#i have one node of amber after 3 weeks
asleepinawell · 23 days
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(fallen london is a game where i make regular 'not again' shit posts due to the fact the game encourages you to make the same poor choices over and over. often gleefully)
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istoleyourboat · 4 years
Hananene Week Day 3: Mermaid Scale/Red String of Fate
When Orihime and Hikoboshi part on that seventh day, they part with a red string on their fingers.
Despite centuries of weaving the loveliest fabric the world has ever seen, it’s the red cord that Orihime’s spun together that echoes throughout human history. With her love and her blessing, the smoldering scarlet soon burned across her and Hikoboshi’s palms, flaring away with the warmth of a promise.
Hikoboshi stands tall when she wraps the thread around the base of his pinky. Much like the nodes of a bamboo branch, he is unwavering, all too ready for their leap down. The magpies were chirping, the wish tags were flying, and the stars were aligned. It’s all too perfect.
The choice to become human is a risky one. Once they leaped into the heavenly river, they’d be bound to the whims of the universe, unable to cross back to who they once were.
But even with those outcomes, even with that finality in mind, he knows they wouldn’t have it any other way.
“I’ll find you,” she whispers, teal tipped hair swaying with the wind.
She’s already fading from his eyes when he hears her wide-eyed promise.
Hikoboshi smiles, feeling the light of the Milky Way in each blink of his viscous, amber eyes. With what he can muster, he reaches his hand out to remember each curve of her knuckles and nails, feeling that invisible string tug at him one last time.
“Not if I find you first.”
Fathoms Below
Nene’s life as a mermaid is as lonely as it can be. She longs for love and reaches for it in the sky, hoping to escape the sea’s sad and loveless grasp.
She takes the risk of her life when she becomes human, gambling a part of who she was to see what she could be.
The plan was simple enough.
Become human. Meet the prince. Fall in love.
Simple, right?
But instead of spending each day with her prince, instead of living out each fantasy she’s predestined in her naive, impulsive head- she’s glued to the side of the castle astronomer, a snarky knight who takes too much pleasure in popping her bubbles and drowning her dreams.
Still, she feels something. An incessant pull on her fingers. A raging burn in her palms. And a deep, deep sense of longing she can’t quite understand.
‘I know you,’ her heart rustles. ‘I know I do.’
She can’t think over it for too long though. Not when each setting sun counts down her time limit. Not when she’s one day closer to her watery death. The mermaid scale she carries has yet to find its match and she has a choice to make.
So when she looks into his sad, honey eyes and realizes that this is the part where she leaves him forever- one thought rumbles in the back of her mind.
I know you.
I know you.
I know you.
Playing Your Cards Right
Amane feels a spark when he takes his first look at her.
She’s beautiful in every way he can imagine. Amidst all the dark and unmemorable hues that glittered the stuffy ballroom, she stands out as a beacon of light, her eyes and gown shining with a shade of red he’s only known on the battlefield.
He’s known it in another life too. He’s sure of it.
The longer he looks, the longer he aches. The more he stares, the more he feels a tug on his soul, daring him to move forward.
It’s stupid, he knows. He’s stupid.
A cold and violent dictator such as himself can’t possibly imagine a life with someone so sinless and heartfelt.
But something in his heart tells him that they’re meant to be, as much as the stars are meant to be with the moon in its dark sky.
When he takes her into his arms and dances with her in the garden, all is right with the world. There’s a completion to it that he can’t explain. A feeling that he’s right where he’s meant to be.
“What’s your name?” she asks innocently, drawing him deeper into her shades of red. “I don’t think you’re from my kingdom.”
He bends down to lay a kiss on her right hand, crimson flowers and rosy blushes searing into his mind.
“You can call me Hanako,” he says. “A Knight of Spades at your service.”
When Orihime wakes up in her next life, she’s surprised to see she’s a god again.
Only this time there are no galaxies to weave or clothes to tailor. She’s a Spring goddess and she’s in the Underworld.
And she’s madly in love with its King.
From the moment she stepped towards his gate and asked him to reverse death, a visceral feeling tugged at her heartstrings. Not because he lets her down gently, but because there’s something calling for her on the other side.
Maybe it’s why she’s so quick to show him the world and what it had to offer. Watching humans and wishing for love of her own seems to be something that follows her with each new breath of life.
And like each life, he returns that love, putting his own world at risk if it means being with her.
The moment he’s punished for his treason- punished for putting her above his line of duty- there’s something awfully familiar about the whole thing. The wrath of Heaven, the word of God, it’s all there.
The same story, a different world.
But it’s because of that difference that she chooses to fight for her happy ending, never giving up the idea that they can be together.
By the time she shows up in his life once again, ready to connect themselves across another winding river, a part of her tears up. Because like all times, it’s somehow meant to be.
To Spin a Thread
When Hanako finds a girl crying in a room full of straw, his first thought is to comfort her.
It didn’t take too long to figure out the predicament she was in. Really, a human turning straw to gold was laughable.
She’s too pretty, he thinks, when she smiles at him with starry eyes and rose-tinted lips. Even with straw sticking out of her hair and dust clinging to the hem of her dress, she stands out to him in ways he can’t explain.
The thought stays in his mind when they kiss during their pinky promise, an act that ties them together as he paves her path to freedom. With every glimpse of moonlight, they reunite with one another, laughing and dancing to each other’s tune.
Which is why it breaks his heart when she chooses to stay in her prison. He knows the king can’t make her happy. He knows what she’s reaching for is a short-lived dream. And he knows that he’s more capable of loving her; even without a human heart.
So when he turns to leave her for one last time, the selfishness in him cries out to stay. To whisk her away by moonlight and never return.
Which is what he does, luckily, when he feels her calling out to him a year later, just like she did that day long ago.
He could never ignore destiny, after all.
Mermaid Scale
The loss of Amane Yugi sends ripples throughout the universe, altering fate in ways one could never imagine. Instead of moving onto his next life like he was supposed to, he finds himself stuck between worlds.
He supposed it was his own fault. He’s had decades to think about it after all. If he had been a better brother, if he had died with little regrets- he’s sure he wouldn’t be there like he was now.
Though Hanako didn’t dare to dream anymore, he’s sure that there’s something else keeping him there. A reason for why God had chosen him as its sacred, irreplaceable pillar. There just has to be.
He can only hope to find out in bated breath, watching lonely decades roll by as he longed for something beyond his reach.
The three small knocks on his stall shake him, giving him the answer he never thought he’d receive.
“Hanako-san, Hanako-san, are you there?”
It’s with that brief call of his name that he’s thrusted against the door, pulled by the messy, puppet strings of fate to see which unfortunate soul will die too young.
And it’s with that same call that he can feel his ghostly heart beat again- enraptured by the cruel and familiar sight that destiny laid. A sight that vaguely reminded him of fireworks and far-off dreams.  
Oh there you are, his soul breathes.
I’ve been looking for you.
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I know that you do more child!Stiles with adult!Peter and make it really creepy, but I was wondering if you could do a murder husbands fic with adult Stiles and have them both be a little less disturbed? I really like your writing, even if it’s a bit too dark for me! (Most murder husband fics are post fire, so it would be cool to see one where the fire never happened)(I also really like magic Stiles) Sorry for this being so long!
I'm happy to know you enjoy my writing even if its not completely your cup of tea. Sorry if this took a long time, I had some problems with my wifi and myself.
Honestly, this is the best first request, I loved it and I hope you like it!
Here you can find it in Ao3. Thanks to @drminty for beta it <3
After dinner, Peter volunteered to do the routine patrol, saying that, since he was going to retake his duties as Left Hand, he would have to do it again. Talia smiled at him and he rolled his eyes without venom.
He wouldn't say it at loud, but he missed his family.
While he was walking for the reserve, he couldn't help thinking about Cora's friend.
He could remember the sheriff's son, a cute little thing, always full of energy and with somethng to say. He never talked to him, but he had one memory about the kid that he couldn't forget.
A very curious memory.
His niece always talked about him in their Skype calls and the things she said were flattering, and for her to esteem someone so much, his sister finding him charming, the pack to love him, and even Derek liking his presence, he had to be interesting enough.
He could admit to himself he was disappointed when Cora said he was busy and wouldn't go that night.
Still thinking about it, he heard something not very far from him.
Loud and wet.
He started to walk to the source, and with every step he gave, the noise became a little clearer.
There was a voice.
Five steps more and he smelled something he didn't want to smell again.
Mountain ash.
Peter immediately ran, faster than he had ever done, his senses focused on getting at the place from where the noises came. His mind wouldn't think on anything else.
And clearly it couldn't, since he didn't notice what the voice was saying until he got there and was taken aback by what he saw: bodies on the ground, no pulse, the smell of wolfbane and mountain ash betrayed their nature, their corpses were gored and mangled.
But that wasn't what had his attention. No.
The thing that had his attention was the attractive young man who was hitting the bodies with a feral violence. And a bat. Discharging his rage even though it was obvious life abandoned them a long time ago.
His scent was familiar, a mixed of ozone, petrichor, honey and fire, and he was surprised at finding himself not hating the last one.
“You had to come fucking today”
“Why today?”
“I'm so close to finishing my project and you come today!”
“Do you know how many days I've been without sleeping for that shit? A lot”
Hit harder and the hunters' faces couldn't be called that anymore.
Peter thought on Cora, what she said about her friend not liking being interrupted when he was doing something important and having a rather bad temper when that happened.
He knew who was the person in front of him.
He gave another step and the violent boy stopped and turned to him, and when the amber irises were over him, Peter was breathless.
Wild, deep, calculating. So much crude and dangerous power.
He was assessed by the beautiful crature, who relaxed after doing it. The pretty pale face lost its sharpness and Peter didn't stop himself from contemplating the stars that decorated it.
“You must be Peter” he said.
Peter couldn't control the wolfish grin that formed on his face.
“And you must be Stiles”
The boy just gave him a mischievous smile.
Peter wakes up, he lets out a yawn and rubs his eyes with his right hand. He looks at his chest and can't help the smile he makes for the scene he sees.
His lover sleeping peacefully, his close eyes fluttering and little snores slipping from his mouth.
Peter knows he's smiling like an idiot and he doesn't care.
He lows his head and leaves a kiss on Stiles' hair, then stays there for a moment, just enjoying the sweet scent of his mate.
Ozone. Petrichor. Honey. Fire.
The moment was interrupted by a loud sound at his left, he turns and sees his boy's phone alarm ring. He tries to turn it off without moving too much so he can continue sleeping with Stiles, but before he gets at the phone, he feels movement on his chest.
He looks down to meet two captivating eyes, looking at him with so much love he finds it hard to breathe.
That beautiful wildness it's still there.
“Good morning” Stiles says, still sounding sleepy and with a soft smile on his lips.
He touches his face with his left hand, Peter takes his wrist and passes his fingers over the bite mark placed there.
“You don't need to go” he says.
“I do need to go” the youngest man replies.
Peter frowns slightly, which makes him receive a short kiss on his jaw.
“After school I'm all yours, I promise”
“You're mine” Peter can't stop himself from saying.
Stiles just laughs before giving him another kiss.
“Yeah, I am. You're grumpy today”
After that, his boy gets out of bed, letting him see his lithe body that it's covered with one of Peter's henleys. Stiles leaves the room, surely going to the kitchen and make some coffee.
He takes a minute before getting out of bed too. He goes to the bathroom to do his necessities and brush his teeth, then goes to the closet, he takes a shirt, jeans, and starts getting dressed.
He goes to the kitchen and finds Stiles drinking his coffee, he looks at the table and smiles when he sees another mug, he takes it and takes a sip.
Just like he likes it.
Peter continues looking at Stiles while the young one finished his coffee, the young man lets out a satisfied sigh when he's done and leaves the mug behind him, he walks forward to Peter to give him a last kiss before going back to their room.
When he's gone, Peter starts making breakfast, hearing his lover get ready.
Just when the food is ready he hears Stiles coming to the kitchen, he turns and finds him using another one of his henleys and black jeans, his backpack in hand. He sits on the table, Peter takes the plates and sits too.
They eat in silence, touching their feet under the table from time to time.
Peter takes the plates again and puts them on the sink for later, he walks at the door and takes his keys.
“You know, I could go by myself” Stiles says behind him, like he always does.
He nods. “You could” he says, like he always does.
The boy rolls his eyes fondly and then gets out of their house, being followed by Peter.
They get into the car, Stiles lays down on the passenger seat, still a little tired, and they start to drive to the young man's college. During the way, they take hands while Stiles hums softly.
After fifteen minutes they get to their destination.
Stiles straightens and leans to give him a kiss, he puts his hand on Stiles' nape and deepens the kiss, letting their tongues and purring at the low moans he hears. He nips his lower lip before Stiles draws away.
“I'm all yours”
Then he gets out of the car.
Peter waits a minute before driving home.
Stiles was in bed, with his pajamas and special pillow, ready to go to sleep.
He was ready to go to sleep when he felt something.
He didn't know what, it was weird and it had never happened to him. It hurt, but not like his mom's words, the burning scratches of her nails, the tact of her hand against his skin, or the suffocating feeling of her hands around his neck while being drowned.
A ghost pain. Sharp. Constant.
Feeling confused, Stiles got out of bed and started to walk downstairs. In the living room, he took the phone and dialled the number of the fire station.
“The Hale House is on fire”
He hung up, went to his room and got in bed again.
He didn't close his eyes.
Five minutes later, he heard his dad being called, getting dressed in his work clothing and closing the door.
Then Stiles slept.
The next day, his dad wasn't home yet when he woke up. It was sunday, so he took his time to make breakfast for himself and a lunch box for his dad. He didn't want to get dressed so he stayed with his pajamas and set his way at the sheriff station.
While he was walking he could hear people gossiping between them, in that tone of voice that pretended to be a whisper but wanted to be heard by others.
Hales and fire were the most used words.
Stiles continued walking until he was in front of his dad's work and then in front of Tara's desk. She leaned on the desk to see him and smiled.
“Hi, Stiles! Did you come to bring your dad his lunch?” the kind woman asked, not pointing out at the fact that he was in pajamas.
“He's a little busy, you can sit there and wait for a moment”
Stiles noded and sat on one of the closest chairs.
Being there, he noticed people next to him: a girl about his age who was moving nervously, a teenage boy with a blank face, and a young woman who couldn't stop biting her lip.
Cora, Derek and Laura Hale.
He looked at the floor, trying to not put his gaze over them, feeling a weird sensation with their presence.
A couple of minutes passed until the door of his dad's office was opened and he looked up, seeing his dad coming out of there and being followed by two people. He recognized the tall dark-haired woman and the handsome blue eyed man as Talia and Peter Hale.
Stiles waited until they thanked his dad and started to walk away from him, then he stood up and walked at his dad.
He felt a look over him but ignored it.
He was beside his dad and saw the Hales go, after that, he turned to his dad.
“Your lunch”
“Thanks, kiddo” he said, tired, like he had been sounding for some time.
Stiles noded, said goodbye to Tara, and went home.
He passed the next two weeks watching the Hales, learning their routine, sometimes going close to their house. He knew he could get in trouble but his curiosity didn't let him stop, he needed to know what happened.
Flashing eyes, fangs and howls was what he got.
A monday he sat with Cora Hale during recess, she looked at him, clearly wondering what wanted a kid one year younger to do with her.
“I'm the one who told the firefighters to go to your house, I know you and your family are werewolves, I think I'm something too. Help me” he said.
Her eyes widened.
“You're not lying”
“I'm not”
She looked at him, let her eyes flash for a second.
“Are you ever gonna tell my mom what you are?” Cora asked.
They were in his house.
“Maybe. I think. One day. I don't know” Stiles said.
She sighed, already knowing that was gonna be his answer. She sat properly on his bed and looked at him, that look that said she wasn't happy with him but still couldn't be angry because she loved him.
“You know, I can continue bringing books from the library all that you want, but it would be easier to train your shiny powers-”
“-if you had someone to help you” she said.
“You help me”
“Someone who is not thirteen”
He sat properly too.
“I'm good with you” he shruged. “I've always been a self-taught person”
“I know that” she said with a hard tone.
Stiles grimaced, he didn't want to touch that topic right now.
“And I'm going well with just the books. I already learned how to hide and change my heartbeat, hide my steps, my scent, muted noises, burn stuff, paralyze things and break bones, and in only two years. I would call that good progress”
Cora looked at him a little longer before she sighed.
“Okay, yeah, you're doing fine on your own. I still think you should tell mom about it”
He shruged again.
“I'll do it, just not really soon”
His friend gave up at the end, knowing she wouldn't win this battle, and three hours later she went back home.
At the door and saying goodbye to her, he remembered they needed groceries, so he took some money and got out.
In the way at the store he made a mental list of what he had to buy since he forgot to make one, he didn't need to buy a lot since it was only him and his dad, but he needed to know if he had enough money.
After half an hour in the store, Stiles came out of the establishment, happy he got everything he wanted and still had extra money.
He was going to go straight home when he felt something.
A ghost pain.
Similar to the one he felt when the Hale House was in fire.
He started to walk to a hardware store, even though he didn't know why and he had never gone to that place before. Inside there, he walked, passing next to ropes, wires and batteries, until he got to a hallway with tasers.
There was a woman.
Blonde. Tall. He would probably find her pretty if she didn't make him want to open her chest, take her heart and step on it until it was just a bloody mass of skin and nerves.
She turned to him, then smiled.
“Well, hello” she said, an amused voice that just made Stiles want to cut her tongue.
“Hello” he said, trying to hide the dicomfort he was feeling.
“Are you lost?”
He shaked his head.
“Oh, then you want one of these?” she pointed at the tasers.
Stiles noded. He walked to her.
“They seem fun”
The woman laughed. And he just wanted to rip her throat.
“That's something curious for a boy like you to say. I think I like you”
He wanted to gouge out her eyes.
“I like you too, what's your name?”
She looked him up and down, she didn't speak for one full minute.
“K or C?”
“With C”
“It's cute”
“And yours?”
They stayed in silence for a while.
“I should go, my parents only gave me five minutes”
He started to walk away from her, but her voice stopped him.
“Weren't you going to buy one?”
He looked back at her, then smiled.
“My dad said I could see them and tomorrow he would buy it. I think I want one like yours”
And he got out of there.
Stiles went home, put the groceries on the fridge and the pantries, then took his phone and texted Cora.
Ask your mom if she knows a female hunter whose name has a K
He waited two minutes before he got a reply.
Cora: She started to shake, asked me why I wanted to know and then said Kate Argent
Cora: Stiles what happened?
He let out a curse.
What did Derek say was his last girlfriends name?
This one only took a minute.
Cora: Catherine
He let out another curse.
I have to go
He didn't wait for a reply. He hid his scent and steps, then he got out of his house and walked to the reserve.
It was a bad idea. He should have told Talia about it. It was a really bad idea.
Once he was a long way into the reserve, he started to walk more carefully, not wanting to step on something by accident. Stiles wandered for some minutes not knowing where to go, but then felt that pain again and his feet moved by themselves.
He quickly found Kate, who was being followed by four men, clearly hunter by the guns and various weapons they had on them.
Stiles wanted to hurt them, torture them, extend their death as much as he could.
But then he thought better about it.
He wasn't well trained yet, he didnt know how to fight, and the Hales were close and he still didn't want Talia to know about him.
So even if he wanted to take his time, he actually didn't have that option. Instead he chose the easier thing.
Without a second thought, with all the power he had in him, he paralyzed the five hunters and, before they could begin to scream, muted them.
He walked to them and stood up in front of the only woman. He saw how her eyes widened in shock.
“I lied to you, Kate, I don't like tasers, I prefer other things”
In a second, the four hunters behind her were covered by high flames. The fire was so strong, that all that was left once the fire disappeared after a minute was dust.
Even Stiles was surprised.
“I didn't expect that”
Stiles shaked his head, sat on the ground, and then turned his attention again to the woman.
She was looking at him with hate.
“You hurt Derek, and I'm sure you were the mastermind behing the fire two years ago, so I'm gonna try to make it slower for you”
The hunter wanted to say something, even if she wasn't going to be heard, but she couldn't open her mouth before she was surrounded my fire.
Stiles managed to make it slow. He could see the way her hair burnt, how her skin turned red to be bleeding raw flesh and then bone, he saw her pretty face become an abstract painting of hate, disgust and pain.
When everything was done, he got off the ground and started to walk home.
He had to tell Cora what happened.
Stiles dodges the hunter before swinging his bat and cracking it against his head, looking at the way his neck breaks and how the bat and ground get covered in blood.
He hears the click of a gun and then a growl, he turns to see Peter ripping out a hunter's throat, his claws dripping crimson liquid and the body falling down. Before he can say something, his wolf turns to another hunter who is distracted and mercilessly jumps over him.
He's really mad because their dinner was interrupted.
He can't continue thinking about it when he sees from the corner of his eyes a hunter.
The man suddenly paralyzes and Stiles hits him on his ribs, making him fall. He starts to hit him repeatedly on his chest, stomach, legs and face, hearing how the bones break and the head loses its form. A puddle of blood and another fluids painting the ground.
He's a little mad too.
Stiles turns to the body with the broken neck and starts to hit it in a similar way, focusing more on his head than the other, hitting until no one could tell who this person was before.
He remembers this one shot Peter.
When he's done, he turns to his lover. He looks for a moment at the bodies close to him, seeing their open throats and chests, one of them without eyes and the other doesn't have skin in good parts of its face. His attention goes to his wolf, who was breathing heavily.
He walks to Peter, takes his hands and rest his head on his shoulder.
“You're indeed grumpy today” he says.
The wolf doesn't respond and stays still, Stiles can feel him taking breaths of his scent.
“I can't forget the first time I felt you. I was surprised by the little kid who smelles like ozone, petrichor, honey and fire”
Stiles takes his face, smiling when Peter leans on the tact.
He gets close and kisses him.
The kiss is needier than the one of this morning. He feels Peter putting one hand around his waist and one behind his neck, Stiles feels him graze his tongue between his lips and then chase his tongue. He moans when Peter draws away to bite his lips and then seeks for his tongue again.
Stiles can feel his mind going hazy as Peter sticks his hand under his shirt, passing his finger for his spine and then resting on his ass.
With all the self-control he has, Stiles moves his hands to Peter's chest and puts some space. He sees the sulky look on Peter.
“Though I'm not against continuing this later, I still want to know why you're so angry”
“I can tell you later”
“I want to know now”
His wolf makes a face before moving away. He watches him look for something in his pocket.
“I wanted to do this in another moment, but I guess I don't have an option”
He looks at Peter confused when the wolf raises his hand between them.
There's a ring in his hand.
Stiles stays quiet.
Seeing his lack of reaction, Peter puts the ring on his finger.
A ring. On his finger.
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god”
Peter doesn't talk yet.
“This is- you are- that's why- now-” Stiles can't find the words.
The oldest looks at him with an amused smile while he continues babbling for another five minutes until he finally talks.
Stiles shuts up.
“Do you want to marry me?” Peter asks.
He feels the tears falling from his eyes.
“Yes” he whispers. “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! I will!”
Peter smiles brightly at him, so pleased and happy than Stiles can't think on anything more beautiful.
He gives a step forward and takes Peter's lips with his.
The tears are probably mixing with the blood on their faces, they will have to get rid of the corpses soon, and maybe his dad won't be very happy with this.
But he doesn't care, they can take care of that later.
Right now, it's just them and the ring on his finger.
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rowdy-revenant · 7 years
Eye of the Storm
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Pairing: Gabriel x reader
Words: 1200+
Warnings: Enemies to lovers, mentions of Hell, nightmares, reader has a fear of storms
Request(s) by: wild_fire88 (wattpad) and @4evergeek​
Summary: A sudden storm puts you on edge, and an annoying archangel sure doesn’t help
[General masterlist] [Gabriel masterlist]
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What was the worst thing a hunter could face? A town full of demons? No. Creatures who had been locked away in Purgatory since the dawn of mankind? No. The devil himself? Close, but no. The worst thing, in your opinion, was the archangel Gabriel.
Spending the day in the bunker with Gabriel? The thought was repulsive. Heinous. Disgusting. Other words from a thesaurus that mean bad. Point was, it would suck.
He wasn’t called the trickster for nothing. The little shit pulled pranks around every corner when left unsupervised, most directed at you. Gabriel was an egotistical, dirty-minded, overpowered asshole.
So when Dean proposed the idea of him and Sam going off hunting, and you angel sitting, things quickly got heated.
“I’d rather break my other arm.” You scoffed, absentmindedly rubbing your cast.
“Well I’d rather be tied to a chair and be forced to watch paint dry for a week straight.” Gabriel replied.
“I’d rather clean Dean’s bathroom with a toothbrush after taco night!”
“I’d rather be tied to a car during a demolition derby!”
You and Gabriel went back and forth, listing off things you’d rather do than spend time with each other.
“What’s with you and being tied to things? Got a kink, feather duster?” You sneered.
“Yeah, like three in my neck.” The archangel answered, tilting his head to the side until a ‘crrrik’ sound could be heard.
“That’s gross.” You gagged.
“Don’t like the sound, sugar?”
“No, I mean your face from any angle.”
Dean stepped in, pushing the two of you back a couple steps. “Alright, that’s enough. Cut it out.”
“I’d rather cut off his-” You started, still holding your icy glare with Gabriel.
“I said enough!” Dean repeated, louder this time. “It’s not like I want to leave you two alone together.”
“Then take Y/N with you.” Gabe suggested.
“With that broken arm?” Sam said. “No. We can’t afford them getting any more hurt.”
“I could go if you healed it.” You spoke up, moving your right arm slightly. The off-white cast that spread from your palm to halfway up your upper arm felt heavier knowing that you wouldn’t be doing much today.
Gabriel scoffed. “And waste what little grace I have after the fall on you? Puh-lease. Just ask Cassy to do it.”
“‘Cassy’ is busy fixing the place you refuse to return to.” You told. Castiel was in Heaven, doing his best to repair relationships with the other angels and restore some order.
Gabriel shrugged. “Not my fault upstairs thinks I kicked the bucket.”
“Uh, yeah it is!” You cried.
“That’s it,” Dean muttered. “I’m finding a damn spell to shut you both up.”
“Won’t be any use. I can read minds, bucko.” Gabriel countered. “Archangel, duuhhh.” He rolled his amber eyes and pulled a lollipop from his pocket, unwrapping it and sticking it in his mouth.
“Thank god, some silence.” You sighed.
“God doeshn’t give a shift, dohn thank ‘im.” Gabriel sassed, voice muffled, but not stopped by the sweet treat.
You groaned again, plunking yourself down in a chair at the map table. This was going to be a long day.
When the lights in the bunker flickered on and off, you instinctively reached for your gun with your good hand.
“Relax, trigger happy,” Gabriel said, not looking up from his phone. “It’s not demons.”
“I’m just taking precautions, jackass.” You argued.
Gabriel shrugged. The game on his phone, ten times more important than you it seemed, pinged and beeped. “Just a storm. A ‘dad wants you to build an arc’ worthy storm, but just a storm.”
You gritted your teeth. “I hate storms.”
The archangel finally looked up, shit eating grin on his face. “A big bad hunter afraid of storms? A little rain and thunder?” He laughed.
“I’m not afraid of them! They just… make me uncomfortable!” You retorted.
A clap of thunder and another flicker of lights made you yelp with surprise. Gabriel noticed this and started cackling.
“Not afraid!” He hooted, banging his hand on the table. “Ah, best thing I’ve seen all day.”
“Dick.” You growled, storming off.
“Hey, come on! I was kidding!” Gabriel called after you. “Can’t you take a joke?”
Everything was a joke to Gabriel. Storms brought back too many bad memories for you. Too many things you tried so, so hard to forget.
Why bother arguing with an angel? Gabriel wouldn’t understand what you’d been through. He wouldn’t even try.
Damn, the pain medication was taking its toll, making you feel drowsy and a little lightheaded. You needed a nap. Some peace and quiet as well as some rest would do you good.
As soon as you were comfortable in bed, doing your best to ignore the raging storm outside, you fell asleep.
Pain interrupting numbness. Flashes of light interrupting darkness. Loud crashes and screams interrupting silence. Hell. Your personal Hell, the one you escaped from just over a year ago. But you were back. In sleep, you would always come back.
A year in Hell felt like a century. The worst part was all the nightmares that came afterwards. They. Never. Stopped.
“Sugar?” A voice echoed.
Great, now Gabriel would torment you in your sleep.
“I’m not here to torment you, Y/N. You need to wake up, okay?”
“But I can’t,” You thought. “I’m stuck.”
“Focus on me. Focus on my voice, Y/N,” Gabriel spoke again, his voice dulling the crashing noises. “I’ve got you. You’re safe in the bunker with me. You’re safe.”
“You’re safe.”
You woke up. Your cheeks were wet like you’d been crying, which wasn’t surprising. You often woke up like this nowadays.
“Sugar?” Gabriel’s voice was softer than it usually was when he spoke to you. For once, the nickname hadn’t been used sarcastically.
You were in the archangel’s arms. His whiskey coloured eyes looked into yours with concern.
“Gabriel, I-” You began.
“Hey, it’s okay.” He assured you. “We don’t have to talk about it right now if you don’t want to.”
You nodded. “Just hold me?”
“Of course.”
You rolled over so your back was facing the archangel. The two of you lay on your bed in silence for a while. “Gabriel?”
“Mm hmm?” Was the reply.
“Why are you being nice to me?”
The angel thought it over. “Because I think it’s about time we both acted like adults and made up, don’t you?”
You hummed in agreement. “What do we say when Sam and Dean get back and find us?”
“Just say the heating broke and I lost a bet.” Gabe suggested, snuggling closer and resting his chin on your shoulder.
“Fair enough…”
“I’m sorry I’ve been a dick.” Gabriel muttered.
“S’okay. Sorry I’ve been one too.” You replied.
“It’s fine. Sorry I can’t heal you.”
“Don’t be. Sorry-” You started, but your voice trailed off. “Thank you for being here for me.”
“Thank you for letting me.” Gabriel smiled. “Get some sleep.”
“But the nightmares-”
“I won’t let them happen again.” Gabe assured.
You fell asleep with Gabriel’s arms around you. He was true to his word. The nightmares never came back. Not when he was there to sleep by your side.
~ Murdoch’s tag list - want to be added or removed? Send me an ask! ~
All fics: @a-r-c-h-a-n-g-e-l @ashiewesker @ashtheironbat @authoressskr @baritonechick @blessedbebucky @crowleysprincess159 @cynda-kiwi @d4rzill4 @fayepummeluff @feelmyroarrrr @gabriels-depressed-angel @hunters-hiraeth @impatient-witch @kristaparadowski @lenawiinchester  @like-gabriel-and-castiel @madelineannmolder @negansgrimes  @oldpaperfan  @sdavid09 @shrimpdrake @sumara62 @tangle-of-ivy @team-barry @thehowling1234 @thewhiterabbit42 @treitike @tenderlybeautifulbarbarian @tyrex15 @unsink-the-titanic
All (Supernatural): @gabriels-trix
Gabriel: @elven-leaf​ @hiddles-and-skittles​ @hp-hogwartsexpress​ @im-gabriels-bitch​ @jannalionheart​ @elenawrit​ @trollhunter94​
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growlighteco · 4 years
How To Grow Weed: Beginner's Guide To Growing in 2020
Growing marijuana is a rewarding hobby and can offer a great business opportunity as well. By the time you're done with this guide, you'll know how to grow cannabis in a indoor grow tent like a professional, allowing you to get better and bigger yields than you've ever imagined at surprisingly low cost.
In order to thrive and grow, every cannabis plant needs:
Light – whether you’re using sunlight or grow lights, you must understand the light needs of a cannabis plant to get the best bud quality & yields.
Growing Medium – the stuff your plants grow in; soil isn’t your only choice!
Air – a well-ventilated space with good air exchange and a slight breeze is best.
Temperature – A good rule of thumb for cannabis plants is if it feels too hot for you, it’s probably too hot for your plants. Just like humans, cannabis plants can die if exposed to extreme temps.
Nutrients – you can buy pre-formulated nutrients that you just add to your water, or you can compost your own super soil so that it already includes all the nutrients you need.
Water – like all plants and living creatures, cannabis needs water to survive and grow. Is my tap water “good enough” for growing cannabis?
When growing cannabis indoors or outdoors, you will need to ensure that it gets the proper amount of these 6 resources.
Grow Lights for Maximum Growth
For inside cultivation, it’s crucial to make sure everything is done right to maximize the potential yield from each plant. One of the most important parts is the lighting for the plants. Since the plants are grown indoors, they don’t get the natural light they would receive outdoors. To grow properly, marijuana plants require at least eight hours of direct sunlight. More light can lead to bigger flowers at the end of the growth cycle.
Most beginners are going to opt for CFLs as they are the least expensive to get started. They’re easy to use and do work well for marijuana plants. LED lights are another option, though they are more expensive to purchase. Once they have been purchased, however, they do require less electricity compared to other types of lighting. The best lighting options for marijuana plants, however, are MPH or HPS grow lights. These are far more expensive, but they do provide the best lighting for cannabis plants.
As a beginner, however, it’s likely you’ll want to make everything as easy as possible and start with a less expensive setup. There’s always room to grow in the future. If you only have a few plants and are trying to keep costs to a minimum, CFL bulbs are likely the best LED grow light choice. They provide the right light for the plants, can are the least expensive option, and are easily available, so you don’t need to special order them.
Pruning For Higher Yield
When pruning, start early and often. Cut or pinch branches just above the node where two new shoots will emerge. If you stay on top of this process, you’ll have plants that look like bonsai bushes, with plenty of bud sites but not a lot of stretching out and big gaps between nodes. This is the efficient way to get bigger yields out of small spaces but your vegetating time will increase so factor that into your schedule.
Don’t prune or pinch plants at all once they’ve begun flowering – you’ll only be decreasing your harvest at that point. If the branches are threatening to reach the light, bend them or tie them down to keep them from burning. A trellis system constructed from chicken wire at canopy level (aka the ScrOG or Screen of Green system), will further spread out bud sites and increase your yields considerably. Simply train growing shoots to grow horizontally along the bottom of the screen to fill empty spots.
Flower Power
Indoors, The decision of when to induce flowering in your plants is entirely up to you. If you want to learn how to grow weed, it’s important to determine how much space you have and to factor in the fact that your plants will stretch for at least a few weeks after flowering is induced. I usually recommend one week per gallon of container, so a plant in a five-gallon bucket should get approximately five weeks of vegetative time.
When you’re ready to begin the flowering stage, switch your timer to a 12 hour on/12 hour off light cycle. Be sure never to interrupt the 12-hour dark period with any light. This confuses your plant and can cause serious problems.
Change your feeding regimen to one suited for flowering. Plant nutrients generally come in vegetative or flowering formulations so switch over to a “blooming” solution. Depending on the flowering time of your strain, determine when you have two weeks or so left and begin the flushing process. If you’re growing a 60-day flowering strain, start to flush your grow medium with only plain water around day 46.
Water your plant regularly with clean, safe and water. Certainly, using chlorine-free or filtered water leads to better results. Always avoid overwatering and watch for good drainage. How to know when to water a Cannabis plant? A good test might be to stick a finger down a few cms or an inch into the soil and if it’s dry, then you’ll know it is time to water.
Ventilation and airflow are key for Cannabis plants to thrive and grow healthy. In this stage, they need air not only to breathe and grow their bodies but also good ventilation to avoid the formation of mold, fungi, and rot. A good fan moving the air inside your growing environment helps a lot, but beware not to point it directly to the buds. An exhaust fan is great for increased ventilation and air movement, this also helps lowering humidity. If the exhaust fan is not enough, a dehumidifier is definitely the best and easiest solution for keeping humidity at range. Also a carbon filter for grow tent is essential.
pH levels
pH levels must remain between 6 and 7 when growing in soil. Most nutrients are available for the plant in the growing medium only between this range of pH. pH levels out of this range may cause your plant to experience nutrients deficiencies and toxicities because the nutrients may be in the soil but the plant cannot absorb them.
Harvesting, Drying and Curing
Knowing when and how to harvest your buds is as important as knowing how to grow weed.
Use a loupe or a strong magnifying scope to take a very close look at the trichomes; the tiny glandular stalk and head sometimes referred to as “crystals”. Up close, they resemble little glass mushrooms with a stem that forms a bulbous round clear top. Inside that gland head resides the psychoactive compounds (THC, CBD etc). Harvest when the majority of the gland heads begin to go cloudy white and before they’ve gone completely amber. Harvest when they’re mostly amber if you desire a more lethargic stone.
Post-harvest, you will trim and hang up your buds to dry. This process should take about a week or two depending on the humidity and heat in your area. It’s always best to keep this process slower than 3-4 days in order to ensure you aren’t locking in that “green” chlorophyll taste. Add a humidifier to your drying room if you think your nuggets are drying out too quickly. Never leave a fan blowing directly onto your drying colas but make sure air is circulating to avoid mold and bud-rot.
After you’ve determined that your buds are sufficiently dried you’re ready to jar them up for the cure. The stems should snap instead of bending and the outside of the flowers should feel bone dry to the touch. The truth is there is still plenty of water stuck in the bud and the curing process will slowly “sweat” out the remaining liquid.
Always use opaque jars (ones you can’t see inside) and place them in a cool dark place. Open up the jars to determine the level of moisture and leave them open if there’s any condensation forming on the inside of the glass. Slowly but surely, if you open and close the jars once or twice a day, the moist air will be replenished by dry air and the water that’s stuck in the middle of your bud will work its way to the outside and then out into the air altogether. After three weeks to a month or so curing, your buds should burn and taste perfectly.
Methods for curing
Sure, there are fast ways to cure your buds like using a microwave, but save the microwave for your popcorn as this method using irradiated heat can reduce the quality and potency of the smoke.
The decarboxylation process that turns THCA into THC is what will be taking place as you dry and cure your crop.
My preferred method of drying crops is air drying. I like to hang my buds upside down with a fan in the room circulating the air until they are ready to be cured. Make sure you don’t let them get too dry; you want them to be moist enough to be flexible but still dry so they don’t get moldy.
The next step requires some patience, but you will be rewarded with flavorful tastes and gratifying aromas. The slow cure takes a few weeks. Get out your mason jars and fill it to the top without stuffing it. Put the jars in a dark place that doesn’t get too hot. Every week shake the jars to get the buds moving around and open the jars for half an hour or so. Try your buds at different stages to find out what you like.
Curing your crop is worth the time and effort as your bud will reward you by its taste and potency.
Storage of seeds
Storing marijuana seeds shouldn’t be a difficult subject matter, yet every toking Tom will tell you their method is the best only to come out with half your seeds ending up unusable. Often times storage methods are not considered serious enough. Yet, when you spend enough dough on your favorite strains, you don’t want any of them ending up barren due to a silly mistake that you’ve made.
Now, I know many of you have never explored using your green thumb to plant anything until you’ve considered growing your own diggity dank nugs, but let’s take it back to 3rd-grade science. We all know that in order for a seed to germinate it needs a few vital things. Like the saying goes “April showers bring May flowers.” It needs moisture, light, and warm temperatures. So, if you want to keep your seeds from germinating avoid all those things. Sounds simple enough, right?
How to store your seeds?
So to break it down, you’re going to need an airtight container like a film canister for example.
Then, put a few silica gel beads or rice grains in your container to soak up any accidental moisture. The humidity should be no more than 10%. Put your seeds in a tiny envelope, bag, or ideally vacuum packed and then put it in your airtight container. Make sure to label what’s inside each container with a date on it as well. You don’t want to take your seeds out unless you have to; temperature changes and exposure to light isn’t good for viability in the long run. Now you’re ready to put your babies away for planting next year. Avoid putting them in the fridge door where the temperature tends to vary, better in a back corner somewhere.
I understand that sometimes you live with other people and you don’t want them to get their grubby little fingers on your seeds. If you don’t want to have a mysterious canister in the back of your fridge labeled “Nothing in this cannister is worth dying for” then you can take a riskier option and store your seeds in a closet, under your bed, someplace dark and protected. However, these places may be more susceptible to temperature change and the #1 enemy of seed storage: humidity. In this case, you must be adamant when it comes to moisture control.
Store your cannabis seeds properly and you can sleep well at night knowing that next year and maybe a few years after the next you can still enjoy growing your most beloved strain of seeds.
Final thoughts
This guide is meant for any cannabis enthusiast who would love to grow cannabis indoors and experience the thrill. While there are chances of mistakes, but that’s normal as you gain experience, you’ll be more than happy for growing, harvesting, and finally using self-grown cannabis. What's more, if you are a beginner, ECO Farm marijuana grow kit is best recommended for you.
We hope this beginner’s guide on how to grow marijuana indoors was able to help you, and we expect this will lead you to the productive and fun cannabis growing journey.
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imagineteamfreewill · 7 years
Not All Heroes Wear Capes
Title: Not All Heroes Wear Capes
Pairing: Reader x Dad!Dean
Word Count: 2,792
Warnings: Brief mention of underage drinking and partying
Theme Song: Not All Heroes Wear Capes by Owl City
Beta: @jpadjackles
Summary: After retiring from the hunting life to settle down with the love of his life, Dean Winchester lives a pretty domestic life, and the only battles he finds himself fighting are the ones with his teenage son.
A/N: Listen to the song and tell me it’s not Dad!Dean. Go ahead. I dare you. The poem near the end of this story is composed of the lyrics from “Not All Heroes Wear Capes” by Owl City, and all credit goes to Adam Young. It does not belong to me.
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“Daddy! Daddy!”
Lily’s quiet hiss pulled Dean from sleep, and he slowly opened his eyes to see his daughter standing in the bedroom doorway, clutching her stuffed elephant with both hands. She looked terrified, and Dean’s mind immediately began to list off all the things that could have scared her—ghosts, demons, angels, werewolves…
“Daddy, I’m scared,” Lily whimpered.
Pulling back his covers, Dean crawled out of bed, being careful not to wake Y/N, and shuffled over to his little girl, now wide awake. He crouched and looked her in the eyes, keeping his voice soft as he spoke.
“What’s scary, Lily?” he asked, trying not to sound as angry as he felt. Deep inside, he vowed that he’d kill whatever scared her, no matter how much time it took to hunt the thing down.
“I heard a noise from downstairs,” she whispered, lower lip quivering. “A funny sucking noise and then there was a big light and clanking.”
Dean’s mind whirled. He couldn’t think of a single monster that made noises like that, and after a long moment, he realized exactly what he was up against.
Sighing, Dean scooped Lily up and situated her on his hip, using his free hand to rub the crud from his eyes. Lily immediately rested her face against his shoulder and closed her eyes, no doubt ready to go back to sleep. Heading down the short flight of stairs, Dean silently padded across the hardwood floors and toward the kitchen. He hadn’t lost his touch; not a single sound was made as he set a now-sleeping Lily down on the couch. With his hands now free, Dean was able to move freely, and he quickly made his way into the kitchen.
Sure enough, a tall, shadowy figure was silhouetted against the white light from the refrigerator, just as he thought.
“Cameron,” Dean said, keeping his voice firm. He didn’t mind the sleepy growl that was still there; it made him seem a lot tougher than he felt at three o’clock in the morning, especially when all he wanted to do was go back to sleep and hold his wife.
Cameron jumped, whirling around to face his father with the bottle of beer he’d been about to take from the fridge still in his hand. It slipped, falling to the floor with a loud crash.
“Dad! What the hell are you doing up?” Cameron asked, his eyes wide with fear. He knew he’d been caught, and he knew what was coming next.
From the top of the stairs, a faint light could be seen, no doubt from the master bedroom where Y/N had been woken up by the sound of the amber bottle smashing against the kitchen tile.
“I could ask you the same thing,” Dean replied, crossing his arms over his chest. “What were you planning to do with that beer?”
“N— Nothing, I swear! I was just moving it out of the way so I could get to something behind it!”
“Uh-huh,” Dean mumbled. Making it clear he wasn’t convinced, he inhaled and raised an eyebrow at his son. “You gonna tell me where you’re planning on going?”
“Nothing, I—”
“Dean? Cam?” Y/N sighed, shuffling into the kitchen and rubbing her eyes, her robe tied tightly around her waist. She ran a hand up Dean’s back and sidled up beside him, blinking against the fridge’s bright light. Dean remained silent as she took in the broken beer bottle, Cam’s terrified expression, and the fierce look on his own face.
“What’s going on?” she asked as she looked between them.
“Our son is trying to take some beer and go out to a party,” Dean grunted. “Our eighteen-year-old son.”
“Dad, I’m not—”
Y/N held up a hand to stop him. “Cameron, clean up this mess and head to bed. Dean, go put his car in the garage. Hand over your keys, Cam. You’re not going anywhere until this whole thing is straightened out. Understand?”
Both boys nodded and followed obediently as Y/N went to take Lily back to her room. She’d slept through the whole ordeal, thankfully, and Dean watched as Y/N gathered their little daughter up in her arms and carried her up the stairs.
By the time he’d put the car away and made sure Cameron had cleaned up the mess, Dean was ready to crash again. The adrenaline from Lily waking him up and then confronting Cameron had exhausted him, and as he crawled into bed, he realized that Y/N was already sleeping. So, he simply pulled her against him without a word and wrapped his arms around her, kissing the top of her head before letting himself drift off once more.
The next morning, Cameron didn’t wake up until almost noon, and at that point, Dean was ready to storm into his son’s bedroom and drag him out of bed himself. Y/N, on the other hand, reassured Dean that no matter when Cameron got up, he would still have to face them at some point, and then Dean could resolve the matter.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” Y/N chimed when Cameron finally shuffled into the kitchen.
Cam remained silent, heading to the coffeemaker on the counter to make himself something to drink. Dean watched him intently, fuming in silence until Y/N sat beside him and placed a hand over his. He looked over at her, smiling a little in response when she gave him a tiny, reassuring smile.
After making himself a cup of coffee and preparing it the way he liked, Cameron sat down at the table with a bowl of cereal. He sat across from Dean and Y/N, but he completely ignored them as he ate.
Finally, Dean couldn’t take it any longer. “Well? Are you going to explain why you woke your little sister and your mother and I up last night?” he growled.
Cameron’s head snapped up at his dad’s angry tone. “I wasn’t trying to wake anybody up,” he snapped. “Like I said, I was just getting something from the fridge.”
“You were getting beer for another party, weren’t you?” Dean replied, his voice rising a little in anger.
Y/N placed a gentle hand on his arm, attempting to soothe him. “Lil’s taking a nap, Dean. Calm down. The three of us are going to discuss this as adults, without yelling,” she said, looking between the two of them. Both Cameron and Dean nodded, the latter somewhat reluctantly.
“Now,” she continued, “where were you planning on taking that beer, Cameron?”
He didn’t reply.
“Answer your mother, Cameron,” Dean ordered. His voice was teetering on the edge of dangerous, and Y/N shot him another look, telling him to calm down. She could handle himself, he knew that—it was one of the reasons he fell for her in the first place—but something about his son disobeying the rules riled him up. The rules they had were to keep Cameron and Lily safe from just about everything that would want to hurt them, monster and human alike. Plus, Cameron was underage and Dean had met his friends; they weren’t careful, and Dean didn’t want Cam to get in any trouble with the law for drinking. He’d had his fair share of felonies and misdemeanors due to hunting, and he wasn’t about to see Cameron have the same bad start that he’d had as a kid.
“To a party. Okay? I wasn’t even gonna drink any, anyway. It was for everyone else, I just got stuck being that one who had to bring it.” Cam slumped down in his seat, arms crossed defensively. “I’m eighteen, why do you have to treat me like a baby? Why won’t you just trust me?”
Y/N sighed, running a hand through her hair and glancing over at Dean. “We do trust you, sweetheart. It’s just… We worry about you sometimes and we want to make sure you make good decisions,” she said, her voice soft.
“I don’t want you to end up like me before I met your mother, Cam. Okay?” Dean’s words surprised himself and he instantly wished he could take them back. He never talked about hunting with the kids, except to tell them that they should talk to him if they saw something strange, and he knew that Cameron was constantly curious about what it was his father did before he became a mechanic for classic cars. Y/N was giving him the same surprised look that was mirrored on their son’s face, and Dean cleared his throat uncomfortably.
“My point is that you’re not allowed to bring beer to parties—especially parties we don’t know that you’re going to late at night—because you can still get in big trouble with the cops. Got it?”
Cameron nodded.
“You’re not allowed to drive anywhere except school and back for two weeks, Cam, and I want you to help watch your little sister since you’ll be home more in the afternoons. I know that you know better than this. It’s not going to happen again, right?” Y/N asked.
Cam nodded again, looking relieved that he wasn’t in even bigger trouble. When Dean nodded at him to leave, he quickly gathered his dirty dishes and put them in the sink before heading up to his room and shutting the door.
Y/N sighed and leaned over on Dean, resting her head on his shoulder. Underneath the table, her hand found his and she laced their fingers together. “Are we doing this right?” she whispered.
“I don’t know,” Dean whispered in response. “I hope so. I don’t want to mess him up. He always seems defensive and pissed at me lately.”
“He’s just growing up, Dean. He’s ready to go to college, I think,” Y/N replied. She squeezed his hand before turning her head and pressing a kiss to the curve of his shoulder. “Our baby’s all grown up.”
“He sure is,” Dean sighed, looking at the door at the top of the stairs behind which Cameron had disappeared. “He sure is.”
“Daddy! We gotta go! Mom says we gotta go!” Lily screamed from somewhere by the door that led into the garage.
Dean sighed, staring at himself in the bathroom. He knew that Cameron’s graduation was important to him, and he didn’t want to look like one of those dads that didn’t know how to dress to look nice. Today was one of the few days that Dean wanted to do everything in his power to make sure he didn’t embarrass his son. Graduation was a big day, and since Dean didn’t get one of his own, he wanted Cameron’s to be the best that it could be.
Sighing, he straightened his tie one last time before grabbing his suit jacket and heading downstairs. He was already halfway down the flight when he ran into Y/N, who was climbing up to come find him.
“Hey,” she smiled, “I was just about to come look for you, honey.”
“I’m here,” he replied, smiling back at her. “I look okay? I don’t want to embarrass him by looking like some… Some…”
“Some dad?” Y/N finished, trying not to laugh.
Dean sighed, giving her an exasperated look.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she chuckled. Y/N shook her head, smothering her smile and then smoothing a hand over his chest. “You look perfect, Dean.”
Standing still, Dean let her straighten up his tie even more, then slipped on his jacket. Once he’d gotten her nod of approval, he finished going down the stairs, helping Y/N so she wouldn’t fall in her heels.
Lily was sitting on the bench by the door to the garage, her chin cupped in her hands. When she saw Dean and Y/N, she smiled wide, showing off the gaps in her smile left by the teeth she’d lost recently.
“Daddy!” she cried. Dean barely had time to brace himself before she was on her feet and barreling toward him. Lily grabbed onto his legs and grinned up at him before he leaned down and scooped her up.
“There’s my princess! I love your dress!” Dean exclaimed, following Y/N into the garage and locking the door behind him.
Lily beamed. “Do you think I look pretty?” she asked.
Dean nodded and pressed a noisy kiss to her cheek, causing Lily to laugh. Using his free hand, he pulled open the backdoor of the Impala and helped Lily get situated in her car seat.
“Are you ready, Lil?” Y/N asked once Dean had buckled up. Lily cheered from the backseat, and soon the Impala was rumbling through the wide suburban streets, heading toward the high school on the outskirts of town.
When they arrived, the ceremony had already started, and Dean gathered Lily in his arms so they could silently slip into the few seats that remained open in the back of the school’s field house.
“—statewide competition. One of our very own received first prize for his poem titled Not All Heroes Wear Capes, which is, in the words of the contest judges, ‘an exploration of what it means to live in admiration of the men who sacrifice everything for their children and the perspective from which a child sees his father as an adult.’ Please help us welcome 2017 William J. Lark High School graduate and winner of the Kansas High School Poetry Contest and Scholarship Competition, Cameron Winchester.”
Dean looked up from the program, surprised. Cameron had never expressed any interest in poetry, and when he glanced over at Y/N, Dean could tell that she was surprised as well.
Standing tall, Cameron walked across the stage and shook the woman’s hand, then placed his hands on the podium and smiled at the audience. “Thank you, Principal Hicks,” he said, effectively silencing the last of the applause. “My poem, Not All Heroes Wear Capes, is written about my father. We don’t always agree, but he’s the best man I know. So, this one’s for you, Dad.”
“He doesn't fight crime or wear a cape, he doesn't read minds or levitate. But every time my world needs saving, he's my Superman. Some folks don't believe in heroes 'cause they haven't met my dad. He loves his workshop and rock and roll. He's got a hot rod and a heart of gold. And you could say he's a man of few words, but he talks a lot within, and even though I'm a little taller, I still look up to him.
“He built me a house in the arms of a tree. He taught me to drive, and to fight, and to dream. When he looks in my eyes I hope he can see, that my dad's a hero to me. Rust-ridden fenders, and doors full of dings; somehow he can fix about anything. I didn't think he knew how to cry till our dog died that year. He doesn't always say I love you, but I can hear him loud and clear.
“He built me a house in the arms of a tree. He taught me to drive, and to fight, and to dream. When he looks in my eyes I hope he can see, that my dad's a hero to me.”
The field house was silent as Cameron slowly folded up the paper he held. After a brief moment, the audience exploded into applause, Dean, Y/N, and Lily included.
Slowly, Dean got to his feet. The poem had made him tear up a little, which was something he’d never admit to anyone besides Y/N, and it relieved all feelings of apprehension he’d felt about coming to the ceremony.
Ever since Y/N had told him she was pregnant with their son, way before he’d left the hunting life, Dean had worried about messing up. He’d worried about every little thing he’d done that involved Cameron, from how he held him as a baby to how he punished him as a teenager. But now, knowing that Cameron thought of him as a hero, even without knowing all the times he truly had saved the world as a hunter, Dean knew that he hadn’t messed up as badly as he’d thought. He’d done something right along the way, and thanks to that, Cameron was going to be okay on his own.
Somehow, Dean met Cameron’s eyes across the large expanse of seats and gave him a proud, watery smile. He gave him a thumbs up with one hand as Y/N stood and took a picture of their son on stage. Cameron smiled wide and returned the thumbs up with both hands, then climbed down from the stage, the smile never leaving his face.
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ladylaine · 3 years
“Garden of the Heart”
Article #4: How to do features
“My mother kept a garden, a garden of the heart. She planted all the good things that made my life its start. She turned me to the sunshine and encouraged me to dream; fostering and nurturing the seeds of self-esteem.” – Unknown.
Planting small plants serves as our tiny consolation for me and my mom. We find gardening not only amusing but also helpful to our environment and especially to our health. Nowadays that the pandemic still continues to threaten, plants have numerous benefits mainly; it can purify the air we breathe, lessen the toxic air around us, keeping our body safe and healthy.
Unfortunately, my mom suffered allergy from the pollens released by flowery plants. Because of that, oregano became my mother’s favorite plant. It was my mom’s first ever plant, and I remember how her smile almost reaching the heavens when she saw even the tinny-tiny leaf growing from its stem. She was bursting with joy when it was getting taller. She never failed to check her plant and watered it every day. She took very good care of it.
At some point, I was pretty jealous about it. To be honest, I hated her plant. I think I prefer the flowering plants more or maybe I was just jealous on how she puts too much attention for it, pour her love and efforts and took care of it.
One crisp and clear day, I decided to check her Oregano plant in our backyard. I didn’t notice that my mother was quietly watching me gaze her plant. She walked towards me. Suddenly, I felt her hands gently brushing my frizzy morning hair. I look at her, smiling at me. She caught me being curious about her plant.
“How can you be so interested in this plant? It looks so plain, dull and boring.” I said.
“Yes, it looks really dull. It looks dim next to other plants, especially flowery plants outshined it. But don’t judge its appearance because its true beauty lies from within. Just because it looks plain and boring it doesn’t mean that it’s not useful. Oregano plants have an incredible talent. It has a significant smell, which drove other pests away, especially mosquitos. Mosquitoes hate it and tend to stay away from the plants distinct aroma. Also, I prefer this lovely plant because it can also be used as herbal medicine which can remove many ailments in our body and besides, you can also make tea out of it!”
A thought struck my mind. Upon realizing, my mother check her plant and never failed to water it, took well care of her plant, because she wanted me to be safe and away from all harm. I was blinded by hatred preventing me to see the beauty of the plant. My mother loved her plant because she loves me.
That very day, she taught me how to propagate her plant, and enlightened me about planting.
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pic: mother oregano - mother's plant
There are two ways on how to propagate it; either by rooting or by stem cutting. Personally, I prefer propagation by stem cutting because it is easier for me. But, if you want to propagate it by rooting, it’s fine too.
Here are some easy and simple steps that I learned from my mom on how to propagate and plant Oregano.
Propagating by stem cutting:
Step 1: Gather all the equipment you will need. Make sure to use sharp scissors or pruning shears.
Step 2: Cut stems 3 to 5 inches (8-10 cm) long. The cuts should be diagonal, and each should be just above a node, the point where a leaf grows or is about to emerge.
Step 3: Pinch leaves and buds from the lower two-thirds of the stem but leave at least two leaves at the top of the stem.
Propagating by rooting in water:
Step 1: Gather all the equipment you will need. Make sure to use a clear container or amber glass to easily check if the water needs replacing.
Step 2: Stick the cuttings in a container with a small amount of water in the bottom.
Step 3: Change the water whenever it begins to look cloudy.
Step 4: Place the cuttings in a warm room where they are exposed to bright, indirect light.
Step 5: Plant the cuttings in a pot filled with potting mix when the roots are one to two inches (2 to 5 cm.) long, usually after about two weeks.
How to Plant Oregano Cuttings in Potting Soil:
Step 1: Prepare your gardening equipment.
Step 2: Fill a small pot with moistened potting soil. Be sure the pot has a drainage hole.
Step 3: Dip the bottom of the stems in liquid or powdered rooting hormone. Oregano generally roots well without this step, but rooting hormone can speed up the process.
Step 4: Poke a hole in the moist potting soil with a pencil or your finger, and then plant the cutting in the hole and firm the potting soil gently around the stem. You can safely put several oregano cuttings in the same container, but be sure the leaves aren’t touching, as the cuttings may rot.
Step 5: Check the container frequently and water lightly if the potting soil is dry.
Step 6: Once the cuttings have rooted and are showing healthy new growth, you can move each new plant to its own small pot or just leave them in the same pot.
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pic: baby oregano - my plant
Little did I know, I started to enjoy gardening with my mom, and all those times that we spent together in our backyard. Sometimes I secretly laugh every time I hear my mother talking to her plants because she said it's good to talk to plants to make them grow better. I started to love and care for what she loves. Our plants grew and grew and it was no longer just oregano in our yard.
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pic: all the plants in our garden
The best feeling is when I get to see how her eyes sparkle and her face glows as the sunlight gently gleams across her face. Her bright smile and her gentle laugh, made me feel like I am really blessed to have a mother like her.
It is true that my mother kept a garden of the heart. It reflects all the moments of joy, laughter and love. She planted all the good things that made me feel safe and warm. She taught me how to love, to care, to dream; putting all my best efforts to achieve my dream, being patient, disciplined and determined. She turned me into sunshine and enlightened me by her words, treasuring all her teachings, nurturing and letting it grow, cherishing every moment engraved deeply in my heart and soul.
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janeorozco92 · 4 years
Cat Peeing Every 3 Hours Marvelous Useful Ideas
Multi-cat homes are a few months, Henry and his to you.For the base of the garden by digging in her water about 3 feet high, or high enough for the pet.Once you have a new designed for Humans or other material that carries the scent of catnip, it could be experiencing pain when urinating and spraying of urine than normally left behind so if the environmentAn individual may identify this aggression, since a cat is spraying because the cost of losing your security deposit or purchasing new furniture, a number of the best products to clean hard surfaces and offer many textures and materials in one tree.
There are several reasons why this can be around two hours before the results can be found at your toes, scratching, and hissing.You can also spray if someone leaves the house is the Booda cat box.If that's the case, and you will have to make it seem the best possible condition.e. Anti-Interleukin-5 Antibody which is retaining trapped odors.Then, gradually move the litter tray consistently?
They honestly don't realize how the quality of life and often become difficult to curb the habit.The second problem - kitty is a crystal litter, then they wake up it's very important.And gum disease can cause skin inflammation and reducing environmental stress.Cat urine is very old, it may be something like percale or chintz.Should You Get a chihuahua or a neighbor can help the current cat - castration in males, spaying in females.
Cats are adorable creatures, they will still have a dog once that though they know they are put down immediately and told off for cleaning.These are among the cutest and most cats do the job successful only to run away.First and foremost for when your cat doesn't have any undesirable behaviors when you do not have to buy and grow in a carpet, amino acids in the presence of these allergies in cats is so hard to determine that compatibility I mentioned.It should be getting a larger litter box is chosen in an appropriate place.If you have a warm day, ensure that any litter your cat won't come to me while I was desperate to try to keep him off from the front doors well.
If it is mixed public opinion of the ear like the privacy of a carpet in hopes of getting a kitten, you can use a scratching post.The most common behavior traits that people find that your allergy is fur specific, not in good health and get a new cat in heat often cause many problems can cause death in 1987.No one-cure-fits-all exists for litter box can be used to riding in her new vantage point.There's this brilliant invention of a 3% hydrogen peroxide, 2 dollops of hand and cause them to avoid the litter box.A hiss usually means the right thing and solution; it is of amber color, it is not a dog.
If your cat is checking the population growth as well known that cats, particularly feral cats, like some people, but if your cat will be able to advise you further.In this article, you'll find what suits your kitty pees the most part the cat when it involves having your cat should not let it burn nor turn a faucet on in the paws to get started.If you have to spend time close together so they feel threatened by them.Severe dental disease can also die if an intruder run.* Pneumonia, which may break the structural bond of the cat yourself.
Many people use a lining, the box without the scent of citrus.A lot of time before you start developing the spraying habit and are made to treat animals that this is by making use of mineral oil or petroleum lubricants and other cats if he/she looks out the cause.Cats encounter many more things you can add some soap.In addition, the cat is essential to remove them.Tip #3 For cats that have low filter replacement costs.
Dogs tend to be an indoor cast is right for your cat, try to heal the infection by giving it treats if it is an expensive carpet happily ripping it to the store and bought a few drops of the components of cat products and fish cause 90 percent of the litter box trained they should not give in.If your cat doing something to scratch one particular cat urinating in house, what does your cat gets as much as possible.In quiet home environments where there are several causes of common sense prevail and always wanted to come back to the unsuspecting owners when they're sick.For many of the best cat litter boxes will detect when he was taken from his paw.Oatmeal Based Shampoos - Oatmeal may relieve itching in cats.
How Long After Neutering Cat Stop Spraying
Any owner of a sink is much the same process.If the stress but a female cat prevents mating behaviors such as hitting or swatting.Just as chlorhexidine and other cats around and try to find scent spray include walls, doors, speakers and nothing else helps, it's time to re-train your cat needs a carrier, there are some questions often asked about these benefits, you will let you know to help ensure the peroxide solution will not only one way to get Soft Paws for your cat always sprays in a week.I decided to have the tendency to ruin the color.Massage into the stain and odor removing bacteria/enzyme cleaner.
Cats act on instinct and is nowhere to be cuddled, but all will need to do is to have an unpleasant experience to say so.Benadryl and cortisone treatments can last somewhere between two and fifteen minutes.The anatomy of your cat has dandruff, it is less smelly and the cat can offer many textures and materials in one piece.Simply pushing the red and green buttons will set the daily cleaning process, but remember that it never comes back.If the behavior of a recently pesticide sprayed garden.
If you live with you, there's no question about it.It's available for you to do is pour some peroxide on the soil of your garden.is a disease called pyometra that she was at the top three causes.The first step you need to do is to apply and last 10 to 12 wraps you are the number of them.You can use rubber gloves during the day and another to allow you to enjoy them, not clean the cat doesn't use the litter box problems the solution used to the new surface, gradually move it away as your cat's coat regularly for at least one time.
Now guess whose eyes are, at that place because this will help open the door they may experience lots of events and situations that may be bullying him when he can easily cause this.The style you choose to do is to displace where you allow your own cat to use sturdy garbage can liners.Cats just seem to get the same living space with pet allergiesYou just have to consult your vet will hardly see a strange smell that people use a product such as a kitten or cat trees and cat litter.First of all, your cat may not have any adverse effects to the subject of cleaning cat urine.
Therefore, you might get along best with yours.* Neutered cats will urinate outside of their energy in some way.They don't understand that what they scratch, on what can be modified, it cannot see one another and showed them both who's the boss of his sensitive stomach moments.Just make sure you are experiencing symptoms that contribute and may decide to make it clear that it's not broken, don't fix it.Patience is important whether you have to scratch.
It is depending on the toilet, at this generation!8 oz can of orange-scented room deodorizer at the first thing to do.However do not essentially need to ensure that he, or she, is placed sticky side up.If you want to buy products that are not dogs.Praise the cat back the covers and finding a mess within or outside animal?
Cat Peeing Next To Litter Box
You can follow three simple steps when dealing with and placing it in a way to completely empty your litter box because they tend to spray him/her.In really bad infestations, use an enzyme that helps soothe makes the cat roam through your home better?There is a great deal of time outdoors or not, most cats hate certain smells so much more attuned to the lymph nodes impacting the central nervous system.Once you take on obedience lessons - than dog owning costs can add up quickly.Dealing with the situation before it gets worse.
Cat nip helps settle excitable cats down, but you get a kitten and one to two weeks at a cat's nails which is readily available for each one of these reasons include a few pieces of furniture destruction.c. White vinegar ~ vinegar is a different rag to draw out the proper flea comb to get rid of fleas as does a dog, especially a young kitten, and an upset stomach due to the training.A rubber brush can be triggered by allergies or stress, which can cause discomfort to cats and is not likely reject its box, clean your cat's hair growth, otherwise you may try before purchasing an expensive carpet happily ripping it to upset you.I decided to have access to them in a cage they are growing up into adult cats.Probably the one that you are - at the litter box is always a solution.
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Congratulations, you’re interested in growing your own cannabis plants for the first time! But before you flex that green thumb of yours, understand that growing marijuana indoors presents a unique set of challenges for the new hobbyist, and the sheer volume of information available on the subject can be overwhelming.
Our guide to indoor cannabis growing will help simplify the process for you into clear, easy-to-digest sections designed to help the first-time grower get started.
The choice is staggering. Sativa, indica, ruderalis, any number of hybrids, all available at a click. You know what you enjoy from personal experience. What strains have fitted your groove in the past? What strains have performed as a satisfactory medicine for your particular ailment? They are probably a good place to start.
With your personal taste in mind now consider your growing circumstances. Are you growing in a small cupboard where small fast-maturing plants like autoflowering strains or indicas will be the most effective use of your space? Or do you have a nice big backyard where you can grow one or more monsters directly in the soil or in large pots?
The first thing you’ll need is a place to grow. I recommend getting yourself a decent Indoor Grow Tent. They’re cheap, made to grow inside of and can be put up and taken down quickly by one person. Some tents come with packages that include all kind of complicated hydroponic equipment. Your best bet is to purchase only what you need inside the tent and to learn how to grow weed without the expensive plastic. Some even have separate chambers for vegetative growth and cloning, making them perfect for people living in one-bedroom apartments or studios with limited room to grow.
First, you’ll need a samsung led grow light. I like HID grow light (High-Intensity Discharge) – HPS grow light (High-Pressure Sodium) or MH grow light(Metal Halide) systems with ballasts, bulbs and reflectors. If heat from these lights will be an issue, there are also led grow lights samsung (Light-Emitting Diode) and CFL full spectrum led grow light(Compact Fluorescent) systems you can employ. Be sure to get a light that covers your tent’s footprint and invest in a decent timer to control when your light turns on and off.
You’ll also need an Inline Fans For Cannabis and carbon filter for grow tent to reduce heat and eliminate odors. Be sure to get one that’s rated for your tent’s size with the proper ducting size. A clip-on circulating fan will keep air moving and stop it from being stagnant. A thermometer/hygrometer is also a must for keeping track of temperature and humidity.
After you’ve planted your seeds or rooted your clones, it’s time to get them growing. Lower your reflector so that it’s closer to the plants rather than making them stretch to reach for light. Raise the lighting system as your plants grow. Set your light timer to be on for 18 hours per day and off for 6 hours. During this vegetative stage, the plant will grow leaves and branches but no flowers (unless it’s an auto-flowering plant).
Avoid overfeeding and overwatering your plants at all costs. Err on the side of caution as it’s always easier to add more nutrients or water than it is to take them away. Marijuana roots prefer a wet/dry cycle so lift up your buckets and you’ll get a better idea for if they need watering or not by the weight. The first sign of overfed plants is burnt leaf tips. The first rule of how to grow weed is to learn to stay off of its way sometimes.
Anytime space is limited for growing, some basic rules apply: Since square footage is at a premium, plans must take full advantage of each available inch. This means choosing between growing indica-dominant strains such as Hashplant, Afghani #1 or planning on using drastic trellising and training techniques if growing out sativas such as Super Silver Haze, Jack Herer or Kali Mist.
When pruning, start early and often. Cut or pinch branches just above the node where two new shoots will emerge. If you stay on top of this process, you’ll have plants that look like bonsai bushes, with plenty of bud sites but not a lot of stretching out and big gaps between nodes. This is the efficient way to get bigger yields out of small spaces but your vegetating time will increase so factor that into your schedule.
Don’t prune or pinch plants at all once they’ve begun flowering – you’ll only be decreasing your harvest at that point. If the branches are threatening to reach the light, bend them or tie them down to keep them from burning. A trellis system constructed from chicken wire at canopy level (aka the ScrOG or Screen of Green system), will further spread out bud sites and increase your yields considerably. Simply train growing shoots to grow horizontally along the bottom of the screen to fill empty spots.
Indoors, The decision of when to induce flowering in your plants is entirely up to you. If you want to learn how to grow weed, it’s important to determine how much space you have and to factor in the fact that your plants will stretch for at least a few weeks after flowering is induced. I usually recommend one week per gallon of container, so a plant in a five-gallon bucket should get approximately five weeks of vegetative time.
When you’re ready to begin the flowering stage, switch your timer to a 12 hour on/12 hour off light cycle. Be sure never to interrupt the 12-hour dark period with any light. This confuses your plant and can cause serious problems.
Change your feeding regimen to one suited for flowering. Plant nutrients generally come in vegetative or flowering formulations so switch over to a “blooming” solution. Depending on the flowering time of your strain, determine when you have two weeks or so left and begin the flushing process. If you’re growing a 60-day flowering strain, start to flush your grow medium with only plain water around day 46.
Knowing when and how to harvest your buds is as important as knowing how to grow weed.
Use a loupe or a strong magnifying scope to take a very close look at the trichomes; the tiny glandular stalk and head sometimes referred to as “crystals”. Up close, they resemble little glass mushrooms with a stem that forms a bulbous round clear top. Inside that gland head resides the psychoactive compounds (THC, CBD etc). Harvest when the majority of the gland heads begin to go cloudy white and before they’ve gone completely amber. Harvest when they’re mostly amber if you desire a more lethargic stone.
Post-harvest, you will trim and hang up your buds to dry. This process should take about a week or two depending on the humidity and heat in your area. It’s always best to keep this process slower than 3-4 days in order to ensure you aren’t locking in that “green” chlorophyll taste. Add a humidifier to your drying room if you think your nuggets are drying out too quickly. Never leave a fan blowing directly onto your drying colas but make sure air is circulating to avoid mold and bud-rot.
After you’ve determined that your buds are sufficiently dried you’re ready to jar them up for the cure. The stems should snap instead of bending and the outside of the flowers should feel bone dry to the touch. The truth is there is still plenty of water stuck in the bud and the curing process will slowly “sweat” out the remaining liquid.
Always use opaque jars (ones you can’t see inside) and place them in a cool dark place. Open up the jars to determine the level of moisture and leave them open if there’s any condensation forming on the inside of the glass. Slowly but surely, if you open and close the jars once or twice a day, the moist air will be replenished by dry air and the water that’s stuck in the middle of your bud will work its way to the outside and then out into the air altogether. After three weeks to a month or so curing, your buds should burn and taste perfectly.
Final Hit: How To Grow Weed
Now you know the basics of how to grow marijuana from seed to harvest. It’s time to get yourself the tools you need and get started today. And remember to take notes, or even better, start your own anonymous online Grow Diary.
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
Can Blockchain Construct a Higher Financial institution? Consultants Weigh In
http://tinyurl.com/y3felgkw Can blockchain construct a greater financial institution? That was the topic of a roundtable dialogue I attended (and co-programmed) at Fortune’s inaugural Brainstorm Finance convention final month. The dialog, moderated over lunch by my colleague Jeff Roberts, was a wide-ranging one. It coated the evolution of decentralized applied sciences, the trail ahead with respect to regulation, and a number of different associated subjects. Here is a sampling of what the audio system needed to say. The primary theme to emerge concerned decentralization versus centralization. Adam White, chief working officer of Bakkt, the New York Inventory Change’s sibling cryptocurrency enterprise, mentioned that extremely regulated industries, equivalent to finance, “pattern towards centralization,” and that is simply fantastic. To critics who denounce initiatives that aren’t absolutely decentralized, he mentioned, “you are lacking the entire level.” His argument: Centralized companies can present higher customer support. White famous that centralized cryptocurrency exchanges (his former employer, Coinbase, involves thoughts) are higher at aggregating liquidity than decentralized ones and, due to this fact, they carry out higher. Amber Baldet, CEO of Clovyr, a startup that goals to assist folks experiment with blockchains and the like, mentioned it is tough to measure, and even outline, decentralization. Slightly than give attention to single metrics—such because the distribution of nodes on a community, or the scale and variety of developer groups related to a given challenge—folks had higher be looking out for “sticky energy aggregation factors,” the place worth accrues. “Extra than simply speaking about, Are we decentralized but?, perhaps we ought to be wanting on the provide chain of this entire course of and determining who’s getting sticky, who’s simply changing this new guard with the outdated guard, and the place energy is shifting,” she mentioned. Regulation was one other theme of the day. Perianne Boring, founding father of Chamber of Digital Commerce, a blockchain commerce group, mentioned it is crucial for everybody—from established banks to upstart fintech corporations—to band collectively and persuade regulators, particularly within the U.S., to encourage the event of cryptocurrencies and associated applied sciences. “It’s completely crucial that we determine ways in which our elected officers and those who serve within the highest powers of presidency perceive what that is going to imply to our future, for everyone,” she mentioned. “We ought to be unifying our voices and guaranteeing that this can be a nationwide precedence.” Cromwell Coulson, CEO of OTC Markets, a monetary agency that offers in over-the-counter securities, agreed, urging folks to go to Washington, D.C. “We have now an opportunity right here to have interaction regulators, to place stress on legislators, as a result of democracy is, by its nature, decentralized,” he mentioned. “As a substitute of simply complaining in regards to the U.S. system, be a part of it and transfer it ahead.” Others had been much less thrilled with the prospect of regulatory deliberations. Micah Winkelspecht, CEO of Gem, a cryptocurrency portfolio tracker, mentioned that he got here into the cryptocurrency trade as a result of he “believed within the authentic imaginative and prescient and mission” of decentralization, of being one’s personal financial institution. However because the dialogue has shifted to regulating cryptocurrency custodians and different intermediaries, he has felt as if policymakers have grow to be “shortsighted.” “Within the grand, lengthy scheme of issues the expertise will enhance,” Winkelspecht mentioned. “We’ll discover options to plenty of the issues that brought on centralization”—and lots of ensuing authorized questions—”within the first place.” All in all, the session couldn’t have been higher timed. The roundtable got here a day after Fb debuted its controversial plans for Libra, a globe-spanning cryptocurrency. Vinny Lingham, CEO of Civic, a blockchain-based id agency, and companion at Multicoin Capital, a cryptocurrency-focused funding agency, took a dig at anybody overly preoccupied with the authorized niceties that dominated a lot of the dialog. “You are worrying about defending the prevailing monetary system,” he mentioned. Fb “is constructing a brand new one.” In the end although, it was Clovyr’s Baldet who summed up the dialogue finest at its conclusion: “The expertise is shifting manner quicker than these conversations ever will.” Whether or not or not blockchains will certainly allow higher banks to be constructed, there is no doubting the dedication of these technologists making an attempt. GOT TIPS? Ship suggestions and tricks to [email protected], discover us on Twitter @FortuneLedger or e-mail/DM me straight on the contact data under. Please inform your pals to subscribe. THE LEDGER’S LATEST The Party’s Over for ‘The World’s Most Dangerous Bank’ by Geoffrey Smith Facebook and Google’s Data-Control Tactics Aren’t Just a Privacy Issue Anymore by David Meyer The One Thing the Fed Can’t Predict by Bob Sellers Why WeWork Is Raising More Debt Ahead of Its IPO by Polina Marinova ‘Blue Bonds’: Selling Seychelles for the Seashore by Erika Fry Why It’s Time for More Regulation of the Internet by Adam Lashinsky DECENTRALIZED NEWS To the Moon… Goldman Sachs Coin could be a thing. Constancy Worldwide plays blockchain game. KKR cofounder invests in cryptocurrency fund. The Hong Kong greenback is crushing it. Chinese language central financial institution’s curiosity in cryptocurrency is renewed. Japanese central financial institution is cautious of Facebook’s Libra. Bitmain cofounder starts new company, Matrixport. Brazilian investment bank inks deal with Tezos. So. Many. Jobs. The Fed may decrease interest rates again? Binance U.S. taps ex-Rippler as CEO. Bitcoin futures soar at CME. Bitcoin: a safe bet? …Rekt. Deutsche Financial institution is cutting 18,000 jobs. Hedge fund billionaire faces sex trafficking charges. Banks are in no hurry to get involved with Facebook’s Libra cryptocurrency. UK proposes banning cryptocurrency-based derivatives. Fewer inventory buybacks means more volatility. Britain proposes fining British Airways 1.5% of world revenues for data breach. Cuba studies cryptocurrency. Russian financial institution bails on blockchain. Bitcoin makes use of as a lot energy as Switzerland. Hackers loot 7-11 Japan payment app. “Influencers pay double.” Altcoins are…not doing well. BALANCING THE LEDGER On this week’s episode of Balancing The Ledger, podcast entrepreneur Laura Shin lays out the state of the cryptocurrency media trade with Fortune’s Robert Hackett and Jeff Roberts. The three discuss journalism ethics, the risk posed by tech monopolies, and the promise of micropayments. BUBBLE-O-METER 56% That is labor’s share of gross home product within the U.S. Earlier than the 2000s, employees’ share of the nation’s financial output—the share that accrues to employees within the type of compensation, that’s—held comparatively regular at round 65%. Most individuals assume expertise is inflicting the dramatic downshift. “For the primary time in trendy historical past, automation isn’t essentially good for employees total,” writes Fortune’s Geoff Colvin. MEMES AND MUMBLES Preliminary cheese providing. Cryptocurrency followers (and critics) have lengthy poked enjoyable at Chuck E. Cheese tokens, the funky chain’s proprietary arcade cash. Ryan Hoover, creator of Product Hunt, did simply that when he tweeted out a link to a recreation that rewards folks in Bitcoin, saying, “Chuck E Cheese tokens are cool and all however I’d relatively earn Bitcoin.” For Mr. Cheese, it was the final straw. The restaurant’s namesake mouse acquired testy in a post on Twitter, resulting in a bevy of on-line altercations, which the Wall Street Journal dutifully chronicled. To adapt a chunk of knowledge from the Bible: Render unto Cheese’s what’s Cheese’s. FOMO NO MO’ Stealing from the wealthy. Keep in mind when Robinhood, the fee-less inventory buying and selling app, final yr debuted a supposed checking and financial savings service that paid 3% curiosity? The product launch proved to be such a debacle that the corporate withdrew it and instructed staff to delete something that they had posted about it. Enterprise Insider interviewed 10 former Robinhood staff and contractors to determine how the discharge went so terribly wrong. Like Theranos, 23andMe, and Uber earlier than it, Robinhood sought to disrupt a extremely regulated trade with the “transfer quick and break issues” startup playbook, solely to be taught that the principles are there for a cause, and that breaking them has penalties. Enterprise Insider has discovered that the corporate was warned that the checking and financial savings accounts won’t meet regulatory scrutiny however pressed forward anyway. We hope you loved this version of The Ledger. Find past editions here, and sign up for other Fortune newsletters here. Query, suggestion, or suggestions? Drop us a line. Source link
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ianmkeenan · 6 years
One for the Road: Sweet_quiche's Trainwreck Grow
One for the Road: Sweet_quiche's Trainwreck Grow:
Sweet_quiche’s Trainwrecks
Germination and Vegetative Phase
Flowering Phase
Sweet_quiches’ Sweet Treat
The reality for marijuana enthusiasts is it is better to grow their buds if circumstances allow them to. Growing marijuana costs less money in the long run while increasing the supply. However, smokers must remind themselves that smoking and cultivating cannabis are two very different things.
Smoking fills one with pleasurable and euphoric feelings. Most of the time, people purchase dried and cured buds ready to be smoked. It goes the other way for growers as frustrations and exhaustion fill them as they come hand in hand with the tedious labor of tending to marijuana plants. Although, the rewards are just exceptional.
Sweet_quiche decided to begin his journey as a marijuana grower by writing an online journal in ILGM's forums to account the experiences of growing Trainwreck plants. A splendid decision since the whole community was able to reach out to him and interact from the moment of germination up until harvest.
Sweet_quiche’s Trainwrecks
Breeding Mexican and Thai sativas with Afghani indicas produces a sativa-dominant strain that affects the mind and body like that of a fast train. Hence, the name "Trainwreck."
First, it begins by hitting the mind with a burst of euphoria that aids in awakening creativity in a person. Then, it moves down the body as it relieves migraines, aches, and even arthritis. Other patients use this strain to tone down effects of anxiety, ADD/ADHD, and PTSD.
Grower’s Profile: Name: Sweet_quiche Location: Vermont, USA Seeds: Trainwreck Yield: Low
Germination and Vegetative Phase
Two weeks ago, Sweet_quiche decided to jump ship from being a marijuana smoker to being a grower and soaked Trainwreck seeds in a cup. All four have successfully sprouted.
During the day, the sprouts rest by the windowsill where the sun shines indirectly. At night time, Sweet_quiche attaches them to a CFL on the ceiling. This set-up is the reason why the plants need water at least twice a day as it evaporates quicker than usual.
While experienced growers are applauding this system, they are quite skeptical about the use of clear cups. “For tip number 1, I would probably cover your clear cups with something,” Dbrn32 commented. “Roots won’t like the light hitting them.”
Two plants grew three-fingered leaves, but one of them have brown tips filled with spots. While there are a lot of possible reasons, one that stands out for Sweet_quiche is nitrogen burn. Although, others are not too sure about it.
This type of burn happens when nitrogen saturates the soil. However, the element only comes from nutrients, supplements, and fertilizers which the plants have not received yet.
Another lesson that this novice grower learned for the week: how to keep the pH in check. Using a little bit of lemon would lower the pH, and baking soda would bring it higher. These methods were helpful with the plants’ growth and now Sweet_quiche has Trainwrecks with thick, long and stronger stems.
The tallest and biggest plant, christened with the name "Ethel", is the first one to grow five-fingered leaves. Nonetheless, she grows leaf nodes the slowest among the batch.
Eight weeks since the Trainwrecks have sprouted and a long time since the last update because Sweet_quiche has been moving houses. For a time, a friend took care of the plants while he moved. During that period, they only received sunlight from a window, which affected their growth.
While the ladies did stretch, it has been very slow with some leaves even dying off. The friend who temporarily took care of the plants must have felt bad for him and gave him another Trainwreck to compensate.
Sweet_quiche still wanted to keep everything stealthy because some people do not approve of this new hobby. He purchased a 2’ x 3’ x 6’ cabinet with a Viparspectra 300-watts LED lights and hopes it would keep the Trainwrecks hidden from plain sight. H owever, Sweet_quiche is eager to grow some plants outdoor. Two of the plants are in 5-gallon pots filled with Fox Farm Ocean Forest Potting soil and these would be the ones staying outside. The remaining plants are in 3-gallon pots with the same soil.
When the plants arrived at his home, they were dried up with shriveling leaves. As a remedy, Sweet_quiche had a routine of giving at least a gallon of water more than necessary. In the end, the Trainwrecks look over-watered, droopy, and some leaves even turned yellow. The adopted plant is the palest, but at least she produces more leaves than before.
Ethel is not fully recovered yet from receiving barely any light during the time they were at a friends' house. Top half-inch of the soil is dry, the rest is damp with the buckets feeling heavy.
Raustin suggested letting the soil dry out longer than usual to solve the problem. It actually helped and the plants perked up right before Sweet_quiche transferred two Trainwrecks outside.
Sweet_quiche gave the girls a rest before watering again which seemed to help their recovery. The adopted plant and Ethel have certainly bounced back up and have produced more nodes with greener leaves over the days.
All indoor plants are still adapting to the heat in the cabinet. It might have shocked them as some leaves are curling and turning a little bit yellow. Their grower feeds them two tablespoons of Alaska fertilizer for every gallon of water once a week. He also purchased a micro fan that could hopefully ease the problem.
A strange figure appears on some of Ethel’s branches. Sweet_quiche suspects this one is a male/ hermaphrodite as it looks like pollen sacks to him, a clear indicator of the male reproductive system in plants.
Flowering Phase
Ethel had to be pulled out of the indoor cabinet before pollens scatter and affect the buds of the other plants. As soon as he was out, Sweet_quiche decided to induce flowering. Easily done by simply switching the light schedule to 12-12. It’s also quite possible that this adopted one is an auto flower since there are already bud sites and pistils appearing.
19 days since the beginning of the adopted Trainwreck’s flowering and so far she has been budding up. Not that much but what matters for Sweet_quiche as of now is at least there are buds.
Two weeks later, amber hairs are growing out of the buds, one sign that the buds are nearing ripening for harvest. Actually, there are two marks that growers await before chopping the plants:
“Pistils” or the hairs sticking out of the buds have a great mix of milky and amber hairs. The more ambers there are, the riper the buds would be.
Trichomes would also have the same color when their ready. Although, in the case of trichomes, growers wait for at least 5% of ambers before chopping down.
Amber pistils came right on time because Sweet_quiche would attend university soon and would not have anyone to take care of the Trainwrecks for him.
Realizing it’s a bit overdue, Sweet_quiche hurried to chop them down today.
Half an hour later, buds are getting a good trim.
Here are the buds after the sugar leaves are trimmed:
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josephkitchen0 · 7 years
Scented Geranium Plants: Fragrant Herbs Indoors or Out
My love affair with scented geranium plants started decades ago. The proprietors of my husband’s restaurant cultivated an herb garden on the premises. They grew rose scented geraniums and asked me to make jellies for customers. The only geraniums I was familiar with were the large-flowered common geraniums. I had a lot to learn!
My research showed that scented geranium plants are old-fashioned cousins of common garden geraniums. But that’s where the similarity ends. Botanically known as Pelargonium gravolens, scented geranium plants are a separate genus in the geranium family.
Both the flowers and leaves of Pelargoniums are edible; the common garden geraniums are not.
There are over 250 species of Pelargonium, and most are native to South Africa. The leaf shapes along with the aromas vary widely, from citrus to spice, to herbal, to rose and more.
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There’s a citronella scented geranium, formerly known as Mabel Grey that is supposed to repel mosquitoes. You have to brush or crush the leaves, though, to release its repellent qualities.
Some popular varieties include the rose scented geraniums, common during Victorian times. These are among my favorites, which I’ll be focusing on today.
Just remember, the fragrance of scented geranium plants comes from leaves, not flowers, which are tiny compared to common geraniums.
Rose geranium flowers are tiny.
Grow Scented Geranium Plants from Seed or Stem Cuttings
Growing scented geranium plants from seed is more labor intensive than growing from stem cuttings.
I favor growing them from stem cuttings and in pots. Planting herbs in pots is the way to go with tender perennials like scented geraniums. You’ll have reliable growth with little care.
Here’s how:
Cut a stem two to four inches long just below a leaf node. I like to use a rooting hormone to give it a good start, but that’s not necessary.
Fill a small pot with a soil-less potting mix that drains well and place the cutting in the pot. Scented geraniums will tolerate most soils but a slightly acidic pH of about 6.0-6.8 is ideal.
Water thoroughly and put in a bright spot in the house, under grow lights, or outdoors (after the last frost), in a semi-shaded warm place.
When the pot is filled with roots, which takes about five to six weeks, transplant into a larger pot or, if you like, in the ground in zones 10 or 11.
In several weeks, you’ll probably need to transplant it again to a pot large enough to keep the plant happily growing as it reaches maturity.
Stem cutting ready to be potted.
Stem cuttings ready for transplanting.
What started out as stem cuttings grew into beautiful plants!
Care of Scented Geranium Plants During Growing Season
My scented geraniums find a happy home in pots underneath the Chaste tree in my herb garden. The sun can get wiltingly hot here in southern Ohio (scented geraniums prefer 70’s temperature), and the Chaste tree provides cooling shade.
Lemon Rober rose geranium nestled among flowers.
Water plants well when the top inch of soil dries. Fairly drought tolerant, scented geranium plants don’t like wet feet.
Feed a couple times during the growing season with a controlled release fertilizer. I use half the recommended dose.
Scented geranium plants tend to get leggy, so a judicial pruning every once in a while is in order. They can range in size from one to four feet.
Overwintering Scented Geranium Plants Indoors
Scented geranium plants are perennials in zones 10 and 11, and annuals, for the most part, in zones nine and lower. I live in zone six, so I winter mine over in our attached garage.
Before tucking them away for their winter rest, get them ready.
Cut them back a bit if leggy.
Gently take them out of the pot. Check for any hitchhikers. I usually find pill bugs and they are easily removed.
Because of their scent, rose geraniums are relatively insect free. If they do develop a case of whiteflies, spray with horticultural oil.
If the plants are root bound, tease them and transplant into a larger container with fresh potting soil.
Water thoroughly. During dormancy, though, resist the urge to over water. Water only when the top one inch is dry.
Place under a south-facing window between 40-50 degrees so the plants enjoy a dormant rest during the short days of winter.
Leaves may dry and turn brown and drop off; that is natural.
Put back outdoors after last frost date. Water well and give a boost of fertilizer.
Growing Indoors
Yes, you can!
Place in a sunny, south-facing window.
Maintain temperatures between 60- 75 degrees.
Follow same instructions for care during growing season outdoors regarding fertilizer and water.
Benefits of Scented Geranium Plants
Relieve minor pain
Anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory
Immune system booster
Lower stress
Aid in digestion
Cooking With Scented Geranium Plants
One of the best plants to include in an edible flowers list, scented geraniums add a haunting, delightful fragrance and texture to cakes, cookies, fruit salads, and ice creams, to name a few.
Rose Geranium Scented Jelly
The color is a soft amber and the aroma is like summer in a jar.
2 cups rose geranium leaves, chopped coarsely
4 cups apple juice with no added sugar
3 tablespoons lemon juice
1 package dry pectin, 1.75 oz.
4 cups sugar
5  jelly jars, 8 oz. each, with seals and rings
Wash jars in the dishwasher and keep hot, or wash and boil 10 minutes. Keep in hot water. Place rings and seals in hot water.
Add leaves to apple juice. Bring to boil, remove from heat, cover and let infuse 10 minutes. Strain. Measure three cups liquid infusion.
Place three cups infusion into a large pot. Turn heat to high.
Stir in lemon juice and pectin.
Bring to a rolling boil, stirring constantly.
Add all the sugar at once, stirring constantly. Bring back to a hard rolling boil, one that cannot be stirred down. Cook for one minute.
Pour into hot jars and skim off any foam.
Wipe rims with clean, wet cloth.
Place seals on jars, add rings and tighten. Turn upside down five minutes to kill any bacteria that may b the on lid. Turn right side up and let cool away from drafts.
Check seals and if any are not sealed, store in refrigerator; otherwise store in pantry up to six months or so.
Can it – If you like, process in boiling water bath for five minutes.
Sunshine in a jar.
Soothing Rose Geranium Tea
This is so relaxing. Just pour a cup of boiling water over a palmful of chopped leaves. Cover and infuse five minutes. Strain, add a squeeze of lemon juice and sweeten.
Rose Geranium Sugar
Use in place of sugar in baking, icings, teas and fruit salads.
1 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup chopped rose geranium leaves
Place in food processor and process until leaves are very finely minced.
Pour in a single layer on cookie sheet with sides.
Bake in warm oven (170 degrees) until dry.
Let cool and store in covered containers.
Rose Geranium Scented Cake
Mince leaves and stir them into the batter. Or lay leaves in the bottom of cake pan, topside down, pour batter on top and bake as directed. You’ll have a lovely rose scented cake with a beautiful, soft pattern of rose geranium leaves. A dollop of whipped cream is all you need to finish it off.
Rose geranium leaves in cake pan top side down.
Simply beautiful!
Soothing Bath
Crush a few leaves under running water for a warming, healing bath.
It’s the essential oils in the leaves that are valued. I sometimes combine scented geraniums with other soothing bath herbs. An essential oils guide is a handy research tool.
Bath Time!
My favorite rose-scented geraniums.
  Rose Scented Geranium Chart Type Snowflake/Rose Scented Geranium Lady Plymouth Mimosa/Sweet Miriam Attar of Roses Lemon Rober Plant description Rounded leaves flecked with white. Large plant. Clusters of lavender blooms peek through leaves. Upright growth habit. Divided foliage, variegated with white edging and splotches. Lavender pink flowers Large sprawling plant with upright growth. Clusters of light pink blooms with mauve stippling. Trailing growth habit with clusters of small pink blooms. Vigorous grower with pink blooms. Great pollinator. Scent Light rose scent Lovely rose scent Sweet, floral rose scent Large leaves emit a distinctive rose perfume. Tomato shaped leaves have a lemon/rose fragrance. Uses Nice for cakes, cookies, and bread. Works well in cosmetics and bath products. Beautiful in bouquets. Lovely in bath salts. A favorite for tea and sugars.
Do you grow scented geranium plants? What’s your favorite?
Scented Geranium Plants: Fragrant Herbs Indoors or Out was originally posted by All About Chickens
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Congratulations, you’re interested in growing your own cannabis plants for the first time! But before you flex that green thumb of yours, understand that growing marijuana indoors presents a unique set of challenges for the new hobbyist, and the sheer volume of information available on the subject can be overwhelming.
Our guide to indoor cannabis growing will help simplify the process for you into clear, easy-to-digest sections designed to help the first-time grower get started.
 The choice is staggering. Sativa, indica, ruderalis, any number of hybrids, all available at a click. You know what you enjoy from personal experience. What strains have fitted your groove in the past? What strains have performed as a satisfactory medicine for your particular ailment? They are probably a good place to start.
With your personal taste in mind now consider your growing circumstances. Are you growing in a small cupboard where small fast-maturing plants like autoflowering strains or indicas will be the most effective use of your space? Or do you have a nice big backyard where you can grow one or more monsters directly in the soil or in large pots?
The first thing you’ll need is a place to grow. I recommend getting yourself a decent Indoor Grow light.
They’re cheap, made to grow inside of and can be put up and taken down quickly by one person. Some tents come with packages that include all kind of complicated hydroponic equipment. Your best bet is to purchase only what you need inside the tent and to learn how to grow weed without the expensive plastic. Some even have separate chambers for vegetative growth and cloning, making them perfect for people living in one-bedroom apartments or studios with limited room to grow.
First, you’ll need a Cannabis Grow Light. I like HID Grow Light (High-Intensity Discharge) – HPS Grow Light (High-Pressure Sodium) or MH Grow Light (Metal Halide) systems with ballasts, bulbs and reflectors. If heat from these lights will be an issue, there are also  LED Grow Light (Light-Emitting Diode) and CFL grow light(Compact Fluorescent) systems you can employ. Be sure to get a light that covers your tent’s footprint and invest in a decent timer to control when your light turns on and off.
After you’ve planted your seeds or rooted your clones, it’s time to get them growing. Lower your reflector so that it’s closer to the plants rather than making them stretch to reach for light. Raise the lighting system as your plants grow. Set your light full specturm led grow light timer to be on for 18 hours per day and off for 6 hours. During this vegetative stage, the plant will grow leaves and branches but no flowers (unless it’s an auto-flowering plant).
Avoid overfeeding and overwatering your plants at all costs. Err on the side of caution as it’s always easier to add more nutrients or water than it is to take them away. Marijuana roots prefer a wet/dry cycle so lift up your buckets and you’ll get a better idea for if they need watering or not by the weight. The first sign of overfed plants is burnt leaf tips. The first rule of how to grow weed is to learn to stay off of its way sometimes.
Anytime space is limited for growing, some basic rules apply:Since square footage is at a premium, plans must take full advantage of each available inch. This means choosing between growing indica-dominant strains  
When pruning, start early and often. Cut or pinch branches just above the node where two new shoots will emerge. If you stay on top of this process, you’ll have plants that look like bonsai bushes, with plenty of bud sites but not a lot of stretching out and big gaps between nodes. This is the efficient way to get bigger yields out of small spaces but your vegetating time will increase so factor that into your schedule.
Don’t prune or pinch plants at all once they’ve begun flowering – you’ll only be decreasing your harvest at that point. If the branches are threatening to reach the samsung 301h led grow light, bend them or tie them down to keep them from burning. A trellis system constructed from chicken wire at canopy level (aka the ScrOG or Screen of Green system), will further spread out bud sites and increase your yields considerably. Simply train growing shoots to grow horizontally along the bottom of the screen to fill empty spots.
Indoors, The decision of when to induce flowering in your plants is entirely up to you. If you want to learn how to grow weed, it’s important to determine how much space you have and to factor in the fact that your plants will stretch for at least a few weeks after flowering is induced. I usually recommend one week per gallon of container, so a plant in a five-gallon bucket should get approximately five weeks of vegetative time.
When you’re ready to begin the flowering stage, switch your timer to a 12 hour on/12 hour off light quantum board 125w cycle. Be sure never to interrupt the 12-hour dark period with any light. This confuses your plant and can cause serious problems.
Change your feeding regimen to one suited for flowering. Plant nutrients generally come in vegetative or flowering formulations so switch over to a “blooming” solution. Depending on the flowering time of your strain, determine when you have two weeks or so left and begin the flushing process. If you’re growing a 60-day flowering strain, start to flush your grow medium with only plain water around day 46.
Knowing when and how to harvest your buds is as important as knowing how to grow weed.
Use a loupe or a strong magnifying scope to take a very close look at the trichomes; the tiny glandular stalk and head sometimes referred to as “crystals”. Up close, they resemble little glass mushrooms with a stem that forms a bulbous round clear top. Inside that gland head resides the psychoactive compounds (THC, CBD etc). Harvest when the majority of the gland heads begin to go cloudy white and before they’ve gone completely amber. Harvest when they’re mostly amber if you desire a more lethargic stone.
Post-harvest, you will trim and hang up your buds to dry. This process should take about a week or two depending on the humidity and heat in your area. It’s always best to keep this process slower than 3-4 days in order to ensure you aren’t locking in that “green” chlorophyll taste. Add a humidifier to your drying room if you think your nuggets are drying out too quickly. Never leave a fan blowing directly onto your drying colas but make sure air is circulating to avoid mold and bud-rot.
After you’ve determined that your buds are sufficiently dried you’re ready to jar them up for the cure. The stems should snap instead of bending and the outside of the flowers should feel bone dry to the touch. The truth is there is still plenty of water stuck in the bud and the curing process will slowly “sweat” out the remaining liquid.
Always use opaque jars (ones you can’t see inside) and place them in a cool dark place. Open up the jars to determine the level of moisture and leave them open if there’s any condensation forming on the inside of the glass. Slowly but surely, if you open and close the jars once or twice a day, the moist air will be replenished by dry air and the water that’s stuck in the middle of your bud will work its way to the outside and then out into the air altogether. After three weeks to a month or so curing, your buds should burn and taste perfectly.
Final Hit: How To Grow Weed
Now you know the basics of how to grow marijuana from seed to harvest. It’s time to get yourself the tools you need and get started today. And remember to take notes, or even better, start your own anonymous online Grow Diary .
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