#i have definitely killed him more times than ive saved him i know that much
sieglinde-freud · 4 months
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lizzyaka · 6 days
I hadn't seen your blog since ages!!! And I really do love your takes because they are so different from others (and sometimes me too)
I did make a post about that Bunny wasn't sad about the farmer dying. It is how I interpreted it from the book. I do think Bunny was gonna eventually tell the police about it. I just don't necessarily think it was because he felt bad for the farmer's death. It was HIS friends who killed the farmer and that's what made him feel so guilty and go down the spiral.
If he was in the bacchanal with them and they had all accidentally killed the farmer, Bunny's not the type of person to turn himself in. He WOULD have done the same. He would have tried to save himself. He wouldn't have minded then if the farmer had died because he himself was involved in it
Even if this a hypothetical situation as you said, we don't know how Bunny will react to it.
It is clear he is more human than all the others and more capable of feeling remorse and empathy. But that doesn't mean in a situation where he is going to jail, he won't try to cover it up.
He will definitely feel more guilty than all the others did
They just went "oh well, what can we do"
Bunny would have eventually spilled the beans because of the humanity in him. Maybe to his gf or friends or anyone. Like he told Richard.
Bunny is STILL NOT morally superior in my eyes just because he wasn't directly involved in murder. It is because he wasn't involved that it makes it so much more grey.
We don't know a lot about Bunny in general.
What if he was involved in the death? Wouldn't he be in the same plane as them?
In this case they wouldn't kill Bunny, and they all would be in the same situation. Henry didn't kill Bunny cuz he was a sociopath.
They seem worse than him because they killed him but if they didn't, we won't consider them worse.
He would have done the same as they did but with more guilt and remorse.
To me it seemed like Bunny wasn't upset the farmer died but he was upset that his friends killed him, lied to him and hid their crime, that made him feel an intense amount of guilt on behalf of them.
That's all I want to say.
(I don't agree with all your opinions on TSH but I don't mean to hate on it 😭😭😭😭. I saw the post of you calling me out and felt I needed to explain myself. Again, I just wanted to give my opinions on Bunny, I know he is more hated than the rest and it's BAD. It's just we see so little of Bunny being good that you can't blame people for not liking him. My opinions of him have softened each time I re-read the book and he definitely didn't deserve to die as some people say)
Sorry for the long ask lol, I just had a lot of emotions 🤧🤧🤧
Im so sorry for the late reply really ive been suuuper drained and ive been waiting until i get my energy back to reply but days have passed and im still mentally and physically worn out and i just feel rude at this point😭 i really wish i could give a longggg reply bc i love yapping about tsh but theres a stopper in my brain that prevents the thoughts from flowing so ill leave this post here where i talk in length about this topic and why i dont think bunny could have ever been involved in the murder.
Anddd i dont blame people for not liking bunny!!! I think thats a very valid opinion. I dont think hes a good person but i love his character
And tysm for what u said abt my blog! I loveeee hearing opinions that differ from mine so pls feel free to debate me on my takes i find it really enjoyable <3 my interpretation of the book is after all just an interpretation and i love hearing how other people come to different conclusions based on the same text
And wdym by the post i called u out on? Im kinda confused on that bc i dont remember having called anyone out on my blog 😭 but sorry if u somehow felt attacked by one of my posts, it def wasnt my intention
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hyperanaemia · 8 months
Sorry, I don't mean to disappear for months, but I've been getting back into reading comics after taking a super long break to play bg3. So, I've finally gotten around to reading the Knight Terrors: Robin issues that have been sitting in my 'to read' box months after they've been relevant. I’m sure everyone else had a bunch to say when it came out but here’s my two cents. 
The issues just really fall flat to me. Like, I wasn't expecting a two-shot to be a deep dive into Tim's dead-dad trauma or anything, but I do feel like it misses what the core fear/horror that surrounds Jack's death is. 
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Like, the KT issues posset that what Tim fears the most is failing to save people, with his dad's death being the figurehead of that. That this failure is what makes him unworthy of being Robin. I'm not going to say that isn't true, that reasoning definitely factors into Tim's trauma. But it also just feels basic to me.
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Like, 'failing to save a loved one' is one of the most basic superhero tropes at this point. I'd be hard pressed to think of a hero who hasn't failed to save someone they know. It might as well be a rite of passage.  
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(In fact, here's a panel of Tim thinking as such about his parents in an issue literally called Rites of Passage.) 
Also, Tim has already had a 'crisis of faith' arc after failing to save someone with the character of Eldon Adams (Young El). It had a very big impact on Tim and the fallout of that lasted for several issues.
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Identity Crisis certainly has its flaws and at times I question the need to kill off Jack in the first place. But, to me anyway, Jack's death is beautifully written and manages to tie his and Tim's decades-long storyline off in an interesting way. 
The important point to make about Tim in relation to all this is that he chooses to be Robin. He was never picked, he was never fated, he was not born to do it. Robin is something he actively chooses to be. At first, it's an easy choice to make. Tim reasons that since his parents are off doing their own thing it won’t be an issue if he’s gone all the time. But, as time goes on, Jack starts spending more time at home, wanting to spend more time with Tim. The issue "resolves" in this instance by having Jack's time get taken up when he starts dating Dana Winters. But this tension continues to be a major subplot throughout Tim’s series. Tim and Jack’s already strained relationship is constantly made worse by Robin.     
Tim feels guilty that his duty as Robin keeps getting in the way of his relationships. Tim's friends like Ives and Ariana are constantly stood up or brushed aside. Anything that ties Tim to the normal life he used to have is always being balanced against Robin. And for as much as Tim tries to maintain it, for as much as he says his normal life is what keeps him grounded when push comes to shove Tim always ends up choosing Robin.  
The thing that makes Jack's death different from all the other parental deaths in the Batfam, and the Identity Crisis did right, is that they made it a direct consequence of Tim choosing to be Robin. Bruce's parents were killed at random. Dick's were targeted in a situation outside of his control. Jason's mother was killed for her involvement with the Joker, which started before he even met her (and his dad with Two-Face).  
Jack was killed because his son was Robin. In Identity Crisis, Jean Loring targets the family members of heroes. She never would have hired Captain Boomerang to kill Jack if Tim wasn't Robin.  
(Obviously, none of this is to minimize any of these characters' pain or to say one is worse than another.)   
The added twist of the knife is that Tim had been spending that week with Jack instead of helping everyone find the killer. It's the one night that Tim chooses to go out as Robin again that Jack is killed. If Tim had stayed just one more night, even just one more hour, he could have saved his dad. And Jack lets him go because he knows how important Robin is to Tim.
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This is more of an aside, I love this sequence of Tim ripping off his Robin uniform. Like obviously the intention is that Tim can't be seen wearing it when the police arrive. But the subtext to me reads that Tim is ripping Robin off, this thing that's come between them at every moment. Tim, before he even knows if Jack is alive or dead, doesn't want Robin to come between them anymore.
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And Jack's death is something of a 'point of no return' for Tim. Before this, many of the people who know Tim is Robin have pointed out that he could always return to a normal life if he wanted to. Tim himself believes that he'll probably retire being Robin at some point. (I have my own thoughts that aren't relevant here about how that's more about him being practical as opposed to his genuine wish for his future, but I digress.) But after this, Tim is locked into the vigilante life. There's nothing normal he could return to. If he can’t be good at this, then what was the point? 
KT Robin just feels uninspired. It doesn't try to extract what makes Jack's death unique or interesting. It just picks the most surface-level takeaway you could have from it. Like, it's not just about being not good enough for the job. It's losing everything because you chose to do this job and you still don't know if you're good enough to do it.
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kitsunefaux · 11 months
Hey!! Anon cause I'm shy, but I'm a big fan of your writing! Ive left some guest kudos on your fics and am always waiting patiently for the next update! I was wondering if you had any recommendations for fics since you seem like the type to have good taste... I'd love to read more stuff that reminds me of your work!
Hey! Thank you! I definitely do have some recommendations I’d like to share. These are in no particular order.
Ryou-centric (and/or tendershipping)
Corruption by firetrap
After seeing the pharaoh off to the underworld, Ryou comes home to find that his own spirit hadn’t left like he thought.
The Last Puzzle by tenderwulf
11 years after the Ceremonial Duel, Atem and Bakura inexplicably find themselves back in Domino. When they meet their previous hosts, they realize how much things have changed: Yuugi, the now world-renowned King of Games, is going through a marriage crisis, Ryou is struggling to balance studies, work, and his brittle mental health, and Malik... well, Malik is living his best life—and his own yami is nowhere to be seen.
They soon realize they all have to work together in order to solve the mystery of the yamis' return: some to make sure that they stay, and some to make sure that they don't.
Haunted by Ehtar
Ever since receiving a strange artifact from his father, Ryou Bakura’s life has changed. He gains the friends he’s always wanted, and the bullies are disappearing. At night, though, he dreams of the life of a thief in ancient Egypt. A young boy who was the sole survivor of his village’s slaughter, who must turn to thievery and worse in order to survive on his own.
Ryou knows that something is wrong when his friends begin to fall to the same malady as the bullies, that something is wrong with him. It’s not until he makes some new friends in Domino City, including a boy who has an artifact similar to his own, that he realizes he harbors the soul of that thief within himself – that he’s been possessed for years by the spirit of a killer.
He should rid himself of the evil spirit, save himself and those around him. The only trouble is, now he doesn’t know where one of their souls begins and the other ends. After so long, he’s not even sure he would reject the spirit if he could. After all, no one knows him so well as the spirit that haunts him.
Cornered by YadonushiRyou
Life is different for Private Investigator Ryou after a too close encounter with a maniacal killer. Ryou has to deal with physical and mental scars, navigating through life only to find that he can’t forget Bakura as easily as he would have liked. His partner Malik tries to help him along the way, but things between them are much different than they used to be, causing tension in their close relationship. Meanwhile, time is running out when it seems the killer on the loose has already chosen his next victim.
An Unwhole Half by SheIsHoldingACat
The problem with being one half of a whole is that the other half has to agree. The problem comes when the other half wants it all to itself.
Ryou wishes he had the bond with his spirit that Yugi has. He wishes it was possible.
Philosophy of a Knife by crushedmary
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Ryou learns this the hard way when he becomes the vessel for Zorc's power.
A canon rewrite where Bakura wins.
Other Yugioh
Gratitude by Resuri
Amir is an assassin. His job is easy. Someone give him a target, he kills them, and he gets paid for it. Not to mention he is really good at it. However, never could he had imagined his job would have him to be acknowledged by the most beautiful and horrific creature he ever saw.
But, hey, Ryou just wants to thank him for the meals!
Our Scars remind Us that the Past was Real by Sesshy380
Imagine waking up, and everyone is trying to convince you that the things you 'remember’ never happened, and that those 'memories’ exist only in YOUR head. The Thief King doesn’t have to imagine…because that’s exactly what happened.
The Thief King get’s a second chance at life.
Martyrs by SheIsHoldingACat
the history of the shadow games extends three-thousand years, to Ancient Egypt...
A rewrite of the events of Memory World, with emphasis on moral greyness, political intrigue, and the premise that Thief King Bakura was entirely justified
These are a few of the fics I really like. Thank you for your ask!
@resuri-art @worldendercharles @tenderwulf @crush3dmary @sesshy380 @millenniumringg
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distort-opia · 2 years
the fact that joker needs batman more than he needs joker is a very interesting factor of batjokes, makes me bitter as fuck (pardon my language), but still, a very interesting part of their relationship.
never have i thought that batman and joker's relationship would hit so close to home for me. in one of your posts ive seen someone mention that joker loves but hates batman for that exact reason and man. why did they make joker so damn relatable.
Yeah, it's definitely a conflict on Joker's part, which tends to get a bit overlooked in fandom. Joker is obsessed with, and in love, with Batman -- but he doesn't always like it. He's been trying to kill the guy and telling him he hates him, almost as frequently as he's told him he loves him. But yeah, both me and @lankylordoflevity have discussed this somewhere in my asks before.
But you know, while Joker does undoubtedly need Bruce more... his love for Bruce is a lifeline in many ways. His obsession with Batman gave him a purpose, kept him alive after he fell into the acid vat; his love is everything he has that matters, but it's so all-encompassing because he's got absolutely nothing else. Joker doesn't have a family, or any kind of moral rules, or anything that important to him. While Joker is conflicted about his dependence on Batman's existence, at the end of the day, to him... this love gives much more than it takes away.
But Bruce stands to lose so much. His inability to let Joker go has caused so much harm already. He's made some very questionable choices over time, among which him nearly killing Jason at the end of UtRH to save Joker's life is probably the biggest. His relationship with Jason suffered as a result; all of his relationships suffer from it, one way or another. After being shot in the spine, Barbara had to hear that Batman was seen laughing together with the man who shot her. Over the years, she had to watch Bruce go out of his way to save Joker's life, even when she asked him not to, even when it wouldn't have contradicted Bruce's rules to let Joker die. His relationship with Joker was a big obstacle even in his relationship with Selina; that's kind of the plot of Batman/Catwoman. And this is something Snyder saw too -- how difficult this pattern of Bruce's is to overlook, and how hard the Batfamily avoids addressing it. Death of the Family is literally about the impact of Bruce's selfish and reckless actions regarding Joker on the Family, and the understandable rift that follows when they can't help but realize Joker wasn't wrong. Because the reality is, Bruce has saved Joker's life so many times and in such ridiculous conditions at this point that it's baffling. And what Joker keeps doing after is more murder, more destruction, and worst of all: he keeps being a danger to all the people Bruce loves. Yet Bruce can't find it in him to genuinely let him die.
I guess, what I mean is, Bruce is the one to suffer the biggest consequences for his side of things. Hundreds of deaths, untold destruction, the eternal possibility of Joker crossing another line and killing more of his Family. Joker may need Batman more because he's got nothing else... but how many more excuses can Bruce come up with, to himself and to others, for the fact he keeps risking so much to keep Joker alive? In the end, what's crazier? Needing someone so badly that loving them is barely a choice, or choosing someone again and again no matter the costs while claiming you don't love them?
Don't know if that helps with the bitterness, Anon. Kind of ended up going off with my own thoughts about this. But for me a fascinating part of Batjokes is Bruce's own side of things, that often gets dismissed as him not reciprocating, or him being less invested. Joker is loud and vocal about his love, and it's easy to take him on his word; when actually, Joker would be the first to balk at the idea of a relationship that involved anything other than violence. Bruce is vocal about his hatred for Joker and his wish that Joker would die, but his actions contradict that time and time again; when he's the one to reach out and the one to keep Joker alive, even when Joker himself is trying his damndest to die. As the villain, if someone else murders him, or if Bruce snaps and kills him, Joker... wins. It's what he wants. But Bruce loses when he keeps Joker alive, and he'd lose himself if he finally murdered Joker.
One way or the other, Bruce always loses.
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I feel like how quick Hart switches sides might be something that doesn't work for some people but I love it so much. He starts out as an averagely decent person, a bit snarky about his subordinates but how does one keep from going mad over the winters if not by cracking the occasional snarky quip about the other residents of Fort Spencer, he goes out of his way to try to make newcomer Boyd feel included, he keeps the fort functioning on a minimal level but doesn't have too high standards--which you could see as a good or bad thing, I feel like Reich would want there to be higher standards and more discipline, but this is Fort Spencer at the edge of buttfucknowhere, the place where fail soldiers get sent to rot, they're not important and Hart knows it and it seems like he mostly leaves everyone alone to do as they please. But he takes command when necessary, getting everyone together to look for and then care for Colqhoun and then organizing the attempted cave rescue. He doesn't seem overly worried about the supernatural but also isn't stupid about it and takes the precaution of tying Colqhoun up when he starts exhibiting some bloodlusty behaviors. He studies "classical" ancient languages as well as the languages of the local Native Americans. He's a neat character.
And then he gets stabbed multiple times! He starts to die, he knows he's dying and he panics. Ives feeds him and he accepts what cannibalism offers him wholeheartedly. Not just not dying, but a complete and rapid recovery, strength, health, better eyesight, his hair starts to un-grey. And he just has to kill people! So he kills people! He kills and helps cook at least two of his own men and is downright jolly about it! This guy just had a traumatizing near death experience during which everyone else in his party either died or disappeared and now Ives is like "I've saved your life. Join my cannibalism club™" and he does. He does do that.
The way he tells Boyd that by the time he was conscious enough to understand what was happening it was already too late says a lot to me. I think he wants to believe he has no agency in the cannibalism so he doesn't feel guilt about it. So he's deep deep in denial until that talk with Boyd, thus the outburst, and then finally he really looks at what's going on and he's like. No yeah you're right I can't keep doing this. Please kill me I can't keep living at the expense of others.
The fact that while he was coughing up blood and actively dying at the cave he encouraged Boyd to leave him behind and go try to save Toffler from Ives, and then later on he definitely ate Toffler...
It just all makes sense to me. He's a very human character, with moments of cowardice and of heroism. And I really like the acceptance of death framed as something heroic. And this is not long after an extremely painful and traumatizing first death! He willingly chooses to die a second time rather than keep living the way he's been living. I love him.
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dre6ming · 2 years
The delicate beginning rush
Instagram photo dump part IV
Masterlist <chapters 1 through 6 here>
Instagram photo dump masterlist
To be added to the tag list click here
!!! Everything fake !!!
credits to @oh-austin for the template
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Liked by y/n4real.2002 , taylorswift and 1.394.290others
jackantonoff: made some magic…no better life than the life we’re living #comingsoon
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y/n4real.2002: you don’t have to change a thing the world could change it’s heart.
↳fan192: miss thing Taylor is my mom, are these lyrics?
↳y/n4real.2002: fan192 👀🤐
↳fan_love: that’s it, you’re not allowed enjoys anymore.
↳y/n4real.2002: fan_love but I love them too much😭💜
↳fan_love: I’m dying. Rip me.
taylorswift: magic seems just about right✨
↳y/n4real.2002: you know it 🤫
↳tsfan: we need a new colab queens
↳fan203: I double that we need more duets
finneas: hope you left some of that magic for when I come back
↳y/n4real.2002: ofc I did. 😊
↳billieeilish: 🫣
↳fan292: what? Billie what?
↳billiefan: this is killing me🫡
amas: definitely the most anticipated album right now
↳fan29_: wait did the American music awards just confirm this is an album?
↳ts_fan: brb…loosing my mind.
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Liked by austinbutler , tchalemet and 2.394.389others
y/n4real.2002: no better you than the you that you are….oh you’re beautiful. Today was a long long day, full of whispers and gossip, but time spent in the studio with jackantonoff can heal any wounds. #noscarstoyourbeautiful
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fan292: I just know that she wrote a bop about that horrible article
↳fan_lv: what article?
↳fan-398: the one speculating she’s dating Austin Butler
↳ab_fan: 🤔 but the proof is right there
↳fan-fan: no it’s not, let it go already
tchalemet: turn around I want to see you smile
↳y/n4real.2002: haha come on now I’m trying to have an aesthetic here 😭😭
↳fan-ts: omg this is so funny
↳tcfan1: big bro coming in with that love and support
↳fan1: they are unapologetically iconic
joshua_fan: guys our queen looks stunning
↳joshua2-fan: yes!!! He scored big time with this one, they look so cute together
austinbutler: I’ll be waiting to hear this one 💜
↳y/n4real.2002: we’ll see
↳ab-1fan: guys I’m losing my mind
↳fan4kaia: um this man has no limit
ab-fan-ep: I’m officially subscribed to loving her
↳joshua-fan45: amen
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Liked by fan192 , joshuafan191 and 330.302others
gossip.news: there you have it, our first official proof that y/n4real.2002 and joshuabassett are in fact dating. This is the second time the pair is photographed together. Acting in love and goofy in Central Park, the two are a view for sore eyes. Congrats to the happy couple. #gossip #y/nxjoshua #newcouple
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fan192: yes guys we won. Look how happy she looks😩🥺
↳fan_23: they look so good together.
↳34fan4y/n: yes!! Oh to be them😩 💜
fan56: guys the HANDSTAND, he’s holding her up - I can’t 😭😭🤣🤣
↳joshuafan12: they are unap cheesy and I’m living for it.
↳fan_2-3: omg yes exactly, they are so iconic. I can’t with them.
hater4: good thing she finally settled, seems like that pussy wasn’t strong enough to break AB’s relationship
↳hate84: 👀
↳2haters: yet they still interact on ig. He liked her post and commented, then she replied to him.
↳kaia.fan: hungry little minx, the both of them have no shame
fans-of-kaia: do you guys think he was in Boston to break things off?
↳fan_ab.nd.ep: oh my lord what if🫡😭
↳joshua-fan23: then we know this is PR to save both of their asses. Poor Joshua
↳fan.loevly: let’s not talk be4 we know for sure, they look happy
factsabfan2: and here I was rooting for her and Austin. Guess it’s over 😔😔
↳abfan_ep: they are friends guys, let’s respect them
↳kaiafan23: or he was feeling so guilty of getting caught that he broke it off.
↳fan20: all of these are assumptions, that have no proof to back them.
fan_3fan: couple goals. Periodt 👨‍🍳💋
↳ab-fan1: I’ll agree here, I didn’t think I could like her so much, but she’s great
↳23fan.love: 🥺🥺 seeing Austin Butler and Joshua Bassett fans get swept away by our girl makes so much sense
↳fanofjoshua: 23fan.love haha we couldn’t help it, she’s too amazing
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Liked by y/n4real.2002 , austinbutler and 1.394.290 others
roxanne.02_b1tch: it’s just a tiny spider…🙄…I know tomholland2003 would be disappointed.
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tomholland2003: indeed I am!! Not to say a little hurt
↳y/n4real.2002: that’s fine I liked Toby’s movies better anyway. He won’t judge
↳tomholland2003: war, this is war my dear
↳zandaya: man chill 🤣🤣 you’re scared of them too
↳roxanne.02_b1tch: tomholland2003 you’re exposed
↳tomfan28: Z just ended him 😭🤣
fan34: me too queen me too, I’m terrified of them 🤡
↳fan_lovle: damn right :)
abfan: guys Austin liked this 😱 he liked her best friends post.
↳fansofaustin: he just followed Roxi as well 👀
↳fan-of-ab: of they are getting serious here
tchalamet: roxanne.02_b1tch thanks for this, it made my day. Hey y/n4real.2002 hope it didn’t eat you
↳y/n4real.2002: hm fine be like this, I’ll be sure to picture you and your best friends the goats, next trip we take to the zoo
↳roxanne.02_b1tch: haha no problem T man. Also good Y/n hit him where it hurts
↳tc-fan: guys Timmy’s scared of goats - this is so amazing 🤣🤣
fan.1.fan: notice the power of women??🧐 they so casually exposed two grown men and their phobias
↳fan.no1: icons
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Liked by tchalemet , austinbutler and 2.393.392 others
y/n4real.2002: who else is gonna grocery shop with me at 2 am. 📸: roxanne.02_b1tch
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tchalamet: you’ve got it sis. I’ll always grocery shop w/ u at 2am
↳y/n4real.2002: I know, love you 💜 and roxanne.02_b1tch love you too
↳roxanne.02_b1tch: love the both of you to the moon and to Saturn
↳ts.13.fan: we love a Taylor fan Roxi
austinbulter: you actually did this a 2am?
↳y/n4real.2002: does this surprise you?
↳ab-fan18: omg omg omg I swear at this point all he does is get on instagram to simp for her.
joshuabassett: 💜
↳y/n4real.2002: 💟
↳fan4joshua: ok you cryptic people, ok, be sweet and secretive
↳fan.384: they own these emojis now 💟💜
ab-k-fan: ugh it’s so upsetting to see him be so in our faces about her
↳fan4kaia: so outrageous, he’s a manwh0re and she was supposed to do better. #justice4kaia
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Liked by y/n4real.2002 , paulinechalamet and 1.029.278 others
tchalamet: more 2am grocery shopping
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paulinechalamet: you guys know the grocery store is open during daytime as well. Right?
↳tchalamet: no one asked for your input miss
↳y/n4real.2002: hahaha but 2am is such a fun hour to shop
tcfan12: when do these two even sleep if all they do is shop all night??
↳fan.23: they are vampires, they don’t sleep
↳love.fan: knowing her as the big twilight fan that she is, I know she’s laughing while reading this
↳y/n4real.2002: you bet I am!! This is the skin of a killer love.fan *does my best Robert Pattinson voice
↳fan4-you: her best Robert Pattinson voice 🤣🤣 I’m floored
ab_gossip: Austin liked this post too. He’s really not shy
↳fans-ab_ep: ugh he really isn’t 😩
Tags: @kittenlittle24 @amorx @cryingabtab @lexicox044 @lrissa @feral4austinbutler @sageskywalker @jesssssicaa @rainydayz101 @flwersgarden @bobthefishiesworld @captured-memory @homebodybirkin2003 @galaxygirl453 @butlerslut @chrisevansgirl34 @myradiaz @pennyroyalcreep @macey234 @im-lame-irl @lordandmistress @the-girl-wh0-cries-w0lf @poppet05 @gabbywontlose @4shbug @0-thegoodwitch-0 @hauntedarchivesx @chewiethecatus @sunnyx07 @francesbloomer @jessaroni19 @finelineskies @stargirlbytheweeknd @cerenaydins-blog @girlblogger2002 @gigisworldsstuff @my-baexht-Is @xmusselisims @denised916 @bluepeacheslandia @kibumslatina
@samaraannhan20 @goldobsessionworld @silliypapercreatorangle @cmrxac @donnamarie23 @justarandomfamdomblog @marlowmode @natsnosehair @xxgggooomm @banksmars @namoreno @areuirish @choppedlamphandscowboy @yeetfack-blog @fangirl125reader @aliceforbes @k-1898 @lucid315
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liverpool-enjoyer · 1 year
footballers as taylor swift songs
requested by my swiftie in Christ @yudgefudge!! thank you luv <3
leo: you're on your own, kid. ive been associating him w this song way before i knew that everyone else was doing the same lmao. it rlly does encompass his entire journey, from humble beginnings n jus being a little kid playing for fun (from sprinkler splashes/to fireplace ashes), to being the best in the world n all the struggles that come with it (i search the party.../just to learn that my dreams arent rare). the man gave his blood sweat n tears like hed be saved by a the "perfect kiss" which here is a metaphor for the wc obviously. n ohmygosh "everything you lose is a step you take"!!!! BRUH???!?!?! every line, from "i didnt chose this town (ie paris)/i dream of getting out/theres just one who could make me stay", to "the jokes werent funny, i took the money/my friends from home dont know what to say" are all SO leo coded.
ney: anti-hero. i ADORE him n theres a lot of people that like him. but theres also a lot of people who like not liking him. hes one of the best in the world, and as great as that is, he has, unjustifiably so, garnered a significant amount of haters (its me, hi, im the problem, its me/at tea time, everybody agrees). hes rlly endured a ton of it throughout the years, but keeps going (pierced through the heart/but never killed). after facing so much backlash, youd probly worry about the people that still support you and how much longer you can hold on to that (one day i'll watch as youre leaving/and life will lose all its meaning). also, hes a rich person. which makes the bridge pretty relatable for him but like in a funny way.
gavi: nothing new. this one is more based off my inner musings than actual like evidence. i have no idea whats going on this lil dudes head. but i know that IF i were in his position, i'd relate to this song a FUCK TON. its basically a song abt being in the spotlight, n being the shiny young thing that has peoples attention. but what happens when thats not true anymore? (Lord, what will become of me/once ive lost my novelty?) what happens in a few years when an even younger prodigy comes around n impresses everyone? (are we only biding time 'til i lose your attention?/and someone else lights up the room?/people love an ingénue). im not gonna write down the whole birdge but its basically abt the inevitably of meeting your replacement. the song basically asks: "will you still want me/when im nothing new?" he seems like a happy dude who probly doesnt think abt this stuff, but if i were a famous promising young soccer player, this stuff would definitely weigh on my mind.
muller: the story of us. Lord forgive my mullendowski heart. i tried to think of a song that would fit jus him n leave shipping out of it but,,, yeah it wasnt happening. in my mind theyre a package deal. anywho the song's about being around someone youre still in love with after youve broken up (now im standing alone in a crowded room/and we're not speaking and im dying to know/is it killing you like its killing me). ik theyre on good terms n all but in my mindbrain i imagine him them being in the same place for the first time since lewy left him bayern and poor thomas jus "nervously pulling at my clothes/and trying to look busy." and my gosh "but you held your pride like you shouldve held me"??? the AUDACITY. i can go off about this whole song tbh. oh n also even tho speak nows a country album this song is kinda,,, rock/punk-ish kinda??? which is to say, its very loud. much like a certain someone. fun fact i almost put seven for him bc of "before i learned civility/i used to scream ferociously/anytime i wanted" but i figured one line wasnt enough for me to put the whole song.
mbappe: evermore. this is a brooding song. a depression song. so i can definitely see this as a post 2022 world cup final song for him. it actually relates to a sports loss very well. (i used to listen to this song n think a oikawa from haikyuu,,, heh). if theres one thing abt mbappe its that hes dedicated. i can see him "replay(ing) my footsteps on each stepping stone/trying to find the one where i went wrong," yknow, jus thinking abt the final over n over. very "i rewind the tape but all it does is pause/on the very moment all was lost." but at the end of it all, hes young, hes talented, n has more world cups ahead of him. ie: "i had a feeling so peculiar/this pain wouldnt be for/evermore."
klopp: dear reader. this whole song is just advice. its taylor dishing out advice to her fans, most of whom are younger than her. kloppo loves his players, he wants to give them good advice that applies not only on the pitch, but off it as well. (dear reader/bend when you can, snap when you have to/dear reader/you dont have to answer, just cause they asked you) however its no secret that our lovely manager can be pretty hard on himself. so its possible that while he gives advice to those he loves, he feels like hes not worthy of giving it (you wouldnt take my word for it/if you knew who was talking).
again, everything stated is speculation, fueled entirely by my delusional lil mindbrain. as i dont know these ppl.
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v-arbellanaris · 2 years
Re the power struggle between the Grey Wardens and the Chantry. You can also snatch Anders right from the templars grasp and it's possible that a big reason why he's left alone in DA2 is because he's a Grey Warden. Anders hardly makes his actions in DA2 a secret. He is loudly rebelling, yet the templars leave him alone.
That's why the whole Warden arc in DAI makes no sense. The Chantry and kingdoms of Thedas have no authority over the Wardens, but an upstart order who is effectively nothing but a branch of the Chantry does?
YES! i started writing the post abt the wardens in the middle of collating more info about it but i was so gobsmacked at how much there was just pre-ostagar that i wrote the post before getting to the rest of the series and then the post blew up LMAO
i think part of anders not getting snatched up by templars when he's in the party with you is just nonsense mechanics stuff (they should've had a quest like they did in dao -- tho i think that quest was deleted lmao -- where if you try hand morrigan over to the templars, she leaves the party permanently, or even like in lothering where they can ask that templar what he'd do with an apostate and he susses out that you and morrigan are mages and goes "ive got bigger problems than apostates atm") BUT there is dialogue & quest stuff confirming that the templars raid darktown fairly often looking for him outside of whenever he comes on quests with you, so i dont think he was untouched because he was a warden.
if anything, i think him being a circle mage seemed to be more important than him being a warden since the chantry explicitly sends templars after him while he's with the wardens. to repeat: the chantry sends templars to hunt down warden mages, which is fucking illegal. wardens exist outside of the jurisdiction of the chantry! they have no right to drag warden mages into the circle, even if the warden mage was originally an apostate OR if they were a circle mage. AND justinia was canonically looking for the warden to become inquisitor before she sent cassandra looking for hawke -- the implications for a surana/amell are pretty horrifying.
i hated HLTA for so many reasons, but mostly, i hated it because it justified the inquisition taking action against the wardens, as if they had a right to it. "we're going to stop the wardens from summoning demons to fight the darkspawn and kill the archdemons" and that's a bad thing because Summoning Demons Is Bad, as if blood magic isn't the most effective thing against darkspawn (which! considering the implications of red lyrium being magic repelling is so fascinating. does being a grey warden mean some of your connection to the fade is messed up???). as if wanting to end the blights is bad -- we have solas calling the wardens ignorant and stupid as if the wardens killing archdemons and fighting darkspawn isn't the only thing that has saved the world every time a blight has erupted. and it pisses me off that no real reason is ever given for WHY it's a bad idea, we're just supposed to take it at face value that because solas, an elven god who definitely knows more than we do just trust bioware ok, says its a bad idea, it's a bad idea. the warden's plan is a bad thing because Someone Else Will Use The Demons To Take Over The World and Only The Wardens Could Ever Summon This Many Demons as if kirkwall doesn't have shades popping up outside of the hanged man every other day. corypheus was literally in kirkwall???
it would've been something if corypheus was using the wardens to get the location of the archdemons. wouldn't it tie into his crisis of faith and the sense of danger so much more? he's gone looking for his gods but raising them is definitely going to cause a double blight. but why bother raising the stakes or creating any level of danger for corypheus, right? that's not the point of the game :)
and yeah, the inquisition 100% has no authority or leg to stand on to engage with the wardens or even to kick them out of orlais. yet the quest -- and most of the game -- is framed in such a way that these actions seem justified. in general, this quest was a clumsy way to end a conflict that's been building over the course of the entire franchise -- which can be said about any of the longstanding conflicts addressed in dai tbh.
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vacantgodling · 9 months
Another ask!! 🌚🌚 For the white shirts and the Virgin of Mt. Heredosa?
i was HOPING someone would ask about the white shirts cuz that’s the story i really wanted to just talk about lmao because honestly idk when i’ll ever commit to writing it but i have so many thoughts about it (cuz ive had this wip since an abandoned roleplay in middle school LMAOOOO)
so tw for Heavy spoilers of 2 of my wips and death, ambiguous and or slightly dubious (perhaps) relationships, sex, aaannnnnd manipulation or.. is it? 👀
so, to fully explain the white shirts—it takes place at the tail end of an apocalyptic mega event (removed by a few decades). prosper and jane morning (twins) were born during this time and live in a small town in what was once middle-america where fires are frequent and the HQ of their “village” is out of a gutted old fire department building from the before times. jane is more of an optimist while prosper is more of a pessimist but they care for each other fiercely; they’re attached at the hip. all of this changes when the titular White Shirts (dubbed this by jane) come to their town in sleek black lincoln town cars (from the old days), white button downs, shades, and slacks. they also have machine guns and uHHHHH unfortunately slaughter everyone in the town. prop and jane manage to escape this random violent act, however, they are pursued because no one was supposed to make it out alive and tbh they don’t even know why they’re being hunted. when they manage to make it to one of the abandoned “old days” cities, they run into someone else who’s alive: a boy named marin. and i want to specify ages now, prop & jane are 16 and marin is 19 — and that “slight” age gap is important tm. anyway prop doesn’t trust marin immediately but jane is softened by the fact that marin is injured AND he knows that they’re running from the white shirts because he is too. it turns out marin came from what was once california and has been running from the white shirts ever since because he Also wasn’t supposed to escape. he calls them something else but quickly adopts the name white shirts like jane. prop doesn’t want him traveling with them but they’re forced to worry about that later when the white shirts descend upon them and they have to flee again, marin’s smarts proving to be very useful (since prop and jane were p sheltered. well, sheltered for an apocalypse anyway). marin tells them that his goal is to head to the east coast to get on a ship that goes to the rest of the world to try and escape the white shirts and with no other plan, prop and jane decide to follow him. during this time, the three become close. ish. jane is definitely the glue that holds them together but prop and marin definitely have TENSION, which ends with them making out at one point while jane is off … idk somewhere. she volunteered to find supplies or something bc it’s possible prop is also injured by this point whatever. it’s fucked tho bc while they’re making out and jane is off, she’s captured by white shirts and long story short she ends up being killed which nearly breaks prop. but marin keeps pushing him and them to make it to the coast bc he’s like listen jane wouldn’t want you to stop she would want us to escape, and prop is all she would’ve wanted me to save her it’s a mess. marin uses the newly established physical nature of their relationship to distract prop and keep him from the deepest throes of grief and they keep pushing to make it to the coast, managing to hop on a still working train line heading there. the train is hijacked by white shirts and more pandemonium ensues, which ends up with prop deciding he’s going to blow up the train and he pushes marin into the main engine after kissing him a final time, saying he’s going to see jane. it’s clearly implied he dies in the explosion, and marin continues on, making it to the east coast. when there, he sees how much more advanced it is than the west coast and middle america and he’s able to gain passage to a ship to europe. the book would end with some line referencing prop’s name (prosper) and would end ambiguously cuz you dk what happens fully to marin.
so, there’s a lot of STUFF going on with this story, and a lot of things that i know will make people FEEL some type of way and part of that's the point. there's a reason that marin is purposefully older than prop and jane: i want him to feel ambiguous and i want the reader to be more on the side of prop who are somewhat suspicious of him. none of marin's actions FULLY make it so that he's a bad guy; like he still goes out of his way to help prop and jane and he genuinely grows to care about the two of them, but i want it to still be left ambiguous at the end if he decided to travel with prop and jane so that he could use them as meat shields to get to the coast? type energy yknow. the fact that he and prop have a physical relationship as well with somewhat dubcon vibes after jane's death is also a thing bc prop is consenting to the stuff that they do but he's also completely grief-stricken. and while 16 adn 19 is only three years i KNOW people are going to argue that its a problematic age gap and tbh i want that bc it adds credibility to marin being an enigma of a character. i want people to not know what to think of him because all we know about him (aside from his actions) are all based on what he tells us. we never get flashbacks to his backstory, and maybe some of the things he said are a bit contradictory and that's part of it. its also the fact that we end the story with marin. the guy we know nothing really about after watching the twins go through it and inadvertedly save his life time after time even since they first met, yet it seems like he almost dragged them into this.
but at the same time you remember that prop and jane were being hunted anyway. that marin in the beginning offers to go his own way, and refuses jane's help but she insists. that jane insists to go foraging on her own because she doesn't want to be a burden on the two of them that are already injured. that prop clings to marin, even if he pulls away because he's crying while their kissing because he wants to feel something. so imo you can argue that marin is also just a guy who is also stuck in a shitty situation just the same as them and unfortunately even though he tried to save them by bringing him with them, they weren't meant to live. obviously i am (as the author) a bit more sympathetic to marin BUT i really do like the ambiguity, just as i like the ambiguity of the white shirts in general. i'm never going to go into detail about what they want or why they're trying to hunt and kill them, that's not important. what's important is the relationship between these three characters, survivor's guilt, and how to power through grief, or let it consume you. yknow?
i also didn't realize it until now but its also definitely got some parallels to slavery and the black struggle bc all of the characters (prop, marin and jane) are black, meanwhile the white shirts along with wearing white shirts are also. well. yknow. its almost like a reverse underground railroad situation going from deep in america to the east coast to lands beyond on a boat. that was unintentional but it exists and sure you can look at it from that angle.
there's probably more i could ramble about because i have a lot of Thoughts about this wip i just unfortunately don't have the brain power to sit down and try to write it lol. maybe one day though!!
this wip is a take on the "age old" question: if you were being sacrificed to a deity because you were a virgin, could you nullify your eligibility by no longer being a virgin?
nyoka is a xenabi, this universe's word for foreigner and came to this particular city (that is not named LMAO) when they were just a child because their parents were traveling merchants. unfortunately, their parents passed away during a plague at the time, and orphan nyoka was taken in by the sanctuary (or the religious body of the city). it seems like a kind gesture at first, but in actuality the caveat for them taking nyoka in is that they will be eventually sacrificed to the city's deities and so they have to adhere to a vegetarian diet and "keep pure" until its decided that its their time. unlike some of the other people who were "rescued" by the sanctuary, nyoka never adheres or converts to the religion in question and has been trying to find ways to escape being a sacrifice and they constantly get in trouble for sneaking out. one day in another attempt, they are stopped, caught, and then called before the council of elders where they learn that the next full moon, which is like a short amount of time (either 3-5 days or smthn) away, they're going to be thrown into the volcano as a sacrifice.
nyoka is freaking out. eating meat won't buy them time, they realize what they have to do is become not a virgin. after they learn this they are able to successfully sneak out the next day and during the daytime they meet a handsome spice merchant who is also a foreigner in this land. the two of them hit it off, though nyoka doesn't tell him of their predicament and the spice merchant offers them food. as the sun sets nyoka realizes they have to go to start their plan to become not a virgin and so they hurry off to the red light district. there, they manage to hide the fact that they're a sacrifice (all sacrifices are branded with magic so that people will know they are to be sacrificed) and sell themselves to a brothel for the night and they are quickly purchased when its discovered they're a virgin. when they're taken to a back room, the patron quickly discovers they're a sacrifice and flees, making a huge ruckus and nyoka is thrown out of the brothel (because people are terrified that if they taint a sacrifice that the gods will come for them). the sanctuary is called and nyoka is dragged back and locked in solitary confinement until they're supposed to die.
however, they manage to sneak out again despite the added restrictions but even still are late for their planned meeting with the spice merchant, the sun is nearly set. when they do meet, nyoka ends up breaking down and explaining everything that happened and how they're probably going to die tomorrow and the spice merchant offers to take nyoka back to his home since they "have nothing to live for". instead of going back into the city, the spice merchant leads them deep into the jungle until they are standing before a giant seemingly dilapidated mansion, however inside is warm and inviting. they talk and nyoka learns the spice merchant's name, verin. if they paid attention to the religion this would have perhaps tipped them off sooner because verin is the name of the god of destruction who was cast off of the volcano by the other gods in this city's religion. verin flirts openly with nyoka who doesn't seem to understand what he's hinting at, until finally, he laughs and asks them if they're too shy to ask for his help. nyoka doesn't understand and verin explains that if they no longer wish to be a virgin, he'd be happy to help them with that "problem" to save their life.
then they fuck PFFFF and while this happens, verin changes from a beautiful dark skinned man into a larger 4-armed, blue skinned deity and nyoka FINALLY puts together that he's not human LMAO. hashtag this is monster-fucker territory. but as they're yknow, nyoka's sacrifice mark disappears.
the next morning when they wake up, verin is still in his deity form and he does tell them that they're free the mark is gone, what will they do. nyoka isn't sure, but then decides that they want to travel with verin, and thus they head back into the city to get supplies for their trip. while there, they run into those from the sanctuary who have been looking for nyoka all night and when they try to grab them, nyoka informs them that they're no longer a virgin and thus can't be sacrificed. when its discovered their mark is gone, this enrages the head mother and she tries to kill nyoka, but verin steps in and stops her, burning the woman with acid. this is very reminiscent of stuff from their deity lore and the other nuns (or whatever) realize that he's verin the destroyer and thinks nyoka has been bewitched. nyoka shuts that shit down, says they love him, and throws their shoe at them until verin drags them away, laughing for how sweet it is for them to try and defend his honor. later that evening they've finished packing for their journey and then head off into the night to explore the rest of the world that nyoka has never seen.
this story is definitely a short story and technically i've started writing it. i may try to finish it soon cuz i get excited for it whenever i think about it BUT i dont wanna put too much pressure on myself to. its also supposed to feel folk-tale like! i love nyoka and verin they're so sweet and so good for each other <3
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Honestly a TLOU2 about Abby going on her revenge journey and still having all her bonding time (or, you know, more) with whatstheirfaces and then... you know, basically giving her Ellie's arc, where she has to choose NOT to enact revenge against Joel... that would have been a good game.
oh definitely! if their goal was to parallel abby/lev’s journey with joel/ellie’s that would have worked SO much better. if we had met her on her journey TO jackson and travelled it with her and along the way she met lev and yara maybe trying to escape seattle and the seraphites (for a different reason plssss cus idk why we still have to have transphobia 20 years into an apocalypse) and there’d be that same arc but fleshed out and over a longer period than 2 fucking days (their day 1 together hardly counts lol) and through that bond growing abby begins to understand why joel saved ellie cus she’d do the same for this kid - in fact, she does in a way when she kills all her own people for him but it would have stuck better if a) it had been longer than a day to get her to that point of turning on the people she’s known and fought beside for years and b) we’d seen a moment of clarity like ohhhh now i get why he did it and why my revenge was unjust and wrong. it’s really amazing how they wanted to parallel abby and joel but they couldn’t even make that basic connection of abby gaining some clarity and ppl say it’s well written lmfao???!!! it was right there in front of them… but yeah anyway if she’d had that moment of understanding why joel did it and then be able to grapple with this revenge she’s set out on it would have been SO much better.
the issue is this. neil wanted to tell his story about abby. that in itself is not an issue. the issue is that bcus he wanted to pull in those big numbers, he decided ellie and joel needed to be a big part of the story too. the result is a ham fisted and heavy handed mess that doesn’t work narratively or structurally. the way it’s structured to accommodate for all the different parts makes it feel like such a slog to get through. ive played longer games that felt shorter to play than tlou2. and narratively it’s just a mess bcus the stories have been forced together in a way that doesn’t work and ends up being a hypocritical, unsubtle mess. if neil had just told a story about abby in which ellie and joel aren’t there in person (only in presence through abby’s journey) or are just there at the end when abby gets to jackson, it would have worked better narratively and structurally. and like fix the abby issues too pls - it’s extremely weird to be trying to make me sympathise with her when she’s so brutal (the way she killed joel, being sad she has no time to torture seraphites, the fact she’s top soldier in her authoritarian militia and has no qualms about wiping out a whole group and killing children etc) and generally unpleasant (horrible to mel, sleeps with owen when mel is pregnant, has a serious lack of empathy towards ellie ‘we let you live and you wasted it’ ok well u also killed someone clearly very important to her, maybe show remorse and empathy bcus losing ur dad was so painful to you?? again it’s wild the point of the game is to find empathy for abby when she behaves as she does). but again, if there’d been more than 3 days and we’d been able to see her grow and change from that person to a better person the way joel did, it just would have worked better.
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wulvert · 2 years
so ive heard that you have more triptrack lore???????? *stares at you intensely, full of platonic love for you and your work* would you like to tell us about it? :D
hello! thank you so much.... some more important lore is probably upcoming pretty soon so i wont spoil that ( if anyone even notices the lore anyway idk )
some stuff i probably wont go into much more than whats already in the comic is reds backstory, i think you can kinda pick up the vibe of whats going on with him, but i can go into it here + some stuff abt the world :) some people picked up on it fine, and some people still seem confused about it, but the uv levels output by the sun in triptrack are too high for human survival without protective measures. i dropped out of highschool and i never went to classes before that anyway, i have no idea how science works. the ozones fucked in some way. i usually call it murder sun. you can wear sunscreen but its a bit risky, and extremely expensive. only really rich people can afford it & you still need to protect your eyes & mouth. masks and gloves r more common. half masks are more of a fashion item but remove some risks associated with sunscreen.
red always wore a mask but someone he was working with (nefarious work) ripped it off to try kill him a while back, you can see a hand print on his face 125 i think, some people assumed its his own handprint but it came from that person holding him down. they were friends, so hes a bit distrustful of people now, understandably i think. It damaged his eyes a lot but he could afford to get them fixed a little bit, he only had the money to do that and nothing else, his skins still kind of actively injured, not healed bc hes never been able to afford healthcare. Red doesnt feel negative about how he looks at all, its the least of his concern- hes in excrutiating pain 24/7, he just wants his facial nerves dealt with & doesnt care about anything else- hes considered getting the handprint tattood to match the rest of his face, but he decided its better to save his money for other stuff. stealing tex will get him enough money for fairly permanent pain relief, after that i imagine he'll just get a new mask & put some less ugly clothes on and leave the whole stealing thing behind, he's very tired. triptrack wouldnt have happened if red had free healthcare.
just to like state outright, tex is a robot, some poeple believed him when he said "im not a robot", sorry i didnt even think abt people thinking he was telling the truth, my bad. shae ( if anyone remembers her its been 60 years ) isnt a robot, though. Terry is the younger brother, he shares a lot of code with tex but ms tarantula built his body, whereas she didn't tex's. tex is a lot stupider than terry because of creative differences at the time of tex's creation i guess. he can get smarter but he's been very sheltered his entire life. Terry doesnt really care about being a robot (he doesnt care about much) but tex appreciated red not knowing at least for a little bit. Shae will probably sue mt. co. if anyone. remembers. that. either. I think for my next comic im going to make whole chapters and upload them in chunks like that so people dont have to read it so slowly.
also not very important but glass city used to be an ocean!
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you can see a little bit of water at the corners of this panel, and theres whale skeletons scattered around. also they tried to built a dome around it to keep the uv out but it was a disaster, shards of it also just hang out around the city from that.
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also theres not very many people want windows, so all the more space for advertisement hell.
I definitely dont think i've gotten triptracks stuff across very well, but also i kind of like how vague it is. triptrack has a l o t of issues, and i want to go back to it when its done and make a like,.. triptrack dx or something lol. but its my first comic so like.... to be expected i guess.. ive learned a lot from it. paperteeth also has so many issues & i didnt really put much i learned from triptrack into it but thats because it was supposed to be a fun little side project! that i didnt have to think about too hard! then it exploded and ate triptrack for breakfast. rip. ( i am grateful though i just. didnt think that would happen, if i did, i would have tried harder lmao) so. yeah!
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dayurno · 1 year
No but fr. Kandrew win. Let me EXPLAIN Gansey and Ronan to you (the characters that post is about) so you can know how much
So Richard Campell Gansey III is a fancy rich boy who believes he has a Destiny™. He died once and a ghost told him has to find a Lost Ancient King and so he built his entire personality around that. Also he is going to die again but that's nbd
Ronan Lynch is an ANGRY rich boy. His dad was murdered a couple years back and his life has spiraled out of control since, including the dreams/nightmares he kind of brings to reality once in a while, and a lot of drag racing and other general bad ideas.
They are BEST friends. They go to the same private school. When Ronan was on his self-destruction spiral, Gansey saved him from being killed by a nightmare and they have been attached at the hip since. Ronan goes on countryside walks to satisfy Gansey's obsession. The only time Gansey, a famously moral person, did shady things was to keep Ronan on school and therefore by his side. He also punched a man to defend him once. They would die for each other.
There are more parallels than this but it would get too long. You can even cast Adam as Neil.
The best part of trc is that literally every relantioship is too unhinged not to be a little romantic. They are all canonically in love with each other
HAHA THIS WAS SO SERIOUS AND PASSIONATE youve convinced me anon youve already convinced me on the first line i believe in you! dearly and honestly!
because of this i did pick up trc again! i do have some thoughts so far and youre right adam can be cast as neil because they have a very interesting brand of self-flagellation and snark! also very observant and somehow detached from it? can't quite explain it but i really see it!
gansey oh well ive always liked him :) reading trc now ive really only grown more fond of him, hes smart and beautiful and gentle........ i dont know yet about him being anything alike kevin but i do really see how his little gangly pack of mutts' loyalty for him is alike to how andrew and neil (and jean!) look at kevin..... i think perhaps gansey is a manic pixie dream girl-fied version of kevin, which is not quite how he is in reality, but is definitely how the remains of the perfect court see kevin! so in a way they are the same. but more so kevin is a shadow of ganseys shadow if that makes sense
and for ronan i was surprised at how much i actually liked him! ive seen him going around on tumblr and well i need you to know i dont trust bald men or even men with buzzcuts so in my first read of him back in 2020 i didnt like ronan at all. now that im older and more mature and such i do like him a lot though! he is angry and child-like which i see in andrew, but because he is so undeniably 16 years old about it there is an earnestness to him andrew has since lost. nevertheless i really see how he trails after gansey like a puppy on a leash so yeah in the end. kandrew
as a final and perhaps funny consideration i think kevins trcsona might actually be blue.... a little gruff and clumsy and moved by a lot of guilt (im only on book one!) but still with a lot more bite than youd expect..... im not yet sure though. just throwing ideas around. for now lets stick to gansey
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ok buckle up because I'm going to go on a Stargate Atlantis gush so long I'm not going to bother turning it pink
this series is EXACTLY WHAT IVE BEEN NEEDING ok ok listen yes it has scary monsters and fight scenes and blowing stuff up BUT it also has substantial fluff
we get to see the characters making a home in small ways from a favourite food in the cafeteria to rc car races in an unused hallway
the words "we can't tear this family apart" in life threatening situations give me life and they are said a bunch of times
the creators hate killing characters off as much as we hate losing them so a lot of mc deaths get "well, actually"d in a way that made sense (such as getting really upset that my fave Carson died only to have his clone be rescued half a season later and be reintegrated into the mc circulation)
and the series finale was AMAZING. spoiler alert skip this paragraph if you don't wanna read details about the finale. it gave a reasonably hefty threat for a finale, but everyone survived (other fave Ronan got well-actually'd and I'm thankful because he's the teddy bear protector and I would've cried) and found a home. atlantis is on earth, the family is together, and it ends with the well-loved all mc's are on a balcony overlooking a beautiful view and saying that theyre each other's home and there are always going to be other adventures. - end finale spoilers -
even the bad guys are personified. you mightve seen my post about Todd, and Todd is The Original Funnyman. this guy has the best sense of humour in the whole show. then there's Michael, and you feel for him. the replicators... uhh... yeah most of the replicators are unremarkable personality-wise, but hey they're robots.
now for mc's. this is a no-rodney mckay-hate blog, so if you say anything hateful about him I'll stab u. yes he's arrogant and a know-it-all and he thinks he's better than everyone and has the social skills of a stale cracker BUT he has GROWTH and is slowly RECOGNIZING AND TRYING TO TREAT PEOPLE BETTER and he's My Boi so fite me 9/10
Sheppard is hilarious and is responsible for the awful placeholder names for individual wraith. he has serious Burnt Out Gifted Kid Vibes and is definitely smarter than he lets on. atlantis crew is definitely the first Family he's had and feels safe with. I love him 11/10
Teyla is awesome and would absolutely kill for her adopted earth family. also turns out to be Best Mum 10/10
Ronan. my beloved puppy Ronan. played by the absolute unit that is Jason mamoa. he is a man of few words and many guns. atlantis crew saved him and he's the last of his people and now the base is His Home. Sheppard calls him "chewie" affectionately and Ronan smiles every time. 20/10 I would absolutely feel safe with him around
Dr Carson beckett. a Scotsman who will even try to heal his enemies. besties with Rodney McKay and keeps him in check. he's so lovable and sweet 11/10 his clone goes away for the Pegasus galaxy version of doctors without borders 9/10 I'm just glad he's back
Radek zelenka. his most common subtitle is [mutters in Czech] he's so soft and squishy I love him. he shares a braincell with Rodney and they finish each other's sentences it's like they're very competitive twins 10/10
Elizabeth weir. not quite the Mum but definitely the Older Sister In Charge. I miss you so much. rip 11/10
there are a lot more that I love but I'm just gonna leave it here. you should absolutely go watch it.
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p7agu3 · 1 year
how to become lord elius
This is a guide only for TRUE Elius fans (real).
It is a memetic hazard for fake fans! I have heard it causes feelings of amusement. Unacceptable. Elius is a serious characetr and i will not have him disrespected >:(((((((
Step 1: Gear
i. Kill Elius 100+ times or until full set of gear drops. or get it from another account/save/a friend (much easier)
ii. (optional) enchant, preferably with Strong. if it Doesn't, go kill elius more, that's probably cheaper
iii. wear it proudly. yes, you Are an Elius Cosplayer now.
Step 2: Playstyle
i. start running. never stop. dash more than npc elius does
ii. hit enemy with twin crescents when possible
iii. repeat until death
i've tried and, at least pre-awakening, no other weapon skills are worth using (tho i am stuck with a 100+ stormcaller so who knows)
Step 3: ???
i. stare at elius' wiki page for an hour to match his appearance in the customization menu
ii. spend more galleons because you missed the facial scar that's only visible in one cutscene or messed up his eye color or something
iii. your armor is probably the wrong color. if you;re lucky (like me) you have now become recolor elius. exhibit a: Blue Elius (with Funny Hat)
Tumblr media
iv. seek travelling dyers. alternatively, embrace your new role, wishing only that you picked a different lightning color
Step 4: Profit
i. congratulations you are now an Elius
ii. the army does not pay any wages
iii. however it's likely with how many people are playing the game that elius simps are out there. find them. you will definitely profit
iv. safe travels my identical twin brother
Step 5: Important Question
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blazerwyvernmaster · 2 years
FE10 Thought: Ike is boring in FE10
Ive been thinking about it and Ike is a lot less interesting in Radiant Dawn than Path of Radiance imo. He's at borderline Mary Sue territory.
Like I still love Ike but... mostly because of most of the stuff in Path of Radiance.
Radiant Dawn does so much to make you like him. And you do but... I don't think I remember seeing Ike have...a flaw. Or struggle that much really.
The Greil Mercenary's are much stronger than the other two parties.
They save Lucia(who I feel should've died/become too injured to fight) in one of the coolest scenes in the series.
Ike is the only one who can kill the final boss with that being the literal ONLY time that's happened in the history of the games as far as I know.
He gets two personal swords
Him Vs BK is still awesome to this day.
Etc etc...
It's...kinda a lot. He didn't really need this much to be cool. He already is/was in the first Tellius game.
He overshadowed Micaiah in what I feel like was her game, considering she IS on the box.
And everyone sorta hates her because of gameplay, and also FE10 bringing up the blood pact when it could've easily been told to us in FE9.
It also doesn't help that she dislikes Ike, even if she does have a reasonable explanation as to why.
Plus there's the whole branded/magic healing/cool background, but like... She's not really that much of a Mary Sue.
Imo a Mary Sue is someone who controls the entire setting they live in, bending the story and narrative to their will to make them likable. And she definitely doesn't do that.
I saw a video once saying you could remove her from the story entirely and nothing would really change, besides a few details here and there.
And even Ike doesn't bend the story too much, but a LOT is done to make you like him and his group more than the other people.
That's concludes my mini essay/rant/ whatever this is on FE10 is really wierd.
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Wait what do I even regularly do here-
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