#i have been drinking a bit of dr.pepper today after not having some for a while so i'd expect my energy to be a bit higher but nah
kenpachi-okami · 1 year
June 22, 2023 Thursday 11:23 AM
Title - I Don’t know
Today definitely is going great.
Everything is going by smooth, seems like its also going by pretty fast its already 11:25 AM going to be lunch soon but I wont be eating to be honest my stomach isn’t really feeling it and I already had something big to eat so I’m just going to keep myself hydrated strictly just water too.
Gotta stop myself from drinking soda its been the past few days already that I keep getting my fav drink DR.Pepper.
Can’t help it haha it taste like Cherry soda.
Anyways I’m feeling I don’t know what I’m feeling but I’m just a little bothered but I’m trying not to let it other me cause I don’t want to let it ruin my day at all. I just feel like I gotta write it down so it doesn’t stay on my mind cause if it does stay on my mind its going to build up to me being very aggravated then I’m going to have a face then I’m going to act a certain way like I don’t need myself to do that. Me doing this has actually been helping me out its like I’m releasing all that tension into words on my own personal I guess you can call my life blog that no one knows about except for random people that I don’t know on this app. Which I’m pretty sure they aren’t reading cause some of the stuff I put up is just way to long , but yeah I’m actually feeling a bit better after this. I think what I’m going to do is hear some music and draw or maybe think about writing a random short story.
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Sincerely - Kenpachi Okami
11:42 Am
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tvranny · 6 years
history is wack
#history talk#ides.txt#it's getting late again which means my thoughts are starting to be very limited in scope and im gonna be like a broken record#i used to be able to stay up later really#borderline all-nighters#ive been cutting out caffeinated shit a lot recently.#maybe im just not adjusting to the lack of caffeine that would typically keep me going throughout the night#i have been drinking a bit of dr.pepper today after not having some for a while so i'd expect my energy to be a bit higher but nah#getting a bit tired right about now#i wanna draw tho. that's partially the reason i like to stay up. motivation and inspiration and all seems to increase at night#no idea why. it's like that one post of a unicorn drawing where it's like ''morning vs afternoon vs middle of the night''#or times that are around that area#and the middle of the night one is higher in quality than the others. yeah. why is that#why do people get more motivated at night#maybe it's because you just note that the day is ending and your mind wants to rush to get everything you wanted to get done.. done#it's like when the daily procrastination that most people have kinda catches up because it's right before the deadline in a sense#the deadline being the end of the day#i....... dont know if that's it i pulled that all out of my ass#hey also another question is that topic... psychology or human ethology?#i really am not too into psychology i think... i think it touches more into human ethology#ethology is my favorite scientific uhh.... field? im not too science savvy sorry but it's very interesting#i definitely learn toward animal ethology but humans are cool too. we ARE animals#hey uh how the fuck did i get from ''history to wack'' to this shit#see this is what i'm talking about i get real fucking out of it at night#that's normal. kind of. but i dont like it#actually no wait. i think i'm just ramble-y as a whole#im very scatter-brained
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sunaswife · 4 years
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A Suna Rintarou Series
Summary: Suna was the best boyfriend you could ask for, after fighting with your inner demons that screamed you were ugly, worthless, and annoying. You finally decided to go the next step with your boyfriend, only to find out it was all a game.
Warnings: underaged drinking, smut, guys talking badly about women, heartbreak, messed up shit that you shouldn’t do and a bit of fluff if you squint
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Disc five-slide one: Foursome 🕷
(not like that)
Something about you really peeved the three boys. The way you smiled made their hearts flutter, you looked so pretty when you focused on what the coach was saying, you looked so beautiful tying your shoe. And you looked the most beautiful when you turned to the three boys and the sun was setting behind you. I mean well the worlds sun was setting and their sun was right there, you.
Suna realized that he fucked up, he’s aoreads in love. It wasn’t some small crush, no he’s madly in love with you now. You’re everywhere so what could he do? You’re in his class, in his extracurricular, you’re invading his lunch table (not that he’s complaining), and he sees you on free days. How could he keep you out of his mind when you always invaded it? Your his girlfriend so sometimes you catch him off guard by brushing your fingers through his hair, kissing his cheek, making him lunch, offering to help him study. It was just so hard to not fall in love with you. But he fell hard and surprising so fast.
Atsumu didn’t feel love for you, he was jealous of Suna and he just wanted you to himself. He basically wanted to be friends with benefits with you in a way. In his mind you’re a package, you’re smart, you actually know volleyball and you play so it’s easy to give him pointers, you’re so hot, and you have the most innocent look on your face that makes him want to ruin you. His thoughts will always be the dirtiest when you’re around, he’s just too infatuated with the fact that someone as beautiful as you is so pure and humble. He wants to know how much he could get away with before you finally crack.
Osamu was wrapped around your finger, not in a romantic type of way. He wasn’t in love with you romantically at all but he for sure wanted to protect you from every bad thing in this world. He felt like an older brother to you. And he’d smack Suna, Atsumu or whoever in a heartbeat if they ever hurt you. The thing he’s been wanting to do the most is make onigi with you because Suna has claimed they are to die for. He wanted to be there for you in the small and big moments in your life.
After getting to know you, the three boys had you in their hearts one way or another. “Y’all are so slow, come on!” You whined and complained about how hungry you were. They all rolled their eyes and hurried as you almost ran to the restaurant. You all decided to have a study group night or whatever after practice at a nearby restaurant and you were starving.
They learned their lesson the last time you were hungry. In the beginning you get all adorable and cute when you whine but that’s only minutes before you turn into a demon. Any snarky remark from Atsumu is silenced because you’re not afraid to throw volleyballs at him.
You usually become silent and hangry and that’s not a good sign. The boys always have a snack in their bags just in case you ever need it because they’d prefer an adorable sun then a quiet demonic asshole.
Yes you admit you could be a bit of an asshole when you’re hangry.
When you finally entered the restaurant you sighed and sat on the booth near the window. Atsumu sat across from you, Osamu to his left and Suna was on your right. Soon a waiter came and handed menus and asked what everyone wanted to drink and you hummed as you scanned through the options on the menu.
“Y/N, what do you want to drink?” Suna nudged and you were interrupted from your concentration. “A coffee, with a lot and I mean a lot of French vanilla creamer please.” You looked up at the man and he nodded. “Just letting you know you do get unlimited coffee refills.” He said and you nodded, “Perfect, I’m gonna need it.” You said making him laugh and they boys lowkey glared at him.
He didn’t notice and he simply walked away. “Why did you order a coffee it’s 8 pm..” Atsumu asked, “Why did you order a Dr.Pepper? It’s the same thing.” You waved your hand to brushed him off. You grabbed your backpack and began to take out flash cards. “Your wonderful friend spent all last night and today making these for you. This is one of the easiest ways I learn and I wanted to see if it worked for you guys too.” You spoke up and began passing the packets of flash cards. “You have amazing handwriting.” Osamu commented. “Some are kind of sloppy because my hands started cramping but I tried to make it as legible as possible.��� You said with a small smile. You made them all flash cards on the subject they were struggling with, Suna and Atsumu with chemistry. Osamu with English, and Atsumu with basic Algebra and Suna with Geometry.
“Is there anything you’re bad at? Ya know, just out of curiosity.” Atsumu asked as he flipped through the cards bored, he appreciated the gesture and hard work but he wasn’t into studying very much, “Yeah I wonder, since you’re a straight A student...” Suna turned to you. You hummed and looked out of the window thinking, I mean you’re not perfect in everything but you’re not horrible when you actually try. “I’m kind of bad when it comes to presentations and public speaking, I stutter a lot.” You spoke up. “Oh yeah, ugh the project we worked on was really good but we lost points in the presenting part.” Suna groaned as he told the twins and you nodded. “Makes sense you’re a shy baby and Suna is just a quiet dude.” Atsumu said and Osamu nodded. “Oh another thing I’m bad at is walking in heels. I don’t know how other girls do it to be honest.” You said as the drinks arrived, you immediately started opening the small creamer cups to put in the coffee. “But like were they Ariana grande high or like old lady high?” Osamu asked curiously. “Dude the fact that you know about heels makes me wonder..” Atsumu said which earned a smack from his twin. You couldn’t help but giggle at their arguing. “I’ll buy you drag heels, don’t worry.” Suna told him which pissed off Samu even more.
You took a shot of the creamer and made a scrunched up face because of the sweetness. “What do you expect from drinking straight up sugar.” Suna snickered and handed you a napkin. You gave him a small thanks and an adorable smile. You wiped the creamer that spilled on the table and look up to answer the grey haired twins question. “For a family party one time I wore some small heels and they kept hurting and I couldn’t play volleyball in them so I ended up stealing my cousins shoes because when I was barefoot everyone kept stepping on me. And when I had a sleepover at my friends house we tried on her moms high heels and we were walking up and down the hall because the floor was hardwood and I fell down the stairs.” You said which caused them to almost spit out their drinks.
They couldn’t stop laughing, you chuckled lightly at their reactions and you were happy that they were so carefree around you and unfiltered. They were always so honest with you and genuine. You lowkey considered the twins your best friends and the pounding of your heart just kept beating when you looked at Suna.
You had a small crush on him in the beginning but now you were starting to fall hard and fast.
You didn’t want this to end.
They didn’t want this to end either.
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Up next
Series Masterlist
A/N: Little by little the boys want to forget about the bet and just keep you forever. But that don’t happen cuz I’m a shitty writer.
🏷: @therealwalmartjesus @differentballooncollection @aaesuki @atsunflower @dope-squish @prettysetterboiss @june-phantom @tomo-uwu @austriasmariazelle @xrnia @katsulia @aprettyfruit @shut-your-eyes-kiss-me-goodbye @tvbiio @sun-daddy-yoriichi @kamenoyaki @ppangiiroo @loeyprivvv @kmskj92 @lovinnoya @sarahvvictoria @tris-does-stuff @mokkeguts @sunaluvr6969 @bara-rose-would @sempiternal-amour @volleybloop @leykyuu @bokutoichigo @stfucanunot
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Can I get a Mafia au with Leo? 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Leo mafia au
Leo x g/n reader
Mutants are a regular occurrence in this story so, you know, people are used to seeing them around.
I know there isn't much about the mafia side of things in this one but I got carried away and now I'm definitely going to be writing multiple of these, so there will be more mob stuff in future chapters.
Summary: how you meet leo
Warnings: sleazebags, mild harrasent
To you it was just another normal Saturday in New York city. When you awoke that morning you did everything as you normally would. You got up and grogily made your way towards the bathroom for a morning shower.
Once out of the shower you got dressed, made yourself a cup of ( your favorite beverage) and left for work.
You worked as a waiter/waitress in Brooklyn at a small mom and pop style restaurant. You knew that it was right in the middle of mob territory but you didn't care very much because they paid well.
You usually didn't work on weekends, but your co-worker John was unable to come in due to a last minute emergency and you agreed to cover his shift.
The first two hours of the shift were uneventful, the restaurant wasn't too busy and you had just finished serving a lovely elderly couple, who tipped you generously.
As you continued waiting the tables a group of tall mutant turtles came in and sat down in your section.
The first thing you noticed was their stature, they all towered over everyone, as all but one of them were probably over 6 feet tall. They were all muscle; you thought about how they definitely did quite a bit of working out.
The next thing you noticed was how they were dressed. They all wore nice expensive looking suits that looked as if they had been tailored to fit them perfectly. Each one of them had a different colored tie.
The shortest of the four wore an orange tie and a cheeky smile upon his face. He had his tie undone and looked like the most approachable of the group.
One of the taller turtles, who wore a purple tie, was wearing a pair of glasses that you could only describe as fitting. His eyes were glued to his phone while he listened to the others talk. With the glasses he looked smart, but you wouldn't be able to confirm this until you talked to him.
The turtle with the most muscle wore a red tie and was intimidating to say the least. If you looked up the word masculinity in a dictionary you would find his picture next to it. He had an annoyed look on his face as he listened to the one with the orange tie talk about something.
The last of the group you would definitely say was the handsomest of the group. He wore a blue tie and was built well. You noticed that he was not joining the others at the table, instead he had walked towards your bosses office. You thought on this briefly before moving on and continuing to take the orders of your current customers.
After a couple minutes the tall, handsome turtle in blue emerged from your bosses office with your boss not far behind. The turtle went and joined his companions as your bossed walked in your direction.
Suddenly your boss pulled you to the side. " (y/n), your covering John's shift today right?". "Yes, I am", you responded, "why do you ask?". Then your boss responded, "You see that table over there," they said while nodding in the direction of the table that the four terrapins were sat at, "they are extremely important people and they are dangerous, so be careful and don't mess anything up. You hear me!" Your boss said.
"Dangerous? What do you mean by that? Who are they?" You asked curiously. Your boss looked at you with an exasperated expression upon their face, "Who they are isn't important," they say with a shake of their head, "all you need to know is that you shouldn't mess anything up and that you should be careful," Your boss tells you, "Now go take their orders before they get tired of waiting." And with that you made your way towards their table, only a little nervous about taking their orders. If your boss said someone was important then they were important.
"Hello," you said with a smile, "my name is (y/n) and ill be your server today," You said. As you looked up at the four of them you were only startled for a moment when you met the piercing blue gaze of the turtle in blue. Quick to recover you continued, "What would you like to drink today?"
The one in orange was quick to reply, "I'd certainly like a tall glass of water like you, angel cakes." He said with a wink. The others just rolled their eyes, obviously used to his flirting. You just giggled and responded, "I,m sorry, im not on the menu." You said with a blush.
They all looked a little surprised at this. The big on had a devilish smirk on his face, the one with the glasses stopped looking at his phone for a moment and laughed, while the tall one in blue had a small smile grace his features. The orange one just laughed as he continued with his order, "I'll just have an orange soda, angel cakes." He said. You then turned to look at the others awaiting their drink orders.
"I'll have a coffee, black," the one in glasses said, not looking up from his mobile device. "And ill have a glass a Dr.pepper." The big one with the red tie stated in a thick Brooklyn accent. Then you turned to the last one looking at him, patiently awaiting his order. "I'll have an ice raspberry tea this evening, miss/mr. (y/n)" he stated in a sweet tone. "Okay, ill be back with those in a moment." Then you walked away to go get their drinks.
When you returned the four of them seemed engrossed in a conversation, so much so that it took them a minute to realize that you were there. Once they did realise that you are there they quickly stopped talking. You dropped of there drinks and politely told them that you would be back in a bit to take their orders.
A couple minutes later you returned to their table. "What would you all like to eat today?" While you had expected them all to give you individual orders for meals, this did not happen. Instead the one in blue said, "We'd like the biggest sized pizza you've got, please." So you wrote that down and went to give their order to the chef.
After you had gotten them their pizza and dropped it off at their table you moved on to a table of men who had just come in, who weren't seated too far from the colossal terrapins.
"What can I get for you gentlemen today?" You said. "Oh, If you wouldn't mind I'd love to have some of you. What do you say, baby?" One of them said with a sleazy smile while trying to grab at your thigh under the table. Unlike the light flirting you had received from the orange turtle, this man's flirting seemed sinister and was unwelcome. In response to him you swatted his had away and stated as politely as you could, "No thank you, im not interested. I meant what would you like to eat and drink."
"Oh don't be like that baby." The same man said as he continued to try and harass you, his friend snickering at your obvious discomfort. "Please stop sir, im not interested." But no matter what he wouldn't let up.
All of a sudden a fist came into view and the man had been grabbed by the shirt and lifted into the air by the turtle in blue. "They said no pal," he said with a menacing growl, " you're gonna apologize to this nice server here and then your going to leave understand?" The man, too scared to reply, quickly nodded his head in agreement. Then he was let down, as soon as his feet touched the ground he murmered a quick apology and made his way towards the exit, followed by his buddies.
You were breathing heavily from the shock of how quickly everything happened but you turned to the tall terrapin and gave thanks, "Oh my gosh thank you so much... um, sir, i-" the turtle cut you off " Leonardo." He said, "Uh, what?" You questioned. "My name, its leonardo." He stated. "Well then, thank you very much Leonardo for standing up for me, a total stranger, like that."
He smiled at your apology, a real smile and you couldn't help but think about how you wanted to see him smile all the time. " No thanks is nessesary, I just don't like seeing scum bags like that trying to take advantage of a beautiful/handsome thing like you." He said suavely. You blushed at his complement, some how his smile got bigger.
Then you were walking back over to his table with him. " Thank you again." You said. He just shook his head at that, while sitting back down. His companions seemed shocked at the events that had just transpired. "Oh, (y/n), these are my brothers; Michelangelo, Donnetello, and Raphael" he said motioning towards them each while saying their names. They only looked shocked for a brief moment before it seemed like something clicked in all their minds simultaneously. " Hello again, its nice to meet you all officially." They all nodded in return.
Leonardo then pulled out his wallet to pay for the food. "No, I cant let you do that," you told him. " What! Why not?" He said while giving you a quizitorial face. "Because you stood up for me, as my thanks, your meal in on the house." You said while smiling at him.
"Does that mean I can order more food?" Michelangelo said. His answer came from his brothers in a chorus of, " Mikey!"
"Very well," Leonardo said, "but in return for the free food, you have to give me your number. Only if you want to of course." He added. You smiled at him and said, " thats not how its supposed to work, im supposed to be thanking you!" You said in exasperation, "but i suppose I could give you my number." He smile at your response.
So you wrote down your number and gave it to him. And with that they left and you continued your shift, all the while thinking about Leonardo and his smile. Wondering when you would see him next.
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madrut16 · 7 years
Shark Week (ChrisxMC)
Author’s Note: I’ve been working on this one for a while, so hopefully you guys enjoy it!
Rating: PG/PG-13
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Pixleberry Studios
Summary: The boys find out the girls’ term for the week of their periods when Maddy gets hers the day of a small house party.
Another sharp pain squeezed my abdomen causing me to groan and roll onto my stomach. I buried my head in one of the pillows before remembering I had just put makeup on. Quickly I sat back up, sending another jolt through my body. Luckily, nothing appeared to be out of place when I looked in the mirror on my nightstand.
“Ugh, why?!”
Of course I had to get my period the day of our first party since our problems with the house began. It wasn’t going to be anything crazy, just a bunch of our friends, good food and drinks, and party games.
Becca and Kaitlyn had both balked at the idea at first but, they came around once we assured them our old favorites were involved. But now I wasn’t going to be able to enjoy it as much as I wanted to. The first day of my period I usually got painful cramps and this time was no exception.
Suddenly, I heard an urgent knock on the door.
“Who is it?” I asked, which came out more like an irritated whine.
“It’s me!” I heard Kaitlyn shout from the other side. “Can I come in?”
I breathed through another pang. “Yeah, go ahead.”
“Thank God!” she exclaimed waltzing in with her arms full of clothes. “Cause I have no idea what to wear! I mean, I know it’s supposed to be causal, but I still want to look good. You know?”
I barely made out what she was saying, more focused on not dying of pain.
“Maddy, are you even listening?”
This snapped me out of my daze. “Hmm? Oh, sorry Kaitlyn. Cramps.”
A look of realization appeared on her face. “Shark Week?”
I nodded. “Started today,” I whispered.
“I’m sorry!” She replied. “If it makes you feel any better, Abbie has hers too. I think Becca might be on it as well.”
This got me to smile. It never failed that at least a few of us got ours at the same time.
“Great, we can all be miserable together!” I said with fake enthusiasm.
“I know, I feel bad for the boys!”
I looked at her wide eyed. “Oh I’m not telling them about it! Not even Chris.”
Kaitlyn scoffed. “Why not? You’ve been together for over a year, I don’t think you’re going to scare him off now.”
“So!” I scrunched my nose. “I’m not gonna have a conversation about it! There are some things that don’t need to be discussed in detail.”
“Whatever, enough about you Maddy. Help me decide!” She held up two outfits in front of her. One was a nice black sweater and ripped jeans and the other was a cotton dress paired with a leather jacket.
After a minute of thought, I chose the first option. “It’s not too dressy but still looks fashionable. Plus, I know Annisa will love it.”
A slight blush crept on her cheeks before she engulfed me in a hug. “Thank you, thank you!”
“Kaitlyn! My uterus does not need to be compressed any more than it is already,” I told her.
This forced her to let me go. “Sorry! Now, we need to start getting ready for the party, so put on your best poker face and get out there!”
I gave her a thumbs up before slowly getting up, each little movement providing little relief. I took some Advil before following Kaitlyn out of my room. She went off to change and I joined the others in the living room to help set everything up.
A little less than an hour later, the doorbell rang just as the last of the food was placed on the coffee table in the living room.
“I got it!” Answering the door, I smiled. “Hey, Zig! You’re just in time.” Then, I noticed he wasn’t alone. “Aaron, hi! Zig didn’t tell me you were coming.”
I thought I saw Zig’s face turn a slight shade of red. “Sorry, I forgot to tell you. It’s okay that I brought him right?” He asked.
“Of course!” I exclaimed, ushering the two of them inside where it was much warmer. “Why wouldn’t it be?”
Zig shrugged. “You only met once or twice.”
“Well, I hope you won’t continue to let him be a stranger. I’m just glad to see that you’re still getting along!”
Aaron who had been mostly silent chimed in. “He’s actually been talking with all of us a lot more.”
My smile widened. “Really? Zig, that’s amazing!”
“It’s not that big of a deal. I guess I realized that my roommates don’t bite after all.”
I was glad to hear that he was doing so well, especially after everything that happened the last few months. Our friends continued to trickle in for the next half an hour and so until it was finally time to get the games started, beginning with my personal favorite Cards Against Humanity.
“Hey,” Chris said, as I sat down next to him on the couch.
I smiled at what had become our standard greeting. “Hey you.”
After giving him a light kiss he replied, “Ready to be defeated?”
“I believe that’s the other way around,” I remarked, eyebrows raised.
Chuckling, Chris replied, “Oh really. Okay Miss throws a temper tantrum when she loses.”
My mouth opened in protest. “Hey! That was one time. And you get just as pouty when you don’t win.
Suddenly Becca cleared her throat. "Ahem. If you two lovebirds are done arguing we can start the game now.”
We both threw out hands up defensively.
“Is it just me, or does she seem more… crabby than normal?” Chris asked.
I shrugged, even though I had a good idea why her mood was a little sour. “When is she not at least somewhat grumpy?”
“Good point.”
Finally after a minute of passing out cards to everyone, the game started. It didn’t take long for the laughter and dirty jokes to become numerous. The alcohol certainly helped with that.
“And I win again!” I exclaimed an hour or so later after I finally got my seventh point.
“How are you so good?” James wondered out loud, having only scored one. You’d think he would be better at this being a writer.
I winked mischievously. “Kaitlyn’s not the only one with a dirty mind. I just have a filter most of the time.”
As we moved on to the next game, Pictionary, the Advil was starting to wear off, and I felt a cramp catch me by surprise.
“You okay?” Chris asked, seeing me wince.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I replied as the pain subsided temporarily.
Noticing me, Abbie who was on the other side of the couch said, “Hey I’ve got some Motrin if you want some.”
I nodded enthusiastically. “That would be amazing, thank you.”
She left the room to go get it and quickly came back. I gladly took one of them and washed it down with the Dr.Pepper I’d been drinking.
“You’re on Shark Week too?” Becca questioned, much louder.
So much for downplaying it. I nodded.
“That sucks, mine just ended,” Chelsea said sympathetically.
Ever since we’d reported Manny, I’d gotten to know her a little bit more without the hard feelings between us, which was nice. It turned out she was really nice when you got to know her. She was just really bad at opening up to people at first.
Her comment led to a conversation with all of the girls in the room with most of the boys looking on with confused expressions.
Finally, Tyler asked loudly, “Wait a minute. What the hell is Shark Week? Cause the one on Discovery channel isn’t until July.”
This caused all of the girls to burst out laughing.
“What?!” He exclaimed.
In tears from laughing so hard, I replied, “There are no…actual sharks Tyler.”
If they weren’t confused earlier, they were bewildered now, besides Zack and Zig.
“Well, what is it then?” James wondered.
Kaitlyn was the one to answer. “It’s a term women came up with to call the week we get our periods. Don’t ask us why, we don’t really know either.”
“Is that what’s bothering you?” Chris asked me, after a moment.
Feeling my cheeks turn warm, I nodded. “How did you…?”
“I’m not a complete idiot Maddy. Plus, Kaitlyn told me.”
I looked over at her with my mouth open. “You traitor!”
“Hey! Don’t look at me that way. He’s the one who asked me. I merely confirmed his suspicions.”
I turned back to Chris. “Wait, really?”
“Guilty as charged. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. For future reference, I don’t care if you talk to me about things like that. It really doesn’t bother me.”
A smile crept on my face. “Duly noted.”
“I hate to interrupt this… interesting conversation, but can we get back to the games now?” Becca complained.
Again, the room filled with laughter.
Now in a much more happy mood, I replied,“I think that’s a great idea”
As the night wore on, I felt myself relax for the first time in a while. Because at least in this moment, there was absolutely nothing to worry about.
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Intro to me
Hello everyone! Thank you so much for deciding to look at my blog! I hope you stay a while and maybe even suggest a book for me to review. Personally, I've always loved to read, ever since I was around six years old. Instead of wanting a new pretty dress, I would want a new book instead. Understandably my parents thought that this was amazing, they thought that I would be smart and successful,which for my sake more than theirs, I hope is true. I've just decided to do a random, 100 questions about me tag so you know a bit more about me as a writer :-) 1.) What's your favorite season? Oh wow, that's an easy one, it's Autumn. 2.) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find a line. "I wanted red and orange leaves in the fall. I wanted change." 3.) Who was the last person you texted? My mom, she asked me about where my brother went on vacation with his friend. 4.) Before you started this survey, what were you doing? Eating a few mini strawberry muffins for breakfast. 5.) What's was the last thing you watched on TV? Sons on Anarchy. 6.) Without looking, guess what time it is now. 9:50a.m. 7.) Now look at the clock. What is the actual time? 9.56a.m. 8.) With the exception of the computer, what can you hear? Bella (my dog) walking around downstairs and my ceiling fan. 9.) Do you tan or burn? Luckily my mom blessed me with Hispanic blood so I ran fairly easily :-). 10.) Do you like fish? I liked crab legs before I became a vegetarian, but other than that, I never liked any kind of fish. 11.) MAC or PC? MAC, I have a MAC book pro for school and it's lovely :-). 12.) Do you remember all of your dreams? I hardly ever remember my dreams at all, but the ones I do remember are the weird ones or the sad ones. 13.) When did you laugh last? The last time I laughed was around 12:30 this morning with my friend. She was talking about her upcoming birthday and how awesome it was going to be. 14.) Do you remember why/what at? She was talking about her upcoming birthday and how awesome it was going to be. 15.) Have you ever been to Canada? No, but I would really like to go sometime! 16.) Shoes, socks or bare feet? Oh bare feet all the way! I love shoes (hate socks) but sometimes I just don't feel like putting on shoes, you know? 17.) Do you wear perfume? Yes yes yes. 18.) What is the last film you saw? The Secret Life of Pets. I watched it with my dads ex girlfriends daughter. She is seven. 19.) If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? London, England or somewhere where it is warm and sunny all year around. 20.) If you became a multi-millionaire over night, what would you buy? BOOKS!! (And maybe makeup :-)) 21.) Where would you live if you could go anywhere? Hell. (Being a smartass because I've already answered that question.) 22.) What's your favorite band? One Direction. (Not 10 btw.) 23.) Have you ever had to have surgery? No I have not. 24.) Do you enjoy school? Yes and no, mostly yes because I just like to learn things, it makes me feel good about myself when I leave school knowing more than I did yesterday. No because of all of the petty drama I get dragged into and honestly, I think these standardized tests are bullshit. Everyone learns differently and at different paces, not everyone is super smart. 25.) What do you think of these questions so far? They are pretty normal questions, so they are all right. 26.) Are you a righty or a lefty? Lefty! I know it's strange to hear because hardly anyone is left handed anymore, but I'm a lefty :-) (the only one in my family.) 27.) Who made your last incoming call on your phone? My Aunt. I went to a concert the other night and she saw my Snapchat story thinking I was alone with no parent supervision, (again not 10) but my dad was in the parking lot so... 28.) What's the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? Steam. 29.) Last time you swam in a pool? A couple days ago, but I had just gotten my tattoo so I couldn't submerge it in the water and had to put a bandage over it. 30.) Type of music you dislike most? Country. 31.) Are you listening to music right now? Yes. It's my friends music, (she's over at my house) but we have the same taste in music so I don't mind it. 32.) What's your favorite color? Red or Black or purple or army green, it changes everyday honestly. I just like colors haha. 33.) Is there anything you are disappointed about? Plenty of things. 34.) What is the last thing you bought? A book for school :-). 35.) Sun or rain? Sun if it's during the day, but if I'm getting ready to nap or go to bed at night, then rain. 36.) Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving? Both! 37.) What's your zodiac sign? Scorpio. 38.) What's your hair color? Naturally, Brown. I dye my hair red every so often because I hate my natural color. 39.) What quote do you like by? "Do not judge my character by the chapter you walked in on." 40.) What's your favorite zoo animal? I think zoos are cruel, no I'm just going to have to answer with, I love all animals. 41.) Do you have any pets? I do! I have two pure bred boxers named Brinx and Bella. Brinx is purely white with black spots on his skin and he's 10 years old. Bella is a beautiful chocolate brown with a black face and white paws (they look like socks!) and she is five years old. 42.) What color are your eyes? Brown. 43.) Do you wear any kind of jewelry 24/7? Yes, I have two holes in both of my ears that I keep earrings in, a mood bracelet that I got with my cousin, and my belly button ring. 44.) Do you turn the water off when you brush your teeth? No, but apparently it's a big pet peeve for some people when other people don't run the water off when they brush their teeth but I don't really see why it matters. 45.) Do you know how to change your cars oil? No, I know it's bad that I don't know how to change my cars oil, but I honestly don't really care. 46.) Do you have any phobias? No. 47.) What's your lucky number? 8. 48.) Have you ever eaten a crayon? Once, I got dared to eat a crayon in kindergarten for a quarter. I really wanted that quarter so I ate the crayon haha. 49.) Can you solve a Rubix Cube? No, I've tried so many times, but I always end up getting pissed off and never end up finishing it. 50.) What are you listening to right now? Nothing. 51.) Do you like Marmit? I have no idea what that is. 52.) Do you wear the hood on hoodies? Sometimes. 53.) Is the glass half empty or half full? Well I'm very optimistic so it's half full :-). 54.) What's the farthest-away place you've been? Oklahoma. I've never been out of the United States... I'm boring :-(. 55.) Do you untie your shoes before taking them off? Sometimes if I tied my shoes extremely tight. 56.) What's your favorite radio station? Any station that has good music honestly, I'm not picky. 57.) Are you allergic to anything? Nope. 58.) Were you named after anyone? No. 59.) Do you wear glasses/contacts? No. 20/20 vision :-). 60.) Have you ever walked out of a movie theater before the film was finished? Yeah, then I snuck into another movie haha. 61.) What's your least favorite subject in school? Science. 62.) Put your iTunes library on shuffle. What's the first song that comes on? Poppin' Tags by Future. 63.) Do you wear jeans or sweatpants more? Jeans. 64.) Where in the world would you like to travel? Everywhere! 65.) Are you traveling anywhere soon? Not anywhere far from me. I'm going on vacation to Florida in July as well as Cedar Point in August. 66.) Have you ever built an igloo? What is this? I live in Tennessee not Antarctica. Obviously not! 67.) Best thing at Starbucks? Okay, I'm being basic here for a second, but the best thing at Starbucks is the Pink Drink. 68.) Do you like watching scary movies? I watch scary movies at 3a.m when I can't sleep and sometimes I fall asleep to them if that tells you anything. 69.) What's the best thing about school? My friends and English class. 70.) What were you doing at midnight last night? Laughing and watching Netflix with my best friend haha. 71.) What's under your bed? Dust and dog hair. 72.) How do you really feel about what you are doing right now at this exact moment? There was a question similar to this a few questions up. Still feeling the same. 73.) Think fast, what do you like right now? My new shirts from Spencer's I bought today. 74.) Are you sarcastic? My second language. 75.) What time do you get up? During school days, between 5:30a.m and 7a.m, but during the summer, around 10a.m. 76.) What was the name of your first pet? Brinx. He's a dog and I still have him :-). 77.) What color are your sheets? Purple. 78.) How are you feeling? Wow I'm starting to feel like I'm in therapy again...but I'm feeling pretty good right now. 79.) What was your favorite food when you were a child? Mashed potatoes. 80.) How are you feeling right now? Uhhhhh does someone has short term memory loss??? 81.) Can you whistle? Yup. 82.) Do you drink soda? Only Dr.Pepper. 83.) Have you read the Harry Potter series? Only the Sorcerers Stone, I wasn't really interested in the series to be completely honest. 84.) Can you drink a stick shift? I learned to drive on a stick shift before I learned on an automatic so, yes, I can drive a stick shift. 85.) What's your favorite candle scent? I'm honestly so obsessed with candle melts so I have a ton of candle melts and my favorite is probably the Zen one. It really chills me out because it smells reaaaaally good. 86.) Have your pants ever fallen down in public? No. 87.) Do you sing in the shower? Every time :-). 88.) Can you speak another language? Ugh... no :-(. 89.) Can you close your eyes and raise your eyebrows? Um.. yeah haha. 90.) Dogs or Cats? Dogs!! :-D. 91.) Do you make wishes at 11:11? Not usually. 92.) What's your favorite type of chapstick? Anything pomegranate flavored. 93.) Which came first; the chicken or the egg? Oh here we go. The most philosophical question on earth. The chicken. 94.) What are you reading right now? Norse Mythology by Neil Gailman 95.) Can you touch your nose with your tongue? *Sigh* Sadly I have never been able to do this :-(. 96.) Can you walk in heels? Now that I can do. 97.) How many rings before you answer the phone? However long it takes me to notice someone is calling me. No one really ever calls me though, it's usually just a text or Snapchat. 98.) Any new and exciting things that you would like to share? Yes actually!! I just got a tattoo a few days ago. It says "I love you to the moon and back" in my dads cursive, and I love it so much :-D. 99.) What is most important in life? Honestly? To live your life with no regrets. You only get one life on this earth, live it the way you want and don't give a fuck about what anyone else thinks. 100.) What inspires you? My imagination. Well that was it! I hope you all got a bit of insight on who I am as a person! If you have any questions or you want to request a book for me to review, then just ask! I'm always on here so I'll be sure to check my inbox everyday! I know this was a long post, but I hope many of you took the time to read it! This took me around 2 hours and I'm kind of ashamed to admit that... anyways, thank you again and I hope that this blog could be a way of finding new books and authors for a lot of people! June. 8th, 2017
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