#i haven't played this in so long but Lara will always be my first love
thiccoritaaa · 2 years
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i was gonna finish this but am suddenly so exhausted lol but I still love her
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rewritingrobinhood · 3 years
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Click HERE to download the script for S03E04!
This is the fourth episode in our Series 3 rewrite, based on the fifth episode called "Let The Games Commence." We have retitled it "Thicker Than Water," to reflect what became a near-total overhaul of the plotting and character arcs. Read more below:
Lindsey and I affectionately call this episode "The Lion Episode." If you have seen it, you know why (and if you haven't, I thank you for visiting what must seem like an extremely niche and unnecessary project blog - because, of course, it is). The entire episode building up to Guy unleashing the saddest, most emaciated, jowly old lion onto the Gang is possibly the single most ridiculous stunt the show ever pulled, and not only makes Guy look stupider than usual, but also doesn't jive with the new, high-production-value, slightly less tongue-in-cheek vibe of Series 3. It always felt like a Series 1 stunt, but obviously all of the Series 1 budget went to endless duplicates of cargo pants and pleather trousers, and possibly also Marian's single acceptable red dress.
So, the lion had to go. We have also done away with the subplot of Little John befriending the orphan children and Bertha. So, what is left? The answer, of course, is Isabella.
Isabella, to us and to many fans, is a very painful sore spot, and one of the most annoying and frankly insulting character arcs I've ever encountered. I've previously mentioned that we are discarding her villain arc and romance with Robin – and thankfully, mostly due to Lara Pulver, there is still a complex and engaging character beneath the misogynistic, lazy writing. A survivor of abuse who has escaped her captor, but also a Gisborne through and through, ready to work the angles when the opportunity presents itself in following episodes.
Guy's new arc is also something very precious to me and Lindsey personally. We were not only disappointed when the series continued to handle his redemption badly (or not at all), but also are aware that Richard Armitage felt very negatively about how the character was written following Marian's death – without dignity, or growth, or kindness. Our rewritten arc is our offering to what could have been – a man in a position of power who has done selfish, damaging things, who begins to take responsibility for his actions and understand the role he plays in a system of injustice – and who will eventually make the selfless choice to help tear it down.
In terms of Guy and Isabella's relationship, we have scratched out – with extreme prejudice – the plotline in which Guy sold his own sister to her abuser as a teenager. This was yet another nail in the coffin of any potential redemption for Guy – a character they still wanted us to feel bad for and want to be redeemed! It seems Mssrs. Allan and Minghella leaned quite heavily on Richard Armitage's greasy-haired sex appeal to sway viewers to his side, and…it worked. Of course it worked. Because we are here writing him to be a good guy because we feel bad for him. Well...shit. Regardless. It feels good to write something genuine and plausible as a love letter to Richard's passion for this show, and this character, and – in a way – for Marian, whom he loved.
Robin is also struggling here, not with feelings of attraction for Gizzy's long-lost sister in a horrible yellow velour renfaire gown (if i may shill my own redesign here...), but with feelings of purposelessness and impotence. What is the point of their work if it cannot sustain itself past Robin's own lifespan? What good is a hero, or a legend? Or a leader, for that matter, if he is the lynchpin without which everything falls apart? What does real, revolutionary change look like? How can he build it from a place of selflessness, rather than personal redemption?
Finally, I realized it's been six years since Lindsey and I embarked on this ridiculous project (four since I released the last script…whoops). I also realize that, even if the first episode script has 759???????????????????????? downloads, the audience for this is extremely small. And I'm honestly okay with that. This has become a project where I, Abigail, can learn and flex my writing skills in a very safe sandbox, and have a bit of relaxing and satisfying creative time tinkering with something I know can be done better. I thank everyone who's stuck with us so far, and I will make no promises – but I do hope to keep going with this as long as I can, or until the series reaches its end, even if it takes years. I enjoy coming back to Rewriting Robin Hood. And while it's probably high time I stepped out of this comfort zone and worked on some original things, I love having it on the backburner. I've grown a lot as a writer even between the scripts I've released, and I hope you've all enjoyed reading them and stepping into this idyllic little fantasy world where the show………was actually good?
This Has Been An Ambush...
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Books of 2021 - June
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I had a pretty fabulous reading month! At least for me and considering I spent a lot of this month battling with my reread of Words of Radiance... (I'll get to that when I write my full length review)
Peter and Alice by John Logan - I love this play, I've loved it since I first read it in high school (now that was a long time ago at this point!) It never fails to make me cry...
Logan has cleverly intertwined the real life stories of Peter Llewelyn Davies and Alice Liddell Hargreaves with the stories of Peter Pan and Alice in Wonderland to consider what it would have been like for the real people who inspired J.M Barrie and Lewis Carroll. It's largely told through imagining a conversation between Davies and Hargreaves when they met at a book release in 1932, and as they talk Peter Pan, Alice, Barrie, Carroll, and other figures from their lives come on stage to make them reveal the truth about their experiences. It's heartbreaking, raw, and incredibly poignant to read - I can imagine it was even more powerful to watch and I wish I could've seen it performed!
I've loved both these books since I was a kid and reflecting on the effect they had on these two people is fascinating to consider, especially in the case of the Davies family. I've read a few different takes on both Hargreaves and Davies lives, and I'm not sure what I really think - the legacy of Peter Pan was clearly very difficult for Davies... However, none of the works I've read or seen have had the impact if this very short play. I'd highly recommend it, even if you don't like Alice in Wonderland or Peter Pan, because it is a stunning play.
Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare - I don't have a vast amount to say about Julius Caesar to be honest. It was fine? I can see why some people go mad over this play, however, I'm not a huge fan of Shakespeare's tragedies (my favourites are the comedies, although the histories have the most interesting for me as a historian.) It's an interesting play, but I do think it needs a really good production to do it justice and I haven't found one that's made me fall in love with it.
I did very much enjoy tracking the, quite frankly, bizarre combination of early modern Christianity with Roman religion and beliefs though. That was fascinating to observe and think about - and Mark Antony's famous speech at Caesar's funeral IS a masterpiece. That whole scene reminded me of the argument episodes in Greek tragedies (I assume Shakespeare was influenced, but I'm not an expert) and I greatly enjoyed picking apart the arguments presented, and watching Antony deconstruct everything Brutus had initially claimed.
Senlin Ascends by Josiah Bancroft - I enjoyed this book, although it was a slight let down for me. I think it was just too overhyped? I went in expecting it to be a lot more character driven than it was, particularly with Senlin himself, and a lot weirder. Don't get me wrong, this book felt like a drug trip in places, especially in part one! The worldbuilding was one of the strengths of this whole novel, but it wasn't enough to keep me in love with it. I wanted a bit more weirdness and subtle danger, and less repetition of the Tower is dangerous, ooh look Senlin's getting punched again...
I also needed more character development, and a bit more complexity regarding the workings of the Tower itself. Senlin is a great character and I loved watching his transformation from a fussy schoolteacher to a real player in the Tower's machinations, but everyone else remained fairly flat... I do think this will be resolved in the later books as the story expands to encompass more of the Tower than Senlin's hunt to find his wife - but this book needed a bit more to make me fall in love with it. Still it was a good first novel in a series, even if it did feel more like three related novellas than one complete novel!
Amberlough and Armistice by Lara Elena Donnelly - I’m going to write a series review of the Amberlough Dossier because these have been a delightful surprise! I was expecting something a bit vapid - pretty but shallow. I was so wrong. This series IS very pretty, the setting and feeling scream the 1930s, every page bleeds it (so much so I always feel under dressed when reading it!) At atmosphere is so well drawn, it’s simple and small but absolutely beautiful. Worldbuilding is often praised for how grand and lavish the author has made it, but Donnelly has shown just as much skill on her tiny canvas of Amberlough City.
On top of this she’s written some stunning characters - Cyril, Aristide, and Cordelia are incredible in Amberlough, and the addition of Lillian and Jinadh in Armistice only improved the series! Even when I don’t particularly like the main characters it’s because of a clash in personality, not a badly written character. However, the real stars are Cordelia and Aristide - I personally love Cyril, but I can see why he might rub people up the wrong way. Aristide in particular is carrying a lot of this series but Donnelly really does shine in her character work and setting.
These books aren’t world changing but they are lovely comfort reads, incredibly stylish, and have a lot more depth to them than you might think! They’re the kind of thing you devour back to back - I seriously wish I had the time to sit and read each book in a day because I would very happily do that!
Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson - I’ll be writing a full length, excessively long review of this book in the next few weeks so I’m not going to say much here. However, this is (contoversially) my least favourite entry in the Stormlight Archive, and I disliked parts of it so much than I’m actually angry at it... I’m leaving the series for a bit but I will be back to finish my reviews before the end of the year.
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Grace & Janis
Grace: is that you or has one of the others beat me to your room? Janis: what the hell where you gonna do in my room Grace: just have more getting ready space Janis: yeah, basement lighting is 🔥 Grace: & I don't want them looking better than me duh Grace: whatever are you okay?? Janis: sure Janis: well they won't be if they try and come in here Janis: why wouldn't I be Grace: obvs 🙄 Grace: not gonna send them in now Grace: is your boyfriend?? did his dad freak out? Janis: I'm not telling you so you can tell everyone Grace: um excuse you Grace: I wouldn't Grace: I'm asking cos you said his dad was like Grace: 😱😱😱 Janis: Well he's fine Janis: but he's staying so can you all try not to be so loud Grace: 👌👌👌👌 Janis: how many of them are coming back here Grace: I'll make them go to Mia's Janis: alright Janis: tah Grace: ew don't thank me Grace: are you coming to the party tonight babes? Janis: don't be a dick Janis: yeah Janis: who's is it again Grace: RUDE Grace: Leah's?? is that her name? Grace: 🤔🤔 Grace: oh Asia says her name's Lara Grace: whatever Janis: 😏 Janis: yeah, whatever Janis: are you making dad take you or what Grace: ugh don't remind me so cringe Grace: I think we're gonna order a lift so I don't die of embarrassment Janis: you're way too pissed the feel shame Grace: I AM NOT Grace: but maybe I will ask him cos Mia isn't here Grace: none of the other girls will be THAT RUDE Janis: may as well Janis: he's a pushover Grace: are you coming with? Janis: nah Janis: wouldn't be room anyway would there Grace: not like safely but they've fitted way more of us in than that when we were little OMG Grace: how are you gonna get there? Janis: well we ain't and you ain't sitting on his lap Janis: walk, easiest Grace: 😂😂😂 Grace: you could Grace: OMG no it's like REALLY far Janis: Not really Janis: we'll be fine Grace: you just wanna walk so you can be alone 💕 Grace: sooo cute Janis: it's more about avoiding yous but go off Grace: well that's mean Grace: so glad you don't mean it & are 😍😍 Janis: 😏🖕 whatever you say Grace: OMG don't be horrible to me Janis: Why Janis: that's what I do, yeah Grace: cos Mia's being 😈😈😈 Grace: & I can't even Janis: Quelle suprise Janis: what's new??? Grace: ugh I know okay Grace: she came over today to get her tattoo touched up like that's a sorry NO BITCH Grace: so then all the other girls HAD TO 🙄🙄🙄 obvs Grace: but like?? I didn't want to so Grace: Like excuse you it hurts every time & you're being THE WORST Janis: she wants you to suffer Janis: again, shocker Grace: this date needs to happen even though EWW Grace: thank god he's not gonna be at this party Janis: not slumming it Grace: IKR 🙄🙄 Grace: like this girl doesn't live in a really nice house Grace: & is really pretty Grace: UGH Janis: what a bitch Janis: 🙄 Grace: you're still coming on the date, yeah? Grace: even though barista boy is ex barista now Janis: Weren't in it for the iced coffees Janis: yeah, said I would Grace: what even happened? Grace: you weren't but he was better than that other boy the CG has Janis: 💔 Janis: glad to know news doesn't travel that fast Grace: OMG are you really not gonna tell me??! Janis: so you can be the first to know Janis: oddly enough, no, I ain't Grace: UGH Grace: I hate you Grace: fine 🙄🙄🙄 Janis: exactly Janis: so why would i tell you literally anything Grace: Whatever Grace: I'm over it Janis: 👍 for you babes Grace: hopefully won't see you later, babes Grace: 👌👌👌 Janis: so convincing Janis: well done Grace: thanks Grace: I'd have given it my full attention but getting ready already has it sadly Janis: you need it Janis: I understand Janis: oh wait, no I don't Janis: right Grace: mhmm Janis: 😂 Grace: 🙄 Grace: stop talking to me Janis: why Janis: can't multitask Grace: I just told you no Grace: ugh Janis: 😂 Janis: it's all the hairspray Grace: why do you have to be such a bitch? Grace: your boyfriend is literally there, annoy him Janis: funny Janis: and don't worry 'bout him, I can multitask Grace: 👍 for you babes Grace: sure he loves that about you Janis: amongst other things Janis: no doubt Grace: EW Grace: you don't wanna tell me anything but you HAD to say that Janis: alright now it's not you being OTT you don't wanna know Janis: this is how it is, bitch, stop Grace: I don't wanna hear all your humble brags Grace: excuse me Janis: I ain't tryna be humble so don't worry Grace: obvs Grace: so hush Grace: I'm over giving you this much credit Janis: don't need you to Janis: he's right here, like you said 😘 Grace: I haven't been defending you to him, duh Grace: just everyone else Janis: again, no need Janis: literally do not and have never cared what your mates reckon Grace: again, obvs Janis: not like any of them were there Janis: weirdly Grace: I know Grace: like you said, nobody's talking about that Grace: neither was I Janis: just how much you all hate me as standard Janis: cool Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Grace: yeah that's why I said I have to defend you 24 7 Grace: sure Grace: go away I'm too busy for your bitchery rn okay Janis: sounds like a you problem not a me Janis: full-time occupation with your own no doubt babes Grace: shut up Grace: sooo annoying Janis: not the one adding extra letters for emphasis here Grace: if you ever listened I wouldn't need to Janis: to what? Janis: you never saying anything Grace: I literally said, leave me alone Grace: ugh Grace: it's not like you wanna talk to me so just don't Janis: and I said no Janis: keep up Grace: um HELLO!? I can't Grace: I have a million other things to do Janis: like what Grace: oh sure I'm gonna waste my time telling you them all Grace: I don't need to give you more things to make fun of me about thanks Janis: something we can agree on Grace: hilarious hun Janis: bit tragic Janis: if we're being honest, hun Grace: well since when are we? Janis: I don't lie Janis: just you Grace: sure Jan Janis: I'd say try me but you'd have to be real for at least as long as it takes to ask a question and you're incapable Grace: why would I want to? Grace: so get over it Janis: why would you wanna be real Janis: no idea Janis: probably 'cos you're shite at this whole act Grace: why would I want to with YOU Grace: I don't so I'm not Janis: Acting like you ain't begged now Janis: 👌 Grace: UM excuse you Grace: I have not Grace: don't flatter yourself babes Grace: 👌 Janis: 😂 Janis: you know your lies don't work here, like Janis: if anywhere Grace: Literally could care less what you think works for me Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Janis: Oh babes Janis: if you cared anymore you'd implode Grace: 😂😂😂 Grace: you wish, honey Janis: nah Janis: not that bitch Janis: not that bothered Grace: then stop trying to keep a convo going Grace: get a life Janis: 💔 Janis: middle school insults still alive and well Janis: that's cute Grace: Like I've said numerous times, you're not getting my best Janis: Like we all know, this is it Janis: but go off saving it for that someone special Janis: love that for you Grace: oh please Janis: begging ain't gonna help, I told you Grace: if you think that's begging you need the help Janis: if you think you don't reek of desperation, the reality check is long overdue Grace: what I think is none of your business so Janis: you think? Janis: babes! so proud 💕 Grace: literally kill me Janis: would but you know Janis: funerals are expensive Janis: give us another year I reckon Grace: 😂😂😂 Grace: saving cos your got your man fired, love that Grace: v romantic Janis: bitch i ain't paying for you Janis: put you out with the bin if it was down to me Grace: so glad nothing's up to you Janis: so glad you're not my burden Grace: likewise bitch Grace: 💕💕💕 Janis: oh I'm not today? Janis: how nice for you Grace: I meant I'm glad I'm not yours Grace: you're always mine Janis: 😂 Janis: so predictable Janis: any chance to be a whiny lil bitch Grace: so predictable Grace: any chance to be a HUGE bitch for no reason Grace: 🙄 Janis: no reason Janis: i know you looking at it right now in the mirror Grace: I know I've literally done NOTHING to you Grace: except ask how you are, HOW DARE I, like Grace: but sure Janis: Sure Janis: just existing is enough, you know that's how it is so don't play the victim when you set the rules Grace: whatever Grace: I can't do this with you all night if I'm setting rules Grace: fun as it is 💋 Janis: You ain't Grace: typo or?? Grace: cos you literally just said I did babe Janis: you ain't doing it all night Janis: literally no stamina Grace: 😂😂😂 Janis: 🤡 Grace: 💔 Janis: thank god Grace: if you wanna break hearts do your bfs Grace: way easier & more fun Janis: what would you know about that Janis: come on now Grace: obvs nothing Grace: go with that Grace: then I don't have to talk to you Janis: you admitted it Janis: or have you blocked out your changing room trauma Janis: probably owe that poor girl therapy Grace: I said I haven't had a boyfriend, it doesn't mean I haven't ever hurt a lad Grace: like I said, it's easy Grace: you don't even have to mean to Janis: 😂😂😂 Janis: ooh Janis: bad bitch coming thru Janis: where's your mug with the affirmation on so we really buy it Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Grace: & you wonder why I'm never honest with you Janis: Who's wondering Janis: pointing out fact ain't asking you to Grace: just go away Janis: no Grace: if you're really this bored you need a new boyfriend Janis: if you're really this incapable of ignoring me you need to assess your life Grace: obvs Grace: I'll add to my to-do list Janis: what is actually wrong with you grace Janis: serious Janis: work it out, keep us posted Grace: I've already told you, why should I go into it with you? Grace: you don't care Grace: I don't need to give you the ammunition Janis: nice to put a name to a problem Janis: lay it to rest Janis: don't be selfish Grace: I'm not your problem Grace: make up your own if you're that fussed Janis: sadly untrue Janis: i got theories Janis: not a professional, 'less you're paying but let's help it ain't that dire Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Grace: Dad said he'd take us so you two can take him up on it if you like Grace: I don't need to Janis: getting the uber black is it Grace: no Grace: can't you hear them leaving? they are loud enough Janis: 🙄🙄🙄 Janis: really Grace: IKR Grace: learn to walk in heels Grace: embarrassing at this point Janis: what are you doing Grace: the same thing I've been trying to do this entire convo Grace: duh Janis: you're not ready Grace: obvs not Grace: some of us take longer than your 10 mins babe Janis: jesus Grace: he's not gonna be v helpful with my hair Grace: his is natural Janis: how is that you're so slow you've pissed off the most annoying girls in the world Janis: sort it out Grace: 😂😂😂 Grace: you think they're ready? so cute Grace: Mia clicked her fingers so they left Grace: she has 💔boy drama💔 she needs to scheme to solve Grace: can't do it alone, she'd have to have an independent thought, duh Janis: ha Janis: even worse Grace: if you say so Janis: you don't? Janis: love having such cunts for friends who'll drop you like a sack of shit, naturally Grace: love being able to concentrate Grace: & hear myself think Grace: & now I don't have to go to the party so Janis: why are you still perming your fucking pubes then Grace: EW Janis: seriously Grace: You are seriously GROSS Janis: grow up Grace: no Grace: See how annoying that is? Janis: you're teaching me? Janis: you started that lesson fresh out the womb don't be acting like this is revolutionary doll Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Janis: here come the hieroglyphics Grace: I'm ignoring you now Grace: so boring Janis: 💔💔💔 Janis: how will I go on Janis: wonderbread doesn't think I'm interesting Grace: fine by me if you don't Janis: 😱😱😱 Grace: [doesn't reply cos ignoring] Janis: 💀💀💀 Janis: 👻👻👻 Grace: [still doesn't cos actually trying to get ready] Janis: Grace Janis: grace Janis: grace Janis: gracieeeeeeeeee Grace: OMG SHUT UP Janis: 😂 Grace: [goes back to ignoring] Janis: know you're checking these Janis: case it's one of your pals Janis: ain't though Janis: just me Janis: unlucky Grace: [still ignoring cos she is capable sometimes] Janis: 😭😭😭 Grace: [probably is crying knowing her so not gonna answer] Janis: the selfie you'll get gonna be so worth all this effort Janis: so many ❤s Grace: if it was for that, I would, thanks Grace: so supportive Janis: you said you ain't going Janis: no need to 🤡 to mope around your room Grace: I'm not going or moping Grace: not that it's your buisiness Janis: making another video doesn't count Janis: sad times Grace: I'm not doing that either Grace: but there's plenty of cat videos for you to watch, babes Grace: don't be too sad Janis: it's so hard though Janis: you get it Janis: you live with all Janis: that Grace: mhmm Janis: i'm over how mysterious you're tryna be now and my 10 minutes is up Janis: i hope someone cares 💕 Grace: It's not mysterious that it's none of your business what I do Grace: but I'm glad you're finally at my boredom level with this convo Grace: 👋 Janis: loving the convo Janis: you're such a natural you should really like Janis: sit in your room and film yourself talking to yourself Janis: that'd be so sick Janis: only half your comments will be asking when you're getting your tits out like Ri 👌 Grace: 😂😂😂 Grace: leave me one babes I'll be so sure to get back to you Janis: must be so hard Janis: with your 14 followers and a comined IQ of 32 Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Janis: 💔 Grace: 💋 Janis: you wish Grace: not even Janis: 👌 Janis: God bless Grace: bye Janis: no Grace: awh you gonna talk to me all through the party? Grace: so cute Janis: ikr Janis: i'm adorable Grace: tell it to your boyfriend Grace: see if you can't make him believe it Janis: you know all your putdowns only work if you're deeply insecure? Janis: again, more of a you problem Janis: 😬 awkies Grace: it's not a putdown Grace: genuinely hoping you two go the distance Grace: I already said so Janis: 😂 Janis: ew Grace: 💕💕💕 Grace: hopefully you'll get stronger words from Mia when she finds you at the party Grace: she's really 💔 over that boy if not Janis: gotta have one to break it, kid Grace: a fake one works well enough for her purposes Grace: & it's fake 💔 Janis: you always chat as if everyone doesn't know Janis: you're the only ones tonguing her hole, love Grace: ew Grace: & you wish obvs Janis: wow Janis: back at it with the gay jokes Janis: hit all 3, well done Grace: excuse you for wanting me to be in love with her or something Janis: you are Janis: and it's like Janis: well Janis: casual battered wife, want me to get you a place in a hostel Grace: I told you, girls don't do it for me, sorry to burst that bubble for you Grace: nobody's more devastated than me, trust Janis: no shit Janis: no self-respecting dyke is touching your shit with a bargepole Janis: your issues make the boys uncomfortable imagine someone capable of empathy, christ Grace: 💔 Janis: you mentioned Janis: the nation mourns, kid Grace: sure Janis: toodle-oo Grace: 👋
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