#i have doodled so little lately buT i made my favorite sunshine boy
arkaylarts · 2 years
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ofnifflersandkings · 6 years
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Title: Prelude
Character: Miles Morales
A/n: Another Miles story because he’s a cutie and since tumblr is sleeping on my boy I’m gonna be writing a frickton for him because he deserves it.
You felt your eyes slowly flutter open, blinking every now and then as the inside of your bedroom began to come into focus. The sky outside was a still a deep blue and your brows furrowed at the idea of someone calling you at whatever early hour it was.
One of your hands reached up to rub at your eyes, and after a few seconds, you began to feel yourself slowly fall back to sleep. The movements of your hand slowing to a stop when the exhaustion made your eyelids feel as heavy as anchors.
You shot up again, trying to locate where your phone was. After scanning the entirety of your bed, you leaned your head over the side and saw it laying on the carpet. You reached out to pick it up again, noticing the caller was an unknown number.
You slid the answer button, pulling your phone up to your ear and checking to see if the hall light was still on.
“Hello?” You whispered softly, deducting from the lack of any light outside your bedroom door that everyone in your house had gone to sleep.
“How’s it goin’, Sunshine?”
You shook your head and laughed, now knowing exactly who was calling. “Miles, I know I said we’d talk later but,” You moved your phone from your ear to look at the time. “It’s almost one in the morning.”
“That’s late for you? It’s Friday night. You gotta live it up a little, Sunshine.”
You hummed, shifting in your bed so your back rested against the wall. “Technically, it’s Saturday morning now, Morales,” You heard him chuckle and it made you smile. “You know, I think you gave me that nickname because you were all talk about remembering my real name.”
He feigned an overdramatic and clearly insulted gasp. “I was not!”
“No? What is it then?”
It was now your turn to laugh. “Alright, touché. So, what are you even doing up so late?”
He made the ‘i-don’t-know’ noise and you heard him laugh. “Parents both working overtime and I can’t get myself to fall asleep. Usually Ganke’s stupid monitor lights keep me up but this is all my own doing.”
“And you thought to call me? I’m flattered.”
“Well if we’re gonna be friends, I think we need to lay down some foundation don’t you think?”
“Earliest hours of a Saturday morning and you wanna have a chat?”
You could practically hear the beaming smile stretch on Miles’ face. “I couldn’t think of a better time to get to know someone. So, what do you say?”
And so you did, for the next hour and a half maybe, the two of talked over the phone. It started out simple with a round of 20 questions, the basic ‘What’s your favorite color?’ or ‘what conspiracy theory do you most believe in?’.
Then slowly they shifted into more serious stuff. Miles told you about his Uncle Aaron and how he’d always find places Miles could put his graffiti up on. And how it was still weird to think he wasn’t gonna be around anymore.
You listened intently as he spoke about his uncle, easily telling he cared about him very much. You didn’t want to interrupt his train of thought, you didn’t know if he had time to fully process or grieve yet.
“I’m sorry to hear about your uncle, Miles. He seemed great.”
“It’s alright, happens to people all the time. Uncle Aaron wouldn’t want me moping about it for very long.”
The line went quiet for a few moments, you could hear the sound of something scratching against paper. You closed your eyes and turned onto your side, letting your phone rest beside your head.
Then Miles began humming, it was some upbeat song you couldn’t quite recall the name of. He was a little pitchy, but it made you smile nonetheless. All the comforting noises coming together to lull you into a state of semi-unconsciousness.
Miles looked up from his work, and noticed how long your phone call had been going on for. But it only felt like minutes had gone by.
It was nice being able to do that with someone.
“You still there, (Y/n)?” He asked, noticing that the only sounds on your end was the steadiness of your breathing.
You hummed, taking a deep inhale as you tried to regain focus. “Just trying to make sure you were paying attention. Besides, how could anyone sleep with such a virtuoso singing to them?”
Miles eyes went wide and he leaned back in his desk chair, covering his embarrassment with a laugh. “Yeah, I do that a lot apparently.”
You shook your head. “What’s that scratching sound I kept hearing? Are you drawing another design?”
Miles looked at the peice of paper he had taped to his board. It really had just started out as a doodle, your name sprawled out on the page in swirly letters. But then you two started talking and he got an idea for a full image.
There was a reason he asked for your favorite color.
But there was no way he was about to tell you that.
So instead he did the next best thing and completely redirected the subject.
“How come you always seem to know so much about me? If I didn’t know any better I’d think you might have a thing for me.”
Ah, there he goes again. Letting his mouth talking without getting any kind of consent from his brain.
Miles was about to sputter out some kind of cover up but you simply laughed.
“No, Ganke was just telling me how cool he thinks your art is. All the bright colors and the fancy calligraphy. Talk of the town is that you’re pretty good, would you ever let me see any of your stuff?”
Usually Miles was pretty confident about his art, he loved showing other people and getting their opinions. But for some reason, the thought you looking at them made him nervous. It reminded him of all the times he was iffy about a design Uncle Aaron wanted to see.
But he had to play it cool.
“Course you can. Just say the word, Sunshine.”
You yawned, feeling yourself come close to maxing out on consciousness. “Miles,” You started before sighly deeply. “As much as I’m enjoying our conversation, I think Sunshine needs some shuteye.”
Miles pressed his cheek into his hand and smiled. “Okay, I’ll talk to you later then?”
You smiled, letting your eyes close. “Let’s try to make ‘later’ not one in the morning this time, alright?”
He chuckled and nodded his head, setting his pencil aside and taking you off speaker. When he brought his phone to his ear, he leaned backwards. “Can do, Sunshine. Have a nice night.”
“Nighty night, Miles.”
The line went silent again, but neither of you heard the click to here the line end. Though admittedly, you simply felt too tired to move again.
“I think this is the part where one of us hangs up, isn’t it?”
Miles shook himself out of his daydream and scratched his neck sheepishly. “Oh yeah, sorry about that.”
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Dear Dumbass
Here’s another entry for kagehinaweek2018 held by @a-yearful-of-events
Prompt: Messages/Notes
It happens on a september day. The day is like any other else, a boring school atmosphere ruling over Kageyama's mood. It has been quite some time since something (a volleyball match) happened, and he's getting bored.
He's been feeling bored for the whole week. Morning practice is surely a help but it's just not enough. Evening practice has yet to come. There are still two classes left. From Kageyama's seat, he can see when a bright red head enters the classroom and heads in his direction. Kageyama straightens up, watching as Hinata comes close, and stops right in front of his desk, hands slamming onto the wood right in front of him.
"Kageyamaaa," he whines, leaning in just an inch closer, making Kageyama's cheeks burn hot. "Lend me your math book!"
Hinata leans back, and gives Kageyama some room to breathe. He goes on babbling about forgetting the book at home, and how his teacher will be mad cause he forgot it again, and no, he doesn't know where it is, and he has no time to go home to find it-
And Kageyama lends him the book, just to shut him up.
Hinata's eyes shine bright when he's offered the book, and he takes it. He bows, and says his thanks, then rushes out of the classroom. Kageyama is left staring at the door Hinata left through just a minute ago.
He loves that shrimp.
Kageyama doesn't really need the book sooner than tomorrow, and he tells Hinata so when he dutyfully returns it to him the break after, telling him his thanks. Hinata insists he should take it, cause he's definitely going to lose it again.
Kageyama keeps it on his desk even after the last class starts. He starts with listening to the teacher but his attention doesn't last long, as usual, and his eyes wander back to the book. And that's when he notices it.
A note.
He pulls at the piece of paper sticking out from between the pages of his textbook, and finds a hand written message. 'Thank you' it says. After that, there's a small smiley face in the corner of the paper, that seems to be ripped out of Hinata's notes, and the color that Kageyama's face heats up with is unmistakably red.
He puts the message into his pencil case and keeps it there. He may or may not read it a few times before he goes to sleep. Needless to say, Kageyama is happy.
That day, he's expecting Hinata to come to him again, and he's right. He doesn't even listen to him this time, and just hands him the book with a stupid smirk on his face, that he just can't help, cause today, Hinata is going to find his own message.
To his 'Don't make this a habit of yours, dumbass' - that was, of course, meant in the most annoyed way, and not written because Kageyama just can't handle this new thing that Hinata invented, and has his hopes about continuing this a little too high - comes a quick answer, that makes him grin boardly,
'Why not? I like it,'
And that's how it starts. Every once in a while, before Hinata's class has maths, Kageyama awaits him in his classroom, and lets him sit down onto the chair in front of him to babble around random things, before he hands him the book that he has made sure to put onto his desk for easy access when Hinata stops by.
And every time, Kageyama can be certain that he'll receive a new message. Sometimes a random doodle of a volleyball, a question or an answer to his previous quiestion. Each and every time, he can't stop his heart from thumming, and his mind from being so impossibly happy about it.
This is something he shares with Hinata.
He likes answering Hinata's random questions, like what did he eat for breakfast or if they're gonna hang out at weekend. That's why, when Hinata's message reads 'I'll buy you a milk after practice,' as Hinata's way of paying back for borrowing the textbook for over a month, he doesn't let him.
'You don't have to but thanks.' Because he likes this, the messages, and that he can see Hinata every day after morning practice, and even before the evening one starts. Because seeing this sunshine only twice a day is not enough, most often.
He receives a message right away, letting him know that 'Why? I want to,' and makes him unable to refuse when Hinata takes him by the sleeve after the evening practice ends, and pulls him to the nearest vending machine to buy him a milkbox, and then buy a juice for himself.
Hinata likes to chat about meaningless things, and even though Kageyama would normally shut him up, if they were talking verbally, face-to-face but he still answers his messages, even if he doesn't have an answer.
'Did you know there's gonna be a girls' national tournament this weekend? Wanna watch?'
'Sure why not,'
'OOh! Who's your favorite?'
'I don't know. I don't watch girls' volleyball.'
Then, there are conversations that Kageyama doesn't enjoy, even if they're with Hinata. And sometimes it's because they're with him.
'Do you have someone you like?'
This message is delivered to him on a day when there's no evening practice, and he's glad there isn't, because he can't even meet Hinata's eyes when he sees him off to the nearest bus stop.
He takes his time at home to just stare at the piece of paper, thinking of what to write back. It's not like he can tell him. It's not like he can lie without being seen through. It's a dilema that causes some mild sleep deprivation, and then takes away a few classes, before Kageyama scribbles down his answer just before Hinata enters the classroom, full of joy as usual.
'WHAAA?! Who is it?' Despite the excited answer, Hinata in real life stays as unfazed as before. Maybe it's because he's got an hour prior to panic or to be curious about it, and he doesn't feel the need to scream at Kageyama anymore.
Anyway, Kageyama likes it that Hinata doesn't push him, and it feels like as if Hinata understood his struggles, and gave him a room to breathe, instead of making him feel forced and rushed to say what he might not have expressed, like, ever.
It's calming when Hinata talks to him in the clubroom, planning their weekend plans instead of being interested in Kageyama's personal life. He can fully relax when they play and set, and when he watches Hinata spike not only his tosses. He feels extra good when he manages to ace every set of their practice game.
He forgets about the letter. Hinata doesn't seem to remember it by the time they're walking home together. Or he's just good at playing slow. That's surprising, because Hinata was never one to be called patient but Kageyama is glad that he is, right now.
His late realization of a math homework makes him open the book again, and that's when he finds the paper again. Hinata's message is practically yelling "Kageyama, answer mee!" in Hinata's cutely excited voice, and Kageyama can't focus on the homework.
So he spends the time panicking about an answer.
'Not telling you, dumbass,' is a simple one but it seems to be sufficient. Though he receives an immediate response, asking if he can at least guess.
'Go ahead then.'
'Are they cute?'
'Yes.' Impossibly so.
Something in Kageyama guts tells him this maybe isn't the best idea. By asking all these kinds of questions, the numbers of people are running short, and soon, Hinata is definitely gonna realize.
Swallowing all his insecurities, he writes a simple 'No.'
'do they like volleyball?'
'why do you ask?' This is really getting suspicious. The chances of Hinata guessing correctly are still low. There are many people playing volleyball, and even people who like it but don't play. He could say they go to another school.
He spends the whole class thinking of ways and excuses, in case Hinata would get closer to getting the right answer. Damn, he shouldn't have agreed to this.
'Isn't that, like, your priority?'
This makes Kageyama stop for a moment. Of course it's not. That they're playing volleyball is a coincidence. That Kageyama likes him might have a little to do with that, especially so because if they weren't on the same team, they wouldn't be talking right now. But that doesn't mean (probably) that Kageyama wouldn't notice Hinata. It doesn't mean (definitely) that he wouldn't develop such feelings for him.
'dumbass, I didn't choose to like them. I just do,'
'They do.'
And that's the last thing he's willing to say. What's fitting, because Hinata doesn't show up the next time he awaits him. When Kageyama goes to check on him, he finds Hinata in his own classroom, waving at him from his desk.
"Guess what? I've found my book!"
And for a reason, it makes Kageyama feel sick. He dashes out of the room, and returns to his own desk, where he plops down, and hits his head onto the wooden surface with the force of his fall.
He feels sad to think about not texting with Hinata anymore.
But he gets used to it. Seeing Hinata at practice is good, he has that at least, and Hinata is as lively as usual. He can't bring himself to ask him why did he stop. He can't, because Hinata would either tell him he doesn't want to do it anymore, cause now he's got his own book, and there's no need to talk to Kageyama, and break Kageyama's heart. Or he's going to insist on knowing who Kageyama crush is, and break his own heart.
He collects all the papers that he left in his room to at least have a memory of this thing they had.
And then, after a week or so, Hinata appears in the doorframe once again. He's smiling widely, announcing his arrival with a loud yell of Kageyama's name. This is the last thing Kageyama expected to happen, and he snaps his head to Hinata, holding his breath as the smaller boy skips to his place.
"Heyo," he greets Kageyama, somehow even more excited than usual. "Do you happen to have your math book with you?"
Kageyama has never been happier to hear those words. He nods vigorously, and dives into his school bag to fish out the text book they've been exchanging ever since the start of september. It has already been a long time, with Kageyama's birthday getting fairly close.
"Don't lose it," he says as Hinata walks back to the door. He can see Hinata sticking out his tongue before running off. He's sure he's smiling widely again. These past months has become less boring, thanks to Hinata. He's hoping to continue feeling like this.
And then it comes. The new joy makes Kageyama not think about where they left of but Hinata seems to remember. And he seems to know.
'Is it me?'
There's no way in hell he's going to tell him. No chance. Nu-uh. Hiding it fairly well for half a year and more, and now it's going to be ruined. No thank you.
But there's no other way. Hinata is expecting an answer. Kageyama has tried writing down a quick no, and then stuffing it into the book but feeling too guilty about lying and taking it out.
He ends up not giving Hinata a reply but neither does he refuse to let him borrow. And Hinata doesn't seem to be at all impatient to receive an answer. He acts like usual. Kageyama knows he wants to know the truth, and that he's honestly curious, not just making fun of him. He hopes he's not making fun of him, cause then he's worrying about nothing.
Would Hinata be so disgusted if he says yes? Probably, yeah. He's just double checking. What if he's asking this to know if he should worry about it and try to refuse him nicely.
'Sorry.' He writes. It's the only think he finds good enough. He doesn't want to lie to him, yet he can't bring himself to tell the truth. This way, it'll be obvious. But at least, there's no need of having a real life conversation. Hopefully.
'Kageyama? You okay?' Hinata answers. Proving he didn't understand. That dumbass. But it pains Kageyama. Both that he didn't understand, and that he's so worried about him. Even though he's about to say that he has a crush on him. Hinata will hate him for that.
He says it anyway. 'It's you. Please forget about it.'
Hinata notices the pained expression when he takes the book from him. He doesn't ask, though. He expects to find the answer inside. And he's ready to shoot back. Kageyama really doesn't need to read that one message saying "I can't accept you", and he doesn't.
He doesn't wait for Hinata to return the book. He packs his things, cause this is the last class, and fortunately, there's no evening practice today, so he can rush home, and-
He's not even out of the classroom when Hinata arrives at the door, eyes burning. He opens his mouth wide to take a deep breath, and,
"Why would I?" He screams at the top of his lungs, and he doesn't give a damn about everyone in the class listening to them, cause how can they not, when he yells again. And sure he isn't embarrassed when he says,
"I love you!"
But Kageyama is. He's totally embarrassed, too conscious of everyone around them, of the people that stopped in their lives to stare at them, and he's burning, and he absolutely cannot take it. 
He especially can't take the dumbass that's standing in front of him, determined, now smiling at him as if he just spiked the most difficult ball and scored a point. 
It's just too much for him. He still finds one word that's easy enough for him to say, cause he has already said it a million times before. It's easy, cause this is Hinata. 
"Dumbass," and then, "I love you too." 
Thanks for reading! 
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drycoin14-blog · 5 years
In Memoriam: Yummers Potatoes (2000-2018)
Yummers Potatoes
A couple weeks ago, our sweet boy Yummers died at the age of 18. We adopted him when he was about 1 year old, and so we shared our lives together for 17 years and 1 week. Today I am 44 years old, which means I was only 27 when we brought him home. It's amazing to think of all the changes and events in our lives since then... with little Yummers by our side the whole time.
This picture was taken in the first few days after we first got Yummers. 
We were all three little babies!
Yummers was the first pet we got together, and it was so exciting. We were absolutely obsessed with him - looking for him the second we walked in the house and nearly assaulting him with snuggles. For years, we threw a big party every year to celebrate "Yummers Day" - with activities like making catnip toys, or coloring in drawings of Yummers. We stopped doing this when we realized that Yummers wasn't actually enjoying his own party. Ha ha. Many years later though, Yummers did come to enjoy parties - especially if there were about 8 people or so. If it was a big party, he would wait until lots of people had left, and the party was the right size for him. Then he would come out and socialize like the lord of the manor!
"the long distance snuggle"
When we first got Yummers, he was not interested in snuggles. He had an injured foot and came from the shelter with a kitty cold, and he was just plain meek and very afraid. It took us such a long time to win him over and to help him emerge from his shell. We were patient with him, and played with him, and even fed him little nibbles off our plates to win his good favor (it worked!). His first official "snuggle" was when he would sit within arm's reach near us on the sofa. We named this move "The long distance snuggle."
Yummers was always food motivated! 
When we adopted Yummers, the vet told Musty that "you could just leave food out for him to eat." About a week later, Musty suggested that I buy a new bag of cat food. "Already??" I asked. It turned out Yummers had happily plowed his way through a whole bag of kitty kibble in no time at all. And Mr. VE&T had never had a cat before, so he didn't know any better! ha ha. After that, we took to giving him smaller servings twice a day. 
We kept the container of extra food up on the mantle of our fireplace... until one night when we came home from a dinner date only to find that Yummers had - against all odds! - jumped up to the mantle (we could see the claw marks in the wood!) and knocked the container down, and distributed kibbles far and wide across the land. He was most delighted with his handiwork. 
A year or so later, Yummers  actually became quite athletic! His foot injury slowly healed and soon he was jumping over fences, climbing trees, hunting bugs and gophers in the garden (not vegan! sorry!), eating grass, and jumping up and down to his super tall kitty tower. 
in our magnolia tree... looking like such a youngster! 
My yoga buddy
Yummers was my faithful yoga buddy. He loved being out in the studio with me, especially since he was the only one allowed out there with me. It was a dog-free zone, and a special place for just Yummers and me. Some mornings I wouldn't really feel excited about practicing, but Yummers would be there, meowing and heading for the back door - guiding me like Lassie! 
Yummers' most favorite pose was baddha konasana. I had to do this every single time we did yoga together - he liked to climb into the space between my heels and my legs. Then he would purr and snuggle and soak up all the snugs he wanted. Sometimes I would have to do this several times in one practice session! 
Yummers had his own private entrance to the yoga room... up the little red stairs and through the window. In the summer, I would leave the window open for him to come and go as he pleased. He loved to sit on the stairs, or often half-inside the yoga room and half-outside - soaking up the joys of the great outdoors. 
Chatty Yummers
Yummers was a real talker! And he just loved to be sweet talked. He loved his name so much - one of our favorite games was to say his name to him in a super perky way, and then he would respond immediately with a hearty chirp!
Amey: "Yummers!"
Yummers: "Mrow!"
Amey: "Yummers!"
Yummers: "Mrow!"
It could go on like this for quite a while. He also loved if you just said his name over and over and over real fast "YummersYummersYummersYummersYummersYummers..." It would make him purr so loudly!
Acutally, this is pretty amazing, but Yummers was such a good communicator that he had a distinct meow for many different circumstances. We could tell the difference between when he was meowing just to say hi, asking to be fed, bossing Dottie around, about to throw up, angry, and so on. It was really incredible. But also, it was just fun because he always had something to say.
in his life time, Yummers had over one million nick names...
here are a few favorites off the top of my head:
YumBum // Little Baby Yummers // Yummino Acid // Osama bin Sweetie
Po-tay-to // Foo D. Nose // Potentate // Yummers Bummers
Yummers Yummers Monkey Summers // Snuggy Boy
 Little Lord Yummers // YummersYummersYummersYummers
"the cutie"
We had names for many of Yummers' cute moves. In 17 years of togetherness, Yummers never sat on our laps. He was not into that. But, he did love sleeping between my feet on the bed... and after several years, he decided to drape his little paws over my leg while he slept. I know this sounds crazy, but we were so excited that we freaked out and named this new move "the cutie." ha ha. It remained a favorite of his for the rest of his days - and in fact, he spent most of the last few months of his life in his favorite little kitty bed, with his paws draped over the edge, cutie-style. 
"the cutie" in action,
with added yawn power! 
Yummers wasn't into super physical contact, he didn't sleep on our laps or "make biscuits" on our laps... but what he lacked in physical affection, he more than made up for with emotional presence. The minute you walked in the back door, Yummers would be there, amid all the barking dogs, persistently meowing hello and angling for his own affection. If I was in the front room, within a few minutes, Yummers would be there too. If we were out in the backyard, Yummers would come out the backyard. He loved to be with us. He loved to swoop around between my ankles and snugged and smooshed. He loved to be picked up and snuggled any chance he could get. He was really in the mix, really a part of the gang.
Sunshine Appreciator
Yummers was a true lover of sunshine
He was also very handsome.
Yummers and I had a very special sunshine routine in the backyard. He just loved when I would sit outside out in the back, and especially when I would put down a towel to lie on. He would materialize out of nowhere, and lie next to me in the sun, basking in the warmth and companionship. But I was *not* allowed to pet him while he was sun bathing - or he would turn on me and bite me! 
In the house, Yummers had an astute and keenly programmed routine of sun chasing: on the bed in the early morning, in the dining area in the late morning, in the back yard around noon, and then either the futon or the foot of the bed for the late afternoon sun. I'm tellin' ya, he had a pretty good life. 
sunshine on the Most Desirable green chair
Yummers had such a beautiful belly - and happily, he loved to have his belly petted, smooshed, snuggled, wiggled, and I was even allowed to smoosh my face up against it pretty much whenever I wanted.
Yummers and I had such a special thing. I just felt like I understood him. Any little move he made, any little glance or nudge, any shift in behavior and I felt like I knew what he wanted. I just understood him and I never felt like he was a weirdo or a mystery to me. Also, sweet Yummers enjoyed the snuggles I liked to give him and he happily let me pet him the way I wanted to pet him! I know it sounds a little selfish, but I really loved this about him so much. 
left: the "two-paw salute"
right: the "one paw salute"
This was one of Yummers' most favorite moves: the salute! He loved to be held over one shoulder like this, and it was best if you supported one of my back legs, but let the other one hang down. Ha ha. He was so particular! When he was happy, he would extend one arm out into the air. When he was really, really happy he would extend both arms out! The two-arm salute! 
This doodle is a stand in for 3 important snuggles:
1. "Tube Hug"
2. "The Trap"
3. "The Hobby Horse"
1. The Tube Hug: Yummers loved to be slowly petted from his head to his kitty butt, with our hands wrapped all the way around his kitty girth. 2. The Trap: at some point Mr. VE&T realized that if you placed one hand on top of his back and one hand on his belly and start smooshing your fingers, Yummers would immediately surrender and lie down for more snuggles. Hoorah! Obviously, this was immediately named "the trap," for our reluctant little snuggler.
3. The Hobby Horse: Honestly, Mr VE&T deserves full credit for discovering so many of Yummers' favorite little moves. In the last few years, he discovered just how much Yummers loved to be gently wiggled. Especially if you put him on the end of the bed. It was a special little bond they shared!
Yummers was a feisty little fella in his youth - he loved to play with his toys and he would get this little cross-eyed and wild look. Sometimes, totally out of the blue, he would jump up and attack my head for no reason! Except he was so chubby that his fuzzy little chub belly would just hit me on the head. He wanted to be fierce, but he really wasn't. He was just a sweet little bub. Ha ha ha! 
You are not my friend
ha ha ha
This picture cracks me up. Yummers was not a fan of the dogs, but he adapted reluctantly. It's safe to say that he was the patriarch / dictator of our furry pack - a position he relished and enforced with an iron paw. Although he was able to tolerate the dogs (and they were all terrified of him), he absolutely was not able to tolerate poor Footie. Bringing Footie into our family was an act of betrayal that poor Yummers just could not abide, and he protested several times a day - mostly by continuously pestering Footie. It was a non-stop array of swats, minor aggressions, antagonism, kicking Footie out of his spot in the sun... only to follow him and kick him out the next spot... and the next spot. I'm convinced that this singular focus actually gave Yummers' life meaning and purpose in his final years.
The most interesting cat on the internet
What a beautiful picture of sweet Yummers Potatoes in his prime. 
Our veggie-loving sweet heart 
Of course one of the things that we all knew and loved about Yummers was his voracious and completely self-driven love of vegetables. What a nut! He loved pretty much all vegetables but his top 4 were definitely corn, asparagus, broccoli and green beans. Beyond that, all green veggies (kale, chard, spinach, peas, etc) were also preferred. Not to mention chips, crackers, rice cakes, popcorn, tortilla chips, and on and on. None of the other pets were ever allowed to have human food, so Yummers also enjoyed his very special privilege while the others looked on longingly. Ha ha. He really was quite imperial! 
A typical lunch experience:
me, attempting to eat my lunch in the sunny back yard, Yummers aggressively angling for his share of my veggies, Stevie looking on with eternal optimism! Yummers almost always managed to get a few nibbles from me. How could I resist?
Yummers'  "FEED ME!" face!
ha ha ha. I just love this picture so much, and I will always be grateful for it.
It really captures something so essential about him! Bossy and spunky and hungry!
Our friend Kendra took this picture when she was housesitting for us. Thanks Kendra.
Last but not least, three videos of Yummers eating his veggies with zeal and vigor! 
Yummers Eats His Broccoli
Yummers Eats His Corn
** Click here to see an old post with an excellent video of Yummers eating his corn! **
(I couldn't get the video to load correctly)
Yummers Eats His Asparagus
A few days after Yummers died, I went to the farmers' market only to find that the asparagus ladies were there for the first time this season. Of course they asked about him, because I was always buying more asparagus for him. I bought asparagus that day, but it took me several days to actually eat it because it kept making me cry. I know I'll never eat asparagus again and not remember my sweet Yummers Potatoes. 
In his last two days, he ate almost nothing... two nibbles of Tofurkey slices, and two tips of steamed asparagus. I love that he got his favorite veggie in his final days... he didn't have much appetite, but he could certainly rally for some delicious asparagus.  Rest in Peace, little veggie-lover.
my sweet little guy
Source: http://veganeatsandtreats.blogspot.com/2018/04/in-memoriam-yummers-potatoes-2000-2018.html
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The Death List - Chapter 1
The New England air was cold and crisp in early September. Kennedy Heart stood on the sidewalk looking up at the different colors that
were splashed among the trees. She took a deep breath in and held it there for just a moment and closed her eyes. She was happy here in Salem, Massachusetts. She thought she would miss being back home in Kansas but she honestly was happy here. Kennedy wrapped her arms around herself and shuddered. It was going to be a very cold winter she decided. She opened her eyes and glanced at her phone. The time indicated that it was almost time for her very first class at Salem State University. She smiled to herself and began to walk towards the building her class would be in. Her first class of the day happened to be Calculus, her favorite subject. Kennedy adored math while most girls enjoyed English or Literature. She had already determined that she would be either a math or accounting major. Math would be involved somehow she knew that for certain. Her shoes squeaked on the linoleum as she walked into the building. Excitement and nervousness bubbled inside of her stomach as she pulled out a piece of notebook paper that contained her class schedule and classroom number. The building was loud as many college students stood in the halls drinking their coffee, eating their breakfast, and chatting about their day. Kennedy kept her head down not wanting to make any eye contact with anyone. After what seemed like an eternity Kennedy found room 202 and walked into the classroom. Professor Simmons was already there getting ready for class. Kennedy looked at her phone and saw she had twenty minutes to class and a message from her brother. Maybe she was too early. She looked up and searched for a spot and decided on one that wasn’t too close to the front but not too close to the back. She made a mental note to come to class this early because there weren’t many students in here yet. Kennedy sat down taking off her backpack and jacket and pulled out her notebook and some pens. She knew a lot of students will opt for a laptop or even an ipad but there was something about pen and paper that she loved besides this was math so a laptop probably wouldn’t be useful. She decided to open her phone and read the message from her brother Jonathan.
Hey, Ken! Good luck on your first day of class. Sorry I couldn’t help you move in. Call or text if you need me. Miss you.
Kennedy sighed and closed her eyes. Jonathan was six years older than Kennedy he had already graduated from Kansas State University and was an officer in the Army. He had just been relocated to Fort Bragg in North Carolina. Jonathan wanted Kennedy to go to school in North Carolina but for whatever reason her heart was set on going to Salem State. Jonathan and Kennedy only had each other now. Their parents had died in a car accident when Kennedy was just twelve. Jon had become her legal guardian and stayed with her in Kansas until she went off to college. Kennedy still had a hard time with her parents’ death; she was extremely close with both of them. Even now thinking about it she felt a golf ball rise in her throat and tears pricking her eyes. She quickly shook and it off and texted her brother back.
Thanks should be a good class. I’ll let you know if I need anything. No big deal on helping me move in! My new roommate Colleen and her family helped a lot. Love you.
She sent the text, put her phone on vibrate, and stowed it away in her backpack. She tucked her long straight black hair behind her ear and began to doodle on her paper. She was very focused on her doodle until she heard a small cough. Kennedy looked up blinking in confusion. A tall very good-looking boy stared down at her. He had short dark black hair (that looked even darker than her own) it was slightly tousled with the bangs slightly flipped up, the jell in it glistened slightly and his skin was an olive tan color but seemed almost pale like he hadn’t seen the sun in days. What was most memorable about this boy standing before her was his eyes they were a shocking shade of violet. Kennedy furrowed her brows in confusion wondering how on earth anyone could possibly have purple eyes? Was he blind? Suddenly her thoughts were broken by his velvety husky voice.
“Um I’m sorry but are you listening to me?”
“What?” Kennedy asked in surprise making a mental note to google purple eyes later. The strange boy chucked.
“I said is this seat taken?” Kennedy shook her head and the boy sat down and after taking out his notebook and pens he turned and stared at her fiercely. Kennedy looked back down at her paper. She felt heat rise to her face as she felt his eyes on her. The boy cleared his throat and reluctantly she turned and looked at him.
“Do you have a tickle in your throat?” She asked sarcastically.
“No.” The boy simply said with a smirk. Kennedy frowned and felt very awkward. Did this person have no social grace?
“Well…can I help you?” Kennedy knew she was being rude but she didn’t really want to be bothered. The boy smiled at her politely, she noticed he had deep dimples in both of his cheeks.
“I just wanted to introduce myself. I’m Everett Matthews.” Everett stuck out his hand still smiling. Kennedy looked at his hand skeptically.
“Kennedy Heart.” Kennedy said taking his hand shaking it. His hand was very soft and very hot but not sweaty. She looked down at his hand in confusion and quickly pulled it away. She went back to her paper trying her best to ignore him. He kept looking at her until finally the class started. Kennedy was relieved that she had something else to pay attention too. Everett was very unusual she decided.
After what seemed like a very long class Kennedy packed up her stuff and began to walk out. She was extremely annoyed. Everett stared at her almost the entire class, which was obviously very distracting “Didn’t he have anything better to do? Like maybe taking notes? ” She wondered. She was so annoyed at his audacity to gawk at her that she didn’t even notice her phone was buzzing for a few seconds. She pulled her phone out of her jacket pocket and saw the caller was her new roommate Colleen O’Malley.
“Hello?” Kennedy answered.
“Kennedy! Are you hungry?” Colleen chirped happily. Kennedy looked at her phone and saw that it was ten am.
“I guess I could eat…I forgot to grab breakfast. Why?” Kennedy asked
“I’m starved. The cafeteria is serving brunch if you’re interested? We could wait till lunch if you want.”
“No, food now is good.” Kennedy said thoughtfully.
“Great, I’ll meet there.” Colleen said excitedly and hung up the phone.
Kennedy was thankful for Colleen. Colleen was upbeat and extremely extroverted. Kennedy wasn’t a complete introvert and definitely wasn’t a loner but she preferred to quietly watch movies, read books, or draw. Colleen would make sure she got out and socialized. Colleen reminded Kennedy of her best friends at home Stephanie and Lucy. They both stayed in Kansas and were both devastated by Kennedy’s decision to move all the way to New England for school and now that her brother moved to North Carolina it would be difficult for her to see them back in Kansas over the holidays. Kennedy decided to call them later.
Before heading into the cafeteria Kennedy ducked into the bathroom. She went over to the sink and splashed some water on her face. She looked at the girl in the mirror. Her ivory colored skin was splotched with red and her bright blue colored eyes looked almost manic. That class really stressed her out. Which was really frustrating because that was the class she looked most forward to. She decided right then and there to avoid Everett Matthews. Maybe she’ll come a little late on Wednesday and find a different seat. She was annoyed with that though because she found the perfect spot. With a sigh she left the bathroom and walked into the cafeteria to find her roommate waiting for her.
Colleen was the embodiment of sunshine Kennedy decided. Colleen had shoulder length golden blonde hair, bright green eyes, and toasty tan skin. She was warm and friendly; she always had a smile on her face. Colleen was from Virginia Beach. Colleen hugged Kennedy tightly when she saw her.
“How was your first day, roomie?”
“It’s not over yet.” Kennedy said glumly
“That’s not a good attitude to have. It’ll be a very long semester for year if you keep that up.” Colleen said with a smile. They both grabbed some breakfast food and sat at a table.
“Seriously though why do you look so upset, Ken? Was calculus harder than you expected?” She looked at Kennedy with concern now.
“No, no. Not at all.” Kennedy said with a sigh. “It was a great class…just ugh. There was this guy next to me…” Kennedy trailed off. Colleen’s eyes gleamed wickedly.
“Oooohhh was he attractive?” Colleen asked brightly. Kennedy glowered at her friend.
“That’s really not the point. He would not stop staring at me and I couldn’t focus. It’s really hard to concentrate when someone is literally sitting there just staring. So I missed like most of the lecture.” Kennedy spilled out. She crossed her arms angrily.
“I’m sorry that doesn’t sound like a big enough problem that would ruin this gorgeous day. Maybe he just thought you were incredibly beautiful.” Colleen stated. Kennedy snorted.
“Yeah, okay.” She picked up her muffin and bit into it.
“Hold on.” Colleen said suddenly looking past Kennedy. “Is that him?” Kennedy turned around her cheeks flushing again. It was him all right and he was sitting at a table with a couple guys and he was staring at her.
“Seriously? What is his deal!” Kennedy exclaimed throwing her hands up into the air in exasperation. Colleen laughed heartily.
“Who knows? Just ignore him. Anyways, there’s this party tonight…”
“Colleen O’Malley. No.” Kennedy said sternly.
“Kennedy Heart, yes. This is a great opportunity to make friends. Plus I know for a fact you didn’t go to an actual party in Kansas.” Colleen said smiling. Kennedy pursed her lips and thought about this. This was true she had never been to a party and it would be a good way to get to know more people. Colleen watched her friend consider this and her smile deepened.
“Pleeeasseeee come with me. What else are you going to do tonight? Homework? It’s our first day of freshman year it can seriously wait. Come on out and have fun tonight.” Kennedy sighed. She was sold.
“Okay fine. But I’m not planning on drinking too much or anything and I don’t want to stay till 3am. I want to be back in our room by AT LEAST one. Preferably twelve.” Kennedy said standing up and putting her jacket back on.
“You have my word.” Colleen said throwing her arms around Kennedy. “Yay! I’m so excited. Our very first college party! I can hardly wait.”
“Oh yeah…I can hardly wait,” Kennedythought bitterly, glancing at Everett quickly. He was still staring.
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