#i have realized that watching loa is a dangerous game
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luna-the-cretar · 4 months ago
*watching the shorts (before actually subscribing to them)* hey, this Mace guy is kinda cute
*watching OUAW and Icebound* hey, Andy is kinda cute
*watching EOM* hey, Derek is kinda cute
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mikuni14 · 2 years ago
Law of Attraction Ep 4 - because one post about this ep is clearly not enough
I won't even embarrass myself by admitting how many times I've rewatched LoA episode 4 since Saturday. This series and its characters do to my head what Jae Won from The Eight Sense did, I have a complete fixation on them, I watch the characters' faces with solemnity and attention like a fucking scientist, focusing on every, even the smallest grimace on their face. What else these series have in common is that my interest extends beyond romance, simply these characters are wonderful and fascinate me on their own.
I love Thee and Tinn's scene, I'm impressed by their raw emotions. Tinn lets them all out, his face shows all the pain, frustration and rage he feels, Jam is AWESOME in this scene. Thee has similar feelings, plus a need to protect Tanthai and fear for him, and his tragedy is that, unlike Tinn, he can't show his feelings. I was so focused on Thee's incredibly expressive eyes that I didn't mention that Thee also shows emotion through his beautifully shaped lips and clenched jaw ✨ Finding Thee's emotions is an intellectual adventure and a detective work, and I love him for that
love the Tinn and Charn scene, when Tinn lashes out and breaks Charn's heart (and his own in the process). Film and Jam played this scene at the highest level, their emotions and heartbrak are so intense and raw that I feel it in my gut, how they have to control themselves by force. We see that Tinn is hurt, that on the one hand he wants to yell at Charn, but on the other hand he regrets doing it and he regrets what they could be together in this scene. It's possible that his harshness is a subconscious "punishment" for Charn for the fact that in Tinn's eyes he is ruining their potential relationship. Charn, who sees the same thing that their relationship is in danger and desperately tries to save it by confessing to Tinn's grandma. And when even that fails, his face crumbles, and when he says he's "only evil" to Tinn, he can't physically endure it and gods, it shows. And then the regret on Tinn's face as he watches Charn leave. Film and Jam gave their EVERYTHING in this scene.
I don't like Tanthai for many reasons, but I still give him a chance because he knows how much the physical workers get paid. Tanthai is an asshole but at least he is aware of class war differencess and blue collar workers wages lol
I also wanted to say that Charn has one of the best seduction scenes I've ever seen and Tinn must have an iron will that he didn't give up, because me? I would fold like origami in this scene. Film has a very pleasant, low voice, but in the bathroom scene, his voice went down to even lower registers, which I felt somewhere around the lower part of my spine. Throw in his bedroom eyes, barely concealed tongue, smirks, his full upper lip, incredible confidence and killer directness, and you have a mix that I'm surprised didn't burn down that bathroom, or at least the clothes on Tinn. Tinn who first continued the game like a seasoned player and then just left is probably some reincarnation of legendary warriors lol
I just love Charn for all of the above, but also for his boyishness, playfulness, even childishness, the way he makes funny faces, rolls his eyes and is such a brat. This is someone I imagine you can just have a good time with 😊
Film absolutely killed it in this episode, but the two scenes that impressed me the most regarding his acting: 1) when he realizes what a mistake he made in threatening the senator and 2) when he realizes that Tinn sees nothing but evil in him. What he did with his face in those scenes, how he nailed Charn's charcter, was simply masterful
I absolutely love Tinn and Charn in their famous jealousy scene where they showed one of my most favorite couple dynamics. Tinn "I don't trust you but the world needs to know you're mine", Tinn putting up barriers in their relationship but who also puts himself protectively as a barrier between his "rival" and Charn. Tinn, who in this scene is very manly, who "marks his territory" lol but without stupid violence and pointless aggression. Even when he's angry, his values take over and he's still polite, even though his whole body screams "fuck off or else". And I love it when a strong character just gives in, melts in the arms of his beloved. Charn is very strong mentally, he can also kick ass if need be, he can handle himself and seeing him when he just gives in, goes all quiet and placid in Tinn's arms, giving him the lead in this situation has done things to me. What I love is that Charn chooses to be like this in this scene. I just love this dynamic, it's about trust, strenght, the growly "mine" but all. done. right. 💖 Charn is not a damsel in distress, Tinn is not a noble knight in this scene and they both know it 🤩
every time I watch the ending I have the same feeling that Tinn lingers a bit, like he's waiting for an invitation. And when he looks back and sees Charn without his trademark smile, just kind of sad and lonely, I catch myself waiting for him to run over to Charn. Again, Tinn is stronger than me, because I would run to you my sad pretty prince *sobs*
how the act after their "date", the reminiscing, the giddiness, all the fond smiles are so real and lovely
(hm, it seems that Charn's bodyguard has betrayed them🤔)
I haven't felt this much excitement and this need to go back to the series over and over again, to think about it, since The Eight Sense. I'm so happy 💖💖💖💖
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mydisenchantedeulogy · 4 years ago
End Game [Chapter Five] Tomorrow Never Knows [Levi Ackerman]
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The dawn of the excursion beyond the walls inevitably came. It was being addressed by many as a milestone for the human race, but for one particular woman, it felt nothing short of a sendoff.
Camilla stared in a trance at the sun as it broke the horizon and rose into the clear sky. She had been like this for a while, resting on the edge of the tower, lost in her thoughts. Something was nagging at her; something she could only describe as a feeling of fear. It was not caused by the very thought of venturing into unfamiliar territory, but caused by something Hange mentioned to her the previous day.
There is an enemy among us.
Puzzled at first, Camilla didn’t think much of it. There were many people who opposed the force – such as the MP brigade – many who did not understand their methods. It was not until she read an unfinished segment in Hange’s notes, involving two test subjects that were killed, that she understood.
There is an enemy among us.
Someone in the corps had a wicked agenda. But who? Camilla had a feeling they were not yet done. This is why she desired to avoid the expedition; the timing was not coincidental.
But does that matter to Erwin?
The bright-eyed woman huffed an irritated sigh. She really despised his logic – sacrifice for the price of freedom. “No one can win without sacrificing.”
“What are you on about, you little shit?”
Camilla lurched forward in alarm. Once she realized Levi had snuck up on her, she aimed a glare at him. “Warn me next time.”
Levi stared at her firmly. “Keep your guard up. Don’t chose now to act like a shitty novice.”
Isn’t that what I am?
She had been off the field for too long. True, the refresher classes helped; they prepared her for what she’d be facing, but nothing could measure up to the real experience. She nodded in spite of this; he had a point.
“Shouldn’t you be at breakfast?” She turned her body to face him, smirking impishly. “It’s the most important meal of the day, you know? You’ll never get any bi––
He flicked her nose, interrupting her. “Knock it off with the short jokes.” Levi sat down beside her while she wiped the sudden tears from her eyes. “Anyway, you should eat lightly so you don’t puke up your guts again.”
That was one time, Camilla thought in disgust. She puckered her lip, but in any case, she was glad that he managed to distract her for a moment. Her recent thoughts were still nagging at her, but at least she wasn’t consumed by them any longer. Even so, there was something she wanted to ask Levi.
“It’s been a while, but are we going to exchange rings?”
Levi glanced at her. “Assumed you’d ask sooner.” Honestly, he came up to the tower because he thought he’d miss the chance to speak with her once the expedition began. He veered his eyes to the basic silver band around his finger and twisted it with his thumb. The idea to exchange rings was his – a practical way to keep Camilla attentive and calm while on the field. It seemed to work – they’d done it twice before – so the impassive man had no qualms about handing over his ring to her. She kept it closed up in her coat pocket, because like him, she wasn’t able to wear it on her finger.
“I’ll give it back once we return,” she mentioned.
“That’s the idea,” Levi replied. “Though it may be a while. It’s a few days ride to Shiganshina, and on top of that, Erwin has plans for us to drop off supplies to each of the two stations before we head straight there. You may not see much of me until then.”
Camilla nodded in agreement. “I’m fine with that – so long as I have the ring. Perhaps the trip won’t be so bad; sky looks clear of rain.”
Her optimism was noxious, in Levi’s opinion. Setbacks were bound to happen, and as much as Camilla wanted things to proceed according to plan, the likelihood of this happening was slim. He said nothing in opposition and sat quietly until the sun was towering above them. It was about that time; Erwin would be calling for saddle up soon. Levi glanced at his wife’s ring one last time before fastening it up in his beige coat, then pulled himself up onto his feet.
“Finish up here and get to the war room. Erwin should have our positions ready.”
Leaving her alone, Levi strode by the vice leader of the medical team on his way down the stairs. She hastily saluted him, balancing a tray of food in her left hand. Henderson, he recalled Camilla saying.
“Keep an eye on her,” he said. Motioning with his hand for her to continue on, he overheard her squeak in agreement.
Levi was doubtful.
“These our orders?”
Camilla gave a brief glance at Brendon, nodded to his question, then averted her eyes once again to the sheet of paper in her hand. It wasn’t an official posting, but the writing indeed came from Erwin’s hand. Strange he would write it this way.
This doesn’t tell me a lot. She huffed in annoyance and brought her attention back to her team. Each of them was huddled in front of the stable doors, eagerly waiting.
There were eleven members in total, excluding herself; four she already had the pleasure of meeting, and one she graduated with in the 87th.
“Listen up, because we’re going to be split into advanced relief teams for this mission,” she said loudly and forcefully. “The first squad will be stationed with relay; comprised mostly of the new recruits. The second will man the carts and guard the materials inside. Felde will head relay; Bergt, Koch, and Haas are with her. Tremaine is over carts with Helme, Wagner, and Ziegler. That leaves the third ART with me – Henderson, Lensing, and Neff.”
Camilla hesitated a moment; her next thoughts were private, but something she felt like she owed them. “Seeing as I won’t be with each of you … I ask that you don’t act recklessly out there. If a problem should arise, follow the LDES formation and listen to your squad leaders. I hope to see each of you at the first checkpoint, so if there are no questions, you are all dismissed to take your positions. Be safe.” She watched carefully as each of them dispersed into the stables, then followed closely behind.
For the mission, the Scouts were required to travel on horseback; the distance was too much on foot. Camilla was assigned a pinto-colored mare with ashen spots – he wasn’t given a name, for palpable reasons. He nickered softly as she rubbed his neck.
“Promise me.”
The dark-haired captain looked towards the sound of the voice, overhearing an exchange between Michella and Brendon. “Please. I just want to hear you say everything will be okay.” Camilla watched curiously as he softly touched the woman’s shoulder.
Michella shook her head. “You know I can’t do that; it’s naïve. We could both die out there, and I won’t give you hope by promising something out of my hands.”
“Then do me a favor and don’t be a hero. If it means putting your life on the line for someone else, then it’s not worth it.” He waited for her to reply, but when she didn’t, Brendon scoffed and walked away.
It’s not my concern.
Camilla huffed a sigh and took her mare by the reins, guiding him outside the stable. She knew better than to involve herself with something she had no knowledge of, but the fact she heard it made it harder to ignore.
Frankly, as a medic it wasn’t difficult to stay out of harm’s reach while on the field; judge a person’s chance of survival and save or leave them. This wasn’t heroic, but with so many scouts risking their lives, it was expected of a person wearing a red cross. She only hoped that Michella wouldn’t be thoughtless out there.
Burying her worries, Camilla mounted the mottled horse and got into formation. She was exceedingly surprised to be lumped together with Levi and his SO squad. Her thin brow puckered; she was almost certain she was in the wrong party until members of her own advanced squad moved into position beside her.
Directly behind Levi, she leaned forward and said in jest: “Couldn’t let me do this on my own, could you?”
Levi clearly heard her, but he didn’t turn around to acknowledge her. In doing so he missed the wide, gentle smile she gave him. Honestly, he was just as surprised to have her on his team as she was. It felt unwise to him, but Erwin had his reasons.
Noticing the formation move forward, Levi nudged his horse and followed. The ride was intended to take several hours – to reach the checkpoint in Trost – then an additional two days until the Scouts made their last stop. He gripped the reins around his horse until the leather bit into his skin and followed the ones in front of him. Honestly, the ride to Trost was calm and boring; he wasn’t too bothered by this. He listened to his team converse with the medical team, and even grunted as Eren asked Camilla questions too personal to his liking.
But once the Scouts reached the gates in Trost, the real danger became evident. His squad and the medical team went into focus and as the doors came open, they burst free of the walls and ventured into Doll territory at high speed, tearing at the ground in their wake.
There were Dolls scattered here and there. Camilla saw the smoke from their torn bodies in the corner of her eyes as her horse dashed through. Smoke signals alerted them of the abnormal ones, but nothing serious became of them. It was an easy ride; one she was not thankful for. Something was odd about it, but she put her worries aside and followed Levi closely until they reached the first check point, hours without a single incident or death.
A man-made wooden fence surrounded the tree line outside the Forest Base, extending too far for Camilla to see. They came to a stop at the main gate for a brief moment to speak with a guard, then steered their horses inside. Large shacks connected by bridges hung in the trees above them. It wasn’t much, but to someone like her; someone who lived on the ground behind walls of stone, the Forest Base was a miraculous sight to see.
She tied up her horse and began moving supplies into the base. A pulley system made carting heavy loads from the ground into the trees easy, and by the time the Scouts were done, the darkness of night had settled over them. Camilla and a few members of her team sat in front of a controlled fire and ate their dinner.
“I wish it were this easy all the time,” Michella mentioned.
Camilla hummed. “Me too. I am grateful for this moment of peace, but it won’t last.”
“I know,” Michella uttered. She stirred her spoon around the bowl in her hand and sighed. “I never wanted to be a Scout; I was content living as an ignorant civilian behind the safety of the walls, ignoring the dangers of the outside world.”
She smiled gently at Camilla. “But the peace didn’t last. Once Shiganshina fell, homeless civilians flooded my hometown and food became harder to buy. We farmed the land, but one bad harvest set us back. People were starving and I had no choice but to do something in order to stay alive.”
“You joined up with the Scouts?”
Michella nodded in agreement. “I did. It was Brendon who coerced me into becoming a Scout. I had no experience in fighting, but I was a decent medic. He thought I’d do some good outside the walls; I wanted to take back what was rightfully ours, so no one would ever have to suffer again.”
“He was right,” Camilla mentioned. “You are a good medic. No one makes vice without some form of experience.”
She laughed, face turning red. “I have you to thank for that, somewhat. Captain Angert made me a vice once you left. He was your vice I heard.”
“He was,” Camilla confirmed.
She heard that Angert died some years back on the field. He was headstrong; a man who often jumped before thinking. Erna Neff – a medic and fellow graduate of hers – and he were close friends.
When he died, Erna blamed Camilla for abandoning them. She was right to be mad. It was because of her that he died; because she forced Angert to take the role of Captain when he wasn’t ready. Erna wrote her a letter explaining this and once she returned, meeting her eye to eye was not an easy task. In a way, Camilla was happy about this. She didn’t want Erna to forgive her; she wanted to earn back her trust.
If she could.
Camilla was exhausted. She knew that Michella meant no harm, but her past weighed heavy on her mind. It was not hard to ignore at times; the mistake that got her teammate killed. She said her good nights and returned to her tent, where a temporary bed was made for her. Lying down, she rested her eyes and listened to the Scouts converse until darkness found her.
Tomorrow came early and with it came misery.
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hazyheel · 6 years ago
G1 Supercard Review
First match of the night was the Honor Rumble, starting with Kenny King and Minoru Suzuki. Just gonna run through some of the fun spots, such as the tag teams teaming up. Taguchi had a moment where he directed Rocky Romero’s corner clotheslines, eventually leading almost all members of the match to hit BUSHI in the corner. Jushin Thunder Liger got a huge pop, entering and eliminating Brawler Milonas with Shoteis. Colt Cabana took Yano’s spot in the match, in a heartwarming moment. King Haku made a big return, got a decent pop. Haku was beating down Cabana, so Yano ran into the match to help him out. And at #30, the Great Muta made a huge return. Yano accidentally nailed Cabana with the corner pad, leading to them both being eliminated. Ishii and Suzuki renewed their rivalry, leading to Suzuki’s elimination. The two finalists were Jushin Thunder Liger and The Great Muta. They had a nice little match, before Kenny King, who had not been eliminated, threw them both out and won the match. King got misted for his deceit, but still won the match.
Grade D+. Just a weirdly rushed Royal Rumble rip off. Really not into this. It wasn’t very smooth, there wasn’t much story to it, and even though it was for a world title shot, I just couldn’t care. Still, nice to see Muta wrestle again. He kinda still had it.
And in the first actual match of the night, Will Ospreay took on Jeff Cobb, in a winner take all match for the NEVER Openweight Championship and the ROH World Television. They started out fast and furious, with Cobb hitting a huge European uppercut to start the match. Cobb even hit an awesome delayed superplex for a near fall, showing incredible core strength and balance from Ospreay. Ospreay went for his flip off the chest, but Cobb countered with a huge lariat. Ospreay went for the os cutter, but Cobb caught him and threw him into the corner, only for Ospreay to land on the middle rope and hit the os cutter anyway, for an awesome near fall. Ospreay tried to hit the stormbreaker off the top, but Cobb countered with a super tour of the islands, then hitting a normal tour of the islands for the win.
Grade: A-. Great match. They had awesome chemistry, and hit some awesome moves on each other. I don’t know why I thought that Ospreay would end Cobb’s undeafeated streak, but I was happy to be wrong. Really great match, and I am looking forward to seeing how long Cobb is a double champion. Definitely a match worth watching as their counters were actually awesome.
Next up, a special singles match between Rush and Dalton Castle. This match was over in seconds, as Rush nailed three huge corner dropkicks and got the win. After the match, Castle was so pissed about his loss, and pissed at the boys for trying to cheer him up, he attacked them with a gutwrench suplex and a bangarang, turning heel. I am not going to grade this match, but it was pretty awesome to see.
Then we had a woman of honor championship match, pitting Mayu Iwatani against Kelly Klein. Before the match, Klein sent away camp klein, opting to fight the match fairly. The two had technical exchanges, with Klein coming away with the advantage during mat wrestling. But as Klein got too comfortable, Iwantani locked in a sleeper hold, nearly able to get the win off of that. Kelly Klein got the win after two K powers. At the end of the match, Velvet sky and Angelina Love came down to the ring. As the women distracted her, Mandy Leon attacked, laying out Klein and several other women of honor. They drew the anarchy symbol on her head, and walked out. New stable in the women of honor division.
Grade: D. Just a bad match. I liked the story of Klein showing that she has become a better person, but other than that this was a boring match that was kinda awkward. I didn’t really care for the post match antics either, just becuase it wasn’t particularly good. But they did hit some cool moves, it just wasn’t awesome.
Mega Ran did a rap. Yay, but thankfully Bully Ray came out to interrupt. He was given a big babyface reaction because they all hated Mega Ran. He drove Mega Ran out of the ring, and confessed attacking Juice Robinson.  He said that the challenge was still open, and Flip Gordon answered the call. Back from injury, he got a huge reaction. He quickly started out with a superkick, and a springboard spear. It didn’t take long for Bully to get the table, and for Shane Taylor and Silas Young, but LifeBlood’s Juice Robinson and Mark Haskins came out to save Flip Gordon. They offered to change this to a 3 on 3 match, and came to beat down Bully. Gordan had to take huge kendo stick shots from all of the heels, no selling all of them until his Lifeblood allies came, for a kendo stick fight among all six. The heels fought back, and powerbombed Gordon through a table. In the finish, Bully was hit with a superkick, powerslam, stinkface and a 450 for the win
Grade: C. Perfectly fun soap opera bullshit. It was a lot of hard core stuff, but nothing too crazy. Awesome to see Flip Gordon back, and doing his thang, happy to see Silas Young and Lifeblood, just fun. Not the best hardcore match ever, but it was fine for what it was.
Into the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship match, Taiji Ishimori took on both Dragon Lee and Bandido. Lee quickly picked up the pace with a slingshot hurricanrana to Bandido, only for Ishimori to hit a huge moonsault. Lee was really beating the shit out both of his opponents, with shots that were as stiff as they come. They just kept hitting crazy flying moves, mexican destroyers, hurricanranas and ddts. Ishimori hit Lee with the Bloody Cross for a near fall. Bandido hit both men with a moonsault powerslam, which the commentators accurately said wasn’t a real move. Lee was able to get the win after hitting a knee lift to Ishimori and some sort of vertical powerslam to Bandido.
Grade: B+. Flippy flippy flippy match. These guys flew all over the place, with awesome and dangerous moves. It was surprisingly short, but still quite fun. Dragon Lee winning the belt makes me think that Hiromu Takahashi will be back for the Best of the Super Juniors. Happy to see Lee have the belt, he really deserves it. And although I think Ishimori’s reign ended a bit short, I think that it ended at the perfect time for the story of Takahashi vs. Lee to continue. Hope to see that soon.
Into the tag team championships match, the Guerillas of Destiny vs. Villain Enterprises vs. The Briscoes vs. Los Ingobernables de Japon. PCO had to be revived in his entrance, but it looked pretty cool. They started out with a wild brawl, and there didn’t even seem to be rules in this match. The Briscoes seemed to be working together super well, destroying their opponents with chairs. Sanada and Evil hit awesome tag team offense, with huge kicks and such. PCO hit a huge moonsault for a big near fall. Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa gave PCO a huge powerbomb out of the ring, to the floor, with no protection, it looked horrendous, but he sat up afterwards, so I think he is okay. In the finish, Jado got involved, smacking Brody King with a Kendo Stick, allowing Tama Tonga to hit a gunstun, and then a superpowerbomb from Tonga Loa for the win. However, as they went to grab the belts, Toru Yano had stolen them, and looked to run away with them. 
Grade: A-. Wild match right from the start. There were crazy bumps, crazy spots, non stop action, and I couldn’t look away. It was a lot crazier that I had thought it would be, but it was still awesome. Briscoes had some awesome hardcore spots, Brody King and PCO did some crazy stuff, Evil and Sanada kept ahold of their classic wrestling style, while Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa kept their heads down, interfered when they needed to, and came away with the win. Fun, car wreck of a match.
Next up was a singles match between Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi for the British Heavyweight Championship. The two exchanged technical holds, with Sabre not commiting too hard in the beginning of the match. Sabre continued to play mind games throughout the match, working over Tanahashi’s arm. When tanahashi couldn’t skin the cat, Sabre realized that he needs to target that limb and began to destroy it. Sabre did his best to counter Tanahashi’s submissions, but Tanahashi was able to keep outwrestling Sabre. However, when Tanahashi went up for the high fly flow, Sabre quickly ran to the top rope to stop it. Sabre seemed to have the advantage during striking contests, but not in technical wrestling, oddly enough. Tanahashi began to psych himself up, hitting several twist and shouts and slingblades. However, Sabre was able to outlast Tanahashi, locking in his submission that has a super long name and getting the verbal submission.
Grade: B. A bit slower than the matches that these two normally, but still quite good. I liked the story of Tanahashi actually being able to best Sabre, but sabre just outlasted him. He was younger, had better conditioning, and knew that he could outlast the Ace. Good stuff, but far from their best match.
And then we had the Intercontinental Championship match, Kota Ibushi vs. Tetsuya Naito. They started with the quick strikes right off the bat, targetting each other’s necks as these two so often do. It didn’t take long before they started busting out the big moves, with ibushi hitting a hurricanrana off the apron, and then hitting a springboard double stomp for a near fall. Ibushi hit his second rope german, Naito hit a spike hurricanrana off the top rope. The two battled for the opportunity to hit a package piledriver on each other, with Naito eventually getting the honors. The two began to exchange forearms, kicks and palm strikes. Naito then hit a huge reverserana into a destino, but Ibushi actually kicked out. Ibushi then nailed a bomboye to the back of the head, and then to the face for a near fall. He then hit a last ride for a near fall, before picking him up for a Kamegoye and the win. 
Grade: A. As awesome as ever, these guys can do no wrong. They hit each other as hard as they could, they threw each other onto their necks, and the whole thing was just so so scary. Awesome to see Ibushi finally getting a long term title reign, unlike his run with the Openweight Belt. He will probably hold it for a couple months, hopefully into the G1 Classic, but I am just happy that he won here.
Now into the ROH main event, Jay Lethal vs. Marty Scurll vs. Matt Taven, for the ROH World Championship, in a ladder match. The men didn’t take long to start throwing ladders at each other. At one point, Scurll trapped Lethal’s head in a ladder, before hitting the latter with a chair. Scurll even attempted to grab the belt by climbing a shorter ladder and grabbing it with his umbrella. Throughout the match, Scurll injured his knee after being stuck in a figure four in a ladder. Taven hit a huge powerbomb to lethal through a ladder suspended between two chairs. Taven and Scurll faced off in the middle of the ring, with Scurll attempting to hit all his offense, but Taven kept playing spoiler to that, drawing chants of fuck you taven. Scurll hit a huge superplex to take out Taven. Lethal was about to win the match, but Scurll locked in the chicken wing and threw him off the top. Taven and Scurll then battled at the top, only for Scurll to break Taven’s fingers, before getting punched off. Taven had it won, but his fingers hurt too much and he fell off. Lethal was able to land a lethal injection on Scurll, but did not have a ladder to capitalize. Scurll took a lot of punishment, as Taven delivered a huge spear through the ropes and through a table. At one point, Lethal went up to the top of a huge ladder to hit the biggest elbow drop ever on Taven, through a table. At one point, Taven introduced a huge, purple ladder, with ladders suspended between lower rungs and the ropes of both sides. Scurll got taken out after Taven swept his leg, and he tumbled out of the ring. Lethal and Taven battled atop the ladder, and Taven smacked lethal with the belt, sending him down through the ladder. Taven then grabbed the title, the new ROH World Champion.
Grade: A. This was a great match. They destroyed themselves with ladder shots, and falling from huge heights. These guys will be sore tomorrow, and they put on a hell of a match. Scurll probably took the most sickening bumps, but everyone did some terrifying stuff. I didn’t expect this match to be as good as it was, but I was pleasantly surprised. Bummed that Scurll didn’t win, but Taven really does deserve it. Congratulations Taven, you deserved it. Surprisingly enough, this was probably the match of the night for me.
And the main event for New Japan, Kazuchika Okada vs. Jay White for the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship. White started playing mindgames immediately, but Okada played them right back. Every time Okada seemed to be gaining the advantage, Gedo got involved to keep White in the lead. It got to the point where, after booting Jay White over the barricade, Okada threw Gedo in after him, before hitting a huge splash to the both of them. White desperately tried to counter Okada’s signature moves, but even when he did, Okada would manage to hit them anyway. Okada was hitting his dropkicks as hard as he ever has, nailing one in the face and one in the chest. At one point, White hit a huge Saito suplex out of the ring, onto the apron. Jay did everything he could to make sure that he doesn’t get hit by the Rainmaker, at one point just sitting down to avoid it, and another time reversing into a sleeper suplex. Okada nailed a spinning rainmaker, into another Rainmaker for a great near fall. Jay hit the blade runner, but did not make the pin due to his exhaustion. As Okada was about to get the win again, but Gedo distracted the ref and White hit a low blow. They had a series of counters, before Okada hit two rainmakers, a jumping tombstone, and then one more rainmaker for the win.
Grade: A-. Really great match. They played on all the apsects of their rivalry over the past few months, like Gedo’s betrayal, the reversal of the rainmaker into Bladerunner, and Okada’s need to go super overkill to put down white. The action was fast and intense, and although I thought it would be better if White retained, it does feel good to see the belt back on Okada.
Overall Grade: B+
Pros: Cobb vs. Ospreay; junior heavyweight championship; tag championship; british championship; intercontinental championship; ladder match; main event
Cons: honor rumble; Dalton Castle heel turn :( ;women of honor match; mega ran
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mayacatmaster · 8 years ago
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“Student”(solar): “Searching for your wisdom, today, may you,... my master?”;
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“Master”(Mr. Bean): “
No matter your outer world, look like what?;
You only need one person to believe in you to Succeed.
You only need one person to allow you to Succeed.
It's a lot easier if that person is you.
Then you don’t need another people’s approval to do this.”
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Via and thanks “Vernon Smith”:
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The tears of your suffering, is from the prison of your mind! *** *** ***
One of the most profound realizations I've ever had is that, if life ' We attract what we unconsciously believe we deserve...:
If you need another people’s approval to accepted, to love yourself.
Because…No matter what…! *** Your “so call “ God, parents, gurus, government, rulers, holy book, moral, teacher, boss, …! *** *** ***
Some people aren't loyal to you...
They are loyal to their need of you...
Once their needs change, so does their loyalty.
And, If you live for their approval to accepted, to love yourself, you also will died for their reject. *** *** ***
Because…No matter what…! *** Your “so call “ God, parents, gurus, government, rulers, holy book, moral, teacher, boss, …! *** *** *** Because of a misguided sense of loyalty...><!!! *** *** *** Some people will only love you if you fit inside their box. *** *** *** They will only teach you, No matter what…: *** Obey and you can't question it, self-inquiry it,...no matter what, just obey in the ways you have been programmed, … *** *** ***
And, very apparently, your-life-purpose are not built to Kiss-any kind of-dark-tyrant-ruler-Ass.
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The system continues to control you because you voluntarily play by their rules.
Stop playing their game.
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If you don't master your mind.
If you don't program your mind.
Those serve for dark-tyrant-ruler teachers will teach you to Kiss-any kind of-dark-tyrant-ruler-Ass.
They will only teach you "Obey".
They will use any kind of doctrines or dogma programmed for you.
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Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. ~Martin Luther king, Jr
*** *** *** So, mercy, mercy, mercy yourself, then you can mercy another…: *** People will come and go in life, but the person in the mirror will company with you forever; so be good to yourself. *** *** *** The most difficult phase of life is not when no one understands you; It is when you don't understand yourself. *** *** *** If you want meet someone who can fix any situation you like, who can bring you happiness, in spite of what other people say or believe, look in a mirror, then say this magic word; "Hello!". *** *** *** The "True Self"(Tao;God) we have been searching for, was inside of us the whole time!
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Most people see themselves mostly through the eyes of others, and most of the others who are seeing you are not really doing that much deliberate work at being in alignment when they see you. ~Abraham
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We would like to take a big eraser and erase from you all the things that you feel about yourselves that are keeping you from knowing How Wonderful you are! ~Abraham
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Via and Thanks "
Teachings of Abraham through Esther Hicks & Abraham”
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Source is looking through your eyes and has an opinion of everything that sometimes you're in alignment with and sometimes not. And sometimes there is something about a person that causes you to focus yourself out of alignment so that you can't see them as they really are. Because you made it sound like something they were doing, and we want you to understand that it is ALWAYS something YOU are doing. Some want to argue with that because some people just get in your face and they are just annoying, and it's hard to believe that you are the reason for that. As you practice and practice and practice and practice the frequency of what you want, you'll see how LOA will sort out who comes near you and will also sort out what they say when they get there. Everyone has many probabilities of what they may be inspired to, and you have more control over what they are inspired to than you have ever even begun to realize. ~Abraham
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Via and Thanks "Abraham Hicks Picture Quotes N Open Forum & ‎Abraham‎ ":
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The ultimate feeling good is feeling like the Source within you feels right now about the same thing that you’re thinking about, because in every moment Source is thinking about what you’re thinking about right now while you’re thinking about it and feeling good is thinking about it like Source is thinking about it. (…) Source knows the perfection of where you stand and unless you know that then you don’t feel so good. You just have to keep talking yourself into alignment. That’s the work. That’s the allowing. You cued that question up better than it’s ever been cued up. You said: “So I get it that I’m asking and that Source’s answering and that my work is to putting myself in the mode of receiving. How do I do that? you say. You do that by wanting to feel good and being willing to adjust your thought to something that does feel good no matter how far from the subject at hand the thought has to be in order to not wobble."
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Via and Thanks "Eternal-joy & ‎Abraham‎ ":
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“Master”(Mr. Bean): “
So, if you want to be a Deliberate-Alignment-Creator…:
Know this…:
There is no effect in the exterior world that does not spring from an interior source. There is no motion that does not first occur within mind. ~Seth
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You project your own energy out to form the physical world. Therefore, to change your world , it is yourself you must change. You must change what you project. ~Seth
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You must learn to deal with your own beliefs directly or you will be forced to deal with them indirectly- by reacting to them without knowing it , in your physical experience. ~Seth
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Via and Thanks "Lynda English & ‎Ronald H. Card‎ ":
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"To rid yourself of annoying restrictions then my dear friend, you re-pattern your past from the present. Whatever your circumstances, you use the past as a rich source, looking through it for your successes, restructuring it. When you search it looking for what is wrong, then you become blind to what was right, in those terms, so that the past only mirrors the shortcomings that now face you." The Nature of Personal Reality Session 657
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You create your own reality according to your beliefs and expectations, and you do so individually and en masses. Until you learn this, you learn little. ~Seth
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Your thought have a very definite vital reality. Beliefs are thoughts reinforced by imagination and emotion concerning the nature of reality.
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The imagination, backed by great expectations, can bring about almost any reality within the range of probabilities. ~Seth *** *** ***
Listen to your own train of thoughts as you go about your days. What suggestions and ideas are you giving yourself? Realize that these will be materialized in your personal experience. ~Seth
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Thanks "Seth":
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Be your own light, be your own guru, be your own Deliberate-Alignment-Creator. *** *** *** The wise is a person who acts with "Ma-at"(Tao; Truth; Logos). And is free of falsehood and disorder. ~Ptahhotep *** *** *** The wise is a person who acts according “Tao”(Source; True Self; Brahma) respond to any kind of life-challenge-situation and as a Deliberate-Alignment-Creator. ~Taoism *** *** *** To awaken means to awaken out of the self-talk in the head because the self-talk is a form of hypnosis ---- self-hypnosis. ~Eckhart Tolle
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so …: *** Watch Life, as if you are watching a movie! Watch your own 3D-life-movie, as if you are watching another peoples 3D-life-movie. Watch your own self, as if you are watching another people's self. Watch your own beliefs, as if you are watching another peoples’ beliefs.... inquiry and question it. *** *** *** Just like "Socrates" said: “To find yourself, question and think for yourself.” -Socrates *** *** *** Make sure your worst enemy is not living between your own two ears. *** *** *** Don't believe everything you think. *** *** *** Only believe what through your self-enquiry and verification to be true Only believe what can help yourself get rid of painful and get sweet fruit…! *** *** *** And self-enquiry and verification these follow questions from our heart. *** *** *** Before you identify with it as “true, real, me, mine, myself” Before you want speak it, activate it, acting it, becoming it…: *** *** *** Let your "words"(thoughts) pass through these gates . At the first gate, ask yourself, " It is true?"; At the second ask, " It is necessary?"; At the third gate ask, " It is kind, wisdom, compassion?"; *** *** *** And most important question is ...: Are you feeling good when you identify with it as “true, real, me, mine, myself” ? *** *** ***
So, practice this "Concentrate on your desire"-Exercise and this "Natural Hypnosis"-Exercise
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Reach for Alignment first, and then...
Get in the Vortex, and the...
Get on the High-Flying Disc, and then...
Make sure you're Wobble-Free, and then...
Tend to your Vibration first, and then...
Follow the inspiration. ~Abraham”
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Thanks “Abraham”
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"Concentrate on your desire"-Exercise (from: The Nature of Personal Reality, Session 657, Page 299-300)
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Via and Thanks "Lars Tornow & Seth":
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"To rid yourself of annoying restrictions then, my dear friend, you repattern your past from the present. Whatever your circumstances, you use the past as a rich source, looking through it for your successes, restructuring it. When you search it looking for what is wrong, then you become blind to what was right, in those terms, so that the past only mirrors the shortcomings that now face you. Other events literally become invisible to you. Since basically past and future exist at once, you are at the same time dangerously constructing your future along the same lines. Individuals can go from psychologist to psychologist, from self-therapy to self-therapy, always with the same question: 'What is wrong?' The question itself becomes a format through which experience is seen, and itself represents one of the main reasons for all limitations, physical, psychic or spiritual. At one point or another the individual ceased concentrating upon what was right in certain personal areas, and began to focus upon and magnify specific 'lacks.' With all good intentions, then, various solutions are looked for, but all based upon the premise that something is wrong. If such a practice is continued, the concentration upon negatives can gradually bleed out into other previously unblemished areas of experience. You are not at the mercy of past beliefs, therefore. On the other hand, the sooner you begin- to act upon new ones the better. Otherwise you are not trusting them in the present. If you are poor and want to have more money, and try to maintain a belief in abundance - while still faced with the fact of present poverty - you must in your reality make some symbolic move that shows you are willing to accept a change. As foolish as it may sound, you should give some money away, or in whatever manner that suits you act as if you did have more money than you physically have. You must respond to your new beliefs, so that neurologically the new message gets across. You perform habitually in certain manners as a result of your beliefs. Now if you willfully change some of those habits then you are also getting the message across. The initiative must come from you, and in the present. In a very real manner of speaking, this means changing your viewpoint, that particular perspective with which you view your past and present and imagine your future. You must look within yourself for evidences of what you want in terms of positive experience. Examine your past with that in mind. Imagine your future from the power point of the present. In such a way at least you are not using the past to reinforce your limitations, or projecting them into the future. It is only natural to contrast what you want with what you have, and it is very easy to become discouraged in so doing, but looking for errors in the past will not help you. A correctly utilized five-minute period of time can be of great benefit, however. In this period concentrate upon the fact that the point of power is now. Feel and dwell upon the certainty that your emotional, spiritual and psychic abilities are focused through the flesh, and for five minutes only direct all of your attention toward what you want. Use visualization or verbal thought - whatever comes most naturally to you; but for that period do not concentrate upon any lacks, just upon your desire. Use all of your energy and attention. Then forget about it. Do not check to see how well it is working. Simply make sure that in that period your intentions are clear. Then in one way or another, according to your own individual situation, make one physical gesture or act that is in line with your belief or desire. Behave physically, then, at least once a day in a way that shows that you have faith in what you are doing. The act can be a very simple one. If you are lonely and feel unwanted, it can merely involve your smiling at someone else. If you are poor, it can involve such a simple thing as buying an item you want that costs two cents more than the one you would usually buy - acting on the faith, even that feebly, that the two cents will somehow be given you or come into your experience; but acting as if you had more than you do. In health terms, it involves conducting yourself once a day as though you were not sick in whatever way given you. But the belief in the present, reinforced for five minutes, plus such a physical action, will sometimes bring literally awesome results. Such effects will occur however only if you cease looking into the past 'for what is wrong,' and stop reinforcing your negative experience. These same principles can be used in any area of your life, and in each you are choosing from a variety of probable events."
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Via and Thanks "Lars Tornow & Seth":
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"Natural Hypnosis"-Exercise (from: The Nature of Personal Reality, Session 658, Page 309)
"For five or ten minutes a day at the most, then, use natural hypnosis as a method of accepting desired new beliefs. During that period concentrate your attention as vividly as possible upon one simple statement. Repeat it over and over while focusing upon it for this time. Try to feel the statement in whatever way is possible - that is, do not allow distractions, but if your mind insists upon running about then channel its images in line with your declaration. The repetition, verbally or mentally, is important because it activates biological patterns and reflects them. Do not strain. This exercise should not be done along with the point of power exercise given earlier. (See the 657th session in Chapter Fifteen.) One should not run into the other, but should be carried out on separate occasions during the day. During the period, however, do remember that you are using the present as a moment of power to insert new beliefs, and that these will indeed be materialized. When the exercise is finished do not dwell upon it. Put it from your mind. You will have utilized natural hypnosis in a concentrated form. You may have to experiment some for the proper wording of your message, but three days at the very least are necessary before you can tell, through results, how effective it has been. A change of wording may be in order. When you feel right about the statement, then continue it. Your attention should be completely relaxed otherwise, for time is needed. You may experience spectacular results at once. But continue the exercise even if this happens. Inner channels must become repatterned. There will be a feel to this that will serve as your own individual guideline. There is no need to continue the practice over ten minutes. In fact, many will find that difficult to do. Spending a longer period of time simply reinforces the idea of problems involved."
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