan. You smiled, and the little girl got excited upon seeing her father. He placed a hand to her cheek, saying, “Let’s get you feeling better, my little miracle.”
I’ll keep you safe no matter what.
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