#i have bad wifi hopping this gets posted
nights-flying-fox · 1 year
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Last reason: Vote for Where You Belong AU so we can be sure we won't be forgotten by author -Leon
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maryellencarter · 6 months
yo tunglr how goest it
so! things keep Happening. i am like "i should make a post" and then things happen and i would need a whole additional post
so uh. where to start. i was in minnesota. i did not like minnesota. the social services are pretty damn solid but i did not know anybody except john and it was looking like a three year wait to get into housing, and i had to park a mile and a half away from the shelter because clearly letting homeless people park their cars next to the homeless shelter encourages them to remain homeless or something :P
and i have been trying for ten years to get back to the east coast, to the only place where i know more than one person in meatspace in the entire world. and then my tax refund came out to be Enough that i could afford to go to there. so i was like fuck it i will go to there
(can i afford to exist on the east coast? probably not. but i can't afford to exist anywhere that allows trans people. may as well be not affording to exist in a place where i have some sort of a network.)
so first i went to leia's and got a bunch of my stuff. mainly electronics and knitting. and then i came to here. i had arranged with a friend to use her address to receive mail and do laundry and shower and all those fun things you cannot do in a car. also i acquired some car-camping gadgets that plug into my car's cigarette lighter, such as an electric blanket.
(i even found out that my car has a 15amp cigarette lighter circuit like a semi truck, instead of a 10amp circuit like most passenger cars, so i can use a trucker's cookbox to heat up food! very exciting. still don't have an electric kettle but i saw a hopeful looking one at a truckstop, i'm just trying to pinch my pennies.)
anyway SO! got to friend's house. things went well for 2 nights. i successfully tested riding the metro and did not get the motion sickness. this was excellent news as i had to quit my last job in this area due to inability to arrive on time as i kept having to hop off metro and let my tummy settle
then friend's husband decided actually the plan that we thought had been cleared with him was Not okay, because he had managed to hear a totally different plan that only existed inside his head. (he does this. he has not managed to grasp that friend is against the palestinian genocide. they are both jewish so this is. a topic of regular conversation let us say)
so. i have been put up in a hotel for a week. very cozy. i just figured out how to use the coffee maker to make hot water for instant mashed potatoes. the week is running out but i have been looking into options.
so yesterday of course my phone had to go and fucking brick itself. (i think it was yesterday. time has been. somewhat. look i don't have a phone okay i can't exactly look at the date every five seconds as normal)
phone repair place gave me a free diagnosis, which was, the battery swoll up just enough to pop the back slightly open (it is not a phone that is supposed to open) and let water in and now the motherboard is ruined. it cannot be fixed
thank fuck i had picked up my electronics at leia's, thus i was able to communicate via ipad and laptop that this Had Happened. navigation is being *really goddamn hard* because i have to memorize directions from my wifi-only ipad before going out, and then somehow correlate them with very bad interstate signage (the only way i survived getting back from the phone repair place is that i'd been to an aldi in the same shopping center while my phone still worked)
i mean i could take transit but have you ever tried to take transit without a phone when transit maps are digital only
any fucking way. so then i went to the department of food stamps and all that stuff, to ask about assistance. the department told me i would have to be a resident in the county for nine months before i could even get into a shelter. also i got shuffled between several desks that were supposed to help me applicate for food stamps and medicaid before my name just... fell off the big monitor that showed all the people waiting and where they should go.
so my friend mara who is well connected in the local activism community began making Noises and we emailed a bunch of people. there is a place (nondenominational even! in minnesota you had your choice of the catholics, the "union gospel mission", or the sally army) that does free hot meals and helping applicate for shit and sometimes has charities come to give away free phones and so forth. sounds very much like the big central shelter and help center i was at in minnesota, except crucially not catholic.
(the catholics are better to deal with than the folks who require you to attend services in order to receive help. but they're still very... catholic about it.)
anyway that place says i can park there and not get towed, which is my largest concern. i have not actually gone to there yet because i did not feel like driving that far from my hotel with no gmaps until i have to. but it sounds extremely promising. i have some other emails to follow up on too but today i went and got one of my roughly-annual migraines so i was flat on my back in a dark room all day.
(at least the migraine had the decency to hit while i have a room and a bed and darkness all available. very polite of it. this has not been the case any time in the past six months and it has been a worry)
anyway i can't friggin get my lifeline provider (aka free government phone service for teh poors) to log me in on their website to look for a new phone without them being able to text my old phone, even though they offer me email verification and then just don't load the next page, so there is a solid nonzero chance i may lose this phone number. my contacts *should* be backed up to my gmail if i can get another android phone though.
so. uh. let's see. a new smartphone and service would run me close to $200 minimum. (i've been checking on a cheap service i had before becoming eligible for lifeline, which i was happy with. their very cheapest smartphone is like $114 on sale and their cheapest from a brand i've ever heard of, which i would strongly prefer, is a motorola running about $140 on sale. it's giant and clunky with a badly placed fingerprint reader but "able to get cellular service and run google maps therefrom" is my main priority right now.)
i have about $200 of my tax refund left in the bank. also i still need to buy gas. and some more food soon, i'm about down to canned chili (very edible cold in tortillas) and instant mashed potatoes (can make with cold water but they are significantly less delicious that way). and probably some other things i'm forgetting, and i haven't even started looking into the emissions test or my maryland ID and license plates. which i also wanted to budget about $200 for in case i have to pay excise tax for moving states like i did in minnesota (i don't know if i was supposed to or if the dmv fucked up). i forgot to ask if the one place does gas cards but i need to.
anyway i have to be out of my hotel room saturday morning so i am planning to spend tomorrow packing my shit back up and hauling it mostly down to my car. also i need another bath at some point. too much has been happening
sleeping in a bed has been very nice though. hadn't done that since august. i can sleep in my car and it's mostly comfortable but i'm fat and my steering wheel does not respect that
anyway. um. until more things explode i guess that is my update? jesus murphy. it's holy week and you can friggin tell. really bringing my catholic out. tomorrow is good friday and i definitely expect something more to explode. hell, my micro sd card was making noises about being corrupted and i was going to transfer stuff off it onto a new one via my computer and i haven't even started that yet because i've been so frazzled. it better not die along with jesus tomorrow, it's got all my music on it
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graqefruito · 3 years
rock- karl jacobs
pairing: karl jacobs x gn!reader
type: sad, then fluff
cw: sadness (reason not really mentioned apart from a bad day pushing reader over the edge), mentions of feeling numb, crying.
Should I post another today?? Also can someone please send me in some ideas or requests or whatever, I have two days off of school and I’m going to be so bored! Pls I want some friends :( lmao ew that sounded grim, but pls send something in!
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Walking swiftly up the cement steps leading you to the front door of your apartment, your hands fumbled in your pockets trying to find the keys. Fingers folding around the ragged metal, you pulled the keychain out and stabbed it at the lock a few time. After around thirty tries of twisting and turning the stupid key it finally slipped nonchalantly into the door and you sighed as the wooden slab opened, letting you inside and out of the whistling cold. Shuffling your shoe clad feet on the sweet welcome mat Karl had forced you to buy weeks earlier, you bent down to unlace the trainers and wiggled both your frozen feet out of them. Removing your dark leathery coat too, the heat from the hall’s radiator rippled over and lilted down your body, encasing you in a hug of warmth. 
With a short sigh you let your tired feet quietly tap along the floor until you found yourself walking into the living room. Karl was nowhere to see and with your phone now connecting to the wifi you checked your notifications, finding a small purple one expressing that he had gone live about two hours ago and his lack of presence led you to the conclusion that he still was. Fervent thoughts of just storming in to his room without a care for the stream so you could cuddle Karl swam through your mind. All you wanted to do was lie in his long arms, feeling them wrap around you tightly as your head found a spot nestled by his shoulder. However, you still stood alone in the living room, not moving any closer to Karl’s room than you were before. Another sigh left your mouth as you began to trudge along the wooden floor, feeling your socks slide slightly. Arriving at the kitchen counter you put all of your smidge of remaining energy to hop onto it. You felt your body just sink as it began to relax, the familiarity of your surrounding bringing you back to a state of serenity. 
After staying like that for a while, your body went a little numb in the ares touching the cold marble surface, but you didn’t mind, the feeling was almost nice and comforting. All of a sudden a cold drop fell onto your hands and you reached slowly up to your dampened cheek feeling another tear dribble down. When did you start crying? Today had just honestly been such a bad day that the paralysis of emotions relieved you knowing the pain would have been too much to deal with. Just letting your tears stumble and tumble down your stained cheeks, you began to fully cry. No restraints. You let it all go. Every mean comment or deep insecurity darted out of you through the salty rivers flowing down. 
Your little breakdown left you unaware of the presence of another. Having heard your dejected, dismal wails from his streaming room upstairs, Karl rushed to end his stream. The sound of his footsteps on the stairs were absentmindedly drowned out by your whimpers and cries so when you saw his sorrowful blue eyes looking at you with worry from the other side of the room, your body jumped. He took a couple steps closer and held his hands out silently asking if it was okay for him to hug you. To which you nodded your head before letting more tears trickle down. His arms engulfed you pulling your body into his and resting your head on his chest so you could hear his heart beat and coordinate your breathing with his. No questions were asked until you fell into him further only to find something sharp in his pocket poking you. Your heart wanted to make a suggestive joke but the exhaustion emerged it in silence and what’s this were the only words spoken. 
“Oh!”, karl jumped in the air a little squealing with delight, remembering the little surprise he had in his pocket,” I got this for you!”
Karl’s hands rummaged around in his pocket as if it were full of money till slowly he brought his hand back out with a smile plastered firmly on his face. His hand cloaked the object so you couldn’t see it. For dramatic effect, he withdrew a finger at a time making sure to take extra long. Finally the last finger was gone and you could see a small rock with a strange pattern spilled on the outside. 
“I got you a rock. It looked pretty so I thought you might want it. Because I don’t know, you’re pretty and its pretty, though don’t worry you’re much prettier, well your stunning and literally perfect whereas this is only pretty. Anyways, I was out with Chris today and I saw it and the coloured designs on the outside made me think of you cause the swirls are beautiful and like really cool, just like you. I can keep it if you don’t want it, that’s fine too, I just thought it was cool and well yeah very pretty.” He mumbled looking more and more at the kitchen floor as he carried on his little speech, embarrassment getting the best of him. 
And like that, everything went away for a second, all of the negative emotions that made you cry just left, maybe not forever, but for this moment here they were gone and every ounce of you emanated pure love and happiness. Karl made you whole and you couldn’t thank him enough, he was just so sweet you couldn’t deal. Realising you hadn’t spoken for a while, you looked into his eyes and back down to the rock taking it from his hands and letting your fingers smooth over the sides and the touch texture of the surface. It was genuinely the nicest little gift you could have gotten right now. 
“Thank you Karl, I love it, it’s beautiful, genuinely thank you.” You breathed out, worrying if you spoke any louder the tears would spill out once more pouring buckets over your cheeks. He gave you a small kiss and buried you back into him, nuzzling into you.
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satsuki2406 · 4 years
Dear Aomi Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
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"I've seen you in a dream before, you are the warm and bright presence that embraced me on Cape Kamui a long time ago on a June afternoon."
Shinohara (Y/N) is a normal girl who had everything she could ask for, a loving family, a beautiful home, friends, and a fluffy cat. For a long time, she gave her life and happiness for granted, never imagining that she'll face one of the worst and crueler facades of society so closely, destroying what once was a happy, harmonious and normal family. One day, in hopes to recover what they lost, the Shinohara family took one of the more difficult decisions of their lives; leave behind their home back in Hokkaido and travel hundreds of miles south until Musutafu, the place that could grant them a solution and help close the yet fresh wound and scare away the ghosts of the past. Hardheaded, passionate, and ambitious (Y/N) is forced to confront the incarnated face of the superhuman society that she hated the most; Bakugou Katsuki.
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PAIRING: (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)
GENRE/WARNINGS: Romance, Fluff, Angst, Dark Themes, My poor attempt of humor, Strong language (Courtesy of King Lord Explosion Murder God *********💥), Manga Spoilers.
STATUS: On going
Chapter 1: School is a Great Place to Make Enemies
Chapter 2: My Stupid Classmate, The Angry Dandelion
Chapter 3: In Conclusion, This Day Was...
Chapter 4: Welcome to the Neighborhood 
Masterlist \( ̄︶ ̄*\))
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It's really been a while since I updated this story, I really thought it was a couple of months ago, I’ve been very busy lately and just kept pushing writing for later, and later transformed into 8 months! I had to admit that I also had a huge block with this story, but recently I got a lot of inspiration and energy, chapter 6 is almost ready but editing needs to be done after all. Hopefully this would be a good one! There’s more details coming in future chapters and also new characters! I got a thing for OCs recently, I feel they add more personality to the story!
5: Aldera Chronicles
‘Just a good day’ That was what you prayed, asked for last night, and what you tried to repeat to yourself to keep calm and serene while you looked desperately for your earphones. As soon as you did, you connected them to your phone and searched for the loudest song you kept in your collection.
“Oi! I’m talking to you dumbface!”  
The loudest one of all.
After the whole ‘neighbors fiasco’ you got stuck with Bakugou on your way to school, both of your mothers insisted that you should go to school together at least today, so you could ‘amend your differences and get closer’ you almost gag at the suggestion, but your mom looked so ecstatic about the idea of you making new friends, after all she hasn’t looked that excited in a while, so you could not find yourself saying no to her.
Although you ‘accepted’, that didn’t mean that you will stay with him all the way to school, right now you were still in their field of vision, so if you left him behind, they will notice. You were just waiting for the perfect moment, as soon as you made it to the end of the street and turned to the left, you will take that as a cue to hop on your bike and leave him behind eating your dust.
“What a shity morning, stuck with this idiot. That friking hag threaten me to change the wifi password if I didn’t come and to top it off, she had the fucking nerve to take my phone, fan-fucking-tastic…” Bakugou was right in front of you grumbling angrily and throwing profanities left and right. His anger was more than evident; he was more hunched over than normal; his hands were way deeper in his pockets to the point you thought he could rip them open and his feet were stomping on the ground with such intensity that you could almost feel it vibrate under your own.
Despite the fact that you could not see his face, you could bet your (F/C) post-its that there was an extra deep scowl and curled pouty lips ‘decorating’ his face right now. You tried to distract yourself with your phone and avoid Bakugou as much as possible, it was bad enough to spend more time with him than you already did in school, not to mention that unwanted encounters may become commonplace being next-door neighbors.
You sighted dejected at the thought, you really were kind of excited about moving to a new city, Musutafu was way bigger than Sapporo was, with bigger malls, parks, shops, restaurants and more fun things to do. But sadly for you, Bakugou manage to crush your hopes and expectations as soon as he opened his mouth, hell, even by existing actually.
Your attention was snaped back to reality when the sound of cars passing by and other students came to you. You got on your bike again, getting in front of Bakugou so you could reach the avenue faster, “Oi! Don’t go in ahead of me dumbshit!” You ignored him as he yelled at you, his words more and more inaudible as you got farther.
After a few minutes you had lost him completely, he probably went the opposite direction to the bus stop or the train station, Aldera was close, but not enough to go walking, you did it there in twenty five minutes with your bike if you took your time, fifteen if you were in a rush, you made sure to verify how long it would take you to get there the days prior that you had to actually go back to school.
You decided to relax and enjoy the view of the city and listen to your favorite songs like the day before. Luckily the Tatooine Station was open, safe and working at its fullest.
“Not a single villain in sight, phew, how good that they managed to clear the area otherwise I would have had to…” Suddenly memories of your crossing trough Dump Beach™ came to you, that was an experience you were so willing to don’t repeat ever again. “I wonder who else from my school had to make a detour like me yesterday, or if someone was involved in the incident… those ladies said it was a middle schooler, but it’s quite ambiguous data to make any conclusive statements, there are hundreds of middle schools in Musutafu and the commercial district is in the center, so it could be anyone.”
You stopped in front of a crosswalk, waiting for the light to change. ‘I’ll ask Midoriya if he knows something else, he probably passed by or something’. You had to admit that you were kind of excited about the idea of befriending the green head, even with his nervous, anxious, jumpy and shy personality he gave you a kind and sweet vibe. His insecurity gave away his true nature; his clumsiness, the nervousness, overanalyze everything, the mutter, for some they could be annoying but you found it rather and oddly fascinating, it made him feel real, genuine and honest.
‘He’s almost like…’
The chirping sound of the traffic light snapped you out of your rampant thoughts announcing that the light had finally turned green. You started off with your bike along the rest of the pedestrians and continued on your way to the school.
The rest of the way to Aldera passed without any hitch, you left your bike locked and took your stuff to walk to the shoe lockers like yesterday, just a few feet ahead you distinguish a very familiar mop of green curly hair. He seemed slightly hunched and deep in thought, probably way too deep in thought to the point that you could see a colorful smeared aura surrounding him and the word mutter coming out of his mouth. And you were not the only one, as you could see the people around walking away, with slightly perturbed expression on their faces. You just took it as a cue to let your presence being known.
“Good morning Midoriya!” You hopped by his side and greeted him enthusiastically. The poor thing almost had a heart attack and jumped out of his own skin as you just scared the shit out of him. He released a muffled scream and seem to calm down a tiny bit to immediately turn the shade of a tomato and babble a greeting.
“G-G-G-G-G-Good mo-morning Shinohara-san! You-You-You caught me by su-surprise.” He squeaked as he covered his face with his arms and his eyes moved erratically to look everywhere but you.
“Did I scare you? I’m sorry! I guess I let myself go a little bit.” You trailed, resting a palm against your nape.
“Oh nonono! Please don’t apologize! Y-Y-You were been courteous after all. He whispered breathlessly at the end fidgeting his fingers nervously. “I…nobody ever greets me or says good morning, I didn't expect it and that's why I got a little nervous. T-That’s all, so don’t worry.” His little confession shocked you for a moment, it was really depressing to be honest but it motivated you at the same time.
You beamed confidently at him, “Well Midoriya, I recommend that you get used to it then, because I intend to greet and say goodbye to you every day without fail from now on.”
He looked up at you with a surprised and somewhat puzzled expression, his fingers started to twitch nervously, his countenance became even redder if that was even possible.
“B-B-B-B-B-But Shi-Shinohara-san-!”
“Shush, shush, shush! I am not going to put it up for discussion this is how it’ll be from now on and it's over.” You placed your hands on your hips, a slight scowl adorning your face to accentuate your mock annoyance. “Besides, who will run away from Bakugou with me after I tell him how much of an asshole he is for the umpteenth time in a row?”
You relaxed your demeanor again, offering him a goofy smile, so he could notice that you weren't even mad to begin with. The poor greenette thought for a smidgen that he made you angry and that worried him profusely. But one glance at you told him that you were being sincere, he was scared that you could be trying to play a prank just to make fun of him as it has already happened to him so many times. that alien feeling of relief and tranquility invaded his chest, apparently the chance encounter he had with his childhood hero had been a good omen and brought him more good things that he could imagine.
His eyes teared up with hope and a squiggly smile adorned his face, he dried his tears with his gakuran sleeve and clenched his fists excitedly.
“So, what do you think?” you asked eagerly.
“I look forward for it!”
“Did you see what happened yesterday at the commercial district? It seemed pretty rough” You commented to Midoriya absentmindedly while you took your uwabaki from your locker. He visibly flinched as he heard your question almost dropping his shoes in the process.
“Ye-Yeah, they said that the pro heroes could hardly put up a fight because of the villain’s quirk.”
“Right? Hopefully All Might was nearby, otherwise who knows what would have happen. I wonder if the hostage is ok, I didn’t watch the news last night so I’m not pretty sure what exactly happened. Do you know how it was?
He flinched again and turned his head to you rigidly as you raised an eyebrow at his sudden odd behavior.
“I do-don’t know a lot but I read that everything was ok afterwards, the hostage walked out with just a couple of scratches, so there’s nothing to be concerned about Shinohara-san, it’s pretty nice of you to worry so much, especially since the hostage…” Midoriya looked down and tapped his trembling indexes together; he wanted to tell you something, but didn’t know how.
“Come on Midoriya, you already told me the hostage is ok, what can be so bad that you are hesitant to tell me?” You inquired him softly.
“Is nothing bad per se, well, you’ll see the hostage…” He paused and looked in all directions to check if anybody was listening. Ok, weird. He got a little closer to you and cupped his mouth with his left hand.
“The pe-person captured yesterday was-”
Your little hush-hush conversation was interrupted when the metallic sound of a locker being abruptly opened echoed in the sudden silent space. Your ears located the unexpected noise behind you and instinctively you turned to see what had caused such a ruckus.
A couple of lockers from you, a really angry and really frustrated Bakugou appeared right in front of your eyes. You observed how out of the blue everything and everybody seemed to freeze in time, and all eyes were on him. The atmosphere turned tense, every person there watched attentively his every movement, talking with just a glance, some people were whispering among themselves no even taking their eyes off him.
‘What the hell is happening?’
He took his uwabaki and slammed them on the floor, removed his shoes and buried them unceremoniously in the locker, slamming the door shut. He grumbled, trying fruitlessly to put his uwabaki, cursing that he couldn't put them on as smoothly as he would’ve liked. He suddenly stopped his movements, acknowledging the unwanted attention he was receiving.
“The hell are you looking at you fucking losers?! Why don’t you mind your own damn business, huh?!”
His voice echoed with fury at the school entrance, despite their obvious fear, nobody moved an inch, all the eyes glued on him. He finished to put on his shoes and stomped further inside. At the corner of his eye he noticed your presence and immediately stared at you, he seemed even more infuriated than before, this clearly soured his mood even further, if that was even possible.
You returned it with one of your own, as intense or more as his, the attention seemed to turn your way as your little staring contest became longer, Midoriya nervously looked between you and him, probably waiting for another showdown to break out, just like yesterday. Everybody’s breath hitched by the minute, but you didn’t back down, your (E/C) eyes met the fiery inferno of his crimson ones, after a couple more seconds he just tsked and stomped away with his hands buried way deep in his pockets.
After he left, the clock started ticking again, everyone took a breath of relief, averted their eyes from his retracting back and continued their lives like always. Midoriya’s shoulders relaxed significantly at the time that his soul slowly returned to his body. When you noticed him more calmed and focused, decided to address the elephant in the room.
“What. The. Heck. Just. Happened?” You whispered bewildered. “Who peed on his cereal? If this is something usual here, I’ll be more than glad to take my bike and go all the way back to Sapporo.” You crossed your arms over your chest and stared irritated at his retracting back.
“Well, now that Captain McTantrum™ left, what was that you wanted to tell me about yesterday’s incident?” You asked relaxing your demeanor to something more gentle and friendly. Midoriya flinched slightly and his poise appear suddenly uneasy.
“Um, well, the person-the-the person th-th-that got trapped by the mud villain, tha-tha-that person…” Midoriya tried over and over but it was useless, he couldn’t complete a single sentence without stumbling over his own words. Noticing that using his words would be useless, he looked at you in the eyes to then wander his gaze, pointing to something behind him. You started at him completely lost while he kept repeating the same cycle of looking at you and then looking away, urging you to get what he was trying to say, not moving his head once, like he was unsure to look back.
You exanimated what was at his back; just a couple of students walking to their respective classrooms, friends greeting each other, and Bakugou turning to the right at the end of the corridor to go upstairs-
‘Wait, Bakugou?’
Then it hit you, the awkward silence when he arrived, the unwanted starring, the murmuring, his more than usual foul mood, the outburst, Midoriya’s reluctance to tell you, he probably though he would get into trouble with him if it reached his ears that stupid Deku was talking shit of him to thief bitch. Everything made sense now. You broke out of your trance and looked at Midoriya “Was Bakugou?-” He eagerly nodded his head, satisfied that you finally understood him.
“Oh, I see…”
With the issue clarified and only five minutes left before the class started you two proceeded to go upstairs as well. Midoriya and you made small talk with some intervals of comfortable silence here and there, soon enough you both reached your classroom, people chatting lively when you opened the door. Midoriya walked in just behind you as you made it to your designated seats.
‘If I’m not wrong, Math is our first class of the day’ your mind wandered to other school related topics while you seated at your desk, just as you did the bell ringed and your teacher entered the classroom and started his lesson of the day.
Midday finally came, which mean it was finally lunch time, you invited Midoriya beforehand to eat with you, he timidly accepted, after a lot of nervous quacking but you could tell he seem excited about the idea. As soon as the bell that announced the so waited lunch break ringed, you proceeded to pack your books and stationery into your bag and take out your bento when your desk was crowded by what it looked like to be all the girls in your class. One of them, a girl with short brown hair and blue eyes was the first to approach you.
“Hey Shinohara! Do you want to have lunch with us? We didn’t actually have the chance to talk yesterday and we thought it would be nice to know you better.” She spoke.
“Yuki-chan is right! Is refreshing to have another girl in the class after almost three years since we are very few, with you we are eight now!” Said another one of them visibly thrilled.
“You looked so cool yesterday when you confronted Bakugou!”
“I think nobody has managed to do that and live after it, or actually do it”
“So awesome!”
They gave you a really kind and chill vibe, chatting and praising you animatedly. Although they seemed to really enjoy Bakugou’s antics against your green head classmate, well, nobody's perfect, noted. You can’t judge the book by its cover, but when you looked at them, it’s impossible to not think about…
The offer is almost irresistible.
“That sounds lovely! But Midoriya and I agreed to have lunch together today, so I’m afraid we’ll have to leave it to another time.” You almost cringed at how cutesy and honeyed your voice sounded but they seemed to buy it, until their expressions made a 180. Their faces were shocked and almost offended at the thought of you putting him over their proposal. It was a ‘are you for real?’ reaction over all. You kept smiling at them to emphasize that you were serious, when the girl that talked first tried to dissuade you.
“B-But why don’t you eat with us today and leave your lunch with him for tomorrow? I’m sure Midoriya won’t have a problem, right?” She turned and looked at him just as the rest of the girls did after she, Midoriya flinched nervously holding his bento at the unexpected attention he was receiving.  
“Eh…! I…! Well… Um…”
“You see! He’s ok with it!”
‘He hasn’t even said a thing!’ You thought trying to conceal your disbelief. ‘Let’s put all the beef on the grill then’
“Oh, I got an idea!” You chimed. “Midoriya! Why don’t you join us for lunch too? That way nobody eats alone and we get to know better! It’s a win-win plan! What do you think?” You were not dumb, although it was true you can’t judge anybody by a simple glance, you had a somewhat firm idea of why they were so eager to mingle with you, so you just did what you thought it was necessary to make sure it was not that, and what a better way than with your nerve-wreck of a friend.
‘What a better way to know someone’s character than by the way they treat others?’  
The poor guy looked like he was about to have a seizure and your classmates were not any better; they looked at you even more astonished than before, and you could swear that they started to sweat. Suddenly they look to be hesitant, even the more insistent one. They looked at you, at each other and then at Midoriya.
“I-I think you are right, it wasn’t very nice to insist after you already had plans with…Midoriya, I guess we can leave it for another day.” The others seem to agree, a bit crestfallen but relieved nonetheless.
‘I knew it…’
They shortly left after that; you kept your friendly smile until they finally disappeared behind the door, when they were out of your view completely you let your smile fall and collected your lunch from your desk. You marched to the door, but stopped midway when you noticed that certain someone was still standing lost in his own world, mumbling nonsense as usual.
“Midoriya” You called him, he seemed to have got out of his trance and looked at you eyewided, confused and bewildered.
“Are you coming or what?” You said smiling.
He stared at you genuinely surprised, but he swiftly shook his head and walked towards you.
“A-Are we going to eat outside?” he asked curiously.
“I mean, it’s a beautiful day the temperature is perfect and this would actually be the first time ever that I had the chance to be outside in early April without freezing my butt. Do you have any place in mind?”
“No, I-I always eat by myself, so I prefer to stay in the classroom” He answered somewhat ashamed.
“Its ok, I know the perfect place.”
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Ducktales Della Arc Reviews: The Great Dime Chase!
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Welcome back all you happy people, to my look at the series first arc! I covered the pilot last week and this week i’m going full speed ahead with two more review for this arc, one more for the Lena arc all leading up to BOTH finsihing up next week for DUCK WEEK, my huge celebration of the final episode of Ducktales 2017. So with all that in mind when we last left off the kids moved in, webby gained friends, Donald and Scrooge made the first steps to patching up.. and Dewey found out his mom was also invovled with their adventures setting this arc off. 
This is also where the airing order reshuffling started as this episode was pushed up by two replacing impossible summit as the third episode... and where said order reshuffling for both this arc and the Lena arc really bit Disney in the ass by giving fans the wrong idea about the series pacing. See the original idea was to have a few episodes as a buffer, since this arc itself is only about 5 episodes long, so the pacing would be more spread out and fans while likely getting impatient for the della mystery to be resolved, would expect it to take about that long after a while. The same was clearly planned for the Lena arc. 
The problem is Disney didn’t give one shit about proper airing order, story pacing or any of that at the time despite their most popular show at said time having the same pacing structure and having been aired in the right order. So as a result and as most of you already know, season 1′s structure was a mess: The globetrotting adventure episodes were off ballance with ones set in Duckburg itself, Scrooge sometimes felt like a supporitng character in the first half due to his two focus episodes being crunched to the back for holidays... it was bad. And it was worst here as by having both the Della and Lena arcs progress pretty quickly in the first 6.. it was thus jarring and grating that there was zero progress for either in the rest of the first half, and they had to move the spear of selene up a few episodes when they came back just to make up for it.. which still messed with pacing as that arc wouldn’t be picked up until the final three episodes solving nothing. This made fans blame the creators for sloppy pacing and for taking too long to get to the Della thing when they’d done nothing wrong and HAD staggered it out. It wasn’t till Frank later revealed the order was a bit bungled we got the message and until a few months into the series being on Disney Plus we got a proper order for the series. And again, the arc has pacing issues we’ll get to without this.. but they were made so much work by Disney blatantly disrespecting and ingoring their creative team. 
I will give credit where it’s due though: Disney learned from it. While Season 2 had a few episodes shuffled around, this time it was due to trying out that binge airing strategy they were doing to get shows on Disney Plus faster, airing DuckBombs (Woo-Ooo!) frequently, so they wanted the airing to flow properly with that without screwing up the flow fo the season more than they absolutely had to. They were being careful and delberate this time not to make the same mistake and with season 3, they simply havent’ shuffled the airing order at all> The only two episodes aired out of order were holiday episodes purposefully made to air at the right time and detached from the season as a whole. This stretches to other shows too: Amphibia is two seasons in and Owl House got through it’s whole season with at worst minimal changes to the airing lineup and the arcs all being properly spaced and aired as intended. I give Disney a lot of shit, rightfully so, but I will give them all the credit when they learn from their mistakes and they REALLY did here, learning to trust their creators to know when to actually make an episode and simply having them set aside holiday episodes if they want one. 
Otherwise not a lot of lead in for this one: It introduces a bunch of the supporting cast, reintroduces the board in full, and in general is a pretty good episode. Find out why under the cut. 
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We open with the introduction of the shows go to Show Within a Show Ottoman Empire. And what I’d forgotten was Louie wasn’t always into it but there’s a subtle arc to it: he gets into it, slowly obesses over it, by the end of the season he’s got his brothers into it, it’s not a huge thing but it’s a little detail I can’t help but enjoy a hell of a lot.  But him not liking it is part of a larger problem Scrooge has picked up on: Louie’s laziness has reached godlike new levels: he’s opened about 7 cans of PEP! and only taken a sip from each, won’t change the channel because the remote, which is right next to him and would only take him hopping slightly to the left to get to it or incnching over a bit is “too far”. Scrooge finally blows up at the sight when Louie tosses his phone away for not being charged and assumes he can get another one because “We’re rich”. Scrooge corrects him “I”m rich!” and then drags him off by the hoodie with him to the office so he’ll learn the value of a hard day’s work. And really.. the scene is a good showcase for Scrooge: Louie is acting like the embodiment of all deadbeats and Scrooge is still VERY patient with the boy until it’s very clear he needs a wakeup call. Given Scrooge has a temper on the best of occasions it really shows he’s trying with the boys, and only really snapped when it was clear Louie NEEDED someone to snap at him and snap him out of his bullshit. 
Meanwhile Dewey sneaks into Webby’s room to read her secret file on the McDuck family only to LITERALLY be caught red handed as she put glitter on her outside.. because it looks pretty. And as a security measure. Given she lives with a trained spy who likely has riffled through her stuff at least once, or would at least solely try to check her files just to make sure their secure, and lives in a place that gets broken into or nearly blown up, both by Glomgold, on a regular basis, i’d expect no less. But she also points out the obvious once he explains he’s looking for information on his family: He could’ve just asked. As we saw back in Woo-ooo! like yours truly webby will gladly go on about things she’s obsessed about at the drop of a hat and has likely been dying for someone to share her vast conspiracy board with. As for why he didn’t do the obvious, keep in mind he doesn’t know Webby well this point, so he dosen’t know what questions he asked might set her off and also doesn’t know WHY his uncles don’t talk about her, so he’s being cautious and it’s a nice foreshadowing for his secret keeping throughout the arc.. and how it’s an inherently dumb and selfish idea that only slows down his investigation. 
So naturally given the sequel hook at the end of the pilot, he asks about Della. And after drawing the curtains and making sure Scrooge isn’t around to listen Webby asks what HE knows. Naturally given this is a whole story arc he only knows what she looks like from an old photo of her dunking donald’s head in his birthday cake, and Webby.. knows even less. No one talks about Della and the last time anyone did, a mailmain brought some junk mail with her name on it, Scrooge bought out the post office and they never saw that mail man again. Webby naturally thinks Scrooge murdered him... and while I don’t think he went THAT far, I pity that poor shcmoe and whatever ice floe he’s been banished to. And not a small villiage in the arctic mind you like an actual ice floe scrooge left him on with a lifetimes suply of beans.
 This also admittedly answers a question i’ve been griping about for some time that turns out had a logical answer: I thought he’d somehow wiped her out from public record and the internet and then magically put her back. I was wrong and simply hadn’t rewatched this episode and connected the dots. He likely didn’t do.. any of that, but the triplets likely never thought to internet search her with Donald because as far as they knew Donald was an average person, and thus their mom would be too and looking her up wouldn’t tell her anything about them. It still leaves the plot hole of how they knew about Scrooge and not the Della search, I have no answer for that one, but hey sometimes these things happen and it’s a good enough show I can ignore it. Point is they had no reason to research her before then and Donald likely went out of his way to hide anything about her when they visited places.  Likewise Scrooge was likely so miserable and consumed with his search, and once that was called off his failure, he likely pulled every archive and artifact for his own personal collection to pour over them in sadness and loss and simply put most of it back into the public once the boys helped him heal by the end of the season and the truth was out there. Likewise while the internet info was likely there after this episode too Dewey, as foolish as he can be, likely wasn’t stupid enough to look up his mom’s name on his uncle’s wifi. While Scrooge likely isn’t tech savy, given how paranoid he is and how much of a sore spot this is, it’s not a stretch to have him ask gyro to monitor his wifi for certain key words. So yeah i’ll admit when I was wrong and there was a logical explanation, if still with some holes, all along.
Anyways Webby has one place she hasnt’ been able to get into that might have the answers: Scrooge’s Personal Archives. And as it turns out, both parties are heading to the bin: Scrooge since, much like the comics, that’s where his office is, and Webby and Dewey for the same reason The bin being Scrooge’s buisness center, where his office is where he has meetings where a lot of his emoployees are is very accurate to the comics, as while the layout was never entirely consient apart from “Scrooge’s office is the only way in and out of the bin itself” and said office having a very consistent and iconic look that the series didn’t change. But as we’ll see they added two extra parts to it that in the comics scrooge would Balk at the expense of but this scrooge, whiel still probably not happy about the extra money, knows are vitally necessary. 
Speaking of which the plot splits in two pretty cleanly once we actually get to the bin: Scrooge has no real issue with the kids going to the archives and no glimmer of their real intention, so the plots don't’ meet up again outside of when Louie’s literally crashes into Dewey and Webby’s for a second. There’s some thematic connections, cutaways and an intercut montage, but nothing outside of that. So as is tradition for me i’m covering them seperatly and since it’s both the reason why i’m covering this episode and our B-Plot, let’s start with the archives Webby and Dewey in The Mad Archivist of Scrooge McDuck!
Webby and Dewey head to the archive where we meet Quackfaster. In the comics she’s scrooges long suffering secretary, emphasis on suffering. He barely pays her, takes expenses out of her paycheck and she generally seems once minute away from a nervous breakdown at any given time. What i’m saying is the character and the “gag” have not aged well in any way shape or form so instead here she was revamped. Frank and Matt leaned on Scrooge’s love for adventure more than his greed at first, and had his thrill-seeking be his vice more. It does make sense as greed isn’t nearly as good as it was to people in the 40′s and especially the 80′s, but they eventually clearly realized they made it a bit too subtle, as it’s still an iconic part of the character and played it up a bit more in seasons 2 and 3, to the point two of his worst moments in backstory, both revealed in season 3, come from his greed. They found a nice ballance and I do think having his adventuring also be a vice was a nice change of  pace.  As such, they came up with the idea that he’d hire people who like him are exceptionally talented but also a bit reckless and unhinged. The kind of people most employers would unfairly shut the door on but Scrooge sees their true talent and worth and treats them with the respect they deserve. People who in most other works would be super villains, but here are kept from that by being given honest jobs for their talents and a boss who has no intention of ripping them off or undermining them. IT’s a great concept and I wish we’d saw more than two people hired with that in mind, but the two we got are great.
So with all this Quackfaster was reinvented with this idea in mind to someone entirely different but infinitely more entertaining: She’s now a ham of the highest order, not literally, and slightly unballanced. She also refuses to help Dewey until he completes some challenges for her, sorting out a code in the dewey decimel system
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And in sorting the books to get to know the archives. Webby is all for it naturally as this is a dream for her: she’s likely tried to access the place for years and couldn’t as a non-relative, something Scrooge hopefully relaxes in the future, so a giant pile of books about adventuring, Scrooge (including an apparently 7 volumes on his favorite smells one of which Webby gives a happy “I knew it” upon finding out it was fresh baked cookies), and places he’s been, including a sly nod to Plain Awful. This is a hallmark of the show making smaller nods to the past incarnations without going into them or doing those adventures again and while I was at first disappointed those tales already happened in some form, I now get they simply wanted to tell NEW ONES, and were a big as fan of the olds ones as most of you reading this and myself. Though between you and me I was never a big fan of the square eggs story. Good idea just a weird and not all that funny execution. 
Dewey however has the patience of a coked up ferret who also took some shrooms and being Dewey tries simply demanding she tell him. Naturally yelling at the weird hammy lady intrusted to guard the private library of someone whose a certified badass.. is not a smart or correct move and Quackfaster decides if they can’t respect the archives they’ll become PART OF THE ARCHIVES and pulls out a crescent shaped sword to apparently murder them. 
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So a chase ensues with the two trying to simply throw books at her, escape her and only narrowly doing so for a minute when Louie pops up being chased by a giant robot made by a smaller robot using a giant change machine. I love this show. 
Eventually their backed into a corner while Dewey defiantly demands info on his mom. And his impatience and anger is understandable: this is the first time in his ten or so year old life he’s had ANY chance of learning anything on her.. and he’s having to do various fetch quests. While he could use some tact, may not get him stabbed so much, his viewpoint is understandable. 
Thankfully it turns out Quackfaster was just doing a Mr.Miaygi and secretly testing them, having chased them to the book Dewey wanted, and said code she had them find earlier is the login for the vault. Granted it also has them put away some books (”How much of this is us just doing your job for you?” “About fiffttty perceeennnt”), but she works for scrooge. While he thankfully pays her a living wage here he still can’t be paying her much. Still they find their way to a secret vault and Dewey gets stabbed a bit to verify he is a mcduck.. and let into Scrooge’s secret room, full of treasures Della likely gathered. As I said, he DID put them aside somewhere, and likely just wanted them to cry over and donald didn’t fight it since the last thing he wanted was the boys learning their legacy. D
The telling part here though, despite accusations later.. is that Dewey’s first instinct upon finding this is  to tell his brothers.  Keep in mind Dewey’s all consuming need for attention and validiation, all of which he could possibly get and only have to share with Webby. He has every selfish reason for not telling them.. but he wants to. He knows they deserve to learn to. The only wrinkle is webby finding a note saying “Scrooge i’m taking the spear of selene, i’m sorry”. He decides to hide it for their sake right then and there. But while part of this as we’ll get into later in the week is him simply being afraid of what he’ll find personally.. it’s fair to NOT want to tell them. To try and protect them from the horrible truth whatever it may be. He has no way of knowing the betryal was nonexistant here and neither did we. It’s not the right course of action, awful truth or no they deserved to know too and both would say as much later, she’s their mom: good person or bad they know.. but like his uncles he’s not hiding this out of malice but because the truth might genuinely hurt them.. and as we’ll learn.. it will.. oh boy will it ever. But more on that next week and more on the arc itself later this week. What about the rest of the episode?
Louie in The Great Dime Chase! and Scrooge in The Boardroom Full of Heartless Assholes!
Winding back a few hours, Scrooge drags Louie up to his office, where the boy is genuinely impressed.. before naturally trying to take a swim in the money while Scrooge tries to tell him about his number one dime. Scrooge stops him before head injury occurs explaining that yes, even the money thing requires proper training: Louie would’ve just cracked his skull open and this would’ve either gotten really dark really fast or turned into a horrifying and hilarious child death version of weekend at bernies. It’s what Louie would’ve wanted. Scrooge can do it because he’s built up the muscle and resistance over time, strong enough and skilled enough to travel through the solid metal and dive into it. It’s a nice nod to life and times: While Scrooge didn’t necesarily train to swim in money, he bathed in it at first and when he needed to during an adventure discovered he could swim through it going from one barrel of his cash to another. So tweaking that slightly to an earned skill, and one Louie will have leanred by the end of the season, was a billiant move..and a way of silencing all those head injury jokes. 
But their soon interrupted by the board, who Scrooge dosen’t recall having a meeting with and likely pull this kind of shit all the time when they can get Scrooge. It makes even more sense after the Della reveal, as he likely has to be forced into dealing with the men who, while as far as he knew were trying to help him, still pulled him away from Della.. and in one case, had a shit eating grin about it. Seriously Bradford you smirked evilly about your nemesis not being able to rescue his daughter how do you NOT get that your the bad guy?
The meeting ends up being boring with Louie asleep and Scrooge almost there, as let’s face it most board meetings probably are, until Gyro barges in! It’s our first apperance of 2017 Gyro and a lot of people were upset by how much more of an ass he was. Me, while I like the kind and gentle original, like the more mad sciency version here and feel Jim Rash did a good job with it, and  I only really hate it when he’s around Fenton, and the show eventually addressed how fucked up that was in Season 3 after downplaying it in Season 2 by having them barely interact and have Gyro genuienly show some pride. Otherwise I like my insane prideful version even if I get why some don’t like it as it is nothing like the comics, but as we see with Donald not being a lot like the comics version isn’t a bad thing. 
IT’s one hell of a character establishing moment, as he barges in, is rude to everyone and has to read cue cards to properly intro his latest invention Little Bulb, Gyro’s most iconic invention whose made here to help people not do work. The Board is skeptical though as most of Gyro’s inventions have turned evil, a nice nod to the fact that most of Gyro’s robots in the original series, who are in fact on a list of previous inventions.. turned evil and tried to kill people. IT also shows his warmer side as he insists they aren’t evil just misunderstood, or at least half were anyway, and tries to cover for Little Bulb shaking his fist at them and doing a throat slitting gesture... which while Bradford plays dumb about what that means.. he’s worked in organized Villainy for at least 55 years. He knows what that gesture means. It’s Heron’s favorite. And even if he didn’t he’s also worked with Scrooge for around 30. It’s also Scrooge’s favorite. So it’s rejected though Scrooge encourages Gyro who vows they’ll understand one day and they’ll all pay. Really should save that for outside. 
Scrooge vouches for the board to Louie who questions such a slam dunk, pointing out he trusts their judgment.. mostly because he dosen’t know they’ve been embezzling from him to fund an evil spy orginzation the whole time but still, he usually trusts them. He would’ve found a way to fire them if he didn’t on the Della thing. But sometimes they overstep and they undermine that statment by suggesting cuts to the Bin’s budget, starting with Magical defenses “Do you know how many curses I have on my head?”. And props to the creators as they apparnetly had the whole Bombie idea in mind this far back, and as Bradford later shows towards the end of next season when he lures Louie into cutting it, he KNOWS where that money goes. He just was trying to feign ignorance to get Scrooge killed if he could. Clever bastard. 
So Louie goes to get a drink, and naturally scrooge’s drink machine in his office not only charges but requires an extra ten cents. Louie assumes the dime in his office is an emergency Dime only to walk in on Scrooge giving the full story. As you all likely know, it’s his number one dime, with the origin taken straight from life and times: He was a poor shoe shine, and he worked hard to clean off a ditchdigger’s muddy boots, working himself to the bone.. only to get an American dime which inspired him both to work harder and smarter than anyone and to go to America to seek his fourtune. There’s some extra steps in the original material, and another bit that the show would also adapt later that we’ll get to next week, but point is it’s his symbol of all his hard work.. that Louie just sent into the vending machine.  So said great chase insures as Louie follows the dime, as it’s emptied from the vending machine.. by a gull janitor we only see this season. And he’s a really likeable guy I wish we’d learned more. He then faces his and Charles Xavier’s greatest enemy THE STAIRS. There’s a runner about Louie having to constnatly run up and down the massive amount of stairs the bin has as someone else takes the elevator and by the climax it’s been taken out entirely. It’s pretty great.  So Louie’s seemingly screwed and instead looks up how to pick a lock on YouTube.. no really. That’s what he does. Frank outright mentioned this in an interview, pointing out they wanted the kids to act like a kid would.. and props to him that’s what a kid would do. Hell that’s what I would do if I were locked out of a place and time was of the essence. Either that or look up a step by step instruction on google. He then runs into Gyro though, and gets the idea to use LIttle Bulb, convinces Gyro he has money and would like to invest and just needs to borrow the little guy and Gyro is happy to agree to it. 
Naturally though, Louie’s laziness and a volatile machine who only likes one people just like his daddy, do not mix and Louie leaves sorting the coins to it while he watches Ottoman Empire, actually getting really sucked into it. IN fairness he did start with the Glomgold episode. Little Bulb meanwhile shows just how awesome he is by turning himself into a giant coni sorting mech by rewiring and reconfiguring the coin sorter.. and naturally given who made hi going mad with power. So while he did get the dime out.. he’s not horrifyingly obessed with chasing it and the real great dime chase begins. 
Back at the meeting Scrooge continues to debate the Buzzards who now want to cut staff, both of whom Scrooge rightfully defends. While Gyro is a bit unhinged, his inventions have likely made the company millions and saved them billions, and while Quackfaster is the same as we just saw, there’s a method to her madness and her laziness. And given Quackfaster works two additional jobs to afford a nice retirement, it’s clear that while he pays them decently he’s likely still not paying them gobs. With the power of hindsight i’ts very clear Bradford just wants to try if he can to eliminate two sources of chaos and backup for Scrooge and when Scrooge sarcastically suggests just getting rid of the bin, Bradford goes with it with a shit eating grin, but it’s very clear by that and Scrooge’s frustration this is a non starter, and Bradford’s likely doing it just because he frankly knows it’ll piss Scrooge off. 
So Louie runs for it working harder than he has in his whole life, with Gyro eventually trying to talk little bulb down, to no avail.. though we do get a nice moment of it registering him as father. Awwww. So the chase naturally eventually leads to the bin and Louie stuck in it, slowly swimming across, until Gyro gets to LIl Bulb, and realizes he’s in the wrong time of wattage and has literally gone mad with power and puts him back in his tiny old body fixing the problem. Gyro also crashed in with the bulb mech earlier, and while it disproves Scrooge’s point he’s stable.. he simply rolls with it and points out his staff is dangerously insane, and would likely swear vengeance on the Board if they were fired. And while he dosen’t say this part of it directly given Scrooge treats BOTH Quackfaster and Gyro exceptionally well, he knows they’ll know EXACTLY whose idea it was.. probably even tell them. So the board agrees to keep things as is to not die horribly as supervillains or not they have limits. 
So the day is one, Louie finds the dime, replaces it and passes out with Scrooge none the wiser. it also turns out the Dime isn’t even the real deal, to Louie’s frustration. But Scrooge is proud he clearly worked hard, and gives him the fake dime as his own number one dime, a nice setup for their bond and a nice showing that Louie really has the potential to be as rich as his uncle one day, and it’s clear by this setup there was a lot of potential here for an arc.. which is why we got one. More on that some other time. Louie accidently spends it while Gyro ends realizing if he put himself int he robot it wouldn’t go mad with power.. and thus Project Blatherskite is born. And we all know where this is going. 
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Final Thoughts: All in all a decent episode. It has great pacing, some excellent world building, and some really good gags. While the series would do better episodes as it went, for an early episode helping set things up including Louie’s charcter arc, Gyro, Gizmoduck and the board as proper characters, it’s still very good and one of the series early standouts. 
Next Time on Della: Donald is forced to confront his adventuring past when he runs into his old sorta friend THE INCREDIBLE STORKULES, Scrooge is forced into games of the gods by their resident Douchebag Zeus, and Dewey is forced to confront his own fear of whatever it is his mom did. Confront this review later this week. 
Next Time on This Blog: It’s Lena’s Dark Night of the Soul as she and Webby head into “The Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck!” 
If you liked this review share it, feel free to commission your own and feel free to join my patreon at patreon.com/popculturebuffet. Even a buck a month helps, and helps me reach my stretch goals, the current one being just 5 dollars away, and netting you reviews of the super Ducktales arc of Ducktales and a Darkwing Duck Review every month. See you at the next rainbow.
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star-gamerxox · 3 years
So I know I promised I'd have to two traditional requests posted but...
I wont for a bit. I'm gonna be a bit distant sometimes and sometimes I'll be way too active
(Not really a rant or anything below but it meantions sensitive subjects for me too so I'm hiding it. None of you have to read it. Its not super bad though)
So I just got back from a trip to the state my dad lives in.
My mom stayed with me the whole time but it didnt stop my fear.
My dad kept steering us away from my step mom, in a way standing up for me for once in my life, but I still had to see her. I still sat close to her. I still had to hear her yell and be in that hell house.
And it's not just here. The last two times I went down there, and the reason I cant stay overnight there anymore, is because I got bad hives. Like hives on my face so bad then when I blush, its blotchy because of scars.
Being there doesnt hold any happy memories. The driveway? I remember the day we told my stepmom I wanted to go home early, those years ago, and she called my mom and made me stand in the driveway instead of letting me take a shower. I cried and hopped from foot to foot, barefoot on rocks.
The kitchen? I remember waking up at 8 am and having to clean the fridges out. I remember barely having finished breakfast, not yet having a sip of water, and having to haul out the trash bags and get yelled at when I wanted to go in aand get something to drink.
The bathroom? Cleaning the same spot 3 times cause it wasnt good enough.
The livingroom is the worst though. The time I had to leave at 2am for my flight so I sat there, helplessly in pain because of my hives. Being yelled at for one thing or another.
Being told "this here book says that how you take care of your hair relates to how you see ypurself... so man, you really hate yourself dont you."
Loosing all faith in humanity as she turned off the wifi box and I had to sit there with no contact to the outside world. That happened when the wifi box died too or when she forgot to pay.
The garage, my one escape where my dad and I listened to audio books.
My room, the only place I could cry.
So yea. She didnt yell at me. Or say anything mean.
But I still had to go in and see all those places, relive all those memories. With my anxiety meds, my memories are just more clear.
It's not that I didnt enjoy seeing everyone but...
So yea, I'm recovering mentally. On the car ride back I just lost all energy. All I can do right now is look down at my phone when we walk around, too afraid to face reality.
So I might not work on anything, or I may work obsessively on something.
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sabraeal · 4 years
Rarely Pure & Never Simple, Chapter 7
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
Obiyukiweek 2020, Day 4: Free Day
The air still smells like freesia and vanilla as Shirayuki returns from her shower, scrubbed clean and with the thinnest pajamas she can muster. Even now the heat’s starting to settle on her skin, turning her post-shower dew into regular summer sweat, and oh, she needs to get that fan oscillating stat, before she stews in her own juices like some Shirayuki-flavored pulled pork.
She settles on the bed, flapping out a hand to turn it on and--
Ugh, it’s just...pushing hot air around, at this point. Maybe if she’s sweats through another set of pajamas tonight, she’ll be able to convince Nanna she needs an AC unit in her window.
(Her room-- back when it was her mother’s-- had a unit, but after an unfortunate incident that involved her father, a thwarted clandestine encounter, and a hole in the garage roof, the replacement instead went into the kitchen, where it’s lived every summer until it malfunctioned and froze to the sill. Grandad’s replaced it since, but still-- it’s never returned to her window. Of all the sins of her mother Shirayuki’s had to answer for, this one is hands down the worst.
“Really?” Obi laughs, wiping the sweat from his forehead with the hem of his shirt. She sees the barest hint of abdominals and suddenly, the orientation packet isn’t half as engaging as it was before. “Not the whole...’grandparents convinced their first great grandchild will pop out before graduation’ thing?”
“To be fair,” she manages, breath thin as the worn fabric drops back over her current distraction. “The point was pretty much moot until, um...”
Oh, that-- that grin is trouble. “Until you climbed on top of me and made me come hard enough to go blind?”
He really, really doesn’t need to say it like-- like that. “S-something like that.”)
She’s ready to just call it a day at this point-- and nearly does. Rolling up onto her side, she reaches for the cord to her lamp--
Buzz. Buzz.
Shirayuki blinks. That’s...that’s her phone.
She’s tempted to ignore it-- she does not need Kihal speculating about what her and Obi could get up to in the woods “all unsupervised” tomorrow, and Obi should still--
 9:12, her phone reads. His shift at the club is over, and by now he’s probably--
Home. Texting her. 
Shirayuki nearly drops her phone straight down the crack between her bed and nightstand, and oh jeez, it would be nice if she could just...calm down for once. Be cool.
It buzzes again. She yelps, trying to flick the screen on with a wild shake. She can save being cool for another day. One where she’s seen him more than once in two weeks.
hey, the text reads, nestled in its innocuous gray bubble, we should talk
Shirayuki experiences something that could medically be called an event. Is he upset? Has she done something--?
not a bad talk, he clarifies, just miss you
She rolls onto her back with a smile, thumbs poking at the screen to say, i miss you t--
mebbe a sexy talk tho ;3 i *rlly* miss u
is that for the sexy or the bad grammar
She catches the call on the first ring, barely having time for a breath before Obi drawls, “You weren’t complaining about sexy things two weeks ago.”
With all the dignity of a mathlete champion, Shirayuki replies, “Hnn?”
(”Eek!” She yanks the controller up, to the side, anywhere that might help move her character away from giant beetle on the screen. “How do I--? Where do I--?”
Obi’s chest makes a hollow thunk when she rams into it. He coughs; it takes her a full, frantic second to realize it’s to cover a laugh.
“You know,” he murmurs, plucking the controller out of her hands, “joycons don’t have motion sensors.”
“I don’t know,” she returns primly, folding her legs back down over the edge of the bed. “And also you told me this game was easy.”
“Rune Factory is easy.” His mouth twitches. “Half the game is farming.”
“And the other half is fighting...whatever those things are.” She waves at the screen, scowling at the RETRY? stamped across it. “Which is hard.”
“It’s not,” He leans back, setting the controller on his nightstand. “You could even say...”
His arm hooks around her waist, dragging her on top of him. “...It’s as easy as I am.”
Her breath rasps out of her, and oh god, she can feel his dick pressing up against her thigh, so hard already. “You’re not making me feel very accomplished.”
“Well,” his fingernails scrape up the back of her legs, “we can fix that.”)
“You were very enthusiastic,” he remarks casually, “from what I remember.”
“Mm, well.” Two could play at this game...maybe. “It was two weeks ago.”
She may not be able to see him, but she can feel his grimace through the wire. Or well, the air? Wifi? Shirayuki wasn’t really up on how phones worked past the Edison era. It’s not like they ask how cell phones work on the SATs.
“Sorry,” he sighs, pillow audibly whumping over the receiver. “I know I warned you, but I really thought we’d have had more time to talk.”
“It’s okay.” She squirms against her sheets, fighting a shrug he can’t see. “I...I missed you, but I know how much the hours mean to you.”
“I missed you too.” His voice is so soft, so vulnerable, so unlike the boy who made her miss auditions a year ago. “I’m glad we’ll see each other tomorrow.”
“Me too,” she breathes, and oh, it doesn’t seem soon enough. Not when she wants to wrap her arms around him, lay her head on his chest and just listen to him breathe. “You could--”
Come over. Her teeth snap down on the offer. Sure, it’d be nothing for him to hop up to the garage roof, for her to leave the window open--
But that’s how she got here, and nope, no. Not happening.
“--come pick me up tomorrow?” she squeaks out instead, cheeks burning. There’s no way he won’t know she meant something else, that she was avoiding--
“What? Don’t want to be smooshed in the backseat of Big Guy’s swagger wagon?” She can hear the smirk on his lips. “I thought you were looking forward to it.”
“I don’t think Mitsuhide would appreciate you calling his minivan that,” she informs him primly, not a laugh in sight. It’s a feat only achieved by the judicious application of her teeth to her cheeks. “And I was! I mean, I am. It’s just...”
“Big Guy gives priority seating based on height?”
Well, that’s definitely part of it. With all five of them, she’s always left in the back seat, alone, and Obi--
“Gotta say, looking forward to all that leg room,” he drawls, “and getting an airbag all to myself. You think he’ll let me at the aux cable?”
“Aww.” Shirayuki knows he’s pouting; a full-on, little kid lip wibble. “You’re my girlfriend, you’re supposed to be on my side.”
“You know what you did.” A two hour meme mix on the way to Laxdo. “Besides, I just thought it would be better if we, um, had some time to ourselves. Before.”
“Oh?” he hums, so curious, and-- oh, it doesn’t usually take him this long to pick up on when she’s trying to, um, tell him something. “I figured you wouldn’t mind since we’d have all day-- oh.” There it is. “You mean alone.”
“W-well, it’s been two weeks,” she hedges nervously. “And I’m not saying I couldn’t, um, behave--”
“Yeah, I’ll pick you up.” The words come out fast, pinched. Maybe she’s being too pushy; Obi likes to tease, but that doesn’t mean he’s always in the mood to-- “I’m definitely not going to be able to keep my hands to myself.”
“O-oh.” Well. That’s hitting different tonight. Maybe because it’s already over ninety, and her temp is climbing with it. Or maybe because she’s only wrapped up in the thinnest, most barely-there clothes she has; the kind he could rip like tissue paper--
Or maybe because it’s been two weeks, and despite going eighteen years without needing any sexual contact, she’s as tragically hard up as a teen comedy protagonist.
“I didn’t know you were...in a bind.” His voice drops to a rumble, and ah, that is not helping the situation. Her thighs slip against each other, trying to dull the ache. “You know I’m always happen to lend a hand when you need it, kid.”
“It not that bad,” she murmurs, but it’s starting to get there the longer he talks. The more she thinks about him showing up tomorrow, just them alone in her house-- “And you didn’t have time to come over.”
“I don’t need to come over.” He’s laughing, but there’s something in it that’s more, that’s almost a purr. “Come on, kid, I gave you those earphones for a reason. Hands free.”
“O-oh.” She’s all too aware of them now, clipped over her ears. Her hand’s only holding the screen out of habit. Hands free.
“I mean, if you’re really hard up,” he hums, “we could do something about it now. Take the edge off.”
She-- she shouldn’t. “Obi! You don’t really mean...?”
“Absolutely. I’d really like to--” his voice cracks,and oh, oh-- “it’s been so long since I made you come, babe.”
(”Well, that’s the last vote for Dreamiest Hair,” Shirayuki sighs, her flyaways dancing at the edge of her vision. “What’s the next category?”
Kihal glances down and grins. “Sexiest Voice.”
She gapes. “Is Mrs Gazalt really going to let us give out an award for that?”
“Mrs Gazalt takes her position of club supervisor very seriously,” Kihal informs her, “and by that I mean, she sits in the corner playing Words with Friends and just lets us do what we want, as long as it isn’t dangerous. Or illegal.”
“Still.” Her mouth pulls tight, a grim line across her face. If the rest of the club could see her now, her Cutest Smile win would be revoked. “That seems, I don’t know...”
“Like it wouldn’t be a contest? I know.” Kihal shrugs. “But that’s what the freshmen picked. I guess they’re just really hoping Obi will growl through his whole acceptance speech.”
“No, I-- wait, Obi?” Her mouth is dry suddenly. She crosses her legs beneath the table. “Why would--? Obi?”
Kihal rolls her eyes. “Oh come on, you’ve heard him over the headset. He’s got that whole like, gravel thing going on. And when he gets heated with someone, like that time with Raj, hoo--” she fans herself-- “I know you have a thing for Zen, but like, I still don’t know how you didn’t jump him.”
Her cheeks burn, painfully. “I-I don’t-- that’s not--”
“Come on, Shirayuki,” she clucks, rolling her eyes. “You have ears. That couldn’t have done nothing for you.”
At the time she’d been so mortified that Raj had not only followed her to the place that was supposed to be her escape, but that he’d brought up what happened, like it didn’t even bother him--
Well, sex had been the last thing on her mind. At least the actual, arousing kind. But now, now--
Listen, I’m sure you have a lot to say but I really can’t-- his voice breaks, and the phantom pressure of his fingers weighs on her lips-- I was supposed to have your back, and I fucked up. I know it doesn’t make up for what happen but I-- his breath rasps from his throat, so raw that hers hurts in sympathy-- I’m sorry.
--she gets it.
“Right, um--” it’s hard to think with her face so hot-- “we should still count the votes anyway.”)
(He wins in a landslide. His acceptance speech at the drama banquet is so suggestive that he ends up with half a dozen panties shoved into his pockets. They tumble out of his jacket when he leans over the console to kiss her, right over the stick shift and onto her lap.
What am I gonna do with a bunch of ladies underwear? he’d murmured against her lips, fingers toying at the strap of her gown, earning her own personal vote. You need any, kid?)
“Wha-what?” She winces at the loud bang over the speakers, followed by a softer, more distant “Fuck.”
“Ah, is everything--?”
“Fine,” Obi assures her, sounding like maybe some of his limbs are out of order. “Just...dropped my phone. I didn’t...are you sure?”
Her fingers clench in her sheets. “Yes. I just...don’t really know how to start.”
“Well.” His voice drops playfully low. “Are you in the position?”
“Is the position laying down?” she asks, nervous. “Because I’m laying down.”
He tries to smother it, but she would know his laugh anywhere. “Yeah, great. Good. You’re ready?”
Shirayuki squirms against her pillow, legs rubbing together so hard they should chirp, like some sort of horny cricket. “I guess...”
Obi doesn’t hide his laugh now, just lets it rumble out from his chest in a way that is...not helping. Or maybe it is, considering the whole...situation. “You guess?”
“I just--” am terrified-- “don’t understand.”
He grunts, and by the sound of rustling in her ears, gets comfortable. “What’s holding you up?”
Everything. “It’s better if we just wait isn’t it? I mean to do this, um...”
In person. With someone who knows how to touch her, instead of her fumbling around and showing just how bad at all this sexy stuff she can be.
“This involves sexy talking, doesn’t it?” If distress is a destination, then she’s already laid out a lawn chair and ordered a drink from the cabana. She’s hopeless when her speeches are planned and PG, let alone when she’s trying to improv and it’s about-- about-- “Do I have to talk about penises?”
He makes an ungodly noise. “Kid.”
“I just don’t think I have the experience to talk about them with any sort of authority,” she presses on, brain undaunted by how ridiculous she sounds. “Especially if I’m also supposed to be doing...other things. It’s really--”
“Shirayuki--” he says her name so soft, so fond, and she knows, she knows-- “you should learn how to do it yourself, too.”
--that he’s seen right through her.
“I don’t see why,” she mumbles stubbornly, fidgeting with the hem of her shorts. “You’re going to Lyrias too. Your room is in the building next door, and it’s connected to mine! I don’t really think I need to learn how to-- to--” she whines, the words sticking in her throat-- “this!”
“Kid.” He heaves a sigh, and even though she’s dying from the mortification of Being Known, it sends shivers right through her. “Just because you’re subscribed to Sexy Culinary School Weekly with Obi doesn’t mean you shouldn’t know how to cook on your own.”
“You magazine needs to work on its name.”
“Yeah, let me just go workshop it with Princess Prettymane and Calico Dog.”
“It’s duchess.”
“You know that doesn’t make it better, right?” he deadpans. “Princess Prettymane at least has alliteration. Also,” his voice lilts, playful, “you’re trying to change the subject. Which is cute, and really makes me want to kiss you until you worry that we’re going to ruin another pair of tights, but--”
“I’m not wearing tights right now.”
His jaw snaps shut.
“See,” he manages after a long moment, hoarse, “that is a very distracting thing to say.”
The gravel in his voice scrapes at an itch she didn’t know she had, heat painting a searing line down her spine. She’s already slick from sweat, but this adds another texture to it, one that’s growing more insistent by the second.
“And very confusing.” She doesn’t know what it says that even his complaints are doing it for her. “Since a few seconds ago, you weren’t sure if you could talk sexy, and now you’re telling me all sorts of things.”
“I was just...informing you. Of the situation.” Her nails pluck nervously at her waistband. “It’s summer, so, um, no tights.”
“Oh right,” he breathes, wry, “just setting the scene.”
“You know,” she tries again, too shrill, “I’m really fine with how you do it. I don’t really think-- I mean, is it really necessary that I have to--?”
“Kid, you’re the one that said okay,” he reminds her. “You don’t have to do anything. It’s just better for you if you know what you like. That way if you...”
His breath rasps from his throat. “...You should know what you like, separate from, ah, someone else.”
It’s a nice wrapping job he’s done on this baggage, but even with only a year under her belt, she knows what the tag on this one says. “I’m not going to go to college and suddenly not want you anymore, Obi.”
“I know that,” he says, but he doesn’t, not really. Obi doesn’t really talk much about before, about all the girls he’s snuck into his room or met at a party or whatever, but he thinks that all this, this whole wanting to put Tab A into Slot B thing, is the default. That you meet someone and maybe you talk a little and then bingo-bango-bongo, you know if you want to get on a horizontal surface with them.
He doesn’t get that this, for her, isn’t her normal. If Zen hadn’t been kind to her that first day, if he hadn’t helped Kihal with her Brecker problem, if the rumors surrounding them hadn’t whipped up to a fevered pitch so even she couldn’t ignore them-- well, Shirayuki wouldn’t have even been thinking about romance.
So the fact that she can look at him and feel like she’s walked into the country club’s sauna with her school clothes on-- that different. That’s special. That’s not going to just happen with someone she meets in an 8AM lecture.
If only she were as good with word things as her English grades suggested she should be, she’d be to tell him that.
“This isn’t about...” Obi lets out a disgruntled huff. “Listen, I know I definitely had some inspired ideas about what you would like from...before--”
(She’s still panting as she comes down, tremors zipping up and down her spine, “How did you...?”
Obi smiles, a wide Cheshire Cat grin. Fitting, since she definitely feels like she’s been dragged down the rabbit hole. “How did I what, kid?”
“Know to do that. With my hips,” She smooths her palms over where he’d grabbed them. They ache; it wouldn’t surprise her if she had hand-shaped bruises slapped across them tomorrow.
“Oh, I thought you’d like that.” Obi curls into her side, too pleased. He’s hard against her hip, but-- she likes it. “When I caught you coming off that ladder, you made that little hiccuppy noise, so I figured...pretty sensitive right?”
She stares.
He blinks. “What, did I say something--?”
“Obi” she manages, “that was four months ago.”)
“But if you knew what you liked...” She doesn’t need to see him to know there’s a feral smile stretching across his face. “I could do much better.”
Oh, that sounds...nice. She shifts, and she-- she leaks, thick slick coating the tops of her thighs.
“Besides, if we’re going to bring toys into the equation,” he continues, as if he hadn’t just dropped a bomb in the middle of the conversation, “you should know what makes you feel good without any electronic intervention, if you know what I mean.”
Ah, she-- she definitely does.
“Toys?” she squeaks. “I don’t-- I don’t remember any, um, toy talk.”
Obi hums, amused. “Well, I did promise you a good graduation gift.”
“You--you already gave me one!” Her hand skips up to run over the smooth plastic. “I’m using it right now!”
“Mm.” He’s too pleased with himself, like he’s caught her scent on the air from all the way across town. “But you won’t need them much at school. So...”
“I won’t need t-that at school either!” She’s glad she’s got these headphones; her cheeks would be making her phone’s screen go haywire. “I’ll have you, and I’m very, um, happy with your performance. I don’t think we need to add, um, props.”
“As chuffed as I am to have you appreciating my prowess, kid--” oh he’s going to be unlivable after this, she can just tell-- “that’s all the more reason to have something in the wings to mix it up. Especially since we’re waiting t-to--” he stumbles, voice dropping to a murmur-- “I mean, since we both want to, um...”
He’s so tortured trying to talk about it without actually talking about it that she takes pity on him. “Since I’m afraid of penises, but we both like to touch each other.”
“I mean, since we’re waiting to have sex,” he manages, pained. “Or at least, the kind that involves dicks and, ah, going places.”
She’s been around him too long, because without even missing a beat, she claps back, “Oh, I didn’t realize yours was having its own hero journey.”
“It has certainly felt a Call to Adventure,” he mumbles, “and a Woman as a Temptress.”
“Excuse me?”
“I mean, a Meeting with the Goddess,” he amends, quick enough that she grins. “And once again, you’re trying to distract me. Though I thought it would more like ‘clothes I am missing’ instead of ‘Campell’s seventeen stages thesis.’“
“I’m sticking to what I know,” she tells him primly. “But I suppose I could tell you that, um, I’m not wearing a bra?”
He grunts, gutted. “Ohh, you are really just trying to make this difficult.” He adds, a little waspish, “All this trouble better be working for you, because it’s definitely working for me.”
“Oh, are you--” she swallows, hoping he can’t hear it-- “did you really want to try that?”
“Ah, I mean...” His breath comes sharp, short. “Yeah. If you would like to.”
Her breath catches. “I haven’t really, um...”
Done this. Ever. It would be so easy to say it, but it’s just-- belaboring the point. He knows. He just...thinks she’s a much better student than she is. At least about things like this.
“Listen, I haven’t...” He hesitates, and she realizes-- he’s embarrassed. “This isn’t something I’ve done with anyone before. You know I’m not really anyone’s...long term option.”
Grandad always says that she shoots from the cuff-- a nice way of saying doesn’t think before talking-- but she doesn’t regret it, not one bit, when she blurts out, “You’re mine.”
Obi’s breath rasps into the speaker. “Y-yeah. I know.” With a swallow, he adds, “And I know you think I have a lot of experience, but there’s a lot out there to try, and I haven’t even brushed the surface of it, you know? And I just thought, knowing you, knowing how curious you are...”
She blinks. “You mean...you’ve never been with someone long enough to, um, explore?”
“Ah, plenty of people would pick up Sexy Culinary Weekly up off the rack, but um--” he huffs out a laugh, soft and self-deprecating-- “you’d be the first to pick up a subscription.”
Shirayuki doesn’t like to pry, but for a good long moment, she considers asking for a list with some names. Just to talk, of course.
She takes a deep breath instead, trying to focus. “So you want to-- to explore with me?”
“If you want to,” he’s quick to say. “I know all of this is...new. I just thought since we won’t be doing a, ah, traditional progression here--”
He sighs. “You know, the uh, porn formula. Fingering, hand job, blow job, eating--”
“OKAY,” she yelps, clapping a hand to her face. “I get it!”
“Right, well, there’s a lot between what we’re doing and PIV.” She nearly giggles at how he says it, piv, like it’s a word and not an acronym. It's almost...cute. Like an adorable monster she could get a plushie of, instead of something that involved penises and could make her pregnant.
“And since we’re not doing any of that soon,” he continues, “we could, ah...take the scenic route. And maybe that would be a little less intimidating for you, since we’d both be new at...whatever we’re doing, instead of feeling like you had to catch up.”
Her heart flutters, and the warmth in her gut spreads up to her chest. “I think you’re mixing metaphors.”
“Sorry, I can’t think of cooking puns for everything,” he deadpans. “Think of it as not having to rush to read back issues, I guess.”
She hums. “I think you’re asking me to help with recipe development.”
“Well, if we’re going to embark on culinary adventures together--” he presses, voice bubbling like he’s trying to keep down a laugh. Several, if she’s anything to go by-- “then you should be comfortable with what your body likes before we add any...additional ingredients. You have to learn to do it the right way before we do it the easy way.”
“Oh,” she breathes. Obi was definitely starting to have a point about doing all this now. “Like New Math.”
“Wow, kid,” he deadpans, “really getting right down to the dirty talk.”
She flushes. Good thing he can’t see her. “I-I thought that was your job.”
He laughs, a rumble she feels right down to her bones. “You’re right. What are you wearing?”
She coughs. “Really?”
“I’m trying to set the scene,” he informs her, far too innocent. “This is a delicate shared fantasy we’re making. Wouldn’t want you to get thrown out of it because I mention panties and you’re wearing boyshorts.”
“I’m not wearing underwear,” she blurts out. “Wearing it overnight increasing the chance of yeast infections.”
Ah, there it is: the regret. It would be nice if she could just...not be like this. If she could just think through what she says when she’s nervous, instead of talking about diseased vaginas with her boyfriend while he’s trying to...make love at her, or whatever.
Now she has to contend with this endless silence, wishing that her mortification would at least dampen her desire even a little. Heaven knows they wouldn’t doing any recipe development tonight, after that. “O-obi?”
“Sorry, I just--” his throat makes a hollow thunk that echoes over the line-- “I got distracted.”
She blinks. “By what?”
“Thinking about how much I want to be there,” he admits, “and what I’d do to you if I was.”
“O-oh.” Maybe some culinary adventure wasn’t...so off the table as she thought. “A-and what would that be?”
A strangled groan tears between them. “I want to eat you out so bad.”
That-- that was not what she’d thought he’d say. “Really?”
“Yeah.” His sigh is strained. “You make such good noises.”
“You like it?” Her thighs clench, and oh, she wishes she knew what to do about it. “I figured it would taste...weird.”
Not that she’s ever tried. But she’s tasted blood (too coppery, bad texture), and well, boogers (too salty; thanks, childhood), and she can’t imagine that can taste much better.
“No,” he hums. “You taste just right. Are you touching yourself yet?”
There’s no way to explain she’s just been rating bodily fluids on a scale of most to least appetizing, so she settles with, “N-no.”
Now that he’s mentioned it, now that he’s reminded her that her body isn’t just some inconvenient appendage for her brain, Shirayuki can’t forget that it’s there. And she certainly can’t ignore the heat between her legs, or the way her skin feels as sensitive as flash paper, ready to burn up at a moment’s notice.
“You should do that,” he tells her, just short of a command, and ah, yeah, that’s sounding like a better and better idea every second. “What are you wearing?”
She’s out of cutesy stalling tactics. Or at least, she can’t think of any, not when her vagina seems to have a pulse of its own. “A tank top. And pajama shorts.”
“Sounds cute,” he breathes. “Put your hand down them.”
He doesn’t have to ask twice. Pubic hair crinkles under the tips of her fingers, scratchy against her palm. It’s wet too, tangling when she tries to slide further down so she just..doesn’t. “What now?”
“What do you usually do?”
He’s panting just the barest bit, and the sound of him already so undone is what spurs her to admit, “I, um, usually don’t do anything.”
“But you’ve tried before.” She should have never told him that. “What did you do then?”
“I, um--” she licks her lips, nervous-- “put my fingers inside?”
“Right away?” He laughs, and it’s fond, gentle. “No wonder you’ve never gotten much of anywhere. How about you just cup yourself now.”
She does. Little hairs wrap themselves around her fingers, coming loose, and oh, those always refuse to wash off later, clinging to her with the same tenacity as glitter. It’s comforting to feel weight there, at least, even if it clearly isn’t Obi’s. Still, it’s...vaguely unpleasant.
“I don’t feel much,” she reports, trying not to let her frustration leak through. Maybe she just isn’t cut out for masturbation.
“You wouldn’t,” he confirms, “you need to part your lips first.”
She nearly does, until she thinks better of it. “What does that have to do with--?”
“Not your mouth.” He’s barely covering a laugh. “Your other lips.”
“O-oh.” Of course. That makes...more sense.
Her fingers splay, parting her flesh, and ahh, there is...a lot more of her than she remembers. She’s read about lips blooming like flowers before-- mostly in the books Nanna likes to read-- but nothing had ever...blossomed down there for her before. But it’s definitely all petals and sepals now, if things like that were made out of flesh. She saw something like that once, on one of those Syfy shows her grans liked to watch when she was a kid--
She jolts as something slaps her hard, right on the breast, and oh, she’s-- she’s forgotten she’s still holding the phone. Or at least, she was. Now her hand is boneless, empty, and her screen has belly-flopped right onto her boob.
“Oh, um, wait.” She fumbles with it, one-handed, trying to find some place to put it. “I need to--I need to put down my phone.”
He hums, bemused. “Two hands would help.”
Shirayuki’s definitely struggling with one, that’s for sure. Her bedside table is too far for her headphones to reach without tugging; the bed itself is just asking for her to squirm her way to an End Call. She’s stuck discovering all this with one hand plastered in between her thighs, dipping between her vulva in a way that can only be termed distracting.
By the time she settles it on her pillow, far enough away to avoid any mishap via cheek smooshing, she’s practically panting. Maybe she needs to take up a sport at Lyrias; Mathletes clearly isn’t cutting it.
“Okay,” she sighs, dropping back onto her bed. “Now I’m ready. I am parting my...myself. What’s next?”
“Are you wet?”
Well, if she wasn’t before, she certainly is now. “I, um, think so?”
“All right.” His bed groans, like he’s shifting on it, and oh, how she wishes she knew what he looked like now. “Just start sliding your fingers around. You know where your clit is, right?”
“Yes,” she manages, squirming as she rubs at her folds. “I’ve seen a diagram before.”
He laughs, a low rumbling chuckle that sends a shiver down her spine, and yeah, she can take a real good guess at where her clit might be. “Don’t touch it.”
Her fingers still. “Why not?”
“You’re sensitive,” he tells her, so casual. “You get squirmy when I touch it directly. I mean, feel free to try...maybe you’re a lighter touch than I am. You could like it.”
She’s about to balk-- if it doesn’t feel good when he does it, she’s not going to do any better-- when his voice drops and he adds, “Tell me if you do.”
Well, let it not be said that Shirayuki doesn’t believe in science. Which is the reason she’s doing this. Hypothesis testing. Not because her boyfriend asked in a ridiculously sexy way.
With a steeling breath, she swipes her clit with the pad of her finger and-- y i k e s.
She grits her teeth, nerves still jangling. “Um, yeah, that didn’t feel great.”
“Too bad.”
With a sigh, she stretches her neck, hoping to get that raised-hackles feel out of it and-- oh.
Rum Tum stares down at her with his glassy black eyes, mouth stitched into its permanent smile. That’s really...not helping.
“Um.” Duchess Prettymane is next to him, head tilted in question. Calico Dog is definitely just...judging her. “Give me one second.”
With her free hand, she turns each of her stuffies around, placing them in a line on her window sill. They don’t need to see any of this.
“Okay.” She settles back into her pillows. “So I definitely don’t touch that. I just...touch around it?”
“Yeah,” he huffs out, amused. “But no rubbing! Long strokes, just barely brushing it, both fingers, one on either side.” She can hear his grin when he adds, “You like to be teased.”
She wants to protest that; she nearly does, but--
Her fingers skid over her folds, tracing just around the lip of her slit, stopping just shy of her clit, and-- mm, all right, he, ah, definitely has a point. This feels much better.
Still, she’s so used to Obi’s touch; he lingers in all the right places, calluses catching on her clit in a way that makes her writhe. Her own fingers are too tiny and her movements too awkward. She’s too wet too; as much as it’s definitely helping with the, um, sensations she’s feeling, controlling her fingers makes her feel like a contestants on one of those Japanese game shows. Just when she thinks she’s gotten it, when she’s starting to build to something interesting if not good--
“How is it?”
She nearly nicks herself with a nail. “Better when you do it.”
“Ah, I see,” he hums. “A pillow princess--”
Shirayuki has absolutely no idea what that means, but she knows she’s being teased. “No--!”
A thunk stops her mid-thought. Her hand snaps away from her shorts. “Did you hear that?”
She eyes the door warily. “Do you think it’s Nanna?”
Obi smothers a chuckle. “I’m pretty sure that was just your phone.”
“No, I put it behind my--” she looks down, and oh yes, there it is, right on the floor.
“Oh,” she breathes, mortified. “Oh. Right. Just, um, give me a minute.”
It’s a tricky proposition trying to fish it off the floor. For one, her bed is high and her arms are short-- oh, she was so committed to the whole fairy bower aesthetic of lofting her bed when she was twelve, but now it’s really inconvenient-- and for another, one hand is contaminated with, um, juices, and though she doesn’t want to smear any of that all over her phone--
Well, wiping it on the sheets is a bad decision. Nanna’s nose is sharp, and if there’s one conversation she doesn’t want to happen, it’s why does you bed smell like sex, Shirayuki? She’s done well not getting grounded so far, despite the number of times Obi’s been caught shirtless in her room, but she knows better than to try to test her grandmother’s patience on it.
Shirayuki drops to her belly, elbow digging into the mattress to ground her. Her finger are just long enough to brush the screen--
“Hey kid,” Obi sighs, “do you actually want to do this?”
She yelps. Only a quickly placed hand keeps her from meeting her carpet face first. She does have her phone though. “What?”
“I thought that this was going to be fun and sexy, but now...” He grunts, uneasy. “It seems like I might forcing you, and that’s really not what I wanted to happen. If you don’t want--”
“NO! I mean,” she manages, throwing herself back on her bed, “you have a point. Even though I prefer you touching me by lot--”
Obi hums, too smug.
“--we can’t always make the time to, um, do that.” It’s be nice if the bed could just swallow her whole right now, put her out of her misery, but-- she wants this. She wants him, and part of that is having terrible conversations that make her feel like a five alarm fire in a fireworks factory. “And if we’re having trouble just a few houses away, I’m sure we’ll find a way to have it when you’re only a few doors down too. Which is fine, it’s not like I have to, um...”
He makes a noise, intrigued, and oh, she really hates how badly she does want to keep this boyfriend. If only she liked him less, then she wouldn’t have to talk about any of this at all.
“I just mean, sometimes I think about you when we can’t be together--”
“You know what I mean,” she snips, annoyed. “Sometimes I think about you in a specific way and I get a little, um, stuck. And that can be frustrating. So it’s probably better that I learn this now, than--
“Wait.” He’s breathless, unfocused. “Are you telling me you’ve been all...stuck lately?”
“N-no!” That is really not what she wants to be talking about right now. “I mean, a-a little? Kind of.”
She can hear the rush of his breath through his nose, his long thoughtful pause--
“Do you need some inspiration?” He’s eager, voice tight and nearly winded. “Purely above the waist, of course.”
It occurs to her that he means pictures; pictures of the adult variety. The yes leaps to her lips, but oh, what if Nanna saw it, and--
“Here, one sec.”
He’s not joking; barely a second later her phone buzzes, snapchat informing her that Obi has a new photo. She frowns, flicking open the app, and -- oh. Yes. That was. Definitely not there a few moments ago.
He’s naked from the waist up, lounging in a pair of gym shorts, his legs spread wide where he sits, and-- “Are you, um...?”
“Hot?” he growls playfully. “For you, yeah.”
“Hard,” she blurts out, since she never misses an opportunity to make a fool of herself. It would be nice if her curiosity could take a vacation for a day or two. Give her skin a break.
“Oh. Um. Yeah,” he grunts. “I mean, I’m trying to get you off, and I’m think about touching you. Sort of...a natural response.”
“But you aren’t touching yourself?”
“We hadn’t really talked about that,” he murmurs shyly. “This is supposed to be about you. I didn’t want to get distracted.”
“Ah...” That place between her legs throbs. She snakes a hand under her waistband, and oh, they’ve barely lost any ground at all. “You should.”
“Touch yourself,” she tells him, running her fingers over her folds. “I think it would help.”
“Oh.” She might as well have hit him for the way that bursts out of him. “I didn’t--”
“I can give you inspiration too.” She whips off her tank before she can think better of it, struggling when she realizes, no, one hand will definitely not be enough to get the job done--
And then it’s nothing to take a picture, or to send it. A few taps and he’s choking, “Did-- did you mean to send this to me?”
It’s then that it strikes her: she just sent a naked picture to her boyfriend. Well, a half naked picture, but for what he could see she might as well have done the whole thing.
“Oh, is that-- is that okay?” She drags her safe hand over her face, sweat clinging to her palm. “I should have checked--”
“Yes!” he pants, half wild. “Yes, this is okay, Very, very okay. I just...you really want me to use this? For, uh, jacking off?”
“Could you?”
“Haah,” he breathes. “Yes. God, your breasts are so good, babe. And your face...”
“Then yes.” She licks her lips, nervous. “Please.”
“I don’t really need the help,” he warns, “I’m a real pro at this.”
“I want you to.” She doesn’t know how she says it without even a stutter. The thought of him touching himself like that, knowing that he’s thinking of her, just her-- “I want you to touch your-- you--”
“Really, kid, you don’t have to--”
Just saying it shakes her up like a soda can, ready to burst, and she almost wishes she could take it back, that she could unsay half this conversation-- until he groans; the frantic slide of clothes loud from his end of the phone.
“What do you-- what should I--?”
He sounds so lost, his words hardly above a whine, and that’s the only reason she’s able to say, “I want you to, um, stroke it?”
“Yeah, I am-- I am already there, babe,” he assures her, voice throaty and strained. “You’re touching yourself too, right? You’re wet?”
“Y-yeah.” She slides her hand under the band, and ah, she hadn’t know it was possible to be wetter, that her thighs could be slick nearly to the edge of her shorts, but here she is. “I like hearing you. I-I mean...after graduation, when we went to the field, I--” she licks her lips, mouth so dry-- “I really wanted to hear you come again.”
“Jesus. Fuck.” His mattress creaks, distressed. “That was-- that was two months ago. You could have just--” he hisses, so sensitive-- “god, I would have come for you anytime.”
“Could you?” It comes out coyer than she expects, far too confident to sound like her, and she nearly apologizes, until he-- he--
He whimpers.
“If I asked really nice,” she hums, fingers skating along her folds, clit pulsing with how much she wants this, wants him. “Could you come for me again?”
He groans, pained. “Y-yeah. I could definitely arrange something.”
“Shit. Fuck.” He moans, but it trails off into a laugh. “Definitely won’t take long if you keep this up.”
“Good,” she sighs, pace quickening, her fingers daring to loop ever closer to the crux of her problem. “I want to hear you. It’s been so long...”
She hesitates. Obi is always the one to tease, and her the one that squirms away, the one that needs to be cajoled back into the scene, but now--
Well, the shoe is on the other foot isn’t it. “It’s been so long,” she says again, only this time she lets her voice go breathy, lets it linger on the cusp of whine. “Don’t make me wait, Obi...”
He doesn’t.
“Fuck,” is the only word he manages before he’s groaning, whimpering, making every sexy sound he can at once as he comes hard.
“Haah,” he moans, breath heaving. “That was-- that was definitely not how I expected this call to go.”
Shirayuki stills her fingers, mouth slanting into a smirk. She’d always wondered how Obi could watch her orgasm and not want to do it himself, not need to do it when she’s dying every time, but-- now she gets it. She may not have come, but there’s something supremely satisfying in watching-- no, listening to him fall apart instead.
“Oh?” She still sounds coy. Like Obi does every time she goes half-blind from the force of her own climax.
“You didn’t come, did you?” He’s put out, and she can tell his eyebrows are drawn, that his jaw is set. “I could--”
“No, no, don’t worry about me,” she assures him. “I’m fine. Besides, we have to get up tomorrow.”
“Ah, fuck, right. Senior Day.” He sighs. “All right, fine. But next time--”
“Next time,” she agrees. “Though I really enjoyed this time too.”
He makes a noise that sounds like dying. “Yeah, well, that’s great, but I’m not the one who needs to learn how to get off like a champ. But whatever,” he sighs, “we have all the time in the world for you to get it.”
Her chest warms, and she smiles against her pillow. “Right. I’ll see you tomorrow? Bright an early?”
He groans. “Yeah, yeah. Bright and early. Good night, kid.”
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kingdaddydaichi · 3 years
You think you know somebody...
Last night, I had a long ass phone conversation with my dear friend of 15+ years. I was telling him about this blog and writing smut in general. That's when he decided to tell me that he wrote smut once a few years ago, which surprised me. Then he proceeded to read it out loud to me and let me tell you...when he was done? I was all "You've been holding out on me all this time?" Y'all, I was highly impressed.
So, with his permission, I'm posting it on my blog bc I think you guys will like it too. This is not a fanfic, but it is x f!reader and you're welcome to think of whomever your heart and pussy desires as you read it. 😉
Okay, here goes. I hope you all enjoy it!
Warnings: cheating (f), cuckolding, sex with a stranger
Word Count: 1.5k
You're walking the streets of Paris and the sun is shining bright. It's a beautiful day and you didn't realize when you picked out and put your dress on in the morning that the sun would make it transparent, so you're feeling extra sexy. You've gone too far now to turn back and change but the sexiness feels good anyway so you don't worry about it.
You're hoping to check for messages from me when you see a coffee shop that has free wifi so you enter and get a coffee. The man working the store is an attractive man that is flirting with you while you're buying the drink but you don't give him a second thought as you order because you're too busy thinking about me.
You sit down and check your facebook and you're surprised to find I left you a long and very detailed fantasy of you cheating on me in a situation that starts off almost the same as the one you find yourself in now. The type of store is different but there is an attractive worker in the [store] flirting with you and you had ignored his efforts of seduction at first.
In the fantasy when you did give in, it was in such a simple, almost innocent, way that then compounded into such an erotic sex scene that leaves you fucked, your legs shaking, and both your and his fluids pumping out of your pussy. The rest of the fantasy has not played out yet but you are so turned on by reading about you being naughty and giving in to your horniness. Your pussy is already wet and you're now looking at the man at the counter with new eyes. He obviously hasn't given up yet and you are so excited by the possibilities yet don't want to do anything too bad. To even look him in the eye right now would be putting you in danger of giving into playing out a part of the fantasy that you've just read.
You look back at your phone, hiding behind its protection, reread my writing, and drink your coffee. Your nipples are hard and you can't help but wrap your lips seductively around the edge of the cup as you drink and read again about you sucking a stranger's cock and think about me masturbating while having the fantasy. You only hope but don't even realize that the clerk is watching your seductive motions. You look up and catch his eyes on you but you look away immediately only to confront your desire by looking back and meeting an intimate three second eye contact. You look away, feeling so wrong for allowing yourself to lust after someone besides me.
Your heart is beating hard and you feel it beat inside your swollen pussy lips. You have to get out of his sight and get him out of yours, so you stand up to go to the bathroom to catch your composure but when you stand up you realize you are in the sun and that he can see through your dress to see the outline of your ass and where your legs come up to meet together, only to be hidden by your sexy pink panties. Realizing this you're hit by another urge to show off for him as the fantasy has just taught you. You bend over, arching your back to get your purse as he stares intently at your ass. Then you go straight to the restroom.
Once inside you immediately pull your panties down and start rubbing up, down, and around your vagina and clitoris. Your pussy is so hot, swollen, and wet that you just want to make yourself cum but you know at the same time that there is the man out there that wants you and that you want inside of you. You feel so bad for these thoughts yet they are so stimulating that you won't allow yourself to make it to orgasm with your fingers, so as to not ruin the other possibilities. Right when you stop rubbing you go back out to face your seducer/seducee yet you can't find it in yourself to go talk to him while passing.
When you get to your table you realize you just put your panties in your purse and that he can see your pussy if you bend over. You do the same motion of arching your back and bending over to put your purse down yet this time your pussy is painted by the wetness of the see-through fabric your dress is made of. You gaze back and he has his mouth open walking towards you while staring at your now throbbing pussy. He sees the invitation and is moving in.
You dig through your purse as if you can't find something and he puts his hand out sliding it up your leg, under your dress, and with the help of your juices, slides a finger through the opening of your pussy. This makes you spaz on your feet and you lean forwards to the chair and sit down, again trying to gain composure but to an urge for him that is almost impossible to deny yourself of in the heat of the moment. He can see your nipples poking out and he asks if everything is ok with the coffee in kind of a sexy but joking manner. You tell him you would like a refill and he goes to get the pot.
When he returns he pours with one hand and grazes your left nipple with the other as he moves his hand up to your mouth to feel your lips. You open your mouth and he slides his middle finger in and you grip it only with your lips and tongue as he pulls it out. Now you can't help but grab at his dick through his pants. It's hard and you want it.
You said with a stern voice, "Take me! Take me in the back".
He takes your hand and leads you to the back room and you jump on him, kissing him passionately, and working to pull his dick out at the same time. When you do free it of his pants you start stroking it frantically with your hand and then go down to suck on it. You lick all over the head, shaft, and put his balls in your mouth. You're out of control horny and his dick is the aim of your mission.
You help him pull your bra off while you suck his cock and the top of your dress comes down with teamwork, revealing your erect tits to him. There is a chair and you shove him onto it. You step over to put your nipple between his lips as you take his dick back into your hand.
You stroke him five times before you slide yourself down onto and around it until it is as deep as he could ever penetrate. Your pussy is tight and you can feel every gram of his penis pushing on your vagina walls. When you reach the bottom you let out a moan and you slowly rise back up. He is now gripping your ass and holding your dress up and out of the way as he nibbles and licks on your nipples. In the meantime you keep going up and down. He in and out and you moaning away.
You almost rip his shirt pulling it off of him with urgency and he undoes your belt to pull your dress off. When he does you stand up and pull his belt off and make him take off his pants. He's trying hard to get his shoes off so he can slide the pants all the way off while you suck on his dick some more and rub on his stomach and chest.
Once there is nothing on between the 2 of you you lay back on the desk that is behind you and spread your legs for him to come and fuck you. He rubs on your tits while he slides in and out and you rub your clit. Things are now sweaty and you're sliding on the desk as he's fucking you out of your senses. People are coming to buy coffee out front yet there is no one to sell it and all they get is your moans from the back.
After five minutes of this you push him off and hop down to turn yourself around and he starts fucking you doggy style over the desk. This is as much excitement as you can take and you start having one of the most powerful orgasms you've ever had. He slaps your ass extremely hard causing your ears to ring and you feel his juices mixing with yours. It's so warm and wet and you're out of your mind under a strange man in a strange place.
Trying to catch your breath you realize that you've just played out the very fantasy that you just read.
The one that I just wrote to you.
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canaryatlaw · 3 years
okay so, I have a super long crazy travel story from June 2014 that I'm always telling and the full version of it just came up on my facebook memories and I feel the need to post it (it was a tumblr post at the time too, it got like 150 notes) mostly so I can post the link on twitter, so here you go:
Okay, here is the full, unedited story of the absolute ridiculous adventure we went on yesterday. It is long.
The plan for the day was to pack up from our London location, hop on a train to a town called Keighley, where we would get on a steam engine train to a town called Haworth that is the location of the Bronte sisters home, and spend the day there. We were then going back to Keighley, take the train to Lancaster, then catch the final train up to the Lake District, with an expected arrival time of 8 pm.
Well, for waking up at 6 and running across London, through the tube, and to the train station with all your luggage for a 10 day trip went surprisingly smoothly, but after we get on the first train that ends. Upon arriving in Keighley we had about half an hour to get the next train, so the plan was for a rental company to bring a van to the train station in which we could store our luggage for a few hours, so we could walk (up a ridiculous incline) all over Haworth freely. Get to train station, no van. Oh. Well apparently the rental company sent somebody to take our professor to get the van and bring it to the train station without telling us, and said person was sitting in their car texting, oblivious to the visibly panicked Americans who just showed up. He does find her and manages to get the van back to the station. We load our luggage in and quickly hop on the steam train. Okay, stressful, but not too bad.
We arrive in Haworth and are told the Bronte house/museum was "just at the top of the hill." Well, apparently the British have a different definition of this phrase than Americans. Just up the hill turned out to be several miles up through fields, stores, old houses, everything. But yes, we reached it- and it was at the very top of the hill. Go on tour, look around town, nice little time. We were to meet to walk back and catch the train at 4. It was imperative that we were on time, as upon arriving back in Keighley, our professor had half an hour to return the van and catch the only train back to Lancaster. Amazingly, we did it, despite how far away the rental place was. It looked like that headache was over and we just had a long, luggage attached ride up to the Lake District.
Well, now the real fun begins. We arrive at the Lancaster station right on time, with about 20 minutes until our train north. Our professor double checks with the station manager about what platform and what train. The warden is very friendly, assuring us that we're in the right place and cracking jokes with us. As the train pulls in, our professor yells to the warden to confirm, and he does. So we board the very crowded train with all of our suitcases. It takes us a good 5 minutes just to get seated with our luggage out of the way. As we get settled in, the conductor comes to check tickets. Our professor hands him our group ticket with itinerary....oh no. This is the wrong train going in the wrong direction. Bad. We were told we had to get out at the next stop to take a train back to Lancaster, to then board a correct train.
Well crap. We get off at the next stop, irritated, and again ask for assistance. We easily found the train we were looking for....the one that didn't arrive until past 9. It's just past 7 at this point. Mind you we are in the middle of nowhere. There is literally a station platform and a small strip of stores. No town, no wifi, no buses, nothing. This sucks, but we have to just wait it out. At the end of the small strip of shops is a "micropub." Everyone was pretty fed up at this point, so we decided to head over to unwind a bit. Micropub was a very accurate descriptor. The whole place was about the size of a bedroom, and already filled with people. Did I mention there were 15 of us? Also, they only had drinks and pub snacks. Oh well, everyone is just like what the heck so we get some snacks and a good number of us get a (singular) drink. We sit on the sidewalk outside of the pub consuming this, much to the amusement of the British patrons. They got quite a kick out of the largely given up hope group of Americans. We actually manage to have a bit of fun, and by the time the train comes everyone is happy and laughing, and just a little bit tipsy.
We take the train back, literally one stop, and wait at Lancaster for the right one. Everyone was pretty much in that crazed overtired mode where you act ridiculous and think everything is really funny. The other train patrons obviously thought we were crazy, and the station manager was quite embarrassed by his snafu that landed us back here. But hey, the right train finally comes. It takes a good 5 minutes stopped at the station for us to get all our luggage stacked and make sure everything was correct. We call ahead to the car company that was to meet us with the rental in the Lake District and the Bed and Breakfast where we'd be staying and they were both able to accommodate our time change. How lucky! Almost. We get off the train at the Lake District and unload all our luggage. Just as the train is leaving and and everyone is collecting their individual bags, we notice that nobody is claiming this black suitcase, that suddenly looks quite unfamiliar...oops. We took someone's bag by accident...and the train is gone. Well we all felt bad knowing we just made someone else's day a little worse, but we give it to the station manager and go to meet the people with the two vans we'd be using for the next two days. Except there not there. So we wait...again. Finally, they do show up, with a quite clueless old man trying to instruct us on how to program where we were going into the GPS and failing miserably. Keep in mind we had very shotty cell service (since we were still in the middle of nowhere) and using data overseas is quite difficult. We can't figure out how to turn the audio of the GPS on, so we resign to leaving the station going off the visual instructions. It was only supposed to be about a 20 minute ride, and hey, what else could go wrong at this point right? Surely we had exhausted our Murphy's law quota for the day. I mean, we had gone on 9 trains.
Well. Apparently at this time of year the sun sets very late here. As in it was finally getting dark…at 11. But when it did set, it was very dark. So we are traveling further and further away from the small bit of civilization we had on very narrow European roads, in the middle of the woods, in the middle of nowhere, and the GPS starts malfunctioning, telling us to go down a road then when we do starts re-routing us elsewhere, ad infinitum…Oh yeah, and there's also a whole lot of mountains here (seriously it looks like the shire, it's gorgeous) so the roads were quite hilly, and we had an American driver who's not totally accustomed to this, and it's a manual transmission…what's that burning smell? Is that smoke? Oh no, that's smoke. And it's coming from the car.
The transmission was not happy and started smoking, everywhere. The smoke then got through the AC vents into the car, where everybody starts choking and coughing…so we pull over and literally jump out of the car. It was at this point where I was legitimately worried for my life. We were in the middle of the woods, on a hill, with a broken car, no cell phone service, and by now it's midnight…yeah, this was bad. I was also partially convinced the car was going to blow up.
And then in an unforeseen plot twist, I managed to save the day. We were trying to figure out what the heck to do when I tried to look at my maps on my cell on a whim…and it loaded. What? It had us located. Okay….so I type in the name of the bed and breakfast, not knowing the address…and it loads. Oh man, the GPS on my phone is working!! The transmission had cooled down some, so we very carefully climbed back in the car, trying to follow my GPS. It took us another 40 minutes of nowhere-ness…up to the point where the road was only wide enough for one car, barely even enough for our van. And about a hundred "are you sure we're going the right way?" to which I could only respond "…no?" And then there was a rabbit in the middle of the road, so we slowed down…and it stopped. So we move forward and it moves, then reverses, then stops and we were all going crazy and screaming for the poor rabbit to get out of the road and not meet it's death at our hand. It's probably relevant to mention that this is also where Beatrix Potter lived, so that probably fed into that….and the inn appears. Miles away from absolutely everything. We pull in, I shut the navigation off, and then look in the corner of my phone to see that it had just now switched to no service whatsoever.
The really crazy part? When we headed back into town today with a better sense of direction, I had no service for at least 5 miles away from the place. There's no way my GPS should've lasted that long. And so that's the ridiculous story of how Rachel saved the day. 📷
(the fact that is left out of that story is my phone gps only worked because I went ahead and switched my data on, which resulted in a $600 phone bill, but I deemed it was in fact an emergency and my dad had no issues paying the bill, so it all worked out)
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chemiste · 4 years
Foresight ~ ch.8
a/n : oof, i’ve been a bad writer! i didn’t update my story for a month, sorry y’all. please stay safe during quarantine and if you go to a protest, wear long sleeves, close toed shoes, nothing with brand logos, gloves and have a MASK!! covid is still here and spreading so be safe :)
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The jet was beautiful, and you expected nothing less for the rockstar in front of you. 
Everyone had thankfully gotten through the security lines without a flash fan mob (bless sunglasses and big hoodies). Because you were taking a private jet, the group of y’all had to walk out onto the actual terminal and hop on an airport golf cart. Which sucked because it was still slightly dark out at 7am and 18 F/-10 C outside! 
As another cart loaded up your suitcases to put them into the plane, your cart started to drive off towards the plane. 
“Oh, Y/N?” Jeff turned to you has he was the one you sat next to in the flurry of events getting to the jet. 
“Hm?” You looked up from your phone, having been scanning through some of the comments on your latest posts. 
“I got a call from the intern and your extra luggage should be meeting up with us in Sweden.” You let the tension in your shoulders fall away from the good news. 
“Thank you so much, it’ll be great to have a fresh set of clothing to choose from.” He gave you a smile and the cart slowed right in front of the high class air mobile you’d soon be in.
Everyone loaded up and before you realized the wheels had left the ground and you were on your way to Stockholm. Squishing into the comfy window seat you’d claimed, happy to be warm again, you pulled your laptop out of your backpack hoping to get through some pictures from the previous show and check up on your emails.
Harry and the band had dispersed throughout the plane, Sarah and Mitch sitting next to each other with the arm rest up so they could snuggle, Clare in the window chair facing opposite them with her book resting on the shared table between them. H was chatting with Jeff and Hélène in the seats in front of yours.
1 New Email : Professor Clemet
Hello Y/N,
In regard to your recent email, I’ve spoken to the administrative board and because of your ‘certain situation’ we’ve decided to grant you impromptu abroad study. Please make sure to keep up with the assignments I post to the college online platform, as there are only a few left I’m sure you’ll have no problem finding a good source for photos.
Best of Luck,
You did a little fist pump in the air as you finished reading the email. You thanked the stars your teacher was okay with you basically missing the rest of the school year. 
A body plopped down into the chair next to you. “Whatcha so happy ‘bout?” Harry asked. 
“My Professor sorta just told me she knows I’m with The Harry Styles and that she doesn’t live under a rock so its fine that I do school online while we tour.” 
He laughed, hitting his head back on the soft headrest.
 “Well, that’s great news love.”
The rest of the flight was uneventful, basically just a bunch of tired musicians taking the couple hours they had to relax before the hustle started again. 
A perk though was that you were all served a breakfast of toast, fruit, and yogurt. It definitely helped having something on your stomach before you had to brave the cold again. 
As you all piled into the SUV Jeff had rented for time there, you turned to Harry who was sitting next to and offhandedly asked, “When do we get to the Air BnB?” 
He looked at you with a confused expression as the car drove out of the airport.
“Huh what ‘re you—“ 
“Great news everyone, I’ve got a surprise!” Jeff said from the passenger’s seat, Hélène driving and paying attention the GPS on the dock.
“I’ve booked an Air BnB for the nights we’re here! It’s a big house that everyone will get to be hang out together in.”
The band cheered and Harry just chuckled, “That’s still so cool Y/N” he said looking up into your eyes again with a grin.
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Jeff kept to his word, the house was big and very pristine.
The ceilings were high and boarded with white wood panels. When you entered the house, the living room was to your left; it had a glass doors instead of windows so you could open them all and walk out onto the wrapped around porch. The were two black couches, a large coffee table, and a fluffy cream rug. 
About 15 feet in front of the door was a staircase to the second floor and them to the left of that the entrance to the kitchen. It had a bar that separated the living room and kitchen but space flowing as you could still see anyone from both rooms. The kitchen had a white marble island, the stove was to the back of the wall, the sink was the left wall under a cute window that had small white shutters. 
To your right at the front door was a large glass dining table that had 8 glossy black chairs. 
On the right side of the staircase was a hall way with a sliding door to cut off the living room from the rest of the house. The nearest door was open to a bathroom and them a few more doors that you concluded were bedrooms.
In conclusion, your jaw may have opened when you entered the home.
“Girls call the upstairs bedrooms!” Sarah yelled out, earning a few groans from the boys and patted up the steps with her suitcase in tow.
You followed her as she turned right at the top, taking the first room to the left. You went to 2nd door and rolled your luggage in. 
It was a lovely room, the theme was a soft pastel purple but not too much that it gave you retirement home vibes. The tall ceiling had purple wood panels, the walls white. The white wooden poster bed was against the right wall, it was laid with a violet duvet and pillows with to small matching nightstand on either side.
The opposing wall had an antique dresser and a tv propped on top. To left was a small closet you guessed and to the right of it there was a sliding door to the en suite (that had a claw foot tub!!!!) and at the back wall were glass balcony doors cover with sheer white curtains. 
The last piece of furniture was a desk on the left side of the balcony doors, set with a lamp and some pens in a mason jar.
You flopped on to the bed after you moved your suitcase to the other side of the bed. You took a couple seconds to yourself before sitting up and taking your boots off and hanging your wool coat in the closet then headed downstairs. 
You heard the guys chatting to each other from their rooms, something about if Chelsea boots were superior to Doc Martins? You shook your head and went into the kitchen, you ran your hand across the sleek island counter. 
Then an idea popped into your head.
What if I cook for everyone tonight?
A smile to hold of you face as a plan started to form in your mind. You pulled your phone out and connected to the wifi at the house (thanks to a little sticky note on the fridge with the router and password) and searched up the stores around and what you could probably scrounge up for 7 hungry people. 
You raced upstairs, wrote the address and your grocery list down on a spare piece of paper with one of the mason jar pens. You changed into jeans and threw on a long sleeve undershirt and then black turtleneck, tucking them into your pants. You slipped your wool coat back on, buttoning it up and tying the belt. You tucked your gloves into the pocket with your phone and wallet. 
As you exited your room and entered the living room, you were met with Sarah, Clare and Harry propped up on the the two couches, watching…
“Is that Twilight?” You asked, a bit of a laugh in your question. 
The brown haired boy turned to you at the sound of your voice, “Yes it is, yo’ve got a problem wit’ it?” 
You shook you head, a smile on your face. “I’m going to the market up the road to pick up fixings for dinner tonight, I thought I could cook for everyone as like a big thank you.” 
Sarah cooed at your happy exclamation, “Thats so sweet Y/N, I’ll think I’ll come with you if that’s okay?” 
You nodded, “The more the merrier!” 
Clare stood up from the couch, “Me too, we’ll make it a girls outing.” 
The girls started chatting and headed up stairs to get ready. You turned to the boy in front of you, now wearing a childish frown. 
“What about me?” He whined, flopping back to starfish the couch. 
“Sorry Styles, your hair needs to pass your shoulders, but since you’ve cut yours your out of the girls squad.” 
He shot up from his seat, giving you a loud hey! as you doubled over laughing. Harry stood up and took his wallet out of his pocket, pulling out a sleek black card and tried to hand it to you. 
“If I can’t come, at least let me pay for the groceries.” 
“Harry no! I can’t let you do that, this is my treat!” 
He thrusted it into your hands, “The treat is you making it, I don’t expect you to pay for 7 peoples worth of food as a college student junebug.” 
You blew a raspberry, knowing he was right. “Fine, thank you.” 
He clasped his hands in front of him and bounced on the balls of his feet like her was a kindergartner showing his mothers the macaroni necklace he made for her, “Not a problem lov’.”
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The girls and you found the market easily.
You loaded up with zucchini, squash, some chicken breasts, lime and basil minute rice, and some yams. You grabbed a good bottle of wine as well. 
Clare brought over some croissant and chocolate cookie dough, depositing both into the shopping cart. 
Sarah grabbed cheese and crackers, as well as a tub of vanilla ice-cream. 
The three of you checked out and bags in hand, headed back to the Air BnB. It was great time shopping with them, you felt like you got a bit closer to them both which was nice since besides Hélène (who had opted out of the shopping trip in order to look at photos) you were the only girls in the main traveling group. 
Once back at the house, you unloaded the food, putting it away before slicing up the cheese Sarah had bought. You spread some crackers out onto the chopping board you had been using. 
“Where is everyone else?” 
You asked taking your coat, turtleneck, and boots off, then siting down on the couch next to Sarah and Clare. 
The drummer grabbed a piece of cheese from the board while flipping through channels, “I think everyone is catching up on sleep, taking naps or working through emails, that sort of thing.” 
You hummed and snuggled back into the cushions, watching whatever Sarah had set the tv to. The 3 of you watched a few episodes on HGTV, then stumbled upon The Golden Girls, which had you laughing till you sides hurt, and finally switched to The Prince and Me, commenting throughout the movie on the characters and situations they found themselves in. 
As the credits rolled and the girls decided to turn the tv off and head upstairs to take showers, you checked the time. It was around 5:30, so you got up to start cooking. 
As you marinated and seasoned the chicken, you looked to the stove to see where the timer was and instead saw something else that piqued your interest. 
“Surround sound speakers? Hmm.” You tapped the panel that was on the left of the stove, which lit up and read ‘connect via bluetooth’. You grabbed your phone and hooked it up. 
You scrolled through Spotify, debating what to play. 
An idea popped into your head and you nodded to yourself, then clicked play on your playlist.
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
You started singing to yourself, setting the timer once you found it and popping the chicken and yams into the oven. You chopped the freshly washed zucchini and squash, clicking your heels together and bopping your head to the beat. 
Sarah, accompanied by Clare and Hélène, came into the kitchen.
Simmer down, simmer down
They say we're too young now to amount to anything else
But look around
We worked too damn hard for this just to give it up now
If you don't swim, you'll drown
But don't move, honey
You put the knife down and picked up the spatula, using it as a microphone and pointing to Clare.
“You look so perfect standing there
In my American Apparel underwear
And I know now, that I'm so down
Your lipstick stain is a work of art
I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart
And I know now, that I'm so doooooown!”
You sang, twirling her around as she laughed. 
“Hey Y/N, can I pop this wine?” Hélène asked. 
“Go for it.” 
Sarah found some glasses as the resident photographer got the cork popper.
Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
Grabbing a pan and cover, you turned a stove burner on and put the zucchini and squash with a glob of butter plus salt and pepper in to cook. 
The girls sat at the bar, so you came over of the kitchen section to parade around the foyer/living room area.
Let's get out, let's get out
'Cause this deadbeat town's only here just to keep us down
While I was out, I found myself alone just thinking
If I showed up with a plane ticket
And a shiny diamond ring with your name on it
Would you wanna run away too?
'Cause all I really want is you
Before belting, you checked to see if the hallway door was slid closed, thankfully it was so you turned back to your audience and gave the performance of a lifetime.
You look so perfect standing there
In my American Apparel underwear
And I know now, that I'm so down
I made a mix-tape straight out of '94
I've got your ripped skinny jeans lying on the floor
And I know now, that I'm so down
Hey! Hey, hey, hey hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
You look so perfect standing there
In my American Apparel underwear
And I know now, that I'm so down
Your lipstick stain is a work of art
I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart
And I know now, that I'm so down
During the song, you paused your jamming to see from your peripheral vision the sliding door open. 
A just woken Harry came out in jeans and a t-shirt. 
“Ohmylord, the food smells delicious. What’re you up to?” 
He asked, watching you dance around him. 
You smiled, “We’re singing!”
“Couldn’t you at least be singing one of my songs?” He huffed.
Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
You look so perfect standing there
In my American Apparel underwear
And I know now, that I'm so down (hey!)
Your lipstick stain is a work of art
You checked on the food, putting your make shift microphone down. 
“Y/N can you turn the volume up for next song?” 
Sarah asked while Harry snatched a sip of her wine. 
“Sure” you said and moved the dial up, making the end of the song louder.
I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart
And I know now, that I'm so down
“I can’t believe you listen to this Y/N, I’d never pegged you as a boy band type of girl.” H laughed. 
You walked back over to the group as the ending notes of the song died out.
“Hopefully something better comes on.” He quipped.
You're insecure
Don't know what for
Everyone froze. 
Harry’s back was to you as he had started for the couch, you were scared he might not be to happy to hear one of his pervious band hits. 
You could see the girls at the bar waiting with baited breath.
You're turning heads when you walk through the door
Don't need make-up to cover up
Being the way that you are is enough
You saw him take a big breath and you immediately started into an apology.
Everyone else in the room can see it
Everyone else but you
“Harry, I’m so sorry I’ll go turn it off—“
“Baby, you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell
You don't know, oooooooh ooooh
You don't know you're beautiful!”
You gawked as Harry bursted into song, all the girls’ shoulder’s sagging in relief. He came dancing over to you, twisting his hips to the song.
If only you saw what I can see
You'll understand why I want you so desperately
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe
You don't know, oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful, oh oh
That's what makes you beautiful
You both sang to your hearts content, holding hands and twirling each other underneath your arms.
So co-come on, you got it wrong
To prove I'm right, I put it in a song
I don't know why, you're being shy
And turn away when I look into your eye-eye-eyes
Everyone else in the room can see it
Everyone else but you
Baby, you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell
You don't know, oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful
If only you saw what I can see
You'll understand why I want you so desperately
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe
You don't know, oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful, oh oh
That's what makes you beautiful
“Na na na na na na na na na na… Na na na na na na…” He sang into your face with a scrunched nose, making it sound high pitched and squeaky. 
You sang the same thing back to him, the same sort of strange sound coming out of your mouth.
Baby, you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell
(You don't know, oh oh)
You don't know you're beautiful
Harry turned and bounded over the coffee table, hoping up onto it and belting the chorus.
Baby, you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell
You don't know, oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful
Grabbing your phone, you snapped a picture of the crazy rockstar on the table top to post later.
If only you saw what I can see
You'll understand why I want you so desperately
Harry made eye contact and pointed to you dramatically, serenading you with this specific part of the song.
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe
You don't know, oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful, oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful, oh oh
That's what makes you beautiful
The song ended and applause erupted in the room, but you both held eye contact, breathing heavily from all the movement. 
It was, strange, it’s like you seeing him in a new light all of a sudden. 
A hand on your shoulder pulled you out of the trance, “That was fantastic! Oh gosh Harry you scared us for a second—“ 
Sarah went onto chat about the band and you shook your head slightly as you walked back to keep cooking.
Whatever that was, it’s over now so don’t dwell on it.
A half hour later, the food was served and the whole group was seated to dig in. You received a few mmm!s and Oh how I’ve missed home cooked meals, suffice to say: they liked it.
After plates were half empty, people started to chat a bit more, taking their time to finish. 
“So Y/N, We about your crazy powers, can you tell us a bit more about you?” 
Clare asked. You eagerly nodded and patted your mouth with the napkin before starting.
“Well, I’m in my senior year at NYU, studying Photography & Media Arts with a minor in Creative Writing.” 
“That’s so cool! NYU?” Sarah commented. 
You nodded and took a sip of water, “Ya, moved to Larchmont as a kid and got residency in New York and then worked my butt off to send a good portfolio in. But some miracle that accepted it and I got a scholarship on top of it which, not gonna lie, I bursted into tears on the subway when I read the email.” 
Jeff scoffed, “I bet the superstar across the table couldn’t get into community college now if he tried.” 
The table laughed at Jeff’s nudge to Harry and the offended expression he wore. 
“Hey, I think I’d do pretty well! Even NYU!” 
“Oh my Harry darling,” 
You leaned on the table to get a bit closer, 
“No Gucci loafers aloud.” 
The group bursted into laughter as they watched Harry’s antics of waving his arms around in an X shape and mouthing NO. 
You continued, 
“I’m afraid you’d either get eaten alive by the business majors or absorbed into the philosophy department and never talk to anyone else again.”
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The boys offered to clean up after which you were grateful for. 
You took a shower and changed into new pjs!!! As your suitcases had been delivered to the house from the flight they came over on. 
You came down the stairs in your dark navy long sleeve and legged satin ensemble (don’t forget the fuzzy socks!) to see what everyone was up to. 
The dishes were done and care was busy making the cookies she had bought.
 You flopped down next to H, it was like second nature for the both of you; while he watched Clueless he opened an arm up for you and you snuggled down into his side, propping you phone up on his stomach to post the picture you’d taken. 
“What do you think?” You held the phone up to his face.
“I look good, post it.”  You nudged him with you shoulder and smiled. 
You did have to admit, he did look good.
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The concert was amazing, of course. 
You were sad to be leaving the Air BnB, but alas you had to go. 
Jeff and Mitch loaded the last of the luggage into the SUV and you all climbed in at the early time of 5:30 to get to the tour bus that was still parked at the arena.
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“Bye Stockholm.” 
You whispered as you looked out the window of your bunk bed in the tour bus, inner curtain closed and ready to sleep again. 
You took one more glance, and then closed the window curtain.
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testifytime · 4 years
hi ardent!!! im here to be government kin assigned. you pretty much know most things about me by now, but i really love music and art! i also really like sports n science!! so, uh, a pretty wide variety of interests ghjklgh. i try hard to stay kind and optimistic, and i really care about my friends!!! ty for doin these, they seem so fun!!
-Cracks my knuckles- You didn’t specify so I’ll do all.
- A Pokemon team/type theme (+ fun facts abt your team!)
You’re a fairy-type user! Your main pokemon is Sylveon, though you also have a lil Togepi, Florges, Alcremie, Marill, and Ribombee!
Fun facts!
Your Sylveon evolved without you meaning it to! You were going to evolve it into a Vaporeon, but you befriended it so quickly that it evolved before you got the water stone!
Your Togepi likes to ride around in a little backpack you made specifically for it. It’s a huge sweetie, but it also a bit of a baby; it knows Fake Tears, so it often cries whenever it wants some attention. 
Your Florges and Ribombee help you in your garden! Ribombee makes sure that all of the flowers are pollinated, and likes to help with watering them! Florges helped you plant all the flowers and how to place them beautifully, and now keeps a close eye on them for any signs of stress or illness - which, luckily, have never happened!
Your Alcremie was a gift from someone! It adores you with its whole heart, which can sometimes be a little messy; more than once it’s tried to jump into your arms, and you’ve ended up covered in sticky cream. Its sweet is a Heart, and its flavour is Mint!
Your Marill is a little different from the others. It’s a lot shyer, and tends to cling to your legs a little more. But it’s really good with kids!! It loves to go swimming with you in fresh water lakes. 
- Bloodcaste/lusus/chumhandle as if you were a Homestuck troll (+lore)
You’re a bronzeblood with a Paradise Flycatcher lusus! Your chumhandle is amiableGaitey.
You live in a small house in a meadow far away from society, living a fairly simple - albeit hard - life. There’s a stream that you get most of your water from, and a clothesline that you dry your clothes from, and as soon as the sun sets, you lose all power. It’s... a bit of a pain, honestly, but you kind of like it! You eat the berries and fruits that grow in the orchard and bushes that surround your home, and sometimes you go foraging for nuts and mushrooms, but only if your lusus gives the go-ahead. You’re pretty sure a bunch of the plants near your home are deadly. You might have even made poison once? It’s kind of weird.
You spend a lot of your time outside, going for walks and picking flowers to put into scrapbooks. Sometimes you’ll take your camera with you, and take pics of all the cool plants that you have around your home! It’s fun to show your friends later, when they’re all online, and it encourages you to go out every day just a little further to see what new things you can find. You’ve even turned it into a bit of a game! So far, you’ve managed to follow your river all the way down to the cliff that it drops from, have climbed up it, and have gone racing through the woods above. The exercise is great! You love it maybe more than anything else, and you couldn’t imagine giving it up for anything in the world. 
When you’re at home, you like to spend most of your time talking to your friends online. Your husktop is solar-powered, so you settle down in a nice sunny spot just outside your home and curl up against a big beancushion for hours until that itch to get going hits you again. Sometimes you draw - they’ve gotten you into drawing more and more frivolous things, things for you, things you might not have indulged in if they hadn’t encouraged you to - and sometimes you play games. Most of the time it’s just talking and having fun, though, and you love it! You’re pretty sure you’re all going to be friends for a very long time. You hope so, anyway. 
Your lusus is pretty small. They’re kind of fae-like, if you’re honest, and they often warn you against going in mushroom circles or going too deep into the woods. They’re a supersticious little thing, really! But they make a great navigator when you’re out and about, and they warn you of oncoming trouble pretty quick, so you don’t mind having to do weird things like hop on the stepping stones of a river after saying a little thank you.
- Symbol/guardian/chumhandle as if you were a Homestuck kid (+lore)
Your symbol is a styalised bass clef that looks like a heart, and you live with your auntie! Your chumhandle is appreciativeGuitarist.
You and your auntie live in a tiny cottage at the foot of a mountain surrounded on all sides by a field of wildflowers. The kitchen doubles as a dining room, and your livingroom really only fits a small, old-fashioned tv and a sofa that’s a little too worn for wear at this point. But you have your own room! And you’ve got all your things in there, including your bike, which is kind of a pain to get in and out all the time, but you make it work. You have a small desk for your drawingpad and laptop, and a tiny bed you just about fit on, and it’s maybe a little small? But it’s also filled to the brim with clothes you love and stuffed toys you’ve collected over the years, so it’s pretty good, all things considered. Homey, more than anything.
You love to draw! You’ve really improved in the last few years, you think, and you’re getting more confident about posting your art again - so you draw, and draw, and you think maybe you’re starting to see what your friends have been telling you! You like to draw fantasy things, of yourself in different scenarios or just spending time with your friends, all of which you do on your drawing pad. It’s a pretty neat little thing to have, admittedly, though you don’t always get to save your art in the process unless you send it to yourself and save it on your phone - but it means that you’re more inclined to send your art to your friends, and you’re pretty sure they love seeing what you’ve made. 
You love to go out and about, and your little space in nature gives you the perfect place to release all that pent up energy. There’s planty of beaten paths for you to follow, and a whole moutain for you to trek up if you want! You’ve gotten lost a few times, but that’s okay; the wifi signal is weirdly good up there, and it’s easy enough to figure out a way back down again before nightfall. It makes for a pretty good bike track, too, with plenty of dips and bumps that make your stomach flip whenever you go over them too fast.
You have a bunch of friends online! Actually, you have a bunch of people who just kind of flock to you for guidance and leadership, too? It’s a little weird, and it can be a bit intimidating, but you really like being able to help people, even if it means overwhelming yourself sometimes to be good at it. Your friends make it worth it, anyway. They make you laugh and make you feel better when you’re down - which doesn’t happen often, but sometimes it’s hard to keep smiling, and they remind you that that’s okay - and they make such wonderful things with you!! You love being able to talk to them, love spending time with them, and even love getting teased by them (which, you tease them back, of course). 
You like to sit out in the field of flowers just as the sun starts to set, and the sky slowly turns from blue to orange. The wind rustles the flowers around you and curls your hair around your cheeks, and sometimes, you wonder if maybe you’re not alone.
- A FNAF animatronic design and name
You’re a sweet, pink and white boardercollie with lots of hearts in your design! Your eartips are curled over, your pupils and nose heart-shaped, and you have cute little toebeans on each paw. Your chest fur, paws, belly, and the underside of your tail are white, along with your muzzle and a stripe up to your forehead, but every other part of you is a beautiful pastel pink!
You’re designed to be a friend to any child who seems upset or let out at a party, to make them feel special and to bring them back into the fun or even just to spend the whole day with them! 
You have a designated name - Collie - but you like to let the kids decide what to name you, too. It’s fun! And it helps to make them feel like you’re a Special Friend, so you often get trusted with their secrets - like if another kid is a bully, or if they’re maybe not too happy at home. You do your best to make their time at the pizzaria as fun and happy as possible to make up for all the bad things they have to deal with - and honestly, they love going to Freddy’s just to see you! It’s their favourite place in the whole wide world because they know you’re there. 
(You also tend to send information back to the owners about anything worrying you’ve heard while out on the floor. This has saved a lot of kids. They’ve often come back in smiling brighter than you’ve ever seen them, and they haven’t needed you after that, but that’s okay. You know that’s for the best.)
- A BNHA Quirk and hero title
Your quirk is Uplift, which allows you to raise the spirits of any person who hears your voice! It doesn’t matter how down they are or how villainous they may be; as soon as they hear you, their hearts are filled with brightness and warmth. The downside to your quirk, unfortunately, is that it can be draining on you: sometimes you Uplift others so much, that your own mood starts to drop, and you start to get emotionally tired. When this happens, you just need a little company, warmth, and love to get you back to normal. Cuddlepuddles with blankets and hot chocolate ARE common after training.
Your hero title is The Inspiring Hero: Restoraise! You’re more of a support hero than a daylight one, and not very high on the charts, but that’s not what matters to you. What matters is keeping people calm and full of hope whenever you’re on the scene - be that upset civillains, trapped victims, or even hopeless villains. You refuse to let anyone down if there’s even a slim chance that everyone can be saved or redeemed! 
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letsgetfreakydeaky · 4 years
New Warriors: And Everything That Could Be Changed
I want to rename and redesign all the New Warrior characters because JESUS, they really...
It was good, in theory. But the execution...
I just want to change it.
B-Negative: (Van) Hellsing(taking the name of the people who hunted him and his kind and turning it against them. He has become the hunter, the hero everyone thought he wouldn't. And he's doing it in style.) Dude has typical vampire powers, superspeed/agility, drinks coconut juice(as it can be used for blood transfusions, I think) and animal blood, raw meat and has the normal aversion towards holy stuff, garlic--sad, he likes italian food--and sunlight, to which he combats by wearing black and shit all the time and people call him a goth, doesn't like being called an emo or confused for one, despite the fact he listens to MCR and PTAD--Transmission suggested he go with 'Twilight' as his hero name and Hellsing nearly killed him, he forgot one of his teammates had shield powers--Then Transmission had tried 'Ghoul' because Tokyo Ghoul, and it nearly worked.
"The world sucks...and so do I."
Likes shit from the 80s, 90s, early 00s.
Trailblazer: I don't really hate the name, but she don't do much besides be a neon Dora the Explora, Miraculous Ladybug lovechild knock-off. Maybe Dimeno? Like, short for Dimension?
Her powers aren't a backpack in my version, she literally has the powers to make pocket dimensions, to which she can store shit in and possibly hide in(a literal safe space? Heh. Safe haven.) She makes and focuses a main, constant pocket dimension in her backpack given to her by her grandfather--too old to take care of her, so she's in a foster home--as making multiple pocket dimensions would tire her out and possible tear a hole in the universe and mess it up. She can put in all types of shit to always be prepared, but taking shit out can be random, maybe? Leader type, innovative, helper type person--my god would want me to help those in need--stuff like that. Happy person, doesn't think of herself as a hero and doesn't really desire fame or fortune, just wants to help. Always knows what to say. Wants to provide for her friends and 'family', and now she has the power to.
Screentime: Transmission(Anime nerd. Constantly hooked up to the web and making pop culture references--think of Abed from Community--hacker of the team, smart af, doesn't get sick from physical illnesses, only digital "viruses", get it? Tinkerer? Maybe? Knows how to make smoke bombs and other gadgetry(for himself and his other teammates) because he can google. Has gone on the deep web at least once. Has checked his grandfather's search history at least once. Not experiences he'd like to repeat. His powers come from him being a tecnopath, an experimental chip put in his head(by his grandfather)(no internet gas here) Hates being compared to Ben-10, or called a Ben-10 cosplayer, something his team uses against him when he starts to get to big for his britches. Doesn't use a phone, uses his brain, you can bet he's almost constantly watching hardcore porn or twitch-streaming his letsplays and begging his friends for pity views and likes)Also he's basically like a walking wifi hot spot so techy people are naturally drawn to him and want to stand near him. Infinite knowledge. Shit-post generator. Maybe he wants to be hero for the social media clout? It'd be funny, he streams his battles.
Snowflake: Artic or Glacier, maybe. Also anime nerd because that's the only damn explanation for making shurikens, they love naruto, naruto is love, naruto is life--but lets expand on the ice and have them make any type of weapons with their ice, axes, spears, swords, maybe they'll have a ninja theme going on with a Katana and their brother will tease them for it. They're more of an offensive fighter, leaving the shielding and protecting to their brother. They'll dodge and/or hop away, but most of their force comes behind their ice. They're more of the serious type, with their icey demeanor. They're a strategist, one who holds long grudges and builds high defenses to hide their true self from others
Safe Space: Armory, or Aegis if I'm feeling it.
Jock with a big heart because I love those types, makes the jokes, would fight for his friends, would die for his friends and I'd die for him. A beefy guy who can throw a punch and tackle and the way his fights is more brutal due to his football training?? Transmission obviously makes him gadgets so he doesn't fucking die in battle cause he can barely protect himself, so he wears pretty flexible armor to fight with. Sporty bro, on football team, tank of the superhero team. Likes pink and shit, no toxic-masculinity here, a damn gentleman and desires to protect the people he loves and the people of this city(if he can make shields for other people, can he just surround a bad guy with them and crush them to death? Or just trap them??) Selfless boy. But if it ever came down to his sibling over the city...his friends over the world....he doesn't know what he'd do.
The man don't stand for bullying and shit.
Now I must draw them. I must.
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empaths-hsp · 4 years
10 Tips for Surviving an Outrage-Fueled Internet as a Highly Sensitive Person
Like it or not, we’re all in a long-term relationship with the internet. Here’s how to make it a peaceful one.
While the internet can seem like a dream come true, it’s also a big, scary digital world, and most of us can’t afford to go completely off-the-grid to avoid it. On the one hand, I personally love doing research and exploring new ideas — and the internet is like an endless buffet for doing exactly that. It feeds my mind, and since I’m a journalist, I use it often when I’m hunting for new sources or digging up truths.
But as a highly sensitive person, the internet can also be… overwhelming. Exhausting, even. Highly sensitive people (HSPs) are the twenty percent of the population who process information very deeply — which makes us both insightful and empathetic, but also easily overstimulated. As an HSP myself, there are days when I want nothing more than to chuck my phone and computer into a river and run away to a cabin in the woods, where the WiFi signal won’t be strong enough to load Wikipedia or Gmail even if I hadn’t gotten rid of all my devices. 
Escaping the hustle and bustle of modernity might be a common daydream for HSPs, but it’s not a practical one. Most of us need to go online for work, to stay connected with loved ones, and do basic things like banking and grocery shopping. 
10 Ways I Survive the Internet as an HSP
1. Know where to find “feed-your-soul” content — and go to it regularly.
Sometimes, even with the best intentions, you can wind up feeling completely burnt out just by spending a few hours online. When that happens, I like to turn to my collection of  pick-me-ups. Sometimes, that’s visiting YouTube for inspirational videos, like the pep talk from Kid President (an oldie but goodie). Other times, I might look at the work of some of my favorite cartoonists, like Sarah Scribbles or XKCD. Similarly, everyone has different taste in art, so take some time to find work that feels like a warm blanket. Have this “comfort food” bookmarked or saved somewhere, whether on a playlist or in a folder, so you can quickly turn to it when the internet — especially news — is just too much to handle.
2. Make sure your music is working for you, too.
I love listening to music while I work, but sometimes even my favorite albums can feel overwhelming when combined with everything else that’s happening on my screen. When I need a little more mental space to process whatever I’m reading, I turn to nature sounds or white noise tracks. My favorite is the Spotify playlist “Birds in the Forest.” It’s incredibly soothing and helps me concentrate when my attention feels scattered. (You can also try this HSP playlist curated by a fellow highly sensitive person!)
3. Turn down the lights — or your screen’s brightness.
Since we HSPs are sensitive to any stimuli, that includes the level of light our eyes are taking in. Computer and phone screens are perpetually glowing beacons, and plenty of people have written about how that blue light can throw off our circadian rhythm before bed. But it can also be hard on your eyes to look at a bright screen with small font all day. 
If you need the internet for work, try using apps like QuickShade to further refine the brightness of your computer screen. And if at all possible, stop looking at screens at least half an hour before bedtime! But if you must, make sure your screens are in night mode. These days, a lot of devices have dark mode capabilities and it’ll take you just a few minutes to adjust them. If you’re an Android person, you can also download an app like Dark Mode, and if you’re more an Apple person, you can try an app like NeuralCam NightMode.
4. Limit time on social media (and avoid doom-scrolling)…
We’ve all been there: one minute you’re checking Twitter for the latest news updates or to find something interesting to read, and the next thing you know, it’s been half an hour and you’re feeling shaky with the deluge of information. And it’s not just Twitter that pulls us into this endless vortex: it can happen on other social media platforms, on Reddit, and even on news websites. Yes, you’ve been trapped into doom-scrolling. 
The internet — and especially social media — is designed to suck you in. Once you know that, you can plan strategies for protecting your time and energy. Set a timer whenever you go on social media and don’t let yourself stay there for longer than that time. Or, if your willpower isn’t strong enough, you can install browser extensions that block certain websites after you’ve been on them for too long — check out Limit for Google Chrome and FocusMe for an app that works across browsers and devices. 
5. …But when you do go social media, make it meaningful.
Of course, social media isn’t inherently a bad thing: It can be a great way to stay in touch with friends, learn about new job opportunities, or simply socialize when you aren’t leaving the house. To get the most out of social media, invest in real relationships — use WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger to ask friends about their day or share memes or GIFs. Or, curate your Twitter account so that it shows a variety of perspectives and voices that you’re interested in hearing. For myself, I look for specific hashtags so that I can easily follow scientists, writers, and people in the chronically ill community. It has made my Twitter scrolling a lot less unpleasant. 
6. Be intentional with how much you share.
We’ve all heard it before, but it is largely true: The internet is forever. And as much as we may want to assume people are acting with the best intentions, that’s just not true of everyone. “Mobs” form quickly, and just about anyone can end up being doxed or harassed. So be mindful of what you’re putting online. Share only as much of yourself as you are comfortable with strangers knowing. It can be a wonderful experience to have an intimate connection with someone you’ve never met in person, but make sure those conversations happen privately. 
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7. Understand your capacity for news media and set boundaries.
Similarly to setting boundaries in how much you reveal about your personal life, you also need to understand your mental and emotional capacity for news, be it sad, dark, or uplifting. Because HSPs feel everything so deeply, even an innocuous story about the things scientists still don’t understand about pregnancy can lead to overstimulation (yes, this has happened to me). Once our brains get revved up, it can be very hard to calm them down. 
To protect myself from being emotionally overwhelmed by bad news or overstimulated by some exciting bit of research, I try not to read any news after 5 p.m. I also limit how much I read about particularly dark subjects, the coronavirus pandemic being one prime example. I do want to be informed, but I stick to things like daily newsletters rather than reading every single piece of news I come across. 
8. Take breaks.
This sounds obvious, though it can be hard to put into practice. But no matter what you’re doing online, whether it’s for work or for fun, be sure to spend some time away from your screen: go on a walk, play with your pet, play a board game, simply sit and stretch — the options are endless. You just need to be sure that you have those options in place so you don’t end up spending hours mindlessly going from one tab to the next online.
Need an extra-restorative break? Try a little time forest bathing.
9. Build “phone-free zones” in your life.
Smartphones are great in many ways, but they also mean you’re carrying a little computer with you wherever you go, which makes the temptation to hop online almost impossible to resist. At the park and see a cute dog? Post a picture to Instagram! Spending time with friends and you can’t remember the last movie some celebrity was in? Hop on Google! 
We’ve all done it, but that doesn’t mean we can’t break that permanent connection we seem to have with our phones. Create phone-free zones in your home and life. Maybe it’s a no-phones-in-the-bedroom rule, or no-phones-after-a-certain-time-of-night. Since the internet is built to make us reliant on it, we are the ones who have to set rules and boundaries for when it is allowed to engage us.
10. Acknowledge and embrace the internet’s limitations. 
In a lot of ways, the internet can be a sanctuary for HSPs: We are in control of the sites we visit, the time we spend on them, and the amount of information we absorb. It’s easy to think that if we curate our online experience perfectly, we’ll be in a safe bubble where we don’t have to deal with other people’s emotions. However…
That doesn’t mean being online is a substitute for life offline — we still need in-person experiences, whether it’s walking through a forest or having (socially distanced) dinner with friends. That’s just part of human psychology.
So it’s important to understand what the internet gives you, and what it doesn’t, as well as to understand how it can both help and harm you. The more you know about your relationship with the internet, the better you’ll be able to navigate it. 
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News Overload Is Real. Here’s How It Affects Highly Sensitive People.
This Is What Overstimulation Feels Like for HSPs
7 ‘Rules’ for Highly Sensitive People to Protect Their Energy
The post 10 Tips for Surviving an Outrage-Fueled Internet as a Highly Sensitive Person appeared first on Highly Sensitive Refuge.
from Highly Sensitive Refuge https://ift.tt/3gcWYDM
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cilliansaccent · 5 years
The Peaky Designer - Cillian Fanfic, Chapter 1
Hello everyone!! I’ve finally gotten around to posting a fanfic of Cillian, below you will find details of the first chapter. It is not a READER x CILLIAN fic, I am not a fan of writing those types and find it too tedious. So, you will be given a premade character. But you are most welcome to imagine yourself as the girl ;)
Please leave a like or any comments below on ways to improve, please be kind but you are welcome to be critical! I’m open to ideas and fixing up mistakes. Also, sharing would be amazing!!
I will not be including Cillian’s family as it’s kinda weird since he has children lmao. Just a mention of his parents and a previous lover.
I will indicate in a chapter if there is smut in the beginning and before the actual scene!!
I will add trigger warnings if there is any!!
There is a variety of levels of swearing during a chapter, I will not hold back, everyone swears.
The timestamp for the Fic is now 2016 and onwards!! 
——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——-
Background: Gabrijela Babic is a Croatian girl from Sydney, Australia. She is born in the year 1991 on the 24th of December. She studies a Fashion degree in a University with a major in Game Design as well. Her teacher in the fashion designer class managed to nail an Internship on the set of Peaky Blinders with the shows very own Costume Designer, Allison McCosh. There, she travels to London for under a year to learn how to be one, working alongside the actors as well the man she admires, Cillian Murphy. But, her platonic feelings for the man begins to grow into something more, and she wonders whether she should pursue them or let him go for fear of her strict parents and her three older brothers…
Swantje Paulina as Gabrijela Babic (swalina on Instagram)
Cillian Murphy
Word Count: 4,080
Warnings: None.
Date: March 2016
Chapter Name: The Internship of a Lifetime
Brief Chapter Outline: Gabrijela leaves her parents in Sydney after a big argument about her Internship. She arrives at Heathrow tired and restless, only to be approached by a man…
——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——-
The drive to the airport was long and quiet. Gabrijela watched out the window of the car, watching the houses and the cars drive by. Thinking of the trip ahead. She had worked quite hard the last couple of years, to prove herself to her teacher and to her family. Especially to her family who were the harshest critics of her very own life. But at least her teacher was proud, she loved the portfolio Gabrijela had pulled together in the final year of her studies. And she would bring it with her, to show to the new teacher she will have in London. 
The last few weeks were the worst for her, constant arguing with her mother and father, over this trip. It hurt her the most, she thought she would have made them proud. But no, it seemed it made them angry. She shut her eyes, it didn’t matter now, she made it this far and she was going to enjoy the year on the set of a TV Show, learning how to be a fashion designer, how to create and tailor for actors and actresses. It made her giddy with excitement. It wasn’t long before the airport came into view, her father pulled into the multilevelled parking and parked. They were four hours early, so they killed time by walking around and eating. Chatter was light, anything to keep her parents distracted by the thought of their only daughter flying away. But, the time came around and they headed to the departures gate. “Please, be safe.” Her mother, Liljana, frowned, hugging her daughter tightly. Gabrijela held her close, she would miss them a lot, despite the rocky relationship that has sprung between them. “If anything happens, call us right away, no matter the time. Don’t do anything that will cause you harm--” “Dad, I’ll be fine. I swear. I’m twenty-five, I’m not a child anymore.” Gab cut her stern-looking father off. He sucked in a breath, “Don’t you--” “Nikola,” Her mother snapped, “Our daughter will be late.” Her father sighed, tears lining his eyes as he hugged her tightly. “Please, please take care. You know we love you.” He murmured. “I know. I love you, I love you both.” She pulled her mother into the hug and they held each other for a bit. Gabrijela pulled away, tears falling down her cheeks. She spoke in her language, Croatian, “I love you.” She had said and picked up her bags and headed to the gate, she turned to wave goodbye to her parents before she set off on the long flight.
23 Hours Later…
It was 9am when she had landed at Heathrow Airport. The flight was long and exhausting, she couldn’t sleep the whole way, she never could sleep on aeroplanes anyway. She rubbed her eyes as she lugged her massive suitcase and a smaller one with a heavy handbag. Once out of customs, she stood in the middle, checking her paperwork. She was told someone would pick her up and take her to her apartment in London. She looked around, she hadn’t seen anyone holding a sign or… seemed to be the type to be picking up anyone. “Great.” She groaned, she had no way of contacting the number, she had to get herself a sim card of some sort and access to wifi. She rubbed her forehead, she was gross all over, sleep-deprived and annoyed. “Hello, are you Gabrijela?” An accented male voice got her to turn around. The man was absolutely stunning, sharp-angled jaw, piercing blue eyes, thousands of freckles… Cillian was handsome on TV but in person… She was blown away. She didn’t see he held out a hand, and she shook herself back to reality. “H-Hi, yes that’s me.” She took his hand, warm and strong. “I’m Cillian, I believe you were expecting someone else.” He said, his smile was literally breathtaking. “Uh, yeah. Allison, she was uh, supposed to pick me up.” She nodded, setting down her small carry on luggage. “Yeah, she’s been quite sick the last few days. So, I took up on the offer to pick you up.” He explained. Gabrijela felt her heart skip a beat, he offered? “Aw, thank you. That’s, that’s super sweet of you.” She flashed him a grin. “Always. Come on, let’s get you out of here. You look exhausted.” He grabbed the biggest luggage and her carry on. “Oh no, let me carry that.” She started to grab it. “Don’t worry, it’s no bother.” He said. Another smile made her blush. Together they walked towards the elevator. It was nice outside, a little on the cooler side but she liked the cold weather despite it being almost summer here. They squished into the elevator, moving as far back as possible as people crammed in. She was crushed against the body of the Irish man, a soft chuckle reverberated through him. Her heart was hammering in her chest, the ride up felt like forever. A ride she didn’t want to end, she thought. But, like all things, it came to an end and they stepped out. They came to his car, a BMW of some sort. She whistled, “Favourite car ever.” She said as she helped him stuff her bags into the back. “Yeah, I love it. Fast and comfortable and a touch of luxury.” Cillian said as he held open the door for her. “Thank you.” She hastily got in, the interior was leather and dark. And smelled like… the ocean and a hint of forest. Cillian got in and started up the car, it came alive with a low hum. “Do you have the address of where you are staying?” “Oh yes, here I’ll read it out,” Gab said and read out the address. “Huh, they found a nice place.” He punched in the address and pulled out of the parking place. Jazz music played softly, she never listened to this type of genre. “So, how was the flight?” He asked. “Long. Very long. Seven hours from Sydney to Singapore then had under an hour to hop on to the next flight. Thirteen hours.” She replied, “I didn’t sleep, can’t. Watched some movies, tried to read but failed. I had a pounding headache and the guy couldn’t stop going to the toilet.” “Shit sounds bad. But don’t worry, you are not expected in the studio in three days, so you have time to recover.” He said. “Oh really? Do you… know what I’ll be doing?” Gabrijela asked, but then thought it was a stupid question. “Ah, that was silly to ask. It states in my paperwork.” She laughed. “No question is stupid. You’ll be working with our designer, helping her out in organising what we are to wear, the styles, colours. All that fashion stuff. Allison is a wonderful woman, an expert. You’ll learn a lot from her.” Cillian said proudly, “She works with all of us actors, tailoring the suits and dresses to such perfection.” The way he spoke about Allison made Gabrijela nervous. He seemed fond of the woman, and by how he was dressed during the show… God, she was going to be greatly challenged. And she would work her ass off the coming months, no complaints. She would do it. “She seems like a lovely person, I can't wait to start.” She clasped her hands to her chest, looking over at the older man. “As we all, Allison seriously loved your portfolio, and she had shown us. You have a fantastic idea and creativity.” Cill said. Gabrijela blushed bright red. “She showed you… my portfolio? From University?” She whispered. Her nerves spiked, and worry set in. “Oh, she was very impressed. Couldn’t hold back. Hey.” His voice softened, she looked at him again, they had stopped at a set of lights. He faces her, “I can see that doubt in your eyes. Don't be fearful, you should be proud of your work. It’s yours to claim and your creative noggin here made. Don’t let others cloud your thoughts.” He said, his blue gaze intense yet caring. She sucked in a breath and they moved on, “I guess so. It’s just… you all are so talented and amazing and… Gah, it’s scary. I didn’t even think I’d get this. It’s been a dream long coming for me to work on an amazing set with equally amazing people.” Gabrijela admitted. “We are just regular people who must play an act. That’s all.” He let out a light chuckle. “Still, for me, it’s so cool. I thought I’d be good at acting and tried to do a play during school, uh yeah, nah. I messed up majorly on the first night of the play. Still remember it.” She laughed shyly. “Wardrobe malfunction and I forgot my lines. All of them. Worst stage fright ever.” “No.” He said in disbelief. “Yes! In front of eight hundred students and staff. I refused to continue on after that. Gave that shit up and went into a design class where I hid from the world, scribbling away my thoughts and feelings.” They both laughed. “Well, I think you picked the best path. You’re here, a bright, creative mind amongst us. Welcome aboard.” He exclaimed. His laugh was a blessing to hear, it made her skin prick with goosebumps. She admired this man beside her for a long while, she had seen him in every movie he played. She was fascinated by how he worked, how easily he stepped into his given role so perfectly… And here she was, in his car, laughing and talking. Still, right now, it felt like a dream. A comfortable silence fell between them, and she watched the scene outside. Old buildings began to turn to more flashier ones as they made their way into the heart of London. Cillian spoke up and pointed out interesting buildings and told some facts, she listened intently, she would come back to these areas to check them out. Especially the Tower of London castle. “The Tube here is good. Fast but can get very packed during peak times, and very stuffy.” He said as they came into a pretty neighbourhood. “I heard that the train line is good.” Gab nodded. It wasn't long when he pulled up beside a three levelled building. The whole street was lined with these white, pretty buildings. “Here we are.” He said and got out, she pulled herself out and groaned. Stretching, she said, “This is a really pretty area.” “Quiet, and safe. Close to the station and to the shops, five minutes down the road you’ll come to a food market.” He said, pulling out her luggage with a grunt. She grabbed her smaller ones, “That's good. I might need to go down to it after this to grab some, and I need to get a sim card for my phone.” She said as they trudged up the stairs to the large wooden door. “I’d love to help you out if you want?” He asked as they unlocked the door. “Oh, sure. I’d like that.” She smiled up at him. “This floor and the one above is occupied, but the top-level is yours.” He said they both looked at the stairs. “Oh god. Why don’t you let me help you? My bag is heavy, I don't want you to hurt yourself.” She said. “Ah, fine fine. Want me to go first or you?” He asked. “Maybe you.” She said. Together they fought with the luggage, huffing and puffing up three flights of narrow, steep stairs. Once at the top they both sat down, laughing. “What is in this thing?” He ran a hand through his hair, his smile lopsided. “Clothes, shoes, a bag, girly items.” Gabrijela giggled, moving beside him. “Uh-huh. Come on, let's get you settled in.” He said and got up, he held out a hand to her. She took it and was pulled to her feet. “You do the honours.” He handed her a set of keys. She took them and unlocked the door to her apartment. The first thing they were greeted was the open space, to the right was a two-seater dark grey couch and a small flat-screen TV mounted to the wall above a fireplace. Behind the couch was a double bed with a million cushions and dark tones for sheets. Further was the balcony that overlooked the street. To the left was a small modern kitchen with a wall separating the rooms, it was designed in a way where a square cut out of the wall was turned into like a breakfast bar with two stools. Beside the kitchen was a generously large bathroom with a bathtub build into the wall equipped with a showerhead. The colours were dark browns, greys and splashes of copper and silver and greens in the decor. “Wardrobe is under the bed and in the dresser here.” Cillian patted the dark wood piece that was set beside the bathroom door. “London apartments are quite small but small design aspects use space very effectively.” “This is… Wow, I didn't expect it to be so… Lovely.” She touched the fluffy throw on the bed. It felt like luxury. She sunk down on the bed, bouncing on it. She kept looking around. “You’ll be calling this your home in the coming months, so get as comfy as you like.” Gabrijela sucked in a breath, “Thank you.” She said, her emotions were all over the place, happiness, fear, excitement. “What for?” Cillian asked, sitting beside her. “For all of this. For this opportunity.” Her eyes shimmered with utter joy. “Don’t thank me. Thank the ones who got to make this happen.” He placed a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it gently. “I will, but to you especially. I’ve uh, I’ve always admired you in films you act in. And I absolutely love Peaky Blinders, it's a fantastic show and I am truly excited to work with you and everyone else.” She said in a single breath, her cheeks heating. He let out a soft laugh, “I could say the same, as I said before, we are delighted to have you on the team.” She felt so shy around him, his eyes, his smile, everything about him made her feel so giddy. He truly was one kind of a man, and her love and admiration only grew more for him. “Well, I had an idea. You give me a list of what you need, and you get yourself comfortable and shower or whatever.” Cillian stood up. “Oh no, no, no. I can’t do that. I’ve already taken up so much of your time today, I think it’s best if I just go myself.” She stood up quickly, shaking her head. “Please, it’s no bother, really. You’ve had a long trip,” he grabbed notepad on the dresser and a pen from his pocket and handed it to her. “List, please.” She sighed, “God, fine.” She huffed and scribbled down some things she’d like. “There you go, Mr Pushy.” Cillian tucked the paper into his jacket pocket, “I’ll see you soon.” He said and left. Gabrijela waited before she let out an excited cry. She did a little dance and laughed, “Oh thank you God for this opportunity!” She unpacked some stuff, mostly her… private items before she grabbed a clean pair of ripped jeans and an oversized sweatshirt before she went into the shower. It felt good to bathe, washing off all the crap and stress away. Once out, she resumed unpacking until Cillian rang the doorbell. She allowed him up and gasped when he came in with four bags. “I definitely did not write that much stuff down! Cillian!” She gave him a playful push once he set the bags down. “Well, I wanted to buy more than just lettuce and a pack of noodles.” He said. “Let me make lunch for you.” She snorted, “No. I refuse. Please.” She grabbed his hands, “Cillian, you really shouldn’t do this.” “Gabrijela.” He now held her hands between his, and his gaze was bright and caring. “I want to do this because I want to. Out of the goodness in my heart.” The look he had made her back down, he really wanted this. “Alright, Cillian. Make my lunch then.” She pulled back and helped him unpack the bags. She left him be as she finished up unpacking her stuff. She set up her laptop and portable music box before she sent out a facebook message to her mother to ease her worrisome mind. Cillian had even gotten her a sim card, and she was so paying him back for it. It wasn’t long when her father called up on Skype. She chatted with him in Croatian for a bit before she said her goodbye. “Your dad?” Cillian called from the kitchen, he was well into cooking, the air smelled a bit burnt. “Yeah, gotta check in with the family. They're the most worried, this is the first time I’ve ever gone overseas alone.” She replied, scrolling through Facebook. “Is this your first time overseas?” He asked. “Nah, the first two was with my parents and this one by myself.” She smiled, sitting back on the couch and watching him through the opening in the wall that looked into the kitchen. He was busy stirring something. “Where did you go in the first two?” He moved to grab what looked like salt. “Croatia visited family and the usual touristy stuff. Was an awesome experience.” She said. “Oh yeah? I’m guessing you’ve learned how to speak it since you spoke Croatian with your dad just then.” “Mhm. I took a course before I just practised at home with my parents, I’m able to hold a good conversation now.” She said with pride in her tone. “Incredible. I used to know French a while back, but I’ve forgotten it all.” He chuckled. “Oh yeah? How’d you get into that?” She got up and sat on one of the stools, watching him. “My mum is a French teacher, so as a boy I learned it through her. Once an adult, I kinda stopped as I really had no more use for it.” He explained. “Didn’t want to sing it either?” Gabrijela teased. He snorted, “Definitely not. You know about the band stuff?” He turned to her. “Kinda, a little. Did you enjoy it?” She asked. “Yeah, I did. Played the guitar, sang a little. It was a good time, but not something I wanted to pursue further.” He shrugged, “A good filler in my younger years.” “Awesome. You do seem like the band kinda guy.” She folded her arms on the table. “Yeah? My brother says that to me, asks me if I would ever pick it back up again.” He turned back to the pot boiling, stirring it. “I see, but I think acting suits you better.” She nodded. “Huh, thanks. I get that a lot.” Cillian mused as he stirred the pot before turning the electric stovetop off. She rolled her eyes, “So cocky.” She huffed. Cillian flashed her a grin before he set out two bowls and poured in the noodle soup. “Chicken soup with carrots chunks. Easy to make and really good in energising the body.” He said, pouring her a glass of strawberry cordial and one for himself. “You know, my mum makes the same thing. But more for if your sick, or whenever shes in the mood. Let's see how good Mr Murphy is.” She straightened her back, picking up the soup. “Oh, God.” He laughed nervously, “Be gentle on me.” She could see the playful glint in his eyes as she tasted the steaming soup. She took a couple of spoonfuls before she slowly set the spoon down, eyes narrowed and had a thoughtful look on her face. “Hm,” She hummed, rubbing her chin, “Salt… Good. Enough. Temperature… Just right… The taste…” She paused, eyes flicked up to his. He waited, head tilted to the side. His smile began to grow. “Delicious!” She cried happily, “It’s fantastic, Cillian. Almost like home, but very close.” “Oh!” He let out a sigh of relief, clearly playing along with her, “Good, good. I’m not really a fantastic cook, I’m most skilled in lasagna or some type of soup. Or a good ham and cheese toast.” Gab giggled, “Thanks, Cillian. It’s really good.” She said, continuing to eat the soup. “I made enough to last today and tomorrow. I’d like to take you out for dinner tomorrow night if you like.” He brought the spoon to his lips, taking a sip. “To dinner? Tomorrow?” She blinked, looking surprised. “I-I mean, only if you want, I don't want to--” He started. “No, I’d love to go to dinner with you. What time?” She asked. “Around seven? Will that be okay?” “Perfect. Gives me time to explore tomorrow, and maybe find an outfit.” She said, focusing on her soup. Her damn blush wouldn't go away. “Want me to tag along? I know good areas for shopping.” He offered, gazing at her once more. “I--” She shut her mouth, he was doing so much for her today. He picked her up, brought her here, bought food, cooked, and he was going to take her out tomorrow night… “Alright, but you are not allowed to pay for anything!” She said sternly, “Or I will make sure you rip your pants on set.” He held up his hands in a truce like fashion, “Fine, fine. I will agree to these terms.” “Good! But I may or may not wake up later, I’m running on zero hours of sleep.” She hissed, finishing her soup. “Oh yeah, gotta let you have your beauty sleep.” He said as he collected the empty bowls. She rolled her eyes, making a face, “Girls gotta sleep. It’s why we stay so pretty.” She flicked back her hair, letting out a huff. She got up and helped him dry up and clean up despite his demands to go rest. She didn’t like to sit around and let others do the work, she always wanted to help out no matter what. After that, Cillian wiped his hands and walked with her back to the small living space, “I should get going, but before I do…” He grabbed the notepad and scribbled something down, “My number and my address. I don’t live far from here, almost a twenty-minute walk. Just some information.” He gave her a cute smile. “Ah, thank you. I’ll make sure to save that. I’ll text you later so you have whatever new number I got.” Gabrijela said, taking the paper and tucking it into the front pocket of her hoodie she wore. “Also, thanks for getting the sim card. I’ll set it up in a moment.” “No worries. I’ll see you around midday, yeah?” He opened the door. “Yeah, see you then. Thank you for everything.” And she went towards him and hugged him. He let out a soft ‘Oh’ and his arms wrapped around her. “I love hugs,” His voice dropped to a soft murmur. “Same.” She said equally as quiet. They both chuckled and pulled away. “Rest well, Gabrijela.” He had this look in his eyes as if he didn’t want to go so soon. But he turned away, and she watched him walk down the stairs. She closed the door before she went to the balcony and peered over. Any moment, and he was out of the door. He paused and looked up, waving and giving her a wink before he got into his car. His head disappeared in the car and he drove off. Gabrijela let out a sigh, gripping the iron rails. She looked down the road, the forever trail of white apartments and the soft hum of traffic and the occasional cry of people calling to each other. Was this all real? She thought as she stared up at the grey sky. The air was cool, and it smelled like rain was going to fall soon. She loved the rain. She smiled to herself, a dream come true. She was here. Safe. Had a wonderful with a man she admired, and whom she will go shopping with. Her heart fluttered as she went back inside to lay down and set up her phone. But she didn't get a chance to text Cillian as sleep and exhaustion overtook her body and she was out like a light.
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gray-anxiety · 5 years
“Because I love you” Loki x Reader
Loki x reader where loki turns into a snake to trick thor while they’re kids but instead y/n finds him and she also loves snakes so she takes him in as a pet and lets him rest in her shirt and just hide there for a bit, spending the entire day with y/n until night time and he slithers away making y/n cry the next morning because her ‘precious pet’ is gone, but years later y/n keeps finding these mysterious animals every so often like a cat and she always cares for them and loves them but they always disappear by morning, its always loki just wanting to be near her bcus he rly likes her ever since they were kids and stuff...but he notices thor is starting to hang around her more and he starts hissing at him or whatever animal he is that day, and thor realizes its loki and tells y/n who doesnt believe him until loki transforms and confesses ??
Hi I love this request so m u c h but I’m just really bad at writing so I messed it up imsosorry
sorry it’s really short, I’ve been really stressed being sick and unable to do huge projects due soon and studying for French finals :,) 
Also sorry it’s really bad and it’s being posted late,, wifi is still down all over town but I have 3G on my phone-
Like this is genuinely really bad and I’m so sorry for that, I rushed and it turned out absolutely horrible-
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Requests: Open (They’ll just take a few days to get out since life is crazy I’m sorry)
Oneshot Masterlist
Character Request List
Loki’s plan was perfect. Having spent the entire day following his brother, Loki knew where he’d be at exactly and it was finally time to exact his ultimate trick. Slithering around in the bushes, Loki mentally laughed at how perfect Thor’s reaction would be absolutely priceless. All too focused on his plan, Loki failed to notice the presence of his friend Y/N who picked him up.
“Hey, you. You’re a cute one, aren’t you?” Y/N stroked Loki’s black-green scales in a loving manner and let his long body curl around her arm while she moved on to stroke his head. Loki, on the other hand, was absolutely panicking as Thor had just past the exact location Loki needed to be in. Y/N cuddled the snake closer and had the idea of bringing the snake home. After all, most snakes in Asgard weren’t poisonous, well, at least around the palace.
“Let’s go home, shall we?” Y/N giggled as the snake latched on to the inners of her shirt as soon as she placed it into its new shelter for the day. Loki, though angry his plan didn’t work, was actually quite happy being with the girl he had harbored feelings for since he met her. Alas, Loki knew she would never like the outcast of the royal family. She liked Thor. So, Loki was determined to make the most out of this precious time he had with her before he had to leave the confines of this snake body.
The entire day, Y/N went around with a snake wrapped around her, whether it was on her head, around her shoulders, arms, or just simply enjoying the numerous pockets she had. Y/N showed every single person her new pet, naming him Snake simply because she wanted him to have a name. Even the Queen smiled seeing the H/C girl run around with a friend that wasn’t servants or Thor knowing that the girl was lonely after her parents had abandoned her long ago. The girl played and played with her new friend until she had gotten so tired she couldn’t even stand anymore. Y/N loved her snake friend. Loki loved being considered her friend and relished in feeling loved from someone other than his mother, but alas, Loki knew that he couldn’t stay as a snake for eternity.
“Goodnight, Snake. I love you.” Y/N kissed the snake’s head softly and rolled over, falling asleep almost immediately. Loki felt immense guilt from leaving Y/N behind, but eventually, just maybe, he wouldn’t have to be a snake to be the girl’s friend; or lover. The snake slithered down the bed and onto the cold wooden floor. Crickets chirped as the night had only just begun, but the darkness didn’t make leaving any better for the boy. Green light surrounded the being that once was a snake into a misunderstood raven-haired boy. Loki looked at the sleeping girl before him and turned his head to see her better. His eyes softened and acting only on impulse, kissed the girl’s head and moved a tendril of hair out of her face.
“I love you too.”
Loki hopped out the window and teleported to the halls just outside his room, almost making a successful escape, Loki leaped at the door and opened it, almost closing it before a voice rang out.
“You shouldn’t have left her convinced you were an actual snake, Darling.” Loki froze and eventually opened the door to greet the knowing eyes of Queen Frigga herself.
“Mother!” Frigga gave a knowing smile and bowed her head; shaking it side to side slightly. She understood why.
“Don’t leave her lonely, child.”
Light streamed throughout Y/N’s room, waking up the girl from a peaceful and happy sleep, but the girl felt wide awake almost immediately; excited to play with her new friend. She rolled over:
“Good morning, Snake!-“  but the snake wasn’t there. Y/N shot up from the bed.
“No, no, no, no, no! Snake? Snake!” Y/N panicked even more when she saw the window was open next to her bed. The snake had easy access to escape. Tears started to fall down the girl’s cheeks at an alarming rate and sobs rang throughout the golden halls that morning; Loki heard them all.
Years later, Y/N still found animals and brought them home, caring them and loving them, but knowing that by morning they would be gone. Y/N always knew that most would be back eventually and always waited patiently for their return. Y/N always went on an afternoon walk for this very reason so she could always care for an animal in need. One afternoon, however, Y/N found a pitch black wolf lying in the cover of the bushes, sleeping soundly until she inched closer. The wolf perked its ears up and stood up, stretching and yawning after a good nap. Y/N smiled and turned her head ever so slightly, still looking at the beautiful wolf.
“Hello, there. Would you like to join me on my walk?” Y/N already knew the answer and stood up, patting her pants as a sign of ‘come on’. The wolf happily complied and always remained right by her side, sniffing the ground sometimes, and even pawed at a stick to play with the woman. Y/N and the wolf eventually stopped under a blooming sakura tree to lie down as the sun was reaching its peak. Y/N picked up numerous sakura flowers and braided them into the wolf’s fur as it was just long enough like it was meant to be braided. The wolf had no complaints and even licked Y/N when she finished braiding.
“Y/N!” The wolf growled at the nearing figure, already knowing it was his thunderous brother Thor long before Y/N even responded to the shout. Y/N stood up and ran to Thor, hugging him as a way of saying hello. The wolf neared the duo, never once stopped growling even after Y/N told the wolf to quiet down. Thor sighed and looked at the wolf, then to Y/N.
“Another animal of yours that hates me? What would make that now? The 30th one?”
“Thor, you know animals just don’t like you for being so loud. If you were quieter, perhaps they would enjoy your presence much more.” Y/N scoffed and went back towards the tree, lying down in the numerous blossoms that had fallen. The wolf and Thor stared each other down for a long while until Thor broke the eye contact to walk even closer to the wolf and the wolf growled even more at this. By then, Thor had figured it out.
“Hello, Loki. Still playing as animals to be near her?” Thor shook his head and gave a knowing smile. “You love that girl more than anyone else I know.” Loki flipped at Thor’s knowledge of his acts and almost started barking had it not been for the girl that sat meters away. Thor walked up to the woman and sat down, calling for her attention.
“Y/N, those animals that keep leaving every night you see them? That’s Loki.” Y/N rolled over and stayed quiet for a moment until she started to laugh.
“That’s the craziest idea I’ve ever heard, Thor! Now why in all the nine realms are you saying that?” Y/N nudged Thor a little bit in a teasing manner.
“Because it’s true.” Before the woman was none other than Loki Odinson himself; blushing beyond belief that he had finally been caught. Y/N’s jaw slacked in surprise and stood up. Y/N eventually started to rush towards Loki and cup his face, making him make eye contact with her.
“Now why would you do that, Loki? If you wanted to be near me all what you would’ve had to do was to say so!” Loki sighed and placed his hands over Y/N’s.
“Because I love you.”
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sirfrogsworth · 5 years
Thank Yous
This is going to be a long post where I thank people. It’s kind of like movie credits. Personally, I like watching them. But others really need to pee and bolt out of their seat. So you can read all of this or scroll by. 
I’ll tell you what, I’ll add pictures of puppy Otis getting closer and closer as the post goes on. So either way, you’ll get to see a cute puppy running toward you.
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First, I want to give a big thanks to Carolyn. She sent me a quesadilla maker. Quesadillas are the only thing I feel like I technically “cook.” As in, I assemble it from ingredients and it ends up as a cohesive thing that I think most people would go, “Hey, not bad!” Almost all of my other food is just “stick in oven/microwave” and press a few buttons. 
The quesadilla maker is great. I have never been able to get my tortillas so crispy on both sides. Definitely the best quesadillas I’ve ever made. I’m basically a chef with this thing. The only hitch is that some of the ingredients kept escaping out the sides. I’ve tried a few things to prevent this, but I think it’s just how it be. It’s easy to clean, so I think it’s worth the tasty treats it produces. 
The maker is also very cute. It has a pepper as a handle!
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Look at how crispy it got! 
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Does this picture of it hanging over the edge of the counter cause anyone anxiety? 
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Sorry about that. 
I tried taking photos of Otis while the quesadilla was cooking but I couldn’t get him to stand still. He was all, “Hey, is that the camera? Imma put my nose on the lens!”
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I’d also like to thank Cassandra. She basically helped provide the last items we needed to finish our “cord cutting” adventure. All of our TVs are now set up with the new system. It’s actually a huge relief to have the project all finished now.  So I very much appreciate her helping me get that sense of accomplishment. Little victories like that help me feel like I am moving forward. 
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Next project... upgrade our WiFi! 
Which I am very much looking forward to! So much. Sooooo much. I just LOVE setting up networks! DO YOU BELIEVE MEEEE??
I am convinced routers run on dark magic. Next to printers, setting up a network is the one technical challenge that never seems to work like it is supposed to. And the troubleshooting solutions are usually odd and nonsensical. 
“If you put the router upside down on top of this John Grisham book, then face this antenna south and this antenna north--the signal covers every part of the house except one corner of the garage. 
Now, you might think the elevation is what allowed this to happen, but I’m pretty sure it was this specific John Grisham book. This Dean Koontz book is the exact same thickness, but when I used that... the WiFi only worked in the neighbor’s bathroom. Perhaps the universe is telling me Koontz belongs in the toilet.”
--Excerpt from “Adventures in WiFi” by The Frogman
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Otis got some teeth-cleaning treats from Toasty. He loves those things. I wonder if he knew they were good for him if he’d feel different. He does the “treat dance” with them too. This is where he will flip the treat with his nose into the air and then hop up and down before chewing. It’s a strange ritual, but awfully cute.
The dancing looks like this--only indoors. 
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Toasty also got me some new shorts. I wear the same thing every day for ease and comfort. But since I wear these shorts so often the elastic gets worn out after a year or so. So a new supply of shorts is a big help. 
Someone also got me some new shirts, but since they weren’t sold by Amazon directly I am not sure who it was. In any case, I now have 10 new shirts that should last me a year or two. My old ones were getting stretched out and sad so that was perfect timing. You can see me wearing one in this photo here. 
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And I also got a network switch! Which is super exciting. I can plug in more things now!
Pro-tip: Use a wired ethernet connection whenever possible because WiFi is the devil! 
I am also not sure who got me that. I’m sorry I’m a bit disorganized. 
Kristina, Benjamin, and Karin helped with the nugget fund. Can’t forget them!
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I’d also like to do a super-duper-extra-mega thank you to @helmsdeepwa @eenymeenypia and Angela. I can’t tell you how amazing these folks are. They have not only had my back for years, but they are truly some of the most genuine and kind people I’ve encountered on these here internets. My gratitude for their existence is not quantifiable. 
A big internet hug to everyone! I want you all to get real close to your screen and wrap your arms around it. Or if you are on a mobile device... umm... let’s do that European cheek kiss thing, eh? 
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I know I missed some thank yous. I really need to keep better track. Things have just been a mess and it legit took me like a month to finish this post. However, if you sent along some help and I missed it, please don’t be humble. Let me know so I can properly thank you next time. I’ll keep a list and put it in a spreadsheet and do it all professional-like. 
I know I say this every time but... I can’t tell you folks how much your support and generosity has helped me and my family. Otis has treats. My parents have cool stuff to watch to pass the time. I have clothing that doesn’t make me look disheveled and unkempt. 
Sometimes even the littlest things add up to a big help.   
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I’m hoping I can repay my followers soon with some cool new content. I am soooo close to being able to share what is coming. Chris needs to get through Comic-Con and then we can put the finishing touches on the big Patreon reboot. 
I CAN say we are shooting for 3 comics per month. THREEEEE! They are going to be super cute and super funny and I haven’t been this creatively excited in a while. I had been so depressed that I couldn’t make content like I used to. But I think I finally figured out a solution that works with my new energy norms. 
If you want to help out, you can check out my Amazon Wishlist. I have it sorted by priority.  
Or if you would rather contribute to the nugget fund, you can click here. 
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