#i have like 'save for later' fics that are bookmarked but less than 5 and also this ain't it
cheswirls · 9 months
i wanna do another.... fic rec list i think. english this time?? I have the list on ao3 but the front-end only has around half so if I could do the list around the unseen back half + fics i love that don't even give me the option to add to a collection
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love-fireflysong · 3 months
Got tagged by @queenofbaws like 6 seconds ago to do this thing and because I'm currently trying SUPER hard to stay awake for at least another three hours to get me back on a 'normal' sleep schedule for the next week and a half, we're doing this shit now! ...and also because if I don't do it now then I'll just forget about it and never do it asjdhkjahsdkjs
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
59! Not a bad total all things considered 😤
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
337,514. That's an average of 5,720 words per fic btw akjdshjkahsd
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Until Dawn mostly. Got a decent amount of Tales of Phantasia stuff as well as a lot of ideas for it but cause that fandom is even deader than ud's, I never actually write any of it lmao
4. Top five fics by kudos
Valentine's Day Prompts (crossed out because while it's *technically* my highest I do not count it for the sole reason that like literally not even ten minutes after I uploaded it I got like 50+ guest kudos all at once so those are clearly bots and the correct kudos count is probably somewhere between 20 and 30 lol) What I actually consider my top five fics by kudos are:
The Final Days of Our Youth
More Than Worth It (though considering it was posted only barely a week after the vday prompts the kudos may be a bit suspect here as well 🤔)
Nothing and Nobody But You
The Sound of Silence
Baby It's Cold Outside (so hold me tight in your arms and don't let go)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I did/do. And by that I mean I love to, but the last couple of years I've been letting the few I've gotten pile up due to not being in a good headspace to answer/I've just been really busy at that exact moment. Which is important, cause if I don't have the time to respond then and there, I will just keep forgetting to reply. Which is how I've reached the point where I have almost 2 year old comments that I want to respond to but I feel like shit answering them now 2 years later, and let me tell you the feeling does NOT get any less guilty the longer I wait to respond aksjdhkajsdhjk
(maybe I should use this time to answer them while I try to stay awake lmao)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmmm. I mean, technically the one I'm writing now? It's probably between Winter is Death and Not Only Monsters Hide Under the Bed where one fic involves Hannah slowly losing her free will as she spends a year with the Makkapitew taking over her body and the other is about a little girl hiding from the people sent to kill her village but being found and killed just before her brother got home to save her.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
...Somehow, this is the harder of the two to answer aksdjkjahsdkjashd uh.... pretty much any chrashley focus fic where the ending involves them actually confessing and getting together I guess? But if I have to chose one, I think The Final Days of Our Youth cause it's chrashley confessing and getting together, but also repairing their friendship that Chris very nearly torpedoed cause he's an avoidant moron.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Surprisingly no! Thankfully anyone who does not like the ships I write for does not read my fics and thus does not leave comments. And if there us people out there who just do not vibe with my writing style (understandable) they've just clicked back and not responded either.
9. Do you write smut?
Once! I did it once and only once because I just really, really wanted to read about an awkward and clumsy first time between Chris and Ashley and that, uh, did not exist. So I (unfortunately for everyone lol) took it upon myself to write it. That being said, because it is smut, it is unsurprisingly the one fic I can always count on getting a new kudos or bookmark on every now and then.
And I will probably never write another one again sorry not sorry lol.
10. Craziest crossover?
I mean the only crossovers I've ever done is my Outlast au stuff but I don't really consider that a 'crazy' crossover lol.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of! Like I'm not even sure that they've been scrapped by AI sites. Not sure why anyone would want to steal my fics in the first place though honestly.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I mean, no one's ever asked so I assume not? If they did though than all the power to them.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! Never been asked and never asked anyone lol.
14. All time favourite ship?
I mean, Chris/Ashley easily, though Chris/Josh/Ashley is a *very* close second lol. (Chester/Arche is also a very close third but no one other than me here knows who they even are so askldjaslkdjsa)
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oh god, the actual main outlast au fic that really delves into how the initial prank on Hannah snowballed into climbing chrash being thrust into experiencing the events of the Outlast video game. Except that's not a wip I've even started despite all the notes and timelines in my head 😭
16. What are your writing strengths?
I do think dialogue is my strongest strength personally. I think it flows fairly naturally, to the point where I've sometimes gotten stuck on a scene and switching over to some dialogue either earlier on or just throwing a line in randomly will just unstick *something* in the brain and my creativity output stops being a blockage and returns to it's trickle aksjdhaskdhj
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Literally everything else? Descriptions. I just feel like I can't describe things very well and so I'm always worried that my writing tends to read flat because of it.
Also, due to being told that I'm a waste of space, stupid, ugly, blah blah blah by like 99% of my classmates from like grade 1 to grade 9 my self-esteem when it comes to shit like this is unsurprisingly pretty fucking abysmal! So every time I go to post something new I spend way too long hovering over that upload button convinced that this is the fic that will convince everyone that I'm actually a terrible writer and they won't like me anymore lol
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Never had to use it before myself but it's neat when done... not right or well but, like, done to achieve something you've planned out. I'm not sure what ways I would use it myself, I think it would depend on what use I need it to have in the story itself.
19. First fandom you wrote in?
Oh Class of the Titans easy. Inuyasha is where I discovered fanfiction, but CotT is what inspired me to try it out for myself (my first attempt was uh, not great aksdjklasjdlkasj)
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Oh god, there's a tough question lol. Uh, probably between Baby It's Cold Outside (so hold me tight in your arms and don't let go) and Artificial though. Both are my babies, but Baby It's Cold Outside is the fic that finally started me writing again regularly since middle school after a like almost ten year drought. And Artificial is the one where I finally got to really sink my teeth into what makes my outlast au actually outlast and really get to experience a bunch of shit I had never really written before (torture (physical and psychological), whump, body trauma) and it turns out it was a lot of fun sdlkajsldkjaslkdj
Oh god I have to tag people to do this now don't I? Uhhhhh, @chris-hartley, @icequeen-07, @hannahwashington, @eurazba but if there's anyone else who follows me that wants to do this than please by all means go ahead! Share your work with the rest of us 💖
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humanalias · 4 years
Laid to Rest by acernor
67,946 words | 224 pages
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Fandom: The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System by Mòxiāng Tóngxiù
Pairing: Liu Qingge/Luo Binghe/Shen Qingqiu
Illustration: Xiao Tong @velsmells
Wow, this book ended up being much more of a project than I anticipated, as you can see from the "published in 2020" on the title page. It's three months later, and I've finally finished! 🥰
I absolutely adore this fic, such a great character study and coda to the novel, and of course some excellent porn with feelings. Such exquisite writing, one of my favorite SVSSS fics! I’m ashamed to admit, when I first read Scum Villain, Liu Qingge didn’t make much of an impression on me; I credit this story for showing me the light. So earnest, so awkward, really just my favorite kind of character.
Continue past the cut for my ~process~ (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Body: Cheltenham
Titles, header and page numbers: Novarese and Gill Sans
Bookcloth: Arrestox pewter
Cover: Gray, pink, and gold marbled jute fiber paper, 96 gsm
Headbands/bookmark: DMC Diamant D140 Black Gold; DMC Pearl Cotton Size 5, 353 Peach; 3/8 in. grey satin ribbon
Title: Cricut Foil Iron-On
Text block: Hammermill Cream 20lbs, Lineco linen binder’s thread
Unusually for me, I made my decision for the layout pretty quickly. I knew I wanted something that looked like a contemporary fantasy book. In particular, the 1 inch indent on the opening chapter paragraph, parallel with the chapter title, I saw in Gideon the Ninth. I think it really gives an elegant, modern feel. I did the same mixture of Cheltenham for the body text and Gill Sans for the header and page numbers in my previous project, astolat’s And I Alone Have Escaped to Tell You.
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(Comparison with Gideon the Ninth, as well as some clearer pictures of the layout because I can't take focused photos to save my life)
I debated for a while about the cover paper: I thought maybe something blue, white, and/or gray would work as Liu Qingge’s colors, but I couldn’t find anything I liked. My next thought, was, Hey, this pink/grey paper I already have looks blood-ish … demon blood… 🤔 So, it’s not much of a thought, but the combination with the gray bookcloth turned out so well, I can’t really complain.
For this project, I did zig-zag endpapers using DAS bookbinding’s tutorial, which was frustratingly vague at parts. But I much prefer the end results compared to pasted on endpapers, and I’m going to continue to do it in the future. However, I was a bit dumb, so I pasted paper over the spine as reinforcement…but that also went over part of the hinge, so it doesn’t flex as much as it should. Well, you live and learn.
Once I found this tutorial, I was able to make the headbands very easily. The use of tissue paper makes starting much easier and the process much less fiddly. I think that the satin ribbon looks pretty, but in the future I want to use cotton, and for books of this size, a smaller width. Getting the needle through the weave and keeping the ribbon centered was difficult.
I used my sister’s Cricut machine to cut out the titles, and I was really surprised how it cut out the thin serif font. Unfortunately, I had already constructed the case so I couldn’t properly lay it flat on the ironing board--would not recommend.
For a long time I've been hesitant to make wheat paste, since PVA worked fine already (and I hate trying new things). But it was so easy, I’m annoyed I didn’t do it sooner. Water, flour, a microwave, that’s all you need. I got a much smoother application with a mixture of paste and PVA, as I wasn’t rushing to put down the endpapers before the PVA dried up.
I tried a few new things with this project: using zig-zag endpapers, adding headbands and a bookmark, titling the spine, and gluing the endpapers with a paste/PVA mixture instead of straight PVA. I really think it ended up creating a more professional-looking book.
Thank you, acernor, for writing such an excellent fic, that was such a pleasure to bind! As well as to velsmells for graciously giving permission to use their artwork, and everyone on the Renegade Bindery discord who took the time to give me advice and feedback. 💖
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catboygretzky · 3 years
best stucky fic recs pwease
Okay, disclaimer, these are all like five+ years old (which is the best Stucky era, imo) and definitely not the only ones I enjoy; these are just a few in my bookmarks on ao3.
In no particular order besides the order I bookmarked them and under a read more because there's a shit ton of them (really, it's a lot):
- hold me until we crumble; Not Rated, 23k
“Sam told me you were watching Antiques Roadshow,” Natasha says, shaking out her hair. “I assumed it was a national emergency.”
- despite the threatening sky and shuddering earth (they remained); Explicit, 72k
“They really didn’t want the mask to come off.” Hill thumbed through the scans, and pulled out a film that she then handed over to Sam, face mostly expressionless but for the flat line of her pursed lips.
Sam accepted the film and held it up to the light, angling so both he and Steve could see it, squinting at the outline of the Winter Soldier’s skull, and the blips of unnatural white that showed up, God, in his brain, not to mention about half his teeth, plus the mask, with its thin protrusions—
“Those are pins,” Steve realized. He looked over at Hill. “The mask—it’s nailed to his face.”
Hill’s face was as unmoved as ever. “Like I said. They really didn’t want it coming off.”
- family means no one gets left behind or forgotten; Teen, 11k
“Why did you think I wouldn’t like you for being gay?” Steve asks gently.
“You’re Captain America.” Eli’s got his teeth clenched and is resolutely looking ahead. “You stand for truth and justice and the American way. You stand for American morals. You stand for…” he shrugs awkwardly. “Not people like me.”
Steve blows the air out of his cheeks slowly, trying to figure out how to keep the anger out of his voice so Eli doesn’t think it’s at him.
Or, Steve comes to terms with his new world, and gains some children in the process.
- Mistake on the Part of Nature; Teen, 1.3k
Steve takes in Bucky's betrayed look and Sam's confusion, follows Sam's gaze to the pile of mangled fruit in the trash can. Sudden comprehension fills his face.
"Oh," he says. "Bucky found out about bananas."
In which an American icon is mourned. But probably not the one you're thinking of.
- Swear Jar; Teen, 1.5k
Bucky isn't the only troll in the future.
Steve has a Swear Jar and he makes the Avengers pay up every time they cuss.
- Barnes & Rogers and the Goddamn Truth; Not Rated, 19k
There are three well-known facts at Shield High:
1. The history teacher Mr. Barnes is a stone-cold terror, and it’s not even because he only has one arm. 2. The other history teacher, Mr. Rogers, is a mysterious enigma, and it’s something to do with the body of a Greek God and contradicting stories of his past. (They’re all rumours, anyway.) 3. Mr Barnes and Mr Rogers hate each other.
Bucky wouldn’t have it any other way.
- perfectly right wrong number; Teen, 32k
It all starts because Steve is too dumb to handle his smartphone.
A wrong number AU in which Bucky Barnes doesn't enter Steve's life (meaning: Bucky wasn't born until the eighties, but Steve is still Captain America) until Steve accidentally dials the wrong number. Wherein there is a lot of texting, some advice via Natasha and Darcy, a bit of pining, and a first date in an amusement park. Oh, and on top of being a disabled veteran, Bucky is a professional catwalker. Literally.
- The power of the right shirt (a.k.a. God bless America); Teen, 1.2k
"He just…" Phil trails off, mouth gaping. He is staring at the field outside the house, eyes glazed.
Clint sighs. "Yeah, he just ripped a log in two with his bare hands."
- To fill it up with something; Teen, 21k
A fateful encounter with Dr. Strange leaves the Winter Soldier transformed, and Bucky Barnes reunites with Steve Rogers in a most unexpected way.
“Steve brings the puppy inside, into the apartment that doesn't quite feel like home no matter how much he's been trying. He isn't used to being alone. Before the war, he always had Bucky, and his mother until her death. During the war, Bucky was there, too—and the rest of the Howlers, of course—but Bucky always meant home. (And well, maybe Steve's already got a name for the puppy in mind)."
- build it bigger than the sun; Teen, 10k
“Yeah, because nothing says heteronormative like living in Dupont Circle for two years and wearing skin-tight shirts to hit on hot airmen when you go running in the morning.”
“Look, I know you’re being sarcastic but I really don’t get how no one picked up on that.”
Steve and Bucky try to work out their relationship. The Avengers keep getting in the way.
- Memories Circle (Like Birds of Prey), Teen, 32k
Everything seems to be going right, Steve's fighting with his Commandos, they've saving lives-- until Steve falls from a train, is taken prisoner, and turned into the Winter Soldier. Meanwhile, Bucky takes up Steve's mantle as Captain America, and thanks to Zola's experiments, he gets dropped into a whole new time, only to cross paths with a Steve who doesn't know who he is anymore.
Essentially, the events of CA:TFA, mild mentioning of Avengers, and CA:TWS but with Steve as the Winter Soldier and Bucky as Captain America
- The Gentleness That Comes; Mature, 9k
Steve Rogers never really views the things he had to do to get by before the War with any sort of shame or embarrassment. People ask him for his opinions on modern issues in interviews, but Steve has gotten good at talking around those types of questions. Fury insists that there's no way to answer them without casting a shadow of controversy across the reputation of the Avengers, and that's the last thing Steve wants.
But then a sex tape is released featuring Tony Stark in bed with another man, and Steve can't stay quiet any longer.
- salt for the sea; Mature, 7.5k
Natasha comes home with intel regarding the fate of the Winter Soldier; Steve leaves to go and avenge Bucky Barnes.
“It's a list of everyone who was involved in his death, and a rough timeline of everything that happened beforehand,” she tells him.
“And the notebook?”
“I explained what they did,” Natasha says, “The blank pages are for you to explain what you do to them.”
- Lone Cat and Samurai; Teen, 8.4k
"We lost Kitten America sir!" Junior Agent blurted out. Then turned an unlovely shade of purple. "I mean, Captain America. Who’s a kitten. Because magic. Sir."
- Waiting To Prove You're Not Alone; Explicit, 41k
Months after he woke up on the banks of the Potomac, when a reporter mistakenly assumes Steve would disapprove of homosexuality being as accepted as it is in the modern day, Steve accidentally snaps and unleashes his real opinion on the matter... and with that, a secret he's hidden for over eighty years.
When that secret comes looking for him in New York, Steve can only hope that he can get a second chance at saving his best friend, even if it means keeping his heart in check.
“Yeah, back in my day it wasn't tolerated, and because of that I knew from the minute I figured it out, that I’d never get to tell my best friend that I loved him, and sure enough, he died without knowing that I’d been in love with him for a decade."
- I'm Not Sick (But I'm Not Well); Mature, 30k
Steve Rogers doesn’t meet Bucky Barnes in the 1930’s. Instead, Steve meets him April 17th, 2012.
Well…sort of meets him.
In actuality, Bucky had almost hit him with his truck.
Or: The fic where millennial Bucky Barnes nearly runs over a freshly thawed national treasure, and what Steve Rogers did to adjust to modern NYC during those two weeks before the events of The Avengers.
- pure as the driven slush; Explicit, 11k
He should have worked it out sooner. But then, Steve always was a sneaky little bastard—had to have been, just to survive this long.
For the SteveBucky Fest prompt, "Steve is quite experienced while Bucky's never gone beyond second base with anyone".
- Let's Be Exposed and Unprotected, Explicit, 5k
Bucky’s pretty sure he should be into getting fucked through the floor while walls explode around him like in that Mr and Mrs Smith movie that Clint loves. But he likes it like this. He likes being on his back with Steve looming above him, big and naked, blocking out the rest of the world.
- Man of Steel; Explicit, 6.7k
It’s like Steve looked at his metal arm and thought ‘Challenge Accepted.’
- 5 Times Steve Got Arrested and 1 Time They All Did; Teen, 4.9k
What it says, 5 times Steve Rogers ended up in jail (with and without Bucky) + 1 time all of the Avengers got arrested with him.
- the best of you; Teen, 16k
Bucky is on a mission when he gets the call.
They tell him that Steve has been compromised.
[The story wherein Hydra captures Steve to create a new weapon. Bucky, alongside the rest of the Avengers, come together and work through the fallout.]
- pull apart the dark; Teen, 79k
Steve's unending faith in his best friend was beginning to look less like hope and more like fantasy. When they'd caught the Soldier – in a fire fight that still gave Sam nightmares – the only thing the man seemed to recall was how to hit exactly where it hurt.
Four months later, Barnes still refused to speak English. Refused to heed anything but Steve's voice.
So, all in all, it was not a great time for Hydra to attack New York. All in all, Sam really wished they'd just killed him, instead of turning Captain America into a baby.
- Not Another Supersoldier Fantasy; Explicit, 8.9k
Bucky finds a popular sex toy modeled on Captain America's own anatomy. Well, isn't this just perfect? Because even after all this time, he still hasn’t seen Steve’s supersoldier cock. But apparently in this day and age anyone with $29.95 can get a decent replica. The unfairness of this is of galactic proportions.
- the blood of the covenant; Teen, 7.5k
Steve has a "thing" for hot water.
Or, Sam Wilson adopts Steve Rogers.
- Mighty like Love, Mighty like Sorrow; Teen, 19k
After freeing himself from the Russians' mind control, Bucky is left at loose ends, drifting through the decades. Still, he's in no hurry to take up Nick Fury's offer to once again fight the good fight -- especially not when Fury has the nerve to put some imposter in his best friend's old suit and send him out to fight against Chitauri.
- Read Me Like a Book; Gen, 1.5k
In which Bucky accidentally becomes a book collector, because when the universe gives you a million biographies about your boyfriend, you go bookcase shopping. And then he finds out about The Grenade Incident, and the boys actually talk about it like actual adults. (Somewhere, Sam sheds a proud tear.)
- the broadest stroke of color; Gen, 16k
Sarah Rogers always loved Steve's hands.
"Your hands will do a lifetime's work," she'd say. "Remember to do the work you can for those you love."
Almost a century later, Steve does just that.
[The story wherein Steve draws comics for Bucky to help him recover his memory. Through a series of events, the issues are leaked, and Steve finds himself reviving the Captain America comics. He still isn't sure how that happened.]
- If You're Loved By Someone (You're Never Rejected); Teen, 9.4k
You’re fifteen when you realize why you stare at Bucky’s lips more than normal when he laughs and when he says your name. You lean into his shoulder when you walk next to him and when you’re sick you don’t fight off his soft hands. You tease him, he teases back and being around him is so easy you forget what it was like to live without him. You can’t remember life pre-Bucky and it scares you.
- Unusual Weather; Explicit, 8.7k
Bucky’s been at the Avengers Tower for three weeks before he finally gives in to Steve’s gentle coaxing and Stark’s cheerful waving of fistfuls of circuits, and lets them scan the arm.
It doesn’t go well.
- this city bleeds its aching heart; Explicit, 35k
The one where Steve and Bucky pose as a happily married couple while on a mission for SHIELD, to catch an international arms dealer hiding in a suburban neighbourhood.
- Good Boy; Explicit, 13k
Bucky is still adjusting to life with the Avengers, and Steve is willing to do whatever it takes to make him feel comfortable. Increasingly, though, what seems to make him comfortable is strangely intimate.
Surprise, Steve! You're a gentle dom and Bucky wants to be your pretty pet!
- Brooklyn; Teen, 8.8k
"Captain America, what's your stance on gay marriage?"
Everyone knows that, by now. Everyone but Bucky.
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variousqueerthings · 3 years
the thing about ao3 is that I open a fic - I open another fic - I open another fic - I open ano -
eventually I realise I have too many fics open and have read roughly a third of them and I don't remember which is which - I make a snap decision to save half of them in my read later (which I haven't checked in 6 months and am afraid of) and try to reread the rest and leave comments
I again leave half of those open because I forget to comment on them in the moment, like radioactive decay
I open another fic -I open another fic - I open anoth -
I subscribe to several that I've left comments on - I never check the email I have for ao3 - I forget which titles are which - at some point I categorically go through my subscribed fics without any memory of which is which -
I have commented "I'm so excited for what happens next" on a fic that I haven't read past chapter 5 for, even though it's been completed for a year -
I open another fic - I open - I start a new window just for ao3 fanfiction so that I can finally organise them properly - I save half to my read later (I haven't checked it in 14 months now) and I try to dedicatedly leave comments on the rest - I save several to my bookmarks with a sigh of relief - bookmarks means safe - bookmarks means I've read, liked, commented, - even if I don't remember the content, I know my bookmarks are things I enjoyed and could read again without feeling stressed -
I open another fic
I have not had less than twenty ao3 fics open on my tabs for years - I haven't checked my read later in -
I open another fic
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alexseanchai · 4 years
Fanfic 2020 in Review
I got tagged by @kasienda @noirshitsuji and @marvelousmsmol and I am tagging whoever wants to play!
1) List of fics completed this year in the order they were finished:
*filters own works to complete and updated in 2020*
1 - 20 of 57 Works by AlexSeanchai
nope. *adds filter to include only works of at least 1000 words*
unless otherwise indicated, these are all Miraculous Ladybug:
“don’t bake it lying down”, post-reveal Marichat vs Felix Graham de Vanily
“veracity”, canon divergence from “Ladybug” featuring Mister Bug and Verity Queen (so also Marichat, I guess)
“(no request is too extreme, if) your heart is in your dream”, in which Hawkmoth wins, for the thirty seconds or so before Emilie saves Ladybug and Chat Noir’s lives
“tell me you love me and make me believe it”, in which trans girl Chatonne Noire ropes Ladybug into helping plan her civilian self’s escape slash social transition
“kingmaker, oathbreaker”, in which Hawkmoth wins and Emilie watches her son remove himself from the family
“stay and let me watch you break it down” (Twelve Dancing Princesses), a modern setting
“set a course for winds of fortune”, in which trans girl Chatonne Noire has already escaped and Gabriel and Nathalie are trying to bring Gabriel’s son home
“we ground love in a hopeless place”, in which post-reveal Marinette’s attempt to remain resolutely not in love with her partner dissolves like sugar in coffee when they start a pun war
“ring the bells that still can ring”, in which Alya is deeply confused about why Adrien and Marinette are planning a wedding when last night both were single
“burning wishes at both ends (the cold wind and long loud wail remix)”, in which Gabriel made a monkey’s paw wish and Emilie makes another
“words cannot espresso”, in which Marinette’s OC roommate is justifiably worried for Marinette’s safety, and meanwhile Adrien takes care of Marinette
“the compromise of truth” (the chronologically second-earliest part posted to date of nine lives, snake’s eyes), in which Adrien tells his friends how he won some freedom and respect from his father
“At The Present Time”, the Ladrien/Ladynoir marriage proposal follow-up to @art-deco-shrimp‘s  “Your Presents Required”
“j'ai rêvé (so I don't have to dream alone)”, in which the events of canon must just have been a series of dream sequences, Marinette and Adrien both think, until they both arrive at Chloe’s Halloween masquerade dressed as themselves from the dreams
2) Number of words written:
ahahaha no. I am not counting all my scattered fic drafts and trying to figure out what I did and didn’t write in 2020. I refuse.
AO3 says I posted 162K in 2020. it is counting all of keeps you guessing (like any real love), which (a) I started posting in 2019 (b) is co-written by @galahadwilder​; it is counting all of my meta snippets collection, much of which was written in 2019; it is counting the Vimeo passwords for my vids. but I probably cleared 150K by a safe margin.
3) Your most popular fic:
“veracity” has a four-digit kudos count, wow, when’d that happen? this is also the 2020 work with the most hits and the most bookmarks, but “tell me you love me” has four-thirds as many comments as its nearest competitor.
4) Your personal fav:
“cannot break us, not with a thousand swords”, no question about it. this is the one in which Ladybug proposes marriage to Chat Noir via Princess Bride meme on Tumblr. (if you intend to download the work or otherwise to consume it with creator style off, you want the accessible version instead of the primary version.)
5) Your fav scene:
—okay so this is cheating and I know it, since Uncertain Humors (the one where Marinette/Adrien is both Orpheus/Eurydice and Theseus/Ariadne) is nowhere near finished, never mind posted (maybe I'll get “Sanguine” done to post on my birthday?)
but it is still my favorite of the year. as you might guess from that description of the story, this scene has content notes for character death:
Hell is a maze. Marinette walks.
This acrid passage has little to see but damp stone, seeming blood-stained in the dim carmine light. At about the height of her heart, the faintly glowing thread cuts through the not-clammy air; it ought to be pulsing at the same rate as the heart it's bound to. She might be able to see her own reflection if she looked down at the open sewage pipe, or at one of the puddles that now and again she splashes through, dampening the canvas of her shoes. She might see reflected what's behind her.
She remembers Mme. Mendeleiev lecturing on human physiology. In healthy humans old enough to have learned how, urination is a voluntary action: one may not know which muscles one tenses and relaxes in order to do so, and probably isn't paying attention to those details when one is doing, but one has conscious control over whether one does. Usually. Stress and anxiety mean some people are unable to relax the relevant sphincter muscle and others are unable to stop themselves. It's voluntary for cats, too: it's one way they mark their territories. Cat-boys have other ways.
There is a moment in every human life when all one's muscles relax at once. Some Parisians have had several such moments.
The thread is braided with itself around her left fourth finger, rows of tiny red half-hitch knots, and falls loosely over the back of her hand to loop twice around her wrist. She holds it wrapped between the fingers of her right hand to keep it at a constant tension, as though knitting with this insubstantial thread, so fragile for something two (two dozen, two million) lives hang from—too thin to sew with, no thicker than one strand of his hair. As she walks, she winds it around and around and around her wrist.
Between her ring finger and her right hand, it loops twice.
Marinette's shoe lands in a puddle she didn't see. The rainwater splashes soundlessly onto her bare ankle and on the stone.
(With cat-like tread, upon our prey we steal— It's a very loud song.)
She walks on.
6) A fic or scene that challenged you:
where the firelight fades, no contest. this is the second story I’ve ever been able to stick with more than a couple hundred words past the 20K mark, but it’s easily the twentieth novel-length I’ve begun. (though also, you know that kedreeva post? well, 90K later, I’m less than 15K from completing this 10K fic! I think.) and I have been learning so much about long-form fiction.
there has also been a lot of weeping and tearing my hair. case in point: I just trashed the chapter 15 draft because I figured out the reason it wasn’t going anywhere! I can probably keep the first few hundred words of that draft without any editing, and another few hundred with some revision...
7) A line of writing you’re proud of:
from “j'ai rêvé (so I don't have to dream alone)”:
Everything about their partnership is fragments of sentences in the dream diary Adrien writes in ultraviolet pen. Disjointed flickers of thought even when examined under the black light he hides in the snack cabinet under packets of Super Yoyo sandwich cookies and bags of cheesy Monster Munch potato chips and boxes of petit écolier butter cookies (chocolat noir)—none of which explains the gym-socks smell. All fleeting incoherent flashes, invisible between the mundane lines of La Modification shelved at his bedside between Leroux and Dumas. None of it is solid. Adrien has more proof his room's haunted.
okay let me break this down for you!
* Adrien started a dream diary to make sense of the memories
* in invisible ink, in a book that (according to Wikipedia) is thematically appropriate and won’t (if Gabriel sees it) look like anything other than Adrien developing an interest in French literature
* shelved between Phantom of the Opera and The Three Musketeers
* look I didn’t come up with the name “black light”
* or “chocolat noir” for what English speakers call “dark chocolate”, or “petit écolier” (that is, “little schoolboy”) for that sort of butter cookie
* also not my fault that “chocolat noir” sounds remarkably like “Chat Noir”, which, attentive readers may have noticed, is not a name that appears in the story after the header and before Miraculous Cure
* I found the website of a store in Boston, Massachusetts that caters to French expats, and the yo-yo cookies and the monster chips were right there in the photos, y’all
* the snack stash and the black light live in the cabinet where, in canon, the Camembert lives; yes, that cheese smells in the real world like gym socks
* this story’s akuma was not able to affect anything but squishy human memory: nobody affected remembers anything about Ladybug or Chat Noir or Hawkmoth, not in any solid way, not even when they read news articles about the subject, and this includes Marinette and Adrien not being able to see or hear or remember their own kwamis—but you know what Adrien’s Insta post about his poltergeist and Adrien’s Insta post with the floating sock don’t show and don’t explicitly refer to?
* I love this paragraph so much (my housemates may have been lovingly mocking me over it)
8) A comment that touched you:
there are people (y’all know who you are) who said y’all are studying my style. I ded of blush.
9) Something that inspired your writing:
by volume of fic drafts that can be blamed on any particular person, the winner is probably @norakwami​
10) Your proudest accomplishment (that one scene; finally finishing that one fic; posting your first fic; etc):
so that longest-story-ever-written record I set in 2007 with the 89.5K story that, till where the firelight fades, was the only story I’d gotten much past 20K?
I broke that fucking record!
and then I deleted the draft of firelight chapter 15 😭
11) Do you have any writing goals for the next year?
I’m starting work on a fantasy novel, a Sleeping Beauty retelling in which I explore (among other things) the economic consequences of the king’s ordering all the spinning wheels burned, and I want to make significant progress on that. and I want to not make my hands any worse; I kind of need those!
(breaking news alert: bodies fucking suck. so does giving yourself repetitive stress injuries in doing one and a half to two people’s worth of work for an organization that was never ever going to pay you more than one person’s worth of pay.)
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t100ficrecsblog · 4 years
an interview with @burninghoneyatdusk​ (she/her) What are you working on right now? Right now I’m prioritizing prompts for the Bellarke Writers for BLM Initiative, which is a mix of new prompts and requests for WIP updates. I just posted a chapter update of my fic Voices in the Water, which is a canon-verse/everyone is a grounder arranged marriage AU with a bit of a twist, and next I’m working on a new prompt. After that, I’ve got three chapters of All Because of You  requested. All Because of You is a modern AU with bellarke as *platonic* coparents. The story is told in alternating flashbacks and present day (every other chapter). The flashbacks focus on them growing closer during Clarke’s unplanned pregnancy and the present is seven years later, where they have to come to terms with their feelings for each other when Clarke gets engaged to someone else.
What’s something you’d like to write one day? I would love to publish a novel one day. For years I had a YA dystopian/time travel trilogy kind of planned but I poked too many holes in it and want to start from scratch in that regard. Another novel I want to write is one that covers three generations of women, looking at mother-daughter relationships, women in society, generational trauma… a lot of stuff. It was inspired by learning about my grandmother’s life more and thinking about how it impacted her relationship with my mother, and in turn my mother’s relationship with me.
For fanfiction, beyond my current prompts and WIPs, I have two other fics outlined. One is an AU inspired by the movie Plus One. The other is a soulmate AU that’s a bit dark and involves immortality, magic, and essentially Bellamy as a villain with a redemption arc.
What is the fanwork you’re most proud of? I think All Because of You will probably remain my most popular, but right now I’m most proud of Voices in the Water. More so than my other fics, it has a more concise plot and I’ve done a deeper dive into Clarke’s character as an Azgeda assassin and I think the reader really gets into her head more than my other multiple POV fics. It’s also my first canonverse fic and I’ve enjoyed diving into that world and expanding upon it where I want.
When did you first start writing fic? I didn’t start writing fic until the beginning of 2019. I first published in February 2019, which was Homesick (It’s a Bittersweet Feeling). It was my first fic and the only multichapter WIP that’s complete right now, so it’s a special story for me.
What frustrates you most about fic writing? I’ve mostly had only a positive experience with fanfic writing. With the exception of a couple stray comments, my readers have been gracious, kind, and most importantly, patient. But I guess it can be challenging when you self-impose pressure because you’re aware that people are waiting for you to publish so sometimes I rush things. I haven’t personally experienced this, but I think that fic writing can also be frustrating when readers feel like you owe them something or unnecessarily offer negative comments that aren’t at all constructive. Some people forget that people are publishing stories for free, in their spare time, often in addition to full-time jobs or school and parenting.
What are your top five songs right now? 1. castles (freya ridings) 2. maniac (conan gray) 3. fired up (grace carter) 4. I am not afraid (g flip) 5. wanna be (betty who)
What are your inspirations? (books, songs, other fic) I take inspiration from all of those things but I would say mostly quotes and random photos on tumblr. I wrote Homesick because I liked the step-siblings/forbidden trope and wanted to write in a small town setting like the one I grew up in. All Because of You was honestly the classic “this is my bedtime daydream story I think about every night” so it’s pretty self-indulgent with the tropes I wanted to use. Voices in the Water was started because I loved the grounder!Bellamy / arranged marriage trope. The wanheda twist came from me reading the 4x11 script to screen with Clarke trying to force herself to shoot Bellamy to save humanity, but realizing that she can’t.
What first attracted you to Bellarke? What attracts you now? I’m not sure I remember a specific moment but I think I remember bellarke being all over my tumblr dash when I started s2 so kind of paying close attention to them during s2. s2 was of course a great season for them and by the ‘knocking on heaven’s door’ scene in 2x16 I was a goner.
Regarding what drew me to them, I think I’ve always loved a good slow burn with the partners/”I’ve got your back” vibe that they have. My first (and biggest) OTP before them was tony & ziva from NCIS which is a really similar vibe although a very different show.
Besides Bellarke, what character or pairing do you like best on t100? I think that Memori is probably my second place ship. Before s7, I would say there was a HUGE gap between my love of Bellarke and Memori, but this season has made me an even bigger Memori fan. I have to say that while I don’t think there was ever a chance of Murven happening, I do understand why people ship it. I think they have great chemistry/a great dynamic and in another life, so to speak, I would have shipped them. 
Regarding characters on their own, I just love all my delinquents, but I think that Murphy is solidly my third favorite character. Raven and Octavia are probably tied behind him.
Why did you decide to start bellarkefic-for-blm? I credit the reason to Kara ( @queenemori ). (Sidenote: everyone go follow her! She’s an amazing fanfic writer and overall just a really positive, awesome person to have in the fandom). I remember reading her post  - and I won’t try to paraphrase, so please take the time to read her it - but in general it got me thinking about how we as a fandom could support the BLM movement in a substantial way that is more than just spreading posts on social media, and in a way that doesn’t lose momentum as time goes on and the movement becomes less “trendy.” I thought about how many people collectively read our fanfiction and how we provide it for free, and if people could just pay a few dollars or however much they can afford and donate that to the cause, we collectively could make a huge difference. So that’s what I’m hoping this is - making a substantial difference in a way that doesn’t fade in time and also uses the power of fandom in a useful way. We have a lot of power if we collectively put it towards something like this instead of fighting over ships or actors or whatnot. I also figured that maybe we’d have readers who weren’t paying attention to the movement and that maybe because they want to submit a prompt, they’d do some research on where to donate, and that in turn helps educate them on the issue - or is at least a start.
Has it been as successful as you’d hoped? So on the positive side, I do think it’s incredible that in about six weeks we’ve raised nearly $1250 and have been able to donate to a variety of organizations. I’m incredibly grateful for the authors donating their time and the enthusiastic readers participating. I don’t mean to sound negative at all, but if I’m being honest, I do feel a little frustration at the lack of participation across the fandom as a whole or maybe more specifically across the AO3 readers. I know that my WIP chapters average about 1k hits per update. That’s a lot of people. Even if you cut that in half because maybe people are rereading, that’s still 500 people. So why are only about 20 of my readers donating to this initiative? I think it’s a bit discouraging when you look at the percentage in that way. 
That’s not to say that I don’t understand that some aren’t financially in a position to donate, but I’ve made it clear that there are other ways to contribute (e.g. signing petitions, writing to politicians) and there hasn’t been traction with that either. So I think that in general, something is always better than nothing and it has in no way discouraged me from continuing this. But I’m hoping that more people are able to participate as time goes on. It’s truly a win-win situation of generating more fanfics for readers and donating to an important issue, so I hope to see the percentage of fanfiction readers submitting prompts increase and am doing what I can to continue spreading the word about it. 
I guess in summary what I’m saying is, I’m proud of what the fandom has done so far, but let’s step it up. We can do more, we can do better. Maybe people will get pissed I said that, but idk. If you read fic and can buy a $3 coffee, you can donate to this cause. It’s important. As was Kara’s point, let’s not see this momentum fade when the BLM movement becomes less ~trendy~.
What are some things you’d like to recommend? Instead of writing an essay about all the fics I love, I’d like to link both my bookmarked fics which is my complete list of bellarke fic recs.
I also want to recommend visiting the Bellarke Writers for BLM Initiative writers’ page - these writers are incredible so please go check out their existing works and continue requesting prompts for the BLM movement!
On the note of BLM, I'd also like to link this article. It's older, written in the aftermath of the Charleston attack, but it remains one of the most thought provoking pieces I've read on race in our country.
it was my honor to interview burninghoneyatdusk! honestly, if you aren’t reading Voices in the Water, which is Bellarke except Clarke is an assassin, you should be. it haunts me. she also organized the very cool bellarkefic-for-blm. 
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rentfreecat · 4 years
Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts Fanfic Recs
so yeah I figured I should get around to making a list of some of my faves to promote them, I’ve got a big enough collection of bookmarks now. in no particular order. not all of them are necessarily complete or alive
Final Fantasy VII
The Gold Saucer’s Golden Arches by belderiver
Before he doomed the world to ash and ruin, Sephiroth wanted a burger.
note: Sephiroth + sudden hunger pang = mcgold
Meetings by Yinza
Aeris reflects on her few encounters with Sephiroth over the years since her escape from the lab.
note: Aerith having known Sephiroth before is just one of my favorite headcanons
lather, rinse, repeat by annperkinsface
She knows she shouldn't confuse this act of kindness for anything else, but it's hard, when Aerith is draping a towel over her shoulders, when Aerith is warm at her back, humming as she works a thick lather across her hands.
note: adorable Aerti. Aerith being a weirdo. Tifa blushing and being kinda horny. perfect. in case you couldn’t tell I ship it.
In Circles by Larissa
Tifa hates Midgar, and yet she stays, and she stays, and she stays.
Character study/pre-game gap-filler. Written for the Tifa Zine.
note: beautiful mood piece
the nodding golden tansy by Kieron_ODuibhir
“You think this troubles me?”
“Yes,” said Cloud, without looking up from his tea.
note: one of my fave takes on Seph and Cloud’s relationship. wonderfully quiet and melancholy.
not one before another by Kieron_ODuibhir
1) Sephiroth almost corrected the first person who called Aerith his sister, a woman they’d met before they were even out of Midgar’s slums complimenting him on taking such good care of her, while their mother shopped.
2) The other half of Project S took after their father.
3) Blue eyes contemplated him narrowly for several seconds, and then Genesis’ smirk came back, lying on his face more easily, somehow. “So brothers-in-arms to the skirmish shall we hence?”
4) It felt wrong to be relying on anybody but Mother, but Mother…only cared about Sephiroth, and it wasn’t fair. Loz sniffled. “Will she take care of Yazoo, too?”
5) “I’m glad he’ll have a big brother,” she said, as Sephiroth crossed the room. “Little ones always need someone looking out for them.”
Sephiroth nodded, and bent forward, and peered at the squashed little pink thing until it stirred, objecting probably to cool air on its face. “What’s his name?”
(Five times in five worlds where Sephiroth was somebody's brother, and one where he wasn't anymore.)
note: exactly what it sounds like. personal fave is 4.
Angels Still Have Faces by Kieron_ODuibhir
On the fourth day, Sephiroth looked out a window and spotted his two friends together on one of the outdoor training fields, once again exchanging harsh words, only for Angeal to wheel around and storm off at the end.
note: fics where someone other than the main character time-travels are amazing and this is that and also outsider pov mother bear Sephiroth who doesn’t know what pizza is
Final Fantasy IX
puppet play by zalzaires
starting a drabble collection for ffix. i mostly just write about kuja so hence the name.
note: my personal fave is "curtains, bookends, stars of the show” because Kuja is such so... Kuja in there
Final Fantasy XV
ffucc the wedding by Givethemtriumphnow
Gift for Victortor, inspired by their fabulous ffucc Universe.
Noctis and Luna are the same person, one soul split into two bodies.
In a world where everyone lives and nothing hurts, the wedding is still a symbol of the peace, and the show must go on. Noct and Luna just can’t wait for what comes afterwards: the Big Reveal.
note: I just really like the one person two body trope okay? pretty entertaining read!
Poor Wayfaring Stranger by lithos_saeculum
Out on a mission, Cor Leonis finds a teenager, lost and sick and partway to becoming an MT. Against the advice of all and sundry, he brings him back to Insomnia. There's not a lot of love lost for MTs in the Citadel, but some of its inhabitants may still be young enough to put aside their prejudices.
note: also on my list of likes is MT Prompto trope, and honestly fuck canon that’s just there for inspiration. TW for implied pedophilia and stranger danger in one of the later chapters.
Will You Be There, Standing at the End of the War by Adel Mortescryche (Mortescryche)
When they're attacked by the Imperial Forces at Tenebrae, Regis wasn't prepared to be rescued alongside Noctis, Lunafreya and Ravus by the Commanding General of the enemy forces. Not after the man already cut Sylva down before them.
He was even less prepared for the face lying in wait behind the mask.
He dropped down to one knee, and rather pointedly cupped the left side of Drautos’ head, delicate, making no move to actually hide the fury raging through him.
“Talk, Titus.” Regis whispered. “Before I take this airship down from the sky.”
note: Drautos time-travels and is an absolute bastard. I like seeing his and Regis’s exchanges!
For Want of a Flan by magicgenetek
For want of some patience, Ifrit never freed Ardyn from Angelgard to rebel against the Astrals.
For want of Ardyn, Nifleheim never invented MT Troopers.
For want of MT Troopers, Lunafreya and Ravus were able to escape with Regis, and Nifleheim never cornered Lucis in their war.
For want of a kidnapping, Luna, Noctis and Prompto were able to work together to get ready for the prophecy, and Ravus is ready to suplex an Astral to make sure someone survives the prophecy.
For want of separation, the four of them go to Angelgard to figure out what secrets lay there, and accidentally adopt Ardyn into their plans to save the world.
For want of 2000 years’ prep time, Ardyn’s going to have to get up to speed on the modern world fast if he wants revenge or to fulfill his half of the prophecy.
note: has a good deal of worldbuilding and linguistics nerdery. I like that. I also like the recovery element of Ardyn’s arc.
A Little More Time by Asidian
The sun is brilliant overhead – set in a blue sky dotted with clouds that float like wisps of spun sugar through the high arc of the heavens.
It's more than lovely. It's entrancing, and Noctis takes one long, final look before he turns his gaze back earthward. His vision dances with sunspots for a moment, afterimages from the blinding light – but when it clears, Noctis sees a small black dog there, patient and watchful as always.
Umbra has been waiting.
"Alright," Noctis says. "We're ready to go back."
note: short, punchy, and absolutely chilling
Eschaton by nirejseki
Sure, it's the end of the world, but that just means someone's got to fix it.
And then the world found its somebodies.
(aka, with Noctis gone into the Crystal and no one sure when he'll be back, Ignis, Gladio, and Prompto end up saving the world one piece at a time)
note: I like worldbuilding and MTs alright? and schoolteacher Gladio will never not be funny/great
Astra Inclinant by thekindmagic
“Look,” Aranea laughs, shaking her head. “I’m not trying to shit on your destiny. But the way I see it? A lot of the time, there’s no big mystery. You either keep going, or you don’t.”
note: how could I not rec femslash? beautiful melancholy mood. I’m so sad for Luna
Starlight and Shadow by ohmyfae
While Noctis and his friends are setting up camp, Ardyn Izunia happens to accidentally stumble onto the runes of their haven. The magic of the haven pulls him into two halves; One is Ardyn, a small child with a bit of an ego and a limited knowledge of the world at large, and the other is the Scourge, shambling and groundless, determined to seek out its former host and consume the light it finds there.
note: fun read!
On the Care and Keeping of Prompto by ohmyfae
Congratulations! You have been chosen to ensure the well-being of PROMPTO, who is: 1. An absolute darling. 2. Of more intrinsic value than you, your significant other, your ancestors, and the world at large. 3. Two years and four months old 3a. This is very important to remember 4. Behind you.
note: also a very fun and fluffy read! also the fic that introduced me to the amazing crackship of Ardyn and Cor, and I say crackship but... I want more of it
Kingdom Hearts
The Price of Melodrama by LawnNinja
Xemnas never imagined that one of the hardest parts of his plan would be the stupid names.
note: deny it all you wish but you know this happened. also XULORD
(i don’t need you to) Worry for Me by Cygna_hime
In a fit of defiance and desperation, Vanitas disobeys his Master's orders and goes looking for the missing half of his heart. He finds it, and something else as well, something he never expected to find anywhere...
note: I absolutely love this I’ve read this like... 3 or 4 times? go read it now
Bleeding Heart by keelahselai
Xemnas was fundamentally a bad person. Born from the fracture of Xehanort's heart, he had only caused pain to those he banded together with under the promise of finding a way to return all their hearts. He shattered the Organization he'd founded for his own gain, and he understood this with cool indifference. But beneath everything, carefully kept folded away and hidden from Xigbar's prying eye, he was also made from the other inhabitant of Apprentice Xehanort's body. And as troubling as it could be to their plan, he kept it hidden from all.
(Or, how Terra managed to keep his head above the water for thirteen years)
note: I absolutely love the.. I don’t know what it’s called, but let’s say Terramas even though that sounds like a ship name... I absolutely love that trope. this one has such just a great mood y’know?
By Choice or Chance by Six_Piece_Chicken_McNobody
Lazy afternoons are a universal phenomenon.
note: I just love Xehaqus’s tragedy. this is nice, fluffy, and one of them is going to murder the other in his own selfish lust for power. (I know III said Xehanort had other motivations but I just love the “he’s such an utter bastard that all his relationships are going to end disastrously” interpretation)
Whatever Will Be by NanakiBH
Once I tell you the words I've been unable to say, it will be goodbye.
note: more explicitly melancholy mood than last one, still great.
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veliseraptor · 5 years
2019 Fanfiction Round-Up
I’ve done one of these every year since 2016, so here we are again. At this point I’d feel weird if I didn’t do it, even if it takes a long ass time to do.
Total Year-Long Wordcount: Here as of 8:20 PM, 421,602 words - which includes some essays and original fiction but is, by and large, mostly fic. 
If you’re curious, that’s 35,133.5 average words per month, and 1,155 words per day. The month I wrote most was 48,006 words (January) and the least was 21,550 (October). I may go into more stats later to compare to my 2017/2018 spreadsheet, because that’s the kind of loser I am.
This year I wrote and posted: This isn’t exact, because it includes chapters of things I wrote as separate fics, but probably something around 60 fics. 
Overall Thoughts
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted? 
Less, by a substantial margin. There are a lot of potential reasons for this (a new job that takes a lot more energy and time, me making a concerted effort to socialize more, taking on more difficult projects that require more time/work/effort, a two month horrendous depressive episode) but I’m trying to tell myself that it doesn’t matter why, and it’s totally fine that my total amount written doesn’t match recent years’. Over 400,000 words is still a lot of writing.
What’s your own favorite story of the year? 
This was a hard year, so I’m going to be self-indulgent and pick a few. I remain really, really proud of the fact that I wrote gather frankincense at all, and pretty proud of how it turned out also. good lord turned his back on me was one that I wrote basically all in one go, and I was really pleased with the Natasha POV and getting to write in her voice - I do that shockingly rarely, and haven’t in a while. I really liked both writing that fic and the arc of it - what it did as a story. 
Finally, continuing with the trend of “small fandom fic” which...I wrote a substantial amount of small-fandom fic this year, which pleases me - how this grace thing works. It was in the works for a long, long time and finally was finished this year - it’s the (for lack of a better word) softest Doctrine of Labyrinths fic I’ve written, and quite possibly ever will write. 
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
I wrote in two different fandoms that I hadn’t written in before or hadn’t written for years. Okay, in fairness I did some Doctrine of Labyrinths writing last year, but this year was really the bulk of the recent writing I’ve done for it. Writing for Lymond was a substantially bigger risk. Glad I did it, and I learned that I could do it, but...
I wrote a fic for someone else in second person, which was certainly a risk in a different way.
Overall...I learned that while I can write in first person still, I deeply prefer both third and second person overall. One of those isn’t surprising; the fact that I’ve come to actually really like second person sometimes is more so. 
From my past year of writing, what was….
My most popular story of this year: 
As usual, excluding my multichapter stuff because that skews results a lot - by hits it was how the dead walk; by kudos it was Seams and Scars, and by both comment threads and bookmarks it was Mirror, Mirror. All interesting! Seams and Scars is the most surprising to me, but also pleasing considering how goddamn long that fic took me to write (I’m so glad I finally finished it this year).
Most fun story to write: 
Five Hundred Ways to Discorporate a Demon. Aka the most light-hearted “repetitive character death” fic I’ve ever written. It was just...writing Good Omens fic this year in general was a lot of fun. It’s a departure from my usual voice, and my usual wheelhouse, but probably because of that was really enjoyable to explore. Though in a weird way good lord turned his back on me was also a lot of fun, in the sense of...it was one of those fics that was easy for me to write. It came out smooth and in a way that I liked basically right off the bat, which is rare and a great feeling when it happens.
Story with the single sexiest moment: 
This was kind of a challenging one, actually, because what I find sexy sort of fluctuates based on what I’m in the mood for at the time, but I might go with the sex scene in The Waxing Moon, partly because, as I discovered writing both that fic and An Ever Expanding Circle, I apparently find cocky Thor really sexy. I sort of resent this. (So does Loki.)
Most “Holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story: 
Yeah, I’m going to go with no good doing what I’m told, aka the one where I had a bunch of existential angst about “is this too much? am I going too far?” which...yeah, is always a sign of something considering how high my bar for myself has gotten.
Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: 
I have a hard time with this question every year. In some way, every story I write shifts my understanding of the characters, or at least deepens it. I guess maybe After the Fire - I dug into Curufin’s head more there than I have in a long time, and since I last did my understanding of him has changed generally. This fic developed more of that changing understanding.
Hardest story to write: 
The Compassion of the Wicked. Even more than gather frankincense, that fic fought me, to the mat, and almost won a number of times. Writing the sex in it was an adventure - I think I noted when I finished it that this is possibly the least explicit fic with explicit sex that I’ve written. Also possibly required the most research, and by “required” I mean “I chose this.” And writing Joleta was...it took me some doing to figure out how to write her, which surprised me a little. 
Anyway, the whole thing was just. A whole barrel of struggle. I’m pretty pleased with the end result, but yeesh.
Biggest Disappointment: 
As usual, in myself, for not working more on my WIPs and not finishing we live until we die. I wanted that to happen this year, I really did, and while I suppose it’s not surprising it didn’t (there was a lot of planning that needed to happen, and continued to need to happen), I’m still disappointed. 
Biggest Surprise: 
Other than “the fact that I wrote Lymond fic at all” and “the fact that people actually read the Lymond fic I wrote”? Probably the continued and aggressive expansion of the Where the Devil Don’t Go verse. I thought it was over after I wrote drown my woes in a lake of fire but then it turned out that there were (checks) five more installments I was going to write, and two more in the works, and one other that is on Tumblr but not cross-posted. 
I did not see that coming at all.
Most Unintentionally Telling Story: 
I never really know how to answer this question. I guess sometimes there is an obvious one, usually meaning “Jesus, Lise, how fucked up can you get” and in that sense it would definitely be no good doing what I’m told, but...I actually think in some ways it might be how the dead walk. It isn’t...exactly the same as my issues, but there are some ways in which it aligns with them in ways that are different from the ones I usually work with when I’m writing Loki.
Favorite Opening Line(s):
1. The first thing that Felix noticed about Malkar was his hands. (The Anvil and the Chain)
2. The moment he was left alone, Maeglin stumbled to his feet, untethered the nearest horse, and set off back toward the smoke and flame still visible on the horizon. (how should I begin)
3. For the first month and a half after Rocket’s friends arrived on Midgard, along with the remains of Asgard’s population, Loki avoided Gamora with the skill and determination of a mouse evading a fox. (came through the jaws of Death)
4. In the summer of the Year of Our Lord 1000, there was a false alarm, brought about by millennial fever both Up and Downstairs, that the Apocalypse was imminent. (Mercy)
5. A long while ago Loki had read, in a book that was now ash, about the formation of storms. (we haven’t slept in years)
Favorite Line(s) from Anywhere:
1. I was lying on my stomach with shackles on my wrists and ankles and the water was rising. Someone, somewhere, was crying. It might have been a ghost. It might have been me. (As I breathe, he burns my lungs like fever)
2. Like my fear of water, fear of Malkar ran in my blood, and was as much a part of me. (The Road to Mourning)
3. “I am not in the mood for indulgence. Is there a purpose to this pageantry, o my Pasha?”
“Save that it is my pleasure?” Gabriel regarded him with a touch of amusement. “You would rather I tied you to a whipping post and had you flogged?”
“You would gain marks for consistency,” Lymond said. (gather frankincense)
4. “Because you are the flaw. You are the fault along which the stone splits. You are what is wrong.” (Mirror, Mirror)
5. “Would you rather I were?” Loki said, and there was something soft and vicious in his voice even with the lingering rasp that made the hair on the back of Clint’s neck all stand on end. “I think not. I am aware that you do not want me here. No doubt you would rather have Thor. That is fine; I would rather you had Thor, too. Don’t think I am not aware of the long and manifold list of my failures. That does not mean I want them enumerated to me by you.” (the enemy of my enemy)
6. “I am too beautiful to die,” Celegorm said with confidence.
But you are going to, Curufin thought. We all are. Condemned as surely as if we were Secondborn. Maybe not now, but... He held his tongue and simply said, “oh, naturally.” Celegorm wheezed a laugh and closed his eyes again. (After the Fire)
7. And yet he misses Thor. No, that is wrong: saying he misses Thor is as inadequate as it would be to say that he misses breathing. He is that central, that vital, that involuntary.
If anyone asked, Loki thinks he would tell them that was why he was running. To prove that he can. (These Vagabond Shoes)
8. The smile, when it came, was sharp. “O Castitas,” Lymond said, “Mater et Virgo, extingue carnales concupiscentias! But enough. For whom this mummer’s show? Do we not know each other better now? For certainly I have known flesh of your flesh, blood of your blood... and she drew mine.” (The Compassion of the Wicked)
9. There was a way Thor had of saying things that made them inarguable. Loki had no idea how he did it - it was as though he spoke the words and it just was, like the world bent itself to suit what he said, only it bent itself so it was as though it had always been true. Loki had always found it maddening. (Speak every man the truth)
10. Everyone got a bit twitchy in the 1300s. People started getting suspicious of the dark glasses. They seemed to think Crowley was hiding something, which he was, but that wasn’t any of their business. (Five Hundred Ways to Discorporate a Demon)
11. This was what the Grandmaster did. He showed you a door, or what looked like a door, and then yanked you back just when it seemed to be in reach. Or proved that it had never been there at all, and what had you been thinking to try to get away, anyway, after everything he’d done for you? (preacher man won’t cut no slack)
12. “You can’t help me,” Loki said, breathless. “There is nothing left to help.”
“That isn’t true,” Thor said weakly. “You are here, aren’t you?”
“Here,” Loki said. “Yes. But I am - I am not myself. I am a cobbled together patchwork of Odin’s making and the Grandmaster’s making and the making of the Void. And yours.” All the feeling had gone from his voice. “You want your brother back. But that person doesn’t exist. If he ever did.” (where I make my home)
Top 5 Scenes from Anywhere You Would Choose to Have Illustrated:
There are a lot of pieces from Mirror, Mirror that I would love to see, but maybe especially the one where Loki is looking at his reflection and notices how sick he appears, when the shadow appears behind him.
Gabriel making Lymond kneel in gather frankincense. Look, I am who I am.
Thor sitting next to ghost!Loki from it slips between my fingers now.
Curufin kneeling (SHUT UP) in front of Finrod with wounded Celegorm in his arms from After the Fire. It could be very Pieta. There’s a lot going on there. I just want it.
Steve and Loki at the top of the waterfall from into the light of a dark black night, just before Loki dives over.
Fic-writing goals for 2020:
Finish we live until we die. This is probably the biggest, most concrete one on my list. 
Write! More! Lymond fic! I have three ideas and I really like all of them - I just need to stop having staring contests and psyching myself out and actually do the writing.
Whittle that WIP list down to at least under 70. Under 65 would be even better.
That’s really all. I’m keeping them modest. Also here is “try to chill out, a little, about your pathological productivity problem” but that’s an ongoing project that maybe doesn’t count for the spirit of this question.
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dark-muse-iris · 5 years
What’s your opinion of tumblr versus AO3 for beginning fanfiction writers?
Tumblr is a social media platform that would rather put money toward marketing ploys for rich investors than give their users what they want. They have repeatedly told us to open wide and then shit down our throats when it comes to fundamentals like formatting long text posts and searching for fics. Anyone who posts fics to Tumblr has to deal with that, and the bugs are always present because the app is often changing and usually not for the better. There are also reports that Tumblr is losing money. That’s something we should be paying attention to as users. The site may go the way of LiveJournal, which is why it’s critical to follow your favorite writer’s other social media.
Tumblr’s audience these days is a mixed bag when it comes to participation. My data pulls I have running on the back-end since I started here suggests that following the NSFW ban in December 2018, the interactions between readers and writers has tanked. I’m hearing the same on many, many writer blogs, which likely explains the resurgence of networks. It’s so hard to get our works circulated here now with the way Tumblr has changed their search bar. Getting a blog started and growing a following from zero is very hard to do. I think it’s harder now than it used to be. Is it impossible though? No. I’m still seeing new blogs do well, although admittedly it’s often because well-established blogs are going to bat for them. My own blog gained a large following that way.
AO3 is less visually enticing than Tumblr is, but they don’t have formatting bugs. They also allow for users to leave large text blocks of feedback (vs. multiple asks on Tumblr), save fics to read for later, and has a subscription system that will send you an email when your favorite writer updates. That should be enough of a reason to post there, since those are the lead complaints about Tumblr. Posting there has been a very positive experience for me in two significant areas: 1) the Hit count has proven to me that my fics are getting read whereas Tumblr makes me feel like a has-been, and 2) the feedback on AO3 is of higher quality and is more likely to talk about what I actually wrote. Back when I asked my blog which platform they preferred, the majority of respondents preferred AO3, mostly because of the Bookmarks and ability to leave longer feedback.
I do have a lot of opinions about both platforms, but the most important one is that the “us vs. them” business regarding reader-inserts vs. shipping fics has got to stop. A lot of Tumblr vs. AO3 talk is centered on that. I am still reading that shipping fics *belong* on AO3 and reader-inserts *belong* here, and that’s a crock of shit. That’s voluntarily limiting one’s audience because one might be scared to be a small fish in a big pond. If you open up your blog showing that kind of fear from the jump, you’ll look like you have no confidence and no one will want to read your stories, no matter the platform. I have been posting reader-inserts on AO3 for a while now and have had zero hate for it. It’s also worth noting that I get more feedback on AO3 even though AO3 subscribers are only 5% of the audience I have on Tumblr. That’s how awful the silent reader problem is here.
Whether a writer is new or not doesn’t really matter anymore, at least from where I’m sitting. I am a well-established blog with a large audience of thousands of people and I’m getting the same amount of traffic and feedback that I was when I was about 3 months old. Just because one fic does well doesn’t mean they all will. Your audience will change as the fandom changes, so it’s important to self-examine and truly know the why behind your choice to upload. 
If your main goal is to get popular ASAP, neither are the platform for you. If your goal is to upload stories but you want to invest time in making pretty banners for everything, Tumblr is your best choice. (I upload on AO3 only, but I still make posts for all my fics on here because I like doing banners and they advertise my fics well enough). If you want to upload with the least amount of headaches and you want your fic to be discovered via tags, AO3 is the best call. That platform is also is very stable as a non-profit; it’s not going anywhere. There are also other platforms to consider.
At the end of the day, you can mix it up, get creative about your marketing, play it safe, etc. There is no “one size fits all” method to getting out there and growing an audience. Each fandom is different. Each genre and trope are different.
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aospositivityweek · 5 years
From TomatoBookworm on AO3
Friday, April 5 - Fanwork Appreciation Day
Let me start by saying I’ve watched AoS live since day one, wandered to the AoS tag on Archive of Our Own when there were less than 100 stories, and left to read fics in other more established fandoms (back then it did not occur to me I could post stories myself if no one else was creating the content I wanted). Years later I was done with my other fandoms, thought I should check the AoS tag again, and I officially fell down the rabbit hole. A huge thank you to all the fanfic writers out there! 
For today, I figured everyone else would be posting their own fic rec lists for their favorite ships. (Seriously everyone, overwhelm me with FitzSimmons stories I haven’t read yet, or StaticQuake, or Huntingbird, or other ships I don’t know I need. Please and thank you!) So, I’ve decided to compile my own fic recommendation list that does not focus on the romantic relationships. I am sure I’ve left out a ton of stories and there are plenty of stories that I haven’t discovered yet, but let’s make this a starting point and give some love to the character introspection fics, the friendship stories, and the crack humor ones that we all need to deal with hiatus!
In no particular order and somewhat sorted by characters:
*Daisy* By Her Grave series by closemyeyesandleaphttps://archiveofourown.org/series/1075731 Rating: T
Summary: Part 1: Skye and Coulson bring Jiaying’s body to Milwaukee for burial. As they make the arrangements, Skye struggles with how little she actually knew about her mother.Part 2: Daisy visits Jiaying’s grave while on the run from SHIELD and struggles with the ghosts of her past.SeriesPart 3: Digging up Jiaying's body gives Daisy far too much time to think.Notes: This entire series should be canon. The stories are a wonderful examination of Daisy’s character development through canon, her complicated relationships with Jiaying and SHIELD, and her constant search for self. *May* The Last Line by 26starshttps://archiveofourown.org/works/4524204 Rating: T
Summary: Melinda May’s first Chinese word was “Baba”. Her first English word was “up”. Her first memories were of sky. In the end, we're all just stories sewn onto stories, jagged and mismatched and sometimes held together by only one common thread. This is the story of the woman named Melinda May, before, during, and after she had a title in front of her name or a nickname that followed it. [[Character study-covers events through season 1 and 2. Explores relationships that go back before canon and builds towards May’s reason for leaving at the season finale. This is the story I’ve wanted to tell since season 1-how Melinda May became, lost, and rediscovered herself.]]Notes: An absolutely beautiful character study for May. It’s posted before season 3 so it’s canon divergent in terms of May’s father, but I can absolutely believe it to be May’s actual background instead.
all that I am (I owe to my mother) by agentmmayyhttps://archiveofourown.org/works/17355998 Rating: G
Summary: After returning from the future, saving the earth, and retiring, Melinda May gets a call asking her to babysit.Notes: May reads Pete the Cat to Robin. This image alone is worth the read! *Fitz and other characters*(There are too many great BusKids, Fitz & Hunter, and Fitz & Mack stories to list, so here I am focusing on fics examining Fitz’s relationship with other characters)
Sparks by BrusselsSprouthttps://archiveofourown.org/works/15496734 Rating: T
Summary: After Fitz almost implodes, Daisy insists that he needs to be checked out. A missing scene for 3x14 as Fitz and Lincoln bond over their temper issues, and discuss powers.Notes: I personally always feel like there are lots of similarities between Fitz and Lincoln, and this is a lovely look at how they bond and deal with their anger issues.
Tame the ghosts in my head by stjarnahttps://archiveofourown.org/works/16001129 Rating: G
Summary: S6 spec fic. Fitz opens up to Elena about his relationship with Jemma and his strained friendship with Daisy.Notes: A wonderful take on how Fitz might feel after he woke up. Sometimes it’s easier to talk when there’s less history. *Mack, Elena, and Hope* Twenty-One Candles (For the One that Blinked Out) by closemyeyesandleaphttps://archiveofourown.org/works/16686244 Rating: T
Summary: On what would have been Hope's 21st birthday, Mack and YoYo's eight-year-old daughter helps Mack celebrate her life.Notes: Have tissues ready. I cried reading this and had to go hug my real life children afterwards. It was the best kind of tears though. Absolutely beautiful story. 
drawing hope from your smile by TheQueenInTheNorthhttps://archiveofourown.org/works/16831522 Rating: T
Summary: elena wants to help mack deal with the loss of hope but isn't quite sure how to do that.Notes: Another Hope story but this one approaches it from Elena’s point of view. Mackelena is present but I feel it focuses just as much on Elena’s mindset post season 5. *Humor* In the Hub of All Places by memorizingthedigitsofpihttps://archiveofourown.org/works/5182013 Rating: G
Summary: Agent Leopold Fitz can face down alien viruses and Russian mafia, but he can't work his way around voice recognition software.Notes: It’s a memorizingthedigitsofpi story. Fitz versus the elevator before he met the glass doors in the Hub. How can anyone not read it?
the stupid ferret and the pathetic human by 101placeshttps://archiveofourown.org/works/16716713 Rating: G
Summary: Life’s tough, for a ferret. Every day is a constant struggle. You never know if you’ll live long enough to have your next meal. Life’s like a game of chance. These are truths that Deke knows well. ( It's an AU where Deke's a ferret I don't know what you want me to say )Notes: Deke the ferret. Fitz-Hunter BroTP. Beginning of FitzSimmons friendship. This is crack humor at its best. (Apparently I haven’t bookmarked any Jemma stories that don’t involve talking about her romantic relationship at all, which is a severe oversight. Please recommend your own favorite Jemma-centric stories!)
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seenashwrite · 6 years
Dearest Nash, I've touched on this before in (I believe) in a discussion re: why some mainstream fics get oodles of notes while more original ones do not, *but* I wanted to get a bit more specific here. There are certain writers here whose writing has a definite vibe to it (if you will) that separates their work from others, and your name is one of the first that comes to mind. Bear with me, because trying to detail what makes your writing stand out is difficult while trying to articulate a Q
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^ this is a gif with parts 2 - 4, just FYI
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Hmmm… this is a bit of a brain buster. But I can answer it, and I think succinctly, maybe with a touch of that Spidey sense you mention:
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Thank you for your inquiry, hope that helps! 
I kid. But this is a brain-turner. And a characteristic which, like you say, ain’t limited to me. I’d honestly throw comedians under this umbrella, too, not because I’m necessarily gunning for a laugh every time, but because it’s pretty much their job to take a “basic” (a tenet or fact of life or present reality or whatever) and present the observation with a twist. I think of storyteller comedians specifically, your Patton Oswalt-s, Maria Bamford-s, Kathy Griffin-s, and John Mulaney-s.
So if I can sum up, assuming I’m tracking with you, what you’re more or less driving at with the “how” is this –> Is there anything beyond simply personality, or an auto-pilot thought cascade (for lack of better terminology) that contributes? Are there things someone could do/be proactive about, to perhaps cause this same sort of reaction to happen in their brain?
I think there just might be.
Folks reading this, let me ask you a question, and you cannot look it up:
What was the name of the Sherpa guide who led Sir Edmund Hillary up Mount Everest?
His name was Tenzing Norgay.
Nash, what in the name of the frozen corpse of George Mallory does this have to do with Lion’s question?
I shall tell you.
My father told me that fact when I was quite young, so young I legit couldn’t even ballpark my age for you. The context was that having little facts tucked away in your brain may come in handy. Not in a Jeopardy kind of way, more in a conversational way. I’ve no idea why the man thought the Sherpa guide who led Hillary up Mt. Everest would ever come up during a conversation with enough regularity to justify my knowing that fact (aside from him randomly quizzing me throughout my life) but hey, I guess it just did.
But speaking of Lil’ Nash, the situation for her was that she was the eldest of all the Nash litter by miles… like seven or eight years, I’m not bothering to check. So I had a lot of alone time, and my grandmother was my chief babysitter, so prior to kindergarten and then til I was in about second grade (so: all day long during the week, then every weekday after she picked me up from school), I was pretty much always at her house. Yeah, there were toys, but not a lot to do. And I’d read. I’d been reading on my own for a decent while, not because I was some prodigy but because my dad read to me *constantly* when Lil’ Nash was Itty-Bitty Nash, and it “took”. My mom also, every time she went to the grocery store always - and I mean always - brought back a book for me. It might’ve been an Archie comic—-
Mandatory #fuck the CW’s Riverdale tag
—-or a Babysitter’s Club, or Sweet Valley High, Judy Blume, Madeleine L’Engle, Zilpha Keatley Snyder, you get my point. Some small paperback. It would piss Dad off because he’s a cheap bastard and two buck books once or twice a month were really gonna cut into the savings [eyeroll] but also, in a way, because I’d kill it in a half day/a day. Wouldn’t put it down. After awhile, I started writing my own silly little kid stories, then - and this is where the creative writing love came about -  I started writing soap operas for my Barbies. (When I was older - like, 5th grade? 6th grade, maybe? - none of my peers were still playing with Barbies, and I got made fun of when, at a sleepover, they saw my stash. And I was like - No, no, no. Those aren’t for playing. That’s my cast.)
Time went on, and when I was bored at post-church lunch/dinners, I would also read the old encyclopedias at my grandmother’s, the ones from the late ‘60s/early ‘70s that she had for my mom and my aunt. As I got even older and became fascinated with rooting through the boxes in gran’s basement, looking at all the cool old clothes, I stumbled upon my aunt’s collection of Whoa-Hooooo Shit There’s No Way My Grandparents Knew You Read These books. Those kinda Harlequin-esque ones, except my aunt’s tastes run close to mine, none were the same shtick with different covers, shmultzy-sappy romance, there was always some sort of intrigue along with the sexy times, and she also had, like, every legit V. C. Andrews (meaning: not the ones from the ghostwriter, this was way before her death) book.
What is my point? I read a LOT. Now-a-days, other than fanfic (which… straight up: I don’t read a lot of that, either. I peace out on probs 80% of it before the third-to-fifth paragraph. It’s gotta sell me fast, yo) I haven’t read fiction in probably, oh…. 12 years? I think the last ones were the first couple Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood. Wait, no! I lie! I read the 50 Shades books when I was traveling 2x/wk for a job about 4 years ago, and I needed the laughs. It worked. Oh my days, that woman can’t write. The screenplay might’ve been worse, it goes her, then Buckleming, then everyone else. It’s bad. In any event, past decade or so, it’s more historical stuff and true crime and science stuff and all that old fart jazz.
Okay, so that’s #1: Read. And not just anything, be well-read, and that doesn’t mean developing some level of expertise, by “well” I’m saying to cover the spread. You’re building your tool kit, is all. You won’t use most of it, but it’s nice to have options. You also don’t always have to get this stuff from reading now-a-days, because podcasts. Cover the spread there, too. Lemme look at my bookmarks…. 
[Spongebob narrator voice: A few moments later]
I’m back. Science - Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe; General current stuff without being news - CGP Grey’s Hello Internet; current events with shittons of pop culture, past and present - Greg Proops’ Smartest Man in the World; fun history stuff - The Dollop; entertainment stuff - How Did This Get Made.
#2: Keep a notebook with you and jot down turns-of-phrase that spark something in your brain - things you read on websites, on twitter, in articles, things you hear people say (real life, TV, movies, podcasts), and write it. Don’t snap a pic with your phone or make a note in your phone. There are studies behind this, I’m not hunting them down, you’ll just have to trust me, but there are, and it goes to being reflexive, a brain “muscle memory” thing, if you will. You’re not doing it to plagiarize, you’re doing it to dissect it, kind’ve like you did with the example you gave on me —> went from punch action to punch spiked with booze to a punch with a spiked gauntlet.
Which leads to #3: Mental dictionary. I have a large vocab repository, and it stems from the tons of reading - I stop and look up stuff if I either don’t know it, or it’s used in such a way that I think they’ve got it wrong and want to double-check that maybe there’s another usage I don’t know - and also stems from a drive to combat the (still fairly thick) deep South drawl I can’t kick, and not for lack of trying. But see, I couldn’t have whipped out that progression if I weren’t aware that one definition of “spike” is “to add alcohol to”, or of the common shtick in stories of spiked punch like at high school proms typically, or knew about the existence of spiked gauntlets / old school armor. 
And I guarantee you that a good chunk of people didn’t really “get it”, and just thought “Nash Be Nashin’, that nutty gal”. So they “get it” on that level, but don’t Get. It., if you see what I’m saying. And that’s fine. Maybe it got something cranking in the back of their mind and it’ll hit ‘em in the middle of the night, or they’ll be watching Game of Thrones or something, see a gauntlet and be like “Oh goddamnit, I just got a throw-a-way one-liner from three years ago” and have a chuckle.
Related, re: looking stuff up and things that people “get”? I didn’t know fuck-all about Twilight, but it seemed of import to the folks around 5 years younger than me, the Nashlings wouldn’t shut up about it, so I got a good working knowledge of it. Same with Harry Potter, and through it I got to “know” J.K. Rowling, who I find to be an exceptional writer, so that was great, and I’ve watched the movies for the most part over the years at Christmastime, and I don’t give the first shit about what “house” I’m in, nor do I care about what Patronus I’d fart, but I have a working knowledge of what those are, and horcruxes and who Snape and Voldie are, you get my point. I can keep up. But to do it, I had to take the time to look it up. One thing I would not trade for gold is Michael Sheen chewing the goddamn scenery in that battle segment from the last Twilight movie. Have I watched the movie? No. But that scene is the shit. And that baby CGI is horrific on several subtle levels. And not-so-subtle. I’ve digressed.
Back to those notes: So if you’ve got these notes jotted, you might see something else and think “I feel like that could’ve been snappier…. why do I think that….” And you’ve got a resource at your disposal, that little notebook. Hell, jot that thing down - things you think could be done better. I have in many documents a highlight around chunks of scenes for my big dog story where it says in bold above or below “DO BETTER”. Meaning: there’s a better way to get from A to B, but I’m just not quite there yet. I’m pretty quick on the uptake and can crank out something snappy on the fly (like say, in CASPN chat or when banging out a short reply or thank you note) but there’s definitely times I gotta slap a DO BETTER on it and walk away til that snappy something-or-other light bulb goes off. 
Here’s a recent one where I backtracked, matter of fact - that noir spoof thing I wrote? Along with my co-writer, Moscato? There was a line that I couldn’t hit with a good zinger, so I just said moments were going by like a fat hamster on a wheel, which is cute, but not really grooving with the setting/the vibe. Less tipsy, when I was correcting some inelegant formatting and a misspelling [sigh], I went “Oh! Why didn’t this occur to me last night? Right. Wine.” So the line is now about moments dragging like a rolling donut with a copper on its tail. Get it? The cop’s a fat ass. The donut-cop stereotype.
…….Fine, it ain’t my best, but it fits better. Moving on.
And this leads nicely into #4, and a specific tip I can impart - assuming you’ve got a passable-to-high level of vocabulary in your tool belt, practice messing around with making nouns into verbs, and twisting random stuff into descriptors and using bizarre words/things in metaphors/analogies. Like, I say “adulting” quite a bit. Ali - @littlegreenplasticsoldier - I thiiiink was writing recently about Sam being drunk, and he’s a tall wobbly Jenga tower on his last Jenga. Going back to the noir, pulpy detective style, try messing with the whole “S/he was like a ___ that ____”. Add on to stuff that’s well known - He was like a dog with a bone, if the bone was a ____ and he was a ____ and we were in a ____. (I have *nothing* in mind to fill those blanks, by the way, feel free to twist it into sumpin’)
What else…. okay, here’s a #5: In drafts, let yourself wander, and see what kicks out. It can be fueled by silliness or anger, but I don’t reckon you’re gonna get the “snappy” you’re aiming for if you’re down in the dumps and going full-court-press angst. The best stuff, IMO, comes from the space in between goofy and pissed, and that is The Land Of Snark. You can always re-style it to bend more dry or wistful should you need to, certainly, depending on the situation.
Have a sample of a primo Nash Digression that was fueled by ire in a recap from Season 12 (episode 19). I had said - RE: the random inclusion of the character Joshua, which still pisses me off because they burned a character that held massive potential for future stuff as he’d been shown to be the only angel with direct access to Chuck, so, y’know, that could never come in handy, like ever again in the series, right? - the following.
Mandatory pre-emptive #fuck Dabb
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[Spongebob narrator voice] A few moments later —> 
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On god, I have no idea where that came from, and here’s where we go back to ol’ Spidey up there, because end of the day?
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All that other stuff’s the foundation, sure, but there’s always gonna be the weird iggy, the thing that can’t be learned or taught, whatever the quirky synapse is that fires off in my/our brains. In my experience, it’s an ADD-ish sort of jam mixed with the Nostradamus effect. Meaning, (A) we’re at Level 10, rapid fire thought processing >50% of the time, and (B) throw out enough stuff for long enough, some of it’s going to stick. And I whiff it plenty. Multiple times in CASPN chat I’ve been like “Whoo, tough room” when something falls flat.
A specific example: @mrswhozeewhatsis - and I think you saw this, but anyone else seeing this may not have - gave probably the most fantastic analogy I’ve seen regarding the whole “getting it” thing, and while it was on the topic of meaty plots that get too far into the weeds (my specialty) and how it can lessen appeal to a broader audience, it still applies here. 
She said “Sometimes, when I’m reading something of yours, I feel like there’s a joke I’m missing. It’s like watching Spaceballs without having seen Star Wars.” I say that to say - nobody’s gonna land references that cover the spread 100% of the time. And, y’know, fine. I figure maybe it’ll prompt someone to do a quick google for - well, let’s use Spaceballs. Most folks will no doubt get the Star Wars part, but maybe not Spaceballs. Maybe they’ll check it out, find something they enjoy. Or learn a new word. Or get a brainstorm for a story. Who knows?
Last tip: Don’t actively mimic anyone’s style. Much fail. And I don’t only mean because if they’re on a social Venn diagram with you, would likely recognize themselves in your stuff——
Takes a moment to wave to the peeps still trying with me! #bless your hearts
—–but because it’s fucking hard. I did it broadly on the noir thing, that’s not a hard thing, to homage generalities, but the way I’m messing with doing this on that silly Princess Bride series? Purposefully styling it like Goldman? It’s good  challenging and all, and it is making it feel more in the groove with the book/movie, but I have to be in the right frame of mind or it’s like fingernails on a chalkboard, and when I have pushed it, then gone back, it’s sloggy, soggy garbage.
I say all that to say: it’s an amalgam of brain-wiring/personality, and world/life perspective(s), and knowledge acquired over time. The first just is; the second will evolve in myriad ways, maybe for the better, maybe for the worse; the last is the one where you/we have control, we can fill bucket after bucket of information, and the well won’t ever run dry.
Sorry this took so long. I kept adding and subtracting. This is the edited version, if you can believe it. Welcome to Nash Brain. 😉
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thelionshoarde · 7 years
the magnificent @sabraeal got me, :3 :3
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?
It’s from an unfinished short story I wrote back in 2014: It was awful business working in the Lion’s Hoarde Inn. I think I just enjoyed the sound of it, (:
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (bookmarks/favorites, follows/subscriptions, visitor hits, kudos)
Some Nights, my first Teen Wolf fic. People really love pack mom!Stiles, apparently lol.
3. What is your FFnNet/AO3 profile icon, and why did you choose it?
O PUREST ONE. It’s from a fanart I’m still chipping away at. Because: it made @superhappybubbleslove go WAAAAHHHHHH MY HEAAARRRRTT and I enjoy making wonderful people suffer! :D
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
Things are about to get real lengthy, so...
@sabraeal, of course, is a dream come true, and is currently back at it with her long reviews, and BE STILL MY HEART. @superhappybubbleslove kicks ass every Saturday with her amazingness (and often is the only, or one of the only ones, to comment on a very particular thing that i really loved about a story or art, and i always fist pump whenever she does that hahaha)  @claudeng80 has given me some of my favorite comments, EVER, and I often have to take a day or more to process my emotions before I can actually respond coherently haha, I GET VERY EXCITED, OKAY. @hidetheremote is one of my most faithful and kind and generous commenters, I am always thrilled to receive them and she’s been showering me with encouragement since the beginning, so she has a VERY special place in my heart! I have a few commenters on my ot3 things that are incredibly kind, or people who have bookmarked/kudo’d almost all of them, and while I do not believe I know their tumblr handles, but I would sell my first born for you. :| special shout out to @vfordii and @stuffaeamade and @raediation who are always SO supportive of my obizenyuki feels hahaha! @youseimanami is a one woman cheer squad and AMAZING, so kind and so so sweet, and her comments always feel SO genuine, they just make my heart get all swelled up and fuzzy and warm, I love her! I know I’m forgetting people, but I LOVE YOU ALL, YOU ARE ALL MY FAVORITES D;
5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?
I cycle through over time. There are a lot of older, long fics in other fandoms that I occasionally go back to when I need a pick-me up lol. Currently, there is I KID YOU NOT a south park kenny/kyle fic that I’m in love with and have read 2-3 times in the last couple months since I first read it and I WILL PROBABLY INDULGE AGAIN, SOON. (gold digger, IT IS AMAZING, OKAY)
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
I actually never figured out how to subscribe! 8D I have 86 bookmarks, but it should be more. I went through a year long period I think where I never signed into ao3 lol.
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
MAGIC. In some form or another lol.
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? (you can view this on the stats page)
163 user subscriptions, and 2604 bookmarks. (some nights has 1912 bookmarks all on its own, okay, teen wolf is a v v large ocean of a fandom haha)
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
N O P E, i have no shame filter 8D .....ok, wait, the a/b/o one because it’s omega!obi and i’ve been a tad leery of the response i may receive for how very, uh, not your usual obiyuki dynamic in bed i want to make it. >_>
10. Is there anything you would like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
Hn, yes and yes and yes and yes. My big thing is: I want to learn how to finish lengthier things. I got into fandom to try and do that, and it’s my goal for this year, especially.
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
Rarepairs, I think! Even when I write popular ships I usually write them in the less popular fashion haha. But mostly, I just write whatever I want, which is often a myriad of different pairings!
12. How many stories have you posted on FFNet/AO3 to this day (finished and unfinished)?
13 stories on ffnet, and a few of those were also on my livejournal. I don’t have an exact number for livejournal, but it’s over 100. I’ve started moving some of those fics from my livejournal to ao3, now, so I’m up to 40. Only 23 of my ao3 stories aren’t also on livejournal  at this moment lol. And there are a couple of things on tumblr I haven’t moved onto ao3 yet.
13. How many stories do you have saved in/with your writing program?
I am unwilling to go down that dark and dangerous path. :|
14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?
I try and write down whatever jumps in my head, because I WILL forget things, otherwise. But I’ll spend days mulling over an idea, sometimes, before I am able to sit down and write it.
15. Have you ever co-authored a story?
Back in eljay days I wrote stories with other people on occasion. Sometimes it was just writing comment fic back and forth at each other. Or writing different scenes in the same universe that went together. Nothing big.
16. How did you discover FFNet/AO3?
I know I stumbled on ffnet myself, but I don’t remember for ao3. O: Pretty certain someone told me about it, but when I had livejournal I didn’t really use anything else.
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on FFNet/AO3?
Hm, I’ve never been a widely popular anything, though I was lucky enough to have some excellent fans on eljay, who would jump fandoms with me just because they wanted to read my stuff. And folk who were incredibly kind and generous with their praise no matter how many random things I churned out haha. I’ve always been thrilled if there’s just ONE person who enjoyed a story I put out! I’m pretty easy to please!
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
My darlings!
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
Anyone who writes is an inspiration to me. I see people putting up fic and publishing novels, and I go I WANT TO DO THAT, UGH. Because I’ve always been a writer, ever since I was teeny, and have never stopped wanting to do it. I’ve always been in love with words, and stories. (As I’m sure many others can relate: I used to get in trouble in elementary school because I would read as I walked, and it was EARLY elementary school, where you had to walk in lines with your class because they were afraid they were gonna lose you, and I could read while I walked because I would just follow whoever was in front of me to wherever we were going haha)
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
It’s 100% okay if you write something, and you’re really proud of it, and you go back later -- a week, a day, a month, two years, whatever -- and think: THIS IS THE WORST. That doesn’t ever really go away, because as creators we are constantly evolving and looking to improve, and often times something that is actually quite solid and gives many readers joy will be a thing that you facepalm over, later. Use that to keep writing, and try to remember that you are most definitely your own worst critic. At the end of the day, keep doing this thing because you love it. Your work IS worthy, even when you think it should be set on fire and scattered across the deepest ocean never to be seen again!
21. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?
A combo! Sometimes, especially for shorter things, I just get an idea, and sometimes I just think about it for a little while, and then I open a doc and I just go to town until it’s finished. Other times I start off by writing out the thoughts and building off of that, and sometimes I slip into actually writing it and then back to outlining. USUALLY I start writing a thing because I have a tiny spark of an idea, or a situation/concept I find interesting, and I have no idea where it’s going, and I just write to see what happens, and THEN I start plotting things out as I go, which can be one of the MOST frustrating ways to write a story. Anything big I’ve ever written (and I’ve written several drafts of several novels) starts out like this, where I have a random idea and I sit down and I write out whatever scenes crop up in my head, and then I start filling in the blanks, later. A lot of my longer fandom things also are like this. heading for a small disaster was me just sort of sitting around and thinking about an entirely different story, and then I had like, a half-formed idea for a single scene in my head, so I sat down and started writing chapter 1 to GET to that scene, coming up with stuff as I needed it, and by the time I hit the end of ch1 I was no where near my original idea, and had a bunch of other ideas, and THEN I started plotting things out.
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
I’m sure I have! Though I haven’t posted fandom anything for a long time, so I don’t really remember. One comment I do recall was not a BAD comment, it was a comment about a bad thing I had done in neglecting to tag something, and then I got all defensive because I was younger and even more stupid than I am now, and I was an asshole, which I regret. ):
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, smut, etc..)
Action! Also, stationary scenes with multiple people that DOESN’T have action! Okay, ANY scene that has more than one person is tricky, though two people at least helps in pacing because it’s easier to intersperse dialogue, but you add one more person into a scene and I’m laying my head on my desk and CRYING. Transition scenes are also my bane, I have the hardest time figuring out how to move from point a to b. Basically: EVERYTHING IS DIFFICULT. That’s half the fun of writing something, though.
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
Too many, but I’m trying to focus on finishing up some longer things this year. Of course, despite that having been my resolution before the year even began, I have somehow found myself with two new longer fics than WHEN THE YEAR STARTED, ugh. disaster, magic!cowboy au, lyrias center, unicorn au, soulmate tattoo au, a second part to we can make our own way, the full version of back alley complete with smut and EMOTIONS, fight club au, ot3 modern day neighbors au, and all the christmas prompts I haven’t done yet, and I have like, two more chapters of picture perfect planned out that I just haven’t written yet, I AM HAVING A DIFFICULT TIME THINNING THE HERD, I 100% come up with more ideas than ever get written, as I’m sure most writers do haha.
25. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
Nah, I almost never succeed at stuff like that, and I get pissy if I fail, so I’ve learned not to put myself into that position if I can, because it just hurts my writing. I just write when I want, or when I have time even if I don’t want.
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started?
Hopefully! Though posting old stuff to ao3 has made me aware that my vocabulary has actually suffered over time, and I’m hoping to fix that!
28. What is your favorite story(s) that you’ve written?
I don’t entirely love anything that I’ve written. There are aspects of many things that I love dearly, though none of it really wins out against another. I’ll say: three of my orig novels are probably closest to being no 1.
29. What is your least favorite story(s) that you’ve written?
There was this one HP fic I wrote when I was like, 14?? I don’t know, but apparently I was VERY ANGRY, and wrote some really messed up stuff, and I wouldn’t mind being able to bury that shit haha. But truthfully -- I probably grew a lot from it, as embarrassing as it is to me, now. ...okay, there was a LOT of HP fic wherein I was in my DARK AND ANGSTY years, that, whew! I’m glad I’m not that person anymore haha.
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
Still writing, hopefully. :3
31. What is the easiest thing about writing?
CRYING. Crying is very easy, and so is laying my head on my desk and despairing that I will ever figure out how to make things work.
32. What is the hardest thing about writing?
WORKING THROUGH THE TEARS. It is very easy to give up, and mope, much more difficult to grit your teeth and wrangle a story into submission.
33. Why do you write?
Because I love the power of words. It’s magic. A written story is essentially an illusion spell. You put the right words on the page in the correct order, and behold! An entire world, with living characters, is born within the mind of a reader. And a single, minute change to any one of those words may shift the whole thing. It’s a constantly evolving formula, and full of surprises, and if you are particularly lucky and diligent you might even be able to spin an entire tale that grips people, shakes them up and makes them believe in something impossible, something that YOU created, from nearly nothing. That kind of power is pretty damned addictive.
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maychorian · 7 years
Get to Know the Author
Tagged by @eastofthemoon. Thank you!
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?
“Maychoria” was the name of the main country in the fantasy novel I wrote when I was thirteen and fourteen. It means “happy land,” based on two words I found in a Greek dictionary we had in the house. So “Maychorian” basically means “inhabitant of the happy land.”
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (bookmarks/subscriptions/hits/kudos).
On AO3, A Split-Second of Violence still has the most views and kudos and bookmarks, over 46k hits and almost 2500 kudos and 762 bookmarks. The first and second Boom Crash stories combined beat it, though, and Sell Me Your Nightmares beats it for comment threads. Over all platforms, I’m pretty sure my most famous fic ever is still Entertaining Angels, a deaged Castiel fic I wrote at the cusp of Supernatural fandom, just as Castiel was starting to get popular. I  happened to write that story at the exact right time, in the mid-season break when everyone was hungry for more of the intriguing character we’d just been introduced to, and cute deaged angel boy trying to help Sam and Dean with their respective traumas was bound to be a hit no matter who wrote it. Plus I gave him pneumonia. It’s a thing I do.
3. What is your AO3 profile icon, and why did you choose it?
Same as my current tumblr icon. Cuz Lance has the best expressions and he’s the cutest and the best.
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
I do, and I love them and appreciate them so, so much. If you comment on a lot of my fics and/or chapters, you’d better believe I notice, and I love you, even if I don’t respond.
5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?
Basically anything in this tag: https://maychorianrecs.tumblr.com/tagged/personal-favorite.
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
Oh, golly. My work subscriptions at AO3 is currently at fifteen pages. A lot of those are completed or abandoned, though. No idea how many fics and authors I’m still subscribed to on ff.n, mostly in dead fandoms. I have 80 bookmarks on AO3 at the moment, but that is not an accurate representation of the fics I like and recommend others read. That would be @maychorianrecs, which currently has 681 posts and isn’t even complete even for the Voltron fandom, let alone the other fandoms I read now or have read in the past.
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
The Dream Seam ‘verse is definitely the one that owns the largest part of my brain right now, but I’m also looking forward to getting back to my DnD AU once I finish my current big projects. I tend to write more canon-divergence AUs than alternate realities, in most cases. I like exploring how things can differ across time if one small (or large) change is made in the setting we know and love. Like what if Castiel went back in time and ended up as Sam and Dean’s older brother? Love that one.
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? (you can view this on the stats page)
User Subscriptions: 617 Kudos: 27064 Comment Threads: 5019 Bookmarks: 5631 Subscriptions: 2713 Word Count: 1169905 Hits: 325489
That’s insane, and it’s only in the last three or four years, since I didn’t really start using AO3 until mid-2014. I have a lot more before that on ff.n and other sites.
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
If there’s something I want to write and share, I will find a way.
10. Is there anything you would like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
I wish I was better at action. It always takes me a lot time to sort of choreograph it in my head and then describe it in a way that makes sense. I also need to work on writing believable romance, since I want to eventually write more mainstream fiction, and it’s pretty normal for characters to have romances. I can’t just write everyone as being aro/ace or siblings, though I kind of want to. I wish I wasn’t such a procrastinator and had more energy to spare on responding to comments, because I really do love them and appreciate them.
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
Only if you count gen as a rarepair, which it kind of is. Otherwise, no ships for me, ever. I tried it. Didn’t much like it.
12. How many stories have you posted on AO3 to this day (finished and unfinished)?
70. Some of them are reposts. Eventually I need to get all of my fics over to AO3. It’s definitely the superior platform nowadays.
13. How many stories do you have saved in/with your writing program?
Unposted? Mm, more than five, less than a dozen. I tend to post things as soon as I’m halfway satisfied, because I crave that sweet, sweet feedback.
14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?
They’re mostly up in my head. If it changes by the time I start to write it, that’s fine. And if I forget an idea, a new one will come along sooner or later. I write in the now.
15. Have you ever co-authored a story?
Yes, a few times, most recently with ardett for Sewing Patches. It was a great experience.
16. How did you discover AO3?
Back when it was just getting started, I got an invite to the beta from an LJ friend. It wasn’t until years later that I got into sports anime fandom and decided I wanted to start using it, so I searched my email to find that years-old invite and used it.
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on AO3?
I’m well-known in the gen corner of my fandom, which is not the same thing as being a BNF in the fandom as a whole. I have no doubt that 99% of Klance fans have no idea who I am, and Klance basically IS the Voltron fandom, much to my annoyance. But I’m fine with the way things are. I interact with cool people all the time and get to show them awesome stuff and get nice feedback when I post fics, and that’s what I want.
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
Nah. That seems kind of pretentious and arrogant.
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
I’ve wanted to write since before I knew how to read, as far back as I can remember. As soon as I understand that those scribbles on a page meant something and told stories, I wanted to tell my own. Certainly in my teenage years I was very inspired by the fantasy and science fiction authors I adored, like Tolkien, Lewis, MacDonald, Orson Scott Card, Stephen King, Tamora Pierce, etc. I have been encouraged along the way by many, many fellow writers, as well. But as far as an instigating person at the very beginning, I can’t think of one. I just always knew that this was what I wanted to do with my life.
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
Just do it. Post it if you’re brave, keep it to yourself if you’re not. Make yourself happy first. Find one person who will read and enjoy your stuff, otherwise it will get stale writing only for yourself. But first and foremost, stoke the fire in your own belly until you have no choice but to use it, to let it fly from your fingers in words and paragraphs. Once you start, keep going, even when the fire burns low. Discipline is more important than inspiration in the long term, but inspiration is how you start.
21. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?
Mostly the latter. I’ve written from outlines in the past, and I sometimes do extensive freewriting before I start something to give myself some semblance of structure, but working from a strict outline isn’t really fun for me. I’d much rather  discover the story as I go. I subscribe to the Stephen King school of writing, the idea that a story is a boulder you dig up with a lot of hard work and exploring. Granted, that doesn’t always work perfectly, and it can lead to stories that are overlong and oddly structured or dissatisfying, but that’s a risk I’m willing to take in order to enjoy the process as much as possible.
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
Occasionally, mostly not on AO3. My feedback there is by and large very kind and enthusiastic. Every once in a while I’ll get a weird comment on ff.n complaining about some choice I made or chastising me for not doing what they wanted or expected with the story. Mostly I just laugh and let them go, though they used to bother me a lot. Once in a while they’ll make a solid point, and I’ll think about it, and maybe change the story a bit to satisfy the issue that’s bothering me, not for their satisfaction but for my own. That’s exceedingly rare, though. I think I’ve done it twice.
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, smut, etc..)
Action is hard, yes. Dialogue and emotional scenes come easily, so naturally that’s the bulk of my stuff.
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
My ongoing series and stories are all currently in posting. I have some ideas on the backburner that I haven’t started working on yet, but I’m not the kind of writer who finishes a project before posting, so there’s nothing going on that my readers don’t already know about.
25. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
Often as I’m finishing up a long project my mind will already be working on what’s next, yes. Not really planning so much as just daydreaming and working out scenarios in my head, but I do like that I never run out of things to do.
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
I try to write at least 750 words every day. Not always fiction, though, sometimes it’s freewriting or a diary entry. This post will probably be my writing for today. 
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started?
Indubitably, since for the very first story I wrote I asked my mom how to spell the word “fan.” I was five.
28. What is your favorite story that you’ve written?
Oof, that’s hard. In Voltron, probably Bury the Sun. I keep going back and re-reading that one. It just…hits my buttons. On purpose. I did that. In all of my fandoms ever, probably Coming Down on a Sunny Day. It came together in an extremely satisfying way, and I’m very proud of it, even though the last part never got very much feedback since the fandom had moved on by the time I wrote and posted it.
29. What is your least favorite story that you’ve written?
I started writing an original fantasy fiction called Cat by Night with the idea of posting it on Amazon and making money with it. But I started it out in very YA fashion with an incipient romance, and it just bored me to tears. I hated it. I couldn’t do it. Romance is not for me.
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
I would love to develop my original fiction and discipline myself enough to actually start publishing stuff on Amazon and eventually make enough money to live on, maybe with the help of Patreon. RIght now, though, fanfiction takes up all my creative energy, and I don’t know how I would justify making a living off that.
31. What is the easiest thing about writing?
Making characters cuddle.
32. What is the hardest thing about writing?
Getting characters to the point where the cuddling makes sense and feels in character.
33. Why do you write?
For the sake of the cuddles, mostly. Also because I can’t imagine not writing.
No tagging today because I’m exhausted, but feel free if you want to do this. 
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trojanjean · 7 years
questions for ao3 writers
tagged by @meimagino, thank you dsgsfa !! <3 <3 
Tagging: @kumikirin and @rayraywrites ! i don’t actually know a lot of ao3 writers SO PLEASE DO THIS AND TAG ME? <3 i’ve LOVED reading other people doing this tag and it’s so exciting to know more abt your stuff so please please if u use ao3 and wanna do this, please let me know! <3
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?
my username is seaworn. i didn’t want my ao3 username to be the same as my tumblr url because my tumblr url is pretty much always associated with a certain fandom and i didn’t want that because i had a feeling that i’m going to write something for different fandoms. seaworn is a word i came across in one of nightwish’s lyrics, “sea-worn driftwood”. i just thought that was nice, and everything sea-related is really close to my heart. 
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (bookmarks/subscriptions/hits/kudos)
fingers crossed my obsession with you is tameable has most hits, kudos and bookmarks, but my heart’s a stereo (it beats for you so listen close) has most subscriptions (because it’s an ongoing series).
3. What is your AO3 profile icon, and why did you choose it?
it’s a picture of some random boy who i think looks a lot like my favourite trainwreck boy harry and i wanted it lmao 
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
 i get really warm and giddy if someone i know comments something on my fics because it means the world to me that my friends read my shit asdgdfs. but i also get warm and giddy and excited when i get any kinds of comments!! <3 i appreciate every single comment i get and i sometimes cry when i get an email notification about a comment someone left me asfsg <3 i notice a few “regulars” that always comment of my stories when i publish something new and i LOVE them and it means the world to me that someone has subscribed to me/checks out my page to see whether i’ve published smth new. but i ALSO love people who just leave kudos bc seeing that someone has actually read my stuff? amazing. i love every single one of you so much. i go through my comments and my kudos/hits whenever i’m feeling down/insecure and they give me so much confidence and make me feel better about everything
5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?
oh yeah, i have plenty!! i mean, i have over 500 bookmarks and i go through them a lot to read many of my old favourites. i’m going to list a few i could remember without actually browsing through my bookmarks! :) they’re mostly drarry because i’m super into that again. also i really wanna scream about all of these but i’m just gonna link them and let them speak for themselves sdgdfsg 
Twingenuity by Caeseria. Viktuuri, explicit, 160k. summary: “Victor arrives in Hasetsu, completely unaware that Yuuri has an identical, overly affectionate, twin brother. The resulting temptation might actually kill him before he gets Yuuri to the GPF like he promised.”
Coffee, Cakes And Doorknob Snakes by Omi_Ohmy. drarry, explicit, 40k. summary: “Harry's house is trying to kill him, and only one person can help him: pity it's Draco Malfoy”
Eternally Consistent by kitsunealyc. drarry, explicit, 40k. summary: “Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter assumed they would never be anything but civil enemies, until Potter lands on Malfoy's doorstep, bleeding, covered in curses, and acting very strangely indeed.”
Reparations by Saras_Girl. drarry, explicit, 87k. summary: “Harry is about to discover that the steepest learning curve comes after Healer training, and that second chances can be found in unexpected places.”
Winter Song by proantagonist. viktuuri, explicit, 149k. summary: “The set of Yuuri’s mouth softened into a private smile as Victor squeezed his knee beneath the table. His hands were bare, free from the gloves he so often wore when they were together on the rink, and the heat of his palm burned straight through the denim of Yuuri’s jeans. He slipped his own hand beneath the table and found Victor’s. Hidden from sight, their fingers began to flirt and play. A secret conversation all their own that needed no words.
Yuuri was aware that at some point—a moment in time he couldn’t quite place—Victor had become his boyfriend.
There wasn’t a single instant when it happened. It was a slow awareness, as if Victor had silently been asking the question for months now, and Yuuri had been giving him the answer a little more with each passing day.”
i’d love to link everything i like but aSFASD!! just believe me when i say that with 500 bookmarks and having lots of writer friends in tumblr, i read a LOT of the same fics over and over and over again. the ones i mentioned just now are all longer stories i fell in love with because it took me days and maybe even weeks to read them and it’s like i’d found a whole new universe?? you can def ask me for fic recs because all i do is read fics but i found it really hard to just pick a few so i decided to pick just a few longer ones for this question!! but ask me for my favourite coffee shop aus? do it. favourit otayuri fics? ya please. fav modern au captive prince fics? you really should. 
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
i can’t see the number of my subscriptions anywhere? but i get maybe 3-10 email notifications every day about an updated work so i guess it’s a lot. i have a little over 500 bookmarks! :)) 
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
hmm, i maybe haven’t written enough to have, like, a special au i enjoy writing? but i DO think about coffee shop au’s and writing them a lot so i guess it’s that asfdsf. i just really really love coffee shops?? 
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? (you can view this on the stats page)
274 subscriptions and 704 bookmarks holy sHIT hey i love every single one of you?? 
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
i have a bunch of really, really sad and depressing headcanons i would love to write but i’m probably never gonna? like, lots of things about eating disorders and cutting and someone getting injured or cheated on, someone losing an important person or having to give up on their dreams, etc. lots of sad characters trying to be brave on their own and slowly fading away :’’)) i don’t want to write then because i haven’t come up with any good endings for those and i DON’T want to write stuff with no happy ending, so. i just really think i need to get out all kinds of crap rn and writing them would make me feel better but i think i’m too involved to actually write something worth reading? i fear that if i wrote smth i’ve headcanoned, it would end up being super immature and illogical. idk. my point it that i’m afraid to write really self-indulgent, depressing angst sadgsghdf 
10. Is there anything you would like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
i would love to be a little more consistent in writing. my concentration is bad and often i can’t get into the flow when i’m working on something. usually i add something to a wip every few days, then one day i write 1000 words and then continue editing sentences here and there, jumping from scene to scene, deleting smth and then adding 57 words. like...i often feel like i can’t get into the scene i’m writing and it feels like i’m watching it on the outside instead of being the writer? whenever i can focus properly i get solid, consistent, meaningful writing done, but honestly 80% of me doing anything is messing around and i have to do A LOT of damage control before everything is finished? 
this is related to what i just described but i’d also love to be able to write chronologically because i feel it makes the story and the journey more real when i’m actually working through what my characters are feeling/experiencing throughout the story? instead of writing an exciting plot thing A and an exciting plot thing number B and then later writing the boring parts inbetween. 
i have a lot of problems with plots in general - i feel it’s easier for me to write 2 k about, like, yuuri making tea in the morning, than writing 2k about someone walking to the store and buying milk. i’m better at describing moments and feelings than concrete plot points or someone dojng something? idk. 
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
popular ships. i mean, i might read rarepairs but i usually have one or two otp’s from each fandom i write about. i’d love to write about chrisabek one day though sgdfg. 
12. How many stories have you posted on AO3 to this day (finished and unfinished)?
18 ???? what how when has this happened?? .  13 of those are yoi and the rest either drarry or johnlock. 
13. How many stories do you have saved in/with your writing program?
18 published works and about....25-30 unfinished things? some over 10k words, some less than 500. also but i wrote A LOT of original shit when i was like 16-18 so if i count those in the number would be about 100 probably
14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?
i write them down potential ideas, but i have a lot of headcanons i don’t write down because i don’t think i have the ability to write them. but most of my ideas go to google docs/notes. 
15. Have you ever co-authored a story?
yeah, i actually have one wip going on with someone :) it’s unfinished but maybe we’ll finish it one day? it’s drarry and super sweet. 
16. How did you discover AO3?
i really can’t remember? i wish i could? but it probably in 2012 when i got into the sherlock fandom. 
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on AO3?
i don’t think so omg, but i’m really glad people read my stuff! but i’m definitely more known in the yoi fandom than the others i’m in bc my drarry/johnlock fics get like 5 comments, max, whereas i can get 20 comments to my yuri on ice stuff! :) it’s really nice that people read my stuff fhdh 
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
omfg no but everyone who reads my stuff is an actual Angel  
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
yeah, a lot! a lot of original fiction authors & a lot of fanfiction authors! whenever i read a good text i’m like “wow, this is awesome, i wish i could write this well” and that always gives me a huge boost. the support of my friends is really encouraging and inspiring, too. 
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
the “i will be a stronger writer after i finish this piece” is REALLY good advice, because...not everything you write will be the best you’ve done and you maybe feel like your writing has some flaws or something. but you know what? even if it’s not perfect, you’re a lot more experienced writer when you’ve done it. i do the “it’s gonna be shit anyway so i’m not gonna write it” thing quite often but then i have to remind myself that every single word i write gets me closer to being better, so i plunder through. and when i get finished with something, i usually think “well, this is not my strongest work but i’m glad i did it” and!!!! that’s really it!! i took part in otayuri reverse bang this spring and god i wanted to give up so so many times and i wrote lots of plots for it because i didn’t like ANYTHING i did. but i got through it, and while i think that the two stories i did for it are the worst i’ve written, it’s still 18 000 words more than i would have written if i hadn’t participated :) be your own biggest supporter & give yourself time to practise & be super proud and happy about what you’ve achieved so far!! <3 you wrote 10 words today? THAT’S 10 WORDS MORE THAN IT WAS BEFORE. you had a huge writer’s block so instead of writing you just wrote down some plot point you wanna write later? YOU PLANNED SOMETHING. you couldn’t even plan, you just opened your computer and gave up? YOU TRIED AND RESPECTED YOUR LIMITS TODAY AND THAT’S AMAZING. 
21. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?
i usually plan big plot points but figure everything else out as i go? planning in actually one of my weaknesses and instead of making a plan and sticking to it, i just wait for inspiration and get as much done as i can before it goes away, lol. 
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
not really :) everyone has been really sweet to me. 
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, smut, etc..)
action scenes are pretty hard? i think i’m better at writing dialogue and feelings than action or something dramatic happening. i’m working on it and i would love to get more edge to my writing! 
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
i’m finishing the last part of my heart’s a radio (it beats for you so listen close). the chapter is what i intended to write in the first place (yuri and otabek seeing each other at world’s and getting it on in a hotel room) but then i just....needed to have 14 000 words of stuff before it, apparently. 
i’m also working on a drarry fic that has been in my drafts for a long time. it’s about 8k and i think it’s going to be 10-13k, and that’s fine. it’s all about margaritas and blowjobs and being hungover, basically. it’s really fun to write lol.
and then i have this captive prince smut one shot that’s also like half-done. it’s really fluffy and sappy but still just smut. 
aaaaalso i’m trying to finish the next chapter for my viktuuri dog sitter au fic now my heart stumbles on things i don’t know ! i’ve been procrastinating because i don’t really have a plot for it planned yet. 
25. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
i have too many ideas in my head constantly and that makes it reaally hard to focus on finishing something before jumping onto something else. that’s why i have tons of wips and no finished works, lmao. 
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
not really. sometimes i try to push myself by setting goals, but in the end it really stresses me out because i’m usually away from home at least 9 hours every day and my work is really physical and tiring so asfsgas i really don’t have the strength to write every day. now my goal is to finish three fics before the year ends. they’re all oneshots that are maybe 80% done, so i should be able to do it. 
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started?
i hope so but i really don’t know?? 
28. What is your favorite story that you’ve written?
hmm. it’se been really fun writing i am to see to it that i do not lose you series because i’ve gotten a LOT of positive feedback along the way! and i’m not done with the series - i have a chrisviktuuri smut oneshot planned in this universe, happening at the same time when yuri’s figuring out how to date™. it was the first part of the series that made me think that maybe people actually enjoy my stuff & that encouraged me to write more!
I also really liked writing a oneshot i hust posted yesterday - listen how, under the breastbone, the rhythm changes . i wrote my first yuri on ice fic about a year ago and i just really wanted to return to that moment and write smth sweet about viktor and yuuri. the story has no plot or anything, but it felt REALLY good to write bc i sort of want and need a lot of soft things right now! 
also i’m having SO MUCH FUN with the drarry fic i haven’t posted yet, omg. 
29. What is your least favorite story that you’ve written?
hmm. probably cautiously peering, absorbing, translating hey eve stop with the pretentious fic names  because it was basically my first multichapter fic and i feel like it fell apart a little? i had to write it in less than a month bc it was part of otayuri reversebang. i felt like the idea was good and that it didn’t reach its full potential? i have very mixed feelings about this fic. i haven’t been able to read it even once after i published it bc i’m so afraid of what i’ll find lmao 
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
hopefully my english is a lot better then, at least! i hope that i’ve started writing original fiction, really :) 
31. What is the easiest thing about writing?
coming up with ideas!!! i don’t even use most of the ideas hat get in my head and i get lots of new ideas especially when i’m at work, out doing shopping, basically doing anything active??  but writing everything down, especially ideas you know will get 20-30k long once you start...damn. 
32. What is the hardest thing about writing?
managing long stories? i haven’t written very many longer (like, over 10k?) stories and dgsgsg it’s just hard to make the plot interesting with lots of interesting cliffhangers, sad parts, etc? it’s hard to balance everything. 
and yeah writing just in general is hard because it’s at least 80% writer’s block but having ideas flood your head and making it hard to focus on real life sfsg
33. Why do you write?
to express myself, i think? i still haven’t learn how to process my more uglier emotions through writing (it would be really helpful if i could) but i’m definitely writing about the kind of things i miss and would like to have for myself - someone being really happy, having lots of quiet mornings, being loved, maybe being a trainwreck but having something to cope through it, having a special connection with someone. idk. all kinds of things.
writing is fun and actually writing down the fics you’d want to read is super duper cool. i don’t get very much done in my life otherwise, so writing gives me the feeling of accomplishment i’m not getting anywhere else. 
i’m not very good at expressing myself so writing definitely helps with that, too. 
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frenchibi · 7 years
Author About Me
Tagged by @oisugasuga​, thank you so much :DD
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?
French (me) + Chibi (small, which I am) = frenchibi (yeah I’m unimaginative w/e)
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (bookmarks/subscriptions/hits/kudos)
It’s Fix Me, my first iwaoi fic, probably because it’s been up longest ^^ (But! Burning Heart is coming closer and closer :D)
3. What is your AO3 profile icon, and why did you choose it?
Bunch of waves bc I love the ocean lmao
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
I’ve pretty much become friends with my regular/favorite commenters (because my favorites are those who START CONVERSATIONS & DISCUSSIONS ABOUT MY IDEAS) so - you know who you are xD
5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?
I’ve got a rec tag :D
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
157 bookmarks (all of which I also recommend) and, uh. A LOT of subscriptions.
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
Domestic fluff, honestly. Although I’ve been trying to diversify.
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? (you can view this on the stats page)
171 user subs (730 in total), 2165 bookmarks :0 (and yet, my comments ratio is small ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
Haha nope I write whatever I want honestly, it’s my account? Where I share what I want to? ^^
10. Is there anything you would like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
Did you mean: Actually finishing a fic that’s more than one chapter
No, actually there are many genres I don’t think I’m very proficient at. I’m working on reading more and analysing more so I can try my hand at different things.
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
50% iwaoi, 30% other fandoms and rarepairs, 20% original writing :’D But I’m planning on increasing the latter two a lot. Yes.
12. How many stories have you posted on AO3 to this day (finished and unfinished)?
71! 64 for Haikyuu, one each for Harry Potter, Les Mis, Fantastic Beasts and Thor Ragnarök, and three original ones! :D (support me here! Comment, kudos, share! :D)
13. How many stories do you have saved in/with your writing program?
over 200 in several different programs :’D No chill whatsoever lol
14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?
Write them down - though recently I’m trying to write stuff while I feel it instead of jotting it down for later.
15. Have you ever co-authored a story?
I’ve done several collabs with @josai, and I’m planning some with @hajiiwa and @ricekrispyjoints! :D (and I had a bunch more planned with other people but they might be a while so ^^) Also i am always open to more collabs because I LOVE THEM!!! hmu!
16. How did you discover AO3?
Uhhh… through tumblr I think…? Like years ago, back when I was in the Spn fandom. I didn’t write for Spn though (at least nothing that I published), and I was active on ff.net before under a different name.
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on AO3?
I think I’ve peaked and now I’m just… slowly being forgotten ^^ But that’s fine. I used to be.. reasonably well-known I guess? I don’t know. In my corner of the fandom, at least. Nowadays less and less people read and comment on my fics and original works, but I guess that’s how it goes sometimes. I’m happier now though, because I really like what I’m writing.
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
HAH no I’m not nearly popular enough for that.
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
I had friends who wrote and inspired me all through school, but the author who always inspired me was J.K. Rowling because her books taught me to dream. HP was the first English book I read (and I learned to read German first, at school, while my mom taught me English at home) and I’ll never forget how empowering it felt, both because I read it myself and because of its contents. These days there are A BUNCH of authors I love, like Patrick Ness, Alice Munro, Michael Cunningham, Khaled Hosseini and many more!
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
Don’t try to please anyone other than yourself. Don’t be afraid to just… experiment, and if you don’t like what you’ve created, START OVER! Practice will make you better. Also, there is no “right way” to write, and there is no “wrong way”. Everyone finds their own, and it’s easiest to do that by trying out many different forms. I’d suggest writing exercises like taking a pen and not letting yourself stop writing for 5 minutes, no matter WHAT. Alternatively, make mind maps or plans or lists of stuff you want to talk about, and try out different styles? Take a topic and write a poem, an essay, a newspaper article, a horror story, a romance - whatever. See where your mind takes you. Writing has infinite opportunities.
What I also enjoy, as an artsy sort of person, is combining writing with other things I like to do. Like painting words into pictures I’ve drawn or sketched, or trying my hand at writing song lyrics. You’ll find something you can call your preferred medium - fanfic isn’t all there is, but it’s a great place to start and to hone your skills! :D
21. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?
Both, it depends on the story.
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
Nope, not really? I’ve been disappointed, but the “worst” thing that’s happened were misunderstandings that I was able to clear up easily. In the end a comment (either way) is someone’s opinion, and I don’t have to agree with it. I’m always happy that people share theirs - but I don’t take disagreements personally.
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, smut, etc..)
Only ones i haven’t practiced enough tbh.
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
Like 50 at the same time. I want to do a giveaway soon tbh, if I reach 600 followers :D Until then I’m just. Writing what I feel like.
25. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
I’m always working on at least 3 at the same time lol
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
I did start the year with a goal to post one fic every week, and I managed all the way through June, but then my depression got worse and I needed that pressure gone. Now I just write when I feel like it and honestly I feel much better for it.
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started?
Oh, CERTAINLY. I’ve been writing for near 15 years now xD And I started writing in German. I’ve come a long way since then - and a lot of it is because I read a lot.
28. What is your favorite story that you’ve written?
Idk, I’m very proud of my original works.
29. What is your least favorite story that you’ve written?
…there are old ones (on old accounts, and unpublished) that are cringey but I let them be because they helped me grow ^^
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
Hopefully less active in fanfiction and publishing short stories? Idk. I mean, I still care about fandom so I probably will never completely abandon it but, well. (I also want to focus more on work - translating - because I have goals that I want to accomplish.)
31. What is the easiest thing about writing?
When you feel what you’re writing. It’s… realest, then, I think, and it flows for me.
32. What is the hardest thing about writing?
Finishing long projects. rip, my attention span is so tiny
33. Why do you write?
Because I have things to say that I think are worth sharing.
Ahhh thank you so much for this tag, it was really interesting!! I’m tagging @hajiiwa, @marleeb, @astersandstuffs,  @cheetahleopard, @ricekrispyjoints, @arturosavinni, @lalikaa, @josai, @ailarii and @anyadisee!
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