#i have drawn more unhinged connections before so im throwing this out there
yellow-yarrow · 11 months
reading fayde (again). just found this line of Egg head referencing Never ending story by Limahl
Egg Head - "Rhymes that keep their secrets will unfold behind the clouds!"
does anyone know what this might reference? (if its a reference at all) he says this after they "tame" the sound recorded from the swallow for the music :
I thought it could be a lyrics but I didn't find anything, except a sermon from G. Campbell Morgan which could be a coincidence but also the dolorian church is kinda based on christianity so maybe...?
I behold Him [Christ], and I say already to myself, Yea, verily, this is glory, this is beauty, this is life, this is perfection! But I am not that, I cannot be that. Therefore am I filled with fear, and the fear is generated by the apprehension of the glory and the beauty of Christ.
it's between Scooter references:
You - "THIS ONE IS FOR THE ANODIC GENERATION!" Egg Head - "INTRODUCING THE ULTIMATE SOUND!" Egg Head - "DOLORIAN CHURCH -- THE PLACE TO BE!" Egg's losing himself in the sound. "Pump it, pump it!"
listening to the pale is described like this:
Andre - "Guys, what's going on?" There's alarm in the man's voice, as he steps back to scan the surroundings
Egg Head - "HOSIANNAH! MOTHER OF MEGA!" You hear Egg Head yell -- then something else, but his voice is growing faint... Empathy - In his mind, a tidal wave approaching from afar, swallowing entire coastlines on its way... salvation. Electrochemistry - He's peaking -- the worst high he's ever been on.
Egg Head - "Yeah! It was awesome, and scary. Very hard core!"
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The Long Game
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Martin Lang x Oc
Link to Part Two!!
Summary: Tulip had met a surprising amount of psychopaths in her life. It was like they were drawn to her. Which is why when she met Martin she thought nothing of him. She'd been friends with people like him for years. Just a different type of psycho.
When she met Martin, Tulip had all her friends together. Now? She'd been outcasted for weeks and finally made some new friends. Friends who'd have her back when a certain unhinged boy starts to stalk her.
A/N: this is a purely self indulgent crossover with Martin and my IT oc, might get confusing but I just wanted to post something for Martin bc there's literally nothing :(
Eight months ago Tulip was blackout drunk at a party. It was a natural habitat for her.
She threw down another shot and looked to her friend beside her. The blonde stood right next to her, practically connected at the hip and poured another round of shots. He was too intoxicated to realize just how far in they were. Despite her swaying she hit him on the arm twice.
"Hey Vic" she grumbled. "I'm heading out for a smoke" she said, hand snaking down and casually going through the boys pocket and pulling out a lighter.
"Coulda fuckin' asked" the boy slurred and held out the other shot. "Come on... one more T" the boy pressed. Victors face showed how drunk he was. He was one of the most sane of her friends, he had the best head on his shoulders out of all of them. That was for damn sure, but right now? It didn't seem like it. "One more, for me" he said giving her his best attempt at puppy dog eyes.
She laughed in his face. "Fucking fine" she said taking it from his hand. The two counted down in sync and once they reached three they knocked back another round.
"Okay go outside. And don't lose my lighter!" The short blonde yelled as she walked off.
Tulip stumbled her way to the backyard of the house. She stood on the deck and held onto the banister to keep herself upright. The warm summer atmosphere surrounded her, the cool breeze was welcomed. She dug through her pockets and pulled out the pack of cigarettes.
She was so drunk she hadn't realized a boy sitting on the steps.
She pulled out a cigarette and placed it between her lips. Even with the asthma it was a habit she couldn't shake. She brought the lighter up to the end of the cig and kept trying to light it. She closed the zippo and let out a huff of annoyance.
She went to turn back inside and find her best friend inside the massive house. He always had lighters, he was a pyromaniac after all. But before she could a voice seemed to surround her. She hadn't even noticed the boy sitting on the steps.
"Do you need a light?" The boy asked standing up. Clad in his hoodie and regular jeans he grabbed his bag and pulled out a lighter. "My dad always said pretty girls shouldn't have to light their own cigarettes". Martin nearly died inside the second the words left his mouth. "Im sorry that was very forward" he said trying to backtrack while at the same time igniting the lighter and lighting the cigarette for her.
Tulip looked at the empty backyard. Was this kid outside by himself? "Thank you." She said simply and took a drag off the cigarette. "So do you like... know anyone here" she asked looking back towards the door and inside to the party.
"I'm friends with Vic actually...." he said rather quietly and immediately he was shocked at how she lit up.
Tulips grey eyes opened wide with the amount of excitement that could only be found in a drunk girl thirty minutes from throwing up. "What! No way! Who are you!" She said loudly.
"Wha- what?" He asked taken aback by the volume
"What's your name? Vic hasn't mentioned any new friends" she began to ramble. She let out a gasp. "Are you Ethan? Holy shit it's the rich kid! Were you the one with the crush on him? Holy fucking-"
"No, um my name is Martin" he cut her off and stood beside her, leaning on the banister.
She shrunk back into herself and stumbled backwards but caught herself. "Well Martin" she said shifting her weight on her feet, she pulled out her pack again. "Do you smoke?"
Martin looked her in the eye and found himself absolutely awestruck. Before he could even think it through he was lying. "Yeah" he said taking one from her container and lighting up his own. He had to stop himself from coughing it up.
The door behind them opened and Tulip nearly fell over with how fast she turned her head. Her head began to spin.
"Woah! Woah!" A deep voice called.
Martin watched as a six foot tall unit of a male came up behind her. Hands on her hips, he seemed very comfortable. It made Martins blood boil. He looked stronger than any teenager he'd ever seen before. The other guy was much taller than Martin, his brown hair wavy with a few scattered curls.
"Woah, baby you okay?" The stranger called keeping an arm around the girl.
"I don't feel so good" she muttered snuffing out her cigarette and throwing it in the ash tray. Her boyfriend held onto her and began to walk her inside. She didn't notice the stares both boys were now giving eachother.
Tulip didn't have any remembrance of that night. All she knew was that she hated herself in the morning and she was missing two of her cigarettes.
However that night changed Martin at his core. He needed to see her again, going as far as switching schools. He was obsessed with this unnamed girl he had met at that party. It took everything in him to play the long game and so once September rolled around, Martin was starting his senior year at Derry High.
What Martin did find out upon moving to Derry Maine made it even harder. He hadn't known that girl was an apex predator in town. She was practically untouchable.
Tulip belonged to the Bowers Gang. A group that consisted of four other boys and her. Thankfully he was friends with one of the members, though now they were in school together they rarely saw each other. Victor was very cautious about his image and who he hung out with. But Martin would occasionally play ball with Vic every once in awhile when the opportunity arose.
The top dogs of the school consisted of Henry Bowers, a violent little punk who Martin thought deserved to rot in hell. Martin wasn’t an idiot, he’d seen it in the halls. Despite being friends Henry seemed to have it out for Tulip as well, he’d seen the hair pulling, the smacking, the screaming. Martin had contemplated a lot of things. Next, Patrick Hockstetter who happened to be Tulips best friend. Martin learned fast that he was an absolute mental case. He kept dead animals in a fridge at the junkyard, his blood was a petri dish of any drug and disease he could think of. The one member Martin didn’t mind was Victor Criss. They had been friends for over a year now and Martin deemed him acceptable. Vic was smart and had wealthy parents. He knew the relationship between them, Vic could be trusted. Lastly was Reginald 'Belch' Huggins, Tulips boyfriend. Martin didn't like him one bit. She didn’t seem happy with Belch. As Martin remembered the party he couldn’t help but think that she looked happier talking to him. She’d be happier with him.
But it seemed fate was on his side because after his third month enrolled in Derry, hell broke loose.
Martin watched it happen. He sat at his lunch table and watched Tulip through his peripherals and suddenly she was standing beside Bowers and screaming. They both were. Martins eyes blew wide at what happened next. She clocked Henry to the side of the head, and suddenly they were fighting and dragging each other across the lunch room.
Since that day, Tulip had been alienated from her friends and she was left to her lonesome. She didn't have four guys protecting her. She didn’t have four guys at her back every waking second anymore. There was no one to get in his way anymore. If he did this right, if he played his cards, he'd get everything he wanted.
He hadn’t spoken to her. He couldn’t yet. He was too nervous for that. But he knew when he would be. The time would come and he’d be good as gold. 
It was late Febuary and Tulip stood at work. Standing at the register, bored out of her mind, she had nothing to do. Christmas was long since over and any rush after that had finally stopped. All she could do was stand beside the cash register and fold whatever returns were left at the front end.
She picked up her head and looked to a boy standing in the line queue. Taking a deep breathe she left her folding station and called out "I can take you down here." Tulip said, her customer service voice sickly sweet.
Tulips eyes flickered from the tags on the clothes then to the customer infront of her. She could of sworn she'd met him somewhere before. "Hi how are you?" she asked politely as she sectioned out all the clothes.
"Oh uhm, im alright. How are you doing?" Martin asked shifting his weight.
"Im doing great, thank you" she said forcing the happiness in her tone. She continued ringing in silence. The only sound was the quiet ringing of the cash drawer.
The boy looked to her chest at her name tag. He spoke up and broke the silence. "Your name is Tulip?" He questioned as if he didn't already know.
Tulip met him with a cold stare. For a split moment she forgot she even had a name tag. She was freaked out that this random guy knew her name. Then it clicked and her harsh exterior seemed to crumble. "Uh yeah." She nodded along quietly. Silently cursing herself for her own stupidity. She waited for the line that followed.
Almost any time a guy tried to talk to her it always ended in. “Like the flower”. That line got old fast and any time she heard it, she shut down. But what the boy said next left her pleasantly surprised. 
"It's a very pretty name" he said kindly. 
Tulip looked at the boy. She met his eyes and he seemed like he was a million miles away. Like he was physically there but mentally? He was detached and far away from here. She'd seen that look a hundred times over. "Oh! Thanks!" She said with a tightly lipped smile as she finished bagging everything. "Okay, here, so your totals gonna be 32.95 today" she said looking to him.
She watched as he fumbled through his wallet and pulled out enough cash to cover the transaction. He looked her in the eyes as he handed over the money. "You have really pretty eyes by the way..." he said raising his pointer finger in the air and loosely gesturing up to his eyes as he spoke about hers.
Tulip felt herself actually smile at the seem of onslaught compliments. "Thank you" she said as she finished counting the money and pushed a few buttons on the register.
"Uhm I'm sorry to ask this but is there anyway I could get a receipt?" he explained looking at her. “You just incase I need to return anything?” The smile and nod she gave him had his chest feeling warm. He found himself smiling. Of course he had no intention on bringing anything back up until he said that. Maybe he’d come back just to see her again. 
"Sure thing! It's just gonna take a second" she said to him and turned to her printer. She pressed the button and waited for it to print as she gathered the boys change.
"Alright and this is yours" the girl said putting the change into his palm.
The printer slowly did its job and the pair stood waiting. In the silence, Martin looked to her neck. "I like your necklaces." He blurted out.
Tulips hand immediately went to hold her neck and chest, she hadn't remembered which one she'd had on. "Oh? Oh!" She said surprised. "Thank you! I actually made this one myself" she said nodding along proudly. She pulled off the reciept and handed it to Marin along with his bag. "Alright, you have a great day now!" She said sweetly.
"Bye Tulip! It was nice to meet you" the boy said and left the store. Tulips shoulders dropped as she went back to her folding. Only two more hours till her shift was over. She could get through this. Besides she was going out with the girls tonight, she had plans.
The two hours had finally come to pass and Tulip was ready to tear out of the parking lot and speed home. She had a lot to get ready for.
As Tulip walked out the doors of Freese's Department store she shouldered her jacket and pulled on the lapels till it was fully on. She pulled her keys out of her pocket and twirled them around her finger as she made it to her Camaro.
Tulip got into her car and started the engine. She couldn't help but smile to herself every time she got in it. This was the most petty purchase she'd ever made in her life. Her ex boyfriend wanted a Camaro more than anything in his life. So what did she do after they broke up? She bought his dream car. As Tulip got herself situated (meaning she stared at herself in the rear view mirror and applied a bit more chapstick) she finally went to leave.
She didn't know it but Martin was standing idly in the parking lot watching. He stood beside the motorcycle and watched the girl get her things together in her car. His eyes flickered to the license plate.
Tulip slid her cassette deck into the slot and the music began to blare. She twisted her wrist and opened all the windows. Within seconds the the sound of bass and a shrill yell blasted out from her speakers and filled the parking lot. Tulip sped out and disappeared onto the roads.
Martin watched her turn out of the car park and speed down the street. He felt his heart pound. The day had finally come. He thought to himself. 'You'll see her in a few hours... tonight's the night'
Martin was seeing her at that party tonight. That was damn sure. 
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