#i have done some pretty wreckless shit
iheartnimbassacity · 1 year
bell didnt come home last night
i hope its because they know they fucked up, not that they are passed out on top of a fucking tower drunk
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skullytotheark · 4 months
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Random Creepyhornets Heacanons
[i made that thumbnail btw]
Additional: in this canon, marble hornets takes place when youtube was extremely fresh & ends in 2006/2007. But in saying that the current time within this canon is 2008
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The Mansion.
The Mansion is built on top of a massive cave
Context: Deeeep within the cave is a large pit of sorts which houses one of the Slenderman's 'towers' [which is a hivemind source. Think of it as a 'spawn point' for slender incase he 'dies']. Most of the food the proxies collect for slender is tossed into a basement corner which has a massive hole, The hivemind uses smaller roots to grab ahold of the food before dragging it into the depths
The Mansion is actually an asylum that was made into a "mansion"
You can still find some left over files fron when the asylum was up and running. A bunch of patient records, Weird experiements [which is probably why slender picked this place in the first place] and a bunch of cells
This also confirms that the 'basement' is a boiler room
The mansion moves around???
Well actually, The Forest moves around the mansion. But for this reasoning proxies need to be marked so they can find the mansion with ease, It has a strange 'six sense' thing going on where the proxies kinda know where the mansion is even when the forest shifts
Only proxies are allowed in the mansion
This just means that 'followers' or unofficial proxies aren't allowed in the mansion
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Timothy Wright "Masky"
[drawn by my bestie @peachy-cloudds]
Background within this canon:
A year after marble hornets, Was shortly forced into becoming a proxy. The Operator's 'hauntings' becoming so bad to the point it was physically attacking Tim until he finally submitted. A choice he regrets to this day
Tim is a 'commander' or a 'leader' of sorts
Tim is a 'high ranking proxy' [which was a rank he was instantly given, alot of proxies hate him for how fast he ranked up], Meaning he can give orders and tasks to his follow proxies.
Tim's 'normal life'
Tim worked extremely hard to regain what was left of his life after marble hornets, Which meant him trying to be stable enough to hold a job as a Computer wiz, Of course having some experience with computers from marble hornets. He kinda dreads work but it's alot better then being a proxy and killing people
Tim constantly feels guilty for the things he's done as a proxy
As a proxy, It's your job to follow every order, Even if it means killing innocents.. But when being a proxy it's pretty much you or them.
Tim doesn't remember Entry 83
..... "I don't know what it is but.. something is off about brian.."
Tim's hobbies
One of tim's hobbies include photography, A thing he remembers enjoying in his childhood.. before he was sent away of course. He remembers having a shit camera he wondered around with and taking photos of whatever he saw as a kid
"I'm not like these freaks.."
Besides the events of marble hornets and his childhood, Tim is literally just a everyday guy. He's not a ruthless serial killer like everyone else in the manor nor is he some asshole some ppl make him out to be. He's just wrangled into this because of the Operator..
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Tobias Erin Rodgers. "The Woodland Maniac"
[His surname is Rodgers in this canon, Just cuz no real big reason]
"You're wreckless Tobias.. That'll be your downfall" - The Operator
A Lot of the time Toby is pretty short tempered and doesn't like to be mocked, He prefers to be taken seriously like the other proxies around him. So he kinda does whatever to prove that he deserves respect like the others
"Everytime I look in the mirror.. He's there."
Toby fucking HATES looking in the mirror or at any of his reflections. Toby pretty much looks like a younger version of his father which pisses him off alot, Even beyond his dreams he seems to not be able to escape him
Toby dropped out of school at 17
Toby isn’t very good at Math or writing since he was pulled out of school when he was 15. Of course Connie tried to homeschool him but the rogers household wasn’t the best place for learning. But just because Toby isn’t extremely educated doesn’t mean he’s stupid, Toby can be pretty smart with certain scenarios thanks to his years as a proxy
spare time in Childhood
When Toby was younger Toby never really got to grow up with any computer/console games since and isn’t really familiar with the big brands. When he was little he heard of games like “mario” or “sonic” and was alil jealous of the other kids and their stable lives, However Toby always found himself being an outside kid which Connie considered to be a lot better than sitting in the house all day playing video games since, Toby spent most of his days doing that already
Fucking lies. All of them
Upon awakening Toby found himself in the edge of the woods, Feeling strangely sick from blacking out. His body aching while he coughed violently, Often coughing out bits of blood. Toby would begin to make his way to the edge of the forest before he finally broke through the treeline to find a group of police. While Toby was informed he was missing for about a month, Word had gotten out about Lyra’s sudden death along with Toby’s sudden disappearance and he was a prime suspect for her death thanks to his aunt Evelyn [Frank’s sister] spreading rumors about Toby possibly killing Lyra.
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Skully "The Vessel"
"Whispering voices"
Skully tends to pause in between sentences due to some of the soul’s memories flashing before their eyes, It often distracts them and leaves them stunned for a second or two.
"Brian Isn't Here Right Now."
Skully often disguises themself as Brian / Hoody to scout around the mansion, Due to being a similar entity to the Operator it is unable to detect them. However there was only one tiny problem, Tim is a proxy too.. So one night Skully erased the memory of Brian dying before proceeding to weasel their way into the Manor. Using Brian as a meat suit
Skully is a lesser being of the Operator, Which means that they have similar abilities. Skully mostly uses teleportation though since they don’t wish to bring any form of harm to others.
Skully doesn’t really express any emotion, They often rarely talk or show any form of emotion. Their voice often montoned while Their body language often still similar to the Operator
"You can be fixed."
Skully is often a guardian angel for those who have been infected via drowning or the Operator, Often observing them in the distance and protecting them when they need too.
"How Much Do You Hate?"
Skully is often rarely aggressive however if provoked they tend to enter a more intimidating form that is similar to the Operator, Skully’s arms being outstretched while their mask expresses anger of sorts. 
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The Operator.
[drew this the first time i used procreate on my sister's ipad]
Living nest
Spiders tend to make small nests in the small holes that are on slender’s body, These spiders due to long exposure can give you the drowning if they bite you
"that horrible face.."
The Spiral in the center of Slender’s face can hypnotize it’s victims. In my canon it’s how Slender gains most of it’s proxies
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[example image]
• "The Hivemind."
The Operator has more than one variant that all act as a single hive mind sharing the same exact thoughts. The following examples are The Tower, The Drones and Hallucination
The Tower: The Tower is the main source of the hivemind, These variants are basically the "Queen Bees" that pop out smaller versions of themselves to scout for food and return it to the Nest. Towers often borrow themselves deep underground where they cannot be touched, often growing extremely giant, For example they can grow to the size of the statue of liberty before stopping. Their tentacles can connect to the roots of trees which allows them to shift the forest at their command, It's also worth noting that the hivemind all share the same thoughts
Drones: The drones are basically mini clones of the hivemind that are produced so the tower doesn't have to expose itself to the outside world and get injured or killed, Their goal is to collect food until the Tower is ready to bloom. But a lot of the time these drones will hypnotize people into doing their biddings for them which is considered to be the norm nowadays. It's also less stressful for the drones in case they do not wish to be discovered by the outside world. Drones can also become towers if they live long enough
Hallucinations: These are as you expect, They're the dones way of messing with your head by haunting you and breaking you mentality. They often appear in hallucinations and aren't the actual drones themselves, The main way to tell the difference between a drone and a hallucination is by the color of their tie. Red means that they are physically there attacking you while black means it's not real
The Great Blooming / The Arrival
This event is pretty straight forward. So the main reason these towers need to collect so much food and souls is so that they can bloom, Their heads unraveling to reveal a black rose that shoots out a giant cloud of spores that will infect those whoever breathes the spores in. These spores have the regular side effects such as the drowning, However those who are infected with the Tower's Spores are a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. If one is infected long enough their heads will implode into a flower and spread more spores around them
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Connie Melody Rodgers.
Young mother.
Connie had Lyra when she was pretty young, Connie was 21 when she had Lyra who was born in 1984 while she was 25 when Toby who was born in 1988.
public shame
Connie often avoids crowded areas and neighborhood events due to the amount of people pinning blame on her son for the casualties when Toby burnt down the neighborhood. At times they would pin the blame on her even though the outside world never really got an insight in the Rodgers Family Household
Small distractions..
Connie tries to distract herself as much as she can, Constantly bottling up all of these emotions she has inside of her the best she can trying not to break. These distractions are often work, Household chores, Cooking and Painting
Family drama
Connie often avoids Frank’s side of the family who were just as horrible as frank was. But they often come knocking at her door trying to rile her up and often threatening to take her to court. But alot of the time when Connie hears them knocking she just pretends she’s not there.
"Burnt It All To Cinders Burnt To Ash.."
Connie recently went back to the burnt remains of her house, When she found the old metal box that surprisingly protected the things she had put in it she nearly bursted into tears when she found all of the old familt photos she has.. Although She could’ve swore she put Lyra’s jacket in it
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casspurrjoybell-33 · 8 months
Wreckless - Getting settled
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*Warning Adult Content*
The chicken is cooked well and still juicy and even if it weren't, the amount of salad dressing that Finnegan dumped on his salad would have hidden it.
I tell myself that he's still getting all the nutrients and fiber from the salad which is what really matters.
I'm definitely going to need to buy more dressing.
Something has been floating around in the back of my head all through dinner and I finally realize what it is.
"I think Andy has an extra desk. I'll have him send over a picture and you can decide if it'll work for you or not."
"I can just buy one and get it delivered," he says as if it's not a concern. 
I will never get used to him having so much money. 
Furniture is expensive.
"Or we can save some trees and cash and have it here tonight and get you settled."
I'm already texting Andy.
"Do either of you have a steamer? My suits are probably a rumbled mess by now."
"Is that like an iron?" 
Steamers are yummy but that's definitely not what he's talking about.
"Yes and that question means you don't have one. No worries, Amazon will save us."
That I'm going to let him handle because I don't even know exactly what one is.
Andy comes through with the picture and I show my phone to Finnegan.
"Actually that will work great and I love that it has drawers."
A few more texts and it's set.
"I was going to borrow your fancy SUV and go pick it up but Andy's brother is over and offered to help load it so Andy's going to drop it off here which gives us a few minutes to get your office cleaned up."
"Not what I was hoping to do tonight, Emmett but thank you. Just tell me what to do." 
"Patience, darling, patience."
The first thing he needs to do is put on some pants.
He doesn't seem happy about that but soon he's presentable. 
It doesn't take us long to get ready, the room is mostly empty because it's ferret-proofed.
I keep the whole upstairs pretty sparse, actually.
I get the top half of the bookshelf cleared off and Finn vacuums while I empty out the closet except for the highest shelf.
I didn't realize how much shit I have.
Still, there's plenty of room for the desk and he decides to put it right under the back windows.
He runs extension cords and dusts while I wait for Andy.
He's right on time and ten minutes later the desk is up and in place.
He's even brought over a wheeled chair although it's definitely seen better days.
Finnegan tugs on my sleeve and whispers
"Should I tip him? Pay him?"
"No, darling, this is what friends do."
"My friends have never loaned me furniture," he replies and I believe him.
He's probably never used anything second-hand before but that's also a bit sad. 
Maybe his friends just loan him planes, I don't know.
"Nice seeing you again Finnegan," Andy says as he heads out the door.
He really is a good guy.
"You too, Andy and thank you."
As soon as the door closes, Finnegan is taking back off his jeans.
"I can unpack tomorrow, really."
"No, tonight."
"But why?" he whines.
Fine? He wants to know?
I walk up behind him and press my chest against his back.
"Because once we start making up for the past month, Finnegan. You're going to be in no shape to bend, lift or even think. I'm going to take very, very good care of you so you need to have everything ready for Monday. Do you understand?"
"Yes Sir. I'm going to need more hangers. Pants hangers too and a tie organizer. And a chair. I don't think I can sit in that one for more than an hour without my ass being sore in bad ways. And a steamer."
"I'll go get you some hangers and look for a steamer and chair. You'll have to order whatever I can't find at Walmart."
"You don't have to..."
He's being impossible.
"Finnegan? Let me do what I want."
His eyes cloud over and he's cute as hell.
"Yes, Sir."
"Get as much done as you can while I'm gone."
Against all odds... I get everything he's asked for and then some.
I get a little desk lamp and small trashcan for him.
I grab some curtains for the windows.
I never bothered before because I have mini-blinds but he might prefer curtains since his desk faces that way.
I get him a notepad and some pens because it just seems like something he should have and might not have brought with him.
Good enough for today.
When I get home he has one suitcase almost emptied and his laptop is set up on the desk.
He's sitting in the chair and turns, handing me a check.
"What's that for?"
"It's what I would have paid for my apartment this week. If it's not enough just let me know. How much do I owe you for all this?" he asks, smiling as he pulls out the lamp.
"So thoughtful."
I take the check and glance down.
"No, not happening."
He's serious... Just saying my name like that says a whole paragraph.
"It's my room allowance and you are providing me room and board, plus laundry and shopping and all kinds of things."
He heads into the bathroom, then plugs the steamer in and starts hanging up his suits.
"It's too much."
"No it's not. I'll give you another one next weekend. Look, I want to pay my way while I'm here, it's the least I can do."
"This isn't paying your way, this is most of my mortgage."
That seems to surprise him.
"You got a good deal but it's irrelevant. It's what I would have spent. Just take it, Emmett. Take it and buy me toys and cute undies and gel pens. Put my chair together for me and take the fee out of that. I don't care how you work it out in your own head but I'd really like you to accept it."
It's not that I can't use it but not every week, no.
"This check is for the whole month. That's as much as I'm willing to take."
He turns and stares me down.
"Twice a month."
"What? That's your idea of compromising? Bartering like we're in a Mexican market?"
"If the shoe fits. Twice a month. That's my final offer."
He steps up to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek.
"I don't like worrying about you, either. I don't want to mentally keep track of how much the presents and yummy dinners cost. I don't want to feel bad about using a ton of electricity. I'm just not going to have much brain space to deal with it and it would make things a lot easier on me if I could just pay you enough that I know the little incidentals will be covered."
Incidentals? This is more than some people's paychecks. 
"I don't like the idea of being paid to take care of you."
"I pay Megan to take care of me. True story, my dad always says that every man needs a good woman in his life. When I came out to him I told him that I was just going to have to find a good secretary instead and he joked and said that at least he didn't have to worry about me getting her pregnant. Look, I'm not paying you to care, Emmett and I'm not paying you for sex."
'That's true, I suppose.'
"You say I'll get used to your cock and if I can do that, I think you can get used to this. Now, steamer time."
How can he just SAY that? But, he may be right.
He's also a little scary waving that steamer around so gleefully.
I make my escape and head into the hallway to put his chair together.
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sugxrslushy · 2 years
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➪ a/n: idea kinda came out of nowhere? I can't paint my nails for shit so I always ask someone else to help me and I thought this was a cute idea. it was one of the prompts on my last event that I never got to finish so might as well knock out some characters right here with the prompt
➪ details: SFW//Kid, Perona, & Sanji x gn!reader//w.c: 1k
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Eustass Kid
Kid’s own nails always seemed to be done perfectly, staying untouched and perfect even through his wreckless nature while you could barely paint a nail without turning your whole finger the same color (much less keep them from getting scraped and flaking the paint off)
You’d brought it up casually, treading lightly as you asked what nail polish he used. He grumbled out an answer, not very interested till you brought up him possibly helping you with your own conundrum. Upon his interest being drawn in you showed your own (very bad) attempt at painting your nails
“Yeah you did a shit job at painting your nails.” Almost as if that’s why I’m asking for help
He’s surprisingly easy to motivate into painting your nails, with the promise of alcohol later he pulls you aside with a bottle of nail polish to begin. He’s got two colors to pick from (red or black) so pick your poison
Kid is surprisingly efficient at it, much more than you expected as he paints your first two nails with little to no effort. He smears the paint a bit, nowhere near perfect, but better than what you would end up with. He holds your hand splayed atop his own and you can’t help but notice how much smaller yours is in comparison to his
“Yours get all scuffed because you don’t use that gel shit on top.” He swipes the last little smudge from the corner of your finger with his own, gently holding your hand closer to his face and blowing on the still wet polish to dry it, making you laugh from the ticklish feeling. You swear his cheeks turn red at the sound
Whenever Kid needs to repolish his he’ll ask if you do too, letting you spend time with him as you both fix your nails to your liking. Even when you get a hang of how to paint your own Kid turns a blind eye because “it’s easier than watching you struggle” 
He might buy a few more colors, insisting they’re just for you but you’ve seen that pretty purple he bought for you gleaming on his own nails
Perona had gone through all five stages of grief all at once when she first laid eyes on your poor attempt at painting your nails. She acted like it was the worst thing ever, leaving you smiling sheepishly as she insisted on fixing them for you so she wouldn’t have to look at them
Look, she didn’t mean to come off as rude, she was thrilled at the chance to hold your hand as she paints your nails but she doesn’t have the slightest idea of how to flirt properly
Perona has too many colors to choose from, almost intimidating when she drags you off to her room and dumps out her whole stash of polishes. Once she’d learned about Mihawk’s soft spot for her she took full advantage of it, and the evidence was laid out in front of you in plenty of shiny bottles of even shinier colors
To the ghost princess there’s no such thing as half assing things, especially when it comes to beauty. She’ll go the full ten yards and give you a complete manicure, but it tends to feel like she’d finding whatever excuse to hold your hand more as she holds yours tight to file your nails
From the start she’s made up her mind on what color she should paint your nails, and she’s hard to sway from her previous choice. Although she’s never been wrong, it always compliments you beautifully and she’ll let you pick out a design as a trade
“Stop moving.” The princess mumbles, a hollow hanging dangerously close as she paints on a detail with careful precision. Her tongue pokes out of the corner of her mouth and eyebrows are creased in complete concentration as she works, blooming into the biggest smile as she excitedly announces she’s done
She’s just as ecstatic as you are once it’s finished, proud of her own work and even more proud that you’re so excited to show everyone. She swears her heart speeds up whenever you happily tell someone that Perona was the one who did such an amazing job with your nails
Sanji brought it up first, you had been helping him in the kitchen when he offhandedly mentioned you should be careful baking when your nail polish was chipping off so easily. You hadn't even noticed it and immediately was upset, all your hard work down the drain so fast
He offered to help as long as you were more careful about it chipping. You hadn’t expected Sanji to be the one who knew how to paint nails, but he’d learned a fair share of things other than just cooking and fighting on Kamabakka but he’d never admit that
You pick out a bottle from your collection, handing it off to Sanji who was standing idly behind you. “Pretty, you have a good eye.” He says with a smile, cupping your hand in his and running the pad of his thumb over your nails, the rest of your old nail polish had been removed
Despite nail polish and the remover being flammable, Sanji still sits with a cigarette in his mouth, chewing on the end of it while he works in concentration. He makes some playful remarks here and there during it, lightening the air and slipping in some advice about how to more efficiently paint your nails
He does everything to your liking, asking and altering as he continues on. He’s incredibly precise, his hand never shaking or faltering when he paints on a perfect line of the polish. It’s a wonder to you how he works so well, but it’s easy to explain it with his experience in the kitchen
“So tell me,” he begins and brushes away the faint speck of paint along the very edge of your nail, frowning slightly at the stain now on his own hand then brushing it off. “What about this color is you favorite, other than the fact it looks cute on you” He says with a grin, storing away the bits of info you give him for future reference 
Once finished, he kisses the backs of both your hands before heading off to continue whatever work he has to do for the day. He especially loves how cute you both look with your fingers interlaced, maybe you can even convince him into letting you paint his nails a complementary color
tag list: @cjm-cookiethief @sanjithesimp @acesmarigold @smallhybridart @kirakirakill @doublebird @chososrightpigtails @eustasssimp @foodismylife @portgaes @thegrandlinesimp @lawscorazon @nil-vinsmoke @rosiinante
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sublimecatgalaxy · 3 years
Pretty Girl
Pairing: Cassie Howard x Reader
Summary: Cassie's closeted with a girlfriend. I think that's all I need to say.
Song: "Prom Queen" by Beach Bunny
Warnings: Angst, mentions of sex, happy ending.
A/n: Hi guys! I've had a few people ask me to write literally anything about Cassie so I wrote a very neutral fic that kind of steered away from any of her problem child actions. love yall!
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It was safe to say that Cassie didn't want anyone to know that she had a girlfriend. Well, at least that's how it felt. She wasn't ashamed of me, just kind of hesitant to tell people that, after her years of dating men, she met a woman that made her whole world stop.
I was proud to be this girl for her, the one that made her realize that she felt differently than she did before. It definitely came as a surprise, meeting her at one of the parties at McKay's house a few years ago. And it was a bit unfortunate that we met while she was dating the jock.
They had a lot of issues. Issues that I would hear about quite frequently, in fact, every night. She'd call me, crying, angry, happy. Every emotion that one person could feel, McKay made her feel. I would hear about their dates, their sex life, their fights and their make ups.
Until one night, she just decided to be done. She seemed okay, but she finally texted me after two weeks of radio silence. She told me that, apparently, they had been broken up for about a month but she didn't know how to tell me one of the reasons that they actually split.
Then her feelings for me came out.
I was pretty shocked to say the least. She had known that I liked women for a long time, more than men. In fact, way more than men. I don't know, maybe I appreciated a woman more and felt safer with one. Cassie was wreckless though so I don't think that I could apply that logic to her. But she was my best friend. I had always loved her even though it seemed a bit stereotypical.
She didn't want to tell anyone. She didn't want any of her ex-boyfriends finding out, her sister, her mom. She wanted me to be her secret and she wanted me to be okay with it. And I was.
At first.
The first time it really struck me as hurtful was at a party when a guy asked her to dance. She looked back at me nervously, almost asking for permission. First of all, you should need zero permission to dance with someone. But she was dating me but god forbid she said she was taken. Second, she was so terrified to make up some lie to get out of dancing with him, afraid that she would make it seem like she was there with me.
The second time was when we almost got caught making out in her very non-private room by Lexi. I knew in my heart that Lexi Howard was no snitch. She would always tell me about how much of a good influence I was on her sister and I think she would be nothing but supportive. But Cassie was sure on the fact that Lexi would be a 'nosy whore'.
Her words.
So we went on, dating, being happy in secrecy. Until we weren't.
She was pretty adamant about making out with me. I mean, Cassie always got what she wanted so who was I to complain? Except this was at a party, a public party. So she had to pull me into a room, locking the door quickly before she placed her delicate lips on mine.
I kind of got turned off to the whole secrecy thing then.
I wanted her to want to kiss me in front of everyone and to not give one single shit.
I snapped and quite literally walked out. And walked home.
I wasn't mad at her, I understood that it was hard to come out, hard to tell people. I didn't really need to due to the fact that everyone around me knew I liked women. I was just obvious, I guess. And Cassie wasn't. It was hard for her as it was to convey normal emotions, let alone something of this capacity. This was a big thing and I understood it took time.
But it hurts. It hurts having to keep yourself away from the person you love, to pretend not to be yourself. To stay at arms length just incase someone got the wrong idea. I just wanted to love the crazy blonde. And I knew she loved me, she just had a funny way of showing it.
From Cass <3: baby, i'm sorry. can i come over so we can talk?
I stare at the text with a huff, my head falling back against my pillow as I contemplate my response. I didn't want to give in, I wanted her to know she hurt me. But that wasn't very mature of me, was it? Fuck.
Before I can reply, my phone buzzes again. Twice.
From Cass <3: I'm at your door.
Answer the door.
Giggling softly at her antics, my eyes rolling as I throw myself out of bed. Like I said, she gets what she wants whether I like it or not. I knew that I had to confront her. I didn't want to lose her, fuck no. I'd be her secret forever if it meant that I could be with her, hold her, kiss her. I would suffer through anything to be hers. Including suffering through a painful conversation like the one that's about to follow.
Making my way downstairs, I unlock the door with a sigh, prying the wood open to look at my girlfriend. She pouts softly, her curls framing her face as she clutches her phone to her chest.
"Hi baby." She whispers, tilting her head at me with a soft smile as I break. She knew just what to say to have me opening the door, didn't she? She steps into the house silently, her shoes being kicked off at the door as she waits politely. "Is your family home?" She asks curiously, her eyebrows ticking up as she points upstairs. I give her a small shake of my head, a beautiful smile spreading out across her lips as she nods. "Can we talk about what happened at the party?" She asks quietly, stepping towards me as I sigh, my eyes fluttering down to the ground. "Cuz, I'm gonna be honest, I've been freaking out and worrying that you were gonna dump me." She lets out a nervous laugh and I watch as tears quickly fill her eyes. She keeps up a polite facade, a small trembling smile on her lips as she waits.
"I'm not gonna break up with you, Cass, never." I whisper, my hands prying her hands away from her chest as she lets out an anxious breath, her whole body relaxing. "But yeah, we should probably talk, huh?" I offer gently, my fingers reaching up to brush some hair from her face as she blushes in the low light. She nods gently, her body inching towards mine.
"Can I have a kiss first, though?" She asks meekly, my hand cupping her cheeks with a silly smile, my lips pressing against hers in a soft, delicate kiss. She hums happily, a small sigh of relief passing her lips as I pull away. I take her hand in mine gently, knowing that I could never stay mad at her. But that doesn't mean we didn't have to talk.
I lead her upstairs silently, her hand shaking in mine as I pull her into my room, her body relaxing at the familiar environment. She carried so much anxiety in her body whenever she was worried. You could tell by the fake smile and squared shoulders whenever she was upset about something significant.
She sits down on my bed, pulling her favorite blanket over her lap as she watches me. "You don't gotta worry, bub, I'm not mad." I whisper, sitting down in front of her to take her hands in mine.
"I know you're upset, though. We've been dating for nine months and six days and no one knows about us." She whispers, validating an inner part of me as I send her a small, sheepish nod. The fact that she's so specific with the number of days we've been dating makes me want to cry. "I'm sorry that I made you feel like I was hiding you. I'm not trying to do it deliberately..." She trails off, my hand waving her concerns off as I'm already familiar with her fear.
"I know you're afraid Cassie. It's okay. You're allowed to be scared. You've never been asked to deal with something like this. It's heavy." I whisper, my fingers gently rubbing circles on the inside of her wrist as she huffs.
"I want to tell people though. I want to feel confident enough to kiss you in front of people, to tell my best friend. I just think that they would ask so many questions and bug you and never leave us alone." She whispers breathlessly as my attention shifts a bit.
"Wait, so you're not worried about the fact that you'd tell everyone that you like women. You're just afraid that they would never leave us alone?" I giggle quietly, her head bobbing as she rolls her eyes playfully.
"I mean, of course I'm worried about telling people I like women. I don't really have a label yet- I'm not really trying to find one. Which seems like the opposite of me, I know." She shakes her head with a laugh, her hair falling in her face as I watch her in awe. "I think that, like, someone like Lex or my mom, they've known us as best friends. Things will change if I tell them. Like my mom would be weird about us having sleepovers. I don't want things to change. I don't want people to ask questions. If I could just snap my fingers and have everyone know without the initial shock, I would just do it." She explains, a soft smile on her lips as she huffs.
"It's okay that you want to be private, Cass. If you would've told me that, we wouldn't be having this conversation." I giggle, reaching over to shove her as she rolls her eyes with a shrug.
"I just- I don't know how to make you feel appreciated while also, like, maintaining our privacy." She whispers, her fingers toying with mine as I grin naughtily, her eyebrows raising at my sudden mood change.
"Come here." I whisper, pulling her off the bed as she squeals, my hands pulling her into my bathroom. I keep the light off, taking her phone from her as I go into snapchat. "I know exactly how to do that while also driving people crazy." I giggle, watching as her eyes light up in the dark room.
"Really?" She asks, my hand reaching out to rest on her hip as I pull her to me, a small gasp escaping her lips. I turn her around so she's facing the mirror, my hands around her waist as I rest my chin on her shoulder. Holding the phone in front of my face with the flash on, the light shines out throughout the room as I chuckle quietly. Cassie quickly turns in my arms as I hold her against the counter, both of us looking at the provocative but private photo. You can't see my face, just the outline of my figure behind her. Typing out a quick caption, pretty girl, being my name for her, she grins wickedly. "You're so smart." She cheers quietly, taking the phone from me as she analyzes the picture. "And you can, like, tell it's a girl and not a guy right? Like this means people will know?" She asks, the grin not fading from her lips as I lean forward, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
"Completely, baby." I whisper, my thumb rubbing circles into her hip. She squeals quietly, her finger hovering over the send button as she takes a deep breath. This is it. Pressing send, I smile widely as I cup her cheeks, my lips pressing against hers as her phone clatters against the counter. She immediately kisses me back with another excited squeal, her body trembling happily in my grasp. She pulls away from me breathlessly as I wait for her to speak, her eyes twinkling.
"And then, as people start to like make the connection, maybe we just start telling people slowly?" She offers, my shoulders shrugging in a simple agreement, knowing that the picture was truly good enough to calm my insatiable heart. "Maybe we'd tell Rue first? Jules? They swing our way right?" My heart thumps at her phrasing, my cheeks warming. Our way. Ignoring her question, I press my lips to hers once more in a quick kiss, our laughs filling the bathroom as her phone begins to buzz rapidly.
It continued to buzz for the next two hours but let's just say Cassie was a bit preoccupied.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex--awesome--22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets
Euphoria Taglist:@ssprayberrythings @username-lols
336 notes · View notes
kireijae · 4 years
i.o.u- l.dh
summary: a late night adventure with Haechan, your older brother’s best friend, leads you to confront your feelings for him.
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genre: non idol au, fluff, tiny bit of angst if you squint, technically a college au as well, also kind of comedy but i’m not very funny
word count: 4,029
warnings: swearing and there’s a slightly steamy makeout scene, also like the implied use of weed but it’s a v small one i promise.
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a/n: eee my first hyuckie imagine! i worked really hard on this so i hope you all like iittt! please leave feedback if you can! also this was edited at 10:55pm and i’m exhausted so there are probably mistakes-
Your eyes scanned the street from your place on the sidewalk. The streets glistened under the streetlights with the rainwater that had fallen earlier. The cool breeze was refreshing against your skin, unlike the musty air you’d been swamped with in the party upstairs. The smoke and the presence of so many strangers had nearly left you gasping for air.
You checked your phone for any messages from your brother, eager to get as far away from the party as possible, but as soon as your phone unlocked you heard a honk from the street, which pulled your head up.
There was a black car pulled up right ahead, your heart picked up its pace when the tinted window sunk down low enough to reveal Haechan. His hair was a light brown, somehow still shiny even though you’d seen him with at least three different hair colours in the past two months. His skin was glowing too- even under the subpar car light.
“Y/n!” he had to yell to be heard over the scraping sound of the cars, “Taeil sent me to pick you up!”
You dropped your shoulders from their tensed position, pushing down your feelings and stepping forward to open the car door and get inside. The car smelled like Haechan: men’s shower gel and a faint woodsy scent.
“Where’s my brother?” you turned to him, genuine confusion curved into your brows.
“What? Am I not good enough?” Haechan asked, placing a hand on his chest and feigning offence.
You shook your head at him, used to his antics by now. He’d been best friends with your brother since preschool, always there at family gatherings and lazing around your house on most weekends.
“Well, when I asked my brother to come pick me up I sort of expected him to pick me up,” you said it slowly, matching his teasing with your own. Things with him always fell into a rhythm like this, after the initial anxiety of being around someone you had feelings for left, snarky comments bounced back and forth like a ping pong ball between the two of you. 
“Okay, fair point,” he said, starting the car, “He’s still busy with that essay. Apparently it’s due in like twenty minutes or something. So, since I’m such a good friend I offered to pick you up.”
“Haechan, before I left you were the reason he wasn’t doing any work,” you scoffed, refusing to let his ego inflate- even for a minute.
“That’s not true! He was on a break!” he whined, eyes wide at the accusation but his gaze still directed towards the road.
“For three hours?”
“Yes,” he said, matter of factly with a nod of his head, “Rest is important.”
“Whatever,” you said, “Just take me home.” 
“I actually have to do something else for Taeil, too,” he didn’t take his eyes off the road, they were glinting from the neon signs that lined the buildings on the street outside. The streetlights made the skin of his hands glow in passing, creating a hypnotic rhythm of light and dark over his skin.
“Can you not drop me off first?” you knew the answer even before you asked- he was going to make you go with him. And you were going to give in.
“Please?!” he whined again, plush bottom lip drooping in a pout, “It’s pretty far and I hate being alone!”
Sighing, you asked, “Where is it?”
“Johnny’s house…” He trailed off, expecting an outburst to come from you at the distance you’d have to drive.
You couldn’t believe you were considering this. Johnny’s house was on the other side of the city and you were already tired out from the party you’d spent only half an hour at. But, something in you wanted to stay. The thought of spending some time with someone outside your friend group seemed refreshing and the fact that it was Haechan was even more enticing.
You turned your head to look out the tinted window at the buildings passing by you in a blur, “Fine,” you sighed, “but you owe me.”
He grinned, his full cheeks jutting out further, and made a sharp turn in the opposite direction of your apartment. Your body swayed at the sudden change in direction and you held onto the side of the seat instinctually. Haechan was a good driver- but a slightly wreckless one at that.
After a few moments he turned on the radio, tossing you his phone, “Put some music on.”
Looking through his phone, you weren’t surprised at the extensive collection of music he had on his Spotify- most of the songs were new ones you hadn’t heard of before. Others were old throwback songs from the 2000’s and your mouth turned up into a smile at the sight of Shinee’s ‘Replay.’
You pressed play and leaned back in your seat, grin even bigger now. You waited for his reaction, which came in the form of a wave of laughter. 
“Oh, fuck,” he said, barely able to speak from laughter, “Remember when Lucas danced to this at your sleepover party?”
“Of course I remember that, he ruined the song for me forever,” you laughed along with him.
Your smile turned into a grimace at his next question though, “What ever happened to Lucas- actually to that whole group of friends? I never see them anymore.”
“Drifted apart,” you mumbled. You truly wished there was more to say than that. You wished you could say you tried to stay in touch when you went to university but couldn’t; or that something huge had happened that couldn’t be fixed. That wasn’t the truth, though. You hadn’t done anything- nothing that made them leave and nothing that made them stay.
Haechan sensed the tension around the topic and let the conversation fade, hoping the sense of unease would dissipate with it.
When the next song was over, Haechan came to a stop at a gas station, “Want anything?” he asked, pulling up the handbrake and taking the keys out of the ignition. The car practically fell down to the road beneath it as the power was turned off.
“I don’t have any money on me,” you raised your empty hands.
“So you don’t want any of those gross gummy bears you like? Or a soda?” he raised his perfectly shaped eyebrow at you, “I’ll buy them for you.”
“I’ll take the gummy bears if they have any,” you said gratefully, and he got out of the car and went into the shop.
You thought about your earlier conversation with Haechan- about how much you missed your friends. The way they’d joke around with you and tease you lightheartedly about anything and everything. A year ago you would have nearly exploded at the idea of being alone with Haechan at all- let alone for this long- and they would have teased you about it for weeks. Somehow though, those friendships faded. You went to a different university to them, you paid attention to your studies and spent more time at home than you ever had. The only contact you had with other people being with fellow students between lectures and at home with your brother and his friends.
“I got you the biggest packet they had,” came Haechan’s voice through the open window, “and the peach soda you like.”
You smiled at him, thankful that he’d brought you out of your thoughts and thankful for the snacks, “I could kiss you.” 
“Mm? Then by all means please do,” his signature shit eating grin was plastered on his face. 
Your cheeks heated up visibly at that, though you hoped the poor lighting in the car hid the fact. You hit him in the chest with the back of your hand and he doubled over in fake agony, the canned coffee he bought falling to the ground.
“Awh,” he groaned, continuing his act. 
“Oh please,” you said, rolling your eyes, “Just start the car, Hyuck.” 
“I can’t. My pride- it’s bruised,” he held onto his stomach and shook his head, eyes screwed shut.
Before you could stop yourself you leaned over and pressed your lips to his cold cheek in a hasty kiss.
“There,” you tried your hardest not to show your surprise at your own actions, “Better?”
He perked up, back pin straight, eyes wide and a huge smile on his face, “Very much so, yes.”
Before you could do anything, he started the car. A smirk struggled its way onto his face despite his efforts to stop it and his cheeks became a beautiful pink colour. His sudden shyness made yours deflate slightly and you felt your heart and cheeks warm at the thought of your effect on him.
“Hey,” he said suddenly after a few moments, “Hand me one of those gummies.”
He held out his hand, the skin pulled tightly over his slender, outstretched fingers. When you didn’t make a move to place one of the sweets in his hand, he made a grabbing motion with his fingers. That brought you out of your weird staring stupor and prompted you to grab a few gummy bears from the packet to place in his hand, hoping he hadn’t noticed your weird hand staring moment.
He shoved all six of the sweets into his mouth at once, face scrunching up in disgust, “These really are terrible,” his words distorted by the gummies in his mouth.
“Then why’d you ask for them?” you looked over to him, your mouth pulled into a smile and your brows furrowed at his actions. Your cheeks were starting to hurt- they always did after spending so much time with him.
“I forgot they were that bad,” when he came to a stop at a red light he shook his body as if it would rid his mouth of the flavour. 
The rest of the drive to Johnny’s house was filled with more laughter and sneaky comments thrown back and forth. There were fewer cars on the road the longer you drove and the movement of the car seemed to calm you.
In the driveway of Johnny’s parents’ house, Haechan turned to you once again, “Are you gonna come in?” 
You nodded and got out with him, you’d never actually been in Johnny’s house- since most of them still lived with their parents, Taeil’s friends usually came over to your shared apartment.
Johnny opened the door even before you got to it and ushered both of you inside, you assumed Haechan and texted him when you stopped.
“You guys have to be quiet,” he said, without even a ‘hello’, “My mom and dad are sleeping and they were in a shitty mood earlier.”
“Hey,” you asked quietly, grabbing Johnny’s attention, “Where’s the bathroom?”
“Right through that door,” he pointed behind you and you went in.
You went to the sink to wash your hands, they were sticky from the sweets you’d had in the car. Along with the sound of the water spilling into the sink, you heard Johnny and Haechan’s voices through the thin walls- so much for being quiet.
“You two finally together or something?” 
“Huh? No. Listen-”
“Dude, you’ve had a crush on them since forever, how have neither of you said anything?”
Your eyes widened at those words and you felt the blood in your face sink down to your heart. You turned off the tap and put your cold hands on your neck, before wiping them on a towel.
“Listen,” his voice was as stern as it could be, though it broke a bit at the end of the word, “Did you find Taeil’s textbook: yes or no?”
You heard a chuckle that had to be Johnny’s, “Alright I’ll go get it- by the way-”
His sentence was interrupted by you coming out of the bathroom.
“Did I interrupt something?” you asked in a tone that you hoped came off as joking. 
“I need a favour,” Johnny said, ignoring your words and leaving the room for a few seconds to find the textbook Haechan had been so adamant about getting. He came back, textbook in one hand along and a dark piece of material in the other, “Jaehyun left his hoodie here, can you get it to him, please?”
You yawned, taking the textbook when he handed it to you, “Why can’t you do it?”
“My parents won’t let me use the car after I locked the keys inside it last week,” he rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment as he said it, words falling pathetically to the carpeted floor.
“And why can’t Jaehyun come get his own damn-” you were cut off by Haechan.
“Okay we’ll do it, but-” he took the black hoodie from Johnny, who was looking up at Haechan with his head still bowed. He pointed a finger at him, “-you owe me,” then pointed the same finger at you, “And I owe you.”
“Twice!” you said as he pulled you by the hand towards the front door. You both said your goodbyes to a smiling Johnny and got back in Hyuck’s car. Little raindrops had appeared on the windscreen since you’d gone inside.
“I swear after this I’ll take you home,” you smiled at him at that, letting him know it didn’t bother you. 
The car began moving again, 90’s RnB playing softly in the background and soon the rain got heavier, bulbous drops hitting the car. Jaehyun’s apartment was only a few minutes away from Johnny’s, in a highrise building lined with silver, glittering windows. 
“His parents are loaded,” said Haechan when he noticed your eyes trying to see the top of the building through the rain clouds above.
“Please tell me he’s not on the top floor,” you whined as Haechan parked the car.
He got out before you and you heard a satisfied sigh echo through the undercover parking.
“I’m so fucking good at this,” he said, hands on his hips, standing behind the car. 
You got out and shut the door, walking over skeptically to see what he was talking about. 
“Perfect,” he said, gesturing to his car in the parking space.
He was right- the car was perfectly in the centre of the two white lines. You huffed out a laugh at him and his ego, handing him the hoodie he’d apparently forgotten about, “Alright, I get it , you can park a car. Can we go inside now?”
“Hey, you’re lucky you get to witness a master operating that vehicle! Maybe observing me will help you actually pass next time,” he leaned his head over to you while he was walking, his tone was cocky and he had a sly smile on his face.
You flicked him on the forehead between the fluffy strands of hair that lay there and he yelped while you said, “Fuck off that test is rigged.” 
“First of all- not true. Second- why the fuck did you flick me?!” he yelled before you came to the automated glass door of the lobby.
In front of you stood two marble pillars in the middle of the room that twisted all the way up to the ceiling. Beyond them was a chandelier, jewels dangling over a seating area, where lush white couches stood. They looked as if no one had ever laid a hand on them on them and the plants that littered the room looked so real you had to touch one to be sure of the material. 
“You were being an ass,” you answered simply after taking in the room.
You followed Hyuck over to the elevator, the sound of your footsteps seemed to have a mind of their own, you swore you could hear them walking up the walls and across the ceiling.
As soon as the elevator doors opened, a group of people around the same age as you stampeded into the lobby and then the elevator. All of them dressed in glittering clothes and bright, shining makeup. One of them had eyelids full of pastel glitter and another had a coat made out of fluffy white feathers. 
You all crowded into the elevator, you and Haechan unfortunately squeezed right into the back corner of the metal box.
“What floor are you two headed to?” asked a man who was in the highest heels you’d ever seen in your life.
“The top floor!” Haechan basically had to throw his voice over the glittering heads of the other people.
You groaned at his words and felt the elevator start moving. When you’d asked to get picked up from a party you hadn’t expected to be shoved between Haechan and a girl with rhinestones on every inch of her dress instead. You’d left the party to get away from people, not to get pressed up against them.
You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned to the girl. “You two dating?” she asked, blue eyes lingering on Haechan’s face.
“Uh n-” you began, but Hyuck spoke over you.
“Not yet- I’m working on that,” he said smoothly and winked at you, which made your heart begin to push against your chest rather violently. 
“Too bad,” she said as the doors to the elevator slide open to the fourth floor, “you’re cute.” She winked at you and walked out with the rest of the group, their heels and accessories clinking down the hallway. 
You stood in shock from having been flirted with twice in the span of thirty seconds, not realising that you were still pressed against Haechan. 
“Y/n~” he said in a sing-song voice, dragging your eyes away from the spot you’d been staring at.
“Sorry!” you said a bit too loudly, moving to dart off him. Hyuck, however, held you to his side, only stepping forward to press the button for the top floor again with his index finger, holding Jaehyun’s now crinkled hoodie with his other fingers.
“Just needed to press the button again- it resets sometimes,” he said, stepping back into his place, “You okay?”
“Were you being serious? About ‘working on’ dating me?” the words came out quickly. Your voice was smaller than you thought it would be and it carried an air of surprise- which it shouldn’t have, since you’d heard him and Johnny talking earlier, but it felt more real now.
His brown eyes glided across your face, he seemed to be exploring every option he could in his mind. Lips pulled close to his teeth and eyes wide, before he leaned in and kissed you. 
He tasted like the canned coffee he’d had and mint and the second you tasted that combination on his lips you couldn’t pull away. He placed his hands on your waist and pulled you flush against him, your arms flung over his shoulders. The kiss heated up fast, his hands gripping at you to try to pull you even closer, your fingers threading through his hair, shaky sighs and satisfied hums filling the elevator. 
Just as you both pulled away for air, the doors opened on the floor seven levels down from where Jaehyun’s apartment was. An old couple appeared immediately and stepped into the elevator. You took a step to the side to get away from Hyuck, but stood on the hoodie Haechan had apparently dropped. You picked it up, holding it in front of you with both hands.
“I told you it was the wrong floor,” said the woman, closing her eyes in annoyance.
You tried your best to look presentable as they bickered, straightening your shirt and wiping at your mouth with the back of your hand. Hyuck did the same, combing his hands through his hair and adjusting his jeans. Once the reality of the situation sunk in for the both of you, it became hard to even look at each other without laughing. You had to pretend to yawn in order to hide your smile and Haechan pulled his lips between his teeth to literally bite his own smile back. 
Once the couple got out on their floor (still one below the top), you and Hyuck fell into laughter, with him literally falling to the floor on hands and knees. You leaned against the mirrored wall of the elevator and laughed in silent breaths and funny hiccoughing sounds. Soon, the door opened and you gathered yourself as much as you could before you helped Haechan up off the floor. Halfway down the rows of apartment doors you and Haechan had calmed down, the mix of embarrassment, tension and perhaps a bit of tiredness having died down. 
The hallway was carpeted and filled with the muffled sound of music coming from one of the residents on the floor. Your heart nearly dropped when Haechan stopped in front of the door from which you were sure the music was coming. 
He pulled out his phone and, not letting go of your hand which he had been holding onto since you helped him up, texted Jaehyun. A few seconds later, the door opened to Jaehyun, who seemed half asleep as he leaned on the doorframe. You were glad the mood of the apartment seemed to be the opposite of a houseparty. 
“Yeah?” he blinked slowly, eyes slightly red.
Haechan snorted at Jaehyun’s state- because he was most definitely in one- “Johnny asked us to bring you this,” he pointed to the hoodie- which was now completely crinkled and had a dirt mark on it- which you held out to him.
Jaehyun took the hoodie, not even looking at it. He looked between the two of you, his gaze falling down to your intertwined hands, “Fuck you, Haechan,” he said, head tilting back in annoyance, “Now I owe Johnny ₩10,000.”
“What?!” Haechan’s jaw dropped
“I have a bet with Johnny,” he said, yawning halfway through and leaning his head on the doorframe, “And I just lost.”
“How long have you had this bet?!” Haechan sounded genuinely betrayed.
“About 15 minutes,” he said nonchalantly, moving his hair out of his face, only for it to fall right back where it was.
That had you confused, “What was the bet?”
“That you two would get your shit together by the time you got here,” Hyuck scoffed and looked away in disbelief, tongue in his cheek, “Oh and I think Taeil owes Taeyong money now, too.”
Right then, your phone chimed with a message from the gambling brother in question and you opened it while the two boys argued about Hyuck himself not being in on any of the bets.
the youngest: hey, can u guys bring milk? its finished :/
you: sighs alright 
you: btw apparently you owe taeyong money now xx :)
You locked your phone before you could see his reaction and slid it back into your pocket. You turned to Hyuck again and sighed, “Taeil needs milk,” you stated incredulously.
He raised his eyebrows, “Okay now he owes both of us. And this isn’t over- next time there’s a bet I want in,” he said frowning at the older boy like a little kid.
The two of you said goodbye to Jaehyun, who kicked the door closed behind him, and returned to the car once again.
“Were we both really that obvious?” you asked as you clipped in your seatbelt.
“I don’t know about you but I was really good at hiding it,” his smug- and obviously sarcastic- tone made you cackle.
“Yeah that’s why Johnny knew you’ve liked me ‘since forever,’” you said, quoting the words you’d heard through the bathroom wall. 
His eyes widened so much you thought they’d come tumbling out of their sockets, “You heard that?” his gaze was switching rapidly between you and the road now.
You smirked at him and nodded simply.
“By the way,” Haechan’s voice was a bit croaky now, after all it was nearing 3am, “You will go out with me right? Like tomorrow night?” 
“Of course,you owe me two actually,” you didn’t have the energy to tease him further, your eyelids were practically dragging themselves across your eyes.
The last thing you saw before you fell asleep was Haechan’s flushed cheeks and the giant smile on his face.
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i just remembered you asked for a tag o-O @infnteen sorry for the late one!
if anyone else wants to be tagged in my works please lmk!:)
if you enjoyed this, buy me a ko-fi!
© copyright jewelledtae 2021, all rights reserved
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many-gay-magpies · 3 years
@honeyseungz @loabivey so that uh. that mini au that you had like a very small rb thread about yesterday (well over a few days ago now that im posting this). well uh. um . actually you know what im just gonna let you read it yourselves
so. heeseung, jay, and sunoo are all brothers. wether its actual brothers or just "brothers" by blood bond or whatever idk. but, regardless, they're brothers. im thinking that like, at first they aren't vampires, theyre just regular dudes yknow? (and just a forewarning, a lot of this isnt gonna be as compliant with the enhaverse theorizing we've done so far, it's just a little brain worm i wanted to play around with, throwing a little bit of enhaverse crumbs in here and there)
but anyway. they're not vampires, im thinking theyre just like... adopted/found family brothers, probably orphans or something. regardless they love each other a lot and its great. personality-wise everything is super different, but just for plot conveniences, heeseung, jay, and sunoo are the yunmeng trio (heeseung as wwx, jay as jc, and sunoo as jyl respectively), and jungwon is lwj.
the three brothers meet jungwon, probably brought together by this Big Fantasy Evil, maybe something involving the vampire queen as a character? idk. there's some big evil shit going down, and the three brothers somehow end up with jungwon and HIS big bro, who im imagining is jake (basically the lan xichen in this situation—very soft, kind, gentle; the vibes are right). both of them are vampires, not that our three orphan bois know that. they get caught up in the danger, and vampire bros jake and jungwon coms to the rescue.
now, a little bit of personality-mapping here: jay is outwardly very loud, fun, temperamental, and sarcastic, generally very much like he is irl; but inside, he's intensely loyal, protective, and loving, with a HUGE soft spot for the people closest to him. sunoo is very sweet, sensitive, and kind—the walking hug of the three brothers, who is certainly not without his bite and wont hesitate to talk back to anyone who hurts them. aggressively and without mercy. also he makes them soup for comfort and is generally best boy. heeseung is very goofy, playful, free-spirited, and bright, but insecure and sensitive underneath it all; generally a loud annoying mess of a boy. pure chaotic neutral and a gremlin if there ever was one. jungwon, on the other hand, is... not. he's nervous, quiet, cautious to a fault and intensely righteous, always standing up for what's right and refusing to waver from his chosen path. very lawful good vibes. he, naturally, is more than a little put off when jay, sunoo, and heeseung's chaotic ass come crashing into he and his brother jake's once-peaceful (ish) lives. and it doesn't help that heeseung is a... huge flirt, and apparently deadset on making jungwon his friend. fuck.
jungwon... doesn't know what to do. and it would all be so much easier if heeseung were dumb or stupid or unattractive or just a total asshole—but he isnt any of those things. he's beautiful, smart, insanely witty with a brain faster than any jungwon's ever seen—he can't help but admire him. but on top of that, he's wreckless as hell, unpredictable, and pushy, and gives jungwon heart attacks way too much for his liking. he doesn't even have a heartbeat. he's fucking dead.
it eventually comes out that jake and jungwon are vampires; the brothers are surprisingly cool with it. not the craziest thing that's happened to them.
the five boys get closer, staying together as they fight their foe (which im becoming increasingly inclined to make the werewolves), and through a series of convoluted events, jungwon learns that heeseung is not only gorgeous, smart, talented, and funny as all get-out, but also sensitive, caring, insecure, and thoughtful... and heeseung, who's only goal had been to break through the nervous and straightforward outer shell of his young dongsaeng, does just that. and jungwon, naturally, starts to fall in love.
somewhere along the line, though, things go wrong—as they were bound to do in an au loosely based off of the untamed. something happens to heeseung; he's fatally wounded after saving jay's life, and disappears, nowhere to be found. his brothers eventually assume the worse; that he's gone forever. but the queen finds him, takes care of him, nurses him back to health. turns him.
when he comes back, nothing's the same. the war is still going, and his brothers thought he was dead—but he isn't. but he's... different. jungwon and jake are quick to realize that he's been turned, how, they dont know—but they talk to him, teach him, try to help him, jungwon especially. of course he does; he's in love. heeseung, of course, is dismissive; doesn't take it seriously. ill be fine, whats so bad about this? or, perhaps, he doesn't let on just how hard he's taking it; fearing vulnerability more than he fears being a vampire.
inevitably, though, heeseung's wrecklessness leads to doom—he lets his bloodlust overtake him, relishes in it, no matter how much jungwon had warned him against it, pleaded with him to take caution. he says it's usefull—says he can help them take out enemies, help them win this war. jungwon warns him that he could end up getting more than he bargained for. heeseung doesn't listen.
heeseung helps them win the war; practically wins it for them. hes happy, bitterly, until he isnt. he's happy, until he sees his brother—sees sunoo. blood-covered, pale-skinned, drained.
heeseung is broken. jay even moreso. jay yells at him; yells and yells and yells and yells. curses him out, tells him he hates him, tells him he's nothing but cruel evil—he doesn't mean it, of course, but no one knows it then, not even him. now he is only angry; so, so angry. heeseung, wrought with guilt and shame and grief, flees—hides himself somewhere secluded, does the closest thing a vampire can possibly do to death, the equivalent of a thousand-year hibernation. none can find him, he's made sure of that. in his guilt and shame and anger he stews, asleep, for hundreds, thousands of years.
after the anger passes, jay is more than anything in mourning—for heeseung as well as for sunoo. he has a realization, that being that, when, inevitably, heeseung comes back, he doesn't want him to be alone: even if he'll have jungwon and jake, it won't be the same as having his brother. so jay pleads, cries, begs for jungwon to turn him—so that they can search for heeseung together, so that when heeseung comes back, he'll have jay waiting for him, too. so, reluctantly, jungwon gives in and turns jay—after which he helps him deal with his newfound immortality and vampiric status—helping him handle his bloodlust and helping him learn how to feed. over the centuries that heeseung is gone, jay, jungwon, and jake grow even closer (j line eyyy), inseparable as they search for heeseung and even outside of that. jungwon and jay are the closest, jay growing a colossal soft spot for the boy and not hesitating to take him under his wing and protect him with all he has (initially, sort of as a replacement for protecting heeseung, but eventually jay's affection for jungwon grows into something all it's own). to be clear, no love triangle bullshit here, only sickening-sweet platonic soulmates jaywon and a jungwon that is still achingly in love with heeseung.
(okay for anyone thats actually watched cql/read mdzs, yes i KNOW lwj and jc did not get along at all and kind of hated each other but. this is my au i do what i want, and if i want to add soft jaywon into the mix then im fucking going to, goddamnit)
so. sunghoon. how does he fit into all this? how does he end up being the one to trigger heeseung's "resurrection"? how does heeseung GET resurrected in the first place? well, not to worry, you're about to find out! and i am too because i'm just figuring this out as i go along baybyyyy
sunghoon, im thinking, is a friend of jake's (lets throw some jakehoon in here too bcs why not), either from before everything went to shit and heeseung went and isolated himself, or sometime during the numerous centuries jakewon spent looking for heeseung with jay. either way, sunghoon is this boy who jake is friends with and cares about a lot, and is also maybe kind of in love with. while jaywon spend most of their time looking for heeseung, jake spends his with sunghoon—finding himself often alone, now that his little bother is going off on his own adventures.
in a situation quite similar to heeseung's, sunghoon probably gets fatally injured somehow and is near death, but jake, not wanting him to die, decides to turn him instead. niki is also involved, and it's a sort of package deal, because before meeting jakewon, heeseung, and everyone, they were their own little thing; not unlike jay, heeseung, and sunoo's brother's triad. they were both probably orphans, niki being the much younger one, and as such sunghoon took him under his wing and never looked back. when jake turned sunghoon, niki was basically like "m8 what the fuck" and demanded he be turned too, not wanting his sunghoon-hyung to live on forever while he grew old and died. jake, also having a soft spot for niki, was like "fine alright" and turned him too. so, now their little vampire coven numbered five, and all was (moderately) well.
or not.
the thing was, jake hadn't anticipated how powerful sunghoon would be—there's nothing in life that anyone's found yet that would indicate a person's level of power once turned, so jake had... pretty much no way to see this coming. but, anyway, sunghoon was... really, really powerful. like, insanely powerful. all the abilities vampires were said to have in legends, the likes of which were previously reserved for just legends, he had them; flawless teleportation, mind control, shape-shifting, the whole bit. and on top of that, he was controlled—insanely good at monitoring himself and keeping tabs on his own instincts. one of the most self-sufficient, well-mannered vampires jake had ever seen. it was... frankly insane.
the problem? the queen. this is where she comes in, because she's played a part in all the boys' transformations, albeit indirectly—when jake and jungwon first turned, it was she who turned them. she could sense sunghoon's power, and she wanted it for herself. jake and jungwon had done well at avoiding her, even forgetting about her for a while; but what she wanted, she took, and take she did. it was sunghoon she took: luring him to her in small increments and then all at once, taking control of him, turning him into a mindless puppet. sunghoon had always prided himself in control, and without it, havoc wreaked: bodies dropping left and right, people being killed seemingly at random, their only purpose being to instill fear and paranoia.
now, niki had heard tales, before, from his hyungs but also from regular townspeople to whom the legend had gotten passed down, of heeseung, and how great and terrible he was. heeseung, the townspeoples' folktales said, had been insane, unstoppable: a mad genius far too gone for redemption. niki also knew from his hyungs' fond stories that heeseung, more than evil, was kind and caring; he was loyal, and powerful in his loyalty, and niki thought that if anyone could save his sunghoon-hyung, it was heeseung.
so niki went on a journey. without telling jaywon or anyone else (and thus causing quite the panic), he spent years searching for heeseung, everywhere jaywon had thought to look and everywhere they hadn't, and twice more for good measure. and, by some stroke of luck, either due to his own sheer force of will of something else entirely, niki found him: locked away in an old castle that never quite seemed to stay put, constantly phasing in between realities. it made sense why no one had found him before then—he didn't want to be found. desperately, in fact.
but niki, too, was desperate. he enacted a ritual that was said (by jake, so of course it was to be trusted) to wake any vampire that had gone into hibernation, and, miracles continuing to work for the bitter young boy, it worked. heeseung awoke—startled to find himself staring into the face of a very teary, very angry (visibly) sixteen-year-old.
confusion passed, things and motives were explained, and heeseung (although bitter at having been woken up, and still riddled with enough guilt to last 1500 lifetimes) attempted to patiently tell niki that he had no fucking idea how to help sunghoon whatsoever. niki pretty much said "well you better fucking find a way because you're not going back to sleep now, the world's about to fucking end. also jay and jungwon-hyung have been looking for you for literal centuries, do you know how pissed theyd be if i went out looking for you, found you, then came back empty-handed? really fucking pissed is how much. also sad. did i mention sad?" and heeseung, notoriously weak and also kind of (read: very) in love, is just like "...jungwon? jay?"
so niki brings heeseung back to the others, the return journey taking a long enough time that the two become significantly close to each other, heeseung's long-forgotten big brother instincts (tm) kicking in around the younger vampire. niki has to basically drag heeseung out of the castle by his teeth, because as much as he misses his brother and jungwon, he's still so incredibly guilty, and completely convinced that he isnt worth love or life whatsoever and that jay still hates his guts. and, jungwon... he doesn't even want to think about jungwon. how he failed him. how he let him down. but, niki slowly works through the insecurities, bit by bit: assuring heeseung that, no, even though jay will definitely rip him a new one once he sees him again, he'll also cry and hug him for at least 24 hours because he misses him like hell and heeseungie hyung you have no idea.
they weather a lot together. storms, mental breakdowns, bouts of blood-starvation so severe heeseung thinks he'll lose it again: but they're there for each other. they hunt, talk, keep each other warm, and in it, form an unbreakable bond. niki had heard tales of the legendary lee heeseung, who wiped out entire armies in two seconds flat and comforted his friends when they were sad and annoyed jay to the very ends of the earth: but what he's faced with is a man with more insecurities than niki has hairs on his head—and he has a lot of hairs on his head.
by the time they make it back to the coven's home, heeseung has grown sufficiently attached to the enigma that is niki, and has almost completely but it out of his mind that he's here for his old friends, too. he's only doing this for niki: it's a fact he's comfortable with. so when they reach the front steps he just... freezes.
i have a very clear image of it in my head—jungwon, jay, and jake sense niki's presence, in some weird vampire-y way. it's been around 10, 15 years since he left at this point, so of course they rush out to greet him, ready with scoldings and lashings about how stupid he had been (after, of course, making sure he's unharmed and alright)—but it all dies on their tongues as soon as they see who's with him.
frozen. everything is frozen.
i imagine it's a lot like lulu and artzyy's post. jungwon is the first to move, stepping forward and whimpering out a broken "hyung", and all heeseung's guilt and avoidance is forgotten in favor of cradling jungwon to his chest, holding him close and whispering reassurances into the crown of his head, wonnie, im so sorry, hyung's so sorry; i didn't mean to leave you for so long, i'm here now, its okay. and of course then jay comes in, crying and screaming about how the fuck is it okay, how can it ever be okay, how could you just not mean to leave us alone for 1500 years?! how the fuck do you just expect to waltz back into our lives like nothing ever happened and pretend its all okay?!? and then he hits him, and hurts him, tries to make him feel even an inkling of the hurt he was made to feel for the past fifteen hundred years—but then punching him turns into fisting hands into the back of his shirt and sobbing into his neck and holding him so tight he wouldn't be able to breath if he had the need to and please, please don't leave, why would you leave, you asshole, why did you leave?
so yeah. things happen. reunions are had, tears are shed. some indirect heewon love confessions probably happen later on in the form of very intense devotions of life and self and all that. "walking on the single-log bridge in the dark really isnt so bad" you know the whole shbang. meanwhile jay salty in the background just like "cant you just say you love each other like normal human beings jesus fucking christ"
jayseung's relationship (or the reigniting of it) is, well, rocky. they're both conflicted—jay even more than heeseung. because, the thing is, heeseung killed sunoo. as regretful as he is, that doesn't make it any easier to forget. but he's back, and alive, and in one piece, and he isn't leaving, and jay knows it wasn't really his fault, he wasn't in control—but he killed him. he killed their brother. and it WAS his own stupid fault for losing control in the first place, for not listening to jungwon, so what the hell is jay supposed to think? he flip-flops between being intensely grateful that heeseung is back and okay and finally with them again, and then remembering what he's done, giving him the cold shoulder and not speaking to him for hours on end. and all the while, heeseung is riddled with guilt, and shame, and grief he'd suppressed for far too long; niki's stubbornness combined with jungwon's unwavering support being the only things keeping him from bolting into oblivion all over again. all in all, it's a difficult time—but they get there. eventually.
naturally, they save sunghoon. what else is there to do? they defeat the queen, break her control over their friend—and then jakehoon have their own teary reunion, not unlike heewon's, and sungki have theirs, not unlike jayseung's (although with a... considerable decrease in cursing and conflicted emotions, and a lot more immediate sobbing). they're a mess—sunghoon is traumatized, heeseung is traumatized, jay and niki are traumatized, they're all just fucking traumatized. jayseung will probably take a long time to get back to the way they once were, if it's even possible—there'll always be an empty space there, something gone, something missing, and it's one that can't be filled. jungwon barely lets heeseung out of sight or touch alike, and heeseung isn't much better off. jay's always been the more touchy one out of the three of them; but after years of missing, of longing, there's plenty of time to be made up, and heeseung is just... so, so soft, and warm, and being held by him is the loveliest thing jungwon's ever known.
so like. sunoo isn't dead, or he doesn't stay dead, or not the soulless-unmoving kind of dead anyway. you know how necromancy and fierce corpses exist in donghua and shit? well they exist here too because fuck you and also i said so. i made myself sad and now im making it happy again goddamnit.
anyway. after he dies, sunoo gets found by the queen, too, and because she's all-powerful and whatnot she fucking necromances him—figures he'll be useful later. as he is, though, he's basically nothing more than a puppet; like wen ning and song lan were when they were being controlled. his soul isn't... gone exactly, just imprisoned, prevented from being able to come forward and command his body.
so. sunoo is still partially alive, and the boys (jay, jake, jungwon, sunghoon, niki, and whatnot)... don't know that. i imagine that for pretty much the entirety of the centuries that heeseung is gone, sunoo's status as a necromanced fierce corpse goes entirely unknown to them, and it's only after heeseung is brought back by niki that he starts to resurface. i imagine they realize it in a sort of tense, action-filled scenario: the boys have gone to investigate another attack, thinking it's sunghoon, but as it turns out the queen has had TWO undead corpses running around doing her dirty work instead of one. and one of them is sunoo.
heeseung and jay, of course, are stunned. they cant believe it's real; it isn't real, it can't be—and yet.
a lot of angsty plot stuff happens—i dont have the energy or enough shits to give to figure out what. the thing is, the queen only kept sunoo this long and brought him out as a tactic to lure heeseung, make him weaker; and it probably worked. in the midst of both fighting against sunghoon and fighting to SAVE sunghoon, heeseung is bent on saving sunoo as well, and there's probably a lot of very angsty talk wherein there are disagreements about who's life, really, is more important in this situation, and if heeseung is just trying to make up for what he did to sunoo. regardless, heeseung ends up saving sunoo and bringing his soul back to the surface. what he doesn't expect is for sunoo to forgive him—fully and wholeheartedly. and it feels wrong, because no, you should be angry with me, you should hate me and want to hurt me like i hurt you; but sunoo is just... happy. happy that he's back, happy that heeseung is back, happy that they're all together again. and its conflicting, to say the least. even moreso because sunoo isnt stupid—he didnt just act like heeseung was an innocent who did no wrong; he knew he had been wreckless, knew he was at fault, and he forgave him still. loved him still. that was something heeseung... hadn't been prepared for.
like i said in the last part, they save sunghoon; how, im not sure, but they save him, probably with a fair bit of sunoo's help, and they're together again. only the tiny difference here is that sunoo is with them too. sunoo is back, and the gang has yet another undead bestie to teach the ropes of being a vampire to. things are awkward, obviously, especially between the original brother's trio of heeseung, sunoo, and jay; because sunoo is his usual sweet and kind self while jay believes that he should be more angry at heeseung for killing him, heeseung agrees, and jay has some very conflicted feelings about how self-depricating his hyung is being (because like... yeah you killed sunoo and im supposed to hate you but you're not supposed to hate yourself, you idiot, what the fuck?)
(also like. if we're gonna take some more crumbs from cql canon here im gonna go ahead and say sunoo's death was at least somewhat self-sacrificial, even if it was heeseung that ended up causing it in the end)
(i kind of love how jiang cheng-y i made enhaverse jay here to be honest)
(okay this has been in my drafts WAY too long because ive been waiting for some miraculous Other Detail i need to add to pop up in my mind, but honestly i can just add anything else i think of in a reblog afterwards, this bitch just needs to see the light of day)
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azozzoni · 4 years
restless & wreckless - Ch 4/8 / VDS
Sitting in the back of class, Lucas retraced the edge of his doodle with his pen, sketchy and messy, nothing particularly pretty but still infinitely more interesting than whatever Mrs. 80s Hair was saying about the differences between similes and metaphors. His nail polish was chipping, a deep red this time, a color his dad had glared at when he’d seen it.
Picking at the polish, Lucas sighed as his gaze slid to the clock over the door. He wasn’t even sure why he’d bothered to show up today, except that at least in this class, he got to watch Jens slumped down in his chair, got to consider the tanned lines of his neck, the shift of his shoulder blades whenever the teacher called on him and how he always sat up as though caught doing something wrong.
Stifling his yawn, Lucas picked up his pen again, doodling aimlessly on his arm this time, waiting for the moments to tick by and the bell to ring.
A folded piece of paper skidded across his desk, hitting his hand, and he glanced up. No one was looking his way, which wasn’t any different than usual.
He half-expected the note to be something insulting—a crude drawing or a rude name—but it was neither as he unfolded the paper.
Changing room. Ten minutes.
Frowning at the note, Lucas raised his gaze to the back of Jens’ neck. He was the only person who could have written it, and the frown transformed into a smirk as Lucas folded the note back up and slipped it into his pocket. Looked like he was already a bad influence on Jens.
The last five minutes of class seemed to drag on forever, but finally, the bell rang and there was a din of chairs and people talking as the room emptied.
Grabbing his bag, Lucas didn’t rush, following the last person out of class and into the crowded hallway. Jens wasn’t anywhere that Lucas saw, and he merely shrugged to himself, turning to head to the gym.
He’d never been in the changing rooms since he didn’t have to do any sports, but he found them easily enough. Slipping through the door, Lucas checked around the corner, but the room appeared to be empty, filled with rows of benches, dirty white tiles halfway up the walls.
Dropping his bag on a bench, he turned at the noise of the door opening. Jens slipped inside, a smile on his face as he approached Lucas.
“Hey,” he greeted him, and Lucas didn’t care about the pleasantries, not today.
Jens made a surprised noise as Lucas shoved him against the wall, pinning him chest to chest as Lucas’ hands grabbed his head and pulled him into rough kiss, tongue sweeping against Jens’, a calm, reassuring feeling washing over him as Jens’ hands came up to grip his waist after a second.
“Wait,” Jens mumbled too soon, breaking away from Lucas’ mouth, seemingly ignoring the annoyed look Lucas shot him. Maybe he wasn’t too serious, though, as his gaze rested on Lucas’ lips even as he paused.
“If you want to wait, you can do it by yourself,” Lucas replied, kissing Jens again before he could answer. The whole point of hooking up in school was to hook up, and that was exactly what he planned to do.
“I got you something,” Jens mumbled around kisses, breaths panted between them, the slick slide of tongues, rising heat that Lucas could feel on the back of Jens’ neck as he pressed him to the wall.
“What for?” Lucas asked, confused but not really caring, hands sliding down Jens’ sides to his ass, pulling him in closer and hearing Jens’ breath hitch in his ear.
When Jens pulled away this time, Lucas merely huffed, letting Jens lean down for his bag and dig in one of the pockets.
“Your birthday,” Jens said as he came back up, and Lucas couldn’t help frowning. “Since you didn’t tell anyone about it. Figured you should at least get something.”
There’d been a reason Lucas hadn’t told anyone, a reason he’d spent his birthday alone. The last thing he wanted was pity gifts from the guy he made out with occasionally.
“I don’t want—” he started to say, harsh, but Jens waved a baggie in front of him and he paused. “Weed?”
“I mean, I’ll keep it if you don’t want it,” Jens said easily, shrugging as though he knew the answer already, a smile on his face. That annoyed Lucas more than anything as he snatched the bag from Jens’ hand.
“Keeping gifts is bad form.”
Jens laughed. “Since when do you know what bad form is?”
“Gotta know the rules to break them,” Lucas said simply, opening the bag and inhaling deeply. “Not bad.”
Jens merely smiled and Lucas rolled his eyes. He didn’t need Jens’ ego inflating over some half-decent weed.
“Want to smoke one?” Jens asked, and Lucas glanced at him.
“Getting high at school,” he said. “Look who’s a bad idea now.”
“You started it,” Jens said, plucking the bag from Lucas’ fingers, a cocky smirk on his face, not quite the same one he used on all those girls, and Lucas let him, licking his lips and smiling to himself as Jens took out a paper and started rolling.
“What kind of a shit theory says that steam from the shower will get rid of the smell?” Lucas asked as Jens returned, sliding back down on the tiled floor, settling in against the wall beside Lucas and taking the joint Lucas didn’t offer him. Lucas rolled his eyes at the sound of water hitting the floor.
“I read it online.” Jens shrugged and took a drag, and Lucas didn’t bother answering that. He didn’t care if anyone smelled the weed and came in. Another detention was nothing.
For a moment, they didn’t speak, passing the joint back and forth, and Lucas exhaled as he sat there. He was supposed to be in his art class—the only class he actually enjoyed in this shit hole, but given the choice between learning color theory and getting high with Jens, he’d choose Jens.
“Can I ask you something,” Jens said after a minute, watching Lucas take a drag.
“Just did.”
Jens ignored him. “Did you really set fire to headmaster’s office at your last school?”
Laughing slightly, Lucas ran his tongue over his lower lip, contemplating the joint between his fingers. “Worried I’ll come after you?”
“No,” Jens said, pulling Lucas’ hand to his mouth and taking a drag from the joint, fingers soft on his wrist, and Lucas looked away. “I think it’s bullshit.”
“Bullshit,” Lucas repeated, pulling his hand from Jens’ grip, leaning over to kiss him instead, drinking in the smoke, the bitter taste on his tongue as Jens leaned into him easily. He didn’t want to know why Jens thought that, if anyone else did too.
“Come on,” Jens said as he pulled away, dark eyes soft as he gazed at Lucas. “What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done?”
Scoffing, Lucas leaned back. “What do you care?”
Jens wasn’t his friend. He wasn’t someone Lucas had picked out as someone to talk to. He’d picked Jens because he was hot, because he did that annoying flirting thing with all the girls that just made Lucas want to prove it was an act. He wanted to get under Jens’ skin, not the other way around.
Jens shrugged in response. “Just curious. I’ve heard lots of things about you. So far, none of them are true.”
Frowning, Lucas took another drag, slow, letting the smoke settle in his lungs before exhaling it into the steam from the shower fogging up the room. The tiled floor wasn’t exactly comfortable as he shifted, considering the question, if he should bother answering.
Jens was still watching him as Lucas sighed finally.
“I broke up my best friend and his girlfriend.”
“Really?” Jens asked, sounding surprised, and Lucas scowled.
“No.” Jens shrugged. “I guess I just expected arson or petty larceny or something. But that shit’s dark.”
“In my defense, I was just the messenger,” Lucas said, rolling his eyes, offering the joint to Jens, who took it slowly. “And he deserved to know.”
“And I’m sure you got nothing out of it,” Jens said with a slight smile.
“Fuck you.”
Jens smiled at his response, and Lucas couldn’t maintain his glare.
“I bet the worst thing you’ve ever done is this,” he said, gesturing around them.
Jens paused for a second, making a face around the joint. “I never told you why I was in detention,” he said finally, and Lucas glanced at him, actually curious for once.
“Failed a test? Called a teacher a prick? One too many tardies?”
Licking his lips, Jens set the joint down, wrist resting on his knee. “You know when you see someone really hot and you can’t stop thinking about them?”
Pulling his eyes from Jens, Lucas jerked his shoulders. “No.”
“Screw you,” Jens said easily, a laugh to his voice as he sighed. “Well, I saw someone like that. Actually, I saw them before that, but that day, they dropped their books in the hall and they were leaning over to…” Taking a breath, Jens seemed to draw himself back together as Lucas looked back at him, the pink spots on his cheeks, and Lucas couldn’t tell if it was embarrassment or simply remembering the moment. “Anyway, you know how it goes. I ducked into a closet to, you know, take care of things. And Ms. Kleijn happened to need pens at that exact moment.”
Lucas heard himself laugh before he could stop himself, gazing at Jens through the steam. “That’s the worst thing you’ve ever done?”
“It was embarrassing,” Jens admitted, shoving Lucas’ shoulder. “I didn’t even tell my friends.”
For a second, Lucas paused. “Because you got caught or because of why you were doing it in the first place?”
Biting his lip, Jens leaned into Lucas instead of answering, drawing him into a lingering kiss that certainly didn’t answer his question, the suspicion in the back of his mind, a faded memory from a few weeks ago that was becoming clearer every second Jens kissed him.
“You should wear those black jeans more often,” Jens just murmured against his lips, and despite everything, the warning in the back of his mind, Lucas smiled, shifting to climb into Jens’ lap this time.
“Next time you jerk off in a closet, don’t forget my invitation,” he said, and Jens laughed as Lucas pulled him back to his mouth.
“I won’t.”
It sounded like a promise, and instead of feeling reassured, Lucas couldn’t help the unease creeping down his spine as he settled in against Jens and kissed away all of those thoughts instead.
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neon-junkie · 4 years
I'm just curious but why is it you like Micah and can't stand Abigail?
Just answered why I don’t like Abigail here. 
Micah... he’s just interesting, he’s funny. I obviously DO NOT SUPPORT HIS ACTIONS AT ALL. Like, he is a BAD man, always has been, always will be. 
I’ve always really liked villains growing up, like in Disney films and all that jazz. So whenever I get into something, the villain is usually one of my faves.
I think I mostly feel sorry for Micah? At first, I didn’t like him, just like everyone else, but reading into his backstory is interesting.  His dad quite clearly abused him and his brother. His dad teaches him the whole ‘kill or be killed’ quote that Micah now lives by. I don’t think Micah ever mentions his mother? So growing up with constant negativity (his dad) is deffo going to traumatize him. 
I feel sorry when he reaches out to his brother. He sends Amos a letter and Amos replies like ‘I love you cause youre my brother, but youre a bad man and I WILL kill you if you’re ever within 50 miles of me.’  Micahs probably tried to fix his broken relationship with his brother but that’s done for. It’s hard to change a person when they’ve been brought up a certain way. Micah was raised to be a killer, so be a killer he must. 
His brothers lucky, Amos managed to escape it all and now has a wife n kids. Micah clearly suffers with a lot of mental issues that’s preventing him to change. With his brother gone, he has no positive influences to try and sway him, so he’s just a loose canon at this point. 
Micahs interesting from a psychological point of view. Like he is the way he is because of his fathers upbringing. Obviously, as a fully grown adult, his actions are wrong and he KNOWS theyre wrong, but its what he’s been raised to do. Micahs abandoned all hope and is allowing himself to just go ape shit. He has nothing to lose. He has no woman, no kids, no family; theres nothing stopping him from doing whatever the fuck he wants. He doesn’t know right from wrong because he father taught him everything back to front. So if Micah beats up a man for looking at him funny, his first thought isn’t ‘I shouldnt beat up this man, he’s done nothing wrong,’ it’s ‘this man shouldn’t have looked at me in the first place, he asked for it.’
I could honestly spend hours talking about all of Micahs backstory and why he’s interesting cause of that but I don’t wanna make this reply longer than it already is. I also think he’s hot.. sorry... idk why. He’s got a nice voice too. His sarcasm and wits are hilarious. He’s just a funny guy lol.  Also, personally, I deffo have some trauma issues which makes me like wreckless people like Micah, so theres probably some like weird subconcious reasoning as to why I’m attracted to fucking idiots lol. 
Yeah idk Micahs just pretty neat x
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Part one of two.
Draco Malfoy x Mudblood Slytherin!Reader
Tw: swearing, slight angst
A/n: I haven't posted in a while so I decided to make a two parter.
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"I hate that blonde prick." Hermione says, angrily chopping up some lavendar. Draco Malfoy just made a very loud remark about how that even Amortentia won't make anyone like her. Seeing as she seems to have more friends than Malfoy, who just has goons, I find that hard to believe.
"Really? I honestly couldn't have guessed." I say, throwing in some peppermint and stirring until the liquid inside the cauldron turns green.
"How are you even in the same house as him? You're so much better than anyone in that house. You're not even a pureblood. You're the first muggleblood admitted in deacades." Hermione says, eying the potion to make sure I'm doing it right. "Hermione you have brung this up every day since we first got sorted, what was it, 5 years ago?" I recalled.
"Yeah? It's still shocking to me. Slytherins are known as the 'pureblood house' for a reason. You should've been in Ravenclaw." She states, looking irritated.
"I'm not that smart Hermione. Speak for yourself, you're the smartest in the whole class grade." I say as she throws in the crocodile heart while I continue to stir.
"Yeah, but still you're not completely dumb unlike Crabbe or Goyle." She jokes, staring down my hand for any stirring mistakes. She was serious about getting good grades, and it honestly didn't hurt for her to help if I do make a mistake.
"Yeah. I think if I wasn't Slytherin I would be a Gryffindor though, after all they are pretty similar. Though I still don't like the whole rivalry thing. They're practically the same house, Gryffindor is just considered brave because they do things without thinking of themselves, while Slytherin puts themselves and their friends into the equation." I say, watching the liquid in the cauldron turn blue.
"That's rude," Hermione huffs.
"I'm just being honest. I mean, Harry is the most Gryffindor person that I know of, minus the founder, and he really only thinks of himself sometimes. I mean, look at how many times you have gotten in trouble or could have with him." I say, putting down the spoon on the table.
"Yes, but I did those willingly with him because he's my friend." She says, looking around to see if anyone else was done.
"And I get that, but he's also putting you in wreckless danger a lot of the time." I try to correct her, but she doesn't budge.
"You're just trying to say Slytherin is better than Gryffindor." She says, watching my eyes.
"Not exactly, I'm just saying that they're very similar with key differences." I insisted.
Hermione rolls her eyes. "Sure."
Snape comes to our table and looks down into our cauldron of what is hopefully calming draught.
"Are you two finished, Miss Granger and y/l/n?" Snape asked.
Hermione cuts me off. "We have to wait 10 more minutes until it turns lighter." She corrects me before I could even say the wrong thing. I whisper a small thank you to her in return.
"I see." Snape says, then walks away.
"How do you deal with him?" She asks.
"Same way you do, but he kind of has an obligation to be nice because I'm in Slytherin. Only sort of." I state.
"True." She says, watching over the cauldron in front of us.
After Potions I didn't have any classes with Gryffindor, meaning I was unable to see Hermione, my closest friend. Luckily, I had classes with Hufflepuff, allowing me some time with kind people. I mean, as a mudblood in Slytherin, it can be harsh. Not the worst, but still, harsh.
As I walk to my next class, I notice Draco eying me up and down. He does that a lot, mainly because to him, I'm disgusting mudblood. I've gotten used to it by now.
"Hey, y/l/n!" He calls out, his goons behind him.
"What does mr. daddy's money want?" I roll my eyes.
"For you to be out of Slytherin, for one." He says, trying to catch up to my pace of walking, so I walk faster.
"For someone that hates me so much, you seem to be obsessed with me. I mean, calling out my name in the middle of the hallway, catching up to me? What are you going to do next, propose?" I say, grabbing hold of my wand at my side. He isn't usually prone to hex, but I wouldn't put it past him.
"Why would I ever want to marry a filthy little mudblood?" He smirks.
"Why would I ever want to marry a pompous asshole with horrible morals?" I say, looking forward. I don't like looking at him. Even his face disgusts me.
"You know I'm hot." He says. I nearly stop in my tracks to laugh.
"That's hilarious. I'm not one of the little girls who follow you around and act like they're in love with you because you have money, Malfoy. I actually see past the money, and clearly see that you're just a terrible person. Your personality can't even make up for lack of looks." I state, bearly able to contain my laughter.
"Shut up you mudblood!" He shouts, grabbing his wand.
"Fuck off Malfoy. What are you gonna do? Hex me?" I say, and immediately get shot with a spell and pass out. I don't remember what he was saying, but I do remember falling down.
I wake up to see Madam Pomfrey dabbing a warm cloth on my head. She stands back, and allows me to look around.
"Someone used flipendo on you, and you got knocked down one of the stairways. You're lucky Mr. Malfoy was there to save you from terrible damage." She states, very matter of factly.
I laugh. Why would Malfoy save me? He would rather all wizards with muggle parents die.
"No way." I chuckle. Madam Pomfrey looks at me weird and walks away. I look to the end of my bed to see Hermione.
"Hermione?" I ask. Of course it is, because she's honestly the only person who would care for me enough to check on me.
"Who?" She jokes, but a little sniffle comes out too.
"Are you okay?" I ask her and sit upright in my bed.
"I should be asking you that." She holds a tissue up to her nose.
"But I asked you first. What's wrong?" I look at her and wait for her response. She looks at me dumbfounded.
"What's wrong? I witnessed you fly down the bloody stairs!" She says. "Malfoy put a cushioning charm down before you landed but you passed out anyway. I couldn't believe it." She takes a long pause. "He carried you here. He freaking carried you here. He didn't say a word until he layed you down on the bed. He explained everything to Madam Pomfrey while I just cried. I thought you died!"
"He jinxed me! But he was the one that made me fly down the stairs! Why would he help me after he was the one to hurt me? I mean, he would get into less trouble. How did he say I fell down?" I ask. My thoughts were rushing through my head. Why did he save me? He could have let me die. That would be easier to explain.
"He said someone behind him jinxxed yoh but didn't see who it was because he was trying to save you. I thought he did. I mean, you are a Slytherin, why wouldn't he save you?" She states.
"Because I'm not pureblood, Hermione. What were you doing anyway? Why were you there?" I ask.
"We switched our potions books. You write all over yours." She says.
"I take notes in the margins in case I ever need to make it again." I shrug.
"And destroy a perfectly good book in the process." She says, sadly.
"I make it easier for myself in case I need to make it again." I pause. "But why would he save me? You know he's been my tormentor for years, not to mention yours too." I clarified.
"Yeah, but he's kind of obsessed with you, you know? He's meaner to you, but he's always finding ways to find you, and kind of stalks you. I mean, he knows you live in London. He knows your parents jobs. I wouldn't say he has a crush on you... but it seems that way." Hermione says, pissed off.
"Don't murderers find out where their victims live beforehand? If you ask me, he's just plain mean. And even if he did have a crush on me, which he doesn't, I wouldn't say yes if he asked me out." I state. I would absolutely say no, under every possible circumstance.
After a night in the hospital wing, I was free to go in the morning. No one stopped by all night after Hermione left, which was expected.
Once I changed into a fresh set of robes and started my first class of the day, charms with Hufflepuffs, I was fine.
Until I surprisingly got paired up with Malfoy. Flitwick is all for school unity, and I usually got paired up with a Hufflepuff for projects, though projects were rare.
"So, now that you have your partners assigned, I should probably have to tell you what you have to do." He chuckles. "Write and essay on how the charms, learned this semester, will help you with helping others. You and your partner will also show a demonstration on one example of helping others." He finishes. Oh boy. This will be a blast.
"Shit." I mutter to myself. Quite a few others do, too. I hate doing demonstrations, let alone with someone who I hate.
"Now, I will give you some class time to discuss and write with your partners. One scroll of parchment for each partner." He finshes. Everyone starts moving, besides me. I really do not want to do this.
"Y/L/N!" I hear Malfoy yell from across the room. I just want to sink into my seat and scream, but I walk towards him despite everything in my body telling me not to. He just almost killed me, and now I get to be paired up with him for a project. I mean, at the very least he's smart. Or has money to bribe the teachers. Either way, I'm getting a good grade.
I plop my things down on the seat next to him. He leans back in his chair and looks me in my eyes. His cold blue eyes didn't make me feel any less uneasy. They were harsh.
"Hey, uhm, y/n." He takes a deep breath in. "I'm sorry I made you fall down the stairs. Please don't tell anyone I carried you to the hospital wing." He says, looking around my face.
"And here I thought you were finally being nice to me. But all you care about is your reputation for being a 'bad boy'. Whatever Malfoy, you're too cliche. I'm not going to forgive you, but I certainly won't say to anyone that you carried me there. I mean, being touched by a pureblood? Disgusting." I say.
"What?" He stares at me in shock.
"What? You seem to think that mudbloods are so disgusting. Why can't I think purebloods are?" I say, smiling.
"That doesn't make any sense." He says.
"Neither does your thoughts about bloodlines. I mean, hell, you can't even tell what type of bloodline I am without talking to me or knowing me. None of your bullying rhetoric makes any sense. I mean, I know you're a prick and all, but for merlin's sake at least be able to pick a reason to bully others that makes sense." I state, pulling out a scroll of parchment.
He lets out a bit of a laugh. "You don't make any sense." He says.
"Wow, I've heard first years make a better comeback." I say.
"Yeah? Those are the only ones you're able to make friends with." He says, pulling out a scroll of his own.
"Speak for yourself. Only first years think you're scary. Hell, even the person you pushed down a flight of stairs isn't scared." I say, biting back.
"I-" He sighs. "I really am sorry about that, you know. I didn't mean to hurt you." He says.
"Yet you did. If you actually didn't mean to, you wouldn't have jinxed me at all." I say.
"I meant to scare you a little, not kill you." He looks around his parchment in thought.
"Thanks for the sentiment. You still hurt me." I say, grabbing my quill.
"I'm sorry for even jinxxing you, y/n." He says. I look over and see that he may actually mean that.
"Thank you." I reassured him.
"Fuck." He exclaims. I look back over to him.
"What?" I ask.
"I forgot my ink." He says.
"I have a spare ink pot." I dig through my things to try and find it, and when I do, I place it in front of him.
"You really don't have to." He pushes it away.
"It's a thank you for giving me a near death experience. Take it, it's yours." I say.
"Fine." He replies, and opens it angrily. I didn't know some one could be so angry at a gift the person they almost killed yesterday gave them.
Throughout the rest of the day went as normal. I talked to Hermione, but not about me getting paired up with Malfoy. She would just get mad at me for giving him ink and tell me that he wants to date me again. I absolutely don't want to date him. Do I?
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ncityofangels · 5 years
NCT 127 + U Reaction : You Being Under Anesthesia and They Tell You Things They’ve Never Told You Before
a/n: this was requested and took really long but it was so fun to write because I’ve never written a reaction before so yay! Anyway....I included 127, U, and Kun in this reaction so have fun. Hope you guys like it :D
Genre : Flufffffff x10
below the cut because I’m nice like that ;)
I could definitely see him being one of the more emotional ones whenever you go to get your wisdom teeth out
He’s definitely big worried about you
I don’t think he would really express it to you though
Don’t think that he won’t be taking funny pictures of you during your procedure to blackmail you with later
Once you were completely under though he’d turn into a big softie
Would wait in the waiting room all night just to make sure you’re okay
Constantly talking to the doctors to make sure everything was going according to plan
“How did I get so lucky?”
“You’re so beautiful, Y/N”
Today was the day you got the procedure done to donate your kidney
He comes to the hospital with you (of courseee)
Brings hella snacks for both of you
but like
Not healthy snacks. Probably a lot of chocolate.
Watches YouTube videos with you on his phone while you wait
Once you get called he gets a little nervous
The entire time the procedure is being done he’s like pacing in the waiting room
Doing that knee bounce thingy people do when they’re anxious
After the procedure is done and you’re in your room, the biggest smile erupts on his face
“I totally knew you’d be okay babe”
“You’re the strongest person I know”
first off
big baby 1/4
He was already hella concerned when you broke your leg but when he found out you’d have to get operated on
This boyyyyy was freakin out
I definitely see him being one of the most anxious ones
Highkey tries to teach you a choreo he thought of while you’re in the waiting room to calm his nerves
“Oh right, your leg is broken. Sorry babe. Let’s find something else to do then”
Doesn’t want to be separated from you when they take you back
After the operation they tell him he can go back to your room and he could not get their faster
Definitely has a whole conversation with you while you’re still under
“Hurry up and get back to me”
“I love you too much”
Why do I picture him being so chill the whole time
Like not in the way that he doesn’t care 
He trusts you’re in good hands with the doctors
You’re definitely more nervous than he is
“Babe, you’re just getting your wisdom teeth out, it’ll be okay.”
Plays a game on his phone while your waiting
Or reads one of those magazines they always leave out for patients
Buys flowers after they take you back
I feel like without a doubt he spent at LEAST 15 minutes in the hospital gift shop picking out what kind of flowers to get you
Probably asks the people working there for advice too
The procedure didn’t take too long so he was able to see you pretty soon, even though you were still under
“See babe I told you everything was going to go good”
“You’re so beautiful when you sleep”
Very similar to Johnny imo
Plays with your hair while you’re in the waiting room
“You don’t need your tonsils anyway”
This makes me soft
Tells you fuckin dad jokes to calm you down like the nerd he is
this boy will go all out because he really loves your ass
Expect your room to smell good af after you get up
Why do I feel like he’d order take out for you before you wake up so it’s ready for you when you come to
ik thats like kInDa weird but I just feel that in my soul so
Lowkey wants to cuddle you the whole time you’re under
“I’ll never leave your side”
“You’re so adorable like this”
Alright this is my bias y’all sooo
I definitely feel like he’s kind of similar to Yuta
a LOT more chill than some of the other members
“I’ll see you in a bit”
“What do you want to eat after this?”
Lots of hugs before you go back
Roams the gift shop while he waits
Probably gets you some small little thing that made him think of you
“She’ll like this”
Sings to you in your room while you’re still asleep
WOW im in love with this boy
Checks in with the doctor to make sure things are going well
Doesn’t leave your side once they move you into your room
Not in the way that he is worried, he just likes being close to you
Treats you to dinner after you’re released
“I never knew I could care about someone so much”
“Take your time babe, I have all day”
veryyyyy touchy
big baby 2/4
not really worried at all though
Will be all over you before you go back
Just very affectionate in general, regardless of the situation
When you told him you had to get your appendix taken out he was like “okay, lets go get that fixed”
brings snacks like Johnny
When it’s time for you to go back he holds your hand and tells you everything is gonna be okay
Brings you food
Updates the members on your condition (idk that’s just something I think he’d do)
Probably ends up falling asleep in the waiting room tbh
“Are you really under anesthesia or are you just messing with me?”
“I’ll always take care of you”
wow we love ANOTHER bias
Okay so
Brings his airpods and a speaker so yall can listen to music together while you wait
this is so cute i’m literally crying
why do I see him packing a lunch for the both of you
Does the MOST
“Hurry, you have to eat this before they take your wisdom teeth out”
Big softie
A tiny bit concerned, but knows you’ll be fine
Can’t wait for the cuddles that he’ll give you after your release
repeat after me… TAKES. CARE. OF. YOU.
Most likely ends up feeding you at home too because you’re a mess and can’t do anything for yourself
Once they let him back to see you though he just melts
So proud of you tbh (even though you literally didn’t do anything”
“That’s my baby”
“I can’t wait to marry you”
big baby 3/4
Would quite literally do anything for you
Lots of backhugs and reassurance
Jokes around with you to calm you down
definitely shows you memes from the NCT group chat to cheer you up
“I’ll be right here the whole time, don’t worry”
Speaks Mandarin for you because you find it relaxing
lil cuddles in the waiting room
Y’all have the softest relationship
Expect this boy to literally never leave your side during recovery
Won’t let you do anything but rest because his baby has to be in top condition
As soon as he sees you after the operation he gets a little emotional
Most likely just has a regular convo with you while you’re under
“What do you think about this outfit, Y/N?”
“Yeah, I don’t really like it that much either”
“You’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met”
“I can’t wait to grow old with you”
big baby 4/4
a lot like Taeyong tbh
aegyo to make you feel better
For some reason I don’t see him worrying too much though
Like he loves you soooo much and you will never question that but he’s just chillin once you go back
Misses your presence once he’s alone in the waiting room
“How long does it take to take an appendix out?”
Probably is wayyy too into a game on his phone when the doctor comes to tell him that he can go back
“Aw baby, you look so cuteee”
“I just want to hug you until you’re better” 
big meme boi
Roasts the shit out of you for having to have your wisdom teeth out
You try and explain to him that it’s literally a common thing but nope
he still make fun
“Don’t worry, even though your body is failing our relationship isn’t”
Asks the doctors soooo many times how much longer it is going to take
Just because he can’t wait to show you some meme he found or tell you some joke he made
Don’t mistake his teasing though because this boy will wait all day in that hospital for you
Goes to get food while he waits
Forgets to get you something and gets mad at himself for being so wreckless
Flowerssss 3.0
idk I just love the idea of Lucas getting you flowers leave me alone
not like this big bouquet tho, very simple. Like maybe a couple roses
Playfully sings to you while he waits for you to wake up
“My ladyYyYyY”
sorry y’all i had to
“I love you so much it hurts”
“I can’t focus when you’re around”
Jaehyun 2.0 tbh
makes you listen to this new song he found on SoundCloud (yikess we love him tho)
probably raps to it because we been knew he’s a dork
sings to you if you want him to
big cuddler tbh
worries when they take you back
just doesn’t want to be away from you in general
Likes his space but also whiny when he’s in the mood for some time with you
wow i’m really whipped for him, let’s continue
I don’t really see him buying flowers for you but I think he’d roam the gift shop for a trinket you would like
Runs home to get one of your stuffed animals or something to remind you of home and make you feel comfortable
When they let him see you he gets super excited
“Hey baby, long time no see”
“I’m so in love with you”
This mans gonna tease you the wholeeee time
Kinda like Lucas but more like a loving tease
Pinches your cheeks a LOT
“My baby is getting surgery todayy”
Your procedure is like a whole event tbh
Gotta pack a lunch
Some snacks for AFTER lunch
lots of drinks
pillows maybe a blanket
Very extra in general
Also very worried when they take you back
Texts the members about how worried he is
“I just love her so much, I don’t want anything bad to happen to her”
Is super relieved when he gets to see you again
“Hello my angel”
“I think i’m falling in love with you”
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moody-cowdaddy · 5 years
Tony Stark x Reader
Summary: You and Tony have been butting heads ever since you joined the Avengers, but things finally come to a head once the two of you are left alone at headquarters.
Category: Smut
A/N: I'm doing it, I'm finally taking the leap. I've wanted to write Marvel based imagines for a while, and after seeing Endgame, I am fucked up. I need to vent my sadness.
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You had been with the Avengers for a little over a year. It was a decent gig. Fight bad guys, save the world, be loved by all. Well, loved by some, anyway. You got along with most of your colleagues aside from one: Tony Stark. Every new recruit went through some hazing from the self described genius, playboy, philanthropist, millionaire. But it seemed you were receiving your fair share, and then some from, 'The Man of Iron' as Thor always called him.
"You wanna be useful and make me some coffee?" Tony asked, finally emerging from his garage.
[[Keep reading]]
He looked haggard and frustrated. He was hard at work trying to crack the code for a new nano technology modification for his suit. The two of you were currently the only ones stationed at the Avengers headquarters while the rest of the team were either out doing there own thing or working on other assignments. It was rare that all of you ever worked as a team, unless something detrimental was happening.
It had been quiet for the past few weeks, and luckily, no outside or inside entities were threatening to blow up Earth at the moment. So, you had decided to take advantage of the free time and rest up.
You raised an eyebrow at comment as you sat down the book you were reading, "Uh, I'm on the team, y'know. I'm not your live-in maid."
"Hmm," he hummed at you sarcastically, "And who exactly are you again?
"Cut the shit, Tony. You've been riding my ass since I joined," you cut your eyes to him once more before shifting your body away from him.
"Yeah, and someone clearly needs to," he said bluntly.
You snapped your head back to him as he still stood firmly beside you, looking over you with stern gaze. All the disagreements and offhand comments that had accumulated over the past year, all the pent up aggravation seemed as if it was all coming to a head now. He seemed intent on having a fight, or atleast telling you how he really felt.
"Oh yeah," you sucked your teeth, "And what exactly is your point?"
"My point is that you're reckless," he furrowed his brow, throwing a hand up.
You scoffed, genuinely amused by what he was saying, "Wreckless? Of all people telling me that I'm wreckless. I've heard stories about you and your wreckless days, Mr. Stark."
He nodded his head, "Sure have. Sure have. Do you see me acting like that now? No, you don't." He pointed towards the floor, "This. All of this, is not a game."
You rolled your eyes quickly, finally standing up from the couch you were seated on as you took a step forward. You were face-to-face with him now, and it made the hair on the back of your neck stand on end.
"Maybe I'm not the most ethical Avenger, but I get shit done my way," you gritted your teeth, locking eyes with him.
"That's the mentality that gets people killed," He whispered gruffly.
"What are you, a boy scout?" your mouth stretched into a thin line.
"Nope. I'll leaving the boyscouting to the Cap'," he shook his head, his eyes unwavering from yours.
"You wanna settle it? Put on the suit, and we can go a couple of rounds. Otherwise, we're done here," you shrugged, waiting for his answer.
As much as the two of you seemed to dislike eachother, there was always an odd tension in the air whenever the two of you got into it like this. It was a tension of more than just differences in opinion, that way obvious. You had to admit that it was palpable and exciting whenever the two of you did go at it like this.
Tony wasn't a bad looking guy by any means, and you'd be first to admit it, he was was down right handsome if you were being honest, but you had never really taken that much notice of it, until now. It was as if this encounter had flipped a switch inside of you, it was one that you could definitely feel, and your body felt like there were livewires scattered all around it as the two of you stood toe-to-toe now, studying eachother.
It was clear neither of you were going to back down from this. You studied the way his deep chocolate brown eyes darted back and forth in their sockets as they roamed over your face and body. Your eyes did wandering of their own as you noticed how well his toned body filled out the plain black t-shirt he was wearing, how his muscles flexed and tensed up beneath his skin, and how thick the stubble on his bear was getting. You couldn't help but wonder what that would feel like against your skin.
A small smirk pulled at the corner of his lips, "You're pretty hot when you get angry, Ms. (Y/L/N). It's a shame about that attitude."
You let out a huff of a laugh as you gazed up at him. You turned, with the intention of walking away, but the two of you knew that there was no walking away from this one. You spun back around to him quickly, bringing your arm around with the intent of scaring him, to make him think you were about to clock him in the face.
You didn't actually want to hit him, but he caught your arm mid-air and pulled you towards him. Your body slammed up against his firm chest, his grip was tight on your arm as he brought his other hand to your throat. You could easily get out of his hold if you had wanted to, but something in you didn't want to move, you wanted to stay there, locked in his grasp as the two of your faces were mere inches apart at this point.
It came as a shock when his lips finally crashed into yours, but no part of you wanted to fight him off. Instead, you melted into the kiss, instinctively wrapping your arms around his shoulders, gripping his hair roughly with your hands as he brought his down to grab your waist, demanding you to follow as he jerked you around towards the couch.
A small moan escaped your lips as he bent slightly, grabbing the backs of your thighs as he literally swept you off of your feet, making you fall back onto the couch as he followed suit behind you. He forced your legs apart, nestling himself between them. The makeout session between the two of you had gotten a little rough as there were now teeth and tongue involved.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, letting your hands pull down from his broad shoulders so your fingers could explore his fit physique. Tony plunged his tongue into your mouth, making you dig your nails into his skin. He let out a slight growl before pulling away from you, stopping only briefly to look down at you with an animalistic gaze as his head dipped back down, his lips finding your neck. He brought his hands to your breasts, kneading them beneath the fabric of your shirt. You grunted, pulling at is t-shirt, you were desperate for him to get it off.
He obliged and lifted himself briefly to roll the fabric off of his torso before tossing it to the side. He wasted no more time in getting your clothes off you, you already had your shirt halfway over your head as he worked on ripping your pants down to your ankles. Neither of you seemed to be that interested in foreplay right now.
This was a year's worth of sexual frustration and pent up aggression that needed to get out, and neither of you had time for anything slow or drawn out.
He dropped his body back down to you, pressing his hands into the couch on either side of your head as he kissed you hard again. You moaned into his mouth, desperate to feel him inside of you even more than before now. You reached down, palming his already hard cock through his unbuckled jeans as he grinded himself into your hand. He used a free hand to rip your bra down, revealing your full breasts to him. He looked as if he was in awe over your body as he looked up at you, then back down to them. He ducked his head to one of them, flicking a tongue over one of your sensitive nipples before taking it into his mouth.
You gasped, tightening your legs around him again as you grinded yourself into his cock through his pants. You core was so soaked now that you were positive you'd leave wet marks on his jeans, but you didn't care.
"Tony," you panted, reaching between the two of you to give his cock a needy squeeze, "Please, fuck me. Please."
He seemed to respond well to hearing that because his head snapped back up to you, a cocky smirk tugging at his lips as he lifted himself up to unzip his jeans, not even bothering to take them off as he slide them down just enough to free his sizable cock before burying himself between your legs again.
You could feel the head of his length as it bumped against your swollen clit, making you yelp pleasurably as you longed for more of that sensation. Tony tangled your hair around his fingertips as he forced you to pull your head back, surrendering your neck to him. You felt every inch of his cock him as he pushed himself into you roughly, both of you letting out satisfied moan.
It was clear that this moment was something that both of you secretly had wanted since this whole thing began.
He snapped his hips against you roughly, making the both of you moan in unison again as he began to pick up the pace of his thrusts against you, each jerk of his hips plunged his cock deeper inside of you as it forced your walls to stretch to accommodate his size. You arched your back up into him as he dipped his head down, placing his lips over one of your nipples again.
You wrapped your arms around him, whimpering and crying out each time his cock delved into you. You dug your nails into his back, which only made him slam his hips into you harder. The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room. Tony grunted against your skin, the vibration of his voice paired with the stubble of his face created a tantalizing sensation against your breast.
You could feel your orgasm coming on strongly as you felt your walls begin to tighten around his dick. It made his thrusting become erratic and less rhythmic as he struggled to hold himself back from the overwhelming sensation of your pussy gripping onto his cock.
He lifted his head as he closed his eyes tightly, "Jesus, (Y/N), keeping doing that and I'm gonna come."
"I don't care," you breathed roughly, placing your hands on his shoulders, "Don't stop, Tony. Please."
He nodded, grunting gruffly as the sweat began to bead up on his forehead. His dark hair that he usually had spiked up in his usual style was now damp with sweat and tousled messily. He looked hot like this, and it turned you on even more to know that you were the cause of his current state.
"Shit," he hissed, snapping his hips against yours. He tried to pull himself out of you, but your legs had him locked firmly into place, "I've gotta pull out."
You shook your head rapidly, "No. Come with me," you begged, grabbing a handful of his hair with your hands again before pressing your lips into his once more.
Climax began to wash over the both of you quickly. Tony wrapped a strong arm around you as he fought to use his other to keep his weight up as he lost himself completely, moaning your name as you could feel him spilling out deeply inside of you, that warmth of his release enveloping you. Your legs locked even harder around him as your back arched upward into his body, your orgasm crashing into you wave after wave.
When it finally subsided, Tony collapsed his body down onto you slowly. The sound of heavy panting was the only thing to be heard throughout the room as the two of you clung to eachother; two sweaty messes trying your best to regain oxygen.
Tony pulled his head up to you, a content smirk on his face, "For the record: I still think you're wreckless."
You scoffed, shaking your head at him with a smile, "I wouldn't expect anything less, Mr. Stark."
He sucked pursed his lips at you, "This doesn't mean I have to buy you flowers or anything now, does it, or, meet the in-laws, right?"
You rolled your eyes playfully, smiling, "Ha, of course not," you shrugged, "I mean, we still don't even have to like eachother."
"I mean, no, technically not, but I'm not opposed to meets up like this a few times a month, or you know, on recconaissance?" He suggested, only half joking.
"Now whose being wreckless?" You clocked an eyebrow at him coyly.
"See what I mean? You're a terrible influence turning me into a deviant," he smirked, pressing his lips to your once more before lifting himself off of you.
"I'll always be the back influence around here. But I'm site you didn't need help being a deviant," you bit your lip seductively.
Tony pulled his t-shirt back over his head before turning to you with a cocky smirk, "You're probably right.. Now, how about that coffee?"
You rolled your eyes amusingly, "In your dreams, Stark."
You had a sense that the two of you would be "butting heads" even more so now, but if this was to be the result of it, then you had no complaints about it.
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maserati-yokota · 5 years
AJW SUPER HURRICANE Commercial Tape 4/9/94
Rie Tamada vs. Chaparrita ASARI
This is ostensibly a rookies match but Tamada had been at it since 91 and ASARI since 92 so really this is just a juniors match. Tamada ties ASARI up like a bow in an attempt to keep her off her feet. The crowd couldn’t care less, but despite the wealth of talent on this show, the crowd seemed to all have dosed with Niquil so don't worry about it. This is perfectly fine and easily the best singles match either of them produced in their early days. Don't let the perverts in the audience sway you.
Mr. Buddhaman vs. Tomezo Tsunokake No firecrackers in this one! Lots of spots they worked around the circuit but also some pretty brutal spots. The crowd thinks this is comedy because the crowd is awful people. There are way worse ways to spend your time. These two could've lead a whole goddamn promotion.
Suzuka Minami & Tomoko Watanabe vs. Takako Inoue & Kaoru Ito I think even at this point Suzuka was still under the shadow of her former tag partner Hokuto, so the crowd is expecting a less than fiery performances from her. But everybody here shows the fuck up. Another counterpoint for everybody who says these four never blossomed. Haters never die.
Zen Nihon Senshukenjiai: Mima Shimoda vs. Miki Handa Miki Handa is sadly a footnote of the era. But in reality she was to LLPW what Plum was to JWP; she takes a colossal ass-kicking like an Absolute Girl and makes you love her and want her to win even though you know it ain't likely. In terms of the inevitability of CTE, that sucks a lot; but in terms of the wrestling narrative of the era (and still evident today, i.e. how Tam Nakano is booked in Stardom) it’s fun to have somebody who’s good at chasing and bad at catching. Stan Hansen? Great at chasing; didn't work as a champ. Ya feel me? Handa catches Shimoda with a quick German at the bell. Shimoda responds by doing the rope spot the world was tired of years before it finally stopped happening. Test of strength into finger stomp. Shimoda was LCO from the jump! Suzuka Minami on commentary, per usual. Shimoda doing joint manipulation and folding Handa into an origami frog is PEAK Shimoda. If Shimoda is Hokuto Lite, Handa is Cuty Suzuki Lite. Neither of those things are bad. Most of us will never be anywhere near that good at anything.
Shimoda throws Handa into every metal surface in Tokyo. Handa sells it by being THOROUGHLY peeved, then vertical suplexes her like a frilly Jumbo Tsuruta. Makes no sense but such is televised wrestling. You watch for the glorious moments when things coalesce into something greater than their constituent parts. Shimoda proves she's the WCW Ric Flair of the era by refusing to sell for anyone and just going thru her standard shit. UNTIL Handa gets her in a surfboard and then Shimoda looks like she's recovering from a visit to the dentist's. Weird sell but ok. Handa is def selling her part of the story--that Shimoda sucks on the mat; which we all knew but weren't sure would be enough to put her away. Surprise! It isn't. Mostly cuz Shimoda doesn't really ever wanna do business.
Zenjo vs. LLPW: Etsuko Mita vs. Eagle Sawai I can tell by the opening mat sequence that this is gonna be a 100hrs long. Eagle could go, she just always got mired in the mid-card sludge cuz no one in upper management thought she was photo book material. Mita Etsuko without a bright pink chair to hit folks with is rarely a Mita Etsuko you wanna watch.
Bull Nakano & Sakie Hasegawa vs. Manami Toyota & Kyoko Inoue Holy shit! How is this buried in this largely-forgotten event? Peak era for pretty much everyone involved. Hasegawa in upstart heel mode is a mood for the ages. She jukes Inoue and Toyota, Bull takes one step into the ring, and the crowd goes pale. Bull and Hasegawa take turns turning Toyota into a balloon animal ripe for popping. Hasegawa Tiger Suplexes Inoue into a billion day-glo shards. Hasegawa sells a top-rope DDT like someone everyone knows survived a catastrophic neck injury just a few years before--which is to say, like, "...that's all you got?" Bull doing a vertical suplex with a bridge is the rarest Bull; the crowd is a fog of question marks. Toyota's mouth is dripping blood. Hasegawa's spinning heel kick would still pop a crowd into a froth today. Watching her toss Toyota off when she goes for the lucha roll is so cathartic; no one wants to see a funny move done without a shred of irony. It is to Toyota's career as male pattern baldness is to Shawn Michaels. Why not have fun with it? Toyota does the German Airshow Leap to the outside and eats shit. (She's still bloodied, btw.) Bull figures if they both switch off chipping away at Inoue and Toyota, their combined efforts will rule the day. But twas not to be. The Fringe-Lace alliance get that good good W. Toyota realigns her nose and is back to looking crisp for the post-match interview. Hasegawa let's her shiny rainbow singlet, emblazoned with puff-paint, speak for her.
Aja Kong vs. Reggie Bennett This match wasn't even listed on the tape! I had no idea. This is their first encounter and will presumably last longer than their match from Arsion in 98--i.e., I am allowed to blink. No one will ever have better entrance music than AJW-era Aja Kong. It's inconceivable. Reggie has one giant French braid, cut-off overalls and a hardhat and she is your new fashion GOD. Aja does some Muta bits like spitting mist and doing a flying shoulder block. I'm glad the crowd enjoyed it cuz I think it sucked. Despite her present-day role (giving joshi aces a bog-standard 30min match on a monthly basis), Aja Kong transcends conventional gimmickry. She doesn't need that shit. Her reputation precedes her. It's at this point I notice Reggie Bennett is a beast who absolutely mauls Aja for the first 15min like no one I've ever seen. It's not just the booking; she legit tosses her around like my cat bats a balled-up tissue. Where is the Reggie Bennett shoot interview??? Aja shotays her way out of danger until they go into the crowd segment. Will Reggie blade?? Will she ever do a shoot interview? No and no. She does, however, power through two brutal lariats only to powerslam Aja! Has that ever happened? I cannot emphasize enough how intense Reggie's pace and strength are in this. Reggie takes a diving elbow to the clavicle and immediately dies. That made no sense. Aja spits yellow mist and now I hate her. Reggie Bennett forever. Post-match, Aja talks shit. Reggie commits herself to training harder. I say it again: Reggie Bennett forever.
Zenjo vs. LLPW: Yumiko Hotta & Toshiyo Yamada vs. Shinobu Kandori & Harley Saito I expect a Golden Corral buffet of kicks. A dumptruck full of kicks. A Nor'Easter of kicks descending upon me like I'm some quaint little hamlet. Kandori and Saito are basically the toughest LLPW had to offer. They're ready for Yamada and Hotta, though, and this is up and headed for the first overloaded plate of kicks before the bell has rung. Did Hotta vs Kandori ever happen? Shoulda. Kandori is horngry for AJW BLOOD. Saito is dressed like a tradtional Afghan dancer who has just discovered rave. Hard to say which I love more. Yamada kicks Kandori right in the jaw and...yeah no I've made my decision; I love that most of all. Hotta seems genuinely afraid of Saito. Kandori taunts Hotta, teasing the showdown, then decks Yamada with the QUICKNESS. This rules. Yamada has stepped up the stiffness for the occasion. You love to see it. Why didn't we get a year of these tag matches like All Japan in 91? Kandori dumps Yamada off her shoulders in one of the most wreckless things I've ever seen in a wrestling ring. Unfuckingreal. Hotta tries to smother Kandori but fears her Fujiwara armbar. As do I. They blunder into the finishing stretch with Saito as the speedbag. Saito never got her due. They seriously could've setup a whole year of main event booking around these four. Yamada finally nails her insanely complicated finisher and the streamers rain down. Structurally awkward but radiating more heat than most well-established feuds.
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casspurrjoybell-33 · 8 months
Wreckless - Morning Wake-Up
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*Warning Adult Content*
"Time to wake up, sleepyhead."
I hate to wake him but we can't sleep on the couch, either. He's groggy, unsure of where he is for just a second but he actually wakes up pretty quickly.
"Sorry. I guess I was tired."
"Of course you are. Question is... are you awake now and want to stay up a few or just want to get ready for bed and crawl in?"
It's just past ten am but he's been sick and I slept like crap last night so I'm good either way. He's half asleep again by the time I finish.
"Tired. Wanna fuck but I'm too tired... sorry Emmett."
"Not why I invited you over here, darling. No worries."
I grab his bag and offer him a hand.
"Let's get upstairs."
He takes forever to get undressed... he's moving slowly and it's adorable. He's not quite finished by the time I'm done in the bathroom and I would help but maybe that's a bridge too far... he's so skittish about his undies anyway. Speaking of which... tonight is? I don't know... some sort of cartoon. Damn they're hot... very, very hot. I want to grab him and do all sorts of things but he's exhausted. I'll have to wait.
I wake up the next morning to Finnegan moving around... he's dipping down below the covers.
"Can I, Emmett?" he asks, his hand wrapping around my cock.
Well that is definitely the best way I know of to wake up.
"Yeah babe. Of course."
His mouth is delectable and I enjoy it for a minute before tapping the pillow.
"Swing up here... let me at you."
He makes no move to turn though... instead he wraps himself tightly around my leg. I can feel his cock pressing against my calf and then he's reaching up towards me. I give him my hand which he puts on the back of his head. I am more than happy to play with his hair but it's evident pretty quickly that that's not what he was getting at. He moves me... applying pressure as he takes more of me into his throat.
"Fuck, Finnegan. That's... shit yes."
He wants me to force him and I do not mind playing rough, at all but we don't know each other well enough for me to know how far to go so I'm careful. I hold him down for just a few seconds before relaxing my hand but he pushes against it again and I rock my hips, pushing deeper. He humps my leg and moans and my balls vibrate. It is so, so good. When I give him another break he takes it.
"You can choke me. Please... whatever you want."
"I don't want to scare you or go too far, darling. Show me what you'll do if you need a break."
He pinches my thigh... just enough to hurt and I chuckle as he takes my cock back down his throat.
"Well that will get my attention. Damn babe. Yes... fuck do that some more."
I sort of mumble as his tongue makes my toes curl.
"Make me," he practically begs so I do, loving the way he grinds against me when I hold him down.
I move the blankets so he can breathe and I can see well and enjoy the show.
"Damn boy... you can wake me up like this every morning, Finnegan."
I'm close and should hold back but I am also sort of desperate and don't want to. I want to shoot down his warm, welcoming throat. I want to touch him... to get him off with me but he's made it impossible for me to reach him so I straighten my leg a little, giving him a bit more pressure as I see just how much of my cock he can take. He moans and presses hard before rocking against me again, grinding his cock against me. I want to see but can't tear my eyes away from his mouth and my cock disappearing over and over again.
My hips refuse to be still as I jump over the cliff and I hold him steady, using him almost brutally. All I can think about is how hard my orgasm hits me until I realize that he's coming too, shuddering against my leg, his hand entwined with mine so I don't let up the pressure. I let him pull back as soon as he wants to, of course and he gasps a moment as he lays on my thigh.
"Shhh," he says, as if he knows I'm about to ask some of the questions that are going through my head.
"I made a mess. I'm sorry."
So not a problem.
"It's okay, darling but we need to get you out of those sticky undies and into the shower."
He follows me in and I start the water, then pull him against my chest so he can relax for a minute. He practically melts into me.
"That was fun."
"Was it? I certainly enjoyed it, Finnegan."
"Me too. I'm not usually so... I don't know. Something about you, Emmett. You make me a little crazy."
"Do I?"
I test the water and it's hot enough so I peel off Finn's undies, surprised that he lets me. We step in and manage to do a damn good job of showering together.
"Let's get breakfast and then find something fun to do today. Hey, do you like baseball?"
I have tickets for tomorrow's game and I wonder if he wants to go. The question seems to throw him and he doesn't answer until we're back in my room getting dressed.
"Can I tell you something?"
I'm a little nervous.
"Yeah, of course." 
Did he get beaned in the head with a baseball when he was younger? 
"I don't know how to play. I... I guess I missed some things when I was sick and by the time I was better I always felt behind and sort of stupid. You know how kids are. I never did little league or anything because I would have been in with little kids."
"So you've never been to a batting cage? Darling, we should fix that. I can teach you how to play."
He's embarrassed and I love the cute blush on his cheeks but I hate that he feels bad.
"I would. I'd like that... sure. But I'm gonna be bad, Emmett. I can't even really catch."
"Points for not making a catcher joke, you did just fine last week."
He smiles.
"Hey, let's try it. We can't do too much, don't want you getting overtired or hurting tomorrow but we can go over the basics. It's a gorgeous day and we should get outside. If you want to see a game I have tickets for the one pm tomorrow. Bleacher seats but the hot dogs and beer will be good."
"I'm not sure what I'm getting myself into but okay. Emmett, nothing is ever simple with you, is it?"
"Au contraire," I tease
"I am about the simplest guy you'll ever meet. You, on the other hand, are a bit complicated but I don't mind that, darling. Let's go get some brunch, I could go in on a platter."
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pizzaismycure · 7 years
(From the talk about thing) 17, 32, and/or 39, If you want to 😊
17: Honestly aaaanybody new right now, I don’t have any one person in particular in mind. I just need a new refreshing sorta energy in my life, that’s all really. Y'all fee free to volunteer lol :)
32: I grew up in this tiny village in the Italian Alps for quite a few years before I moved to the next city. There is one pretty wide river going through the village, right at the border and you could see it from my balcony. It was only few steps away from our old trashy but cute flat. And yeah I just wanted to talk about that river. It’s indescribably beautiful: the flow of fresh water coming from some faraway mountains and valleys, the air around it, the greenery by the sides, the apple and vine yards on one side and mountains on another and much more. There was a concrete slightly broken bridge going across it too but it was completely repaired and modernised when I went back for a visit this year :( Mamma and I spent most of our time there. Before that she’d be there sitting with me in her womb and having lonely conversations to one of the mountains that were lined up close to the other side of the river, one in particular with a very unique ‘face’ we’d instantly recognise from anywhere and kinda have a weird attachment to idk. We still call that mountain her best friend haha. Ma and I would just always go for walks and runs by the river, observe different people, birds, fish, dogs, she’d teach me things like maths and stuff out there too sometimes in rather creative ways, we had the most interesting encounters too, when I was even younger she spent most of her trying to stop me from being a creep and running after strangers jogging just cos I wanted to say I hi or picking up stones and eat them lol. After my sis was born, we’d only pretty much got out there to stroll her, which consisted mostly of races with me vs strolling mum. Soon after we moved away from that village. I always wondered how far I could go along that river because I’ve never seen very much of it beyond where there’s a bend, was never allowed to go and I don’t know why. Maybe one day I’ll go back, grab a bike and feed to my curiousity :’)
39: Hooo boy there’s too many things here. To name a few simple ones I’d just say mother really does know best, don’t sweat too much about the future yet never even once give up on your ambitions, things don’t go according to your plans, don’t think any lesser of yourself than you know you are just because others don’t believe it, in fact just don’t give a shit about others’ criticism if it isn’t constructive, not everything is about you, not everything is always your fault, you can always start something that hasn’t been done before, be courageous but not wreckless, triage your time know what your priorities are and push for them to get more of your attention, things are not as hard as they seem once you get started, everything absolutely everything happens for a goddamn reason and so so much more. I could go on and pretty deep about it but gotta wake up for uni in the morning lol
Thanks for asking honeyy 💕 take care
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theclacks · 7 years
Buffy Thoughts - (S7 E18-E19)
So this time we’ve got one good episode and one “ugh what” one. AKA par for the course for Season 7.
BtVS & AtS Recap Master Post located here
Episode 18 (Dirty Girls)
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AKA Faith comes back to Sunnydale. Also Nathan Fillion. Because Firefly getting cancelled was a thing apparently? And Joss wanted Mal on BtVS and Zoe on AtS? IDEK.
I’ll get Caleb over first.
I like Nathan Fillion. I’m not sold on his role in BtVS, especially coming in for just the final five episodes. They could’ve done something else with the First, something else with Principal Wood... like, I’d rather have Principal Wood go darkside as cliche as that sounds than have a COMPLETELY NEW one dimensional villain cluttering up screentime.
[/end Caleb thoughts (for now)]
Once again, Faith (like on AtS) had the best parts of the episode and the best parts of her best parts were her scenes with Spike. Especially the basement scene.
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I mean, on the one hand, it’s probably my love for Spike talking. On the other hand, with 5 episodes left, I’m pretty much all for letting main characters who haven’t interacted with each other interact with each other. Like as long as it generally fits in with the plot GIVE ME ALL THE FANSERVICE YOU CAN. REFERENCE BACK TO THE BODYSWAP CHAMPAGNE POP. REFERENCE BACK TO SEASON SEX. REFERENCE ALL THE REFERENCES.
But then, of course, they go and attack the Wine Cellar/Villa/Whatever and things go to shit and Xander loses an eye (which I’ve been spoiled for back since I saw the cover of the first comic of Season Eight, which was like... back in March or April? damn it’s been a long time since I started watching).
And you know, I was totally fine with that battle and how terribly the Scoobies ate it. It’s good when Buffy goes up against a villain she can’t physically punch into submission...
And then the next episode happened.
Episode 19 (Empty Places)
What the hell.
I get it. The writers want to bring Buffy down to her darkest point right before the series finale.
But what the hell.
Buffy is not the kind of person to charge into a place, get a whole bunch of people killed, and then champion charging RIGHT BACK INTO THAT PLACE. Like, the writers were trying to make the case that she’s always been wreckless like that, but she HASN’T. Well, not since Season 1 anyway.
Angelus? Waited until she had Spike as her hidden, backstabbing ace before she made her move.
The Mayor? Pulled every single graduating student into her battle plans.
Adam? Used weird Captain Planet-esque heart/body/mind/something spell. 
Glory? Used Buffybot + the hammer + general strategizing.
Dark Willow? Well... Dark Willow kind of snuck up on everybody and it was a last minute thing so... yeah. No time for planning on that one.
The point is. Buffy has never been the “run in with no plan” kind of person. And so while I KIND OF get her running in the first time, it makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE to argue for it a second time. Other than, you know, to trigger the mutiny. Which is lazy writing.
And, like, if the writers really wanted to go with the mutiny, they could’ve at least thrown in a couple lines like:
Buffy: Okay, I know we can’t go in directly but surely there’s some sort of spell--
Willow: I’m not using magic against the First. It’s thrown everything I’ve ever used against it right back in my face.
Buffy: Fine. Schematics then. Xander, you can find blueprints, right? See if there’s some kind of hidden entrance?
Xander: Buffy...
Buffy: Or we create a diversion. Half of us fake an attack on the school while the other half--
Some slayerette: No! 
[insert rest of mutiny here]
Basically, don’t just have Buffy argue for another brainless frontal assault. It’s not something she would do, and because of that, made the episodes entire climax feel wishy-washy.
It WAS however nice to see Buffy trusting Faith and trusting her ability to lead in Buffy’s place.
Also Spike and Andrew. As I mentioned. Four episode left. Give me ALL THE FANSERVICE YOU CAN.
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Which... yeah.
Fan service.
Next episode = Touched.
I have seen spoilery screencaps.
My body is ready.
(Until next time!)
(PS: I’ve already started writing fanfic over at EF. My descent is complete)
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