#i haven’t been since 2017
mildmayfoxe · 1 year
bro… i’m going to the doctor’s tomorrow. fucked up if true
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theftshrubbery · 5 months
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classic mistake
the chosen 🕶️
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noirandchocolate · 2 months
We planned and booked stuff for an entire 4-day vacation in like 2.5 hours today and I’m so proud. One of the reasons I haven’t actually traveled anywhere in years (certainly not for more than a quick weekend con where we had one activity and that was the con) was that the thought of having to plan things for myself seemed so overwhelming and too full of steps that it made me give up before I ever started.
But we did it together! Bast found a cute hotel close to the places we want to visit that is within my budget and has scenic views, and I scoured tourism websites for restaurants for every meal and reserved a table for a fancier date night. I got us full access passes that cover a bunch of historic sites and tickets for a ghost tour and an arboretum, and we found an art museum and an aquarium. All that’s really left is to search up where we can park.
Oh and I’ve got to put in for the time off from work.
Which is the reason we’re going on vacation.
To give me a break from work, for a reason other than ‘will lose these days if I don’t take them off before the year’s over so I end up taking off the entirety of Liminal Spacemas and staying home full of winter-y holiday staring-into-space-ness instead of really feeling like it’s a break.’
Haaaaaahahahahaha vacatioooooon~~ Gonna GO SOMEWHERE with BAST and it’s gonna be NICE.
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bromcommie · 4 months
got the original broadway newsies soundtrack stuck in my head again. devastating
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justgot1 · 4 months
My job/boss continues to get stupider by the day.
I am now applying to artist residencies with the vague notion of being nomadic for a while if I can string several together.
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aideshou · 17 days
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Do you bloom for death or sad goodbyes?
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alltheprettyplaces · 2 months
love looking at past fb profile pictures tbh
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ronanceautistic · 3 months
Idk why that got me so riled up I’ve been peeved all day tbf. anyways peace and love peace and love
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i voted no opinion on steve but i imagine most of the division is from the whole time travelling and abandoning his friends to be with a woman who had moved on with her life after he left isn't making people love him
bucky didn't do that and was also in tfatws which is more recent so recency bias to maybe
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zero-braincells-left · 8 months
just realized that i honestly don’t know shit about Minecraft anymore
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batnbreakfast · 1 year
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My day in pictures: Skylines, street art, newly built historical city centres (huh), Ebbler (kind of like cider), calvados with sweet plum, cheese with way too much onion, and a walk back to the hotel with more skyline.
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Worst thing that ever happened to my smut writing was falling for a real man.
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the-cookie-of-doom · 1 year
One thing my relationship (+ maturing in general over the last 2 years) taught me is confidence wrt relationships, and now I’m?? Lowkey flirting with a coworker??? Like I all but asked him on a date, and I’m seriously trying to be normal about it bc I’ve been broken up for a 10 DAYS, no way I’m emotionally ready to get any kind of involved with anyone/anything, I’m gonna be focusing on myself for the next few years, but also? I’ve had a Lowkey crush on this guy since before my ex boyfriend and I even met, and the fact that I can even talk to him now, with it without flirting, reach out and ask if he wants to go do something with me later, etc. Shocking. Like I’m genuinely just trying to make friends, and that is Not Something I Do, especially towards someone I’m even remotely attracted to. Even towards someone I’m not!
And like. We didn’t make any concrete plans bc I’m in the middle of finals. I have no idea if he’ll follow through. And even that feels kinda good? I’m secure enough in myself that I’m not riddled with anxiety over whether or not I overstepped, if he was just being nice, if I have to change how I interact to be more palatable. Just a super casual “hey, I do this thing that I think you would really enjoy, I’d love to introduce you to it if you’re interested,” and move on without any awkwardness. For someone that used to have crippling anxiety with social interactions, it was great.
Adulting is wild. To anyone under 20 seeing this, thinking they’ll never make friends after they leave school. Don’t worry baby, it gets better.
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chans-room · 1 year
I’m in my shinee era (again) I’m sorry
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who would have thought that i’d be getting deep back into mac demarco in this year of our lord two thousand twenty two guess this is what my brain has decided is going to sonically define the last quarter of the year
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mentalmeles · 1 year
This year has honestly been one of the most difficult years for me to survive through so far
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