#i have multiple au ideas i'm invested into
lexirosewrites · 3 months
Yes I'm 26 years old, yes my friends r coming over tomorrow for a sleep over as part of a goodbye weekend because I'm moving across the country very soon & yes I'm dealing with all the emotions by thinking abt omegaverse & of course it means I'm thinking abt stranger things as well
Thinking abt a modern AU for omegaverse specifically one where alpha Eddie owns the LOTR movies on DVD & Blu-ray DVD, he hosts a semi-annual LOTR movie marathon tht only gets rescheduled never canceled bc one time a marathon coincided with Jeff's rut & when he tried to insist they watch without him CC all agreed to reschedule bc it just isn't the same without them all there
so there's born a sacred tradition of the CC boys watching the extended cut LOTR movies on a yearly basis, this is their Superbowl essentially
Well then Dustin, Mike, Lucas, & Will join their circle as high school freshman & they prove themselves in Hellfire so they're invited to the marathon except they all know it won't b very comfortable at the trailer because of limited space
Cue Dustin, Lucas, & Will getting omega Steve Harrington their babysitter extraordinaire to agree to host the LOTR movie marathon bc the 4 of them recently helped Steve read the LOTR books because he enjoyed The Hobbit a lot & he's never seen the movies because he knew they'd require book knowledge he didn't have
Well, the day the marathon happens to fall on is also coincidentally a few days before Steve's heat & I'm a big proponent of the idea tht the omegaverse body prepares for a heat in the way tht uterus having bodies prepare for a period with some key differences
Let's start w the similarities: flu like experience of minor aches, sometimes there's nausea abt certain foods (I for example for years from the age i first got my period to the age of 23 couldnt even look at an egg in its shell when I was nearing or on my period bc they made me nauseous) sometimes there's cravings to satisfy, mood swings more noticeably happen, a gradual increase in libido, & I don't think it'd b unusual for Steve to struggle w sleep in the days leading up to his heat
Differences: the libido increase doesn't fade once the heat begins obviously it only increases as the heat approaches, cramps r concentrated to the lower abdomen & pelvic regions, the body builds up noticeable fat stores (this is different from the bloating uterus owners experience in tht it isn't water weight & yes I'm inspired by tht fic u wrote where Steve gets self conscious before his heat bc he gains weight everytime) & the body temperature also gradually increases as the heat approaches (rapidly getting hotter in a number of hours before the first wave of biologically demanded horniness hits) so tht it isn't unusual to see an omega in the days before their heat wearing more breathable & comfy clothes because also an omegas sensory input changes to where their skin is very sensitive to certain fabrics (Steve for example invests in a wardrobe tht is majority cotton with a favorite silk night dress he wears to bed as his heat approaches)
So the CC boys can't believe they're having their annual nerdy marathon in rich kid neighborhood Loch Nora with the quintessential rich kid of Hawkins who was also the swim team captain & cheer captain
who turns out to b an absolute sweetie who's spent multiple days preparing for their marathon with a full menu of Middle Earth inspired dishes tht he's themed & scheduled to follow the Hobbit mealtimes, something Eddie has always wanted to do but didn't have the skills or resources for
So the day arrives & CC arrive before Dustin, Mike, Lucas, & Will to find Steve making the final preparations for the day of intensely timed cooking he has ahead of him & they're all good boys raised properly by their guardians so they immediately jump into helping Steve cook throughout the day while Mike & Dustin goof off & complain because while they're good boys they're also raised by parents tht do pretty much everything for them so they don't rlly understand the amount of work tht goes into a day full of eating
Lucas & Will understand tho so they help out where they can because they were taught a few cooking skills by their parents
Lucas was taught by his dad & mom because they emphasized the way to the heart is thru the stomach & so he is 100% doing it because as an alpha he likes the feeling he gets when he sees someone enjoy his food especially when tht person is one of his girlfriends Max or Jane (I'm a big proponent of Elumax where Lucas is the straight ally boyfriend they bring to pride to piss off ppl who spend too much time online) because neither had a very normal relationship w food when he met them, Max was stubborn abt needing to eat 3 square meals a day & Jane had been barely fed & was denied food as a form of punishment before she was taken in by her foster-turned-adopted dad Chief Jim Hopper (who isn't much of a cook evidenced by the fact Steve came over to cook for them twice a week & once lucas started dating Jane & Max he came over every saturday to cook for them bringing Max along so Jim could spend time getting know both of the alphas dating his omega daughter)
Will was taught his most used cooking skills by his dad ironically & because of this he has a complicated relationship w cooking because it was the one activity where his usually impatient & honestly kinda abusive father would b patient & understanding & encouraging to him but tht would go down the drain whenever he'd act a bit too much "like an omega" for a beta boy (in my heart of hearts will grows up with disphoria because he sees himself as an omega in the omegaverse but was born into a beta boys body)
The day goes off without a hitch & everyone has a lot of fun & they all settle into the living room to sleep once the final credit of the final movie has scrolled to the top of the screen & Steve goes to bed in his nest after sleepily scenting the pups & saying goodnight to the CC boys
Everyone sleeps very well & Jeff finds himself the first to wake up the next morning & initially he has no idea why he's awake because usually he'll sleep as long as Gareth is prone to after one of their movie marathons then he smells it: something sweet & tantalizing to his nose
He thinks it's coming from the kitchen only to bypass it entirely to stand at the bottom of the stairs, he puts 2 & 2 together & wakes everyone up to get them out of there & calls alpha robin (me writing a slick sunday ask w alpha robin? More likely then u think) to come help
Because somehow, someway, the CC boys triggered Steve's heat to arrive days early
no notes😚👌
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velvet-games · 3 months
hmm ok thoughts/questions so far on hazbin hannibal au (feel free to chime in):
okay full disclosure I haven't watched hannibal in like four years but I was obsessed enough with it at the time that I can hopefully still analyze it without forgetting major chunks of plot (emphasis on hopefully)
also full disclosure that a lot of my view of alastor is based on fandom/my own extrapolation; I rewatched some of hazbin recently, and we honestly don't get much! there's a lot of room for different interps and I'm just using mine
the most obvious choice for hannibal is alastor, but the characters are just different enough that I can either a) have someone else be hannibal or b) have the whole point be that alastor is not hannibal (and why that's interesting)
hannibal is a lonely devil (but like, not from the bible): he's the only guy in the world that knows how to play chess, and he'll do anything to keep playing with the one other guy that knows how to play chess; hannibal is legitimately better and cooler than most people, and he is only actually made vulnerable by will.
alastor is like. just a guy tbh. even in hell, he's kind of mediocre; not all of the other overlords respect him, and he's not even as powerful as the goetia, much less anyone in heaven. and that's not even touching on human alastor.
hannibal is born into a lot of wealth, and I think that shapes his sense of "morality;" instead of absorbing actual morals, he absorbs a need for decorum and propriety (the aesthetic of morality basically). he kills because people are "impolite." he fucks with people because it's genuinely just interesting, and he doesn't respect them as people.
I don't really know what to do with hannibal's trauma with later being destitute and having to eat his sister; it wasn't fully explained in the show, and I think it's kind of a relic from the more human version of him in the books. maybe it speaks to a level of having to remove oneself emotionally because being invested means Something Bad Happened to Hannibal, which cannot happen ("nothing happened. I happened." etc etc), and that's why he needs to see everything as a game he can control. that makes will a lot more significant because hannibal could've chosen not to play chess, but now that he does, he needs someone to play with him (or he might have to go back to believing something bad happened). eh.
I don't think alastor was born into wealth at all; I'm good with the general fandom interp of him growing up poor with a shitty father, and I don't really see him as ever becoming wealthy in life. I doubt being a radio show host paid that much, especially since his whole thing is not being a sellout.
alastor's morality is kind of a big question mark that everyone has a different answer to. I don't like the politeness thing because again, I see it as being shaped by hannibal's childhood, and I also do think alastor is Invested. I think he's too invested, actually; there's kind of this desperate edge to him that hannibal would never have. alastor's ego is wounded multiple times and he is, at least to the audience, very obviously ticked off by it. he doesn't like that the other overlords aren't impressed by him, he has a meltdown over husk's minor jab, and tears out his own hair at the idea that other people might've thought he had a heart. he's less of a master chess player and more of a wounded animal that got really good at scaring other animals into not hurting it again. but he's still an animal. and no one has gotten close enough to heal the wound.
so I guess alastor's morality is just whatever feels good/safe. I watched swarm a while back, and I liked the use of murder as a kind of coping mechanism: "this feels bad. I don't feel safe. I don’t know how to deal with this. no one in my life has taught me how to process emotions normally, so I'm literally just gonna do murder." dre's killing is subtextually compared to stress eating; it feels good, there's a dopamine rush, and you stop thinking about the bad things. you can also eat comfort food just because you want to and enjoy it.
something I realized while I watched the show is that I'm pretty sure we don't see alastor actually kill that many people? like he fucked with pentious and tried to kill adam, plus we get a flashback about killing other overlords, but I only remember him actually killing the sharks that were after mimzy. so. lots of extrapolation still.
I think all of those examples can be read using the eating metaphor, but obviously there's some other stuff going on too. killing the overlords was a reputation-building (no one will hurt me if I'm scary enough) moment, but it was also just for the more practical side of gaining power/souls. killing for mimzy helped confirm to charlie that he could defend the hotel, and it also plays into his role as a gentleman that will clean up mimzy's messes. he gets to be a hero in a fucked up way.
there's obviously no redemption arc for hannibal. I don't even know what the fuck that would mean in a thematic sense. but I do think alastor can be softened a lot if he lets someone in to heal the wound. not sure who that would be though.
I have a lot more, but just one little thing to end on and get y'all's thoughts going: what if vox is hannibal? not in the full character sense, but just to fill the role as the rich guy that psychoanalyzes people. he's probably more obviously suited to a freddie lounds-type role, but maybe he does hypnosis "therapy" and realizes it doesn't work on alastor, which sparks his interest. just some food for thought.
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nobodysdaydreams · 9 months
20 Questions for Writers
@myfairkatiecat Thanks for the tag, sorry this took so long. (@sophieswundergarten thanks for the reminder 💕)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
8 so far. It's not a lot, but I make up for it in length.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
417,645 💀
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Exclusively tmbs so far, but I plan on doing some Wolf359 fics when I (finally) finish the podcast. Sadly all my ideas are long. I'm sorry.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Since I have so few fics I'll just give the list:
S.O.S., by a lot. I'd like to thank the show's cancellation for my unexpected success.
The Oldest Siblings , mainly due to it's association with SOS (it's the prequel in the series)
Treat Them With(out) Mercy
Who You Were Meant To Be
A Joy To Obey and It Should Have Been Us are tied
The Boys Who Waited
Sirens of the Sea and Sky: dead last with 3 modest kudos. This fic is the equivalent of having a kid in a school recital who screams the whole time and knocks down the set. He might be a disaster, but he's my kid and I'm proud. This fic is ridiculous, but it makes me laugh anyway. I don't know how burnt out finals Bods came up with this, but by golly...she did.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Of course! I think I've responded to every comment I've ever gotten (if not I'm so sorry please let me know). I appreciate every one of them, and I love talking about the ideas in my idea and the fics I write, so please know that every comment you leave totally brightens my day! 🥰
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hm. Right now "The Boys Who Waited" probably has the angstiest and most ominous ending, but we'll see what happens.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably "A Joy To Obey" since it's my main fluff fic with a nice ending. A great read if you like lighter stuff.
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
Not yet. If I did, I'm not even sure what I'd do. Depends on the hate. I might cry. I might laugh, honestly. I don't think I'm nearly important, good, or noticeable enough for that so I might be a little flattered ngl (unless it was something vulgar or hateful towards a certain group of people then I'd delete and block the person). I'm sure people have read my writing and not liked it, but I think they just click away.
9. Do you write smut?
No, that's not for me. Especially because I'm writing for a children's fandom, I just don't think that's appropriate.
10. Do you write crossovers?
No, but I've done some AU's on tumblr.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. Also this is a small fandom so if a fic of mine DID get stolen, it would be pretty awkward and obvious. Don't plagiarize kids.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I'd be honored if anyone wanted to do that!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
No, but that could be fun!
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Why the MV Shortcut, of course! /jk
I don't really have a lot of ships I get super invested in, I prefer platonic relationships. If I think of one I'll let you guys know.
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
You'll find out. (Don't worry about SOS. I promised I'd finish it and I intend to keep my word).
16. What are your writing strengths?
According to my readers, dialogue, characterization, themes, weaving multiple storylines together, and plot twists.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I can't write a short fic to save my life, and I can't edit to save my life. I also just publish my first drafts because I have no impulse control (sorry).
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Funny enough I’ve done this, but only canon MBS dialogue where I've translated it directly from the show's subtitles. If I made an error, please let me know.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Mbs, and so far just mbs. Hoping to expand someday when I magically have more time (and finish Wolf359).
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
SOS, just because of what a fun journey it's been.
Tags: @phtalogreenpoison @oflightningandstars @mvshortcut @sqenthusiast @itsgoghtime @amphibious-entity @mysteriouseggsbenedict and anyone who hasn't been tagged yet but wants to do it (sorry if I accidently double tagged)
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agent-troi · 2 months
20 Questions for 20 Writers
thanks for the triple tag @thatfragilecapricorn30 @randomfoggytiger @virtie333
i started working on the original questions before I was tagged by @randomfoggytiger so i'm just gonna keep going on those😅
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 108
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 402,230
3. What fandoms do you write for? mostly the x-files and star trek but i've dabbled in fringe and the west wing
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Platonic Procreation, Security Questions, Eden, Mother Knows Best, The MSR Files
5. Do you respond to comments? i always reply if they commented on something specific, and i try to reply most of the time but sometimes if i get a lot of comments at once i get overwhelmed and don't reply to them all😅
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? i don't usually do angsty endings but i think that would have to be my rain king ivf fic, Driftwood Lullaby
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? you're pretty much guaranteed to get a happy ending with most of my fics lol but some contenders i wanna highlight are Aqua Vitae, Defining Parameters, Sweet Kisses, Where A Million Stars Catch Fire, Though the Heavens Fall, The Wrong Scully, Coda, and Blood and Water
8. Do you get hate on fics? i got one hate comment on my most popular fic (lmao) and a couple of nitpicky comments on other fics that didn't quite rise to the level of hate
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? no never lol
10. Do you write crossovers? i've had ideas with varying levels of ambition but never actually written one lol
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? nope
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? nope
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? several! they're all in this collection with @katy-kt-katie, @tofuttim, @incidental-ao3, @baronessblixen, and IStanYouStan5676🫶🏻🫶🏻
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? MSR!!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? i have two: an AU that i was steadily chipping away at until my building burned down in february and i've opened the google doc maybe twice since then lol, and a multi chapter that's been sitting for literal years with every chapter either complete, partially complete, or outlined, but i just can't make myself work on it lmao
16. What are your writing strengths? dialogue i think, i spend a lot of time thinking about fictional characters so their voices are always in my head lol
17. What are your writing weaknesses? i'm so jealous of people who can write multiple multi chapter epics and i'd love to write more elaborate and complicated multi chapter fics but i just don't have the time or energy to invest in fully fleshing them out😔
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? i love it when it adds to the realism of the setting
19. First fandom you wrote for? lord of the rings
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? hmm idk if i can pick just one favorite so i'm gonna drop a few that i haven't already linked: A Most Owlish Conundrum, Beyond Antares, Light in Dark Places, The Scully Dimension, Scientific Proof, Faith, Hope, and Love, When Toads Fly, Cucumber Time
tagging the friends i already tagged in question 13 and anyone else who hasn't already been tagged bc i'm sure i'm late to the party lol
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mochinomnoms · 3 months
i’m a sucker for these kind of ask games so i hope you don’t mind a bunch of emojis: 🙌 & 🦉& 🌠 & 🍎 & 🛌 & 👩‍🎓
Waaah so many! I see you so often in my inbox and in my notifs Im happy to answer all of these for you!
(ask game)
🙌What's a line or paragraph of yours that you're proud of?
I had to dig through some of my wips and stuff but I think my favorite are tied between two different lines I've written for RTU (aceyuu madoka au fic)
You think if he could, he'd drag God down from the spigot in which they drink their divinity and present it to you in a golden chalice. If just to do what he wants. He acts like he already has.
It’s light again, in the morning as the sun filters through the broken window, you poking him awake to get to class.
Ace has never been one to get sentimental, the idea of love is frightening, to be frank. But looking at you again, light curtaining your features, he was reminded why he did what he did.
The first is from the synopsis and the second from the original request I got the idea from! I'm very excited to officially start posting it as i have it's chapters just about mapped out!
🦉Is there another author that helped inspire you to write?
I don't think intentionally? I'm sure that I've picked up a bit of other's writing styles and got inspired here and there from multiple people, the only one I can think of I don't want to bother and tag them lol but I've reblogged their posts every so often. I know of one case with a-twistedheartslonging that I really want to write about the TWST museum post they had a while back because I know so much about museums yall
🌠What are your top three most commonly used tags on AO3?
Not sure actually, but I think for my own fics its usually humor or sexual content but I only post my long fics or requests on ao3 so I'm not sure if that's the best representation of my writing lol
🍎What's something you learned while researching for a fic?
I researched a lot about animal mating and stuff for that one headcanon post I did about non-humans in TWST and my search history was wild for a while.
🛌 What's a trope you haven't written, but want to?
I kinda want to write a soulmate au or something of that nature I'm such a sucker for those stories! It's the yearning that gets me, the yearning!!!
👩‍🎓 Do you have an 'official' creative writing background such as a degree or previous experience publishing?
I have 3 degrees (i made questionable decisions during my undergrad which is why i have multiple already lol) and published a paper, but nothing in the creative writing field since I'm in social sciences. I like writing but not sure if I could invest into it as a career lol
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miiilowo · 1 year
hey, same anon from earlier here. Idk if you’ve thought of it but, do you have any thoughts about a fnafsb ruin rewrite? I like hearing your rewrite thoughts btw :] I think your ideas are very neat
i dont have any thoughts about a ruin rewrite exactly, but i do have ones for just the base game! so ill. share that here ^_^ sorry if youve alr seen me ramble about this specifically but its more simplified and straight to the point than my previous posts ab it anyways
my copycat killer vanny au is less of an AU and more of a "what if steel wool . didnt. do that: a collection of ideas" and so SB being different is a big big portion of it
First off, lore wise, I'd completely remove william. as much as i love him, im tired of his corpse being dragged around much like everyone else. This means no glitchtrap. Fnaf VR would be non-canon, and purely just be a compilation of games and have ZERO story implications. so it'd go straight from ucn+ffps -> security breach. the pizzaplex would exist because of the fazbear ent franchise package (the same one michael got in FFPS)
Vanny would be a true-crime obsessed freak failwoman who gets a little bit too invested in the missing childrens incident and mr afton as a result. she is homocidal. and unwell. after months (possibly years or more) of being obsessed with william and the murders, she sees that the pizzaplex is hiring, and takes her chance!
In one of the SB endings you can see that theres multiple already missing children listed in a newspaper. I'm sure you can see where im going with this
So. Security breach. My first course of action would be to solve the glamrock issue-If theres no glitchtrap, theres no reason to be aggressive. my solution to this is making it so they have a night mode where they try and find any patrons still in the building after closing time and alert the security guard ((think of all the vloggers posting WE STAYED OVERNIGHT IN THE PIZZAPLEX!?!?!?! (WE ALMOST GOT CAUGHT) videos)). this is bad because the security guard is vanessa
I think for the beginning of the game, we have gregory being caught by her straightaway. he would be upset, but not have a reason to really fear her; afterall, shes just some nightguard. she can take care of him and make sure hes safe, right? lure him into a false sense of security. i want her to bring him to a room (perhaps the vanny hideout in sb), say she has to leave and that she'll be right back. from here, the lights will go out (she shut them off + put on her little murder getup + disabled the security cameras). Now, going back to the missing kids, i like to imagine shes a bit of a freak and hasnt stuffed any of the bodies into the suits yet because she wants to wait until she has enough victims and then do it all at once. Gregory will either see blood or smell a corpse in the vanny hideout, and manage to escape through a vent. from here, the game will take place in the dark. vanny will peek around corners and from railings, always watching you but never quite catching up except for some chase sequences because she likes toying with her prey [which will eventually be her downfall]. You try to avoid her and the animatronics.
Glamrock freddy is a problem. I dont want the glamrocks to be as sentient as they currently are, so i think making them be a sort of shitty chatgpt AI would work wonderfully. It means that glamfred could be very, very, very unhelpful at times, and would leave room for uncanny interactions as well as funny ones, which fnaf is sort of known for. the funnies. the sillies. the jokes. the "dont poop on the floor"s. He would be programmed to protect children above all else, however, so he isn't in night mode like the others are.
In security breach, theres a really fucking good cut plotline about glamrock freddy. After getting all of his upgrades, when vanny disassembles him, he turns against gregory, and becomes an antagonist. i cannot stress enough that this USED TO BE IN THE GAME. we have lines of gregory crying and shit. i would 100% keep this in the SB rewrite. its at this point he would shift into night mode instead of just succumbing to the mind control stuff like before. thatd happen either about 2/3rds of the way through or halfway, with a few stretches of time where freddy either isnt cooperating or is unavailable like in the OG game beforehand
outside of that, i would make the pizzaplex smaller, grimier, and dingier. not the same levels as fnaf 1 of course, but the only super clean areas would be like. the atrium and dining areas. fazbear ent is neglectful and unsafe, the vents and rooms patrons dont go into typically arent gonna be super clean. the kitchens probably only get cleaned when they know a health inspector is coming. lets be real
id also love a heavier focus on liminal space sort of enviornments in the pizzaplex. its an empty 80s themed mall! its the perfect setting for it! they kinda sorta did it in the daycare, but didnt fully commit, and id LOOOVE more areas like that, because in the dark theyd be 100000x more unsettling. the only lighting would be very dim neon lighting for ambience and a flashlight i imagine, maybe one on gregorys fazwatch
i dont have a lot of plot points rounded out overall, just some concepts id throw in there, and i especially dont have an ending planned out. ive never been too big on the sci-fi elements fnaf took on around SL and the release of the books (been a fan the whole 9 years!), so trying to figure out an ending that would lean into ruin and making ruin....not like that . would be a whole. Task. a fun task, but a task nonetheless. i do like ruin quite a bit unlike SB, but it wouldnt mesh well with everything else i have going on here and would be bit out of left field i thinks
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oh-cramity-its-amity · 4 months
Hello!!! :D Hope you've been having a nice day so far! 💖
For whe writers truth & dare ask game: 🍓🥤🦷🏜️🥐
hi!!!! you too!!!!! it's been pretty uneventful for me lol.
thanks for the ask!!
heres the ask game if anyone wants to see it.
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
It was elementary school. 5th grade or so, but I was deeply invested in TMNT 2012 with a few of my friends. We would all talk about it, and at one point I wrote a little story in my notebook by hand without knowing what it was called about the show (its long since lost in a flood that happened years ago rip) but I found ff.net months later because I had two infatuations. TMNT 2012 and the original teen titans. I even remember reading fanfic on deviantart. I was really big into April and Donnie and Beast Boy and Raven. I didn't start posting anything until my Wattpad days around 14-16. That was about bandom, Pitch Perfect, then Citrus (I have made bad choices and I meme on myself now but I was JUST THAT STARVED for wlw ships.) Anyway wattpad account got deleted and there was a whole thing where my email got hacked and everything just is gone. (its really soulcrushing to lose work like that). But yeah!! I got back into fanfic during 2020 and the pandemic because I had watched a movie and just decided to write for it. I don't recommend reading anything of that era because it's cringe and just... no.
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
Can I give multiple fanfics I love though?? I can't add everyone due to time but I'll give a couple.
1.) learning how to be (with you by my side) by uniqueusernamegenerator (<- THIS is my favorite toh fanfic) 2.) I’ll Catch You by Black_Cat_Autumn 3.) all i got is my heart (and my pride) 4.) warm coffee, summer blues by uniqueusernamegenerator 5.) "I love you," ain't that the worst thing you ever heard? by kfaerie 6.) The Rest is History by amityadmirer for Shannon_shannon_shannon 7.) No Tip Necessary by Rohad 8.) i want you to be here (but please don’t come near) by stongrays 9.) Tallmity and Petite Luz future au by the_Shan_yousee 10.) You're My Rainbow in the Dark (HAITUS) by Underw0rld
Arcane: 1.)the oldest game by thehaakun 2.) the heart is a bullet by thehaakun 3.) The World Ends, Or Doesn't by Misthios 4.) how big, how blue (how beautiful) by panglosian
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
Story sprints are a godsend. Also plotting helps alongside voice memos. I don't really have someone to bounce ideas off of but it helps me to verbalize what I'm thinking if I'm stuck so sometimes I talk through what I'm thinking aloud. Also making playlists or mood boards/collages of character outfits. Just giving you a more visual aspect of what you want to write.
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Just genuine praise of my work feels nice. I don't get comments often. Sometimes they give me anxiety too. Maybe if you have any pointers of my fic to say something like that??
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh
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minecraftbookshelf · 1 year
Can i just say that I love the 'all marriages are arranged marriages AU' i hope i got the order right.
It is just amazing.
One of the absolute highlights that i need to address
That Pix by being his weird immortal wandering self managed to just. Make it so the leaders need to fight all the wars (also his country just being a democracy at this point with Pix as 'leader' for when war happens so he can fix it) amazing. 10/10 I love it so much.
Now. A thing that i am curious about.
I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall between Xornoth's and Lizzie's meeting where both of them somehow manage to get their little brothers engaged without it being on purpose.
Like. What kind of weird game of chicken were they playing? Where they just saying stuff expecting the other to back down but neither did and woops now we gotta plan a wedding. Woopsie.
And Scott!! Just wanting to stay inside while he tries to deal with his ice which his brother helps with.
Surprise! You need to move now because wedding *jazz hands*
God this whole AU is just so funny to me.
I love it. It is beautiful!
close enough XD
Now excuse me for a moment while i go squeal to my cat about how PEOPLE LIKE MY THINGS!
ahem. yes. anyway.
Pixlriffs accidentally defining the sociopolitical landscape of multiple kingdoms because of his tendency to randomly show up and prank people is one of my favorite things. I'm very excited to get to his backstory fic.
So the good news is you will get to be a fly on the wall for that! At some point. Because that will actually be included in the fic.
The tldr as it currently stands (with the disclaimer that currently it exists only in outline form and the chances of it changing dramatically when i actually sit down to write it are considerably more than zero) is that Xornoth's fault in the matter was mostly that they were a bit caught up in the Seabling chaos of the combined effect of Jimmy's tendency to leap headfirst into things without thinking, and Lizzie's professionally bardic dedication to "yes and". There was a little bit of "game of chicken" happening but that was mostly between Jimmy and Fwip. Rivendell's direct involvement was an unexpected (for everyone) last minute addition to the situation. (And that part is a bit Xornoth's fault, though not their intention at all.)
Scott is absolutely appalled at the idea of moving to the swamp tbh. None of his current wardrobe is at all suitable for the climate or the environment and he can work with green if he must but brown is absolutely not his color. And that is a whole lot of innocent bystanders in the water that he might freeze at anytime and not be able to undo
awwwww, thank you so much! I'm so glad you are enjoying it. I've been having a lot of fun putting it together and seeing so many people get invested has been amazing.
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noodleshark · 10 months
Hey Shark. You wrote in your bio asking people to ask you about Six, so I'll give you a couple questions related to her.
Have you seen the new interpretation I've made on Six's ending? I'm not sure if you've seen the new (depressing) interpretation I've made of her ending in LN1, here's a link to it (please comment or reblog your thoughts on it, I'd like to know): https://www.tumblr.com/purplemninja/728795925847425024/a-depressing-revelation-about-sixs-ending?source=share
And my other question relating to Six: What do you think of my AU called 'Rewind' so far? I have all 9 sequels planned out (though they may be subjected to tweaks or modifications as I go), and I made this AU for multiple reasons, but the main ones being to give the relationship between her and RCG the justice and attention that it deserves, and to make things fair for Six from the AU called 'Channel change' whom Hezu did so dirty (and I'm so mad at Hezu about it, so thank you on the recent posts you've made about how the fandom tends to not give a rat's ascent about Six's suffering and even tend to make Mono's suffering overshadow or matter more than Six's or turn Six's suffering into Mono's (Like your post on when Six gets kidnapped they act like Mono's the only victim). You've surely seen the posts that Hezu made on why she did what she did to Six in her 'Channel change' AU and it doesn't take a genius to see her bias, especially the one where I sent her an ask when she reblogged the first page of my Rewind comic and Hezu says that Mono couldn't have known that Thin Man was behind the door, that he was the Thin Man, etc. Yet the fact that Six had no way of knowing that Mono would survive the fall (let alone everything that happened to him afterwards) and that the Nomes were children are oh so 'conveniently' left out of Hezu's explanation. And it honestly comes off as very dismissive in regards to Six's suffering like 'Oh but what happened to Six due to Mono's actions were an accident so her suffering doesn't matter, but I do care a lot about the suffering that Mono goes through due to Six's actions but not the other way around because reasons'. Though to Hezu's credit, in a more recent ask about Six in her AU, Hezu did write in the tags that Mono/Thin Man ruining Six's life is more reason for her and Mono not to be together, and this time she didn't get defensive about Mono's/Thin Man's actions, and even better, she pointed them in the direction of the first page of my Rewind comic that she reblogged, as I previously asked her to do if people continue to ask her about Six. It's not perfect, but it's good).
[Sorry for the rant, I just needed to get that out of my system. And if you want to see an example of excellent fair judgement between Mono and Six, I highly recommend you read @scruffiberri's comic called 'Togetherness' because neither kid's suffering is dismissed or held against the other, and Mono accepts responsibility and accountability for the role he played in what happened, it doesn't get defended or held against him and it allows Six and her suffering to actually matter and Six to voice that uninterrupted, something that Hezu seems allergic to do]
So what do you think of my AU? And something related to this AU: I have another big AU in the works and have had for several months now (I think nearly a year by now) that, like the Undertale AUs such as Underswap and Underfell, I encourage everyone to make their own content of this other AU I'm making, without needing to ask me for permission or needing to credit me (just don't steal is my only rule). I'll release the initial content of it after I make and upload the first two 'Rewind AU' sequels. I say initial content because I plan to make more content of my own of this AU in the future and the initial content is to introduce everyone to this AU and they can get the idea of what it's about and what happens in it. If you become invested in it, I'd love to see any content you may make of it (You can also make content of my 'Rewind AU' without needing my permission).
So those are my questions about Six for you. Plus I like the drawing you made of Samurai Six ;)
I'm sorry but I haven't read that post, that's just a lot to read and I'm burnt out enough from school so I don't really have energy for that. I might read it during thanksgiving break.
Rewind is a good comic. I like the ending you gave to Six and RCG. The only thing that bums me a tad bit is the lack of Pretender but she's the antagonist so I completely understand not wanting her, I just got accidently attached to her character and her not being there doesnt make anything worse so this isn't a critism at all lol. I won't speak on RCG's and Six's dynamic yet because there isn't enough of it.
I do agree that Hezu's ending was sorta cruel, it does make sense that Six would still be in the cabin but to say she deserves it is a bit too much. I wouldn't care as much if she didn't add it to the end of the comic. The comic was great but the end with Six soured it for me. If she wanted that to be the ending for Six, it'd be fine if she didn't add it to the end of a happy ending and reveal it if someone asked instead. I understand that she said that she wanted to have the ending be happy because it is LN but 1. the point of bittersweet ending is that the person having the bad stuff happen to them isn't suppossed to "deserve it". 2: It's a completely different tone than the rest of the comic, it should've been it's own post. 3:I don't want to be too mean to Hezu(especially considering she can't see this cuz i blocked her and you said she isn't that bad) but it's, idk, a bit fucked up to say that a child who got kidnapped deserves it because of something they didn't even do yet(even if she did its still fucked up).
Also okay! I just read up to ep 4. It looks good so far.
Rewind? I like it, And about the Au you're working on, I'm excited to see it. I might want to draw fanart depending how I think about it. Also if you want content for it I'd recommend asking on your own post, not mine. At the end of the day though I'm not sure it'll get a lot of content. Maybe a close mutual would make some. I think you should've talked about the au more so people could start to like the idea before considering makeing their own content. But I love the idea of a "community" au you have.
Also thanks!
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intoxicatingintimacyy · 9 months
Does anyone wanna write??
Hello all! F25 here (she/her/hers) and I go by Tulsa, nice to meet ya : ). As usual, I'm looking for some new plots and partners!
A bit about the way I prefer to write:
third person literate (2+ paras)
nsfw included where it makes sense in the story
all characters and players 18+
no doubling, unless it's side/background characters
What I'm looking for in a partner:
willing to play M against my F charas
Can reply at least once a day, but would prefer multiple times. (obviously this doesn’t apply if something comes up, just let me know, I’m not strict or scary, promise!)
Loves to gush about the characters/pairings/fandom we’re writing. I love getting invested and coming up with potential future plot points or doing aus or hcs about where they could end up. It’s all so fun!
In that same vein though, I do want to set a boundary: I don’t do anything that requires me to share my voice or get off of discord. I have super bad anxiety so any kind of call or sharing of personal info stresses me out a lot. I’ve tried it once and it all ended in a mess and I’d rather not get into it again, so please be able to respect that.
Bonus points if you use tupper, it's not a requirement though : )
I have a few basic ideas/pairings I'm looking for, but feel free to message if you think we'd be a good match and you have other ideas! I'll bold who I'd like you to play in each scenario : )
Loki Laufeyson & Eira Jarrledottir (OC) - Marvel
Derek Hale & Paige Krasikeva (Canon Divergent) - Teen Wolf
Billy Hargrove & Kat Wheeler (OC) - Stranger Things (I'm also willing to try writing against an Eddie Munson here if that's more up your alley!)
Finnick Odair & Annie Cresta - Hunger Games
Spencer Reid & Olivia Chandler (OC)  - Criminal Minds
Those are the ideas I have for now, please pm or add me if this seems interesting!
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toriwritesstories · 5 months
So, I've been trying to get my wife to play BG3 with me because I want to share my story with her but it's like pulling teeth just because it's a video game.
If you don't mind me asking, how'd you get your spouse to engage in story time AND get invested in Shadowzel without them being into BG3?
It just feels totally weird that I'm writing stuff and sharing it with the internet and not her, you know? She's familiar with D&D, so at least we wouldn't be starting from square zero I guess?
Hey hey! 💜 sorry in advance for this long ass response but you got me talking about some of my favorite things so 🤣
Honestly i tried to get my spouse to play the game with me multiple times, but past character creator they just did not want to lol. Not bc it’s a video game but because it’s not their preferred type of game and is way too intricate and overwhelming, plus they don’t connect with the fantasy genre nearly as much as I do. After a while I asked them if they would ever wanna play with me and they said probably not lol, so I stopped asking
So I definitely didn’t expect them to be interested in my fics at first—this is the first time ever i was writing for a fandom they just were not a part of at all. In the past, they’ve read one or two of my fics, but they always at least hear all my ideas and shit lol. What actually happened for Shadowzel is that i read Give It Up For DJ Shadowheart and i loved it so much I wouldn’t shut up about it, and we ended up trying me reading it to them—I told them Lae’s non-human features aren’t really mentioned and this is a modern story, it’s like a book you don’t need the context. And we regularly read each other books so put that way it wasn’t super out of the norm for us.
They got hooked on the characters at that point without any of the video game context. We read some other modern AUs and they just ended up loving the characters enough that I also read them at least one canon compliant fic and they enjoyed it even despite having to get caught up on the world and stuff. And they’re very new to D&D as well (we have some friends who recently started a group and we’ve been sitting in to watch occasionally) so they’ve been learning a lot thru either my rambling about the game or reading fics lol
I know your fic is post canon so it’d be harder to jump into without having played the game. But if your wife likes reading and fanfic already then maybe try and see if she’d like some other fics that aren’t canon compliant at first? or ones that follow the story from the game from the start, since she’s familiar with D&D already? for me, my spouse never actually ended up playing the game, everything they know about it is from my ramblings or fanfic
Not sure if any of that is helpful haha but yeah! 💜
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alphys-kissy-cutie · 15 days
Alphys Kissy Cutie Masterpost
Pages 1-15 / 16-19 / 20-23 / 24-27 / 28-31
Alphys Quits Her Job
More info below
Glad to see you here! I started planning this comic in July of 2023 due to not wanting my dream comic to be my first comic. This was supposed to be a short story, but... it's not going to be that anymore. I planned too much. I had too many ideas. I got too invested in the characters. Womp womp.
This comic is hand-drawn. This is because OK KO does this too and it looks funny. I color this digitally though, you can't make me buy a million colored pencils or markers. This is also going to be a big learning experience for me to draw things that aren't just characters. Bear with me, alphygoers.
I'll be updating with multiple pages every Saturday! I'm currently experimenting with what time works the best, but right now I'm trying out 12:00 PM MDT.
Did you know she's in this comic? I sure didn't. This came to me as a surprise. Alphys is a teacher at Toriel's school on the surface (this takes place around a year after Undertale's pacifist route). However, she got hit by a bus and ended up in the setting of Mew Mew Kissy Cutie! Uh oh! How tragic! Isn't that tragic?
Rouxls Kaard
Rouxls was hit by a bus, so he's here too. He suddenly showed up with hopes of teaming up with our nerd emoji of a protagonist. Cool.
Mew Mew
The leader of the Kissy Cuties. I dunno what else to add, she just got here. Stay tuned.
Undyne's running around jobless on the surface. She's living with Alphys and mooching off of her lmao
He's the one running around with Undyne the majority of the time.
The idol everyone craves! He lives in a huge ass mansion now and has made more of a name for himself.
This is a list of webcomics I've been reading recently or ones that were a big inspiration to my story. You should really check them out. They're great.
This is my best friend's WIP comic! We've been developing them side-by-side for a long time now, so they're basically sister comics. The child version of the main character (Zoey) actually appears on page 7 of my comic... Also, the art and character design is really cool and detailed! No pages are out yet, but when they are, they will be at @starscalecomic
Twin Runes
This comic was a major inspiration for me to make an UTDR comic of my own (I'm worried my masterpost looks too much like theirs lmao). This is an UTDR crossover that's pretty funny and has a really cool art style to boot. You're more likely to know about it than this comic, but on the off-chance you don't, you can read it at @akanemnon
A comic based on the Papyrus is Gaster theory! The story's really cool, Alphys is there, the art's really great and expressive... it's awesome! Once again, it's very possible you've already seen it, but if not, it's at @forgettable-au
Gaster's Return
Another fancomic with Alphys and amazing art! It's about Gaster coming back after the pacifist route. Flowey's also really awesome and expressive lol. You can read it at @gastersreturn
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leverage-ot3 · 9 months
I was tagged by my buddy and old siren (freeform) mutual @imaginejolls for this ask game!
Star Sign(s): Sagittarius sun, Aquarius moon, Capricorn rising
Favorite Holidays: halloween :3
Last Meal: my mom's cajun beef stew with rice pilaf and a roll
Current Favorite Musician: I've been listening to a lot of noah kahan recently (vermont represent), but I also adore hozier, gracie abrams, lizzie mcalpine, phoebe bridgers, etc. I've never been the same since I was told my taste in music was yallternative. I also love lil nas x and found a new musician through tiktok that goes by brye that is really good
Last Music Listened To: the playlist I listen to the most, especially for sleep: immaculate fall vibes (technically the name of the playlist is just a bunch of the artists featured in it but the description is immaculate fall vibes). my most recent song was save me by noah kahan
Last Movie Watched: this is so embarrasing but I watched the meg with my dad yesterday lmao. I have a weakness for stupid monster movies (we used to watch the shittiest syfy movies together when I was in hs. the shittier the better). I thought he'd like it because jason statham but he was meh about it
Last TV Show Watched: last one I was invested in was the new episode of percy jackson, but I did watch a little bit of that polish show high water on netflix the other day which seemed interesting
Last Book/Fic Finished: god I actually haven't been reading fic for a hot minute which is really surprising. probably my reread of of the northmost winds and skies by @jjackfrost. wasn't in the crossover fandom until earlier this year but actually adore that pairing. this is now my comfort longfic (+400k). it's so good, I read it and I wasn't even in the fandom at the time and it was amazing!!! all the characters are written so well, the voices and pov are great, the worldbuilding and storyling is amazing! I've gushed in the comments before but ugh I love it so so much. inject this into my mf veins
Last Book/Fic Abandoned: I don't really abandon fics, I just wait for them to get updated again. as for books, I really tried to get into loveless by alice oseman because aroace rep but I couldn't really get into it :/
Currently Reading: nothing at the moment (not going to list all the fics I'm waiting for updates for because I can't remember them all and the ones I can remember would take up like multiple pages lol)
Last Thing Researched for Art/Writing/Hyperfixation: ooo this is hard. technically speaking I've been hyperfixated on playing animal crossing so the most recent thing I looked up for that was what treasure islands were lmao
Favorite Online Fandom Memory: oooo I'm not sure actually? I really love having mutuals even if we don't talk. I also really enjoy when people engage with my posts and appreciate my tags and aus. I like sharing my thoughts and ideas with you guys and it's so heartwarming and validating when y'all enjoy it right back
Favorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence: I agree with jolly, I miss siren dearly. can they just do a leverage in like five years and retcon the last season? thanks
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did: probably some of the kdramas I've watched. I adored the guest on netflix but there's no fandom. I really REALLY wanted some fix-it fics for the ending of my name but there weren't any because the fandom was too small :(
Tempting Project You're Trying to Rein In/Don't Have Time For: so many things that I jump between (the adhd of it all lmao). I really would like to make a leverage ot3: are they queer video essay and I have some stuff typed up BUT I work in the healthcare field and I'm really hesitant of putting myself on video because when you work in this field it can be weird if clients or employers find your channel. so that's technically on hold for privacy reasons rn. I also really want to learn how to sew and make clothes and my roommate has even offered to help (they used to do competitive cosplay) but I'm just very unmotivated. I want to get back into witchy things but don't have the mental energy to invest in that other than appreciating my stones
tagging 10 moots but anyone can play!!!: @leverageclips @all-things-breathing @digitaldiscipline @peachyteabuck @vampirewalterskinner @buzzmcnab @sidras-tak @my-beloved-lakes @kajaono @suddenrundown
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*slides over on a countertop to leave 💌🍬💡 then gets dragged away*
"HEY! THAT'S MY BESTIE, THEY'RE WITH ME!" Oh how I love when you do this 🥰
💌Is there a favorite trope you like to write?
*looks at all my found family father-daughter fics* why do you ask?
No but fr, as it goes for the tropes within that? All the hurt-comfort filled aftercare stuff is my favorite. And of course The Physical Affection™ 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻 will sprinkle that shit in whenever I can.
🍬 Do you write for multiple fandoms? If yes, what is your favorite fic of yours for each fandom?
I got brave and branched out after four years of writing for Titans only, now you can find me over at The Last of Us, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and that awesome little space indie movie called Prospect. I also got some beloved works for His Dark Materials. Hmm, as for favorites:
TITANS: Usually my answer is Wicked Game but this time I want to highlight my two current favorites which are my two of my most recent fics I loved, and I loved, and I lost you and I am flesh, bones... I am skin, soul… both started out as one shots, both got surprise second chapters, the latter of which will get more. Two recent ideas that really got me excited about writing Titans again. The first one is an unexpected exploration of my grief after losing my beloved show - I say "unexpected" because this fic was never in the plans until it hit me like a wrecking ball one day and I had to drop everything to write it. And the second one was drifting in my head for a while, fed by things other shows had given me, until Titanstober Challenge came and gave me an excuse to write it!
THE LAST OF US: I have to go with And We Were Dancing Like We're Made Of Starlight, the fic where Joel and Ellie find an abandoned mansion and have a little dance in the ballroom, because the idea just warms my heart when I think about it, the response of the fandom to it was amazing AND WE GOT A VIDEO OF PEDRO AND BELLA DANCING TO MATCH IT - sick coincidence that this footage dropped like a day or two after I posted this fic BECAUSE LOOK AT THEMMMM
Tumblr media Tumblr media
PROSPECT: Haunted is my baby. It's an AU where the shitty bio father survives the events of the movie and the found father gets to be Feral Protective™, beat the crap out of him (for trying to steal and hurt his girl again) and tell him how much he fucked up yes this is me recompensating myself for not getting Dick vs. Trigon
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: I've only written two so far, but I'm going with Her Father's Daughter because the scene which this fic is an extension of absolutely wrecked me and is one of my all time favorite scenes from this series. The weight of grief when the person you're grieving isn't even gone yet, the fear that is ripping Daisy apart, the absolute hopelessness of the situation and Coulson's calm belief that she's going to be alright, I couldn't let it go without exploring it.
HIS DARK MATERIALS: One Word is the winner here. I rarely get invested in romantic relationships, especially these days, but Will and Lyra are the exception, they own my heart. And this fic is fixing their ending and letting them be happy because if there's one thing I will never be okay with is the fact these two didn't get their happily ever after and if you knew why, you'd agree with me 😩
💡How many WIPs do you currently have?
I'd say 4, though there's some actual work done on only one, the rest is just notes
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stargazer-sims · 1 year
Hi, how about 11, 13, 18 & 19 for the writer questions! I'm really enjoying your writing and how you develop your characters by the way :)
Thank you for the ask @simstrashkingdom ! I'm happy you're enjoying my stuff and my character developement. Your comment means a lot, and I appreciate it!
I've been having fun with this question set, and I think I'll have answered them all soon... Anyway, here you go!
Is there a certain type of character you favour writing over the others?
I actually had to give this question a bit of thought. I guess I'd have to say my favourite type of character is the sort of person any reader might know in real life. While I really enjoy reading fantasy and urban fantasy, I don't enjoy writing vampires, werewolves, elves, etc. I do like writing aliens, though, but most of them turn out to be the "exterrestrial next door" as well. They may be unique in their appearance and culture, but they also have an inherent humanity (not to be confused with inherent Terran qualities).
I like writing characters with flaws that aren't immediately obvious until you get to know them, just like real people. There really aren't that many supervillains laughing evilly and giving dramatic monologues about their dark plans in real life, but there are a lot of people who can do maximum harm while either consciously or unconsciously convincing people they're actually not that bad of a person.
Likewise, real people's shortcomings aren't written large for all to see upon first meeting them, and others have to figure it out based on the infomation they have at any given time. This is how we get misconceptions by some characters about other characters. It's why other characters think Victor is stupid and Yuri is a selfish asshole who is emotionally manipulating him.
Incidentally, Yuri is selfish, but he's well aware of it and he struggles with shame and guilt about how much he asks of the people closest to him (but only the people closest to him actually know that). And Victor is neither stupid or naive when it comes to Yuri. He knows he does an extraordinary amount of things for Yuri, but he does it because he loves him and wants to do things, not because Yuri emotionally manipulates him into doing everything.
Is there one character that always fights you when you try writing them?
No, not really. No character in particular stands out for this. I understand my characters well enough that I can generally know what they won’t do, so they don’t fight me that often. From time to time, I try to get somebody to do something that doesn't work, and then they force me to work around them, but it's never consistently one character.
My most notable recent one was Nikolai, who was all, "No, I like all these people! You'll have to pick one for me." and then when I picked one, he changed his mind about it. XD
I also tried to do an AU in which Nikolai and Anya had a child together. They both HATED it.
Yuri also does NOT want to be a parent. I've thought of multiple scenarios in which he and Victor end up with a child, and Yuri is unhappy in all of them. So, obviously that's not happening.
What is one theme/storyline/idea you wish to write but never have?
I love science-fiction, and I've always felt like I should try to write a soft SF piece. It's something I've thought about, off and on, for literal years but have never gotten around to starting. I think this is mostly due to the fact that I have dozens of "vibes" and vague ideas, but nothing concrete enough to base a whole story on, and no SF-specific characters that I'm invested enough in to dedicate a story to.
What is one story idea you have in your head right now?
Really? Just one? I'm not sure I ever have just one at any given time lol.
One idea I currently have in my head is one that I've been brewing for a long time, and that's the story of Seiji & Sachiko; it's Seiji's quest to restore ghost lady Sachiko to life, and how they manage to help each other heal from their respective grief along the way.
I'm also contemplating what's next for Victor and Yuri, and at some point I want to get back to Au Ciel Étoilé and finish that up.
I'm trying to get back on track with The Art of Redemption too, because I really loved where I was going with that, but somehow lost the thread of what I was doing. I think I need to finish up some current WIPs first, so I can give that the attention it deserves.
Aside from that, I always seem to have half a dozen little vignettes or stray scenes floating around in my brain. Currently, I really want to write about Eden and Nikolai's first meeting because I think it'd be adorable, and I want to do some little fluff scenes with Nikolai and Ginger.
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jessicawhitlys · 5 months
WIP Title Ask Meme
Prompt: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
the lovely @oliviassunrise tagged me!
i recently reworked how my wip folder is set up because i'm anal as fuck, but it's also...a fucking mess right now. so enjoy!
a piece in the games [folder for the tessjoel thg au]
aos fic [folder for agents of shield fic]
AUpril fics to write [folder for the remaining au prompts from last year i never finished]
discontinued wips [folder for my wip graveyard that i've slowly been resurrecting over time, continues multiple fandoms]
future fics [folder for ideas i want to write some day and get random brainworms for so i'll write snippets, but i'm not emotionally available to invest myself in yet]
i press you to the pages of my heart (i just wanna get a little bit closer) [folder for my elena/elijah tvd au]
one-shot fics to finish [folder for one-shots i start, then abandon, and mean to return to]
san andreas fic [folder for emma/ray fic]
stranger things fics [folder for stranger things/jopper related fic]
tell me we'll never get used to this [folder for the at the pleasure 'verse]
thg fics [folder for hunger games/hayffie fic]
twd fics [folder for the walking dead fic]
twilight fics [folder for twilight/carlislesme fic]
we paint the town blue [folder for the tessjoel cop au]
circle the drain [tessjoel wip]
hold onto this lullaby [tessjoel wip]
i spend every day in a haunted house [tessjoel wip]
staring at the ceiling with you [tessjoel wip]
tell me how all this, and love too, will ruin us [tessjoel wip]
the world turned upside down (who am i to complain) [tessjoel wip]
to the ends of the earth [tessjoel wip]
tagging 21 people simply because i'm an insane person is not happening but i'll tag @sassymajesty, @electricbluebutterflies and @becomethesun since all my other writer friends seemed to have been tagged already :)
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