#i have much respect and also tactile attraction to good facial hair
quillyfied · 2 years
OFMD fandom: Rhys Darby! Hot!
Me, indulgent: oh you crazy kids and your fandom crushes, such lovable scamps. Lovely guy, talented, not really hot.
OFMD fandom: begins producing bearded Stede art and photo manips of Rhys Darby with a beard
Me, suddenly sweating: n-now hold on—hold on just a minute there, wait a second, WAIT A SEC—
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heart-of-flames · 4 years
Lauren SFW Alphabet
I thought this would be a fun thing to do for you all.. I hope you like it 😄.
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Lauren shows emotion through her facial expressions and the light touches she bestows onto you. Whether it be a small quirking of her lips accompanied by a tender brush of her fingertips along your arm— showing her silent adoration of you. To the almost molten touch of her hand against your lower back and the slight smirk to show how much she desires you. Lauren may not be as open with her affection as some may expect, but everything you would ever need to know can be told by one simple glance into her eyes. Or one brief instance of seeing her smile.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend?)
Lauren is a very caring individual to people she doesn’t know. Giving as much as she can towards them even if it won’t always be reciprocated. So to the ones she loves? To the people who actually try in return? She gives her all and then some. She’s the type of best friend that will always offer you a shoulder to cry on. Always be your silent guardian amidst anything. Someone who would always try to make you laugh if you needed, but tell you it’s okay to cry. She wouldn’t judge you. She wouldn’t badger you for things you weren’t ready to tell her. She would be patient and warm. Knowing that sometimes a gentle touch and a willing ear was all that was needed.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Lauren doesn’t mind cuddling. If it’s something you wish to do with her then she would be more than happy to do it, but if you didn’t? Then she’s alright with that also. If you wished to then Lauren would be fine with being the big spoon or little spoon. If she was the big spoon she would wrap her arms around you and pull you against her. Gently pressing kisses into your hair and against your temple if you weren’t facing her. Or gazing into your eyes and gently threading her fingers through your hair if you were. A gentle smile being present the entire time. If she were to be the little spoon she would burrow into you. Her nose nuzzling against the crook of your neck and a contented sigh falling from her lips.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Lauren would love to settle down one day. She knows that her demanding schedule can impede on quality time with her loved ones but she would always be willing to run the extra mile to ensure that everyone was happy.
Lauren is a phenomenal cook and baker— it being a practice she picked up from her grandmother. She loves to cook for people, because she knows that home-cooked meals can soothe many ailing souls. Lauren doesn’t mind cleaning, but it’s a task that she would like help with. If it’s her own mess she has no problem cleaning it up. Making sure that the mess isn’t there longer than necessary— meaning no one would know it was a mess in the first place. If it’s a shared living space? She would clean up her half but leave you to pick up the rest. Unless people were coming over.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Lauren would sit you down gently in front of her. A pained expression painted across her elegant features. The gold standing out in her eyes because of her unshed tears. An almost bittersweet silence stretching between the two of you. She would try to be as calm as she possibly could be— wanting to end on as good of terms as she could. Even if you were to get angry, she would try to remain calm and resolute. Only cracking in the most extreme of circumstances. She never wishes to inflict pain on anyone if it could be avoided, but she has always prided herself on not deluding herself into falsehood. She would hope that you both would come out if it on the other side still being friends, but would be agreeable if you wished not to.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Lauren takes commitment very seriously. She would be as committed to you as she is to her patients. Never wavering in her belief of you. Her love being an immovable force of nature. Even still, it may take a bit for Lauren to actually get married. Of course, she would wish to but it may take her a while to work up to that.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Lauren has always prided herself on how gentle she can be. After all you have to be when in the practice that she was. Whether it be with touchy toddlers or grouchy adults. Lauren has an aura around her that pulls people in. Makes them trust her. Her touch like a gentle breeze against their skin. It would be even softer when in regards to you. Having an almost reverent undertone. The same can be said for the emotional aspect of her as well. As she has to connect with her patients and the people she works with. Some social cues may allude to her, but Lauren can read body language like a children’s book. Causing her to be tactile when in regards to things like that.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Lauren adores hugs to an extent. To her it’s the easiest way to show someone you care without going overboard, but she also knows how suffocating it can be. So she tries her best to only dish them out when they’re absolutely needed or warranted.
Her hugs are gentle— like her. She would slowly draw you into her arms and simply hold you. Allowing you to set the pace of the hug. On whether or not you wished for a stronger hold. Always giving you a way to escape if you ever chose to do so.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Lauren is very self conscious about admitting things like this. So she may get close to admitting it before chickening out the last minute. Not because she doubts that you love her, but because she wasn’t sure if you were ready for her to say those words. The moment you say them to her, however, she wouldn’t hesitate in reciprocating.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Lauren isn’t a jealous person. On a base level she understands that she wasn’t the only being to find you attractive. Nor does she believe that every person would respect the boundaries of a person clearly in a relationship. The only time she ever gets truly jealous is when she’s had a bad few days— when she’s truly tired, and her brain doesn’t work like it normally does. Allowing her to act out of character… without inhibitions. If that were to ever occur she would become icy and put the person flirting with you in their place.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Lauren kisses with a clear intent. Whether that be her simply showing you that you’re amusing her. Or with a deeper passion that quickly turns into more. Lauren takes physical touch and emotional connections seriously. So she doesn’t do anything without reason. In each one of her kisses there’s an undercurrent of love. Even if she were mad at you and you kissed her you would be able to tell that. Kissing her is like safety and warmth all wrapped into one. The feeling of coming home.
Lauren loves to kiss your cheeks or hands. As they’re usually the easiest to quickly get to, but if she has time? She loves to kiss you on the lips. To get reacquainted with you. To show you how much she has missed you while being apart.
Lauren on the other hand? She has always been a sucker for forehead kisses. It’s just something that reminds her of simpler times. And it never fails to bring a smile to her lips.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Lauren is around children a lot because of her job. She has utmost patience with them, but there’s an underlying sternness that shows that if they were to misbehave she wouldn’t take it lightly (depending on how bad it was). Even still there’s always a warm feeling that suffuses everyone she speaks with. Showing them that she cared.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Lauren wakes up early so she can start her day. There are only rare instances where she’ll be asleep when you awaken. Because of this Lauren usually has breakfast prepared by the time you pull yourself out of bed. Or coffee (or tea depending on your preference) freshly poured into a cup and put into your waiting hands as you stumble into the kitchen. A bright smile on her face as she presses a brief kiss to your cheek. There are times where she’ll have to go to her office early in the morning, but she’ll usually have something for you to eat when you wake up. Even though nothing can beat her meals.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Lauren can work long hours into the night— so you would have to keep track of her so she doesn’t over extend herself. Once Lauren has either been coerced into coming home or going on her own, she goes through a simple night routine and falls into bed with you. Gentle laughter flowing between the both of you as you settle into bed for the night.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Lauren keeps her past close to her chest. She doesn’t share more than she deems appropriate. So she would start to open up to you bit-by-bit. Not that she doesn’t trust you, but she has a lot of things that she needs to work through before she’s prepared to bare her soul to you like that. Even if she wanted nothing more than to do so.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Lauren is a very patient person. You would have to truly fuck up to get her genuinely angry. She can get irritated but nothing remotely similar to true anger. Even still, when she gets irritated she quickly gets through and tries to talk everything out before it got to the point of legitimate rage.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Lauren would remember everything you told her about yourself. Whether it be a pet beetle you “had” when you were five to your favorite meal. She remembers everything you’ve shared because she knows it’s important to you. That you had deemed her worthy enough to share such things with her.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Probably your first kiss. The first true connection she has ever had with you. The first way to turn something emotional into a physical connection. Where she was able to show you everything she couldn’t put into words. Show you how much you meant to her. How much she needed you. It would be a moment that she would forever cherish in her heart.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Lauren is protective but not to an overbearing degree. Of course she wishes for you to be safe, but she also knows more than most that accidents do happen. She would try to help you avoid such things if she can. Whether it be by giving you information on the situation that you were about to find yourself in to simply taking the injury herself— if she could. And if she couldn’t she would take care of you and help get you back to normal.
Lauren would just ask for you to do the same for her. Be there for her in her time of need. That’s all she could ever ask for.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Lauren would put her all into those things. Being with you made her feel so cherished and loved. She would want to show you her appreciation through those tasks. Wanting to show you that she was listening when you spoke to her and that she did care. She knows what it’s like to get a gift that was simply picked out. Or go to something that was simply done for it to be done. She would never want you to go through that. And she would make damn sure you didn’t.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
When she has a stressful case or is overloaded with work she doesn’t take care of herself. Whether that be by not eating or sleeping. She becomes a husk of what she normally is… even though she tries to play it off like it’s nothing. She would work herself to the bone if she could.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
She is concerned with her looks to a practical degree. She wants to make sure she looks presentable to her patients and other doctors, but she knows that depending on how long she’s been working that meticulous care can start to slip.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yes. You’re what makes Lauren feel whole. You’re what she has been waiting for. You are the other half of of her soul, and Asa is the other half to her heart.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
I could see Lauren cooking dinner for Yule for all of your friends and family. Your children running around the house with laughter permeating the air. Your eldest son, being a spitting image of her, helping his mother as she cooked. With flour and other various ingredients splattered across their aprons. A companionable silence between them both as they focused on their task— until you came in and swept her into your arms. Causing a surprised laugh to erupt from her lips and your son to look at you both in surprise.. before his own smile appeared. Soon enough all of your children were joining in on the group hug— smothering Lauren with kisses while doing so. And the yams may have been a little different than usual, but it was worth it.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Disloyalty and arrogance. Lauren takes loyalty very seriously and wouldn’t be able to be around someone who didn’t hold it to the same regard— or were willing to betray their loved ones. She also hates arrogant people because of how they make others feel. It’s something that causes her blood to boil.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Lauren has sporadic sleeping habits depending on her work schedule, but if it’s a normal day? Then she’ll usually turn in within a suitable time period. Not too late but not too early either. Bundling herself in blankets and burrowing into her pillows as she did so. She wasn’t a heavy sleeper so if you needed her for anything she would be able to tell.
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