#i have consumed TOO MANY gummi worms while typing this up HOPE YA LIKE IT THO ZIRA
dyketectivecomics · 5 years
{{ Oooh, ooh, "who would win" for Babs and Raven!
this got LONG bc i REFUSE to simply answer without elaborating on WHY one wins over the other. and also bc.... i could resist the challenge to answer all of them even if that was just bc you misread them at first zira  jfklds;alf;al all is forgiven
y'all feel free to send me 2+ characters + a number from this list & i’ll be doing a snippet about who wins! (not for these ones now tho jkfdjflka)
1. A game of chess
IT Depends. Babs is an excellent strategist ofc (i mean its her ENTIRE THING AS ORACLE LBRHH) but Raven is cunning and extremely patient. Raven tries to simply outpace Babs until she makes a mistake, while Babs tries to back Raven into a corner as quickly and efficiently as possible. I can see them absolutely reaching a stalemate simply because Raven’s taking her sweet time on her next move and Babs has at least 20 moves planned for any one that she finally chooses fjkdasjfal;
2. A game of basketball
Babs. idc what anyone says. Raven + competitive athletics just DONT mix jfksdljfa; she doesn’t care enough to put in effort & Babs cares too much to let even that stop her from absolutely (physically but moreso metaphorically) DUNKING on Raven.
3. A race (on foot)
Again, athleticism. Gonna go to Babs.
4. A race (in their vehicles of choice)
okay now, THIS. I actually like to carry over my headcanon from my EARLY early tt03 days that Vic gets Raven genuinely interested in cars as an outlet (the full nine yards. the mechanics, the racing, the design, all of it) so this makes her not only a FORMIDABLE driver, but one who KNOWS HER SHIT. this is one of those times babs just CANT beat her. no matter how hard she tries.
5. A card game
DEPENDS. listen. a lot of card games (ones that deal with a standard deck of playing cards at least) are probability & understanding what’s LIKELY to happen (something that’s right up Babs’ alley) other times it can be just pure dumb luck and a SMIDGE of strategy (UNO, & 99 or Bust, which i fucking HATE having to play at work bc its????? just so arbitrary once you know the Way To Win oooof) so yeah. not one I see them Revisiting for certain types of games. 
6. A game of twister
i headcanon Raven getting into yoga as she grows up + retires from Superheroing, so not that babs COULDNT win, but I'm gonna give Rae the flexibility points on this one.
7. A game of Cluedo/Clue
I was looking up the fewest number of moves it takes to win Clue and did you know there’s a 1 in 324 chance of blindly guessing the combo right on the First Try? Anyways, Babs. C’mon. she’s a detective. ALL of the Bats are bound to win within a round or two on this one.
8. A physical fight
again, not that I doubt raven’s athletic ability, but a pure physical fight? this one’s going to babs. BUT why would they WANT to fight?? they're in love obviously!!!
9. A pillow fight
raven: i mean.... is there REALLY a winner when it comes to pillow fights??? other than the cherished memories ya make along the way? babs: yes. and its ME *thwacks raven with the pillow*
10. A tickle fight
PHYSICALLY i think raven could beat anyone in a tickle fight, but Emotionally???? IMAGINE the toll.
11. A fencing match
POINT. GORDON. (athletics check lmao)
12. A rap battle
both channeling their inner poets? MAYBE they can skate by with something only minority embarrassing. but god, would it be something. i honestly have no clue which way i’d swing on this one fjkdjfl;a cant they just work together in this case? please?
13. A dance-off/dancing video game
i.... actually saw them both as wallflowers in this case??? from way back when i didn't quite realize shipping them together could be an option??? so neither fjkdafj;al
14. An instrumental duel
wait, shit, wasn't babs canonically a band kid. didn't she play an instrument or did i totally imagine that??? she has band kid energy at least??? idk man. IDK
15. The pocky game
16. Hide and Seek/Manhunt
Barbara “I have everyone’s information & locations at my fingertips at all times” Gordon
17. The dare game (both players give each other increasingly difficult or embarrassing dares; the loser is the first one to refuse)
Raven refuses to even indulge in something like this, so Babs would win on principle alone fjkdsfjal;
18. The ‘Bogeys’ game (Also known as the ‘Penis game’; can be played using any rude word; players have to yell the rude word of choice in a public place and the winner is the one brave enough to yell it the loudest)
G O D i forgot about this one omg. uh??? another Childish Game that I see Raven backing out of p quickly. but Babs when she’s with the batfam? and trying to make a point? i can absolutely seeing her hack some kind of electronic billboard & vandalizing it if dared adequately to do so fjksdajfklaj
19. A fighting video game (e.g. Mortal Kombat, Super Smash Brothers, etc)
y'all can pry Gamer!Gordon from my COLD. DEAD. GAY GOBLIN HANDS.
20. A pokemon battle
again, Gamer!Gordon. (but Raven was absolutely introduced to the video+card games by the Titans. absolutely!)
21. Dodgeball/Paintball
Babs. that competitiveness man. i just SEE IT.
22. A drinking competition
Demon constitution means Raven can drink EVERYONE under the table, and it absolutely drives Babs up the wall.
23. A gross-out competition
LISTEN. they've both seen Some Shit on the job. i don't think either of them could be completely grossed out at this point.
24. A flex-off
listen. Listen. Buff Babs Rights. 
25. A staring contest
Raven. if only because Babs knows that staring unblinkingly at her screens for too long has ALREADY caused bad eye strain & she REALLY doesnt need the hassle of adding to it fjkdsla;fjkl;
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