#i have entertained tons of prompts! :>>
maxwellatoms · 10 months
Do you think the new division of Cartoon Network Studios will end up exploiting and abusing AI to make new cartoons of their old properties?
I wouldn't put it past any studio to do this.
We're at the end of The Animation Industry As We Know It, so studios are going to do anything and everything they can to stay alive.
The way I see it is:
AI "art" isn't actually art. Art is created by humans to express ideas and emotions. Writing prompts allows a computer to interpret human ideas and emotions by taking other examples of those things and recombining them.
Just because something isn't art doesn't mean that humans can't understand it or find it beautiful. We passed a really fun prompt generation milestone about a year ago where everything looked like it was made by a Dadaist or someone on heavy psychedelics. Now we're at the Uncanny Valley stage. Soon, you won't be able to tell the difference.
It's not just drawings and paintings that are effected, but writing and film. It's every part of the entertainment industry. And the genie is out of the bottle. I've seen people saying that prompt-based image generators have "democratized" art. And I see where they're coming from. In ten years, I can easily see a future where anyone can sit down at their desk, have a short conversation with their computer, and have a ready-to-watch, custom movie with flawless special effects, passable story, and a solid three act structure. You want to replace Harrison Ford in Star Wars with your little brother and have Chewbacca make only fart sounds, and then they fly to Narnia and fistfight Batman? Done.
But, sadly, long before we reach that ten year mark, the bots will get hold of this stuff and absolutely lay waste to existing art industries. Sure, as a prompter I guess you can be proud of the hours or days you put into crafting your prompts, but you know what's better than a human at crafting prompts? Bots. Imagine bots cranking out hundreds of thousands of full-length feature films per minute. The noise level will squash almost any organic artist or AI prompter out of existence.
AI images trivialize real art. The whole point of a studio is to provide the money, labor, and space to create these big, complicated art projects. But if there are no big, complicated art projects, no creatives leading the charge, and no employees to pay... what the fuck do we need studios for? We won't, but their sheer wealth and power will leave them forcing themselves on us for the rest of our lives.
The near future will see studios clamp down on the tech in order to keep it in their own hands. Disney does tons of proprietary tech stuff, so I'm sure they're ahead of the game. Other studios will continue to seek mergers until they can merge with a content distribution platform. I've heard rumors of Comcast wanting to buy out either WB or Nick. That's the sort of thing I'm talking about. The only winners of this game will be the two or three super-huge distribution platforms who can filter out enough of the spam (which they themselves are likely perpetuating) to provide a reasonable entertainment experience.
400,000 channels and nothing's on.
I do think that money will eventually make the "you can't copyright AI stuff" thing go away. There's also the attrition of "Oh, whoops! We accidentally put an AI actor in there and no one noticed for five years, so now it's cool."
One way or another, it's gonna be a wild ride. As the canary in the coal mine, I hope we can all get some UBI before I'm forced to move into the sewers and go full C.H.U.D.
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bosbas · 10 months
Chapter 6: you had to kill me, but it killed you just the same
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pairing: benedict bridgerton x best friend!fem!reader WC: 4.0k words
Warnings: period-typical gender roles, idiots in love being idiots in love, angst, miscommunication (ish), lots of feelings in this one, benedict actually being the biggest idiot known to man, slow burn continues to slowly burn
Summary: You and Benedict have been best friends since childhood, but things change dramatically once you come out in society. You’re struggling to find someone you’re as compatible with and who knows you as well as Benedict, all while trying to quell your ever-growing feelings for him. Shenanigans ensue.
A/N: kind of a Benedict heavy chapter oops
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May 29, 1814 - The Featherington Ball two nights prior proved quite the romantic affair, prompting not one, not two, but three proposals in its aftermath. The inquisitive minds among you may inquire, 'To whom were these proposals directed?' But the more important question, dearest reader, is of the identity of the proposer. The answer is quite simple: it was Mr Nigel Berbrooke on all three occasions. And so, the members of the ton may be unsurprised to find that Mr Berbrooke was met with three swift rejections. One hopes that Mr Berbrooke will have a shift in fortune at the Smythe-Smith musicale tomorrow night. 
Among other news, our esteemed diamond has fled the spotlight. Miss Y/N Beaumont has not been spotted in the ton since the night of the Featherington ball. While Mr. Alexander Beaumont, her brother, cited an awful headache as the reason for her early departure from the ball, this author wonders whether Miss Beaumont was simply through with the social scene. One could certainly not blame her if Nigel Berbrooke is the only man of the ton who has taken romantic action this season. Hopefully, the Smythe-Smith abode will provide a better stage for young love, and if not, then at least the musicale will undoubtedly prove very entertaining. 
As Francesca finished her dramatic reading of the Whistledown column, she was met with resounding laughter from her siblings. Although Nigel Berbrooke's lackluster success in his romantic pursuits was amusing in itself, Lady Whistledown's sharp wit and Francesca's theatrical flare only added to the absurdity of his situation. 
Even Benedict, who was in a disagreeable mood because he hadn't spoken to you since the ball, couldn't help but chuckle. Eloise, breathless from laughter, extended her heartfelt condolences to the three unfortunate ladies who had fallen victim to the decidedly disagreeable Mr. Berbrooke. 
"Three proposals in two days, all met with rejection? Positively ghastly," remarked Anthony, shaking his head in amusement. 
Hyacinth was quick with a playful dig at her older brother. "Bold of you to assume you would be more successful than him, brother," came her retort, met with more giggles from her sisters and a feigned gasp of offense from Anthony.
"I assure you I absolutely would, dear Hyacinth. To start, I would refrain from pursuing three women at once. But you can rest peacefully knowing that whenever I choose to propose, my future wife will say yes in an instant," he drawled, a playful arrogance underscoring his words.
"I'd certainly like to see you try," Ben spoke, a slight edge to his voice. "Proposing to someone, I mean." Anthony turned to face his brother on the couch and raised his eyebrows, unimpressed. 
He retorted with an equally cutting edge to his voice, "In reality, Benedict, it seems that you are in a better position to propose than I am, don't you think?"
As the thick tension in the room became palpable, Francesca, Eloise, and Hyacinth held their breath in anxious anticipation. Though neither brother displayed outward aggression, their words carried an unmistakable undercurrent of intensity.
Benedict's breathing grew heavier, his eyes narrowing. Keeping his temper in check, he shot back sarcastically, "And what, pray tell, gives you that impression, dear brother?" Silent ripples of anger emanated from him, and the Bridgerton sisters felt a rising unease as the dispute seemed on the verge of eruption.
Sharp and deadly, Anthony's voice cut through the charged silence of the sitting room, "The fact that you already have someone to propose to, perhaps."
Anthony had barely finished speaking when Benedict rose abruptly, hands formed into tight fists at his sides. With a murderous look on his face, he ground out, "Actually, I don't believe I do." 
Seeing Anthony open his mouth to respond, Ben cut in quickly, pure poison dripping from his voice, "You are mistaken, Anthony. I have absolutely no one to propose to. There is simply nothing there. Nothing that a marriage can be built on, at least. I am aware that Y/N is looking for a husband, but it will most certainly not be me."
Hyacinth let out a quiet gasp of disbelief, quickly covering her mouth. Benedict swiftly stormed out of the room, leaving his siblings in dumbfounded silence. After a brief pause, Anthony shook his head, cursing under his breath and running after Benedict.
Benedict could barely feel his legs, white-hot anger flooding through him as he made his way to his bedroom. Typically, in such intense moments, he sought solace outdoors or channeled his frustrations into his art. But he had spent too many afternoons watching your nose scrunch as you laughed on the swings with him in the garden, and the walls of his studio were entirely filled with endless incomplete sketches of you, so he found the prospect rather unbearable at the moment. 
But he felt Anthony's firm hand on his shoulder before he could reach the staircase. Rolling his eyes and turning around, Ben spat a callous, "What?"
"Benedict, you are being ridiculous," came Anthony's response, in a tone of voice that was not unkind. "I cannot pretend to understand the inner workings of your friendship with Y/N, but I do know that you are inadvertently distracting her from finding a husband."
Entirely disarmed by his brother's change in tone, Benedict let out a long breath, defeated. He ran his hands through his hair, clearly frustrated by his impossible situation.
"Perhaps the kindest thing to do would be to let her go," pressed Anthony carefully, aware of the sensitivity of the topic. "I doubt she is aware of it herself, but the girl clearly has some sort of feelings for you, and you are only leading her on, so to speak."
Benedict could only nod, anxiously chewing at his lower lip. He knew his actions at the Featherington ball were not helping in your search for a husband, but it hurt just as much to stay away. Either way, Ben was desperate to speak with you. He knew he had to give you space, but it had been two days of complete silence from both of you, and he was itching to apologize properly.
As you waited outside of the Bridgerton residence, you shifted on your feet. Usually, you were happy to walk in unannounced, the closeness between your family and the Bridgertons removing the need for formalities. But you were nervous to see Ben. You hadn't seen him in a few days, let alone spoken to him, and you really would rather not have the conversation you were about to have with him. Cass suggested sending him a letter, but you couldn't imagine him opening it alone, reading that you wanted distance from him. It was much better to do this in person, and hopefully, he would understand your situation. He would have to, as the Smythe-Smith musicale was tonight, and both of you would be in attendance. 
Steeling yourself, you opened the front door and walked in, greeting the butler with a smile and a short wave, as you usually did. You practically skipped to the back door, eager to see Benedict despite dreading the difficult conversation ahead. You found him on the swings, staring off into the vast expanse of the Bridgerton garden. As you reached him, you tapped his shoulder three times and uttered a soft "Hi, Ben."
Immediately turning toward you, his face lit up in joy, and he stood up to hug you tight, spinning you around. "Well, hello! It's been far too long. How have you been?" 
As you both settled into the swings, you cleared your throat uncomfortably. "I've been alright. How about you?" 
"I've been alright. Anthony has been as irritating as ever, but unfortunately, there's no cure for that at the minute," he answered, earning a soft laugh from you. 
But your face dropped quickly, and you found yourself anxiously chewing your lip and staring into his perceptive eyes. Wordlessly, he asked you what was wrong with a slight tilt of his head and furrow of his brow. 
You cleared your throat again and spoke, "I apologize for running off the other night. I feel like I should explain myself. I've had some time to think in the past few days, and I do realize that I overreacted a bit, and for that, I am sorry." 
He reached over to grab your hand, rubbing his thumb in a comforting manner. Although it pained you, and you wanted nothing more than to lean into his touch, you carefully took your hand out of his grasp and set it in your own lap. A look of hurt flashed briefly across his eyes, and you felt your throat tighten and your stomach ache. But you had to continue. You had to get it all out now while you still had momentum.
"I just-" you paused. "Um, it might... benefit me... if we took some time apart," you said. You knew Benedict was trying to hide how crestfallen he truly was, but you knew him too well to be oblivious to his pain. 
You quickly jumped into your loosely prepared speech, "I don't mean away completely! And I don't mean forever, of course. I just think I could benefit from us... not acting how we usually do while I am trying to attract suitors."
He let your words hang in the air, fully processing what you were saying. "Of course, whatever you need. I'm sorry if I was distracting you from-"
"No!" you cut in. "Not at all! I think I was more distracting myself. This is not your fault in the least, Ben, and I'm sorry it's affecting you."
With a small smile, he shook his head, "It's quite alright, darling. I understand completely."
Except you really didn't think he understood. At all. 
"Maybe... maybe we could refrain from dancing at future balls? And perhaps it is not the best idea for you to call me darling. Or kiss me on the forehead. And I know I get anxious sometimes, and you really do help me when you hold my hand, but maybe we could refrain from that as well? And I still want to see you loads, obviously, but maybe I won't ignore any potential suitors who come calling in the mornings in favor of coming to see you here."
Benedict was staring at you dumbly. Hearing you say, out loud, everything that needed to change, it was astounding to him how close of a friendship the two of you had. But he understood. Oh, did he understand. And he would do anything for you, even if anything involved giving up ballroom dances, because, let's be honest, who else would he dance with if not you. He realized you were staring at him expectantly, and he nodded quickly.
"Yes, yes, of course, dar-" He cringed internally. Perhaps this would be more challenging than expected. "Yes, of course, Y/N," he finished. 
You smiled back gratefully, responding, "Well, that's settled then."
Benedict's earlier confidence in his ability to refrain from touching you was proving to be completely misguided. He had been at the musicale for barely an hour before he felt himself nearly vibrating with the need to be close to you. He had watched as you talked with suitor after suitor, patiently waiting for you to come over when you had a spare moment. But the spare moment never came. You were utterly enthralled in your conversations, not even sparing him a glance. The only time you had spoken to him was a small "Hello!" in passing as you walked across the ballroom holding Lord Egerton's forearm. At least you were not ignoring him purposefully, but he was still moping dejectedly about the ballroom, unable to join in the lively banter his siblings and yours always provided.
His night had not improved much by the time the musicale was over. His mother had pleaded with him to dance with Penelope Featherington, and he had begrudgingly complied. Of course, he usually enjoyed the girl's company, but tonight, he would have preferred to sulk in a corner of the ballroom by himself. Ben had also gone to the terrace with Colin and Alex but quickly opted to go back inside and torture himself by keeping an eye on you. The whole time he observed you, he could feel an unpleasant feeling deep in his stomach that traveled up his torso until it settled uncomfortably in his chest. It was an exercise in masochism, watching you flirt and smile and even giggle with other men. But Ben knew he could do nothing about it, aside from stewing in his own despair, of course. You had explicitly asked him for a chance to properly be courted without his interference, and it would be cruel to disallow you that. 
While Benedict had a relatively uneventful but painful evening, you barely had a moment to yourself. Gentleman after gentleman, followed by mama after mama, came to ask you to dance or talk to you. You smiled through it all, of course, but as the night wore on, you became more and more irritable, finding that you simply wanted to go and chat to Benedict for a few minutes, to take a break from social niceties and have a laugh or two with him, at least. But you needed to stay focused, or your talk with Ben would have been for nothing.
After hours of listening to the grueling sounds of the Smythe-Smiths playing various instruments, you rejoiced when your mother interrupted your conversation with some earl or viscount and his mother. Their names escaped you, but at this point in the night, you were proud of yourself for even giving them more than one-word answers. Politely excusing yourself from the pair, you smiled gratefully at your mother, who only laughed good-naturedly at your distress. 
"I didn't see you talking to Ben much tonight. Is everything alright with the two of you?" 
You looked at your mother, cringing. "That obvious, was it?"
She gave you a questioning look and smiled, answering, "Given that the two of you usually are attached at the hip at every event you attend, yes, it was quite obvious."
You rolled your eyes at her, hiding how truly upset you were that you and Ben had taken some time apart. "We were not that attached! Besides, it's only one ball where I was more focused on finding a husband than my best friend. You should be happy!"
It had not, in fact, been only one ball. You had now gone five consecutive balls without dancing with Benedict. Opportunities to talk with you at these events were scarce, and he was lucky if he managed to secure a mere five minutes alone. Colin had noticed him looking dejected and morose at every social event, not that Ben was trying particularly hard to hide it, and asked about you. Benedict's response to his brother's concern was curt and evasive, a gruff "everything is fine." 
Despite the distance, Ben found solace in your afternoons together after you had finished seeing callers. The moment you saw him, you would relax and launch into a lengthy explanation of the latest exciting information you had acquired from the vast library in the Beaumont home since none of the "so-called gentlemen" bothered to listen to you, as you put it. 
He did enjoy your ramblings and appreciated the opportunity to ramble himself, launching into detailed studies of his favorite artists of the time. However, he was finding himself less able to put on a happy front when he barely talked to you for days at a time. At this point, he was not even harboring any negative feelings toward any of your suitors; he just missed you. His days felt empty and long, not having been apart from you for this long since before you could speak, probably. His family had noticed, and he was growing sick of their soft voices and careful treatment of him. He just wanted you back. He wanted to feel your head on his lap again and spend hours by your side in his art studio, painting on a canvas as you sat near him and read. Most of all, he missed the comfortable intimacy that came with your friendship, the quiet understanding that had been feeling out of sorts since you asked him for some space. 
So, when you had bounded into the Bridgerton home this afternoon, carrying a new book in tow, he knew he couldn't go on the way the two of you were right now. You immediately noticed Benedict's tense mood, even more so than usual, and did not relent until he spoke to you about what was bothering him. You had a feeling you knew what he was going to say, having also felt his absence to the point of distraction, and had prepared to have a talk with Ben whenever he was ready. You would usually give in to anything he asked of you, having little to no self-control when it came to Benedict Bridgerton, but you knew you had to be strong today. 
Seeing his bloodshot eyes, you placed a comforting hand on Ben's shoulder, breaking one of your rules but not finding it in you to care. He put his hand over yours, instantly feeling better than he had in over a week.
"It's just hard, isn't it? Have you felt it, too?" he looked at you, feeling a tad vulnerable.
You looked away, unable to meet his eyes for fear that you would start crying. You took a breath before answering, steeling yourself. "I have. It is proving to be quite difficult. But I need to find a husband, Ben," you said, your voice firm. "So, unless you're willing to marry me, it does have to be like this," you tried to make a lighthearted comment, but the crack in your voice gave you away too easily. 
Your words left him speechless, and if he was completely candid, he could have cried right then and there. Benedict understood what you were saying. What you were implying, rather. And he shook his head, voice soft, "I can't do that, Y/N. I'm so sorry."
Of course, you had expected this answer, but it didn't make it any less difficult to know that Ben was still opposed to the idea of marrying you after having experienced the last week or so. So you nodded, finally looking at him, a sad smile gracing your lips. 
"I guess that's our answer, then," you spoke. 
Your words were a complete blow to his chest. He felt like he was going to be sick. Because, of course, this didn't only mean that the two of you would not be married, something Benedict already knew. This meant that your friendship could truly never be the same. The search for a husband you didn't even want was simply an insurmountable obstacle. 
At least for today, he could still pretend things were normal. Your hand was still enclosed in his, and for a moment, he could forget all that had transpired and just enjoy the feel of your skin against his and the promise of an afternoon full of your entertaining and lighthearted literary commentary. 
Violet was at her wit's end. She could recognize that her son was being a complete idiot, said with affection, of course. However, Violet would not stand for you, Benedict's best friend, her own best friend's daughter, looking absolutely heartbroken night after night, talking to men who would never understand you in the way that Ben did, and who did not even want to try. She knocked on his studio door and, upon entering, let out a deep sigh at the sheer volume of sketches of your face, your hands, your eyes, and just you in general that adorned her son's art studio. 
The dowager viscountess cleared her throat with an air of authority, ready to give Benedict some much-needed tough love. Once she had made herself comfortable, sitting on the couch facing Ben, Violet clasped her hands in front of her. She could tell Ben was already dreading what she was going to say.
"Benedict, my sweet. You know, when I married your father, I was over the moon to be marrying someone I was not only in love with but also someone I could call my dear friend. In my experience, friendship as the foundation of a marriage creates the best kind of partnership."
Ignoring Benedict's increasingly tense energy, she continued, "I know you have an extraordinary friendship with Y/N. Everyone knows, actually. One can very clearly see that the two of you care for one another, and a friendship as special as that is not easy to come by." 
Seeing her son open his mouth to interject, Violet silenced him with a stern look, not in the mood to be interrupted. "I fear that if you do not take advantage of this wonderful gift you have been given, your best friend will end up married to another man, and your friendship will be lucky to survive."
Benedict had had quite enough already. Anthony, then you, his mother, and even Hyacinth and Colin were all telling him the same thing, clearly not understanding that he simply did. Not. Want. To. Marry. You. 
He was through feeling wounded; his hurt had transformed into full-blown anger. Being mindful to keep his voice in check, he spoke with as loud of a voice as was appropriate, desperate for anyone to actually listen to what he was saying. 
"Mother, I appreciate your concern. But as I have told Anthony, Y/N, Hyacinth, and Colin, I do not wish to marry Y/N. I did not want to marry her two months ago, before her debut, and I do not want to marry her now. I am sick of everyone telling me what I want or what they think I should do. I know that I do not want her, and that will be the end of the discussion, thank you very much."
Benedict barely processed his mother's sympathetic look in response to his declaration, ignoring the hand he felt on his shoulder. Disappointed and a bit sad for your future, Violet walked out of his studio, knowing Ben wouldn't continue the conversation further. 
Of course, what Benedict had told his mother was a lie. A lie so often repeated in his head he had been inclined to believe it for the better part of the last decade of your friendship. But deep down, Benedict knew it wasn't the truth. 
The truth was that marriage was your worst nightmare. He was all too familiar with your grievances toward the institution, having heard you talk about your distaste for having to find a husband since childhood. Ben had spent years by your side, listening to you express your aversion to marriage over and over again. You were convinced you would be miserable after being wed, endlessly searching for something more: a freedom you thought you could never achieve once you were married. 
And so, he could not marry you. It was selfish, to be sure, but he did not want your distaste and displeasure with marriage directed at him. He would give you anything else, but not this. In Benedict's opinion, if he married you, you would grow to dislike him, feeling trapped within the confines of your relationship. 
Throughout your shared childhood, Ben watched you grow into an incredibly smart woman, and your growth inevitably brought about a growing hostility toward your future as a wife. He was intimately familiar with the fear that brought about this hostility, and he couldn't bring himself to be the person who made these fears come true.
Benedict knew that the two of you could learn to love each other if you were married. This was, of course, assuming that he wasn't already in love with you, which he could not bear to think about properly. He just didn't think he could survive it. Having a front-row seat to the unhappiness you would feel after being married and watching you fall out of love with him because of it. He simply couldn't be the cause of that. He cared about you too much to take that risk. So he chose to stay away instead, even if it meant the end of years of close friendship and love and intimacy. 
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Tag List (lmk if you want to be added!): @bellahadidnt16
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cera-writes · 3 months
Alright, since you wanna write about Kurt, how about this one?
Kurt Wagner x reader moving in together? I don't really care if it's in the mansion or an apartement, just domestic stuff.
If you want to, you maybe can include some of those dialogue prompts I can't stop thinking about that would fit this scenario?
"I just can't sleep and do... well other stuff, if it keeps staring at me while I'm in bed." "If you're going to drop anything today, take those boxes over there. I've never liked those plates anyway."
"By the way, I bought you your own controller. Now that we live together I need you in my team."
Like I said, you don't have to use any of them and if you use them, you can definetely change them, but I just thought that maybe they'd help if you had struggles coming up with ideas?
Love your work, you're doing amazing!!
Moving Buddies
A/N: Thank you so much!! Sorry this took a while to get written! I've had tons of requests. This was a cute prompt! Pairing: Kurt Wagner x gn!Reader Tags: fluff, domestic fluff, cohabitation
Cardboard castles and the faint scent of pizza filled the air. You and Kurt were finally tackling the monumental task of merging your belongings into a shared space of your cozy Brooklyn apartment. Boxes threatened to topple over like dominoes and you were slowly descending into madness at the thought of finally getting all your stuff sorted.
Exhaustion hung heavy in your shoulders. You plopped down on a precariously perched armchair, its floral pattern clashing hilariously with the sleek entertainment center Kurt had insisted on bringing.
"I just can't sleep and do... well other stuff," you sighed, gesturing at a particularly creepy porcelain doll staring accusingly from a half-unpacked box, "if it keeps staring at me while I'm in bed."
Kurt materialized beside you with a soft poof of brimstone, a mischievous glint in his yellow eyes. "Perhaps a strategic teleport to the deepest corner of the attic is in order, ja?"
You swatted him playfully. "Spoilsport. Fine, new home, new nightmares. But at least I get to share them with you."
A comfortable silence settled between you, punctuated by the rhythmic thump of bass from a stray box. Kurt's tail swished thoughtfully, knocking over a precariously balanced stack of plates.
"If you're going to drop anything today," you drawled, mock-serious, "take those boxes over there. I've never liked those plates anyway."
Kurt chuckled, a deep rumble in his chest. "Ah, the classic 'accidentally on purpose' discard method. Very subtle, mein liebchen." He winked, then with a flourish, the offending plates vanished in a puff of smoke.
"Speaking of accidents," you said, a devious glint in your eye, "I bought you your own controller. Now that we live together, I need you in my team for every video game showdown."
Kurt's grin widened. "Challenge accepted, liebling. But be warned, I have honed my skills on many a long night with Remy. You may find yourself facing a most formidable opponent."
The rest of the unpacking faded into the background. Boxes became fortresses, bubble wrap turned into packing peanuts for epic pillow fights, and the air crackled with playful competition and the thrill of building a new life together. Sure, there might be creepy dolls and furniture placement issues, but with Kurt by your side, even the chaos felt like the most exciting adventure.
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sunlit-mess · 1 month
I found your art on Pinterest a lot and GOSHDOESYOURARTSTYLEBRINGMESOMUCHHAPPYNESS I could never find you until I found your ms AU that someone posted with full credits and a link and though I know I was supposed to be watching my siblings I was sitting here scrolling through your page-
I hadn't even realized I was crying until my seven y/o brother asked why I was crying and my hands are still shaky but I'm super happy that AU hit me in every way possible and I loved it so much. I haven't been this speechless for and art style or comic since Enano sksjnfkdnfkd<3333
Anyway the actual question. What made you think of the au? And any tips for making au's/comics?
Yo! 🫠🖤🤍 When I was making the AU, I was DRUNK. So thank God, I wrote info in those drawings HAHA
I mostly watch cooking shows/series/celebrities/etc. while also fond of cooking as a hobby. And considering how RESTAURANT operations don't stray far from HOTELS, I figured- why not a restaurant AU? While keeping the main show's twists and turns~ Then I looked upon the fandom if anyone had ever made a similar concept, didn't see those points, and took the chance! Ideas just bloomed there and since canon characters already have their own stories/characteristics- all I had to do was explore them, and see what I could correlate and alter while building the plot itself. And TONS of research regarding information I need for the AU...
The simplest prompts or ideas can turn into short to long stories, such as what I draw as comics, with or without scripts! ::)
Making an AU/Comics is for entertainment, it always has a STORY TO TELL. And the more you write and draw, the more ideas will keep coming and connecting. Whether they're big concepts or not, it's for fun!
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rendy-a · 6 months
amh if possible could hoy make hdcns for the dorm leaders ( separately ) reacting to their mc fem explaining the marvel universe and then puts them to watch the movies hehe ( ..also mc's fav hero is dead-pool ;) bc it gives me laugh imagine their reactions about this xd) , thanks in advance and take care<33
This certainly ended up being a little bit of a crack fic but it ended up amusing. Hope you enjoy it.
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At first, he scoffs as such a time-wasting thing as wanting to watch dozens of movies.  Where is the educational value in this?
He is just too polite to refuse to listen, so he’ll end up letting you describe all your favorite scenes to him.
You are better off if he doesn’t take an interest because, if he does, he is going to turn into the worst sort of comic book geek.  Be ready to have him quote lore from issues of source material at you during any discussion on this from now on.
What do you mean who would win?  In Volume 3 #3, Thor clearly defeated Iron Man.  Don’t get upset Prefect, I don’t write the lore, I just recite it.
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Doesn’t appear to be interested but, if you pause long enough, he’ll prompt you to go on.  It’s important to you, so he’ll try to care at least a little.
You’d never tell him this, but you love to banter with him because it reminds you of your favorite character.  Sometimes you wonder if he’d be pleased or offended to know who you remind him of.
Movie marathons?  Not only is he willing to do them with you, but he is also often the one who suggests them.  Don’t be deceived though, it’s not for the movie but for the quality nap time on the couch with you. 
Don’t turn that off, Herbivore, I’m watching it.  What do you mean I don’t know what’s going on?  This is the part where we learn her mom isn’t dead after all.  So quiet down and keep the lights off.
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Please, he is in Board Game Club with Idia. You think this is the first time he has hmmm’d himself through a conversation about fictional characters?
Wait, you say that this makes a ton of money?  Tell him more about this merchandising and licensing.  Especially that, what do you call it…ah, Happy Meal.
You can eventually talk him into watching the movies with you for ‘research purposes.’  When you do, you can’t help but notice how teary-eyed he gets at the sad scenes.  He’s just so sensitive!
Deadpool is also his favorite character.  He feels a sort of connection to certain parts of his story.
So, she chooses to stay with him even though he looks like that?  No, I’m not blubbering.  No, I don’t need you to cuddle with me.  Ok, fine.  Just for a little while. 
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He doesn’t get it, but he still loves it.  Sure, you have to explain everything to him three times, but he gets excited over your excitement.  Call him any time to talk about your theories on how things would have gone if Thanos had made a different wish on the infinity gauntlet.  He doesn’t mind if it’s 3 AM (just don’t let Jamil find out).
Movie marathons turn into parties.  Why just watch the movies when you can have themed snacks and dress up too?  Hulk smash cakes and Black Widow berry cobbler?  Yes, please.
His favorite part of any film is the soundtrack.  If he hears a song he likes, he gets up to dance along.  It’s pretty disruptive when you are watching the movie but when you see how much fun he is having, you find you don’t really mind after all.
Sorry Prefect, Jamil says we can’t have dance battles in Scarabia anymore.  Ooh!  But come by the Pop Music Club later.  I’m going to play all my favorite songs for Cater and Lilia. Ahaha!
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You were worried Vil would dismiss your favorite Marvel films as inferior art, but he is actually rather generous about it.  He believes the film should suit the audience and, as so, there is nothing wrong with films like this that serve to entertain the masses.
Still, he can’t help but be critical of everything while you watch.  He doesn’t criticize the things you’d talk about with your friends but topics you’d hardly even notice while you watched like the set design and lighting.
You notice Vil seems secretly fond of Loki.  You think the idea of the Villain that survives the main movies to get his own spotlight series appeals to him.
No, Potato, I’m just saying the angle isn’t right for this sort of tone.  A shot from below would be more effective.  Plus…wait, are you having more popcorn?  I don’t think so, it’s past the time you can snack before bed.
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You had expected Idia to be all in on the Marvel Universe but, at first, he is oddly resistant to it.  He’d rather recommend you one of his own favorite hero movies.  If you disagree on which is better, he is more than willing to fight with you over why his is best!
After a heated argument, he puts on some of the movies to watch so he can come up with targeted points about why his own shows are better.  This does not work out for him as he gets sucked in himself.  Next time you meet up, he wants to go over tiny bits of lore and speculate on future plot lines from hints in the past movies.
You might think his favorite would be Iron Man because they both are innovative engineers, but he is a fan of Ant Man.  Shrinking down to a size where you can hide from everyone; it’s an introvert’s dream!
Prefect, this is serious business!  I’ve drawn up plans.  So long as we sleep only 2 hours a day and avoid taking any breaks for food, studying, and showers, we can finish at least three seasons this weekend.  True fans like us need to be ready to sacrifice for the shows we love!
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There are many things Tusnotarou doesn’t understand, and this is one of them.  For starters, he barely knows how to use his smartphone, let alone how to stream movies and shows.  So, before you can even start explaining the plot, you must explain the whole concept of series and interconnecting shows to him.
He doesn’t get it, but he is happy to watch with you.  Your reactions to the show are far more amusing to him than the actual show.  Plus, he feels like he learns so much about the human world from your conversations.  A subway, how intriguing an idea.  Humans are so fascinating.
Even though he watches politely, he isn’t very impressed.  They can fly?  Well so can he.  Magic, lightning, superstrength?  All just part of being a dragon.  Perhaps instead of being interested in these superheroes, you’d rather learn more about him?
 Lilia, do you think I am a superhero?  The Prefect has been explaining this concept to me in great detail lately.  I can’t help but notice the many things I have in common with these so-called heroes.  Why yes, Lilia, now that you mention it, I am wearing a cape.  Another point in my favor. Fu fu fu.    
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ofallthingsnasty · 8 months
I'm not sure if you're still taking requests for the yandere alphabet, but if you are would you do A I and Q for Crocodile please? I absolutely love how you write him ❤️
Yandere Alphabet letters f, h, n and y for crocodile !!! i'm glad 💕 and of course!! prompt lists like that are super fun, they're excellent for warm ups (☆▽☆)
tw yandere, violence mention, death mention, minors dni
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
That really depends on your definition of love - is it love when he gifts you an entire wardrobe, when he keeps you fed and entertained, when he even indulges your little hobbies and gets you some pencils, some yarn, books? Or is that him playing dress-up doll with you, molding you into something that suits him? Is gift giving not a sign that he thinks about you, that he cares for you? Is it love when he graciously ignores you sulking over dinner instead of beating the blues out of you? Is it not love when he lets himself rest on your lap? Does love need grand exclamations and his hands on you all the time? But it really up to who you ask, hm? Because I'm sure that you see everything in a different light than him. In his mind, he's being more than generous, more than loving - while you probably feel like you're about to suffocate, know exactly that he expects gratitude for all the things he gets you, for all the patience he's shown you. So, is it love, a desire to care for you or is it yet another manipulation tactic? Probably both. As for intensity, that man's entire presence is the definition of stifling - he may not be intense in the traditional sense, but those tiny little touches, that hand on your shoulder, thigh, cheek will feel like they weigh a ton. He knows how to impose, how to talk without opening his mouth.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Nothing big, really. He doesn't want kids, he wants power and an Ancient Weapon - you're a nice addition to that. I think he just wants to keep the status quo once you've... been broken in enough. It's rather simple.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Okay, first thing first: you don't leave. Don't fool yourself into thinking that you can somehow slip through his fingers, that'd be entirely ridiculous - the only way out of this is one of you kicking the bucket, because even if the stars aligned and someone were to come to your rescue, he'd drag you back by the scruff of your neck. And if you die, well, tough luck. That little dream is over, then. Is it going to sting? Sure. Will he have a big fit over it? Depends on the circumstances. But he'll do as he always does - goes back to his never-ending work to accomplish something, to build up something, to get a profit out his work. There just won't be anyone to come home to like there used to be.
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willicewc · 1 year
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More gay battle cats >:)
I refuse to accept that Cinderheart became Lionblaze's mate because she was obviously Hollyleaf's girlfriend >:( so Lionblaze can have Mousewhisker instead !
I didn't read the books for a long while now, but from what I remember, Mousewhisker is a very bland character, being even less unique because he is a carbone copy of his slightly more interesting sister Hazeltail.
At this point, Warriors is kind of known for having a metric ton of useless, bland background characters with interchangeable personnalities. I know it's now necessary to have so many background characters to lower the inbreeding... but I feel like the Erins are really having a hard time creating any actual recurring background character with any kind of actual, active role.
At this point, most of the background characters' personalities are made out of headcanons from the fandom ??? :(
That is also why Brackenfur started being known as "patrol guy" and Mistystar was "the one cat who just won't die", because after their little arc (if they ever had one), they stopped being revelant and the Erins don't know what to do with them anymore :(
So I decided to try to make Mousewhisker a bit more "unique" ? Or at least, to make him a bit less forgettable ? His brother is Berrynose, the classic bully who kept going after the Three when they were kits / apprentices. I don't feel like Mousewhisker would ever have the backbone to confront his brother about that, but he would keep apologizing to everyone his brother may offend. Mousewhisker is just a nice, well-rounded little dude, he is really close to his mother Daisy, with way too much empathy for everyone else. His personnality would be very similar to that of his sister, caring and generally well-meaning. I feel like he would always be near the nursery to be with Daisy or entertain the kits. He might even be like Fernsong later and become a "queen" ? A "king" ? He would be such an icon.
Also, knowing that Fernsong is Lionblaze's canon son, if in this au Lionblaze and Mousewhisker ever manage to find some kittens somewhere and adopt them, Mousewhisker would for sure spend all of his time in the nursery with his kits, becoming the first "male queen", which would then prompt Fernsong to later do the same to help Ivypool, and hopefully more toms would do the same and father their kits properly (looking at you, Spiderleg)
Talking about Spiderleg, Mousewhisker clearly had a beef with Spiderleg (who was his mentor ??? I forgot about that ??? All the potential drama in this Clan !!!) because Spiderleg was awful with Daisy and their kits and Mousewhisker won't allow bad parenting in this Clan anymore. He would have been pushing Spiderleg to take care of his kits properly.
Also in the book if I remember well, there was this... Weird obsession with the fact that Hazelpaw, Mousepaw and Berrypaw were not clanborn, and everytime they were picked for something such as going to a gathering, the Three would immediately notice it. This is kind of weird, because it would imply that Thunderclan, despite being led by an ex-kittypet, would STILL be telling their kits that cats who are not clanborn don't belong here. The behavior the Three display when noting everytime that Mouse, Hazel and Berry are not clanborn is a learned behavior, which means that Thunderclan never actually improved and learned from Rusty becoming Firestar ??? This may again just be a neatpick from me but it's still a bit weird, knowing that the most anti-kittypet cats are now "reformed" and have improved (Longtail would be a good example)
In my au, Lionblaze is a reincarnation of Scourge, and as such, it is possible that Lionblaze would be more open minded about Daisy's kits not being clanborn. I feel like Scourge despized the Clans because they were something that he would have loved to be a part of : A community where he would be accepted and where he could belong. Somehow Lionblaze would know that bloodline isn't something that can determine if you belong somewhere. This is even more revelant because his grandfather is literaly an ex-kittypet
I don't know how Lionblaze would end up having his kits with this pairing yet, I thought about the two of them finding stray kittens abandonned by twolegs ? I really enjoy the trans Lionblaze headcanon, but I don't want Lionblaze to be trans JUST so he can have kits :( Being trans should be part of his childhood and the way he grows up, it is a journey of self-discovery, with his family accepting him (because of course Squirrelflight would accept her child whether they are a guy, a girl or non-binary!), and making Lionblaze trans just so he can have babies doesn't seem to be the greatest choice in my opinion ? :( Don't hesitate to tell me what you think is the best option, I am all out for more LGBTQ+ representation in Warriors ! :) Your feedbacks would be very appreciated, even more if you are trans yourself and can give me your advices ! :)
If I do make Lionblaze trans in this au, be ready to see a lot of trans Lionblaze drawings because I will need to flesh that out >:)
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swallowedbyfandom · 4 months
Whites Gentlemen Club has seen many drunken fools but this may be the first time they have witnessed a drunk Lord start a bar brawl over erotic bird poetry. Well originally many thought it a bizarre erotic poem about a bird. The second to last line however made it clear, they were hearing an erotic poem about Miss Penelope Featherington.
To the curiosity of all the gentlemen in the club that evening the once refined Lord Debling was completely foxed. He had begun his night alone drinking in reflective silence. After several drinks a few of the more daring Lords asked why he was drinking so heavily.
Lord Debling half a bottle of brandy down, bemoaned his offenses against Miss Featherington. He lamented over her ending their courtship. How he has let her down. How he had made her beautiful oceanic eyes cloud with disappointment. Debling listed her attributes with a passion many had not believed he possessed for anything other than nature.
Lord Delvin questioned how the young Miss remained single if she was so very charming.
Without further prompting Lord Debling now three quarters of a bottle down began his fervent monologue.
"Her wretched mama made my beloved enter the marriage mart at 16. Can you believe it? She was still half a child at that age. Of course my Penelope opted to be a wallflower. Even now she is uncomfortable speaking with gentlemen she does not know. How could she not be? Her family has no patriarch, she must tread among the gentleman of the ton carefully. That's what the Bridgerton boy was for. He would advise what gentlemen were safe."
"She is a sweet and shy at first. So kind a lady is she. Then she is fierce,funny, clever, and mischievous. How I adore her. She would be the perfect wife. She told me she was not really for marriage until this very season, now that she is 19. "
He sighs wistfully,"She smells of honeysuckle and her wrist felt like silk. She is built like a renaissance painting of old. All lush feminine curves and flawless creamy complexion."
"Now she shuns me and will not accepting my marriage proposal. I practically had to beg her to get her to keep the engagement ring. It will look remarkable on her dainty hand."
To the delight of all present, Benedict Bridgerton was also very drunk. He slammed his glass down on the table.
"Enough! I will not listen to this again. I will not be subjected to this. I came here to drink in peace. Not to listen to another besotted fool list the wonders of Penelope Featherington. Good Lord! I just poured my baby brother into bed after she denied his marriage proposal twice."
"Also I demand you take your ring back! My almost sister will not wear some store brought abomination! She shall wear a Bridgerton family heirloom ring on her hand."
The disheveled Lord Debling stood up outraged and turned to Benedict before they began to argue.
"How dare that, that child propose to my Penelope! He has not even courted her! Does he not still live with his mother? What could he offer Miss Featherington that I could not? The gall."
"I shall go to her garden at once to recite the poetry I have written for her until she falls in love with me. Yes, that is a capital idea. Miss Featherington loves poetry."
Many a Lord debated breaking up the dispute but it was entirely too entertaining.
"You will leave my future sister alone. Penelope Featherington has practically been a Bridgerton since girlhood. We called dibs! She shall be Mrs. Colin Bridgerton before the year is out. Colin may have been slow on the uptake but my family isn't going to let just anybody steal her from us."
Lord Fife jumps in because he is a shit stirrer of the highest order.
"Perhaps you will let us hear your poem first, Debling. So we can tell you if it is good enough for Miss Featherington."
That is how every patron of Whites gets to witness the calamity that quickly devolved into fisticuffs, that night. It is a story that spreads to every household in the ton and the commons by mid morning.
Proudly Lord Debling recites.
"sweet dove, gentle dove
Were you to accept my love
to lay a kiss upon your ivory breast
Allow me to caress your downy crest
To make you coo my sweet Penelope
Until you have had your fill of me"
Benedict Bridgerton's face contorts with rage as he sputters indignantly at Debling's audacity.
"Shut your deviant mouth about my sister! I..I.. Penelope Featherington is a gently bred lady and my brother's future wife. I shall not tolerate such vulgarity about her."
Of course seeing Debling's lack of remorse Benedict loses his temper and takes a swing at Debling. That is all it takes to start the largest bar brawl society has ever seen. It is a free for all, no less than 25 gentlemen end their night with torn clothing and blacken eyes. A good ten end their night with broken knuckle bones.
All the gentlemen leave that night wondering what it is about Penelope Featherington that has made the two most eligible gentleman out in society proposed to her. What is it about her that has the Bridgerton family so possessive over her?
Even more whisper of how Miss Featherington felt neither would be a viable husband. What kind of gentleman would it take to secure her hand in marriage?
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honey-beann · 10 months
Okay this might be kind of weird, but could I request some Nines headcannons about how he is with an s/o with long hair? Idk I just feel like he might have particular interactions or things to say about it and I was curious what your take on something likke this might be?
Nines with an S/O who has long hair
Note: Hi Anon! Thanks so much for the request, I had a ton of fun with this! (and as someone with incredibly long hair, it is absolutely not self-serving in the slightest, nuh uh, no way, no how.)
(it definitely is lol).
I hope that you enjoy!
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Okay so here's the thing, I know that people might assume that being in a relationship with someone who has long hair is no different than being in a relationship with someone with short/medium length hair, and in a lot of ways, they're absolutely right.
That said, being in a relationship with an android like Nines, who is far more observant than the average man, and a lot more curious about the human body and all of its particular intricacies, would definitely mean that he's more interested in/aware of the subtle impacts that hair lengths and the ways they are managed can have on life style.
For example, I think he would find it interesting how much more upkeep longer hair can require (though this also depends on texture), the increased frequency with which it seems to shed or fall out, and of course, the vast number of styling techniques and designs that can be used on longer hair.
He definitely likes to touch it a lot, and may even offer to brush it for you or help you to style it in some particular way (though there is a 90% chance that you'll have to ask him to so he doesn't risk letting you know how much he likes the feeling of it beneath his fingertips).
Absolutely will braid your hair though, and he always gets the sectioning even, so that's a huge plus.
That said, he will never cease to tease you about how inconvenient your hair can be at times.
If he ever sees you pull a hair out of your food, or find one essentially threaded into a garment of yours (or his), he will immediately remind you of your choice to wear your hair as long as you do (and you can't even argue that it isn't yours with him, because he's already scanned it to prove otherwise).
If you have any form of hair care routine outside of showering, he loves to watch you go through it, eyes both curious and amused at the same time as he takes in your techniques and learns why you utilize them.
If you don't do anything outside of the shower though, don't fret, because he is a big fan of shampooing your hair if you'll let him, and he will never fail to let you know if you should still be rinsing anything out.
"There's still shampoo on your roots" as you walk out of the bathroom, prompting you to simply turn around and start the shower up again with a sigh.
Can and will scan your hair products for bad ingredients and let you know how unwise it is to use them (though he sucks at giving positive feedback in that area, so if you want to know what might be good, you would probably have to ask him directly).
"That is going to dry out your hair."
"That isn't for your hair type."
"Reviews state that this makes consumers' hair fall out after a few weeks of use."
"There is a known carcinogen in that hair mask."
Bro is relentless in his product complaints (but it's only because he cares about the health of both you and your hair lol).
He definitely doesn't quite understand why anyone would choose to keep their hair so long if it can make caring for it so much more complex, but he certainly doesn't mind it as long as you keep letting him entertain himself by playing with it or helping you to try out new/different styles.
Oh, but regardless of whether or not you're in a relationship with him, if you work together, he absolutely loathes your long hair (at least some of the time).
Definitely thinks that it gets in the way far too often and that it's annoying that you have to take the time to put it up just to keep it away from your face during the work day.
Has absolutely been smacked with your hair before while standing behind you without you realizing.
Cannot stand it when you wine about the heat while choosing to have so much hair trapping warmth in against the back of your neck.
Has absolutely contemplated cutting it off himself before.
Becomes rather amused at watching you attempt to de-tangle it after a particularly rigorous chase or anything similar, and thinks of it as karma for you choosing to have longer hair in a field like law enforcement.
(Secretly likes finding your hairs on his work chair after you've sat in it though, and was weirdly endured when he found a hair of yours stuck to his jacket for the first time).
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oftlunarialmoon · 10 months
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5 Imaginary Play Prompts for Age Regressors / Agere - How to Play Pretend (Agere)
Ciao lovelies! Today I have another Agere post for you all! Sorry that it’s been so long since the last one, but I think you will really like this! Have you ever had trouble deciding what to do with your toys when you’re regressed? Do you feel kind of annoyed because it’s hard to pick a game or prompt to go off for pretend play? Well, I’ve got 5 pretend-play prompts for age regressors to talk to you all about today! Let’s get into this and learn how to play pretend, agere edition!
Imaginative play is a super important and fun part of life. As children, imagination shapes your problem solving skills and provides tons of entertainment. But as we get older physically, even if we’re still children on the inside, getting that inspiration back can be very very tricky. Society is somewhat built to suppress imagination in “adults,” so it’s not uncommon to feel like you’ve “lost your imagination” as you get older. What I’ve found that helps me when I want to begin a session of imaginary play, is something to begin with, like a prompt! In this post, I’ve listed and described 5 of my favorite imaginary play prompts that can be used with toys, stuffies, or even just in journaling or drawing! These prompts are the ones I use most often and I enjoy the most. There’s no ranking here, just five ideas in a random order. I really hope these can help those of you who are looking for a place to start when you’re wanting to voluntarily regress!
Idea 1: Game Show!
This first idea is something I find super fun, and it’s easy to customize it to whatever you prefer. The idea is essentially, set up a game show for your stuffies, dolls, toys, etc, whatever you want to do! You can be the game show host, or choose a toy to be the host and announcer. When picking the contestants, try to give them fun back-stories to affect the game! 
I like using this idea in various ways. Sometimes it’s similar to “Total Drama Island”. Sometimes I frame it as a task oriented game show like “Wheel of Fortune” or “Jeopardy!” Other times, I set it up like a cooking show, similar to things like “Great British Bake Off” or “Chopped”. 
You can also have fun with this by imagining the prizes or even crafting them! Sometimes I like to draw and cut out prizes like huge fake checks (like the ones on TV), or award badges. Other times, I like using a treasure chest as a “grand cash prize!” Adding my own touch to these things is really enjoyable and adds to the experience overall.
My last tip for this prompt is, the more outlandish and wild you make the contestants, the more fun you’ll have! Don’t be afraid to make certain characters fall into reality tv tropes, those sort of things are totally fun in this type of game. 
If you’ve used a prompt like this before, comment below how you set up your game show! I would totally love to hear more ideas.
Idea 2: Deserted Island / Shipwrecked
Okay, so this next idea is something I like doing with smaller toys, so I can give them a big island to explore. I usually pick like 3-5 “characters” who get stranded on a deserted island together and have to figure out survival. Sometimes I have items they brought with them, but not always. This is a fun idea if you like camping or outdoorsy type stuff. It can totally be played outside, but that’s not required. 
A tip for playing this inside: use blankets/towels to add different “zones” of play. For example, I like to use my orange Umaru blanket for sand type things, and blue towels or sheets for the ocean. This is helpful if it’s harder for you to visualize environments like that.
Some other ways to add to this prompt, I suggest having a variety of character types to play with. Not everyone can be amazing at survival stuff, and everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Giving everyone a different special skill can really help with that too. It’s fun to flesh out team dynamics in that way! It’s kind of like one-person-DnD.
It’s perfectly okay to use pre-established stories too! Sometimes I like to act out scenes from Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous with this prompt, or even have similar concepts to Jurassic Park 3. (I’m a huge Jurassic Park/World nerd, I know, lol!) There’s nothing wrong with using existing stories as a starting point or as a “script” of sorts. Imagination comes in all forms, and using inspiration is perfectly normal!
If you’ve played something like this before during your regression, (or childhood!), please comment below, I’d really like to hear the types of stories you use with your toys as well! I’m a huge fan of sharing concepts and ideas as a community, so hearing from you is always my favorite thing, and totally makes my day!
Idea 3: Detectives
This is one of my fave tropes/concepts in media, when a show has an episode where they have to solve a mystery! It’s super fun to watch and even more fun to act out. The way I like to play this one is usually pretty simple, but then escalates over the storyline. 
Usually, I first pick out what type of mystery is being solved. Murder Mysteries can be good (more on that in Idea 4,) but I also like heists, conspiracies, ancient magic, stuff like that! After picking the type of mystery, I like picking 2 characters to be a “watson and holmes” type duo. Sometimes I bring in more characters to work with them, like random experts that are relevant to the type of mystery, key witnesses, etc. 
One of my absolute favorite things to do in this scenario is adding in obstacles/roadblocks, the more absurd, the better. Art museum was robbed of their most valuable statue? 2 detectives begin the case, but the art museum’s cameras were off that day. Taking witness statements? Only two people saw the suspects, but neither person can see well without glasses, and neither were wearing them. Got a clue leading to an address? Turns out to be an ambush trap, and our detectives find out that this mystery is only the beginning to something bigger! Things like that really add to the story, and you can make them as crazy as you want, because you are the author of the story, so you can just invent any solutions to them that you want. It’s such an enjoyable thing to do. 
A tip for this prompt, I enjoy modeling my detective characters off of Sherlock Holmes and Watson from the books, which means getting to give them funny voices and make them interact in fun ways. But you can make your detectives have any personality you want! Are you more of a fan of CSI? You can make serious policemen! Prefer something like Supernatural? Make them slightly snarky and quippy like Sam and Dean! It’s your story, so the tone is 100% up to you!
Similar to this prompt, you could also use the next idea, which is….
Idea 4: “Among Us” Style Mystery / Murder Mystery
This is something I remember playing very often as a bio kid, and now, as well. Starting with about 8-10 characters, who are somehow trapped within a house, ship, etc. Someone is murdered and nobody knows who did it. People keep disappearing or dying until the suspect is found, and nobody leaves until they know who was guilty. You can set this up to be similar to something like “Clue,” or even more similar to “Among Us.” 
A tip I like for this prompt: select a character who is not guilty, but everyone thinks they are. Have them be super suspicious and mysterious, only to dramatically reveal that they are innocent. 
Another fun tip: if you want a horror movie style thing (think like slasher films), select a character to fill the “final girl” trope (doesn’t have to be female though). This is the last person left alive who must face off against the killer in a dramatic final battle. 
I like adding plot twists to these, because it adds so much fun to the story. Here are some of the plot twists I like to add to these stories:
Someone has an evil twin, they are killed secretly and the twin replaces them until the very end.
Someone in the group is working with the killer.
Someone in the group witnesses a murder, but cannot speak and is in shock. They reveal the killer at the very end.
The first person to die was of natural causes, everyone after that was just everyone turning on eachother.
Nobody in the group is actually the killer, and the house is haunted, and a ghost is causing the deaths.
Nobody actually dies, it’s all an elaborate prank on the sole “survivor” and this isn’t revealed until the end.
Someone in the group disappears and is assumed dead, but reappears at the end to defeat the killer.
These sorts of stories are super fun to make overly-dramatic, and also super fun to give all the characters funny voices or weird reactions to events!
And now…. For the last prompt!
Idea 5: Exploring a New Planet 
Maybe I’m a huge nerd, but I grew up enjoying Star Trek TNG and Voyager. My dad and I would watch whole seasons from DvD box sets we had while we ate flash boiled broccoli in the summer (because it was finally in-season!). My favorite characters were Data (from TNG), and Seven of Nine (from Voyager). A big part of my enjoyment of the show was when they would discover new planets or new life forms! 
When I use this prompt, I typically use Star Trek as a basis for things like the space ship name, crew ranks, protocols, etc. I love having characters fight over the validity of the Prime Directive, and have intense moral debates. But that’s just me kind of being a dork. LOL.
To play this prompt, I suggest setting up an area you want to be the new planet. Laying down a blanket or towel in a fun color to be the surface of the planet, then use anything and everything to establish buildings, farms, etc. Make the planet anything you want!
Next, pick your explorers, I usually default to a group of 4-6. Select a mission leader, a science person, and if you want, a galactic ambassador! 
Now, the explorers can visit the planet, being amazed by each new thing they see. You can have them make “audio logs” of their findings and take “readings” of new life forms! You can even have your explorers meet aliens and learn about new cultures and beliefs.
For extra fun, I like to have a scene or two with my explorers trying the new culture’s food. I use Monster High food props for this, mostly, but sometimes I also like to use playdough or floam to sculpt new foods for them.
You can make their adventure as perilous or as interesting as you want! Your explorers can encounter dangerous new weather patterns or plants, or they can have an enjoyable trip meeting new aliens, it’s totally up to you!
Thanks for all the support from you lovelies! We have a pretty awesome community, and it’s all because of you! Thank you for keeping OFT’s online spaces positive, uplifting, and supportive.
And, thank you again for reading! And most importantly, please remember to stay awesome and love yourself! You are amazing just as you are, and you deserve so much love and support. I hope you all give yourselves the love and kindness that you show others.
See you in my next post, video, or whatever comes next!
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autistpride · 4 months
Autism Acceptance
Royal AU prompt from April's @wolfstarmicrofic
Wordcount: 1000
Sirius despised all the guessing games that went with the ton. He ran his hands through his hair briefly as a nervous habit while standing near the refreshment table.
It was his sixth season on the marriage market and the pressure from his parents to marry increased every year. The first two years, his parents encouraged his disregard for marriage. Claiming to anyone who questioned it that Sirius was simply refusing to settle for some lower bred chit and would marry someone who would become the perfect Duchess Black. Years three and four they started to get worried and began pushing Sirius to at least entertain the girls. That he couldn’t possibly know if they were good matches unless he actually tried. So he did, he put in the most minimal effort. He danced with each of the girls that seemed any sort of interesting. He went to call on two or three in an attempt to get to know them more. But Sirius found them all lacking.
Last year Sirius sat out the season, hiding away with his younger sister in the country. Both of his parents had contracted pneumonia after they were caught out during a storm. They passed quickly, leaving Sirius the new Duke Black, and an estate in total disarray financially. He spent much of the days holed up in the study making heads and tails of the account books and cutting off funding to many radicals that he did not want the Black family to associate with, such as Lords Riddle and Viscount Lestrange.
Now here Sirius stood, at the refreshment table, having already danced with any of the girls he felt could possibly be a good match. He was bored and desperately looking for an escape from the hungry mamas on the prowl hoping to secure the Duke’s eye and a proposal, especially being that Sirius was the highest ranking nobility on the market.
Out of the corner of his eye Sirius saw a woman’s hands moving quickly and next to her stood a waif like woman with mousy curls in a soft blue silk dress nodding but occasionally trying to interject.
Sirius, being well educated, had heard of BSL. But his tutors had told him it was useless to use as he was not lacking his hearing nor was he incapable of speech. Sirius had grown up speaking French as well as English naturally. Learning Latin and German had been a bit of a challenge, but he picked that up with some work. He had to admit he had enjoyed the challenge and so in his spare time he added BSL, because there was something appealing about knowing this visual and beautiful language.
Sirius was mentally patting himself on his back now as he caught a few words such as, ‘I want go and I want read’ which caused Sirius to snort into his glass of lemonade and the two women to quickly look over at Sirius.
Sirius knew that he had been found out and returned his glass to the table and strolled over, lifting his hands he began to sign. ‘Hello. How are you? Do you enjoy the ball?’
The woman looked up at Sirius and immediately her hands flew, “No. I want to leave and read.”
Sirius grinned, “The ball is very bad?”
The woman sighed dramatically and nodded. “Men are like money hungry snakes seeking sex or a servant. The grand house is overly decorated as if the Duke has nothing better to spend his coins on.”
Sirius let out a surprised laugh at the comment and at the expression on her chaperone's face. She appeared to be mortified and trying to subtly catch the attention of the younger female, obviously having recognized Sirius, but unable to interrupt verbally to correct her charge.
“Well I just so happen to know where the library is. I can take you there to hide away if you would like until you can bid your farewells at a more appropriate hour.”
The woman nodded and took his proffered arm as he escorted her silently from the room through a side door, no one interrupting.
Sirius bowed to the two women as he left them in his library, motioning to one of his servants to bring them refreshments, before returning to the ball that he unfortunately could not escape from.
Two weeks later Sirius arrived at the park to meet up with his sister when he once more saw the two women. This time however, it seemed they were quite enjoying themselves and appeared to be in conversation with his friend James’ wife Lily and to his surprise his own sister. Easily conversing as if she had not previously snubbed him by not only insulting his home, the ball he threw, and his person as well as leaving without making the necessary conversation.
He quickly approached. “ Ah sister, I was just looking for you.” Sirius said, leaning down to kiss Regina’s forehead. Regina rolled her eyes and opened her fan as Sirius made the required greetings.
“The beautiful countess Potter, a pleasure as always.” Sirius said with a small kiss to Lily’s gloved hand before turning to the other women in their presence, speaking and signing easily at the same time. “Miss, it seems I did not catch your name the last time we conversed. It would be remiss of me to not make a formal introduction.”
“May I introduce Miss Lupin, the daughter of Lord Lyall Lupin.” Lily said before signing, “Miss Lupin, this is Duke Sirius Black.” And to the shocked horror of the women who witnessed it, Sirius bowed to her and upon standing upright signed, “Miss Lupin, it would give me great pleasure if you would agree to take a turn about the park with me on this lovely day.”
With a soft nod, Sirius took her hand and placed it on the crook of his arm and led her up the path.
Lily and Regina followed with mischievous smiles.
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musical-shit-show · 2 years
my apologies. prompt list 1, #4 please, beetlejuice!!
don’t want you like a best friend
Pairing: Beetlejuice x Reader
Inspiration: Prompt #4 (“i really want to kiss you right now” “do it then”) from Prompt List 1.
Warnings: alcohol mention, reader is tipsy, fluff, suggestive dialogue
Word Count: 1,173
Author’s Note: So so so sorry this took so long! I’ve been crazy busy with work and the show that I’m in, but I finally finished this ask! Thanks anon for the suggestion! And if you’d like to request anything from either of my Prompt Lists, please send me an ask and check out my Masterlist and About Me page! Enjoy :)
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“Beej, I have to go now. You know how I hate being late.”
The demon huffed at your completely reasonable statement. You were finally able to coordinate a night out with your friends, and the live-in ghost who had plagued your existence over the past few months was clearly not pleased.
At first, you were utterly bewildered by Beetlejuice. You have no idea how he ended up in your apartment, though he kept muttering something about being a ‘bio-exorcist’, which sounded far too fantastical for you to fully comprehend.
Once he realized his efforts to scare you out of your dwelling was fruitless, Beetlejuice took no time at all making himself at home. In a way, he was like a housecat: he purred, he slept wherever he wanted, he pushed over breakable objects for attention.  
And he wanted nothing more than to be around you all the time.
Which, to him, started out as nothing but another activity to fill his endless existence. If he couldn’t scare you to death, annoying you to death was certainly an acceptable option, right?
“But baaaaabe,” he whined, floating above you as you fished out the keys from your purse, “What am I supposed to do while you’re gone? Not a ton of options for a dead guy, ya know.”
He was lying, of course. There were plenty of hijinks a demon of his nature could get up to on a Friday night, but he wanted you to feel bad for him. His incessant flirting didn’t faze you either, much to the ghost’s dismay.
He had a kind of crush on you, which wasn’t at all surprising. Beetlejuice had developed a penchant for breathers over the years, and you had grown to be one of his favorites. Which made your departure for the evening even more gutting.
“I don’t know,” you answered his rhetorical question, exasperated as you slung your purse over your shoulder, “But I have no doubt you’ll find some way to entertain yourself.”
The demon’s hair turned a deep shade of violet, not masking his sadness at the prospect of you enjoying a night out without him. You noticed immediately and frowned.
“It’ll only be a couple hours, bug,” you hoped the pet name would soften the blow, “I promise.” Beetlejuice grumbled and *popped* out of the room. You sighed, accepting his poutiness. Maybe you’d be able to make it up to him later.
When you got home, your ghostly roommate was nowhere to be found. Despite only having a few drinks, your head was throbbing. You flopped onto the couch and contemplated turning on the TV, but you couldn’t muster the willpower to try and find the remote.
You looked around a few times, when suddenly you saw it rising slowing, surrounded by a sickly lime glow. You couldn’t help but let out a laugh as it floated towards you.
“Beetlejuice!” you knew using his full name would irritate him, and you were right. He materialized seconds later, his hair back to its signature shade of green. You oddly couldn’t have been happier to see him.
“Hey, babes, easy on the ‘B’ word, okay?” he said as he immediately got comfortable on your couch, “If I went away, who’d be here to entertain ya?” You let out another giggle, your last drink making you feel equal parts bold and bubbly.
“Well, I had to get your attention somehow, didn’t I?” you retorted, finally grabbing the remote out of the air and placing it on your coffee table.
“So…” he drawled, his voice sounding particularly gravelly, “You have a good time tonight?” You couldn’t help but sigh, your headache finally wearing off. Instinctively, you let your head rest on Beetlejuice’s shoulder. You had become nose blind to the smell of dirt and decay that constantly permeated from his suit jacket.
“Yeah, I mean, it was nice seeing everyone,” you said, suddenly feeling warm, “I didn’t really have much to contribute though; you know, they were all talking about weddings and babies and gossip and I was just…there. Listening.”
He nodded, not sure how to respond. Beetlejuice had been dead for so long that he couldn’t remember the mundane moments of his life. He watched your ups and downs and in betweens and sometimes, for a second, he could recall what it was like to be human. Maybe that’s why he stuck around.
“Honestly,” you said, swallowing bravely as you raised your head to meet his eye, “all I could think about was coming home. To you.” Of course, this got the demon’s attention. All he could muster was a surprised “Oh?”, his eyebrows raised in shock and amusement.
You had never rendered Beetlejuice speechless before, so you decided to continue.
“Yeah,” you said, “And I swear, I’m only a little bit tipsy so don’t think I don’t mean this, because I do. But I really want to kiss you right now.”
The demon couldn’t help but flash a knowing smirk.
“Do it then.”
And you did. And it was sweet and soft and not at all what you expected. It took a little liquid courage, but as soon as your lips met his, it felt like a switch flipped inside your brain. You had no idea this had been what you’d been searching for.  
After a moment, Beetlejuice deepened the kiss, and you felt a pit form in your stomach. You knew how he was; you didn’t want this to be just a random hookup. Being a notch it a demon’s bedpost wasn’t exactly on your bucket list.
Before you could form a coherent thought, you hadn’t even realized that he had wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you even closer to his ridiculously tattered suit. You couldn’t find it in you to care.
“Wait,” you said, your head spinning again, “I don’t—I can’t let this be a one-night thing, Beej. I like you. A lot. I think I’ve just be too stupid to see it until now so, if you don’t want that, we can just pretend like this never happened.”
Pink had started to sprout at the roots of his hair, and he still had a big grin plastered on his face, “Babes, are you serious?” he asked incredulously, “I’ve wanted to be with ya since the first week I started crashing here. I think you’re hot stuff.”
You could feel yourself turn red as you kissed him again, elated, “Plus,” he drawled, “How great will it be to tell your friends the next time you see them that your boyfriend is a demon.”
“Oh, I’m sure they’ll love that.”
“Make sure to let them know I give great head.”
“Beej!” you hit him playfully, blush now creeping up your neck as he peppered kisses along your clavicle.
“Just so ya know, all you have to do is just ask, sweetheart,” he looked up at you, his eyes now fiery with hunger as he scanned you up and down, “And in that outfit, you won’t have to ask twice.”
thanks for reading! please like/reblog/comment if you enjoyed this!
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
BG3 Fic Prompts
I am once again creating a massive document of fics I want to write, to be updated whenever. This is 50% me keeping track of ideas, 25% giving the fandom ideas if they want to steal, and 25% pure entertainment.
“She looks like she could throw me over her shoulder and carry me to safety.” Six times Karlach carried a party member and one time the whole group returned the favor. Bonus points if carrying her is pre-insulation upgrade so they have to get creative and/or sacrificial about it.
Similarly, Karlach/Character of Choice in a Pushing Daisies-esque situation, except on steroids. It’s not just that they can’t touch her, they’ll actively burn themselves if they get too close (so no easy kiss-through-Saran-Wrap solutions). They make it work though through the power of love, magic, and a fuck-ton of stubbornness. Ideas can differ greatly depending on who the partner of choice is. Example: Lae’zel toughing it out while Shadowheart curses and sprints to heal her; Astarion leaning into his flirty cad side: “Gale? Summon me a mage hand so I can slap that ass.”
Because the Gale romance bug remains one of my favorite things: angsty fic where he—in true BG3 fashion—misinterprets the most basic, bare-bones decency as love because he’s a) been groomed by a goddess since he was a boy and then abandoned by her in a way that makes him feel completely worthless and b) locked in a tower for a year+ with only his cat for company. Writer’s choice whether this results in Tav rejecting Gale and leaving him with the bittersweet realization that they may not Love him, but they do love him and this helps forward Gale’s recovery. OR
Narrator: Lying awake that night, you think back on your talk with Gale. He looked so handsome in the candlelight, even while devastated by your rejection, and you dwell on how unfortunate it is that you don’t return his romantic feelings.
Hmm…or do you?
Oh dear.
That Githyanki egg is going to hatch if it’s the last thing I do, even if it’s only in fic. Cue the absolute chaos of this found family/polycule parenting. You’d think Lae’zel would be some help in this but no. She’s not. She’s really, really not. (Doctor McCoy voice: “I’m a warrior not a creche tender!”) What do they feed the thing? Who gets to decide their name? How young is too young to start teaching them to wield a dagger? Spoilers: Withers is a surprisingly good babysitter and the only one with a braincell to draw on.
Wyll: I want a baby
Astarion: Give me a week. What color?
Tav, walking in with acid burns and a panicked Lae’Zel: You got green
More Gale angst because I’m trash: Yeah, yeah literally everyone in this party is hella touch-starved but this boy has a year of isolation on top of a kicked puppy personality hidden under that arrogant bravado. Astarion plays his needs off with charm and a supposed obsession with sex, Wyll and Karlach distract with cheer, Shadowheart and Lae’zel stoically power through… and then there’s Gale who’s going to get teary-eyed at the first clasp of his shoulder. Character of Choice gives him a hug one night and he just breaks. Full on sobbing, hyperventilating, holy-shit-this-is-embarrassing-but-now-that-I’ve-started-I-can’t-stop breakdown that’s exactly what he needs. Halsin might be a good choice for this.
Forced Lae’zel / Shadowheart bonding via the specific experience of two abused ex-cult members figuring out what kindness looks like.
Lae’zel: Tchk. I failed our leader in battle and they say only, ‘We’ll try again next time’? If this were a githyanki camp my blood would have dyed their armor red tonight.
Shadowheart: Indeed. The disciples of Lady Shar never would have stood for such indolence. There are no beatings for failing to rise with the sun and no one monitoring our rations. Gale gave me thirds last night!
Lae’zel: Why then do I… prefer this weakness?
Shadowheart: Worse, why do I agree with you?
I want to give my companions presents! Six times Tav gives a party member something they love—a githyanki tablet for Lae’zel, good wine for Wyll, etc.—and one time they give Tav something back. Or, alternatively, one time Tav refrains from giving a gift and the recipient ends up appreciating that even more. Example: not letting Shadowheart get ahold of any Dark Justiciar armor.
Obligatory “Astarion is insecure about not being able to see his reflection and someone helps him with magic/drawing” fic that I may or may not be working on atm.
Equally obligatory The Last Unicorn reference where Asatrion has a rage-driven breakdown, screaming at Tav for not being this selfless hero when he needed them. Everyone ignores the realities that, you know, Tav probably hadn’t even been born yet, because they understand that Astarion just needs to Let It Out. This segues into reassurances that they’ll be there for Astarion in the future. End fic. Sike! Plot twist. The party winds up in the past due to plot shenanigans and are like, “Holy shit. We can rescue Astarion.” Except it turns out they can’t because that would totally fuck with the timeline (idk if that’s actually the case in D&D. I just watch a lot of Doctor Who), but they’re at least able to assist him in some small way/comfort him/give him hope for the next 100+ years. They wind up back in their own time where Astarion suddenly realizes that the absolutely insane, weird-as-balls group he met a century ago and whose kindness he's been leaning his sanity on is his group and there are ~emotions~.
Hurt/Comfort Bloodweave fic where Astarion, as the rogue, does the best job of finding (read: stealing) items for Gale to feed on. He’s really good at it, to the point that when they get together he starts to fear that’s the main reason why Gale is ‘bothering’ to stay with him. After all, what the hells else does he have to offer? Especially now that he’s pulling back from sex as a primary incentive? Someone loving Astarion for who he is? Absurd. Someone needing Astarion’s talents to keep themselves fed? That he understands. That’s familiar. Cue Gale cycling through obliviousness (necessary intervention from another party member?), horror, and finally reassurance.
Wyll teaches the party to dance one night when they’re all bored. Bonus points if Astarion is insulted af because his moves from two centuries ago aren’t cool anymore. Bonus bonus points if Withers turns out to be really good.
Honestly, I feel like we’ve been sleeping on Withers in general. Granted, I haven’t finished the game yet so I’m sure there’s stuff that hasn’t been revealed to me yet, but he’s a skeleton that randomly appears in your camp, makes himself at home, changes reality for you provided you've got the funds, tuts about your love life, and is surprisingly good with kids. There’s so much potential in that.
“I hate this place. I want to go to Build a Bear!” Total crack fic featuring the Faerûn equivalent of Build a Bear: a kindly toymaker with lots of simple stuffed animals that he’ll personalize for you with clothes, accessories, embroidery, etc. Karlach has the time of her life (as does everyone else, even if they won’t admit it).
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conanssummerchild · 18 days
my own ranking of every rick and morty episode, inspired by the lovely @fandomwe1rd0 :3
sorry this is a bit scattered, the random quotes are just lines that i liked/found funny. i had to shorten all my reasonings by a fuck ton bcs i was just going on forever lmao, so if some things feel kinda cut off, that's why.
i binged all of rick and morty in like a week to make this, just to make sure the ranking was fully accurate to me and it took me way to long but i'm finally done !!
btw this isnt a ranking of which episodes are objectively the best, its very biased and just my personal opinions, im aware some epsiodes definitely shouldnt be as high as they are but a lot of them are just my comfort episodes 🤷
f tier: episodes i actively dislike, have little to no redeeming qualities.
71. rickdependance spray: audibly said "oh, fuck no." when i realised this was next. the rest of weird-ish episodes have some redeeming points but this one just has no plot relevance and isnt very funny.
70. raising gazorpazorp: main reason i dislike this episode is the end credit, it reminds me of when i was listening to family line and my dad insinuated conan was making it up and that if i got famous i'd do the same, like, no, if i talk abt what a shitty dad you are its bcs you were a shitty dad, do better. anyway i just thought it was an unfunny joke. due to daddy issues. also its just a boring episode.
69. a rickconvenient mort: summer and rick's storyline was ok but not enough to make up for how much i hate planetina. i liked beth in this episode. rick and summer's dynamic was nice too, but unhealthy.
e tier: episodes i don't dislike, just find boring/have bad elements but more redeeming qualities.
68. m. night shaym-aliens!: the little crystal wrestle was adorable. other than that not a super memorable episode.
67. rise of the numbericons: the movie: i didn't hate it but compared to the rest of s7 it was pretty weak. i think mr goldenfold is funny, but not enough to get his own episode. it would've been more entertaining if rick was in it lets be real, i missed him.
66. interdimensional cable 2: tempting fate: i care very little about jerry's penis. the interdimensional cable was good as usual though.
65. how poopy got his poop back: fine episode, not my fav. i liked seeing bp and squanchy again.
64. edge of tomorty: rick die rickpeat: "Damn, Morty, you're bad at maths, but I'm giving you an a-plus in confidence!" an okay episode.
63. rick: a mort well lived: pretty weak episode to follow solaricks. summer's die hard was good. some cool emotional components.
62. rattlestar ricklactia: "Hey, Morty, listen. I can tell you're pretty upset about the whole snake encounter thing, so I'll tell you what. I'm just gonna go ahead and avoid you for the rest of the day." rnm were kind of cute at the end. yk, until rick punched morty in the face :/.
61. the jerrick trap: sorry ik a lot of ppl love this episode but tho burger & fries were cute characters its not all that for me. memory rick's return, however, was all that. i love him.
60. childrick of mort: "Oh my god, grandpa, you fuck boy." rick being a space nerd <3. loved to see more of beth and rick together but other than that this episode was kinda mid.
59. amortycan grickfitti: honestly made me feel bad for jerry which isnt easy, i sort of liked rick here, he seemed reluctant to let the hell demons make fun of jerry, he still did, but even apologised with only a little prompting. can't say the same for beth. summer and morty were sweet in this episode, i wish we would get more of them.
58. rickmancing the stone: "I don't know why I'm crying." "Well... try crying 15% less?" not bad, i liked the emotional components.
57. mortynight run: again, not super memorable to me. the roy montage was good. You kind of wasted your 30's, though, with that whole birdwatching phase." the animation for the song was great.
d tier: mostly okay to good episodes with minor faults that i can look past in the general scheme of the episode.
56. one crew over the crewcoo's morty: fucked up what rick did to morty. and to mr pb, his life went to shit after this, bcs of rick.
55. night family: had some great moments, but wasnt my fav.
54. anatomy park: loved dr bloom, john oliver voiced him perfectly.
53. lawnmower dog: sweet scenes between rnm. liked the dream inceptor, loved scary terry, snuffles was good too but not as much.
52. claw and hoarder: special ricktims morty: "Are you gonna slay it?" "First off, i always slay it, queen. Secondly, yes." summer being on morty's side was nice. while the soul orgy was a bit weird, the rest of this episode was pretty entertaining which is why its higher up, sorry.
51. bethic twinstinct: jerry saying he would khs, not cool jerry fuck you. "You ladies discuss responsibility while i get stoned and play video games with your kids." the end 💀 i felt bad but it was funny lol.
50. final desmitation: maybe my fav ep of jerry and rick's relationship. i liked seeing rick disapprove of them making fun of jerry, had some funny moments and i even liked jerry here.
49. a rick in king mortur's mort: not the best but i enjoyed rickbot being nice to morty. also this episode sets up for rmrm which i love.
48. promortyus: morty's little yee-haw 😭. and their conversation, so sweet. taking the adderall line as an adhd rick confirmation. "It is my thing. Just like yours is dying alone," get his ass. i feel like the romance couldve been a compelling story if the hosts werent rnm.
47. the whirly dirly conspiracy: rick's take on jerry was accurate. "But no, like father like goddamn daughter! You wanna be like Rick? Congratulations, you're just as arrogant and just as irresponsible!" morty ate. i prefered summer and beths storyline to rick and jerry's.
c tier: solid, episodes, some have a few faults but theyre small
46. mort: ragnarick: it's so high up because i found rick to be likeable and liked his dynamic with morty. ricks clone was cute too.
45. look who's purging now: "Screw you, Rick! I'll purge you too, you old rickety piece of crap!" rnm's storyline was great, i liked arthrisha.
44. the ricks must be crazy: "I dropped out of school. It's not a place for smart people." "Ohhhh, snap!" lmao literally my reaction. "Ooh. Wow. Gaaay!" "That is pretty gay." not much more to say, good ep.
43. never ricking morty: rnm were sweet in this ep. the gay ass song with rick and bp. "Rick are you– do you need to go to the hospital?" the forehead kiss was sweet. (we're ignoring "Lips if you want.")
42. mort dinner rick andre: mr nimbus is a great character. the wine storyline was a bit boring. "I havent been to a full week of school in years! I don't know shit!" love the peek at rick's backstory too.
41. rick potion #9: important lore episode. some funny bits. morty was a little creepy in this one. i love jerry primes character development. first look on down from the bridge moment !!
40. forgetting sarick mortshall: "What are you, eight? Is this macaroni art? You expect me to believe you built this because you don't care?" liked ricks storyline and he actually does seem to be showing minor development. the end song was good. liked garbage goober's lore.
39. morty's mindblowers: rick removing whatever memories he wanted was fucked up. rick saying granite instead of granted will always be funny. also him losing in chackers and skiing into a tree.
38. mortyplicity: entertaining enough if a little convoluted, i liked it though. sweet moment between the decoy family, shame they died.
b tier: good to great episodes.
37. big trouble in little sanchez: actually liked jerry and beths storyline in this one. tiny riiick !! "old rick! ruining everything!" good episode.
36. pilot: good intro, sets the tone. rick is such a dick (affectionate). rnm's dynamic !! the animation is great. overall great episode.
35. pickle rick: ik its a overrated but i think its good. hes pickle riiiick. dr wong's speech to rick was actually really good and accurate.
34. meeseeks and destroy: rick was such a whiny bitch this episode (affectionate), up until the mr jellybean stuff, which i liked bcs it was handled well by the writers and rick was actually very sweet.
33. rick and morty's thanksploitation spectacular: president curtis' alcoholic sci-fi boyfriend is probably my favourite way rick has been refered to in the show LOL. overall i enjoyed this episode.
32. something ricked this way comes: idc now but, the first time watching rick's r slur speech it was obnoxious and offputting. summer and rick were great, i adore their dynamic, love summer and rick episodes, but idrc for jerry's storyline, he bores me so bad.
31. full meta jackrick: "Rick can't change, Morty. Change is what you might call his Kryptonite." there were a lot of things i liked abt this ep.
30. vindicators 3: the return of worldender: very good episode. forever a believer that the ride was for morty and rick just chickened out.
29. a rickle in time: the va for the testicle monster was great. beth and jerry's storyline also wasn't bad. rick jumping into the hole and sacrificing his life for morty, im sobbing. great episode.
28. the vat of acid episode: morty trying to make rick feel better about not being able to make the thing was very sweet. morty's relationship with that girl was adorable, so sad it was erased by jerry's dumb ass /lh. fuck rick in this episode. the end was funny.
27. rixty minutes: while i do love interdimensional cable this episode would've been lower if it wasn't for all the character moments. "You can't leave, you're 17." "Yeah, and I'm not pregnant. I'm gonna have better judgement than you guys had at my age." loved summer getting screentime. beth and jerry's moment was quite sweet.
26. ricksy business: bp and squanchy !!! >:) bp coming through with the deep speech. the montage of rick morty and summer at the end is so adorable i love them sm <3. "I love my grandkids." "Aw :)." "Psych, just kidding, my new catchphrase is i dont give a fuuuck!"
25. get schwifty: first president curtis episode !! i love him. love morty and bp interactions haha. "In bird culture, this is considered a dick move." "It is random debris. I found it in my carpet. I don't know what humans eat." crying i love him sm. one of my personal favs lol :).
24. juricksick mort: tbh i mostly like this ep bcs of "You pompous autistic cadaver!" but there was other good moments and it was entertaining. rick was funny and likeable and very much a disaster of a human being, as i was promised when i started watching rnm.
23. star mort rickturn of the jerri: space beth !! "You cosplay as your shitty father in his 30's." "Its funny. I always wondered who would win if we ever fought." "Then you were always a bad friend." :(. "Holy shit, I'm a terrible father." i forgot how good this episode was, very angsty.
22. total rickall: genuinely love this episode. KEITH DAVID >:D. rick's "weird made-up sounding catchphrases" compilation is one of my fav moments in the show lol, everyone looks so concerned 💀.
21. rest and ricklaxation: "Grandpa's here." SOBBING. "Because you kept drunk-dialing me and crying about it!" "I wasn't crying!" loved jessica and ricks dynamic lol. great episode.
20. rickfending your mort: great follow up to unmortricken, i like that rick doesnt just go back to normal and we see it takes a while and even then its only bcs morty steps in. morty making up titles for all their adventures is adorable. great sweet scenes between rnm.
19. the rickchurian mortydate: autistic rick !! also minecraft. the president is such a pathetic loser lol <3. i loved rick and morty being on the same wavelength in this episode. the ending was good.
18. wet kuat amortycan summer: summer-centric episode !! rick was likeable, liked seeing him clumsy getting his grove back. him saying summer reminds him of diane again, he's getting so much more open, im so proud, can you imagine s3 rick being sincere like that?
17. close rickcounters of the rick kind: best s1 episode, love citadel episodes. evil morty !!!!! some funny moments. "You're crying? Over a Morty?" sobbing. "Yeah, but wheres the transmitter?" and the evil morty song oh god, best scene ever fr. i love my evil guy :3.
s tier: outstanding episodes, the 16 best imo.
16. that's amorte: FANTASTIC episode, the end montage is the only part of any rnm episode thats made me cry a little, it would be higher up but i have some personal favs which i put higher. i feel like this episode was very classic rnm after having them separated half of s7.
15. the old man and the seat: jerry and morty's dynamic is pretty funny. tony and rick's storyline was fantastic. some pretty angsty stuff. "The saaaddest piece of garbage in the entire cosmos."
14. the abc's of beth: rick and beth episode !! rick saying that an adventure clearly needs morty in it, aw. i did not care about jerry's storyline at all. beth had no right being so relatable in this ep.
13. ricktional mortpoon's rickmas mortcation: rick relapsing into finding prime !! "I'm not touching that thing. I'll get neurotypical cooties." ok, so ik a lot of ppl don't like the speech rick said to morty, but i do, he was going through a LOT, this clearly took him quite a few steps back in development and healing, i think it was less bad than a lot of other things he's done and way more justified.
12. fear no mort: loved morty getting his time to shine, LOVED diane and rick. morty realising rick wasn't in the hole has to be one of the best moments in the show. rick not going in the hole at the end bcs morty told him not to, hope some day he'll get to the point of doing things for morty in front of him so he can realise how much he cares.
11. analyze piss: look at rick asking dr wong for advice. him relating to piss master :(. also i read a phenomenal fic abt this ep (tw sh) (link).
10. air force wong: UNITY RETURNS! Rick was kinda childish in this episode but i feel like it was justified, he wasn't being a dick just bcs, he was hurting, and he even kinda apologised to summer, hes trying. rick going to drink with the president instead of being alone.
9. the rickshank rickdemption: RICK PRIME. "That, diane, is the last great idea that will ever be had in this garage." :((((. ricks backstory. "he's not a villan, summer, but he shouldn't be ur hero." fantastic ep.
8. rickmurai jack: love two crows rick. rick's full "crybaby" backstory !! "Now you're evil morty, too. sooner or later we all are. on this side of the curve." THE END OH GOD. THE MUSIC. EVIL MORTY LETTING OUT A SIGH OF RELIEF. INSANE finale.
7. gotron jerrysis rickvangelion: rick is so spectacularly autistic in this one. i like how he doesnt silly hyperfixtate, he full on unhealthy hyperfixtates. i practically know this ep off by heart. comfort ep fr.
6. rickternal friendshine of the spotless mort: im not sorry for putting this up so high, i love this ep so fucking much. memory rick is so silly i love him sm. "You were a good friend, Rick. Goodbye." the blood ridge confession makes me FERAL. i can quote it word for word.
5. the wedding squanchers: THIS EPISODE. rick watching bp die in front of him. rick turning himself in :(. "everyone i know goes away in the end." the music was so good. "he's not coming back, is he?"
4. the ricklantis mixup: best citadel ep, fight me. j-22 trying to save simple rick only to suffer the same fate :(. slick jumping into the wishing portal. the ending was phenomenal, every single storyline was amazing and important. and evil morty returns.
3. auto erotic assimilation: love unity and ricks dynamic. blim blam humbling beth and jerry. jerry using the weed whacker right in front of the garage where rick just attempted. and no one notices. bc that's how it is. "do you feel it?" is a great song. maybe this ep is higher than it should be but it's my comfort ep, it means so much to me.
2. solaricks: first time we get to see dimension c-137 out of a flashback !! "I hope Summer knows what happens to the people you love!" "Oh, am I cool enough for you now? Well, that was easy. It only cost me fucking everything." "I don't know him. You're my grandpa, rick." rip jerry prime, my fav jerry. THIS EPISODE IS PHENOMENAL.
1. unmortricken: ok anyone who knows me knows this is my fav ep bcs i never stfu abt it. i mean, evil morty backstory, rick beating prime to death, GOD. ian cardoni was COOKING with the delivery of those lines, and the lines were fantastic. some good rnm moments. the angst is so good. "How's it feel? Better? No? Exactly the same? Yeah, it always does." best look on down from the bridge moment.
i keep going over this a million times just to make sure everything is perfect but idk, some episodes are maybe interchangeable, im just going to post it bcs its been rotting in my drafts for quite a while now, everyone promise you dont hate me for putting an episode 1 slot too high or low /j
and sorry for all the jerry hate in this post, i dont hate him i just find him boring, so eps where he's the centre tend to be lower on the list.
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marionluth · 1 month
Irondad sicktemeber2024 excerpt 👇 🤩 With just one week to go and a lot of editing needed I need all the luck in the world to post this on time, so 🤞🤞🤞
Can you guess the prompt????
“So how long have you been feeling like this, kid?”
Peter’s eyes widened as he turned to meet Tony's gaze and the man had to school his expression. He tried to keep looking concerned instead of frustrated, suspicious, and admittedly entertained.
“Uh…Just since this morning. I woke up feeling crappily.”
"But you were fine last night, right?”
“Yeah, yeap. I was fine,” Peter confirmed.
"So why'd you skip patrol, then?" Tony asked casually, leaning back in his armchair, slow-cooking the kid.
Peter blinked repeatedly and Tony hid his face in his coffee mug, taking in a long sip.
“Uh, I had this thing for school with friends.”
Tony commended the effort. “What thing? What friends?”
“Well, you see… Friends? Not have many, I mean. You know? Like, MJ and Ned.”
Tony marveled at the syntactical anarchy of that sentence structure. “Right, right. And what was the thing?”
“Just a studygroup,” Peter shrugged and Tony raised an eyebrow.
"And how exactly did this study group sideline patrol? You were pushing to go out tonight, and now you’re sick as hell. So how’d a simple study session keep you off the streets?" Tony pressed, turning up the heat.
"Uh, I don’t know… I guess, now that you mention it, I was feeling a little… uh… out of it? So I figured it’d be smarter not to risk going on patrol when I wasn’t, like, 100 percent. I mean, you always say how important it is to have my head in the game, right? And, well, it was a really tough study session. We’ve got this big chemistry test coming up, and there’s a ton of material, and Ned was freaking out because his mom’s been on his case about his grades since he kinda slipped up this term. So we were really grinding, and we finished super late—like, almost curfew—so I thought there was no point in going out Spider-Manning when I wasn’t at my best and it was already so late."
Tony's lips twitched. Guilt-ramble-fest at its finest. He took in a few breaths trying hard not to snort or snicker, or start lecturing then and there. Because a. He was having too much fun, b. He was getting valuable intel, c. He genuinely wondered how long it would take the kid to break.
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littencloud9 · 3 months
jun'ichirou & steinbeck + you have one week to steal a tractor
nathaniel & kajii + alexa… initiate self-destruction…
poe & gin + it wasn't very nice... but i did it anyway
hope some of these spark some inspiration <333
corey your prompts are the funniest things ever ily
jun’ichirou & steinbeck + you have one week to steal a tractor
“And so,” Lucy sighs. “you have one week to steal a tractor. Any questions?”
Jun’ichirou glances at the people beside him. He’s had the unfortunate opportunity to sit right in between the two organisations, the Agency and the Guild. Technically, only the teenagers from both sides are here, so it’s slightly less intimidating, but still.
Except for the guy next to him who is taking bites out of a raw, unpeeled potato.
Steinbeck catches his eye and smiles, offering up the half-eaten potato. “Want a bite?”
“…No thanks.”
“Shame. You know, we don’t have to steal a tractor. I’ve got tons back home.”
Jun’ichirou blinks. “Isn’t your home, like, half the globe away?”
“Yeah. I could get Herman to fly us there really fast though.” Steinbeck decides he doesn’t want his potato anymore and sets it down on the table. “Want to come with?”
Jun’ichirou would actually much prefer to steal. But Steinbeck is beaming, punching him in the shoulder. “Awesome, man! I’d love some company. Louisa won’t come cause she’s scared of my sister.”
“Oh,” Jun’ichirou says, for he does not know what else he can say. “Um. Okay.”
Kunikida slams his head on the table. He wonders if that gave him a concussion. He hopes it did.
He flinches at the booming voice from behind him. Ranpo has their hands cupped around their mouth as they yell, and when Kunikida looks at them, they grin.
“WHY ARE YOU YELLING?!” Kunikida wails. He knows he yelled first. But still.
Ranpo leaps off their chair, heading towards him. They grab Kunikida’s arm and drag him out the office, humming to themself.
“Wait,” Kunikida blurts, stumbling down the stairs. “I wasn’t that serious. I still have work to do—”
“I wonder how many espresso shots will kill you,” Ranpo says, ignoring him. “Let’s go find out.”
“…Yeah, okay.”
nathaniel & kajii + alexa… initiate self-destruction…
Nathaniel has no clue how he ended up here.
This is all Mark’s damn fault. If they didn’t insist on dragging him to a bar, specifically a gay bar (how horrendous), then he wouldn’t be stuck in this position, entertaining a drunk lunatic who also happens to be a mafia bomber.
Kajii fawns over his phone, speaking to Alexa through it and gasping whenever the AI replies. Nathaniel does not want to be here.
“You know, it’d be cool if I could attach something like this to my bombs!”
“Really,” Nathaniel deadpans.
“Yes! It would be a final, powerful command. Like… Alexa, initiate self-destruction! And bam!”
Maybe if Kajii bombs this entire place up, Nathaniel would finally know peace. He nods in agreement. “You should definitely try that.”
“Ay, really? Man, I don’t know who you are, but you’re awesome!”
“I told you my name three times already,” Nathaniel grumbles. “Though I’m not exactly sure why,” he adds under his breath.
Kajii either ignores him or doesn’t hear him, for he cackles, slapping his back.
poe & gin + it wasn’t very nice… but I did it anyway
“It wasn’t very nice… but I did it anyway,” Poe admits.
Gin laughs under their breath. It’s hard to picture Chuuya stuck in a book, losing his cool and coming out completely disheveled, but Poe doesn’t seem like he’s lying.
“That’s okay. You have a cool ability.”
Poe’s fingers, which were running through Karl’s fur, stop and twitch. “R-really?”
They nod. Though they’ve gotten used to being surrounded by powerful ability users, they still find themself awed over the more unique ones.
Gin doesn’t need an ability to protect themself, but there’s no denying that ability users like Ryuunosuke are on a different level. It’s nice to meet someone so, well—
Humble, maybe?
Gin wonders if they could get out of the book on their own. They voice this question out to Poe, whose eyes widen.
“I’m not sure I want to let you try that…”
They huff. Whatever. They definitely could.
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