#i have not drawn a cat since middle school so its been over 10 years omfg
roroflamm · 2 years
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Jade as a warrior cat lol
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thefreakymunson · 2 years
Eddie surprising you with a baby kitten that you’ve been begging to get since you moved in with each other❤️
It had been a month of pure bliss living with Eddie all alone in your own little trailer. Things were rough at first. Neither of you had any experience living outside of your parents or guardians home but you had the idea that, as soon as you both graduated, it was time to be adults.
The first trailer that came available, the two of you snagged it. It was a dump but it was a roof over your head and it was moderately cheap. What more could two broke kids fresh out of high school ask for?
“We need a pet,” you said one day day as you strolled past the animal shelter hand-in-hand with Eddie.
“Babe, we can barely afford to feed ourselves.” Eddie snorted, “Maybe when we both have jobs. Pets cost like a fuckton of money.”
“I know,” you said as you rested your head against his shoulder, “But I think when we’re finally able to make the next step, we should get a kitten.”
“A kitten?” Eddie bit back a frown, “What about a dog?”
“They’re too loud and you work nights so any time the dog would bark during the day, it’d disturb your sleep.” You said, “A kitten would be quiet.”
He had kissed you on the top of your head and that was the end of the conversation. What you didn’t know was that it had ate Eddie up inside to turn the idea down. He wanted a pet, too. The last pet he had was his uncles dog, Jessup, who he had when he first adopted Eddie. The dog lived until Eddie was thirteen years old and when he found him passed away in the front yard, Eddie was inconsolable for a month afterwards. Jessup had been his best, and only friend, for so many years.
The next time you brought up the idea of a pet was at a flea market one early Saturday morning. Eddie had walked off to look at the vinyls and you were immediately drawn to a pin in the middle of the open isle marked “Kittens”
When Eddie found you again, you were sitting in the middle as the tiny furballs walked all over you. He felt his heart clench at the smile on your face as one of the cats crawled up your arm and brushed its face against your cheek.
“Hey man,” Eddie nodded towards the attendant, “How much for the kittens?”
“Asking $150. They’ve been fixed, vetted, and are up to date on shots.” The guy said.
Eddie pulled out his wallet and counted the bit of money he had, sighing to himself when only realized he about $80 on him. Business had been slow since he graduated.
“Would you take any less?” Eddie glanced over at you and then back to the guy.
“Sorry, man.” The attendant frowned, “Price is firm.”
Eddie sighed and slid his wallet back into his back pocket. “You got a number or something I can call once I get the money together? I’ll pay you extra. Just hold that white one back for me, yeah?”
On the way back home, you couldn’t stop gushing about the tiny white kitten. You sat in the passenger seat of the van, your feet hanging out the window as the warm summer breeze filtered through.
“It was so soft, Eds.” You said with a soft smile, “And it’s tiny little kitten nose was so pink.”
“Yeah, it was cute.” Eddie nodded, “Hey...I’m going to drop you off at home, yeah?”
“Okay…” you frowned at the sudden change of tone, “Everything okay?”
“Yeah. Everything’s fine.” He nodded, “I’ve got some buyers lined up. Gonna go make some quick cash.”
Your brow furrowed but you didn’t say anything. Usually he took you with him and you just sat in the van but for some reason, he wanted to do this run alone. You trusted him – Eddie was never one to run around on you, but it did raise some flags why he was being so secretive. Once you arrived home, he went into the bedroom closet, grabbed his bag, kissed your lips, and was gone within five minutes.
Eddie was gone for the rest of the day. For nearly five hours. You had showered, changed into your pajamas, and was curled up on the couch with a blanket when he walked in at nearly 10 PM. He had his bag thrown over his shoulder and something else in his hand that you couldn’t quite make out through the darkness of the living room.
“Where have you been, Eds?” You asked, concern evident in your voice as you looked over at him.
“Sorry it took me so long,” Eddie sighed softly, reaching for the light switch before he walked over to you, “Close your eyes….I’ve got you something.”
“Please.” he nearly whined.
You sighed and done as he said, closing your eyes. You could tell he flicked the light on and you heard his footsteps getting closer and then you felt something warm and fluffy placed on your chest. Your eyes snapped open and you looked down to see a tiny white kitten – the white kitten you were playing with earlier, staring back up at you.
“Surprise,” Eddie snorted.
“Eddie!” You gasped, “Oh my god, you got me the kitten?”
“I did,” he smirked, sitting a plastic bag down in your lap, “And kitten necessities.”
Tears filled your eyes as you you hugged the tiny kitten to you. You hopped off the couch and wrapped your arms around Eddie’s neck, having to stand on your tiptoes.
“Thank you, Eddie. Oh my god,” you said, peppering kisses all over his face as he laughed.
He kissed your lips softly and smiled, “Anything for you, baby...man said it was a boy.”
He watched as you cradled the tiny kitten in the nook of your arm, smoothing its puffy fur backwards as it played with the pendant hanging from your necklace.
“What’s its name?” Eddie asked as he unpacked all the items. He had bought kitten food, a litter pan, toys, and a black spiked collar.
You tilted your head as you looked down at him, trying to come up with the perfect name. He was soft and casper white. But it came to you when Eddie snapped the tiny spiked collar around his neck.
“We’ll call him Gene,” you said with a soft smile.
“Gene?” He laughed, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind,“That’s a odd name for a cat.”
“The spiked collar and the white of his fur reminds me of Gene Simmons.” You said, holding him up so Eddie could see him.
“Gene it is,” Eddie snorted, kissing the side of your face.
You played with the kitten for a bit while Eddie was in the shower, watching and giggling as it chased the toys and swatted at your hair. He was such a tiny sweet furball that your heart felt like it melted in your chest every time he meowed at you or smacked you with his tiny paw.
“Ready for bed?” Eddie asked once he stepped out of the steamy bathroom.
“Yeah,” you grinned up at him, scooping the tiny kitten up on your way to follow him to the bedroom.
“Baby-” Eddie sighed, watching as you marched past him with the cat.
“I know – I know,” you said, “But it’s his first day here...he’d be lonely and scared in the living room by himself all night.” You poked your bottom lip out as you stared up at him, “Just until he’s settled in here, yeah?”
“Fine,” he sighed softly, playfully smacking your ass as he followed you into the bedroom, “But he gets evicted when we’re having sex.”
You playfully gasped and covered the kittens ears as you stared at him, “Don’t talk like that in front of our child.”
Eddie rolled his eyes as he kicked the door shut behind him and climbed into bed, exhausted from the long day. You curled against him, resting your head on his bare chest as you placed Gene on Eddie’s stomach, watching as he curled into a tiny ball and laid down to sleep.
“Thank you,” you said as you looked up at Eddie, “I know moneys tight right now...but this means everything to me…I was never allowed to have pets at my parents, ya know? They said they were too messy.”
“Yeah, well, their rules don’t apply anymore.” Eddie mumbled, gently scraping his nails through your scalp, “This is our home...our kitten.”
You smiled up at him and leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to his pink lips before whispering, “Love you, Eds.”
“Love you more, doll.”
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justablobfish · 4 years
Finding a present for that person that is impossible to find a present for
Day 13 of my Advent Calender. A new drabble or oneshot everyday until Christmas, following the Continent’s favourite found family and what they’re up to in the winter season. Based on this prompt list
Read on AO3
Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
It's going to be Jaskier’s second time visiting Kaer Morhen. 
Two years ago, Geralt had asked him only a few days before they were scheduled to separate for the winter. It had all been rather sudden and the whole season had passed in a blur of anxiety and excitement.
He hadn't even met the whole family then, Geralt's little brother Lambert hadn't made it to the keep that year. Then, the year after, Jaskier got delayed by his family until he couldn't make it to the keep anymore; the path had already snowed over. 
This year though - this year Jaskier is determined to make the most of his time at Kaer Morhen and charm his way into the hearts of Geralt's family until they can't imagine winter without him anymore. 
Step one is to make a good first impression after the Wolves haven't seen him in so long. And the easiest way to do that is to get the perfect welcome gift for everyone scheduled to be there. 
He comes across the first gift mere weeks after the snow of the previous winter has melted. After the tedious experience with his parents he decides to spend some time in Oxenfurt to recuperate. 
In his favorite dingy little bookstore he finds the perfect present for Eskel. 
Yes, yes, a steamy romance novel might not necessarily be the best way to prove himself to his lover's family, but the cover of the book shows your usual handsome warrior with very revealing clothing clutching a swooning damsel in distress in his overly muscular arms. Except this protagonist is drawn with an enormous scar covering the left side of his face. 
He's extremely handsome. So is Eskel, of course, but whenever Jaskier tells him as much he just dismisses the compliment. With this book though, Eskel will have to believe him that scars are seen as attractive by quite a number of people. Why else would they draw the cover like this? 
His second gift he also finds in a bookstore, though this place couldn't possibly be more different than where he found the book for Eskel. 
The "Ye Olde Books" in Toussaint sells only the most esteemed antiquities to rich noblemen who never intend to read them and only display them to prove their supposedly good taste and to exaggerate their riches. 
Jaskier quickly determines the oldest book the store has on offer. It's still younger than the recipient of the gift, of course, but the fairy tale stories it holds should still be similar enough to the stories that must have been popular when Vesemir was a child. 
After the events of the last winter Jaskier at least managed to guilt trip his parents enough that he has no trouble paying for the delicate tome. 
As for Lambert, Jaskier didn't meet him the one year he spent at Kaer Morhen, but he and Geralt ran into the younger Witcher on the Path once. It was a brief encounter and Lambert didn't seem to particularly like Jaskier. 
Geralt reassured him afterwards that it's nothing personal and that Lambert doesn't like anyone. 
Even though they couldn't possibly be more different, Lambert somewhat reminded Jaskier of himself. Jaskier is happy with his place in the world now, but he had to carve it out for himself, which hadn't always been easy. He remembers a time when he, too, felt trapped in the life he was born into, never good enough to satisfy his parents or to become a person in his own right, not just the heir to a legacy he wanted nothing to do with. 
So the bitterness Lambert carries around with him feels very familiar. 
His third gift, therefore, is just as expensive as Vesemir's and on top of that requires a large amount of convincing to work out. Luckily, Jaskier has practice annoying someone enough until they agree to anything. He spent most of his life perfecting the skill with the involuntary help of his lover.
By the time winter comes around again, the specially commissioned Gwent card will have started distribution. Though of course Jaskier will carry a copy of the new Lambert hero card with him as well and present it to Geralt's younger brother. He's made sure it would be stronger than the White Wolf card that became popular in recent years. 
Ciri's gift is easy enough. Jaskier simply buys the biggest, fluffiest teddy bear he can find. Ciri is going to roll her eyes at him and claim that she isn't a kid anymore, but that's exactly what makes it the perfect present. With all that destiny business, the kid forgets far too often to allow herself to be a child sometimes. 
How to get this monstrous thing, which is nearly as tall as Jaskier, back to Kaer Morhen is an entirely different story, though… 
The gift for Yennefer isn't hard to find either once he meets up with Geralt and travels with him again. In a run-down little general store in a village in the middle of nowhere, in the furthest corner of the shop, hidden under a fishing net and a set of gardening tools, lies the most atrocious knitted sweater Jaskier has ever seen. There's no reason to abandon old traditions, even if he and Yennefer don’t meet up at Oxenfurt anymore. And in case Yennefer doesn't attend Kaer Morhen this winter, he'll simply keep it around until the next time they meet. The knitwear is so incredibly ugly, it would be a shame to waste it. 
Geralt informs him one day that Lambert will bring a plus one. Not a boyfriend or close friend or anything, just a superficial acquaintance. The fact that Lambert risked his own hide to save the man's life is - apparently - entirely coincidental and without meaning. It's just that this other Witcher of the Cat school has no other place to spend the winter. Nothing more. 
Geralt calls his little brother an emotionally constipated idiot and Jaskier can't help but burst out laughing at the hypocrisy. 
Jaskier isn't sure whether to get this Aiden a gift as well since he never met the man, but as so often in his life, fate takes matters into its own hands. 
He's perusing his favorite clothes store in Vizima when he finds the most beautiful scarf. It's big and woolen and perfectly flashy. Every handspan or so the pattern and colours change completely. All in all it shows every colour of the rainbow. 
That is not the gift for Aiden, of course. But it's going to look great on Jaskier, especially since Geralt still insists he wears that old grey winter cloak. Granted, the cloak is warm, but oh so boring looking. The scarf will be just the right accessory to add a bit of color to his winter wardrobe. 
The gift for Aiden he comes across as he leaves the store. A little boy, who must be the owner's son, sits at the side of the road and busies himself with thread and needle. 
Curious, Jaskier steps closer and finds that the boy is attaching pieces of felt to a simple hairband. 
Once the kid is done he puts the headband on and the felt pieces stand up in such a way that it appears like the boy has kitten ears growing out of his head. 
Jaskier considers for a moment but then decides that if this Aiden is voluntarily hanging out with Lambert, he must have a good sense of humor. He buys the headband off the boy and heads back to his and Geralt's inn room. 
Maybe it's because he's traveling with Geralt and can't really go looking for a gift for the White Wolf, but by the time their departure for Kaer Morhen rolls around, Jaskier has a little something for everyone, except Geralt. He doesn't even have an idea what he could gift to the man. Anything practical like a new whetstone, better armor or a fancy dagger is something that Geralt is far better equipped to pick out himself. Jaskier has little knowledge about such things. 
And while Jaskier has spent the last twenty years of his life convincing the big oaf that he deserves pretty things every once in a while, too, Jaskier can't think of anything that wouldn't just be in the way when they eventually set out on the Path again. 
The end of autumn creeps closer and closer and Jaskier’s head stubbornly remains empty. It shouldn't be this hard to think of something that Geralt would enjoy. After all, Jaskier has known him for over two decades now. But it seems like everything he could get his favorite Witcher he has already gotten him at some point during their travels. 
He still has no idea when they pass the last village on the way to the Witchers’ keep. 
Or when they start making their way up the mountain path. 
Maybe there's a pretty rock he can pick up? 
What? No, that's a dumb idea. He's not just gonna pick up a random rock just because he's desperate. At this point he'll just have to accept the fact that he has no gift for Geralt.
They reach the keep after two days of tedious climbing - not something Jaskier missed from his last visit - and are greeted at the gates by the other Witchers. Geralt's family members each welcome Geralt with a short hug and a pat on the back, while another man, who must be Lambert's tagalong, awkwardly stands to the side. Vesemir and Eskel nod at Jaskier courtly, Lambert only grunts at him. 
Jaskier makes eye contact with Aiden who rolls his eyes at him apologetically over Lambert's behaviour. 
Then Geralt brings Roach to the stables and they all quickly make their way inside. 
In the large dining hall they meet Yennefer and Ciri. Apparently they only came here a day earlier via portal, making Jaskier and Geralt the last to arrive. 
"I have welcoming gifts!" Jaskier addresses everyone. 
Eskel reacts to his present with eyes narrowed in confusion. Then they grow wide with realisation and wonder. 
Lambert scoffs when Jaskier hands him his parcel. He doesn't scoff again after he unpacks it. 
Aiden grins at him widely and immediately puts his gift on. 
Vesemir simply hums appreciatively. It reminds Jaskier far too much of Geralt. He supposes the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. 
Ciri, as expected, reacts with a pout and the declaration that she's not a child anymore. Still, she clutches the plushy to her chest and refuses to let it go when Aiden says he'll take it if she doesn't like it. 
Yennefer snarls at her sweater and quickly turns away from the group to hide it, but just like Ciri does with the teddy bear, she clutches it to her chest protectively. 
Which only leaves Geralt. 
"I, uh…, " Jaskier stutters and stares at his empty hands. 
"Hmm," Geralt hums. "Saving the best for last?" 
He grabs Jaskier by the shoulder, turns him around so that he's facing the room. He hugs Jaskier from behind and places his chin on Jaskier’s shoulder. 
"Seems like you got me the best gift of all," Geralt hums. "Look!" 
Confused, Jaskier glances about the room. Vesemir and Eskel are sitting in a corner, flipping through their respective books. Lambert is chasing Aiden through the room, who has stolen his Gwent card and is waving it around tauntingly. Ciri holds the teddy out to Yennefer, who's holding her sweater to the bear's chest to see if it would fit him. There's nothing out of the ordinary that Jaskier can spot. 
"I don't under-" he begins. 
"Everyone's here," Geralt explains. "My whole family in one place for the very first time. I couldn't possibly ask for more." 
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paaradoxum · 5 years
BakuTodo Rec List of Fics Vol. II
It’s been a while since the last time I did the other list and many new, wonderful fics appeared (the dynamics will be the same: AO3 fics that includes top!Bakugou and bottom!Todoroki for those that are NSFW), so if you wanna check out here is Part I.
This time there are 32 fics in this list, I have more and probably I will make Part III soon.
Spoiler: EVERY SINGLE one of these stories are FUCKING AWESOME.
Rating: G
→ flowers die, feelings grow by kinneyb
Summary:  When Bakugo first visits a local flower shop with Jirou, he buys some flowers in a lame attempt to piss off one of the employees - a guy named Shouto. But then he gets a little too invested in keeping his flowers alive.
→ Pretty by doop-doop.
Summary:  Like so many things that had to do with Shouto, the question took Bakugou entirely by surprise. “Do you think I’m pretty?”
→ For a Single Moment by itsclowreedsfault.
Summary:  Katsuki shakes his head with a sigh and an unbidden smile. Shouto's always been like an overexcited kid when it came to cats; Katsuki should've known he didn't stand a chance against them in Shouto's first visit to a cat cafe.
Rating: T
→ Ruin My Life by justhavesex.
Summary: He's not a vengeful person, really, he's not.
But him and Bakugou have started this little on-going war of theirs back in middle school when they were 10 years old and Todoroki had accidentally—if you got Todoroki drunk enough and fed his ego well enough he would, in fact, admit that it was very much on purpose—accidentally fed Bakugou's limited edition All Might magazine to his cat.
→ Aesthetic Distance by llyn.
Summary:  This was around the time Shouto was appearing in all the blogs and rags and instagrams wearing a hideous faux fur coat of bright, hot neon like some awful crawling creature from an acid trip had been hunted and skinned, its pelt draped over Shouto's shoulders.
→ Dance To This by justhavesex.
Summary:  Bakugou has never cared much about being an alpha, not really, not until he met the most frustrating omega in all existence: Todoroki Shouto.
→ Welcome to the Mile-High Club by minhakos.
Summary:  In which Todoroki realizes that maybe airplanes aren't the only thing that should make him nervous.
→ Boyfriend Tactics by Esselle.
Summary: 'Shouto's eyes go impossibly wide. He seems to lose all powers of communication for a moment and just stands there, frozen, staring at Katsuki and the kitten. Finally, eventually, he utters the tiniest noise Katsuki has ever heard him make.
"Ah…" '
Katsuki comes to the aid of a small and fluffy civilian while on patrol.
→ Line by Line by Lillabelle.
Summary:  With half his sketchbook filled with drawings of the guy, Katsuki wondered if he’s already crossed the line of being insanely creepy. They’ve never spoken, and he honestly only knew the person’s name was Todoroki Shouto because of role call in class. Shouto was just… so unique to look at with his half and half appearance. It was hard for Katsuki’s eyes not to get drawn to him. Not to mention they shared several classes, so if Katsuki ever got bored and felt like drawing something, there he was.
→ a todobaku one-shot collection by kagehinataboke.
Summary:  all of my multiple, multiple, multiple todobaku one-shots. i stan two (2) dipshit boys that are obviously in love and hate with each other.
→ amaryllis by ?
Summary:  The amaryllis has come to symbolize pride, determination and radiant beauty. Somehow this all suited Katsuki a lot more than Shouto expected.
→ tell ourselves a good lie by ElmoIsSatan. (In-Progress 12/?)
Summary: For a straight guy with anger issues, getting a “boyfriend” might just be his only escape.
Bakugo makes an impulsive decision and suddenly gains a boyfriend just to prove his parents wrong... The only problem is it’s all fake.
→ how to register for a library card (and get a boyfriend in the process) by Kaleid369.
Summary: “Friends have each other’s numbers, yeah?” Bakugou shrugs. “I don’t hate you, I guess.”
“Lucky me.”
“Lucky you,” Bakugou snorts. “I gotta go. Text me so I have your number.”
“I will.”
He's already started walking away when Shouto blurts out, “See you tomorrow?”
Bakugou shoots him a smirk over his shoulder, as if to say, Duh.
Shouto stands and stares at his retreating back, and the thought of kissing him pounds along with the beat of his heart.
→ on brand by dinosuns.
Summary: Midoriya is honestly unsure what’s worse: the tragic fact that Todoroki Shouto can make anything look objectively incredible or the fact Kacchan has six versions of the exact same photograph saved onto his camera roll.
Nobody saves a photo that many times by accident.
Kacchan set the bar, Todoroki raised it. That is not a good thing.
→ The Journey Home by dinosuns.
Summary: “Your hair looks real fucking nice.”
“I thought it was about time I grew it out,” Todoroki says, something wistful caught in his voice. “You were always saying I should.”
That’s true. And Bakugou is satisfied to know he was right about it looking good, but it’s not like he can share that with the fucking class anymore.
Bakugou tells himself that he's fine with how things turned out between them. He also tells himself he's not still in love.
Rating: M
→ Zephyr by yeetin. (In-Progress 4/?)
Summary: The breeze that sifted gently through a golden sea of tall, dry grass brought the tiny spike of a different scent. An inconspicuous little prickle down the spine, barely even worth paying attention to. Something no one else would even imagine being able to notice.
But Bakugou did.
→ Objection, Your Honor by Myona. (In-Progress (8/?)
Summary: Shoto Todoroki hated Katsuki Bakugou. And he had plenty of reasons to do so.
But he didn't know that how things can change for the two of them who saw nothing but trouble in each other's presence and life altogether. Katsuki was a trouble from the first time Shoto heard his name, to the first day he met the man.
Rating: E
→ On Hot Blondes and Drunken Hookups by Crossfire. (In-Progress 4/?) I love this so so much.
Summary: “I’m Bakugou. What’s your name, Pretty Boy?”
Shouto looks at the drink in his hand, then back to the beautiful blonde boy, then back to the drink and downs it in one go, ignoring the slight burn as it slides down his throat, and while it would have been more suave to appear unaffected, he gives his head a little shake. He takes a quick breath and forces the words out before he has a chance to realize what a massive mistake this all is.
“Hot blondes I want to bang can call me Shouto.”
→ Tick Tick Boom by Ajaxthegreat. (In-Progress 6/?) THIS is so good, I’m in love.
Summary: An exhausted socially awkward violin prodigy and a deaf punk rock drummer walk into a bar.
→ Better Take a Mental Picture by chibibeeee. This is HOT HOT.
Summary:  The one where Deku watches Bakugou take Todoroki and their exhibitionist kink is unlocked.
→ Cover: Blown by darkanddank. (In-Progress 1/2)
Summary: Some undercover agents got hooked on drugs. Went full Stockholm Syndrome, flipped and joined up with the other side. As Bakugou’s palm went flat over Todoroki’s navel and dove beneath his closed zipper, Todoroki started to understand just how easy it might be to go rogue.
...aka cop Todoroki gets his world rocked so hard by bad guy Bakugou that he has an existential crisis
→ Just One Bite by Crossfire.
Summary: This particular fuckup begins when he saves a cat from a demon in a sketchy alley.
Well, maybe slightly before that when his esteemed hedge-witch mentor turned out to be an incubus who coincidentally turned him and his stupid nerdy neighbor into incubi.
Or maybe when he was born to a non-magic family, but early on developed minor magical inclinations that turned out to be not-so-minor and kind-of-hugely-destructive.
Wherever this fuckup was born, it’s culminated as follows: Bakugou has been an incubus for one hundred and twenty-two days, seven hours, and thirty-six minutes, has not had a single successful feed, and is essentially slowly starving to death. His mentor is suspiciously MIA and that stupid shitty nerd has managed to secure himself a two-person harem so it’s just Bakugou, starving. To death. Slowly.
→ Gangster by Brixxen.
Summary: Bakugou is a detective trying to solve a case that's been open for months. He ends up in a town and meets a man who could be his undoing...
Todoroki wasn't expecting the blonde at the bar to leave him wanting more...
→ How to spend a Friday night by veltana.
Summary: That's how Katsuki ended up on his bed on a Friday night leaning against the headboard with his laptop between his spread legs, his hard dick in his hand, watching Shouto open himself up for him on the screen.
→ Your Turn by doop-doop.
Summary: An extra scene/epilogue/continuation of smd.
Bakugou and Todoroki housesit for Bakugou's parents and take advantage of Bakugou's large bed.
→ Comfort by hellaradholly.
Summary: Katsuki agrees to be Shouto's roommate after UA despite having an unbearable crush on him.a gift for Katie for the BakuTodo Valentine's Day Exchange!
→ Empire of Dirt by castiiron, clairesail. (In-Progress 5/?)
Summary: There was something different about being with Bakugou Katsuki. Something that Shouto had been searching for tonight, to no avail. A consistent burn in his gut, the warmth of a fire that hadn’t been stoked in many years. Katsuki had been inexcusably rough with him. Harsh in a way that had pulled him back to reality. Shouto hadn’t realized he was missing out, being so used to what he knew; going through the motions, a means to an end. His life for the last few years had revolved around mediocre sex as a way to abate constant desire, always at the forefront of his mind.
Unhealthy coping mechanisms are easier to hide when you aren't screwing your ex-classmate.
→ Be Quiet by chibibeeee.
Summary: Katsuki and Shouto stay the night at Deku's. If only they had any self control, then they wouldn't have to keep so quiet.
→ Speak Softly My Sweet Villain by Brixxen.
Summary: Ask anyone in Tokyo and they’ll tell you the same thing. That the No.1 Pro Hero Todoroki Shoto is the perfect hero. He’s kind to everyone, always the first to arrive on a crime scene, always the calm and collected hero everyone wants him to be.
It was ironic how things happened to lead Shoto to his current situation. Him moaning and shuddering like a teenager, clinging to the strong perfect body of the most wanted villain in Japan, Ground Zero.
→ Peanuts and Wolves by cashmeresho.
Summary: “Yeah, man, okay!” The guy holds up his hands in surrender and Shouto shoots him another apologetic look. “I really didn't know you guys were married! I didn't see a ring!”
“Oh,” Katsuki says. He frowns hard for a minute and then grabs Shouto by the arm to whisk him away to his table with Izuku and Kirishima to guard him or sniff him or whatever weird territorial thing he wants to do.
→ College Roommates|BakuTodo by S_Kuro.
Summary: Todoroki is the son of the famous Todoroki Enji, also known as Endeavor, his father is a famous business man that wants Todoroki to take over his business, but Todoroki wants to become a photographer. He goes against his father's wishes and goes to an art university miles away from home. There he meets a certain explosive blonde, who turns out to be his roommate. what sorts of ridiculous shenanigans will they find themselves in and what relationships will they end up in.
a BakuTodo fanfic
This is my first fanfic with these two, so don't judge me and I hope you like it.
→ Locker Room by darkqueen_25.
Summary: There are worse things to walk in on in a locker room, Inasa thinks, than your two new friends fucking against the shower walls.
There's probably nothing better than being asked to join in, though.
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epicstuckyficrecs · 5 years
Weekly recap | July 29th-August 4th
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Here’s what I read in the last week!��💙 
You can find my other Weekly Recaps here!
This Has Already Happened by Mollyamory (Molly), Speranza/ @cesperanza (canon divergence | 8K | Not rated): "There are absolutely no circumstances in which I give the Time Stone to you," the Wizard gasps. "None. Nada. Zip. Choke on that, you sonofabitch."
Not Broken, Just Bent by amethystkrystal/ @amethystkrystal, goodmanperfectsoldier (ABO AU | 3K | Teen): Steve teaches a prenatal yoga class, and though he has a soft spot for all his students, he can't help being especially drawn to Bucky Barnes, the soft-spoken — and unmated — omega who just joined the studio.
💙 Ill With Want by thedoubteriswise/ @thedoubteriswise (Pre-war | 27K | Mature): Bucky pretends to be asleep when Steve crawls into bed, too tired to feel guilty over the quivery pleasure that settles in his belly when Steve’s arm brushes his. Bucky doesn’t move him. He drifts to sleep in a comfortable haze and tries not to wonder where this feeling was two hours ago when he had Marie in his lap.
💙 you are the future (series) by greyhavensking/ @greyhavensking (canon divergent, post-Avengers | 6 works, series marked not complete | 33K | Teen): Sweat trickles down from his hairline into his eyes and he irritably swipes it away, a little convinced that the gesture will also serve to wipe away what he’s seeing. But no, that’s definitely a man -- at least judging by the breadth of his shoulders and general body shape -- single-handedly facing off against a trio of enraged aliens.
It's possible that he wants you too by belovedmuerto/ @belovedmuerto (Post-WS | 4K | Teen): “Bucky kissed me this morning,” Steve says, not quite believing the words even as they’re coming out of his mouth. “Wait,” Sam replies. “Back up.”
14-Inch Cock and a Few Hundred Bimbos by verzacefatale/ @verzacefatale (PWP | 3K | Explicit): There are some things in life, Steve muses as he stares down at his crotch, that nothing can prepare you for. Sure, becoming a super soldier was, at the time, the most wild thing he could think of, and sure, his tolerance for ridiculous, catastrophic and immeasurably weird situations has very much grown since then, but this? His dick suddenly growing six inches in length and another two in girth, just because he opened a box in a Hydra dug out that maybe he should have read the instructions on before he did? How was he to know it was literally magic that would make his cock grow huge? 
Hic sunt dracones by stevergrsno (noxlunate)/ @stevergrsno (Medieval Fantasy, Dragon Steve | 5K | Teen): There are stories: Stories of knights and the dragons they slayed. Stories of princes who conquered the great fire-breathing beasts terrorizing their kingdoms. Stories of how they saved their lands and won the hand of fair princesses in battle. This is not one of those stories. At least not in the strictest sense.
To Eat from the Tree by AidaRonan (30′s AU | 6K | Explicit): There is a story they tell in Collinwood, NY. A story of two priests-in-training who fell off the path of righteousness and into each other.
💙 As long as I have a face, you'll always have somewhere to sit by Avaaricious (Modern AU, meet-cute | 5K | Mature): AKA the "My friends bet that I couldn't pick up someone using the worst lines I know, but I actually like you and don't want to screw up" AU
Proud by dixons_mama (TFA | 2K | Teen): While trapped in Azzano, Bucky accidentally confesses to Steve that he loves him. Bucky is sure this will be the end of their friendship.
Solitary by exclamation/ @jessicameats (Canon divergent | 35/? | 87K | Mature): The Winter Soldier has been a prisoner of SHIELD for about a year and a half, placed in solitary confinement under strict security when it was clear he wasn’t going to respond to the best interrogators and deprogrammers SHIELD had available. When Fury asks a newly awakened Steve Rogers to assist, Steve is hesitant. He doesn’t understand why Fury thinks he would have a better chance of getting through to this guy than all the people who have tried and failed.
💙 This Side of the Blue by notlucy/ @notlucy (Mermaid AU | 23/44 | 83K | Explicit): Tucked against a set of crumbling, stone steps was a tank made of metal and glass, filled to the brim with greenish water, distorted sunlight filtering through and casting strange shadows. Playing tricks on the eye. A trick was the only explanation for what Steve saw floating there. This figment of his childhood. This myth. This legend. Within the tank, the siren bared its teeth.
💙 Latte Art and Slow Dancing in the Dark by deadonarrival (Modern AU with powers, Daddy kink | 15/20 | 77K | Explicit): Bucky is a somewhat well-adjusted former army sniper that got his shoulder blown out. He took his discharge and went home to finish school and is working on his international relations masters. His best friends and roommates (Nat & Clint) are CIA agents and tip him off that their local Sbux is hiring. He gets a job there and meets none other than the hottest guy on earth. So how does one get a date in the most top secret government location in the US? What happens when that guy is more than just a hot dorito and wants to give Bucky everything he wants? Bucky is going to have to figure out his shit and fast. 
💙 Like Real People Do by 2bestfriends (Shrunkyclunks, canon divergent post-Avengers | 31K | 5/10 | Explicit): Seven years into an isolated retirement after the Battle of New York, Steve has carved out a place for himself in the foothills of the Catskill Mountains. He has a best friend (his dog, Lady), a frenemy (a local black bear named Rufus), and a cabin in the middle of the woods, an hour’s drive from the nearest town. As November comes to a close, he heads into town to pick up supplies and ends up with a stowaway.
💙 Cakes & Balances by mambo/ @whtaft (POTUS Steve | 14K | 7/? | Teen): It’s kind of hard to date the cute baker from down the street when you’re the President of the United States of America. But Steve Rogers will make it work.
Bucky Barnes and the Embarrassment of Spidermen by AggressiveWhenStartled (Multiverse, Peter-centric(ish) | 4/5 | 15K | Mature): “Peter,” Steve said into the table. “Please tell me you didn’t bring home someone from Tony’s alternate dimension.” “Of course I didn’t,” Peter said, looking indignant. “I wouldn’t do that. I brought him to your place.”
💙 All's fair in [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] (series) by redcigar (canon-divergent, post-WS | 3 works, series marked not complete | 10K | Mature): AU wherein Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers never met, Steve somehow manages to rescue the Winter Soldier anyway, and Avengers Tower ends up with the world’s angriest duckling and a whole new brand of entertainment.
💙 honey don't feed it, it will come back by ellebeesknees (umetnica), thedoubteriswise/ @thedoubteriswise (canon compliant, TFA | 18K | Mature): He lets out a long sigh and watches Bucky. Back home he was always too vain to let more than a day’s worth of stubble build up, but now he’s got about three days of scruff on his chin. He shouldn’t look handsome like this. His eyes are shut, but Steve can tell by his breathing that he’s still awake. The cat is curled up on his stomach and purring like an idling motor.
Learning To Say Hello by heartsdesire456/ @heartsdesire456 (Post-WS, Clint POV | 11K | Mature): In which Hawkeye befriends the Winter Soldier and discovers the Epic Love Story of Steve and Bucky nobody knows about)
Howl Home (Shift for Me) by Menatiera/ @menatiera (canon divergent, wolf Steve, Bucky Cap | 13K | Teen): As Captain America, Bucky Barnes rescued a hyper-intelligent wolf from HYDRA during the war. He makes a good fit with the Howling Commandos - and later, with the Avengers.
💙 The Sweetest Spark by deadto27 (Modern AU, age difference | 73K | Explicit): Steve Rogers runs a successful business. He has great friends and a great life. It seems like he has it all. So why is he sitting in a diner on a Friday night alone? Maybe he's just a little lonely. Maybe Bucky Barnes can help with that.
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mysideblogofsurveys · 4 years
Survey 16.
Favorite beverage: Well, Water I guess.  I like drinking Mt. Dew or Coffee but I’ve cut back on all that stuff (but I will have a cup of coffee every morning)
When was the last time you had ketchup? On Saturday.  We made Sweet Potato Fries but they don’t really good with ketchup
What is the most recent gift you've been given? My co-workers gave me a GrubHub gift card for all the help (they’re working from home but I still go into the office so they e-mail what they need to do to me so I can do it for them - I actually hate doing it but..we don’t really have a choice).  Anyway, they wanted to give me something as “Thanks for all the help” and I told them a simple “Thank You” is all I want but people don’t listen. (Not to be ungrateful but I don’t like receiving gifts from anyone other than family and NO ONE listens and gives me things anyway).
Did you leave the house today? Not yet, I’ll be leaving about 8:10 to go to work
Are there bumper stickers on your car? Yes :) a “Straw Hat” pirate one from the anime One Piece and an EXO sticker for the kpop group.
Are you watching tv right now? Kind of.  “Dark” on Netflix.  I paused it briefly though to read these questions - its in German so I need to read the subtitles.
Are you wearing anything blue? No
Do you have a job? Yes..but I’ve been thinking about quitting so I can move back to the city I loved.  Life is too short to live in a place you don’t like and I’ve seen other jobs I can apply for so I’m not worried.
Is your car messy? No, I like to keep it clean.
When did you last have whipped cream? This morning..I like using heavy whipping cream in my coffee (as opposed to the other creamers that are all sugar).  My husband uses the canned/aerosol whipped cream in his coffee though.
How far away is the closest house? Literally down 2 flights of stairs.  I live on the 3rd floor of an apartment.
What street do you live on? On one that has a cool name
Are you dating anyone? I’m married.
What color is you computer? Both my laptop and desktop are black
Do you own an iPod? What color is it? I do!  I won an iPod at my high school graduation celebration (my class had a “lock in” at the school - basically they “lock” you in the school (from like 6pm to 6am) where you can play games, nap if you want, eat all sorts of junk food or just hang out and have a party for everyone graduating, it was a lot of fun.  They had a raffle before everyone went home the next morning and I won an iPod (this was in 2006 so a long time ago lol) But it was just the standard black one.
What is the most recent picture on your phone/camera of: UGH OMG so I forgot I took a picture of this DISGUSTING roach that I found in our apt on Friday night.  They’re not the tiny/infestation ones, they’re large “Palmetto Bug” roaches that tend to wander into houses that have cracks and our vents.  Since I live in an apartment, theres not much I can do about it. I can’t wait to move!!!
Have you ever shot a gun? Oh definitely, we like to go to the gun range with my father-in-law.  Its a great way for us to bond and I hope to God I’ll never ever have to actually use one but I like the idea of not being completely defenseless if someone breaks into my house (as I’m small and could easily get overpowered)
What temperature is it? Maybe 70 in the apt but probably 80s outside? Do you know anyone with a third nipple? Uh..no.
What do your parents do for a living? My Mom is a dental hygienist and my Dad is an Electrician.
Have you ever had a pet that had babies? No :/ I always thought that would have been fun though
Which grocery store is closest to you? Publix
Do you have a hamper in your room? Yes
Do you know anyone that's a nurse? Yes but I haven’t talked to him in years.
Do you know someone with the name Alaina? No
What color is the blanket on your bed? Ahh, black blankets, blue blankets, purple blanket..we have like 4 or 5 blankets on our bed.
What are your parent's middle names? Well, one starts with an “S” the other starts with an “E”
Have you ever broken a bone? Yes, kind of
Do you wear braces or glasses? I wear glasses and had braces growing up.
What color are they? I’m assuming my glasses?  They’re black and have tiny stars in the corner. 
Are you currently reading a book? Yes, I’m reading “Legends of the Alfar” by Markus Heitz
When did you last get your blood drawn? Its been quite a few years
Have you ever done hard drugs? No, I’ve smoked weed before but didn’t like it.
How many contacts are in your phone? A lot but thats because I haven’t deleted them.  If I deleted everyone I don’t talk to, there wouldn’t be many.
Does your toilet have a seat cover? No.
What's currently on your grocery list? I have a whole list.  We haven’t been to the grocery store in a few days but we need to go when I get off work.
What things do you take with you everywhere? Wallet, phone, car keys..and my Zune (yes, the MP3 player from like 2000 lol)
Do you know someone that is/was over 100 years old? No but my Great-Grandpa is still living and he’s 96
Was your HS principal a girl or a boy? Woman I think..I actually don’t remember
Have you ever eaten a raw egg? No
Do you own any rings? Yes
Have you eaten fruit today? Not yet.  I’ve peeled 2 clementines for my breakfast when I get to work though
What about milk? Nope, not for a couple weeks.
What letter does your state start with? F
Could you list all 50 states? Easily.
What about their capitals? No, I used to be able to though
What internet browser do you use? Firefox.
Do you know anyone that lives in Wyoming? No, but my Husband and I joke about just leaving everything and moving there sometimes (to just get away from all the idiocy we see in this city).  I can’t believe there are only 500,000 people living in the entire state!
Do you smoke cigarettes? No
Which person you know has the most unique name? A few I suppose
Do you know someone that's missing a limb? No
Do you have facial hair? I don’t but my husband does Are you a bad person? I’m not and I hope no one thinks I am
What was the last swear you said? Bullshit (referring to my state closing beaches for Independence Day - yes I realize this was over a week ago but it still annoys me)
Have you ever called the police on someone? No
What is the most amount of pets you've had at one time? Two - a cat and dog
When did you last check your email? Yesterday.
Have you ever had a 3rd degree burn? No
Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? Yes, I fainted at work on time and they brought me to the hospital to find out what was wrong - thankfully it was nothing major
How long is your hair? About the middle of my back
Do you lock your doors at night? Oh yeah, they’re always locked even when we’re home.
Does your bedroom have a lock? Our bedroom doors do not
What do you have at your bedside? I have a table with old mail, a clock and sometimes my book (I want to read more before bed instead of looking at my phone)
How big is your bed? King
Do you know someone that was murdered? No
Do you know someone who's pregnant? No.  My friend was pregnant recently but she miscarried :(
Do you wear a watch? No, but I want to start wearing one!
What was your first pet? A cat
How much jewelry do you own? Not too much.  I don’t really wear jewelry.
What is the closest purple thing? My EXO pencil bag - it has their logo in a galaxy themed colors (purple, blue and green)
Green? Same thing as above
What time is it? 7:44am
What is your ideal profession? I wish I knew!! I have no idea :(
How tall are you? Like 5′0
Have you ever gotten x-rays? Yes
Do you wear gloves in the winter? I would but its never Winter in FL.
Do you consider yourself smart? Eh, so so.  I’m not stupid but I”m also not a genius.  I’m just average.
What color eyes are the prettiest? Gray-Blue eyes or Dark brown
Are your teeth straight? Yes
Do you like chocolate milk? I do but I don’t drink it because of all the sugar
Do you own a bike? No, I haven’t in years.  I want to buy one though but theres not really a place to bike where I live right now.
Are you taller than your mom? No, she’s like 5′1 lol so she’s just barely taller than me
Have you ever been engaged? Yes :)
What, in your opinion, is the ugliest name? I dont’ know, I don’t particularly like the old style names though
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blankdblank · 5 years
Anaticula Pt 57
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October Wk 3 Tutshill Tornados vs Kenmare Kestrals in England
The Tutshill Tornados founded in 1520, the team colours and their playing robes are sky blue with a dark blue Double-T on the chest.
The Tornados led the league in the autumn of 1995, but also saw success in the early part of the 1900s, during which time the Tornados won the League Cup five times in a row, which is a British and Irish Quidditch League record.
In 1921, the Tornadoes recorded the fastest ever win in a League match against the Caerphilly Catapults. Seeker Roderick Plumpton caught the Golden Snitch after three and a half seconds, using a move that became known as the Plumpton Pass.
The Tornados led the league in the autumn of 1995. According to The Quibbler, the Tornados had used a combination of torture, blackmail, and illegal broom tampering to win their matches.
Cho Chang has been a supporter of the Tornados since she was six years old and regularly wears a Tornados badge in a show of support. However, according to Ron Weasley, many people became fans only when the team started to win, and thus resented them for jumping on the bandwagon. Her apology came as she passed you in the halls after lunch and you giggled shaking your head saying you and Cedric didn’t mind and that you’d happily bring her along if she wished only to have her turn you down, wishing to be supportive of Cedric, not getting over excited when the Tornados took over the game.
The trip out went lovely enough, another train ride, though in the station your body went rigid feeling a familiar presence around you. Lowly Cedric leaned in asking, “Vision?”
You shook your head, “No, Fenrir’s here.” At that Fred and George flanked you crossing their arms over your back in their guiding you to the waiting car as Troy and Moran were filled in that Fenrir was a Death Eater/Werewolf that had been stalking you making them hurry after you too wishing to keep you safe in the bustling crowds you held a wide smile on your face for the cameras and people you signed autographs for.
Inside the car however the curtains over the windows were drawn and you slunk down in your seat feeling fifty degrees colder and you glanced at the Veterans saying, “I’m ok. I’ll be fine for the match.”
Oliver, “Least our families were busy, so we can just head back to the hotel after.”
Moran, “When he follows you, anything bad happen?”
“Other than spoiling my day? Not really. Snatching not involved, just an eerie shadow really.” You flinched out another grin withholding your shiver feeling his nails in your hair again as his growling comments replayed in your mind.
True to their word and reputations the match went hard and fast, just under three hours leaving you bruised and too sore to care who was outside the hotel you had collapsed onto your bed inside waiting on your food surrounded by your teammates in equal and varying levels of pain. Turning your head you glanced at Troy asking, “So is this the usual then? Collapsing after each match?”
He chuckled and Moran said, “Mullet used to say ‘It’s not Quidditch if you ain’t bleeding.’ So, fairly usual. Just wait for some of our later matches. Those teams are just brutal. Won’t be able to stand at all.”
Again you sighed and missed the closing of your eyes, but a knock broke your mini nap and brought your dinner straight to you, through which K appeared sharing that a team of Aurors were sweeping the streets after being warned by Fred that Fenrir was there after you.
Dreamlessly you managed through the night in your exhaustion and trudged with the others back to the train, after which you popped back to school in time for lunch. Afterwards however a grinning approach of Luna had you using your door again to let the Quibbler get an exclusive with the team. All with time enough to spare to return a bit more dressed up for the dinner party.
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An emerald plaid dress with ¾ sleeves hugged you perfectly helping to hide the bruises on your biceps you had, thick black tights with silver etchings of constellations were added to hide the bruises on your legs and your usual booties were slid on over. Through the hall you strolled and grinned catching up with Hermione in her sweater over her warm skirt and tights. “Hello Hermione.”
She grinned up at you saying, “You seem cheerful.”
A sigh came from you and your façade dropped a moment concerning her, “Oh really? Good. I am a walking bruise or I would hug you. Numbing cream is how I’m here, so don’t mind me if I miss my chair and end up on the floor.” Making her chuckle as you let out an exhausted giggle, “I never thought it would hurt this much. And Troy and Moran says it only gets harder going on. I can’t imagine a full Cup year. Regular season plus those Cup matches.”
“Well maybe if you weren’t teaching it might be easier.”
Your head tilted shifting your curls into your face making you lift your arm with a wince to brush it out again. “Maybe. Who knows how next year will play out.”
“Hopefully better.”
Harry came up next in a tie and blazer your father had picked out for him and Ginny, in a maroon shiny dress over her tights with her arm tucked under Harry’s saying, “720-250 Kestrals, well done, we saw the match on the Quidditch boards. That blow in the third quarter,” You winced again remembering the impact, “Still stings?”
Letting out a weak chuckle you replied, “You have no idea.”
Harry, “Wanderers, how do you reckon you’ll fare?”
You shook your head, “Not a clue. Just know if they’re using the Parkin’s Pincer I’ll have to keep my eyes open everywhere so they can’t ambush me.”
Neville popped up saying, “All you have to do is just team up with Fred and George. Use your overlapping moves, keep spinning round your broom to avoid blows and pass often. Can’t ambush ya if you don’t have the Quaffle.”
You nodded and grinned at him, “That is actually brilliant. Thank you.”
He chuckled and said, “No matter, you would have thought of it I’m certain.”
Ginny, “Oh yes, the whole school is buzzing still about our little Black Bird.” Making you roll your eyes, “I think it’s fitting.”
You let out a weak giggle heading up the last hall after the final bit of stairs, “I suppose they could have done worse.”
Harry, “I thought Quidditch Weekly had you down as Jaq-Rabbit?”
You giggled again, “Like that, yes, they did. They’ll pick one eventually.” Knocking on the door for you Neville grinned at you then to Professor Slughorn.
“Come in! Come in! Out of the chill, we are just missing a few more and then we can begin, but, butterbeers first, if you’re able?” He looked you over saying, “Good on you, right foul slam you received, so calming to see you up and around.” He patted you on the shoulder in your weak giggling turn to walk with him to the seats around the fire filled with random students, including Draco, who inched aside from the middle of his loveseat so you could sit by him and Neville.
“Thank you, yes, bit stiff, but up none the less.” Making him chuckle and collect a pint glass for you and hand it over bringing out your grin after an accepting sip. Between the boys you lowered and crossed your ankles chatting with the pair of them as Slughorn led the conversation with the twin girls across from you until more knocks sounded and the full party was there.
Slughorn, “So tell me, Cormac, do you see anything of your Uncle Tiberius these days?”
Cormac answered cockily with a wink to Hermione, “Yes, sir. In fact, I'm meant to go hunting with him and the Minister for Magic over the holidays.”
Slughorn, “Well, be sure to give them both my best. What about your uncle, Belby? For those who don't know, Marcus' uncle invented the Wolfsbane Potion. Is he working on anything new?”
Belby replied with his mouth half full in slicing off another bite, “Don't know. Him and Dad don't get on. Probably because me dad says potions are rubbish. Says the only potion worth having is a stiff one at the end of the day.”
Slughorn, “What about you, Miss Granger? What exactly does your family do in the Muggle world?”
She grinned answering, “My parents are dentists. They tend to people's teeth.”
“Fascinating. And is that considered a dangerous profession?”
“No. Although, one boy, Robbie Fenwick, did bite my father once. He needed 10 stitches.”
Slughorn replied, “Ah, fascinating, now, stitches,” his eyes wandered to you, “I received a letter from your uncle Regulus, something about stitches?”
You nodded, “Yes, I got that note too, something about a Wompas Cat when he was off searching for a Bonarroo he was sent after in a Muggle town in South America. It’s mended now according to dad.”
Cormac looked you over, “You speak with your father? I know the Minister has mentioned a wish to talk to him.”
You nodded, “Yes, we talk often. And you can tell the Minister we’ve heard what he’s been saying about my dad, if he’s going to play Fudge then he’s going to have to find my dad on his own if he’s meaning to toss him in prison for something.”
Cormac shook his head, “Not at all. Simply a talk to finally give him his trial.”
You set your fork down and asked, “Trial, for what? Halloween 15 years ago when our family was destroyed and he was framed?”
Cormac wet his lips feeling the tension he’d triggered, “Said something about he could finally be cleared by having the trial he didn’t have, put it to rest.”
You nodded then said, “We did put it to rest, under twin headstones in Godric’s Hollow. He can keep his trial. Tell him to find another smoke screen for hiding his failure in defending people.”
You lifted your fork again and Slughorn added, “That is just madness! I will be writing a letter to him, how absurd! Even Fudge wrote that he was cleared of all charges!”
That changed the mood of the dinner for a few moments until you asked the twin girls asking about their mother’s new murder mystery novel in a series set building buzz of its own having you all sharing your favorite parts of the series.
Lingering behind you slipped into the bathroom as Slughorn said goodnight to everyone else, “Goodbye. Bye-bye.” Turning around he saw Harry at his desk eyeing the hourglass on his desk, “Potter.”
“I'm sorry, sir. I was just admiring your hourglass.”
“Oh, yes. A most intriguing object. The sand runs in accordance with the quality of the conversation. If it is stimulating, the sand runs slowly. If it is not...”
“I think I'll be going.” He joked at the next to empty top glass.
“Nonsense. You have nothing to fear, dear boy. As to some of your classmates...well, let's just say they're unlikely to make the shelf.”
“The shelf, sir?”
Slughorn showed him to the open cabinet and table coated in various photographs, “Anyone who aspires to be anyone hopes to end up here. But then again, you already are someone, aren't you, Harry?” Seeing him eyeing the picture of you standing on your broom hurling the Quaffle off into a hoop as one of your best selling team photos you had signed for him.
“Did Voldemort ever make the shelf, sir? You knew him, didn't you, sir, Tom Riddle? You were his teacher.”
Slughorn’s fingers tapped on his stomach, “Mr Riddle had a number of teachers whilst here at Hogwarts.”
“What was he like? I'm sorry, sir. Forgive me. He killed my parents.”
“Of course. It's only natural you should want to know more. But I'm afraid I must disappoint you, Harry. When I first met Mr Riddle, he was a quiet, albeit brilliant, boy committed to becoming a first-rate wizard. Not unlike others I've known. Not unlike yourself, in fact.”
The opening of the bathroom door brought their eyes to you and your quick grin, “If the monster existed...it was buried deep within.” Slughorn murmured. As you drew closer he asked, “Feeling well?”
You nodded, “Yes, thank you, sorry, one of my buttons got stuck.” You giggled out then glanced between them saying, “Well, I’ll escort Harry back, and let you enjoy your evening. Thank you for the invitation, and I am sorry if I soured the mood. I do try not to be so thin skinned about it.”
He shook his head, “Not at all. It is pure nonsense. He shall be receiving a scathing letter from myself, perhaps that might set him straight. But yes, you both are in need of rest.” He said leading you both to the door freeing you both out to the hall.
Harry glanced up at you, “Are you alright?”
You nodded saying, “I have a heating pack on my thigh, took some doing to get it back into place when I shifted my tights.”
“You are enjoying the team?”
You nodded, “Yes, when men twice my size aren’t trying to knock me off my broom by falling into my lap.” Making him chuckle at your pained giggle in starting on the first steps, “Off to bed now,”
He nodded, “You too.” Making you giggle again in his turn to head up to the Gryffindor tower trotting to catch up with Hermione and Neville.
Nov Wk 1 Wigtown  Wanderers Home Ireland
The Wigtown Wanderers are a Quidditch team that plays in the British and Irish Quidditch League. The team is based in Wigtown, which is located in southwest Scotland. Founded in 1422, their playing robes are blood red with a silver meat cleaver emblazoned on the chest.
The original Wanderers were the seven children (four sons, three daughters) of local butcher Walter Parkin. They are remembered as a formidable team who won most of their matches, perhaps partly because Walter himself used to attend every game holding his wand in one hand and a meat cleaver in the other. A Parkin descendent has often been found on the team throughout the centuries.
The original Chasers also invented their own signature move, known as the Parkin's Pincer, where three Chasers fly from different directions at an opposing Chaser.
Kennilworthy Whisp, author of Quidditch Through the Ages, is a supporter of this team
470-600 This game was the most painful and as the irritation hit you an ‘accidental’ miss throw after a slam from one of the Beaters took their Thief out when you broke his nose heavily damaging their plays. That single penalty you had been given gave them their last chance at scoring when your efforts amped up until Cedric stole away the Snitch in a hard dive nearly crashing into the ground ending your ordeal.
Wk 3 Wimbourne Wasps vs Kenmare Kestrals in England
The Wimbourne Wasps founded in 1312, their robes are horizontal yellow and black stripes with a wasp on the chest. The team has won the League Cup at least eighteen times, and have twice been semi-finalists in the European Cup.
The team adopted the wasp as their emblem after a game against the Appleby Arrows in the mid-seventeenth century, in which one of their Beaters batted a wasps' nest towards the opposing Seeker, who was so badly stung he had to retire. Their fans are known as Stingers, and they make loud buzzing sounds to distract opposing Chasers taking penalties.
Ludo Bagman was originally a member of this team, and was congratulated by a juror during his trial for his performance in one of his matches for England against Turkey, but eventually left and became the Head of Department of Magical Games and Sports. The Wasps won the League Cup three times in a row when Bagman played for them.
Again Fenrir had been spotted, and a hard week of prepping for exams coming up had filled up your weeks. None of the Aurors managed to find him, but they did find the flowers he left outside with a note reading just your name in a heart tucked inside. Shaking off the irritation of it all you looked back to your tv watching the movie you had chosen to watch in your sleepless night. Your guest however, Barty, upon sensing your pause in heading off to another game in England that eased Fenrir’s task of stealing a glimpse of you jumped on the chance. And in one of the usual press sessions after he got a bit distracted himself by a woman who came up to him and eventually took him up to her own hotel room. A knock sounded and you answered accepting your dinner for the night, another helping of Chinese takeaway you set out across the bed.
In opening the first box you glanced up at the opening door seeing Barty walking through shaking his head making you smirk, “That was fast.”
He let out a weak chuckle, “Well,” smirking in his trot over to sit by you, “Her boyfriend rang,” your brow inched up, “She picked up, right in the middle of it, and um, she said something about him coming up and, well,” he clicked his tongue, “Not my finest hour, she seemed a bit miffed when I hopped out of bed to get dressed.”
“What? She wanted you to stay?”
He nodded making you giggle in his chuckle, “Apparently she wanted their first time to be his dream night. Only has threesomes it seems.”
“Ah, threesome, very, wow. Seems pretty trying on relationships, can’t get frisky unless there’s company.” Making him chuckle again.
“Exactly. How’s the film?”
“Not bad. Missed the opening though, Alastor came up.” His brow inched up when you caught his eyes, “He left me flowers.” Deeply Barty sighed, “Well, I’ll see what I can do about that.”
You shook your head saying, “Don’t you worry about it. We should worry about finding you a nice girl,” Making him laugh in your fit of giggles continuing, “Preferably one without a boyfriend.” When you finished off the food he pulled you back against the pillows and helped you drape across his chest to fall asleep in his arms calming himself at the stop to your trembling you had been trying to hide knowing who might be lingering around outside.
Returning home again however on one of your nights after classes Barty brought Snape along with him to speak with your father and uncles. Since the last game the twins had decided to spend the week with you to help you calm down in their company, though they stayed up to find out what the meeting was all about.
At the table the men all sat down as Barty sighed and lowered his mug of tea, “We have to do something about Fenrir.”
Regulus broke the silence saying, “I have a plan.”
Snape, “It has to be something permanent. We cannot risk him popping up again.”
Regulus, “It’s not pretty, but I know where we can kill him.”
December Wk 1 Appleby Arrows vs Kenmare Kestrals in Home Ireland
"Arrows fans will agree that their team's most glorious hour was their 1932 defeat of the team who were then the European champions, the Vratsa Vultures, in a match that lasted sixteen days in conditions of dense fog and rain."
—Kennilworthy Whisp, Quidditch Through the Ages
The Appleby Arrows are a Quidditch team from the village of Appleby in North Lincolnshire, England. The Arrows play in the British and Irish Quidditch League. Founded in 1612, the Arrows play in robes of pale blue, emblazoned with a silver arrow. There is traditionally fierce rivalry between the Arrows and the Wimbourne Wasps.
475 – 165. 7 games in with 5 more to go still broadened hopes that your streak would continue, and for a third time the team could reach the League Cup. This one was far less brutal and relied more on your stealing skills to keep the Arrows from even getting the Quaffle into the scoring zone.
Snow flurries between another round of snake themed lessons on your tundra dwelling breeds led up to the much awaited lessons on Tulip for the first through third years who had missed the lessons due to Ministry involvement in the school in the past few years.
Wk 3 Ballycastle Bats vs Kenmare Kestrals in Northern Ireland
The Ballycastle Bats are the second most successful team in the British and Irish Quidditch League, having won the title twenty-seven times nearing the end of the 20th century. Their robes are black with scarlet bat logos. Their mascot is the Barny the Fruitbat, who is also featured in Butterbeer advertisements.
Fellow Irish team and one of the most successful teams had the build up for this match and it truly met up to their standards as it was the longest of the season so far. Seven hours you battled back and forth around the two allowed meal breaks when crossing the three hour marks. A late penalty from Cedric’s taking a blow to the shoulder in a swoop for the Snitch their battle continued while Troy took the score and bumped up the final score on top of the 150 pt boost from Cedric’s capture of the Snitch.
The roar of the crowd at the match they never wished to end sounded and forward you slumped slowing your broom to rest your forehead on your locked hands to calm the sting you felt at the clearly broken ribs you had received that turned your hair black an hour into the match. Around you Troy and Moran floated up to your sides asking, “Alright there Birdie?”
Giggling weakly you shifted your feet on the rests under your broom and pushed yourself upright saying in a half chuckle, “Just peachy. Only a rib, I’ll just grow another one.” Making the pair laugh and look to the other team’s Beater flying over with camera in hand.
Awkwardly he grinned saying, “Hi,”
You nodded in return to his, “Hi.”
“I, um, my little girl’s a fan of yours, would you mind?” He held up the camera and you shook your head as Moran took hold of the camera and moved to capture another signature moment in your first season, you and the man who had broke your ribs beaming brightly in exhaustion after your massive battle of a game. That picture flooded through the papers, usually monster games ended with both teams as rivals for another year only continuing the pattern you had set it was all left in the game and on the field with no hard feelings after. 520 - 750
Ron, “Look, I can't help it if she's got her knickers in a twist. What Lav and I have, well, let's just say, there's no stopping it. It's chemical. Will it last? Who knows? Point is, I'm a free agent.”
Harry glanced up at his friend who was sitting down on the bed beside him after their showering after practice. The whole time he had been talking about Lavender while Harry was more focused on Ginny being taken to the Hospital Wing by you after her starting to get sick at the start of practice. When Ron went to go and find Lavender for their promised lunch date Harry went in search of Hermione to keep from having to watch them making out once again. And he found her in her second home, the library.
“He's at perfect liberty to kiss whoever he likes. I really couldn't care less. Just, some up for air sometime! Was I under the impression he and I would be attending Slughorn's Christmas party together? Yes. Now, given the circumstances, I've had to make other arrangements.”
Harry, “Have you?
She glanced at him with a raised brow, “Yes. Why?”
Harry shrugged, “I just thought, seeing as neither of us can go with who we'd really like to, we should go together, as friends.”
A huff left her, “Why didn't I think of that?”
“Who are you going with?”
“It's a surprise. Anyway, it's you we've got to worry about. You can't just take anyone. See that girl over there? That's Romilda Vane. Apparently she's trying to smuggle you a love potion.”
Harry couldn’t help but smirk, “Really?”
“Hey! She's only interested in you because she thinks you're the Chosen One.”
“But I am the Chosen One.” He playfully quipped back only to be whacked in the arm with a bundle of parchment in her hand making him chuckle, “Okay, sorry. Kidding. I'll ask someone I like. Someone cool.”
Luna eyed the hall Harry led her through with an easy grin on her face, “I've never been to this part of the castle. At least not while awake. I sleepwalk, you see. That's why I wear shoes to bed.”
Once inside the party Harry was asked, “Drink?”
Harry, “Neville.”
Luna, “Hello,” leaning in to kiss his cheek and pull back to Harry’s side.
Neville smirked looking Luna over in her dress she gave a spin for him to get the full look, then he answered looking to Harry again, “I didn't get into the Slug Club. It's okay, though. He's got Belby handing out towels in the loo.”
Harry chuckled saying, “Oh, well, I'm fine, mate. Thanks.”
Neville replied, “Okay.” Moving on with Luna joining him in his hushed conversation with her widening her grin up at him.
Peering around Harry took in all the faces in the room catching you in a shimmering green dress speaking with Draco in a midnight green dress robe coated in dark grey reindeer along the wall over mugs of cider and floating plates of treats, but Hermione darting behind a curtain had him following after, “Hermione. What are you doing? And what happened to you?”
Hermione, “No, I've just escaped. I mean, left Cormac under the mistletoe.”
Harry, “Cormac? That's who you invited?”
Hermione, “I thought it would annoy Ron the most.”
A student passing said, “Thank you. I'll catch up with you later.”
Hermione, “He's got more tentacles than a Snarfalump plant.”
Justin ducked behind the curtain offering a tray, “Dragon tartare?”
Harry shook his head, “No, I'm fine. Thank you.”
Justin nodded, “Just as well. They give one horribly bad breath.”
Hermione grabbed three off the tray she began to scarf down, “On second thoughts… Might keep Cormac at bay. Oh, God, here he comes.” Sneaking out around the other side of the column Harry took hold of the tray and Justin slipped out to go snatch away a tray of something else.
Harry flashed Cormac a grin, “I think she just went to powder her nose.”
Cormac took one of the tartare balls from the tray, “Slippery little minx, your friend. Likes to work her mouth too, doesn't she? What is this I'm eating, by the way?”
Snape dramatically flung back the curtain looking the pair over right as Harry said, “Dragon balls.”
The term had Cormac’s stomach lurching and at Snape’s feet he vomited making the Professor say, “You've just bought yourself a month's detention, McLaggen.” Cormac nodded and hurried off to the toilet and Snape said, “Not so quick, Potter.”
“Sir, I really think I should rejoin the party. My date...”
“Can surely survive your absence for another minute or two. Besides, I only wish to convey a message.”
“A message?”
“From Professor Dumbledore. He asked me to give you his best, and he hopes you enjoy your holiday. You see, he's traveling, and he won't return until term resumes.”
“Traveling where?”
Crabbe being drug into the room by Filch shouted, “Take your hands off me, you filthy Squib!”
Filch, “Professor Slughorn, sir. I just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor. He claims to have been invited to your party.”
Crabbe, “Okay, okay. I was gate crashing. Happy?” his eyes scanning over you and Harry angrily making Draco subtly take your hand as Barty returned to your side offering a refill on your drink he had gone to get.
Snape crossed the room, “I'll escort him out.”
Filch nodded his head and smirked at the teen, “Certainly, Professor.”
Slughorn motioned for the students to start mingling again, “All right, everyone, carry on, carry on.” Harry curiously glanced from you back to them and he snuck out after them with Hermione curiously chasing behind him.
Shoved against a wall Hermione ducked under Harry’s head to see Crabbe say, “Maybe I did hex that Bell girl. Maybe I didn't. What's it to you?”
Snape, “What are you doing? Do you have any idea how dangerous-,”
“I don't need protection. I was chosen for this. Out of all others. Me. And I won't fail her!”
“You're afraid, Vincent. You attempt to conceal it, but it's obvious. You are interfering! I made an Unbreakable Vow-,”
“No! I was chosen. This is my moment.”
He said shoving out of Snape’s grasp to storm back to the Slytherin dorm leaving Snape rolling his eyes muttering, “Idiots, I am surrounded by idiots!” Heading back to the party to speak to you.
In their silence Hermione asked, “Her? Who could that be?”
Harry wet his lips, “Has to be someone high up. Someone wanting to hurt Dumbledore.”
Hermione walked with him back to the party, “But, Riddle wants him dead…”
Harry glanced at her with lips parted in realization and said, “Bella, Jaqi mentioned she’s trying to win him over still since she attacked Jaqi.”
Hermione nodded looking ahead again, “Makes sense. And Crabbe certainly could be a link inside the castle.”
Harry watched Snape entering the party, “Looks like he’s telling Jaqi right off.”
By the storm delayed sunrise again on the train back home again Harry shared what Ron had missed during the party.
Ron, “’Unbreakable Vow.’ You're sure that's what Snape said?”
“Positive. Why?”
“Well, it's just you can't break an Unbreakable Vow.”
“I'd worked that much out for myself, funnily enough.”
“You don't understand.” A knock on the door had the pair staring up at Lavender, “Oh, bloody hell.”
Silently she mouthed after writing their initials inside a heart on the window she fogged up with her breath, “I miss you.”
Harry nodded in her trot away, “Lovely.” And looked to Ron again.
“All she wants to do is snog me. My lips are getting chapped. Look.”
“I'll take your word for it. So, what happens to you? What happens if you break an Unbreakable Vow?”
“You die. We have to tell Jaqi.”
“Snape told her about Crabbe. At the party, right after.”
Ron wet his lips, “But, what about the vow? What’s that about?”
Harry shook his head, “Not sure, but no doubt she knows about that too.”
Pt 58
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Pernicies (Eros p.t. 11)
Billy Hargrove x Reader, Jonathan Byers x Reader (Unrequited)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16
Word count: 3314
Warnings: swearing, drinking, sadness
Author’s Note: I’m having way too much fun with this, that is all
Permanent Tag: @hotstuffhargrove @denimjacketkisses @steveharringtonofficial @flamehairedwritings @flamehairedwritings @nistaposebno @hargroovin
Series Tag: @hargrovesgoldilocks @wtf-richarddd @sighsophiia @baebee35 @ijustwantahugfromtennant @rhyxn @wearemightyghosts @toriasaysso @random-stupid-stuffs @so-not-hotmess @warsintothestars @lilmissperfectlyimperfect @angellastor @aaliyonte @baileythepenguin @sleepyspacegal @kingbouji3 @abbyed
You and Billy didn’t speak until Vicki Matthews’ eighteenth birthday party, three weeks later. During that time, you divided your days equally between Jonathan and your friends. You spent more and more time at Barb’s grave, which gave your comfort and a sense of her still being with you. You imagined her ghost holding you as you wrote her silent letters in a journal you’d bought shortly before it was announced that she’d been killed by Hawkins Labs. It was a nice for two reasons-one, it was quiet, as cemeteries often are, and two, Billy didn’t know where it was, hell he didn’t even know about Barb, that was one area you kept private. Sitting in the silence each afternoon, in the bitter cold, you felt as though the plot was calm in an ever present storm. It was better than being home where everything felt like a wake, except the memorialized was still alive and haunting the halls. Here, you felt like you didn’t have to be strong all the time, if you needed to cry it was okay, there was no judgement. You didn’t believe in any one type of afterlife and ghosts weren’t exactly something you thought much about, but you knew her energy was there, holding you and keeping you company.
This was the longest you’d gone without talking to Billy. When you fought, which seemed to be often, you almost always made up. And Billy certainly had tried, he’d been haunting your locker and outside your classes for weeks, but every time you got close, he’d leave. It was almost a game of cat and mouse, except you weren’t chasing back. It seemed Billy couldn’t decide if he was the cat or the mouse, chasing and running wild. It was disconcerting, but you knew him too well. He wanted to apologize or at least talk, but his pride acted like a wall and he couldn’t pass by it. He needed you to come to him, to bypass his walls and make him feel he was in the right and his effort was noticed. But this time you couldn’t submit to his feeble vanity. He’d hurt you too much this time. He was a hypocrite and if he couldn’t admit to it, you wouldn’t force him to.
But just because you and Billy weren’t talking, didn’t mean Valerie stopped talking to you. In fact, it was the exact opposite-she wouldn’t leave you alone. Every day as you headed towards Stacy and Freddie, she’d grab your arm and try to force you over to her and Billy’s table. You knew this was for two reasons; one, she wanted you two to make up, and two, if you were there then she had an excuse to not let Billy feel her up over the meatloaf. Every single time you refused, stating the same reason:
“I’m not in the mood to be your pathetic third wheel.” You’d say, parroting Billy’s cruel word. Valerie would always come up with an apology and a cheap reassurance that you weren’t a third wheel, but you never listened.
Today, however, was different. As Valerie grabbed you to force you around and you tried to rip your arm away, crying out “Val, you know as well as I do that this isn’t going to happen.” She led you not to Billy’s now infinitely more empty table, but over to Carol and Tina and Vicki Matthews, who all seemed deep in plans.
“I’m not gonna make you sit with sad sack Hargrove, relax, I’m gonna let you in on the biggest secret of the year.” She said, forcing you onto the bench seat next to Tina as she squeezed in next to Vicki. “Even Jodie doesn’t know about this.” She said, as if to prove how secret this was.
Carol slid a sheet of portrait sized paper over to you, written on in purple and pink pen, bubble letters framing the title ‘Vicki’s super secret birthday bash’. Underneath was a rough map of Vicki’s house and the address.
“Intriguing, so what makes me so special that I get to know about this?” you asked, reading over the poorly drawn map, noting the exits and closed off rooms.
“We aren’t smart.” Vicki said simply, earning several slaps and hushes from her friends, silencing her.
“What Vicki means to say is that we need help planning this thing, we aren’t exactly planners.” Carol said, tapping the map.
“All we need is a swift backup plan, in case what happens at Val’s thing happens here.” Tina added with a shrug.
“So…you want to know how to not get the police called on you?” you asked, squinting at the map.
“No, Val got in so much shit with her parents when they came home, the house was a mess.” Carol replied smoothly.
“Oh, well that’s easy. Hand me a pen.” You said, earning grins from girls as they began their own planning.
By Wednesday morning, you’d sold all of Jonathan’s photos back to their owners for increasingly high rates based on their incriminating nature and by that night everything was set for the perfect party, complete with cleanup plan and a very strong backup plan for if the neighbours called the police on them. On Thursday, the invitations were handed out and Valerie was already trying to get you to come to her place to get ready, promising a ride there if you did. You declined the offer, only because it came with a hinted at addition of Billy. You promised you’d call her if you had any problems with getting ready, which she laughed off, declaring that if you could pull off your perm every day, you could handle dressing for a party. You didn’t tell her that you might not come at all.
Finding Jonathan nowadays was easy, generally he was seeking you out too. On Friday afternoon, with a flyer in hand, you waited for him in backstage as Kristy Swanson stumbled through her fifth attempt at Juliet’s balcony monologue. When he finally did arrive, he looked nervous, more so than usual.
“Hey…you whispered, pulling him into the darkest corner you could find, nodding to your stage manager, Robin, to turn a blind eye to the whole situation.
“Hey.” He returned, his lips connecting with the curve of your neck, pressing feather light kisses up your neck and over your jaw with the focus and determination of someone trying to become chess champion of the world.
“You coming to Vicki’s thing tonight?” you asked, your hands wrapping around him as you dragged your nails over his spine, making him either shiver or cringe.
“Haven’t decided yet…” he muttered into your hair, pushing your hips into his.
“You should, it’ll be fun.” You replied.
“Will Nance be there?” he asked, pulling away to look at you.
You shrugged “Maybe, I haven’t seen her much anymore. Not since the whole fallout with Steve again.” You replied.
Jonathan hummed. You both knew that Nancy got rejected by Steve for Vicki Matthews, a very embarrassing moment for all involved. You hadn’t discussed this with Nancy, nor with Jonathan as you didn’t know if it would be a good plan.
“I’ll be there.” He said and you rushed to hand him the flyer as your director finally called Kristy to stop and sent her offstage in a huff, which you’d need to protect her royal blue velour dress from, already having to sacrifice the headpiece to her wrath, watching her toss it to the ground.
“I gotta go, but I’ll see you there, okay?” you said, pressing a kiss to his stubbly cheek and rushing off to follow behind Kristy, snatching her hat off the floor and nodding to Robin to warn the other stage managers of her. You didn’t have the immediate luxury of waiting for his response, if she ruined that dress then your school would owe Haven Point’s professional theatre about eight hundred dollars in damages, money you knew the drama club didn’t have.
You ended up getting to leave rehearsal at eight thirty, due to Kristy’s lack of memorization skills and temper tantrums.  You managed to fix your hair in between scenes, thank god for the endless supply of hairspray in the makeup crew’s supply. Climbing into your car in the dark, you wished you lived closer to everything. You rushed home as fast as you could.
Getting ready was a hassle now that Valerie had a standard for you to hit. You threw on bright magenta dress you’d picked for its ruffled skirt and long sleeves, the only reason Valerie had even agreed to get it was the low back and the length of the skirt on you. You added to your makeup, choosing silver eye shadow and a moody purple lip. You rushed out the door before your father could stop you waving goodbye and climbing into your car, speeding to Vicki’s comfortable home, a safe distance between yours and Valerie’s.
The party was just starting to get interesting when you arrived, it had already been on for an hour, everyone who was there was drunk or getting there. The well plotted living room was crammed with drunken kids. The whole thing looked lively. You hadn’t seen Valerie or Billy yet, but that seemed like a good thing. Stacy and Freddie were having a heated conversation in a corner, seemingly both unhappy and horny. Vicki and Steve were dancing in the middle of the room, so sickeningly happy looking at them made you feel like you were getting a cavity. You were happy for both of them, Steve finally looked happy since his breakup with Nancy and word on the street said that he chose Vicki over her when given his second chance, a rare sign of growth for such a vapid boy. You were very happy with the idea of people watching for the whole night, you almost wish you had a camera to document the whole thing in all its debaucherous glory.
You hardly gotten one drink in you before Tina and Macy had grabbed onto you, pulling you into the living room again, crying over the thumping music “That hoe! Look at her!”
There stood Nancy and Jonathan in the middle of the room, kissing like actors did in the movies, slowly and softly with a sort of languid, gentle passion that burned like a warm fireplace on cold winter’s night.
Macy shoved a shot into your hand, turning to you with glazed over eyes and a face that looked to be sympathetic. “Fuck him, he’s a dickhead and she’s a whore, you can do so much better, my boyfriend has a single older brother I can tooootally set you up with-” she rambled and you nodded, taking the shot in a single gulp, your head snapping to follow the sound of screams of both terror and excitement. You found yourself pushing your way into the crowd and once close enough you saw two worrying things.
One, Billy was beyond pissed and stalking off towards to nearest exit.
And two, Valerie was sucking that tiny sophomore’s dick in the middle of Vicki’s party.
You had to go. You had to check on Billy. You rushed to follow him out.
He wasn’t quick on his feet, in fact he was insanely slow and off balance. He was definitely drunker than he’d like to admit and you were more than in the right to take away his keys. You wished that Tina hadn’t laughed of your idea of having a sober key master of  sorts to collect keys and not relinquish them to those too drunk to drive. Now you had to save his drunk ass.
“Y/N wait!” a voice called out behind you. For a second, you almost thought it was Valerie, trying to stop you or him or maybe both. But you knew the voice well enough to know that this was only going to end up being a distraction.
Nancy and Jonathan were chasing after you, both wearing anxious, guilty expressions. You stopped for them, waiting to hear whatever they had to say so you could get out.
“Y/N I am so sorry I didn’t mean to steal him away again and-” Nancy started, only to be immediately be cut off by Jonathan.
“And I’m sorry if I led you on I didn’t mean to I just-”
“I just really like Jonathan and-” Nancy started
“I just really like Nance.” and Jonathan finished. If it wasn’t so sickeningly sweet you’d think it was planned.
You looked from the pair of them and back to Billy, who was still humbling between the half finished beer in one hand and his keys in the pocket of his tight jeans. You grabbed them each by the hands, leaning in to smile at them.
“Look, I’m not upset, I knew you were into each other. Be happy, be together, you have my blessing or whatever. Mazel tov!” you said, letting them go and rushing off.
“But…” Nancy called, bewildered and very clearly uncomfortable.
“Mazel tov!” you waved, rushing to Billy. You got there just as he got the keys out of his pocket and you snatched them away.
“What the fuck…” Billy growled, dropping his drink to the ground and reaching out for his keys.
“Ah ah.” You said, pulling them quickly out of his reach “You’re not driving anywhere, not this drunk.”
“Y/N, back down.” He warned, his glare loose and sloppy instead of tough and hard as it usually was.
“Now, if you want to leave, I’m driving you. You can stay, if you want, but you’re not getting these back.” You jingled the keys in his face for emphasis before pocketing them.
“You’re not driving my car…” he muttered to the grass.
“Alright, then we can take mine, but I wouldn’t leave my car here if I was you. You know how bad Tommy wants to screw someone in the back of a sports car.” You reminded him, nodding towards his royal blue baby with its driver’s side window permanently rolled down.
Billy groaned, nodding softly “You’re right…” he admitted, heading towards the passenger side door. “If you get one scratch on Sheila I’m killing you.” He warned.
“You named your car Sheila?” You giggled, watching as he turned red; no sober man would ever admit their car’s name that loudly and you both knew it. Billy didn’t respond, only adding to the humour in the whole situation. You chose not to press him on the subject, climbing into the driver’s seat.
You’d only driven stick shift once, when your father had to physically hold your mother in the backseat when she’d tried to hurt herself again. That was over a year ago and you felt shaky on the controls, but now you’d made your bed so you had to lie in it. You turned on the ignition and put the car in gear, reversing out of Vicki’s street, shifting gears and pushing forward, trying your damndest to not grind the clutch into dust. Billy’s head had lulled against the seat, his eyes shut tightly into a permanent grimace.
“You know…” you tried “I’m really proud of you tonight, you didn’t even leave a mark on that kid, and I know you really wanted to.”
“Val wouldn’t like it…” Billy muttered, not bothering to try to hide his disdain.
“Yeah well I think Val got enough of what she wanted tonight.” You replied, turning off of Vicki’s street and down one of the main roads.
“She was just drunk…” Billy said, his grimace turning into a scowl and his head unconsciously turned to you, his eyes still shut tight.
You knit your brow “You don’t need to defend her, Bee.” You said, watching him from the rear view mirror.
“Yes I do…” he replied gruffly.
“No you don’t, Bill,” you sighed “She cheated on you, she did you wrong, you don’t have to defend her.”
“Yes I do.” He pressed, nearly growling.
“Why?” you demanded.
“Because I love her!” he cried, his eyes snapping open, wide and red. Only now it was obvious to you that he wasn’t angry, he was as close to heartbreak as he’d ever been in his whole life. “I love her and she loves me and I know that we’re gonna be fine.” He breathed, nodding as though you had said it.
And in that moment, you had two options, both of which would break his heart. You could tell him what you saw or what you felt he could understand. You chose the latter.
“You don’t love her.” You replied, keeping your eyes on the road. You couldn’t bear to look at his face. You knew that what you’d just said would hurt him, but it had to be said.
“Yes I do.” Billy said and without even looking at him, you knew he’d crossed his arms over his chest, his jaw clenched tight and teeth grinding.
“No, you don’t Bill.” You pressed, your voice softer and kinder than before.
“How the fuck do you know how I feel?” he snapped.
“If you loved her, you’d be there, handling this. You would’ve knocked out that stupid sophomore and dealt with the aftermath. You wouldn’t be sitting here with me.” You explained.
“You forced yourself into this! I wanted to go home, take a breather, and handle this later.” He cried “And since when do you know anything about being in love anyway?”
You huffed “I know about love.”
Billy rolled his eyes “Oh yeah sure, sure you know all about it. With your stories and your books and the creepy way you watch people! Newsflash, sweetheart, that isn’t understanding love, that’s being a pathetic creep and-” he was ranting, well more rambling drunkenly at you. But it still stung, like salt rubbed into an open wound.
You felt tears begin to well in your eyes and, if only to get him to shut up, if only to keep yourself from crying. “I’m in love with you, you absolute asshole! You stupid, short sighted, senseless, careless, awful man! I love you. So you don’t get to say shit.” You cried, pumping the brakes roughly and turning off the engine.
Billy laughed. No, laughed wasn’t the right word, he guffawed. He laughed like you were the funniest person on earth; it came deep from his stomach and echoed throughout the cramped space. You thought he couldn’t hurt you anymore more than he had thus far, you’d sworn he’d already torn your heart from your chest and stomped on it. But this was the final blow, the knockout punch to any of the belief he could ever reciprocate your feelings and the last shreds of your already torn apart confidence. You had been the most vulnerable you could be with him and he laughed. Hot tears began to slip down your cheeks and you were quick to brush them away as you pulled the keys from the ignition, pocketing them again.
“I fucking hate you. And now you’re stuck here. Come find your keys when you’re sober and less of an asshole, if you can ever figure that part out.” You snapped with the last of your unshaken breath before you forced the door open and then yourself out into the cold night air.
Billy watched you, gaping like a fish; he hadn’t thought you were serious. He thought this was some stupid joke that was laughable. But as he saw your spirit break and your ego fall away, he was hit all at once in the heart. You loved him and left him stuck far too big in the pit of emotional quicksand you’d left behind. As you marched off into the night, you left him stuck and stewing, a tornado in his mind ripping through his soul.
He was so fucked.
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lovebunnie · 6 years
Do them all nerd
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1. meaning behind my url?
- i like venom and symbrock (veddie) is good
2. a pisture of me
- people get creepy with pics of me (plus u know what i look like already) so have uh this?
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i look like this
3. how many tattoos do i have and what do they look like?
- i dont have any (yet) but i really love tattoo culture
4. last time i cried and why
- i was looking at cats that needed to be adopted online and they all are….. so cuuute
5. piercings i have
- i dont have any :p
6. favorite band?
- gorillaz 
7. buggest turn offs
- if you make rude jokes ill immediately be annoyed with you (twitch humor)
8. top 5 (insert item)
- well since u didnt do it ill do top 5.. numbers..
420, 69, 666, 0, 👌
9. tattoos i want
- i want some roses, maybe some song lyrics and some special pieces drawn by the artist because i love artists expressing themselves
10. biggest turn ons
- im babby but also hand holding
11. age?
- im 18
12. ideas of a perfect date
- ive said before that i want my first date to be to a build a bear because thats CUTE we make bears for each other
13. life goal?
- i want to one day give a ted talk
14. piercings i want
- not really what i want but i actually really love gauges and septums because im gay and goth
15. relationship status?
- absolutely not dating anyone and pining over like 5 people
16. favorite movie?
- dead poets society
17. a fact about my life
- i had a half brother i didnt know was a half brother until i was 15 years old lmao
18. phobia?
- throwing up
19. middle name?
- it starts with an ‘m’ but thats all ill say
20. height?
- i havent gotten measured since like 8th grade so last time i checked i was 5 2 but honestly i dont know
21. are u a virgin?
- have u seen me and my content? of course i am
22. whats your shoe size?
- 7.5 or 8 depending on the brand
23. whats your sexual orientation?
- im bisexual :3
24. do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs?
- no because im not cool enough to get them and also my family is full of addicts so if i start itll most likely kill me
25. someone you miss?
- every single person i met at camp (ian and rivers and connor and jared but theyre the ones i have tumblrs from) i love them dearly and i cant wait until the summer to see them again
26. whats one thing you regret?
- i wish i did more theater because i honestly really enjoy it
27. first celebrity you think of when someone says attractive?
- jake gyllenhaal (followed closely by hugh dancy and megan fox)
28. favorite ice cream?
- turkey hill mint chocolate chip
29. one insecurity?
- my face looks like a pizza i have such nasty skin
30. what my last text message says
- fun fact but if u know me youll know im the absolute worst at responding to messages, i didnt text my grandma back so much my dad threatened to throw my phone in a ‘fucking lake’ (his words) but anyway it was to my friend seb and it said “yeah just me being a pretentious fool as usual” talking about my twitter
31. have you ever taken a picture naked?
- absolutely NOT lmao who would i send it to my english class gc?
32. have you ever painted your room?
- my old room in maryland yeah, we painted it light blue
33. have you ever kissed a member of the same sex?
- i havent had my first kiss yet whoops
34. have you ever slept naked?
- HELL NO my cat steps on me in my sleep
35. have you ever danced in front of your mirror?
- literally everyday it makes me really happy and its fun and im not apologizing
36. have you ever had a crush?
- i dont think ive ever not had a crush like deadass
37. have you ever been dumped?
- no ive only really dated one person
38. have you ever stole money from a friend?
- no all my friends are broke like me we suffer together like champs
39. have you ever gotten into a car with people you just met?
- god fucking NEVER all my closest friends live away from me and are gay so none of us can drive (yet. connor is getting there) but yeah no i dont even trust my brother to drive me
40. have you ever been in a fist fight?
- no but id win because my muscles are so huge
41. have you ever snuck out of your house?
- no i live in the middle of no where. i could walk to food loin or burger king if i wanted to but i dont. so no. im asleep at 8:30
42. have you ever had feelings for someone who didnt feel them back?
- literally all the time, i like people who will never like me back
43. have you ever been arrested?
- no im a rule follower
44. have you ever made out with a stranger?
- see question #33
45. have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere?
- like in secret? no. but as friends? yes.
46. have you ever left your house without telling your parents?
- accidentally yes and when they tell me they were worried i cry in shame
47. have you ever had a crush on your neighbor?
- i think back in elementary school i had a crush on a neighbor boy. he was a lax bro and i think liked me back even if i was 2 years older than him
48. have you ever ditched school to do something more fun?
- no and actually, last year i had gone the whole time without missing a single day so my mom and i went into the city and i asked to go home to finish homework and my mom called me a nerd :(
49. have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex?
- that has never come out, no
50. have you ever seen someone die?
- ive been watching our country die for years
okay im only doing half because im literally falling asleep i might finish the other half if u want me to
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olivia-crains · 6 years
Sharp Objects
Episodes: Vanish, Dirt, Fix, Ripe
Content below may be triggering for some, please read with discretion.
Examining tiny hairs became my daily hobby. I would always attempt to remove the tiny white bulb from each eyebrow or eyelash I pulled.
I had two groups of friends in middle school, one set who did nothing but make fun of me and really appealed to my critic voice, and the other group who were kind and loving and adored me. I am sure you can guess which group I hung out with more often. Christ, you’d think I would have learned by now. These girls would write notes to me in class threatening to kill my cat, they would go into gruesome detail about how they would do it and where they would bury him. My boy was only about a year old and he was my world, this ‘friend’ befriended me because I was the new kid at this school and had a photo of my cat in the front pocket of my binder. She used the very thing I loved so much to hurt me. This would grow to be a frequent occurrence with all the toxic individuals who have entered my life. The picking began that year, while taking our end of grade tests, the note passing session fell around the same time as well. I hate seeming like I was an easy target and like a pitiful little baby, I had no problem sticking up for myself and becoming defensive, but it is as if they and everyone else knew I would take their insults and words to heart and lash out at myself in the process, it is as if no one took me seriously. My vulnerability has always been used against me though it is my favorite attribute that I embody. So, following the threatening cat letter, I told my Mom and she in turn told my teacher, though I told her not to. The girls were obviously scolded and were told to apologize to me and they did and I forgave them and all was dandy! Me teacher took a liking to me after that happened, she stopped me in the hallway and said to me one afternoon “You know that saying, sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me? Well, words are worse.” I have never forgotten that, and thinking back on that now, I would much rather someone shatter my skull than harm my heart with words; the most powerful weapon of all.
My palm is still pulsating from my grip on my favorite pair of scissors. I used to use them to cut out photos of the cast of LOST and carefully pin them on my wall, they are children’s scissors, a rather hideous blue color, I once was detained at the Colorado airport for having them in my backpack. These scissors have traveled with me for well over a decade now, always handy, for whatever need may arise.
Is there anything more vulnerable and heartbreaking than hearing an adult refer to their Mom as ‘Mama’? It is the southern staple, it is what I call my own Mama, a spark of my inner child latching on to this tiny, yet, oh so powerful word.
Everything is a sharp object, a person who self harms spends time scanning rooms. When you vow to not keep the ‘normal’ tools in your home, you sometimes have to get creative when you are desperate. Using the end of a tube of lotion, safety pins, knives, caps from various household items (toothpaste, prescription bottles, etc), the blades of your blender screaming your name, end of a lightbulb, end of an iPhone charger, etc. Anything can work as long as you press hard enough. The thoughts and perceptions are the ammunition; the cutting itself is the therapy.
I chipped my front tooth on a glass bottle a few months ago, it is sharp and jagged, but barely noticeable. As an anxious habit, I tend to rub my thumb nail against the sharp part of the tooth and drag my thumb up and down repeatedly throughout the day, my cuticles are worn and bruised, my nail has white lines, jagged and uneven all over. I wish I picked up skills as quickly as I pick up gross habits. I always must be doing something, whether it is biting my nails, digging my car key into my stomach while socializing, cutting words like ‘fat’ and ‘never’ on the inside of my thighs, purging until my throat is stinging and raw, picking and picking, punishing me for being me.
I am always particularly drawn to destructive characters, not their behaviors or habits, but their strength. It takes a brave person to keep living when everything inside of them is frothing with hate. The damage is outside of ourselves, though we take it out on ourselves, no matter the issue, no matter the severity, we take it out on ourselves. Amy Adams perfectly conveys what it is like to have destructive thoughts and painful memories rumbling inside of your skull at all times, instead of taking it out on other people, which tends to be the more common practice, she takes it out on herself. Why is it that I can care for such characters so deeply but cannot care about myself? I think it is because my issues are weak comparatively, that is what the message on the jumbotron flashing across my insides reads.
I recently turned in my apartment key to my former leasing agent, my first thought when I left the building was about that key; a sense of mourning trailing behind me. It is dull and smells of nickel, but I have always preferred it due to its specific ridges. I trace my finger across the grooves, it is ritualistic in nature, that’s always how it begins, I feel the object, allow guilt over past issues/what people think of me take hold of me, and carve. It is an instant euphoria, it’s hard to describe it, it feels like my guilt or my self-loathing is silenced for the night. My thoughts quiet, bleeding through, I always promise this will be the last time, only issue is my guilt and self-loathing are like rabbits; rapidly procreating.
Camille hides her indulgences like a child, her stunted adolescence is showcased through the candy bars and tiny alcohol bottles she continues to sneak into her Mother’s home. Addicts and individuals who partake in harmful activities tend to minimize everything and/or make excuses for themselves. Camille buys small bottles of vodka instead of a full handle. Camille softens experiences, her rape, cutting, alcoholism, she is never the victim, ever, she thinks she deserves all of this. Placing the sewing needles against the pad of a finger, no blood, no incision, just a press. It isn’t real if the dose of the destruction is untraceable.
Camille is so real, so dark, familiar. Unlovable. The only way to stop ones destructive habit(s) is to graduate to a new one. For Camille, that is alcohol. There is almost a self destructive meter that each person has. For me, alcoholism and sex addiction are the 10s, I made a promise to myself years ago that I will never get there, ever. I tend to teeter on the line at a 5/6. 1-Pulling (trichotillomania) 2- weak cuts, no depth 3-anorexia 4-heavier cutting 5-bulimia 6-bulimia and cutting. I know this makes no sense and seems appalling, but these are examples of my own personal excuses. “Well, ill never make it to a ten, well I never use razors, well ill never be a sex addict because no one will have sex with me, etc.” I am trying my hardest to level down, the only issue is there is so much darkness I have yet to punish myself for, so many memories living at the forefront, things I will never forget. Our ability to remember everything is our everlasting curse, no prince will ever break it, in a way, our worst memories are what keep our destruction alive. A buffet for the critic living inside of us.
Adora’s words slither. Whispers coated with poison, suffocating all those around her, yet her love and approval feel like antidotes. Camille will never fully heal.
Amma wraps her lollipop around Camille’s waves in her hair, the ultimate childish act. Teens are just so freaking scary, that scene is just deeply troubling and it is tough to see a grown woman sucked into a gaslighting reality. Its all about power dynamics in that toxic town. Camille seems fearful, her tone shifts to defensive, but it never works, not even on her sister who is more than a decade younger than her, people can just sense that she is an adult child. The empath. The watcher. The ultimate reactor.
Camille is timid, but she asserts such dominance when her secret is threatened to be exposed.
There is an acid stain on my porcelain tub, it sits two inches from the drain and features a light orange tint, I remember that specific night that stain was born. Its the spot I always aim for when purging; a home, a landing strip for my innards, you’re not alone here; no one is alone here. I shave sitting down in the shower because I am a weak individual who just prefers to sit or lay at all times, I notice the stain, I stick only one finger in my throat to gag, but stop myself from taking it further than that, it isn’t good, but I have to do something. Usually I will stare in the general direction of the stain and blindly shave while staring at it, my eyes shift to the drain and memories shoot out and I wish to turn the small top off of the drain and cut myself again, I ignore that and continue to shave, if only I had shorter legs.
I bet you’re sensitive, writers are sensitive. You can make people understand.
Camille is a person of senses, she is so easily triggered by her environment. She feeds off of energies; clocking everyone.
There is a moment in Vanish where Camille is driving in Wind Gap, she sees one of the town’s many murals and says quietly, but with a shake of comfort, “Hi Betty.” She later greets the mural outside of the tire store and says with a sarcastic (she finds the funny and its one of so many things I so deeply love about her, her wit is incredibly strong) tone, “What do ya know, Joe?” I have this ritual to ease my anxiety that I have been doing since I was a teenager, whenever I am feeling overwhelmed or like I wish to purge or cut, I say hello to every object in the room I am in. Hello sink, hello rug, hello shampoo, hello conditioner. I have never really given much thought to this little coping mechanism of mine, but Camille saying hello to these little pieces of her town, it made me feel less like a freak.
The yellow innards of the lemons printed on my sheets stared back at me. A perfect set of sheets for the summer, lemons have always made me happy, I tend to give fruits and other inanimate objects personalities, and lemons are just so very kind and nurturing. Mother fruit. As a child, I would constantly take the lemons from my parent’s waters at restaurants and suck on them until my tongue was numb. The blood is traceable, not much, a familiar yet distant sight to behold. The warmth of the blood slowly dripping down my inner thigh landing on one of the many lemons printed on my sheets; silencing its kindness.
There is always a sting of pain hidden beneath the shadow of empathy in the eyes of the damaged. Weighted looks, like magnets, that draw you in.
In the words of the masterful Gillian Flynn,
Camille is a ballerina with a steel spine.
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crimsonrevolt · 6 years
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Congratulations Paige you’ve been accepted to Crimson Revolt as Augustus Rookwood.
↳ please refer to our character checklist
Welcome back Paige! To hear from you was such a pleasant surprise and to have you back is even better! We never know what Augustus is going to do and that’s what makes him so great! He’s complex and interesting and we’re ready to have him back on the dash!
application beneath the cut 
Paige, 25, she/her, EST. I’m from Tennessee in the United States!
I’m currently having to share a laptop with my mom, and Chronic Fatigue keeps me pretty dead for most of the day, but I plan to get online at least once daily to reply to anything I owe. So 5/10 maybe? I mean, I’m ALWAYS available via chat though, to plot or just talk.
Originally, Alexis, your former (original?) Rabastan. Then I was here for months, left, returned for a year, left, and I’m baaaaaaaaack! Lol You know I can’t stay away from my trash son.
In the past, I said Hermione without hesitation. I was always the one who felt a bit left out when new to a school, the one who lived to make teachers happy, and was a little too weird to make friends on my own without an intervening force. However, now I would say Minerva. In my friend group, I tend to be “mom”. I use logic and my mediating skills to make sure everyone stays out of too much trouble, work on guiding them through tough situations, and I always offer snacks when someone is upset. Also, cats are my life, and if I could become one, I would. Though even with the benefit of magic, the process would be incredibly complicated and I’m super lazy.
Augustus Rookwood.
Middle name: Xavier.
Name’s full meaning: Majestic, splendid, bird/forest
Daniel Sharman
What I put in my first apps: I’ve always been drawn to the darker characters. Especially the ones who appear very controlled when in the public eye, and then “let loose” when they’re behind closed doors. Then there was mention of his family basically putting him on a pedestal. I’ve always loved (and had a muse for) characters that have a little too much responsibility put on their shoulders by their parents, and then begin to crack under the pressure in highly destructive ways.
Augustus seems like the type of person who originally started out trying to be the best son he could be. Who nodded and smiled at his parents’ plans for his future, worked his hardest in school, and then one day realized there was someone out there (The Dark Lord) to whom he could devote himself, and not have to be so perfect and “good”.
Which is why he will last in this war. No one suspects the “good little quiet boy” who kept his nose in his books, and his potentially deadly spells to himself. Not even the Dark Lord wanted him at first. Not until Augustus showed him exactly what he was capable of, behind a locked door, when everyone else was out trying to make as much noise for their cause as possible.
Now that he has an excuse to use the dark skills he’s kept to himself for years, Augustus kills when asked to and tortures just for the fun of it. However, he draws the line at children, and will convince another member of the group to kill/torture them when sent to “take care of” an entire family. He can’t exactly explain why he’s protective of children, or why that mindset changes as soon as they’ve reached an age when they can defend themselves. Perhaps it’s just too easy, and he likes a challenge.
Now that I’ve actually played him: He evolved over time and his ability to suppress his emotions slipped drastically depending on who he was with. There were far more bad influences than good ones, and soon, a few too many people knew his secrets and he was caught. Since then, he has retreated back into himself as much, if not more than before, and mainly focuses on his job and making the Dark Lord proud. And God, he feels like screaming every minute of every day. As the climax of the war draws nearer, situations become more and more tense. The whispers behind his back make his skin crawl, and although he knows he will be protected if he lashes out, he swallows his curses like acid. He was betrayed once, and won’t let it happen again.
Preferred ships? Augustus/everyone, to be honest. Augustus will have sex with anyone. Long time friends, people he wants to manipulate, strangers, whatever. Sex isn’t tied to emotion for him. It is purely the pursuit of pleasure. Hell, he would probably have sex with the Dark Lord without even being commanded to do so. Because yolo? But romance is an entirely different animal. It requires trust and emotional connection and way too much of oneself. Therefore, Augustus has only felt such a connection once, and he’s not sure he wants to repeat it. However, he could easily be in a relationship or marriage with someone out of convenience or friendship. Though no monogamy or cute stuff unless pretending for the public. He thinks it would be selfish to tie someone down like that if he can’t offer them what they need emotionally.
Overall, Augustus identifies as an aromantic pansexual (though those labels aren’t exactly a thing in the 70s/80s), as a cis male (he/him/his). There has been some gender experimentation with polyjuice potion, but that was purely for fun.
Patronus: Lynx. (Lore states that the secretive lynx represents controlled power, individualism, and sharp-sightedness. Lynx people are generally exceedingly observant, quiet, intelligent, and curious. Though their independent nature can strike some as aloof, they are often excellent guides and steadfast friends.) Boggart: Someone outing him for what he’s done. Such as, a member of the Wizengamot reading a list of his crimes. Wand: Hazel (Wandlore states that “A sensitive wand, hazel often reflects its owner’s emotional state, and works best for a master who understands and can manage their own feelings.”), 10 inches, Dragon heartstring core, Unyielding.
Blog: http://avgvstvs.tumblr.com
Brief playlist: “Choke” - I Don’t Know How But They Found Me, “Strangers” - Halsey (ft. Lauren Jauregui), “Run” - AWOLNATION, “The Last One” - Black Veil Brides
Aesthetic: On one hand, he’s a smoking gun, hands dripping with blood, wet leather after a surprise storm, teeth on pale skin, the way a bottle of alcohol holds the scent when empty, skin rubbed against a rough brick wall, and sins in hallowed places. But then he’s also the smell of old books, chalk covered hands from solving impossible problems, secrets whispered to empty rooms, lies screamed into crowded places, nails digging into palms, tantrums behind locked doors, cold chains, hot coffee, lightning and hurricanes. But then as an Unspeakable, there’s all this mystery surrounding his job, and the strict rules he must follow.  So order and perfection. But as a Death Eater, there’s all this chaos and mess. Augustus in school was far different. Sweaters with sleeves a little too long, glasses to read that kept slipping off, smudged parchment, top marks hidden from fellow students, praise from teachers sounding too much like the praise from his parents, the death of a sibling and the expectation to immediately get over it, sitting in windows and watching the world move too fast. Everything was perfectly imperfect, and he did everything he could to grasp and absorb the chaos around him, and hold it tight.
The following section should be looked at like a survey for your character. Answer them in character and feel free to use gifs. Or, if you’d rather, answer them in third person or OOC without gifs. Answers do not have to be extremely lengthy.
♔ If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it? Feel free to name it: “I would not invent my own. I would simply rework the pre-existing Obliviate and make it much more permanent and impossible to reverse. The incantation would be obliviscaris in perpetuum (forget forever) and it would be invaluable for those who wish to use it on victims, or for those who have something traumatic or highly sensitive in their past that they’d rather forget..”
♔ You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one other character and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you’d want with you: “I would choose to take the Dark Lord with me, obviously, despite him never being one to follow someone else. His powers surpass anything the forest could throw at us. Also, I would bring a time-turner with me, due to its ability to help me return to any moment before I run into trouble, and allow me to take a different path.”
♔ What kinds of decisions are the most difficult for you to make? “Those that require me to go against my deceitful nature and be completely honest with people. Like, a decision that if I am being truthful, would end my carefully constructed public image.”
♔ What is one thing you would never want said about you? “I would never want someone accusing me of something, whether I did the deed or not. How I spend my time is an entirely private matter, and I would rather not have others prying into my life, no matter what they believe I have done.”
While Augustus is glad that the Ministry is fully within the clutches of the Dark Lord’s side, he disagrees with the eradication of non-purebloods. He has never been a blood purest due to his childhood as an outcast and the discovery that those with colorful family trees tend to be the kindest. And after his time spent in America surrounded by Muggles, Augustus doesn’t really give a shit who your parents are. He plans to do almost everything he can to avoid a total genocide. Sure, murder and mayhem are fun, but one must draw a line at the slaughter of friends. Perhaps. While he has no plans to actively work against his fellow Death Eaters, he will not turn down direct orders. And for now, his orders are to stay focused on his work in the Department Of Mysteries. He has a plan for The Dark Lord that only someone who works in the Love Chamber can properly research.
Augustus hadn’t been in this to make friends. Since childhood he’d fully accepted that he was born to be a loner. Besides, everyone else just got in his way. But as he sat, with cold metal chains wrapped around his wrists and ankles, clinking every time he tried (and failed) to find a more comfortable position, he felt truly and utterly alone. For the first time in his life, he began wishing there was someone by his side. Anyone, really. Just another warm body to deflect some of the angry, betrayed looks coming from the seats in which sat the Wizengamot and others. At that point, he would have even accepted a few of his least favorite acquaintances.
Unfortunately, everyone he knew was either dead, in Azkaban, or in the audience, watching with bated breath. This trial was one that had brought out spectators from every department of the Ministry. NO ONE had suspected the quiet wizard who went directly to and from the Department Of Mysteries every day, never making enemies or even standing out very much. He’d played his role perfectly. Even now, he kept his true self behind a facade, acting the part of the wrongly accused. Because he truly intended to leave the trial a free man. What good was the word of Karkaroff against his? The headmaster of a foreign school known to breed dark wizards, against a ‘friend’ of many at the Ministry? He’d spent countless hours cultivating false relationships with these people, earning their trust, and then gathering secrets. And until his name was spat by Karkaroff, it hadn’t so much as flashed through people’s minds. Not since he was pardoned all those years ago after his interrogation at the hands of Aversio.
The questions were easily answered with lies, and he even asked some of his own. “Where were you on the night of (…)?” “Where was I? Where were your Aurors? How could you let this happen?” “Who else answers to He Who Must Not Be Named?” “Clearly you’re bringing anyone in these days. If I pointed at any of you, would you put them on trial too?” Until the lies weren’t enough to get him released, and a vial of Veritaserum was brought out.
Rookwood started to sweat in that moment. His breath became ragged and his hands began to violently shake. If he was being honest with himself, he would have realized that it was sheer terror he was experiencing. As the potion was carried across the room and uncorked, he’d half expected someone to burst into the room and save him. The other part of him knew his entire life was about to change for the worse. Even as the liquid was forced into his mouth, possible scenarios of escape danced through his mind. If only the chains were slightly loose. Maybe one of his fellow Death Eaters sat amongst the crowd. Yaxley? Cassius? Dolores? Perhaps someone would have a sudden change of heart and remember how impossible it seemed for him to be a part of this. But alas, the chains were magic, all of his comrades had already been captured or killed, and after the trial of Barty Crouch Jr., no one trusted even the least suspicious person.
And then words were spilling past his lips, almost too fast, with the sting of Veritaserum still on his tongue. When asked about his dealings with the Death Eaters, he held nothing back, despite the deep ache within his very soul that got stronger with each new thing he revealed. Both the Wizengamot and the audience gasped as he told details of the lives he’d destroyed. How he’d stalked several entire families before torturing and killing them. The bodies he’d left in alleyways. The memories he’d stolen from those he’d left bloody and beaten. The way it made him feel when people begged. He told them it was an almost sexual satisfaction, and the Veritaserum-induced smirk that went along with his words must have been the final nail in his coffin, because the trial ended swiftly after that.
Augustus was forced to watch as his beloved wand was snapped in half in front of him, and he was immediately taken to a cold, damp room where an elderly wizard stripped him of his fine, embroidered robes and a pair of striped, dirty ones were shoved into his hands. He would be taking a portkey to Azkaban directly from that room, without a chance to say goodbye to anyone. Not that he cared very much for anyone in his life, especially those not currently residing in the prison he was destined for, but it was all very sudden. Like a flower being plucked from a vast garden and shoved into a dusty old vase, just waiting to die.
And in this little vase of his, he was alone.
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whorelandoflorida · 3 years
Thanks @alienfuckeronmain for tag the me u know I love talking about myself
 1. why did you choose your url?
Oliver Perks is the reason I turned out so queer. In elementary and middle school I listened to Monstrous Regiment on literal cassette tape until the audio started wearing out.
2. any side-blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
I have @polly-oliver for aesthetique purposes and @perks-scrimble which only has 3 posts because the rest of the stuff I’ve drawn has been atla porn and that’s kind of like walking blindfolded through an apiary swinging a bat
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
Since uuuuhhhh maybe 2012? mid-highschool at least.
4. do you have a queue tag?
perks of having a queue. but queueing is too much WORK. and tagging. none of that here. no effort head empty.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
My friend said hey check out this super cool social media/blog site thing. And I wanted to kiss her and also see inside her head so I joined up. It was absolutely wild back then. Like you could go on tumblr on your phone’s web browser if your phone was good enough, but it only halfway worked. So she reblogged a gif of a penis getting erect, but I only caught it as a still image so I was like “Mari why is there a flaccid dick on my dash?” and she was like “I just liked watching it grow in size and stature” and I was like ....wat. A few years later I could tell my friends were playing truth or dare because I was in a Lowes idly scrolling and kept getting pictures of extreme graphic anal and prolapses and stuff. Bonkers
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Because I too am a small cat full of scream. Also that’s my baby boy Sebastian
7. why did you choose your header?
Same as 6, but that’s my baby bitch Mila
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
iirc, its something about living in Florida and casually regarding the oncoming doom in the skies
9. how many mutuals do you have?
An amount? Theres or 4 or 5 I recognize and maybe a few more who are less active so I don’t always see them?
10. how many followers do you have?
Also an amount. Blocking porn bots doesn’t remove them from my follower count, so whatever the number shows as, the amount of real people is probably like 10%
11. how many people do you follow?
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
almost certainly. please don’t go looking.
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
like. constantly. except on weekends when don’t need a distraction from how much I hate my job. Weekends are better.
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
I don’t think so. Its always just been me and my friends here. And I’m not the type to fight. Someone would have to come to my doorstep and even then I’d either ignore and hope it blows over or block and move on.
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
Fuck those things, jesus christ. I don’t need to do shit.
16. do you like tag games?
YES. Making friends with Phoenix has been the best because she tags me in things and I get to annoy my 5-ish mutuals with my narcissus impressions and peer-pressure them to join in
17. do you like ask games?
Also yes, but I’m choosier about those
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I know one is possibly slightly infamous but now incognito. The rest of us are just dweebs.
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
Yep ;)
20. tags?
@exoticbuttahs @plantbabe666 (if i tag you enough I will wear you down)
0 notes
musicallisto · 6 years
Bonjour Belle✨, Can I know more about your ES MC with the MC ask game? ✨
Thanks for asking! I love talking about my OCs until I annoy the heck out of people ^^
#01. Name? Any nickname? Taylor Hera Montgomery-McKenzie, although she doesn’t know she has a middle name. It isn’t written on any of the paperwork involving her since her birth, adding to the mysteries surrounding her. Hera, in addition to being a mythological figure, of course, is also said to derive from the Greek ‘ηρως (heros) “hero, warrior”; ‘ωρα (hora) “period of time"; or ‘αιρεω (haireo) “to be chosen”. Those three ideas combined pretty much sum up her personality and fate.
#02. Birthday? As her file says, she was born on January 1st on La Huerta.
#03. What’s their family like? She has lost all rememberance of her family. It started bothering her more and more as time passed on the island. When she got on that plane, she clearly remembered her parents, her father’s kind smile and her mother’s warm eyes, her little brother’s cheerful enthusiasm, but the more time she spent on La Huerta, the less she thought about them and the more those colors and laughs started to blur as though the island was having some tricky effect on her mind - or perhaps it was revealing the true nature of what she deeply considered as her memories and her history. She has only confessed those doubts to Jake during their honeymoon, but brushed it off lightly, not wanting to kill the mood between her husband and her, and aware he could do nothing about it.
#04. Relationship status? She is handfasted to Jake McKenzie, which can be considered as a marriage despite not being one in the Western norm.
#05. Top 3 songs?
3. Enrique Iglesias - Bailando2. Amaral - Alerta1. Muse - Unintended
She’s definitely one for what people would consider “guilty pleasure music”. She loves all genres, but has always had a soft spot for reggaeton and hispanophonic music in general, whether it be from South America or Spain. Spanish is a language that she’s always felt drawn to, maybe because of its warm and sensual sound. Alerta is a song she finds utterly beautiful, despite not understanding any of the lyrics at first. If you hear her humming a tune, that’s probably the “ale ale, ale ale alerta”s from the chorus. And Unintended… Unintended reminds her of her adolescence, when she went through her rock phase like almost every 90′s kid - the thing she’s never quite gotten out of it, and fell utterly in love with this band and this particular song when she was fifteen. It reminds her of her relationship with Jake every time she listens to it and always manages to soothe her.
#06. Fave book? Taylor is one for mystery, thriller and science-fiction. She’s in love with Agatha Christie’s books, always been, so it’s clear that her favorite book of all time is Ten Little Niggers, a novel that is so different from everything she’s ever read before. The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux is a very close second though. She didn’t think she would like it that much when she first picked it up, usually not that interested in romance nor historical fiction, but it became her number two through the years thanks to the deep, complex personalities of the characters and the mystery surrounding the phantom.
#07. Fave movie? Although the Phantom of the Opera adaptation from 2001 holds a special place in her heart because of how much she adored the book, her favorite movie is Silence of the Lambs.
#08. Fave show? She’s never watched a lot of TV-shows, but if she had to choose one, it would be Black Mirror, which she never finished because of her life-changing trip.
#09. Hobbies? Swimming. She’s a very strong swimmer, it’s her favorite sport and what she’s always done when she needs to get her mind off of things a little bit. She’s never participated in any competitions though. She also used to practise horse-riding when she was little, but stopped when she entered middle school.
#10. What Perfect Match type would they be? She is the Leader. She has that little something that makes all people instantly confide in her and trust her to make the best decisions and guide them through the storms. She’s most comfortable when in command.
#11. Biggest guilty pleasure? As I mentioned before, it’s all about Latino music! She doesn’t personally consider it a guilty pleasure, just songs that are often played at parties and nowhere else, but she loves to have a little Gente de Zona dance party on her own. She’s a terrible dancer, but that doesn’t stop her from enjoying it, right?
#12. Deepest darkest secret? Apart from being the Endless, she doesn’t remember anything very huge, and her life as she remembers it has always been pretty uneventful and calm. Nobody knows that she has stolen money from some of her classmates in high school when she was in very tough times. It’s not something she’s proud of, and wouldn’t really mind if that shameful memory turned out to be a scam.
#13. Fave childhood memory? She remembers when she went to Disney World in Florida with her parents and her brother - she must have been six or seven, and insisted on going on every. single. ride. much to her parents’ dismay, they were dragged by her brother and her all around the park, but that’s still Taylor’s most prized memory.
#14. Sweet or savoury? Savory, and if possible, spicy.
#15. Hogwarts house? She is a Gryffindor through and through!
#16. Fave food? Argentinan parrilla! More commonly known as grill, but Argentinan parrilla sounds better to her, and Argentinan steak is definitely the best of all.
#17. Fave drink? She doesn’t like sodas, so she would stick to water or lemonade most of the time, but she is also a great mojito fan.
#18. Most treasured possession? A quartz necklace her mother offered her when she turned eighteen, something that has passed through her family for generations and generations. She doesn’t know if everything in her past is false, but at least the necklace isn’t, securely resting on her neck.
#19. Their goals for the future? She wants to escape this hell of an island, spend a few years away from everything by the shore with her husband while helping him clear his name and attending college to finally graduate - then find a stable career and maybe have kids.
#20. Dog-lover or cat-lover? She’s a dog lover! Dogs are better than anything or anyone in her opinion. She doesn’t necessarily hate cats, but she does dislike their tendency to be very independent and snobbish at times.
#21. Early bird or night owl? She’s a night owl. She has no trouble being awake past midnight, but is unable to wake up before seven in the morning. Ever. E v e r.
#22. How do they relax after a bad day? She takes a bath, a long, hot shower or goes swimming in the pool. As I said before, she’s literally a fish in the water and that’s her element.
#23. What do they see as their biggest flaw? She’s aware of her tendency to be quite bossy. Accostumed to being the leader of her group of friends or in school projects, the respected older sister, and with lenient parents, it’s understandable that she would develop the tendency to think that she’s in the position to give orders to anyone. When meeting other strong, commanding personalities like Sean, it was obvious it would clash at first.
#24. And their greatest strength? On the other hand, she is cold-blooded and knows how not to lose her temper when facing a dangerous situation. She knows a lot about survival and feels at ease with responsibilities.
#25. Tragedy strikes! How do they handle a crisis? At first, she shuts everyone off, isolates herself and tries to think about it on her own, but not for long or she’s bound to go crazy or do something stupid. Most of the time, she tries not to show the effect it has on her, but it’s sometimes difficult to hide her feelings from people she’s with all the time.
#26. Coffee shop order? I’m not sure she really likes coffee, or at least, if she can avoid drinking it, she will. She often orders a hot chocolate instead.
#27. It’s Friday night and they’re home alone, what do they get up to? Probably go clubbing with friends or throw a party at her place! She loves music, she loves dancing, she loves being surrounded by people, so it’s the best alternative to concile those three things.
#28. Fave pizza toppings? There’s this pizza that has BBQ sauce, lardons and mushrooms… it’s her ultimate favorite.
#29. What would their superhero name be? Harley Quinn. She’s always liked the tortuous comics character and her complex relationship with the Joker, and their partner in crime-like dynamic reminds her of her complicity with her friends and especially with Jake - besides, Joker was the first nickname she gave him.
#30. What would their ideal day look like? Something adventurous, ourdoors, something out of the ordinary, a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Something like paragliding over the bay, or one of her biggest dreams: swimming in the open sea with marine animals.
#31. What did they want to be when they grew up? Has it changed? Believe it or not, when she was little, she wanted to be a firefighter. She’s always been attracted to the idea of helping other people and being in the heat of the action. After she grew up, she abandoned that idea and thought about becoming a doctor. She doesn’t mind what field, she’s sure about the fact that she wants to save people, whatever the cost is.
#32. Do they believe in ghosts? I mean, after being repeatedly saved by one, it’s a little hard not to. But even after La Huerta, a part of her always believed in them.
#33. Do they like amusement parks? oh YES she adores them and would spend DAYS in there if she could.
#34. How many pillows do they sleep with? Three. She likes to be comfortable when she’s sleeping and bury her face in the soft fabric.
#35. What song always gets them dancing? Bailando by Enrique Iglesias. No matter the context, she will always try a few flamenco moves (and fail).
#36. Fave boardgame? Mafia! She’s the one who proposes a game of Mafia at literally every party ever and therefore kills the mood with her childishness lol
#37. If they play Monopoly, what token are they? The ship. To blow up her enemies better, she says.
#38. What does their laugh sound like? High-pitched, a little airy and always with her infamous flirtatious notes.
#39. Describe their aesthetic. Dancing until four in the morning, summer nights and their infinity of stars, tipsily walking down the streets in the unholy hours of the morning, neon lights, cocktail umbrellas by the beach.
#40. Do they exercise? Yeah, she loves running and as I mentioned before, swimming, so she does both on a daily basis. She’s quite athletic, but absolutely not gracious or flexible. So forget everything about dancing or gymnastics.
#41. Fears? Waking up before seven a.m., essentially. Also, she’s terrified ogf being alone, she cannot stand solitude. And she’s never told anyone about her phobia of bugs. Especially wasps. Those creatures deserve hell. She will lose her mind if a wasp is around and try to find the closest source of water to avoid it. They’re the worst for her, and she’s already had panic attacks when being bothered by a wasp when she was little.
#42. Proudest achievement? Surviving La Huerta is already a good one, but apart from that, running 500m in 1′31 minutes when she was eighteen. She hasn’t been able to beat that record ever since, and it’s safe to stay she will never do it again… unless she’s chased down by a horde of zombies.
#43. Fave type of weather? Sunny! She hates the cold and can’t stand foggy weather.
#44. Fave animal? I can see her really liking small monkeys, malicious and clever, but her favorite animal of all of them is the tiger. There’s something so majestic and venerable about them.
#45. Do they like fairytales? She loved them as a kid, but they remained in her childhood. Let’s say she doesn’t care about them that much.
#46. Describe them in 3 words. Fierce piña colada. That’s it. That’s Taylor.
#47. Biggest pet peeve? Slow walkers. she’s always moving, jumping, hyperactive, she has to have space to move.
#48. Hobbies? Swimming, dancing, running - she used to take some guitar lessons when she was younger, but basically only remembers how to play the intro riff of Come As You Are and it’s a very, very painful process.
#49. Extrovert or introvert? Extrovert! That doesn’t mean she can’t be shy in some situations, but she feels more at ease when she’s around a large group of people.
#50. Random headcanon She’s never been to a music festival, nor a concert for that matter. She promised herself she would go one summer to Reading Festival or Coachella with Diego, but never got the chance to do it. It’s one of her biggest regrets when she’s stuck on La Huerta.
MC questionnaire!
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lypreila · 7 years
Whoo got tagged ages ago by @jawsandbones , but I’m a lazy fuck so I took till now to get back to her!  Sorry boo!  Tagging only a few.  @fireheartedkaratepup @the-tevinter-biscuit @biggest-gaudiest-patronuses @the-rxven-king but only if they want to!  If you want to and I didn’t tag you, consider yourself tagged! @(insert your name here)
1ST RULE: tag 10 people you want to get to know better 2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true
APPEARANCE: I am 5'7" or taller (I THOUGHT I WAS BUT I JUST FOUND OUT I’M 5′6.5″ ANDI FEEL BETRAYED) I wear glasses I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces
PERSONALITY: I love meeting new people People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it (Legit)
ABILITY: I can sing well (not as good as I used to.  I used to compete) I can play an instrument I can do over 30 pushups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month Fandoms are my #1 passion I do or have done martial arts
EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
RELATIONSHIPS: I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend
MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone
RANDOM SHIT: I have breakdanced I have had a teacher with the last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life I speak at least 2 languages I have made a new friend in the past year
Last drink: Coca-Cola.  Sweet, Sweet caffeine and sugar
Last phone call: Dealing with Western Union support to get a customer a refund.  I low key wanted to break something. 
Last text message: To my friend “Hey Arkham Asylum GOTY is on sale for 4 bucks on Green Man” 
Last song you listened to: Praying by Kesha
Last time I cried: A while ago.  Yall may or may not know I’ve recently been put on Prozac for the depression and I believe it’s working very well. 
Dated someone twice: Ye
Been cheated on: Yes.  Fuck him. 
Kissed someone and regretted it: Yes
Lost someone special: Yes
Been depressed: :See above. 
Been drunk and thrown up: I invoke my constitutional right not to incriminate myself.  (Too many times to count.  I liked drinking when I was a teenager/young adult.  Not so much anymore though)
Made a new friend: I have, oddly enough
Fallen out of love: Nope!
Laughed until you cried: Yes! 
Met someone who changed you: I have.  It was all for the good and I love her for it.  
Found out who your true friends are: Not really.  That all happened in 2014/15.  
Found out someone was talking about you: Nope
How many people on tumblr do you know in real life: One.  A small bean who’s a good artist and the niece of my friend.  I’ve known her since she was a wee babby.  She’s more active on deviant art though.  She cosplayed as Asriel for Hudson Valley Comic Con!!
Do you have any pets: There’s 8 cats and 3 dogs in my house please kill me.  2 cats and 1 pup are mine. 
Do you want to change your name: I wanted to add Elizabeth  after my middle name because it sounded fancy. 
What time did you wake up this morning: Morning? 
What were you doing last night: Re-certifying my Anti-Money Laundering, Western Union, and Prepaid access certifications.  Passed with flying colors, which is good considering I can go to jail if I screw up some of the record keeping requirements or allow someone into the system by accident.  
Name something you cannot wait for: @jawsandbones book to be done and out :D:D:D:D
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: OH every damn week.  Let me tell yall about Tom Bombard, aka Tom Bombadil, aka Tom the Bomb.  The man has trouble hearing but won’t admit it, hates his wife and family, is the slowest cashier i ever have the misfortune to supervise, and has more ear hair than ANYONE I’VE EVER SEEN IT’S FREAKY.  There’s like a magical forest growing and poofing out if his ears.  Plus poofy chest hair poofing out of his shirt which he leaves the top button unbuttoned.  He is old and short and this is not at all sexy.  
What’s getting on your nerves rn: The fact that I make minimum wage despite doing 3 different jobs, all of which should have a higher pay grade.  But hey.  THey pay minimum wage, they get minimum wage effort.  Except when I’m in the office.  Then they get 110% because I’m doing it for my fellow office bitches, all of whom I love dearly. 
Blood type: ?
Nickname: Shmemmy or Ly. 
Relationship status: Married.  12 years on Nov 27th.  I got married literally 6 months after I turned 21. 
Zodiac sign: Leo.
Pronouns: she/her
Favorite tv show: Right now?  Bojack Horseman, Steven Universe, Archer. I”m more of a documentary person. 
College: Going back soon hopefully. 
Hair colour: Red/orange. 
Do you have a crush on someone: I get crushes every 5 seconds.  They don’t last. 
What do you like about yourself: I am a loyal fucker, and an insanely good multi-tasker when it comes to work. 
First surgery: 0.  I are lucky. 
First piercing: Ears, followed by Labret (chin) followed by nose. 
First sport you joined: Equestrian
First vacation: Disney?  I was so young.  Went to Saratoga almost every year, a house in the catskills twice a year.  Out of state every couple of years.  
First pair of sneakers: Kiddo, I can’t remember. 
Eating: Tiddy milk. 
Drinking: I tasted beer when I was about 8?  To this day I’m not a big fan, I prefer liquor. 
I’m about to: Play Overwatch.
Listening to: Criminal Minds in the background. 
Want kids: No, I can barely care for myself. 
Get married: Been there, still doing that. 
Career:  I want to go into medical stuff. 
Lips or eyes: Both
Hugs or kisses: Hugs 
Shorter or taller: Taller…
Older or younger: Doesn’t really matter to me. 
Romantic or spontaneous: Both!
Sensitive or loud: Quiet down you kids!!!
Hook up or relationship: Relationship!
Troublemaker or hesitant: Depends.  I can be a troublemaker.  In spring I liberated a bouncy horse thing from a playground. (I say liberated - I mean stole.  It was broken off of its base and could never be fixed.  His name is Lord Mc Bumblefuck and he lives in my garage now.)
Kissed a stranger: Nope!
Drank hard liquor: Ye.
Lost glasses/contacts: NOpe
Sex on first date: Nope
Broken someone’s heart: I don’t know about that.  Maybe. 
Been arrested: Ye
Turned someone down: Yes
Fallen for a friend: Twice.  Married the second one. ;-)
In yourself: Nah
Miracles: I believe in the universe. 
Love at first sight: Hah no. 
Heaven: Sort of. 
Santa Claus: All things are real in the minds of those who believe them!. 
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koifish-chan · 7 years
Tagged by @keishota​ <3
1ST RULE: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
um tagging nine people is a bit... Hard for me. I don’t have many mutual’s to tag (I have 2 and I’m grateful for even that!!! It is still such a shock to me!!!) and they’ve already been tagged, so uh I think I have to skip that part, I’m sorry! (I know I could probably maybe tag people I just follow or follow me but,,, I don’t want to like, bother anyone lol)
2ND RULE: Bold the statements that are true for you
I am 5'7" or taller (i’ve been 4′11ft my entire teen years it’s terrible)
I wear glasses (I literally can’t see anything without them and I’ve been wearing them since I was 6)
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing (I got my ears pierced when I was 10 I think but now I don’t really wear earrings anymore so they’re kind of closed up...)
I have blonde hair (brown actually!)
I have brown eyes
I have short hair (Shoulder length, which is much shorter than what I used to have, which went past my butt lmao)
My abs are at least somewhat defined (no there is only chub)
I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people (hhhhhhh maybe no)
People tell me that I’m funny (I’m pretty godly pun maker)
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me (Mostly because I have to ;; but I don’t really mind too much)
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges (Like puzzles or riddles? That’s what I assume at least, yeah I enjoy those!)
I’m playfully rude with people I know well (Maybe a little too rude... I’m trying to fix that haha)
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
I can sing well (Er... Kind of, people who overhear me say I can but personally I’m not sure so... ah maybe?)
I can play an instrument (I don’t think knowing a few strings on the guitar counts,,, ;;)
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well (I’ve been practicing drawing shit for almost seven fricken years I better be able to draw at least a little okay dangit!)
I have a good memory (no no no no I have the worst memory, sorry nope. I’ll forget what I’m saying in the middle of speaking I’m really bad with that sorry)
I’m good at doing math in my head (I wish)
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch (You betcha! They may not taste great but! They’re not usually burnt haha!)
I know how to throw a proper punch 
I enjoy playing sports
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else 
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month 
I enjoy writing 
do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss (lol)
I have had alcohol (nope that stuff smells gross)
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting (Hello binge watching my old frien- who am I kidding... We’re best friends! Lol)
I have been at an overnight event 
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year (Not me specifically needing to be there, but I’ve gone to both just within the last month bc my older sister has a thing for stabbing herself with needles through her hand while sewing....)
I have beaten a video game in one day 
I have visited another country 
I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have a crush on someone
I know I have been in at least 3 relationships 
I have never been in a relationship (Single pringle heck yah!)
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them (bish no)
I get crushes easily 
I have had a crush on someone for over a year (this goes hand in hand with the last one hahaa,,, never get crushes on ur friends guys, they are a pain in the ass to get over. I’m not sure if I fully am, but I like to think I am. Hope, I am.)
I have been in a relationship for at least a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
I live close to my school (Well, does it count when my house is my school? I’m kind of homeschooled,,,)
My parents are still together (20 yrs and counting!)
I have at least one sibling (I have six actually... Soon to be seven... Oh gosh O_O)
I live in the United States (Everything’s on fire and we’re constantly getting assaulted with earthquakes and hurricanes everything is bad someone help) 
There is snow right now where I live 
I have hung out with a friend in the past month (ha...)
I have a smartphone 
I have at least 15 CDs 
I share my room with someone (Not anymore!! But I used to share my room with my sisters for 14 yrs of my life! Always shared, it’s weird not to now, but its nice...) 
I have breakdanced
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair (i wish)
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now 
I have punched someone in the past week (no but I wish i did.. middle schoolers are really fucking dumb and I wish beating up kids wasn’t illegal.) 
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life (Kind of? I know I just want to spend my life with cats and drawing comics for a living. Maybe with a partner too, who knows! I uh... Maybe I actually don’t? Let’s just say I think I do.)
I speak at least 2 languages 
I have made a new friend in the past year (Not real life of course, I barely live within the real life lately haha its all over the internet for me nowadays)
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Breakdown: Ookiku Furikabutte (Big Windup or Oofuri)
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Big Windup: High school baseball anime (studio is A-1 Pictures) and manga (Asa Higuchi), ongoing.
Production: Solid. Production IG and Madhouse still dominate in terms of quality, but A-1 is sure as hell head and shoulders above the clusterfuck team that did Eyeshield (which was a combo of TV Tokyo, NAS, and Gallop).
Tropes: Low Self-Esteem Hero, Fudanshi Bait, “I Will Make You A Hero”, Slice Of Life
Not-Your-Wikipedia-Summary: Ren Mihashi is a total wuss because his middle school baseball team utterly destroyed his self confidence. They always lost because the catcher never knew how to use Mihashi’s insane ball control to their advantage. Now Mihashi is in high school and a nervous wreck and joins the baseball team. The catcher, Takaya Abe, (voiced by the extremely talented and easy-to-pick-out Yuichi Nakamura), sees Mihashi’s potential and decides he’s going to make Mihashi into the best damn ace that’ll take them all to Koushien. Cue slow-paced, feel-good, team-coming-together-against-the-odds 
TL;DR Review: It’s cute. It’s low stress. If you want to watch the friendship between boys be pushed and pulled and strained and celebrated all in the frame of high school baseball, and if you want that satisfaction that comes from a low-self-esteem hero showing everyone up, it’s a fun trip. Yes, all the character blush too much and the queer baiting between several characters is so obvious it borders on fetishization. But it’s not a bad thing to have different kinds of boys represented: scared boys, crying boys, boys who aren’t sure of themselves but are teaming up to try their best. We need to show that no matter what kind of person you are, you’re still a valuable part of the team. 
"Objective” Score: 6/10 (for those who like/need a slow pace and can overlook the problematic coach [more below])
Personal Score: 4/10 (too queer baity [make it gay or don’t, just stop with the fucking baiting], too slow, too problematic with the coach character)
Full Thoughts: So it’s been awhile since I watched this series. After watching One Outs I thought I’d go watch its exact opposite while still in the baseball genre. I have to say, it didn’t really age on me well. I think it’s a good series for 13-15 year-olds. It has all that blushing queer baiting that, if you’re in the closet or still figuring yourself out, might be tantalizingly close to validation. Also, like I said above, it’s great to see boys who aren’t chock full of toxic masculinity. You can be a scaredy cat and still be a good athlete. It has enough humor and embarrassed-youth moments to make it relatable/more dramatic for younger viewers or those who are still capable of being embarrassed. For those of us who are older/cynical/naturally-prone-to-being-an-asshole, watching it is more irritating than anything else. 
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But let’s talk about something else...
Author Insertion Characters: Now, let me make it clear at the outset that this is NOT limited to female authors/creators. Pretty much every series has The Inserted Author, and more often than not it’s the protagonist. This is especially apparent where there are multiple female characters all in love with one boring ass dude. But what about when the Inserted Author isn’t the protagonist? What about when they’re a side character who is vicariously enjoying some exploitative scene? Usually, with male authors, we get side male characters who “happen to” see panty shots, etc. They’re so common to any series that they hardly need mentioning. I admit, I don’t even mention it, I’m so used to it; I just roll my eyes and watch on. But in the case of Oofuri, we get the team’s coach, Momoe. As soon as I saw her, I knew the series had been written/drawn by a woman, in good ways and bad. She’s got big boobs, has a strong personality, and the team is intimidated by her insane baseball skills and general strength. If she’d been written by a man, the team would’ve been drooling over her big breasts and there would have been a nonstop “comedic” tension over how sexy she was. But she’s not sexualized in any way. For that, I'm super grateful. (The bar is low for my gratitude, I admit.)
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But there’s a couple of things about her that threw major red flags for me: one, that it’s made clear that she pours all of her money into this boy’s baseball team. Now, she’s a woman with insane baseball skills and a clear passion for the game. So why the fuck didn’t she start a GIRL’S softball team? They don’t even cover it, as if it’s not even a real question. And why is she pouring all of her everything into serving these young boy’s needs? Talk about gender role stereotypes. Why isn’t the school providing funds for all this equipment? Or if not, why aren’t they finding a way, as a TEAM, to raise funds for it? Why is she, the only woman on it, pouring all of her money into it? That’s one red flag. The other red flag basically answers all of those questions and can be seen below:
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I’m sorry, is that woman orgasming over team bonding between adolescent boys?  If you don’t have a problem with the above screenshot, if your brain is saying some shit like “but no, it’s pure! Because she’s a woman! And they’re boys!” then I want you to do a mental experiment: imagine that screenshot above with the genders switched. So an older man is clutching himself, blushing and sweating like that, saying “this is so good” behind the backs of a bunch of oblivious 14/15-yo girls. Is your mental reaction a little different? Good. Now readjust your previous opinion. This answers the question of why she’s coaching a boy’s team. Because the author wanted to vicariously jill off on the emotional bonding between young boys, all under the excuse of the Female Purity Myth. What am I talking about? It’s the pervasive idea that women can’t be sexual/perverted. That womanhood somehow makes women “naturally” pure. This is damaging to men and women: To women because we’re shamed when we ARE sexual beings (which is a one sentence understatement of a very complicated issue), and to men/boys who are sexually abused by women but feel that they can’t come forward about it.
So. I’m conflicted. I like her character because SHE isn’t sexualized... but I’m angered by how the series validates the fetishization of queer relationships between boys by older women. I’d rather watch a series that has no female characters than a series that has one who is this problematic. I’ll be passing on re-watching any more of this. 
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