#i have to watch all these damn lectures so i can take an online quiz today
southislandwren · 2 years
okay so if i test negative tomorrow its business as usual. but if i test positive now I miss a third shift (so missing out on 80 bucks total from this week) and i have to reschedule an exam and a quiz and a lab. which doesnt actually sound so bad exceot then i'd be a whole week behind in lab, and the exam has to be proctored by someone else bc the prof is unavailable when you are, and the prof with the quiz to be rescheduled AGAIN already doesn't like me (my hunch is that its because i have an airpod in during class so i dont fall asleep)
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Throw Away Those Flashcards
Summary: Estella wants to study up for her exams. Sebastian wants to do something else.
Rating: M - Not suitable for children or teens below the age of 16 with non-explicit suggestive adult themes, references to some violence, or coarse language.
Words: 1000
Notes: Sebastian feels like every college boyfriend ever, ngl.
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“It’s all just going down 7th street, taking the train, and then straight to fucking shit.” Sebastian complained loudly, his jaw set in a grimace.
Estella mumbled in agreement, flipping through her flashcards as she studied for the Botanic test that she had at college the next day. She cannot remember what the brunet was even talking about, but she knows that it was not anything that he was supposed to be concentrating on. It had been understood that he would come and hang out at her place on the condition that he studies for his own exams, but it seems that a long-winded story about his stepfather, once again, dominated conversation.
She had not paid the slightest attention on it all, and, for his turn, the boy barely noticed either, as she punctuated the intermissions in his talking with the occasional mutter of “mhm” and “yeah, I totally get that”.
“Like, what the fuck am I supposed to do, you know?” He grumbled.
A puff of smoke fanned her face and her nose scrunched as she waved it away, frustrated. He had acquired the habit of smoking recently, from some deadbeats in college, but it sometimes feels that it has completely taken over his personality, as it is very rare anyone can find him without a lit cigarette on his fingers.
Estella let out a heavy sigh. “Sebastian, honey, I swear that I get what you’re saying, and I don’t mind you venting too much, but you could at least make an effort not to be so needy. It’s getting really damn hard to concentrate with you putting your hand on my thigh! Can we please focus on what we’re supposed to be doing now?”
“Sorry, babe.” Sebastian lifted the nub of a cigarette from his lips, blowing a thin line of smoke from the corner of his mouth, but, crucially, not taking his hand away at any point. “Actually, you know what? I’m not sorry at all. You need a break.”
The girl sighed exasperatedly. Ever since she befriended the town emo, as he himself tends to put it, on the bus that take them every day to Zuzu City and their college classes, she found herself submitting to the simplest things. Her mother, overbearing and prejudiced as she is, has a point when she says that the boy is turning her head around.
He wanted her to ditch class and watch him throw back a beer while tinkering with some random stuff at his garage? She is on board, ready to watch the two-hour online lecture afterward while he bugged her. He wants to feel like a big boy by slaying his friends on pool? There she is every Friday evening, even if she is yet to pocket a single ball. He wants to have an impromptu adventure at some seedy and obscure part of the city? She is already at the bus stop, waiting for him.
Now, he wanted Estella to stop studying for the quiz that was worth a quarter of her final grade? Her flashcards could not be tossed aside quick enough. If anyone could see it, she would feel rather pathetic.
Putting out the cigarette on the ashtray she bought for him, and that she covertly empties on the fields while her mother and grandfather are not looking, he rolled over, placing a chaste kiss on her lips.
“So, how do you want it tonight? Missionary? From behind? Oh, wait!” He paused, kissing her once again, eliciting a laugh from her. “Are you in the mood to try something new? Maybe some reverse cowgirl shit?”
The farmer’s granddaughter shook her head, unable to keep the smile off her face as she suppresses a laugh, and carded a hand through his hair. She does not miss how he subtly leaned into her touch, the small sincere smile that quirks ever so slightly on the corner of his lips.
“God, Sebastian, do you kiss your mother with that mouth? Why do you have to make everything so dirty, huh?” She asks, amused at his readiness to just get on with the hanky-panky.
Sebastian leaned down, nipping at her neck, and she could feel his smirk against her skin when she released a breathy moan.
“Nope. Actually, I only kiss you. Come on, sweetheart! Are you really telling me that you don’t like it?” He dismisses it as if it was an absurd claim. “I’m pretty sure you fucking love it and it’s just too proud to admit it.”
“Oh?” She sat up and pushed him off of her, smirking in her transitory position of power. “Are you sure? Like, absolutely positive?”
Sebastian pulled her onto his lap, hands resting at her hips. He loved little moments like this. It was completely effortless, natural, as they fall into a familiar and comfortable rhythm, even if they relationship is relatively new. It was refreshing not having some complicated bullshit to deal with later.
Their relationship was simple, sweet, and everything he claimed he never wanted out of life. Yet, here was, fucking craving it all every minute the two of them were apart.
“Yeah, I’m sure. You want to bet on it, princess?” His lips curled into that god-awful half-smirk he constantly donned on his face as he leaned his head back to look at her. “I’m sure you’d lose, though.”
Estella scoffed in dismissal, pulling her shirt over her head. His hands, warm despite the room's coolness, shot up to her breasts. He seemed focused as he bounced them up and down like a game of hot potato.
“No bra? Nice.” He hummed, aroused.
The girl chuckled at him. “Yeah, as if you weren’t staring at the nipples stiffing out of my shirt when you kicked the AC on earlier.”
His laugh was the only response as he jutted his hips up from below her, cocking an eyebrow and smirking at the soundless gasp that escaped her.
“So, are we going to do this or not?”
Stardew Valley Masterlist
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anime-kia · 3 years
Action Potentials
So this one is inspired by myself, as I am in college. (Not saying that what happens in this story is what happened to me lmao!)
Warnings: Oral Sex and "Cheating" 
Relationship: Tutor! Fuckboy Erik x College Student Reader
P.S. If I said something wrong- physiology related -I apologize, I did this unit back in January so it might not all be correct idk (I hope it is lol). 
"In order for the vesicles containing neurotransmitters to bind to the pre synapse, calcium must enter the cell first. Then exocytosis can occur." Julie Clark, your physiology professor explained.
It made no sense. You stared at the lecture slide on your laptop, scratching your head. "But- wait, so what's the purpose?" 
She could see the confusion written all over your face. It's not that you weren't smart, but all these ridiculously long words combined with even more complex sentences had your mind muddled. 
"Because, once the neurotransmitters enter into the synapse and bind to the post synapse, sodium can enter and carry out the action-potential."
Your mouth hung slightly open, and your eyebrows raised. "Wh-what? I'm so confused." You sighed.
 "Which part?"
THE WHOLE DAMN THING! You wanted to scream at your ignorant professor. "All of it."
Unfortunately, you got lumped with one of the hardest and most confusing professors on the entire campus. She purposely made things overly complicated when they could be simplified. Her classes were passable, but hard to score top marks unless you were a natural born genius. 
"I did my best at explaining the steps. This is exactly what happens. I can't break it down anymore for you."
You deadpanned. This is what she calls her "best at explaining"?
"Just study some more, watch online videos and maybe try out one of our campus tutors. They're free." She pushed her chair back and stood up, "In fact, I'll recommend my best student to you. He's finishing up his Master's, but I'm sure he remembers a thing or two."
"What's his name?"
"Erik Stevens." She wrote his name down on a card and handed it over to you. 
You stared at the card. Get a tutor, huh...
Anyone who tutors had to have passed with at least an 80% in the class. Either they were book smart or smart at simplifying complex subjects.
Upon returning to your apartment, two out of three of your roommates were there, Chalissa and June. Both majoring in political science. Chalissa had fair skin, a large 3C mane that framed her chubby face and stood at 5'2. June had almond skin, neon pink single braids that went down her back and was average height. 
You met them on move-in day, and as the semester progressed, you developed somewhat of a friendship with each of your roommates. 
It was a blessing that June had a slight OCD, the dishes never piled up in the skin, the common area was always tidy and you were lucky to share a bathroom with her. Not that the other girls were messy, but they did have a tendency of leaving their stuff everywhere. 
Your missing roommate was Valentina. A short hispanic girl who kept her hair in a straight cut bob with bangs. She was rarely home, either out with her other friends, studying or working. The only times she would be home was to sleep, take care of her personal hygiene, and eat (rarely).
"Hey, girl." Chalissa greeted you from the kitchen. She was stirring something in a bowl.
"Hey, Lis." You locked the door and set your backpack down by your bedroom door, "Whatchya making?" 
"Brownies." She winked at you. 
Oh yeah, and Chalissa was a pothead. 
"Of course." You chuckled, "Are you going out?"
"Yeah, Trevor is having a little kick back. You wanna come?"
"As fun as it sounds, I gotta study."
"Aww." She pouted, "You can't do it later?"
"Unfortunately no, because I am extremely confused and we have a quiz coming up. My prof said I have to understand this otherwise everything else is gonna be gibberish."
June came out of her room dressed in a short red bodycon dress with her face beat.
The both of you ooo'd and awed at her.
"Where are you going looking all sexy like that?" Chalissa teased. 
"I may or may not have a date with that guy I was telling y'all about." June cheesed, her dimples on full display. 
"Alright, well have fun girl." You said, still admiring how perfect her eyeliner was. 
"But not too much fun!" Chalissa sternly added.
"Well I mean, that's why I brought this." She pulled a piece of gold foil out her purse and shoved it quickly back in. "Y'all didn't see anything." She slipped her black heels on and headed for the front door.
"Oop, get that dick then. Bye, girl!" You called out as she left.
"I hope he doesn't do her dirty like Bryan." 
"Right." You plopped down on the sectional and turned Netflix on.
"Uh-uh, what are you doing?"
"I'm catching up on Love Is Blind."
"Nah sis, you told me you don't wanna kick it with me cuz you gotta study. Now switch that corny ass show off and go study." 
"Well I can't study if I don't understand anything, I'm gonna get a tutor."
"And when do you plan on doing that?"
"Uh, sometime tomorrow."
Chalissa side eyed you, "A lie." 
She took the remote from you and turned off the TV. 
"No baby girl, you are a pro at procrastinating. What I need you to do is get up and go to the library and book your appointment with the tutor."
"Lis, how you gon' do me like this."
"It's for your own good. I don't wanna hear that you failed a class. Now get up and go." 
You sighed deeply, and lifted yourself out of the seat. "I can't stand you."
"Love you too." She blew you a kiss that you smacked away. You took your keys from the table, slipped on your Vans and headed out to the library. 
Walking through campus in the evening was both relaxing, but sometimes a little scary depending on where you decided to walk. The breeze was nice on your skin, a little relief from the leftover heat that summer decided to bring into the fall season. It was quiet, spare for the small group of people playing different musical instruments. It was serene listening to the acoustics fill the air in the distance. 
As much as you wanted to sit outside and watch them play, you had to get to the library which would be closing in thirty minutes. You moved your feet at a faster pace and caught the door just as someone left, slipping inside. 
The two evening librarians were talking to each other, looking ready to go home. Once the door closed behind you, they both looked your way. 
"Library's closing." The thin and tall dorky looking one stated.
"I'm signing up for tutoring. My professor recommended someone to me." You pulled the card out of your Nike windbreaker pocket and placed it on the desk. "Erik Stevens."
"Oh, him." He scoffed. 
You raised an eyebrow, "Something wrong with him?"
The librarian glanced at you, and looked back at the card, "No." He entered something into the computer. "Student ID." He demanded, more than he asked without looking at you.  
Good thing you kept everything in your lanyard. You pulled it out of your jeans pocket and placed it onto the desk. 
The librarian picked it up and repeated your name in a mocking manner.
You narrowed your eyes at him and decided to let the attitude slide. Whatever this was worth, this Erik Stevens guy better not be some asshole that you now have to associate with. Because this Geoffrey Arend looking ass bitch was really getting on your bad side for no reason. 
"Alright, he will be in contact with you sometime tonight or tomorrow to work out a scheudle..." He lethargically responded. 
"Okay." You responded as dryly as he was with you, and picked up your stuff then left. You didn't bother thanking him, all he did was make you feel invalid and suspicious. 
Leaving you to wonder...
Who the hell is this Erik Stevens?
You returned back to the apartment, spending the night alone in the empty space relaxing on your bed while catching up on episodes of Love Is Blind. 
Just then, your laptop chimed telling you that an email came through. 
That was quick. You thought to yourself.
Subject: Tutoring
Got your email saying you need a tutor. Lemme know what time works best for you. 
You were kind of surprised at the lack of formality within the email. All of your professors were so big on professionalism. 
You responded to him with the availability of Tuesday or Thursday afternoon. Luckily your classes happened during the morning time on those days.
Not even two minutes later and he replied.
You need both days?
You were almost insulted. So you responded back.
You: No, I'm just letting you pick a day in case one of them does not work with your schedule.
Erik: Aight, Tuesday @ 3pm in the study/tutor hall. Room 305
You: Okay, see you then. 
So there you found yourself, sitting in room 305 at 3:10pm on a windy Tuesday afternoon, waiting for Erik Stevens to come help you understand action potentials. But alas, he was now ten minutes late and you were growing impatient. 
Did he forget? 
You gave him five more minutes and if he wasn't through the door by time Money Trees stopped playing out of your earbuds, you were gathering your stuff and leaving. 
You lightly bopped your head to Jay Rock's verse while sketching a flower in the corner of your notebook. 
Then Kendrick's hook came on for the last time and you decided that you were not going to be kind enough to give Erik the outro of the song as well. 
Waste my time, huh?
You pulled your earbuds out and slid all your belongings into your backpack and got up from the plastic chair. 
Before grasping the handle, the door opened and in came a tall and brawny male with short dreads and a full beard that framed his face nicely. He was dressed down in light grey sweats, a hoodie with the schools name across the chest, black and white Jordan 11s and a gold chain supporting an interesting looking ring.
Now that is a fine ass man. 
The smell of sandalwood with a hint of coconut filled the entire room as he got closer.
"If you're getting tutored by Erik you might as well forget about it, he's not here." You said slightly annoyed as he watched you. 
"Well good thing I'm not being tutored." The male chuckled, "I'm Erik Stevens, nice to meet you." He held his hand out for you to shake.
You stared at him unimpressed, "And I'm (y/n), but you're late."
"I'm sorry ma, my bad. I got held up with some stuff."
"You could've sent me an email." 
He wiggled his hand, waiting for you to shake it, so you did. Curtly.
"Emails ain't really my thing, but you right. I should've said something." He pulled a seat out for the both of you.
You took your seat, again, and reopened your bag. 
"What year are you?" He asked.
"First year, but I took some time off to work before I decided to finally come to college."
"Ah... And you decided to take nursing?"
"Yep." You said, slightly unexcited. 
"You know what you're getting yourself into?"
"My mother is an RN so yeah... For the most part."
Erik hummed, watching you open your notebook. He picked up the page and examined your notes. "Action potentials, huh. Well I got some good news and some bad news for ya."
You raised an eyebrow, "Gimme the bad news first."
"Aight, well if you don't get this, you gon' have a hard time understanding how the rest of the neurons work together."  
You sighed, "Now the good news."
He smirked, "I kinda specialize in this unit. I've helped a lot of folks get high 80s and 90s."
"So you really be doing this tutoring stuff, huh?" 
"I mean they pay me to do it. But I was getting sick of helping all these niggas though. I was relieved as fuck to see you were a female."
You chuckled at his statement, "And what if I actually am a guy?"
"Don't play with me like that shorty, you too fine to be a nigga."
You were taken aback, blushing slightly. "Anyways, this ain't speed dating. I came here for your help."
"Yeah you right." Erik had a nice smile you thought to yourself, the gold caps adding an extra oomf to the niceness. "Aight so, tell me what's confusing you."
"Everything." You restated. 
"Dang. You must got Julie as your prof." You nodded, "She made shit more complicated than it needed to be, imma be honest. But once you get use to her lingo it's easier."
"So how did you make it easier for yourself?"
"I mean... I'm kind of a genius as it is." He shamelessly bragged with a grin. 
"Yeah, okay." Your eyes rolled at his cocky tone. "I'm not stupid."
"I ain't say all that, ma. What helps is to simplify things, put 'em in your own words or actions." His tone was suggestive as was the look in his dark eyes.
"Meaning?" You beckoned for him to elaborate. 
His calloused hands gently took the wrist of your arm sending a chill to course through your body. "Well, the next unit is about how muscles contract."
Your eyebrow raised, "Okay..."
"So you got two filaments acting together to make it happen. Actin, your arm and myosin, my hand. Now imagine, if I pull your arm-" And that's exactly what he did, bringing you even closer to him. 
You gasped, "Er-" 
He smirked, "Now we closer together, meaning the muscle shortened. Why? Because myosin pulls on actin for muscles to contract." Erik slowly released his grasp on your wrist, eyes lingering. "But you don't gotta worry about that for now, so let's talk action potential." 
You've only known him for an hour and already he had an affect on you. You certainly got a somewhat better understanding on what action potentials were from his explanation. 
Julie should be fired, you thought. She was definitely one of those professors who didn't like children (even though majority of you were eighteen or older) and enjoyed watching people suffer. She was also a bragger, someone who was so proud to have a PhD and be getting paid well over $90,000 a year. 
That bitch needed to get over herself.
The rest of your professors were nothing like her. In fact they liked to simplify because they were just there to broaden your knowledge, sometimes you don't even use half of what you learn when you actually get a job.
Bless those teachers.
"How was your first tutoring session?" Chalissa asked, setting on a pot of rice. 
"Not bad at all." You said with a smirk, "He fine too." 
"Oop, ask him if he knows something about sex. Maybe he can tutor you there too."
You busted out laughing, "Girl, I might."
June arrived back in with a frown on her face, "He really had the audacity to stand me up y'all." She plopped down onto the sofa beside you, "Not a text, call or nothing."
"This was the first time right? Maybe he forgot." You suggested.
"Forgot my ass. He know everything, but not time? I think not." 
"Just let him explain, it could've been urgent."
"On the bright side, y'all were just going to the campus diner together." Chalissa added.
June sighed, using her finger to wipe a streak of dust off the coffee table, scowling at it. "Either way, he could've said that he couldn't make it. I was standing there for thirty minutes looking like a fool." 
You put a hand on her shoulder, "I'll whoop his ass if he doesn't make up for it, okay?"
She smiled, "Okay sis, but you might have to shoot him. He kinda big."
Chalissa let out a loud cackle from the kitchen causing the rest of you to laugh. 
June got up, "Lemme go call his ass and see what's up."
Just then a text was sent to your phone, it was from Erik. He somehow managed to get you to surrender your number to him after your first session. Suggesting that texting is easier than emails. Which is true, anyone other than a middle aged parent could admit that. 
Erik: Aye, wyd?
You were surprised that he texted you so casually because you've only known him for a day and he was only your tutor. 
You: Waiting for my roommate to finish cooking so we can eat.
Erik: You ain't helping her? That's tough.
You: Nah we take turns sometimes. Plus she insisted. 
Erik: Oh word. Aight so I just wanna make sure you retained everything I taught you.
You: Wh-
Erik: Super easy. What is the voltage a cell must reach in order for an AP to occur?
Thank God it was something you remembered. 
You: 60mv
Erik: Wrong.
You: How????
Erik: It's -60mv
You: Same difference.
Erik: Nah cuz if you said that on a test you'd lose marks
You sighed.
You: 😔
Erik: Don't trip, just remember its negative. Anyways, I think imma need to see you more than just Tuesday if you really wanna get this lesson down. 
You: Thursday is my only other free day.
Erik: And what about rn?
You: Like now now?
Erik: Yeah
You: I'm still waiting on this food tho.
Erik: Afterwards?
It was a little bit late, but your first class tomorrow didn't start until 2.
You: I guess I'm free, where you wanna meet up?
Erik: Same place.
You: Ok. But you better not take long again.
Erik: I won't.
So there you found yourself again in room 305, sitting in the same plastic chair from earlier. Erik was actually the one to let you in the door, keeping his promise to not be late. 
He was leaning against the white board, staring at you. 
"I'm tryna figure out why you thought coming to the study hall at 9:45pm was a good idea."
"I wanted to give you extra lessons. If you forgot something as easy as the voltage then God knows what else you forgot." 
Your jaw dropped as you frowned at him, "I got the number right though."
His phone started ringing, but he declined the call. 
"You did, but like I said, put that on a test and you lose marks." He walked over to you, pulling a chair out and sitting face to face with you. "Now explain to me how an action potential works." 
"Shouldn't I be asking you that?"
"Nah shorty, I need to see how much you remember. See if you was really paying attention or just checking a nigga out." He smirked, looking you up and down. 
You raised an eyebrow, mouth still ajar at his accusation. You didn't think he'd be that perceptive. Sure while he was reading off your book you glanced a few looks his way, but nothing too lustful... Right?
"I was not." 
"You sure?" He said, his eyes were low.
"Aight, then answer my question, ma. What happens?"
"The cell depolarizes."
"Cuz sodium channels open, letting in the positive ions."
"Then what?"
"The potassium channels open and let in negative ions so the cell hyper-polarizes."
You watched him shake his head.
"What? How is that wrong!?" You groaned in frustration.
The phone rang again, but he declined it once more.
"The sodium channels gotta close first, shorty." He got up and removed his black windbreaker. "Also, the cell re-polarizes, and then it hyper-polarizes." 
"Okay, small mistake." You shrugged.
"That'a cost you big marks." Erik added while pulling the blinds down that were on the door's window and locking it. "You ever take that test that determines what kind of learner you are?"
"Yeah, kinaesthetic was my highest." 
"That's good to know. You tryna learn how action potentials work physically?" He asked suggestively. It was written all over his face, ever since you locked eyes with him. Just a taste of your honeypot, that's exactly what he wanted. 
You'd be lying if you said you didn't want to try out his teaching method.
"And how would that work?" You inquired, lustful undertones in your voice.
"Let me get a taste of that pussy and imma show you." 
Your eyebrow jumped up, "How bold. What if I say no?"
"You won't." Erik cockily said, folding his large arms over his chest.
He was right, you definitely wouldn't. 
His phone rang once more and he let out an irritated growl before turning it off completely. 
"Maybe you should answer it, I can wait." 
"Nah, it ain't important."
"Judging by how many times they've rang your phone, I think it's important."
"Don't worry about it, baby girl. All you gotta worry about is not cumming during your lesson." He said, sitting you up on the desk and pulled off your leggings. 
"You not gon' let me cum?"
"Nah, not until I say you can." He moved your body backwards and laid you on your back. "Aight so, action potentials happen because something stimulates the cell." 
He moved your lace thong to the side and ran a finger over your clit. You shuddered in response and let out a gasp.
"Sodium channels open up, sodium ions go in and the cell depolarizes." 
You watched his face grow closer and closer to your core before everything he was saying fell onto deaf ears. His tongue ran over your clit, pussy already leaking from his advances earlier. 
His voice vibrated your pussy as he tongued you up and down. The movements were so precise and skilled. You continuously dripped onto his mouth and beard, moaning his name. 
"I-it's so good Erik, oh my gosh." 
"You like that, ma?"
"Mmmh yes, right there." You whined as his tongue flicked over your sensitive clit. "F-fuck."
One of his fingers inserted into your wet cavern, coating his finger in your juices. He sucked and pumped all at the same time sending your mind into a frenzy.
How did I get here? How did I get so lucky to have him as my tutor?
"Fuck!" You screamed out as another one of his fingers plunged into you.
"Shhh, class is still in session, baby."
You bit your bottom lip in attempt to stay quiet, but it was hardly working. The man that had your legs spread apart, tonguing you down like it was his last supper had you in shambles. He was too good at this. 
"Ohhh my gosh, Erik, ugh please!" 
"Please what?" He smirked up at you, though your eyes were rolled back in your head behind your closed lids. 
"Please make me cum." You gasped out. 
"I got you, ma. But the lesson ain't over yet." He teased.
There was so much intense pressure built up in your pussy, and you took a peek at Erik, his eyes so focused onto your lower body. He roughly fingered you and juices started to squirt out and you could no longer contain your voice.
"Fuck! Oh my gosh, Erik! Yesssss!" 
He scooted back a little, half of his face was covered in your wetness. 
"She a squirter too? Dang." He grinned as you came undone before him. 
You panted, as he slid his fingers out, licking the juices off. 
"And that's how an action potential works." 
You looked at him in shock, "Were you really still talking while doing me up like that?"
He tossed you a tissue box from the desk. "That was the purpose of this, baby girl. So now tell me how they work, and if you can't imma have to punish you till you get it right." 
"Wha- You can't eat me out like that and expect me to focus!" 
"Sure can." He challenged. "It's worked before, but... I can give you another method if you'd like." 
His pants fell to his ankles and you stared at the large bulge in shock. 
This was gonna be a long night. 
Back in your apartment, June was upset venting to Chalissa, but then she got a call and flew out the apartment door like nothing happened. 
"You're glowing." Chalissa smirked, wiggling her eyebrows at you.
You lifted a shoulder with a cheeky look on your face. "Am I?"
"Lemme find out you let him hit."
"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't."
"Ooooh, you nasty! That's what I like!" She cheered you on.
You grinned, and walked proudly into your bedroom. You took a hot shower. Legs and pussy both sore, but it was so worth it.
You laid awake thinking about how this older and fine ass man really had you giving it up to him that fast. Any other guy and you would've been out ASAP. But Erik was so damn charming and charismatic. So enticing. 
Thursday rolled around and you were studying normally with Erik once again. This time he was at your apartment. Everyone else was still in their classes so you had the place to yourself. 
The test was tomorrow so you had to make sure that you really, really understood everything. 
"And me coming down from an orgasm would be like the cell going back to resting membrane potential, right?" 
"Exactly and what's that number?" 
"-70mv." You responded proudly.
He grinned, happy that you finally grasped the concept. "You ready for that test, girl." 
The impossible happened! You smiled.
"Want something to eat?" You got off your bed, stretching your arms up. 
"What you got?"
"Leftover pizza."
"From where?" 
"Homemade, it's really good. My roommate made it." You led the way to the kitchen. 
"You still not cooking, huh?" He followed you out the room.
"I do, it just wasn't my day!" You argued. 
"Whatever you say, ma." He spanked your bum and squeezed it as you pulled the tray out of the fridge. 
He stood behind you and whispered in your ear, "When you letting me get that pussy again though?"
You turned your head, "Ion know, if you act right you might get some right now."
"Bet." He kissed your neck and sucked it, but that was short lived as the front door opened. He pulled away and in came June and Chalissa with frappuccinos in hand.
"Erik?" June questioned, her eyebrows narrowed in confusion. "What are you doing here?" She looked between the both of you. 
You could hear him curse under his breath.
"Y'all know each other?" Chalissa asked, also looking baffled. 
"Yes, this is who I been seeing." As the words left her mouth you started to feel faint. "I just didn't expect to see him here cuz I never gave him the address..."
"Small world." You said, keeping your composure. "He's actually my tutor, but he was just leaving." 
"Y-yeah... I'll catch you next week, (Y/n)." He put his shoes on and kissed June's cheek on the way out, "I'll see you later."
The door locked and you all were in silence for a good minute. Awkward wouldn't even justify the tension in the room.
"Well, I'm gonna put all this stuff away." June said, walking to her bedroom and locking the door a little aggressively.
Chalissa was still staring at you. You stared back at her with a pitiful look.
"That was him?" She whispered to you.
You bit your lip and nodded. 
June exited her room, and headed to the front door. "I'm going to the gym."
"Okay, stay safe." Chalissa waved her goodbye as the front door closed. "So y'all had sex?"
You nodded again and took a seat on the bar stool, face palming. "I didn't know, Lis."
"I ain't blaming you, but what are we gonna tell her?"
"Please don't say anything yet. She finna kill my ass." 
"If anything, his ass needs to be killed. He really playing her for a fool."
"I know, and then it's my fault! I barely know him too."
Chalissa sighed and admitted, "He fine though- But that's besides the point!" 
"The thing is, he didn't act like he was in a relationship either. He openly admitted to me that he be fuckin' around. That's what folks do in college so I would've never guessed he was with her." 
"I don't wanna blame her, but she says they're dating. Maybe he don't see it that way."
"Honestly, that's what I'm thinking, but it still doesn't make it right."
"I agree, call him and see what he has to say."
You groaned, frustrated at your situation. You knew the truth would be revealed at some point, but you kind of wished you could take it to the grave with you. Even if it would nag your guilty conscience until the end of time. 
You waited a few hours before dialling his number. On the third ring he picked up, "Wassup?"
"Look, I just want to know the truth, okay. Cuz I feel like shit right now."
"Why? I told you what was up."
"No, Erik. That's not the point. The fact of the matter is June says y'all are dating. Had I known I never would've done that with you."
There was a long pause before he let out an irritated sigh, "Dating?"
"That's what she said."
"So that's why her ass won't leave me alone... Bruh, I took her out for dinner two times that's it."
"Well she clearly believes that you two are exclusive. You got to be up front with her because if she cares about someone she will do anything for them."
"Nah she need to relax with all that shit. I ain't never said anything about making it official with her."
"You fucked her didn't you?" 
"Yeah, but that don't mean she my girlfriend. You ain't my girl." 
You were honestly annoyed with Erik's lack of sensitivity. 
"Then explain that to her and stop leading people on!"
"Look bruh, I didn't promise her nothing. She put that all in her head by herself. I gave her some dick one time and now she want me? Y'all wild." 
"Then explain that to her!"
He kissed his teeth on the other end, "I will, but you need to stop yelling at me. Ion appreciate that shit."
"And I'm sure June doesn't appreciate being led on."
"Listen, you worry about your test tomorrow and I'll worry about my situation. Ion wanna hear you failed cuz you couldn't get your mind off of this. You stressin' for nothing."
"I said imma talk to her, aight? Now stop worrying about it."
You sighed and said your farewells. It still didn't help your feelings, but at least it wasn't technically cheating...
"And that's time. Pencils down." Julie instructed.  The TA went around the room collecting the papers, "Your marks will be posted around next week this time. Enjoy the rest of your day."
Students filed out of the classroom and you made a quick trip to the restroom. It was a slightly challenging test, but Erik's methods certainly did help you remember things. You remembered it so well that you ended up dripping in your panties the entire test. 
Erik shot you a text.
Erik: How did it go?
You: I think I did good. But I got a problem and imma need your help.
Three hours later you were laid up in Erik's bed, snuggling under his arm. 
"This still feels so wrong."
"I told you this ain't a relationship. I'm a single ass nigga and imma keep it that way. Y'all females can't just take dick and go, can you?"
 "You gotta understand that not all of us can sling pussy around and not catch some type of feeling."
"You catching feelings?"
"No, cuz you're a fuckboy and I ain't here for that." 
"That's not what you was saying five minutes ago."
You slapped his chest, "Not the point! What did you tell her?" 
"I told her that we ain't a thing, we just talking, but of course she ain't like that." He began laughing, your head slightly bouncing against his chest. "I never been cursed out like that in my entire life."
"What did you expect, you had her thinking y'all had something."
"But I never said we were, shorty is crazy."
"Can't blame her when you got dick like this." You wrapped your hand around his flaccid member which started to grow harder at your touch. 
"What you tryna say?"
"You got dick that'll make a girl crazy." You shrugged, and got up "Anyway, I gotta head back to my place now."
"Need a ride?"
How nice of him, at least he was somewhat of a courteous fuckboy...
"That would nice." 
You both pulled on your clothes and headed down to the front door. As you opened it, your eyes widened, staring at June who had her finger inches away from the doorbell. Mascara running down her cheeks.
"(Y/n)?!" She gasped. "I can't fucking believe it, I was right! You fucked him didn't you!" 
"I was tryna give you the benefit of the doubt, but here you are!" She sniffled, more tears spilling from her eyes.
"June I-"
"No fuck you!" She poked you in your chest harshly, "And fuck you too you big headed dirty ass, trifling fucking piece of shit!" She cursed at Erik. 
She stormed down the stairs, and went into her car, driving off. 
"Why was she here, Erik!?" You angrily asked him. 
"I didn't know she was coming!" 
You rolled your eyes and groaned, "This is gonna be so awkward now." 
He drove you home in silence.
For at least a week you hadn't seen June. She didn't come home at all, and for the first time you were seeing more of your other roommate, Valentina, than June. 
Your test results were posted online and you passed with flying colours. Erik was very proud that his teaching skills helped you out.
I can't be too mad at Erik now. 
Though you were happy, you did wish that the cost of an almost perfect test wasn't at the expense of your relationship with your roommate. She didn't deserve this treatment, but it was neither of your faults. 
The problem was, she assumed Erik wanted her. He should've been way more clear about his intentions with her. 
June ended up finding a new place to live, which you were pretty grateful for considering she could hold grudges extremely well. Erik continued to tutor you, but you made sure that he wasn't "seeing" anyone so you didn't have to worry about having any more problems with anyone. 
"So what's your next lesson?" He asked, pulling his belt from the loops.
"The endocrine system." You replied confidently, excited to learn what new methods he'd be using. 
"So you learning how hormones work, huh?" A smirk appeared on his lips, "Class is in session, so you better pay attention or else you getting punished if you get it wrong. When I'm done with you, you finna be an expert, baby."
This took me damn near three months to write omg! Idk why.
I started it and left it alone for so long! But I'm glad it's finally finished. 
I hope y'all are holding up well during these times. 
I also hope you enjoyed, I think this was an okay story, but not my best. 
Thanks for reading!
(Start/Finish: February 16, 2020 - May 4, 2020) 
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somethinglacking · 5 years
Shooting for Stars: Chapter 2
Hyuna Lee just started college, and while procrastinating decided to give a popular MMO called LOLOL a try. Here she will meet new friends, battle monsters, part takes in epic quests, and potentially find love!
Most of this will take place in LOLOL at the beginning.
This takes place a year/ year and a half after Seven’s good end, and the secret endings. Yoosung x OC
**Update’s once a week** Chapter word count: 4408
Smut in later chapters, of course Shooting For Stars: Chapter 1 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The day seemed to keep dragging on and on. A certain University student sat in a lecture dozing off. Maybe he should have logged off when Sapfyre had. His purple irises where bloodshot from the two hours of sleep he did manage to get. His lids were heavy as he rested his chin in his palm attempting to focus on what the Professor was saying. Knowing he had a quiz at the end of the week, and the professor had promised all they had to do was show up and pay attention to pass. However, it was getting harder and harder to keep his eyes open. One of his classmates had kicked his chair trying to keep him alert, the action made him blush as he dopily stared at the front of the room. You’d think he would have learned his lesson time after time again he ended up staying up all night playing LOLOL. 
The bottle-blond thought back to last night and the newbie he had managed to befriend. They were nice, extremely noobish, but they had fun. He smiled to himself remembering the promise to meet up again tonight. They had managed to raise at least 9 levels and they had chosen the cleric class as promised. Yoosung was overjoyed to know he might be able to get a half-decent healer for the guild as he helped the newcomer practice the craft of the game. The gamer couldn’t help but think of all the things he could do to help his newest party member advance in the game. 
His classmate kicked his chair again and he glared over to him, annoyed that he was constantly being pulled away from his thoughts. Truthfully he just couldn’t wait to get home and log onto LOLOL. Sapfyre said they were a student and they were in the same timezone, most likely had day class’s if the panic about their project that was due was any indicator. Meaning they would most likely log in at the same time as him, or a little after. Yoosung hasn’t felt this excited over a new person since Mi-Cha came crashing into the RFA messenger a little over a year ago. It made his chest kind of ticklish, which was weird. There was a very high chance Sapfyre was another dude on the other side, and possibly underage too. Yoosung groaned rubbing his dry eyes trying to calm his inner musing and push thoughts away. How desperate is he becoming?
Sighing softly to himself he decided maybe overthinking last night’s LOLOL encounter was a bad idea. He was just lonely, and watching two of his friends fall in love over messages and eventually get married in the same year had his chest twisting with a sense of jealousy. Sure he was happy for them, of course, he supported them. It was as an onlooker with no romantic history that made him envious of their partnership. Seeing his best friend so happy, and the way Saeyoung and Mi-Cha just seem to get each other. They fought for one another, faced every challenge as a team. It was a really beautiful relationship. 
He wanted what they had. 
He wanted it badly. 
Eventually, classes concluded for the day and Yoosung felt full of energy all of a sudden. He hadn’t taken in anything the professors had attempted to teach him. Mentally he questioned why he was even bothering with university then his mother’s face flashed behind his eyelids. Ya, she would have been pissed if he just up and quit school. Though after everything that has taken place he honestly debated changing his major. He only had two years left, it would be like starting all over. 
On his walk back to his dorm room with a meal from the convenient store, his mind wandered to Rika. Zen and himself had shipped her away to Alaska, trying to save her from both Jumin and Saeyoung’s rath. It was a foolish move as more and more truth about her illegal activity came to light. After Saeran opened up to the abuse he endured under her. Yet, someone boyish part of him still didn’t want Rika to suffer, he wanted her to get better. He wanted his cousin back. Only he seemed to be the only one in the RFA that gave a damn about Rika’s recovery. 
Yoosung let out a sigh as he unlocked the door leading into his dorm room. His violet eyes scanned his livingroom and frowned. “It’s pretty lonely.” He whispered to himself as he dropped his school bag on the couch and made his way to his bedroom. On instinct, he sat at his computer and booted it up. He opened his store-bought sushi and began to nibble it as his hindows ran an update check before booting up his desktop. He had LOLOL set to automatically load once the computer came to life. The icon showed a loading hourglass and then the main screen loaded up with the daily newsletter. Yoosung took a moment to read it over not noticing anything interesting and logged his tank up. 
The first thing he did was claim his daily bonus and check his friend’s list. Saeyoung and Mi-Cha where online in some dungeon. He smiled hoping they married couple was enjoying their time playing games with one another. Saeran didn’t appear to be online, and Yoosung wondered what the younger twin could be up too if his brother and sister in law were actively playing games. He scrolled noticing that Sapfyre hadn’t logged in since they said goodnight last night. He sighed putting more food in his mouth as he got a bunch of party requests from random players. He declined them all and idled himself. 
Yoosung chewed and check his phone noticing a miss call from Zen and rolling his eyes. He had a few emails about possible party guests for the next RFA party. He took a moment to look at them before forwarding them to Mi-Cha. She handled the rest from there. Jaehee, Zen and Jumin were all active in a chatroom. Yoosung cringed wondering if he should go be a cushion for Jaehee knowing the men in the room were most likely arguing and her trying to keep them on track. 
As his thumb hovered over the enter chatroom icon and notification popped up on his monitor. His eyes read over it and smiled. There was Sapfyre, they must have just gotten home from school. He closed the RFA app and silenced his phone. He shoved the rest of his food into his mouth as he opened his private messages with the newbie. 
SupermanYoosung★: Hiya! 
SupermanYoosung★: Ready for more dungeon crawling?
Nervously he chewed on the pad of his thumb waiting for the stranger to reply to him. After all, it was coming home and playing with this person that had gotten throughout his day. He didn’t want to come across clingy though. After a small intervention involving Saeyoung and Zen, he had realized that his problem was that he was a stage five clinger. Sighing with a blush dusting his checks he waited patiently for them to reply.
‘Plus this person was most likely a guy’ He reminded himself and thought of his guild member’s horror stories about being catfished on the site. 
Sapfyre: Oh Hey You~
Sapfyre: Haha I’m up for more! 
Sapfyre: The monsters will have no idea what hit them when SupermanYoosung is through with them!
Yoosung smiled, really wishing this person owned a headset. He was curious about what they sounded like. They wrote in a manner that was similar to Mi-Cha but that didn’t mean anything. Maybe they were just feminine, maybe they are playing to role play like a girl. It wasn’t uncommon for members to role play out relationships and the such on here. The game even offered and marriage system for such a thing. It was diverse in how a player would like to spend their time within it’s the massive world. 
SupermanYoosung★: Hell ya!
SupermanYoosung★: We should be able to pick your class today, you’re almost level 10! 
Sapfyre: Only thanks to you!
Sapfyre: Honestly if I had been left to my own devices last night I wouldn’t even be close to level 10!
Sapfyre: So thank you!
Yoosung chuckled liking the attention and praise.
SupermanYoosung★: no thanks is needed ^^
SupermanYoosung★: I’m having a lot of fun playing with you!
SupermanYoosung★: I’ll create a party, one sec.
 He swiftly invited his new friend to make a party with him. He waited for her to join as he organized his inventory. 
Sapfyre: One of these days I’ll figure out how to do this
And just like that their avatars where linked together. Yoosung couldn’t help the way his heart pittered. He really needed to get a hold on himself and remind himself that the other player was, in fact, a dude. Not that Yoosung was personally offended by same-sex relationships, he just wasn’t interested in starting anything with another dude. 
“Really wish they had a mic so my brain could stop thinking about this too much.” Yoosung wished to himself, readjusting his hairpins to push his bang out of his face more. 
SupermanYoosung★: Until that fateful day I got you covered. 
Sapfyre: My hero lol
Yoosung began preparing for their next quest, he knew of a couple they could pair off with and each get the exp. Simple missions that involved them slaying a certain number of minor enemies and such. He was also going to get them to up their cooking and fishing skills so she could brew their own potions. How useful support was in actuality and a money saver. 
SupermanYoosung★: First I’ll bring us to a place where we can fish. I’ll just hand you over what I catch. Then you can cook them all to build those skills.
Sapfyre: Aye Aye Captain!
Yoosung chuckled as his eyes lit up. 
SupermanYoosung★: Sorry if it seemed like I’m bossing you around ^^;;
SupermanYoosung★: It just helps the arch maester class brew potions and buffs.
Sapfyre: Oooh that sounds cool.
Sapfyre: Don’t worry about bossing me around~ 
‘How suggestive’ Yoosung pondered biting his lip before teleporting them to the fishing island. There he quested an item share and handed them a nice fishing rod that wouldn’t break every five seconds. Then they got to work. Since it was a pretty basic automatic action he wanted to take this chance to get to know them better.
SupermanYoosung★: This might take a while.
SupermanYoosung★: So you mentioned you’re a student. What are you studying?
Sapfyre: Wow this is really a grind, huh?
Sapfyre: I’m an art and digital design student. 
Sapfyre: Nothing too exciting, what are you studying? 
SupermanYoosung★: I’m in training to be a vet ^^;
SupermanYoosung★: sometimes I wonder if I made the right choice for myself 
Sapfyre: A vet? You must be pretty smart then. 
Sapfyre: I think we all doubt our educational choices.
Sapfyre: isn’t that what being a student is all about? Being unsure about our future and trying to make sure we make the right decisions?
Sapfyre: If you’re passionate about animal’s you could make all the difference one day ^^
Yoosung blushed nearly crimson reading their messages. No one had ever sided with him and his doubts. Maybe they were feeling it too. Art wasn’t something that guaranteed a job in the future and was hard to get noticed in. 
Sapfyre: If anything you could just transfer to human medicine. It’s all under the biology major, is it not?
He hadn’t even thought of that possibility. Indeed, he could just transfer and just suck up an extra year of school. SKY university did offer an internship program after the medical exams. Yoosung bit his thumb pondering the possibility. 
SupermanYoosung★: I hadn’t thought of that
SupermanYoosung★: ahaha
SupermanYoosung★: My friends usually just tell me to suck it up and get school over with. 
SupermanYoosung★: That I should just be anxious about finding employment. 
Sapfyre: What's the point of working in a career you have no passion for?
SupermanYoosung★: Are you passionate about art?
Sapfyre: Hahaha
Sapfyre: Yes! Art is the main thing that gives me a drive every day!
Sapfyre: Even if my father thinks it’s a waste of my time and future, I’m going to pursue it. 
Sapfyre: Maybe instead of listening to others, you should listen to the drive within you. Find something you’re passionate about. 
Sapfyre: A vet’s good if you really like animals. A doctor or surgeon is good if you like helping people. 
SupermanYoosung★: I might just do that!
SupermanYoosung★: wow- I didn’t mean to get so serious on you like that.
Sapfyre: It’s fine. 
Sapfyre: We are going to be fishing for a while. 
Sapfyre: And I’d never get mad at someone for voicing their insecurities. 
SupermanYoosung★: You’re a really cool person
SupermanYoosung★: But let's get off the heavy topics
Sapfyre: Hmmmm 
Sapfyre: How long have you been playing LOLOL
Yoosung frowned, at least they didn't ask how much he plays. 
SupermanYoosung★: a little over 2 years
SupermanYoosung★: A friend of mine downloaded it for me, and I’ve been hooked ever since. 
Sapfyre: I’ll confess this is more addictive than it has any business being.
SupermanYoosung★: Welcome to LOLOL hell I hope you enjoy your stay~
Sapfyre: Ahaha thank you
Sapfyre: I think it might just be the company >-< 
Yoosung felt his ear burning. He couldn’t help but agree with them, but at the same time, he wanted to approach this budding friendship with caution. He’d never hear the end of it if Saeyoung finds out he was catfished. Or potentially catfished. The student willed his mind to get it together, they weren’t even flirting with him, he was just lonely and desperate at the moment. That was logical. He’d just play it cool. 
Some Time passed and Sapfyre got a headway into fishing and cooking. An hour had passed since they logged on and talked about pointless things like the latest RPG and anime. Yoosung could very easily see himself being friends with this guy in real life. They had many similar interests. He found himself laughing at some of the corny jokes they made too. Like actually laughing out loud. 
Now they were gearing up to head into a dungeon. Saeyoung had sent him a private message, but the gamer ignored it in favor of getting Sapfyre set up for more monster hunting. Once again the crawling was slow due to him having to fall back to type commands for his companion. He really wishes they would get a headset to make this more swift, and also so they could actively chat more. 
Sapfyre had reached level 10 and they had a long debate on the best support healing class for them. Arche Master won healing spells and potion brewing. Just as Yoosung had hoped they’d choose. 
As he was about to wrap them a voice chat request from Saeran popped up. Yoosung groaned, he didn’t even see him log in. He pardoned himself for a moment and plugged in his headset. He accepted his friends' request, typing to Sapfyre he’ll be a moment. 
“Hey.” Yoosung said eyeing the little ‘take your time’ from his new friend.
“So you ignore my brother, but talk to me?” Saeran questioned, even Yoosung could hear the smirk in his voice. 
“You’re the lesser of the two evils,” Yoosung explained sighing, explaining to Sapfyre he was just setting up his headset to chat with another player before warping them to the first location for a low-level quest. “Anyways what's up?”
Saeran was silent for a moment. “What are you doing in such a beginner level area?” he questioned and Yoosung rolled his eyes. 
“I met someone new to the server yesterday, I’m raising myself an Arche Master.” He chuckled gloating. 
“How the hell did you seduce- Sap-fire? Into becoming a support class for you?” Saeran asked trying to figure out if he was pronouncing the username correctly. Yoosung honestly didn’t know if that's how you say it, but it was as good a guess as to his. 
“Haha~” Yoosung let out a boyish giggle and then lowered his voice. “I know how to get around Saeran. Why you jealous I’m gonna have myself an amazing support!” 
“Sure.” Saeran sighed the sound of his keyboard being typed on made its way into the mic. “It’ll benefit our guild over Mi-Cha’s and my idiot brothers.” 
“That’s true.” Yoosung hummed replying to Sapfyre quickly as he sent his avatar charging into an assault. 
“Don’t tell me they are a typer-” Saeran asked in mock horror at the implication. 
“Ya, but it’s not their fault.” Yoosung defended his new friend. “They are a student like me, and literally just started LOLOL yesterday.” 
Saeran groaned anyway. The faint sounds of Mi-Cha hissing something to her husband were heard in the background. Yoosung let out an amused poof of air wondering what Saeyoung did now to get her riled up like that. 
“Do they always have to be so loud?” Saeran whispered his complaint and Yoosung chuckled under his breath. “So I take it you’ll be busy for awhile helping that person with leveling?” 
“Ya.” The gamer replied typing to Sapfyre about their next mission swiftly. “It’s gonna take a bit more time given we have to type to one another until they can get a headset.” 
“Fine.” Saeran murmured. “I’ll just go sell goods and mine while you help the noob.” 
“Sounds good,” Yoosung replied. Saeran made a noise and their line disconnected. He wasn’t much of a talker, unless it was necessary as Yoosung found out over the year of knowing him. 
SupermanYoosung★: There is glow mushrooms in this cave
Sapfyre: Ooooooh sounds fancy~
SupermanYoosung★: Ahaha they look really pretty!
SupermanYoosung★: Only problem is-
SupermanYoosung★: This is the only place to farm them and it’s a level 45 dungeon.
At that moment he wished he would’ve asked Saeran for help. There was a certain random spawn for a level 98 dragon event happening in that dungeon. The dragon looked sick though, with the mushrooms growing off his body, but he was a bitch to face. 
Sapfyre: I’ll try my best to give you back up!
SupermanYoosung★: We got this >-<
SupermanYoosung★: Nothing can stand in this duo’s way! 
SupermanYoosung★: Let’s just pray the level 98 dragon doesn’t spawn
He pressed teleport and warped them inside the entrance of the cave.
Sapfyre: hahaha
Sapfyre: hahaha level 98 dragon in a level 45 dungeon.
Sapfyre: You’re trolling me, right?
Yoosung chuckled. He wishes he were, but they needed that glow mushroom for a revival potion with a 5% brew success rate. Meaning they’d be here for a while. If he got lucky maybe one of his friends would see where he was and come help. If not they would have to hope for the best. 
SupermanYoosung★: Don’t worry~
SupermanYoosung★: There is only a 28% chance he’ll spawn. 
An almost daring smirk crossed the gamer's lips as he sent both their avatar rushing into the depth of the dungeon. Sapfyre was being cute thinking every droplet sound effect was the dragon spawning. However, as of right now they’d be okay. It wasn’t until the last 5 levels of the dungeon did it ever spawn. 
Sapfyre: This is a suicide mission!
SupermanYoosung★: Naw, I’ve only faced him once and that was after multiple times looking for him. 
Sapfyre’s avatar was farming mushroom’s and Yoosung was fending off monsters. It moved quicker with them both focusing on a task. Surprisingly they were making headway pretty quickly within the dungeon. 
After some time he saw Saeran’s avatar spawn in with them, and Yoosung chuckled feeling like a kid caught with a hand in the cookie jar. In the world chat, Saeran sent numerous question marks and Yoosung sent some back. Soon after Saeran asked to join their party and Yoosung accepted. It automatically created a separate group chat for the team.
Sapfyre: Oh hey! Someone new!
SupermanYoosung★: This is a friend of mine. Seems he’s just as nervous about us running into the Shroom Dragon as you are. 
Sapfyre: I told you!
Sapfyre: This is a suicide mission!
UnknownUserName: What do you think you’re doing ^^
SupermanYoosung★: Making revival potions
Sapfyre: Trying to get us killed!
Sapfyre: Oh more mushrooms! 
Yoosung smiled watching her run towards the farm point and start gathering more of the precious material. Both Saeran and himself fended off the monsters spawning around them. Saeran was a ranged character opting for a longbow. He still hit hard though. They always made a good team. 
Sapfyre: Go boys go!
SupermanYoosung★: Whoooooo!
Sapfyre made her Avatar do a cheering motion as they fought off the critters that were mostly child's play to him and Saeran. Soon enough they all collected up again and moved further within the cave. 
SupermanYoosung★: The moment of truth boys
SupermanYoosung★: May we proceed to victory
Sapfyre: ????
UnknownUserName: It spawns in the last 5 levels 
Sapfyre: You mean I was jumping at every little sound for nothing this whole time!
UnknownUserName: Apparently 
Sapfyre: Yoosung you god damn troll! 
SupermanYoosung★: Thought I mentioned
UnknownUserName: Sure. 
Yoosung chuckled, a little disappointed they newcomer didn’t react to him referring to them all being boys. He sighed resolving himself into finally believing they were, in fact, a dude with a cute Avatar. There was no denying the disappointment he felt. At least the connection they had made could be swayed towards a friendship. Yoosung smiled sadly to himself, mentally scolding himself for being so desperate for a girlfriend again. 
The team proceeded with extreme caution. Yoosung had his headphones on with the volume at a punishing high listening for any telltale signs they were not alone. Even his breathing mellowed out as his heart hammered in his chest. It was exhilarating sneaking about trying to get to the loot at the end of the cove. 
Soon enough he saw two more Avatars run unto the screen. They requested to join the party and Yoosung let out a slow breath of relief. He accepted watching as Saeyoung and Mi-Cha’s user names joined his and Saerans along with Sapfyre. 
AhaChaCha: Wow, really pushing it guys
HackerGod: Will he spawn though
HackerGod: Dun Dun
HackerGod: Come on Saeran, give me a DUN!
UnknownUserName: No
Sapfyre: DUNNNN!!!!
HackerGod: HAHA 
AhaChaCha: Yoosung it’s not nice to get your new friends killed. 
SupermanYoosung★: Meh, we would’ve been fine. 
Sapfyre: Would we really have been though!?!
Sapfyre: Look at all these people concerned about our well being!
Sapfyre: Can’t believe you took me out on a suicide mission T^T
HackerGod: Lolol, Ya Yoosung. 
HackerGod: How
HackerGod: Could
HackerGod: YOU!
AhaChaCha: T^T this is so sad
AhaChaCha: Alexia play Despacito~
Sapfyre: Pbffft
UnknownUserName: How am I related to you fools?
SupermanYoosung★: Only three more Levels to go!
Sapfyre: Y'all hear that??
As Sapfyre’s message appeared a rumbling roar shook Yoosung’s eardrums. He hissed removing the headset and moved quickly. Honestly, the rest of them could’ve easily made a voice chat, but maybe they were being considerate to Sapfyre who would be the only man out. 
HackerGod: Let us KamiKaze this bitch!
UnknownUserName: Now that’s something I can get behind
AhaChaCha: Stay back and focus on your healing spells, Sapfyre
SupermanYoosung★: Should we cue a war cry?
Sapfyre: FREEDOM!!!
SupermanYoosung★: lmao!
With that, they all took their positions. Saeyoung was a mage and stood back with his brother seeing as their both ranged. Mi-Cha and Himself charged in. She was a duel wielding halfling and him a tank. Saran was careful to position himself before Sapfyre protecting the extremely under-leveled healer. Yoosung was honestly surprised how easily Sapfyre got into the team formation and tried desperately to keep all their hit points up. 
It was a long battle with just the five of them, even with Saeyoung and himself holding the number 1 and 2 place in the server ranking. Mi-Cha and saeran’s characters weren’t anything to scoff at. Sapfyre did good hanging out in the far back healing as fast as their mp gage and cool downtime would allow them. They even started tossing some of the potion’s Yoosung had bought for them the night prior. Event bosses were always a pain in the ass to take down, but the rewards were sooo worth it. 
No one dared type in the group chat, everyone was busy watching for openings for an all-out attack when the defence dropped. Nothing like a risky battle to get your blood pumping, or so they say. Yoosung found himself swearing to himself as his voice got more panic watching his health bar deplete, however, Sapfyre was trying to heal him back up. Maybe this was a mistake, but if they went down, all of them could say they went down with one hell of a fight. 
After a good hour, the beast died and Mi-Cha was like a hit point away from dying. Yoosung could almost hear everyone's sigh of relief as the exp divide between the five of them. Yoosung chuckled watching Sapfyre make their Avatar dance about in celebration. 
AhaChaCha: That was too close for comfort.
HackerGod: At least Sapfyre is feeling energetic enough to dance for us 
Sapfyre: What a rush! You’re all amazing! I went up like 7 levels! 
UnknownUserName: There was a lesson to be learned here
SupermanYoosung★: Ya ya
HackerGod: I believe in the heart of the cards
AhaChaCha: lol! Got some good loot!
SupermanYoosung★: I’m glad you all showed up
SupermanYoosung★: Our ass’s would’ve been grass
Sapfyre: D:
Sapfyre: I told you this was a suicide mission!
UnknownUserName: ^^ 
After a few finishing things, and getting to the field of glow mushrooms everyone left the part. Soon it was just him, Sapfyre, and the loading screen brings them back to safety. 
Sapfyre: It’s so late
Sapfyre: Don’t you ever sleep, Yoosung?
SupermanYoosung★: Sometimes lolol
SupermanYoosung★: I take it you’re headed to bed
Sapfyre: Yes! Are you insane? I have morning classes
Sapfyre: If anything you should be joining me
Yoosung choked on his spit.
Sapfyre: OMG!
Sapfyre: I meant you should be heading to bed!
Sapfyre: Gosh, now I’m blushing 
SupermanYoosung★: It’s okay haha
SupermanYoosung★: You’re probably right
SupermanYoosung★: I’m just not gonna listen :p
Sapfyre: I rolled my eyes
Sapfyre: I guess this is goodnight!
Sapfyre: Nighty Night~
SupermanYoosung★: Night!~
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Hello hooman! I am back (again) with a new post, and its BEST OF APRIL! I know it was two months ago but I really need to post it! SO here goes!
April 1,
Remember that I mentioned about this one game that I really want? Starting April with. . . ONE OF MY FAVOURITE GAME! Odin Sphere! I bought it, finally! I have been searching for this game for years! Used to play it on PlayStation 2. There’s lots of changes,
  don’t you think? But it was so good and I neglected my study – damn it – but I NEED TO PLAY! you feel me? Velvet is my favorite character among all.
April 8,
The day I have been waiting for! Both of us! It’s our first anniversary! I mean damn, one year with my boyfriend. I am beyond happy! Getting ready, I wear the same dress I wore a year ago. With necklace he gave to me few days ago. Pick me up and surprise me with a bouquet of flower, my favourite flowers! We went to Sarang Korea Restaurant for our lunch!  Lastly we went for an Italian dinner. I gave him something after the dinner, DIY polaroid films of every moments. More in details just click Here do check it out!
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Processed with VSCO with a5 preset
Processed with VSCO with a5 preset
April 12,
It’s the last lecture for E.Business, our lecturer gave gifts to top 3 for quiz, presentation, and to all actually. The only Level 4000 I took for this semester, quite early but I have no choice. overall the class was great!
I have numbers of list. towards the end of the semester, can you believethat my accounting lecturer said
 we have our last assignment? It’s one week before examination. I was upset and mad and I don’t know man.
April 15,
Asked my boyfriend to go to BIBD Home Showcase, so we did! I posted about it earlier last month so check it out!
    April 22,
Entrepreneurship and New Venture Showcase! I did mentioned that I do not want to jinx it regarding my entrepreneurship group, BUT I have to say this is the most amazing group ever! not argument, lots of idea contribution, everyone is nice and honest!
Also I had my first ShareTea, yes my first Sharetea it was good! I want more!
April 23,
UBD Impact 2017, it is an annual event by our University, or probably one of the module that FASS Student have take. Please do check out the video I made!
  April 25,
Finally, some us time. My boyfriend and I, Sword Art Online the movie, FINALLY! We hardly have time to watch any movie this semester, busy af. The movie was good, so good! Have you watch it?
April 27,
Take note that this is revision week. and one of my lecturer gave us last minute assignment, which should be submitted on 29th of April. R-U-KITTEN-ME. Thank god to my new friend, not sure if I should state her name, but GOD BLESS YOU HOOMAN!
In the afternoon, my family and I went for a short visit to my grandparents (my mom’s side) It’s been a while, I did mentioned that. And my grandma gave lots and lots of snacks for us. Mostly traditional snacks.
April 30,
Guys guys guys guys! You know much I really really love Salmon (food category), and finally I get to eat my dear salmon! after more than six month of Puasa-Salmon. My god. That taste! THAT GLORIOUS TASTE OF SALMON. I might be exaggerating but SALMON!
And Gelato!
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  How was your April? I know it’s a very late post but, better than never!
Have a good day hooman!
Best of April Hello hooman! I am back (again) with a new post, and its BEST OF APRIL! I know it was two months ago but I really need to post it!
0 notes
Start of summer classes
So the benefit of Summer is that you are suppose to take these three months to recover from the constant stress that was placed on to you from the beginning of September last year to the end of May this year. You can be in Elementary, Middle, or High School, or College/Grad school, but you all know what I’m talking about. Some people like to use this time travel and expand their horizons. Some use it as a chance to get a part time job and create a much needed cash flow. And some choose just to stay at home, lounging on their couches, eating chips and hotdogs and a whole bunch of other junk while either watching TV or YouTube on their TV or playing mind numbing video games like COD or League of Legends (I’m more of a Madden/FIFA guy).
But there is a fourth category. One that no student ever wishes to follow. One that gives you only a sliver of relief for a brief amount of time before it comes to haunt you for the next six weeks; summer classes. That’s where I fall under this year.
So I’m a senior in college, and I have to complete a certain amount of credits in order to graduate on time. Otherwise, I am just adding on to the EVER INCREASING DEBT THAT IS STUDENT LOANS AL;SDJF OAS JF L;KASJDF [OASKJS!!!!!!!! sorry, lost my cool for a second there.
Anyways, since I am still a few credits behind schedule, the only way to catch up is taking these Summer and Winter break courses. At my school, you have the option of taking them either in person or online. And since I’m not willing to waste half a tank of gas every day just to take a stupid course, I decided to take the online route.
Now this class just started, but looking over the syllabus, I know that these next six weeks are going to be HELL ON EARTH.
Two journal entries a day, a 20 minute video lecture and 3 readings every day, comment two other student journal entries (also every day, 3 major projects, AND a gosh damn final exam!!!! All this on a six week summer course. Goodbye June!
Now I’ve taken these break courses before (4, to be exact) and each one was harder and longer than the last one. The worst one I had was an online class called “Dinosaurs.” This class was suppose to help me complete the science requirement of my degree. And I did well in the class. Very well. I got a B+, mofo!!!! But it didn’t come without hardships. Everyday for three weeks, I sat in my PJ’s for two-three hours, taking hand written notes from online video lectures, pausing and rewinding incase i would miss something. I wouldn’t shower, eat, or even move until the lecture was over. Keep in mind, my hand writing is sloppier than Joe (get it?), and the only person capable of reading it was me. I had to take an online quiz on the topic every day, and if I even missed one, it would hit my grade HARD. 
The final exam for ‘Dinosaurs” was a timed 50 question exam. I had 80 minutes to finish it, and a notebook full of chicken scratch to help me out. I finished in 25 minutes.
When I finished the class, I felt two different sense; relief and disappointment. I was so happy to have been done with that stupid ass class, but I felt like I was so dedicated to this class, so determined to my best, that after it was done, I felt like I had wasted my time. Like I had done nothing else with my life. I feel like a 40 year old dad that had a kid at an early teenage age, and realizes that all he’s done with his life is work a crappy ass job and raise a kid. Like a midlife crisis sort of deal.
These next six weeks are gonna be a hell on earth for me. Thank god I have a Tumblr to rant about it (even if no one is reading this). Now I’m heading to take a DJ exam. I’ll explain what that is either later today or tomorrow. I haven’t decided yet. Nor should I. I don’t have any followers yet, so I can do whatever the hell I want! HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA SUCK IT!!!!!
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