#i have no one to blame but myself
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ellawrites-if · 2 years ago
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Development blog for the upcoming IF: The Whisper in the Mist. This IF is based on Pacific Rim media (with a focus on the 2013 film).
Asks are welcome (including explicit asks).
Rated 18+ for explicit language, unhealthy coping methods, dark humour, mental health issues, character death, sexual content (optional), violence, blood, gore, mutilation and body horror, and murder and attempted murder. Will be updated as needed.
Setting: Tsing Yi Island, Hong Kong (with futuristic elements).
Other IF account: @kalorphic
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When I was a kid, whenever I'd feel small or lonely...I'd look up at the stars and wonder if there was life up there. Turns out I was looking in the wrong direction.
When alien life entered our world it was from deep beneath the Pacific Ocean. A fissure between two tectonic plates. A portal between dimensions.
They called it the Breach.
- Raleigh Beckett (Pacific Rim).
It’s funny how quickly things can change.
One minute you’re on top of the world, then the next, your world is crumbling down around you…
Five years ago, you and your drift partner had the highest success rates of any Jaeger pilots. Now, one horrific tragedy and a hasty promotion later, you’re pushing pencils thousands of miles away from the place you called home.
That is, until a Kaiju with stealth abilities like nothing that’s ever been seen before crawls out of the Breach.
Recalled back into service, you’re forced to team up with your once rival under the command of your former drift partner, and the advice of two scientists who seem more interested in the Kaiju’s than your safety. All while someone with more money than sense attempts to undermine you at every turn.
With everything seemingly against you, will you take up the mantle of hero once more or will you let the darkness plaguing your mind consume you?
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Customisable MC (including name, pronouns, appearance, and identity). Personality is semi-set (MC uses humour and sarcasm as a coping method for their trauma) for a majority of the time, however there will be chances for character development and therefore more personality choices.
Pilot a Jaeger, fight Kaiju’s, and keep the world safe all while battling your own demons.
Five characters are available to romance. Two are only romanceable in a (triad) poly.
Found family.
RO PoVs.
Befriend (and potentially adopt) a baby Kaiju. Also give your dog lots of love.
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Ciaran O’Doherty [M/F] - Hot-tempered and viciously in denial of the love they have for you that has only seemed to grow in your absence, Ciaran is your newly assigned drift partner and self-proclaimed rival. [PROFILE].
Killian Zhao [M/F] - Once a talented pilot and your former drift partner, Killian is now your formidable and highly respected commanding officer with a soft spot reserved just for you. [PROFILE].
Brin Kazlauskas [M/F/NB] - Waspish, fastidious, and someone that no one wants to be on the wrong side of, Brin is a K-Science officer with a wicked protective streak towards Zai and you . Only romanceable in a poly with Zai. [PROFILE].
Zai Oumarou [M/F/NB] - Despite a somewhat anxious disposition around those xe doesn’t know, Zai is a K-Science officer with a lot of enthusiasm and a deep curiosity towards Kaiju. Only romanceable in a poly with Brin. [PROFILE].
Ajax Nikolaou [M!NB/F!NB] - With a twisted determination to be a giant pain in your ass, Ajax is the ruthless CEO of Nikolaou Industries, a company that seeks to make the Pan Pacific Defense Corps completely redundant. [PROFILE].
Ferelith [F] - The baby Kaiju with a sweet character that was rescued by Zai, Ferelith loves cuddles, Lord of the Rings (according to Zai), and munching on Brin’s lab coat.
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cjhern1109 · 1 year ago
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My hands did a thing and I don’t know how to feel about this…😶💜
DTIYS “Frisky Rizz” by @jjaydazo
Bonus cuz Frisk may be a pacifist but she left no mercy on my poor man 💀
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charazerbaijan · 5 days ago
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i did NOT pay 80 dollars for this tiny ass char omfg i didnt know he was so SMALLLLLL 💀💀
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friedbabyteeth · 7 months ago
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I blame Tumblr
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penelopekalliope · 3 months ago
A boring day just got sad
After doing nothing for an entire day, I finaly had some energy to do something. More specifically, I wanted to create something. So I went looking for the USB-stick on wich I keep my draft for a jegulily fanfic I'm writing. Only to then accidentaly delete the map where I keep all these documents.
So no writing fanfiction today. All I've written is lost. This makes me sad. :((
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xxmarvelouslifexx · 2 months ago
Merry Christmas Eve Eve. Time to turn the kitchen into a cookie factory. Wish me luck.
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residentcelery · 4 months ago
Me, sick from a cold for nearly a week and exhausted: what if I posted a chapter?
Still me, knowing the chapter is basic info and still needs to be fleshed out and also I don't have a day off for 5 days and have 0 spare time: guys I'm gonna update!
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nottoonedin · 11 months ago
"Watch Alien Stage!" They said. "It'll be fun!" They said.
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lilithschosen · 21 days ago
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me after the last like five prompts today jesus christ
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rosie321go · 5 months ago
How my writing is going in three snapshots:
No, Jason, please don’t do that—
WHY ARE WE YELLING? *the plot has derailed from here, and it’s all his fault*
No, brain, please don’t do that—
WHY DID I WRITE THAT? *the plot has found its own meaning and is running away, it’s all my brains fault*
No, Rose, please don’t do that—
*I’ve fed into my own delusions. And then I wonder why everything went wrong. It’s all my fault*
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feralkwe · 7 months ago
i... i'm gonna have to find an artist to draw the angstiest kiss i've ever written, aren't i?
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eyeofnewtblog · 1 year ago
Things that happen at home:
So, it’s late fall/early winter in Colorado, which means that Outside Creatures are trying desperately to become Inside Creatures. They have a relatively easy time with this in older homes. Which is what I live in. So, obviously I’m less than thrilled about this, but it happens every year so there’s no need to freak out.
Bugs, in particular, are always attracted to the bathroom, especially the tub. Moths can at least fly out once they are dry, but they seriously creep me out. Spiders I’m honestly cool with as long as they’re at least two feet away from me. But still. Not my favorite Shower Buddy to have. (Husband is my favorite Shower Buddy.)
Now, let’s all back up 20 years or so to that one time my dad bought Starship Troopers and then let Middle Sister watch it for a week straight when she was FOUR YEARS OLD. (This started on a Monday; Friday night there was a daddy long legs in the tub at bath time and she screamed for an hour…she literally couldn’t be within 6 feet of a bug of any kind without screaming until she was about 15 years old…) And what do good big sisters do?
Stomp the ever loving fuck out of bugs, because honestly the screaming child is worse to deal with than however freaky the bug itself is.
So I have practice at killing bugs, I don’t enjoy it and prefer not to, but I CAN actually do it.
So, two mornings ago I get up and hop in the shower, only to discover that I have an unwanted eight legged Shower Buddy.
Not the end of the world, just fish him out with a shampoo bottle and proceed with my morning. Shower Buddy is unusually dark, thick, and large, but that’s about the only time I spend thinking about him. Or her. Whatever.
Until this mother fucker starts crawling up and across the shower curtain. Towards me.
And I’m a solution oriented person, so I’m just like “I would rather shower with the curtain open and clean up the water later than kill poor little Shower Buddy” which is exactly what I did.
But today. TODAY. Shower Buddy was absolutely not playing it cool in his/her/it’s attempt to avoid the water. And it’s a small fucking tub, okay?
So I’m trying to talk Shower Buddy out of this unwise invasion of my personal space.
And my husband barges in, yanks the curtain aside, and demands to know why I’m making so much noise as ass o’clock in the morning.
Shower Buddy was not a fan of the curtain being yanked. There was a definite freak out on his part.
I may or may not have imitated a screaming terrified child that was traumatized by Starship Troopers from a very young age.
Anyway, husband smashed poor little Shower Buddy with his bare hand, wiped his hand off with a piece of toilet paper, and flushed the whole mess down to its inevitable watery grave.
Also, my dad still thinks the Starship Troopers thing was hilarious, my mom is still pissed off about it, Middle Sister is a perfectly nice, reasonable adult, and my husband specifically called me at lunch just to continue mocking me.
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k1ngrav · 6 months ago
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these are both unhinged but here: eldritch being dating sim
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bugboybuckley · 9 months ago
oh no the fic i'm writing somehow turned smutty and i haven't written smut in years so i've lost all my confidence :')
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kitsunesakii · 8 days ago
Chat y is it that I spend 5 hrs locking in on classes only to forget two assignments and get my grade dropped to an F
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ronearoundblindly · 10 months ago
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