#i have no idea how this slipped into ro's pov
sanderssideblog · 7 years
i lost my fear of falling (just kidding)
we have 100 followers now so i wrote a fic. this was hard, i almost died about 10 times and also tagging @princeyandanxiety cause 1) i love bells, bells is the best 2) she wanted to read something i wrote. so now you have to suffer because she wanted it.
also sunshine said it’s okay to post this shit so blame her.
(thoughts cause i'm shit: i have no idea how to write, i have no idea what i'm doing, i haven't done this in like. a year or something. also why the fuck did you think following this blog was a good idea. okay, thanks for your attention)
warings: shitty dream logic (by which i mean "dreams don't really follow any rules", not "dream version of logan who is shitty" okay?), writer with no idea how to write.
A thousand bees or some strange and loud monster living in Anxiety's room - this was currently the most probable explanation of the sound  that could be heard everywhere  and seemed to be inescapable. After about two hours of listening to it Prince was ready to go there and kill whatever was making the noise. The only problem was that Anxiety didn't want to open the door. Maybe he was asleep. At 6pm. Or maybe he's gone deaf from this strange buzzing and didn't hear the knocking.  Or... maybe the thing that annoyed Prince for hours ate twenty second pilot and now lived in his room. Which meant the sound was going to stay with them forever. He just had to react, he couldn't leave it like this - after all Anxiety could still be alive.
Prince slowly opened the door - fortunately it wasn't locked - trying to stay quiet in case Anxiety was still alive but asleep or the creature was extremely sensitive to noise. The room was bright, empty and smelt like static. It was also strangely silent, as if the noise Roman heard before entering the room just stopped. All of the furniture was gone, the bed was the only thing that didn't disappear. When Roman noticed Anxiety's jacket on the floor next to it, he felt his heart stop for split second. Something was wrong. Anxiety leaving his room without his armor? This was not possible. Not in his reality.
The window was open and the usual night sky, which appeared every time Anxiety felt like having a window in his room, was replaced by a city. The view didn't feel right; it didn't look like something dark trait's mind was able to create. It was too bright and soulless. The glass it was made of turned the place into a maze of mirrors. Roman's reflection was staring at him from the opposite side of the street, looking a bit too scared for his liking. “Anxiety, are you there?” he asked into empty space, hoping wherever the edgelord went, he could still hear him. There was no response.
He knew he wasn't supposed to feel afraid, even though every cell of his body was yelling at him to go and find Anxiety before it's too late. The Sides' dreams, mental pictures or thoughts getting this real were never a good thing. Prince still remembered the black hole that randomly opened in the middle of their living room because of Logan thinking about space too hard - this situation seemed much more dangerous and probably couldn't be solved by snapping one's fingers in front of Anxiety's face. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was nowhere to be seen anyway, unless that lonely figure on one of the buildings’ roof who was contrasting with the environment even more than Roman’s sash was him.
The person was standing dangerously close to the edge and looking down with their hands in their pockets. They looked as if they were struggling not to jump; not with themself though, with some external force which was trying to push them from the roof. Prince spent a few seconds too long only looking at the person, unable to move and considering his options. He could control the dream reality to some extent, he was the one who created most of Thomas’ dreams after all. He wasn’t sure if he could do it while being in reality created and controlled by someone as powerful as himself but he had to try. He didn’t react quickly enough. Strange sound filled the air again. It wasn’t buzzing; it was a scream of the person falling from the roof.
Roman channeled most of his dream-controlling powers into slowing down the person’s fall just enough to give himself the time he needed to get to the building and catch them. This wasn’t the best thing he could do - longer fall seemed even more traumatising for whoever was forced to jump - but his mind was blank. He was in his own panic mode, trying to think too fast and dealing with things he couldn’t control as much as he need to. There was no time to come up with a better, more creative plan.
Roman turned around to check if he could turn what was behind the door to Anxiety’s room into a staircase. He could already feel his powers slowly draining his energy. The stairs were incomplete. They lacked some of the steps and didn’t look too steady but using them was still a better option than jumping down from Anxiety’s room’s window. He would probably have survived it, he just really didn’t want to check it at that moment, the dream reality he was in didn’t have to work like his own.
Despite his own creation trying to kill him by randomly falling apart, he managed to get out of the building. The street he found himself on seemed endless and for a moment he couldn’t even decide which way to go. Everything looked bigger and more sterile, the strange smell that reminded him of static was there again, making him nauseous. He couldn’t see the falling person from here, the scream could still be heard echoing between the buildings.  He decided to go… He sighed. It was impossible to tell the directions in this place, so he just trusted his instinct. He called Anxiety a few more times, but the only response was the screech.
Roman didn’t know how long he’d run before it all stopped. The imaginary city suddenly was silent and even emptier. He looked up. The dark figure was on the roof again and the mysterious force of whatever haunted Anxiety’s dreams was trying to push them from it again. Prince took a second to remember exactly where he was supposed to run to. He still felt as if he was exactly where he started but he had to somehow get to the building and save the person. This was his responsibility as a prince and he couldn’t just leave. Even though he was almost sure the dark figure was Anxiety and he… he didn’t really think Anxiety deserved it but sometimes he was ready to push the dark trait from some roof just to make him shut up when Thomas needed to think. The urge to at least free him from the loop of falling now was stronger than Roman’s personal opinion on Anxiety which quietly whispered to leave him to his nightmares forever. Prince couldn’t do it.
He slowed the time again and tried to run faster. He didn’t even know how much energy he used on getting to the building the person was falling from but he was sure he will need about a week of sleep after this. The strange smell was making it hard to breathe and the air felt heavy. Running wasn’t easy, trying to keep an eye on the dark figure before they disappeared again was even more difficult. He was almost there. He leapt forward when the person almost touched the ground but he didn’t manage to catch them. He swore under his breath as the person appeared back on the roof.
The dark figure looked at him but didn’t do anything. He didn’t even fight back this time, he just let the force push him once again.
The fall felt faster. It hurt just as much as the previous time. Anxiety wasn’t sure if Roman standing on the street below was just his imagination but he didn’t care - he had no energy to fight back. The only thing he was focused on was screaming and trying not to die. It was just his dream. He couldn’t die but he couldn’t stop it. Hoping whoever played with time wouldn’t do it again didn’t work and everything slowed down again; the air pressure still felt the same. He’s already crashed into the street a few times and it didn’t wake him up, so why would some imaginary Prince catching him help?  
It didn’t help. The second Roman touched him, the time went back to normal and Anxiety panicked. He suddenly wasn’t sure what was going on around him, how Prince even appeared in his dream, how any of it happened. What if it was real but as a part of a person he couldn’t just die? This may not have been a serious panic attack like the first time he felt but it still didn’t feel good. Roman was holding him tightly, waiting for his breathing to become normal again.
“Are you okay?” Prince asked, trying to help him get on his feet.
Anxiety didn’t answer. They were in his room again, on the floor next to his bed. He attempted to push himself out of Roman’s arms but it didn’t work. And even if he succeeded, he probably wouldn’t be able to stand up. His body felt heavy and strange. “I can sit on my own, thank you very much” he said.
Prince carefully let him sit on the floor and only then Anxiety noticed Patton sitting on the bed and Logan standing in the doorway. They looked concerned, at least if concerned meant about to cry or slightly less indifferent than usually. Morality moved to sit next to Anxiety and reached to hug Anxiety. “What happened?” he asked, smiling sadly. The dark trait didn’t answer. “He was falling from a roof. Over and over again” said Roman instead. He sounded angry. The voice in Anxiety’s head that went away during his nightmare suddenly started to scream again. He’s probably like this because of you. You wasted his time.
"Is there... anything we can do for you?" Morality asked, trying to keep his voice as calm as possible.
Anxiety shrugged, removing Patton's hand from his shoulder. He didn't look at them, he didn't make any attempt to get up from the floor.
do i write part two now or what
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timextoxhajima · 3 years
Love Me A Little Less: Chapter 7 - Golden Chains
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Member: (3rd person pov) arranged marriage au with Lee Juyeon
Genre: angsty wangsty
Taglist: @hyunjaethereal @sunwoowuvbot​ @suzy-rainbow​​
"Everyone wants everything she has.”
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Juyeon raises his fist, Porsche parked nicely in the only empty lot of three by the fountain before the mini mansion. The sky is cloudy and Juyeon can already smell the musty scent of rain as the gentle cool winds blow through his still-waxed hair. 
His knuckles press into the wooden door before he actually knocks, and he almost feels sorry for himself for being such a nuisance at the worst timings ever.
Finally mustering the courage to knock, he does just that, and he can see the lights in the entrance hall flicker on through the door panels by the sides after some time. Multiple locks click open, and the door opens just enough for the resident to see him.
“Juyeon,” Sunwoo blinks, already in his silk pajamas and his hair combed down nicely. He looks tired - probably from the day’s work of being Juyeon’s moodmaker at his own wedding. “What are you doing here? Oh my God, you got kicked out of the Lee’s House?”
“What? No!” The elder seethes quietly, his pride hurt. “I left.”
Sunwoo’s brows are covered by his fringe, but Juyeon doesn’t need to see them to know they are far up his forehead with amusement. 
“You left the Lee House?” 
“Yeah,” Juyeon sucks in a deep breath and avoids eye contact. “My mother told me she wanted me to have a child with Jang Won just so we can inherit HERA & ARTEMIS.”
“Oh, man,” Sunwoo’s face falls with pity and confusion. “That... that’s gotta suck.”
“I know. That’s why I’m here.”
Sunwoo pulls the door open for Juyeon to enter, head poking out the door to see the Porsche parked in his driveway. “You can stay if you like but I’m afraid people are gonna find out you’re here and not back at your place or Hera’s Manor.”
Juyeon pulls off his shoes and slips on a pair of home slippers meant for guests. The entrance hall is a lot less spacious and elaborate compared to the Lee House’s or Hera’s Manor, but it’s because of its smaller scale that comforts Juyeon. Feels more like a home than an exhibition.
The door shuts and Sunwoo pulls the locks back into place. 
“I know, but I just didn’t know where else to be. I can’t stand being in that house.”
“Okay, so you hate your parents. We know this, but do you really have nowhere else to be at now?”
Juyeon turns and shoots Sunwoo a look of displeasure. The younger pouts slightly as he passes him and heads for the main hall. The fireplace crackles to life when he turns it on.
Dropping himself into the couch and staring at the fire, Juyeon pulls off his blazer and covers his face with it. The cushion next to him sinks when Sunwoo sits, quiet and unsure.
“It’s not that I don’t want you here. I just don’t want to risk you getting into trouble with the press. Everybody knows the Porsche’s carplate number. And aren’t all your cars bugged?”
“I removed the bug.”
“What? How? How did you even find it?”
“The one in the Porsche was under the compartment on the passenger’s side.”
“Did you like, throw it on the ground and drive over it or something?”
“I threw it at my bodyguard.”
Sunwoo snorts. “Were your parents around to see that?”
“Yeah, my dad was this close,” Juyeon lifts a hand and gestures with his thumb and index finger. “To punching a hole through the driver’s window, so I threw it out the passenger’s window instead.”
The hearty laugh that runs out of Sunwoo’s throat tickles Juyeon as well. “I’m not gonna lie, this is something you definitely wouldn’t have done prior.”
“Prior to?”
Juyeon pulls the blazer off his face and side-eyes Sunwoo. The answer was already in his eyes.
“Ah,” Juyeon scoffs. “Maybe it just bugs me that my mother was in the same position as Jang Won is now - an arranged marriage - and yet she’s telling me to do all these things to her... a child, taking HERA & ARTEMIS.”
“Don’t you think you’re developing too much of a soft spot for her already?”
“Why does everyone think that way?” Frowning, Juyeon finally sits up in the couch. “Poor girl lost her mother to cancer and then her father who only comes back from the dead, only to take what she built - does that make sense at all?”
“It doesn’t, but you seem to forget that she’s got the entire world at her feet. Even if your families harmoniously merged, I’m very sure she still wouldn’t give away her blood and sweat so easily.”
Juyeon sighs and drags his hands down his face, feeling the weight from the day sink into him. “I just... I can’t imagine. She’s... got questionable motifs, no doubt, but... when I spoke to Younghoon today, I... He made me promise to protect her and be patient with her, and now I see exactly why.”
He pauses and looks at the cracking fire. 
“Everyone wants everything she has, and she knows that herself.”
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Jang Won yawns and crawls into bed, stretching her neck from left to right as she tightens silk night gown around her waist. She fiddles with the ring on her left hand, diamond sparkling under the amber lights of her room. 
Memory sends her back to earlier that day - to when Juyeon pulled her out of that sickening interaction with misogynist Mr Teuk, only to call her a hypocrite in her own office. 
She harshly exhales, pulling out the ring and placing it by the nightstand. Her feet shuffles under the sheets, cool and heavy and all she wants to do is to slip into forever. If only.
But a gentle knock ensues on her door, and she groans in frustration, shutting her eyes to regulate her lack of sleep.
“What is it?”
“Miss Kim, there’s a call for you, and I’m afraid you’ll have to entertain it.”
She rams her face into her pillow when she recognises Mr Ro’s calmness. She’ll never yell at him for anything in the world. 
“Can’t it wait till morning?”
“Uh, well... I’m afraid not, Miss Kim. It’s your husband.”
“Oh- my God!” She screams into her pillow, refusing to leave her bed even more now. “What is it that’s so fucking urgent?!”
The door finally clicks open and Mr Ro kindly pokes his head in, eyes furrowing at the lady of the house huddled into the thick sheets of her bed. She turns subtly, enough for one of her eyes to see Mr Ro’s head through the gap of the door.
“He, um, ran away from home. He’d like to stay for the night... or rather, until you leave for your honeymoon next week.”
Jang Won frowns, neurons in her head struggling to fit themselves together. She sits up. “What? Juyeon... ran away from home?”
He nods enough for her to see, and a strange sense of protection wells her stomach. 
“Give me the phone,” She stretches out her palm and beckons Mr Ro over to her bed. The butler was already dressed in his own pajamas, so she can’t help but smile softly at how cute he looked. 
And yet, she displays the magic of a 180 degree change as she presses the phone to her ear, “What the FUCK is wrong with you?! Do you have any FUCKING idea how late it is?!”
“Oh!” Mr Ro anxiously waves his hands at her. “It’s Mr Kim Sunwoo on the line, Jang Won!”
Her eyes widen, and she winces into the phone, taking a pillow to gently whack Mr Ro. 
“Yeah, hear that, Juyeon? Do you have any idea what time it is now? Anyway, hi. It’s Kim Sunwoo, in case your butler hasn’t told you.”
“Right, right, sorry about that.”
“Don’t be sorry about that, just come and take your husband back to Hera’s Manor. He’s homeless and I can’t risk him being seen here. He drove his car here.”
“What? Isn’t his car bugged with a tracking device?”
“He ripped it out, but the whole press knows his car plate number so if he’s spotted here, I’m sure you wouldn’t want to answer why there’s a man involved in your marriage.”
Jang Won huffs with irritation. “Fine. I’ll send someone over to drive him back to Hera’s Manor. Why’s he homeless now anyway?”
Sunwoo laughs dryly over the phone. “His parents. What else?”
Jang Won twists the receiver away from her mouth and turns to Mr Ro. “Is the second master or the other guest room made up?”
“The second master is being used to house your clothes and items for your honeymoon, and the other guestroom is currently being used by your father.”
“What? My father? What the fuck’s he doing in the-”
“Uh, would you like a word with him? Maybe you could snap him out of his nonsensical act right now that’s putting him and you in various difficult situations.”
“Ugh, get someone to watch my father in the second guest room! We’ll clear him out tomorrow, and send someone down to Kim Sunwoo’s residence now! I want Lee Juyeon in Hera’s Manor in 30!” She twists the phone back so the receiver is at her mouth. “Get him on the phone. I’ll scream his ear off.”
“He says he’ll explain when he gets there- hey, give that back- wha-” 
Jang Won removes the phone from her ear just as Mr Ro shuts the door behind him. Rubbing her temples to cure the headache that’s forming in her skull, she reminds herself that her newly wed husband cannot be brutally murdered the night of her wedding. 
“My God,” She huffs exasperatedly, side-eyeing Mr Ro. “Men.”
“Shall I call someone down to drive you there or-”
“No, just send a guard to tail my car but you just stay home and clear the second guest room.”
“Your father won’t be able to clear it out by the time Mr Lee is here, Jang Won.”
She halts in the midst of throwing on full-length coat. “Are you telling me that I might need to share this bed-”
“Possibly, yes.”
The groan that escapes her throat is loud, annoying and absolutely a bomb of a ruin to the rest of her night. “Fine. But get me a bolster. I don’t want him anywhere near 30 centimeters of me.”
Jang Won can’t exactly remember the last time she’s got her fingers around the steering wheel, but she sure as Hell felt the freedom when she didn’t have to worry about telling the chauffeur where she was headed off to. 
The Mercedes tailing her car was driven by one of Hera’s Manor’s bodyguards, and so she makes sure to stay a good distance away from it since the press is also aware of her car plate number.
She parks her Audi right next to the Porsche, and the Manor’s Mercedes almost at the entrance where it leads up to the fountain and the roundabout. There’s no hesitation in slamming the door and almost running her entire fist through the door (if she could) to make her presence known.
Almost immediately, she can hear someone shuffling for the door, and it swings open to reveal Kim Sunwoo, a distant member of The Board. Peering over Sunwoo’s shoulder, she can see the reluctance dripping off her husband as he peels himself off the sofa, still in his clothes he had left in. 
“You went home and didn’t bother to take a shower?” She sneers, but Juyeon cannot give two damns about her attitude right now. He finally reaches the party at the front door, noticing the Manor’s bodyguard driving the Mercedes up to meet the other cars. 
“I went home and got blasted with the suggestion of having a child with you, how’s that for a reason not to shower?” He frowns, trudging past her for the Porsche. 
Jang Won watches his back head down the steps, getting into his own car and prepare himself at the wheel with a look of contempt in his eyes. She turns to thank Sunwoo with a mere nod, before heading down the steps herself and getting into the Porsche. The plan was to have the Manor’s Mercedes left at Kim’s Residence while her bodyguard drove her Audi, and she would be in the Porsche with Juyeon - all this to prevent any sort of complications if they were to be spotted by the press. 
The urge to scream at him for possibly ruining the perfect plan she had in store to debunk all the shit’s that gone down with her father has, surprisingly, diminished. Jang Won cannot decide what she’s more taken aback by - the fact that Juyeon left home because she had been unreasonably brought into discussion, or that he got scared by the thought of spending the rest of his life caring for a child with her. 
Of course, being the skeptical person she is, she chooses to believe the second option more than the first.
“Is the idea of having a child with me so horrible that you had to leave home?”
“A child should not be brought into the picture when we don’t even care about each other,” The weight in his voice kind of hurts her pride. He checks the side mirror as he turns around the corner. “Neither of us had a choice to be where we are today so... let’s not implicate any other prospective beings that might suffer from our decisions. I don’t want to be my parents and I’m sure as Hell you don’t want to be like your father.”
Juyeon checks the rear mirror, making sure that her bodyguard was tailing them in the Audi. It’s strange, to have some peace and quiet in the car as the whir of the air-conditioning hums through the vehicle. She’s looking out the passenger’s window and seeing everything outside as they drive past.
“Haven’t been to this neighbourhood before, have you?” 
She shakes her head, not bothering to turn to him. “No. I’ve only been hanging around the Manor and the Meridian Streets where you stay.”
A pause.
“Sunwoo’s grandfather was the first of his family to secure membership in The Board, that’s why the disparity.”
Jang Won’s eyes dart to Juyeon and tries to side-eye him, but he remains out of her view and she returns to the world outside. “He’s a new-blood?”
“Three-generations new,” Juyeon nods. “Haven’t met one, have you?”
“No. I grew up with people whose great-great-grandparents lived in the Joseon dynasty.”
“That would’ve been a fun time to be alive.”
“Only if you wanted to be executed for being a politician.”
Juyeon exhales through his nose.
Jang Won lets the atmosphere settle, feeling the gentle night seep into her after a long day. She wonders about Juyeon’s perception of her as a person, after everything’s been happening. 
“How did you meet Kim Sunwoo?”
“We went to the same high-school. I was two years his senior and we were in the same club, and by then, my parents had already begun to teach me the likings of The Board and even gave me a booklet with all the families who were involved with it. I remembered Sunwoo’s family being indicated near the back of the book because they were new-bloods, and from then, I remembered his face.”
“Wouldn’t you have been worried he’d use you to shift up the food chain?”
“Not everybody is as venomous as the ones we know. Sunwoo had no idea I was from the Lee family. Once, we were shooting hoops till late and his father had come to get him... and then Sunwoo had to watch his father bow to another student... and I could tell he hated it, and then he was almost as shocked as I was, but for completely different reasons.”
Jang Won doesn’t even notice she’s staring at Juyeon until he turns to her, looking straight at her in her eyes. The car stops at a red light, now just a few streets away from Hera’s Manor. He turns away first.
“And I had to watch him bow to me too, just because his father told him to... and it felt like shit,” Juyeon’s eyes are glimmering the shade of red from the traffic light as he looks ahead. His face reflected the amber hues of the street lamps and other stray vehicles still on the road. “I wanted a friend, but his father was treating me like something they shouldn’t even be talking to.”
“It has always been like that. The way The Board works... it’s a hierarchy within another and when you’re a new-blood...”
“Yeah. I know,” Juyeon sighs as he lifts the brakes. “Part of me wishes we weren’t born into this shitshow.”
A mirror. That’s what he is. Stand right opposite Younghoon and he’s nothing but someone who wishes the same - to be free from all the golden chains. 
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 4 years
Home Bound (Part 3)
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Summary: Dean has finally moved out with Sam to Lawrence and is beginning to move on for himself when a chance coincidence changes everything for him...
Pairing: Dean x reader
Word Count: 2,100ish
Warnings: language, angst, injury, mention of character death, mourning, supernatural events
A/N: Written entirely in Dean’s POV. Enjoy the final part!
Two Months Later
“Hey,” I said, popping into the kitchen in Lawrence to see Sam and Eileen both eating greasy breakfasts. “Hangover?”
Eileen nodded and squeezed her eyes shut, Sam giving me a careful look. We’d only moved out the week before and he was still watching my every move carefully. 
“A bit. We got plenty of bacon left over,” said Sam.
“Nah. I’m gonna run into town and get some coffee, see if I can find out if any garages or construction crews are hiring,” I said.
“Yeah. I shouldn’t be gone more than a few hours. Want me to pick up anything?” I asked. They shook their heads and I grabbed my keys from the front table. Sam stood up as I put on my jacket and I watched him from down the hall. “Yeah?”
“There’s a garage over on Henderson. Small place. They got an opening,” he said.
“I’ll check it out,” I said. “I’ll be back by lunch.”
Ten minutes later I was parked on a side street and walking along main, hands in my black winter coat Samson had shipped back to me. Sammy had been right on that front. Back when the leviathans were trouncing around with our faces on, his parents had shown him that was the Winchester boy apparently. He said his sister was doing good and he was planning to come out soon to get to know her again. They talked most days and she was staying with her parents, not too terribly far away. He had a sneaking suspicion that she’d snapped and killed the man that took her but the evidence pointed to a home intruder that had hit her on the head and that’s what was causing the memory loss. 
I told him I’d look into it if he wanted but at the moment he was simply happy to have her safe again. And that I was keeping the coat. 
At least I’d convinced him to let me buy him a drink when he did come out for a visit.
I tugged up my collar as a light snow filtered down on the March day and spotted the coffee shop that apparently had the best pie in town. God, I hadn’t had pie in months and I was so looking forward to bringing some home.
It was around nine so the morning rush was gone when I stepped inside, the little bell going off. A few people were eating pastries and sipping on drinks at the tables but there was no line and I walked right up to the counter, taking a look to find something called cinnamon death pie on the menu. Well that was definitely on the list.
“What can I get you?” asked the girl in the baseball cap, her back to me as she wiped up some spilled coffee from the back counter. The voice sounded so familiar and I stared at her, looking her over. She stood and turned around with a smile, my eyes wide. “Coffee? Baked good? It’s all fresh.”
“Y/N?” I said and she smiled again.
“That’s what my name tag says. Wow, you are really attractive,” she said. I kept staring and she shook her head. “I’m sorry, that was...what can I get you?”
“Dean. It’s Dean,” I said. She grabbed an empty cup and jotted down my name at the top, glancing at me. She looked happy and warm and she had no idea who I was. “Um. Black coffee. I’ll take a blueberry and cinnamon death pie to go too.”
“Full pies each?” she asked, marking off the cup.
“Yeah,” I said with a thick swallow.
“The death pie is the bomb. It’s so good on cold wet days like today,” she said. She put in the order and I watched her get my coffee together. Someone brought out two boxed pies in a bag and set it on the front counter. She brought back the coffee and hummed. “Alright. That’ll be fifteen dollars even.”
“Thanks,” I said, handing out the money. I stuffed a fifty in the tip jar and her jaw practically dropped.
“Sir, that’s too much.”
“Take it. Go to school. Buy a house. Go on vacation. Just...be happy,” I said. I grabbed my things and left, ducking out the front door. I skirted around to the alley and leaned against the brick. “Fuck.”
“Dean,” she said. She was standing there in her waist apron and a t shirt, getting soaked and goosebumps covering her arms. 
“Just take the tip,” I said, trying to head down the alley when she caught up and grabbed my arm.
“Before...I thought you knew who I was. You know, the Whiltiston girl that was kidnapped,” she said. 
“What?” I said.
“I know. But...you ever just meet someone and you just have a connection? Some part of you just knows that’s the one? I know I sound nuts but the way you looked at me back there...maybe you understand what I mean,” she said.
Shit. Fucking shit. Exactly what I wanted was right in front me. When I’d finally, finally, just started to have a glimmer of not feeling like crap all the time. My first day out and of course she’s there all happy with a real family and having no idea all the horrible things she’d been through. I’d have to push her away and fast.
“Lady. You’re nuts,” I said. She frowned and bit the inside of her cheek like she did when she was upset and didn’t want anyone to know.
“I know it sounds crazy but you sounded like you knew me or something. I don’t know. I just want to talk to you for five minutes. Please. I don’t remember a lot of stuff so well. I do but there’s all these gaps. It’s like I know you. I don’t but I do. Do you understand?”
Her shirt was soaked through now and she was shaking a bit. I’d have to be mean if I wanted her gone, wanted her to forget the fuck about me.
“No,” I said, stepping up and getting right in her face. “I think you’re crazy. I don’t blame you for whatever it was that you went through but that’s not how the real world is. You’re delusional and you need serious help.”
Her eyes watered a bit and she swallowed.
“I am not crazy. I have head trauma but I am sane. I don’t even show signs of PTSD that’s how little I remember of whatever was done to me. You’re just a cruel person who wants everyone else to be as miserable as you are.”
“Fuck you,” I said. She glared at me and I knew I’d made a mistake. She was still upset but now she was pissed and for Y/N that meant no backing down. “Listen. I-”
She grabbed my collar and kissed me. Hard. After a split second it softened and she moved away, staring at me. I blinked and then she was pounding her fist against my chest.
“What the fuck is wrong with you! You were just gonna leave me here!” she said, hitting me a few times before she was kissing me again. She slid her hand down and rested her head against me, taking deep breaths. “Dean Winchester I could kick your ass right now.”
“You remember?” I asked. She nodded and looked at me. I squeezed her way too tight, hearing the gasp of air escape her as I picked her up. I set her down after a moment, shaking my head at her.
“How…” I said and she smiled.
“You know my evil parents? Apparently the witch that gave them those powers or taught them at least...she put a little curse on them. If they used their powers to harm a child and that child died before them, they’d die not too long after. A few months was all. When my old piece of shit father croaked, I came back very confused. We know that witch, De. Red head. Queen of Hell. We might be friends with her and she always was leery of people hurting kids I guess so Ro had my back I guess. I think she did magic so I wouldn’t say anything on accident to the cops.”
“So you’re okay?” I asked.
“Oh, I’m livid with you for nearly walking away from me but I’ll get over it,” she said. She shivered and I set the bag and coffee down on the ground, taking off my jacket and tugging it over her. “I like your coat.”
“Your brother gave it to me.”
“You know Sunny?” you asked. I cocked my head and she smiled. “Samson? We call him Sunny cause son.”
“Yeah. He picked me up when I woke up in the middle of Colorado. We never did quite figure out why I came back or why there.”
“It’s not a coincidence my brother was the one who happened to find you,” she said.
“No, I don’t think so either.”
“When did you come back?”
“January 8th, about midnight. I had a dislocated shoulder.”
“I dislocated my shoulder that night. I slipped on some ice when I was coming home from a late dinner with my parents. You know it took the fake dad two months to die after I had. January 8th was two months exactly after I came back.”
“You think I came back because you did?”
“I don’t know. Apparently I can still tell you’re my person even with no memories. It’s sounding more likely. We can always ask Rowenna.”
“Yes, dearie,” she said, suddenly beside us both. Y/N jumped into my side and I wrapped my arms around her. “Sorry. If I’d known...I’m a different witch now. You’re both fine. You could have called though Winchester and I would have cleared this up. Also, that smells delicious and I’m taking it.”
She bent down and took the pies before disappearing, Y/N starting to giggle.
“She took my pie!” I said.
“She did kind of bring us both back,” said Y/N. “Come on. I’ll get you some more.”
She grabbed my hand and walked me back inside, ducking behind the counter in the back. Ten minutes later she walked out with three pie boxes, her coat on and mine tucked under her arm.
“I told them I’m not feeling well,” she said, handing me the coat. I put it on and took the bag in one hand, using the other to take her hand. We walked down the street aways until we got back to Baby and she slid in the passenger seat. “There’s forks in the bag too.”
“Come here,” I said as I sat down behind the wheel, setting the bag in the back for the moment. I moved over and pulled her into my lap, brushing off a bit of melting snow from her cheek. “Don’t go away again.”
“You were ready to walk away not ten minutes ago.”
“Because I thought you’d be better off not knowing about everything you’d been through,” I said. She smiled, that soft little smile that always made me feel better.
“Some parts were bad. But it wasn’t all terrible. Some parts were really, really good,” she said. She kissed my cheek and bumped her nose to mine. “I’ll take it all if it means I get to love you again. I don’t want to ever forget that I love you, Dean.”
“Me either,” I said, holding onto her tight. “I don’t know what we’re gonna do now but you’re not going anywhere.”
“Good,” she said. She was quiet, tucking her face in my neck and I smiled for the first time in months. She was happy and safe and mine again. “Want to drive to the park and eat pie in the backseat like we used to on rainy days?”
“Absolutely, sweetheart. That sounds like the best day ever. I’m so happy you came home to me.”
“Me too, Dean. Me too.”
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romanoffsbish · 3 years
Stevie’s Lil’ Sis
Today's the day I am set to reunite with my brother. Hes going to be shocked, seeing as how he presumes me to be dead. You see, shortly before he heroically plunged into the ice, Hydra had kidnapped me.
They had originally planned to use  me as a tool to convince my brother to join their side. Lucky him, he never got the memo, which in turn left an unlucky me. Their next move was to kill me, until they realized a woman super soldier would work well in their favor.
I mean, in the time we lived in, no one would believe a woman to cause as much destruction. Nor would any targets really be suspicious of a petite woman such as myself. I slipped in and out with ease, though my conscience wasn't so lucky. Being under mind control doesn't refute the guilt when you relive the crimes every time you close your eyes.
Two years ago to this day I escaped, however I was free for 24 hours before Captain Eyepatch found me. Initially he didn't want to hear me out, to really have an apparent third individual from the 40's still youthful in the 2010's was too much for him to want to fathom.
However, Fury knew it to be highly likely that you were being truthful, as your smile eerily resembled that of Cap's. So, he discreetly DNA matched, much to your discomfort as the idea of being poked and prodded brought you nothing more than additional trauma. To be free was all you wanted, so after the confirmation he chose to talk to you and bring you up to speed ... and boy did you have a lot to catch up on.
Within the first five minutes your head was spinning. Not only to find out your brother was alive, and still being quite the hero. But your honorary big brother James "Bucky" Barnes was also alive, and had been living within the same Hydra walls as you. He's been free'd and you couldn't help but feel immensely happy learning this. All that was on your mind at this point was to see them, but Fury's plans were different though. He wanted to allow you to be free'd too, so he set you up to go to Wakanda for the same treatment Bucky Boy had received. You whined, but knew better than to grovel for too long.
Fury assigned you to an agent by the name of "Natasha Romanoff." What a pretty name, but oh, was the woman herself far prettier --STUNNING was more like it. After a debriefing from Fury, she greeted you with a warm smile, and you returned it with a flustered, and goofy one.
"Natasha Romanoff, nice to meet you" she says as she reaches out for a handshake
"Y-Yn Ro-gers" you flinch and stutter back, not really used to gentle hands coming your way.
She immediately sensed your hesitant nature, and wasn't put off by your lack of reciprocation. She understands. So she puts her hand down, and keeps the smile up. She then begins to relay the plan to you, you nod and smile shyly, hardly hearing a word. You couldn't focus passed your guilt for not shaking her hand, as well as you were too busy staring. This wasn't lost on Natasha, but she just continued on, internally chuckling at your state. Next thing you know, you're in Wakanda.
As you're six months into your treatment you find out Natasha's on her way for a physical check in. As soon as you see her you greet her with a smile and you extend your hand for a shake. She reciprocates with a smile of her own and a firm grip. You don't say anythng, but as your hands meet you feel sparks--probably just static but it still excites you.
"Agent Romanoff, pleasure to see you again" you say
"Nat!" she interjects
"I'm sorry,what?" you question
"Just call me Nat. No need for formalities" she says as she smiles sweetly at you
"Alright ... Natty it is!" you laugh and wink, immediately heading into Shuri's lab giving her zero chance to respond
Nat's POV
I quickly follow Y/N into the lab, stunned by her sudden comfort in giving me a nickname. I'm not going to lie, normally if someone like Clint did that, they'd be in the medbay ... However, for Y/N this is a major wall she's broken down ... also she's pretty cute so I'll let it slide. After talking to Shuri, and T'Challa I understand that though she's doing well, they anticipate another 12-18 months for a full recovery. As I wrap up with them, I decide to observe Y/N from afar, so I can get a clinical and personal POV for my "mission" report. As I'm observing her play with the kids I can already see how much more free she's become. She notices me watching and waves me over.
"Hey Nat...ty, enjoying the view?" she remarks with a raised brow and goofy grin
As much as I want to flirt back I just reply with
"Yeah, Wakanda's really got some beautiful scenery"
Her grin faltered a bit but she resumed her smile, turned around and said
"Yeah, it really does."
After a moment of silence, I speak up and say
"Well, I'll continue to call once or twice a month, and I'll see you in another six months."
I extend my hand out, but she just smiles and then abruptly pulls me into a hug instead. I tense up, but almost instantly hug her back realizing she could use some physical comfort and affection. To be honest, I could too, and holding her just feels right to me.
I stick true to my word, calling and doing physical check ups. Each visit seeming to bring me this immense comfort. Watching her flourish excites me to no end. Getting to be apart of this whole ordeal felt right, it was beyond purposeful. Getting to know her on a deeper level was something I never expected to enjoy this much... but it also terrified the sh*t out of me. The idea that I might be falling for her was scarier than the aliens we fought in New York. Love's always been hard for me, but to this intensity it was like every wall within was crumbling. The rush was cool though
PART 1 (1,077 words)... PART 2 should be posted (:
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emy-loves-you · 4 years
Sanders Sides AU-gust Day 12: Crime
Roman is the son of wealthy mafia boss Romulus Prince. He's currently living across the country to pursue art. Roman hasn't told his boyfriend Janus about his family. After almost getting shot in his own apartment, the two learn that they've both kept some serious secrets from each other.
Roman POV, Roceit with Creativitwins
Day 11 | Masterlist | Day 13
“Hey, Janus. What time are you getting off today?”
“I should be home within the next twenty or so minutes. I hope our date is still on the table.”
“Yep, luckily they didn’t send me any work to take home. I’ve got some wine in the fridge and we could order some Thai later?”
“That sounds lovely. I’ll see you soon, dearest.”
“See you then.” Roman sighed as he pocketed his phone. Tonight was the night he’d tell Janus.
Tell Janus what, exactly? Well, that his name isn’t actually Roman Royale. Roman was actually Roman Prince, son of Romulus Prince. While that wouldn’t mean much to a New York civilian like Janus, it meant a lot to others. Mainly because Romulus Prince is a very powerful mafia boss. Roman had grown up with his father and twin brother in California. Once it became clear that Remus (Roman’s brother) would be the one inheriting the family business, Roman had expressed his desire to have a career in art. Romulus had relented after years of persuasion. So here Roman was, thousands of miles away from home, studying art at a local college with Janus, his boyfriend of four years. Roman trusted Janus with his life by this point, and he felt like it was only right to tell him of his heritage.
But Roman was nervous. This wasn’t something you could just casually bring up in a conversation. Would Janus break up with him? Or call the police on him? The options were endless. The last thing Roman wanted to do was lose Janus.
Maybe I could just never tell him. I technically never have to rejoin the family business. We could just live out our lives in peaceful ignorance forever. Roman thought as he unlocked the door to his and Janus’ shared apartment.
Only to feel a gun pressed against the back of his head.
“Drop the bag and get in the house. Now!” Roman felt numb as he followed the order, vaguely realizing that he’d also dropped his phone along with this satchel. His movements felt robotic as he made his way into the house, hearing the man shut the door behind them. The man pressed them into the living room, with Roman’s back still facing him. “Now, where is it?”
“Where’s what?” Roman ignored how flat his tone was. This wasn’t the first time he’d been held at gunpoint, but it was the first time that he didn’t have a definitive chance at escaping.
The man grunted. “The eye! Where. Is. The. Eye?”
Roman was confused. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” There’s nothing in this apartment that even vaguely resembles an eye, and Janus had never mentioned an eye before. What the hell was this guy talking about?
Roman felt the pressure of the gun on the back of his head disappear, but he knew it was still pointed at him. “You Princes think you’re real funny, don’tcha?” Roman tensed at the name, and the man laughed. “What, did you think this was some kind of petty robbery? I know who you are, Roman Prince. And I know you have the eye’s location. So. Where. Is. The. Eye?”
Roman heard the man drop to the ground. He slowly turned around to see Janus standing there, pistol in hand. His face was slightly pinched, but his focus wasn’t on the body. It was on Roman. “What the hell?”
Roman tried to console Janus. “I know this looks bad, but I swear I was gonna explain eventually. I don’t even know how they found me.” Roman rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “I didn’t want you to find out like this…”
Janus continued to stare at him for a moment before speaking. “You’re Roman Prince?” He sounded like he just guzzled a gallon of the sourest drink to ever exist.
Roman sighed. “Yeah…” Then his head snapped up. “Wait, you know who Roman Prince is?!”
Janus sighed, holstering his weapon. “You’re not the only one that’s been keeping secrets.” He gave the body a once-over before walking towards his bedroom. “Pack your essentials, we need to leave immediately.”
Fifteen minutes later, the two of them were sitting in the back of someone else’s car. Janus had apparently called in for someone to give them a lift. Roman sighed. “Okay, so you’ve heard my secret, now it’s time to hear yours. How do you know about the Princes?”
Janus stared down at his gloves, refusing to meet Roman’s gaze but still keeping him in his peripheral. “I’m sure you’ve heard of The Sides?”
Roman nodded. The Sides were an infamous gang around here. They were small, having four known members that weren’t common lackeys, but powerful. It was rumored that the current governor was only elected because the other candidate disagreed with Deceit, the gang’s leader. The Princes didn’t have a lot of information on The Sides (they were on opposite ends of the country) but they had a neutral alliance from Romulus’ brief visits to New York.
Janus sighed. “Then the name Deceit should ring a few bells.”
Roman stared in shock. “Seriously?!” Janus nodded, and Roman laughed. “So the leader of The Sides and the heir of The Princes have been dating for four years and neither of us had any idea.”
Janus smiled. “It would seem that way.” There was a brief moment of silence. “I assume you understand why I kept this a secret.”
Roman nodded. “Yeah, and you know why I did too.” It was too dangerous to bring civilians into their lives. They both had enough targets on their backs already. “So, what happens now? Are we still…”
“Dating?” Roman nodded. “I hope so. I was intending on telling you at a later date. Now that I know that you have experience with this,” he gestured around vaguely. “Potentially continuing our relationship will be much easier.”
Roman leaned over and pressed his lips to Janus’. The kiss was short and sweet, but it still gave him butterflies the same way it did every time. When they pulled apart, Roman sighed. “Thank God. I thought you would wanna break up with me.”
Janus tilted his head. “Why?”
Roman snorted. “Because I’ve haven’t been associated with my family for over five years, and yet someone still found me. Speaking of which, I need to make some calls.” He turned to his phone, frowning at the new crack from where he’d dropped it. He dialed a number that he hadn’t used in years, yet still knew from memory.
“Welcome to Tea’s Tease, the best place for gossip and blow jobs! How may I-”
“Cut it out, Remington.” The person’s tone shifted immediately, going from high pitched and customer-service-y to terrified.
“Sorry, Remus! Thought it was a spam caller-”
“Wrong twin, dumbass.” Roman growled out, already starting to lose his patience.
“Roman? OMG, it’s been, like, forever! What’s going on, babes? Get any smokin’ hot man meat?”
“We’ll talk later, Remy. I need to talk to Dad right now.” The line went silent. “Hello?”
“Oh, sweet baby. You don’t know, do you?”
Roman sighed. “I obviously don’t, now what’s going on?”
“Ro… Boss died two weeks ago. He was found shot in his own office” Roman barely stopped himself from gasping. They all knew how serious this line of work was, but Romulus had always seemed… invincible. Roman ignored the sadness welling up in his chest. He’d mourn later.
“Okay, where’s Remus then?” Remus should be the new boss now. It would be a pain trying to get information out of him, but Roman could make it work.
“He’s been off the grid for over a month.” That shouldn’t have surprised Roman. Remus was always slipping off the grid for weeks at a time. Only Romulus knew where Remus would run off to. But that, combined with Romulus’ death? That wasn’t good. Roman had thought it was Remus that killed Romulus, but now it couldn’t be. Even if Romulus had done something to anger Remus, it would take a lot to warrant death. And Remus would have done something much messier than a bullet. And why hadn’t Remus come back to run the family? He’d been ecstatic to learn that he was being chosen over Roman. So why continue hiding? Unless…
“Remy, who’s the boss right now?”
“I’ll give you two hints: his name starts with a J and you hate his guts.” Jacob Smith. The bastard probably killed Romulus.
“Remy, why didn’t anyone contact me? My address was in the vault.” Romulus had a small vault in his office that held Roman’s address along with several other important members.
“The vault was empty when we checked it.” So either Romulus destroyed the information, or Jacob took it to prevent anyone from contacting him. That’s how they found me.
“Remy, Jacob can’t know that you talked to me.”
Remy snorted. “Of course. You know everyone here hates Jacob’s guts.”
“Okay, one last question before I hang up. Has anyone been talking about an ‘eye’ of some sort?”
“Hmm… Nope, not that I can think of. But I’ll check the rumor mill later.”
“Okay. If you hear anything about an eye or Remus’ location, call me immediately. I’ll check in later.”
“Alrighty, Ro! I’ll get you to spill your tea later. Bye!”
Roman sighed, dropping the phone in the seat next to him. He started talking to himself. “Let me get this straight-”
Janus snorted. Roman had forgotten he was there “Good luck with that.”
Roman continued. “My Dad’s dead. Remus is missing. Knowing them, along with what that guy back at the apartment was saying, Dad probably knew about the ‘eye,’ whatever it is. He probably told Remus about it too, which is why he hasn’t come out of hiding. Jacob Smith is now head of the family, people are after me, and my boyfriend’s Deceit.” He sighed. “So all I have to do is figure out what this ‘eye’ is, find Remus, avenge my father’s death, and kill Jacob. Sounds simple enough.” He looked over to Janus hopefully. “You’ll help a boyfriend out, won’t you?”
Janus thought for a moment before sighing. “You’re so lucky I love you.” He smiled as Janus continued. “New York has gotten pretty boring lately. I might even bring the other Sides with me for assistance. We can make a vacation out of it.”
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Friday Night Friend ‘Date’ (Peter Parker x Reader)
Summary: (Peter’s POV.) Peter struggles to hide his feelings about you from his best friends on a supposedly normal Friday night.
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Word Count: 2300ish (what da heck! Haven’t written in weeks and this just came out of nowhere!)
A/N: Peter Parker gives me all the HS feels! I got this idea while I was getting ready for work yesterday and it suddenly turned into a thing and kept getting longer. Hope ya’ll like it! Lemme know!
Includes prompts: “Can I kiss you right now” and “Shut up and Kiss me already.”
I’ll add tags later in a reblog.
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It took Peter too long to realize that the way he used to look at Liz is how he’s always looked at you. The only difference was that he didn’t share that realization with Ned. He was sure that if Ned knew how he felt about their other best friend, then Ned would try to play matchmaker.
Besides, even once Peter realized it, he didn’t even try to stop himself.
He’s sitting on your bed like he’s always done on Friday nights--this time Ned isn’t there. You’d just finished a school assignment and were getting ready to meet Ned at the movies. Now that he’s aware of his feelings for you, everything’s different. He watches you get ready for the night at the vanity in your private bathroom. You don’t even notice his staring when you look at him in the mirror.
You didn’t even think twice about taking your shirt off in front of him. You’re wearing a purple sports bra and basketball shorts. You let him pick a playlist on your phone. He didn’t realize when he picked the one he did that he was setting himself up to watch you dance. You sway side to side as you search through your closet and pick out your favorite flannel. Your bare feet with your painted toenails pad around on the floor.
You both laugh when you trip on the carpet and almost fall.
Peter realizes how much he loves your hair while you’re brushing it. Even if your grumbling and complaining about the tangles, he loves the finished product, so soft and shiny. He contemplates what kind of context he could give as an excuse to touch it.
But then he feels creepy.
He notices his blush in his reflection of the mirror. He falls back on your bed, exasperated. You notice and giggle.
“I’m sorry I’m taking so long. I’m almost done,” you comment, thinking he’s commenting on your routine.
“No, no. It’s okay. Take your time. We’ve got a while,” Peter mumbles, rolling around on your bed to look at the clock on your nightstand. He smells the strawberry scent of your shampoo on your pillows.
He jumps to his feet and gets away from your bed. A teenage boy with a crush on you shouldn’t be in your bed. It’s a recipe for disaster. Nevermind the fact that he’s been there for years.
Instead, Peter wanders around the room he’s so familiar with. He looks over all of the pictures on your wall surrounding your decathalon medals and debate trophies. It’s strange, this new perspective that Peter has, all he sees is how close you and he are in each picture--hanging on each other and hugging and goofing around. You don’t do that with Ned as much. If Ned wasn’t even in the pictures, Peter thinks people might assume you and he were a couple. Peter grins at that idea.
“That was a fun weekend,” you comment, coming out of the bathroom and noticing which photo he’s looking at. “Ned killed it with that last question. Remember that place we for ice cream afterwards?”
“Y-yeah…” Peter stutters, taking in the sight of you. You look stunning. At some point when he hadn’t been looking, you’d changed into a pair of tight jeans. “You got whipped cream on your nose,” Peter teases. You roll your eyes.
“Yeah...because you put it there,” you stick your tongue out at him and head back to the bathroom.
“Aren’t you ready now?”
“Almost, just gotta put on my make-up and brush my teeth.” He stands in the doorway of your bathroom, scrutinizing as you put on make-up. Before you put on lip gloss, you brush your teeth.
“What? What are you staring at?” you turn to look at Peter right as you stick the toothbrush in your mouth.
He’s amused by how vigorously you brush but he thinks that’s what it must take to have such a pretty smile.
“W-why do you put on so much make-up?” he murmurs, making sure to keep the admiration out of his voice and opting to sound confused instead. You scowl at him while you finish brushing.
“What? What’s wrong with it? I didn’t think it was too much,” you frown and inspect yourself in the mirror.
“N-no-no I didn’t mean it like that. It’s not too much. I guess I just...meant...why do you wear it at all?” You make eye contact with Peter. He crosses his arms over his chest and shrugs, nonchalant (hopefully).
“Um...well...I’m going out in public with friends…”
“But you do know that you don’t have to wear make-up for me and Ned?” Peter suddenly has the worried thought that you want to look good for other guys instead.
“Yeah, I know. You and Ned see me without make up all the time. But...putting make-up on makes me look and feel good.” You pose for Peter with a big smile and your hands on your cocked hips.
“Oh, okay. If that’s why, then I get it.”
“What are you getting at?” You scowl at Peter, scrutinizing him as he puts on his shoes and avoids eye contact. He sees how easily you slip into some boots.
“I was just trying to say you didn’t have to put make-up on around me. You look really pretty already without it,” he pauses for a beat, shocked at himself for saying what he thinks. “At least I think you do,” he mumbles, swinging for the fences and hoping you don’t realize what he’s confessing...but also hoping that you do. He can’t stand keeping this secret from you. You know everything about him, including the fact that he’s Spider-man
“Oh….” you tuck your hair behind your ear. Peter glances up for a moment and thinks he might see you blushing. “Thanks, Petey.”
“Do you think I need some?” he jokes to lighten the mood.
“Aww...Peter you don’t need make-up...no amount would fix that face,” you tease and tap him on the nose. Peter loops his arm around your shoulders, bends you forward and pretends to give you a noogie. “Nooo my hair!!!” you squeal and together you laugh.
The wind chill is harsh on the walk to the theater with you. Walking through a throng of people, you'd eventually hooked your arm through Peter’s to ensure sticking together, walking side by side. You turn your face into his shoulder a few times against the biting air too.
When Peter and you get to the theater, Ned is there and waiting.
“I already bought the tickets,” he sways by way of greeting.
“Cool. I'll get the popcorn,” you smile. Ned’s eyes go wide and Peter gasps. “What's wrong?”
“Your cheeks,” Ned giggles.
“And your nose...they’re really red,” Peter winces, knowing you wouldn’t be happy about it. But the frown on your face is adorable and Peter thinks you look like the most adorable little Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer.
“I didn't bring anything to cover it up. Is it that bad?” You look to Peter for the honest answer. Peter wraps his arm around your shoulders and starts ushering you into the theater.
“It’s not that bad. Trust me.” But of course you don't believe him. Ned and Peter head into the auditorium while you go to the bathroom to check and then to get the popcorn.
“When did Y/N become so concerned about her looks?” Ned comments to Peter.
“I don't know,” Peter shrugs. It’s become hard to be impartial and hide his crush from his other best friend too.
“Oh! Maybe it's because homecoming is coming up. You think she has someone in mind to take her?”
A twinge of jealousy rises up in Peter and he nearly trips on his way to his seat.
“I dunno,” he mumbles.
“Maybe one of us should ask her? Just in case?” Peter scowls at Ned.
“Dude, come on. Not cool.” They plop down in their seats.
“Yeah, you’re right. She'll definitely get asked. We should worry about ourselves.”
When you return, you've brought popcorn and bottled sodas. Ned and Peter are sitting next to each other. Peter thinks for a moment that maybe you might want to sit between them but you don't seem to hesitate when sitting next to Peter, effectively putting him in the middle. You offer him the popcorn to hold as the “middle-person” and as you settle in beside him, he shares a shaky smile with you as the movie starts.
It's a comedy and action movie. It's fun and something all three of you had wanted to see. Peter likes to watch you out of his peripheral as you stifle your bouts of laughter. About half way through, you try to use the arm rest. But Peter's already using it.
You bump elbows and quietly fight for the comfortable position...that is until you lace your fingers through his. You've found your preferred resting place for your hand!
Peters ears are burning but no one can see them thankfully. Your eyes are trained on your hands though. You're not paying attention to the movie. You finally turn your head to look at Peter. You seem to notice his anxiety right away. You try to release him, let go of his hand...but Peter’s grip tightens.
He doesn't want this to end. This could be his chance. You beat him too it.
Slowly and very reserved, you lean closer to Peter and place a soft kiss on his cheek. Ned doesn’t notice how Peter freezes, stiff with surprise.
He glances down to confirm that you’re still holding his hand. You even give it a gentle little squeeze before resting your head on his shoulder. And that’s how you two stay for the rest of the movie.
When the movie is over, the three of you leave the theater talking about it. Everything is back to normal.
“I have an early morning tomorrow. I gotta go,” you lament during a break in the conversation.
“Oh, okay, we’ll talk to you later,” Ned bids you goodbye and you wave to Peter as you start to wake away. Ned notices Peter watching you leave. “Dude. Come on. Go after her,” he pushes at Peter’s shoulder. Peter just stares at his friend for a moment, dumbfounded. Ned rolls his eyes and walks away in the direction of his home.
Peter has no choice but to head home too.
“Hey, Y/N, wait up!” he calls out to you and you turn, hands stuffed into your pockets for warmth. Peter bounces over to you. “Um...I was wondering...if uh...I could...um...walk you home?” Peter panics. “You know, because we live so close to each other. Makes sense, right?” He wincing at his own awkward question but you just smile at him.
“Sure, Petey.” Peter crooks out his arm so that you can huddle up to him just like the walk before the movie. You slide your hand down his arm until you reach his hand. You weave your fingers with his again while you two walk in silence for several minutes. “Hey Peter? Do you really think I look pretty without make-up?” You’re using his own word choice from earlier against him.
“We’re best friends. Of course...I’m gonna tell you...that you look good.” Peter rolls his eyes and chides himself as he walks you up to your front door.
“But do you mean it?” you ask him as you turn to face him. Peter can’t resist making eye contact with you.
“I-if I do? What then? I..I mean...Y/N…” Peter starts to ramble and shift his weight from one foot to the other. “I don’t know what to say…in this situation...please help me,” he pleads and chuckles when he notices the smile growing on your face. You squeeze his hand like a mute button and Peter just stares at you as you start to lean in.
He’s frozen and even keeps his eyes open like a dork when your lips meet his. And when you pull away, his lips are still pursed and he looks and feels more confused than ever.
“Y-you could ask me to homecoming?” you whisper nervously. It’s so endearing and sweet, Peter thinks, as he watches you blush. Why are you the nervous one? As if he would say no!
“I could? I--I mean, I could.” Peter releases your hand and takes a step back. He runs his hands through his hair and spins around, befuddled. “I will.” He turns back around to look at you and takes a step forward. “I mean..I am. Would you?” He winces at himself again. “Will you? Say yes?”
“Of course. I’d love to go to homecoming with you.”
“Great!” Peter does a backflip as he’s so prone to his Spider-man acrobatics around his best friends. He sticks to the ceiling of the hallway outside your apartment. You laugh as he hangs upside down. He crawls to the wall and sets himself up like he’s leaning against it, even though his feet and hands are sticking to the wall instead of touching the floor. “I mean...that’s cool…’cause like...we’re really good friends...so maybe we’d be even better as…” He’s shrugging a lot, trying to play it cool.
“More than friends?” you finish for him.
“Um...yeah.” he sighs and gets back on his two feet on the floor. “Anyways, I should probably go now,” and he starts to leave, “before I push my luck but um…” he turns back around and comes back within two feet of you. “I was wondering if...can I kiss you right now? I mean, I know you’ve already kissed me but like...I wasn’t ready...and um...”
“Peter?” you cut him off.
“Just shut up and kiss me already,” you giggle as you loop your arms around his neck.
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hannahindie · 7 years
Freaky Friday: Part 1
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Reader, Becka (Ohhhh Becka lol) Word Count: 1,853 Warnings: Mention of insinuated sexy times, total confusion, and the misuse of both Gryffindor robes and a Zorro mask. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. A/N: I wrote this for @melissaj616‘s celebration challenge! My prompt was ‘body swap’. This is the first part of the series, so keep an eye out for updates. Beta’d by the always wonderful @trexrambling and @pinknerdpanda because they are the actual  best. Love youuuu. As always, tags are at the bottom, and if you find that you are missing or would like to be added, please let me know!
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Dean’s POV
I'm dying. I'm actually dying. I don't remember what the hell happened last night, but mistakes were made. My eyes feel like someone held them open and poured sand into them, and I think I can actually hear my eyelids move when I blink. I can hear running water, and I remember that not all of last night was a mistake. A little 'hair of the dog' should do the trick if I can manage to pull my face off this pillow. Oh God, it's bright in here. Why is it so damn bright? The water turns off and I smile to myself. The good part of my night is about to walk through that bathroom door, and I'm going to turn my good night into a good morning. I watch as the bathroom door slowly opens and that is not the leggy blonde I went home with. It's Y/N. What the hell is she wearing, and why is she looking at me like that? Are those...are those Harry Potter robes?
She leans against the doorway and slowly slips her bare leg through the front slit of the robes. All I can manage to croak out is a quiet, “What?”
 “Mornin’, sleepyhead. Are you ready?” 
Ready for what? I'm about 99% sure I don't want to know what I'm supposed to be ready for. 
I clear my throat, “R-ready for what?” Stuttering is not normally a problem for me, but it's like my mouth forgets how to form words as I watch Y/N slip herself down the door frame like she's grinding a stripper pole. 
“Opening my Chamber of Secrets, big boy.” Y/N is slowly making her way towards the bed and, I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little torn. It's not like I hadn’t thought about her like that when she first met up with us, but it's Y/N. I can't do this.
I sit up and scoot towards the far side of the bed, “Hold on there, Hermione, I’m not sure what brought this on, but let's just think about this for a minute.” She's smiling at me like she knows a secret, and I can tell my eyes are about as wide as they can get. 
“Oh, we’re going with Hermione? That’s fine, I thought we'd decided on Luna this time, but if you want to change it up, Hermione it is.” What the hell does she mean, this time? Now she's at the end of the bed, and from this angle I can tell she's not wearing a damn thing under those robes. Hmm. Maybe I could...dammit Dean, quit thinking with your dick. 
“Listen, I don't know what you're talking about-” 
Y/N climbs onto the bed and begins slowly crawling towards me, her eyes sparkling. I've seen that look, and if I don't move, I'm not going to have much of a choice in what happens next. “Don't you want to tame my whomping willow, Longbottom?” she says with a wink. Longbottom? How much did this woman have to drink? 
“Y/N, don't get me wrong, taming your whomping willow would be an excellent way to spend my morning, but I gotta be honest, I think you might still be drunk.” 
She pauses for a second as if contemplating why I might be brushing her off, but grins again, “Playing hard to get are we, Neville? Come on, make me scream like a mandrake, show me how good you are at catching that golden snitch.” She launches herself at me, and I shove backwards. My hands grab nothing but air and both of us fall off the bed and hit the floor hard. Holy shit, that hurt. Y/N is on top of me and...oh Jesus, the robe is open. There they are, her perfect, pale breasts are right there just begging to be licked or sucked or just touched. I feel a twitch down below and I practically throw her off of me.
“Nope. Nope nope nope. Not today, this is not...no.” I hurriedly gather up my clothes and shove my shoes on as I pull my t-shirt over my head, “I gotta go. I can't be in here right now.” 
Y/N is looking at me with big eyes, a look of equal parts confusion and hurt on her face, “Did I do something wrong? I don't understand...I thought that's what you wanted? It's not like that's the first time…”
I look at her, eyebrows raised, “First, when did something like that ever seem like something I'd want to do? And two, we've never done anything like that. Not even a little bit. You...I… this isn't a thing. I wasn’t even here last night.” She looks like she's about to cry, and I don't want to leave her but I need air. “I'll be back later.” I leave before she can answer and head toward where the Impala should be and stopping when I find the spot empty. Well, this isn't good. I'm standing there looking around like an idiot when I catch my reflection in the window of the room I'm standing in front of. The first thing I notice is the shirt I'm wearing only reaches my belly button. As my eyes travel up, I realize that I'm also somehow taller than before. That's when my eyes meet with my reflection’s, and I realize why I don't remember coming back here. 
It's because I'm not Dean, I'm Sam. 
Son of a bitch.
Sam’s POV
I have been woken up many ways over the years; gentle sunlight as shines in my eyes through dusty curtains, monsters punching me in the face, the soothing sounds of Asia over...and over...and over again (it stops being soothing after the hundredth day, I'll tell you that right now). But if you had asked me how I thought I'd wake up this morning…my answer would not have been by a swift smack across the face from some blonde chick wearing a Zorro mask. 
The first thing I notice, other than the burning sting across my cheek, is that my arms seem to be stuck. I can’t say that it’s uncomfortable, whatever has my arms held out is soft and smooth against my wrists, but I also can’t remember why I would be in this position to start with. The last thing I remember is being with Y/N at the hotel. I’m not going to say we don’t like to try new things in the bedroom, but I’m definitely not into getting smacked around, and I am pretty sure Y/N isn’t either. I’m afraid to open my eyes for a couple of reasons: First, nothing has ever ended well in a situation where I found myself tied up. Second, it’s possible that Y/N and I had more to drink than I thought and I’m not so sure I’m ready to confront that. Especially since she just smacked me in the face. 
I slowly open my eyes, expecting to see Y/N standing in front of me, and instead see an incredibly tall blonde girl wearing….is she wearing a Zorro mask? I must have given her a weird look because she smiles awkwardly and holds out her hands in a ‘like what you see?’ gesture. 
I raise an eyebrow, “What...who are you?” 
She puts her hands on her hips and tilts her head, “It's me, Becka.” 
Who the hell is Becka? “Right, Becka...whatcha doing?” 
“Well, I thought about what you said last night, about how we should embrace our wants even if they are a bit...unorthodox...and your request wasn't too weird so I thought we could experiment with both.” Last night? I was most definitely not with this girl last night...was I? Shit, Y/N is gonna kill me. 
I clear my throat, “Can you...umm...remind me exactly what I wanted that was so unorthodox?” 
Becka settles in on the edge of the bed and pats my cheek, emphasizing each word with a little smack, “Getting smacked during sex by a girl wearing a Zorro mask.” Nope, that is not a thing I want. Why does that sound so familiar? 
“Okay…what was your thing?” She smiles and my gaze follows hers down. You've got to be freaking kidding me. I am completely naked except for a flimsy pair of pink women’s underwear, and allow me to just point out that they do not cover anything. I'm not even sure they could be considered an item of clothing. “You just put these on me, without me knowing?” 
She gives me an exasperated look, “Were you seriously that drunk? You put those on willingly, don't you remember?” No, I don't fucking remember. I'm tied to a bed wearing women’s underwear while being smacked around by Zorro, and to my recollection, none of it was my idea. I look down again as I tug at my restraints. Something is wrong. I can't quite put my finger on what, but there is something more than just being in silky pink panties wrong with this whole picture. 
“Listen, Becky-”
“Becka, I'm not sure how I ended up here, but I can guarantee I was not here last night. I was somewhere else, with a different woman. One that does not make me put on her underwear or smacks me in the face.”  I manage to get one wrist untied and start working on the other one, and Becka gets up and stomps across the room. 
“You certainly didn't seem to mind putting them on last night! Here, take your stupid mask back!” She throws the Zorro mask at me just as I get my other wrist untied and it hits me in the face. I throw it in the floor and start searching for my clothes as she storms around the room collecting her things. “Typical, this is just typical! Find someone who's in touch with their feminine side, someone that appreciates honesty and self confidence, and this is what happens. Such bullshit.” 
She storms toward the door and throws one last glare in my direction, “You can pay for this damn room too, asshole.” She slams the door shut and I'm left standing alone with my junk hanging out of some strange woman’s underwear. I know what my morning was supposed to have in store, and this is definitely not it. I still can't find my clothes, and when I finally find a boot sticking out from under the bed...it isn't my boot. What the hell? I look under the bed and find the other boot and my jeans. But they aren't my jeans. These are Dean’s clothes. What the hell? I slowly make my way to the bathroom and flip on the light. Shit.
 It isn't just Dean’s clothes that were left in this room last night. So was Dean, and as I stare at what should be me but is actually my brother, I can feel panic begin to tighten in my gut. What the HELL happened last night?
Continue to Part 2 HERE.
Forever Tags: @trexrambling @pinknerdpanda  @wheresthekillswitch @emilywritesaboutdean @arryn-nyxx @emptywithout @escabell @charliebradbury1104 @@jarpadandjensenaremyheroes  @deanssweetheart23  @canadianjelly @super-not-naturall @aubreyreadsstuff @dean-winchesters-baby
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hitsugayarose · 7 years
My Hero Chapter 8: Things Will Get Better
Aurora's POV:
I woke up the next day, and at first I didn't remember anything that happened. Then as I realized that I was in Aizawa's dorm instead of mine, it all came crashing back. Hizashi was mad at me. He yelled at me, it had to be on accident. I put my hands up to my ears. Aizawa had gotten me from the library I guess after I fell asleep. I had woken up in the nurses office I had a ruptured ear drum. It would heal quickly thanks to recovery girl, but I was still worried about Hizashi.
Quietly I got up and got dressed then headed to class leaving a note for Aizawa telling him I went to class. I was the first one there and I sat down. I needed to talk to Rukea I want to know how to fix things with Hizashi. When she walked in I took her aside. "I need to talk to you. After classes. Please if you don't need to help Hizashi I mean."
"Yeah I will. Ro? It's all going to be ok. Ok? Don't worry so much." Rukea says.
I nod then I see Hizashi walk in he looks so sad. There was nothing I could do. I wanted to run over and hug him tell him I wasn't mad. Tell him that everything would always be ok. I couldn't I didn't know if he even wanted to talk to me so I sat down in my normal spot where I sat between him and Aizawa. Hizashi did not sit in his normal spot he sat where Rukea sat. So she sat next to me while Hizashi sat in front of her.
The whole day he wouldn't even so much as look at me and I couldn't bring myself to say anything to him. I skipped the last class of the day because my ears had started to hurt a little, and when I went to recovery girl about it she said that they were still recovering until tomorrow. And that I should laydown and not be around any loud noises. I went back to my dorm after that and laid on my bed and cuddled with my teddy bear that Hizashi had gotten me for my birthday. It was a cute bear he had a leather jacket similar to the one that Hizashi wears for his hero costume and on the back is a guitar. I cuddled with it closely and think about him.
I remembered when we were at the fireworks festival and he won me the necklace.
"This is so much fun!" I say to the group.
"I'm going to get something to eat. Lets meet at the bench at the end of this row in like ten minutes. Does anybody else want anything?" Aizawa asks.
We all gave him our order and he went off. Hizashi Rukea and I continued walking around and then Hizashi said out of nowhere.
"Hey I'll meet up with you two later." And he wondered off.
"Well that was strange." I said and Rukea and I just shrugged and walked it off. We sat down on the bench and talked about how exited we were about the school year and about the boys. A few minutes later Hizashi came and told me to close my eyes, and after a few seconds he told me to open them. When I looked down it was a pokeball necklace.
"Hizashi! I love it!" I jumped up and gave him a hug.
(Present time)
I love being with him so much I don't want to lose him.
Aizawa's POV:
Hizashi came up to me after our last class. "Where is Aurora?" He asked. I could hear the pain in his voice and I felt bad. I know he didn't mean to hurt her and I know that she cares for him.
"She wasn't feeling well so she went to her dorm. Look you should talk to her. She's not angry with you I promise."
"I can't. I just can't". He leaves.
"We need to get them to talk again." Rukea said coming up.
"Yeah we do. And after we do. You and I are going to catch that movie." I tell her with a smile.
"Sounds good to me." She says with a smile.
Rukea's POV:
I head back to my dorm room and when I get there I see that the door between mine and Aurora's rooms is open. I poke my head in. "Hey are you ok?" I asked.
"Yeah..." She answered and I could tell she's been crying.
"You wanted to talk?"
"Is Hizashi mad at me?"
"No honey he's not. He's mad at himself. He thinks you are mad at him, and he's worried that he will lose your friendship."
She sits up quickly still holding the bear that he got her. "I'm not mad at him. You know how I feel about him I'm just worried that I won't be able to fix this."
"Talk to him. It is the only way to fix this. He's afraid to talk to you. All you have to do is keep talking to him. Force him to realize that you are still here."
"Well remember what I told you that I got him for his birthday?"
"What if I gave it to him early. It might cheer him up. Besides I would need to anyway."
"There you go. Now go."
She looks around her room and finds it then leaves. I text Aizawa. 'I think I did it.'
'Good. I'll come over so we can watch the movie.'
'Sounds good.'
Aurora's POV:
I took Hizashi's present and left to go see him. My room was the very last in this hall and Hizashi was down the stairs and on the opposite end of the hall. It seemed like the longest walk of my life and I thought about turning back because maybe he didn't want to see me but I have to try, I refuse to lose him. I finally got to his door and knocked. "Hizashi it's me please open up." Nothing. "You know what fine. If you don't want to let me in I will sit here. And I will not leave until you let me in." With that I sat down next to his door, and I waited. Slowly the door finally opened.
"Please don't just sit there." He comes out and looks down at me. He looks like he has been through hell. 'Oh Hizashi please let me back in.' I thought. "What are you even doing here. I thought you weren't feeling well."
"I need to see you. Please let me in."
He nods and walks into his room letting me in. He sat down on his bed and I sat in his chair. "I'm so sorry for what it did. I can't believe I let impulse take over and I hurt you I can never forgive myself for-."
I left my chair and hugged him. I just wanted him to stop, of course loosing control like that wasn't ok. But it is however forgivable. I just need him to know. "STOP! Just shut up you have no idea what I think. You are putting words into my mouth. Hizashi you are my friend, and I forgive you. I will always forgive you. I know you didn't mean to hurt me and I know that you only did it because you were stressed. And that is not ok, for any of us not just you. All of our quirks can be used for evil and for good. So none of us can slip up, not for even a moment and that is why we are here." I tighten my grip on him. "Hizashi Yamada you are the kindest person I know and I know that you would never hurt me on purpose. That's why I forgive you that's why I was never mad at you. I was terrified that you were mad at me and that was why you lost control for a moment. But I then I realized that no matter how mad you got you would never ever, ever do that. So then I realized that it doesn't matter why you did it. It won't change anything. The past is in the past now and all we can do is learn from it and move forward. So.." finally letting him go I pull out his present. "I know your birthday still isn't for a while but I'm going to have to give this to you early anyway or at least part of it. I thought you could use some cheering up so I'm giving it to you earlier than I thought." I hold out the present it was a small cube and there was a card with it taped to the top.
"Wow really thank you."
Mic's POV:
I opened the card first and two concert tickets fell out. Looking at them they were for my favorite band! 'This is so cool! They are front row seats too.' "Aurora this is amazing! How did you get these the tickets have been sold out for months?"
"The band had a benefit thing and there was a contest to win the tickets and my mom and I entered and won. So she gave them to me and I decided to give them to you for your birthday."
"You are amazing." I give her a huge hug. "Thank you." I then opened the box, only to find it wasn't a box at all it was a stack of CD's. The newest CD from my top favorite bands to be exact. 'You make it so hard and so easy to love you.' "Aurora this is amazing. Thank you. Really."
"Of course. I want you to have the best birthday." She smiles and I give her one last hug.
Aizawa's POV:
I knocked on Rukea's door and she opened it and stood there grinning. "Hey come in."
She was wearing fuzzy pj pants and a tank top with a cat on it. "So what movie are we watching?"
"I was thinking a horror movie. I love them."
"Alright whatever you want." She pulled popcorn out of the microwave and put in a movie. I sat on her bed and she joined me.
A little while into the movie she was hiding her face in my shoulder during all the scary parts and pulling the blanket over her head. "I thought you liked scary movies."
"I do but only when I have somebody to hide my face into."
"You're so silly. If they scare you so much then why watch them?" I chuckles. 'Not that I'm complaining. I like being this close to you.' I wrap an arm around her. "You know that this movie isn't that scary."
"Says you! I'm sorry that I don't want to see somebody get their guts torn out!" She yells, muffled, into my shoulder.
"How are you going to be a hero if you can't even handle a scary movie?"
"Cause I'm going to save people from things like this."
"You know Rukea I've never asked, why do you want to be a hero?"
She looked deep in thought for a moment then she said, "Well my family, they are all doctors. And I've always wanted to help people too but on a bigger scale."
"Wow that's cool."
"What about you Aizawa?"
"The easy answer... I want to protect the people I care about." I sat for a moment and thought back to that day. "About three years ago, I was walking with Aurora home from school. We stopped at a convince store to get something to snack on. And while we were there somebody tried to rob the place. He was just a low level thug, but I could cancel his quirk... He took Aurora from behind me and I couldn't do anything. I felt so helpless, even as she was screaming and crying out my name I still couldn't save her. I can't let that happen to somebody I love ever again."
"Were you scared too?"
"I don't remember. All I remember is wanting to protect her and the store clerk in the shop."
Rukea's POV:
I laid there for a moment and took it all in. 'They both must have been afraid but he doesn't remember if he was... Wow. He is so cool!' I heard the woman scream on the tv and I hid my face again.
"Looks like I can't make your fear go away." He chuckles. "Too bad."
'That's not true. I wish I could tell you how brave I am when you're around.'
Aizawa's POV:
She hides her face in my chest again, I tell her it's too bad that I can't make her pain go away too.
'I failed Aurora that day but I will die before I see that look of fear come across your face, Rukea.' I let out a deep yawn and stretched with my free arm.
"Yeah but I can make it to the end of the movie."
I was wrong.
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hitsugayarose · 7 years
My Hero Chapter 6: The Fight pt. 1
A/n: Parts of this song remind me of some of the things that's going to happen in this chapter. I will also probably have links to other videos for other parts of this chapter. But i will let you know when this one applies though I'm sure you're smart enough to figure it out in all honesty. Also a lot of the songs might be nightcore songs because that's what I'm listening to while writing tonight.
Also just so you know: Rukea knows that Hizashi and Aurora like each other. But shes been sworn not to tell the other by both of them. Hizashi just came out and told her. And Rukea heard Aurora talking about Hizashi in her sleep one night then asked her about it the next morning. Aurora told her she liked Hizashi a lot but begged her not to tell him. Meanwhile Aurora is in the same situation with Aizawa and Rukea. So this song is for the conversation Hizashi and Rukea are about to have. 
Mic's POV:
I lay in my bed thinking about the dream I just had. It was the same dream I've had a lot since I accepted the fact that I've fallen in love with Aurora.
"Hizashi I need to talk to you." Aurora said walking over to me. I could tell she was nervous about something because she wasn't looking at me and she was messing with her pokeball necklace I got her.
"Hey what's wrong Aurora?" I asked voice laced with concern. 'What could be making her so nervous?' I wondered.
"Um can we go someplace else?"
"Yeah of course we can." We walk to the little ice cream shop that is just off campus. It's been a while since she's been this quite I wonder what's wrong. When we get there we order some ice cream and then sit outside to eat it.
"Aurora what's going on, you're scaring me a little." I tell her. Slowly she looks up to meet my eyes. She looks almost on the verge of tears and all I want to do is hug her. "Aurora please, please tell me what's wrong I'm worried about you."
"You. I'm in love with you!" She spits out then looks away red. I sat there in shock before slowly going over and kneeling by her chair. I gently take her face and get her to look at me.
"No it's ok! I know you don't feel the same way!"
"But I do." I kiss her then I always wake up right then.
That's always where the dream ends. I sigh. 'I need to tell her. I can't keep on like this. I need to tell her and deal with the outcome after. Maybe I should talk to Rukea first. She can help me with what to say.'
With that I get up and get dressed. "I should clean up around here too." I say looking around my dorm room. I shrug and go to brush my teeth then I head upstairs to where Rukea and Aurora's dorms are. I knock on Rukea's door and she opens up quickly.
"Morning!" She says cheerily. Bet she's just happy exams are almost over.
"Hey I need to talk to you about something." I tell her. "Lets go get ice cream."
She nods and grabs her jacket and wallet and we head out.
When we get there I order and pay for our ice cream and we sit inside since it's a little chilly outside.
"So what did you want to talk about Zashi?" When I say nothing. "Hizashi what is it?"
"I love Aurora." I say slowly building up to what I want to talk to her about.
"I know you told me that."
"And I need to tell her. But I don't know how. Tich" I look away.
"Hizashi you should just tell her. It really doesn't matter how, long as you don't scare her, you will be fine."
"But if she doesn't feel the same I don't want to ruin the friendship we have. I mean she's amazing. And I really think that I truly love her. It's just that I don't know if can handle her rejecting me."
"She's not going to reject you trust me on that one."
Rukea's POV:
I really want to tell Hazashi that Aurora feels the same way, I want to tell him that he needs to hurry before she tries things out with Toshinori. I know she likes both of them, but she loves Hizashi that much is clear. She talks about him all the time in her sleep. Just last night she said she loved him. But she made me swear not to tell him. This is so frustrating!
"Hizashi you should tell her. What if she feels the same but you miss your chance? What if she could be the best thing that's ever happened to you other than meeting me of course."
He chuckles a little. "Yeah that's true. It's just... like I said I don't want to ruin things but I can't go on without telling her."
"Well then what are you going to tell her?" 'Not that it matters too much she's head over heels for you'
"I don't know." He admits.
"Well why don't you pretend I'm her and practice on me."
He sat in thought for a moment.
Mic's POV:
I thought back to the dream and everything I want to tell her. I take out my wallet that has a picture of the five of us in it. In the front is me and Aurora my arm around her both of us grinning like we had just got the best news ever. "Aurora, I know that it doesn't make since, and I know that we haven't known each other too long. But I care about you. A lot, I just want you to know that I dream about you. All the time and I'm sorry if that sounds creepy. In all honesty I can't stop thinking about you. I always believed that-". Before I could finish my phone started ringing. "Sorry I gotta take this Rukea."
I step out and answer it. "Hey Ro what's up?"
"Our project. We were going to work on it in the library today remember?" She sounded slightly worried and I felt a pull at my heart. I hated to hear her ever sound upset it didn't suit her. She is the kind of person that deserves to be nothing but happy.
"Sorry it slipped my mind. Can I meet you in fifteen minutes?"
"Yeah that sounds good. I'll see you then Mic." The line goes dead and I walk back inside.
"Hey Rukea I need to get going Aurora and I need to work on our project."
"That's fine Aizawa and I need to work on ours. I'm going to his dorm to do it."
"Alright see you later."
I start walking back to the school and to Aurora. 'I'm going to tell her today. No more hiding. Just bite the bullet and do it. Stop dreaming about it and do it.' Too soon I made it to the library and I see Aurora. She already had the books we needed and had started without me.
"Hey sorry I almost forgot it."
(A/N: The song above play it here)
"It's ok. I almost over slept so I panicked and thought you were already here." She says with a bright smile.
'She's so beautiful.'
"Well I got good news!"
"Oh what's that?" I asked sitting down and taking my notes out.
"I have a date to the dance. He asked me last night."
'Time to bust some heads! Why didn't I ask her sooner?! DAMN IT' "Oh really who?" I ask as I hear my heart snap into. I should have said something sooner.
"It's a secret." She smiles then goes back to her work.
We work for a few hours before her stomach growls. "Well I'm going to get some food do you want anything?"
"Ua just whatever is fine." I tell her. I was still upset that I missed my chance. I hope it's not forever but if she's happy with this guy then I'm not going to stand in her way I want her to be happy.
"Ok" She leaves to go get food and her phone goes off.
"What is-?" I glance over and see that the text says 'Can't wait for the dance! Let me know what color you're wearing so that I can get you a corsage.' Looking at the name I saw that it was Toshinori.
The doors to the library open and I hear a gasp. "I'm so sorry" Aurora's voice says as she comes back. I don't know why she said that of all things its not like she could know how pissed at myself I am. She couldn't possibly know how much I want to scream, how much I want to punch something. And it's not because I'm mad that it's Toshinori she's going with. I know he will take care of her. It's because not only did she not tell me, I saw it coming! I knew it was going to happen!
Aurora's POV:
I had come back to get my wallet, when I came back in Hizashi was frozen in place. His face, he looked so pissed and I had no idea why but I wanted to know. I wanted make it better. "I'm sorry." I say walking over I see my phone and the message on the screen then I connect the dots. He's mad because of the text message. "Hizashi... I am so sorry I should have told you. Please don't be upset."
Mic's POV:
She sounded like she was on the verge of tears. Great I did that to her, some friend I am.
"It's fine. I'm ok." I said a little louder than I meant to but not in a danger zone.
"Please let me help." She took a step closer to me and I shifted to the other side of the table. Nothing could really help me now.
"Aurora there is nothing you can do. You made your choice." My voice was slowly rising. "And I just have to accept it!" I almost shouted shouted.
"Hizashi please something is bothering you. Tell me please... I'm worried about you."
She sounded like she was going to cry again. I don't want to scare her and it looks like that's what I'm doing. 'Damn it I can't do anything right!' I shout in my head.
I didn't even know when she closed the distance between us but I felt her take my hand and I just couldn't take it anymore. "IM FINE!" I shout.
Aurora flinches and covers her ears. My anger melts away.
I freeze. 'Oh no! How could I do that to her!' I stood there in shock staring at my slightly raised hands. 'I could have hurt her. I probably did hurt her. How could I have been so careless! Move body! You need to make sure she's ok! MOVE!' I shout in my head.
Before I can move I feel her arms wrap around my waist. Her grip is tight, I can hear her sobs. 'I hurt her... and she hugs me. I make her cry and she holds me this tightly as if she never wants to let go. She's some kind of amazing person.'
"Hizashi please." She sobs. "Please tell me what's wrong. If it's something I did I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do it. I promise if I did do something to upset you it wasn't on purpose. Just please say we can still be friends."
'I yell at her and she still wants to be friends. She truly is an amazing person. But how can I ever deserve her now? Not after this. I can never forgive myself. Not for something like this. I don't deserve it. It's like my parents over again.' Finally able to move again I pull her away from me.
"Aurora can you hear me?" She nods. "I'm going to check for signs of hearing loss ok?" She just nods tears streaking down her face. I can't believe I did this. It's all my fault. I do all the tests I know to check for hearing loss, which is a lot considering I've read everything I could find on it. "You're hearing seems to be ok."
She nods and just hugs me again this time she's shaking. I can only assume it's fear and the tears she's crying.
Aurora's POV:
"I'M FINE!" Hizashi shouts. I flinch clutching my ears.
'That really hurt. And that is so unlike him. Hizashi please, please don't be upset like this. I can't stand it, it breaks my heart.'
He was standing there staring at his hands that were raised and away from his body just enough for me to hug him. I hug him tightly. "Hizashi. Please tell me what's wrong. If it's something I did I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do it. I promise if I did do something to upset you it wasn't on purpose. Just please say we can still be friends." 'I have no idea what made you this mad, but I do know it had to have been a long time building. You would have never done this otherwise. And I know you feel awful about it. So please, let go of whatever it is. I will fight for our friendship Hizashi. And if I'm the cause of your pain I will understand if you don't want to talk to me for a while.'
He's finally able to move again and he pulls me away from him. I don't want to let him go but I do.
"Aurora can you hear me?" He asks. I can only nod I know that if I open my mouth again either no words will come out or I'll start crying more than I already am. He starts checking for hearing loss and when hes done I hug him again this time tighter. After a while he sets down and pulls me into his lap he holds me close and tightly. I just hide my face in his neck.
Mic's POV:
When I sit down she hides her face in my neck and I bury my face in her hair. I'm still in shock I know it. And right now she's the only thing that is keeping me sane. I need to tell Rukea. But first I need to make sure Aurora is going to be ok. "Ro are you ok?"
"Yeah. I'm ok. I promise. Hizashi whatever is stressing you out this much, I'm sorry if I am any cause of it."
"It's not your fault so please don't put any of this on yourself. I just lost control for a second." I tighten my grip on her. "And I swear to you that it will never happen again. I'll never hurt you again."
She just nods and I can tell she's crying again. "Do you want me to call Aizawa?" She nods and I reach for her phone and dial Aizawa.
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