#i have to put so so so much effort to even look at myself and not see myself as ugly or weird looking. it’s such a challenge
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sirianasims · 16 hours ago
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Chapter 44.5
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I get almost halfway through the take before I stumble over my words. With a deep breath, I reach over and stop the recording. Again. I wonder how real actors can stand this, repeating their lines over and over, but quickly veer sharply away from that particular line of thought.
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I hit the record button with a little more force than strictly necessary, watching the monitor as it opens a new file for the fifteenth time today. With another deep breath I paste on a smile that gets less convincing for each take.
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“Hi guys, it’s Julia!” I chirp, my voice sounding unnaturally upbeat, even to me. I launch into the introduction, trying to hit that sweet spot where it still sounds natural and improvised, as if I hadn’t rehearsed it all morning.
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This time, I manage to maintain a smooth delivery from beginning to end, no fumbling, no awkward pauses. Relief washes over me, until I glance at the small mirror under my camera.
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One side of my eyeliner is smudged, the wings embarrassingly lopsided and uneven. I finally got my perfect take – and it’s useless. Of course.
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I hammer the button to stop recording and toss a mascara onto the table with a clatter. My eyes are burning, and it’s not just from the brightness of the ring light. I grab a makeup wipe and erase any trace of the effort I put in this morning as I shut down the camera. No more today. My heart’s clearly not in it right now.
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I head into the living room and sink onto my couch with a weary sigh, phone in hand. Marten still hasn’t replied to the text I sent him several hours ago, before I started recording. Now that we’re official, I figured we’d be texting and talking even more often. Instead, I almost feel more isolated than before. It’s only been a week since our first kiss, shouldn’t this be the giddy honeymoon stage?
I guess I can’t expect him to clear his entire schedule just because I finally decided to sleep with him, but still, I would have liked to see him again this weekend, spend more time together, reassure myself that the feelings – his or mine, I don’t know – are real.
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I try to get a few cute selfies. My hair’s still decent, but without the makeup, I look… well, tired. I choose the least unflattering one and send it to Marten.
After a long pause, my phone finally vibrates. “You’re so pretty, Jules. Miss you too. Busy w/ study group, talk later!”
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I stare at the message for a few seconds, chewing my lower lip. Somehow, it’s not the enthusiastic, all-in response I crave. He always says that he misses me, but he’s extremely slow to respond most of the time. I get it, his studies are demanding. But is it wrong for me to want more attention? More… appreciation that I’m dating him?
I feel a flutter of guilt. Do I seriously want him to feel grateful? Ugh, I sound like such a diva. I scroll through my favourites, stopping at Samara’s name. She’s visiting her family this weekend, so that’s a dead end. The quiet of my apartment presses in, the air thick with a loneliness that’s becoming too familiar.
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On an impulse, I text Miranda instead, and my phone rings seconds later.
“Hey, girl!” Miranda’s voice crackles through the speaker, bright and cheery as always. “What’s up?” Her excitement makes me smile. Maybe some of that energy will rub off on me.
“Not much, to be honest. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?”
“Oh my gosh, yes! Perfect timing. I was just unboxing some new items for a brand deal and I’d love a second opinion. Come over!”
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“I’ll be there soon,” I say.
I can always finish the video later.
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It’s impossible to be sad for long in Miranda’s apartment. The moment you step inside, it’s like an explosion of colourful curiosities, framed posters, soft pillows and plants, so many plants. This place is all Miranda, loud and unapologetic.
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Her cat, Socks, is curled up in her usual spot on the couch and I’m very careful not to intrude on her space as I cross my legs. At best, that would earn me a scathing look of absolute disdain, and at worst, she’d get up and leave, her tiny furry body radiating contempt.
Miranda has placed two steaming mugs of coffee in front of us, along with some fruit and chocolate.
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“Thank you so much for having me over, Mir. I spent all morning messing up a recording and I was slowly going insane.”
“You’re welcome, I appreciate the excuse to procrastinate.” She indicates her unboxing table across the room with a toss of her head. “Got a brand deal, I’ve only worked with them once before, and I really need to get it right. They’re extremely picky, last time I had to redo the video like seven times before they approved it.”
“Ouch. But I guess they were happy in the end, if they offered you a second deal?”
“They were very happy, but it’s still a lot of pressure. So I’m postponing that particular problem until tomorrow, the light is better early in the day anyway. But how are you doing, really?”
The genuine concern in her voice makes me fold immediately.
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“Honestly, I kind of hate everything right now. It’s like nothing really makes me happy, even though it should. I mean, I finally hit a hundred thousand followers, I got a new boyfriend, things should be amazing. But no matter what I make, it feels forced, and Marten… I don’t know. I can’t quite get a read on him, I kinda wonder if he even actually likes me.”
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“Well, maybe he’s not as intense as… as what you’ve been used to, but he’s clearly obsessed with you. I don’t think we’ve ever hung out without him texting you at least two or three times, and that was before you even started dating.”
“Yeah, you’re right, maybe I’m comparing. I guess it’s too soon to worry about it, it’s only been a week. It’s probably just work dragging me down.”
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Miranda looks thoughtful. “Would you rather go back to your old content?”
I shake my head. “No. It’s too niche, I was struggling to reach fifty thousand followers back then, and I’ve already doubled that since switching. I need to stick to something with a wider appeal if I want it to be viable.”
“OK, thought experiment – if money wasn’t an issue, what would you do? No limits, you can do whatever you want?”
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The vision bursts into my head, unbidden. I’ve moved to Del Sol Valley, I’m working on movie costumes, maybe musicals or theatre too, and I walk the red carpet in a stunning gown, and Paul is there, and of course he sees me and deeply regrets ever leaving me. Then I force him to explain himself and either slap him or kiss him – or both – and…
“I don’t know.”
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“Really? Seriously, Julia, anything goes?”
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I force the fantasy out of my head and try to be realistic. “I think I just miss being a little more creative. I don’t want my whole rebrand to go to waste, but maybe I could make it a bit more… fun?”
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“Well, that’s pretty doable, isn’t it? I’ve been thinking we could do a collab, maybe it’d shake up the format a little and you could do something new.”
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Next to me, the cat purrs contentedly, oblivious to the mild existential crisis swirling in my head. “I really appreciate you wanting to help, but I’m a bit worried it’ll look like you’re just boosting me. You’ve got ten times the followers I do, I don’t want pity views.”
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Miranda chuckles. “Oh, girl, no. I’m your friend, but if I didn’t like your content, I wouldn’t risk associating with it, you know? This collab is just as much for me as it is for you.”
I manage a half-smile. “That’s nice of you to say.”
“I’m serious, Julia. You always bring something unique and creative, and maybe it could be a stepping stone for you to add a bit more colour to your channel?”
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“You’re right, and I really don’t want to sound ungrateful. This is just so far from what I used to do, I’m struggling to figure out how to combine it.”
Miranda nods. “I get it. But sometimes you have to try a couple different paths before landing on the perfect blend of what you love doing and what actually gets traction. You’ll figure it out.”
Next to me, Socks seems to have gotten bored with her nap. Her ears twitch, and in one fluid motion, she hops off the couch.
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We both turn our heads to watch as she leaps onto the small presentation table where a pair of pink boots are ready for Miranda’s video.
“Oh no,” Miranda mutters. “She’s gonna cost me a deal if she touches those.”
The cat sniffs at the box, then at the shiny leather. I’m halfway across the couch when Socks swats at the lid, her claws catching in the wrapping paper.
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“Socks, no!” Miranda yelps, leaping to her feet. The cat immediately backs off and starts washing herself, clearly offended that we would ever think she had any interest in the shoe box at all.
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Miranda sinks back into the couch as Socks jumps off the table and we both burst into relieved giggles.
“She’s such a menace. Anyway, about the collab…”
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canisalbus · 5 months ago
So i remember an ask mentioning your mortal enemy, Felis Atra and their cats, and i thought it'd be fun to draw what Felis Atra's version of your italian dogs would be.
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I think they would be called Butter Knife and Flamengo! Butter Knife is not his real name, it's an nickname given by his peers because of how harmless he is. I choose Flamengo because that's the name of Vasco's rival football team here in Brazil, so i thought that was the perfect name :)
Cat Machete was slightly inspired by the Oriental Shorthair cat because of their long noses and thin head shape.
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Cat Vasco was inspired by the Scottish Fold cat, because FLOPPY EARS. I gave Flamengo longer ears and orange fur to make him more like his look-alike.
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The last doodle is a reference to this ask (https://canisalbus.tumblr.com/post/728923918314946560/me-i-am-machete-ear-fan-number-1-those-ears) and contains the tumblr ask stand-in dog, whose cat version was inspired by the American Curl cat! They have round ears that are slightly floppy outwards.
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Final notes: I know cardinal clothes don't come in vibrant blue, but i was ADAMANT on switching Machete's and Vasco's clothing color patterns. I would draw the rest of Butter Knife's and Flamengo's clothes, but i suck at designing cool outfits.
Speaking of outfits, for Machete's iconic void outfit, i figured it would be fun to make it more baggy for Butter Knife, in contrast to Machete's, that looks very tight-fitted. I think it's cute, it kinda looks like a sweater. Also i can't imagine a Machete doppelganger without high heels boots, so those HAD to stay.
Oh, and just to be clear, i'm not like, claiming ownership of these guys or anything. I just thought it would be a fun exercise. Hope you like them!! I love your art and your characters.
#imagine if Vaschete but CATS and REVERSED -> Butter knife ;_; and Flamengo <3#this ask is from last year and I'm sorry I've allowed it sit in my inbox for so long ´m`#but I've been thinking about it intermittedly#the context was that someone said that somewhere out there existed my mortal enemy (felis atra = black/dark cat)#and they had frenzied cat ocs instead of melancholic dogs#first of all they both look so darling I'm getting radiation poisoning just from looking at them aaaaaa#and the fact you put so much thought and effort into this concept is making me go absolutely rabid#extremely strange seeing Machete with big pupils and Vasco with tiny pinpoints#Butter knife purring like a fluffy jackhammer is instant serotonin I love him#and yes if you turned Machete to a cat he'd probably be something resembling an oriental shorthair#especially one of those really exaggerated ones with giant bat ears and roman nose#and I keep visualizing Vasco as a scottish fold as well but it's kind of giving me sad bad feels personally#I can't look past their painful and debilitating health issues#the same mutation that causes the floppy ears also destroys the cartilage in their joints#it's such a shame because they're a terribly cute and charming breed#and in this case they really do have those similar rounded friendly shapes that Vasco does#if I ever draw them as cats myself I'll probably have to think of some other breed for him even though it would be such a perfect fit#also I think it's funny how you can swap everything else but Machete's heels have to stay :'> don't separate the crinkle and his boots#thank you so much! this was such a cool ask to receive I love how you designed their cat forms#gift art#dingergum#Machete#Vasco#own characters#Vaschete scenarios
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onebizarrekai · 1 year ago
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howdy gamers. I didn't make very much digital art this year, but I did challenge myself to draw or write at least one thing in a particular sketchbook every night this year and fill its pages! I made my yearly art compilation out of that book instead of my usual digital art.
the drawings range from characters, objects, scenery, graffiti, one-sentence journaling, tiny drawings and big ones, foregrounds and backgrounds, angst, drawings mismatched and matched, 99% done in colored pencil. it's so satisfying to flip through a sketchbook where each page is completely full and brimming with color. I've put a few of my favorite pages below plus some other silly little things.
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I only filled up about half the book this year, so the quest continues. also ozzy ghirahim is my favorite drawing in the whole book
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woodblxssomcrowned · 2 months ago
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shayberri789 · 5 months ago
I'm a little hurt by some of my irl friends and have two courses of actions, but which will both have similar outcomes
Basically, I have three creative irl friends. Every time they share their writings with me (be it fics, poems, stories or creative non fic), I ALWAYS read it as soon as I'm able and give feedback + healthy amount of gushing.
But whenever I write something I am proud of and I share it with them, none of them acknowledge it. Its like they don't see the link you know. And its fine because I just say "I wrote a thing" and give a link. I'm explicitly asking for feedback or validation. I can't be upset because they're not mind readers
But sometimes I explicitly DO ask them "hey did you see what I wrote?" "Hey, what do you think of this?" And i get half assed responses at best. "Oh its good" "uh ill read it when I get home *never hears about it again*". And that's a little more frustrating.
Earlier today I needed to put together a portfolio, and asked my two best friends to please read through it, because it was important and I needed their input on (1) thing, and I needed it *before the end of the day*. It was three pages of easy reading. Its not like I was asking for concrit or editing or something time consuming.
One of them skimmed it and gave me feedback. The other one is adhd and forgot. Said she'd read it later when I reminded her. When I reminded her again, she said she forgot and had made plans, can she do it in the morning?
And normally I'd say that's fine! Because I don't expect immediacy from my friends online, esp for favours. But I had a deadline, and this was the third time this particular friend has done this. There's only so many times I want to poke someone to read my shit before I start feeling like I'm bragging/attention seeker/being entitled and demanding. So I just went and asked someone else.
I know I'm valid to feel hurt about this, and frustrated. I also know that my friends don't mean to make me feel like this, or forget. I know they want to support me. But I'm also tired of getting burned so I'm just going to fucking stop trying to share my writing with them because instead of validation I'm getting pain.
My two options are either a) telling my friends that actually their silence and forgetfulness hurt me or b) just lettint it go
Either way, I'm not reaching out again. B) seems like the option less likely to hurt my friends/make them feel bad, so I'm leaning to that. If the roles were reversed, I'd rather option A), because when people tell me these things I do genuinely try to do better in the future, and I know my friends would feel the same. But I've also lost faith in their ability to do so in this area. Idk what I should do
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lumienn · 4 months ago
Me when I did 10 things to make my day better but came across 1 (one) thing that ruined it
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owcs · 1 year ago
For my first clip uploaded here, I figured it would only be right to have it be tracer gameplay. Here are some highlights from Nico of team VARREL against Hayabusa Gaming* from today February 27th, 2024. *Hayabusa Gaming does not have a liquipedia page to link to
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heymrspatel · 1 year ago
Its Kinktober! Do you have any work coming, if not, are you open to taking ideas/commission
hello! it IS kinktober 🥳 i've done a few so far and if everything goes to plan i should have a few more coming up. i went through a little dip and the momentum i had going disappeared. but, i'm going to try!
i appreciate the interest so so much, but i don't do commissions. the creative/fandom part of my brain is not wired that way unfortunately.
however, alice @darthvaders-wife, recently posted about accepting commissions! (she has also been posting incredible art every single day of kinktober - she's amazing and i bow down) if anyone else is accepting commissions please give a shout! 🩵
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oscargender · 11 months ago
to knowis to be loved and to be known is to b eloved. I want transgender friends who will know me and love me in a way that cis people usually do not
#getting floored by transgendered feelings tonight. I went full femme last night in a way that I haven’t in a long time and it really made#it clear that what I enjoy about looking feminine is the ATTENTION. PEOPLE PAY SO MUCH GODDAMN ATTENTION TO PRETTY WOMEN#I will fully admit that I love getting positive attention for my looks irl. Like I’m not really pretty unless I#put a lot of effort into makeup and clothes so getting compliments on my clothes/appearance is like crack cocaine#which is not healthy. I don’t WANT to care about what I look like#but tbh one of the reasons I enjoyed cosplaying so much is that I got all that attentiob without the requisite feminity. Hahaha hhhhhhh#Last night as I was putting myself together for the charity dinner I felt like I was dressing up a doll. FULL out-of-body barbie vibes#I’m so disconnected from feminine feelings right now. But at the same time I had so much fun being pretty and getting compliments#idk. I don’t even know how to feel. I’m so goddamned tired of all this#if I could beam a perfect understanding of gender fluidity into the brains of everyone I meet I would have come out YEARS ago#I just don’t want to be alienated any more than I already am from the people around me#living in the us south means suffering alone in transness I guess.#I don’t want to be the first genderfluid/nonbinary person EVERYONE has ever met. I don’r want to have to justify my existence#but this cannot go on. but I’m afraid of T. I don’t want to go bald 😭#and I still want to wear dresses from time to time#maybe the solution is becoming a lolita lifestyler. dress myself up as a doll every day for the fucking compliments#leave no room for dissatisfaction with feminity. FUCK#I NEED A GENDER THERAPIST WORSE THAN ANYTHING#BUT IT’S THE SOUTH AND THE NEAREST ONE TO ME IS OVER AN HOUR AWAY#AND she’s out of network. FUCK#anyway I watched an episode of the new f*llout show and it was pretty good 😊#AND I’m playing st*rdew valley again on the new update and the update IS SO FUN#<-lil media update to lighten up this post.#this post was typed up not from a place of despair but from a place filled with the same emotions that a dog chasingits owntail experiences#I’m doing well enough mentally that I can deal with my transgender feelings again yknow. maslows heirarchy of needs with m#with transgender feelings at the top#weekend whining
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ozymoron · 1 year ago
i suck at art so im drinking about it
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digyoman · 1 year ago
thinking about earlier this year and even last year when i was so deeply hyperfixated on lloyd & he was all i could think about and yet i barely shared any of my thoughts on here. i kind of want to kick myself about it now actually because i know i had so many things to say and so much i wanted to do but i never made it happen. why was i a coward.
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rosesradio · 3 days ago
#wondering if it’s a pre-period mood swing thing but like. coming into awareness (again) of just how ugly i am is astounding#and like obviously i’m not gonna share a picture of myself for privacy reasons but like i actually wanna cry#99% of the time im fine with being the weird bog creature twink but like. sometimes i can’t take it anymore because i feel like everyone—#around me is either effortlessly beautiful or at least puts little effort in being presentable#i have to put so so so much effort to even look at myself and not see myself as ugly or weird looking. it’s such a challenge#my jawline is so wide it makes my face look huge. which i suppose is extenuated with the short hair but i want short hair#i wish i didn’t have such a round face with such a big chin and so many other flaws it would disgust myself to list them#i know other people have these too but I just feel so abnormal and gross compared to everyone physically and socially#there’s a manager at work who’s like 40 and kind of a bitch to me and my sister told me about how ugly she was but it’s kinda insane#because she looks like how im gonna look at that age. like a lot (minus the height and smoking)#and like guys only entertain talking to someone so mid because a hole is a hole but then again most of them look like they—#snuck on from another planet so idk why that should even faze me#idk im just so tired. like i don’t want surgery but i’m sick of being weird looking my personality is already enough#tw vent#rose.txt
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altarplay · 4 days ago
i guess it's good to have confirmation that our best is everyone's elses mediocre. lack of effort. doesn't care enough. etc.
#hare's confessionals#if you're gonna read this zack. I dont know#just try not to consider me selfish. i guess.#vent#I dont know why we cant just fucking do it. fucking remember the shit we're supposed to#they seem so convinced theyd be happier alone that its hard not to believe them#something always slips through the cracks. even when we're putting all the effort we can its not good enough for long enough#i don't know how to change in any meaningful way nothing we do works#and what we can do isnt enough.#so much effort and its nothing because our 100 is everyone elses 50 or some shit.#maybe we're just not meant to be happy. because our brain sure seems dedicated to making sure we fuck it up#maybe i should just start packing so when they decide to abandon us because they cant wait anymorewe'll be ready at least#we want them to be happy. and obviously we're hindering that more than helping.#i don't even want to mention how many times we've thought itd probably be better if we kmsd because the moment i do is the moment they check#maybe its not worth noting anything we do when theres so much we forgot or didn't do#even if he DID read any of this its not like anything would change. fuck i dont even want to think about if he did and was just disappointed#cause all we seem to be good at is being disappointments#desperately trying to keep ourselves afloat with our interests but of course it just seems like we're not taking anything seriously#not good enough at initiating sex not good enough at chores not good enough at even keeping them from getting angry at us#every time i see one of his posts i just feel hollow and worthless#because its just an open page of everything om doing wrong and yet i STILL cant fix myself#it is the worst. knowing how you're screwed and not knowing how to do anything about it#the only reason we have this fucking account anymore is to watch him post every time we fuck up so we can learn and be better#and look what good thats done
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rampant-testiculitis · 1 month ago
the stars aligned in my personality so that everything i convey is either a warped version of what was intended something blatantly different
#based off what the earth sees you would think i have a lethargic personality#or that i dont react with extreme emotional volatility#and in the same vein that i dont give a shit about anyone or their problems#its not that i dont care about someones issues specifically#i lack that ability in general#i can look back at something i was feeling a minute prior and not relate to it at all#yet somehow at the same time#im hyperfixated on myself#almost everything that i dont grow tired of could be vaguely described as progressing a skill whether literally or metaphorically#and an overwhelming majority of my mental depends on if im progressing/have already mastered#i am self absorbed to the point of brain neglecting everything else and allocating said energy towards my shit#i really dont care about human interaction at all except for the select few that i would truly label as close which lifetime is MAYBE 3#and although rare for someone to be affected i hate when it does end up doing that#i dont want people to see me not empathizing and interpret it as not seeing their issue as valid#it is not personal i just am incapable of displaying that#if i dont feel any sort of self pity how am i supposed to feel for external issues i have no experience with#me being super tunnel visioned doesnt make it any easier#and add on the fact that i cant directly convert emotions into actual communication only thoughts#i have no idea how to genuinely compliment or express discontentment with anything#any idea my brain conjures up is some forced unnatural line like#“i really like that its so cool and awesome” “come on dude really what a bummer”#only thing i sometimes say is “i hate that” but having one reaction isnt really better than having none#not at all unexpected since i havent put any effort to gain experience doing that nor do i really want to#i cant really put out anything that i couldnt take in#the times that i have been complimented i just think ok i guess#what am i supposed to do with that i dont even agree with the compliment#as i looked at this several hours after forgetting about it i fell victim to what i said#“i can look back at something i was feeling a minute prior and not relate to it at all”#dont even really want to post it anymore but it was too much typing to not post
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thetrashyflower · 2 months ago
I know I'm only feeling this cause it's late and I feel like shit but God i want to scrub all my art off the internet again
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