#i haven't posted a drawing for a long time lmaooo
rylxdreams · 2 months
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It's been awhile~
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miutonium · 2 years
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It took me this long to make a ship chart thing for this two but I finally did it lmaooo I know like most people here doesnt seem to favor this ship of mine (like I always feel that people prefer Utonium and Chloe) but shhh I don't think I cover this ship enough because 1) I forgor and 2) i don't think about them often despite drawing them quite a lot recently so hopefully making this helps me out with ideas on what they really are
This post is longggg so headcanons undercut hhhh
For this AU, since I did mention this being a Modern AU, it's not related to canon at all. So no monsters fucking around, no Aku fucking around, no time travel to the future bullshit, we are giving Jack the rest that he deserves lol so just think of this AU like me just putting Jack in a slice of life situation. I don't want to think of anything heavy plot wise because I am not a very creative person and I can't handle too much angst, I want him to be happy. As usual, I don't think of this through, my rough idea is that Jack is an immigrant that moves to another country just to support his family back home but also I have another idea that Jack is actually stinking rich because of his family but he lives frugally and he loves having a simple job and life where he lives comfortably just like regular people. Another dumbfuck idea of mine is that he is actually the son of the owner of the company that Chev works for and he got placed in the overseas branch and work as a low level staff for 2 years to gain experience and trust from his dad and he has to keep a low profile in the company so people didn't find out about it and use him. Again, idk I haven't think of a permanent idea hhh Jack has always been mysterious to people so his background will remain an open idea for now hsksjslqkalql (but i really love the son of the owner idea cough cough)
Another mystery here would be Jack's last name. Idk his last name and even in canon we dk his last name and I actually think that's fun? I wanted to make Jack look like a mysterious person to Chev because he rarely disclose anything about his background and that includes his actual last name so it's nice that I can omit his last name here.
As I stated before, they are not dating. I honestly still can't see them dating yet BUT I do see them having a mutual feelings towards each other and I also see them being in a "friends with benefit" situation but minus the sleeping around? Idk I haven't decide thoroughly on this either but I imagine that they do cuddle occassionally (cuddle buddy? Is that a thing? Idk) but never more than that, they both liked each other but both seems to either try to restrain their feelings or keep it a secret while still act like they are besties lol. Perhaps one day I will think of how they would eventually date or when I feel comfortable enough to change the status to romantic f/o lol
With that being said, since they are technically close friends, Jack occasionally do sleep over at Chev's apartment so that's the closest thing either both of them experience living with domesticity. Jack leaves some of his items there including his pjs and personal hygiene stuff like razors and toothbrush since he sleeps there almost every weekend if Chev's not busy. He also does his laundry at her apartment since he has no washing machine in his own apartment and Chev did tell him to visit her whenever he wants to clean his clothes. Both of them also don't go out often since Chev prefers staying at home and rest during the weekends but on occassion they do go out and go cafe hopping around town trying to look for the best bagel and sushi that doesn't cost them 3 easy payments of $195.95 + your first born
Jack also seems to be an ambivert to me. He can be complacent with silence and company all by himself and he can also sit down talking excitedly with a stranger he just met because they wear the same shirt at the bar. Chev in the other hand is suprisingly reclusive. She actually doesn't really enjoy small talks and prefers being left alone to her own thought. She also actually have a hard time befriending people due to how she seems to look offhandish most of the time when in reality she is just tired and she also unfortunately has the curse of RBF hhhh she still thinks it funny that she ended up befriending Jack since how the polar opposite they can be personality-wise.
I already mentioned this before but in case people missed it (and I sure ppl do hhh) Chev is an old OC that I revived because I'm too lazy to create a new one so I still keep some of her old personality and mannerism and that also includes her sexuality. She likes women and men and have dated 2 girls previously. She always leans on women though so when she starts to catch feelings on Jack she feels a bit conflicted and I imagine that she always denies her feelings towards him to the point she tries to avoid him at one point which kinda hurt him and hhh I think thats the conflict I want to put in their relationship lol
I actually don't want to write Jack's sexuality initially because he probably doesn't know it or care about it and then it clicked on me: He doesn't care about preferences at all, he loves everyone hdjdjskskal no no listen shhhh he always seem to be open minded to me and I can see that he also doesn't really care or mind about who he's attracted to. If he happens to like the cute receptionist guy at the counter so be it, he is going to like him. If he likes the florist he greets and passes by everyday to work he is going to like them, he really didn't care about anyone's gender, he sees everyone as equal to him just like in canon when he encounters various creatures and species and he sees them all as people he needs to help.
Most of the ideas for this AU is still in progress and I change the story a lot unlike my headcanons for Chloe and Utonium so I hope you guys would bare with me and my indecisiveness 🥲 I also hope you guys would like this ship too because I know they are pretty boring compare to others because I am not as creative as other people but it means a lot to me of people like them 🤧🤧🥲🥲🥲💕💕💕
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sentientcave · 6 months
I think you should write a whole novel about the cast of COD as the Princess Bride characters! You should you should you should!
WELL IF YOU INSIST *pulls up notes*
The original idea I had was for screenshot redraws and it was because I thought that Gaz would look good in that, and I quote, "Cunty little black number" and since he already has the right mustache, you just know he's the right man for the part. Also, like Early said, he's definitely an As You Wish kind of guy.
I'm putting this under a readmore because it got kinda long lmao
Soap as Inigo Montoya - I think it's a perfect fit, and I was fresh off of finishing the 09 MW2 where he fucking pulls a knife out of his chest to kill Shepherd with?? Like I know that's Captain Soap and not Sergeant but if that's not a parallel to Inigo getting run through and still chasing a man down to kill him I don't know what is.
Ghost as Fezzik - Huge scary guy with a penchant for jokes? That's our Simon. Not to mention he's got to be the other half of any dynamic duo that Soap's in. It's only right. Do Not Separate.
Graves as Vizzini - "You fool! You've fallen victim to one of the classic blunders. The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Asia, but only slightly less well known is this: Never go up against a SicilianTexan when death is on the line!" *dies* (Need I say more? Honestly Iconic moment)
Now for Buttercup there are two perfect choices, coming down to whether I'd be playing this for maximum laughs or taking it slightly more seriously:
Farah: I feel like she gets left out a lot and she's like, ridiculous pretty and I love to draw her. This would be the slightly more serious version. The main downside to this is I don't really see Farah and Gaz having any particular chemistry, which leads us to our next option...
Price: OKAY LISTEN you can't tell me that you wouldn't like to see Price's big hairy tits in a dress I refuse to believe it. And my friend Lisa brought up the "There's a shortage of perfect breasts in this world, it would be a pity to damage yours." line and like. That's hilarious. Also canonically Price is the guy that Gaz is at his most As You Wish for so it really just makes sense.
Makarov as Prince Humperdink - This is another point for Buttercup Price because lmaooo.
Also if Farah isn't Buttercup she and Alex can be Mad Max and his wife. Or maybe Nik and Kate could be? I do think Kate chasing Nik around a table and saying "Makarov" over and over at him would be pretty fucking funny too. Probably funnier. Hard to say.
König as Count Rugen/The Six-Fingered Man - I'm pretty sure Makarov has some little sidekick guy that maybe would be a good choice for this guy too, but since it was Early's post that reminded me of all this nonsense I think König should play one of the few characters that actually dies, as a treat. I'm pretty sure he owes them $50 so Soap can collect that off his corpse for her.
If I went with the Farah Buttercup, Price would play the Grandpa and also every random bit background part while wearing different hats. I think this is a funny gag, and I did this once for a cheap rendition of Hamlet to great effect. Between three wigs, a couple of construction paper mustaches and a paper crown, I was able to really fill out the cast. Price is at least as good an actor as I am, so I have faith in him.
So yeah! There are a few other rando characters but I'd just choose random guys from the multiplayer probably. Roll a dice on them mfs. This was a very long answer (Although not quite a novel, I have failed you) and it's a very silly idea that I still might tackle one of these days. At the time I didn't have a working digital tablet so I thought it would be like, a lot of work for what amounts to a gag, but now that I DO have a working digital tablet the only thing stopping me is that I haven't had the whim to do any art recently. But I might today while I'm thinking about it.
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lumilasi · 8 months
yes Hi I really love the two cutiepie lesbians but couldn't find much info about them, can you give us the tea about the two? (The blond(?) And the sunshine!) Love your art ~❤️
Glad you like them! (I don't know what to classify Marci's hair either. Light brown? Blond? Dirty Blond? It is a mystery)
Yeah unfortunately there isn't much about Marci and Mariella yet, given they are relatively new characters: that image was the first time I drew them since making their bios, and even the info in those is a bit outdated now OTL (Also Marci's one needs updates given how I will draw her changed thanks to this pic in question)
Also they are not really part of the main group for each story & I have a LOT of characters, so I haven't had much time or motivation to draw them either. That doesn't mean there isn't a lot of story and lore behind the two though, especially Marci. One thing I can guarantee is that if a character of mine has no lore yet once born, there WILL be a novel's worth later lmaooo
....This does lead to a problem where this will get long-winded, because I HAVE to bring up a couple other characters to explain them properly, which means I'll have to give a summary of said characters too....and world details lore....
Since you asked though, I guess I'll try to summarize; I'll break this up in sections + add images for the characters in question. Maybe I'll put the lore explanation under the cut so those who aren't interested don't have to suffer through a long post:
She's a "Weaponsmith Warlock" also known in-world by the name Spatha (Latin for a specific type of weapon) Warlock, I.E has the ability to create any weapon known to man up to the current times, she forms them from red, bloodlike liquid substance. Her power comes from the Herald of War aka one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. (He's not a warmonger in this take but more of a weary soldier who hates his existence)
Marci is an orphan, and she originates from Australia in the human world. She was picked up/"adopted" by her former boss Kenzo Yoma/Faydream as a teenager in the 80'ies, as she'd recently discovered her magic powers and was struggling to control them. He basically offered to mentor her for her powers and she'll in turn get away from her shitty foster home. She agreed and moved with him to the Mirror realm (the place where all the mythical beings of this world live, I still haven't figured out a better name for it lol).
She was never really officially adopted by Kenzo though, and acted more as a student than a daughter, but they did still have a good relationship initially, to the point Marci willingly started working as his right hand woman once she was adult/confident enough with her powers.
FIRST DETOUR: Kenzo summary
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Kenzo is a dream-eater, also known as a nightcrawler/bogeyman. In this story they are beings born from people's trauma that feed on said trauma and people's fears and nightmares. Kenzo and his brother Yuuji are a rare twin-born pair so they are especially powerful among their kind, having been born the same time from brothers who experienced the same trauma the same time. (Them appearing Japanese is because the said humans were Japanese)
He works as the head of a special organization called The Shadowless, whose job is to keep the Mirror realm hidden from humans & make sure powerful magic artifacts don't end up in human hands. They kind of protect both sides from each other essentially.
Kenzo is the antagonist of his character set, BUT he is not a "villain." You know, the whole "All villains are antagonists, but not all antagonists are villains." He's basically just a man who nearly lost his wife Evena & daughter Avane once, and this incident caused the said wife to suffer from severe mental health complications, which has essentially strained their familial relationships badly.
He struggles to handle the situation so he's buried himself in his work, causing some of his more negative personality traits to manifest stronger bit by bit. (Tendencies for manipulation, lower empathy, "end justifies the means" thinking) He's still relatively close with his daughter and brother, though tends to argue with the latter a lot, something he didn't do so much in the past. His daughter & brother are also working on trying to get him to realize he's spiraling, while also trying to protect others from him if necessary.
Marci eventually retired from her job due to multitude of factors, such as seeing her boss' downward spiral after the incident with his family and starting to lose trust in him, but primarily due to an incident, where she lost control of her powers due to stress in a mission, causing an explosion that killed innocent people by accident. She now works in a magical instrument repair shop, handling the back storage and the like. (She wanted a job where she didn't have to use her powers & always liked anything music related)
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Before Marci got this job, she actually went to stay with some friends she'd made a while back, the guardians of the Blue Life tree. There, she ended up growing fond of a recently manifested spirit, a little girl called Marisa, and eventually ended up becoming her adoptive parent as the kid basically chose her to be her mom (Marisa literally pointed at her after a while and declared her her momma lol)
SECOND DETOUR: Moth Spirits and Life trees
Life trees are magical trees within this realm, that call forth lost souls who died with regrets/unfinished business/died before they could have a proper life to begin with. They essentially grant these souls a second chance at life to complete their unfinished business, albeit symbolically majority of the time. (Example: If their regret was never confessing their love to someone, typically the spirit completes this by finding a new person to love and confess to them. This is because often the people in question have already passed on themselves)
Moth spirits are these reborn souls, and their visual characteristics depend on the tree of origin, and the tree depends on their manner of death/who they were as human. Currently there are only 3 trees left, A Weeping Willow (Green tree) Wisteria (The purple tree) and Blue Spruce (The blue tree, obvs). Marisa was born from the blue tree, because she was simply a child who died young accidentally. Moth spirits born from this tree are always blue, but can have orange as an accent color to their appearance. The skin is always a shade of blue though.
Mariella is a tree nymph who was born out of a seed rather than "human" way. (Both birth types are possible, which happens tends to depend on if the nymph lives in more rural or urban parts of the world. More urbanized ones tend to prefer direct birthing and act as direct parents to their children, whereas seedlings like Mariella tend to live in a communion where all older nymphs/dryads act as the parents to the younglings.)
She used to work as a Guardian for the green Life Tree, but it became mentally and emotionally too taxing given the nature of the spirits born from it. (Tragic deaths with foul play often involved, including self-harm. basically the most traumatized group of the 3)
She started working in the city as one of the park-keepers for the biggest park in there, which is where she met Marci and Marisa, and the two ladies hit it off pretty quickly. They now live together in a new apartment, though their daughter moved out a year ago as she left for university to become a magic-mechanical engineer.
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Avane (Green haired lady)- Kenzo's daughter whom Marci used to babysit a bit, and even nowadays cares for, sometimes helping her meddle into her dad's business out of concern, both for Ava's safety, but also concern over the damage Kenzo could do in his current mental state. Visually comes mainly after her mother apart from her eyes. Mantis Fairy/Dream-eater mixed heritage.
Sebastian - Her occasional coworker in the instrument shop, also happens to be a member of her favorite local rock band (she didn't realize this until he invited her to a concert as a VIP guest) A Wyvern
Aimi (My friend's character)- her successor and Kenzo's new right hand woman. Often she is the one who contacts her in behalf of Kenzo, and Marci begrudgingly considers her a friend. Ice cream loving fiend, a Grand Fairy
Herald of War/The Soldier (No design yet) - Her Deity/source of power essentially. Considers Marci his favorite as she respects and fears her power appropriately in his eyes. Often visits them and pretends to their daughter he's Marci's relative, so Marisa thinks he's her "uncle" and has no clue he's a powerful apocalyptic entity. Mariella knows but plays along and has a fairly friendly relationship with the weary soldier.
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Azul/Chester (spin off protag, blue hair): One of Marci's friends she met through Kenzo's family doctor, who is Azul's adoptive father.
Jurou/Alistair (Main story protag): A tattooist who made her snake tattoo, Avane's boss and the person whose power is currently the most of-interest to Kenzo, given how powerful he actually is. Single bi Goth Dad, though he's starting to date Avane's uncle Yuuji.
Marci is asexual lesbian, doesn't mind being intimate with her GF if she wants it. They generally tend to be more "cuddles, domestic affection and quality time" type of couple over bedroom funtimes.
Marci is actually around 50-60 in human years, its just that life-expectancy for magic wielders and magical beings is typically measured more in centuries, so she ages slower now that she's fully unlocked her magic. She's roughly equivalent of a human in their thirties.
Mariella's exact age is unknown, but she is generally seen to be late twenties/early thirties in human form
Marci's surname Raye is actually her second name; she did not want to use her foster family's surname, and didn't feel comfortable adopting her mentor's surname as she didn't feel like she had the right to (and later wouldn't want to, seeing how he started to change for the worse)
Mariella's surname was the name of the nymph communion she comes from, which is typical tradition for those who come from these groups.
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brw · 4 years
what came first, the title or the plot? - 100% the plot. i don't think i've ever had a title come to me naturally, most of the time when writing fics i borrow from song lyrics and i do not know how to go about naming my og work in the slightest, possibly because my writing is always a frankenstein-esque mess of multiple genres and inspirations lmaooo. like? murder mystery mixed with comedy mixed with young adult mixed with sci-fi mixed with grand fantasy mixed with political commentary? how am i??? supposed to title that????
where do you draw inspiration from? - ooo loads of things! i have a tendency to latch onto the weirdest things from multiple sources of media, like sometimes i'll hear a song and a character will drop into my head, sometimes i'll read a character in a comic or a book and think "i like them, but how could they be improved to my tastes?", sometimes i'll watch a tv show and think "i like the concept but the actors execute it poorly", sometimes i'll watch a movie and really love it and want to find a way to incorporate the themes in an environment/world i like better! with this one specifically, i'd say a healthy amount of futurama, hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, the bands talking heads & arcade fire, the kingsmen movies, altered carbon on netflix, blade runner (final cut specifically), and a bunch of mixed of characters from loads of books, comics, tv shows and movies haphazardly shoved together into a pot where i just hope for the best jsnsjshsh
tell us about an upcoming scene in your wip, one your excited about - ooo! haven't written so much as thought about it and vaguely drafted it but! my werewolf character (who doesn't rlly have a set name bc i'm indecisive 😅 it will be a name with a d or a g or a b involved, that much i'm sure of) constantly gets stereotyped as being a feral, ravaging monster with no control and everyone's scared of him? but he's also got like a generalised anxiety disorder that comes out as him standing around too long or whatever or staring super intensely into people's eyes when they talk so. that doesn't help. but his teammates are literally like? stoner half elf vampire mix, a gay 19 year old sorcerer looking for his dad, his bf fae lover who would eat literal garbage if u let him, a himbo angel (like literal biblical angel) who does not know What The Fuck Is Going On at any given point in time and an alien cyborg clone they stole from the government. so like. someone will b like. low-key offensive as fuck like "do your teammates ever have to reel you in bc of your monster side, i bet you really just want to give in, the thought of meat must drive you crazy" and like. pan to this chaotic group and pan back to this actually well put together adult who basically takes a super long nap every full moon who's just. so fucking tired sjsnejeh
post a line from your wip that you've been working on - uh this is more like a small scene but uh 👉👈 here
Cadfael would have liked someone else to speak to, not, you know, someone who made his skin literally begin to melt off if he stood too close, but between crumbling to a smoking pile of dust and bones, and an awkward silence, he'd take the former.
“Do you ever think-” he started, only to be cut off by his large new crewmate.
“No. I make an effort not to”
Cadfael stared at him now, regardless of the way it made his eyes sting like they were being sliced open, and wondered if his death would be worth kissing this strange, stupid man (did angels have genders? He didn't seem to mind being called “he”, but Cadfael knew better than to assume) right on the mouth.
He thought about it a bit more, then decided that crumbling to ash while making out wasn't very sexy, and he'd probably just traumatise the poor man. And also die. Which would suck.
send me asks about my wip!
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miranagi · 4 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JERRY!!! @h-eartfilias (and no, you will never escape that nickname)
I've attempted to post this 3 times now!!if it actually posts three versions thatd be sooo funny tbh~ I know it's like 2am where you are right now but I waited the whole day to post this lolol
So you know how I was talking out deviant art before?? WELL THATS BECAUSE, BLAST FROM THE PAST I DREW OUR OLD MLP OC'S LMAOOO
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I hate to break the Lucy Heartfilia birthday tradition I seem to have created but drawing humans is difficult!! ( I totally didn't attempt to draw her 3 seperate times, failing consecutively each one) I don't actually remember the names we gave them?? But oh well lol~ drawing this was UNERVINGLY EASY LMAOOO, like I haven't drawn mlp characters in YEARS AND YET HERE WE ARE LOL. Tbf I didn't have another choice with drawing lmaoo xD You don't have any other OC'S for me to draw!!
Also posting the background separately because i think it turned out pretty well! (Just don't look too hard! xD)
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ANYWAY- can you believe it's now been 6 whole years since we met?? It feels like so long ago we were 11 years old and playing animal jam xD (I wonder where everyone else is now? Who knows lol. I was actually considering drawing our old animal jam animals but arctic wolves are difficult) Everything feels the same and yet somehow different from then!
I hope you have a great birthday!! ily!~💛💛💛
See ya!~
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