#i have to put them down quickly cause they start to squirm very soon but it's nice while it lasts
pleuvoire · 1 year
i’ve been catsitting my neighbor’s cats and they are so plump compared to my cat who is a wizened old man... picking them up is a fun experience. i’m like OOF up we go... compared to my cat who i can swing around like a butterfly knife
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The masturbation ask was absolutely incredible, I wanted to ask how do you think the boys would react with us doing the same and putting on a show for them?
Headcannons for their reactions to walking in on you masturbating
Ominis x f!reader; Sebsatian x f!reader
Ominis x m!reader; Sebsatian x m!reader
Warnings - 18+ smut content, all characters over the age of 18, masturbation
A/N - make sure you scroll for m!reader. I know there's not enough m/m out there for those who want it so I hope it's acceptable
For all intents and purposes let's just assume you're in the Undercroft and assume you're on a transfigured couch because I don't know how else they'd really walk in on you as a f!reader ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Ominis x f!reader
as soon as he's come through the secret door he can hear your whimpers
he's a little bit confused and continues to make his way in starting to hear more sounds of your wet skin while you tried to relief yourself
you're so lost in what you were doing you don't notice him at all until he surprises you by finding your shoulder and giving it a squeeze
you immediately stop what you're doing and jolt from the sudden contact, turning to look at him feeling completely embarrassed
you're stuttering and struggling for words, flipping your skirt back down and your shirt back over your chest before he walks around to take a seat next to you
you cant take your eyes off of him as he slips a hand high up on your thigh, your legs involuntarily falling open, everything feels like its in slow motion
"I'd like to play too. May I?"
when you agreed he would proceed to give you gentle kisses while his fingers traced your sensitive skin, carefully avoiding the place you wanted him most
he would drive you to the point where you were begging for him to help
as he learned your body he would become an expert in what you liked very quickly
he would pull you over to sit between his legs
he would be plunging his fingers in and out of you while his other hand worked diligently on your bundle of nerves
he would be murmuring dirty words against your neck in between licking and kissing you
when you finished he would suck his own fingers clean and hold you against his chest
Sebsatian x f!reader
he would be barging right into the Undercroft going on about some professor that had him angry
he would walk right in to see your clothes disheveled and you looking very flushed as you tried to hide what you were doing
he would give you a confused look that turns into a sly smile as he walks over to you
he would really try to corner you, trying to make you explain what you were doing and be watching you squirm
until he hears your breath hitch as he leans into your ear and tells you have can smell what you've been up to
you would be on the verge of freaking out but he would reach out a hand to still your desperate attempts to escape
he would tell you that it wasn't nice to try and leave without letting him have a taste of what you've been up to
his fingers would slip past your skirt and he would thrust them into you with ease
he would finger fuck you for enough time to get you flustered as he watched your eyes flutter closed and your hips start to squirm
he would pull them out abruptly causing you to look right at him as he puts his fingers in his mouth to clean off your juices
he would force you to tell him what you wanted and when you do he yanks you onto his lap where you can feel how hard he is beneath you
one of his hand snakes under the shirt you didn't tuck back in, groping at your breasts and perky nipples
the other hand is eagerly spreading your slick around so he can find an easy rhythm on your clit
he laughs at how easy you are to manipulate and bites at your neck
he presses his hand to your stomach firmly holding you in place while you ride out your orgasm on top of him
when you collapse against him he lets you rest for a few moments before asking you what he gets now
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Ominis x m!reader
he would be struck by your loud moans the moment he entered the Undercroft
he would be slightly hesitant to intrude, but lets his desires to see you get the best of him
as your eyes open for a brief moment you would see him walking towards you and shout his name while searching for a good explanation to what you're doing
he would assure you that you didn't need to stop for his sake
he would bend down to kiss you, pulling your chin up towards up before taking a seat next to you
he would take you by surprise when he starts working to unfasten his own pants and slide them down his thighs to pull his cock out too, already stiff
he would pull you close and kiss you much rougher this time while he pumped his member, making you moan into his mouth when he reached over to stroke you as well
you would be throbbing and almost over the edge already, but he would slow down just enough to keep you begging him for more
he would insist you had to help him too if you wanted your orgasm
there would be a lot of heavy petting and wet kissing until you both finish and he would insist on cleaning you up with his mouth afterwards
Sebastian x m!reader
he would come in ranting about detention and not even have noticed the sounds you were making
when he lays his eyes on you he notices the color on your cheeks and the way your erection was obviously tucked under your shirt
there would be a glint in his eye as he sits down with you and tries to talk to you, asking questions about how your day was as he watches your discomfort grow
he would re-adjust himself a few times, attempting to angle himself towards you in a way where you would understand he was trying to display his interest
you were so flustered, thinking you must have been making up what you were seeing in front of you
eventually he would just reach over to you boldly pull down your waistband to free your very swollen cock
he would make a comment to you about how you couldn't possibly hide it with that white shirt, especially not when you were leaking onto yourself
he would comment about needing to clean you up and lean down, keeping his eyes on you as he runs his tongue down the length of your cock
as you shuddered under his touch he would laugh softly, sending the vibrations through you when he opened up his mouth and took you inside
his mouth would be warm, wet, and eager to help you with what you were looking for
he would keep his lips tight as he bobbed up and down, occasionally pulling back to make you plead for him to keep going while a string of spit has him attached to you
he would help get you to your orgasm while you stroked his hair, his fingers kneading the flesh of your thighs and abdomen
when you finished he would swallow every drop of your cum and lean back wiping his mouth off
then he would gesture to the tent in his pants and tell you it was his turn
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alcoholfreenayeon · 4 months
Shy G!P Mina popping boners left and right when spending time with her members and being crazy embarrassed about it. One day Nayeon catches her trying to hide it and they have this long talk where Nayeon comforts her and just listens like the good unnie she is
However, when they are filming another live to wrap up their tour with ONCE, they talk a little too much about Momo on that pole, and Mina can’t stop her blood going south. So Nayeon, who sat beside Mina in the back row, starts touching her without ever taking her eyes off the camera. She gives the best hj ever and catches her release inside her palm
Bonus points if poor Tzuyu notices at some point
A/N: I’m so sorry for taking so so long to do this anon😭 there’s no excuse. I hope you like it though. Also there’s going to be a special announcement soon which I’m sure most of you will be *happy* (🌚) about so stay tuned for that.
Got the thrills
G!p Mina x Nayeon(?)
CW: G!p, smut, handjob
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Mina was sitting lazily on the couch when Momo and Sana walked in, ready for their solo performances and suddenly Mina felt it really REALLY necessary to readjust her shirt and legs, closing her legs tight but it was not of much use, seeing her two very hot friends look so good made her feel something, made her blood rush and not to her heart. It was starting to annoy her now, recently this had been happening so frequently and she was getting tired of it. Squirming, she tried not to make a big deal out of it when suddenly Sana catches her completely off guard.
“Mina, let’s take some pictures!”, Sana asked, smiling.
“Huh!”, Mina felt completely taken aback by this, she hadn’t expected this at all. She shifted and shuffled a bit on couch like she was making space for them to sit.
Unfortunately that idea didn’t work as Sana giggled and pulled Mina up by her hands causing her to panic more as suddenly her boner was somewhat exposed…
But they were so focused on taking the photo that they didn’t really notice. She sat down quickly immediately, putting a cousin on her lap and breathing a sigh of relief.
That’s when she felt someone sit next to her, “is it really that embarrassing for you”, Nayeon bluntly asks.
“Eh! What!?”, Mina asks, immediately flustered pretending not to know what Nayeon is talking about.
Nayeon stares at her for a few seconds before holding her hand, “I’ve seen you struggling with this a lot lately but you don’t need to be so scared or shy.”
Mina looks away, completely embarrassed and stays quiet.
Nayeon squeezes her hand lightly, “hey, don’t be shy, it’s ok, sometimes you can’t help it I guess and sometimes you are a bit naughty”, Nayeon smirks and Mina goes even redder, “but it’s still ok, and you know you can talk to me anytime about anything.”
Mina stays quiet but moves closer to Nayeon, resting her head on her shoulder and hugs her. Nayeon smiles softly and returns her hug.
“Thank you, I’m really grateful to have you”, Mina says sincerely.
Nayeon smiles, “of course! And remember if you want to talk”, she suddenly smiles mischievously and winks, “or if you need a hand, I’m here for you.”, saying this she gets up and leaves while Mina sits, stunned and red faced.
“Ok is everyone here now?”, Jihyo asked as the livestream begins. The members state their presence and talk amongst themselves briefly and then began to talk about the tour. As they discussed with the chat their favorite moments, Momo’s pole dancing kept returning to the conversation and suddenly Mina kept getting too many flashbacks which now affected her more than she expected.
She tried to act nonchalant and put her hand down but it was of no use. She was rock hard. Her cock was almost poking out of her skirt and she was beginning to panic. That’s when she felt a hand on her thigh and she immediately looked over and saw that it was Nayeon’s hand. Mina was panicking hard now but when she saw how calm Nayeon seemed, she felt a little less nervous until Nayeon began to speak.
“Yes, it’s my first time here in this part”, her hands moved closer, brushing against her tip, “I didn’t expect it to be this big, yes I’m glad so many of you came to watch us”.
Mina felt her heart beat faster as Nayeon gently stroked her tip. She wasn’t even focusing on the conversation anymore, her entire focus was on Nayeon’s hand and her fear that they would be caught. Even though they both were sitting at the very back, her thoughts kept relaying the worst outcomes
“I do feel that in this tour we’ve gotten to know a different side of each other”, Nayeon continued to talk, suddenly squeezing Mina’s cock gently and begin to stroke the whole thing.
Mina nearly moaned out loud, her hands fly to cover her mouth. She couldn’t believe this was really happening. What if they got caught?! What would happen?! And why did everything Nayeon say seem so suggestive. But with each stroke, it seemed less plausible as Mina began to focus more on what would happen if they didn’t get caught.
Now, Mina was trying really hard not to breathe heavily while at the same time trying to look calm but it was getting more and more difficult to do it as she felt her release getting closer.
Nayeon was trying not to smirk as she jerked off Mina quicker and just as quickly Mina’s cock began to throb hard, signaling her approaching release. Unfortunately for her though, Nayeon tightened her grip on Mina’s cock and Mina could only hold her breath as she began to cum. Gasping softly, but thanks to the tight grip of Nayeon’s hand, she could only have it ooze out on her hand.
As Mina tried to slow her breathing down, it went to waste when she saw Tzuyu looking at her with a shocked and panicked expression. Mina froze, staring right back at her, her face flushing with absolute embarrassment, guilt and horror.
Nayeon by this point found a tissue and wiped her hand cleaned when she noticed Mina and Tzuyu looking at each other and suppressed a smile.
“Anyways this is all we have time for today once, we need to sleep soon because we have a long flight tomorrow. Goodbye!”, Jihyo said energetically and ended the stream.
Some members chatted to each other while the trio at the back was silent. As Mina contemplated what she should do, Sana turned to face her, tapping Mina’s knees playfully, “Mina, you are so naughty recently but you are also a bit obvious, I think all of us saw you. I can’t believe you would feel shy around any of us. You really seemed stressed now that I think about it. Thankfully you have 8 friends who’ll be happy to help you”.
Mina listened in shock to Sana when she realized everyone was looking at her and suddenly she realized what Sana had suggested and she slowly started to get hard again…..perhaps the others were right, maybe she should be using the others- ahem, ask them for help……..
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fartlovingblkguy69 · 5 months
A Flight to Be Remembered (Part 2). “You better not try anything! I don’t get fucked! I do the fucking! And I hope you’re ready to take this big dick up that sexy ass of yours! I’ll up your tip to $10 if you let me cum in that sweet Georgia peach!” This really sealed the deal for Tim. Logan wanted to get ridden, huh? He was about to get the ride of his life! Tim dipped his face back down between the musty cheeks and quietly grabbed Logan’s belt as well as his own. He quickly grabbed the 35 year old’s arms and tied them behind his back with his own belt before flipping him over. “I’m gonna ride you so good sir! But you’re gonna have to be a good boy to get this action! Get your tongue in there and find out how sweet this peach is!” Tim exclaimed as he backed his ass up to Josh’s entitled face. As Josh began to very half-assedly lick the outer rim of Tim’s hole he began to hump the air, demanding that Tim sit down on him and start riding or he’d kick him out and give him nothing! So Tim did just as requested! He sat down! But not on Josh’s dick like he wanted! No, he sat hard on his nose and squirmed until he could feel his hole being penetrated. He sat there for a minute and then decided to give Josh some air and let him have one more chance to stop being a dick before things proceed. As soon as he got up though, Josh began yelling expletives, telling him to get the fuck out and that this is why he doesn’t bother with worthless faggots, etc. and so Tim wrapped the second belt around Josh’s legs and then rocked back and once again buried that nose in his hole. This time however, he began to push and out came a long, loud fart! Bbbbbbrrrrrrrrtttttttttttttt “Ah! Been holding that one in for a while! Now that I have your attention, let me tell you how this is going to go. My stomach hurts and I’m full of gas and I’m going to let it all out up your nose. If you’re good, I’ll take my $5 and call it even. If you’re not…well in a little bit gas won’t be the only thing assaulting my hole and your face! Sound fair?” he said as he lifted slightly for Josh to answer. “Hell no! I don’t have to put up with this! I’m going to get you fired! Then I’m gonna press charges and have you thrown in jail! Then I’m gonna get your family fired from their jobs and take their house in punitive damages!” Well that was enough! Tim knew what had to be done! He plopped his ass back down, jiggling his cheeks and rubbing his aching stomach.
Sssssssppppppppprrrrrrtttttt bbbbbbrrrrrrrttttt
Tim began to empty his stomach with fart after fart, rubbing his belly and sighing in relief while Josh struggled for air. The struggling beneath him was getting him hard and he started to stroke his 8 inches while he let loose! He also called down to the front desk and ordered room service: a pizza with extra cheese, a vanilla milkshake, and chocolate milk to be exact. When the food came, he took Josh’s own dirty undies, brought them to his hole, dug inside and let out a long silent fart before shoving them in Josh’s mouth as a gag. He sat back on Josh’s face and wolfed down his food and milk and watched tv while he waited, ripping ass whenever he needed for the next 30 minutes. Suddenly he felt a huge pain in his stomach, sharp and churning and he knew it was time!
He leaned forward just enough to pull the nasty undies out of Josh’s mouth and said, “Had enough? You done being an asshole to people now? Cause we can keep going all night if you want, but it’s about to get real nasty for you!” “Fuck you! I’ll do whatever I want to whoever I want! I’m gonna be your conjugal visit in prison! I can’t wait to bend you over and fuck you raw with no lube! Then I’m gonna pay the biggest, baddest prisoners to have their way with you all day long at least once a week and to beat the stuffing out of your weak, gay ass!” He went on and on, ranting and raving for 5 minutes. And then he noticed the big smile on Tim’s face. “That’s about what I was hoping you’d say. This is gonna feel great, therapeutic even! So thank you in advance! You just volunteered to be my human toilet! And just in the nick of time! I am so bloated! It’s time for all that food and gas to come out! Open wide for me now!” He quipped while backing his hairy dirty hole up to his mouth with his cheeks spread while his pucker pulsed with anticipation. He sat down with his ass lips meeting Josh’s mouth lips and then began to slap Josh’s stomach and dick, lightly at first to get him hard and then harder to make him scream. When he felt satisfied he began to push.
The farts got wetter and wetter until finally his hole opened real wide and out pushed a thick 10 inch log into Josh’s mouth which was being pried open by the giant turd itself. Tim sat there rubbing his stomach in relief and practically smothered Josh saying “There’s a lot more up there! You’re taking it all, just a matter of whether it’ll be the easy way or the hard way! My stomach still hurts so it’s about to get real wet too!” And with that, he pushed out another thick, 8 inch long log that forced the first one down and stretched Josh’s mouth open once again. Then cutting the end off the chocolate milk he made a makeshift funnel which he shoved in Josh’s mouth, wrapping the dirty underwear around it and then pushing his hole against the other end. Tim knew this was gonna be bad! His stomach was still churning so this wouldn’t be a small amount! He began to push.
He released his nasty diarrhea, chunky mush that wasn’t quite liquid, but definitely not solid and filled the bottle to the brim. He held it steady and plugged Josh’s nose forcing him to swallow in order to take in any air and then repeated this exercise 5 more times! By the time he completed the last one, his hole and his dick were both dripping with wetness and he managed to cum on top of the stinking pile that fillled the makeshift funnel in his victim’s mouth before sliding forward. He slowly pumped Josh’s dick until it reached his full 7 1/2 inches and then using his shit as lune slid down on the dick, gripping and riding it making the jerk gasp with pleasure and at the same time swallow his nasty shit. He let him cum in his tight hole before he got up, sat down once again on the funnel, and let out one more very wet blast. Watery cum/shit mixture flew down Josh’s throat as he passed out from the whole ordeal and Tim quietly slipped $100 from his wallet and headed out in to the night.
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safetycar-restart · 11 months
(Sidenote: Pierre sometimes calls charles 'bun' instead of 'bunny' when he's fucking him and i don't know why but this felt like very important information)
please please please expand on this, like the first time it happens
maybe pierre doesn’t even realise that he’s said it and keeps going and charles just collapses onto his face and elbows (cause of course they were in pierre’s favourite position 🐶 while you were watching)
and pierre thinks something is wrong so he keeps asking him what’s happened but bunny is just so whiny and can’t get any words out to form a sentences so pierre starts slowing down and looks over at you to make sure everything is okay
he never wants to hurt his bunny
but you tell him what he did and he starts fucking into bunny so hard and charles just keeps whining and switching between french and english until he comes so hard
and then of course bunny gets soft aftercare with him mommy and pierre and just snuggles into you and falls fast asleep
This ask is in reference to some poly!piarles thoughts I had in the hybrid!au, where Charles is a bunny hybrid and Pierre is a wolf hybrid and since it seems like I am once again obsessed with the hybrid au, I just have to answer it now.
I absolutely agree that Pierre doesn’t realise he’s said it at first.
When it happens, Pierre is absolute railing your sweet little bunny, he’s got him on his hands and knees and is fucking so hard that the bed is squeaking. You’re watching them from across the room, positioned so that you can make eye contact with Charles as he’s being fucked within an inch of his life.
You think Charles must have clenched hard on Pierre or something, because all of a sudden Pierre groans and goes “fuck Bun… such a good bunny” and Charles just collapses onto his face. The poor thing loses it completely at being called bun.
Pierre stops fucking him, though he stays inside because he knows experience that he’ll have a very unhappy bunny if he leaves charles empty without warning. He looks to you then, checking if everything is okay because even though he loves wrecking his bunny, he’d never ever want to actually hurt him and he trusts you to know what Charles needs.
Charles, meanwhile, is whining and squirming on Pierre’s cock, trying to figure out why he’s isn’t being fucked anymore!! He’s not finished yet!!
You just laugh and say “he’s alright, he just malfunctioned a little when you called him Bun.”
“I called him Bun?” Pierre asks, smirking.
Before you can even reply, Charles is whining and nodding against the pillow.
“You like that huh?” Pierre asks, pushing Charles’s head down into the mattress, “you like being my dirty little bun?”
Charles turns his face to the side and whines, nodding and then whimpering, “Yours…. Yours and mommy’s.”
“Good Bunny,” Pierre answers, groaning, “mine and mommy’s.”
Pierre fucks him hard and fast then, making him scream into the bed because it’s so good and he’s so close and he’s being called bun. His ears are bouncing in time with Pierre’s thrusts and pretty soon he cums so hard, making a little puddle on the mattress.
Pierre comes soon after, filling charles up and quickly grabbing a plug to put in him so he can stay nice and full for a little while longer.
Poor bunny is so fucked out then! His ears standing at different directions and his nose twitching uncontrollably. He’s like liquid in Pierre’s arms as Pierre picks him up and deposits him on your lap while he changes the linen.
Then you have a lap full of thoroughly fucked out bunny and he’s in heaven. So nice and full of his Pierre and resting against his mommy’s chest. The best.
Once Pierre has changes the sheets, it’s into the shower for all three of you and then more cuddles on the bed.
Perfect for little bun.
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nightfallgame · 3 months
(NSFW) SHORT — Lucius Killinger (01)
Originally Written: 07-14-21
Prompt: Lucius + edging/brat-taming
Lucius is a brat. Truly and utterly. Someone like him, who’s always had exactly what he wants and no one to tell him no, can be absolutely insufferable. You like him, and he has his own kind of charm, but that doesn’t change the fact that you have to put him in his place sometimes. 
And... this is turning out to be one of those times. Christmas is approaching. You have family to spend time with, friends to see, events to attend, and of course, Lucius to keep satisfied. That’s the hard part. 
For the past few days, he’s been a pest. Constantly texting you, leaving message after message on your phone, and then acting ‘cool’ whenever you’re actually spending time with him. Like he doesn’t care at all that you’re there. He demands your attention when you’re busy, then blows you off when you’re free. It’s getting very, very old, very, very fast. 
You can put up with it for a little while. After all, you are used to Lucius and his behavior. You’re dating him for a reason. He has his cute moments, even if they can be few and far between. And of course, you know how lonely he is. Even at his worst, you’re aware that Lucius’s nasty actions are almost always motivated by a combination of loneliness, terror that you’ll leave him, and bad habits caused by no one ever denying him. He’s not used to being around someone who’s willing to tell him no. 
But you draw a line when he starts taking it out on your friends. 
“Lucius, what do you think you’re doing!?” you snap, dragging the boy into your dorm with a hand fisted in his sleeve. “Seriously! What was that!?”
He makes a huffy noise. “Exactly what you saw. That boy was getting too close to what’s mine, so I reminded him of his place. You should understand that I simply can’t tolerate people approaching what’s mine.”
You can feel a spot by your eye twitching. He can’t be serious. Considering that he just snapped at one of your friends, insulted him, and appeared to entirely assume that said friend was coming onto you, you’re not exactly happy with what he just did. Is Lucius that lonely?
He flops down on your bed with a pout. You look at him for a moment, debating what to do. And then... you decide on an idea that seems pretty functional. You’ll get back at the little pest and give him some attention. 
So you sit down over his lap and shove him back to the bed. 
“Wh-What are you doing!?” Lucius squeaks, bravado gone. 
“You wanted attention right? You’re going to get it. Play nice, and I’ll make it good for you.” With a wide smirk across your face, you go for his shirt buttons none too gently. It takes Lucius a stunned moment to get the message, but when he does, he quickly starts to help. He’s out of his shirt in no time, belt next, and then wriggles out of his pants and underwear while you pull your own shirt over your head and shed your skirt in a flash. 
When you pin him to the bed, you go right for biting a rough, stinging mark into Lucius’s throat. He squirms and gasps at the sharp sensation, so you do it again, harder this time, delighting in how he whines. 
“H-Hey, too rough—!” he squeaks. You grab his wrists and pin them. 
“Quiet. You’ve been a brat, so I’m going to do what I want. You can lie there and take it, or we can be done here and now,” you say. Lucius stares up at you with wide, shocked eyes. He gulps and slowly nods. You love putting this boy in his place. “Good. Now keep your hands right there.”
Letting go, you’re pleased to see that Lucius doesn’t try to move. You reach down and give his cock a few quick strokes, feeling him harden in your touch almost instantly. He lets out a whiny, complaining sound, and tries to buck up into your hand, but you pin his hips instead. You watch his face. As you rub your thumb cruelly against his tip, Lucius’s whole face scrunches up with miserable, desperate pleasure. Little, gasping moans tear out of him. 
As soon as he’s hard enough to be ready, you adjust your position, line him up, and sink down on his cock all the way in one go. It stings, but not badly enough to deter you. The way Lucius yelps and writhes makes the slight pain totally worth it. You grab his wrists again and force them down, leaning in to kiss him as you do; the kind of clashing lips and clacking teeth.
Lucius’s hips keep giving twitching, short thrusts up into you that send short bolts of pleasure up your spine. But letting it continue is giving the boy too much control, and you don’t intend to be that nice this time around. 
“Stay still,” you hiss. “And don’t you dare come.”
“You’re mean,” he sobs. You stay perfectly still. 
It doesn’t take long for Lucius to break. With a whiny sob, he twists his head to the side and starts to beg. The heat of you around him is too much for him to take— you were expecting exactly that. His self-control is awful, and when tortured with pleasure, it never takes much for you to win. 
And when you do move, he all but shrieks. His wrists strain helplessly against your grip, but Lucius is a tiny, skinny thing, and you can keep him pinned with hardly any effort at all. You ride him hard and fast, chasing your own pleasure while he whimpers gasping breaths, and fights what you know is a creeping orgasm. How sweet. He’s at least trying to obey. 
“Don’t come,” you remind him. “I mean it. If you do, I’ll make you do it two more times, then won’t let you do anything for a fucking week. You can learn to be less of a brat and listen to me, or I’ll make it happen.”
“I’m sorry!” he cries. “S-Sorry, I’m serious! Let me c-come already, please!” How quickly his arrogance crumbles. You could laugh. 
You’ll take pity on him soon enough, but until then, you’re going to punish him a little more. Maybe this’ll teach him to be less of a pest. 
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dannywashere · 10 months
This is my first ask and all so I'm sorry if it's ass but ummm I guess some thoughts on rvnb00 cause I've been thinking of power bottom rvnboo for SO LONG YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW! But everything I see is about him being a bottom WHICH I LOVE DON'T GET ME WRONG! BUT! ALSO BUT!! I'm very here thinking of him riding some of s00ry b0ys when he was a cop in that one episode OR them being a fem dom where they are dressed in lingerie. do you have any thoughts on that or am i stupid to ask that🥲 have a nice day i guess bye💕
SHUT UP. I HAVE NO THOUGHT ON THIS. SHUT UP. All of my writing was just gone in a flash, I had 7 paragraphs. 7 PARAGRAPHS. AND I WASNT EVEN DONE.
sorry, I’ll give you like a summary
while crying
So my thoughts on the S0rry thing, Rvnboo was a slut, his outfit and all. Tight jeans, crop top, all of it. But what caught my eye was the scene where Rvnboo and Charl1e switched around, like, they had to get dressed infront of each other, like, there was a cut when he started to, wonder what that’s about. And the two had fun with the gunplay and the cop and criminal roles, Charl1e thought he was the Dom at first until Rvnboo switched it around, telling him he had to earn the role of a cop, he rode him after standing up and telling him to sit with his legs spread. He called him a good boy and all, calling him sheriff aswell, until he came, Charl1e was confused, he dint get to cum. And Rvnboo gave him the embarrassment of going out on his own with the boner, throwing the clothes at his face, putting his own on and walking out like nothing happened. Then I’m not gonna go into detail again but he was seducing wilbvr and they all fucked afterward. Like always
then the lingerie.
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Wilbvr was at an event when he sees texts from rvnboo, pictures and videos on Snapchat with the caption “come home soon ;)” he looks at the video first, not expecting the moans and words to come out, he had his phone at full volume, he quickly turned it off and lowered his volume before watching and seeing the pictures, he knew his texts was an order. He got home to Rvnboo with a buttplug with a pink heart on it, and his dick hanging from the gap on the bottom, Rvnboo pinned the desperate boy to the bed, grinding back and forth on his boner as he fucked his dick into Wilbvrs hand, loosely wrapped around his dick. He flips them both to the side and orders Wilbvr to fuck his thighs and jack him off, and he gladly does, Rvnboo doesn’t let him cum until he does, but he does anyway, he couldn’t hold it, and it showed from his desperate whining and begging. “P-please Rvnboo I- I can’t.. I can’t.” he said, fucking his thighs desperately, wanting to cum badly and Rvnboo not letting him, all while making him keep a quick pace. “Please- Rvnboo- Im gonna cum. Rvnboo, cumming- fuck~!!” he let out a whine as he came between his thighs, panting as he knew he was going to get a punishment. Ranboo ended up tying his hands and ankles together and put a vibrator on his dick for a full two hours, not giving him a break as he non-stop came, squirmed and moaned next to Rvnboo, who was watching a movie on their tv, the screen being the only light in the room as Wilbvr begged for it to stop, he couldn’t help but let him after 1 hour and 30 minutes hit, he saw the tears streaming down as he hiccuped and sobbed between pleads, the vibrator wasn’t even on a high level and that’s what told him he needed to let him stop. Wilbvr was such a subby top in his opinion, he could say the exact opposite about himself. He was a power bottom with cute lingerie on. What more could wilbvr ask for?
also I appreciate the lot of you that send in asks, they motivate me.
and you, I don’t know what to call you. But I admire your work and talent. Mostly your drawings.
and I’m glad you sent your ask, and I’m proud of you darling <33 there’s no need to be nervous at all while sending one in, at least on my page, everyone’s welcome. Mostly. LMAO, but ofc you are <33
I also love your art you should draw like all the time yup.
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caffeinecoffeesnek · 1 year
A Rat and a Squealing Frog
Remus is bored as can be, in desperate need to get rid or let his ler mood out, so when he sinks out he finds a unsuspecting victim or should I say, side, to help him out
Tickle fic!
(Includes: Remus, Tickles, rough tickling, possible Intruality? Short fic, reference(s) of the word ‘Daddy”, swearing, tickling death spots, tell me if I forgot any)
Remus huffed as he threw his knife at his wall, the tip getting in bedded in the wall with a ‘twang’ noise. What caused this? Remus was in a huge Ler mood and in desperate need to tickle someone, to hear their laughter and screams, their begs and pleads as he or well his tentacles tickled them silly in their worse spots.
Remus whined an just sunk out, deciding on the first person he saw he would go for, he needed to get rid of his huge Ler mood. He rose up in the Living space an looked around. Eyes landing on Patton who was making cookies in the kitchen, completely unaware of Remus’s presents. Remus grinned as his tentacles came out from his back, finding the perfect target. He quickly sped over as his tentacles latched onto Patton and trapped him, causing Patton to jump and frog scream out of fright.
Remus laughed and sunk back to his room with a very panicked Patton who was tightly wrapped in his tentacles that were so eager to just start already.
He rose up and Patton looked around petrified “R-Remus where am I?! W-W-What’s going on?!” “Oh calm your dicks pops, I ain’t gonna hurt cha but your gonna be here a while since I- or we, need desperate help~ and be prepared to loose your voice and mind for a while!”
Remus explained as he happily sat in his torn old chair, leaving Patton confused before he suddenly burst out laughing which quickly grew to hysterics as tentacles went under his shirt and started tickling his belly as 1 even dipped onto his bellybutton. Remus grinned as he watched Patton who was held up by 2 tentacles around his wrists as 3 others attacked his belly and his armpits as he wriggled around and laughed and squealed in hysterics.
"Awwwee! whats the matter patty?! does it tickle? is the little gigglebug ticklish?" Remus teased as Patton laughed an squirmed around. "REHEHEMHMUS! PLHEHEHAHSE!"
"What was that? please more! Oh of course Patty!" "NHOHOHO! W-WAHAHIHT!" Patton only managed to barely get two words out before he wailed in his beautiful laugher an screams as the tentacles moved from his armpits and belly down to his thighs as others worked on getting his shoes an socks off.
Patton kicked his legs around in a desperate attempt to break free from this tickly torture he was now stuck in. Two other tentacles soon grabbed his ankles as well an held him still as more started wriggling or suctioning on an off from his soles an toes while more absolutely destroyed his thighs and poor helpless Patton could only wail an scream in laugher as tears streamed down his face, all the while remus was sat back an watching in pure joy.
Remus soon got a idea an brung him over to his lap, the tentacles stopping to give him a break as Patton giggled an panted for air, The tentacles let go of him but before Patton could move Remus tied his wrists again an ankles an tied his big toes together.
That made Patton burst into anticipated giggles as Remus smirked an put his feet in his lap as he tentacles moved to a stronger grip on Patton. He blushed when he felt cold liquid being poured over his toes an soles, baby oil..
Patton smiled more through his anticipating giggles as he tried to squirm free, but this made the tentacles tighten their grip and a couple started wiggling at his sides, causing the poor moral side to start squealing and giggling even more. “Now now Daddy Patty~ the more you squirm the more their just keep it up and you’ll be stuck with me for much Much longer~” Remus said in a hummed voice, practically having a ear to ear smile now as he threw the bottle of oil aside an placed his finger tips on to Pattons poor oiled soles.
Patton watched as he bit his lip with a wide smile, trying to curl his toes to save himself.
Big mistake
Remus grinned and as almost if it was a green light for him, he started scribbling and scratching at his soles an just under his toes on the left while using a hair brush on the right, and to top it off his tentacles that had been wiggling at Pattons sides had moved to his thighs and started poking and squeezing.
Poor Patton was practically screaming and wailing in laughter at this point, he had tears in his eyes (in a good way) and was loosing his mind as Remus attacked to two death spots with things added on top, it was too much for the poor moral side, and sadly since they were in Remus’s room, non of the other sides could hear him.
This went on for over 10 minutes before Patton started coughing and screaming through his beautiful laughter that he couldn’t take anymore, and eventually after a few minutes of it Remus finally let up. Patton gasped and panted for air as his laughter died down to soft giggles as Remus was trying to help clean the oil off with a hand towel but didn’t really work so he just left the oil on.
The tentacles let Patton go an Remus smirked as he set Patton on his bed, who was already looking so tired. “So, how was that~” Remus teased as he watched the moral side glance at him with a smile. “S-stra-strange b-but I e-enj-joyed it” Patton panted out with a soft giggle. Remus seemed satisfied with that answer and sunk Patton out, where Patton laid on the couch in the living room, quickly falling asleep and confusing the other 4 when they came down to see a sleeping Patton but the oven still on with cookies inside.
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janis-1987 · 2 years
Bets Off (Fizzmodeus Smut)
Tw: Smut! Use of daddy and baby boy in sex, bondage, orgasm denial and overstimulation.
"Hah! I told you! Yes! I win! So what's my reward Ozzie~" Fizz squeals happily as Asmodeus stares at his phone screen in shock, he couldn't believe he had actually lost the bet.
He thinks for a moment, "Well, since it's so rare for you to win these little bets of ours, I think you deserve something you've wanted for a while~"
Fizz's eyes sparkle and his tail wags excitedly, "You mean I get to be dominant tonight?!" He cries out excitedly.
Asmodeus nods his head, already regretting giving up control to Fizz, "Yes baby, you get to be the top tonight."
Fizz flaps his hands happily, "Yes!" He gets up, "Come on baby~"
Asmodeus chuckles softly, "Alright Fizzy."
"Nu uh, it's daddy tonight~" he purrs with a flick of his tail, a wide and mischievous grin on his face.
Asmodeus blushes, wondering just how long Fizz had been planning for this, "Alright daddy~ lead the way."
Fizz takes Asmodeus' hand and leads him up to their bedroom. He lets go and points to the bed, "I want you stripped and laying on your back when I get back here baby~" Fizz purrs in his ear before heading over to the closet.
Asmodeus was really starting to wonder what exactly he had gotten himself into. But he wasn't in control tonight, so he strips out of his clothes and lays down on the bed, wating patiently for Fizz to come out of the closet.
And that happens soon enough, in his arms are some nice thick ropes, ones Ozzie hasn't seen since he started dating the little imp, "And just what do you plan on doing with those daddy~?"
Fizz smirks, jumping onto the bed, and easily moving Asmodeus' arms so his wrists are crossed and above his head, he then sets about tying him up, all those years of setting up circus tents had truely paid off. "Try them out baby~"
Asmodeus gives the binds and experimental tug and his eyes widen when he realizes just how tight the binds really were.
Fizz snickers happily, pleased with himself. He kisses down Ozzie's chest, until he gets to his hips, he stops, and stretching his arm to reach into the closet, he pulls out a cock ring and shows it to Ozzie, who full on whines in response. Fizz chuckles and slips it onto his cock, but he still wasn't done, he gets off the bed and pulls out a large vibrator from a box beneath the bed before gently pushing it into Asmodeus, unsure of just how ready he was for it.
Asmodeus squirms and whimpers, "D-daddy~" he whines.
Fizz laughs, "Awww baby~ it's not even on yet~" he teases before turning it on to the highest setting, causing Asmodeus to squirm and moan loudly. Fizz smirks, proud of the number he was doing on who was usually his Dom. He grabs the lube from the nightstand and puts a generous amount on Asmodeus' cock. He tosses the bottle to the side and straddles his hips, "You want me to ride you baby~" he teases, already planning on doing just that, but he wanted to hear Asmodeus beg.
Asmodeus could hardly focus on what Fizz was saying with intense vibrations hitting his prostate, but he registers enough to whine in response and nod his head, "Pl-please daddy~ please ride me~ I'll be so good for you I promise~" he gets out through his whines and moans.
Fizz smirks, "aww you're so cute for me like this Ozzie." He sinks down onto his cock, moaning loudly, "mnm~ fuck baby~ you fill daddy up so good~"
While Fizz would have loved to fuck Asmodeus himself, they'd tried that before and the fact of the matter was that Fizz was just too small in comparison to Ozzie for him to feel if he was fucking him. So Fizz opted to be a power bottom instead, getting off while getting Ozzie off. He doesn't even need to do much, with the way Ozzie is bucking his hips into him from the stimulation of the vibrator. Fizz can't help the string of moans that escape his lips, "f-fuck, yes~ baby~"
Asmodeus whimpers, normally he wouldn't get so close to cumming so quickly but he hadn't bottomed in a long time, making him very sensitive. He groans and moans as he bucks his hips into Fizz desperately chasing a release he wouldn't get until Fizz decided he could. He looks at Fizz pleadingly but the smirk on the little imps face speaks volumes, he wouldn't be cumming for a while.
"Aww~ what's wrong baby~ d-do you wanna cum~? Is that it~? Fizz teases, through his loud moans.
"F-fuck, y-yes please daddy~ p-please can I cum~?" He babbles out in-between his moans, desperate to cum.
"Awww baby~ y-your so cute wh-when you beg~ but you don't get to cum until I d-do~" Fizz says with a shit eating grin on his face.
Asmodeus whines in response, tugging uselessly at the restraints, he silently begs Fizz with his eyes, so desperate for release as his cock leaks precum into Fizz's tight hole. He tries to focus on Fizz's cock instead, wanting to figure out if he was close, but he was bouncing on his cock so much that it was hard to tell, so he just takes it, softly begging for Fizz to cum on his chest and let him cum.
Fizz would tease Ozzie further but he was getting close to cumming, Ozzie's cock always hit all the right spots in his little body and he was heavily enjoying this. He bites his bottom lip, eagerly drinking in all the noises he earned from the king of lust himself. As he's on the verge of cumming he decides to taunt Asmodeus, "Mm~ fuck who knew that the king of lust was such a bottom~ S-so desperate t-to cum he'll even b-beg an imp~" he says through his own whines.
Asmodeus blushes, "D-daddy, daddy please~" he tries to beg again, extremely turned on by the degrading which did not bode well for him with the cock ring keeping him from cumming, "Pl-please let me cum daddy~ l-let me fill you up please~!" He begs, desperately bucking him hips.
And that sends Fizz over the edge, he cums with a loud moan of Asmodeus' name. Shooting white ribbons of cum onto Asmodeus' fluffy chest. He pants heavily, squirming a little on Asmodeus' cock.
"Pl-please can I cum n-now daddy~?" Asmodeus begs again, desperate for release.
Fizz chuckles and gets off his cock, causing Asmodeus to whine, but that is quickly replaced by a delighted moan when Fizz removes the cock ring and says, "cum for me baby~"
Asmodeus arches his back and cums with a loud moan of Fizzes title, he pants heavily and waits for Fizz to turn off the toy.
But he doesn't, instead he takes Ozzie's cock into his mouth, causing him to squirm and moan loudly again, he looks at Fizz absolutely shocked that he intented to keep going.
It takes 2 hours and multiple orgasms from the both of them before Fizz is finally satisfied, he turns off the toy and takes it out of Asmodeus, setting it aside to clean later as he makes his way up to untie him, "how was that Ozzie? I wasn't too mean was I?"
"Fuck Fizzypop, that was amazing, I might have to let you top again." He says with a tired chuckle.
Fizz laughs softly, "Aww you're so sweet Ozzie." He gets the ropes off and is surprised when he gets scooped up into Asmodeus' arms.
"Come on baby, let's go get cleaned up." Asmodeus says, attempting to stand up only to fall back onto the bed, his legs shaking.
Fizz laughs, "Well that's a good reminder about the one thing I don't miss about having real legs."
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sl-newsie · 9 months
Halloween Luck: Peter Parker x OC *Halloween Special* 🎃
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Summary: Peter sees an old classmate taking her little brother trick-or-treating and joins them dressed as Spider-Man to give them protection… and to maybe ask her out. (Set after NWH).
Christy's POV
“Charlie! Are you ready yet?” I call from the bathroom. 
“All done!” Charlie runs in with a proud smile and shows off his costume: the web warrior himself, Spider-Man.
I finish my skeleton makeup and bend down to give him a hug. “You look fantastic, Charlie! Ready to get some candy?”
“Yeah! Do you think we’ll see Spider-Man tonight?”
It makes me smile how his excitement is not behind wanting to go trick-or-treating, but instead of wanting to catch a glimpse of the arachnid superhero.
“Maybe. It’s gonna be a busy night for Spider-Man. So let's focus on trick-or-treating for now, ok?”
Before we leave I pop in to check on dad, who’s still reviewing documents for tomorrow’s trial. Mom’s still working the late shift, so (as usual) I get to take Charlie around the neighborhood. Guess that’s what happens when your parents are a nurse and a lawyer.
“We’ll be back at 9,” I say in a soft voice.
Dad doesn’t even look up. “Have fun, kids.”
I bite my lip and walk back down the hall to Charlie, who’s looking out the window.
“It’s a full moon! We won’t need flashlights!”
I shake my head. “You know the rules, Charlie. We always carry flashlights.” Over my dead body will I let my little brother become a victim to whatever thugs are out there.
We skip down the stairs and as soon as Charlie sees the Halloween activity buzzing down the street his eyes light up.
“Look, Christy! There’s a giant pumpkin!” He points over at a massive Halloween display, one that the Police Department puts up every year. This year they’ve added a giant pumpkin with disco lights.
“We’ll have to tell Chief Snyder he made a good choice. Now let's get some candy!”
Charlie squeals and starts racing down the street, dragging me behind and making me nearly trip over a jack-o-lantern. 
“Charlie, slow down! We gotta stay on this street-!”
But it’s too late. Charlie’s pulled us into a dark alley, the very place I did not want to go, and we’ve already caught the interest of a typical druggie.
“Hiya, kid. Why don’t you and the chick hang with me for a bit? I got ya something even better than candy.” I can’t tell if he’s stoned or if his voice is supposed to sound that evil, but it’s giving me chills.
I pull Charlie closer and start leading him away. “No thanks, we’re fine.”
But the creep stands up and pulls out a knife, making my blood go cold. “That weren’t a request, sweetheart.”
Peter’s POV
I gotta admit, Halloween is definitely my favorite time of year! I mean, people wearing masks and it’s normal? Spider-Man blends in no problem! Unfortunately it means I have to be on night patrol to keep watch for out-of-hand Halloween mischief, but it’s fun to see everyone all dressed up. It’s 8:30 and it’s been quiet, making me hopeful that I can clock out early. But I guess that’ll have to wait, ‘cause right now I’m about to stop a mugger who looks way too greedy for more than candy.
“Hey creep, if you want candy you gotta wear a costume!” I call as I swing around and web him up against the wall. “Don’t worry, you won’t be hanging for long. The cops are about to join the party!” The criminal squirms under the webbing and I quickly usher the two bystanders out of the dark alley, and it’s then that I realize I know who the skeleton girl is- or at least, used to know her. After the whole mind-erase scenario it’s kinda hard to remember that no one knows me. I think her name’s Christine- she was in my microbiology class. And if I remember right, she’s really nice. Last I knew she was going to college to become a nurse. Maybe-
No, no! Don’t get your hopes up, Parker! There’s a reason nobody’s supposed to know you, remember? 
But I can’t help it. It’s been almost a year since Dr. Strange casted the spell, and I can’t help but feel lonely being by myself in my cramped apartment. I’ve kept tabs on MJ and Ned, and they’ve been safe and well without me to ruin things. But knock on wood the past year’s crime rate has been slow, and going on a small date with someone can’t be too risky, right? Christy may not remember me, but maybe she’ll still like me? But I can’t say anything now, first I gotta get outta this suit.
Christy’s POV
Of course I’d seen Spider-Man on TV, but never have I thought that I’d actually get to see him face-to-face. My nerves clench just at the thought of it. Not because I think he’s the reckless weirdo that Jameson makes him out to be, but because meeting the marvelous hero seems too good to be true. 
But of course Charlie can’t help but gush all over the situation.
“Oh my gosh! It’s Spider-Man! I told you we’d see him!”
“Y-Yes, but I never thought it'd be this close up…” I stick out a shaking hand and try to seem polite. “Pleasure to meet you. Th- Thank you so much for saving Charlie, he means everything to me.”
“You were in danger yourself, miss.” The masked hero jumps down from a lamppost and shakes my hand. God is this real? “I’ll escort you both back to safety, ok?”
I can’t find words, so I just nod and allow him to lead us back into the street. When we’re once again surrounded by fellow neighbors I turn to say one last thank-you to the mighty Avenger.
“I know tonight must be busy for you, so thanks so much for looking out for us, for everyone. I know you’re not a menace, and I really wish others would see that too. But I won’t distract you any longer, I can get Charlie home from here.”
Spider-Man hesitates, then shakes his head and chuckles. “Actually the night’s been pretty slow. I’m just happy to be of service! Thanks for the support, I really appreciate it.”
Charlie giggles and holds up a pen from his bag. “Spider-Man, will you sign my mask?”
I imagine the masked hero is smiling under his mask because he gladly takes the pen and signs Charlie’s mask, making my admiration of him grow even more. When he’s finished I hold up a Snicker's bar from my candy bag.
"Here, it's the least I can do for how much you do for us."
“Wow, thanks!" He takes it and gives Charlie and me a salute. "See ya around the neighborhood!”
After he’s swung off (wow, just- wow!) I grasp Charlie’s hand and start leading him back home.
“Charlie, could you please not tell Mom or Dad about that? They keep a tight leash on us as it is, and I actually wanna be able to avoid being trapped at home any more than I have to.”
“I promise!” The boy chants in a singsong voice as he admires his signed mask. “This is the best Halloween ever!”
I squat down and give him a big hug. “Glad you had fun, kiddo.”
“Excuse me, did you drop this?” Someone behind me asks.
Turning around, I see a stranger wearing a navy coat, jeans, sneakers, and a patterned stocking cap. What sets him apart is his boyish face, one that holds an aged and mature expression, as if he’s a young adult with an old man’s wisdom. A look like that makes me think he’s been through a lot, but I don’t feel threatened. His soft brown eyes give promise and comfort that I decide to trust.
A stranger… yet why do I feel like he’s not? It’s strange but the man seems familiar, like an old friend. I get so lost in thought that I almost forget to address his question.
“Sorry, what?”
“Is this yours?” He holds up a red scarf and my eyes widen as I take it from him.
“Yes! It’s my mom’s! Thank you so much, sir!”
He smiles politely and tilts his head, an adorable and charming expression if I do say so. “Hey, um- you’re Christine, right? I’ve seen you at the library before.”
“When I wanna be professional. Right now I’m Christy, fun big sis of this little devil,” I snicker as I ruffle Charlie's hair. “And your name is…?”
The man extends a hand and we shake (even the handshake is familiar!). “I’m Peter, Peter Parker. I live a few blocks over, so that’s why I recognized you. I didn’t know you had a brother.”
Charlie grins up at Peter. “I’m Charlie! I’m 7!”
Peter kneels down and gives Charlie a high-five. “7? Wow you’re getting old, Charlie! Did you have a good Halloween?”
He nods eagerly. “Yeah! We met Spider-Man! He signed my mask and everything!”
“Wow, that is exciting!”
Peter’s kindness to Charlie makes my heart melt a little, but I know I need to talk to him privately now.
“Charlie, why don’t you run up and start getting ready for bed? I’ll be up in 10 minutes.” Charlie nods and dashes through the apartment door. “And no overdosing on candy!” I call up, then turn back to Peter. “I’m sorry- do I know you? I’m sure this sounds weird but I swear I’ve seen you before.”
Peter gets an unreadable look in his eye and his mouth presses into a thin line. “I- I don’t think we’ve ever met properly, I’ve just seen you around is all. A- And if you’re not busy maybe you’d wanna, I donno… Go to the park? It’s chilly but the fresh air’s really nice.”
Normally I’d be more skeptical of situations like this, but like I said before there’s something familiar about Peter. His adorable proposal makes my heart flutter and almost nearly forget about the anxiety I’d felt earlier tonight. 
“Are you asking… like as a friend?” I ask nervously, being new to this whole ‘dating language.’
Peter scratches his head and fights his nerves to keep from looking away. “Um, yeah. And if things work out well, maybe then it could be more like a date?”
Using my social knowledge I try to read his actions. He’s gone through dating rituals before, but not enough to be considered a ‘player’ or have enough experience. Maybe only one or two? This means that I won’t be just a one-time fling and that he’s serious.
“Yeah, I’d like that. You don’t mind me ranting about Star Wars movies, do you?”
Peter’s face lights up as if I’d just offered him chocolate. “I think that sounds wonderful! Are you free Friday, maybe at 5?”
“5 sounds perfect!”
"O-Ok! Um, see ya then!" Peter smiles and gives a quick wave before strolling off down the bustling street, leaving me wondering about the past eventful 10 minutes.
Who’d-a thought? I got to meet Spider-Man and get asked out on a date in the same night!
Peter’s POV
Ok so technically I did swipe Christy’s scarf, but only as a reason to return it and introduce myself. When she kept praising me as Spider-Man it made me smile to think that not everyone thinks I’m the threat the news makes me out to be, and grateful that maybe she feels the same way I do. My life can never be normal, but maybe I can be given some luck to be happy? The best thing to do now is to take Christine on a fun, comfortable date so she can be happy too. Friday can’t get here soon enough!
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ouijaghostwriting · 8 months
Content warning: oral (female receiving), slight dom/sub, slight choking
You had been watching your half-orc wife work all day, handling metal, forming it into the shape she wanted in her forge. Her current project was a commissioned set of armor. Merawar was a very good blacksmith, she took pride in what she did and even let you use your leather working skills when the piece called for it. She was finishing up for the day, though, having made great progress and was putting away various tools.
But you couldn't stop looking at her thickly muscled arms, lifting things easily, covered in sweat that dripped down her beautiful green-hued skin. Merawar had her thick black hair tied out of her face. Her strength, though, is what had an absolute grip on your libido. You found yourself watching her instead of focusing on your work, the whole day a waste on your end, but every time she bent over, your thoughts got highjacked with visions of her melting you down and remaking you into whatever she desired, like the metal she used daily. Your attention got drawn away by a hand under your chin, guiding your face upward.
"Are you ready to leave?" Merawar's gravely voice washed over you, and you have to hold in the natural urge to kroon and flutter your eyelashes closed. Instead, you smiled back at her.
"Yes." You responded, hopping off the bench, slung your bag over your shoulder, and took her hand as you both left the forge for the night. Merawar was taller than you, standing at 6'2". She made you feel small, like just under your skin, there were butterflies ready to take off. Soon enough, you got home, wherein you then found yourself harshly pushed against the closest wall, lifted up until you were chest to chest with your wife. Your head whipped up to find her eyes already on you, staring you down.
"Do you think I did not see you watching me today?" Merawar growled down at you, her tusks close to your face. A shiver went through your body.
"I was hoping you would," You whispered, a heat starting in your gut. She took a moment to look you over, making you squirm, an intentional dominance move that made you want to serve her every desire. Then, one of her large hands wrapped around your throat, not hard, but enough to feel it.
"Since you like looking so much, you can get up real close." Merawar moved you from the wall to the bedroom. She set you down and began to strip, your eyes taking in every bit of skin and muscle revealed. Your mouth watered when she exposed her breasts, wanting to lavish them with attention. Once she was completely naked, Merawar got on the bed, positioning herself to sit against the headboard with her legs spread wide. Immediately, your eyes were drawn to her pussy, already wet all over.
"You are lucky I like when you admire me," she purred, motioning with her finger to come to her on the bed. You scrambled up as quickly as you could, stopping between her bent knees, her muscled thighs flexing for show. Merawar dragged a hand down her body, starting from her neck, down her chest, stomach, and finally to her folds, her fingers parting them open. Her moan was gorgeous when she touched herself, and you whimpered, wanting to take over.
"Make yourself useful, human," merawar commanded, while her words were harsh there was no real heat in them with the soft look on her face.
"Yes, Ma'am." You quipped back, dropping to your stomach and burying your face in her cunt. You ran your tongue up and down her clit, swirling over that slot many times causing her to grab the base of your skull with her large hand, the one drenched in her juices. As you sucked her into your mouth, you inserted a finger inside of her, immediately feeling her walls clench around it and her thighs snuggly clamp over your ears. You never let up with your tongue, determined to have her fall apart. Thrusting the finger in and out, you added another, and another when she demanded more. The bed under you was completely soaked, but neither of you cared as you worked her over, listening to her sounds.
Merawar humped herself against your face, using you however she needed. Suddenly, she grabbed your head with both of her hands, moaning damn near desperately before her cum coated your lips and chin, your tongue chasing after every bit of it to swallow. Merawar's deep breaths slowed as she released your head. Your eyes trailed up her long body, stopping at her gaze. Her grin was almost scary.
Your wife was not done with you yet.
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tache-noire · 2 years
Rating: 18+ (explicit sexual content)
Content: Cardinal Copia/GN!Reader, jealousy, humping/grinding, coming in pants, friendly banter
Warnings: None
Summary: stealing ideas from other people’s tags on my posts AGAINNNNN
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@vpyre​ hiiiii hi there hi here u go
Reader uses unconventional methods to stop Copia from showing off his Cash And Prizes.
Really, it’s his fault for putting himself on display like that.
“Amore mio, I’m flattered, but I need to be onstage soon...”
If he’s late, he can blame those damned pants. They’re too white, too tight, and too transparent to even think of going commando. But apparently, that’s exactly what Copia thought he would do. Not on your watch.
Now he’s backed against the wall of the dressing room, you’ve got a hand between his legs and he’s whining right in your ear. For all his complaining, though, he’s not making any move to actually push you away. He exposes his neck for you to kiss and bite. His cock hardens quickly in your hand. Through the thin fabric, you swear you can even feel the vein that swells along the side of his shaft.
You’ve never thought of yourself as a jealous person, but the idea that he would have just gone out and flaunted his whole package to the crowd just got your blood boiling all of a sudden. You give it a firm squeeze, and he practically melts. His hands fall from your shoulders to your hips. He grips them hard, but can’t seem to decide between pushing you off or pulling you closer.
“Really, what’s gotten into you ah-- all of a sudden?”
You make the choice for him, shoving your thigh between his own and bracing your knee on the wall. Forcing your hip against his groin. He bites back a moan, but can’t stop himself from bucking into you.
“You look too fucking good in those pants, Cardinal,” You reprimand him. “I’m not sharing this with anyone.”
You definitely feel him twitch at that. He laughs-- that awkward little giggle he does when he’s excited.
“I have to go, caro. One way or another.”
You start to roll your body and he follows right along, biting his lip to stifle another lustful noise. 
“Guess it’s gonna be another, then.”
Copia makes a show of fighting for control, but it’s all half-hearted. Just enough to make you want to win. You slip your tongue between his lips, smoothing over the slight indents left by his teeth along the way. He squeezes your ass, and you squeeze his harder. He humps you without a single ounce of shame left. Nothing but horny impulse-- likely the same that let him look in the mirror and think he could get away with showing off his entire cock and balls to ten thousand people (and a million more when photos inevitably surface online). Before long, all you have to do is keep returning his kisses and hold your hand flat on the small of his back, and he does all the work himself. But it’s not enough. You can tell by the way he whines and whimpers more and more into your mouth. You smirk against his lips before parting from them.
“Are you close, baby?” You tease.
Copia nods. “Sì, tesoro.”
“Need me to touch you?”
“Per favo-- ah, w-wait!”
Once more, you cup his bulge in your hand. You rub up and down his covered length, causing him to squirm from the rough stimulation. Grinding the heel of your palm against the head of his cock proves to be the last straw. The Cardinal jerks and bucks against you with a loud moan, and then he’s still. Wetness seeps through his pants.
You kiss him on the cheek before finally letting him go. He pants and leans heavily against the wall.
“Well, now you really can’t wear those,” you sneer.
“Vaffanculo,” he wheezes back. “That wasn’t fair.”
“Hey, you were humping my leg all by yourself. Now hurry up and change, you’re on in ten.”
Copia flips you off on your way out, again only half-heartedly (and failing to hide a smile). You laugh and return the gesture. Satisfied that you’ve succeeded in keeping your man to yourself. For now.
The very first Ritual you’re not around to stop him (when you manage to get a cold, and have to be quarantined to avoid passing it to him), Copia prances onstage in the exact tissue-paper trousers you forbade him from wearing. And as expected, dozens of people got front-row photos.
Well, at least the photos look good.
Amore mio: My love
Caro: Dear
Tesoro: Darling (literally ‘treasure’)
Per favore: Please
Vaffanculo: Fuck off/Fuck you
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autiponi · 11 months
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Emptiness, darkness, silence and strange sounds at the same time. It surrounded Blackjack, for longer than she would have liked, and there was a searing, excruciating pain all over her body, the presence of which made her even more anxious.
In the midst of it all, however, she heard... someone's voice reassuring her. It was comfortingly warm, calm. And even though she did not understand what he was saying, it gave her hope.
She had no memory of what had happened in the temple, only the blurred images of the fight and of herself falling slowly to the ground, the stench of her own blood in her nostrils.
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Soon, however, there was a small light and in it a silhouette that looked familiar, very familiar...
The figure seemed to be talking to someone, she wasn't sure... this silhouette had a voice that reassured her.
She finally began to understand where she was, it was a hospital in London.
Although she tried very hard, she didn't have the strength to move. A silhouette approached her with a reassuring smile. That calmed her down and she stopped squirming.
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-Calm down Amelia... you are still too weak to get up, please rest.
She felt him holding her hand. She wanted to say something, but she felt she could not.
She obeyed his request and gently closed her eyes to fall asleep again. At least the time will pass more quickly...
Jeremy stayed with Blackjack for a few more minutes, analysing her condition until another doctor arrived.
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-What are you still doing here, Jer? I've been assigned this patient and there are others waiting.
-Ah, yes, I know... I understand... But listen, can you please assign her to me for treatment? She is an acquaintance of mine from my college days.... I know exactly how to help her and...
-NO! I mean... no. Just a very close friend. It's not my first time treating her, so I think I have a knack for it.
-Do what you like, I'll put her papers on your desk and get on with the rest. Lately we've had a lot of patients coming in for assaults....It doesn't look good.
-I've heard about it. Supposedly many of these incidents are caused by people from other worlds.... But that's not important at the moment. Is she badly hurt?
-Just so you know, something practically went through her. It didn't hit any of her major organs though, so she's miraculously alive, mostly just needs stitches and blood... a lot of blood.
-History likes to repeat itself... I'll get to it as soon as I can.
As the other doctor left, Jeremy looked at Blackjack with a sad expression as he lightly held her hand.
-I wanted to see you, but not like this...
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Blackjack woke up. She didn't know how much time had passed, maybe it had been a few minutes, an hour or a whole day....
But it didn't matter, what mattered was that she finally felt like she had the strength to do something.
Slightly clumsily, she sat up on the bed, noticing the gentle rays of sunlight from the window, so she had probably slept through the night as well as the previous day.
She also looked at her hands, the 'normal' one had a tube of blood running through it, while the electronic one had suffered no damage apart from the varnish peeling off.
-I'm starting to remember what happened... it's not good, wait...
Horrified, she quickly rolled up her shirt. The wound from A-1's katana had been stitched up, only then did she feel it again and a shiver ran through her, however she associated the style of stitching with it, she realised that it was probably Jeremy who had to put it back together, she had to be grateful to him once again. But that wasn't what bothered her the most, it was the thought that her first mission had ended so badly, she felt stupid, she felt she could have prevented it somehow.
-Mike would kill me if he saw me like this... well, I'm surprised he's still alive!... those documents... I hope she hasn't taken them from me... although it's unlikely... Fuck...
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Jeremy sat by the hospital room where Blackjack was. He must have fallen asleep waiting for her to wake up, as he had for the last two days, worrying too much about her. But to his delight, he heard through the door that she was finally awake, which immediately lifted his spirits.
-It's about time... the staff probably wouldn't last another day with me here...
She heard the soft crunch of the door opening. There on her threshold was Jeremy, a modest but warm and broad smile appearing on his tired face. Tears of emotion also appeared on Blackjack's face.
-Well... we met... A little differently than I had planned, but still!
-You better come here and stop talking nonsense!
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Jeremy sat down in a nearby chair. Blackjack felt like hugging him, but more pain put that idea out of her mind.
-So... how are you feeling? I hope the stitches don't hurt too much.
-It's been better... but it's all right. It was you who stitched me up again, wasn't it?
-Tradition done?
-Come on... this is the third time. I really don't know what I'd do without you... I feel so stupid.
-I'm sure you'd be a hand and a head poorer, but those are details.
Blackjack laughed warmly.
-Yes, "details"... You haven't changed a bit.
-You know, a rooster survived even though its owner had chopped off its head.
-Well, I think I'll leave my head on, there's more to do.
-Decidedly! By the way, there was someone else here waiting for you. He said you work for him... I don't want you to pry, but... who was it?
-Mike... this one seems to know everything that's going on with me....  Ugh.
-He's had time, I think. You were practically unconscious for three days.
-Yeah, well... that's saying a lot. He brought me here, didn't he?
-No, definitely not. You were brought in by a woman, the first time I'd ever really seen her. She had white hair and square glasses, and a lot of freckles, and her clothes were dirty from the paint....She was very worried about you, but she never came back to see you after that, although to be honest I would have liked to, she seemed really nice.
-I hope to see her again... I must thank her that I'm alive because of her...as much as you...again.
She looked at Jeremy, his face had changed a lot since the old days. He had visibly grown older, but at the same time he was visibly thinner, even sickly thin.
-It's nothing, it's what I'm supposed to do.
Although he smiled, Blackjack sensed that something was wrong with him. She became increasingly concerned and touched his cheek lightly.
-Are you all right, Jer?
-Hm? What do you mean?
-You look... different. You even seem a little sick to me, that's why I'm asking.
-It's great!... yeah, don't worry. It's because it's still early in the morning... once I get some sleep, everything will be back to normal. Back to you though, you lost something else during your dying days.
He took an object from his bag and handed it to Blackjack, abruptly avoiding the subject of himself.
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-Maybe you remember John from the first class? He ended up as an Interdimensional Equipment Technician! He fixed your portal tool yesterday when I sent it to him .... It must have taken a lot of hits because it was broken for good... By the way, you didn't tell me you finally got a pass!
-I completely forgot to tell you! Thank him for me, I will try not to spoil it when I die again... .... it will come in handy for sure.
Warm laughter filled the room. They talked about everything and nothing at the same time, about the old school, new experiences and also projects. Blackjack had been friends with Jeremy since they were students, and they wanted to conquer the world as great technicians. Eventually, however, their career paths diverged when Jeremy became more involved in medicine than technology. Blackjack didn't resent this, she knew that as his best friend she had to support him even if things didn't go their way together, it worked out well for her in the end, that way Jeremy could always help her even in the worst situation she was in. While they were talking, however, they heard someone knocking on the door of her room, and Jeremy, a little surprised to have a visitor at this hour, opened it gently.
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On the doorstep was Mike.
-Oh, good morning, I suppose for Mrs Amelia?
-Yes, is she awake?
-Of course, you can talk to her if you need to.
-I would ask, but alone, business matters.
-Of course. I'll wait in the corridor, Amelia.
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Jeremy left the room and waited in the corridor, Mike walked over to the bed and sat down in a chair, looking at Blackjack from head to toe with a blank stare.
-You're lucky to be alive, you know that?
-I'd hardly be unaware of it with a fuckin' tube in my hand, believe me.
-I expect, but I hope the next few jobs go our way...and on the bright side, you didn't screw up that badly after all.
Blackjack looked at Mike. He did not know how to react to these words.
-That's it? No reprimand or anything? Really?
-The fact that you are in hospital is probably enough. After all, you've done your job, because the documents are safe with me... So I have no reason to... unless you really want me to, then I think I can comply with your request.
-I don't think you need to.... Anyway, are you going to throw me in at the deep end on your next mission?
-Depends on how you look at it, although it might be a bit easier, or not.
She was getting a little impatient.
-Not now, and certainly not here...this is the hospital end of things.
-Great, just great!
-Are you in such a hurry to get to work? really lovely.
-No, I'm not in a hurry at all! But the information is very useful....  I really don't want to end up here again when I leave. Are you aware of this?
She lay back down on the bed and looked away, holding her hand over her face suggestively.
-All right, let me get this straight, the death of .... demon does not bother you?
She suddenly looked back at Mike.
-A demon? A... demon?
-A demon lord, to be precise. He's old now... and not as powerful as he used to be. You can help me with a little decon on him...it'll be less dangerous than going straight into the lion's mouth like A-1.
-I've never seen demons, I don't think it's a good idea... where did you get that idea anyway?
-An old issue that has to do with it... I really can't say more at the moment. Your father-
-I'll never trust you if we play a game like this. If you're going to keep doing this to me, then take my passport.
She looked at the wall again, Mike sighed and slowly stood up.
-I'll give you some time to think about it. I have time, but I don't know about you. I'll tell you as much as I need to when we meet in a better place. Here they can watch us ... I'm really sorry.
Mike left something on Blackjack's locker as he slowly left the room. Jeremy went straight to her and when he got to the bed he was immediately hugged.
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-Don't mind me... it's just, I really need it right now.
-I-I think I understand... I don't mind anyway.
Jeremy tried to return Blackjack's hug a little, but she hugged him even tighter. This was not normal for her, she usually avoided this kind of contact with anyone.
-I don't know how to thank you for being here... just... thank you for being Jer... I, I'm sorry.
-You don't have to thank me or apologise... it'll be fine.
Blackjack sat in the hug for a long moment, and at the same time there was a silence in the room, deafening yet soothing for both of them.
It also caused Blackjack to fall asleep in Jeremy's arms. She hadn't realised how tired she was from so many things at once.
-I have missed you over the years.
He gently laid her back down on the hospital bed and covered her with a warm blanket. He wanted this moment to last forever, or at least a little longer, but unfortunately he had to go now, so he gently closed the door of the hospital room behind him and returned to the empty hospital corridor. As he walked, however, he sensed that something was wrong. His legs and arms suddenly felt like cotton wool and he could no longer control his body properly. Again.
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He fell to the ground with a thud, unable to move his whole body.
-That just now... why...
He tried to scream, to call for help... but he could not get a single word out. He felt weak, sluggish, he would probably stay like that for a long time, but at the same time a miracle happened... one of the nurses came and noticed him lying on the floor in pain.
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-We've asked you a hundred times, Jeremy, not to go out without your wheelchair! Do you know what could have happened if I hadn't come to get you?
-I'm sorry... I couldn't show myself to her like this.... I don't want her to start worrying about me...
-Who would... ugh, it doesn't matter who! You should have remembered all along that there's no good reason... we don't want you to die in the corridor!
-Yes, I know... I won't anymore... I promise...
-Every time you say it... you better keep your promise. Let's get some rest... -I'm not surprised you fell here, you've been under this door for three days!
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-Yes, I know... luckily I don't have to anymore.
-At least... just out of curiosity, who was the man who entered the patient earlier? I was afraid to say that a giant had come to the hospital!
-Amelia's employer... I don't know much about him... I don't even know if she knows herself.
HAWOOOO! THANK U FOR READIN MY COMIC!!!! I-I dunno what to type.
Just, thanks for this time together!
I also invite you to visit the website, there is a really cool introduction to the world!
Anyway, cya!
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anywaymurder · 2 years
Chapter 41
Raiden squirms his way out of Ara’s grip and runs out the door, but is soon floored again. Annori wildshapes into a bear and restrains him, while Ara ties him up using rope. Members of the Syndicate rush out and draw weapons, but Kevin manages to convince them that this bear is part of his usual performance and they’ve got it all under control. They put him down on a chair and ask him what’s going on. Raiden exclaims he’s being framed, that the Copper Syndicate are making him look like someone he isn’t, and that he has no idea why. Annori asks him to answer one question: is Raiden his real name? The rogue goes quiet for a bit and then replies ‘no’. But he’s not willing to divulge his real name here, so they collectively come up with a plan to get him out of the Syndicate’s grasp. Ara goes to untie him, but finds that Raiden had already sneakily cut the ropes while they were talking. (A: you owe me a rope)
Ara asks Raiden to promise them he’ll meet up with the group again once he’s out. He does. Kevin looks at him pleadingly and asks again, causing Raiden to impatiently promise again. Ara suggests they make it look like a fight broke out where Raiden escaped, and asks who wants the first punch, prompting Annori to punch him in the face, hurting her hand more than anything. Raiden picks the lock on the door, Annori turns him invisible and turns into a mouse, running up his pant leg to sit on his shoulder. Kevin and Ara throw some furniture around to trash the room, and as L comes back inside, Raiden and Annori slip away invisibly. Kevin puts on a great performance, but Ara’s is lacking, so L quickly figures out something is up. They assure Kevin and Ara that they are all on the same side here, and that while they understand Raiden might not have been ready to talk about it yet, all they want is to have a conversation. They ask that if they do manage to ‘catch’ him, they try to convince him to come and talk. (A: ‘if you’d have had more empathy i wouldn’t have had to pretend to be beaten by a flimsy rogue’) Before they can head out, L grabs Kevin by the arm and tells him that he’s starting to understand why his mother left the Syndicate. Kevin cannot handle any more upsetting information right now and sort of collapses, leaving Ara to carry him outside. 
Meanwhile, an invisible Raiden and Annori make their way stealthily through town, all the way to Notsk’s office where they agreed to meet the others. Once they arrive, Raiden pulls out his lantern and quickly stuffs mouse!Annori inside, before she even realizes what’s happening. He sets it down on the ground, says ‘I’m so sorry, Annori’, and walks away, disappearing into the shadows.
When Ara and Kevin arrive, they find a loudly squealing mouse inside a lantern. Once freed and un-wildshaped, a very upset Annori explains what happened. She calls Raiden an idiot for leaving, because now he has to deal with the Syndicate alone. Ara cuts in and says that Raiden should be more worried about them, and what they’re gonna do to him once they hunt him down. Kevin resorts to sad, angry stomping.
Fueled by panic, Raiden puts as much distance between them as he can. He then makes a snap decision to head towards the castle prison to talk to Vezal. Realizing his permission to enter has probably expired by now, he uses magic to disguise himself as Lady Hartwind. The guards escort him down towards the cells, and Raiden realizes just in time that the cells in question have a strong anti-magic field around them and his disguise won’t hold up. He convinces the guards to let him enter alone. Vezal asks him who he is, only vaguely remembering him from before, but Raiden has no time for small-talk. He pulls out the tracings of the symbols found in the temple to Amoth and asks Vezal what they mean. When the mage is confused, he urges him to talk because he’s the only chance he has at ever getting out of here. Vezal studies the glyphs and says that the first part, the carved glyphs, are a ward to protect the leylines. The second part, the one painted in blood, was there to weaken the first. Channel power to the forgotten God, retrieve his lost shrines and relics so Justice can be once more
It strikes Vezal as odd that this was found in a temple to Amoth, since a deity like Amoth wouldn’t stand for the murder of Lord Hartwind and the others being committed in his name. Raiden bluntly asks who it could be about, then. Vezal frustratedly says that’s what he was trying to find out before he got arrested, when he traveled to Feirenwald’s library. 
The rest of the group decide they need a drink and some sleep, and head back to the Silver Cauldron Inn (A: this is why I don’t do friendship). The innkeep asks where their errand boy is, and Ara briskly says they’re gonna need a new one. Annori says he’s just running errands, and that she’ll wait for him outside. She climbs onto the roof and sits there, crying silently, holding on to the hope that Raiden will find his way back to them. Ara buys a bottle of fancy wine, walks up to Findire, and asks him if he would like to do something reckless. Findire invites him to his room. (this is where I badly drew an ‘eyes’ emoji in my notebook)
Raiden takes out his spellbook with the notes in the margins, and flips through to the pages that had notes about the shadowfel. Vezal explains that the shadowfel is a plane of darkness that forms a trinity with the material plane and the feywild. The shards that they found in the temple are wisps of shadow. If five of them are brought together, it’s possible to create a ‘shadowcrossing’, a portal to the shadowfel. He urges Raiden to be careful with these shards: exposing them to sunlight would destroy them. As Raiden leafs through the book once more to find other clues, Vezal notes that the writing in the margins resembles that of an old friend. Helena Tarrenwood. Raiden, without making eye contact, asks him what he knows of her. He says he knows she was imprisoned for a horrible act, one that he had thought her guilty of, before he himself was imprisoned for something similar. He mentions that Raiden looks like her somewhat. He does not respond to this, instead urging him to tell him everything he knows that might be of use in this investigation, because he is now his only chance to prove his innocence. (V: I thought you had companions last time? R: yeah I did, didn’t I?) Vezal tells him to trust his friends, because trying to shoulder this alone is what got him in prison. Raiden gets up to leave, knocking feverishly on the door until the guards open. He stumbles out of the room into them, dazing them just enough so they don’t see his face before he can cast his magic disguise again. They escort him outside, where he proclaims he just needs some air, and they leave him to it. And so he wanders off into the night, with heart pounding, thoughts racing and a bad conscience.
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ask-mafia-hat-kid · 2 years
Hiii! It's been awhile hehe,,
I've been working on this story for a bit, it's a backstory for Clementine and how she was adopted by Mafia Boss, or Romeo
Sorry if it's not the best ^^ but I hope y'all like it anyways!
Romeo stared at the paper in front of him, his eyes starting to get heavy from the late night. He hasn't been sleeping much since he's been put in this boss role. 
He glanced over at the clock, 11:38, it was nearly midnight. He sighed slightly and leaned back in his chair placing his hands on his face. He thought of just leaving and finishing tomorrow, or even just falling asleep at his desk right then and there. 
Romeo leaded back and rested his arms back on his desk looking down, staring at his paper once again. 
Slowly his eyes started to get heavy, he accepted his tiredness… 
"BOSS!" a goon slammed the door open, startling Romeo back awake causing him to fall backwards catching himself with his hands on his wall and foot on the desk. 
He paused for a moment before lifting himself back up to face the goon. 
"What's going on? It's too late to be screaming like that"
"Sorry boss.. But very strange thing happened, mafia needs you to see it"
Romeo let out a small sigh before getting up, walking over to the goon. 
"Alright, lead me to the problem"
The goon nodded and started walking, Romeo following behind him. He was very annoyed, what the hell is going on at nearly midnight for them to get him? 
They got to the main room, a few goons huddled around a table talking amongst each other. Romeo raised an eyebrow slightly, this oddity got all the goons working staring at it. 
Romeo snapped his fingers, getting the goons attention and causing them to move aside revealing the basket they were staring at. 
He started walking over to the basket, lightly groaning. 
"It's just a stupid basket" he thought "what could be so interesting—"
He paused, now staring down at what the basket contained… It was a child, a newborn baby. 
The infant was asleep, clinging to a small stuffed teddy. Romeo just stared mouth agape trying to correctly process what was in front of him. 
A moment passed and a Goon lightly tapped Romeo's shoulder. 
"So.. What is mafia going to do with baby?"
He paused, taking a moment before responding. 
"Well.. Somebody's gotta take care of them.. So do any of you want to have 'em?"
All the Goon's anxiously looked amongst each other, waiting for anyone to take up on the bosses offer. 
There were minutes of silence, Romeo let out a groan of annoyance. 
"Fine, I guess I'll take care of them for now." He picked the small child into his arms, slightly rolling his eyes. 
He glanced over at the goons. 
"You all, leave now. There's nothing more for you to do now shoo!"
The Goons quickly complied, leaving as soon as they could Romeo watching as they left. 
He sighed, now being alone with the baby in his arms, he looked down at the newborn who was now slightly squirming around. 
… Romeo suddenly felt a warmth in his chest just by staring at this child, he'd never felt this way before… It's a weirdly pleasant feeling. He gained a gentle smile holding the child closer to his chest. 
They look so innocent… How could he of all people care for someone as pure as this. 
"I'm going to protect and care for you the best I can.." He murmured. "I promise you that Clementine.."
He paused, not knowing how that name slipped out. He thought for a moment, before gaining a bigger smile. 
"Yeah Clementine.. That's the perfect name for you.."
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torubeth · 2 years
types of kisses with Suna Rintarou (all characters aged up!)
this is the result of me after hearing his dub. very much not ok, fuck this guy for not existing :|
the ‘i’m still mad at you but i love you’ kiss
the car ride was quiet. too quiet for your comfort. even the radio was off. looking out the window, you tried to drown out the fight you both had minutes prior. it was a petty fight, a simple argument, and yet none of you backed out, resulting in both of you being mad at each other. and now here you were, being dropped off at work by him like always. except the atmosphere was rather tense and a bit awkward. the car came to a halt, indicating your drop point. you sat in silence for a minute, waiting for something to happen. but nothing did, so you unbuckled the seatbelt and was ready to exit the car when his firm but gentle grip enclosed around your wrist and pulled you back, causing you to collide your lips with his. “i’m still mad at you by the way, but i love you. be safe”, he whispered against your lips, bringing your wrist to his lips and planting a small kiss. “yeah whatever. have fun at practice”, you leave his embrace to exit. but before shutting it, he could’ve swore he’d heard you say ‘loser’.
the ‘this is the last one, i promise’ kiss
“rin, please. she’s waiting for me outside! plus i have a meeting i need to attend!”, you squirmed in his tight warm grip. “one last kiss, baby, i promise”, he uttered, going back to peppering your face with kisses. on any normal day, you will accept this blindly. but today you were on the run. your friend was waiting outside, phoning you seconds after seconds. and here you were, getting smothered by your boyfriend. “rin, baby, i need to go! i’ll give you my undivided attention as soon as i’m back! sounds like a plan doesn’t it ?”, you tried to reason with him. pulling away, an adorable pout visible on his face, “today is saturday angel, do you have to go ?”, his pout intensified and you could slowly feel your resolve starting to break. “i- no! i’m not falling for this! i’ll see you after work!”, you replied quickly, pecked his lips and ran out the door.
the ‘i’m sorry’ kiss
not being able to express his feelings and emotions verbally, his only option left was placing small tender kisses anywhere and everywhere. “i told you, i don’t want to talk to you right now”, you mumbled, turning the other way, your back now facing him. truth be told, you weren’t really mad at him. you can’t be mad him. but you didn’t wanna tell him that. not yet. “i’m sorry angel. i deleted my story as soon as you told me to. no one saw it, trust me”, he whispered, hands snaking around your waist, face nuzzling into your hair, planting kisses against your shoulder. the gestures were too good to resist, so you give in, “fine, if that’s the case then, i guess you’re forgiven”, you smiled, turning to him, snuggling your face into the warmth of his chest. his smile slowly faded, a smirk taking over. for he had already put the picture of you drooling to his private story yet again.
the ‘i’m in the mood’ kiss
“how much longer ?”, he groaned, tilting his neck to look at you in such a way you wondered if he was alright. “few more emails and i’m all yours”, you mumbled, typing away at your computer. “you said that an hour ago. do you know how hard it is ? to just sit around, crave attention from that one person when all they say is no ? plus, you should take a break. you’ve been at it for hours now”, he complained, which only earned him a chuckle from you. sighing, he dropped his phone onto the bed somewhere and made his way towards your workspace. spinning the chair to face you, he leaned down, face now mere inches from you. “what..?”, your voice came out in a soft whisper manner, your eyes unable to leave his. his hands reached up to your glasses, slowly removing them, without breaking the eye contact he maintained with you. and that mere inches quickly turned to nothing as his lips slowly melted with yours. his hands went under your thighs to lift you up, only to place you on top of your desk filled with papers and files. retracting from the kiss, “work can wait, but i can’t. so, for now, eyes on me baby”.
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