#i have tics :) and i stutter more often than the “average” person and that's okay
Shout out to people with incredibly nasally voices, shout out to people with lisps, shout out to stutter-ers, shout out to people who can't say certain words "correctly", shout out to people who can't pronounce certain letters and syllables "right", screaming and hooting and hollering for people who's speech is impacted by neruodivergence or disabilities!
if anyone has approached you at any age about speech therapy, if you've ever been made fun of, just know I love you from a very respectful distance, I'm waving at you from across the street, and you're my cup of tea and also you inherently deserve respect!!!
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wolfish-trickster · 3 years
Old oak tree
Loki x female!reader
Word count: 2,3K+
Warning: typos, angst, itsi bitsi fluff at the end
Tag list: @gaitwae @lucywrites02 @hard-to-be-the-bard @birdgirl90 @laramoonworld @forevernthensome @kozkaboi
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"So, what do you think?" Loki asked spreading his arms and showing you his new outfit.
You shrugged. "Looks good to me."
"Don't you think it's too much?" he checked himself in your mirror.
"Is anything EVER too much for you?" you asked with a smirk.
"I just...I really like her and I don't want to mess up."
"You won't, trust me," you reassured him.
He hugged you tightly, to your surprise. "What would I do without such a friend like you?"
The younger prince bolted from your room faster than you could answer. You sighed and closed the doors after him so no one could hear your heart breaking, again.
You and Loki were friends. Best friends actually. But you started to to see him more than that years ago. And you hated it.
You already accepted the fact he'll see you as only his supportive friend. If only he could stop asking you to help him woo his love interests. He always asked your opinion on everything. Flowers, his outfits, gifts he wanted to give them.
Once he even asked to kiss you so he could practice. It was in general your and his first kiss ever. Your head spinned when your life long best friend and crush in one person gently placed his lips on yours, his tongue sliding to your mouth. When he pulled away he just mumbled simple 'thanks' and ran away, leaving you flustered and with a face on fire under your favourite tree. At first you often sat under that old oak, remembering the feeling and smiling to yourself. However with every new interest of Loki you started to avoid the poor tree. Hate it even. You hated how it represented how you foolishly threw away your first kiss.
You still stood by Loki. What else could you do? Confess your feelings? As if that'll help.
You started to see pattern in his interests and you never managed to tic the boxes. You were only average among everything; intelligence, looks, skills. There were hundred and one people who were exactly like you. Loki would never choose you over a noble woman or man he was used to courting.
Now, when you were finally alone, you could think about what are you going to do about your never ending crush. You layed down on your bed and stared at your white ceiling. You already tried to avoid him in hopes you will loose your feelings for him, that didn't work. You wrote down every negative thing about him, trick your mind he isn't a good boyfriend material. Didn't work either since he is the kindest person you've ever met. And the gentlest. And nicest. With the most beautiful smile and eyes. And arms that give the coziest hugs.
"Fuck," you whispered and closed your eyes. It always ended like this. No matter how much you tried, you could never see him as something less than a great person he was.
Suddenly you heard his melodic laughter under your windows. As well as some girl's. You couldn't take it anymore.
"You know what? If he can date around, so can I!" you told yourself in pure desperation to get rid of the jealousy and pain from knowing he will never love you.
First thing you did was hiding everything he gave you as a child, every little trinket you cherished in false thought he's starting to catch feelings for you. You removed all of it from your shelves and put in a big box sliding it under your bed.
There, now onto the more complicated part: the oak of your very first kiss. Your heart ached with every step you took towards it. It was already old and not so full of life like it used to be. Its bark was dry and overgrown with moss. The poor thing didn't have enough energy to grow its leaves as viscoulsy like few years ago. No one visited it anymore. It was lonely just like you.
"Looks like you're few years from death, old buddy," you patted its trunk. "Let's end your missery now."
You were on your way back to your room holding a little pot filled with soil. Nothing was growing out yet, but in few months you were expecting a small oak sappling to grow. You couldn’t say goodbye to your old wooden friend just yet.
There, deep in halls, sounds are resonating. Sounds you soon came to hate. Kissing, Loki chuckling, some woman moaning, door closing.
You sadly looked down at the pot and took the biggest diversion to your room, avoiding coming any near Loki's bedroom.
Few days later you still avoided Loki. That time was the first time he had brought anyone to his bedroom to do....that. It was good he didn't ask you to practice on you. If he did, you would've.... you don't know what would you do. Probably panic first and get angry next.
While Loki was, let's say, occupied you got closer to one soldier, Arne. He was kind, tall, ginger with freckles and very skilled fighter. He wasn't the smartest but he had a sense of humor and always tried to make you laugh. He wasn't Loki though, but it didn't matter. At least you kept yourself busy, so your heart could heal.
Right now you were in stables with Arne. He was telling you how he got his first horse when he finished his soldier training few decades back. You were braiding his mare's mane as he stood right beside you, his shoulder lightly touching yours. Everything was at peace.
"Y/N! Y/N, WHERE ARE YOU?" came Loki's voice.
Almost everything.
You turned your head towards his voice. He was rushing towards you until he stopped when he noticed Arne standing so close to you.
"Am I interrupting something?" he asked a little irritated.
"It doesn't matter, I have to show you something," he took you by the hand and started dragging you out of the stables only for you to slip your hand from his and hugging Arne. "See you tomorrow," you waved him goodbye and walked out, Loki trailing after you.
"So, what is it you wanted to show me?"
"What the Hel was that?" he pointed at you and behind him at the stables, completely ignoring your question.
"A hug. Why?"
"Since when are you hugging random soldiers? And since when are you even hanging out with low ranking soldiers like Hofferson?"
"His first name is Arne, and I'm allowed to hug whoever I want. Same goes for hanging out. Now are you going to show me the thing or can I return to him?"
"Right," he remember, took your hand again and ran to gardens. To the familiar now empty corner. "Look what some bastard did," he pointed at the wide oak stump.
"Yeah, I know."
"You do? Oh, darling," he threw his arms around you. You fought with yourself internally to not hug him back, but being close to him after a very long time felt just too good not to give in.
"I'm so sorry. I know it was your favourite tree. I will find the culprit and-"
"You don't have to," you interrupted and pulled yourself away from him.
"I do! That tree meant a lot to me too. I was actually working on a spell to bring life into it again."
"And how exactly did it mean a lot to you? I never saw you even near that tree."
Loki stuttered. "E-ehm, we had our first kiss underneath it."
"As if that meant anything to you," you muttered.
"I said it was old and it had to be cut down."
"Well you could've asked me before you killed it," he spat rather angrily.
"My family planted it, I get to do whatever I want with it!"
"Did it mean so little to you?"
"No. On the contrary, it meant the world to me! That's why I had to cut it down!"
"What? Why? I don't understand you," he shook his head.
"Well excuse me for wanting to destroy the biggest thing that reminded me how my best friend stole my first kiss!"
"Stole? I asked and you complied!" Loki defended himself.
You groaned. "Okay fine, you didn't steal it, I lost it. Now can I go back to Arne?"
"Lost it?! Have you got any idea how many people would murder for a kiss from a prince? And why do you want to go to Arne so desperatelly? You never talked to soldiers before, so why the change of heart?"
"I like him, he's nice and courageous and-"
"I forbid it."
"What?!" you couldn't believe your ears.
"I forbid it. You can't whore around with soldiers like him, think about your reputation!" he crossed his arms infront of him.
"Whore around? Look who's talking! You've had at least 5 lovers in the past month!"
"T-that's different."
"And how exactly is it different, Loki?"
You waited. Nothing came out of him.
"That's what I thought."
Few days passed, you continued avoiding Loki and he started to close off from everyone. Occasionally you saw some green sparkles in a shape of a person sitting on the oak stump. You figured that must be Loki under cloaking spell. All you wanted to do was run to him and hug him, he looked so depressed and lonely. Just like you were when you saw him with all those lovers in the past.
You felt bad for him. But you doubted he felt bad for you back then. Or now. So you always walked pass him, pretending you didn't notice him.
*knock knock*
You looked up from watering your growing oak sapling. Who could it be? You weren't expecting anyone. "Who's there?"
"Guess," came a dull voice.
You put away your watering kettle and hid the pot behind courtains. "Come in, Loki."
He stepped inside wearing one of his ordinary clothes, his hair wasn't slicked back like he used to style it and he had apologetic expression on his face.
"Y/N, I came to apologize."
Loki is apologizing. Now that's new. "What for?" you asked teasingly.
He sighed. "For saying you were whoring around. It wasn't right from me," he pulled out your favourite flower from behind his back, "friends?"
You took the flower. "Okay, friends."
Loki clapped his hands excitedly. "Great, now that we're at good terms with eachother I-"
"No!" you silenced him. You knew there had to be a catch. He made up with you just so he could ask you for help. Just like always.
"You don't even know what I was about to say."
"Oh, I think I do. You want me to give you advices again. Well, guess what? That's not happening. So you can, as mortals say, do 180 and walk out that door," you pointed behind him to your bedroom door.
Loki held out his hands in surrender. "I wasn't going to ask you that! I just want to talk."
"Oh," now you felt stupid. "Okay, a little talk never killed anyone I guess."
"Thank you," he let his hands fall down and took a walk around your room. "I see you were redecorating," he noticed all of his trinkets he gave you were gone. He assumed you most likely threw them out or burned them. Just the thought of it hurt him.
"Yeah," you hugged your arms to comfort yourself. "I still have them, I just didn't want to look at them anymore."
He turned towards you. "Why? First the tree, then my little gifts. What's next, me?" he joked to ease both your and his growing anxiety.
You chuckled lightly and shook your head. "No, don't worry."
He walked to you and put his hand on your shoulders. "Then why? We're best friends, right? We can tell eachother everything."
"That's exactly what I can't do," you grabbed his hand on your shoulder and slowly removed them.
"Why? Do you... do you hate me?"
"What? Heavens no! I could never hate you!"
He sighed from relief. "Good. But then why? I can't think of a single reason you would do those things. Wait. On a second thought," he held his chin between his thumb and index finger and looked down like he always does when he was thinking. He shook his head then and chuckled to himself. "No, that's absurd. You could never be in love with me."
You involuntarily tensed up. He noticed.
"Or could you?"
Tears started burning in your eyes as you nodded. "Sorry."
"For how long?"
After few minutes of thinking you shook your head. "I don't remember when it happened. It just happened."
"Well, when did you realise then? That you...you know? Are in love with me?"
"Few days before the oak kiss, I guess."
"But that was decades ago! This long time and I never saw," he facepalmed.
"And you...?" you asked hopefully. Maybe he will tell you he loves you too, right?
He sighed. "I'm sorry Y/N. I love you, but not like that. You have always been like a little sister I always wanted."
You nodded. Of course he doesn't love you like that. How even could he? You turned away from him and let some tears escape.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry," he rubbed your back. "We can still be friends. Nothing will change between us. I promise."
But it already did. Everything changed for you. How could you even look him in the eye?
You wiped away your tears and put on a perfectly rehearsed fake smile. "Okay, I can work with that," you offered him your hand, "friends?"
Instead of shaking it he hugged you. "Friends."
You hugged him back and let your fake smile fall. Your naive little self told you he will change his mind in the future. You are already so close with eachother. Closer than anyone you know. It's just a matter of time. For now, you can only dream.
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